Women with Animals

Building Maintenance – Part IV


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Emma was a 19 year old who was living in the Women’s Shelter. Unfortunately, Emma had a long history of parental abuse followed on by abuse from live-in male partners. I am a big supporter and fund raiser for the shelter. The shelter called me asking if I had any work for a young poorly educated girl. I said I could work her for a couple of months as it was summer and many of the persons that rented space in the shops would want to go on vacation. I arranged with the shelter to pick-up Emma each morning and have her back at the shelter before 11:00 each night.

Emma and I hit it off well. While ignorant due to a poor education, she was a bright girl. She had some girl/girl experience. Her ex enjoyed seeing her with other girls. I got Emma into girl sex with Nita and I. We did not talk to Emma about doggy sex, but I had it in my mind. I cooked up an idea and plan and explained it to Nita. Nita had some good refinements to offer and thus we put the following into motion. You will have to read and judge if our plan was a success.

Note: Slave benches vary in how they are made and in dimensions. I researched several different types before commissioning the one I have. As anyone in the craft, antique or collectible business will tell you, having a master craftsman available to do restoration work or duplicate old pieces is a necessity.



I took Emma home with me. Nita knew the plan, and my story to Emma was that Nita was away for the day. Nita and I planned to convert Sweet Emma to a puppy pussy whore. She would be a hot pussy cum whore that would service some of our boys.

Emma had been to the house accompanying Nita and I prior to today. Inwardly, she knew I asked her to come to the house with me for girl/girl sex, although we played the ‘work’ pretext while in front of others at the shop.

We went into the great room and sat. I got each of us a glass of iced peach tea. We sat and chatted for a few minutes. As usual and my habit, I was talking trash to Emma as we sipped the tea.

“You are such a pretty little slut Emma. I can understand why your former boy friend made you sell that fine pussy and ass. But, you can’t fool me little girl. You sold that pussy for your boyfriend’s drug money, BUT you sold it because you loved getting fucked. Little cum whores such as you are everywhere now days.”

As I spoke, I would fondle, pull and pinch Emma through her jean and blouse. Her hips, waist, thigh, ass, and most of all her tits were my targets. Emma had fantastic tits. Not too big, but not small either. Her tits stood out straight as a rod from her chest. OHH to have that young firm muscular tone again, I thought wistfully as I massaged her breasts and toyed with her nipples.

I kissed Emma along her neck. I nibbled at her ears as I talked to her. Emma would get soaking wet panties from my trash and nasty talk. Her pussy lips would swell and become filled with blood. They would chafe against the material in the crotch of her panties. Her clit would harden, and begin to push out from its hood. Her nipples would become prominent points although she wore a bra.

“EUUUU yes baby! Mommy is going to make you feel sooo good today. Your little pussy is going to be treated like the Queen it is. I am going to make sure your hot pussy is fucked by the best penis in all of Texas. I promise you little fuck toy, you will cum more today than you have ever cum in an entire month!” I could feel Emma shutter with each word. If I reached inside her blouse and bra and tweaked her nipples with my bare fingers, I am certain Emma would have had orgasm number 1 on the sofa.

I took the tea glass from Emma. I pulled her to her feet and kissed her soft at first, slowly increasing to a hard kiss, finally making it a hard and deep kiss. I had both hands around Emma’s tight ass and squeezed her ass cheeks as I kissed her. The harder I squeezed and longer I kissed, the more Emma panted.

I broke the kiss and told Emma to go to the guest bathroom and take a quick shower. I instructed her to clean herself inside and out. I told her there was a silk robe hanging in the bath that was for her use. I told her to go to the playroom once she had completed her ablutions. Turning her by the shoulders, I firmly swatted her ass and told her to “March”. Giggling, Emma turned for the bathroom. I turned as if to go place the tea glasses in the kitchen.

Once Emma entered the bathroom, I rushed to the playroom. Nita was there and warming up. She had Scruff with her, and Skeet was tied by his leash to a ring placed in the wall. I hurriedly got Nita position over the slave bench. No cuffs were used for her wrists, ankles, and the waist belt was not used. I got Scruff pulled to the back of Nita and positioned him to continue eating her out. I told Nita if Scruff tried to mount her, she should rise up from the bench and prevent him from doing so. Her signal to allow him to mount was hearing the small alarm set on her wrist watch. I set the watch for 15 minutes as I reckoned that would be the time Emma would be in the bath.

I rushed past the bathroom and listened with my ear to the door. The door was cracked just an inch, so I could judge where Emma was in her showering. When I heard the water stop, I rushed to my bed room and quickly stripped my clothing. I put on a black corset and 5” heel stiletto boots. The corset pushed my tits up and out. While I am a big girl, 6’0” tall and 137 lbs, my tits are small (36C) for a girl my size. With the heeled boots, I towered over the 5’5” or so Emma.

