Women with Animals
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The Priestess


The Initiation

Priestess Steffany looked up through the glass roof and saw the stars and the full moon. She then looked about the large torch-lit hall. There were twenty of her fellow priestesses from the Community there with her. They all wore their brown cotton robes that ended just about their knees and nothing else as normal. But this was not a normal occasion. They were all there to witness and participate in the initiation of five novices into lay priestesses. The initiations would be preformed ceremonially by the High Priestess and consummated by priests. It took a priest to initiate a priestess and a priestess to initiate a priest.

The black curtain slid away from the door of a side chamber. The High Priestess Joan bearing a torch stepped through and walked towards the raised platform in the center of the Hall. She wore a black robe and a crown of woven ivy upon her head. She was followed by five novices. They, in contrast to the priestesses and the High Priestess, wore red silk robes intricately embroidered with gold thread which covered them completely with hoods covering their heads. The six walked up the steps to the raised platform where the High Priestess placed her torch into its holder. She stepped in front of the line of novices and raised her hands. The novices removed their hoods. The women appeared to range in age from eighteen to forty. The witnessing priestesses surrounded the platform from all sides.

“Priestesses, we are gathered to initiate these novices into the sisterhood of priestesses if the Universe wills it. We pray that every priestess will produce Holy Offspring by her unions with priests.” The High Priestess intoned as the priestesses pressed closer to better see and hear. “We priestesses, whether high, ordinary, lay, cloistered, or consecrated are also here to renew our vows to the Divine Universe so that Its will may be done.”

“Novices, do you willingly seek to become a priestess of your own free will?” The High Priestess asked.

“WE DO.” The united voices of the novices rang out in answer.

“Novices and priestesses, do you by your own free will accept the teachings of our Faith that you have learned during your novitiate?” The High Priestess asked.

“WE DO.” The assembled novices and priestesses answered.

Novices and priestesses, do you willingly offer your fertility, sex, eggs, and wombs to the Divine Universe through Its priests so that Its Divine will may be done?” The High Priestess asked.

“WE DO.” The assembled novices and priestesses answered.

“Novices and priestesses, do you swear to spread our Faith to other women and to raise your own children in the Faith?” The High Priestess asked.

“WE DO.” The assembled novices and priestesses answered.

The High Priestess then stepped in front of the youngest woman who appeared to be eighteen or nineteen. The young novice glowed with beauty.

“Novice Helen, do you willingly offer your virginity to the Divine Universe through one of Its priests?” The High Priestess asked.

“I DO.” The Novice Helen shouted out beaming with joy.

“Novices, with the knowledge that we too are animals cast off your hubris.” The High Priestess commanded.

The hands of each novice went to unbutton the top button and then to unbutton the second button of her embroidered silk robe. Their hands then slid the silk robes off their shoulders, leaving each robe to fall to the floor. The nude novices then stepped out of the ostentatious silk robes. From the witnessing priestesses an appointed priestess stepped to the edge of the stage and gathered the silk robes. She then took them into the side chamber.

The High Priestess turned away from the novices and faced the front entrance. “Bring in the priests so that the initiation of the novices may be consummated.” The High Priestess commanded.

Immediately the front doors opened and five priestess brought in five priests. The priests were two Rottweilers, two Dobermans, and a German Shepherd. Those were the breeds the Community favored in its breeding program. The Community selectively breed and trained these breeds and a few from other breeds to become priests. These five priests were among the best available in the kennels.

The novices spread a couple feet a part from one another. Then each went down onto her knees and elbows on the padded stage as the priests and their attending priestesses climbed the stairs in pairs. Priestess Steffany had only met one of the novices. That novice was a recent immigrant from Brazil whom Priestess Steffany led into the Faith. Priestess Steffany’s duties often kept her away from the Community for a day or two at a time. One novice was a teenager. A couple looked like college students. And the other two looked like professional women in their thirties or early forties. A couple of them including Novice Helen were positively beautiful. All were attractive.

Each priest jumped around behind the novices. All were handsome fit males and were the product of generations of a breeding program designed to create priests sexually attracted to human females and to have high sexual libido and stamina. It was the German Shepherd that found an acceptable mate first.

After licking one of the older novices, a short haired brunette, a few seconds he lowered his ass and leaped onto the novice’s back. He easily found her entrance with the practiced ease that hundreds of matings with women brought an intelligent priest. But before he could begin pounding two other novices had been selected by priests. They were Helen and one of the novices who looked to be college aged. Helen was mounted by a Rottweiler. The other was mounted by a Doberman. The High Priestess knelt down and spoke into the ear of the virgin novice. Priestess Steffany could not hear over the murmur of the other priestesses and the two pairings on the stage before her.

Priestess Steffany began to become very aroused. But then she always did when witnessing a celebration of the Ritual. She felt her juices running down her bare leg under her robe. She was eager for all of the novices to be mated so that the witnessing priestesses could sexually commune with priests in the Ritual of Life. She knew she was ovulating so participating in the Ritual that night would satisfy her vow to offer herself to a priest when she was most fertile. She refocused her attention onto the stage after momentarily losing herself. By that time all of the novices had been chosen. The consummation of the initiation by the priests would not be completed for a novice until she had received a full load from a priest. Only then would she be a priestess. Priestess Steffany watched each novice participate in the Ritual of Life. As was customary for witnesses she whispered a prayer that the Ritual would bring the priestess closer to the Divine and that it would be fruitful and produce a Holy One. She looked around to her sister priestesses. Many appeared to be praying the same prayer.

Priestess Steffany could not resist rubbing her thighs together in her arousal. She felt a pair of hands reach from behind her and cup her large firm breasts through the thin cotton robe. Then she felt a chin on her right should. She turned and saw that it was Priestess Bernadette. Priestess Steffany reached behind her and caressed the firm butt of the sister priestess who had become a regular lover in the Community house and in the kennels. Priestess Steffany turned her head and kissed Priestess Bernadette briefly not wishing to miss too much of the Ritual of Life. One of the priests, a Doberman, had tied and turned with a blonde college age novice. Priestess Steffany knew the feeling well. She had accepted dogs as lovers for about six years but only as a priestess for the last two of those years. That Doberman was particularly skilled at turning the tie; which Priestess Steffany knew from personal experience. She kissed Priestess Bernadette once more then left her embrace. She was here as a witness after all and wanted to confirm that all the novices were performing the Ritual properly. She walked all around the stage to see for herself that all the novices had been properly knotted. They all were. All were receiving large doses of priest cum into their sex and wombs. They would soon all be priestesses. Priestess Steffany once again whispered the customary prayer, “May the Divine Universe will these unions to be fruitful. Blessed be the Universe.” Priestess Steffany watched the cock and knot of each priest pop from the sex of each new priestess after it had expended itself fully and diminished in size.

Shouts of “welcome sisters” and “congratulations priestesses” were shouted out around the stage to universal clapping among the witnessing priestesses.

The High Priestess held her hands up to silence the celebrating crowd of priestesses. It was quickly silenced since every witnessing priestess knew what was coming next.

“Sister priestesses, we have all witnessed the successful consummation of the initiation of the novices into priestesses. Does any sister present contest the initiation or consummation of any of the novices present?” The High Priestess asked.

There was silence. None contested the initiation or consummation through the Ritual of Life by the new priestesses. All waited with baited breath the official announcement by the High Priestess.

“There being no objections then I introduce to you our new sister priestesses!” The High Priestess shouted in celebration which was quickly joined by the witnessing priestesses. The same appointed priestess who had removed the embroidered silk robes brought five folded brown cotton robes for the new priestess and placed them on the stage. The High Priestess once again raised her arms which quickly silenced the celebrating priestesses. “Now bring in additional priests so that we may all celebrate the Ritual of Life!” The High Priestess shouted out.

The assembled priestesses lined up and walked out of the meeting hall and to the kennels. Some of the priestess had their favorites while some preferred to rotate through the priests. Priestesses that rotated through the priests assisted in training the priests and increased the opportunities for the hoped for conception. Priestess Steffany went to a kennel containing a wolf-dog hybrid priest. She felt an immediate attraction towards him. She looked at the tag on his collar. His name was Fang. The kennel mistresses hoped that the wild genetics would suit the genetics of some priestesses in ways that his more domesticated brother priests would not. Priestess Steffany leashed her chosen priest and, along with some of the other priestesses, began making her way back to the Community hall.

After Priestess Steffany and her chosen priest entered the hall she removed her robe from her twenty-seven year old body to reveal an hour-glass figure with large firm breast, belly-button jewelry, and what they in the Community called puppy bearing hips. She was a beautiful woman. She then placed her robe and the leash on one of the numbered hooks along the wall. She and her selected priest then made their way into the hall. Priestess Steffany looked through the glass ceiling into the night sky of stars and full moon. She looked down to Fang and starred into his amber eyes for a few moments. She felt an undeniable connection to the magnificently masculine priest. After her eyes returned to the night sky she prayed, “Divine Universe, I offer You my body and fertility. May You use them to work your Will. Blessed be the Universe.”

Priestess Steffany then knelt down in front of the Priest Fang so that they may begin the Ritual of Life. She embraced her Priest and snuggled her face into the thick fur around his neck. She inhaled deeply drawing in his scent. Around her she could hear the pairing of priestesses and priests around them. But for the moment her focus was on her priest and the celebration of the Ritual and the pleasure it brought. She brought her face close to that of her priest and opened her mouth. Priest Fang slipped his long tongue into his Priestess’s mouth enjoying her taste and scent as she enjoyed his. As their tongues danced in her mouth she felt her nipples harden and her pussy gush from her building arousal. She reached up to cup her breasts and to roll and pinch her nipples. She broke the kiss to breathe.

“Fang, I need your tongue on my pussy.” Priestess Steffany begged.

She brought her legs out from her kneeling position and sat on her butt. She leaned back onto her elbows as she raised and spread her knees. Priestess Steffany looked around the hall to see numerous other pairings. Some were also on their backs with priests between their knees. Some priestesses were underneath the bellies of priests pleasuring their priests with hands, mouths, and tongues. And some priestesses were already mounted by their priests. Priest Fang approached his mate and inhaled her scent from her hairless dripping slit. The Priest took one last deep sniff as if he were judging her fertility and began licking her erect clit.

Priest Fang may have been new to the Salem Community’s kennels but he was born into the Faith’s kennels. His mother was a German Shepherd bitch that had escaped from an Upper Peninsula Michigan Community’s kennels during her heat. When she returned a week later she was pregnant with a litter of half wolf cubs. Fang was born to be a priest and to participate in the Ritual of Life and to consummate the initiation of priestesses. He was a holy priest and celebrated the Ritual nearly every day and had known many many priestesses from six communities in the last three years. Priests were regularly rotated to increase the numbers of mates each priestess would have and to prevent inbreeding within the kennels. But, he had never felt the intense connection as the one he felt with this priestess with the long black hair, large firm breasts, narrow waist, and puppy bearing hips.

“Oh yes Fang! That’s it! It’s soo goood!” Priestess Steffany whispered passionately as she fell onto her back and looked into the Universe through the glass ceiling. As she feel deeper into pleasure, her awareness of the other pairings of priestesses and priests retreated to the periphery of her consciousness.

“Yes, my Priest! Yes, lick my clit. It’s so good!.” Priestess Steffany whispered huskily as she reached up to stroke her nipples with her wet finger-tips.

By that point Priest Fang’s attention to her clit had driven Priestess Steffany’s arousal to a point that her juices were steadily seeping from her slit. Priest Fang turn his attention from her clit to her slit with the intent to drink down her juices. Her scent and taste was meanwhile driving his own arousal, causing about three inches of his red cock to emerge from his sheath.

The Priest, after lapping up the Priestess’s sex juices that had already poured from her, turned his head for a better angle. With their eyes locked he pushed his large powerful tongue into her slit. The penetration was initially shallow but deepened in his thirst for her.

“Oh! Yes Fang! That’s it! Tongue me deeper!” Priestess Steffany uttered forgetting any formalities in heat of the moment. She was certain Priest Fang would not care. “Deeper! YES! Right there! Lick ME!” The priestess shouted as Priest Fang’s tongue plunged into her completely stroking her walls of her pussy with his tongue and fluttering her cervix with the tip. Time and time again Priest Fang tongue fucked Priestess Steffany. He would push his long powerful organ into her only to lap her depths then pull it back out into his mouth delivering its load of her juices which coated it.

Priestess Steffany could no longer hear the moans or growls of passion that surrounded her. Her entire existence was focused on her cunt and her nipples she rolled and pinched between her finger-tips. She was barely conscious of her own mewing, much less the mewing and moans of others.

“Soooo deeep! Ughh! Ughh! That’s it. Keep tongue fucking me! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” Priestess Steffany begged the Priest.

