Women with Animals
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(c)2012 by Marti

We collected our things and headed out of the lounge to the hall, I was fumbling for the car keys as Jackie moved towards the door. But as Jackie reached for the latch, the door suddenly opened and there stood a rather scruffy older man.

Un-like us he didn’t seem surprised, he was followed by a large younger man, who had a rather vacant look to his face. “Well, well” he said, “what, or rather who, do we have hear?” He turned to his colleague, “shut the door Neville, its brass monkeys out there!”

Jackie and I were stunned; we thought the door was locked? How did this grey haired, dishevelled bloke get in? As he walked towards us, arms outstretched we had no option but to back up and return to the lounge.

“So” said the grey haired man, “what brings you here to Ian’s little pad? And: my goodness,” his voice full of sarcasm “at such a late hour”. I was dumfounded and unable to speak but Jackie took on that haughty look and began to concoct a story. “Well, we are friends of Ian’s and we popped in to pay him a visit, she said, sternly. We did arrive some time ago” She added. “But um … err, Ian’s not feeling to well, so he decided to go to bed and we are just about to leave!” Jackie’s voice was calm. “So … if you don’t mind, it was lovely to meet you, but we best be on our way”

The man then stepped into the lounge doorway, “please” he said, “I’m forgetting my manners, my name is Bernard, but you can call me Bernie” he looked over his shoulder and gesticulated with a nod of his head, “and that thick twerp is Neville. ‘Really’ he said, “there is really no need for you to leave just yet, I’m Ian’s landlord and well I suppose I’m also his Guv’nor, I’ve just popped over to get the rent”

Jackie looked at him quizzically, “bit of an odd time to collect the rent” she sneered, “yes” replied Bernie, “and an odd hour to be visiting a sick friend” he replied with that knowing, sarcastic note. He turned to the big chap behind him, still loitering in the hall. “Neville? Go get poor, dear Ian I need to check if he is ok?”

Muttering, Neville headed for the bedroom. Bernie took a quick glance at me then turned his attention to Jackie. “My, my” he quipped, “You’re a fine looking woman… 39, 40 maybe? And a nice figure too, not a skinny little girl but a full figured woman, I bet you know just what you want and where to get it”. Jackie just fumed … I knew she’d not be happy. I watched him look her up and down, and then scan the room. His eyes fell on Jackie’s discarded knickers by the sofa, the tiny scrap of lace and material crumpled on the floor yet unmistakable. However his gaze returned to Jackie and he showed no sign of what he had registered. He returned his attention to Jackie. “So your friends of Ian’s, I know most of his friends, but I don’t know you?” Jackie scowled; giving this man any information was now unavoidable. “I’m Jacqueline, er, Jackie and this is my husband Martin, and it is late and we really should be going” her voice now showing signs of anger and anxiousness. Bernie paused; he knew he’d scored a point. “Yes, yes, of course” he said, “but you should say goodbye to Ian, especially in his, um, condition” And with that Neville walked Ian into the room. Ian had hastily thrown on an old dressing gown, which was rather short and the belt failed to close the gown properly. But far worse was ian’s cock, still rather hard, from the Viagra, pushing the material out in-front, obvious was to small a word for it! Jackie blushed and Bernie just smiled. “Well” … he sneered, “are you feeling a little under the weather Ian? Suffering from a STIFF joint perhaps?” Ian, scratched his head, “I, it’s, I’ve” … he mumbled.

“That’s ok Ian, no need to explain” Bernie’s voice full of purpose, “I get the picture”. But it was clear, another point to Bernie.

Jackie continued to blush, she looked at the floor, I made sure I didn’t make eye contact with Bernie. “So” Bernie continued “How was it Ian?” “Good, very good” mumbled Ian, ” I see” said Bernie “she take it all?” “Yes” said Ian Sheepishly. “Good” Bernie’s voice was more questioning now… “Was it the three of you? “No” said Ian, “he” he nodded his head at me, “just watched and then me and her went in the other room”. “I see” said Bernie, his hand rubbing his stubbly chin thoughtfully. He looked at me “don’t worry Son, you and I are very alike, don’t feel ashamed, I’m like you … I have a penchant for voyeurism, I love to watch too”. At this Jackie started in, “look she said, what my Husband and me do in our private life has nothing to do with you!” She paused, “Ian has been very helpful and understanding and we hope you will do the same … Now we really must go!

She started for the door, but Bernie was back to the doorway baring her way.

“Not so fast” he shouted, “I don’t think you need to be going anywhere just yet!”.

As quick as lightning he grabbed her and held her arms skilfully behind her back. “Let me go!” Jackie shrieked. Twisting violently to try and shake free but to no avail. “Blimey!” Shouted Bernie, “feisty too!” I moved towards him, but Neville stepped in front of me…”I wouldn’t if I were you son” barked Bernie. As quick as a flash Bernie dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out two little white pills, like lightning he popped them into Jackie’s mouth and held his hand over her mouth and pinching her nose with his thumb and fore finger. “Swallow” he shouted. Jackie squealed and struggled against Bernie’s vice like grip, her face red with rage and lack of air! But her throat worked involuntary and it was soon clear that whatever Bernie had slipped her; had disappeared down her throat.

Bernie uncovered her mouth…”You bastard!” shrieked Jackie. Bernie just laughed; he pulled her head back and held her mouth, he peered inside. “Stick out your tongue” he chuckled! Jackie was livid, “You bastard” she shouted, “what was that! You had no right … Ian!” she shouted “call the police!” “Now, now” Bernie’s voice was full of confidence “don’t be silly Jackie, Ian won’t do that he works for me and besides its nothing, just a little something to calm you down, we don’t want you hurting yourself, or hurting me!” He laughed again. Then he let her go, she turned sharply, ready to slap him, her hand raised … But Bernie looked at her hard, his face grim, “see” he said “we don’t want you biting or scratching”. Jackie lowered her hand and stepped away from him… “Look” she said, “I just want to go home.” Bernie smiled, “you will” he said. “Ian, get dressed, Neville go start the car … we’re all going for a little drive”.

Ian and Neville quickly disappeared, leaving Jackie, Bernie and myself alone, I thought about having a pop at him, grabbing Jackie and legging it. But I looked at Jackie, she looked terrified. “Jesus” she shouted, “what have you done, what have you given me?” She placed her hand over her mouth, “Oh fuck no” she wailed.

Bernie seemed surprised. “Calm down” he sighed “You’re all right, its only a bit of Ecstasy for goodness sake … keep your hair on!” Jackie looked at him, worry on her face “Ecstasy!” She cried “Drugs … you drugged me!” She sat down on the sofa, she looked at me…”Martin, you’ve got to do something!” I looked at her, speechless. Fortunately Bernie intervened, “Stop worrying Jackie, it won’t hurt you, and you won’t even know that you’ve taken it … honest.” He chuckled. He looked at her again and then suggested we go with him, he promised her he would find something to counteract the stuff. He said he didn’t realise she’d be so upset, and he only wanted to calm her down. Jackie, panicking, agreed.

Ten minutes later, we were in Bernie’s old Jag, roaring down the street, Neville driving, me in the passenger seat and Ian and Bernie in the back, with Jackie between them. By now Jackie was a little calmer, though she still had a face like thunder. She demanded to know where they were taking us. Bernie seemed quite relaxed. “We are off to my place” he said, “just outside of town… 15 minutes tops just off the main road” he put his arm round Jackie’s shoulder, “You will like it he said, it’s a nice place, my ex wife found it, it was ideal for her business”. He chatted, like we were old friends, “my boys here don’t like it” he nudged Ian, “they don’t like the country air”. He laughed.


Chapter Two

We drove for a few minutes, Neville really tanking it; I thought about grabbing the wheel, but decided at this speed I would end up killing as all. I looked back at Jackie, her mood was changing her face softened and she slumped back into the seat. Bernie was stroking her shoulder, very gently. Jackie didn’t pull away.

We sped on, through the night. “Well, here we are, Jacqueline,” chirped Bernie, “nice name, I had a girlfriend called Jackie once, lovely girl, lovely big bum and tits too, strong woman, like you, could fuck for England!” Bernie quipped to know one in particular, “had to let her go though, she wore me out!” Bernie laughed. “So, How did your evening with Ian go, you enjoy yourself?” Jackie didn’t reply … Then realising Bernie was talking to her … She responded…”What, I, sorry?” Bernie repeated the question, un-phased. “Your evening with Ian, you enjoy yourself?” Jackie looked down sheepishly. “Maybe” she replied. “Course you did” Bernie cried, ” I know what he’s got, that’s why I employ him, and I know, that certain women. like it and want it … Dirty girls like you Jackie”. Jackie sounded indignant, “I’m not a dirty girl!, besides its got nothing to do with you”. “Aw now don’t get up-set, I didn’t mean it like that” replied Bernie, “nothing wrong with a woman like you knowing what she wants and going out and getting it. ” He looked at me, “and I know what its like when you like to watch your Mrs getting some big cock” Bernie winked at me, “I’m just the same, I’d have loved to watch her and Ian, I bet it was a fucking horny show!”

Jackie cried “hey, now it wasn’t a show, that’s not fair.” “We just” she paused; her voice dropped lower, “we just had sex that’s all”. “That’s right” added Bernie and nothing wrong with that”. As he said it his other hand dropped to Jackie’s thigh. “And there is nothing wrong with a sexy woman like you, sitting in the back of a Jag, with me” Bernie paused for effect, “with no knickers on either!” he laughed. Gasping, Jackie was about to respond when Neville turned the car sharply of the road, heading down a dark lane… “Ah” crooned Bernie, “Nearly there, our drive is just up ahead”.

Neville slowed down, and drove steadily forward, in about 150 yards he turned right onto a narrow concrete road. It twisted and turned and seemed to go on for ages. But then we drove through some trees and into an old Yard, with ramshackle buildings surrounding it… “Watch out for the posts!” Shouted Bernie,

“I Know” shouted Neville, “I know where they are!” He swerved around two large steel poles cemented into the concrete, the wheels screeched as he passed them by inches. He then drove out of the yard on the opposite side, thru a narrow gap between the sheds. In-front of us was a large Farm House and next to it a large brick built Barn, the house and the barn were connected by a long narrow single story shed, what looked to me, like a very posh stable block.

“Here we are” called Bernie, “Bernie’s place, my wife ran a stud here and sold horses, the big barn is where she showed them off to buyers”. Bernie sighed, “loved animals that woman, filled the place with them, dogs, cats, sheep, even goats!” he sighed again, “all gone now, apart from a few favourites … You can’t live with someone like that and not have her taste rub off on you!”. He opened the car door and clambered out. “Come on in” he called ” I need a cup of tea” Neville and I got out and Ian helped Jackie out, she was now a little wobbly on her feet, she giggled as Ian helped her out of the car. Bernie came round and caught her around the waist, squeezing her tight, he moved of with her at a slow trot towards the front door. “Billy” he shouted as he burst through the door, “Billy, put the kettle on we have guests”.

He ploughed on with Jackie in tow, through a small hallway and into a large lounge area, we all followed, a TV was on in the corner and on one wall was a large open fire. But on the rear wall, giving the room most of its light was a bank of Aquariums covering the whole of the wall, but not filled with water, these had heat lamps and lush green vegetation in them.

