Women with Animals

Linda’s Tale


Chapter One

Linda is smitten with Adrian. Where it leads is not what she expected.

Hi, I am Linda. I am 23, tall, not bad looking and sexually active. I learned that I am a sucker for guys in uniform. That is why I have been involved with Adrian for 3 years now. I met him at a Saturday function I was dragged to by my bestie Monica. She is divorced and just enjoys sex without the attachment. I am different as I like being in a relationship. As soon as I saw Adrian I was smitten. Tall, slim, super fit but it was the Army uniform that sealed it. I saw he was at the bar and I quickly sidled up to him and struck up a conversation. Monica was engaged elsewhere so I ended up sitting down with Adrian and talking. He told me he had an early call the next morning so we exchanged phone numbers and he said he would call me.

I waited and waited and just as I had given up hope he rang the following Friday. We went out the following night and thus began our relationship. I should add that the sex that night was amazing or maybe it was because I hadn’t had sex for months. But when he took off his clothes and I saw his muscles, particularly the one between his legs, I was in heaven. His love making was a dream come true. It wasn’t long before we moved in together. Normally guys would live on the base but his rank allowed him to choose. Luckily for me he chose to live off base.

We soon settled into a routine. Up at the crack of dawn, Adrian showered and dressed and off to the base. Me groaning, forcing myself to get up, shower, dress and off to work. It took me several weeks to get used to waking up at 5am. Previously I didn’t know it existed. On the weekend we would go for runs around the local oval. He would do perhaps 10 laps. I would do maybe 2 or three. But it was fine as his fitness meant he could make love to me for longer that the 10 minutes I had become accustomed to previously.

I soon realised he had a fetish for uniforms. Maybe because he always wore one. First he brought home a woman’s Army uniform. Of course I was meant to wear it sans underwear. I often wondered if it was me he ravaged or someone at work he fancied. Next was a latex nurse’s outfit. Actually that one really turned me on too. Again sans underwear I would slip into it and meet him at the door when he got home. Some nights we didn’t get to eat dinner until 10pm. That outfit got both of us horny.

He came home one night to tell me that the following week he would be on field training for three weeks. He had mentioned the possibility several weeks earlier. He said he was worried about me being on my own and suggested we get a dog. “We have a big backyard and a dog could keep me safe” he said. I was talking to Monica who said she knew a local breeder and she would help me find a companion. I told Adrian and he agreed it was a good idea. The next weekend we met with Monica who took us to this breeding farm. The guy there, Tom, said we should get one “intact” as he described it as they were best as guard dog.

After looking Adrian saw this Doberman. My God he was huge. “I don’t think I could handle him” I said but both Adrian and Monica said he would scare away any trouble. Thing was, he also scared me. But finally I agreed and we bought him and took him home. He settled in surprisingly easily. We bought all the gear that Tom suggested and he enjoyed the large backyard. Sunday night was wet with a real downpour so Trigger (Adrian’s name idea) was inside. Adrian was to leave the next morning so we were on the couch indulged in foreplay when Trigger padded up and tried to push his head under me dress. “No” I cried “bad dog” but Adrian just laughed. “Maybe he smells your arousal” he said “it is making him horny. You should see what he will do”. I was shocked. “Don’t be disgusting” I said, angrily. He just laughed it off and we went to bed to have the last sex I would get for three weeks.

Adrian packed and left Saturday morning. The house was so empty. I admit I was feeling down. Saturday night I rang Monica and she came around with a bottle of wine and a shoulder to cry on. As the wine loosened my tongue I told her about Trigger and what Adrian said. She laughed and said Adrian should be careful because once Trigger licked me I would not want him anymore. I waited for her to laugh but she didn’t. “My God, are you serious?” I said. She smiled “take it from me honey a dog’s tongue is magic and will make you cum in seconds”.

I sat computing what she was saying. I struck me that she was speaking from experience. “You mean” I said while taking another sip “that you done it?” She looked me straight in the eyes and said “yes I have”. I was stunned. I knew Monica had a Black Labrador she called Tyson. “You mean you let Tyson lick you and make you cum?” I gasped “that is so freaky”. She laughed and tried to change the subject but I persisted. Finally she said that he did and she loved it. She added that it took weeks to train him by using code words that understood. She would say “Tyson stop” and he would go and lie down. She would say “Tyson lick” and he would come up and lick her.