Priest Fang had no intention of stopping until her juices did. As her orgasm approached so did the volume of the honey flowing from her. Priestess Steffany needed a small push to start her orgasm. While the priest continued to tongue fuck her Priestess Steffany reached down with her right-hand and rapidly strummed her clit. As her orgasm hit her she was looking into the Universe above.

“FUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!! I’M CUUMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!” Priestess Steffany shouted out as her eyes rolled back into their sockets and her body alternated between convulsions and trembles. Priest Fang continued to tongue fuck her even faster as the creme of her orgasm was added to her juices. Priest Fang in his eagerness for her creme placed his right front paw on her lower abdomen attempting to still her convulsions; growling lowly as he did so. Priestess Steffany whimpered and trembled as Priest Fang tongue fucked her from one orgasm to another. Before long Priestess Steffany was forced to stop her Priest.

“Please, no more! No more Priest!” Priestess Steffany begged as she closed her thighs; covered her sex with her hands; and rolled onto her side.

Priest Fang, momentarily satisfied, sat on his haunches and licked her juices from his muzzle. Priestess Steffany laying on the floor of the Hall gazed up in wonder at the strength and wildness of this other being the Universe had brought into her life for that night if not any others. They were different yet much the same. Both children of the same Creator, the same Universe. Male and female they were well paired for the Ritual of Life and yet different enough so that if their pairing were fruitful then it could only be the miraculous Will of the Universe. As she watched him, she sensed his impatience. His reddish cock had mostly returned to his sheath. He began to look around searching for any available priestess. Not wanting to lose her Priest, Priestess Steffany took action by rolling onto her knees and elbows then arched her back down. She reached back with her left-hand and smacked her ass.

“Priest Fang, I am ready. I offer my body.” She said while looking into his amber eyes.

Priest Fang approached his Priestess. He licked the remnant of her juices from her sex. The ember of arousal sparked in the Priestess and Priest once again. The wolf-dog hybrid Priest placed his right paw onto the small of her back. Priestess Steffany shuddered at the feel of he large paw-pad on her back and in anticipation of the mating to come. The half wolf Priest lowered his haunches and launched himself onto the back of the Priestess. With practiced ease the Priest positioned himself on top of the Priestess and found a good grip around her waist. He need not have bothered. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Theirs was an excellent match for the Ritual of Life.

Priest Fang pulled the Priestess back towards his red cock whose tip was exposed from his sheath. Meanwhile Priestess Steffany reached between her thighs and grasped his sheath to guide her Priest’s cock into her sex. Priestess Steffany luxuriated in the feel of his thick fur on her back and the feel of his hot breath on the back of her neck. She pulled her long black hair under her right ear and allowed it to pool on the floor beneath her.

Suddenly, the Priest lightly took her graceful neck between his jaws without breaking the skin and growled lowly. Priestess Steffany gasped in surprised. Priests were rarely so possessive. Something must have gotten into this Priest she thought. She slightly adjusted the tip of his cock to her opening. He immediately pushed his dogcock forward; leaving his sheath pressed against her labia. He remained motionless for a moment. He only panted on the back of her neck. He then began thrusting in the timeless dance of the Ritual of Life. His cock began swelling as he pushed further and further into her. The Priestess felt his pre-cum spurt into her which eased his passage into her depths until he bottomed out.

“Ughh! That’s it Fang! Fuck me! Make me your bitch!” Priestess Steffany whispered huskily when Priest Fang struck her cervix with the blunt tip of his cock. It was customary for priestesses to dispense with formality during the Ritual. Priest Fang gradually increased his pace as his cock swelled. After twenty or thirty thrusts his knot began swelling and popping in and out of her labia.

“That’s it Fang! Give me that knot! I want all of you!” Priestess Steffany ordered as she reached back with both hands to pull Priest Fangs hind-legs tightly against the back of her thighs. His knot had already started swelling however. “Ughh!!!” Priestess Steffany grunted as she pulled and he pushed as they worked together to successfully get him fully seated into her.

Moments later his knot has swelled enough to lock them together. Priestess Steffany’s pussy was stuffed with canine cock. Just as his knot fully swelled, his hot pre-cum became hot cum. Once knotted, Priest Fang released the grip he had on her neck. The fully swollen cock and knot of the wolf-dog hybrid Priest stretched the Priestess’s pussy in every direction. His long thick shaft pushed into her cervix and stretched out her walls by its girth. His great knot stretched her entrance and the lower part of her pussy around its roughly spherical shape while it also rubbed against her g-spot. The fur on his sheath prickled her labia. His heavy leathery balls rubbed against her clit as they rose and fell. But most importantly, the powerful and hot pulses of his seed blasted away against the door to her womb cause much of his cum to gain entrance into her womb, into her holy of holies, into her very tabernacle of life. Every sperm cell of the Priest sought out her egg. She felt so full. It was as if she had offered her inner-self to the Universe and it had accepted and entered into her. Overwhelmed by the sensations of the Ritual of Life her orgasm began.

“Uuunnnnhhhhhh! I’M CCCCCUUUUUMMMMIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!!! I’M CCCCUUUMMMMIIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!!!” Priest Steffany shouted as the first wave of her orgasm rocked her. She held onto the hind-legs of her Priest for dear life as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her causing her to lose herself in their union. Her body convulsed and trembled. Her mouth went slack; allowing a thin stream of drool to slid from her lower lip. Her eyes rolled back in her sockets. Inarticulate vocalizations came from her in time with the Priest’s cock and knot throbbing in her. Jets of his cum shot deeply into her. Gradually the waves of her orgasm diminished. She and her Priest remained tied. It had been ten to fifteen minutes since receiving the knot.

Priestess Steffany raised her head and looked at about eight or so pairings of priests and priestesses. Most were in the same position as she and Priest Fang. A couple were completed with the Ritual and were laying next to each other resting after the Ritual’s exertions and pleasures. She caught the eye of Priestess Bernadette, who had paired with a Doberman priest, and they exchanged smiles. Suddenly Priestess Steffany was no longer in the Hall. She was instead in a night forest in the dim light of a nearby bonfire. She still felt the fur of a dog on her back but the fur was different. The fur was wiry unlike Priest Fangs long soft fur. There were other women present. But none she recognized. Some having sex with each other and some with dogs. She felt a tug and the vision was gone. As suddenly as she had left the Hall, she had returned. Priest Fang was testing the tie.

“Not yet Priest Fang. Stay!” She commanded in the desire that he not pull out too early so that she not be harmed.

He was no longer cumming. He must have stopped during the vision. He was not stretching her nearly as much as he had a few minutes ago. Priestess Steffany released her hold on the back of his hind-legs. Free of her grip, the Priest pulled his forelegs from her waist and placed his feet on her back. He stepped back, pulling his shrinking cock and knot out of her. Priestess Steffany kept her ass elevated but lowered her head and shoulders to the floor. Her intention was to keep as much of his load in her as she could. She watched as Priest Fang took a step or two and laid down watching her. He then began to lick his cock back into his sheath. The both celebrated the Ritual of Life perfectly. Priestess Steffany’s knees became sore from bearing her weight and the Priest’s weight for so long. She crawled over to her Priest and laid down on her side facing him. She stared into his wild amber eyes and occasionally offered her mouth for a kiss. They dozed in post-coital bliss until it became time to return the priests to their kennels and the priestess to their cells. Priestess Steffany meditated on the Initiation ceremony and the Ritual of Life from that night. But mostly she meditated on her vision and what it could have meant.



High Priestess Joan entered the cell of Priestess Steffany after softly knocking on the door. It was nearly identical to her own cell. There was a single bed, a small desk, a computer, a private meditation shrine in a corner, a small bathroom, and a small window overlooking the gardens and kennels. The gardens were where the Community raised its food. The numerous large kennels were where the priests resided and were trained.

“Priestess Steffany, I’ve been told that you have missed your period. Is that true?” High Priestess Joan asked the recently arrived priestess from Brazil.

“It’s true High Priestess.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“When was your period due and is your cycle regular?” The High Priestess asked.

“It was due three days ago High Priestess. My cycle is very regular. I was almost certainly ovulating during the initiation of the the latest group of novices into priestesses two weeks ago.” Priestess Steffany answered anticipating the High Priestess’s next question.

“When was the last time you’ve had sex with a man Priestess?” The High Priestess asked.

“Not since leaving Brazil High Priestess. I’ve not been with a man while traveling to the the Salem Community or after reaching the Community High Priestess. That was about six weeks ago. I’ve only had sex with several priests and two priestesses. I have had a period after reaching the Community. High Priestess perhaps you’ve forgotten but I am a consecrated priestess for at least twenty-two more months. I have offered my fertility totally to the will of the Universe through the priests during that time.” Priestess Steffany answered again anticipating the next question.

“Come Priestess, we are going to the infirmary.” The High Priestess commanded not doubting for a moment what Priestess Steffany told her.

The two priestesses hurried to the infirmary to obtain medical confirmation from Priestess Judy. Both wondering if the prophecy had come true. That a woman and non-human male would produce an offspring, a Holy One, in a miraculous birth through the divine intervention of the Universe.

“Priestess Judy! Priestess Judy!” The High Priestess called out for the Communities physician upon reaching the infirmary.

“Yes High Priestess.” Answered Priestess Judy as she hurried towards the High Priestess and Priestess Steffany.

“Priestess Steffany missed her period. It was due three days ago. She is a consecrated priestess of about eight weeks now. We require your medical opinion on whether she is pregnant.” The High Priestess stated succinctly.

“Of course right away High Priestess and Priestess Steffany. We’ll start with a pregnancy test.” Priestess Judy said. “Do you know when the conception may have taken place?” She asked Priestess Steffany.

“As I told the High Priestess I was ovulating during the last initiation a little more than two weeks ago.” Priestess Steffany answered.

The three priestess stepped into one of the empty examining rooms. Priestess Judy reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out a home pregnancy kit. She check the expiration date to confirm it was still good and handed it to Priestess Steffany.

“Take this pregnancy test into the bathroom. It’s very simple. Just pee on this end and bring it to me. Don’t touch the tip after removing it from the plastic liner.” Priestess Judy instructed.

Priestess Steffany did as instructed. A couple minutes later she came out of the bathroom. Priestess Judy held out a stainless steel kidney dish into which Priestess Steffany placed the pregnancy test.

“Now we just have to wait a few minutes.” Priestess Judy instructed. “Your accent isn’t American Priestess Steffany. Where are you from originally?” Priestess Judy asked trying to pass the time.

“I am from Brazil where I had been a lay priestess for two years before coming to the US.” Priestess Stephanie answered.

“And what brought you to the US?” Priestess Judy asked continuing the conversation.

“I saw a posting for a bilingual consecrated sister here in Salem to assist the Community with local Portuguese speaking women. I had wanted to live a few years in the US since I was a girl. After giving it some thought, I decided to seek the position. The position was offered to me on the condition that I be consecrated before leaving Brazil and that’s what I did and here I am.” Priestess Steffany explained.

Priestess Judy picked up the kidney dish to examine the results of the pregnancy test. “I have some good news. It says your pregnant. Unfortunately we can’t confirm that with an ultrasound for another few weeks. It’s not until about the fifth week of gestation that a dog embryo sufficiently differs from a human embryo to confirm that a priest fathered your child.” Priestess Judy said. “Until then I recommend light duties and plenty of bed-rest until an expected delivery in about seven more weeks. Of course that’s guess work because we don’t know how this gestation will progress. I’ve delivered many human babies and a large number of puppies but never one like this one. Once the embryo attaches to the uterine wall it will be safe to give an ultrasound. Then we’ll have an idea of the rate of development and confirm the nature of the offspring.” Priestess Judy said reassuringly.

“Thank you Priestess Judy. This matter must be kept absolutely confidential.” The High Priestess said.

With that the High Priestess and Priestess Steffany walked back to the latter’s cell. “Priestess, I don’t have to tell you how important this pregnancy is to our Faith and to the whole world. A miraculous conception which you may have had and a miraculous birth which you may end up having would be undeniable proof of the Universe’s divinity and its divine will. What we now hold on the basis of faith would cease being faith and instead become knowledge of the divine. It would change everything. I’m sorry to do this to you Priestess but I’m confining you to the Community grounds for the duration of this pregnancy.” The High Priestess informed Priestess Steffany.

They reached the door of Priestess Steffany’s cell. The High Priestess followed Priestess Steffany in. “Priestess, I’m requesting that you start a journal and I’d like to record our conversations during your pregnancy. Perhaps the thought hasn’t occurred to you but you may become the most important person who has ever lived. Future generations may wish to have more insights into your life. It could mean a lot. Don’t worry. I’m going to assign an assistant. ….. Why don’t I tend to you myself? As the High Priestess, I am called to serve and what could be more important? That is unless you’d prefer someone else to assist you.” The High Priestess offered.