Bernie turned towards the tanks, “one of my hobbies”, he said, ” reptiles, snakes in particular, although I haven’t got any as big as Ian’s'” he laughed. “Billy!” he shouted again, “Where is he?”.Billy is, erm, my house keeper,” he muttered, “he looks after things, feeds the menagerie when I’m not here, keeps the place tidy.” He scowled, “where is that short arse little fucker, Bil…” His shout was cut short. In walked the shortest man I’d ever seen, a dwarf! And, the ugliest man I’d seen, his face a permanent grumpy sneer. He walked in carrying a tray with mugs and a teapot on it. “Keep yer air on” he muttered, dumping the tray on the coffee table with a clatter. “Ah, Billy” said Bernie, “Meet Jackie and Martin, you know the others.” Billy looked at us and then at Ian and Neville, he nodded “All right cunt’s he sneered. “Now, now Billy” Bernie’s voice a little sarcastic “try to behave, be nice we have guests” “Hmmmmm” Billy grunted. He looked at Jackie and I, “She’s fit” he said “and he looks like a queer!” Bernie sighed “forgive him” he said, “believe me he does have his uses, Billy you rude little man, pour the tea!”

Jackie was now lent against Bernie, her arm resting on his shoulder, her face serene, her eyes staring and more pupil than anything else. Billy started to mess about with the tea. Jackie looked at him, she whispered to Bernie, though it was loud enough for us all to hear. “That man is very small” she giggled “and he isn’t a looker.” Bernie laughed,” I know Jackie, he may be small but he makes up for that in other way, believe me”. He looked at her, eyeing up her condition. “You want to see my snake?” She gasped and giggled as he turned her to the tanks.

Bernie slide open the front of one tank and took out a huge red and black snake, it was smooth and shinny, the colours so vivid, Jackie gasped…”Its beautiful” she sighed. “Isn’t it” agreed Bernie, “It’s a python, its very well behaved and is a little bigger than Ian”. He laughed. It must have been 5 foot long, with a rather small head but a fairly thick body. “Touch it” Bernie said to Jackie “stroke it, its smooth and warm, warm like Ian’s cock” he added. Jackie moved her hand up and stroked the thick shinny body, “Mmmmmmm” she crooned, “its is so warm, and very smooth, and the colours are gorgeous.”

“Pythons are constrictors” Bernie began, “it means they squeeze their prey to death!” Bernie placed the snake round Jackie’s shoulders “Oh my” she gasped “Its very heavy”. Bernie showed her how to hold its body about a foot below its head, “where it’s about as thick as Ian’s cock” he quipped. The snake started to slither towards the front of Jackie’s blouse, its nose pocking between the material and the skin of her bosom. “Oh Bernie” Jackie exclaimed “I don’t blame it” Bernie laughed “who wouldn’t want to squeeze those tits!”

The snake, continued to work its way inside Jackie’s blouse, a button popped and it exposed some of her bra … the white skin of her tits wobbling as she tried to wiggle the snake out of her blouse “Oh god” shrieked Jackie “its tongue is tickling my tummy!” As Jackie wriggled, the snake slithering down between her boobs and was inside her blouse, a third of it had disappeared from view! Jackie started to giggle and shake, “get it out Bernie, get it out” she hollered. Bernie was their in a flash, his hands groping Jackie’s tits as he pretended to extradite the snake till eventually Jackie pulled back and the snake was out coiled round Bernie’s arm. “Oh My” exclaimed Jackie, her face was flushed and she was looking rather excited. She giggled again, “first time I’ve been groped by a snake.” Bernie put the snake away and Billy gesticulated that the tea was ready. “Ah tea” Called Bernie and grabbed a mug, Jackie looked at Billy, “err no milk please” she said, Billy poured her a mug,

“Ohh, I almost forgot” Bernie said a serious note to his voice, “you need something to stop those pills!” He reached into his pocket and took out two more, identical pills, “these will do the trick he said … and gave them to Jackie with the tea. I was amazed and was about to say something when Neville grabbed my arm and shook his head. “Quick” said Bernie “or it will be too late”. Jackie a bit bemused did as she was told, with out checking, she threw the pills into her mouth and swallowed a gulp of tea… “Well done” said Bernie, “you’ll be as right as rain in no time,” he winked at Neville and Billy and then looked at Ian. “Will you need another one of these” he said, and held up a packet of little blue pills, Ian snatched them from his fingers, “Yes he said and a couple of the E’s too he muttered.

There was nothing more I could do, so I stood there and drank my tea, while Bernie chatted about his snakes and about the old business, breeding and selling horses. How his ex wife had filled the place with all sorts of animals from pot bellied pigs to great Danes and iguanas. Jackie sat down on the sofa and looked up as Bernie chatted, squeezing her thighs together and breathing rather heavy … i could see the pills where really taking effect…

What ever Bernie had planned; It was now only a matter of time.


Chapter Three

I had stopped listening to Bernie; he’d been going on about pets. But then he said Jackie, quite loud, but she was staring into space…”Jackie?” Bernie said “do you want to come and see them? We’ve only got a few left these days, I kept some of my favourites.” He lifted her face to look at him “come and see” he said “they are lovely, you’ll fall in love with them”. Before she had a chance to register what he’d said, he took her hand and pulled her up, she teetered on her heels. “Billy” he shouted “put the lights on” and he tugged her along…”come on you lot” Bernie called to me, Ian and Neville, “you can come too, and Billy go thru and sort out some Bales!” Then he disappeared thru a door on the left, dragging Jackie behind him.

As I walked thru the door, I was amazed to find that the block next to the house was a stable, with four well equipped stalls and a corridor running in-front to a set of closed double doors. The 1st stall was empty, but Bernie and Jackie were already standing looking into the second stall.

As I joined them, Bernie was talking to Jackie, his arm round her waist and his other hand pressed against her tummy. There in the stall they both stared at a large black faced Ram, with huge curving horns. “He’s called Colin” Bernie was saying. The luckiest creature ever” Bernie looked back at use “Think of it boys, he spends his life eating and shagging” Bernie’s eyes were wide.” He goes out every year to a couple of local farms and tup’s the ewes and boy do the ewes love him”. Bernie cocked his eye at Ian, “Imagine shagging all summer and getting paid for it!” He then rubbed Jackie’s belly thru her blouse, “imagine it, If you were a ewe, Jackie, our Colin here would fuck you good, and proper ” Bernie said, lasciviously.

Bernie walked to the next stall, he pulled Jackie with him. As she reached the stall, she let out a sweet cry. “Ah, he’s gorgeous” she cooed. “Now this is Peter” Bernie said with pride. In the stall was a grey brown donkey, He came up to the metal rail and nuzzled Bernie. “He is my favourite” Bernie told Jackie ” we sort of rescued him. Bernie stroked Peters head. “We love him don’t we Billy, he’s more like my mascot; place wouldn’t be the same without him”. Jackie stroked his fluffy face, “Mmmmmm, his nose is so soft” she whispered. Peter snorted down his nose and sniffed her chest. Jackie noticed his underside, “Why is he clipped around his tummy?” Jackie asked … Billy, quickly butted in “stop him getting muddy when he is out in the paddock” he mumbled. Bernie chuckled … and pointed, underneath too. “Peter likes you Jackie,” Jackie followed his gaze. Peters cock was out of its sheath and hanging down, as Peter sniffed Jackie’s face and hair his cock twitched and swelled. Jackie watched the cock, enthralled. “Peter!” Shouted Bernie, “you’re just a dirty old flirt!” Billy chuckled “bloody great cock” he shouted, then scuttled off through the double doors.

“Billy!” Bernie shouted “Don’t be so crude!” He turned to Jackie, “he can’t help it, he fancies you Jackie, we all do, your so, erm, well sexy! Bernie put his hands on Jackie’s hips, she didn’t complain, she just looked at him. “And” continued Bernie, he knows what you were up to with Ian tonight, you can’t blame us for feeling a bit frisky, like Peter, even old Bernie” He looked at her and she looked at him. “Would you give old Uncle Bernie a kiss, Jackie?” He said, his voice eager with expectation, he new she’d be unable to stop herself. And as he expected, she, without a second thought, kissed him, just a little kiss on the lips. “how could I not, kiss you Bernie” she said… “Oooooooh lovely” he laughed, “come on gorgeous, lets show you the twins,” Grabbing Jackie and hugging her close he stepped onto the last stall.

“Ohhhhh Bernie they’re so cute, sighed Jackie. “I love them, I just love them” she slurred. “Oh Bernie”, she cooed. “I just want to hug them; they are so tiny, like toys!” She lent over the rail of the gate and stretched to touch, what ever was in the stall. Bernie, Ian and Neville all watching, as her skirt strained, flashing the tops of her stockings and a brief glimpse of her plump round arse.

I stepped up quickly and pulled her skirt down as best I could, Jackie took no notice … she was straining to reach two tiny chestnut miniature ponies, little horses, totally identical. She leaned and stretched again, her skirt and I gave up, trying to hide anything. One of the ponies had come to the gate, and Jackie lent over the rail, as she did her skirt rose up and everyone had a view of her swollen puffy pussy winking from between her thighs. Bernie his eyes flashing, savoured the view then quickly took control. “whoa, careful Jackie” You’ll be in the stall if your not careful! He grabbed a handful of bum in one hand and his other cupped her left tit and he pulled her gently back off the rail. “Goodness girl” he cried “we don’t want you hurting yourself.”

Bernie stood with her and looked at the ponies. “Your right though Jackie, they are lovely, everyone falls in love with them” He didn’t look at Jackie. “They make you want to touch them, stroke them, kiss them … Do you feel it Jackie?” “Oh yes … yes” she whispered. “These two are twin brother’s, they are pedigree Shetland ponies, Ronnie and Reggie”. He continued” “So identical, there is only one way to tell them apart” he chuckled.

Bernie knelt down and pulled Jackie down with him so she could stroke them through the gate bars. The ponies now came up to the bars and sniffed at Jackie just like Peter did. “Oh Bernie” Jackie said. “They are just so adorable; its odd” she continued, “they make me feel so … um sexy, they make me feel all hot”. Bernie laughed, “That’s ok darling” he says, “They have that effect on lots of people”. Jackie blushes and stood up, “Oh” she sighed, “I feel odd” her face flushed and her nipples visible thru her bra and blouse. “Oh Bernie” she croaked, her voice a little rasping, she placed her hand on his chest “I don’t know what’s come over me.”

Bernie smiled, yet more a lurid sneer than a smile, “your fine he said, you look gorgeous and there is nothing wrong with feeling like you do”. “Come with me” he said to her “you might need to sit down for a while” He looked at us, “lads, come on thru to the sales ring we are going to have a sit down”.

He walked off, dragging Jackie thru the double doors, Ian followed, and Neville shoves me and nods towards the door. As we walk through, I am amazed; we walk through a narrow passage and into a quite large semi circle space. The space is surrounded by another semi circle of seats about a metre above the ring, with bench seats going backwards, getting higher as they do, like an amphitheatre. Bernie walked into the centre, Billy was there standing next to some straw bales, four, or six, maybe, making a platform, they had been covered with a rough green tarpaulin, held in place by a rope tied around the base of the bales holding the tarp on and stopping the bales coming apart.

