Women with Animals
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No Where to Go



Before I end up coming off as a “woe is me”, whiney, sad sack, what say I perk up any perceptions with something simply 100% positive. Though I’m a social person now, I long ago realized I’m not exactly cut out any longer for mainstream society. Certain habits, quirks, odd responses and so on so engrained from years of repetition I simply cannot break, so to that end instead of risking offending others, embarrassing myself (which is a very bad thing in that I’ll really go off the deep end making it worse) and so on, I’ve learned to limit my outside activities to certain places and people. In that way, when I do goof up it is usually looked upon in a favorable light….Basically, if you’re the consummate sinner, there comes a point when you stop fighting it making yourself and others feel bad.

The following the very last time I interacted sexually with an animal directly. Though not having the emotional depth as my other recounted experience, there was definitely nothing negative about it and in the end everyone had their good time.

Lastly, forgive the broken English and poor writing as I wanted to get this posted before such a gloomy opinion of me took hold.


Another Days Disaster

It had been a good morning. All of the usual bits of my daily activities so routine one would think they’d become boring yet who could really complain. Daily having a beautiful young woman rouse you by gently lapping at the folds of your cunnie or massaging you and so on, being bathed during your morning shower, warming in the sauna with your morning coffee, or long walks nude through fields of soft grass and beautiful woods without fear of being bothered. Though all wonderful, there simply are those days you want a little change up. A little extra spice to season a perfect morning, and so as I walked through the woods enjoying them that thought of a little bit more grew stronger and stronger.

Nothing exotic or wild, just to perhaps get out for a bit. Talk with someone other then the usuals here at the house, or simply go somewhere. The thought now set caused me to turn round and start heading back to the house. At that moment I recall how I wished I had brought a dress with me so I could of just walked to the town near by. Most there used to me at this point never wearing shoes and speaking in the pidgin I’ve never been able to break. My usual stop the biker bar there as though they’re oddly more conservative then most, when the odd boob falls out or my lack of deportment accidentally flashes the bar a beaver shot getting off a stool it’s just looked on as gravy by most. So there I can relax and as you’d expect when relaxed fewer accidents happen.

However, that would not be the case. As said I had no clothes with me, and knew once back to the house it would be difficult at best to leave again dressed so obviously up to something. That would lead straight into my husband sending a couple of the guys to drive me there and keep an eye on me for safety, and that simply did not fit into my plan for a change up. Though just a flash of a thought, I considered once more “stealing” one of our cars and making a run for it. Usually a few choice curses and wildly waving arms would get the guys to open the gate, yet in short order they’d track me down, and worst of all I’d be breaking my promise not to drive again (funny how people get when you’ve never had a drivers license). All that considered I made my decision. I’d slip off to the garage, grab my bike as my riding leathers I knew were out there, and make a mad dash for somewhere, heck even just a ride would be nice on such a beautiful early summer day.

Though really no need for it maybe it just seeming fun at the time, sneaking my way to the garage then in to pull off the tarp, and started to wedge myself into my leathers. Now that sounds easy enough, unfortunately over the past few years if I get one ride in I’m lucky. The last time I tried, it all suddenly flooding back to me. I couldn’t get my pants over my butt or more hips as it seems with age certain aspects have begun to widen. What I was not going to do however was wear my chaps and leather panties as I had last time out, so with a CONSIDERABLE amount of grunting, squirming, groaning, cursing and thrashing about on the wood floor, I finally pulled the damn things up.

Peachy, no amount of sucking in my breath was going to let me get the buttons done up. What that translated to is basically wearing your pants with the fly wide open and it rather obvious though darkly tanned that a big wedge of bare skin is showing right down to the top of you clit contrasting with the black leather. So instantly going anywhere other then a ride or to someone we know was out of the question. Further, I just don’t really go visit all that much, most of the people I know coming here weekly for our parties living far off, and that meant I’d most likely get lost, then have to ask for directions my twat hanging out. Now I considered just riding, yet I did want a bit of company, so as I slipped on my boots I began trying to decide.

Finally making up my mind, that I’d just ride and be done with it, my decision was finalized when I tried to put on my jacket. Like the pants I should of remembered. Though not my old jacket from when I had no boobs, seriously from working out I had pecs like a man even able to go topless often most folks thinking I was a young guy if I kept my mouth shut and pants on, I had bought this one after my first boob job. Yeah that’s right, first. I love these things, so naturally had to keep “upgrading” to my current state (31 ½” around my ribs, 42 around my bust, you do the matH)….and yes they’re real, real expensive.

Anywho, zipping my jacket up simply confirmed I’d not be riding busy public roads. My boobs oozing out so badly I couldn’t zip the jacket up past the bottom of them, my nipples just barely hidden. This was already turning out to be one of my classic bad ideas. So realizing that I did what came natural, and ran with it. On the bike, start it up, off I go not stopping at the gate yet riding over the grass and between the trees to the road a couple of the guys shouting for me to come back, and I’m on the road and cruising. It took all of maybe five minutes before a car passing me the other way found a bunch of young guys shouting at me about my rack. Not a bad thing necessarily especially at my age, yet I knew it would simply get worse the more traffic I encountered or at the very least offend some folks, so I turned off onto some dirt roads.

Bad, bad idea. First off, the road was bumpy so that meant no sitting back and cruising. What made it bad however is at my last rebuild of the bike, I had a little ridge added further up on the seat under the leather while going through a bit of a stage. That stage being I had really begun to enjoy my sexuality, and since I couldn’t suppress it without getting all bent out of shape I simply gave into it and to that end embraced it to conquer it. It may sound dumb to most, yet I’m rather fear based and my greatest fear is being afraid. Plus, I don’t deal with being ashamed well. You know the type, someone makes a comment about them showing too much skin, so they yank off their dress vs. covering up. The result is when something scares me like my new found enjoyment of sexuality did, instead of running from it I’ll embrace it and make it my own. Better to be of my own choice then some reflex, habit or quirk that you beat yourself up after each time for.

So, doing as such I put 1+1 together getting 3, and decided I’d have this little hard ridge mounted up further on the seat so when out riding I’d get a few of those “good vibrations”. Only one time since installing it have I ever used it for that on myself deliberately. Most times instead riding some gal around in front of me for a giggle, yet all other times when I get hit with it it’s when I don’t want it like that moment having to scoot up on the seat to ride, and though I suppose I could just turn my head off and let it all go numb, it unfortunately never seems to work out that way.

This was really not working out. My boobs and coochie hanging out, can’t go anywhere, can’t even ride on nice roads, and worst of all I’m getting that all to awful urge that says “yank your clothes off they’re freaking you out to be in them, and rub that cunnie till you bust one out as I was starting to get pretty horny. Welp riding nekkid was not going to happen, worse still I knew even if I pulled off to try and fan one out I’d be damn lucky to get my pants back on. Yet as I turned up another road considering turning around and going home it struck me. “Hey, I know that house!”


Jack and Shiela

I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it earlier though most likely in that I simply don’t go visiting folks, yet right there before me was Jack and Shiela’s house, one of the few couples we know that lives close by, and one of the very few women I can talk with about much of my past. Shiela had danced and flipped tricks like I had, they were into swinging, BDSM, heck bunches of stuff just like me. To cap it off they embraced one of my other issues, something I just can’t shake to this day. That being, it is a horrible thing for me to walk into a “home” dressed. For so many years I was forced to be naked when in a home, and the results for not being were rather harsh. Now unfortunately it begins the second I cross a threshold. I’ll start shaking, get very nervous, and if it goes on long enough begin to cry. Can’t fight it so I don’t, I just simply limit where I go or don’t go inside. Well I knew this would not be an issue with Jack and Shiela. In fact they’d probably be insulted if I stayed dressed as I knew they’d most likely be nude as well.

Perfect, just what I was wanting. Up to the house and I didn’t even have to knock (damn loud bike) as Jack opened the door standing in just a towel gushing about it being a nice surprise, and how he and Shiela had just been sitting around bored about to have a cocktail. C’mon in. What a warm welcome having only ever been over once before. Unfortunately instantly I hesitated and I think Jack saw it and knows of my little issue, as right off he said “and get those damn clothes off, I’ll not have dressed women running about this house!” Now if they didn’t know me that would of definitely freaked me out it smacking all too much of the attitudes of those that made me this way. Yet I knew the spirit it was intended meant to put me at ease, so before rounding the corner into the living room I already was peeling my jacket off.

Up jumped Shiela off the couch even more excited then Jack that I was there. Buck nekkid and beaming and in a split second had me in a big hug. Now I am not a person who gets off on smells, however Shiela and I do share a common like in this regard, and that being clean warm skin coming out of leather. Instantly she noticed it only saying “Mmmm leather” before burying her nose between my boobs. I myself hadn’t really thought about it till then sniffing my own arm yet sure enough there it was, and suddenly added to the ride on the ridge of my bike there was that old turn on smell of leather. Great. First time I get to visit folks in forever and now the urge to cum has just been cranked up ten notches. Now here with Jack and Shiela that wouldn’t be a problem. Heck, if I had rubbed one out that second they would of loved it, their only beef being wishing I’d ask them to help. However, as dumb as it sounds, sometimes you just want to be a normal person even if for just a few minutes. At least when entering someone’s home to show them some respect even if they would think the contrary fabulous.

As Jack fetched us some drinks Shiela in her usual fashion didn’t hesitate in pushing me till I fell back on the couch and then reaching down pulling my boots off. It took all of two seconds to realize their mood that day and now the smell of the leather had definitely pushed her buttons as well. Shiela subs for me often so knows some of my little kinks. However, it was a little out of her norm to suddenly drop her head down stating once more “Mmmmm leather”, yet then deliberately nuzzle my feet squeezing them together, and then out of the blue which she rarely does ran her tongue over my toes then suddenly jammed them in her mouth.

Okay, I see where this is going. I’m going to get fucked and sucked, Jack’s going to be banging the crap out of me while I suck on her twat. Okay, what the hell, hehe. About that time Jack walked in with a couple Margaritas, naturally raising his brow and stating “well it just keeps getting better” as Shiela comes up for air, or more to see how much of my breath had been taken away as she loves to push my buttons. A few laughs, and a quick sip of my drink confirms it, way, way too much Tequila. Yep, they’re gonna fuck me, so why fight it. Next thing I know Shiela is trying to pull down my pants by gripping the bottoms of the legs. There is no way that is going to happen as these things are so tight on me they might as well be glued on. Simple enough I suppose, yet Shiela now acting silly tossed my ankles over her shoulders and grabbed the waist peeling them off me. Trouble was I had an issue.

She stopped about mid thigh staring, I looking at Jack see his brows raise looking at my butt, so I parted my thighs slightly to look myself, and there it is. Seems the ride did it’s thing, as there between the seat of my pants running all the way to my coochie is a long silvery thread of whetness. Thick, heavy, I can even see the entire crotch of my leathers was sopped. If there was any hope of a normal day, it just died, there is no way I’m getting out of here without a long messy threesome, and worst of all it’s obvious I’m on board. Naturally, no wilting flower I have to then get my digs in as Shiela finally started moving again. “Well, what about the MMmmm leather?” To which she just laughed and as she tossed my pants to the floor made a big show of diving in slurping and gnawing, and making all sorts of overacted noises being silly.

Phew, I could relax, as I’m comfortable here and can do no wrong in this house.

After all the goofing, we talked a bit, drank out drinks, a lot of flirting as this was just us trying to act somewhat civilized before all decorum was lost. Another round of drinks though the first hitting me hard, and oh yeah, by this time I am more then ready to go to town on these two and work em over like we have countless times before. Trouble was, there was a tap at the door.


Civilized Not

It was like clockwork, the same thing happening in every household around the planet in the same situation. There is a tap at the door, one of the folks there instantly rises and walks to open it, and in strolls the dog that can go outside freely. In this case it was two dogs, Thor and Loki their two Black Newfoundland’s. Though I say Newfoundland’s that being what they say they are “mostly”, I believe they’re mixed with something smaller as though only 3, they should of maxed out in size and just seemed a tad smaller then normal. Still big, yet not quite what I’ve seen in the past yet definitely bigger then me or Shiela. Shiela just like me with mine since getting them has raved on about her “babies”. Again in this regard we are in sync, as all her constant gushing about them is returned in kind. Heck, we don’t have kids, these are our kids or at least get treated as well.

Now I like to think I’m pretty tough. Jaded, hardened, some old mean broad who’s seen it all before and scowl more then smile. Naturally the first word out of my soured brutal mouth is “puppies!” Acting all stupid like a kid, beaming so hard it makes my face hurt, and almost scaring the dogs as I leap off the couch and rush them. I don’t even have to look, I know Shiela is beaming with pride, instantly jumping up herself as I kneel down between them getting my welcome licks and nuzzling their faces to introduce them to me. As is typical at my place, when my dogs come in the room I cease to exist for a while. Welp, same same here as she knows I can’t help myself and the more I like her babies the more proud she becomes.

In short order I’m hugging them, kissing on them, wrestling with them and so on, and Shiela just like I do with her retreats back to the couch to just toss out comments and beam away at her babies being so gushed over. Now these two guys are young enough to be playful, yet not so young they’re ridiculous about it. So in no time at all I’m rolling on the floor with them, smushing them and they me in kind, and thoroughly enjoying playing with these two massive, fluffy, slobbery beasts. As I did a few times I’d glance back to Shiela and Jack to say something or quickly answer them back, yet I then catch them looking at each other with big cheesy grins and eyes wide like they’re waiting to hear their number called for a billion dollar lottery.


It never crossed my mind even at that moment. Shiela and I in kind speaking about everything in our lives to one another, one aspect being me having been with animals it brought up by her asking if I ever thought about it. The way she brought it up years ago was via some of my past experiences, asking if I had ever been made to. My response yes to test the waters, and seeing her interest peak at that went on to lay it all out for her, eventually getting to points like Buck and the Horde, in fact I had Shiela proof read other things I’ve written on the subject, to which she responded with something so very common it didn’t even cause me to flinch.

That being, when _____ she had let her family dog lick her to orgasm a couple times, and when it began pestering her, stopped. Well contrary to what most will tell you, most gals when learning and beginning to experiment sexually, if there is a family dog do exactly that. It’s normal, common, and 99% of the time once they’ve done it, it stops as they then move onto more “normal” things. After discussing the very same issue I’ve found this is the case with most gals. It’s a normal part of progressing, and once done learning not only sexual lessons about themselves yet also the results of, hence forth leave it alone and move on.

However, that does not mean on occasion they don’t think about it and more so “what ifs”. Nothing that would make them test those thoughts, yet just considering when the subject hits them. To that end Shiela had mimicked some of the very same sentiments I have. That being that though I have, and for her is a curiosity, we could never do anything with our own dogs in that they are our babies. We didn’t get our dogs as dildos, we got them to love on them, take care of them, and be that ever constant point of stability of which not being a peer, yet more a parent so adding respect and admiration has great value to them as to a sense of security. Quite simply, we’re not going to play with our babies that way. Period.