“Of course High Priestess if you wish to stay with me I welcome your help but only if it doesn’t compromise your duties to the Community.” Priestess Steffany accepted but keeping reservations to herself. “Surely I can take care of myself for the time being. Priestess Judy did say I could handle light duties.” Priestess Steffany asserted.

“How about a compromise. You may continue your duties of proselytizing Portuguese speaking women but only from here in your cell. As Priestess Judy said we don’t know how this pregnancy will progress. As far as we know it’s never happened before.” The High Priestess offered. “It will be like the bad old days when we were in hiding, back before the Supreme Court recognized our Faith and rituals as a religion entitled to First Amendment protection. Before then any priestess that tried to proselytize openly risked being arrested.” The High Priestess said.

“As you say High Priestess. I suppose it’s for the best. I would just like something to keep me busy and I wish to contribute to the community. It’s a shame that I won’t be able to do what I was specifically brought her to do except online. I could have done that from Brazil but then I’d never have met the Priest Fang. But as you wish.” Priestess Stephanie responded.

“Priestess, I’m going to start recording this conversation if that is okay with you.” The High Priestess said as she pulled her phone from her pocket and then opened an audio recording app.

“No High Priestess. I don’t mind.” Priestess Steffany replied.

“Do you think Priest Fang is the father then?” The High Priestess asked.

“I do. Around the time of the last initiations I was particularly busy and had not been able to visit the priests in the kennels as regularly as I normally do. During the initiation I only paired with Priest Fang. I did pair with another Priest, a Rottweiler, a couple days before the initiation. I don’t remember that Priest’s name but the priestesses that manages the kennels would have it of course.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“But what makes you think it was Fang and not the Rottie?” The High Priestess asked.

“You may think me silly, but while he and I were celebrating the Ritual I had an experience which I could only describe as mystical. He was on my back and had been orgasming in me for ten or fifteen minutes. I opened by eyes but instead of finding myself in the Hall I was instead in a clearing in a forest at night in the light from a large bonfire. There were other women around me. Some having sex with each other. And some having sex with dogs as I was. Then I felt a tug and I was back in the Hall with Priest Fang on my back testing the tie.” Priestess Steffany related.

“Do you think it possible that this vision occurred at the moment of conception?” The High Priestess asked.

“Yes, but that is only a guess.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Have you ever had similar experiences before that night?” The High Priestess asked.

“No High Priestess. Never before but since that night I have had more visions.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Can you tell me about them?” The High Priestess asked.

“Yes High Priestess. The second vision was five days after the initiation. This one was different though. I don’t think I was a person. When I looked out through those eyes everything was in black, gray, or white. Nothing was in color. And then the smells. I could smell everything.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“What did you see and smell?” The High Priestess asked.

“I saw that I was in a large den. The scent of earth was all around me. But I could see and smell pups as they nursed from me. They were my pups. I’m certain that I was a she-wolf in the vision.” Priestess Steffany responded.

“Do you remember anything else from that vision?” High Priestess Joan asked.

“Only a sense of contentment. It was not a long vision High Priestess. It was only two or three minutes at most. It was during meditation.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“What about the next vision Priestess?” The High Priestess asked.

“In the third vision I was a woman again. It was four days after the second which would make it nine days after the initiation of novices. It was warm. I was working in an olive grove. There were about five other people in the orchard with me. There was an older man, an older woman, a young girl of about ten, a little boy playing in the dirt, and a young man of about fourteen or maybe fifteen. I think they were my family but I’m not certain. I couldn’t quite understand the language being spoken. We were all dressed in simple clothes. It looked homespun. A small cottage sat down the hillside. There were sheep in the walled pasture next to the olive grove. A dog watched the sheep. There were five or six goats in a pen near the house and a bunch of chickens scratching in the dirt around the cottage. Lastly there was a two wheeled cart being pulled by a donkey and piloted by an old man along a narrow path in the distance.” Priestess Steffany explained in some depth.

“Priestess, have you ever been involved in cultivating olives or raising sheep while growing up in Brazil? Were there any signs of modern technology in the vision that you can remember?” The High Priestess asked.

“No, High Priestess. I have no experience with olives or sheep from Brazil or anywhere else. And there were no signs of technology that I could see.” Priestess Steffany paused a moment to remember her vision. “No High Priestess. There were no paved roads or utility lines in that vision. And I don’t remember seeing a plane or a contrail in the sky. There weren’t any sounds coming from technology either. This was a longer vision of about ten minutes or so. It also happened during meditation.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Any other visions?” The High Priestess asked.

“Yes, High Priestess. A short one two days ago. Again I was a woman. I think I may have been the same woman from the first vision since I saw some of the same woman from the first vision in the fourth vision. I remember an immense sense of dread. We were in a prison. The four of us were in a cell of about three meters by three meters. The floor and walls were of stone. There were iron bars. There were two wooden buckets in the cell. One for drinking water with a gourd ladle. The other was for a latrine. None of us were speaking to each other. In the vision a man came through. He must have been a Christian. He wore a cross on a necklace. Again, I couldn’t quite understand what was said but he seemed to be in charge. The guards obeyed him. This vision must have only been a few minutes. When it was over I was troubled by the vision.” Priestess Steffany said.

“No other visions since the one from two days ago?” The High Priestess asked.

“None since then. What do these visions mean High Priestess?” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Priestess, are you familiar with reincarnation?” The High Priestess answered by way of another question.

“I am High Priestess. Are you suggesting that these visions are prior lives of mine?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Perhaps. I can’t say for sure. If you have more visions maybe you can tell me. But I want you to write these visions down with as much detail as you can immediately after having them, including any emotions you sense during the vision. This may have something to do with the pregnancy. I don’t think it was a coincidence the first one happened when celebrating the Ritual with Priest Fang.” The High Priestess said. “How often have you seen Priest Fang since then?” The High Priestess asked.

“I’ve seen him every day since then High Priestess. Seeing him makes me happy. And I think it makes him happy too. He’s always excited to see me.” Priestess Steffany responded.

“Are you and he sexually intimate every time? Do you and he celebrate the Ritual?” The High Priestess asked.

“When I visit his kennel and take him into one of the celebration rooms we normally celebrate the Ritual.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“I think it’s okay if you visit Priest Fang every day for a little while since it helps your mood but I’m asking that when you celebrate in the Ritual that you ride him instead of allowing him to mount you. Your pregnancy comes first.” The High Priestess ordered.

“You’re right of course High Priestess. I feel a strong attachment to Priest Fang unlike any I’ve ever felt for a Priest or a person for that matter. When is he scheduled to rotate out?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“He’s not scheduled to rotate out for about five months. If he’s the father then I expect we’ll keep him here. But I think we’re done for the evening. Starting tomorrow either I or one of our new priestesses will be helping you. But do remember to keep document any additional visions that you have.”

“Really High Priestess? Which one?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Priestess Helen, the young blonde one who was a virgin. She’s my niece. She’s a lay priestess but is considering becoming consecrated for two or three years before she becomes old enough to think about marriage and starting a family. I think you would be a good influence on her and she would be helpful when you start having trouble getting around and with morning sickness when and if you have it. She would also get your meals from the cafeteria if you prefer to remain in your cell. She’ll be placed in the cell across the hall from your cell. I have given her strict instructions to not pester you with questions. At this point only you, I, and Priestess Judy know that you may be pregnant by a priest. I wish to keep it that way at least until the nature of the offspring can be determined.” The High Priestess said in a manner communicating that it was not merely a wish.

“Thank you High Priestess. I expect that I’ll soon need help and I enjoy the company of younger priestesses. I think it would be best that we keep my pregnancy a secret for as long as we can.” Priestess Steffany responded without voicing her concerns about becoming too dependent on the High Priestess or her niece which was much the same thing. Still Priestess Steffany thought, the niece could be a source of information on the High Priestess.



“Okay Priestess Steffany, just lie back. I’m going to rub this sonogram gel onto your lower abdomen. It’s going to be a little cold.” Priestess Judy said the the nude recumbent Priestess as she rubbed the cold gel onto her lower belly while the High Priestess stood by the examining room table.

Priestess Judy, the Community’s physician, turned on the monitor and picked up the scanner. She ran it across in a slow back and forth motion over Priestess Steffany’s belly. Slowly an image began to form and gain detail in the monitor.

“There it, no he is. He’s developing nicely. There is his muzzle and tail. You have a puppy fetus in your uterus. He’s about five weeks along. Everything looks good. No obvious defects or differences from a normal puppy at this point. Congratulations Priestess! If normal development continues you will be a mother to a Holy One in about four more weeks. It’s truly a miracle!” Priestess Judy said joyfully to the beaming face of the High Priestess and the somewhat troubled face of Priestess Steffany. “Just give me a moment to clean this gel off you Priestess. There, that has it. You may put your robe back on Priestess.” Priestess Judy said after sensing that the High Priestess wanted to talk to Priestess Steffany privately. She then stepped out of the room and closed the door. Priestess Steffany slipped back into her simple robe.

“I sense you’re troubled Priestess. I’d like to help if I can.” The High Priestess said attempting to get Priestess Steffany to open up.

“You could say that High Priestess. Since the pregnancy became physically noticeable to me when not wearing my robe the reality of this pregnancy has hit me. My life is going to be very different after I give birth. If not immediately after giving birth it will be shortly after that we release the news on the miracle I’m now carrying inside me to the world. The life I had always imagined for myself is impossible now. Part of me mourns that loss.” Priestess Steffany said lowly and with some sadness.

“You’re not considering ending the pregnancy?” The High Priestess asked beginning to panic.

“No! Of course not High Priestess. The sacredness of all life is one of the key teachings of our Faith. I’ve prayed that the Universe’s will be done in my life thousands of times for over two years. I meant every one of those prayers. I always just expect that it meant marrying and having human children.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Priestess, you’re still young. You can still marry and have children. You’re only twenty-seven. Just because you’re going to give birth to a Holy One doesn’t mean you can’t have human children with a partner. You could probably be released from your two years of consecration if that is what you want.” The High Priestess said reassuringly.

“Right now, the only things I want is to have Fang’s pup and to be with Fang. I have so much to think about.” Priestess Steffany responded.

“Do the visions from your past lives help you by giving a broader perspective?” The High Priestess asked. “I’ve been reading the journal entries of the visions and may be able to shed some light on them if you’d like to hear what I have to say.” The High Priestess offered. “I’ve been giving them a lot of thought and have done much research. That is why I haven’t been able to join you most afternoons and why Priestess Helen has been tending to you.” The High Priestess explained.

“Of course High Priestess. You’ve been such a help to me over the last couple of weeks.” Priestess Steffany answered sincerely. Her earlier reservations about trusting the High Priestess had disappeared.

“The earliest life you can remember at this point was the one when you were a young woman whose family raised olives and a few sheep. Because you can’t remember an earlier life that could mean that life was the first life. That your parents were soul-mates and as such they could create new souls and not merely new bodies for already existing souls to inhabit.” The High Priestess said then gave pause to organize her thoughts.

“Please High Priestess. Don’t leave me waiting.” Priestess Steffany said encouragingly.

“Your first life probably included the sex ritual in the forest. Your first vision had you paired with a dog. A later vision from the journal included more detail in that two other women were sexually active with a bull with their hands of mouths. This was probably a Bacchanalian ritual. You were almost certainly in a Bacchanalian cult in ancient Greece. One of the other visions of what we believe to have been your first life had you in prison condemned to death. The non-Christian faiths began to be suppressed in the third century CE. The Christians probably learned of the Bacchanalian cult and began arresting its adherents and put them to death.” The High Priestess explained.

“That makes sense High Priestess. Do you have any insights on the other lives?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“None that is necessary to go into much detail. But I think it’s safe to tell you this though. Just as your parents were soul-mates, I think that you and Priest Fang are soul-mates. You generally return as a woman because your first life was as a woman. Fang however generally returns as a canine because his first life was that of either a dog or a wolf. You said that one of your prior lives was that of a she-wolf and that you were very content. You have also said that you’ve never been attracted to a man, woman, or animal like you have been to Priest Fang. I think that is because you and Fang are soul-mates and that you are carrying a new soul in your womb. It is the innocence of the new soul you’re carrying that has given you the gift of seeing your past lives. Or perhaps it is because it is a new type of soul that has given you the gift.” The High Priestess said with great solemnity.

They were both quiet for some seconds as they considered the possibility. The silence was interrupted by a quiet knocking at the door followed by Priestess Judy opening the door enough to poke her head into the examination room.

“High Priestess, Priestess Steffany are you about finished” I need this examination room for a patient.” Priestess Judy asked.

