Women with Animals

Kelly’s Revenge


(c) 2008 by Beast4usall

This story is about a beautiful young virgin named Kelly she is about 5Ft 4inches and weighs about 110 Lbs she has beautiful brown hair with blond highlights and solid B+ size breasts. Her face is gorgeous and she has a killer body. And this is the story of her dirty little secret.

Hi my name is Kelly. I wouldn’t normally tell this story to any one but my mom and dad have finally pushed me too far. This is the story of how I lost my virginity.

It started about two years ago with my parents forcing me to go to another beauty pageant. They had been making me go since I was nine. At first I had fun doing it, but soon realized that they only took me for the prize money. It was about two years later that I told them I didn’t want to be a beauty queen. When they heard this they flipped out. You can’t stop now I’ve already paid for our boat or new car they’ed say. Neither of which I could use by the way. They forbade me to quit and said if I did they would kick me out of there house. I was devastated, and went into a deep depression for almost three months. Only smiling for the contests I’d have go to. Needless to say i started to resent my parents. Soon trying to think of a ways to get them back. Five long, unhappy years passed before the night the incident happend.

I had just been sent to my room for arguing with my father about how many pageants he was going to make me attend during my summer vacation. He wanted to take me across the country and put me in over 50 of them. I was outraged I mean I was 18 for god sake. It was my vacation and I should have a choice in what i should do. However when i told my father that i didn’t want to go to any he told me that if i didn’t he would give custody of me to the state. he said that I was his money maker and he was going to get what he could out of me whether I liked it or not. Then he phisicaly threatend me and sent me to my room. I was so pissed that I thought I was going to explode.

I knew that I had to get out of this situation. I sat on my bed and started pouring over every thought i had ever come up with. Then it hit me. If I were to do something that would ruin my good name then they wouldn’t let me into anymore pageants. it wasn’t a written rule, but they never let anyone who was “iffy” into these things. It was actually brilliant, but how could I pull it off. Just then I remembered the video camera that my friend Alex had. If I were to do it on camera and put it over the net every one could see it. Since I had already been looked at by so many people like I was a sexually attractive peice of meat I didn’t really care what the hell they thought of me. So I had no problem doing this.

Later that night after my parents had gone to bed I snuck out of my window and went to Alex’s. She knew all about my situation and was all up for helping me. She was the only friend that i had made in over 7 years of going to school, and the only reason for that was because she was in most of the pageants I was. However, I didn’t want her getting involved in what I was going to do. So before I went over her house I told her to put her camera out side in a bag and I would return it to her the next day.

After I swung by her house and picked up the camera and went into the center of the city. I sat at a bench holding the camera trying to come up with a bad thing to do that would get me kicked out of every pageant for the rest of my life. It was hard to think of somthing that would be that horrible. A lot of the ideals I had were really dumb, like were I was going to throw a brick through a window and steal something. But that would have just ended with me being arrested. I also had an idea to try and kill my self and record it. Then I remembered that I DIDN’T want to die and went to work on another ideal. As I sat there I looked into one of the alleys adjacent to me, I saw a stray dog roaming around. It was then that I got my wicked plan. I decided to go into the alley and have sex with one of the strays. It was perfect. If any one of the judges on the table saw what i had done they would have no choice but to ban me. Plus it would ruin my career for the rest of my life. There was one problem though. I was a virgin and was inexperienced to say the least. As I sat at the bench wondering wether or not I could go through with this, I realized that it had been several hours since I had snuck out. It was do or die time and I decided to do it.

I got up and looked around. No one was out at this time of night so I made a break for the alley. As soon as I entered it a fowl stench crept into my nose. It was awful but I ignored it the best I could. As I went deeper into the alley most of the lights were out except for one. I sat next to it and started to look for any Strays. It was hard to see any thing but I did manage to make out something. As I called to it softly thinking it was the dog I’d seen earlier. I was shocked to see three huge dogs come out. My heart was already beating like a jackhammer and the sight of the three big dogs just made it beat even faster. I have to say I was exited and scared to be there in that situation.