What I also did not think back on, was her also great concern about her babies being able to at least once in their life get off. With another dog would be great, yet push come to shove a woman would do as well. To that end she asked me if I ever considered doing it again with dogs. Not so much as in “would you do mine”, yet more had I considered it since, yet to be honest my suspicion with the tiniest of hints as to would I be interested. My response simple, “nope, those days are past, and except for rare times usually BDSM related and mostly helping others and even then rare”.

As to the above nothing more was ever discussed past our constant whining about needing to get our dogs laid. Yet just as I had then not considered the above, something else blew past me that always does except in retrospect.

Perhaps from so many years really most of my life having to perform and act certain ways, more so respond, and look for things that could spell danger or improve a situation, I subconsciously I guess cue in on inflections in the voice, postures, looks and so on. With me they work like triggers. If X is happening, and Y response is made, my brain adds it up and reflexively makes me go this way or that. Perhaps a self-preservation thing, if you do or don’t do this and get that response, you do “this” to make the situation better, safer, and work out. I never notice it when it happens, it’s not like some conscious thing. Yet after beating myself up for enough years wondering why in the hell I did this or that, why did here I run, there my cunnie get whet, here get quiet and docile, though there aggressive, I finally figured it out. Quite simply, I had seen all the looks, posturing and so on before, and so reflexively my head sorts it out, and here is the result I’m urged to do. I’m not saying others are at fault, just explaining how my head works.

I had seen the look yet didn’t even recognize it till much later reflecting on it. Quite simply at that moment I didn’t think, it like some “brain off” button. What it did however was suddenly get me to wrestling with the dogs even more so and doing some things I know not to do unless you intend on getting them excited. I at the time didn’t know why I did them, I just suddenly started doing it. Yet that simple little look of Jack and Shiela to one another was ultimately the reason, and the play changed beyond my immediate control.


Out of Control Anticipation

In short order Loki rolling on his back I didn’t even hesitate to straddle him and start pulling on his neck pinning him down. Reaching out and very lightly swatting or more brushing my hand across Thor’s face over and over as I taunted “what, what are ya gonna do, whadda you want?” Loki kicking with his hind feet to push me off only had me spinning round and pinning his forelegs back as I straddled his chest facing his rear legs, and in an instant I was down flat on him, still swatting at Thor and taunting him, as I laid my cheek to Loki’s belly and recall saying “Oh how soft and fluffy” my dogs a stiffer haired breed, and glanced back to Shiela and Jack beaming.

Let me be clear…..I hate how I work, so much of me still reflex, and when I react in reflex I always feel bad after even though it makes things work out. I didn’t even realize how I had been wresting, or think about what such taunting to Thor would inspire though should of known. However at that point I was pure reflex in more ways then one, and that next glance to Jack and Shiela just made it much worse. As I glanced up talking about how soft his fur was, though I didn’t realize it till after, here was Jack and Shiela staring down at me like deer caught in headlights. Worse still, they had that look of great anticipation as in something very exciting was about to happen, and most of all here was Shiela stroking Jack’s rock hard cock as he was clearly fingering her. Looking back, as for me it was all simple reflex to triggers, I remember just closing my eyes and saying again in a deep low and sultry tone, “MMmm so fluffy”. Those looks and actions at that moment didn’t even register with me consciously, yet subconsciously they hit me pretty hard.

(The balance of this as you can tell I had definitely lost touch and control over myself and is a compilation of what I remember, and what they saw and recounted back to me when later raving on about it. Frankly I at that moment knew only the results of each action, none of the actions deliberate or thought out all simply reflex so at that point only recognizing what thing had just happened, yet again, my reactions pure reflex.…see why it can not be the best thing no matter how it works out?)

As I lay atop of Loki my hands began softly stroking up his belly then back, to his inner thighs, and back again, then up once more it all suddenly to any watching slowing dramatically. From wresting to petting. Yet as I lay there in basically a 69 with Loki looking straight up at my twat no doubt his warm breath blowing over it panting, Jack and Shiela said suddenly a single drop began to fall forming a long slender thread that was visible clearly from my cunnie, as I had clearly began to flow heavily, such rare times my cunnie actually dripping and at its worst even making a minimal stream of whetness. As the drop fell, it landed right on Loki’s panting tongue so close it did not break, and continued so heavy the flow. Instantly Loki pulled back his tongue closing his mouth as though tasting something new, at which point Shiela said he then seemed to curl up some as he extended out his tongue to take a lap at the source.

They said my response was clear, hips rolling under as though to aim my cunnie toward his face, as instantly he began licking at my heavy flow, and naturally my cunnie under it as his firm tongue plowed through my folds rooting for its source. Supposedly I suddenly let out a moan, and just as quickly almost in response my hands slid down his inner thighs, yet instead of slipping to his belly slid over his balls then cock. I was told my motions contrary to his seemed in slow motion. My hands softly slipping up and down his sheath covered cock, and once done enough his urge to lunge or thrust translated into his forelegs pushing me farther down as he tried to kick the air with his back. The result was my head was now precariously low on his belly, and supposedly just as a final firm pull of his cock brought out its tip, my eyes lazily opened slightly for just a brief second, and I guess I then committed to something.

I was told after I closed my eyes back, suddenly the tip of my tongue slowly creeped its way out as though reaching, and upon finding his swelling cock just flicked, and then of my own accord I slipped that inch further down opening my lips and wrapping them around his swelling cock. To me it seemed like he had pushed me down his cock suddenly jamming into my mouth. Yet I guess that wasn’t the case so detached from it at that point. As Loki began to try and thrust as my hands pulled, at the same time it was made even worse by him trying to rise to lap at my cunt as well. I remember it striking me, “I remember this taste”. Somewhat pasty, yet in kind bitter, not like a man’s having a chemical flavor to it often, it very hard to describe. Yet his cock was swelling and as it did growing deeper into my mouth I clearly remember his precum flowing coating the inside of my mouth in little squirts, and also clearly how one hand stroked his cock, and the other began massaging his swelling knot.


No Where to Go

At that point something new happened. I suppose curious as to what Loki found so interesting, suddenly Thor sniffed then licked my anus I was told. Immediately my hips rolled up. Loki at that point unable to reach licking more my mons and clitoris as Thor lapped for just a moment at my cunnie and bottom. Just as quickly he stopped his hips by then thrusting into the air, and without hesitation climbed up onto my back pressing his forelegs to the front of my thighs with Loki’s to the back, and began probing and reaching.

To me, all that I knew was I now had a dog shoving his cock into my mouth while licking me, and suddenly this weight on me and when I felt something clearly not a tongue push probing my cunnie and around it, remember the clear feeling of I was trapped unable to move my legs forward or back, could not pull them in straddling Loki’s chest, nor did I want to drop lower to squish him, and then I felt it. Something soft, slick, yet firm slip to right between my clit and vagina, and then a push to the front of my thighs as Thor tried to slip forward over me. In a second I felt it as his cock slid up and then just inside my vagina the motion so deliberate it clear. A final lunge, and Thor had sunk his cock deep within me, it stunning me how as large as it was it suddenly began to swell considerably more and lengthen.

Thor’s next thrust or lunge already having bottomed out in me yet still growing thicker and longer I was told caused me to grunt loudly and freeze. To me it was already uncomfortable due to the depth, and that last thrust at the same time was met in the other direction by Loki’s cock swelling and lengthening further in my mouth gagging me. Instantly I recall how I could not move forward to accommodate this now huge cock in my cunnie as I was already gagging on the one in my mouth. In kind I could not drive back to stop my choking, so essentially trapped “no where to go”. I recall as uncomfortable as it was pushing back slowly against the cock in my twat bracing my hands upon the knot of the cock in my mouth, and in short order I suppose things inside me shifted and stretched, and though for the moment uncomfortable at least I was not choking.

It struck me that moment though just a fleeting thought, I was absolutely trapped and there was no way out of this now. Not only was the cock in my cunnie so large that I couldn’t move forward enough off it or even wrench it out, the one in my mouth had grown to such a point it was actually captured from side to side by my back teeth, my tongue and roof of my mouth opened as far as they’d go. I realized all that in that I considered trying to swallow the cock in my mouth down my throat just to get off the one in my cunt, yet then froze when I realized there was absolutely no way that could happen so just remained still as the cock in my cunt continued to grow, so I stayed still I guess letting things adjust, and all of the above happening in the matter of just a few seconds.

To Jack and Shiela I guess it seemed as though all motions had ceased by everyone, the dogs seeming unmoving as Thor had pushed himself up as far as he could with his forepaws upon my thighs just laying over me panting, Loki though still trying to lick had ceased his kicking with his back legs. All I knew is I could not move. Trapped between two massive bodies of fur so could not move up or down or side to side, and more so impaled like some pig on a spit front and back, so at this point I had no options. Thor at that point I guess just laying on me suddenly reached up the rough pads of his paws scraping my shoulders as he set his paws to the floor just past them. Instantly I felt relief as he stood suddenly able to rise ever so slightly and roll my hips to make things fit, and then it really began.

The above I was told generated a throaty grunt from me, and almost as quick Thor began a not all too rapid “pushing”. I say pushing in that he could press no further in that moment, slower natural as I’ve found larger breeds to do. What brought another grunt was Thor easing off the pressure. Most likely just to adjust himself, yet he pulled back and out of me slightly before pressing deeper again. Not a full thrusting of his entire length, just an inch or less perhaps, and that I guess brought a low deep moan from my throat. As Thor moved and shifted I guess I had begun to as well, not so much into it yet, but more everyone getting situated. As Thor and I moved settling in, it’s my understanding that Loki began as well his hips rolling forward and back as though trying to push in deeper into my mouth from below.

As said, though these dogs were massive they did seem smaller then those I’ve seen in the past. Most of all their cocks must have been as I can’t imagine being able to take one easily in either my cunnie or mouth, and though I had clearly, they were definitely exceeding my comfortable limits. Though exceeding, the thought of being trapped and it hurting slightly crossing my mind so wanting out that second, however it also suddenly struck me with the tad bit of relief. For the first time, in a very long time, I had a dog’s cock deep in my cunt, and another deep in my mouth, and they were going to continue to stay in me whether I wanted it or not, no where to go, and no way out until they came in me.

That very thought alone, not so much the feeling at that moment caused me to instantly orgasm.


Settling In for the Long Haul

Shiela said later that all of a sudden with Thor gently pushing on me from behind and Loki trying to push up, that out of the blue I froze as suddenly my thighs, ass, boobs and shoulders began to tremble then shake hard as a loud though very muffled roar of a yell came out of my throat. For a brief second she started to rise thinking I was being hurt, yet then quickly realizing I was cumming said she did so herself. From that point on to me it seemed as though my orgasm never really stopped. It would I recall ebb to a lower level where I could operate, yet to me it never seemed to end easing off to a hot churning inside of me then at times rising back up to crushing spasms.

As I came and eventually everyone adjusted, I clearly remember the feeling of Thor’s massive cock inside of me feeling as though with every slight tug out it was pulling my vagina out with it. Not a bad feeling mind you, just one where you finally realize how huge what is in your cunnie actually is. In kind I briefly noticed what must have been his knot swelling as it felt like a massive fist pressing to my vulva mashing it each push. I didn’t really have a moment to become afraid it would enter me, as it became very clear instantly there was no way it was getting inside of me so would simply grind and mash my netherlips it feeling as though it spread from thigh to thigh, though I doubt it did.

Loki at this point was not left out either, though I guess reflex as the easiest way to get a cock out of your mouth is to make it cum in it, I guess I had begun to alternately press down upon the knot still in its sheath as I’d pull up on his cock to my lips then back. Though most likely to simply relieve pressure from one elbow to the other, Shiela said I’d switch hands each time as the one travelling down his cock upon reaching his knot would push, and the other slip up and then back down again and repeat. As things settled in even more into set motions, Thor pushing into my cunt then pulling out slightly, my hands and mouth working Loki’s cock and his hips rolling up and down, it struck me suddenly how full my mouth was with not only cock, but precum. It then really hit home when I realized that it was exactly that, precum, and in a moment I’d have a massive flood of cum filling my mouth. Again the thought alone though now Thor’s cock was definitely beginning to feel incredible, the thought that a dog not a human was about to loose a massive flood of dog cum into my mouth, the thought so naughty it caused me to again have a crushing orgasm.

I must have at that point gushed as I could feel everything about my cunt and thighs become soaking whet. I knew after calming that Thor had not cum from how he was still moving, so I guess its all it could be and I had that dull ache after which you get. That second orgasm however changed things. As I came, though to me it seemed as I always had been, Shiela stated later that I froze once more hunching up my back, then shaking, and then suddenly arching down and at that moment I started moving with vigor. She stated my hands still doing the same motion to Loki’s cock seemed to move faster and more flowing, yet more so though perhaps a result of my shifting from side to side that I began to push back quicker and quicker onto Thor’s cock buried deep in my cunt.

I didn’t get a moments break however, I could feel my cunt throbbing, I was positive it was not his cock it as though my vagina was spasming, gripping and squeezing trying to milk out of it everything. I remember it clearly in that it struck me how could I even squeeze so filled, yet my pussy was working on its own. More so, I recall I wanted to feel his cock more. Though already filled totally it was as though I wanted to feel every bit of it and the very slight raking of it in and back out of me in the tiniest of motions had me pushing harder and harder back to him. It was as though I could not stop myself, like that point where no matter how much something may hurt of feel uncomfortable, like an itch as you scratch, or a sore muscle worked on, you just have to have more and more of it.

At this point Shiela later said I was moving as though possessed. To me it just felt like “more, more, more”. None of it very large or exaggerated motions, more a grinding and squirming though she said the pace seemed to grow quicker and quicker, and then it happened and this I felt clearly. Suddenly Thor pulled back further then he had before and then truly did lunge forward it hurting for a brief moment then he seemed to grind as though trying to force his knot past the tight grip of my cunnie.

Though rarely feeling a man cum, it at best a swelling and throbbing of his cock if you’re still, then your cunnie feels much whetter, when Thor suddenly came inside me it almost felt like a little punch which I assume was his first gush yet more so as my cunnie became hot and felt as though it had to expand my guess is filling from his cum. Something rarely ever felt by me, yet I could clearly tell he was cumming, and this time the thought of a dog filling my cunnie with his cum, his cum pumping into me filling every bit of me it could. A dog using my cunnie to cum inside, made me have a seriously crushing orgasm. One of those ones that almost scare you they’re so intense. Every muscle in my body all at the same time contracting and letting loose again and again. You don’t know if it’s bright lights or total blackness in your head, as though every circuit in your brain is misfiring all at once.