“Of course Priestess Judy. If there is anything left to say I think it can wait until another time. Don’t you think so Priestess Steffany?” The High Priestess asked.

“Yes High Priestess.” Priestess Steffany answered. “Thank you for the good news Priestess.” Priestess Steffany said cheerfully to Priestess Judy.

The priestesses walked back side by side through the corridors back to Priestess Steffany’s cell. Priestess Steffany paused in a section of the corridor without traffic and where no one could over-hear.

“High Priestess, can your niece keep a confidence?” Priestess Steffany asked in a whisper.

“I think so.” The High Priestess answered also in a whisper. “She hasn’t really gotten close to any of the other priestess here other than the two of us and she doesn’t have access to a phone or a computer. She’s secluded while she discerns whether she has a vocation to be a consecrated priestess.” The High Priestess explained maintaining the whisper.

“Then I think she should be told of my pregnancy soon. She and I normally visit the kennels together in the afternoon and celebrate the Ritual communally. I with Fang and she with whichever priest is next in rotation. My pregnancy is starting to show and it’s only a matter of time before she figures it out. Also she will probably notice in a couple of weeks when I don’t have my period. If she thinks I broke my vows and carry a baby then it could scandalize her.” Priestess Steffany said in a very low whisper.

“Priestess, you’re her mentor and it’s your pregnancy I will leave that up to you. But I think you’re right. She’s a smart girl and will figure it out soon enough. You confiding in her will draw the two of you closer together.” The High Priestess said.

The two priestess resumed walking and were quickly back at the door to Priestess Steffany’s cell.

“Priestess, I have to get back to my duties. Enjoy the rest of your day.” The High Priestess said as she hugged Priestess Steffany and kissed the younger woman on the forehead as one would a child. The High Priestess then turned and walked away from Priestess Steffany to return to her cell and the rest of her duties of administering the Community.

Priestess Steffany did not enter her cell. She instead stepped across the hall and softly knocked on Priestess Helen’s door. The door quickly opened and Priestess Steffany looked into the effervescent eyes of Priestess Helen. Priestess Helen with the enthusiasm characteristic of the young leaped the short difference and hugged Priestess Steffany.

“Priestess! I was wondering when you were going to get back!” Priestess Helen bubbled out. “It’s almost lunch-time. What do you say we get some lunch and then go to the kennels?” She asked in carefree way.

“Priestess, I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Priestess Steffany asked nearly giggling having been infected by Priestess Helen’s mood.

Priestess Steffany placed her bent arm in invitation to the young blond Priestess. The invitation was accepted by Priestess Helen and together arm in arm they strolled down the corridor towards the dining hall where communal meals were shared by the Community. They make small talk and Priestess Steffany gave some details about the Community and the resident priestesses.

As they ate their lunch Priestess Steffany tried to consider when would be a good time to tell Priestess Helen of her pregnancy. The chatterbox Priestess Helen made that task difficult. Priestess Steffany decided on redirecting the conversation.

“That very interesting Priestess Helen.” Priestess Steffany said not sure what Priestess Helen had just said but wanting to ingratiate herself to the young Priestess. “I only joined our faith a couple years ago. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Ask away Priestess.” Priestess Helen answered as she finished her light salad and water.

“I understand that you grew up in the Faith as did your parents. What was that like?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Well, I doubt that it was different than growing up in a different religion. Our Faith is pantheistic. We were taught about the divinity of the Universe. How we ought to have reverence for the rest of creation; the same as we do for ourselves. That we are animals and not fundamentally different from other animals. That we should be good stewards of the Earth. Of course I didn’t learn about the Ritual of life until after puberty. Women aren’t allowed to participate in the Ritual until becoming a legal adult. I was taught that it was an act of great love to offer my virginity to the Universe through a priest in the Ritual of Life. I doubt that it was much different than you were taught during your novitiate. I just learned most of it as I grew up. I was taught the importance of daily meditation. That’s still very difficult for me. I can’t seem to quiet my mind. I’ve started keeping a meditation journal like you do.” Priestess Helen said in a burst of enthusiasm.

“The meditation comes in time. When you’re young it’s difficult to quiet your mind. But what about your family?” Priestess Steffany asked as she finished up her meal.

“Nothing unusual there. I come from a large family. My father has six siblings. My mother has seven. All are in the faith and all the women in my family are priestesses. All the men in my family who are old enough are married to priestesses and fully support the Faith. Among my many aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, and cousins it seems like a new baby is being born every two or three months.” Priestess Helen expounded.

“Tell me about your aunt, High Priestess Joan.” Priestess Steffany asked.

“She’s the only priestess in my family who is consecrated for life. She was a lay priestess for a few years and from what I’ve heard had men as lovers during that time. But when she was about twenty-one she consecrated her life and fertility to the Universe. After her consecration, she’s only had priests and the occasional priestess as lovers. I doubt that she has ever failed to celebrate the Ritual of Life with a priest during her time of fertility. Of course she is near the end of her fertility but I admire her so much. We all love her. She’s the pride of our family.” Priestess Helen said confidently and without hesitation.

“Your Aunt, the High Priestess, is a great woman. I’ve learned a lot from her.” Priestess Steffany responded with genuine affection. “We’re finished with lunch. What do you say that we head to the kennels?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“I was hoping you’d suggest that!” Priestess Helen answered with a giggle.

The two priestess walked onto the grounds along the well-trod path to the office of the priestess who managed the kennels. They walked into the small neat office and spoke with the kennel assistant manager. The Community kept between eighty to one-hundred priests at all times. This did not include the number of females and pups. Each community had an extensive breeding program. The Community, like all, had a daily flow of faithful to assist in maintaining the kennels. It was the faithful that primarily provided for the care, exercise, bathing, grooming, nail-trimming, kennel cleaning, and obedience training of the priests and female dogs. The priestesses (whether ordinary, consecrated, resident, or non-resident) saw to it that each priest was able to regularly celebrate the Ritual of Life. The kennels also provided eligible priestesses with priests for their homes. The two Priestesses entered the front office and walked up to the desk of the Priestess who served as the assistant kennel manager.

“Good afternoon priestess. We need a room for the communal celebration of the Ritual. I wish to celebrate with Priest Fang and Priestess Helen would like to celebrate with the next priest up in the rotation, preferably one in the same kennel building as Priest Fang.” Priestess Steffany informed the assistant kennel manager. “Isn’t that right Priestess?” Priestess Steffany asked Priestess Helen for confirmation.

“That’s right Priestess. I prefer to help with the rotation.” Priestess Helen asked.

“Priestess Steffany, you’ll find Priest Fang in his usual kennel. The next priest up in the rotation in the same building is Priest Brutus. He is in kennel ten. He is a Doberman Pinscher and is three years old. He was transferred to our Community just a couple weeks ago and has many good reports. You should enjoy celebrating the Ritual with him. I will place you priestesses in celebration room seven.” The assistant managing priestess said.

Priestess Steffany went to Priest Fangs kennel and entered while Priestess Helen walked further down to Priest Brutus’s kennel. The priestess leashed and escorted their chosen priests to celebration room seven. Where the leashes were removed from the priests.

The room like the other communal celebration rooms had nature murals painted on the four walls and the interior of the door. The ceiling was a slightly opaque glass. The floor was a green wall to wall rubberized mat to facilitate cleaning. The room was twelve foot square and in one corner had a floor to ceiling partition concealing a small sink and hooks for robes. It was identical to other communal celebration rooms except for the murals. The singular celebration rooms were the same except they had smaller dimensions. The celebration rooms were separated from the kennels by a sound proof wall. The dividing wall had door through which only priestesses were allowed to pass.

“Priestess Steffany, would you mind watching Priest Brutus and me celebrate the Ritual so you could give pointers and help control him if need be? I’m still a bit nervous with priests.” Priestess Helen asked still inhibited about admitting her exhibitionist tendencies.

“I don’t mind at all Priestess. I’ll just lie with my Fang and we’ll watch you. I enjoy watching others celebrate the Ritual.” Priestess Steffany answered not having any inhibitions about being a voyeur and to encourage her protege to drop the silly inhibitions.

The two priestesses removed their robes and joined their priests in the natural state of nudity. Priestess Steffany stepped closer to the wall to give Priestess Helen and Priest Brutus room. She gave the come and lay down command to Priest Fang which he obeyed by joining her and laying down on his side with his head erect. Priestess Steffany laid down behind him on her side and embraced him by placing her left leg and arm over him as she snuggled her face into the thick fur of his neck. She began stroking his fur and felt her fur stimulated nipples harden. She inhaled his masculine scent deeply then cooed and whispered loving things into his ear. He turned his head seeking her mouth with his tongue as Priestess Helen watched. Priestess Steffany broke her attention away from her Priest.

“Priestess, if you and Priest Brutus don’t start I can’t make any promises that my Priest and I will be able to control ourselves.” Priestess Steffany said hurriedly.

With that warning Priestess Helen tore her eyes from the enthralling sight of the beautiful dark haired Brazilian Priestess and her wolf-dog hybrid Priest. She knelt down in front of the sitting Doberman Pinscher, Priest Brutus, and looked deeply into his eyes as her fingers caressed the black fur behind his erect cropped ears. She looked up into the sky and then back to the eyes of her Priest and said. “Divine Universe, I offer You my body and fertility. May You use them to work your Will. Blessed be the Universe.” The blonde eighteen year old nude teen then leaned towards her Priest and offered her parted lips. She closed her eyes as the pink tongue of the Doberman Priest Brutus entered her mouth. She was immersed in the sensuality of his tongue. She swooned. Her hair stood on end. Her skin goose-pimpled. And her face and neck blushed. She had been a virgin when she became a priestess. Since her initiation as a priestess she had only known the pleasures of a priest. None of her fellow priestesses had made any overtures towards Priestess Helen since she was the niece of the High Priestess. They feared it could make life awkward and disrupt the Community. For now priests were all that Priestess Helen wanted. She was a daily celebrant of the Ritual of Life. It was what she lived for.

Priestess Helen pulled away from her Priest and drew a breath. She ran her right hand from behind his left ear down the slick black fur of his left side until she reached his soft sparsely furred belly and sheath. There she felt a couple inches of his swelling cock exposed. They were both ready for the Ritual. No foreplay was needed.

Priestess Helen pulled away from her Priest and turned her back briefly to him. Knowing what was coming next he whined in anticipation. She leaned over coming to rest on her elbows. After spreading her knees a bit more she then arched her back down. That action rotated her pussy up towards the Priest in offering. Priest Brutus extended his neck and began to lick the sex of his Priestess. Priestess Helen looked over her left shoulder into the eyes of her Priest. She reached back with her right hand and tapped her right butt check. She gave the order.

“Mount Priest!” She all but begged in a frenzied lust stoked by the masculinity of the Priest and the thrill of being watched by Priestess Steffany during the Ritual.

Priest Brutus quickly raised from a sitting position to a half crouched position. Which was only held for a moment as he leaped onto the back of the Priestess. He stepped forward on his hind-legs as his fore-legs found a good grip onto the young not quite fully developed hips of Priestess Helen. Priestess Helen felt his spurts of pre-cum onto her labia. The additional lubrication it would provide was not necessary. She was already dripping. Although the Priest was experienced she followed the recommended advice and reached back to guide the Priest into the desired orifice. The young Priestess did not want the Priest to find the wrong hole. Just as the Priest drew back on her hips the tip of his cock aligned with her slit and entered about an inch. Feeling the heat and moisture of her cunt the Priest thrust forward driving nearly all of his cock into the young Priestess.

“Ooohhhh! He’s in me Priestess!” Priestess Helen uttered excitedly.

Priest Brutus hesitated a few moments as his cock swelled and continued to shoot pre-cum into the Priestess. Satisfied that his mate wouldn’t try to escape, the Priest began to pound Priestess Steffany. He began at full speed and maintained that speed. The Communal Celebration Room was filled by the queef sounds made by the thrusts of the dog-cock of the Priest as it thrust over and over into the pussy of the Priestess. Those sounds were joined by the whines of the Priest, the moans of the Priestess, and the smacking of his pelvis against her buttocks and thighs.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me Priest! Fuck me!” Priestess Helen excitedly prayed out in supplication.

It was a prayer that need not be made. Priest Brutus had no intention of stopping until the bitch between his fore-legs and around his dog-cock had been fully mated. As Priest Brutus continued to pound Priestess Helen his fully exposed dog-cock bottomed-out in the depths of Priestess Helen’s cunt. The tip of his dog-cock pounded on the door of her womb. Priestess Helen could feel his knot pass through her nether lips as her Priest pounded her. The knot was quickly swelling such that its passing was causing some discomfort. Priestess Helen reached back with both hands and grabbed the hind-legs of her Priest thereby drawing him into her. She felt the knot enter her the last time. Priest Brutus laid his head between her shoulder blades.