Bernie pulled Jackie close and gave her a hug and a squeeze, “what do you think?” He said, “This is where we sold the animals and sometimes when we had some stud work, held some little shows for paying audiences”. I went to walk into the ring, but Neville grabbed my arm. He nodded towards a small door on the side of the passage, “You like to watch” he said, “Bernie says, you are going to watch.” He pushed the door open and gestured me forward and I walked through the door, there were wooden steps which lead up into the viewing area. Neville pushed me forward and up the steps. He then ushered me down to the front and centre where I could look over the whole of the show ring. It was interesting, as I could hear everything, Bernie was saying, even when he spoke quietly to Billy. Neville pushed me down onto the front bench seat and plonked himself down next to me.

Bernie was talking to Billy, while Jackie, with rather vacant eyes looked around the ring, she seamed oblivious to everything that was going on. She saw me sitting above her and smiled at me. She seemed ok. I smiled back but quickly tried to see what Billy and Bernie were doing.

Bernie was talking to Billy, giving him instructions, “That’s good Billy”, he said, get some water and the box from the store, everything should be in it.” Billy fidgeted, “Alright boss,” he said “everything is in the box, but…” Bernie stopped him, “Don’t worry Billy” he said quickly “you’ll get your turn … now go and get the stuff”. With that he stepped back to Jackie, and Billy trotted off back through the double doors.


Chapter Four

Bernie grabbed Jackie’s hand, held her at arms length and whistled, “ah Jackie” he said “you are one sexy woman”. “I could spend hours just looking at you.” “Really!” Jackie replied “But I’m just an over weight middle aged woman” she said. Bernie was incredulous, “No!” he cried, “Your not that old, and you are still gorgeous, if you don’t believe me, just ask Ian … He thought you were lovely too, and good enough to spend the evening with … Aye?” He patted her bottom and winked at her as he said it … Jackie blushed and giggled. “No”, Bernie continued “I know lots of men who’d love to be with you Jackie”. Bernie turned slightly, “So do you like my sales ring? This is where we sold our stock. Our audience is small today,” he looked up at Neville and me. “But once we used to fill this place”. He turned again and swung his arm up in a grand gesture. “First we’d walk a very fine filly about the ring”. He started to lead Jackie around the ring, she walking slowly and unsteadily, her arm outstretched as he gently pulled her along. “Let the buyers see the merchandise, wet their appetites a bit”. He walked her round the bales in the centre of the concrete floor, then stopped back in-front of me and Neville. “Then we would show off the mare, let them see her best attributes”. With that he skilfully unzipped Jackie’s skirt and popped the button. Her skirt dropped in a crumpled heap on the dusty concrete floor. Jackie looked surprised “Bernie!” she cried. But before she could complain further he pulled her arm sharply, yanking her forward, so she stepped out of the ring of material. Once again he walked her round the ring, faster this time, her full round bottom, jiggling seductively, as she trotted behind him, her heels, arching her calves and thick thighs. Her black stockings and suspender, framing her buttocks as she was paraded again, “Bernie! Called Jackie again, but Bernie just continued his commentary.

He was in control, “now we show her off to her full potential, “He called, “the buyers can see her action her nice fluid movement, get a good look at what they are buying!” He sounded like he was making a sales pitch. Her walked round, turned Jackie and walked her back facing us. Her round belly wobbled seductively as he walked her towards us, and her white thighs, rubbed together as she hurried to keep up with Bernie. Her little muffin top just visible below the hem of her blouse and her neatly trimmed bush clearly visible between her strong luscious thighs. As she stepped forward and Bernie stopped in-front of us again, she had to take one extra step to steady herself and for a moment Neville and I caught a glimpse of her puffy swollen pussy lips, just visible below her trimmed pubis. Neville grunted his approval next to me.

As Bernie stopped in front of us, Billy walked in with a bucket of water and a large red plastic box with a blanket on the top. He dumped the bucket by the platform and dropped the box on the top of the bale platform. He then stopped and leered at Jackie “Core!” he growled, “nice cunt!” “Billy!” Shouted Bernie, “sorry Jackie” he stepped in-front of Jackie to obscure Billy’s view. “Bernie?” slurred Jackie “I’m practically naked?” Although her complaint sounded a little half hearted (It seamed such an effort to complain).

“Now, now Jackie” said Bernie, “its ok, you look ravishing, you have such a lovely body, Billy is right, it’s a lovely cunt!” He laughed again “You should show it off!”

He stepped towards her, “you must know I’ve wanted to see you,” he sounded coy, “you know, see your cunt, I’ve wanted to since I first saw you, same as Billy here, (Billy grinned as he drapped the blanket over the tarpaulin). “You don’t blame us do you?” Bernie’s voice took on a hurt tone. “And besides, “Its not the first time tonight, you’ve been practically naked, is it?” he smirked. “Ian has seen you and done much more than just look.” This made Jackie blush again and look at the floor. Bernie looked at her, “oh don’t be shy Jackie and don’t feel bad about fucking Ian” He put his arms out to her, enticing her towards him, “come here” he said “and give old Uncle Bernie a hug. Jackie just slipped into his arms. “There” he said, “that’s better he curled his arms round her, Jackie hugged him tight. He pulled her to him crushing her against his chest, but his hand slipped down and squeezed and patted a firm round bum cheek.

Still hugging and covertly groping Jackie’s arse Bernie spoke to her again. “Can you remember” he said “what it was like the first time you saw Ian s cock … make you feel hot did it?” “Yes” Jackie whispered “and when he pushed that big cock inside you” Bernie asked “How did you feel then?” His other hand dropped to Jackie’s bum, now cupping both cheeks. “Tell me” he said. “How did it feel when he fucked you?” Jackie sighed, Bernie’s hands stroking, squeezing her big round bum. “It felt nice”. She muttered. “Only nice?” questioned Bernie. “Erm it felt really nice, he made me feel so hot and horny” she whispered.

Did you like his big cock” Bernie asked. Jackie’s voice grew stronger “Oh, god yes”. She said breathlessly. “Would you like to feel it again” Bernie asked. Jackie giggled “yes” she whispered, Then quickly retracted, “Oh No, no! I couldn’t, I mustn’t!” Bernie Laughed. “Cause you should, if you want to! Why ever not?” he exclaimed, “I said you are the kind of woman who gets what she wants”

Bernie looked across to Ian who was lurking by the corridor, “get yourself sorted” He called to him. Immediately Ian started to undress. Bernie then returned his attention to Jackie. She was resting against him now, her breathing heavy, her chest beneath her blouse rising and falling. He pulled her away from him, “come and sit down” he said and lead her to the bales.

Once seated. He took her head in his hand and looked at her seriously. “Jackie” he said “did you like it when Martin watched, you know, when you and Ian fucked?” Bernie waited, expectantly. Jackie looked at him hard. “YES” she said. Bernie’s eyes flashed. “Jackie” he said. She continued to look into his eyes “you know I said I like to watch” Bernie’s voice soft and gentle now, “Um yes Bernie, I remember you told Martin you were like him.” Jackie said innocently. “Yes” said Bernie, “that’s right” he now took his chance “Jackie” he said, and as he did he beckoned to Ian, now naked and with a growing hard on, “Jackie” he said again “I’d love to watch you and Ian together, like you were tonight, just like Martin did”. Bernie looked at her, she didn’t speak but her breathing got deeper and faster. Bernie sensed her hesitation, “remember how you felt, he has a beautiful cock Jackie, and remember how hot you felt knowing Martin was watching.” He reached up and stroked her shoulders, “wouldn’t it be even sexier if I were watching?”

“Bernie!” Jackie said hesitantly, “I don’t know” she seemed indecisive “It wouldn’t be right” she said. She looked away and caught sight of Ian standing naked before her, she gasped, startled. Ian said nothing, he didn’t have to. His cock stood out fully hard, swollen and up-right. Jackie gasped, here eyes narrowed and she, groaned softly “Oh Ian” there was a lascivious hunger in her voice; as she stared at his mighty phallus. Memories of earlier, crumbling her resolve. Bernie touched her knee, the spell was broken, but I could tell the damage was done. “Please” she crooned.

Bernie smiled, “perhaps I can help” he said. He drew out a small plastic bag from his jacket pocket. “Billy! Water” he barked. Billy dived for the water and retrieved a tin mug brimming. Bernie took two yellow pills from the bag. “My own special stock” he said. “These will help” he said “make it easier, and” he paused, “believe me Jackie, Much, Much better than before.” He took her hand and dropped the pills onto her palm. “Won’t you do it for me Jackie?” his voice sweet, pleading. “I really want to see you; you’d make old Bernie very happy”. He put the mug in her other hand. She looked at Bernie, then Ian, then up at me, I could see confusion, she knew she should resist but the urge to please this wicked old man was so strong. As I held her gaze, Bernie spoke again “Don’t let old Bernie down, he said “Make Uncle Bernie happy.” His hand stroked her knee as I watched the last shred of her resolve disappear. She turned away from me (as I knew she would) looked at Bernie, dropped the pills into her mouth and took a long gulp of the water. “For you Bernie” she said “how could I let you down?”

Bernie smiled and gave her a hug. “That’s my naughty sexy girl” he crooned. “You won’t be disappointed”. He put his mouth to her ear “close your eyes” he whispered. “And just think about how you felt when you touched the ponies … my beautiful ponies”. Jackie closed her eyes, “remember how you felt when you firsts saw Ian’s cock … Do you remember?” He asked. Jackie flushed, her chest rose as her breathing quickened. “Yes” she sighed. Bernie took her shoulders and slowly, gently lowered her onto her back, her bottom on the edge of the bales. Jackie resisted slightly, “keep your eyes closed” Bernie said soothingly, She relaxed and laid down, her arms by her side. “Listen to me” Bernie whispered. “Tell me what happened when Ian … Fucked you?”

As Bernie spoke, Ian knelt and gently opened Jackie’s thighs, she offered no resistance. I’m not even sure if she noticed. He stroked her inner thigh, stroking around the top of her stockings, and the crease where her pubis began. “Can you remember Jackie” enquired Bernie. Jackie sighed and licked her lips, her eyes still closed. “Tell me” Bernie said firmly. “Did it make you feel hot, make you feel sexy?” Bernie’s voice urgent, yet commanding, “mmmmm” Jackie moaned “Yes Bernie … i was so turned on, I wanted it.” “Oh that’s so good” said Bernie “and did the ponies make you feel the same?” “Mmmmmm” she moaned again “yes” she said “they made me” she hesitated. Ian squeezed her thighs “Ooooh,” she moaned “they, they made me tingle … down there.” Bernie lent closer. “Oh?” he said “where did you tingle?” Ian stroked up either side of Jackie’s pubis, watching her face, reading her reaction. She moaned, “My pussy” she whispered. “Mmmmmm good” replied Bernie “but call it your cunt … Call it that for me.” “Bernie!” Jackie said, almost indignantly. Ian quickly brushed his fingers over Jackie’s rubbery lips, she shuddered “Oouuuufff” she moaned “It made my” she hesitated, “it made my cunt tingle” she groaned breathlessly. “Did you like it?” Bernie said sharply;!an touched her lips again, and Jackie shuddered and wriggled her hips slightly. “Jackie” Bernie called “Did you like it” he said again … insistently. “Oooooooh yes” she hissed,” Tell me” Bernie continued “are you tingling now?” Ian slicked his fingers between Jackie’s thick lips parting them and stroking down her sensitive slit “Aaaaaaah, ooooooh, Yes, Yes” croaked Jackie, her voice deep, guttural. “Ooooooh Bernie, my cunt, my cunt” She moaned again “Oooh, feels soooooo good”. Ian stroked his fingers delving between the folds of her labia, “Ooooh Bernie, she pleaded, her voice now higher, whining, almost crying like a child “Please” she begged “Fuck me, please, fuck my cunt!”


