Women with Animals

Rape Stand


(c) 2010 by JAdeWolf45

She laid down politely as he opened the kennel and snapped on the lead, even waited for his word before bounding out to greet him, pressing herself into his legs. He smiled, petting the top of her head as he praised his girl. He clucked to her, like one might a horse, and murmured “Heel” as he turned about and walked with a slack lead.

Her whole body wiggled with excitement as her owner walked her down the hall to the open basement door. She was excited enough to bound a few steps ahead, earning a sharp jerk of the lead and a growl from her owner. “Well, pup, I was going to help you down the stairs, but seeing how excited you are to do them yourself, how can I resist?” He smirked down at the girl on the lead, despite her protesting, apologetic whimpers, “Don’t slack behind now, Heel,” he ordered as he started down the concrete steps at a brisk pace.

She tried to keep up, but undoubtedly earned some bruises on her way down, on her knees and shins, plus her elbows from falling, and possibly her neck from falling behind. Her eyes gazed up at her master as he appraised the equipment around him, his fingers snapped, and she scrambled into a sit in front of him. Selecting a collection of items hanging on the rack next to him, he first laid the blind fold over his pet’s eye, ignoring her whimpers. He roughly rolled her onto her back, snapping clamps over her nipples as she squirms, he spread her legs and snapped a third over her clit.

A cluck and a tug on the lead rolled her over and he kept a taunt lead as he lead her further into the basement. She turned her head to the left an right as they passed more equipment, her belly coiling in an aroused nervous ball.

He smirked, now that should couldn’t see his amusement. He had always loved how she looked on all fours, and now those clamps made her sway rather adorably and her legs were spread to accommodate the clamp between them. Lifting her collar, he clucked for her to step up, putting her parallel with his new toy. Lifting her hips over, he placed her over the rest for her pelvis, tightening the leather strap over the small of her back. A fist in her hair scooted her head over to rest her neck over another bar as he strapped her neck in as well. He bought it from a dog breeder, a typical breeding stand, however, he has spent that last few weeks making alterations.

One such alteration, he strapped her wrists and ankles down, tight enough for immobility. The bars holding her upright, as well as the rests, were altered for human use and comfort. The rest of her positioning, was all about discomfort. He forced an arch into her back by clipping weights onto her nipples clamps, and one onto her clit clamp for fun. Liberally coating his fingers in a cool lube, he ran them up and down her ass, pressing in lightly with each pass, delving his fingers deeper into the tight ring, stretching her even as she squirms.

With his free hand, he pick up a metal hook with a bulbous tip. He removed his fingers from her ass, and wiped the lube from them onto the hook before pressing the cold metal against her asshole, pushing gently until it popped right in. He fucked her with it until she squirmed into it, before taking the twine at the end and tying her hair back with it, tight, using the tension to bring her hips back and her head up. Grabbing her jaw in his hand, he pressed against the hinge and pried her mouth open, forcing an o-ring gag between her teeth before moving a platform in front of her face, giving her ass a slap, and walking away.

Her tongue flicked out, moistening her wide open lips. Her head turned this way and that to try and catch any sound. The footsteps went a was away before she heard the snick of a lock and claws on concrete, coming her way, but no foot steps. A cold nose snuffled at her side, her neck, her face, before a tongue slipped into her open mouth, just for a few passes before the dog rubbed down her side. He was big, his shoulder level or even high than her own, short sleek fur, hips pumping as he licked her slit, slipping between her walls to coat the inside with his dog slobber.

The quivering of her hips caused the weight to sway and jerk, along with the occasional flick from the dog’s tongue, had her whimpering and dripping in no time, and so caught up in her pleasure, she forgot to pay attention to her surroundings. So she didn’t hear the second lock being undone, nor the second set of claws, until the small dog had leapt on top of the platform her chin rested on.

