Women with Animals

Visit To The Doctor


(c) 2008 by wantt10

I stood at the door, not sure I wanted to ring the doorbell. We had chatted for a while and I knew why I was here. I suddenly could not climax and it was leaving me very frustrated. I was horny, I was lonely, I was curious and I was ready.

Or I thought I was, as I stood in front of the door. it was a beautiful house from the outside and I had no doubts it was beautiful inside.

Finally, I knocked, and instantly regretted it. I almost turned around and ran to my car, when I heard the lock turn and the door opened.

He was just as he had described himself. About 6 feet tall, dark almost black hair, green eyes, very attractive. Next to him was a largish dog, also attractive.

No words were spoken as he opened the door wider and I stepped inside the house.
I walked straight into a large room, a king sized bed in the centre and a few pieces of interesting looking furniture here and there. I could see some toys for the dog on the floor, and some toys for me on the table. I was not sure I was ready for this, but I figured I had made the drive and it was too late to drive home, and, well, as I said I really wanted this.

He closed the door behind me, and in a quiet voice, he told me to take my clothes off and to get on the bed.

I was not wearing a lot so I was on the bed in no time. I lay on my back, watching him move to a table and pick up a small butt plug. He took a pair of rubber gloves and a tube of lube and came towards me. I closed my eyes, I was going to enjoy this.

It had been a long time since I had been able to cum, and in my frustration had decided to seek help. I had come across this ad for a doctor that helped women in their enjoyment. Was not too sure what he meant by that, but since I had not had any enjoyment for a long time, maybe he was the answer.

I felt his gloved hands spread my legs, the touch was soft and gentle. I felt a well lubed finger enter my anus, turning around and stretching me out a bit. I felt more lube pushed into me, and then the plug was inserted. He pulled it out and pushed it in as deep as it would go. I could feel myself getting aroused. I wanted more in me.

Almost as if he could read my mind, I felt a finger enter my wet pussy, gently at first, but then with a bit more force. I loved the feeling of the butt plug and the fingers in me.

He took his fingers out and replaced them with a large dildo, flesh colored jelly type, He shoved it in me, not too gently, but it felt wonderful. I could feel the lust building in me, I was really hoping to cum. I needed it badly and as he was pushing the dildo in and out of me, I knew I was on the verge of an orgasm. He took me almost all the way, and pulled out. I wanted to cry. I was almost there! He had done what he was supposed to do, and then stopped.

I opened my eyes. He was still standing over me, dildo in one hand, his cock in the other. I spread my legs more, expecting and wanting him to enter me.

Instead, he turned around and put the dildo under the dogs nose. The dog sniffed at it and then started licking. The doctor still had his hand on his very hard and very big cock. He was stroking himself as he was holding the dildo for the dog to enjoy.

That scene alone was almost enough to make me cum!! I knew today would be the day I would finally cum after all the times I was not able to.

He finally took the dildo away from the dog, who seemed a bit disappointed. But he got over it fast enough, this was not his first time helping the doctor out.

The doctor removed the butt plug, added more lube and put it back in me. I loved the feel of it deep in me. Once he was sure the plug was secure, he told me to move down to the edge of the bed, my legs hanging over. I did so quickly. I was instructed to spread them as wide as I could and the doctor patted my pussy. It was obviously a signal for the dog who immediately went to lapping at my pussy folds with loud slurping sounds. I squirmed under the dogs touch. I felt hands pinching my nipples. I wanted more and I needed it now.

Again, as if the doctor had read my mind, he told the dog to stop and move back. He then told me to get off the bed and on my hands and knees. He told me to put my shoulders down to the floor, leaving my rear end high up in the air, plug still firmly planted in my ass.

I did as instructed, and noticed a mirror on the floor, I would be able to watch as this beautiful dog mounted me and gave me the orgasm I had so badly been wanting!!

I was in position, watching and waiting. I did not have to wait long. The dog slowly approached. Sniffing and licking, he seemed to be waiting for something. The doctor patted my back and the dog got up on me. His paws on either side of my waist. it was then that i noticed for the first time that the dog was wearing covers on his paws, no doubt so not to scratch me.

I felt his heavy and hairy body on my back. The scene in the mirror was wild! Me on all fours and a dog on my back. I could see the tip of his cock sticking out of his shaft. I knew it would get bigger once inside me. And inside me was exactly where I wanted it!