Chapter Five

Bernie immediately stood up and stepped away “Ian!” He barked. Ian moved forward, thrusting Jackie’s legs further apart. He quickly positioned himself, then grasped his big hard cock he pressed it against Jackie’s awaiting sex. Jackie felt the blunt head of his cock. Startled, her eyes flew open, “Bernie” she called her eyes searching. “Sorry Jackie” Bernie sneered, “I just watch,” he said “Ian does the fucking!” Jackie looked confused, then her eyes widened and she gasped, sucking in air. Ian pushed hard, and thrust himself forward. His large cock head forced its way easily into Jackie’s already stretched cunt. Her earlier exploits allowing Ian easy access, no resistance, her moist pussy swallowed his cock almost to the hilt.

But it was still a shock! “Oh God” cried Jackie, she raised her head and looked down her body and saw Ian’s cock buried deep inside her. Her arms outstretched either side of her, bracing herself against the penetrating thrust. She fleetingly looked around at Bernie, smiling lasciviously, Billy, leering at her, then back to Ian. Ian pulled back, exposing some of his shaft, Jackie watched as it was drawn from her body, she knew what was coming. He thrust back again hard eliciting a deep throaty grunt from Jackie. He did it again, twice in quick succession. Jackie dropped her head back. Ian thrust gain, Jackie started to flush pink, Ian thrust again, “Oh, ah” she moaned “yessssss”. Ian thrust again “Ooooh” moaned Jackie, her resistance gone, lust taking control. Ian lent forward, his face inches from hers. “Hello again” he said “remember me?” He flexed his buttocks and jabbed with his hips “Ooooh” exclaimed Jackie “remember this” teased Ian. “Cos I remember your sweet cunt Jackie” he said. He kissed her hard, roughly on the mouth. “We think you’re gorgeous” he said “and you are the best fuck I’ve ever had” he kissed her again and quickly thrust his hips again. Jackie grunted into his mouth. “Not many women can take all of this” he said and tightened his buttocks again, Jackie groaned, low and throaty again. But she looked into his eyes as he spoke. “I’m gong to fuck you, better than I did before” he pulled his cock back this time almost out of her body (I was again amazed at how much cock he had). Then with a grunt he slide it back into Jackie’s ravaged cunt. Jackie wailed “NnnnnnnnnUuuugh” she flushed again and panted, breathing rapidly, her eyes closed. Ian held his cock inside her pushing deeper, deeper! Jackie panted, arching her back slightly. “Look at me” Ian called. His face inches from Jackie’s. Her eyes remained closed. “Look at me” Ian snapped, his voice commanding, Jackie complied, opening her eyes. “That’s it” said Ian gently “good girl.” Ian lifted his backside slightly and then quickly thrust forward, “Oooooh” moaned Jackie. “My boss Bernie, wants to watch me fuck you Jackie” Ian began, “so” he said, “lets give him a show he will never forget” and with that he slowly started to pump into Jackie.

Jackie flung her arms around his chest…”OooooooYes Oh yes” she cried; and with that Ian changed his angle slightly and started to fuck … slowly, gently with long deep thrusts, his cock pulled as far back as he dared, then slowly he drove down deep into Jackie till his balls touched her arse.

For the next ten minutes, Ian kept up this steady rhythm. Jackie writhed and bucked beneath him. The aroma of sex began to reach us above the scene. Along with Jackie’s moans and cries. Every now and again she cry, “harder, please harder, deeper … PLEASE!” Her cries, urgent and insistent, but Ian just kept up his steady Rhythm.

Bernie and Billy stood watching, both at times rubbed their crotches as Ian drove Jackie to delirium. Bernie would watch her face as her expression changed as lust and pleasure consumed her. Billy just watched Ian’s cock as it ploughed Jackie’s wet and frothy cunt…

Ian, kept up the steady rhythm, Jackie pulled her legs up, her knees bent back to her belly, her feet bouncing to the rhythm of Ian’s thrusts. She held her face against his chest, kissing him and begging him to fuck her harder, harder! She tried to lift her buttocks and for a while, timed the rise of her hips with the thrust of his cock. Her moans of lust increased as she enabled him to drive deeper into her, but still his steady rhythm never wavered. As she tired, she entwined her legs about his waist and threw her arms around his neck and held her body as close to his as she could. Neville grunted and nudged my arm, he pointed at her bum, yes it was clear, her juice was beginning to run down the crack of her arse and create a damp patch on the rug and tarpaulin. Eventually, Jackie in her totally aroused state just flopped onto the bales and allowed Ian to fuck her, still with the steady rhythm, but her body was limp, with just the occasional lustful thrust of her hips to meet Ian’s cock … Her moans continued but her eyes fluttered, and she bit her lip.

It was at this point that Billy got agitated. “Bernie?” he called, “the slutty old bitch is taking all his fucking cock” he ducked down and pointed to Jackie’s rear end. “Must be time?” he questioned. Bernie looked at him “Ok” he said, “get her sorted out.

Billy chuckled and immediately jumped to the box he brought in earlier. I couldn’t see, but he took some items out, but left them below the bales. Then he climbed onto the bale beside Jackie. He started to undo the last few buttons on her blouse. As he fumbled with the buttons Jackie turned, opening her eyes, she stared at him then at his hands working on her buttons. Ian gave a steady thrust and Jackie exhaled with a grunt. But as Ian slowly withdrew, Jackie spoke. “Billy” she said, “what are you doing?” “Shut up, yer stupid dirty slut” Billy growled. Ian thrust again and Jackie was consumed with the pleasure, but as he withdrew again. She spoke again. “Billy please” she said, “I’m sorry about what I said earlier, I didn’t mean it” Ian Thrust, “Oooooooh Billy” Jackie tried to continue breathlessly. Billy ignoring her, undid the last button and roughly yanked her blouse up around her shoulders, he pulled her arms from the sleeves and pulled the blouse away. He threw it onto the floor close to where her skirt still lay. Ian pulled back again … Jackie caught Billy’s eye, “Billy, she said again, her voice small like a hurt child “I really want you to be my friend” She said her sentence cut short as Ian thrust back down, pushing deep inside her. Oooooohhhh ahhhhh, her breath wrenched from her again. “Billy” she whispered, as she regained her breath “I NEED you to be my friend!” She said, “and” she paused, “I really need to cum!” she moaned, as Ian thrust home again. Billy ignored her. He grabbed her bra with both hands, either side of her tits and with one strong tug, wrenched the whole garment off and over her head and arms. “Billy” cried Jackie. She realised, that, apart from her stockings, she was naked! Ian, however noticed, he licked his lips and thrust hard into Jackie’s wet and accommodating pussy. Jackie looked at him…”Please” she moaned “do it like before Ian Please! I need to cum! Ian just grinned and kept up his slow steady rhythm.

When Jackie’s Bra was flung away, I heard Neville grunt next to me, “Your Mrs has good tits” he mumbled. I couldn’t disagree. As a woman of a fuller figure she did have good round pear shaped tits, that didn’t sag much or droop. Jackie always wore her bra accept at night. She said this made sure her tits wouldn’t sag. And at 47, with 38 DD’s she was doing a good job.

I watched as her tits sat on her chest, like two perfect white jellies, topped with very hard and dark nipples. She was so tuned on that most of her areolas had been pulled up into her hard crinkled nipples. Her tits moved towards her chin, as Ian thrust and then returned to their original position as he drew back. Jackie was proud of her tits … and she had a right to be!

They hadn’t gone un-noticed by Billy either. He grabbed at her right tit and squeezed it tight, his thumb and forefinger pinching her nipple Jackie gasped and looked at him confused. Billy leaned in close, “I’ll be your friend” he said “You lovely big tittied cunt!” He chuckled, “Yes, I’ll be your friend, you just keep taking all the cock we feed you and old Billy will be your best friend ever!” He gave her nipple a final pinch and jumped off the bales. As he did Ian thrust a little harder than before … Knocking the wind out of Jackie again, with a lust filled groan.

But Billy didn’t go far, Ian resumed slowly fucking Jackie, her tits rolling on her chest as she was fucked steadily. Jackie began to plead with Ian…”Please” she call,”like last time, Ian Please … make me cum … Please!” But Ian just kept fucking with that slow steady rhythm.

Billy now climbed on the bales behind Jackie’s head he had picked up the items from the box, a coil of pale cream rope. He grabbed her arms and pulled them out above her head. Then he looped one end of the rope around her wrists, loosely. He wound it round four times, with enough space between her wrists to fit his fist. He now started to bind the end of the rope and the main coil around the rope between her wrists, until he met in the middle, securing her wrists in a vice like knot. He then tied off the short end of the rope to the coiled piece then, unravelled the coiled rope and pulled Jackie’s wrists taught, stretching her arms horizontally above her head. He then let out the rope and stepped off the bales. Keeping the rope taught he tied it to a ring in the floor about 2 metres from the bales. The ring conveniently sat flush in the concrete floor when not in use. Jackie intent on Ian’s ministrations and desperately needing to cum, made no effort to stop Billy. Once her arms were secure, Billy quickly moved down to her legs, Ian now changed his rhythm, pushing into Jackie harder AND FASTER … She started to moan louder, “Ooooooh Thank you” she moaned “Oh yes oh yes!” Billy quickly grabbed two more coils of rope and made loops about each of her ankles. She was to far gone with Ian to care, Ian watched Billy Intently. Billy pulled the rope on her right leg, pulling her leg out and down, stretching her leg wider; he then fastened it to another ring. He then leapt to her left leg and quickly did the same, there she was tied and vulnerable!


Chapter Six

As soon as she was tethered Ian Stopped! Ian Just lay there motionless … Billy checked, her position, looking to see where her bum was on the bales. Jackie began calling, calling Ian’s name. “Ian, Ian” she called, her voice anxious, pleading. “Ian! Oh Ian please!” She cried. “Don’t stop please not now” she groaned long and low, “Oooh Ian, please fuck me, please fuck me, I’m so close … Pleeeease I need to cum!” she sobbed. But Ian didn’t move. Billy jumped to the rope connected to her wrists, he untied it, pulled hard, Jackie moved up slightly and then he quickly re-tied it to the ring. “Perfect” he shouted. And with a cry of disappointment from Jackie … Ian pulled his huge long cock from deep inside her cunt! “Please!” She cried “Ian, Please don’t leave me like this, please”. She called out again, “Pleeeease!” I’ll do anything, ANYTHING but please Ian fuck me, let me cum … Pleeeeease!”