“Eeeeee!!!! Fuuuuccckkkk! It’s big!” She squealed as the knot entered her just in time.

Priestess Steffany stood from where she had been lying next to Priest Fang the entire time. She walked behind the mated Priest and Priestess and knelt down. She knew from the past couple of weeks and nearly daily celebration of the Ritual with Priestess Helen that the young Priestess had some fear that priest would yank his knot from her before he had shrunken enough. Priestess Steffany also knew that the young Priestess often needed a bit of additional help to achieve orgasm during the Ritual.

“He’s fully knotted Priestess. He’s cumming in you. The two of you are so beautiful together.” Priestess Steffany said as she observed the asshole of the Priest clench and his balls rise and fall. He was obviously filling her pussy and womb with his cum.

“I can feel him cumming in me Priestess. I’m so full of his cock, knot, and hot cum. It’s as if the entire Universe is in me Priestess. I can feel the pulses of the cum hit my cervix. And I can feel the twitching of his cock and knot when he cums. I’m so close Priestess. Please help me.” Priestess Helen asked.

“Of course. It’s my pleasure Priestess.” Priestess Steffany answered as she reached out placing her left hand on Priest Brutus’s rump and lightly stroked the root of his cock and Priestess Helen’s slit.

Priestess Helen began whimpering as Priestess Steffany finger-tips moved from Priestess Helen’s slit to her clit. She lightly stroked Priestess Helen’s clit to build the pleasure. Priestess Steffany knew the Priest would continuing cumming inside his Priestess for a while yet.

“Please Priestess, faster! I’m close.” Priestess Helen exhorted.

Priestess Steffany began strumming Priestess Helen’s clit faster.

“That’s it Priestess! That’s it! I’m almost there! So close! So close! ……..Aaannhhh! I’M CUUUMMMIIINNNGGG!!! I’M CUUUMMMIIINNNGGG!” Priestess Helen shouted out as her orgasm began.

Priestess Helen’s toes curled. Her blonde hair shook as she tossed her head. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets. He mouth gaped and spittle drooled from her lower lip. Her body alternated between convulsions and tremors. Wave after wave of her orgasm rolled over her as Priest Brutus continued to cum in her in pulse after pulse. Gradually the waves of her orgasm diminished.

“Wow! That was so good! So good! Thank you Priest. I definitely want to celebrate the Ritual with you again.” Priestess Helen said breathlessly.

Priestess Steffany lifted her cum covered right-hand to her nose and inhaled their combined essence. She then began licking their cum from her fingers and hand.

“Yes, very good! You both taste wonderful.” Priestess Steffany said huskily in arousal.

Priestess Helen looked back over her shoulder to see Priestess Helen licking and sucking the combined juices from her hand. It surprised her slightly. Priestess Helen looked over to the recumbent Priest Fang on the floor showing a couple inches of canine cock. Suddenly her attention was drawn to her own Priest upon her back. He was becoming restless and attempting to dismount.

“Hold him Priestess! He’s attempting to dismount and isn’t quite shrunken enough yet.” Priestess Helen exclaimed. Priestess Steffany quickly placed both hands on Priest Brutus’s rump to keep him in place.

“I have him Priestess. He’s not going anywhere.” Priestess Steffany said reassuringly.

Priestess Steffany sat there holding Priest Brutus. Priestess Helen continued to kneel under her Priest relishing another successful celebration of the Ritual of Life while praying silently to herself that the Universe choose her to bear a Holy One. After a few minutes the cautious Priestess Helen decided that the knot of her Priest had shrunken enough to leave her without injury.

“Okay Priestess. I think the Priest is ready to dismount now.” Priestess Helen said.

Priestess Steffany released Priest Brutus. He immediately leaped down which pulled his greatly shrunken cock and knot from Priestess Helen. A sizable gush of their combined cum flowed out her slit and down her thighs. With a contented look on her face she rolled over onto her butt check facing Priest Brutus, Priestess Steffany, and Priest Fang. Priest Brutus continued licking his cock as it returned to his sheath.

“That… was… wonderful!” Priestess Helen exclaimed almost giddy.

“The two of you are so beautiful together. He looks to be a talented priest. I’m sure you’ll have wonderful things to say about him when you right up your report.” Priestess Steffany responded. “But now I think it’s my turn.” She said as she looked towards Priest Fang.

Priestess Steffany then got onto her knees and hands and crawled towards Priest Fang as she felt herself entranced by his amber eyes. Upon reaching him she offered her Priest her open lips for a kiss and closed her eyes. His tongue entered her mouth and throat as she savored the moment and his tongue. She rejoiced in the pleasure of his tongue in her throat. Priestess Steffany reached up to caress the think fur of his neck. After a few moments she broke their kiss and pushed her Priest fully over onto his side so that his head rested on green padded floor. Priestess Helen lay behind Priest Brutus with an arm and leg draped over him and watched the love-play of the Ritual play out between her mentor Priestess and Priest Fang.

Priestess Steffany was still on her knees. She leaned over and propped herself up on her elbows which put her face close to his sheath enclosed cock. She reached for his sheath with her right hand as she continued to rest on her left elbow. She slowly worked his sheath back and forth over the enclosed cock within. She felt the canine cock swell beneath her grasp. She pushed his sheath back further on each stroke so as to expose the knot before it swelled too large to leave his sheath. On the sixth or seventh backstroke the knot was exposed. With the sheath now behind the Priest’s swelling knot she reached for his pre-cum squirting cock. Some of his pre-cum fell onto her right forearm. Tilting the Priest’s cock up she brought her nose up to his cock and deeply inhaled. Her lover’s scent was intoxicating. She extended her tongue and ran it from the knot to the tip; taking the time to lap up some of his pre-cum as she did so. She pointed the tip at her slightly parted lips and a splash of pre-cum hit her lips. The Priestess opened her mouth and engulfed his cock. Priest Fang throat-growled in pleasure and began thrusting his hips, attempting to fuck her mouth and throat. Priestess Steffany reasserted control over her Priest and began fellating him. The Priestess purred as the taste of his pre-cum exploded on her taste buds. She loved this Priest and nothing pleased her more than giving him pleasure. Her tongue and lips moved back and forth over his dogcock causing him to rumble deep in his throat and his back legs to tremble. Priestess Steffany swallowed down his pre-cum that spurted into her mouth every second or so. She was relentless in her efforts to bring his cock and knot to full pussy stretching size. She relished the smoothness of its texture over her lips and tongue, She sucked his cock and watched his knot swell to its fullness. Just before his pre-cum turned into cum she pulled off his cock and stood erect on her knees.

“You’re ready. Roll over Priest.” Priestess Steffany said intending to ride her Priest into their mutual pleasure.

Priest Fang rolled over onto his back. Over the past few weeks he had become accustomed to this position. Priestess Steffany turned to face her Priest and lifted her right knee. She then threw it over his pelvis to straddle him. Her right hand reached between her thighs and grasped his cock. She aligned it with her aroused slick slit. Priestess Steffany bit her lower lip and lowered herself down upon the Priest’s canine cock. Her mouth opened and she took a sharp intake of breath as she pushed down his cock to the knot.

“Ugh!” She moaned as his shaft stretched her walls as he squirted his hot pre-cum up into her. “That’s so good. I love the way he stretches me.” Priestess Steffany said.

As the young blonde Priestess Helen watched, Priestess Steffany rose and fell on the shaft of the recumbent Priest Fang; pinching and rolling her nipples between her fingers as she did so. Priestess Steffany leaned her head back and closed her eyes from pleasure.

“Yes Priest! Yes! I love your cock! I love fucking you!” Priestess Steffany gasped out lost in her pleasure. She did not even remember that Priestess Helen and Priest Brutus were watching them.

Noticing that Priestess Steffany did not offer the customary prayer, Priestess Helen quietly offered it for her. “Divine Universe, Priestess Steffany offers You her body and fertility. May You use them to work your will. Blessed be the Universe.” With the prayer offered she leaned into Priest Brutus and lightly kissed the back of his neck then inhaled his scent. She did this while leaning on her left elbow with her right leg and arm embracing her Priest laying in front of her. They continued to watch the beautiful vision of the buxom Brazilian Priestess with dark eyes and long black hair celebrate the Ritual with the hybrid wolf-dog Priest Fang.

Priestess Steffany and Priest Fang were meanwhile bridging the divide between humanity and those most humans in their hubris considered mere animals but which the Faith taught that all animals, including humans, were important and loved parts of the itself, the divine whole.

Priestess Steffany rose and fell on the shaft of her Priest in a slow steady rhythm. Which elicited low growls of pleasure from the throat of her Priest and mews of pleasure from her own lips.

“Fang. My Fang. Give me your cock. It’s so good.” The Priestess whispered lowly in her passion for her Priest.

As Priestess Helen watched the love-making she could not help but think how beautiful Priestess Steffany and Priest Fang were together. Not wishing to disturb the sacredness of the purest celebration of the Ritual before her, Priestess Helen leaned into Priest Brutus’s neck. “Aren’t they so lovely Priest? They look like they belong together. A divine pairing.” She whispered into his ear after leaning into his neck.

Priestess Steffany continued rising and falling on her Priest’s cock, taking him up to the knot. Her head was tilted back. Her long straight black hair feel free down almost to the top of her butt. She lightly bit her lower lip. Her left hand alternately rolled or pinched her left nipple. Her right hand traveled from her right breast and nipple down her stomach. As that hand approached her sex, she noticed once again the firmness of her lower stomach and it’s uncharacteristic slight bulge from its normal flatness. As she continued rising and falling on her Priest’s cock, her right hand paused in its travel to her clit and made a circular motion over her growing womb in the knowledge that a new life, a new soul, was there. The motion was not unnoticed by Priestess Helen.

Priestess Steffany focused on the sensation of her Priest’s cock stretching the walls of her pussy. She contracted her pelvic floor muscles causing her pussy to grasp down on Priest Fang’s canine cock. He whined and kicked is hind-legs in pleasure. Priestess Steffany’s right hand move the few inches to her clit. She began a steadily increasing strumming of her clit. She leaned over slightly and lowered herself down to her Priest’s knot. After one last pinch of her left nipple, her left hand traveled down her body not to join her right but to his knot. She rubbed the underside of his knot. She split her fingers and placed two fingers on each side of the root of his cock. This triggered an orgasm in Priest Fang. Priestess Steffany felt the strong pulses of hot canine cum shoot up into her cervix and flowing back down; coating the walls of her pussy. Priestess Steffany, on the verge of orgasm, pinched her clit. Priestess Steffany released her lower lip from her teeth. She opened her eyes and looked down into the eyes of Priest Fang.

“I’M CUMMMIIINNNNGGGG!!!! I’M CUMMMIIINNNGGGGG!!!!! FUCK!!!!” Priestess Steffany shouted out.

Her body convulsed over the reclined body of her Priest as wave after wave of her orgasm rolled over her. Her right hand moved from her clit to the chest of her Priest to steady herself. A line of her drool connected the corner of her mouth and Priest Fang’s chest. Her orgasm caused the muscles of her pussy to contract on her Priest’s cock. He whined in response as he continued to shoot pulse after pulse of his hot cum up into his Priestess. Most of which was flowing out of her onto his knot, lower belly, and balls.

Priestess Steffany rode out her orgasm and her Priest as they came together in a shared passion. During her orgasm she had flashes of memories from past lives, specifically of other intimate moments spent with her soul mate. She same soul she believed to be underneath her at that moment. Her present life was a small vessel, not much larger than the years of her life, cast upon the eternal sea of all her past lives. She rode those waves as she rode her current orgasm, with love. But she refocused on the moment and her Priest beneath her.

Priestess Steffany came down from her orgasm. After a couple of minutes Priest Fang stopped shooting cum into her and his cock and knot began shrinking to normal size. She leaned over and kissed her Priest on his muzzle. She then raised up on her knees and his cock slipped out. Still somewhat engorged and reddish in color with purple veins, it fell wetly onto his belly. Priestess Steffany raised her right knee and swiveled bringing it beside her left knee. She stepped back a couple of steps as their combined juices dripped from her gaping slit and slid down her thighs to the green rubberized floor.

“Priestess, hand me a towel please. The cowgirl position always leaves the Priest in such a mess.” Priestess Steffany requested.

The adoring Priestess Helen stood and stepped to the corner to retrieve a towel then handed it to Priestess Steffany. Who after quickly wiping down her own thighs then wiped the cum covered belly of Priest Fang while avoiding his cock with the coarse towel. Meanwhile Priest Fang licked his retreating cock back into his sheath and then licked his balls until they too were clean of their fuck juices.