I was completely shocked. I had heard about Bestiality but thought it was only in porn movies and probably fake. How could a dog engage with a human? The wine had my head spinning. “So a dog can lick a pussy. Can they also, you know, do it with a woman?” Monica laughed “oh honey it is entirely possible” and her face coloured a little. “My God Monica you have done it haven’t you? You and Tyson. Bloody hell honey that is so……and can’t find the words”. She laughed again. “Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it” she said, mocking my dismay.

It was very late, and another bottle later, when Monica left to go home. She was a bit drunk and I suggested she stay over but she said she had to get home. After she left I let Trigger inside and sat down on the couch. He was looking at me. Was I seeing things? Was that lust in his eyes? Was I really that drunk? I looked at him and he tilted his head to one side. “Don’t even think about it” I said to him and headed for bed. I lay there and what Monica had told me kept circling in my alcohol-soaked brain. As I succumbed and masturbated the vision of Monica mating with Tyson made me cum not once but twice before I fell asleep.


Chapter Two

I hook up with Adrian and all is fine. He will be away so we get a dog. My friend Monica visits and I am shocked at her admission of dog sex.

I couldn’t get Monica’s comments out of my head. How on earth could a dog have sex with a human? It just was so far outside my experience. But each night Tigger would sit there looking at me. I got on the internet and typed in “bestiality”. What popped up blew me away. There were hundreds of videos with women mating with dogs and performing oral sex, receiving and even giving it. I was both shocked and excited. I saved the site and checked it each night. By Friday night I was hooked. Not sucking a dog, that was gross, but the women seemed to enjoy being licked.

I was watching on Friday night, sitting at the dining room table when I slipped of my knickers and began to rub myself. I guess Trigger must have smelled me or something as he came up and pushed his nose between my legs. The videos had me so horny I just spread my legs and he zeroed in on me. The shock of his tongue sliding against my pussy had me squealing. “This is so wrong” I kept thinking but I couldn’t force myself to stop him. I leaned back in the chair, closed my eyes and moaned uncontrollably. Monica had been right. A dog’s tongue is 100 times better than a human tongue. Broad and rough and so damn fantastic. I had cum twice before begging him to stop.

I went to bed that night shaking with lust. I masturbated but somehow it didn’t seem the same, not as strong. I needed Trigger and got out of bed and I sat on the couch looking at him lying there. “Come on Trigger. Come and get some pussy” I said but he just looked at me. I was frustrated and then remembered that Monica had said that I had to use key words. I realised that I needed to train him properly if I wanted the satisfaction I sought. I went back to bed and came again before going to sleep. Saturday would be the day we started training.

Getting up early I had breakfast and feed Trigger. I looked at him and smiled. “You don’t even realise how much I enjoyed your tongue last night do you boy” I said and he looked at me not knowing what I was talking about. I had on a night dress and robe. Sitting on the couch I opening the robe and pulling up the night dress then I called him over. He padded over to me and I spread my legs. “Tigger lick” I said. No reaction. “Trigger lick” I said again. No reaction. Then I began to rub myself and he watched intently. Interested now I tried again “Trigger lick” and he moved forward, nose between my thighs and did as ordered. I think my orgasm was even stronger than last night.

I came down from my high and resisted the temptation for more. “Trigger stop” I said and pushed him away. He kept licking. “Trigger stop” I said again and again pushed him away. This time he stood back and looked at me. “Good boy” I said and patted him. He went and lay down in his usual spot but still looked at me. I went and got dressed but went sans knickers. Throughout the day I repeated the exercise. I would request he lick me saying “Trigger lick” and then have him stop by saying “Trigger stop”. He was getting the hang of it by dinner time I think. After dinner I sat down and called “Trigger lick” but I didn’t say “Trigger stop” until I had cum three times. I don’t know about Trigger but I was certainly worn out.

Sunday morning I tried him again and it worked. I was so pleased with myself. I rang Monica and told her the news and thanked her for her advice. She seemed as excited as me and an hour later she was sitting on my couch. “Trigger lick” she said. Trigger looked at me and realised I hadn’t said it. He hesitated and Monica said it again. He padded over to her and did her bidding. I watched as he pushed into her crotch and saw her gasp and then begin to moan. It was just about the most erotic thing I had ever seen. I imagined that had been my reaction. Eyes closed, mouth open and moans and squeals as orgasms washed over.

I have no idea how many times she came. It seemed like it was just one long one. Finally, almost out of breath she cried “Trigger stop”. I was so proud then he did. After Monica had regained her composure she told me Trigger was so much better that Tyson. “Do you want to swap” she said and we laughed. There was no way on earth I was going to give away my doggy lover. We had wine, she had another session with Trigger and went home very happy. “You have a very smart dog” she said as she left “it took me a full week before Tyson cottoned on. Good luck with the second part”.