To Shiela and Jack it was very clear, so much so Jack I guess loosed a massive load on his chest from Shiela’s pumping. They said Thor suddenly hunched up and let out a low whining groan then almost as fast collapsed on my back panting, yet I they said was the most extreme part of that moment. My legs from the knees down pulling up high lifting my shins off the floor as my toes flared so wide they looked broken. As they shook I guess my entire body did violently, most noticeable my thighs and breasts as my back lurched up, froze, then down and I seemed to press hard to Loki below and then suddenly begin that violent shaking as a loud throaty moan was shouted from behind Loki’s cock, and then I seemed to collapse though shudder every now and then.

What surprised them more was that almost immediately after, my hands and arms which had frozen simply began to start moving again. They realized Thor had just cum in me, the thought to them even I guess ultimately keeping Jack’s cock rock hard and had Shiela working up to another orgasm to cum soon herself. At that point for me however I was simply lost, I don’t remember much of anything for the next couple of minutes so I guess just working off of reflex. What I do recall is eventually Loki began to kick as he’d roll his hips up and also the feeling of him pushing to the back of my thighs as he’d try to thrust. I assume it was that which brought me out of my haze, and the first thought that hit me was he was about to cum in my mouth and I could not pull back off it Thor bearing down on top of me.

A dog about to cum in my mouth. To this day it still surprises me he stayed in that position that long, more so was about to cum that way, it frankly odd in my opinion though perhaps the nature of the breed to be so casual I don’t know. Yet as said it still surprises me. Never the less I could tell this was about to happen, as before this thought alone had me quickly realizing it, the thought was going to make me cum again and I didn’t want to. However again Jack and Shiela had to recount to me what happened as I did not realize all this. At that moment, knowing a dog was going to cum in my mouth and there was no choice, I guess I suddenly began driving back onto Thor’s cock still in me as my back began to raise and I began to shiver. What I do recall is I gripped the base of his knot and pulled up this time as my hand moved, and suddenly I felt the surge.

That moment I realized just how very much Thor had cum in my pussy as my mouth was instantly overfilled with a massive gush of cum. I remember I started to gag yet past that not much else. Shiela stated she heard me gag, yet then I yelled or grunted and a spray of cum gushed from the edges of my lips as I myself orgasmed once more the thought of what was happening and me I guess driving my cunt onto Thor’s cock setting me off. To say once I got my wits together that it was a massive load shot into my mouth would be an understatement. I know a lot of it I must of swallowed down no way to close my throat, yet even still my mouth was absolutely full and that even as I raised up to try and get his cock out of my mouth which I couldn’t the tip still well in.

Though I suppose it my fault from pushing, Thor had begun to rapidly push into me once more as I orgasmed. Whether he came again or not I don’t know, only that I could feel him shoving me onto Loki’s cock a bit and then he stopped collapsing on me once again, and then it all stopped. The dogs panting, Loki’s breath on my twat and Thor’s on my arm, and I recall suddenly Thor tried to get off, me feeling his cock begin to pull back and out and it striking me it was so large I didn’t want him to move for fear of it hurting. There was noting I could do though as I tried to back up with him stopped by Loki’s forelegs, and then Thor jumped back scrambling to get off and pull out of me his front paws scraping up my back.

That part was horrible, feeling that massive cock pull out of you suddenly all empty and out of shape. It kind of hurting yet at the same time you want it back in. To that I know I grunted then froze to collect myself, Shiela stating how a massive wad of cum just globbed out of my cunnie. That in itself causing her to cum again, and at that point I have no idea where Thor went. What I do know is quickly after Loki with his cock still in my mouth wanted out from under me suddenly thrashing slightly. Though it took a massive effort on my part, I recall flipping off him rolling to the side and just laying there on my back with my knees up in the air as suddenly the stiffness was felt in them. I just lay there, how long I’m not sure. Yet what I’m sure of is suddenly I felt guilty like I had defiled Shiela’s babies right there in front of her, so I just stayed still till they spoke.



It took only a couple seconds for the fear and loathing, the calm to be broken yet not how I feared though should of known better from our earlier discussions. “Oh my gwad, that was so hot! That was the naughtiest yet sexiest thing I’ve ever seen!” It just went on, them raving. Jack I knew would, yet when Shiela did I was not only surprised yet a little put off. Not because I felt insulted, just perhaps embarrassed or maybe a little ashamed, after such times whether it the thing everyone wanted or not I often feel a little guilty. However, when I feel embarrassed and guilty it has always been my nature to not hide or slink away, yet when pushed far enough become aggressive, and all the gushing over it was pushing me too far.

This aspect I remember clearly, if I had just done this thing, this very exposing and embarrassing thing in that I felt like I had lost control, Shiela at the very least would have to be drug down with me. To that end I rolled onto my side and pulled myself up to her pussy of which she gladly spread her legs wide still so turned on. I didn’t hesitate as I set my lips to her cunt pulling back her labia with my fingers and set my lips of my low hung closed mouth to her vagina. I don’t know why, yet for some reason the last big part of that massive load into my mouth I hadn’t swallowed, nor did I spit or even let it just glob out of me. I really can’t say why I held it there past I just couldn’t make myself do either.

However, looking up to Shiela glaring her getting ready to be eaten or so she thought, I watched the expression of surprise not understanding, then shock upon realizing as I curled up my tongue and pushed it into her cunnie then pushed out every drop of Loki’s cum I could deep into her twat. She froze when she realized what had happen, and happy or upset I didn’t care, as I slid up her and gripping her hair then kissed her fully and that which didn’t get pushed into her twat I shoved into her mouth. She tried to pull back, that wasn’t happening. At that moment I pulled my other hand up to her pussy and pushed two fingers in her shoving the cum I’d put there deeper as I ground my thumb to her clit. Pulling my mouth off her gasping for air, I then spoke loud enough Jack could hear as I whispered in her ear. “How does it feel, your cunt full of dog cum and the taste of it in your mouth?” Instantly I ground my thumb to her clit in a way I know sets her off. She was shocked, stunned, for the first time in her life she had dog cum inside her, more so her own babies which I kind of feel bad about yet not, as it is not like she did the act herself so it is quite different.

Shiela came hard, very hard, an orgasm I know she didn’t intend on having yet she did and that making it hit home even harder. At that point my tone definitely shifted from one of payback to Domme’ing her as I spoke. “Oh, like that do you, so you are a whore for dogs. Just as I thought, get down on your back….whore.” Like a switch had been thrown she instantly slipped into that submissive, demure attitude. Knowing better then to say anything back, easily pulled off the couch by her hair I laid her head down and straddled her face and to say it was an impossible effort after that huge cock to keep my cunnie closed, some how I must have or perhaps it just had spasmed shut. In any case holding her had down by her hair so seeing her eyes, I set my vagina right tight against her lips and growled out down to her in a low threatening tone, “Do it whore, clean it up.”

She was both stunned and massively turned on. Her eyes wide I could feel her mouth open and her tongue press out to me, and how I can’t tell you, but apparently as she told me later the second her tongue touched the lowest edge of my cunnie, somehow it released and a massive glob of Thor’s cum filled her mouth, and I could tell something had happened as she tried to pull away yet had no where to go, her eyes going very wide, then looking horrified, yet then finally rolled back into her had. Her mouth was filled and in short order her cheeks were covered with it. At first I leaned back and began fingering her clit again wanting her to cum from this, yet to be honest feeling cruel I hoped one of her babies would come up to try and get some of her. That last wrong of me to think as I know it would upset me. However in short order her own hands were rubbing her cunnie hard and her legs spread wide so if it happened her fault, and at that point I just leaned forward glaring at Jack, and again spoken as harshly stated “my mouth is full of dog cum” and proceeded to bend over and began to suck is cock.

AT best it took each of them just a minute to cum, and finally settling down we spent the rest of the day laying about, taunting one another UNFORTUNATELY having to hear them go over it all again and again, and spent the rest of that day and night talking and occasionally screwing, the dogs nowhere to be seen.


Payback “Needs” a Bitch

That was last summer, I’ve not been back yet simply due to me not getting out as I love Jack and Shiela to death. They’re over here almost weekly though, life for us all seeming to have returned to normal (yeah right, nudity, swinging, orgies and BDSM) except for a few aspects. Shiela ALL the time mentions how much her babies miss “Aunt Kay” and wishes she’d visit. I seriously do not expect for that to ever happen again, though have said she’s always free to bring them over I’ll not be playing with them like that if I can help it. However, I have on two occasions sent over both of my slaves one time, and a sub another, everyone walking away happy those times. I’ve asked Shiela now having seen it, and having dog cum in her mouth and cunnie if she has ever played with her boys. She said no, she never could which I fully respect and understand, it not being the same when your own or another’s. She however has admitted to masturbating about it often, and to that end I have made it clear payback is just on the horizon.

She knows it is coming, she also knows we’ll play it like she has no option though we both know I’d never force her to do anything, and she wants it as much. Yet here very soon, within weeks or even days, she’ll come to the house and there will be a leather “dog collar” tag and all on the front table. She’ll have to stand there with me and my slaves watching, and choose to put it on herself. I know she’ll be nervous, scared, yet I also know she’ll do it as I know Shiela as well as myself. At that point I’ll hook a leash to her collar, and bluntly in my best Domme tone tell her to heel, and will then walk her to where my babies are, as my dogs need a bitch, and she for at least that day will be it and it will not be over till they have all had their fill.

She has already agreed to this, masturbated often thinking about it, asked often as to when. She’s talked about backing out, yet in the same breath said how she so desperately want’s to try, to be a “whore” for my dogs. As said my dogs need a bitch, and she’s it.

The name on her tag I’ve also decided, it already engraved in deep block letters. My dogs bitch is named “Payback”…..and it will cum in spades.


My Bitch Payback

It’s been roughly 11 months since my last direct encounter with an animal, and though I had no intentions of it then, or have sought it out since. I’d be lying however if I said I hadn’t thought about it a few times, to even taking some “personal time” in reflection on it. Frankly I’ve been there before. Sometimes good though often bad, yet in the end it’s no longer something I would plan on or work toward for myself, others when they have had a great interest I have helped out on. Most times its involving BDSM. I’m sure most here know the mindset and scenario. They want it, yet wish to openly act as though it’s forced, and when it’s not offered then the pleading hints and whispers come to even blatantly asking. That said with Shiela it has been taken to an even further step. One meant to inspire playful wrath, and that being to taunt me, her sometimes Domme.

Though we have interacted sexually often before and since, Shiela has gone out of her way to mention, press, and talk about that day with Thor and Loki. Though no math-tard I’d be hard pressed to count up the times she’s told me how much her boys miss “Aunt Kay”. How lonely they are and how she’d like for me to just come visit them, or to bring them out to play in our vast fields and woods, yet always becoming frustrated and irritated when they instead of trying to inspire me to sex just greet me, and then worse still run off with my babies or our other hunting dogs playing. It’s a rather obvious thing when amorous tones turn into calling for and eventually shouting for Thor and Loki to come visit me instead.

Now that in itself is somewhat annoying. Shiela and I having similar backgrounds in some regards and knowing each other well, both know that neither one of us will be pressed to do something that we ourselves have not planned on, let alone coerced or pressured. Yet she has kept at it for 11 months, and all the what was rare to never has now turned to almost constant discussion when alone about laying with beasts. In that time I have recounted every experience of mine both good and bad numerous times over. Personally I don’t have much interest in discussing my past all that often unless someone has a genuine need or interest in knowing, and frankly being probed as to how different this dog cock was from that, what about Burros, what about Goats, Horses, blah, blah, blah, has become tiresome.

Now Jack in contrast knows better. Oh granted, he loves nothing more then sitting there and listening to all of this, yet Jack realizes all the hints and pushing won’t work with me, just like they wouldn’t work with his own wife Shiela. More so in the regard that Shiela isn’t asking for me to help her, yet instead wants to watch me with Jack and Loki again or any other animal she might be able to inspire me to do. What Jack has tossed out there though has been Shiela’s interest is a bit more personal then she wants to let on. Oh sure, we have both made it rather clear that our “babies” are exactly that and we’ve no intention of playing with them. Yet truth of the matter is Shiela’s interest has been peeked enough that she has been hedging a bit it turns out.



In the shy year since my fulfilling something Shiela had wished to be done, it turns out that besides all of her almost constant discussions with me that she has tested the limits of her relationship with her dogs. Minor things at first, a rubbing of a belly and a hand slipped too low brushing over their cock and balls, then wrestling with them in a way that reminded Jack all too clearly of my day there though she’d always stop just short yet he always noted how horny and whet she’d be after. He mentioned how when the dogs would lay at their feet how Shiela’s foot always seemed to slip over their bellies and eventually to their cocks, yet the cappers had come when Shiela had a bout of “drunks” wherein she’d be just a bit too drunk for the amount she had drank. An excuse really, though for him or her hard to say.

During these times Shiela had clearly tried to instigate sex with Thor and Loki yet always in such a way that if it happened she could of claimed it was accidental, her drunkenness having caused her to let her guard down. Pats to the chest while leaning back on the couch legs always open wide to come up and give her a kiss. Naturally her position and their having to reach pressing their cocks to her cunnie, and he’d note how she’d always softly grind for a moment. Other times it would be her wrestling and pressing her lips tight making that sound all know while pressing them tight to their bellies. Always her head swishing back and forth them on their backs making the sound, and always dropping just a tad too low as her lips would brush over their sheathed cocks as the sound would stop for a second as her lips would part. Other antics yet last week there were two which stated it was time for Shiela to take the plunge.

Jack having seen how she had been taunting her dogs finally one day when she was making that noise pressing her lips tight to their bellies and blowing noted how whet she was. Not so much wanting sex himself yet wanting to push her, kneeled down behind her Shiela’s rump in the air, and shoved his cock deep into her cunt eliciting a squeal, then a complaint, yet very quickly a comment of “so am I supposed to blow Thor too?” Though rhetorical by Shiela, Jack already knew what he was about to say. “I dare ya because I know you’re afraid to so will win.” That’s all it took, his permission and her excuse of being drunk. After a moment of hesitation her hand slipped to Thor’s sheath and pulled it back, and though for just a second or two, Shiela’s lips wrapped round Thor’s cock and she sucked. It only lasted a couple seconds before she stopped and asked Jack to take her to the bedroom, yet the capper came the very next day.

Jack had watched from a distance. Shiela asking for a morning kiss from one of the dogs, him jumping up between her legs and her grinding as usual though this morning she drew her knees back her feet in the air and waited. Nothing. Her babies had been trained from all the “no’s” that to do more was not allowed. Jack saw her frustration, yet then after she looked around not spotting him, she announced loudly how she was going to take a nap. Nap hell. As the dog jumped down simply panting between her thighs, Shiela wiped her hand over her cunnie then extended it to him to lick. Not once, yet a couple times, and then clearly patted her cunnie until her baby began tentatively lapping at her twat. He said she looked round again still not seeing Jack, and then parting her legs wider stifled her moans and then feigned sleep. Jack watched as in just a minute or two she had a crushing orgasm, and when she scooted lower no doubt hoping he’d hop up yet finding him licking her more, Jack walked in.