The doctor got closer, he was still wearing his lab coat, but nothing underneath it. I could see his hard cock pointing straight up. I could almost taste the drops of pre cum that I could see on the tip. Yes, this was a going to be the solution to my problem.

As I watched in the mirror, the doctor bent down and took the dogs shaft in his hand. He seemed to be massaging it a bit. A little more came out of the sheath. Only about an inch or so was visible. He moved the dog closer to me, and I could feel the tip of his cock at the entrance of my very wet and waiting pussy. The doctor said “Now” to the dog and the dog thrust. He was in me on the first try.

The dog went at it, humping and pushing into me at great speed. I could feel him growing bigger and bigger with every thrust. I could see him humping me in the mirror, with the doctor watching and stroking his own cock.

He thrust into me for what seemed a long time, I was enjoying every moment of it. Then, the knot slipped it. I knew to expect it, I knew it would be big and I knew it could hurt. It did not hurt, more uncomfortable at first, but then as my pussy started to accommodate it, I felt wonderful and very full!!

I felt my orgasm mounting, I knew I was very close and I knew it would be very intense. One more glance at the mirror was all it took to send me over the edge! Seeing the dog on my back humping me and the orgasm shook me to the very core!

At the same time, I could feel the dog’s hot cum squirting deep in me. I was being filled up with his hot seed.

My orgasm was intense, and left me winded. I put my shoulders down a bit more so they were on the ground. The dog and I were tied, I just wanted to savor the feeling.

The doctor helped the dog turn, so we were ass to ass. He commanded the dog to stay, and moved in front of me. I looked up to see the doctor’s delicious cock pointing straight at me and opened my mouth to take him in as deep as I could. One more glance at the mirror and again, I could feel an orgasm growing deep in me.

I sucked harder and harder till I knew he was ready to cum. The doctor leaned a bit closer and took hold of my right tit, cupping it and pinching my nipple. That was all I needed and started to cum for the second time that morning!! I could feel him tightening, and then let loose in my mouth. I was swallowing as I felt the dog pull out of me. Then, I felt the dog’s tongue lapping at my well used pussy, cleaning me up.

Finally, I fell to the floor. I had been well and truly used and had the most intense orgasms of my life!!

The doctor helped me up to the bed. He turned me on my stomach and reached for the plug. He pulled it out a bit and then pushed it back again and I had my third orgasm of the day. I did not know I could still cum after the other two! He removed the plug, leaving a void in my ass. I felt the cold hitting me. The he inserted a larger one and told me to leave it on till I got home. I could feel the end of it was quite large, no doubt to stimulate me as I sat on it in the car. The road to his house was a but bumpy, I was looking forward to feeling the plug push into me during the drive home! As the doctor left the room, he told me to lie there and relax. There was no rush to leave, I could say as long as I needed to.

He left the room with the dog and left me to re-live the last few hours in my mind. I had a small orgasm as I lay there on mu stomach, the plug buried deep in me, I did not even need to touch myself, the visions in my head were enough.

I got dressed and ready to leave, I wondered if I could book another appointment with the doctor. He certainly did what he had promised to do.

As I walked towards the doctor and dog standing at the door, he handed me a DVD. “In case you have the problem again, you can watch our session today and hopefully it will help you. If not, you can always come back”.

And with that, I walked out to my car, wondering if I should stop at a pet shop and buy myself a nice large dog, purely for medicinal purposes you know.


It had been six months since my visit with my Doctor. Orgasms were wonderful and frequent. And I had a DVD of my treatment so I was often able to relive my visit.

Unfortunately, I did not get a dog. As much as I wanted one, my building did not allow pets and my job had gotten busier, with more travel so I was really not able to care for one.

I was lying in bed one night, when my computer dinged, I had an email. Did not feel like chatting with anyone, but checked none the less.

It was from the Doctor. He told me he had 4 male patients who were having issues and he thought perhaps I could be of assistance. He found that for men, watching their fantasies come to life was often a great way to solve their problems. These four men wanted to see a dog mate with a woman. He was sure watching me would do the trick. Did I have any vacation time due me and could I be available for a week, providing I was interested of course?

Interested, no kidding!! Next morning I walked into my boss’s office and told him I needed to help out a sick relative and needed to take a week off. He agreed and I spent the remainder of the week working my tail off to make sure everything was done by Friday so I could leave that night. It was a rough week, hard to concentrate on work when all I could think of was being mounted!

