Women with Animals

Carla’s Story


(c) 2011 by bilboswild

Part One

She was slightly hesitant when we sat down in her lounge, it was the first time we had met up in real, and had taken nearly 3 months chatting in a sex chat website and in Yahoo before she finally agreed to meet with me.

Her story was very simple and basic in how she had started having sex with her two dogs, a pair of large Rottweillers, a father and son combination, who were 5 and 2 years old respectively. It had started 10 months ago the day after her school years reunion, and she says she can still remember that day so vividly:

Everyone was late getting up after the previous evenings celebrations, a lot of energy had been expelled, a lot of alcohol consumed and a lot of memories retold. But Carla was in the kitchen preparing an early lunch and a very late breakfast, and had set the table for her three female guests, and put two bottle of opened wine on the table, one red, one white. Laughter resounded around the table as they ate, and comments about how one person looked, and how others had changed, and shocks at those two being together etc., etc. But finally they said it was time they were thinking of departing, as they all had fair journeys to make, and Carla said she’d clear up afterwards and let the two dogs out into the garden.

When everyone had finally departed, she set about clearing up and poured herself another glass of wine as she carried out the necessary tasks, filling the dishwasher, clearing the table, putting on the washing machine with dirty sheets. She finished another glass of wine and decided to go change into something looser and more able to relax in, and as she stripped off in the bedroom decided her bathrobe was sufficient. But by now she was beginning to feel the affects of the wine and felt a little light headed and also giggly, heading back towards the lounge carrying her glass and a bottle of the unfinished wine, relaxing on the sofa, she decided she need some relief, and began to play with herself, rubbing her mound and clit with the middle finger of her right hand, whilst her left drew the covering skin away from it to fully exposing the growing bud.

Gradually as she became more aroused, she slid her finger inside feeling the growing wetness as her arousal grew even more, sliding her finger in and out of her body, adding her forefinger now and twisting them so she could rub across that little ridged area, lifting herself higher, and building herself to the inevitable orgasm that would follow. She could feel her body responding and her orgasm growing as she thrust her fingers into herself faster and faster, her hips now lifting as she did as she knew she was only seconds away, and then almost as the thought entered her mind, her orgasm exploded through her body, feeling her juices flooding her fingers, and those incredible sensations flooding her, relaxing her after the the intensity of the build up and orgasm that she’d just had, laying back enjoying the feelings, when she suddenly realised it was starting to rain because of the noise on the conservatory roof, and rushed to let the dogs back in again.

Had better tell you, that Carla is 20 years old, 5’3” tall, slim with medium length light brown hair with blonde highlights, a pale complexion, beautiful hazel eyes, a nice figure that looked around an 8 dress size giving her a sort 34-24-34 figure, and weighed around 110lbs in weight, runs her own business and lives alone since leaving her parents home with just her two dogs, Boss and Hogg, anyway back to her story.

She quickly let the dogs in, who were waiting eagerly at the back door as they didn’t want to be out in the rain, and one of them went across to the water bowl, whilst the older dog followed Carla through into the lounge, sniffing the air and then at her fingers which he licked and tasted her juices which were drying on her hand, and in her giggly state she asked the dog, “Do you like that boy? You’re a pervy dog”

The dog did and started to sniff the air and hunt for the source of the scent, trying to get between her legs as she sat back down on the sofa again, pushing the dog away, and although it was persistent, she didn’t realise that she was in any form of danger, but in her slightly drunk state found it more funny than anything, and pushed and half wrestled him away, continuing to chat with him and calling him pervy dog. Anyway Hogg heard the commotion in the lounge and came through to see what was happening and decided he too wanted to join in this game and jumped onto the sofa and started to lick at Carla’s face and hands as she also tried pushing him away as well.