I sat thinking about what she had said. Second part. Being licked by my Trigger was one thing but letting him mate with me? Oh wow that was a totally different kettle of fish. I tuned into those videos again and imagined it was me under those dogs. It was so freaky but I couldn’t deny it turned me on. I guess fear was my main worry. Fear of pain, fear of being tied to him but mainly fear of being discovered. What would people think if they somehow found out? Maybe it was safer to stick to being licked and just watch the rest on the internet. Then again, how long could that last before lust won out.

Answers were likely to act out when Monica invited me over. “Bring Trigger with you honey she said but make sure he is on a lead”. I wasn’t too sure why insisted on that but I didn’t question her. I arrived and had dinner with her. Tyson kept looking at me and at Trigger. He would snare every now and then as if to say “who this dog in my house”. I had Trigger tied to a chair by his lead. I now understood why Monica had insisted on it. Otherwise it was possible the dogs would have attacked each other. As long as Trigger was tied up Tyson just pranced around his “kingdom”.

After dinner we sat in the lounge with wine and Tyson came sniffing Monica. I realised, when she pulled her shirt up, that she wasn’t wearing knickers. “Tyson lick” she said and he duly moved in between her spread legs and began. Monica gave a little moan as his tongue hit home. She turned to and smiled with lust in her eyes. “Bring Trigger in here” she said “and let him watch”. I could see she was getting very turned on and she moaned again and closed her eyes. I fetched Trigger and he was showing distinct interest in proceedings. “Tie him up on the coffee table” she said, barely whispering. I tied him up and watched Tyson and Monica enjoying each other. Monica squealed as she came and Tyson lapped up her juices.

“I can’t wait any longer” she declared. “Tyson stop” she commanded and he sat back. She quickly knelt down with her body resting on the couch. “Tyson mount” she yelled. Immediately he rose up and mounted her as ordered. She reached between her legs and guided his growing cock to her pussy. He felt her warm and wetness and began thrusting. I watched open mouthed as my friend was being pounded furiously by her dog. Trigger was also watching, his tail wagging wildly. Too afraid to untie him I plunged my right hand into my knickers and began to rub and finger myself. About the same time as I came the first time Monica yelped as Tyson knotted with her. She was cumming too and let me know it. I came twice more as I watched Tyson fill her with his seed. Finally he was able to pull away, his cum dripping from Monica’s swollen pussy.

“My God Monica” I gasped “that was amazing”. She gave me one of those satisfied smiled. “I hope Trigger watched and knows what do when you get home”. She went and cleaned herself, we finished the wine and we kissed goodnight. To be honest I was having thoughts about her I had never felt before but I bit my tongue and went home instead. I put Trigger outside in the backyard, showered and lay on the bed masturbating while I thought about what I had seen. I came twice while wondering “could I do it”.


Chapter Three

My resistance breaks down and I teach Trigger to lick me. My friend Monica comes to visit and Trigger licks her too. Later I visit Monica and watch as her dog Tyson lick and then mate with her. Could I also become a bitch?

I found it hard to concentrate the next day at work. My pussy seemed to be constantly wet. Watching Monica mate with her dog was a world away from just watching bestiality videos. The worst part was how it turned me on, both watching Tyson and having feelings for Monica. I was confused about which was turning me on more. I was so torn and that was driving me crazy. After work I could get home fast enough. Ripping of my knickers I brought Trigger inside. Even as I said the words “Trigger lick” he must have read my mind. I barely said it and he was between my wide spread legs and lapping at my eager pussy. “Oh shit, you are such a good boy” I said and moaned as my orgasm crashed over me. I had another before I told him to stop. I sat there wondering “did he remember what Tyson did last night. Was I ready to go all the way?”

I managed to drag myself up and headed to the kitchen to cook dinner for myself. I walked back to the lounge and feed Tigger. He was looking at me and I wondered what he was thinking. “Here you are my lovely boy” I said and he stood up, tail wagging. “You want me don’t you sweetheart” I said to him “I will think about it. Now eat your dinner while I get mine” and I walked back to the kitchen. I stood stirred the beef curry I was cooking but I wasn’t really concentrating on that. My mind was spinning a hundred miles an hour. “I want it but I don’t want it” I kept on saying to myself.