Finally the week was over and I took the road. I must admit I was excited at the thought of being mounted again, and I was also excited at the thought of being watched by four strangers! I wondered if I would get to play with them as well as the Doctor and the dog?

Made it up in record time. The Doctor was as handsome as I remembered him, as was his pet. The four gentlemen were good looking as well. I guessed them to be in their mid fifties. They all had great bodies too.

After the introductions, we went into the examining room, while the Four Gentlemen went to their rooms. The Doctor pointed to cameras placed all around the room and explained the Gentlemen would be watching from the privacy of their bedrooms. I was told to strip and get on the table, on my hands and knees. Once in position, the Doctor came up to my ass and spread my legs a bit wider. He pushed a gloved finger in my ass, I could feel the cool lube as his finger moved around in me.

After a whole, he inserted a mid sized butt plug in me. He moved it around a bit till he got it right and then told me to turn around and lay on my back, moving down the table so my bum was at the edge, and to put my legs up in the stirrups. I did as instructed, feeling very open and exposed. I was hoping the Gentlemen were enjoying the show. A voice in my head told they were.

The Doctor examined me, starting at my breasts. He cupped each one, pinching the nipples and pulling on them. I could feel my orgasm starting. Let yourself go I heard in my head. I wondered where that was coming from? I quickly forgot about voices in my head as I had my first orgasm.

After a while of playing with my nipples the Doctor moved his hands down my belly, very deliberately and very slowly. My whole body shook as he penetrated me with one finger, then a second and finally a third. He finger fucked me hard till I came. At this point, I did not care who or what was watching. I was lost in his touch.

His dog walked in and came up to the table and started licking my pussy. I could feel his strong rough tongue pushing deeper inside of me and I wanted more.

Shall we show them what they came to see? I heard in my head. I wondered how the Doctor was doing that? Or was it simply my imagination?

Yes, I whispered and Doctor helped me off the table. The dog was still licking me and I could feel another orgasm building. He finally pushed his tongue further into me and I came hard. My knees were weak and the Doctor had to to help me get down on my hands and knees. I spread my legs a bit more and looked behind me to see the dog slowly approaching. It was almost like he was going slow for the benefit of the Four Gentlemen, let them get a good look. I looked between his legs and saw about an inch of pink sticking out of his sheath. I needed him in me.

Finally, I felt the dog on my back, and he hit the mark on his first try and started thrusting in me. I could feel his cock growing, I wanted it all. I could feel his hot sperm in me as well. Finally, one last hard thrust and he got his knot in. I could feel his hot sperm shooting in me as he stood very still. I came twice more as he shot into me. The Doctor came in front of me. He helped the dog turn so we were butt to butt and then he unzipped his pants and took his hard cock out, pointing it at me. He moved closer and I took his length in my mouth, burying my nose in his pubic hair. I could feel the dog squirting in me still, my butt was full of butt plug and my mouth was full of Doctor cock. I was in heaven.

The Doctor came at about the same time I did, and shortly after, the dog pulled out with a loud plop. I could feel the hot sperm dripping out of my pussy and down my legs. The dog immediately licked me clean, giving me one final orgasm for the night.

When we were finished, the Doctor bent me to a chair and pulled the butt plug. He sat me down on a chair and sat down next to me, facing a camera. He spread my legs and fingered me as he explained what was going to happen during the week. He said he was confident we could help the Four Gentlemen by the time the week was over.

I was led to my bedroom. I looked around and noticed more cameras mounted everywhere, the red lights telling me I was being watched. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room, with pillows but no covers. I looked over at the Doctor and before I got the chance to ask, he said, the room will be kept warm so you will not need any covers. They want to be able to watch you at any time.

He led me to a huge bathroom. In a corner was a door, he opened it so show me a toilet and told me I could go there and not be watched. Sure enough, there were no cameras in the room. He led me back to the the main bathroom, almost as large as the bedroom, with a huge round tub, a large separate glass enclosed shower stall and mirrors everywhere. There were bottles of bubble bath on the ledge of the tub and I decided to soak in a tub before crawling into bed. I noticed the telltale red lights, the cameras were all on watching.

Was going to be a fun week!


I woke up feeling refreshed, and as always, horny. I was eager to start the day!

The Doctor explained that this morning, the Four Gentlemen would draw lots and the winner would have me for the day. Each Gentleman would have his day with me. I was theirs to do with what they pleased, and I was to end the day in their bed.

