Women with Animals

Building Maintenance – Part V


Go to 1st part

I can not provide a reason or answer to the question, ‘why does it seem that more and more people today (girls particularly) are open to and willing to engage in same gender sex than 20-25 years ago? While I think the increase in population is a part of the reason, it certainly is not the primary reason. And frankly, I don’t care what are sociological, psychological, physical, mental, emotional, or economic conditions exist that have caused this mini-explosion in same gender sex, all I know is that it makes a great fishing and hook-up environment for a fit, not too bad on the eyes, aggressive, dominant lesbian.

Pamela Sue Rogers (Pam or P-Sue) was a married woman in her late 40’s who hadn’t been fucked in 2-3 years. (That is a pure guess on my part.) She was on the plump side. Not obese, but she carried maybe 15-20 lbs more on her 5’’5” frame than she should have. An ideal weight for her looking at her shoulders, hips and bones would be around 105-110 in my opinion. Pamela Sue was narrow across the shoulders, hips and rump, but when weight proportionate, it was evident she had curves in all the right places. She was not a flirt. She was not a person whose outward attitude and mannerisms indicated she was had a burning volcano of sexual energy stored up awaiting release.

That release is the story below. As usual, the gist of the story is accurate. The names have been altered.



P-Sue knew all the rumors and gossip regarding Nita and I. She never commented one way or ‘tother as far as I know. P-Sue never flirted with anyone of either sex. She was not overt, flashy, slutty, or exhibitionist in her dress, speech, or movements. Honestly, if pressured to answer before the encounter, I would have stated that P-Sue was asexual.

I was giving a dealers party. I sent out a party questionnaire to each dealer. The questionnaire offered a choice of calendar dates, choices for food, choices for dessert, choices for alcohol, choices for non-alcoholic drink, choices for party favors, etc. I asked each dealer to circle the one they desired most. I intended to allow majority to rule the menu.

Once all the selections were completed, I turned everything over to Nita and Emma to organize, arrange, and handle. This included most of the cooking. I think the turn-out was about 85-90 dealers of the total 110.

We started at 6:00 pm with a cut-off at 11:00 PM and really thought most all would be gone by 10:30. Nita and Emma had rented a party tent in which we set up tables and chairs (also rented), a buffet type line, and a dessert table.

The dealers range in age from late 70’s down to late 20’s. For the most part, all but a half dozen women had departed by 10:00. P-Sue remained. When it was she, Emma, Nita and I remaining, she asked if I would explain something to her. I said sure, if I could.

P-Sue said she saw something in my bedroom and she was curious as to what it was. I rose and P-Sue followed me to my bedroom. In a lighted glass cabinet curio cabinet she pointed to a carving. I laughed and said it was an erotic carving my ex had obtained while in Japan. P-Sue said she knew it was erotic, but she could not make out the images.

I opened the curio and got the image, handing it to her for a closer inspection. When it finally dawned on her that the carving was one of a young girl being fucked by a dog, P-Sue gasped. The way the carving was done it had no top or bottom thus one could not state if the girl was on her hands and knees with the dog covering her and humping, or whether the girl was on her back and dog doing her missionary.

P-Sue looked at the carving for what seemed a long time. She went to the bedroom door and looked down the hallway. Hearing Nita and Emma clearing up, she came back and looked at me. She licked her lips and her voice was hoarse. She asked in a whisper if the dogs in the dog run out back were trained like the one in the carving. Again, I laughed and said that is something she would have to judge for herself, but if she wanted 3rd party reviews, she might go talk with Nita and Emma. P-Sue’s eyes got as big as saucers and she licked her lips again.

I took the carving from her slightly shaking hand and replaced it. P-Sue’s nipples were erect and prominent through her bra and top. A slight sheen of perspiration was evident on her forehead and upper lip. She licked her lips again and again. When I turned back to her, I stepped to her and with a slow languid reach of my arm, I grabbed a hand full of her hair at the nape of her neck.

I leaned in very close to her so she could smell the aromatic combination of my perfume and my wine breath. P-Sue closed her eyes as I clutched her hair and pulled to the extent that I tilted her head back slightly. With my free hand, I reached up and squeezed P-Sue’s breast. I squeezed and said to her.