But Ian didn’t listen; he walked up to the bales and stood by her head. He looked at Bernie, Bernie nodded. Billy jumped on the bales next to Jackie’s shoulders. Ian knelt on the other side, his hard wet cock waving in front of her eyes. Ian grabbed her by her hair, he turned her head towards him, grabbed his cock and spoke, one word. Without ceremony he shoved the huge head of his cock roughly into Jackie’s mouth. “Suck!” was all he said. Jackie was clearly shocked, the bulbous head filled her mouth. She had done this before earlier but it had proved difficult, but now she was helpless to resist and had no option but to do as she was told. I could hear her snorting as she desperately tried to breathe through her nose. “MUUMMPH” In audible sounds, “SLURRRRP, HUMMMMPH, SLURRRRRP, GULP, GULP.” Jackie’s eyes grew wild with fear, Billy chuckled “Choke the bitch!” he shouted. Ian Just held the tip in her mouth, it was enough. He rapidly wanked his cock, pulling his foreskin back and fourth, as he did this his cock swelled, causing Jackies eyes to widen, “MMMOOOOOUUUMPH” was the only sound she could make. Ian stopped for a moment, savouring her discomfort. Then he wanked again, but this time as his cock swelled he didn’t stop…”Go on!” yelled Billy, “Drown her, fill her mouth with cum!” And with a grunt, Ian came! His Balls tightened against his scrotum and his shaft pulsed. Jackie had no option, but to swallow, snorting through her nose, her throat worked “Gulp, Gulp, Gulp … UUMMPH, GULP, GULP, GULP. Ian pulled out of her mouth, and his last spurt of hot white cum, splashed over her mouth and cheek. Jackie breathed in with an audible rasping gasp! Then coughed and spluttered. Billy laughed and clapped his hands “Dirty Bitch, nice girls spit” he chuckled, “and dirty sluts swallow … and she swallowed the lot!” Ian stood up he looked at Jackie, with a sneer. “Nothing like cumming in a hot tarts mouth”, he said. “I’d kiss ya Jackie … but, you know how it is.” Jackie looked troubled, as if she couldn’t understand his cruelty. With out a glance back, he turned and walked back towards the double door, collecting his clothes before he disappeared.

I was speechless, Neville nudged me, “she gives good head an all” he said. I couldn’t think, I felt ashamed as I had the biggest hard on of my life and I swear I nearly came in my pants when Billy tied her. She sure looked sexy. Her arms outstretched and her legs spread wide, with her thighs pulled down her cunt was thrust out, clearly visible. Her lips where wide and her pussy was deep red and very, very wet! Her lips were flared and her clit was visible poking out from its hood. She lay there dumfounded, she started to look around.


Chapter Seven

“Please” she sobbed “Why?” She looked at Billy, “he just shrugged and stared back. “Bernie” she called. “I’m here” Bernie called and stepped closer to her. “Bernie, did you see?” she asked earnestly, “Ian and me” she continued “I did it for you” she said, her voice breaking, she sobbed, eager to explain her frustration; “but he didn’t … He didn’t finish, he left me, he…” But before she could finish her sentence, Bernie interrupted. “Its ok Jackie” he said sweetly, softly. “I loved watching you and I wanted to see you … you know finish … I wanted you to cum,” Bernie touched her hair, now sweaty and damp. “But I liked it when you swallowed his spunk” he said. “Did you?” replied Jackie, her tone sounded pleased, “You sure you liked it” she asked again. “Oh yes, yes” said Bernie, “and you’ll cum don’t you worry”. Jackie smiled…”Mmmmmm good” she sighed.

Then she pulled at her bonds … she looked at Bernie “Why?” she started, but Bernie interrupted again. “Oh, so you don’t hurt yourself” he said, “I certainly don’t want to see you hurt yourself” he said … Bernie then snapped his fingers at Billy and Billy put something black, (a pair of Knickers perhaps) In Bernie’s hand, “Of you go Billy”, he said “and” he shouted, after Billy “make sure you get it right” “fuck off! Replied Billy as he skipped thru the double doors.

Bernie sat down next to Jackie and started to touch her hair, he surveyed her nakedness … i could see he was impressed with her, but he didn’t touch her, apart from moving her damp hair from out of her eyes. “Are you ok Jackie” he asked. “Yes” she replied. “Good” Bernie went on, he paused for a while still adjusting Jackie’s hair. “Billy says he wants to give me a surprise” he said softly, “I think, that’s really nice … don’t you? His voice was casual, nonchalant. A surprise” he said again. “you do think that’s nice, don’t you?” he continued, “especially from someone like, well, like Billy.” “A surprise?” asked Jackie quizzically. “Yes” said Bernie, “a surprise, for you, me, Martin, all of us, but for me and you especially”. Bernie continued, he still gently stroked Jackie’s hair. “You do like surprises don’t you Jackie?” he asked…”um, yes” she said…” Oh Good! Bernie said almost gratefully. “But so we don’t spoil it for Billy, he asked me if you’d put this on?” he held up the knickers Billy had given to Bernie, but they weren’t knickers. It was a dark black blindfold with adjustable elastic straps … Before Jackie could answer Bernie, slipped it over her head and covered her eyes… “Bernie” she said “I’m not sure” Bernie, touched her cheeks, and then gently adjusted the eye pieces. “Its ok, he said softly “this is how you make friends with Billy”. Jackie nodded her head “Oh, yes ok” she said … Bernie stood up again and stepped away from Jackie, “now all we have to do, is wait” he said.

I felt pretty bad … I should have stopped this. But I do like to watch and It’s easy to say you’d do this or you’d do that, if it was you. But you know, if you’re offered your fantasies, what bloke wouldn’t swallow his pride and agree to anything. Even hand over the love of his life, if it meant he’d get that thing he craves. Besides I’ve never seen Jackie look so horny. Out of her head on god knows what sort of pills; stripped naked and tied and vulnerable on some bales in a shed in the middle of nowhere. Already fucked enough to make her beg for it. And, now blindfolded, her cunt exposed luridly for our small audience … And, like the rest of us, waiting for some sort of surprise … my cock is rigid. I have made up my mind, we’ve come this far, I’m going to give in, what ever happens next I’m going to get my cock out and wank … what ever happens!

And that’s when the screaming started! I gripped my seat, totally un-nerved. It sounded like school children playing in a playground. High pitched squeals and cries. Then the double door’s opened and the shrill screams got louder.

In stepped Billy, leading one of the little chestnut ponies, its diminutive voice was high and urgent. But now I realised, as did the little pony what was planned for Jackie! The pony jittered, bucked and strained It lunged forward, its ears alert, head low, it snorted and sniffed the air. Its lips curled and its tongue extended as it smelt or tasted the aroma, the aroma it knew, the sent of cunt, the sent of sex!. It whinnied and squealed, stamped its tiny hooves. It was getting very excited, its penis began to extend, dropping down from between its hind legs, it swished its tail and I saw it huge testicles. It may have been a tiny Shetland pony but its equipment was still that of a Horse. Its cock hung down, dark brown with a large mushroom shaped head, folds of skin wrinkled below the bulbous head, the thick shaft growing, already much thicker than Ian. I was appalled, I stood up, desperate to intervene but Neville grabbed my arm, and shook his head, “Too late” he said and with a sharp tug sat me down … I was shaking but I’m ashamed to say it was compelling. Billy allowed the pony to step forward, just close enough so it could almost touch Jackie’s cunt.

Jackie was aware something was a-miss “Bernie” she called, shaking her head and pulling against the ropes. “Bernieee” she cried again. The pony snorted and blew hot breath from its nostrils, Jackie felt it and froze. She cried again “Bernie!” her voice anxious, insistent, “BerniEEEEE!”

Billy Laughed, he let the pony move forward again, it sniffed again and then neighed, shrill and loud. Jackie shook and struggled “No!” she shouted.

Bernie now reacted; he called her name, stepped to her side. “Bernie” she cried “you can’t” she cried “no, no” she said. Bernie stroked her hair again, and re-adjusted the blind fold. “Sssssssshhhhh” he breathed “remember how you felt when you stroked the ponies” he said his voice soft, calming, “how it made you tingle” he continued. “But Bernie” wailed Jackie. “Shhhh” breathed Bernie, “This is what you want, what you thought about, isn’t it?” “Jackie gasped, “Oh no, No” her voice fearful, “Bernie” she whimpered “Please Bernie, not this its wrong, Bernie! I can’t, you can’t do this” she pleaded. Bernie chuckled “It’s ok Jackie” he said, “you can do it, you want to do it and you want to cum don’t you?” Jackie shook her head “No No” she exclaimed “not like this!” Bernie stroked her hair again one last time. “it will be ok” he said “you’ll see”. He stepped back and nodded to Billy.

“At last!” Billy shouted, he let the pony step forward again, its tongue immediately licked over Jackie’s hot wet freshly fucked slit. It neighed again the snorted and sniffed. It licked again and stepped from hoof to hoof in its excitement. When Jackie felt the tongue her whole body jumped. The pony licked again, his muscular tongue, parting Jackie’s lips, his tongue tasted the juice she had excreted as Ian fucked her. Its eyes rolled excitedly, its big dark cock swelled to full size the bulbous misshapen head looking so big. Jackie would never cope!

The pony licked again, Jackie groaned, twisted and shook in her bonds but to no avail. The pony’s cock began to flex, and lift up and down as if it had a life of its own. The pony continued to lick. Jackie began to plead. “Billy, Bernie” she called “pleaseeeee”. No one took any notice.

Now Billy let the little pony loose, it reared up and jumped forward, placing its forelegs either side of Jackie’s hips. His massive cock, jutting out below his barrel shaped belly, aimed directly at her unprotected cunt. But he was still a foot or so away from his goal. Billy now showed his skill, he lent down and grasped the huge phallus and held it steady, then gently tapped the pony’s haunches. Encouraging it to take a step forward, he slapped it again and it stepped forward once again … It then jumped its front hooves forward coming to rest either side of Jackie’s tits, one hoof clipped her side, causing her to cry out!

But now its cock was close enough. As the pony has shuffled forward, Billy held it’s phalus so it was now above her pubis, as the pony positioned itself Billy eased it down and pressed the mushroom against Jackie’s wet slick cunt. Jackie shrieked “Ooooooooh Nooooooo” she cried “Please! Billy Bernie Ooooooh No Please No!” She tried to pull away, she twisted and shook again, but Billy knew his trade the ropes held her secure and she was powerless to resist. The pony was very excited, Its tail swished frantically, It dropped two or three dollops of shit, which splattered on the concrete. Billy rubbed the pony cock up and down again. Jackie groaned. The pony whinnied, it could feel its goal and it knew what was coming. Billy held the cock at the right height and tapped the pony’s haunch again.

It stepped forward, Jackie gasped and panted, struggling for breath “HHHAAAA Uuuugghhh” she groaned. The pony jerked its strong back legs, his big ugly cock head forced its way between Jackie’s lips!

The wetness of her cunt prevented any resistance. The thick, lump pushed in, forcing Jackie labia to bulge. “OOooooH God, Noooooo” cried Jackie. But it was too late; she was being penetrated by a Shetland pony!