Now it was getting harder and more intense as a game or fight, as both dogs were around 130lbs each, which I could clearly see as they laid on the mat in front of the gas fire, as Carla told her story, and now she was struggling under their constant playful assault, the tie of her robe was working loose, allowing it to slip wider open exposing more and more skin, and Boss was finally getting between her legs, licking at her knees, her inner thighs and ever closer to her pussy, whilst Hogg stood above her and on her sometimes as he licked at her face and hands, pawing at her and occasionally pulling her robe further apart.

It was at this point she felt Boss’s tongue lick across her pussy, making her gasp out and shout at him to stop, but he ignored her shout and other instructions, as he had found the scent and taste that he had got from her fingers, but found it hard to concentrate on any one thing as Hogg was continually licking and pawing at her hands and face as he liked the game. Next thing she was aware of was Boss jumping up to try and lick at her face as well, only that wasn’t his intention at all, as she cried out, feeling a sharp stabbing pain as his bonie cock hit her skin between her left inner thigh and pussy lip, making her twist and struggle to avoid the dog, but all she did was give him a better opportunity, because during the struggle with both dogs her robe was virtually open and she had slipped lower down on the sofa so her ass was nearly off the seat edge.

At which point she suddenly yelled out, “Noooooooooooo!” as she felt the dog’s cock penetrate her, slipping a couple of inches into her, and then he was grabbing at her hips and back with his front paws, hopping forward as he forced himself deeper still, as she continued to fight and struggle to prevent her rape, but it was too late as he now had a firm grip of her lower body and began to thrust hard and fast into her, noticing after just a few thrusts her outer lips were being stretched and opened further still as he was gradually edging his knot a little further into her each time he thrust at her, as Hogg now stood back a little as Boss was now almost covering her breasts with his body and was panting and dripping his drool onto her skin.

She had neither asked or encouraged this, and was amazed to find her body responding to his constant thrusts and movement, wincing as she felt him stretching her outer lips incredibly wide apart, before a sudden relaxing as the knot finally popped inside, feeling it starting to grow and swell considerably, being forced against her g-spot each time the dog thrust forwards, and whether it was shock or surprise at what was happening, she cried out as she orgasmed, realising the dog too was cumming as she could feel him shooting his hot cum deep inside her body, as she jerked and writhed beneath him for several minutes as he emptied himself fully inside her, before he made her cry out once more as he tried to pull out from her, forcing her to grab hold of him, holding him close so he wouldn’t hurt her.

She lay beneath him shocked at what had happened, and very confused from her feelings and her body’s reactions as well, as she had experienced a couple of really intense orgasms as well, but finally after about eighteen minutes from the start, Boss finally pulled out of her, with a wet squelchy sucking noise, feeling a mixture of their juices running out and down between the crack of her ass cheeks and onto the floor beneath her. As soon as he pulled away from her he sat down and began to lick his cock to clean himself up from their copulation, but her problems weren’t over.

Hogg saw his opportunity now and followed his dad’s lead and quickly moved between her legs and began to lick at the juices seeping from her, and within moments was lifting himself up between her legs to take his turn at using her, and she no longer had any fight left in her, whether from shock she said or pure exhaustion she wasn’t sure, but she just let him take her, feeling his paws wrap around her as he too entered her and began to use her as his bitch, some twenty minutes later it was all over, both dogs were lying on the matter, she was still on the sofa, her legs apart, her juices and their cum still seeping from her gaping and swollen pussy, her robe open revealing her body, parts of which glistened from their saliva which had drooled from their panting mouths.

Finally she pulled herself together as well as her robe , and slowly got up of the sofa and made her way through to the shower to cleanse herself of their dual attack and subsequent rape, shocked by both what had happened and how she had responded, having experienced several orgasms during the episode, but saying to herself it won’t happen again as she was her self to cleanse the episode from her mind and body. Dressing in jeans and t-shirt before going back through to the lounge to see what mess there was in their, and apart from a wet patch on the sofa, and a drying patch on the floor it wasn’t too bad, as she shouted at the two dogs telling them off for being so bad, but knew she wouldn’t remain mad at them for too long.