“I take it you are into erotic art?”

“Not really,” P-Sue replied.

“What are you into then?” I asked as I held Sue’s hair in a tight grip and gently used my other hand to squeeze her breast and tweak her nipple. P-Sue was in shock. The sensuous feel of my fingernails slightly digging into her breast combined with the unexpectedness of the caress caused her to lose focus. P-Sue tried to speak, but no words would come.

“You like that don’t you?” I said as I continued to squeeze her breast.

“No..” P-Sue managed. She was breathing deeply and I could fell her nipples poking into the soft satin cups of her bra. I released her hair, and before Sue could move I seized both of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed. I could see her eyes register the instant jolt of pleasure as it shot through her body and caused her to gasp.

“Your mouth says no, but your hot assed body is saying yes. What’s a girl to think? You are a hot little femme. What’s the matter, you hubby not taking care of your sweet pussy? Come on girl, moan a little for me, I want to hear it,” I said in a husky whisper. P-Sue bit her lip and shook her head, but was powerless to escape from my soft fingers. My right hand released her nipple and gently squeezed Sue’s whole breast. Despite herself a soft moan escaped from her lips.

“Mmmmm, that’s nice. Love to hear a girl moaning and groaning, especially when she’s wiggling her cute ass on the end of a long thick red big knot doggy dick. Would you like that MRS. Rogers? I bet you would just love to be on your knees bent over this hassock with 10 or 11 inches of throbbing dog dick buried in your hot snatch wouldn’t you?”

“Please..” Sue managed, glancing nervously towards the kitchen.

“Please what? Please stop? Or please bend you over the hassock and bring in one of the dogs to fuck the shit out of you?” I asked P-Sue. While I spoke my hand left Sue’s breast and slid up her inner thigh, taking her skirt with it.


“Mmm, there you go again P-Sue,” I said. My fingers had crossed her thigh high tops and P-Sue moaned when my hand demandingly cupped her pussy and began to rub. Sue was paralyzed with both fear and arousal when my hand dug under the leg band of her panties and pulled them aside. She bit her lip until it turned purple when she felt the shock of my middle finger sliding between her slick lips and pushing its way into her tight entrance.

Sue was still reeling. Her body was thrumming with desire although her mind tried to convince herself that this was all a dream. I looked at her and smiled then held up my hand that had been between her legs and in her panties. P-Sue blushed red furiously when she saw the wetness glistening on my middle finger. I slid the finger into my mouth and sucked it clean, causing Sue to groan. The visual was just so powerful and erotic.

“Sweet, I bet you would love a taste of mine wouldn’t you?” I said as I slid my hand beneath my skirt. Sue watched as I worked my hand against my pussy and then pulled it out. I held my index finger to Sue’s lips. It was coated with my juices.

“Go ahead baby, you know you want to,” I whispered.

P-Sue couldn’t help herself, she parted her lips and I thrust my finger inside her mouth. A sweet yet musky flavor filled P-Sue’s mouth. She was surprised to hear a popping sound as I withdrew my finger.

I leaned down into P-Sue again and whispered, “I know you would love more, but you are going to have to get it straight from the source.” I could see Sue’s mind was still having trouble functioning and her body demanded that she do something about the sudden burning itch between her legs. P-Sue’s pink tongue gently licked along her lips savoring my distinctive flavor.

I stepped closed to P-Sue and tugged her blouse from her skirt. I slowly unbuttoned each button, telling Sue how much she was going to love doggy dick. I asked her how long has it been since she had a huge throbbing steel hard dick in her hot wet pussy? Sue groaned and said, “Oh fuck, it has been years!”

I removed her blouse and let it fall to the floor. I lowered the zipper at the side of P-Sue’s skirt and opened the clasp. I had to tug it a tad to get it down over P-Sue’s hips, but it joined the blouse. I turned P-Sue so her back was facing me. I lowered her bra straps down her arms and pulled her still clasped bra upward so that it seemed her tits were being presented on a tray. I smacked her butt 2 or 3 times just to hear her squeal, “OHHHH,” before squatting and lowering her panties to the floor. She had a demi-tasse saucer size circle of pussy juice flooding in the crotch of her panties.