The small dog, another short hair, whined as he placed his feet on top of her head, his hips making a stab at her open mouth while the larger dog continue licking her pussy. Her tongue flicked out to caress the dog’s red tip, enticing it into her mouth as the small dog continues to grow and fill the space between her lips.

A sharp whistle and the big dog grunted as he mounted his new bitch, hips stabbing as she whined through her full mouth, her own hips wriggling for contact. The instant his hot cock slipped between her pussy lips, she froze, moaning around the small dog in her mouth, his own cock fully sheathed in her mouth, knot starting to swell inside, past her ring-gag.

The big boy, while mounting her, laid flat the line that held her hair up and the hook in her ass, painfully pulling it deeper into her ass and yanking on her hair. His own cock pistons into her with each dancing step and sharp thrust of his haunches. Big dog had a big dick, she quickly realized as her pussy lips stretched eagerly for his knot.

Her throat convulsively swallowed as the small boy in her mouth whined his release, flooding her throat. His little hips flexing, though his knot is caught in the ring, effectively gagging the girl with his cock and semen.

The beast on her back pounded her relentlessly, his knot pressing further and further in her tight pussy with each thrust. Her breasts swayed with his movement, the clamps slipping lower and lower on her nipples while her clit clamp is hit repetitively his large hairy sack, causing it to slip and the weight to sway as well. It and a nipple clamp slipped off right as the big brute plowed in knot into her pussy.

A few more pumps and the mutt shot off into her womb, filling her with hot doggie seed as the small dog slipped from her mouth, a drool and saliva mix sliding down her chin as she moaned, pressing back into the dog behind her. In his frenzy, the dog let out a low growl at her movements, dropping his head to wrap his mouth around her neck, teeth digging in where the strap didn’t protect. His own drool slide down her shoulder and drip off her hanging breasts, his weight resting on top of her as the both stood there and panted. The dropping of her last clamp caused a jolt and a soft cry from her, with a responding growl from the male on her back.

Her head turned to face incoming foot steps, blinded momentarily when her master pulled off the blindfold. He grinned as he pushed back the platform and sat down, the small dog, now revealed to be a Rat Terrier, cradled in his arms. “Did you enjoy yourself, darling?” He whispered into her ear as he slipped off her gag. She wiggled her jaw a bit, stretching the muscles, and she waited until he sat up to nod the best she could. He smirked and leaned forward to push at the dog resting on her back, enticing him to slide off and swing a leg over, standing tied to her like any good breeding.

The small dog was lowered to the floor as he unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, watching his girl-pet’s attentive focus on his hands as he pulls himself free of his trousers. She licks her lips and whimpers as she pulls forward, the boy still knotted in her pulling right back. She wrapped her lips around her master’s cock, tongue swirling around the head as her cheeks drew in while she sucked. His painfully hard dick spasmed when she began to whimper. He glanced up and saw the beast of an animal pull against her, his own balls drew up in responses and moaned as she cried out around his cock. When the dog pulled free and she screamed, he couldn’t hold it off any more and crouched forward, fucking her face until he filled her throat for the second time that night.

He panted and ran a hand through his hair, setting it all back into place before replace himself back into his pants while she whimpered and moan. Both dog were behind her and her master chuckled as he glanced over at them. The smaller dog was up on his hind legs, bracing his front paws on her thigh as he lapped up the dripping mess off of her clit. The large dog stood behind her, still swelled up while he cleaned up his mess deep inside of her. Between the two of them, it didn’t take long to get her screaming and fighting her bonds mindlessly. Snaps and straps clattering as she jolted spasmodically against them.

“Enough,” He called to the dogs, both of which came to him with doggy grins on. She finally got to see the big male who had given her quite the ride. He was a big fawn colored Cane Corso type of dog, docked tail, cropped ears, the works. He, and the jack, licked the master hand before be sent upstairs. He smiled and kissed various body parts as he unstrapped her from the stand and picked up her limp form. Her head lolled onto his shoulder as he carried her upstairs and they both headed into the shower.

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