Now I told him later he should of just let her have at it. In time she would just accept what she wanted knowing her to not be a liar especially to herself, and then that would have been that letting her come to grips with it in her own time. Yet that’s after the fact. As he walked in she pretended to be asleep, and a simple clearing of his throat had her moan out stretching, “Oh Jack, that feels so good” to suddenly flutter open her eyes and shout “what, no, stop (whichever dog it was name)” and pull back acting shocked as though having been asleep and thinking it was Jack. Jack said he just laughed and said how it was okay, yet caught and feeling embarrassed Shiela did something she never did, and that was to lie. He told her he had seen her and that it was okay, and how he loved it. Shiela on the other hand feeling cornered lied more, and then to cap it off became nasty toward him to which Jack responded bluntly. “Shiela, don’t get mad at me, you’ve been teasing these dogs forever, so either do it, or I’m calling Kay.” He said she froze no doubt considering as her next words were way off the train of tone and not directed at him. “So call the old bitch for all I care, what’s she gonna do, make me fuck her dogs….I dare ya.”……and that is exactly what Jack did.


Command by Phone

Shiela and I have a unique relationship. A pair of old whores who have seen it all, and done much of it way too many times over. We can talk with one another like no other in that no other is peer to our experiences in our circle of friends. However something else also became clear in our relationship, we’d both like to sub in a BDSM way, yet frankly except for our husbands who will only Dom us on rare occasions, most others leave us flat, as there is nothing worse then being topped by someone who you should be topping. Now Shiela simply does not want to top or play the dominant role if you will. I don’t particularly want to either yet it fits my bitchy attitude and in that I like BDSM play quite a bit my being a Domme has for better or worse turned into a lifestyle with 24/7 slaves and all. Between Shiela and I though there is a further understanding, that being that of all the people we know, I’m the only one that can Domme her. So when the mood strikes us, though I not getting what I really want, Shiela is my all too willing submissive with the only limitations being those I decide her trusting me even with her life.

About a week after Jack’s phone call Shiela shouting out profanities in the background at him, yet more so about me and I could tell they were meant to challenge me to inspire a response, they came to our weekly party and I let on like the call had never happened simply making her more nervous. A few days more and Jack said she must of assumed I had not heard her, or more so that it was all forgotten. Then last Thursday I made my phone call.

Me: “Hi Jack, put Shiela on the phone, it’s time for my bitches Payback”
I didn’t hear a word from him yet hearing him call to her to pick up I could hear the glee in his voice.
Shiela: “Hello?”
Me: “Hello? How dare you speak to me that way you filthy cunt, now greet me properly!”
There was a pause, and I knew exactly what was happening as when such tones were used by me Shiela knew we were about to play, and play hard. I also from years of experience with her know that her thighs pressed tight together that moment, her cunnie began to get whet, and she would begin to shiver in anticipation.
Shiela: “I’m sorry Ma’am, I didn’t know it was you, Jack didn’t….” as in short order her words and excuses trailed off to a whisper and stopped. “Yes Ma’am, what do you want me to do Ma’am.”
Me: “Be clear on this, and do not say another word to me. Do not get dressed, take off all your jewelry including every piercing and do what Jack tells you. Give Jack back the phone, do it nowwww.”

I could hear her faintly as she did the correct thing even though Jack was listening in, taking him the phone she had in hand and whispering her voice shaking “Mistress Kay wants to speak with you please, please take it, Sir.” I could tell Jack was beaming from his tone and the long drawn out “yeeES?” So doing the best I could to stay the part gave Jack very specific instructions to which I had to tell him to stop laughing or he’d break the mood and in short order he was hanging up the phone as excited as no doubt Shiela was.

My instructions were simple. Jack was to put Shiela in the back of their Jeep Cherokee where the dogs would normally ride. Thor and Loki were to be put in the back with her, their collars on yet with no leashes on. While they waited in the Jeep, he was to make up a special collar for Shiela. Taking one of the boy’s spare collars he’d loop it through the hand holds of a pair of 18’ light leashes they had, and he was not to show her that before reaching their destination. Now their destination might sound risky, yet know the road our main drive is off of is so very out of the way that usually only hunters or kids looking for a place to park ever go down it, and for the most part never sees any traffic except those coming here. So off they went.

As mentioned in my other post about my last time, the trip is actually rather short, maybe 15 minutes at best if deliberate yet I discovered later Jack took great pleasure taking the long way forcing Shiela to ride in the back with the dogs, and I’m sure her wondering all the while what other cars and people they passed may have seen her naked in the back. Turned up our road and Jack as instructed suddenly stopped. At that point I guess he said something like “c’mon boys”, the dogs hopping out and him attaching their leashes to them as Shiela coward in the back wondering what was going on, and Jack I guess just about had to drag her out yet all of her resistance ceased when he stated something clearly. “Kay said you either do this, or don’t come back as a sub or talking about animals again”. The animal part she could of done, the submissive part she couldn’t (yeah I’m that good  ). In any case she finally got out, had her collar attached and was instructed to walk the rest of the way down the dirt road, and if anyone asked her what she was doing out naked on the road leashed to two massive dogs, she was to state clearly “My dogs are taking me for a walk”.

You can imagine even though she knows our road well the terror racing through her mind. However she had for close to a year been a massive pest about messing around with animals, trying to get me to do hers again and more so taunted her babies that entire time with her “yes-no” routine so this “payback was going to be a bitch”. Off Jack drove and unknown to Shiela forgot to call me so I could have a couple guys “accidentally” intercept her on the road whom she didn’t know, so in about fifteen minutes she had made the gate to the property, and that aspect I could insure. “May we help you gentlemen?” Tony and Mick at the gate house making it a point to speak to the dogs instead of Shiela. Naturally Thor and Loki just wagged their tails, and wanted to be petted, yet I guess the guys really played it up acting like they couldn’t speak “dog”, yet wouldn’t speak to Shiela, and continued on with comments such as “that’s a mighty fine bitch you have there” and the like. Now Shiela and the guys know each other well, and they’re used to my antics however, I’m sure it ran through Shiela’s mind that everyone now knew she would be messing with animals. Fact of the matter is they just took it as another of my stupid games, as only a very select few will ever know unless she tells them…..and she knows this is getting posted here having read it over first.

Finally letting Shiela through it took her about another ten minutes to get up the drive since we’re so far back in, yet eventually she made it, and walked in to the entry way with a number of people waiting. Jack naturally, and as she expected myself, Kathy and Tanya my slaves, next Melanie, Joan and their husbands Ron and Rob who she really didn’t know that well at all, and lastly the one person she didn’t want to see, my husband having a deep respect for him and though she fucks him, and knows he knows of her antics with me, always likes to try and come off to him as something a bit more refined then what her and I are. Shiela just stood there aghast, worse still she past being ogled by all, was for the most part ignored and spoke of in the third person by all but myself. Instantly I stated “you know the rules, puppies get to be nekkid here!” spoken to Thor and Loki as instantly Kathy and Tanya undid their collars and deliberately coaxed them off to not see the next, and I knew would happen Shiela began to reach for her own.

Now this is going to seem harsh to those of you not into BDSM or understanding that some people have masochistic tastes. If so, STOP READING NOW……..



As Shiela reached for her own collar it took me all of three steps to reach her and in a flash I had slapped her face. “What do you think you are doing?!” Shiela shocked yet I knew that would start cueing in on her submissive side getting her in the right mindset and believe it or not get her cunnie flowing fully. “Well you said no…” Wherein I cut her off slapping her again to which I stated, “I didn’t TELL you to tell me what I said, are you now calling me stupid? Is that what you’re doing you little bitch, calling me stupid? Thinking you need to tell me what I said as though so stupid I can’t remember ten seconds ago?” “No Ma’am I just…” as her words stopped short as my hand raised back again. “No Ma’am.” To which I asked again, “What do you think you are doing?” It had worked. Shiela’s eyes were half welled up, her straight shoulders had rounded down, she was shivering, and her eyes would look no higher then my mouth as she meekly replied. “This one was taking off her collar Ma’am in that puppies get to be naked here”.

MMmmm, as much as I want to sub, I have to admit it is during times like that I really embrace being able to Domme. “This one”, a term I make my subs use implying they do not have enough worth to be an individual. No “I’s, me’s, I’ms, names, etc.”, nothing to make them feel special or unique or individual. Not stating their worth to me is low, yet they need to have a mindset of all else is more important then they are….and that is because that is the way “they” like it or I’d not do it. It took me just a moment to run my knuckle up her spine “straighten your back girl, head up, and pull your shoulders back and your gut in”. Good posture always enforced in that it generates a source of pride when complimented, proud to be a submissive, embracing it.

At that point I began slowly pacing around her in a wide circle yet ever tightening as I spoke. “So let me see if I recall, I’m an old bitch, an old whore who doesn’t tell you what you can do or not do. Those were the words you used weren’t they? I also apparently am nothing more then some toy for your fine dogs who don’t deserve some cock teasing old whore like you jerking them around for a year. So tell me, have you fucked your dogs? Do you? Do you fuck dogs girl?”…”No Ma’am”…”I asked you if you fucked dogs girl?!”…”No Ma’am!” and at that point maybe three circles around her I stopped now so close that when I turned our breasts mashed together as I spoke softly into her ear. “Well you’re going to.” Said in such a threatening tone Shiela actually shook, yet she did reply, “Yes Ma’am.”

Reaching my hand down I smacked the inside of her thighs growling out “wider”, then reached up running my fingers deep over her cunnie, “just as I thought, soaked” and wiped my hand off on her own mouth and cheeks as I began my circling of her again deliberately bumping her shoulders, breasts and bottom each turn and eventually began to widen my circle once more as I spoke. “You see girl, you’re not a puppy you’re a human. A human who wants animal cocks inside of her, a human who wants their cum to fill her in every hole she has. Every culture on the planet deems wanting such as a taboo, as bad, as wrong. Yet you, you want to do it anyway. You a human supposedly want animals to fuck you. Lowly beasts, and do you know why? Because unlike a simple pervert, or someone who has it forced on them, or someone who simply embraces and enjoys it, you instead have simply realized that you are lesssss then those low beasts, and for you girl by having them fuck you it would be akin to anyone else fucking a God. That’s right isn’t it? You’re a whore for beasts. A place for them to spill their cum so they don’t make a mess getting it on the floor. So tell me girl, what is the word I’m looking for, you know it, you’ve used it often with me when telling me what you are?”

Now looking right into her eyes I had stopped in front of her (and must say took great pride in seeing my husband beam at my work and the look of shock in Jack’s eyes rarely seeing Shiela act this way). “This one is a…This one is a “cum-ditch” Ma’am” Perfect. She knew the word I used at such times, and she also knew when she’d use it she was accepting whatever would come her way like a slave not a submissive. “Yes girl, you are indeed a cum-ditch, yet not even good enough for humans. A cum-ditch for low beasts because?” As Shiela answered with absolute resolve. “Because this one is less.” Domme heaven let me tell you, most of all in the regard she was telling me, confirming to me exactly what she wanted and there had to be no more discussion about it.

Turning to my husband him about to bust with pride, I knew his own demons were pulling him back to work yet I asked anyway, “when do you want me to call you?” to which he just wagged a finger at Joan and Melanie, and then to add insult to injury stepped past me and looked over Shiela speaking softly before turning and walking off. “Why Shiela, I never knew. Come see me this weekend.” Such minor words from someone so powerful I know rocked her to her core more then I ever could with all my flailing and ravings. Shiela’s knees actually buckled though she caught herself as she knew whatever he planned would be much more then their usual quick fuck, would be good, yet would be extreme. As he spoke I had turned and reached to the table taking up the black leather collar I had made the tag in the shape of a bone hanging off it and once he had walked off extended it out to her. “Last chance to change your mind hon” Gahh! I couldn’t help it, I always get soft just before. Never the less though hesitating a moment even biting her lip considering, Shiela reached out for the collar and slowly took it.

“Read it, what’s your name?” Shiela looked down and though actually a couple tears slipped down her cheeks she almost giggled. “Payback Ma’am” I almost laughed myself actually hearing her say it. “and what is Payback?” I replied. “Payback is a bitch” Shiela stated as I instantly followed, “That’s right, Payback is a bitch. She is a bitch for dogs who need somewhere to cum other then some pillow they hump. Yet Payback asks too many questions about too many things. Payback therefor needs to experience them, so Payback doesn’t ask her friends to do her job for her and will finally know about what she asks….Joan, Melanie, what is it that you two like again?” Melanie answered and I could tell from her tone smirking. “Stallions Kay, big cocked stallions.” Instantly Shiela’s eyes flashed up to me in shock knowing what was going on, my sudden glare back had her eyes turning back down as I stated “Don’t you look at me that way girl, if you’re brave enough to ask, you’re brave enough to know and you’ve asked me countless times of late….But, first things first.”



Shiela finally having put her new collar on found me then taking off the other yet only after. Added to it I attached a leather leash I had made to match, and almost laughed again when Shiela began to drop to her hands and knees as though to crawl. “Get up! I told you, you’re not a dog, you’re a human who’s a cum-ditch for dogs…Now heel!” The last really almost have me break character but I just couldn’t resist tossing it in there. Leaving the rest behind I had to tell Jack for this first part he could not watch and go play elsewhere till after. Yes he pouted, yet he’d still get his show, however I wanted this first experience for Shiela to be special and I didn’t want him possibly getting over excited and embarrassing her. With that I walked her outside yet the moment we saw Kathy and Tanya they as planned began moving ahead of us to the cabin by the woods, Thor, Loki and Moose (my baby  ) with them all three playing and being perfect in the world loving being dogs.

As we neared I could see the relief in Kathy’s eyes (she hates being outside even on the lawn and really hates the sun) and by the time we reached them the seven of us walked into the cabin our boys greeting us happy and feeling good. Once inside it was chaos for only a couple minutes, yet after the dogs drank some and smelled around they calmed down, and with Kathy and Tanya petting all three I very quickly gave Shiela an option. “Shiela, let Loki and Thor fuck you, or not, choose now” Shiela was actually torn. She did want to play with them yet had a very justified rule about not. However she had been breaking the rule, in my opinion teasing them all this time and if you’re going to taunt a beast you better damn well give them some payoff, just like I believe we should do with other people, cock-teasers pissing me off.

Shiela wouldn’t, couldn’t, whatever. After a year of teasing them and trying to get me to fuck them again so she could get her jollies off watching, she still wouldn’t take that step and no matter what game we were playing that was her step to take or not. To that end, knowing from what she’d been doing she would eventually break her vow, I knew her dogs had to learn when it was acceptable. To that end, on her leash, I walked her over to the dogs and we all knelt down together. I tugged at her leash and then swiped my hand over her pussy and put it up to the dog’s faces to lick. Again I did it, and again, and (I find it surprising kind of) Thor and Loki tried to move toward her though after I made a big show of tugging at her leash and collar, them at least for the moment associating that with Shiela’s pussy having tugged it clearly each time.