She looked at me and asked what I thought, “Incredible that it happened like that, I know when you first told me the brief details it was hard to believe that it happened, but now, well I know it is really true and was rape.” She nodded and asked if I wanted another coffee and went through into the kitchen, whilst I waited to here and record the next part of her story.


Part Two

She came back into the room with a tray, two mugs of coffee and a plate of biscuits and sat back down opposite me in one of the armchairs, again closely followed by the two dogs, and I looked across at her and asked, “Was that the end of the situation?” She took a sip from her mug and then spoke slowly and directly at me, “It was meant to be, swore to myself that I would never put myself in that position again. It was partly my fault, too much alcohol, not enough clothes on and allowing the dog to lick my fingers in any case.” I nodded before say but you didn’t know or expect what happened and it was in a way, circumstances ganging up against you.” Watching her nodding her head in agreement, as I again asked, “So what went wrong?”

She gave me that little smile, god she was very attractive and had I been a bit younger, I might have made a try for her myself, but for now was content to chat and listen to her story, as she told me how she’d got up early to various jobs, and then had a little play before going to take a shower, and was stood at the kitchen sink washing up a few pots, when the older dog came back inside and nosed under her bathrobe, making her jump and nearly drop the cup she was washing, as the dog began to sniff and then lick at her pussy. Damn I said to myself not again, but couldn’t help turning round, holding on to the sink either side and letting him have a frontal attack at me, feeling his tongue roughly licking along the length of my pussy and up over my clit, and he certainly knew how to turn a girl on, she nervously laughed.

She said, I spread my legs a little wider and allowed to lick and penetrate me with his tongue, turning me on even more, and even then I knew my resolve was weakening and that I was going to let him have me again, closing my eyes and just bathing in the arousal that beautiful tongue was causing as he licked me continuously, spreading my outer lips one way then another as he drew his tongue over and between them, making them swell and gape apart, as my clit grew and became exposed, until I cried out as he gave me such a beautiful orgasm from licking at and across my clit, sending me to heaven.

She told me then how she looked down and knew instinctively what she was going to do, and called the other dog inside, and led them through into the bedroom, with Boss already showing, and knelt down and leant across the edge of the bed, pulling my robe up over her ass, so that she was available and had the robe as protection from his paws and claws, saying that the dog didn’t need an invitation, and mounted her almost as soon as she was on her knees, feeling his weight on her back, his paws wrapping around her waist, as he started stabbing forward trying to find her opening, reaching between her legs and guiding him inside, and immediately he was in her thrust forward hard and deep inside me, slamming himself in that almost sharp and staccato manner that dogs do when they’re fucking a bitch, and within a few moments I was cumming again as he stretched me wide as he slammed his knot inside me.

She told me she had her third orgasm the moment he started to pump his hot cum into her pussy, flooding her,and rubbing her g-spot as he moved and twitched away inside her, keeping her fully aroused, and then she felt the dog moving and felt him pulling at and away from her, before one of his hind legs scratched her through the robe, as he twisted round, leaving them ass to ass as he tied with her, saying it wasn’t for that long, maybe 8-10 minutes or so until the knot had softened enough for him to pull sharply out of her, making her wince slightly as he was still considerably swollen and really stretched her opening as he pulled clear, feeling a surge of liquid leave her and run down the backs of her thighs, to be licked and cleaned up by the second dog, as his tongue came closer and closer to making contact with her pussy, and bingo she was cumming again from the effect of its licking.

It wasn’t long before he also mounted her and began to slam once more into her, spreading and stretching her, but he slipped in much more easily than Boss had, and began to fuck her hard and fast, just as the other one had done moments earlier, and just as before she felt her outer lips being stretched wider still as the knot was gradually eased into her pussy, coupling them together just as she had been earlier. Taking another drink from her coffee mug, and when I could clearly see her eyes and the look she had in them, not sure whether it was love, lust or something else that flashed through as she continued with her story, of how he too fucked her hard and made her orgasm once again before he too filled her with his cum, flooding her once more, and turning almost immediately he had emptied himself inside her, knotting with her for some 10-12 minutes this time before he was soften enough to pull out of her, going and sitting immediately and starting to lick and clean his cock up.