As Priestess Steffany finished cleaning up herself, Priest Fang, and the residue of the celebration of the Ritual Priestess Helen did likewise for her and Priest Brutus’s celebration of the Ritual. Priestess Helen then quickly grabbed the mop and cleaned the rubberized floor of both celebrations.

Priestess Steffany looked at the clock. “Our hour is almost up. We will have to return the Priests to their kennels and check out so that other Priestesses can use this celebration room.” She said sadly with a sigh. “I do not get to see Priest Fang nearly as much as I’d like. Every moment I spend with him is precious to me. I only feel whole when we’re together.” Priestess Steffany said lowly in the same sad tone.

“You two are so beautiful together Priestess. I’m sorry that you two can’t be together more than an hour a day. But that is more than most people get. Love and be thankful. Isn’t that what our Faith teaches us?” Priestess Helen asked as she slipped her robe onto to young athletic body.

“You’re right of course. It’s not always easy though. But then it isn’t supposed to be.” Priestess Steffany answered as she slipped on her own robe.

The Priestesses then leashed their Priests and walked them back to their kennels. They could hear other priestesses celebrating the Ritual in some of the other celebration rooms as they headed towards the kennel area. Priest Brutus’s kennel was reached first. Priestess Helen opened the kennel and walked him into his kennel. Before removing his leash she knelt down and gave him a affectionate hug around his neck then gave the Doberman a kiss on his nose. She removed his leash and Priest Brutus went to his water bowel to drink his fill. Priestess Helen stepped outside of the kennel and attached the leash to the fencing. She followed Priestess Steffany and Priest Fang to his kennel. Priestess Steffany led Priest Fang into his kennel and removed his leash. She too knelt down facing her Priest; hugged him; and whispered into his ear. “I will see you tomorrow Fang. I will miss you.” Priest Fang whined in apparent agreement. A single tear rolled down Priestess Steffany’s check which Fang licked from her. He sat there watching her as she left the kennel; snapped his leash onto the fencing; and as the two Priestesses made their way to the kennel office.

Priestess Steffany and Priestess Helen signed out which let the Priestess serving as the assistant kennel manager know that communal celebration room seven was free for other priestesses. By that time a few of the nearby non-resident lay priestesses were beginning to trickle in. They were mostly students at the local colleges or universities and a few were eighteen year old high school students. The traffic tended to work out that resident priestess and local stay at home moms were at the kennels during the day. Working non-resident lay priestesses mostly came in the evenings. The kennel manager maintained the schedule to see that the needs of all the priests were met as well that the priestesses themselves were trained in the caring for the needs of the priests through both classes and mentors.

After the ritual Priestess Steffany and Priestess Helen returned to their cells to write their reports on their celebration of the Ritual of Life. Both wrote a report on her own celebration of the Ritual and a report on the celebration of the other Priestess. The Community encouraged communal celebration of the ritual. This afforded deeper insight into the performance of the priests and whether a priestess showed any potential issues or doubts. The reports would be submitted to both the Priestess managing the kennel and the High Priestess. Priestess Helen had already written of her concerns over Priestess Steffany’s apparent over-attachment to Priest Fang but had been informed by the High Priestess that it was to be expected and not a matter of concern. That however did not allay Priestess Helen’s concerns. She noticed how sad that Priestess Steffany was when not with Priest Fang. Priestess Helen resolved to do what she could to help her sister Priestess and mentor.


Priestess Helen

It had been an eventful day for Priestess Steffany. She was unable to sleep. Her ultrasound confirmed that she was carrying Fang’s offspring. Not that she had any doubts but she did not have to wonder any longer whether High Priestess Joan and Priestess Judy harbored any doubts. Mostly though, she missed her Fang. That was why she was unable to sleep. She wished that she and Fang were living in a little house in town. But then that would be ungrateful. It was this Community that brought her and Fang together. No, she would cherish the time they could share and be thankful for that time. That consolation did not help her sleep however. She looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. There was a light rapping on her door.

“Bernadette?” She whispered. She had not been visited by Priestess Bernadette in a few weeks. Priestess Steffany slipped out of bed nude and stepped to the door. She cracked it enough to see that it was Priestess Helen standing in the darkened hallway.

“Priestess, I hope I didn’t wake you. Do you mind if I come in?” Priestess Helen asked.

“No Priestess. I don’t mind. You didn’t wake me. I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately.” Priestess Steffany answered as she stepped back enough to allow Priestess Helen enough room to slip through.

Just as Priestess Steffany was about to reach for her robe she noticed Priestess Helen wrap a hand-towel around the exterior door handle before shutting it behind her. This was basically the “Do Not Disturb” sign the priestesses in the Community used. Priestess Helen confirmed that assumption by pulling her robe off her shoulders and stepping out of it when it dropped to the floor. Standing nude a few feet from Priestess Steffany, she then hung it over the nearby chair.

“I just thought you needed company Priestess.” Priestess Helen offered.

“I would like some company. I am feeling a bit lonely tonight. But when you’re sharing a bed with a Priestess, you can drop the formality when in private. It’s one of our little rules like the hand-towel around the door-handle.” Priestess Steffany answered thankful for the thoughtfulness of Priestess Helen.

Priestess Steffany reached out with her left hand and took the right hand of Priestess Helen. She then pulled her towards her bed. “So you call me Steffany and I will call you Helen while we’re being intimate. How does that sound?” She asked as she sat on the edge of her bed while pulling Priestess Helen’s mouth to her own in a kiss. The nude Priestesses, one sitting and one standing leaning over, shared a long passionate kiss. After a long minute Priestess Helen drew her tongue back into her mouth; broke the kiss; and opened her eyes.

“I’d like that very much Steffany.” Priestess Helen said with a smile as she looked into the eyes of her older sister Priestess.

Priestess Steffany leaned back onto the mattress and lifted her legs onto the bed. She then pulled Priestess Helen down onto the mattress beside her as she moved towards the wall giving Priestess Helen a little more room. Priestess Steffany rolled onto her left side while Priestess Helen lay on her back. Priestess Steffany began lightly stroking Priestess Helen’s flat stomach and the bottom of her perky breasts.

“Helen, I know that you’ve not been with a boy since you offered your virginity but tell me. Have you ever been with a girl?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Well…. I did have one special friend in high school. She and I would fool around and take care of each other. She had a boyfriend so we had to sneak around.” Priestess Helen answered.

Priestess Steffany brought her right hand up between the breasts of Priestess Helen. She lightly stroked between her breasts a few times and watched Priestess Helen’s nipples harden.

“I think you like that Helen.” Priestess Steffany softly stated matter-of-factly.

“Yes.” Priestess Helen hissed as she turned her face towards her sister Priestess while trembling in excitement.

Priestess Steffany brought her fingers to the mouth of Priestess Helen.

“Suck.” She ordered. Priestess Helen opened her mouth. Priestess Steffany pushed three fingers into Priestess Helen’s mouth and immediately felt suction on her fingers and watched Priestess Helen’s checks concave. Priestess Steffany felt a tremor in her cunt as she dominated the young Priestess.

Once her fingers were sufficiently lubricated she issued another command. “Open.” Priestess Helen stopped sucking on Priestess Steffany’s fingers and opened her mouth. Priestess Steffany withdrew her spit slathered fingers from the Priestess’s mouth. Priestess Helen closed her mouth.

“Close your eyes.” She ordered the young Priestess.

Still trembling, the young Priestess trusted Priestess Steffany and did as she was told. Priestess Steffany’s right hand traveled to to the nipple on Priestess Helen’s left breast. She circled the the aureole several times then lightly pinched the nipple. She then brought the finger back to the mouth of Priestess Helen.

“Suck.” Priestess Steffany ordered.

Priestess Helen once again slathered three fingers on Priestess Steffany’s right hand with saliva.

“Open.” Priestess Steffany ordered.

Priestess Steffany removed her the fingers from the mouth of Priestess Helen. She watched the closed eyes of Priestess Helen and moved her hand to the young Priestess’s sex. Priestess Helen gasped at the touch. Priestess Steffany slowly stroked Priestess Helen’s wet labia and spread the slickness over the young Priestess’s clit. She ground the clit under her palm. Priestess Steffany began running her middle finger over Priestess Helen’s slit while running the index and ring fingers over her labia. The dark haired Priestess leaned over and took the right nipple of the young blonde Priestess into her mouth. As she lightly nibbled on the young Priestess’s nipple, she pushed the middle finger of her right hand into the blonde Priestess’s slit. Priestess Helen spread her thighs in invitation. The young Priestess gasped then groaned from the combined sensations of pain and pleasure. Priestess Steffany began alternating between nibbling, sucking, and licking Priestess Helen’s right nipple all while she continued to finger the slit and grind Priestess Helen’s clit under her palm.

“Yes! Yes! So good! Use two fingers Steffany! Please!” Priestess Helen begged.

Without shifting her attention from Priestess Helen’s right nipple, Priestess Steffany’s index finger joined her middle finger stroking in and out of the increasingly wet slit of the young blonde. Priestess Steffany could feel the cunt muscles of the young Priestess pull on her fingers. She envied the priests with whom the young blonde Priestess had celebrated and would celebrate the Ritual of Life.

“YES!” Priestess Helen hissed out loudly.

Priestess Steffany gathered some of the flowing hot moisture from the other Priestess’s slit onto her thumb. As she continued to finger fuck the young blonde in her bed, Priestess Steffany began circling Priestess Helen’s clit with her thumb. She could tell by the contractions of the young Priestess’s cunt walls that she was quickly approaching orgasm.

“Steffany, I’m almost there! Just a little more!” Priestess Helen begged.

Priestess Steffany slipped her ring finger and began finger fucking Priestess Helen with three fingers as she continued working the young Priestess’s clit and right nipple. Priestess Steffany curled her fingers upward and began working the young blonde Priestess’s g-spot. She then bit down on Priestess Helen’s nipple.

“FFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!! I’M CUMMMINNNNGGGG!!! I’M CCUUUUMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!!” Priestess Helen shouted out the obvious as her body convulsed from being rocked by a powerful orgasm.

Priestess Steffany removed her ring finger from her sister Priestess’s cunt as she slightly lessened the stimulation enough to keep the orgasm rolling through her bedmate. After giving the young Priestess’s nipple a soothing kiss Priestess Steffany straightened her neck and brought her face a few inches from Priestess Helen’s in order to watch the orgasm on Priestess Helen’s gorgeous face. Priestess Helen felt Priestess Steffany’s breath on her face. With her eyes still closed Priestess Helen, turned her face towards Priestess Steffany’s. She opened her eyes and looked deeply into the dark eyes of Priestess Steffany.

The tanned toned limbs and body of the young Priestess convulsed and writhed as Priestess Steffany witnessed the orgasm she had given her. She felt her own need rise as her own labia engorged and became wet from arousal.

As the waves of Priestess Helen’s orgasm lessened she took hold of Priestess Steffany’s right wrist and pulled her fingers from her satiated cunt and too sensitive clit.

“No more Steffany. Please no more.” She whispered softly into the face of Priestess Steffany. The older Priestess relented and brought her right hand to the flat stomach of the younger Priestess to lightly caress her. She then brought her right-hand to her mouth and savored the taste of the young Priestess. Priestess Helen closed the remaining distance and the two Priestess completed the moment in a passionate kiss; their tongues dancing in each others mouth. Priestess Helen right hand found the swell of Priestess Steffany’s puppy bearing hip. They continued to hold one another. Each giving the other light caresses and tender kisses while falling into the eyes of the other.

“No matter how much I enjoy celebrating the Ritual with a priest, I will always need a human’s touch. I’ve forgotten how much I missed it.” Priestess Helen said in an intimate softness.

“Do you miss your friend? Have you spoken to her lately?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Other than priests and now you, she was the only one with whom I had been sexual. So, if I am honest with myself then I have to admit that I have missed her and the times we spent together. I have kept in touch with her. As a matter of fact she is coming to visit me tomorrow. I meant to mention it earlier but forgot. I did clear it with the High Priestess. She told me that another Priestess would help you tomorrow afternoon.” Priestess Helen answered in detail.

Priestess Helen’s right hand traveled to Priestess Steffany’s right breast and began lightly pinching the nipple and massaging the breast in turn.

“But do you want to talk or would you rather I take care of you?” Priestess Helen asked while raising an eyebrow.

“I very much need taken care of Helen. You’ve gotten me all hot and bothered.” Priestess Steffany answered.

“The bed is too small. Sit on the edge.” Priestess Helen ordered as she raised up and stood on the floor by the bed.