The Doctor also explained that each of the Four had very specific tastes. He assured me I would be safe and not hurt. The Dog was to accompany me at all times, and there were cameras everywhere for the other Gentlemen to watch us.

I knew The Doctor would not let me be hurt, I felt safe and excited.

After a quick shower, I noticed no camera lights were on so no need to put on a show, I rushed down to breakfast. Clothing was not allowed for me so I was down in no time.

Gentleman Number One turned out to be the one I thought was the oldest of the Four. He had a full head of salt and pepper hair that really suited him, a fantastic body when clothed, he must be spectacular when naked, and gray eyes that positively twinkled!!

As I sat down to eat, he told everyone that he was very fond of toys and was planning to spend his day with me inserting every type of toy in me. I was getting wet at the thought of it!

He asked me to come over and sit on the table in front of him. He had moved his plate and made room for me. I was told to spread my legs, putting my feet on the arms of his chair. I felt his hands reach for me, softly probing my slit. He gently pushed a finger into me, then a second and then a third. I was on the verge of my first orgasm of the day, one of many I hoped!! One more push deep inside of me did the trick. I came all over his fingers. He held his hand out for The Dog to clean.

Once that was done, he inserted a small metal egg deep inside my pussy. The cool metal felt wonderful after my orgasm! He kissed my knees and told me I could go finish eating. Before I reached my seat, I felt the egg vibrating deep inside me. A remote control vibrating egg!! I came as soon as I sat, breakfast forgotten, I waited for the next shake. I did not wait long, I could Gentleman Number One reach for the remote and press a button. I was lost in the feeling of the egg vibrating deep inside of me.

He got up, took me by the hand and led me down a short corridor. Walking by closed doors, I thought once this was all over, I really wanted to explore the house. I heard a voice saying, yes my pet, you will get that chance soon. I did not have time to think about the voice, Gentleman Number One opened a door and led me into the room.

The room was large, an examining table complete with stirrups was in the centre. There were tables all around, covered with blue table cloths. I could see there were many things under the cloths, no doubt the toys Gentleman Number One told everyone he loved playing with!

The walls and the ceiling were covered with mirrors so I cold see what was being done to me.

Gentleman Number One lay me down on the table, put my legs in the stirrups and went around to the different tables, inspecting and picking out things to play with.

The Dog sat obediently by the table, watching.

When Gentleman Number One came back to me, his hands were full. He put everything down and picked up a bottle of pink cream. He put a dab of cool cream on each of my nipples and rubbed them in a circular motion. Then he took nipple suction cups and applied one to each of my hard nipples. He pulled the cups, testing the suction. They were on tight.

Next, he took a metal vibrator and turned it on, the low hum filling the room. I looked around and could see all the cameras were on, the telltale red lights flashing softly. I could picture the other Gentlemen in their rooms watching.

I felt the vibrator rubbing my mound. The vibrating made the egg in me shake as well. I was squirming so much that Gentleman Number One took out some leather restraints and tied my legs to the stirrups. I loved the feeling of being full and vibrating that I didn’t mind the restraints.

He was still rubbing my mound, harder this time, turning up the speed of the vibrator. I was moaning softly, ready to cum. Finally, he took the vibrator and pushed it up my slit in one forceful motion. I came hard. I was cumming as he was pumping the vibrator deep in me. Finally, Gentleman Number One turned the vibrator off and pulled it out of me. I was sad to feel it leave me. The egg was still vibrating though. A slight turn of my head and I saw Gentleman Number One offer the vibrator to The Dog for a good cleaning. Once that was done, The Dog moved up to the front of the table, and started licking me clean. I came again, and he had to clean me again.

Gentleman Number One reached in and pulled out the metal egg. It was very well coated with my juices, but he did not offer it to The Dog. Instead, he popped it into his mouth and sucked it himself.

He undid the restraints and took my legs out of the stirrups. “rest while I get ready” he whispered, and I watched him in the mirror as he went towards a machine that had a long stick sticking out of the front of it. I had seen similar machines on the internet. I watched as he looked over an assortment of soft fleshy dildos. He finally selected a large one and attached it to the stick. He then rolled the machine over to the table.

“Get up on your hands and knees please”, and as I did, I could see him positioning the machine so the dildo was pointing straight at my well lubricated pussy.