She then told me how she slowly stood and then cupped her pussy with her hand and waddled through to the wet room, stripping and going to sit on the bidet to wash herself out as much as she could, before turning on the power shower, and spending the next 20 minutes enjoying the luxury of the hot water, massaging and relaxing her from what she’d just gone through and enjoyed, knowing that it was going to develop into a regular occurrence, and that both dogs would become her long term lovers. Finishing her coffee and saying that she was sorry but she needed to go do some work, and hoped that it had been worth me coming the distance I had. I told it it was and that she was quite happy for me to publish it in Beast Forum, and she said as long as I changed hers and the dogs names just in case some one from the area read it and recognised her from the story, and as before I emailed her a copy before adding it to the previous part.

Before leaving I asked if there was anything else that she’d like to tell me, and she said there might be, but most of it was more of the same, except for a chance meeting she had at her brothers wedding with a couple, who she later found out were also into it as well, but that’s for next time.


Part Three

It was nearly another three weeks before I heard from Carla again, and she rang to see if I was going to be around the next couple of evenings, and I said yes, so she asked if it was possible to meet up again, and it was set up for the Thursday night around 7pm. She was fairly prompt as the doorbell went around 7.05pm and I let her in, and directed her towards my living room, before offering her a drink, and quickly popped the kettle to make us both a coffee, meantime, she made herself comfy, removing her shoes and curling up in one of the large armchairs. Returning to the room with coffee, biscuits and my note pad and tape. She laughed and said, oh so you think there’s more to come? She had an infectious smile and I just nodded and smiled back, and said yes so what happened at your brothers wedding.

She took another mouthful of coffee and then began to narrate all the usual happenings at a wedding, the service, the photo’s the guests, and enjoying time with her family. She then moved on to the reception and the formal setting, and had the feeling of being looked at, glancing round and finding this older couple watching her, in their late forties or early fifties, especially the woman who was quite attractive, and Carla said she found herself glancing over at her every so often, and each time she did, she found her eyes on her. Finally the formal side was over, meal eaten, speeches given, presents and thanks handed out, before the tables were cleared and re-arranged with about 10 chairs around each table, leaving ample space in the centre for anyone who wanted to dance. When everyone finally relocated to the new seating arrangements, Carla found herself the couple seated next to her, and said she knew it was not by chance either.

The woman introduced herself to Carla as Corin, and then her husband David, and explained that she was the sister of the brides mother, and made polite talk, but was constantly giving Carla the eye, looking at her body and from Carla’s perspective, it was as though she were trying to weigh Carla up. Gradually as the evening progressed Carla said she noticed that the Corin became more familiar with her, touching her arm, her shoulder or knee at the slightest excuse, and which Carla said she found arousing in a way, feeling her nipples harden and just out against the material of her bridesmaids dress, which was fairly stiff material, and rubbed the tips of her nipples as she moved and turned. Finally she asked to be excused as she needed to go to the loo, and Corin said she’d join her as she needed the loo as well, which was when Carla explained that she was also going to change into her normal clothes. She noted the look on Corin’s face as she said, Oh OK then, and Carla found herself saying, no its fine come on up with me.

They were silent in the lift as they went up to the room, and Carla said maybe its a good job you’re here as not sure I can unfasten the dress, as had to have help get it on, and said Corin laughed and said no problem and as soon as they entered Carla’s room, Corin said do you want me to undo it for you? Carla nodded and felt Corin’s fingers on the catch, struggling to undo it, telling Carla to breathe in deeply and and finally undoing the catch before drawing the zip down, revealing Carla’s naked back, which Corin gently stroked making Carla shiver, as she continued and told her that she had such soft and beautiful skin, sliding her hands inside the dress and cupping her naked breasts, gently squeezing them and rubbing her palms across the tips of Carla’s nipples, making her moan out softly, as Corin asked her, Do you like that little one? She replied she did but it was really the wrong time and place.