Priestess Steffany did as she was told. She sat up and swiveled so that her legs hung off the edge of the bed. She then scooted her ass and spread her thighs so that her pussy was fully accessible. She then leaned back onto her elbows which rotated her pelvis and sex up in offering. Priestess Helen knelt down in an almost reverential posture in front of her mentor. Priestess Helen locked eyes with Priestess Steffany. She then reached out with both hands and lightly caressed each knee while spreading them a bit further apart. She leaned over and placed her lips first to Priestess Steffany’s right thigh. She slowly kissed and licked her way down the right thigh only to stop when reaching the inner thigh. She then did the same to the left. Priestess Steffany impatiently stroked her own slit during Priestess Helen’s tease. Priestess Helen, however, did not stop her oral ministrations when reaching the inner thigh. She lightly kissed and licked the outer lips of Priestess Steffany’s sex all while maintaining near unblinking eye contact with the dark haired Priestess. Priestess Helen slid her caressing hands under the thighs of Priestess Steffany to firmly grip the Brazilian Priestess’s hips while simultaneously lifting her legs up onto her shoulders. The succulent banquet was served. Priestess Helen inhaled the scent of Priestess Steffany.

Priestess Steffany was looking into the blue eyes of the blonde Priestess just as Priestess Helen closed them to focus instead on her first taste of Priestess Steffany and her wafting scent from the Brazilian Priestess. She wanted to sear the taste and smell of her mentor into her memory forever. Priestess Steffany into at the closed eyes below the blonde eyebrows of the young Priestess in anticipation of the touch of her lips and tongue and the blue eyes opening again. Suddenly Priestess Steffany felt the light flicker of a tongue at the bottom of her slit and then lips on the lower part of her slit. The tongue entered her tentatively. It pushed in further and it flicked inside her slit. Priestess Helen opened her eyes and looked into the half closed eyes of Priestess Steffany.

“Yes! Yes! Tongue my slit Helen. Deeper. Please get deeper!” Priestess Steffany whispered as her right hand fell upon the top of the blonde Priestess’s head.

Priestess Helen responded by extended her tongue as deeply as it could go into Priestess Steffany’s pussy. She then began wagging her tongue up and down then side to side. She drew her tongue back into her mouth savoring Priestess Steffany’s juices. After that savory moment her tongue entered the dark eyed Priestess again seeking more sexual nourishment. The finger-tips on Priestess Helen’s right hand found the clit of Priestess Steffany and began strumming it in a rhythm of pleasure. A rhythm that would inevitable end in an orgasmic crescendo. Again and again the young Priestess tongued the Brazilian Priestess.

Priestess Steffany closed her eyes on fell onto her back, leaving Priestess Helen to stare across the hairless mons, bulging stomach, and firm upturned breasts of the other Priestess. The young Priestess pulled tighter into the sex of Priestess Steffany. Her left hand traveling to above the right on the lower abdomen. She noticed how swollen, firm, and taunt her lower abdomen was. The thought was filed away then her attention turned to more immediate matters. As Priestess Helen listened to her mentor moan in pleasure she watched Priestess Steffany’s fingers release the blanket and raise to her own up-turned left breast. Priestess Steffany began rolling her hips as she rolled and pinched her nipples. Her long delicate fingers wound themselves into the blonde hair of the young woman. Priestess Helen continued to tongue the slit and strum the clit of Priestess Steffany.

“That’s it Helen! You’re going to make me cum!” Priestess Steffany exclaimed.

Priestess Helen increased the strumming of Priestess Steffany’s clit and the wiggling of her tongue. Priestess Steffany convulsed and her back arched up off of her bed.

“Ffffuuuccckkkkk!……I’m cumming!……I’m cumming!” She said gasping for breath as her body was rocked by a powerful orgasm.

Priestess Helen continued to tongue the dark haired Priestess as she struggled to maintain contact with the sex of the orgasming Priestess. She did however lessen the strumming of her highly erect clit. As Priestess Steffany rode out her orgasm, Priestess Helen continued to drink down the pussy juices tongued from the Priestess. She savored every well earned drop.

Incrementally the waves of Priestess Steffany’s orgasm diminished and the convulsions became tremors. Priestess Helen gently licked, tongued, and sucked every drop Priestess Steffany gave her. The Brazilian Priestess tenderly stroked the forehead of the young Priestess and pushed her away from her overly sensitive sex. Priestess Helen began lightly kissing the outer thighs of her mentor in pure relish of her presence.

“No more Helen. ………No more!……… That was so good. Thank you. Thank you.” Priestess Steffany said in gratitude to the young Priestess.

“You’re welcome Steffany. Thank you for sharing your bed.” Priestess Helen replied hinting at the desire to spend the night with Priestess Steffany.

Priestess Steffany caught the hint laid back in her bed on her back and scooted towards the wall. She then extended her arms in welcome to her protege. Priestess Helen smiled and laid down in the bed and into the arms of her sister Priestess with her face on the Brazilian Priestess’s shoulder. Priestess Steffany reached up with her right hand and tilted the face of the young Priestess towards her own. They kissed tenderly and with genuine affection as they basked in the glow of the shared pleasure.

“You were wonderful Helen. Your friend was a good teacher. Or perhaps you just have natural talent. What is the reason she’s coming to visit you tomorrow?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“Julie, will start university on the West Coast in a few weeks. I haven’t been able to call or even text anyone since my initiation. But I can have visitors so she is coming to see me tomorrow and may stay over-night with me in my cell. She asked my mom. Then mom contacted the High Priestess who told me about Julie visiting.” Priestess Helen answered.

“So it’s just a visit then?” Priestess Steffany continued.

“Well, it’s mostly a visit. But she has always been curious about our Faith. Partly because her family is irreligious. She is particularly curious about the Ritual of Life. She has always been rather adventurous sexually and I think she wants to see me celebrating the Ritual. She may even want to celebrate it herself. She is an only child and I think she has always wanted what I have had. A large and happy family.” Priestess Helen responded.

“Perhaps. The green robes of an inquirer is always a welcome sight in the Community. It puts all the priestesses on their best behavior. One thing is certain though. If she celebrates the Ritual then it will be a baptism that will change her forever. Once you’ve had sex with a dog, you’re never the same.” Priestess Steffany said stifling a yawn. “But what about you? What are you going to do since you graduated?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“I’m taking a gap year. I have an older brother who is finishing up university this coming year. It would be a huge strain on my family to pay tuition for both of us so I decided to wait. There is nothing that I want to do more than teach. Also that would give me a wonderful opportunity to openly serve as an example of our Faith. I know that people will snicker and call me names but I don’t care. That’s what I want to do.” Priestess Helen answered.

“I think you will make an excellent teacher Helen and an even better representative of our Faith to your students and the other teachers.” Priestess Steffany responded.

There was a prolonged pause in the conversation while Priestess Helen gathered her nerve.

“Steffany, may I ask you a very personal question?” Priestess Helen asked as she stared intently into the dark eyes of the older Priestess.

“Of course Helen. What do you want to know?” Priestess Steffany answered.

“Well, I told you that while I was growing up that there have always been someone pregnant in my family.” Priestess Helen said.

“Uh-huh.” Priestess Steffany said suddenly much more awake than she had been a few moments before.

“Between my mom, older sisters, the wives of my siblings, and my aunts and married girl cousins and cousins-in-law that someone was always pregnant. It was usually several family members. So I have to ask…….. Are you pregnant?” Priestess Helen asked.

It was the moment Priestess Steffany knew was coming. But it was not the moment of her own choosing. She paused to gather her thoughts. She decided to be honest.

“Yes, I’m pregnant. Priest Fang if the father. I carry his pup in my womb.” Priestess Steffany answered simply. “I’m five weeks along. The pup was conceived the night of your initiation as a Priestess. According to Priestess Judy, the puppy is male and appears to be a normal.” Priestess Steffany elaborated.

It was at least ten seconds before Priestess Helen found her voice. “IT HAPPENED!!!” Priestess Helen shouted.

“Shhuuussshhh!!!” Priestess Steffany whispered. “It’s 1 am. Most priestesses are asleep.”

“Sorry.” Priestess Helen whispered.

“That’s okay. I know it’s a shock. What every priestess and member of the Faithful have prayed to happen for years has happened or will soon happen. I’m the first.” Priestess Steffany said in a low voice. “But for the moment the High Priestess has decided, and I agree, that the time is not right to tell the world. The High Priestess left it to my discretion whether to confide in you with this secret. Promise me that you will tell absolutely no one.” Priestess Steffany demanded.

Priestess Helen was still in shock at the news. She thought of the years of prayer she and her family had prayed had been for been answered. It was happening. The world would soon change. Priestess Steffany mistook her introspection for hesitation about making the promise.

“Helen promise me!” Priestess Steffany repeated her demand.

“I promise. I won’t tell a soul.” Priestess Helen whispered while shaking her head.

Priestess Steffany reached over and turned out the light. She once again took Priestess Helen into her arms. They held onto one another. Both needing reassurance for the trepidations that lie in the days and months ahead. Priestess Steffany eventually heard the slow hypnotic rhythmic breathing from Priestess Helen. Soon thereafter her own slow rhythmic breathing joined that of the young Priestess.


Very Pregnant

It had been two weeks since Priestess Helen had spent the night with Priestess Helen and been told that the Brazilian Priestess carried a Holy One. Priestess Helen had spent every night thereafter with Priestess Steffany. Most nights they enjoyed each other sexually. Some nights they only provided emotional comfort to one another. But during that time they had grown very close. Despite Priest Fang being her soulmate, Priestess Steffany still needed human emotional connections.

Priestess Steffany opened her eyes from the morning light coming through the window. She looked at the blonde hair and graceful neck of Priestess Helen. They normally slept spooning with Priestess Steffany to the back of Priestess Helen. The Brazilian Priestess looked to the clock on her desk. It was only a few minutes before she would have to get up and start her day. Priestess Steffany tightened her embrace of the young Priestess in her bed then leaned forward and lightly kissed the nape of her neck. Her nipples pressing into the back of the blonde Priestess.

“Good morning Steffany.” Priestess Helen murmured as she woke up while blinking her eyes to the morning light.

“Good morning sleepy-head.” Priestess Steffany responded.

Priestess Helen rolled over to face her mentor and lover. She then leaned in and gave Priestess Steffany a morning kiss.

“How did the return visit with Julie go yesterday?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“It went great. Julie celebrated the Ritual with a Priest. I knew that she would after her visit a couple of weeks ago. It was her first time with a dog. She went with a German Shepherd Priest. If her moans and orgasms indicated anything I think she’ll find a community soon after moving to California in another couple of weeks. She probably already has a couple in mind. She told me that after seeing me celebrate the Ritual a couple of weeks ago she has hardly been able to think of anything else. After thinking about what you said about baptism, it was almost like the priest’s cum in her washed away her doubts, fears, and inhibitions. She’s a new woman now and can do things she never thought possible before.” Priestess Helen reached down to caress the pregnant belly of her Brazilian lover. “Maybe one day Julie will be chosen to bear a Holy One like you…… Oh! I felt him kick. It’s so amazing.” Priestess Helen said awe struck.

“Maybe one day you’ll be chosen.” Priestess Steffany countered.

“I pray that it is the Universe’s will.” Priestess Helen replied as she caressed her own belly in the dream that one day she would conceive and carry a Holy One there.

“Amen. …… Helen I just want to tell you that after the time I spend with Fang, moments like these with you are my happiest. What you and I have is more than sex. I really mean that.” Priestess Steffany said while looking into the blue eyes of the blonde Priestess and stroking her cheek.

“Steffany, we’ve gotten so close over the past couple of weeks. You’ve become very special to me. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. I cherish what we have.” Priestess Helen said lovingly and then giving the other Priestess’s hand a light kiss.

They leaned in towards one another and shared another kiss while embracing tightly ,breasts to breasts. This kiss was more passionate than the previous one a few minutes before. Eventually they broke the kiss. Priestess Steffany looked at the clock again. It was past time to get up.

“Ugh! It’s past time to get up. I have to start working in a little less than an hour.” Priestess Steffany said as she fell onto her back looking up at the ceiling.

“Me to. I start house-keeping today. The High Priestess said I can discern a vocation while cleaning. Knock before heading to the cafeteria. And I’ll do the same if you haven’t knocked on my door.” Priestess Helen said as got out of bed.

Priestess Steffany watched the firm athletic ass of the young gorgeous Priestess as she took the couple of steps to where her brown robe lay on the back of the desk chair. The young Priestess slipped on her robe. Just before she opened the door the blonde Priestess turned to her lover and gave her a winning smile.

“See you in a few minutes.” Priestess Helen said to the smiling Priestess Steffany who was just then getting out of bed.

Priestess Helen took the hand-towel from the door knob as she closed the door. Just as she turned she found herself looking into the eyes of her aunt, the High Priestess.

“Good morning Priestess.” The High Priestess said with a low chuckle. “Don’t forget you have to report to Priestess Martha at 9 am sharp. Why don’t you and Priestess Steffany join me at breakfast?” The High Priestess asked in a way to make it clear that it wasn’t a request.