I sat down and ate my beef curry. Tigger was finished his meal and he was laying down again looking at me. I got up and washed the dishes. I walked into the lounge and Tigger raised his head. “Yes” I said “Trigger lick” and as his tongue pleasured me and I orgasmed and I made my decision. Tonight I would train him to mate with me. Monica was right. I wanted it so badly. “Come Trigger” I said looking down at him “tonight I am going to train you to fuck me”. Stripped to the waist I called Trigger. “Trigger lick” I said and he dived between my wide spread thighs. I moaned as he went about his task with gusto. “Oh you are such a good boy” I whispered as he lapped at my sweet pussy.

I pushed him back and knelt on the floor with my body on the couch. “Trigger lick” I said again and again he moved in. This time his tongue swept from my pussy to the back door and back again. I came with a rush but Trigger didn’t falter. “Oh shit, can I really do it?” I thought. Gritting my teeth I reached back and pulled him on top of me. “Trigger mount” I said nervously. Now he had seen Monica with Tyson last night so I suppose I thought he would know what to do. No such luck. He seemed to be confused. “Trigger mount” I said again. Nothing. I reached back and his cock was barely out of its sheath. Frustration set in and I pushed him off me. Obviously this would take time.

For the next couple of nights I tried to get him to mount me. I would say “Tigger mount” and pull him on top of me. He would thrust away for a minute and lose interest. It was Thursday night I have been trying for about an hour. Suddenly he pressed his cock against my back door. Sensing my chance and reached under me and found his cock extended about 3”. I grabbed it and pointed it at my pussy. I think the penny must have dropped as he wrapped his front paws around my waist and began to thrust wildly. His cock was growing and squirting pre-cum. The minute he felt the warmth of my pussy he pushed in and began to hump me. What am I saying? He began to fuck me. I had seen Tyson with Monica and knew what to expect. Trigger growled and grunted as he set about mating with his bitch – me.

I readied myself for his knot but his cock kept growing. It was larger than Adrian, my husband, and I was moaning like a whore in a porn movie. “Yes Trigger. Good boy” I was mumbling. Then I felt it. His knot. Swelling up and being forced inside me. I squealed but Trigger was unmoved. His instinct was to force it into his bitch. POP! It was in me and I was tied to him. His cock twitched and I guessed he was cumming. Then it happened again and again. Maybe four times. In the meantime I was rubbing my clit and cumming too. Tigger remained tied to me for maybe 6 or 7 minutes but it felt like more. When he pulled away (another POP) his cum began leaking down my thighs. “You sure are a wicked slut” I said to myself.

I looked at Trigger who was laying down licking his cock. I was shocked to see it. Bright red and large. I had promised myself I would do it once to know what it felt like but seeing what he had rammed into me I wanted it again. I went and cleaned myself up and made myself a coffee. Trigger lay there looking at me. “Oh God Trigger I loved that. I am afraid once is not going to be enough”. I rang Monica to say I was now officially a bitch. She was so excited. “Maybe we can have a foursome” she said, laughing. For the next week I took Trigger nightly. Sunday I really tested him – three times. He would now mount me on command.

Adrian arrived at the end of his course. He came in and kissed me and looked at Trigger wagging his tail. “Have you been a good boy for mummy” he said. I smiled “yes he was been very good”. I had cooked dinner and we sat and ate, retiring to the lounge room with a bottle of wine. I was sitting on the couch with Adrian in a chair opposite. Trigger was sniffing around. I guess he could smell my arousal having my husband home. Adrian laughed “I see he is still sniffing you darling. Well Trigger, Daddy’s home so be warned I am horny”. I laughed and said “poor Trigger looks horny too. You did wonder what he would do”. Adrian looked excited. I slipped of my knickers and said “Trigger lick” and he immediately dived between my thighs and began to lick me”.

Adrian sat there wide-eyed. “Oh shit, you have been teaching him” he cried. “Yes baby” I said “I missed you so much and Trigger was a wonderful companion while you were away”. The Adrian noticed Trigger’s cock start to grow. “He is getting very excited” he said. “Oh that always happens honey. I guess that is normal”. Adrian came over and say beside me. While Trigger licked me to a strong orgasm Adrian was kissing me and fondling my breasts through my top. He looked down at Trigger “thanks for getting her going mate but I will take it from here”. “Trigger stop” I said and Adrian led me to the bedroom. I closed the door to make sure Trigger didn’t follow. I wasn’t ready to reveal the other trick Trigger had learned while Adrian was away. Not yet anyway.

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