I went to my vanity and removed a black silk eye mask. I placed the mask over P-Sue’s eyes and walked her to the vanity bench. I sat her down and instructed her not to move. I went to the door and called both Nita and Emma to come to my room.

I ushered Nita and Emma inside my room. I told them that I wanted P-Sue to have some information, and because she was embarrassed, I had blind-folded her. I ordered Nita to name the dogs in the run.

“Scruffie, Skeeter, Sandy, and RD,” Nita said. I ordered Nita to state how many of the 4 had access to her pussy.

Scruffie, Skeeter, and Sandy,” Nita replied. Why wasn’t RD allowed access to your pussy I asked Nita?
“Because, RD is pledged as husband to Kymberly Waverly,” Nita said.

I ordered Emma to name the dogs in the run.
“Scruffie, Skeeter, Sandy, and RD,” came her reply.

I ordered Emma to state of these how many and which had access to her pussy.

“Scruff, Skeet, and Sandy,” Emma said. Why wasn’t RD allowed her pussy I asked.
“Because, RD is pledged as husband to Kymberly Waverly,” Nita said.

I ordered Nita and Emma to state the size of the dog dicks in ascending order from smallest to largest as well as provide dimensional statistics, i.e. length, widest width of the shaft, width and depth of knot, and color description. I ordered Emma to name the dog with the smallest dick and the color of that dick while Nita would recite the measured statistics of that dick. P-Sue was grinding her cunt into the bench seat. She wanted increased friction against her swollen clit.

“Sandy; light pink colored dick with highly visible bluish veins,” Emma said.
“6 and one quarter inches from tip to beginning of knot; shaft is 1 and half inches wide; knot is 3 and 3 quarter inches wide; and 2 and one half inches deep. Sandy has an inch and seven-eights of dick shaft behind his knot. Overall length is 10 and five-eights inches,” Nita reported.

“Scruffie; bright red colored dick with very pointed tip,” said Emma.
“6 and seven-eights inches from tip to beginning of knot; shaft is 1 and five-eights wide; knot is 4 inches wide and 2 and three quarter inches deep. Scruff has 1 and seven-eights of dick shaft behind his knot. Overall length is 11 and one half inches,” Nita reported.

“Skeeter Man; bright red colored dick with pointed tip,” called Emma.
“7 and three-eights inches from tip to beginning of knot; shaft is 2 and one quarter inches wide; knot is 4 and half inches wide and three inches deep. Skeet has 2 and one-eighth inches of dick shaft behind his knot. Overall length is 12 and one half inches,” Nita hissed.

“RD- Royal Dick, Artie, is scarlet red in color with flared head almost like a mushroom,” Emma said in a husky voice.

“You added commentary is not required I told Emma.”

RD’s dick is 8 inches from tip of head to beginning of knot; shaft is 2 and seven-eighths inches wide and 3 and three quarter inches deep. RD has 2 and five-eighths inches of dick shaft behind his knot. Overall length is 14 and three-eighths inches,” Nita said in a hushed voice.

I motioned Emma over to P-Sue. I pushed Emma to her knees and in a really soft voice ordered her to eat and lick P-Sue but do not allow her to cum. I massaged P-Sue’s tits and nipples and kissed long lazy circles over her back, neck, and shoulders.

I asked P-Sue, “Ok baby, now tell me which of those lovely dicks, EXCEPT RD’S, you want ravishing that hot sweet pussy of yours. Come on Darlin’, tell me what you want!”

P-Sue muttered and mumbled. Her voice was broken and she was close to sobbing from the pleasure and torture Emma’s hot mouth and tongue wrought on her pussy.

I asked P-Sue, “you want the little one sweetie. That small dick trying to satisfy your hot cunt? I don’t think so!” I cooed to her. P-Sue shook her head, which I knew meant she concurred. Sandy was too small to work P-Sue’s pussy as required.

Again I hissed in P-Sue’s ear as I licked her inner ear. “How about Skeeter man, little hot pussy girl? What about that big dick Dane, Skeeter,” I asked? P-Sue nodded her head vigorously. “Emma can tell you how good a fuck Skeeter is. He is her favorite boy-friend. Isn’t that right Emma?”