Bernie watched enthralled, he rubbed his crotch, it was clear that this is what he wanted to see. Billy patted the pony’s rear again and it twitched its back, pushing its phallus forward. Jackie gasped again “OOOooooooooH” she grunted. Her arms and legs strained against the ropes. The pony then took a step, his cock pushed deeper into Jackie’s frighteningly over stretched tube, her poor labia looked like thin rubber bands as they stretched to contain the mighty shaft. She was panting now, her chest rapidly rising and falling with her breath. Her hair was matted to her face and she was crying “Ooooooh god, Oh god, so tight, toooo Biiiiigggg, Oooohh God” But nothing was going to stop the stallion now, he was going to cover his mare and he’d been trained to do it the right way. He took another step and crammed another 4 or 5 inches of cock into Jackie’s over stuffed cunt.

Then he stopped and bucked his haunches quickly and violently. Short stabbing motions which caused, Jackie to howl and moan. Then he stopped. And Jackie sobbed and gasped for breath, she dropped back onto the bales her breathing rasping in her throat. The ponies cock was now lodged in her straining cunnie, impaled to almost half its length. Jackie’ lay silent and motionless. Billy waited for a moment then tapped the pony again, which took another step forward and then … bucked five or six times again in quick succession. Jackie tensed again and howled. The pony Neighed shrill and loud. His cock was now, so deep, less than a third was showing, as he stopped Jackie slumped back down, but this time she cried out…”Oooooh fuck” her face and chest had a tell tale pink flush. Now Billy touched the stallion on the inside of its hind leg and the pony stepped back, with drawing some of his shaft from Jackie’s ravaged twat. You could see the lips of her cunt stretched thin, gripping the shaft as it drew back. Then Billy tapped the beast’s haunch again harder this time and the pony stepped forward and jerked and bucked at the same time, thrusting his huge cock in and out of my wife’s poor cunt, fucking her violently.

“Ooooooomph” gasped Jackie, as the cock pistoned into her cunt. But now her tone had changed, she cried out “Oh god, oh fuck, OoooooooH”. Her face flushed bright pink and her nipples formed hard nuggets on her tits. Billy chuckled, “that’s my boy” he said and now he tapped the horses leg and patted its rump, this was the signal. The little pony began to thrust his haunches again, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, times! Half his cock was inside her, but a quarter withdrew, then slammed back, in each time a little deeper as the pony thrust. And as Jackie’s quim, moistened and stretched to accommodate the huge member, so the penetration got faster and easier for the little stallion. Jackie continued to thrash beneath the beast. But something was different; her cries were no longer cries of pain or terror. Her voice change an octave and she moaned, deep and long then ended in a deep and lusty “OOOOH!” Now Billy gave the same command again and the Pony bucked hammering its phallus hard and fast into Jackie’s consuming cunt; this time eliciting a lascivious moan from Jackie. “Oh fuck” she sobbed, but her sob’s were lust driven “NnnnnnaaaaaaaH Ooooooh” she moaned “Gonna cum” she breathed “Gonna cum, gonna cummmmmmmmmm!”. She pulled on the ropes, her hips bucked to meet the jabs of the stallion, her face went from pink to red, her nipples grew even tighter and her whole body shuddered with the intensity of her orgasm. She shook for a full minute maybe two, until the pony stopped bucking and with a groan and a sigh, Jackie collapsed back onto the bales. Billy held the pony, made it stand still, and the pony confident that it would get its way, did as it was told.


Chapter Eight

Bernie stepped over to Jackie and leaned on the bales next to her. “See” he said “You can and you did!” he looked down at her with a leer, perused her firm thick body, down to her navel, her belly swollen with equine cock. He groaned as he looked at her raped and ravaged twat, with that mighty black shaft forcing her poor stretched lips wide. “Told you it would be worth it” he purred, “you wanted to cum didn’t you” Jackie lay there panting. “Oh Bernie” she said “I cum so hard Bernie.” “Yes” He chuckled “Little Ronnie knows his trade, and I told you you’d like it.”

Bernie looked down her body at the thick dark shaft embedded in her straining quim. “By the time they have finished with you, nothing else will do” he smirked.

“Bernie?” Jackie asked quizzically.

Bernie just laughed “remember how peters muzzle felt so soft, and how the ponies made your cunt tingle?” “Yes Bernie” said Jackie. “Well” Bernie continued, “Ronnie just gave you the biggest cum you ever had and he’s going to do it some more before he’s finished” Bernie’s voice was harsh and matter of fact, “and you will want it more and more … you’ll be addicted to horse cock, no man will ever compare!” He stood up again. “So” he said, to anyone listening “You just enjoy the fuck of your life time Jackie!” He looked at me, then nodded to Billy.

Billy stood up, Bernie lent in and ripped the blindfold from Jackie’s eyes. She blinked and looked up at the pony above her then down her body to her plundered pussy. Her eyes went wide as she took in the sight of the thick almost black phallus still plunged into her poor defenceless hole. The aroma of sex was palpable along with the smell of horse and the slight sweet odour of horse shit, Jackie took all this in, in that fleeting moment. Just before, Billy gave Ronnie two slaps on his rump and said “Go On Boy!”

Ronnie the stallion neighed, his time had come! His shrill high pitch cries deafen us all! His hind legs skipped, clattering on the concrete, then he took two firm steps forward and then began to buck his hips. But this time he bucked and held himself forward then dropped back, waited a split second then thrust again, held and dropped back. Jackie lifted her head again, and looked at the stallion, just as he began his onslaught. As his cock penetrated to her depths she dropped back and arched her back “Ooooooooh” she cried, unable to resist. Then as he bucked she breathed in audibly. Then as the little pony held his cock deep inside her, she let her breath go in a long drawn out wail, contrived of northing more than pure licentious pleasure. It was an animal sound, bestial, immoral, that of a rutting lustful beast. The lurid moan was repeated over and over as Ronnie continued to thrust and hold, thrust and hold. Igniting Jackie to further heights of animalistic passion she was rocked by strong powerful waves of immeasurable pleasure!

Now Ronnie stepped forward again and I could see his cock was deep inside her, it must have been pressing on her cervix or maybe beyond into her womb! Then he thrust, thrust and held, thrust and held … Jackie abandoned herself to the sensations, her hips were lifting off the bale, she was willing the phallus deeper into her cunt, into her sex. On the fourth thrust she cried out again. Her voice husky, rasping “Ooooh Billy, Bernie! … I’m cumming Oooooohhh Cumminggggg and again she shuddered and shook, her tits wobbling on her chest as she rocked in another intense orgasm.

Now Ronnie just fucked her, pushing his cock deep into her then out slightly, then back in, he started to snort loudly, foam flew from his mouth as he started to reach his climax. I watched as his large heavy ball sack, began to rise and fall, up and down like a macabre yo yo. Then he jabbed hard and held his huge stallion cock firmly inside Jackie. His balls tightened up against his belly and he bellowed. His balls began to jiggle and Jackie squealed. Ronnie dropped his head close to Jackie’s and panted, his mouth open. His Big Balls bounced and his cock began to jerk inside Jackie’s ravaged cunt.

Jackie looked down, her fists gripping the blanket covering the bales, she moaned and shook as another orgasm ripped through her body, As she shuddered and shook she was unable to look away from the huge pulsing shaft. She watched, mesmerised as pint upon pint of hot burning stallion cum was pumped into her awaiting and receptive womb! Froth and dribble from Ronnie’s mouth and nostrils dripped down into her hair and onto her tits as he, Ronnie her pony lover continued to pump more and more cum into her.

Jackie moaned lustfully, her belly bulging, as pale translucent spunk began to spurt out from her over flowing cunny unable to take any more of the copious cum … it was being forced out either side of the shaft with such force it spurted out splashing Ronnie’s legs and hooves.

Then, as Ronnie began to relax, his balls sagged back down and his cock began to deflate, white runny cum began to dribble from her opening. Almost immediately Ronnie, stepped back, two, three, steps. Then he jumped his forelegs back, kicking Jackie, leaving a dark mark across her right tit and a nasty rake down the side of her hip.

Ronnie pulled back, bit by bit he extracted his now rubbery cock from Jackie’ love tunnel. He moved back until, just the head of his cock was left wedged tightly between her labia, his front hooves were just on the edge of the bale. Billy quickly intervened and held him in this position. “Quickly Bernie” he shouted. And Bernie hurried round to watch as the final lump of horse flesh was ready to be released from Jackie’s quim. “Now Billy” Bernie called earnestly. “Down Boy” Called Billy and Ronnie kicked back and dropped his front hooves on to the concrete as he did there was an audible plop! And then a swoosh and a splash as a bucket full of horse jizz spilled from Jackie’s gapping cunt!

Ronnie sniffed her stretched and ragged cunt, then with his cock still swollen but curving to the floor, he turned and ambled back towards the double doors. Jackie lay back on the bales, breathing heavy, her legs and arms lying lank and outstretched. I was left to stare at her gapping, open cunt, red raw, still leaking spunk. It looked like thin watery milk, pouring from a tap or an over turned milk bottle, it seemed never ending. It was then that I noticed that I had cum, soaking my pants, I’d shot my wad without even touching my cock; while my wife was fucked by a miniature stallion.

Billy ran behind Ronnie and chased him out through the double door’s; he then closed them and trotted back to where Jackie was lying … i suppose, too exhausted to move. He began to untie the ropes holding her legs. A wave of relief shot through me and I began to get up from my seat. But my relief was short lived. Neville looked at me quizzically, “Where, D Yu think your going? He said, in his dull half witted manner. “Sit down” he muttered “we aren’t done yet!”.


Chapter Nine

Billy released the ropes from the rings, allowing Jackie’s legs to slacken a little, but he didn’t remove the ropes, instead he loosened the loops around her ankles and then pushed them up her leg, just above the knee. He did this to both legs. Then wrinkling his nose, and muttering obscenities, he gingerly tiptoes through the puddles of horse cum and jumped up onto the bales. He then unceremoniously and with a little effort, rolled Jackie onto her front. Jackie was startled out of her stupor. She lifted her head and looked back over her shoulder “Billy?” She said. “Quiet” snapped Billy, but his tone was less unpleasant towards her, he then pulled on the blanket beneath her and positioned her back in the centre of the bales. Jackie asked no further questions and just lay her head back down.

Billy then jumped down off the bales and trotted back to her legs. Which were now crossed and bent at the knees. Billy cursed and pulled an ugly face “Fuck” he said and gingerly picked at the ropes…”Fuck” he moaned again “Bernie” he snapped “these ropes are fucking minging!” “Just get on with it” barked Bernie. Billy muttered, just loud enough to be heard. “Fucking horse Jiz!” But he continued with the task. He carefully untangled the ropes and then wiped his hands on Jackie’s bum cheeks and back. Still grumbling, but undeterred he pushed Jackie’s thighs up against the edge of the bales and threw the ropes out to the side. He then parted her knees and looped the rope around the length of rope holding the bales together and before long Jackie was once again restrained and vulnerable. This time kneeling in a puddle of horse spunk with her arse up in the air, her whole genital area luridly on view and totally accessible, her belly and chest flat on the bale platform.

I have to say it was very seedy, yet very erotic. Billy quickly walked back to Jackie’s head end and adjusted the rope on her arms, pulling it tighter and wedging her thighs and tummy tightly against the bales. This caused Jackie to wince “Owww Billy” she cried. Billy trotted back round and gave the other ropes a final check, then cheekily her patted her bottom, then bent and sniffed at her rear end “Phew” he said, waving his hand in front of his nose…”She’s ready” he called to Bernie.