But she said Corin obviously didn’t agree as she slipped her hand downwards over her belly, easing under the waist band of her panties, moaning out as Corin’s fingers pushed through her pubic hair, before teasing her clit and rubbing along the length of her pussy, making her groan out as well, gasping out as she pushed her finger in and upwards to rub her little ridged area, pushing her thumb down onto my clit, and squeezing and rubbing until my orgasm exploded, and then only then did she release me to change, telling me to forget and loose the knickers. For the rest of the evening, Carla told me that Corin was either whispering to her about what she was going to do to and with her, or touching her until she was almost at the stage of cumming again, and had to excuse herself and go to the toilet to get some relief.

By the time the bride and groom departed it was very late and she was ready to retire to her room, but not before having next weekends arrangements confirmed by Corin, in that she and her husband would come and visit and spend some quality time with Carla, and that she was constantly being touched and caressed as though to confirm it was going to be a very physical weekend. Telling me that she made herself orgasm as soon as she got back to her room, and knowing that she was really looking forward to them visiting the following weekend.


Part Four

She told me it had been hell during the week and found herself becoming aroused at just the thought of their visit, but why she was this horny, she said it was a little hard to understand, but Corin had said and done things to her which had turned her on more than she had ever been before. I then asked her if she had told her about her escapades with the two dogs, and she said no she hadn’t and that apart from me, there was only one other person, a woman with who she chatted on a sex website that knew of her indiscretions with the two dogs. So the Friday in question finally arrived and she told me that she was really wet as she waited for them to arrive and had to tell the dogs to behave several times. Finally she said she heard a car pulling into the driveway as the dogs began to look towards the door, as she told them to wait and that she’d let her friends in, quickly closing the kitchen door to trap them there.

Moments later she was trembling with nerves as she opened the door to Corin and David, kissing both on the cheek and leading them through to the lounge, saying she would introduce them to the dogs to make life a little simpler, and opened the kitchen door and led to boisterous dogs back into the lounge where they were greeted by her knew friends, and it was obvious that they were both at home with dogs, as they had one of their own, and in turn the dogs seemed very much at ease with them as well. She offered them a drink, but laughed as she said what I wanted to offer them was my body, because at that stage I was really turned on and horny, just from the thought of what hopefully was to come. But they settled for the coffee, and I went through to the kitchen to make it for them, with words being said back and forth, leading to Corin coming through into the kitchen to help me as her husband had popped out to the car to get their overnight bags.

She said she had been placing some biscuits on a plate when Corin moved up closer to her and slipped her arms around her and cupped both breasts at the same time, making her gasp out in response, before feeling her hot breath on her neck before Corin planted several little soft kisses on the back and side of her neck. Again that infectious smile broke out again, as she said she felt the same way as she had when Boss and come up behind her and lifted his nose up under her robe and had begun to lick her to orgasm. Anyway moments later they heard the front door click shut as David had brought their bags with a few toys which they planned to use on her, which she was not aware of at this stage. Corin commented on her nipples which her rock hard and jutting against the thin material of her jumper, and which she was rolling between her finger and thumbs, making her moan softly from the initial weekends foreplay, as the kettle switched off and Corin released her to allow her to pour the water into the cups.