“OOOO Yes,” Emma whispered. “When Skeeter licks your pussy P-Sue, you will cream all over your thighs. When you suck his dick, he will whimper like a little boy. He will scrabble his legs and hump his hips trying to fuck your mouth. He will dump a gallon of pre-cum either on you or down your throat. When he is ready to cum, you will stop sucking that pretty dick of his. I will help you get over the hassock and Nita will guide Skeeter’s monster dick into your pussy. The P-Sue, you are going to get the fucking of your life.”

P-Sue moaned, squealed and squirmed. I noticed her toes beginning to curl so I order Emma to cease her oral ministrations. When I recommended Skeeter, Nita left the room to fetch him.

I ordered Emma to help P-Sue over the hassock. I told Emma to finger fuck her and massage her clit while she fingered her. Nita returned with Skeeter in tow. Nita led Skeet to P-Sue. I pushed Emma out of the way, and Skeet came forward to get the aroma of the woman over the bench. P-Sue groaned when Skeet’s cold nose touched her thighs, ass cheeks, and finally pussy lips.

Skeeter stepped back, stymied, whining eagerly and staring with unmistakable hunger at the naked female body before him.

To the sensually writhing P-Sue, this whining proved even more exciting. Skeeter nosed forward his snout pressing into the softly curled pubic hair.

“Oh God,” P-Sue moaned. “Come on Skeeter,” she called needlessly. “Lick my pussy, bot.”

“Come on Skeeter,” she said again, her voice husky. “Lick it, Skeeter,” she begged. “Lick my pussy.”

“Oh!” she gasped out from the sudden shock of that cold damp nose against her naked flesh. She gritted her teeth to keep from crying out in tortured frustration as the nose swept lightly over her pussy hair, barely touching the needing pussy lips.

Oh, God, she thought to herself, she needed more, much more if she were not going to go completely out of her mind. Then suddenly without warning Skeeter’s tongue shot out to dart lizard-like in between her waiting pussy-flesh, splaying out wetly over her soft pubic mound, digging insistently between the desire-swollen outer lips to trail a line of fiery bliss into the moist inner pinkness.

“Unnhhh! Aaaaahhhhhhh,” P-Sue half sobbed, her body spasming into an arched curve as the first wild shock of that invading tongue rocked through her waiting body. “Aaaahhhhh … aaaaahhhhhh,” she continued to moan as time and time again that mighty tongue licked out, sliding wetly the full length of her palpitating little pussy slit, starting at her tiny anus puckered below, and trailing up over her clenched vaginal opening to finally end with a nerve-shattering swipe over her erect and painfully-throbbing clitoral bud. Again and again Skeeter licked at her glistening wet nakedness, driving the sex-maddened woman to heights of passion she had never known before.

“Aaaahhhh … God … why haven’t I ever done this before?” P-Sue moaned. “If I’d only known … only known.” Her softly flexing thighs spread mindlessly apart to open her burning pussy wider to the slavering animal. P-Sue reached back and spread her as cheeks to give Skeeter better access. She wanted his tongue to plunge deep, deep up inside her burning pussy.

Bent as she was Skeeter was presented with a new target: P-Sue’s tightly pursed little anus. Licking higher, the big animal began to torture the rubbery opening, even managing once to dig his tongue slightly inside. His helpless victim went nearly insane with this obscene new assault, her whole body jerking and lunging on the rug while choking gasps of sexual need bubbled up from deep in her chest. Bit by bit her delirious ravings fell into a rhythmic chant, keeping time to the dog’s depraved lickings up between her wide-split ass crack.

“Oooooh, ooooohhhhhh, ooooohhhhhh,” she moaned. “Keep licking … licking … it feels so good … make me cum, going to cum … oh, faster, harder.”

Eagerly the big dog licked into the aromatic feast below, his senses filled with the rich taste and smell and sight of this nakedly aroused human. Little by little a fierce burning was growing in the animal’s loins. It brought to life by the writhing woman who begged and pleaded under him, half-buried in the sensuous silkiness of the white fur rug. Harder and harder the big animal stroked his tongue into the sex-slippery pussy so shamelessly offered up to him, at the same time growing ever more excited himself.