Shiela was bright red, and I knew she understood her dogs were getting excited about her sexually. However at that point I took off her collar, set them back down and waited a moment, then reached up to her bare throat and stated “no, no”….Again wiping my same hand over her pussy, yet this time I gave them the other to sniff and lick and you could see the confusion. Again the same, and when they tried to push past my clean hand I sat them back down saying “no no”. Back on with the collar, again the whet hand over her pussy and back up to their noses a couple times, and this time when they went for her I said nothing nor tried to stop them. Giving them a brief moment to push her around and try to lick at her twat, again we sat them back down which was now a chore, and again off with the collar and more of that.

Thor and Loki were getting very anxious rightfully so. Moose as well being a big alpha male so he thinks he was put on the planet to do all the fucking and from “watching” knew full well what pussies were used for. Add to that he’s smart, oh God is he smart. It took him all of seeing it the first time and he got it not even offered the hand just wanting to get in on the Shiela action. At that point Moose getting out of hand I had to wrestle him outside. Now I wanted to stay myself, yet I knew he was getting all too worked up and knew there was going to be screwing going on, and clearly dogs were in on it. He was going ape outside though finally laid down in a pouting huff, and back in I went very quickly so the dogs wouldn’t notice taking Shiela by the back of her hair and pulled her up and back to a chair, Thor and Loki clearly in their minds having been teased again.

“Sit there and don’t move. Don’t say a word, don’t rub your cunt, don’t moan or anything even if they come toward you. You want to tease poor Loki and Thor, well I’ll not have it, they’re getting fucked.” Staying by her side gripping her hair tighter, I nodded to Kathy and Tanya. Kathy instantly slipping into full blown slave mode, heck, she never leaves it, and Tanya as always this all rather new to her trying to mimic Kathy.

Now to give you an idea of what these gals look like, let me say right now all of you would fuck the shit out of all of them given half a chance, me you’d probably run from in horror. I really am quite fortunate that such beautiful women will have anything to do with me, let alone do all they do for me. Kathy who will be my life long companion and slave (and it scares me what she’ll do when I’ll pass our bond so deep) is now 34 though looks 18 (grr…bitch), a whopping 4’11” tall and not even 100#, slender and perfect B-cup breasts and though born in America as about as Japanese “looking” as you can get though an American of pure Japanese descent. Tanya on the other hand is starkly contrasting. Less then a year ago she found her way here by other means, really was fascinated by Kathy’s choice of slavery as a way of living, and though it is really not for her has voraciously tried to embrace it. Frankly she’ll never be able, it’s just not in her makeup though she makes a great slave, it’s not something she “needs”, more a kink in my opinion. Anyway, Tanya is slim as well, 28, with perfect C-cups, so much so they look bought but are natural. About the same height as Sheila maybe 5’ 6-7”, beautiful light brown skin (African American) and absolutely ripped though not large (really a stunning woman absolutely beautiful to a ridiculous degree). Since we’re at it, Shiela has Auburn past her shoulder length hair (my “bois” Kathy and Tanya have theirs kept short), DD boobs store bought like mine (yet mine are MUCH bigger hehehe -weg-) and is a lean fit 39 year old also looking too damn young to suit my beat up self.

Anywayyyyy….At that point Shiela made to sit there Kathy and Tanya stood up, each took up their own collars similar to Shiela’s and began the routine. Collar off, wipe their cunnies with one hand then show them the clean hand. Then on letting them lick the whet hand, and it only took a couple times before when they put the collars back on Thor and Loki were burying their noses in their twats, and swiping at their legs to get them to get lower. Now Kathy when she has special punishment needs does play with animals or more get used by them. Tanya this was still relatively new for, yet having tried to mimic Kathy had played a couple times. Never the less these two massive dogs were a bit of a shock to both. However in short order both were on all fours, and I know Loki found his mark with Tanya right off from her screams, and Kathy after a slight adjustment and a guiding hand bit her lip hard as she looked up to me in shock and initial pain, to all too soon have her eyes roll back in her head trying not to cum.

With that I growled down to Shiela, “Stay, watch…YOUR babies are fucking another woman. Your babies are getting what they need from mere slaves, not someone who loves them. Do not interrupt this, when Thor and Loki are done they’ll stop on their own and Kathy and Tanya know to let them do whatever. Do not move”. That sounds harsh, and frankly I’d not of done it if Shiela had not been taunting them. I also know Shiela has a bit of a jealous streak, and I know it was killing her yet I also know when she gets jealous she corrects why someone is elsewhere. In any case, I knew Moose was pissed and is smart enough to know what was going on. So I went out side and after some pleading had him grudgingly very pissed off tagging along for a walk through the woods.

Now Moose has wanted to fuck me since a pup. Or more so fuck anyone. Naturally he was trained not to go after people, and sadly in all his many years this poor baby born to simply fuck and reproduce has been denied that (and no he’s not fixed, I don’t believe in that instead believing in controlling your pets). Sadly, we really don’t have any non-fixed female dogs here (came to us that way). More so, times just never worked out or I didn’t want him to with certain people who came here who I knew would play. Now I say never, yet I did catch Kathy one time blowing him, and knowing her and feeling bad for him plus in that he is mine, meaning he is her superior, I’m sure she has let him fuck her though she has not told me so must hide it, and he’s smart enough to not let on, and they both know I really didn’t want her doing him in that we’re all family….Yeah maybe dumb but how it is.


Two-way Payback

Anyway, Moose was very angry, very pouting, and finally clearly depressed at the end of our walk about an hour later. When we got back he didn’t even bother trying to go in just giving me a “I hate you” look, and flopping down on the porch. Shiela was where I had left her. Her twat was soaked, yet so were her cheeks and her lips all swollen from biting them. Kathy and Tanya were a wreck, their mouths and pussies covered in cum, scratched all over and to say their cunts were swollen would be an understatement, and they were both worthless till the following Tuesday this week. Thor and Loki lay there on the floor with Kathy and Tanya snoozing, yet most of all however , Shiela had been left 100% out of it, and was now very horny, though rather regretful of it not of having been her. Yet it’s too late for that this day.

Whispering to her to not get Thor and Loki worked up, I told her to get up and lets go. Shiela to say the least was a little hurt yet also as said regretful. However the horny part was what I’d get working and to that end stepping outside we found Moose looking in to see what he missed, then in a huff laying back down. I handed Shiela her collar, and as she raised it up to put it back on I stopped her reminding her of what all of this was about. “I told you, Payback, you owe me, and you know what. Ask him if you should put it on” as I pointed down to Moose. Shiela glared at me though finally looked down and whispered. “Do you have any idea how that feels to have to sit there and watch your babies do that? I’d rather that part hadn’t happened”. My response was simple, “funny you didn’t act that way when you had them fuck me”. Shiela though getting a little too snippy for the game rather quickly lashed back, “well that was different, you have no idea how this made me feel to see someone screwing your baby and you just having to sit there”. Grasping for her chin to turn her to me, I knew I had to get control of her to give Shiela what she wanted yet luckily for me blurted out the right thing to say. “You’re right Shiela, I don’t know. But whether WE like it or not I’m about to find out, aren’t I?”

Now that struck home, and it was true. Shiela was here to do one thing if nothing else and that was to fuck Moose in payback for me fucking her dogs. You could see the realization wash over her face, more so, it re-striking her she was about to feel a dog inside her for the first time, and more so she was about to put a collar on by her choice once more to signal she wanted it. Shiela took a moment, then finally squatted down patting Moose and speaking to him. “Moose, Moose, want this boy?” As she then began to put the collar on. It was priceless, Moose pouting away ignoring her squeezing his eyes shut. I then reminded her of what he had seen inside and to do it that way, and hesitantly out of anticipation Shiela wiped her hand over her sopped cunnie and stuck it up to his nose.

To say his eyes flashed open was an understatement, bugged out and looking to her like he was about to win the lottery yet he remained still. Again Shiela grabbed at the collar and tugged it, and then jammed her hand to his nose once more. That boy jumped up so fast I thought he’d bowl her over. In an instant he was licking her face, running up to me and licking my hand, jumping way off the porch and running in circles, and then back up to her ready to do it right there. He was possessed, I did my best to calm him down yet as I took her leash and began leading her into the woods he just pressed so firm to her thigh lapping at her hand that we could barely walk, the only bad part being about my choice of location all the mosquito spray discreetly placed to keep the bugs off.

As we walked I told Shiela to tell me what had happened while I was gone. As said Thor and Loki had both mounted Kathy and Tanya, yet I guess after I had left Tanya suddenly pressed her chest flat to the floor and her eyes went wide as she screamed he was growing. It seems Loki had locked with Tanya, and this was totally new for her. Frankly I find it hard to imagine as big as the boys were, yet Shiela told me of everything that had happened and clearly that is what had happened. On the other hand, Kathy had very quickly orgasmed unable to fight it off from Thor, and that is something Shiela had never seen fully, and frankly it scared her hehe.

Kathy likes the idea of resisting an orgasm and serving. To her to orgasm is being served, so to that end she exudes a lot of effort to not and is actually quite good at it (sadly my poor tongue says). However, if you know her triggers you can break through her self training, yet in this case it simply was doing something she’d not normally do unless being punished, and quite frankly the dogs actions themselves. When Kathy cums, she instantly slips into a very positive yet very deep sub-space. Her eyes will roll back, she’ll almost shake constantly, she’ll mutter unintelligible words, and you could set off a bomb by her and she’d not even know it for the most part her orgasm non-stop till virtually any sensation has ceased for some time (I actually watched her orgasm for a good 10 minutes with nothing happening to her during yet just before).

In any case, Loki stayed tied with Tanya for a good fifteen minutes, and once free, Thor having long finished with Kathy I guess began sniffing around to see what his brother had done, and in short order was up and tied with Tanya as well. Loki bored tried Kathy, and I guess it went back and for the one more time, the boys having fun yet the gals absolutely ruined for days (in a good way…mostly, hehe).

Slipping into the woods and up the path, eventually I found one of my special spots I had planned on using tonight. I absolutely love this spot and have up to this point have used it just to masturbate in due to Kathy hating being outside, and my only true romantic lover is my husband and he won’t take the time to walk out here. The spot is basically a gully maybe 15’ deep and 8’ wide at its base. Clearly it was formed by the trickle of a spring at its head. The creek it forms maybe 4” deep and only 8” wide so had to have taken thousands of years to form. The entire floor and sides are covered with nothing except a very thick soft moss. Under the moss is just fine sand, my guess being the moss filters all that blows over it yet cannot make use of the sand so there it stays and gets grown over. In many places it looks like large stones of moss that in 15 years have not changed so slow growing and extremely delicate. In contrast there is a slightly different and more durable moss on the floor and sides. Finally, thousands of Trillium bloom upon it’s lip in the spring, and these tiny red buttons of mushrooms sprout up for most of the summer. Lastly, the entire area is heavily shaded by very old growth Oaks and the like. Lots of heavy twisted limbs, vines growing over much of it. I live for the day I can get my husband out there just to fuck me.

Shiela was in awe. Moose was horny and in a rush. So I quite simply grabbed Shiela’s collar and pulled hard to look her in the eyes. “What are you?” “A cum-ditch for beasts Ma’am”. “What’s your name?” “Payback”. “Why is it Payback?” “Because this one is here to service your dog, Moose”, and with that I undid her leash, and told her to go do so.

Now I could go into great detail about how Shiela went into the gully Moose nudging away as they went, and how when she dropped down it took all of two seconds to mount her, push his cock inside, and very quickly lock with her. I could even go on forever about how Moose came in her at least twice before dismounting the first time, how often she orgasmed, how I made her help “clean him up” as he did likewise, to only start again and again Moose mounting her five times and each cumming lord knows how much. Yet at that moment frankly I didn’t even feel horny. My baby was supposedly losing his cherry or at least acting like it, and he has waited so very long to do what he was born to. Add to that my best friend I guess you’d call her was having her first full on experience with a dog, something she had really wanted very badly so a massive step toward living for herself for her. In the end it made me kind of sad for both. Joyous, yet like something for each would be gone forever. Really, every emotion imaginable all crammed into a single thought. Yet I sat there unmoving, silent, expressionless until Moose was done.

Yet that was just the beginning of/for Payback.

After they recouped I naturally went up and petted Moose who has always shown me gratitude even for that which he knows he deserves and is getting anyway. After only I was through with him did I leash up Shiela and begin to lead her out of there. Yet I made her look back at the gully it so beautiful, and the dog laying there lapping at the creek that had just taken her over and over her very first time. Shiela could barely walk, yet it was either that or be dragged as I led her out of the woods and with each step I became more stern. Not out of upset over what had happened, of that I was glad. Yet we had a long evening ahead as Payback was not through……and she would discover what exceeding limits was.


Answers to Questions

As said, Shiela was pretty much a wreck at that point. Now common sense would say, if she had such a positive experience then leave it alone in that from then on she’d wish to do it more. Well that’s true, yet what is not is that I was trying to get Shiela into Bestiality. For the most part I was just wanting to satisfy her curiosity and get her to shut up about it and quit pestering me on the subject. More so, being a pair of old whores it’s a rare thing to be able to one up our experiences. Well, she had just experienced something she never had in her life, so chalk one up for me. Better still it was very positive, and most of all though will be hard for many here to relate to, it was something that was now just hers, an experience she made happen, for her, about her. That said, most of all to me it meant Moose getting to use his V-card (at least to my knowledge). So up to this point it was a win, win all around.

Shiela would have been more then happy to have it all end right there. As I walked and she stumbled back, Moose’s cum covering her cheeks and washing down her legs, Shiela muttered on about how satisfied she was, how tired, how sleepy, how sore, blah, blah, blah. She had no idea what sore was and was about to find out as my only response kept coming in the form of “Shut up, keep moving”. In our time knowing each other I had seen Shiela without exaggeration fuck and suck for an entire weekend non-stop. Playing for a number of hours then sleeping in a heap for a one or two, right back at it, on and on till finally she had outlasted everyone, done everyone, and done about everything you can do with another human ten times over in a single sitting. I’ve also on a couple of instances utilized her as a “Party Pig”. Basically more a BDSM thing, bound up so every orifice is accessible, and if someone gets the urge there is the cum-ditch to relieve your needs in or on. So all her complaining I knew was just BS wanting to savor the moment is all and to test me and my resolve.