Corin opened the doors for her as they made there way back into the lounge where David was playing and stroking the two dogs, seemingly having overcome any problem regarding him as a complete stranger, which was normally the case if she allowed anyone into the house and on into the lounge. Both milled around Corin now she said as she placed the tray on the low coffee table, having to bend over and allowed David a view down her top, which he commented on, and was immediately told off by Corin, as she said you only make your views known when I ask for them, understood? She said David went slightly red faced and replied immediately yes, and shut up straight away, and for the next few minutes or so we made small talk about the journey up and had any difficulty finding the place, as the satnav system only took you so far, then it was a question of asking of phoning for last minute directions. Once the coffee was finished she said she started to clear the things onto the tray, but Corin told her to relax and got up and moved over to her side, and then behind her cuddling her from behind once more, cupping her breasts and rolling her nipples, making Carla moan softly one more, at which point Corin said to David that he thought he’d had a nice view earlier, correct? To which he nodded and said yes, as Corin reach down to the waist of my jumper and drew it upwards, pulling it up over and exposing my braless breasts to him completely, before asking if this was a better view, to which he quickly replied yes dear.

Carla said she was wet, horny and getting more turned on, but was also a little worried with the dogs being in the room as well, but as Corin’s fingers rolled her now exposed nipples those thoughts disappeared, and she said Corin said something and David quickly got up and went through into the hallway, and Carla said she thought she had heard bag, but when David returned it was with a ball gag which was quickly put into Carla’s mouth and fastened tightly using the velcro tape, leaving her basically speechless in more ways than one. As Corin told her to standstill, telling her that she had said they would have fun this weekend with her, and again Carla reiterated how horny and wet she was at this point, but now Corins fingers released her nipples and both hands were moving downwards to the waist band of her jeans, quickly unfastening them and slipping inside both them and her panties, making her gasp out through the gag which muffled and distorted the noise.

But she said this is where things took a turn, and brought her fears about the dogs out into the open, as she told me Boss must have quickly picked up on the scent she was giving off and moved across to sniff at her crotch which was being teased and played with inside her jeans by Corin, who quickly withdrew her fingers and offered them to the dog, asking if he liked that smell, as he sniffed and then licked eagerly at her fingers, making Corin laugh and push her jeans downwards a little making Carla’s groin area a little more exposed and available for the dog to sniff and explore, as she said Corin turned to look at her as the dog made the first attempts to lick at her groin and pussy directly, at which point my eyes must have been wide open in both surprise and shock at this happening within 20-30 minutes of them arriving. She quickly instructed David to clear the coffee table, which he did very quickly, taking the tray out into the kitchen and returning to watch his wife spread Carla’s pussy wide allowing the dog more access to her pussy.

She said she heard Corin say to her that it was going to so much more fun this weekend than they had expected, before giving David instructions to remove her jeans and panties completely, telling me how she felt his hands brushing her thighs and legs as he pulled both down together, before lifting each foot in turn as struggled slightly to pull them over her feet. All the time Corin was close behind her, holding her pussy open to allow the dog to lick at Carla’s pussy all the time. She then said she was guided to the end of the coffee table, before being eased downwards onto her back as Corin did tell her husband this time to go and get the bag with the toys in, easing her into position with her ass just off the end of the table, and guiding her knees wide apart, as the dog began to really get into the spirit of the game, and was constantly licking deep inside Carla’s pussy and lapping up her juices which were flowing very freely.

She then told me how David returned and she found her hands quickly hand cuffed under the table and basically behind her back, before straps were attached to each ankle and fastened to the coffee table legs, leaving her very exposed and available to both them and the dogs, as Corin too knelt down and kissed Carla passionately on the lips, forcing her tongue into her mouth, before moving away slightly, and smiling as she said they were going to have so much fun this weekend.


Part Five

Carla told me that she gasped out loudly as the dog suddenly licked her pussy, making her jump, as Corin suddenly said oh he seems to like you, as Carla had not said anything to anyone about being with the dogs previously. Then she said Corin told her husband to hold one knee whilst she did the other one, so that she was spread really wide, with Corin commenting on how puffy and gaping her outer labia were, as the dog’s tongue was penetrating her deeper than ever, before she said she felt their fingers spreading her pussy even wider for the dog to get inside, saying it was only a matter of moments before she was humping upwards as she neared her first orgasm, at which point Corin called Boss away and told David to release Carla’s legs, as she wasn’t allowed to cum just yet, which she said left her very frustrated and wanting release, as the cuffs were also unfastened and she was allowed to stand up again and told that it was too soon to orgasm just yet.