“Good” said Bernie “And now for our finally!” Billy walked off thru those infamous double doors.

Bernie again walked over to Jackie; he knelt by her outstretched arms. She turned her head and looked at him. “Hello Bernie” she said, almost sleepily. “hello Jackie love” replied Bernie. “How did you like my little Ronnie” he asked, “did he make you feel good?” Jackie sighed. “Yes Bernie, at first it hurt, but” she paused, “then” she whispered “he made me cum so hard” Bernie chuckled “good he said. “Ronnie likes to fuck, especially big strong girls like you, but”. Bernie stopped for a moment and looked towards the doors. “But” he repeated “he just fucks till he comes, which was good for you Jackie”. Bernie looked at the doors again. “Now Reggie” … He said. “Reggie is a pro” He stood up and stepped back. Jackie starred at him. “Bernie?” Jackie called up to him. But the doors behind her had opened.

Billy led Reggie in. Unlike Ronnie, Reggie didn’t make a sound, apart from snorting and blowing through his snout. But he knew what was about to happen. Billy walked Reggie round the arena passed where I sat and then turned and walked Reggie in-front of Jackie. You could tell he was keen, his cock was already hard and jutting rampantly from his groin. Un-like Ronnie’s dark cock, Reggie’s was very pale a pinkie beige colour. It was not as long as Ronnie’s, but it was thicker, much thicker, and the globular swollen head was uglier. It looked like a misshapen fist and was easily the size of Neville’s ugly paws!

Billy led Reggie close to Jackie’s bound wrists. “Jackie” he said, “stroke his nose, feel how soft” he smirked. Jackie bemused and not catching his sarcasm, lifted her arms and stroked Reggie’s nose. “Ooooooh” she sighed. Next Billy, let Reggie get closer to Jackie, so he could sniff her face, he blew warm air into her mouth and snorted over her hair. He whinnied and shook his head as he smelt Jackie’s sweat in her hair. Jackie held her head up as best she could, and Reggie’ continued to sniff and snort. Then he stuck out his long pink horsy tongue and licked Jackie’s face his prehensile tongue probing into her mouth and tasting her skin “Eeeeeeww” muttered Jackie … Then Billy pulled Reggie back and walked him round in front of Jackie. “Billy called to Jackie “Look” he shouted “look at his cock”. And Jackie looked. “Its all for you” Billy shouted “And your going to love it!” Jackie had no option she just hung her head, in shame, trepidation perhaps? Or in realisation that she wanted it, wanted it real bad?

Bernie walked Reggie out of her field of vision and he trotted eagerly behind him, until they both stood in-front of Jackie’s poor un-guarded rear.

Billy pulled the tether from Reggie’s halter and simply let him go. The little Stallion walked slowly towards Jackie’s rear. His little hooves clip clipping on the concrete. Jackie could hear him, and for the first time tried to move in her bonds. She wriggled and tried to close her knees, but she was trapped! Reggie reached her upturned and exposed bum and sniffed, Jackie could feel his breath “ooooh” she whined her voice thick with concern. Then Reggie stuck his thick tongue out again and licked, his thick rubbery tongue slapped her bum cheek and raked down over her arsehole and down over her exposed cunt. Reggie sucked his tongue back into his mouth and savoured her taste, he shook his head and his fat cock twitched. The he licked again, this time slicking up from Jackie’s little patch of pubes, up through her open quim, up parting her labia, up over her wet smelly well fucked whole, then up further and over her bum hole, then back into his mouth where he chomped his teeth as he enjoyed her flavour.

He licked again, this time straight to Jackie’s, open gash, his tongue licked her here, where that enticing flavour came from, then penetrated into her chute. “Aaaaaaah Ooooooooh” moaned Jackie as the rubbery tongue explored the inside of her cunt. Reggie tasted her again and then licked some more, two, three four times, sometimes licking some times penetrating Jackie’s now moistening cunny.

Jackie moaned and wriggled her bum. As Reggie continued to lick, she started to push back onto his tongue, trying to lift her whole arse up so Reggie could lick, her genitals … and probably trying to get him to lick her clit! As she pushed and heaved, she grunted lustily “Uhh Uhh Uhh.”

Now Billy intervened, “Reggie” he said softly he tapped his hind quarters. Reggie new this signal and at once he reared up and straddled Jackie rear end. His little barrel chest almost resting on Jackie’s jutting bum. Reggie’s cock began to twitch and bounce. He snorted and stepped forward. Jackie yelped! As his thick blunt cock head jabbed hard at her arsehole “Shit no!” she wailed. But Reggie was a pro, he stepped back and then skipped forward and…”AAAaaaaaHHH, OoooUUUUmmmmPh” Jackie cried. With one skip and hard thrust, Reggie forced his mighty phallic fist into Jackie’s poor exploited cunt hole. Without giving her chance to adjust Reggie started to thrust and hold like Ronnie did. Without resistance Jackie had no choice but to endure Reggie’s on-slaught. With each thrust she grunted “Uuuhh”. Reggie stepped forward as he pistoned into Jackie.

Deeper and deeper he penetrated, her already stretched lips and cunt where forced even wider, I wondered if this was it … would she end up hurt? But she just kept on grunting as the massive phallus was hammered home. And then he stopped. We looked, the thick, iron hard rod was wedged deep into her, he had her legs forced wide, her bum cheeks flared as wide as they’d go. Reggie’s large sagging testicles rolled and waved against her pubis. Jackie just panted, puffing and heaving in air.

It was the most lurid thing I’d seen. My cock was out (as was Nevilles) and I was pumping my cock like mad. Billy was rubbing his hard cock thru his jeans … he had a lascivious grin on his ugly mug. Bernie just grinned; you could see his cock was hard too!

Billy shouted “Go on Boy!” And Reggie began to fuck. He didn’t thrust; rather he twitched his haunches back and forth slightly. His cock moved inside Jackie maybe only a couple of centimetres, back and fourth, back and fourth Reggie twitched quickly and as he did Jackie began to moan, louder and louder!

Billy stepped over to Reggie and lifted his balls, so we could see his cock working inside Jackie’s tube. You could see her labia, pulled inside her as he fucked and her clit rolled against the hard shaft as it moved in and out. And god knows what that fat bulbous head was doing inside her! But Jackie was delirious … shouting and moaning, filthy sexual obscenities!

Reggie just kept going! Jackie moaned then cried out, then moaned again “Uuuhh, Aaaaaaah, OoooooH, oh fuck oh, fuck, Mmmmmmmmm yes yes, oh fuck”. Soon her bum was bucking up and down, her toes curled. She breathed in “Ah, Ah, Ah, AH!” and then exploded in orgasm! She shook and bucked, shaking her head, Crying “Oh god yes oh god yessssssss” And Reggie just kept on at the same pace and same jerking motion. Jackie didn’t stop moaning, she swore! She begged! She goaded Reggie on! “Oh fuck” she roared, “Fuck me fuck me harder harder! … Then Babbled, incoherently. Then began to shake again…”Oooooooh Jesus” she exclaimed and then Oooooooh Goddd Cummmmiiinnnngggggggg! And again exploded into a mind shattering orgasm Bucking and shacking harder than before But Reggie still kept on. Jackie slumped down for a moment, but she was soon crying and swearing. Twice more Reggie elicited a gut wrenching orgasm from her. She was covered in sweat, her skin shone, She called to Reggie, told him she loved his big cock, wanted him to fuck her good, wanted him to have her harder and harder. She pleaded with him to make her cum. Her cunt was foaming as Reggie’s cock frothed her copious cunt juice into lather! Finally she collapsed after the fourth orgasm. She was panting so hard she was unable to get enough air! Billy tapped Reggie’s hind leg and he stopped and stepped back.

His cock pulled out with a filthy pop and a small gush of love juice splashed into the stinking pools of Ronnie jizz. Billy tugged at Reggie’s halter, “good boy” he called He now led him to the other end of the bales and quickly had him standing with his forelegs either side of Jackie’s chest, his still hard and wet cock poised above Jackie’s head.

Billy Pulled her head up by her hair, Jackie rose as best she could the huge ugly dripping cock, dripping with her own juices jutted, hovered before her. “SUCK” said Billy. But Jackie couldn’t suck; she was so bewildered she tried! But she couldn’t get the bulbous knot into her little mouth! “Come on Bitch” shouted Billy “He pleasured you, now you pleasure him!” Jackie began to lick, there was a large slit in the head of his cock and she licked under the rim of the giant cock and over and around the slit.

Bernie stepped behind Jackie with a dirty lascivious grin, and started to rub her already sensitive clit. “Mmm Mmm Mmm” Jackie keened as she licked the horsy dong! Her arse wriggling as Bernie attacked her clit, the fire was burning again! Reggie snorted, Jackie continued to lick, soon she was rewarded as the slit began to seep globs of horsy pre-cum. In a fug of lust Jackie mindlessly licked and sucked it all, swallowing it hungrily Reggie started to Snort again, and he whinnied strongly, Billy looked at his back end.

Reggie’s balls were slowly tightening and being pulled up towards his shaft, “Its close” Bernie he shouted, where you want it Bernie cunt or mouth?” Bernie replied “mouth” he said. Billy just nodded. Bernie rubbed Jackies clit harder, faster … She started to moan louder, partly muffled as she licked the monster cock, she was licking furiously now. Billy grabbed Reggie’s cock and started to squeeze it just behind the fat head. “Lick faster slut!” he shouted,

And then…

Jackie groaned “UUUUUUUHHHH” and bucked her arse as she came on Bernies strumming fingers; at the same time Reggie groaned and his body shuddered. There was a sharp twitch of his cock and a small glob of pre-cum shot out and hit Jackie, on the side of the mouth and as she pulled back startled. Reggie Came!

There was a crackle and then a continuous splatter as a gout of milky horse cream flew out of the slit, hitting Jackie in the face, filling her mouth, covering her hair and splashing down over her back! “Lick!” shouted Billy, but just as she opened her mouth Reggie shot again. Straight into her mouth, Jackie gurgled and gagged, and swallowed a gallon of creamy stallion Jizz. As she dropped her head to reach and gag Reggie fired another huge spurt of cum, this one flew over her head and splattered her back and arse cheeks. Bernie jumped back just in time! Billy grabbed Jackie’s hair and pulled her back up as high as she could go…”OWWW Billy” she screamed, As Reggie’s final spurt hit her face and chest, her face, hair, tits and cleavage were covered. She had so much horse spunk over her she looked as if she’d showered in the stuff … and to be fair she had!


Chapter Ten

“Fucking hell” shouted Billy “that was amazing!” Reggie, stepped back and dropped to the floor, Jackie slumped back on to the bales … she coughed, and then spat out some creamy white spittle. Reggie snorted and walked back to the stables … he’d done his bit, now it was time for some food!

Billy now jumped about, dancing around Bernie. “That was good weren’t it Bernie” he chanted. “Can I now Bernie?” he asked “You did say, you did promise” he pleaded. “Ok Billy, she’s all yours” Bennie replied.” just untie her arms though.”

Billy wooped “Wa-Hooo” he hollered. And rushed over to Jackie, he quickly undid the rope holding her arms outstretched, but leaving her wrists bound. Jackie just stayed as she was … shivering a little as the covering of semen began to cool. Billy leaned it to Jackie; “Now I’ll be your friend” he leered.