Upon reaching the out buildings I walked Shiela directly into the unused end of the stables. Once there, and having wanted to use that spot specifically for its dirt floor, I used the ropes and clasps used for securing a horse by his bridal for bathing and the like along with some wrist and ankle cuffs I had put out there to basically leave her standing spread eagle in the alley way facing away from the main entrance. At this point here we have six or seven horses left. Don’t ask me their names, what kind they are, what they eat, how to care for them, any of that as I don’t know. Frankly, I have no interest in riding, really no interest in Horses at all and have nothing to do with them. All of these those that my husband years ago picked up as investments, or took on when someone asked if he could take it off their hands even having a rather large set up built for them. Yet for all intensive purposes these things live their days being cared for, fed, playing in the pasture, crapping and sleeping and past that little more. No one rides them, why we still keep them I have no idea, yet I guess they’re here till their dying day unless someone wants one bad enough to take it. They live a very fine life. Call it horse heaven.

Anywho, Joan and Melanie along with a couple guys hired to just take care of them mind the horses. To that end though not kept for that reason, Joan and Mel do indeed use the horses for some extra-curricular fun, and have assisted a few others who come here when they wish to try such. They are the experts, not me, and yes before you ask I have a couple times experienced them as well under Joan and Melanie’s assistance when specifically my husband became curious about seeing such. Not really my bag, not bad experiences, yet nothing I’d pick as something to do. So it was Joan and Melanie having vast experience with these beasts that I counted on to handle them. Frankly I’d just be lost and end up getting stomped to death.

To that end, I began making my little phone calls. First to the cabin to tell Kathy and Tanya they could take the dogs into the house and to try and get Moose to come along. Next to the house itself to notify Jack, Melanie, Joan, Ron, Rob and finally my husband to come out, and finally into the bar to have them send me out a couple drinks. As we waited, Shiela continued with her whining. Simple enough to fix. A few strikes with a riding crop, a couple light slaps, a kiss given in the form of kissing my own palm then spitting in it and making her clean it off, and in short order Shiela was telling me she was a cum-ditch for beasts once more, her name was Payback, and Payback was a bitch.

Soon enough everyone had gathered and in short order they were picking over her various marks of sex with Moose. A scraped knee here, cum on her and dripping out of her there, scratches there and there. Lots of comments, lots of poking, prodding, you name it all in the name of humbling her further and beating down any resistance. All that is except my husband who as always hung to the back just watching once he finally arrived. At that point I was out for the moment, this now Melanie and Joan’s show, their husbands and Jack helping out and the “cleansing” began.

Whether true or not I can’t say, yet Joan and Mel informed Shiela she’d have to be bathed as the scent of Moose would scare the horses. Almost instantly they gagged her, and then out came the hose (though the water is heated so not cold), and I suppose pretty much like they’d do a horse yet with softer brushes and the like scrubbed her down inside and out and even toward the end with Shiela’s knees buckled hanging there, even scrubbed out her mouth and made her spit a number of times. Actually they worked her over fairly good, it very clear from the lack of fight in her eyes after. At that point after drying her off the job the guys got, Joan and Melanie had left for a few moments to go outside. Why I can only guess at as I don’t know, didn’t ask, don’t care to know, yet assume one of the mares was in heat or season or whatever you call it, as they both came back in with large rags they began swabbing Shiela down with from her knees to her shoulders with what I can only guess was maybe pussy juice from a mare. I know it must of smelled as Shiela cranked her head back fearing they’d get it on her face, and within short order a number of the horses in their stalls were making all sorts of noises and kicking the walls.


Shock and Awe

Finally let down, Shiela kneeled on the floor for a bit recuperating. However, all of the stalling would not stop the inevitable and finally Joan and Melanie with everyone else following along led Shiela down the alley to one of the lead stalls. As everyone waited outside, Rob and Ron slipped in closing the door behind them and as they did Shiela sank back to the floor looking over at me as Joan removed her gag. Once out Shiela still looking at me I asked her flatly “What are you still?” The still as her and I both know a chance for her to back out giving a different answer so discreet, yet her response was clear “This one is a cum-ditch Ma’am for beasts”. Her words sounding pathetic and broken, yet frankly the glint in her eye was one of tremendous anticipation and excitement. She wanted this. Doesn’t mean that she wasn’t scared or nervous, and it doesn’t mean even that she had planned it. Yet Shiela had asked often enough about beasts other then dogs, horses, donkeys and the like specifically that I knew she was curious. Some of the other animals I had been forced to be with not so much, yet whether simply because we had horses there, their size or whatever, she had asked enough she was about to find out and I for once would get the show vs. being the focus of it.

When Rob and Ron stepped out what I saw was suddenly all too clear again I myself having been with this very same horse under Joan and Melanie’s help for my husband. He even recognized it from his little nudge to me to remind me. Here was one of the “regular horses”. Yeah, yeah, all I know is they’re either thoroughbred and will kick the crap out of you or one of the regular ones. His front and rear legs had been hobbled, and one of the rear was attached by a lead to the wall. He was clearly very antsy as he had done this many times before and knew what was coming as not only his shifting about made it obvious yet all his sniffing, licking, sounds and finally a just beginning to grow cock showing. The other horses as well were going nuts and at that point Melanie lifted Shiela up and led her to the horse for him to sniff at.

Now at this point I cannot tell you what happened from seeing it. By this time my hand was rubbing my husband’s own horse cock through his pants, and turning to face him slowly slipping down glancing up to him just brought a wicked smile from his lips as I kneeled in front of him and began to reel out his cock to blow him. However, all of this routine of Joan and Melanie’s except the bathing I had experienced before. So it is my guess they were pretty set in how things were done and how to make it happen, so from this point on though I’ll tell it as though happening to Shiela, I’m really recounting what happened to me the routine so set.

The horse used to this and especially Joan and Melanie (and I don’t know a single one of the horse’s names so can’t use it) rather quickly had him raring to go. Sniffing, snorting and lip curling as he smelled over Shiela, he was further aggravated by Joan rubbing the cloth over his nose as Melanie guided Shiela down to her knees at one side, only to watch the horses cock extending and bouncing more and more each moment. While Rob controlled his head, Ron had actually stepped and his hoof to the side Shiela was on. Though hobbled and tethered, better to be safe then sorry I suppose as Melanie scooted Shiela closer and Joan joined them. Taking her hands, they mover hers to rub over the horses balls and cock the first Shiela had ever touched in her entire life, yet this would be no gentle exploration, as while I sucked and stroked my husbands cock, even over the din of the horses I could hear Joan say “hold it like that, now open, wider, open your mouth wider” and could then clearly hear a slurping sound and a slight gag or choking.

As Shiela would suckle and lap at the horses ever growing cock, Joan and Melanie would help adding their skilled hands to the mix rubbing over his balls and shaft and when needed guiding Shiela’s to make an end happen. The horse was becoming louder making sounds that frankly are almost frightening. The other horse snorting and kicking, whinnies and all sorts of sounds as suddenly I heard Joan say “there you go, take it back in, get ready, move your head” as all of a sudden the horse made a low grunting sound that was hard to describe, and even over my own sudden gag surprised by my husbands load catching me off guard as he came in my mouth, I could hear Shiela’s choking gag as the horse filled her mouth with cum, and Melanie say “keep going” as all the men themselves groaned and commented on the spectacle they saw.

As Shiela continued to help the horse finish his orgasm, so I as well continued to finish off my husbands till he pumped no more of his cum into me, and all things slowed to a throbbing end slowly slipping his cock from my mouth and looking up to find him pleased. Slowly I pivoted round on my knees to see Shiela doing the same thing. The horse still snorting, the men suddenly excitedly talking, Joan and Melanie still guiding in words though now soothing, yet here Shiela and I sat on our feet kneeling, and through my own half closed eyes I was blatantly reminded of my experience here with this very same horse just by the sight of her.

Shiela was covered in sweat, and that which wasn’t was a tremendous amount of pre-cum covering her cheeks, neck and shoulders. She sat there slumped slightly panting, her mouth half open simply to breathe, yet also because it was fully coated and still partially filled. Her chin, breasts and all the way down her belly washing over her cunnie and thighs was a thick vast amount of horse cum, and she just sat there flushed bright red, looking totally spent and exhausted not even trying to wipe any of it away. Ah yes, I remember all of that, and though she was totally wiped out and humbled, as she looked back at me I myself smacking my own lips and pressing the cum on my tongue to the roof of my mouth looking much like her sans the mess, she never the less pressed out the slightest of smiles, as though having accomplished something amazing. Yet Shiela was only half done with the horses.


Biggest Ever

Later on Shiela told me how that was the most cum she had ever seen in her life. The most to ever fill her mouth and cover her body, and more so the largest cock she had ever wrapped her lips around. Yet Shiela though we have both been with some rather well endowed men, and now both of us dogs, was about to experience the largest real cock she would ever experience plundering and fucking her into mindless oblivion. Now it may all seem as though Joan and Melanie were forcing things and ruining the experience. Fact of the matter is without them it would be a fools bumbling. At that moment kneeling there Shiela was pliable, unresisting, and so it was without hesitation that Joan said to Rob and Ron to go get _____ ready.

As Rob and Ron moved off, Melanie un-hobbling the horse, Joan guided Shiela out of the stall as Jack stepped up and began beaming running his hand over Shiela’s soaked hair. He didn’t ask yet she reacted, her mouth still filled with the horses cum she either wouldn’t spit or swallow and covered with it, and she as I had my husband reflexively pulled out his already hard cock and began sucking upon it clumsily. Just a teaser it turned out as Joan had other ideas, as soon as Melanie had closed the stall door, both she and Joan lifted up Shiela leaving her as is Jack’s cock popping out of her mouth and almost had to carry her a couple stalls down to an already open door and already this other horse was becoming aroused by scented rags being dragged over his nose. Hobbled like the last his cock already slightly showing, Shiela foolishly not remembering the last just moments before mumbled out “I can do that” seeing the horses cock in a just barely aroused state.

All of this I remembered so well, yet more so it struck me how Shiela was about to be in for a huge shock. Now don’t get me wrong, just about any woman with a few years on can take a horse’s cock if well lubed or whet enough. Shiela would have no problem there, though naturally no human able to take the length, the girth though a stretch is doable. It is there that Joan and Melanie would help most of all. Getting a horse inside you is one thing, being able to get it hard and work it to orgasm quite another. In actuality you really can get barely any in proportionally, and how a woman could ever please a horse alone is beyond me (as I know even though it is Melanie and Joan’s thing they and their husbands help one another).

Shiela wasn’t even moving on her own, I’m sure if she felt anything like me at this point she was like jelly and she had already experienced a full day with Moose and her boys. Never the less she was moved up for the horse to sniff and push, and then bent over and moved back as Joan pulled Jack in to help hold her up by her shoulders and give her something to brace onto. I know Shiela wasn’t thinking, as in a moment she had Jack’s cock in her mouth again as Joan and Melanie worked behind her. Though at this point I could not see real well, I could tell and remember how they did with me that they were rubbing the horses cock over her cunt and then still semi-soft were pushing it in. Shiela’s eyes grew wide at first and she grunted over Jacks cock yet quickly settled back in softly rocking back and forth. However in an instant her eyes opened wide again and she now looked in a panic scrambling to grab Jack’s hips, and just as fast Joan began pushing upon Shiela to move forward while gripping her thigh, and you could see the horses cock growing dramatically.

It struck me that’s how I must of looked, almost shocking yet I didn’t get much time to think about it as my Husband moved me to a better position to view, and then without hesitation bent me over a saddle on a saw horse me wondering what was going on. It didn’t take long to find out, my husband rather hefty in the cock department as he set the tip to my cunt and pushed. Now I take great pride in the fact that to date everyone who has sex with me says I eat pussy the best, suck cock better then any other, and am the greatest fuck on the planet. My skills may have come from unwanted sources, yet at least all that negative experience added up to something positive. That said my husband by vast margins is the greatest lover I have ever known. Though I’m sure some of it mental, he knows how to use what he has got wherein most endowed men have no idea thinking size is all that counts, and all he does on top of it just sends you into orbit, all women, not one has ever complained I know of….and suddenly it struck me, “Oh yeah, I forgot about me!”



As my husband began plowing me also reaching under and rolling and mashing my clit being extra firm suiting his actions to the situation, Shiela had begun to yell over Jack’s cock in her mouth as she gripped his hips hard and had to struggle to not gag as she was pushed forward upon it. She had a look of pure panic in her eyes, and I could see why. The cock in her cunt had grown from perhaps the diameter of a hung mans cock to the size of a coke can. Shiela was trapped, she couldn’t move back yet she couldn’t move forward. Eventually Jack backed up more, yet that only helped her gagging as she was most definitely filled with the largest cock of her life. Shiela’s legs had begun to shake badly, so much so she looked like she might collapse any second. Joan however set her shoulder under Shiela’s belly to support her, that arm clearly reaching under and stroking down the underside of the horse’s cock and as I found out later her heel and fingers raking over Shiela’s clit as well and pulling at her thigh to mover her forward as she’d lean in with her shoulder and push her back. Melanie was also obviously working the massive cock and balls from the back as well, all while Rob and Ron kept the beast from trying to lunge too much with little success.

Then it happened and seeming almost all at once. Jack suddenly yelled out and I could tell from Shiela trying to push him back a little he was filling her already used mouth with his cum causing her eyes to slightly close yet only for a second. As he pulled back and out Shiela gripping his hips for dear life, Joan shouted over all the sounds for Shiela to push back harder and began slamming Shiela up and down on the horses cock the little that could go in as her arm under worked furiously. Besides the horse making a horrific sound, suddenly Joan pushed Shiela back I guess as far as she could or dared which caused Shiela’s eyes to scrunch, yet just as fast they went wide and she yelled out “Oh gawd its…..!” in a gurgling throaty tone as her head snapped back and she yanked Jack to her and yelled out at the top of her lungs some unintelligible word.

Clearly the horse had begun to cum in her, and as it did be it Joan’s handiwork or just the fact her cunt was being filled with horse cum Shiela orgasmed as well violently. Shiela couldn’t ride it out collapsing and Joan couldn’t hold her up as she dropped to the floor shuddering and shaking violently her arms slipping down Jacks legs to his feet and the last to fall was her rump still aimed up at the massive cock she had been impaled upon as it continued to gush on her ass and up her back. It was truly a sight to behold, one I myself barely was able to witness as just as it all happened my Husband slammed into me and grunted as he gripped my clit and twisted it causing me to orgasm hard as well something I had needed all day. As I came whether closing my eyes or going black I can’t say, yet when they fluttered open there was Shiela still on the floor shaking now her back and rump as covered with cum as her front was. Jack was in shock, and the rest were simply soothing and calming the horse as his long cock hung and twitched over Shiela her rump so far up in the air it was brushing over it.

To say it was a spectacle would be a vast understatement, everyone holding their positions for some time until the horse began to shuffle and try and shake its bonds. At that point Joan and Melanie with absolutely wicked knowing smirks dragged Shiela out to the alley floor as Jack just stood there in shock them leaving him inside as they closed the stall door. Shiela just lay there twitching, gasping, most likely unwilling to move my guess her twat all out of sorts and most definitely her orgasm had wrecked her. I myself couldn’t move as well my orgasm having been tremendous, and then I felt it, that all too familiar feeling of my Husbands hand softly stroking down my back as he slowly pulled out his cock leaving me with that massive void feeling, his way of signaling he was going back to work…-sigh-.