It was the most exited I had had been in almost three years. All three of the dogs were tattered and dirty and I could clearly see that one of them had fleas. The first dog looked like a cross between a German Sheppard and a pit bull he was the smallest of the three. The second one looked like a cross between a rotti and husky. He was only slightly bigger than the first dog. Then there was the other dog, he was much larger than the others. He must have been a cross between a Great Dane and a Doberman. His head stood to my chest and his Paws were huge. That’s really all that I can tell you about them due to the lack of adequate lighting. I didn’t know what to do. my head was starting to throb due to my heart rate. I told my self to calm down and just do it.

I took the camera and set it down next to an old couch. Then I pressed record and started to take off my clothes. The dogs were starting to wander away so I took out a small candy bar from my pocket and gave it to them. They immediately came back and fought over the small morsel of food. The big one won. By this time I was completely naked and started to call the dogs over. They didn’t listen. I started to masturbate and exposed my vagina to them. My heart was beating like a drum. When I started palming myself the dogs finally took notice. The rotti/husky was the first one over. He stuck his nose right in front of my vag. As he sniffed I started to stroke myself faster.

This interested him very much. He started to lick my twat. The warmth of his tongue was a pleasant suprise. As I moaned softly and took my hand away I looked up and saw that the big dog that I had named Bruno was gone. But the smaller one saw the other dog working me over and decided to investigate. The Rotti/husky that I named Roy was furiously licking at my cunny. I felt like cumming right on his tongue. But the smaller dog, which I named Troy stopped him. I was just about to cum when he stopped to. Then they started fighting and Troy was eventualy pushed away. It was then i noticed that Roy was fully erect. His penis must have been 7 inches long. It didn’t look at all like I thought it would. I had only seen human penises before so this oddly shapend thing of his suprised me.

He looked back at me and made his way toward me. even though his penis was not what I had excpected I leaned back on the broken couch that had no back and spread my legs anyway telling my self that I had already gone this far and to just keep going. I looked to see if I was still in the cameras focus. The dog jumped up on me and flung his paws under my butt and drove his entire penis strait into my cunt. I yelled at the pain of being popped and started moaning softly. This however had no effect on Roy as he humped me furiously. My pain soon became ecstasy as we carried on. I leaned back all the way to get in a more comfortable position. I was really starting to enjoy this feeling when all of the sudden I could feel someone looking at me. To my surprise Bruno was staring at me. I was shocked to see his poker stiff cock dangling between his legs for I had not even tried to arouse him. His length was indeed impressive. It had to be over a foot long.

I didn’t know what he was trying to do at first, but I sure found out quick. As I attempted to sit up and get out of his way Bruno jumped on my stomach before I could, his two huge paws knocking the wind out of me. He thrust his hips forward, his dick literally inches away from my mouth. I was trying to dodge it but I was gasping for air. Each time he swung forward he would get closer and closer. Plus the fact that Roy was still doing his thing and basically had my bottom half pined. Bruno was a good 150+ Lb dog so every time he thrust forward he would knock more air out of me. Then he hit his mark. I could feel my mouth fill with over a foot of dog meat. When he felt the warmth of my mouth he made a low yelp and started driving his hips back and fourth acting like my throat was a pussy. I gagged every time his dick hit the back of my throat. Each time going further and further. The taste was awful and my throat was repeatedly stretched from his huge cock. I Suddenly remembered that Roy was still pumping away at my vagina. I started to cry. This is definetly not what I wanted.