“Oh, yes, yes, yes … that’ll do it … that’ll make Momma cum. Keep it up. Just another second or two …” P-Sue was moaning and twisting in completely abandoned lust, feeling a wild pressure building, building far up inside her belly, stroked into life by Skeeter’s lust-firing tongue.

“My God!” “Ooooohhh,” P-Sue breathed out blissfully. “What a tongue … what a wonderful tongue. Where has that tongue been all my life?”

Although she had done without for the last few years, her teen and adult lifetime of sexual experience told her she was about to cum. P-Sue was about to cum like she had never cum before. Powerful spasms began to seize her helpless body and she was letting herself go with it when — suddenly to her horror she felt Skeeter’s head move away from her quaking pussy.

The shocked young woman raised her head questioningly to see what had robbed her of her orgasm. “W-What’s the matter, Skeeter?” she asked pleadingly. The big animal was backing slowly away from her, a confused look on his face. “Come on,” P-Sue begged, “come on back and do it to Momma. Please, baby, just a little more, just a little more and I’ll cum …”

And then P-Sue saw it — his dick! She stared wide-eyed at the furry belly of the big Great Dane, she saw his huge penis slowly emerging from its hairy protective sheath, long and scarlet, needle-pointed and menacing. Longer and thicker it grew as the dog’s excitement increased, until finally it stood out huge and rigid, a drop of viscous seminal fluid gleaming jewel-like at the very tip, a glistening promise of the animal’s potency.

P-Sue breathed to herself. She’d seen a lot of dicks in her life, but never anything to match this. It was so damn big! P-Sue found herself wondering if a woman could take a thing like that inside her without being split apart. But the most fascinating thing about the mighty organ bared to her gaze was its obscene scarlet coloring, growing out of the dog’s pale-furred belly like the stalk of some lewd plant. And that dick was meant for her: She knew it, Skeeter had become aroused while licking her pussy and now it looked as if he wanted to use that huge dick on her!

This was exactly what the adventurous brown haired woman had bargained for.

“Skeeter, baby,” she whimpered, her mind in turmoil. God, what a beautiful dick. “How would it feel driving hard up inside her belly?” she wondered. Wider and wider P-Sue’s eyes grew as she stared at that mighty obscene shaft dangling and dripping just behind her. She had images of that hairy body possessing hers, locked to her in totally depraved embrace. Just then the Great Dane whimpered pleadingly, and that did it. Skeeter wanted her — his need was as great as hers!

“Oh, fuck me, baby,” P-Sue moaned back over her shoulder. “Fuck me with your big beautiful doggy dick.” Staring in trembling anticipation, P-Sue watched Skeeter move hesitantly forward, approaching her lewdly offered ass-cheeks. Once again that cool nose slid between her naked thighs, checking, checking. Would he do it? Did he know what she meant? Suddenly the last coherent thought was torn from the crouching woman’s mind as Skeeter licked out with his tongue, splaying it through the pinkly quivering slit that waited before him, digging deep, deep this time up into P-Sue’s wetly flowering vagina, preparing the way for his ultimate penetration.

P-Sue’s breath caught in her throat. That wonderful tongue had once again captured her, making her Skeeter’s willing slave. Dropping her head to pillow on her elbows, the moaning gasping woman knelt in abject depravity. On and on Skeeter licked, six, eight, ten times. Then suddenly, Skeet rose up and P-Sue felt his paws on her back. His strong hairy forelegs locked around her waist as the big dog easily mounted her buttocks.

She could feel his hind legs dancing in close, the first touch of his hot swollen penis as it slid over her trembling thighs. Desperately the moaning P-Sue spread her knees apart, opening her thighs wider to the dog’s advance, wanting that mighty organ to pound up inside her frantically convulsing vagina. Slipping and dancing, the sharp tip slid tantalizingly over her swollen pussy lips, searching for its hot humid goal.

Sobbing desperately, P-Sue shifted her buttocks from side to side, trying to trap Skeeter’s penis with her hungrily nibbling pussy, but it was no use. I spoke softly to P-Sue.

“You want Nita to help him get that dick in your pussy Baby? If you do, you better be nice to my boy. His dick will fuck you better than you have ever been fucked. He will pierce your cervix and shoot scalding hot doggy sperm deep into you womb. You will cum for him and for me pretty P-Sue.”