Eventually the guys came out of the stall and Rob and Ron helped the girls up them all looking very smug and proud of themselves as they all headed to the bathroom to clean up leaving Shiela laying there where she was and that left Jack just standing there, mouth agape just staring down at Shiela and I laying over the saddle unable to move at the moment myself. Jack was so stunned, when he did finally move and speak it was to come over to me and ask if Shiela was okay. Though slurring my words I recall telling him “how bout we shove a horse cock up his ass and he tell me”. As Shiela slowly began to stir, I pushed myself up and staggered my way to her sitting down next to her. My hand setting on her shoulder caused her head to turn and her eyes just barely slits tried to focus upon me as she muttered out appropriately “hoarsely”, “oh my gawd” and nothing more. We sat there like that for a good fifteen minutes her covered in cum, her mouth awash in it from the horse before and Jack, and my husbands two loads still tasted on my tongue and ebbing from my twat. The worm had definitely turned for Shiela.


A Slave’s Punishment for Payback

When she was finally able to move her coochie worked over like it never had been, both Moose and the horse having both exceeded her experience and possibly even limits, I knew Shiela would be getting stiff and slowly raised her up to get her moving though she’d not rise above sitting for the moment. All she could say for the longest time was “oh my gawd” to everything I asked. More so while she did her hands lazily dragged through the horse cum, it not even drying much from the humidity. Growing tired of asking if she was okay, was she hurt, did she need anything and only getting “oh my gawd” back in reply, I finally hooked a finger in her collar and shook her, and phrased it in a different tone. “Shiela, girl, what are you?” Her response after a long breath and sigh clear though weakly stated, “Ma’am this (one is) a cum-ditch”. Actually I was surprised, yet she had been through a lot and I didn’t want her to feel she had to continue on with our game as by all rights she had, had enough.

“Shiela, are you through teasing your babies and pestering me?” She responded softly though clearer this time. “Yes Ma’am, this one will not again. If, then I’ll, mean this one will wear its collar”. I have to say I was impressed, not only was Shiela trying to stick to the game which I was more then ready to be over, she was trying best she could to use the right words. What stunned me though was her question following. “Ma’am?” “Yes Shiela?” “What is this one to do next? I’m….its not sure it can serve the babies yet”. Okay, well I was now floored. To just ask what was next wouldn’t mean she really was willing to do more. Yet to put a condition upon it said to me at least she either thought she was supposed to, or maybe felt she needed to. More so, she was speaking the way Kathy does. Oh sure, she kind of did at such times, yet she was saying it with that absolutely submitting resolve that I only really knew Kathy to have.

“Shiela, tell me clear, and be absolutely positive. Who and what are you, STILL?” When I asked that her lower lip started to quiver, and suddenly she blurted out though started to cry, “Ma’am this one is a cum-ditch to animals not even as good as one, this one is Payback and I’m so sorry I kept bothering you I just wanted to know so bad cause you have done this and I wanted to know and I’ve been wanting to but just couldn’t and I’m so sorry I teased my babies I’ll never do it again if I do I’ll wear my collar and…” She kept on and on spilling her guts and sobbing. Now that may shock some of you here. In contrast such times are very common. They can come when someone has an orgasm just the right way, hell any escort can tell you that as countless times you’ll have to hold some weeping giant man as he sobs like a baby. In BDSM it happens even more often, much of it tearing down the walls we build for ourselves and shedding the burden of caged desires no matter how twisted. I can’t begin to count the times you spank someone, bind them up, force them to do outrageous things that after the fact they break down…Though joyously having freed themselves often after a lifetime of suppressing it.

Once she settled down and the sobbing became sniffles her crying even getting Jack sniffling I asked her if she had always wanted to try animals again and had missed it. Shiela stated no, that only began after that day with me over. Yet since, she had wanted to badly yet that was not why she was crying. Now Shiela just like me knows about the above and people breaking down, I guess she just never experienced it herself much and part of that was her having a type of sub-space wash over her which she found good but overwhelming. Without all the game and acting, I asked her plainly if she was done now. Shiela just shook her head looking down and said point blank “No. No Ma’am, I should be punished”.

Well I was surprised, more so in what she said next when I told her to tell me what would a fitting punishment be. To that she mumbled, so I asked her again telling her to speak up, her response clear was “Kathy”. To that I shook my head and told her directly that “Kathy will not punish you, she is a slave and it would make her very upset to have to”. Instantly she corrected me by screeching out, “No like Kathy when she needs to be punished badly!” I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing as she knew what that meant. Kathy when she feels she deserves punishment to an extreme, it always self imposed mostly for feeling superior or even peer to someone or whatever, will do something I mentioned above which makes her feel low, as low as she can get taking great pride in being a slave. A slave to a human. That being the very model I used for this entire bit of play we just had. A cum-ditch for beasts. Kathy hates the outdoors, really does not like animals at all though she loves Moose and “my” other a female dog, and basically if she lived in Manhattan or Tokyo never even seeing a bird she’d be thrilled. So when Kathy really feels she needs to be punished for something she feels is very bad, she’ll have me cast her out with the dogs and will let them do with her what they will.

Yes she just played with Shiela’s dogs, however due to me telling her to. Yes I caught her with Moose before, and suspect she may have done more. Yet, she did that in that she felt that was serving him, therefor serving me as to Kathy it is more important that he was happy and his needs met then her own. This is what Shiela was asking for, to be cast out into the kennels and to truly be a cum-ditch for the dogs. Not really our pets mind you, yet the dogs we use for hunting, security and so on all toll maybe 20 of various large working and hunting breeds and all but four female…and those female were fixed already when we got them and do not take crap from the males.

Now I’m no fool. For Shiela this was going to be nothing mentally and emotionally like it is for Kathy. For Kathy it is a crushing and humiliating experience, more so if she cannot help herself and orgasm then she feels very trashy and low, and lastly will stay out there until feeling purged. Shiela on the other hand I suspect was simply over indulging or perhaps over compensating to a manic degree. After what Moose gave her alone I would have been done. More so the Horses especially on top of it. So I think she was either just really cutting loose, or perhaps for the moment was just a little off bubble. What I was sure of however was that to refuse her would mean she would walk away from this short of finishing what she felt she started, and that would mean when she’d reflect and make decisions, she’d make them based on feeling cheated, not an honest appraisal. So to that end, I tied her leash to a column and told her to stay and for Jack to not clean her up.

In all honesty I myself had enough already that day. A lot of tension, the play taking it out of both parties. Yet if this is what she wanted then so be it, let her either embrace it, or burn it out of her.


Payback’s Final Plunge

Walking into the house more then anything I wanted a shower and to sleep a bit, unfortunately that was not to be. Making my way to my rooms I found Kathy and Tanya asleep on the floor with Thor and Loki. Not that they had more sex, simply that I had told them to take them in, so all had eaten and then simply fell asleep. I hated waking up Kathy, yet I wanted some help and frankly who better. Tapping her shoulder she rose up and when I motioned for her to join me she cocked her head questioning what I was doing. Not wanting the dogs woke up most of all and a little irritated as it stood, I explained it to her in a way that “she” appreciates. Grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her up as I marched her out of the room silently and then pushed her toward the steps. We didn’t stop on the main floor however as she expected, another shove having not spoken yet and down to the basement level till we reached the dungeon where most of the heavy BDSM play goes on.

Though I’m sure she thought I was in some mood wanting to work something out on her, instead she found me grabbing up this that and the other pieces of clothing and gear tossing it into her arms, and another pull of her hair had her heading out to the kennels with me. Instantly I could see terror in her eyes. Never had I ever made her be punished in her own private and personal style. Her panicked question of “why are we here?” was instantly met with an expression of fury and without a word spoken Kathy had dropped to her knees realizing if I had intended on telling her would of done so already. “Stay” my only response as I stormed off in the heat of the early evening to fetch Shiela.

Now truth be told, I really expected Shiela to go into the kennels, get sniffed at or ignored and then eventually just fall asleep after the day she had experienced. However, being I would not be there and more so encourage Jack not to be, I felt it best if just in case we protected her a bit. Once I came upon Shiela and Jack, I noticed Jack hand her a cup of water she had asked for and luckily reached her just before she set it to her lips in time to knock it from her hand as I grabbed for her hair and pulled her low pinning her with my knee to her shoulders, and undid the leash moving off quickly. If Shiela wanted the Kathy experience, she’d get it but just “somewhat”.

Jack was surprised, Shiela was stunned, yet as I yanked at the leash telling her “move your lazy ass cum-ditch” she quickly fell into the submissive role once more. Though the rough treatment surprised her, seeing Kathy there really did mostly in the regard that though wanting to play Kathy, she didn’t I’m sure want to be scrutinized by her. Never the less once to Kathy I stopped her with a hand to her filthy chest having not yet bathed, and a quick light smack to her cheek along with “stand!” meaning to put her hands behind her neck and part her feet wide had her slowly beginning to shiver in anticipation. Jack as said though surprised you could tell however was getting a little excited. He had seen her with a horse and now I’m sure he expected to see her with a bunch of dogs sexually mauling her into oblivion. As said though I doubted it would go anywhere.

As Shiela stood there I gestured for Kathy to get up and begin helping me get Shiela dressed. Now Kathy when doing this does so absolutely naked, part of her own conditions being that she must submit so fully to the dogs that she not get scratched or nipped as might happen if you struggled at all, or resisted (as in such a group they can get a little rambunctious) and therefor demands she move, position and posture perfectly or ends up coming back to me “shamed” that being a mark on her. Shiela however didn’t know that, and frankly these dogs not trying to harm her could accidentally, tear her up pretty bad. To that end I had decided to dress her in a leather sensory depravation outfit of sorts.

The outfit consisted of a pair of thick leather pants that has numerous straps and D-rings on it to make every inch of it tight. However it also has two removable panels, one to expose the bottom fully and abdomen making them like chaps, the other over that which exposes just the genitals and anus and due to the cut of the first panel tends to pull your bottom’s cheeks apart. That panel I left off. The next piece is basically a heavy leather jacket which will attach to the pants, same straps to make it tight, long sleeves and a high collar, yet has a panel to expose the breasts which just for the heck of it left that off and I knew she’d get very hot in the outfit so it might help keep her cool. Now I had also considered a hood, though knew I’d keep her feet and hands exposed, yet at the last I just called that good not using the hood, yet did one last thing Shiela had not considered. Dipping my fingers into the jar of thick lubricant I brought (think Vaseline yet is not petroleum based), I jammed it into her butt crack and then forced as much as I could up her anus. Shiela jumped and asked why I was doing that. To that I simply responded, “Shut up, you’ll find out why I protect you when the first dog fucks your ass by accident”. She had not planned on that, yet here was Shiela now dressed with only her head, hands, breasts, cunnie, anus and feet exposed, covered still in horse cum inside this hot suit. Yanking her leash I simply said “Heel”.

Now let me describe the kennels in that they’re not quite what you may expect. Essentially it is an enclosed building, heated and air conditioned to keep it comfortable for the dogs in winter and summer and during such times is a huge energy eater in that there is a lot of fresh air circulated through. There is a large main room which is perhaps 30×30 feet in size and has an indoor/outdoor carpet which is replaced annually though the kennels are cleaned twice a week. Within that room there are a number of carpeted obstacles, platforms and large pillows, and it has windows looking in at the end we were entering along with a door, and just an arch at the other. In the next room maybe 10×30’ there is a circulating water trough at one end so they always have fresh water, also a trough for dry food which they all share at the other. Also all of their wet food is served in individual bowls there once a day. The next room through another arch which is about 15×30’ there are enclosed single dog beds (think of doghouses as they have no door), and above them are long pads if the dogs want to lay on top. Now at the far end of that there are 3 layers of bug curtains supplemented with air curtains and that leads outdoors.

The dogs are free to come and go as they wish. Though most when not working actually prefer to be in the kennel area as I think it makes them feel secure in that it is theirs. Never do they ever go to the bathroom in there. When they need to go they either go just outside in a little fenced off paddock type of area which is cleaned daily, or they in some cases mostly the hunting dogs will head to the woods next to it. The kennels are spotless, well taken care of, and the dogs damn well cared for beyond many. For most their routine is simple. The guard dogs are either taken on walks of which some prefer this others don’t and are never leashed instead obeying commands. Those that don’t like patrolling with someone from security tend to do so on their own. Quite often not seen for a day or two in that they enjoy protecting their territory, so will often go to this point or that, and spend their day watching and enjoying being outdoors. The hunting/sporting dogs tend to spend their time out in the woods around the property yet never past its borders. So for all intensive purposes the dogs come and go as they please, food, water and a clean place for them to stay when they choose, a perfect life for a working dog.

Now as to the dogs themselves, all are larger breeds in that we don’t have much use for smaller. In all I’d guess there are seven or so different breeds, yet for the most part they all get along and do their jobs without issue (though I don’t spend much time with them on a personal level). In any case, I led Shiela through the door and into the kennel with Kathy tagging along Jack watching from the window. Instantly the dogs inside just about rushed Kathy, she however just squeaked out a firm “no, no” and for the most part they backed down. At that point she saddled close to me and whispered “Ma’am, Miss Shiela should not be here, she will get hurt”. In that Kathy was the only one of us that had any experience here, at that point torn between not having Shiela be injured by any of this, yet in kind knowing if she did not do this she’d be regretful, I told Kathy to speak up yet did so in a way that I felt best.

“You, down” as I pulled at Shiela’s leash till it was at the floor, then stood on it and pulled up until Shiela’s face was at our feet. “Kathy, speak up, let this cum-ditch lower then even dogs, you even her better hear what you have to say. Do it now!” Now that might seem ridiculous, yet as said Kathy truly embraces her chosen lifestyle. To ask her to tell anyone anything, to offer up advice to one she wishes to feel is superior makes her very uncomfortable. So in ordering her, yet in kind stating that Shiela for the moment was her lesser, it allows her to speak freely comfortably. It may seem like a lot of ridiculous game playing to most here, yet for Kathy it is a very serious way of living (of which I respect her greatly for I myself could never do so).

Though slightly uncomfortable, Kathy spoke in clear tones. “Miss Shiela, these dogs can be very mean. If they want you they will make you do things that hurt badly. No one can stop them, even Mr. Tom tried to stop them one time with me and they wouldn’t let him near. Please Miss do not do this it can be very bad”. At that point Kathy began shuffling a bit which meant she had already said more then she thought she should. So at that point I yanked at the leash pulling Shiela’s face tight to my foot and added my two cents. “You hear that you filthy whore? These dogs will tear you apart and once it starts you can’t leave. Kathy, how long were you here the last time, and how long had you intended?” Kathy hung her head when answering, for as said this was for her a great shame. “Three days Ma’am, half of a day expected”. At that point I wanted a final answer. “You hear that cum-ditch? Three days of rape non stop or at least held captive, over and over and if you resist, they’ll tear apart everything uncovered, your face, tits, cunt and ass, even your hands and feet. Tell me now, Shiela….., think, yet tell me now”.