“Of course High Priestess.” Priestess Helen said as her face blushed at having been caught by her aunt. “Excuse me High Priestess. I’d better get moving.” Priestess Helen said as she stepped to her door, opened it, and entered her cell.

High Priestess Joan continued on her way to the cafeteria for breakfast. She laughed inwardly at her niece’s embarrassment of being found removing a tell-tale hand-towel from the door-knob while leaving the cell of another priestess. As if the High Priestess at not often done the same as a young priestess. Now it is generally her door that is knocked upon late at night. It had been years since she has knocked on any doors late at night herself. Nor has she had to walk down the Community’s corridors with a hand-towel up her sleeve.

The High Priestess chuckled to herself. “My niece has the makings of a very fine priestess.” She said with pride and joy.


It was only about fifteen minutes later that Priestess Steffany and Priestess Helen were sitting down side-by-side at the High Priestess’s table to join her for breakfast. Priestess Helen was attempting to not look her aunt directly in the eyes. The High Priestess’s table was a bit isolated from the other tables to prevent eaves-dropping. Priestess Steffany and Priestess Helen had their backs to the other tables. The two priestesses finished eating their breakfasts while the High Priestess drank her coffee and eyed them.

“Well Priestess Steffany, I suppose Priestess Helen mentioned that I caught her outside your cell this morning with a hand-towel in her hand. How long have you two been sharing a bed?” The High Priestess asked in a low voice.

Priestess Steffany looked over at Priestess Helen only to see that her eyes were downcast. Amused at her lover’s embarrassment she turned to look the High Priestess directly in the eyes.

“I’d say about two weeks High Priestess. The first night was the same day you and I visited the infirmary and confirmed my pregnancy with a sonogram.” Priestess Steffany answered in a low voice to prevent the possibility of anyone overhearing. “Priestess Helen and I had been spending a lot of time together. I suppose one thing naturally lead to another. That night someone softly rapped on my door and when I opened it there was Priestess Helen. She was wrapping a hand-towel around my door-knob. She’s shared my bed since that night.” Priestess Steffany said straight forwardly as she squeezed Priestess Helen’s hand under the table to reassure the young Priestess.

“High Priestess, I can explain!” Priestess Helen blurted out.

“I don’t know that there is anything to explain Priestess. If you’re going to tell me that you and Priestess Steffany aren’t lovers then I’m going to be very disappointed that you would lie to me. There aren’t any rules against having a sexual relationship with someone other than a priest except for consecrated priestess. And that rule only prohibits a consecrated priestess from having sex with men. I’ve changed your diaper and I officiated your initiation. I know you’re not a male. Neither of you have violated any rule.” The High Priestess countered. “Priestess Helen, do you think I was never a young Priestess? I wasn’t born old you know. I’ve had a hand-towel tucked up my sleeve many a night walking the corridor of this Community or another.” The High Priestess said in a tone that was tinged with both patience and exasperation.

“So I’m not in trouble?” The teenage Priestess asked.

“No, you’re not in trouble.” The High Priestess said with exasperation. “But if you don’t start your duties on time you will be so you’d best go. Priestess Steffany and I have something to discuss. And no it’s not about you. Not mostly any way. Enjoy the rest of your day Priestess.” The High Priestess said by way of dismissal.

Priestess Helen got up from the table. She turned in her tray to one of the priestess working in the kitchen and walked out the door to begin her house-cleaning duties. As she did both the High Priestess and Priestess Steffany watched her go. Only turning to face each other when she was gone. By this time the cafeteria was empty since all the priestess had left to start their duties and the priestess working in the cafeteria were in the back.

“She really is a wonderful person.” Priestess Steffany said sincerely.

“I’ve always thought so.” The High Priestess said gently reminding the Brazilian Priestess that she knew Priestess Helen since her birth.

“I want you to know, as our High Priestess and as her aunt, that I would never intentionally do anything to hurt her. Despite Priest Fang being my soul mate what she and I have is very special to me.” Priestess Steffany said to reassure the High Priestess.

“I know. I can see the way you both look at each other, and the way you act around one another. But Priestess Helen isn’t really what I want to discuss with you Priestess. I wanted to discuss the progress of your pregnancy and your past lives.” The High Priestess said.

“According to Priestess Judy, everything is going well the best she knows. It’s not as if my pregnancy is ordinary. The puppy’s development is right on schedule and I’m due in a couple of weeks. He appears healthy. He moves around a lot. There hasn’t been any morning sickness so far. My sex drive as increased which Priest Fang and Priestess Helen have enjoyed. I have an occasional food craving. I’ve gained about fifteen pounds. The worst part are the mood swings. Aside from carrying a puppy instead of a baby Priestess Judy says my pregnancy is pretty normal.” Priestess Steffany elaborated.

“I’m happy to hear that you and the puppy are doing well. I have worried about you and the puppy you’re carrying. But tell me about the memories from your past lives. I’ve read your daily reports about the other lives you remember; the increasing frequency of their intrusion into the present; and their increased clarity. But I want to hear about those memories have affected you.” The High Priestess asked.

“High Priestess I’m not sure how to describe that but I’ll try. I’m only twenty-eight but it’s like I have the memories more life-times than most people will ever have access to. But it also frightens me. Sometimes I can almost feel myself slipping away to some of those other lives. During some of those other lives, the human lives specifically, I had an extraordinarily strong personality and I can feel those other selves attempting to assert control. I don’t want to be lost among the crowd of my prior selves.” Priestess Steffany confided to the High Priestess with an edge of fear in her voice. Making the revelation of her fear into a plea for help and guidance.

“Priestess, do not fear. Have faith. The Universe selected you as a Chosen One. It chose you to be the first woman to bear a Holy One. Have faith. You have said in your journal that as the pregnancy has advanced that the visions of your prior lives have become clearer and have increased in the number of prior lives. You know them. They don’t know you. Think of your soul as a gemstone. Most of us will only know a single facet which is no larger than our individual life. You however, have the gift of seeing multiple facets. Your memories of multiple lives gives you far great insight to your soul’s strengths and weaknesses. Should you ever gain all the memories of all your lives then you will be unique. All those other lives aren’t separate from your life. All those lives, your current life included, are all expressions of the same soul, your true self. Knowledge of the self is the foundation of all wisdom. Don’t be afraid. Have faith.” The High Priestess shared.

“High Priestess. I will mediate on what you’ve told me. Thank you. I will remember what you’ve told me. I do feel more hopeful. I think it’s time that I get to my own duties now.” Priestess Steffany responded.

The two priestess rose from the table. The High Priestess offered a prayer to the Universe to guide and protect the Priestess and to banish Priestess Steffany’s fear. She then kissed the chosen Priestess on her forehead, and they each left to tend to their duties.


The Holy One

The pounding on her door woke the High Priestess. She looked at her clock. It was 2 am. The fog in mind lifted after a few seconds. She realized there could only be one reason for someone to pound her door in the middle of the night. She leaped out of bed and slipped her black robe over her head. She opened the door. It was Priestess Helen.

“Aunt Joan! Aunt Joan! I mean High Priestess! It’s time.” Priestess Helen all but shouted.

The High Priestess grabbed her phone and bolted out the door slamming it behind her. She did not even think to put her shoes on. The High Priestess and her young blonde niece, Priestess Helen, ran down the corridor towards the infirmary.

“We were in bed and her water broke.” Priestess Helen managed to get out before having to draw a deep breath. “I came to get you right after…” Priestess Helen took in another deep breath as she and the High Priestess continued to run down the hall. “getting Steffany to the infirmary.” Priestess Helen managed to squeak out before needing to draw another deep breath.

They burst through the infirmary door and continued running to the delivery room door. They entered the delivery room and found a groaning Priestess Steffany laying nude on a hospital bed with her feet in stirrups. Priestess Judy was between her knees.

“We’re here Steffany. We’re here.” Priestess Helen said as she took Priestess Steffany’s hand.

The High Priestess looked up and saw the light on the camera was glowing red. The birth was being recorded and streamed. The High Priestess began making calls to other high priestesses who would in turn call other high priestesses. Within twenty minutes hundreds of communities all over the world would be watching the live stream. From there word would get out to all the faithful. Who would in turn inform the media and non-believers. During the last couple of weeks High Priestess Joan had gotten word out of the approaching Holy One to other high priestesses of other communities.

“Fang! Where’s Fang?” Priestess Steffany cried out.

“Priestess we’ve discussed this. Fang will be brought to see you and his puppy after the puppy is born.” The High Priestess asserted.

“Fang! I want Fang!” Priestess Steffany groaned out as she squeezed down on Priestess Helen’s hand.

“I know you do Steffany. You’ll see him soon. Think of the puppy now.” Priestess Helen said while washing the sweaty brow of Priestess Steffany.

“You’re just about dilated enough Priestess. Get ready to push.” Priestess Judy said loudly enough to be heard by Priestess Steffany. “There we go. Push!” Priestess Judy commanded.

“UUUNNNNNHHHHHH!!!!!” groaned the straining sweat drenched Brazilian Priestess.

“Again! He is starting to come through. Head first. It’s wonderful!” Priestess Judy said behind her mask.

“UUUUUNNNNNHHHHH!!!!!” Groaned Priestess Steffany.

“He’s crowning! One more time! Real hard!” Priestess Judy commanded.

“UUUUUUUNNNNNNNHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Groaned Priestess Steffany on the verge of passing out from pain and exhaustion.

Priestess Judy held the perfectly formed male puppy. She wiped away the afterbirth and cleared the puppy’s nose and mouth with a wet-cloth so that he could breathe. She then weighed him. Priestess Judy did all this without obstructing the camera.

“Steffany! Steffany! Here, have a sip of water.” Priestess Helen said to the exhausted Priestess Steffany. “You’re a mother. The mother to a Holy One. Blessed be the Universe!” Priestess Helen said.

“Blessed be the Universe!” said the other priestesses in response.

Priestess Judy walked around to the side of Priestess Steffany being sure to remain in the view of the camera above. As the nurse checked Priestess Steffany’s blood pressure, Priestess Judy handed the puppy to his mother.

“He may be hungry. See if he’ll nurse.” Priestess Judy said.

Priestess Steffany looked down at her puppy. The offspring of her and the wolf-dog hybrid Priest Fang. Crying tears of joy she raised the newborn puppy to the nipple on her left breast. With her left hand she squeezed her left breast until mother’s milk began to squirt out. Some fell on the little jowls of the puppy. He instinctively began to suck. Priestess Steffany raise him to her nipple. He latched on and began to suckle.

Priestess Judy looked up to her nurse; who nodded, indicating all was well.

“Why don’t we all give the new mother and her puppy a little time to themselves.” The Head Priestess said in a commanding tone.

Priestess Helen leaned and kissed the check of her lover. “I’m so happy for you Steffany.” Priestess Helen said with tears of joy in her eyes. “I’ll just be outside if you need anything.” The young Priestess offered.

All the priestesses left the room. The video was still streaming. By that time millions of people had watched the birth. By the morning hundreds of millions would see it. Within a couple of days billions of people had seen the birth.


Two days had passed since the birth of the Holy One. Priestess Steffany, the puppy, Priestess Helen, and Priest Fang were living in the small guest cottage on the Community’s grounds. Priestess Steffany was nursing her puppy, whom she named Ayaan. A name which means miracle or divine.

The High Priestess knocked on the cottage door. Priestess Helen opened the door.

“Good morning High Priestess. Please come in.” Priestess Helen said as she stepped aside to allow her aunt the High Priestess to enter.

“Priestess Steffany, the High Priestess is here.” Priestess Helen said to be polite.

“Thank you Priestess Helen. What can I do for you High Priestess?” Priestess Steffany asked.

“I just wanted to let you know that the press conference you asked for has been arranged. It will be in five days. Also, the genetic testing of Ayann has confirmed that you are his mother. Since the video of his birth was live-streamed our communities all over the world are getting hundreds of thousands of inquiries. Most of them are expected to enter the novitiate and many more are expected to follow.” The High Priestess offered optimistically. “But I want to know how you’re doing. How are you?” The High Priestess asked.

“High Priestess, if you’re asking about the memories of my past lives let me just say that I see the entire diamond, inside and out, and every facet. All my memories of every life, including this one, flooded into me at the moment of birth. It’s as if I’m thousands of years old and remember every moment. It’s like you said a couple of weeks ago. I have a unique perspective. So believe me when I say that the world is going to change and for the better. And we will be at the center of it.” Priestess Steffany asserted without doubt or hesitation.

“Blessed be the Universe and its Prophetess!” Priestess Helen said loudly to all.

“Amen!” The High Priestess solemnly intoned.

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