Not even a minute later Roy empty his balls into my body. As he leapt off I could feel troy mount me. As he went to work I started to become dizzy due to the lack of oxygen. It had been over 90 seconds since I last took a breath. And my gag reflex was gone. I put my hands on the back of Bruno’s hips. I could feel his dick start to tremble right in my throat and he lunged forward thrusting his fuck stick deep in my throat and came hard. I could feel each individual stream leave his cock head. Not a drop hit my tongue. All of the sticky fluid went strait into my belly. As he withdrew form my mouth I swallowed any remaining fluids and took several long deep breaths. As I started to get up I notice something out of the corner of my eye. Then with out warning Roy jumped on my stomach. He caught me off guard and accidentally put one of his hind paws in my mouth making my head smack the groung. One of his claws cut the back of my throat so all I could taste was blood and dirty paw. It took him almost 15 seconds to realize that he had his paw inside my mouth and finally took it out.

But before I could do any thing he immediately slid his dick down my throat. I tried to pull him off me but he was just too strong. I started to freak. I thought for sure that these mutts were going to kill me. Luckily his cock wasn’t as long as Bruno’s and I could just get a slight breath when he’d pull out. By now my neck hurt and my pussy was sore and both of my holes were bloody. Troy finally spooged in me and had gotten off. But then I could feel Bruno’s massive cock enter me. My vagina was sore and his dick stretched it to the limit. Roy balls kept slapping up against my face as he made crazy dog love to my mouth. Then he started to whine, his dick started to bulge at his base. I had no ideal what this was but it sickened me. Then he tried to jam this huge Ball into my mouth. luckily my mouth was just to small. Just when i realized that i wouldn’t have roys “knot” as i found out later, in my mouth I felt Brunos cock swell in the exact way Roys did.

His was far larger and felt like it was going to hurt. Boy was I right, Bruno thrust his massive meat ball square into my pussy tearing it like a bear tears through a bee hive. As he did this Roy finaly came in to my mouth. Again most of it went strait into my stomach, but just a little dribbled into my mouth and I finally got a taste of it. It was salty and slightly sweet, not as bad as I thought it would be. As he withdrew he didn’t leave right away and his balls dangled over my face then before I knew it they were in my mouth. They had fur on them but were still very smooth. They tasted very salty and were gross. All of the sperm and blood was making me full. And I felt like the jizz was sticking to my insides.

Roy had been in my mouth for over 10 minutes. And all of the abuse that I had been taking was starting to wear on me. I saw that Troy was coming around to take me orally. I tried to move but just shook. As troy plunged his dick into my throat Bruno finally came. He had torn the sides of my vagina and his cum was leaking out of me. Roy went up and sniffed at my sad little vag and then walked away almost like he was saying “this bitch has had enough”. I looked up at Troy’s sheath and balls as they swung freely, his balls occasionally slapping my nose and eyes. He was in my throat for nearly 8 minutes before he shot his load completely in my mouth. His Seed was bitter and thick not at all like roys. I was glad that he didn’t come in to my stomache like the others. I was so full that I just let his jizz trickle down my face.

As he walked away I used every last ounce of strength in my body to get up. I immediately fell to my knees and looked up and saw that only Roy and Troy were in front of me. I wondered where Bruno was when I suddenly found out. He had gone behind me and knocked me on to my hands and knees jumped on top of me and struck me in my ass with his doggy dick. I screamed out in pain as he rammed all 14 inches of steamy meat in my fanny. As he pumped away Roy started walking away as did Troy. I leaned forward and let my face hit the ground. As he worked my bloody torn rear I started to fall asleep. At that moment he came in my butt. His seed shot out of my tight ass and went all over my legs and back. He dismounted me and my body fell over. As I watched Bruno walk away he looked back and I swear that he gave me a wink. I laid there for a good hour before gaining the strength to get dressed get the camera and go home.

I looked at the camera footage and saw that I had gotten every thing. I could even pinpoint the moment that I caught fleas. It was Troy by the way who had them. To this day I’ve never let the tape out of my sight. As I said earlier though my parents pissed me off. So I’m going to put the tape over the net. This will absolutely ruin my modeling career. So look around and maybe you’ll see me and Bruno. It’ll be the last thing I’ll do. Or maybe not who knows. I have been thinking of Bruno lately. Maybe I’ll go visit him. See you in your fantasies and thank you for reading my story.

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