Shiela didn’t say anything for a moment and I was just about to call it all quits as playing a game is one thing, experiencing extreme things with controls alright too, yet this quite another and just as I was about to say lets go, Shiela spoke up. “Ma’am, I, this one wants to do this, I need to do this, if Kathy can then I can!” All the I’s eliciting a yank of the leash as I was getting tired of this, yet so be it, if Shiela wanted to play for keeps, let her she’s a big girl. At that point I lifted my foot and roughly pulled up on the leash to get her to stand. “Fine, you want it, it’s on your head. From here on you don’t get off your hands and knees, you can lay down but you crawl” to which I kicked at the back of her knees softly to make them buckle. Instantly Shiela began setting terms, and that was not going to happen I actually beginning to lose my temper. “Kay, I need to go to the bathroom first and get a drink”. I was not even going to bother with the I’s and even using my name at this point as in my mind the game had changed, and I didn’t like it worried about her over indulging.

“Fine heel”. First thing I did was take her into the feeding room. When she started to stand putting my foot to her shoulders only telling her “down”. I walked her right up to the water trough, the water there actually flowing so well I’d even drink out of it, yet Shiela didn’t know this and when I told her to drink, she looked at me like I was nuts. My response simple. Handful of hair, turn her head down, and pressed her face to the water. “Drink damn you, you want to do this, want to do it like Kathy, then drink…Or don’t drink and it ends”. Whether she could tell I was getting mad or really feared it ending in either case in a couple of seconds I heard a slurp, and when she said thank you that’s all she wanted, I told her to drink more till I said stop. Having had her drink, time for her to get her other demand. Into the bedding area, out to the paddock through the curtains, “there all in here go to the bathroom out here, be quick”. Now I know Shiela, squatting outdoors is not her bag. She likes comfortable seats, lots of toilet paper, sinks and the like. Yet when she started to protest my hand pulled back had her quickly saying okay, and when she was done taking her piss absolutely humiliated, back in we went.


Reality Bites

After leading her back in, I considered having Kathy watch her a bit while I showered off. Frankly she was getting wigged out in the regard that the dogs kept pestering her, and more so this was her private place of punishment. So at that point I told Kathy to go back to bed and thanked her, it obvious she wanted badly to protest Shiela being there yet bit her tongue, so sent her along and laid out firm ground rules for Shiela. “Do not get off all fours except to lay down. Do whatever the dogs make you or they will get aggressive and bite you. Keep your knees wide while on all fours or the dogs will claw to climb up, and if a dog pulls you one way you go, if two pull you opposite ways good luck. Lastly, if they get too out of hand cover your face and try to make it out. This is really dumb Shiela, you’re taking this too far”. As I walked out I told Jack to watch over her from out here, and if she got into trouble don’t try to help her but come get me as I’d be in the shower outside by the pool and then stormed off.

I had really had enough that day. All I wanted was to grab a drink and sit in the tub, yet now I’d be forced to baby sit Shiela for at least a couple hours more. What I figured was, the stink from the horses would put the dogs off. Sure they knew that they could fuck a human, yet only knowing Shiela from seeing her on the grounds would probably just think she was in their domain so just an intrusion as they were used to others being in there. Lastly, she was not Kathy, more so dressed somewhat. So for all intensive purposes I figured it would be a couple hours of sitting watching her crawl around on all fours, and that would be that, if she wanted more, she could go home and fuck her dogs.

Yeahhhhh right. Having never received my first set of drinks I went into the house by the pool drinking one down rather quickly then having another poured meandered out to the showers on the back porch and sipped on the second as I let the hot water flow over me. It couldn’t of been even thirty minutes before I faintly heard “Kay, Kay” being shouted, and then saw Jack running up to where I was telling me to come quick there Shiela was in trouble. –Sigh-….

Left the shower running (and my drink! Gads!) bolting down to the kennels yet what I discovered later this is what I had missed. Apparently, the dogs there roughly eight for the most part would approach Shiela, sniff around and once recognizing her at most lick at her face, yet the majority just go about their business not really all that social with the people here. However wouldn’t you know it, Moose who I had not considered not being up in my room like I told Kathy and Tanya to do had walked into the kennels and upon spotting Shiela instantly gravitated to her. Naturally Shiela was thrilled, Jack even mentioning when telling me all this how Shiela had looked to him and beamed, then mouthed “watch”. Sure enough it just took Moose a few seconds, and he was up on Shiela fucking away, and even once more tied with her sending Shiela off into puppy lust heaven.

Now that’s all good and fine till you consider there in that situation it is equivalent to me walking into a men’s prison where they see no women and suddenly announcing as some guy starts plowing me “I’m here to fuck any and all cummers, come-n-get it”. Well, I’m sure to the dogs there normally devoid of sex that’s exactly what it was like. Some bitch in heat they didn’t realize was, and here she is squalling like some cat getting laid it simply alerted them all. Once Moose pulled out of her, I guess it was just a matter of seconds before another had taken his place, and when that one was done and another began to jump up that’s when the problems started.

As the third began to jump up, one of the others began to go after him I suppose thinking he was higher in the pack order and a minor fight broke out. Shiela having no concept of canine manners, turned round and foolishly tried to break them up. Bad plan. What to most folks looks like a vicious fight usually is no more then a lot of fierce growling and barking and at the most some wet necks from the other dog soft mouthing it never really clamping down. Her reaching out not to control but calm ended up having both grab an arm (good thinking on the thick leather huh) going after her, and sure enough as that happened another dog tried mounting her. Shiela now being threatened and fucked, I guess Moose felt protective and being the big Alpha he is charged in, slammed into the dog fucking her sending it flying with a horrible yelp, then tore into the two pulling at Shiela causing them to back off….all because clearly it was his turn again so proceeded to jump up and start banging away.

At that point Shiela was screaming for help, Jack tried to go into stop it all, yet the dogs I guess backed him right out of there as he put it “they were trying to kill me!” (lol, they didn’t even touch him) and at that point he ran for me. Hard to say what happened in between. My guess, probably one of the others tagged Shiela too, yet by the time we got back Jack stated there were a “LOT” more dogs in there then before. Meaning probably 2-3 hehe. Anyway, when I opened the door here was Shiela with one of the Shepard’s plowing away at her and clearly locked/tied, and one of the Rots who obviously had just jumped up trying to hump her (not trying to get head) was over her shoulders his forelegs tight under her arms and his dick was pounding into the side of her face. However, as I came in a couple of the dogs went for me (to fend me off) not realizing who I was, one I backed down in a flash by barring my teeth and shouting to “get back” and when the second didn’t move Moose again became this time pissed and hammered him good (My baby).

Now frankly even in a panic I realized there was nothing I could do to help Shiela at that second. The only thing I could think of before he got angry was to grab her jaw and open her mouth as the sooner that dog was done the sooner it would be over and sure enough his cock popped right in and then he moved seriously obviously cumming and getting off her in just a few seconds. Once he was I moved in kneeling by her head and just waited for the Shep to pull out though Shiela wasn’t helping by leaning forward like I kept telling her. Finally the Shepard yanked out causing Shiela to grunt and she was bawling. Unfortunately she wouldn’t let me sit her up, and worse still she dropped down low sitting on her heels trying to cover up her backside.

Well lets think about this. You’re on your knees and won’t sit up. So though your cunt is too low, what’s not? More so, what really opens up when in that position? It took all of a second before the Shepard was off and trying to lick at her twat that our other Rottweiler was on her, and sure enough had jammed his cock in her ass. Just from the position I could tell Shiela screeching it out told me nothing I couldn’t see as he pounded into her. Worse still she kept screeching and bawling and wouldn’t listen about sitting up so when he yanked out, wham, a Lab in his place and there was nothing I could do to stop him and once in it was too late. When he was done, this time I just yanked Shiela up, add to that Moose was getting very militant with the other dogs (Shiela thinks he was protecting her, I say he was saying “this is my bitch”). In any case all the dogs were going nuts barking, running into us, trying to jump up on Shiela and get through me to her and except the next it was over.

Forcing Shiela to stand I shoved her toward the door Moose actually shielding her as she went out. Just as I turned around to take a last look all the dogs now crazed, just as I turned back to take a step my legs were cut out from under me and I dropped to my knees. I kid you not it took just a split second and one of them hammered me in the back and wham, up on me and sure as shit this fucker jammed his cock halfway up my twat without even trying. Oh I was so pissed! I reached under and grabbed his dick yanking it out and wheeled around yelling. Those dogs moved so fast I’m not even sure which one did it. In any case this circus had left town, and that just left reaming out Shiela to do.


Lessons of Experience

Once outside now furious I was about to rip Shiela apart for not listening to me, yet mostly Kathy who she for some time I felt had never respected. As I came upon them speaking in my weird language that comes on me when nervous or angry (long story, as I can read and write now yet I still can’t get my mouth to say what I want), Shiela turned and hugged me sobbing and babbling on about how horrible it was though most of what she said I couldn’t make out. After about five minutes of that most of my rage was gone, and gradually we walked her up to the back porch where we undressed her and I simply put her in the showers with me.

For the most part what struck her was that she like I have been the focus of some very violent gang rapes before. Rapes where hurting you is just as important as raping you, the point to humiliate you to make themselves feel more powerful and you weak. However, she claimed what she had experienced had just been ten times more violent, more brutal, and more savage. Well duh?! They’re dogs. When they want they take, and it is only by us making them “un-natural” that they don’t. What she didn’t get then which I explained to her was that what she had just experienced was NOT as bad. With humans it is done to hurt, to shame, with absolute malice meant to harm you in every way possible. Those dogs however just wanted her because of what she was. A female regardless of species that had offered to fuck them, it simply their excitement at the prospect and thrill that they’d get to which made them so wild.

She then went on more about how terrible it was and she couldn’t of survived another minute. That kind of irked me. As just a few moments before she was told what it would be like, and how Kathy’s last time was enduring three days of it having planned and wanted out of there in just a few hours. I then went on to tell Shiela how I told her Kathy is very serious about what she does and doesn’t just play it when convenient or a thrill or kink, yet lives it 24/7. Her own punishments to herself are a thousand fold worse then anything I’d do, and if Shiela thinks what she just went through was bad what say I take her back down there nude and leave her till she could fight her way out? I further went on how it she really needed to give Kathy more respect on Kathy’s terms, as I admire her so everyone else better damn well think her a god.

Finally with Moose laying there watching us, Shiela stepped out from under the shower and started going on about how he was her savior, her hero. Pauleasssse. Moose didn’t save Shiela, he saved his piece of ass from getting so beat up it would be all stretched out and out of commission. Now Moose is a great dog, very loyal, protective, fearless and smart. It that last that tells me his intentions. To that end I told Shiela if she really felt that way then she shouldn’t have to be reminded in the future of who Moose’s bitch is, and just like any good bitch he better not be left hanging unless she’s ungrateful.

In any case, I put them in one of the guest rooms for the night and led Thor and Loki there, and by the next morning they were gone, Paybacks collar left out by the showers.


The Epilog of Payback

Well, that was a whole lot of drama for what? Well, that was June 3rd, 2010. That weekend as you can imagine Jack and Shiela did NOT make our weekly party which they virtually never miss. My guess is though I didn’t ask that besides having had enough sex for a few days Shiela was feeling a bit embarrassed. No need really in that anyone doing anything goes through such, and this a pretty big deal compared to most.

By this weekend they showed up for our party Friday and it was like nothing happened. Back again Saturday (though she still hasn’t the courage to “go see” my husband hehe), there never the less was a change that night. Shiela after speaking with me as to “how to talk with Kathy”, out of the blue as Kathy was walking by grabbed her by the wrist and told her to come with her. Kathy obedient as always followed along, and though they didn’t know I was near I trailed after as frankly due to some other whispers to me and knowing Shiela I was a little afraid that she was bent about Kathy fucking her dogs.

Once Shiela had Kathy off down the hall into a dark alcove, spun her around reaching under her arm and grasped her throat telling her to shut up and listen. Now at that point I assumed the worst and stood ready to step in, yet Shiela spoke softer and said essentially the following. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, you know so very much. Kathy, I wish I had your strength and dedication about anything let alone something as important as my entire life. I’m proud to know you, and am sorry for not understanding you in the past, and one day, though not as a slave I hope to be more like you”. At that point though many won’t understand Shiela did something else that was important in that she has always somewhat shunned Kathy in the past as though just tolerating her never showing her respect. That being this time she turned her around, pushed her down so Kathy’s mouth was level with her cunt and said. “I want ‘you’ to make me cum, do it now”. Now that may seem twisted to you, yet to Kathy that meant a lot.

Finally as to Shiela, I’m not sure she ran into Moose all weekend. However, Sunday afternoon Shiela called and used these exact words. “Kay, Jack asked me to call and asked me to ask you if he could get that collar and leash as a memento?” Funny thing is in all my years of knowing Shiela I cannot count the number of times she won’t pass along any message even a simple question like “at what time” that Jack asks stating flatly as she hands him the phone, “I’m not your messenger, you ask her!” In kind, Jack has no qualms about calling me directly, and I know Jack and he doesn’t like mementos and junk they won’t use around the house. Naturally I responded with a single word…..”No” and hung up. As I expected Shiela called back in the press of a redial and then blurted out “well what if I want it?” My response “for a memento?”…..”Yes”…..”No” and hung up. 5, 4, 3, 2, “Well what if I just want it?” “Ah, you want it. Sure, come get it anytime”. I think Thor and Loki are going to get lucky.

That left one last matter to deal with done this evening. Making a point to sit in my “Chair-o-doom”, the one in my room that when I sit in Kathy is about to get it due to something, instantly had Kathy at my feet her lips pressed to the top of my foot as I asked her flatly. “Kathy, we both know you’ve blown Moose once before, have you ever let him fuck you?” Dead air yet with kisses all along my toes. Wrong answer, hand in the hair, yank her up, “You answer me now girl or you’ll find out what real punishment is and it won’t be dogs fucking you for days!” Kathy’s eyes were as big as saucers yet she began babbling about Moose was mine, he’s important, has needs, Miss Shiela never did before, etc..” Basically a lot of doubletalk which she knows irritates me more. Head cranked back, back to the floor as I squat over her, “Yes Ma’am but only because Nikki went on her trip and he was used to her doing it!” (Nikki is a whole nother story and an exasperating one).

I had my answer, so Kathy got mine. “Fine. You now serve Moose as well and teach him how, where and when as he doesn’t have to be discreet, you do”. Probably not the answer she wanted, yet then again, one she’ll find pride in.

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