Nita had Skeet’s huge dick in her palm. I nodded and she moved forward with the tapered tip. As soon as it touched the entrance to P-Sue’s ass, she screamed and twisted away from the unwanted impalement.

Giggling, Nita moved Skeeter in a little closer and this time his blindly thrusting dick slid underneath to rub maddeningly up and down inside the young woman’s hot wet pussy slit. The top side of his massive red shaft swallowed up by her rich brown pussy hair.

“Oh God,” P-Sue cried out in frustration as Skeeter’s huge powerful dick teased the full length of her warmly secreting pussy. That rock hard dick trapped P_Sue’s clit between it and her pubic bone. Skeeter’s humping rubbed the length of P-Sue’s clitoral shaft, moving the skin of the hood up and down exposing the shiny pearly had of the clit and then covering it. Skeeter was jacking off (or jilling, hee hee hee) P-sue and torturing her already aroused clitoris to a new and more swollen hardness.

It was obvious, ‘This was driving P-Sue mad!’ P-Sue wished she could take Skeeter’s penis in her fingers, and guide it firmly up towards her waiting vagina. Skeeter whined as he felt the pressure around his throbbing member. Nita recognized the anguish in the dog, and guided his massive dick right up to P-Sue’s passion-drenched pussy entrance.

“Fuck me now, baby … fuck me hard!” P-Sue begged, and Skeeter did.

Sensing he was now at his long goal, the huge dog only did what nature demanded. He fucked forward! He surged ahead on his powerful legs, driving his gleaming scarlet shaft like a relentless spear deep up into the softly waiting depths before him. Then, as soon as he had about half of that foot long porker in P-Sue’s volcanic cunt, Skeet pulled back 2-3 inches. He paused as though he was allowing her pussy so soak his dick with her sweet juice while he added to the mix with his volume of pre-cum.

P-Sue actually SOBBED, feeling that big dick being extracted from her needy pussy. Skeeter pumped again, and sunk his dick in the woman;s hot wet pussy until his knot slammed her puter labia, and his big hairy doggy balls rocked against her clit. Skeet knew he was in almost all the way. Skeeter began to fuck dog-style, driving rapid machine-gun bursts up into P-Sue’s quailing pussy.

P-Sue’s eyes opened wide in shock as that first thundering slammed knot and nuts against her pussy lips and clit. A small squeal tore from her throat. She grunted, feeling a mole hill of hurt yet a mountain of pleasure. Skeeter gave her no chance. Wham, wham, wham, he pounded into her squishing, dreipping pussy. His knot started to be engulfed by P-Sue’s outer lips. She shook her head no, no, no!

I leaned and pulled her nipples and asked her, “Is this lovely hard dick too big for you little girl? Are you going to make my beautiful boy unhappy by not taking his full dick and knot? You know you ant that dick. You know you want all of it. Think of how his big knot is going to rub back and forth over your G-Spot while his balls slam your clit. Fuck P-Sue, you will be cumin for an hour!! Come on Bitch, tell me you and your NEW MAN you ant every fucking inch of his Dick!”

“Aaaaaaagggghhhhh,” P-Sue moaned in agony, her last inner defenses crumbling before Skeeter’s relentless attack. She tried to crawl forward over the hassock to escape, but Skeeter danced along after her, his forelegs holding tight to her waist. An angry growl came from his throat and P-Sue knew he wasn’t about to let her go.

P-Sue had not known many dicks in her life. She had never felt so filled. She was able to feel every inch of that huge fleshy pole as it stretched her pussy to the bursting point. Skeet’s dick dug to depths no man had ever reached in P-Sue’s pussy. P-Sue opened her thighs a little wider, hoping to give Skeeter a straighter easier path up into her pussy. She concentrated on relaxing her vaginal muscles. It worked.

“Aaaaaahhhhhhh,” the pretty woman moaned. P-Sue’s eyes glazed over in a blind stare of passionate acceptance as she crouched in helpless submission before her animal lover. Without warning, almost as if they were acting on their own, her hips began a mindless automatic rocking and rolling motion fucking back against the lewdly invading dog-dick. Her hips moved first in little circles, then in hard jarring thrusts straight back into Skeeter’s ramrod dick while she mewled and moaned in lascivious pleasure.