I listened at my bedroom door for Emma to leave the bath and reach the playroom. When I heard the gasp, I knew she was there. Emma paused in shock at the scene before her. She stood frozen just inside the threshold of the playroom. What she saw was Nita draped over the slave bench with a large Great Dane pounding away wildly at her pussy. The dog’s front paws had socks on them, so there was no doubt that Nita was fucking the dog because she wanted to.

Emma’s eyes were frozen on Nita’s body as it was ravished mercilessly by the dog. Nita thrashed around loudly, her cries and moans intended to make Emma hotter and hotter. I hoped Emma was getting wetter by the moment. I watched her face. It remained in rapt awe observing the event happening immediately before her eyes.

The dog was panting as he went at Nita’s pussy like a jackhammer. Then as a loud scream escaped Nita’s lips, I grabbed Emma from behind, wrapping my arms around her. My corset encased mounds pressed into Emma’s back and my warm breath whispered into her ear. I told Emma to be quiet and stay still and watch.

Emma’s eyes traveled along Nita’s thrashing body from her forehead resting over the bench to being lifted high in the air. Nita’s hanging tits bounced wildly, slapping together making noises. The slapping noise however, could not drown out the sounds coming from Nita’s mouth.

Emma squirmed as I ran my hands inside her robe. The belt was not really tied tightly and it came lose falling open giving me full access to Emma’s front. She tried to squirm away, but I kept shushing her and groping her. I kneaded away at her tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples, tweaking them in combination while watching Nita easily and quickly quelled her squirming and resistance. Emma arched her back pushing her tits into my hands and fingers. A patient person could make Emma cum by simply teasing and playing with her nipples without ever touching her pussy.

I told Emma that she should be in Nita’s place. I told her I knew she wanted to be in Nita’s place. I knew she needed to be in Nita’s place.

Not satisfied with having Emma pant and moan, I ran one hand slowly down to her lower tummy. Emma started to moan louder. I started caressing Emma’s pussy as she closed her eyes and leaned back into me. With a light smack to her pussy a startled peep escaped her lips.

I blew hot breath on Emma’s neck and ear and said to her, “Be quiet bitch.”
The way I said that excited Emma beyond belief. With another light smack to her pussy she squeaked again. I growled softly in her ear saying, “Let’s take this inside bitch. I have another of my boys that wants to fuck you.”

As I pushed Emma in front of me into the room, Scruff bent his back and began to whimper. Nita arched her back to tilt her pussy in order that the tip of Scruff’s nice 9” dick was seated right at her cervix. Emma became excited even more when I told her the dog was shooting spurts of scalding hot dog cum deep into Nita’s pussy.

“Oh, Yes! Yes, that’s it. Fuck me! Fuck me!” Emma heard as I pushed her towards the slave bench. “That’s it! You’re so good. I love it when you fuck my pussy with your big dick,” Nita wailed.

“Fuck my hot pussy Scruff! Slam that dick to me! Ohhhh FUUUUUCCCCCCK, I am cumming! Fill my pussy with that dick!” Emma heard Nita scream as I continued to twang her clit and tweak her nipples. Emma watched open mouthed as Scruff fucked his dick in short very fast stokes into Nita’s sweet pussy. I knew Nita was cumming when she yelled, “I’m cumming! God, I am cumming. That dick is so good! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

I don’t know how long we stood and watched. I waited until Scruff had stopped pumping his dick to Nita. I knew her pussy was clenching his dick milking it of every drop of his cum. Emma was having a hard time catching her breath. I held onto Emma’s hips not allowing her to get free as I smiled down at her.

“Are you wondering how it feels? I asked. Emma continued squirming and moaning softly.

“UHHH HUUHH,” she whispered. “But I am scared Kathleen. Does he have a big dick? He would split me wide open.”

“That is Scruff. He has about a 9” dick, but the dick you are going to get is bigger. Don’t worry Emma my sweet, your little pussy is going to be so hot and wet, Skeet’s dick will slide in you like a red not knife slides through warm butter. You listen to your hot pussy baby. Believe me when I tell you, your little pussy knows best! Now help me get Nita off the bench.”

Scruff was backing off Nita. His knot has shrunk sufficiently so that his dick slipped from Nita’s pussy. The flush look and contented smile on Nita’s face told me that she had 4 or 5 orgasms wrenched from her pussy by Scruff’s tongue and dick. I told Emma as much as said that Skeet would get 7 or 8 from her pussy. Emma’s legs buckled and I cackled.