He came around first to test out the suction on the nipple cups. Satisfied they were still on tight, he went around me, his hand stroking my ass cheeks. I could see in the mirror that he was all set. He pushed the trolley a bit closer and I could feel the tip of the dildo touching my slit. He moved it still a bit closer till he could get about an inch of the dildo in my waiting pussy. Once partly in me, Gentleman Number One turned on the machine. It pushed deep into me, slowly at first then picking up speed, each thrust harder and deeper than the last. I did not think I could last long, but I did not want to stop either! The hard thrusting into me was wonderful. I could feel an orgasm building up deep inside of my sex. I wanted more. The constant pounding of my pussy had my juices flowing. I could feel my pussy leaking, the juices dripping down my thighs.

I lost track of how many orgasms I had with the machine. I was barely conscious. Finally, I felt the pounding stop, the dildo still buried deep in me. I leaned over, resting on my elbows. My body soaked in sweat and cum.

Finally, I could feel Gentleman Number One pulling the trolley away, taking the dildo out of me at the same time. I collapsed on the table, wondering what he had in store for me next.

Gentleman Number One asked me to turn over, to lay on my back. He broke the suction under the cups and pulled the suction cups off my nipples. They were huge and hard and puffy, and a bit sore. He lowered the table a bit and I noticed I was at about the same level as The Dog. Gentleman Number One patted my chest and Dog immediately went to licking my breasts. I was writhing under him, I didn’t know if I could take any more. One final orgasm from The Dog’s tongue and he was led away.

Gentleman Number One covered me with a sheet and left the room, dimming the lights as he went. Cameras were still on I noticed as I fell asleep, my body soaked in sweat and cum.

I woke some time later and saw Gentleman Number One walking around in the room. He smiled at me when he saw I was awake.

I was told to get up and kneel in front of an ottoman that was now in the centre of the room. I did so, The Dog at my side.

Gentleman Number One came over and pushed me gently over the ottoman, my hands resting on the floor and my breasts hanging over the edge. My nipples were still pretty large from the suction cups, and seeing them swaying in the mirror was a real turn on.

Gentleman Number One then approached with nipple clamps, connected to each other with a chain. He clamped my nipples, I was relieved to feel the clamps were not too tight. He then pulled on the chain, shaking my breasts as he did so.

He then went behind me, putting some cold toys on my back. Gentleman Number One got on his knees and started fondling my ass cheeks, every so often dipping a finger in my ass. He also massaged my clit and fingered my pussy. Every once in a while, he pushed a finger deep in my ass and one deep in my pussy at the same time. It felt so good to be so full.

Finally, he pulled his fingers out and replaced them with toys. They had been well lubed and I was still wet so things slid in easily. At one point, I had a medium sized butt plug in my ass, a thick vibrator up my pussy and a magic wand caressing me. The sensation of being so full and my skin caressed took me over the edge again.

I had lost all track of the time and the number of orgasms I had had. I didn’t think it was possible to cum so much!

Finally, Gentleman Number One appeared to have had enough of the toys. He took everything out of me and told me not to move. He brought The Dog closer and had him lick me from behind. I love the feel of The Dog’s tongue opening me up.

Once I had been licked dry, I felt The Dog get up on my back, his cock at my waiting pussy. One thrust and he was in. Pumping in me as fast as he could, deeper and growing with every thrust. I felt Gentleman Number One’s hand and could tell he was blocking the knot from entering me. The hot dog cum felt wonderful as he was squirting deep inside of me.

Finally, The Dog stopped and Gentleman Number One pushed him away gently. I watched in the mirror as Gentleman Number knelt closer, and then felt him lick me. His tongue entered deep in me, licking up all The Dog’s cum mixed with mine. I saw a look in Gentleman’s eyes, his beautiful gray eyes twinkling even more than before.

I heard him unzip his pants. From my angle, I could not see but I could tell what he was doing. I then felt the tip of his cock at my slit. He rubbed himself a bit then pushed into me.

I watched as he thrust into me, as deeply as he could. In and out, he was enjoying it as much as I was!

When he finally came, I could see an ever deeper twinkle in Gentleman’s eyes. He had been waiting a long time for this and I had a feeling it was worth the wait!

It was late by now. Gentleman Number One carried me to his bedroom and gently lay me down. He called down for our dinner to be served up to us in bed.

I was to spend the night in his bed and I had no doubt I would not get much sleep.

I started to wonder who Gentleman Number Two would be and what his pleasure was?!

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