Oh God, P-Sue thought. I have really been missing out on a lot all these years. What power and wild animal strength this big dog had as he poured his molten flesh into her delighted body! Compared to all of her previous lovers (only 4 men) Skeeter was a genuine fucking machine, pounding into her with all the vigor of a lust-driven teen-age boy and the strength of a tiger.

The well-filled woman tried to look back under her kneeling body to watch that scarlet rod of dog-flesh pounding up into her twitching pussy, but all she could see was Skeeter’s hairy balls swinging lewdly down between her open legs, each sharp slap giving her additional jolts of wild pleasure. Reaching back between her thighs with one hand, P-Sue circled her fingers around the last bit of hot slippery dog-penis dick shaft behind Skeeter’s knot as it flashed in and out between her sensitively throbbing pussy lips. She felt it slide far up her shuddering pussy.

Looking once more over toward the closet door mirror, the sweating, panting, moaning woman felt a rush of obscene pleasure wash over her as she memorized the depraved picture they formed together: She, pale-skinned and naked, and this madly humping animal, his long tongue lolling out from between his fangs as he fucked her like the bitch she was. Just the thought of the very verboten nature of what she was doing added new dimensions to the erotic signals radiating out from P-Sue’s plundered pussy depths. It was so … so … obscene, she thought in amazement while the ever-growing epi-center of lust spread throughout her shamelessly used body.

“Oooohhhh, ooohhhhh, oooohhhhhh,” she chanted out each time she moved her buttocks back against Skeeter’s hard-driving loins. Never, never, never had she felt so passionately involved in being fucked. P-Sue was completely enraptured by the wonderful animal-fucking she was receiving. One last time she turned to look at the mirror, fascinated by the sight of her own soft pink inner flesh pulling out of her vagina with Skeeter’s dick on the out-stroke, only to be pounding back up inside as he once again jerked forward.

Dazedly she dropped her head again, lost in lust, her mind wandering, the only reality in the world being that huge red doggy dick thundering up into her eagerly accepting pussy. Dick, dick, dick. Dick was all that mattered to P-Sue. That huge vicious dog-dick, that obscene scarlet shaft, that incredible giver of pleasure was all that was on her mind.

Sensing his new bitch’s arousal, Skeeter redoubled his efforts. It was as if he was encouraged by the complete acceptance of the woman before him, jolting her forward each time he thrust up into her hotly clinging pussy. “Uuuuhhhhnnnn,” she grunted each time his powerful loins thudded against her flexing ass-cheeks, his huge fleshy pole seeming to penetrate up through her body until it felt as if it were going to pierce clear up through her belly.

Bracing herself as best she could, P-Sue opened her thighs even wider, stretching her whole pubic area wide until she thought she would split wide open, spreading herself to a degree she had never before thought possible so that she could gain the full benefit of the animal’s enormously enlarged shaft, reveling in the feel of that heated rock-hardness smashing past her tender pussy lips on its relentless journey up into her most secret depths.

The dark-haired beauty had turned into a raving sex-starved maniac. P-sue cursed, moaned and pleaded with the slaving animal to fuck her harder, deeper, and faster than she had ever been fucked before. Yes, yes, her orgasm was almost here now, but she fought it off, wanting to make this last, wanting to build up to a peak so high that it would take her forever to come down from it.

“Fuck me, fuck me Skeeter! Fuck your big dick into me! Cum in me… cum in me … fill me with your animal cum.”

The twitching, writhing, panting was all but unrecognizable now, her face distorted into a twisted but somehow oddly beautiful mask of pure unadulterated lust. All her sexual fantasies were being fulfilled — she was being used and degraded and enslaved beyond her wildest imaginings. Strange forgotten masochistic emotions welled up from her unconscious, making her flesh shiver with forbidden delights while she let her mind dwell on the terrible nature of the act she was performing.

Never before had the sex act seemed more lust-filled, more carnal to her as she made her body a willing receptacle for the thrusting red penis of a brute animal who fucked into her as if she were only another animal. Yes, her animal nature had triumphed today, she thought dizzily as she humped before her furry lover like any female beast of the jungle.