Emma and I helped Nita off the bench. Nita took a few moments to gather herself, before saying, “dog dick is the best fuck of all. If a girl can’t cum 3 or 4 times on a dog tongue and dog dick, them she has some serious mental problem.”

I watched Emma’s nipples surge with each word Nita spoke. Nita led Scruff to the ring in the wall and attached his leash to his collar. She came back to me and we led Emma to the bench. Nita swung the leg supports out from the bench and I got Emma to place her knees in the padded knee indentations. Nita and I used the silk and satin Velcro cuffs to secure Emma’s ankles to the leg support. I swung the supports out toward the end of the bench and locked them in place when I felt Emma was stretched to the optimum inverted ‘Y’ position.

I pushed Emma between her shoulder blades. Made sure her tits swung free and were not mashed against the padded seat of the bench. Nita swung the head rest with the padded opening out from the bench. Taking one of Emma’s wrists, Nita secured it in the Velcro cuff on the left side of the bench. I did the same to Emma’s right wrist. Lastly, I hooked the waist belt around Emma’s back and secured it.

I told Emma that Skeet was going to do her so fucking good that she could possible injure her self from thrashing and writhing about on the bench. I smiled at her and told her that she was going to get the best flesh and bone penis in all of Texas.

While I whispered to Emma, I pulled and pinched her nipples again. She hasped and a small squeal leapt from her throat when Nita pushed the Hitachi wand against Emma’s clit while tongue fucking her asshole.
Knowing that Emma was sufficiently distracted, I went and got Skeeter. I unhooked his leash and holding him by the collar, I led hi to the bench. Nita heard his claws clacking on the floor and she moved out of the way.

“Come on Skeet,” Nita cooed. “Tia Nita has your pussy all warmed up for you big boy.”

Skeet growled low and stepped between Emma’s spread legs. I watched as he sniffed at the wetness coming from Emma’s sweet pussy. Nita and I watched as Skeet’s long wet pink tongue came out and he licked Emma from above her clit all the way to the top of her ass crack. As soon as Skeet took the first lick, Emma jumped and SQUALLED as the rough wet tongue drug its way through her slit and crack. She knew it was the dog, and she also knew Nita and I were there watching the dog lick her pussy.

I played with Emma’s tits as she lay bent over the bench, legs wide spread, and a huge Great Dane licking her open pussy. She was moaning, and trying to open her legs wider to allow the dog better access to her pussy.

Skeeter started to lick her faster as he tried to cover her entire pussy mound his long tongue. Emma’s moaning became louder as she neared orgasm, and as Skeet’s tongue went deeper into her pussy. I was anxious for Emma to cum, because I planned for her to have multiple cums today. Once she hooked, I would begin to dome her and make her work and beg for doggy dick and her cums.

Emma started to shudder as she reached her first orgasm. Nita held Skeet’s head against Emma’s rocking pussy to maximize the sensation. Emma ignored the attention I gave her tits. She started to hump her pussy against Skeeter’s tongue. When she came, her pussy spewed a small squirt of her juices, and Skeeter didn’t miss a drop as he licked all of it like it was his last meal.
While Emma lay recovering from her orgasm, Nita released Skeeter’s head.

“Thank Skeeter Man for giving you such a wonderful cum,” I ordered Emma.

Emma said, “Oh thank you! Thank you, Skeeter! Good boy Skeeter.”

“Skeeter likes you — do you like him?” asked Kathleen.

“Yes, very much!”

“Do you want him to be your boyfriend? Are you ready to give him some pussy? That’s what girl friends do, ya know? They give their boyfriends all the pussy they want.”

“If his dick is bigger than the dog that fucked Nita, I am scared. Is it going to hurt if I give him some pussy?” Emma groaned.

I kissed Emma and said, “Don’t worry! Trust me. It is so much fun and I will be right here. If you decide you don’t want him any longer, I will make Nita give him some pussy. She loves his dick anyway.” I pulled on Emma’s long nipples as I talked to her.

Emma looked down and saw Skeeter eagerly eating her lovely pussy. She also saw his big red pointed dick beginning to emerge from its hairy sheath.

“I wanna give Skeeter’s some pussy!” Emma said.

Emma had her head down as she spoke. It was so soft I barely heard her. I spoke to her and winked at Nita as I did. “Then look back at him Emma. Look at Skeeter and tell him what you have for him. Tell him what is his. Then you ask him for what you want. Ask him for what you need from him.”

Emma shook her head for a moment. Skeeter licked her again and again from clit to crack. Finally that long rough doggy tongue broke Emma’s shell.