Corin guided her towards the kitchen and said they would help her prepare the table and eat before enjoying a little more pleasure, and when she went to put her clothes on, was told she didn’t need them any more tonight. She said she was just so horny now, that it was difficult to concentrate on the food, but somehow she managed to get through it and sat down to eat with them both, with the dogs also prowling around and going under the table trying to get at her pussy to lick her, plus Corin also kept touching and brushing her fingers along her arm or side, making her very aware of what was expected of her later. Finally she said the meal was finished and the plates and dishes were put unto the dishwasher and they all went back into the lounge again carrying their glasses of wine, putting them down in places out of the dogs reach, so they weren’t knocked over and spilt.

The dogs were still milling around her and her two guests, but especially her as they could spell her scent, and found herself spreading her feet apart as instructed by Corin, and almost immediately Boss was between her legs again, licking at her with the other dog behind her also licking, at which point Corin removed her skirt and sat in a chair facing Carla, watching her being licked by the dogs, as she told her husband to go down on her. Then she asked Carla to tell her how it felt, to describe it to her. She said it was difficult and that she felt a little tongue tied, but tried to explain that it felt as though her clit was wired to every pleasure point in her body, and that it was so sensitive and sending little shocks almost continually through her body, the dogs rough tongue lapping across it and upwards between her gaping and swollen outer lips as they were swollen by the blood flow inside.

She went on to say that it was reaching a stage where it was almost painful, as her clit became more and more sensitive and it was at that point she said she just screamed out, oh fuck, oh hell, as she jerked and writhed around under their tongues, as her first orgasm burst and exploded outwards, hearing Corin vaguely saying good girl, you’re enjoying that and want more don’t you? Knowing she was right she did want more, but wasn’t going to willingly do it, and fortunately Corin went on further to say and tell her, to get down onto all fours over the coffee table. At which point she hesitated and told me she didn’t want them to know she’d done it before, and asked what she wanted her to do, and she said Corin replied, that she wanted David and her to watch her being fucked by the dogs.

She said she went to reply, but again Corin interrupted her, saying don’t deny it, you enjoy this, you want to feel the dog mounting you, pleasuring you and more importantly you want us both to see it happening. Then to her amazement, she did as Corin asked, and told them she wanted the dog, she wanted them to watch, she wanted to be their bitch, at which point Corin told her to do it, get on your hands and knees, and almost as soon as she moved towards doing it, Boss was trying to mount her, stabbing at her with his cock, making her wince and cry out as it stabbed against her, before it finally found the right spot and he buried it inside her, then he began to thrust into her really hard and fast like only a dog can.

She said the feeling she got from just being fucked by the dog was incredible, but being watched as she was used also turned her on much more than she had anticipated, and that her first orgasm exploded almost immediately, with Corin telling her husband that he had permission to use Carla’s mouth, and that Carla said before she really realised what was happening, David was pushing his erect cock into her mouth, holding her head as he fucked her mouth, having to adjust her breathing so she didn’t choke and gag, her saliva lubricating his cock and feeling the excess dribbling down her chin, saying everything seemed to happen in unison, as she felt the dog starting to pump her full of its hot cum, whilst her own orgasm burst, quickly followed by David who began shooting his cum down her throat as he orgasmed as well. Feeling the dog turning behind her as it lifted one of its hind legs across her back as it tied with her, and gasping in air as David pulled free from her mouth.

She rested there for some time tied with the dog, and heard Corin tell her what a good girl she had been, and that the excitement had hardly started, and to enjoy her rest for a while, then they would continue again, as she wanted to ensure that Carla was fully satisfied and sated by the time she was ready for bed.

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