Driven almost mad by the pummeling of her clitoris by Skeeter’s balls, P-Sue reached back desperately with one hand in an attempt to soothe the wonderful agony between her legs. The tip of her middle finger pressed down hard on the swollen little nerve-button. That was the final trigger her sex-flooded body needed, and the stunned woman suddenly felt as if a heavy fist had thudded into her stomach. All her muscles contracted in a wild delightful spasm, her buttocks flexed and clenched and loosened. Her clenching pussy began to suck and pull on Skeeter’s throbbing dick.

“Aunnnnggggghhhhh!” she moaned, half-blinded by the power of her own long-awaited orgasm. The shaking woman was dimly aware of her animal-lover’s blood-engorged dick swelling to greater and greater dimensions under the obscene stimulation of her powerfully milking vagina. Suddenly the dog’s searing animal cum began to jet far up into her innermost depths, flooding her with an obscene warmth she fremembered so well.

P-Sue gasped and began to think how different it felt from a man’s orgasm. This was more like one long powerful squirt that seemed to tunnel a molten path right through her quivering insides. One last realization exploded her mind in a great flare of colored lights as she started to cum all over again.

Skeeter held tight to the crazily bucking woman as she gurgled out a long moan of sensual pleasure, all the time emptying his sperm-bloated canine testicles into her wildly gyrating body as she knelt before him in unashamed depravity. P-Sue wailed and thrashed as she pressed her hungrily milking pussy mouth back against the spurting animal dick. She did not wish to let one precious drop of the lustful fluid escape. The thick white liquid gushed out from around where her madly working pussy clasped tight around Skeeter’s jerking dick. It ran in sticky traits down her convulsing thighs to drip onto the floor below.

Finally, one last powerful shudder passed through the sobbing woman’s exhausted body in final release and she fell limply forward. Skeeter’s had stopped his thrusts and panted exhausted over P-Sue’s back. Like a tender lover, he licked her back and shoulders in a soft affectionate way. He remained knotted deeply into her wet pussy. As he made small attempts to pull out, P-Sue’s pussy made a soft lewd sucking sound.

For long minutes panting dog and the wrecked woman lay still. Her lovely face was flush, yet complete contentment and satisfaction were evident. P-Sue slowly regained her breath. Then she became aware of a strange titillation against her buttocks, and lifting her head to look in the mirror, she saw that Skeeter was slowly withdrawing his huge dick from her depths. Once he had pulled his dick out, he began licking their combined sex-juices from her naked loins, his tongue sliding over her ass-cheeks to dip obscenely down into her still oozing pussy slit. The big dog was obviously savoring the exotic tastes of spent passion.

P-Sue let her head drop wearily back down as Skeeter’s gentle laving soothed the last dregs of sexual tension from her much-used body. She opened her thighs as wide as possible to let his cleansing tongue reach the very top of her aching slit, soothing rather than exciting her this time, seeming to heal her ravished pussy-flesh.

At last her animal lover had licked her clean and lay down gratefully beside her, his big head resting fondly near her hanging head. For nearly a half-hour they lay that way, relaxing, feeling the warmth of one-another’s now so familiar bodies. Finally P-Sue rolled over and off the hassock. She patted the big animal affectionately on the head.

“You got a job for life, pal,” she said. “All the steak and doggy biscuits you want.” And then she remembered that this new lover of hers was not, after all, her dog, and for a moment she felt a hot wave of jealousy flood through her, directed at her friend Kathleen.

‘What right did this woman have to own 4 so well trained lovers? Why did this woman have 3 other marvelous fucking-machines like Skeeter anyway?’ P-Sue thought to herself. I smiled knowingly at P-Sue and said, “with the exception of RD, any or all of them are available for your use and fun.”

“Okay, handsome,” P-Sue said fondly to Skeeter.

“It is time for me to go home. We wouldn’t want your mistress to get upset and keep me from you, would we?”

P-Sue dressed and thanks me and Nita. As she departed P-Sue called softly with true love and affection, “So long, lover boy. Protect that beautiful big dick. I shall see you again soon.”

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