“Skeeter, my darling, I have some hot wet sweet pussy for you big boy. I want you to take my dog dick cherry pussy your way. I want your big doggie dick fucking me! My tight pussy is waiting for your huge red doggy dick. IO want your dick, Skeeter. I NEED YOUR DICK!”

Nita helped Skeeter mount Emma. His strong front paws held tightly around her slim waist while his warm dick rubbed against her creamy ass.

Emma panted, “Nita, Ohhh, Nita please put that doggie dick inside my pussy!”
Nita held Skeeter’s red pointy dick against Emma’s dripping fuck hole.

I asked Emma, “Are you sure you want to give Skeeter your pussy?”

“OHHH Fuck yes,” Emma sobbed. “OK big boy. Now it is your turn to fuck me,” she said.

Nita rubbed the tip of Skeeter’s dick against Emma’s clit and twat. When she had Skeeter’s dick aligned with Emma’s pussy hole, Nita feed that hungry cunt with a couple of inches of doggy dick. Emma gasped at the size of the dick. I told Nita to release Skeeter and let him fuck his new whore. He immediately drew back and slammed over 8 inches of dick to Emma. Skeeter pounded her and his knot banged against her clit as he was not yet trying to get it in her cunt.

I pushed Emma’s head down and told her to look at his dick as it slid into her. Emma cried in joy and ecstasy as that huge red dog dick sank deeper into her little pussy. Emma was getting a pussy full of doggie dick as I saw her become accustomed to his size.

“Yes, Skeeter baby! Fuck me! Fuck your little Emma. Fill my little pussy with your doggie dick. I want to feel your hot dick in me. Fuck me!” she wailed.

Skeeter fucked her fast and hard, his knot not in her as yet.
Emma panted, “Ahhhhh! I feel his dick growing. Oh My God. His dick is growing in my pussy. He is pushing his knot against me! He wants to knot me like a bitch!”

Emma started to lift her hips up, thrusting her pussy to Skeeter him as he filled her with dick. And it must have felt wonderful to Emma because she slowly fucked him back. I leaned and looked back and I sensed Skeeter’s dick was growing larger inside Emma’s pussy.

Skeeter had pushed his huge knot through and Emma had clamped her cunt around it. She had him knotted in her and her pussy was milking his dick. I asked Emma if Skeeter’s dick was buried in her?

All Emma could do was grunt like a little piglet. I knew Skeeter’s entire length of dick was inside her. His dick had pierced through her cervix and the tip was wafting like a feather against her womb. Emma started to squeal and jerk as Skeeter started to cum deep inside her pussy. I could see Emm’s tummy throb from the massive dick as it spurted hot doggie cum in her.

“Did they knot?” I asked Nita.
“Oh yeah,” she smirked. They are going to be stuck together for a while.”

Emma screamed softly. The dick and hot cum felt so good they caused Emma to begin cumming again.

“Do you like fucking dogs, Emma?”
“Yes I love it!” Emma gasped, panting from excitement.

“Then tell him you love it, tell him to fuck harder and faster!”
“Oh! Skeeter, darling, I love the way you fuck. I ‘m Cumming! Fuck faster… fuck harder… fuck deeper… The harder you fuck the harder I cum! “

The sight of this was getting both Nita and I excited. I started talking really dirty to Emma. “You nasty dog fucking slut. Your pussy is so fucking wet!”

I hissed at Emma, “You are Skeeter’s bitch! His new fuck bitch. Skeeter is about to cum! His lovely knot is growing inside your hot fuck hole. Tell Skeeter what you are, you fucking whore! Tell him who owns that pussy!”

“Skeeter, I am your bitch, you fuck me so hard so deep! MMM! I love you Skeeter! Please cum inside my pussy. You own this pussy big boy. This is your pussy. You make me feel so sexy. I love having your big brown furry body mount on top my fine ass. You are so strong,” panted Emma.

“Give me load of hot sperm. Fill my pussy with your cum. I love having your big knot deep in my tight pussy! Seal my pussy with your knot. Give me your puppies Skeeter man!” Emma cried.

After about half an hour, Skeeter pulled his dick out of Emma’s pussy with a ‘plop’ sound. A huge load of woman and doggie fuck juice started gushing out of her dog fucked pussy like a waterfall. Nita sucked all the juice from Emma’s hot fuck hole.

Skeeter started to lick the cum from Emma’s pussy. She began to cum again from his licking. He cleaned cum off her as Nita hugged him and I hugged her. Emma looked at Skeeter and told him, “there was lots more pussy for him any time he wanted it.”

Emma, Nita and I held each other tenderly. We kissed and Emma could taste her cum and that of the dog on Nita’s mouth.

“Oh Kathleen,” Emma sighed, “That was so wonderful. Please teach me everything about doggy dick!”

Go to next part

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