Then he ran back to her backside. As he ran he undid his jeans and out popped a rather large cock! And like Billy it was ugly! Not as big by any measure to Ian, but for such a little dwarfish man his cock was very out of place. He sat on the Bales and yanked off his Jeans. And then stood, his short thick legs bare, his feet still in scruffy trainers and his cock and balls in his hands. He hopped behind Jackie and positioned himself between her knees, remarkably the little midget was at the right height, the same as the little miniature pony’s. The perfect height to easily impale Jackie, he eyed her fat puffy minge eagerly.

“Ooooooh Fuck” he cackled, “I’ve been dying for this” he croaked. He plunged two fingers into Jackie’s soggy twat and twisted them around, Jackie pulled her arms with a start, and notices that the rope was loose. She tried to rise to her knees but Billy pushed her down, “Stay down bitch” he growled. Jackie looked over her shoulder. “Billy” she said, “If your going to fuck me” her voice emotionless, “just hurry up and get it over with!” Billy Laughed, he pulled his fingers from her twat … they dripped with her moisture, he rubbed it up and down her slit, covering her cunt and arse; then he rubbed some on his cock head too. Then her grabbed his cock with one hand and with the other worked his thumb into her as yet un violated arsehole! Jackie rose up onto her knees, her tits swaying, horse jiz dripping from her, “Oh Billy no!” she shouted, realising what he had planned. “Shut up” he said. “You’ve just been reamed by two Shetland ponies … you think I’m going to stick my cock in your baggy cunt?”

He pushed his thumb in harder and twisted… “Ow fuck Billy, your hurting” cried Jackie. Billy took no notice. He pulled his thumb from her tight virginal bum hole and pressed the end of his knarled old knob against the tight little sphincter. And then he pushed! “Billy Billy Nooo” cried Jackie urgently … Then she squealed, and panted, “Ah Ah Ah Ah” then she shrieked “take it out! Take it out! … It hurts soooo, Take it out!”, she cried, urgent and insistent. Billy laughed and accompanied by Jackies cries, he began to pump his cock into her arse … Jackie screwed up her eyes and howled! Then she heard a calming voice … It was Bernie, he knelt on the bales in-front of her…”Bernie” she cried, “make him stop make him stop!” she was crying now real tears!. “Shhhhh” Bernie hissed, ” I can help” he said. He held both her wrists as she whimpered and bounced to the rhythm of Billy’s prodding. “Breath”, Bernie said “and push, like your having a shit, It won’t hurt then … and you might start to like it”

With no choice and desperate for relief, panting she screwed up her face and then she pushed, straining. “Ooooooh Yessss!” cried Billy, “do it again.” Jackie grunted and strained again, pushing steadily, she began to calm down…”Good” said Bernie, “see feeling better” Jackie sobbed and nodded. “Now” Bernie continued “gently push you bum muscles, like your squeezing out a fart … and you’ll be right as rain.”. I could see Jackie concentrating. Billy started to fuck faster. “Core fuck” he shouted “she’s fucking hot and tight, and she’s taking all my cock!” He slapped her bum cheek, playfully “Oh what an amazing fuck” he cried “That’s it Jackie, push, push” he encouraged “You’ll be an anal convert in no time!

Jackie was, pushing like Bernie said, she had controlled her breathing and she looked into Bernie’s eyes steadily. “That’s it my girl” Bernie said; “Your doing it”

Jackie, closed her eyes and … Moaned, a throaty “Uhhh.” Bernie laughed, “there” he said, “you dirty girl!”

He cupped her full large tits which were bouncing on her chest in time to Billy’s savage thrusts, her nipples were already hard again. “Lets see if we can’t get you to cum one last time. “said Bernie. With that he began to pull down on Jackie’s nipples, then catch them between his thumb and forefinger and twist them back and forth. Jackie still staring at Bernie, Moaned again. “Uuuugh” she grunted. Billy kept on fucking her arse, (boy he had some stamina) his cock deep in her bowels, and Bernie pulled on her Nipples tantalising her. Before long she was puffing and blowing…”Oooooooh” she said…”tingling in my arse, in my clit … in my belly! Bernie pulled and twisted harder, faster… “Ooooh, Ooooooh” cried Jackie…”Ooooooh, Oooooooh Gonna … Cummmmmmmm” and her hips bucked her belly shuddered and she buried her face into Bernie’s shoulder … Billy, Roared … Ohhhh Fuck he shouted, she just cum? Her bum nearly squeezed my cock in two!. Jackie sobbing, lifted her face to Bernie’s … she tried to kiss him but he pulled away. With one hand he undid his trousers, and let his cock spring free and with the other, he guided her mouth to his shaft “Suck” he said. Dutifully and with almost thankful passion Jackie did. Her head bobbed up and down on Bernie’s cock, her tongue slavered over it. And she moaned and gulped. Billy shouted…”I’m going to Cum!” His voice, cracking with his effort, “ooooh,” replied Bernie, “me too” and with a painful “Aaaaaaagh” he held Jackie’s face into his grey pubic hair and emptied his old ball sack down her throat … Jackie swallowed, with abandon, with a hunger as if she did not want to loose a drop of this mans cum. At the other end Billy shrieked and held deep into Jackie’s arse and shot his bolt, his balls jumping in a parody of the stallions as he jettisoned his seed in her belly. “Ooooooh Fuck” he cursed and pulled his cock from her arse, which twitched and gapped a white froth at the rim. Billy rolled off and lay on his back beside Jackie…”Fuck” he said, “what a night!” Bernie pulled his cock from her mouth, she protested as he vacated her orifice, wanting to take more of his cock his seed.

He slipped his cock back into his trousers and stood up. He stepped in the centre of the arena and said…

“That concludes out entertainment for the evening”

Billy rolled off the bales, Jackie, lifted herself up, onto her knee’s, she looked down at her body, her breast and sides were bruised, and she was sticky with congealing mess. She looked down at her once neat and tidy sex, it was red and swollen, her lips, thick and purple, Spunk covered her little patch of pubic hair. She touched herself gingerly, and winced. Then her arse farted involuntary as trapped air released itself, there was a splatter and Billy’s rotten spunk dribbled from her ravaged backside. Jackie groaned, humiliated, the last vestiges of any remaining dignity she had, disappeared.

Billy pulled his jeans back on, then pulled some clumps of straw from the bales and roughly rubbed Jackie down, treating her like some sweating mare. Jackie didn’t complain, the straw removed the scummy slime that was sticking to her skin, her chest and belly, her back, her sides, her bottom, even her thighs. Bernie took the loops of rope from her wrists; and Billy, discarding the sodden straw, quickly freed her legs.

Jackie tried to stand, but swayed forward. Both hands dropped to the floor to steady her self. Both hands dove into the puddles of thickening horse jiz. Jackie groaned. Billy laughed but Bernie took her under the arm and helped her up. Jackie held her arms out, with a look of disgust on her face. Billy still chuckling, pulled more straw from a bale and wiped her hands. Then Bernie helped Jackie walk towards the double doors and I hoped to freedom.

Neville jabbed my arm, “out” he said and I rose and headed for the exit. Once we had got to the stable area, Bernie was with Jackie, still naked, looking at the little ponies as they tucked into their feed. He was saying something to Jackie, which, though I strained to hear I couldn’t quite catch. As he spoke Jackie looked at the ponies, with a far away look, Bernie was clearly planning or maybe planting more seed’s.

Neville pushed me past my poor violated wife, and we entered the lounge again. It seemed like an age since I last stood here. A moment later Bernie entered, leading a wobbly but walking Jackie. Naked except for her stockings and heels, which were scuffed and damp, her stockings were wet in places and streaked with pale silvery stains. She did however, in a strange (and perverse way) look really sexy. Just an ordinary woman, off the street, who had been truly and royally fucked, a woman who had faced some demons and over come them. Her hair was wet and matted, bits stuck to her face, clumps sticky with congealing semen. Her face was full of weariness and still had dried spunk flaking here and there, her makeup was black around her eyes and her lipstick had simply disappeared. Her body, those full large breast swayed majestically as she walked in, her nipples were swollen and a little blue, her body had bits of straw stuck to it, she looked like a tupped farmers daughter … There were dark bruises on one tit and also down her sides. Her round belly, just beginning to roll towards her sex was still wet with horse cum. And her poor swollen pussy just glowed! Her lips had stuck together and looked like a dark blue slugs against her swollen bruised vagina, the area around her hole, already starting to turn purple.

She stood leaning against Bernie, her legs were slightly apart in order to stay upright, I could see, thin semen, dribbling, down her thigh, running from her still draining arse hole. She felt it and leaned back and wiped it away as best she could. Whipping it down her thigh and sniffing away her shame as she did.

Billy came in with Jackie’s skirt, blouse and bra, he handed them to Bernie. He looked at her “cover yourself up” he said and handed her, her skirt and blouse. “Ian’s got yer knickers” he said “you’ll not see them again” And” he continued, “I’ll keep this lovely bra, as a little keep sake” he stuffed it into his pocket.

Jackie shrugged and carefully slipped on her blouse. Bernie, helped her, then did up some buttons, Jackie started to do the last three to her neck but Bernie stopped her “Nice tits” he said, “you show em off” Then Bernie helped her slip her skirt up her legs and fixed it about her waist. “There” he said, “as good as new. Right,” he said to me and Neville, “we better get these good people back to their car!”

It was now morning, bright day light, we’d been out all night. As we sped, back to Ian’s, me in the front and Jackie in the back between Ian and Bernie. Bernie chatted,, basically spelling out how things would be from now on. He cuddled Jackie his hands gently brushing her nipples thru her blouse. He told her that after a good long rest, she’d be fine; he said that she might want to come back and visit, that she wouldn’t forget her little adventure … far from it he said. I could guess what he had in mind.

Once back at our car, Bernie simply let us go. He stood and saw us off, giving Jackie a hug … which she returned with real affection. “I’ll be in-touch” he said “Maybe, you will come back”, he said, as we got into the car. Jackie rolled down the window, he lent in and kissed her “who knows” he said “maybe you’ll want to give our Peter a try”. He pulled away from the window “safe journey” he called as I accelerated away.



Well, Bernie was right, Jackie recovered, but when we had sex I could tell that her mind often wandered. I could still get off when I fucked her, but some how I knew her heart wasn’t in it. About six months later, we had a call from Bernie, Jackie who had been a little withdrawn since our little visit, seemed to return to her old self after the call.

We’ve been back three times, since Bernie’s call and Jackie has been the centre of attention back at Bernie’s yard. Twice I was present when she “performed” and once Bernie asked to have her alone, which on Jackie’s insistence I agreed to. According to Bernie, she’s becoming quite a pro, and is in real demand. She has had much bigger audiences, than her first time. And no, she hasn’t been introduced to Peter yet.

Maybe I’ll tell you what happened at those other three visits. Yes, I know what happened when I wasn’t there, Bernie was kind enough to show me the photo’s and some of the footage from the cine film he made.

I know what you’re thinking, but what can I do? She is still my wife and I love her. And, it was kinda my fault that we got in this mess. Like Jackie’s were … My hands are tied!.

Go to next part

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