Women with Animals

The New Neighbors


Lilla, had watched the new neighbors move in over the weekend. The new neighbors looked like a nice young couple just out of university and starting a new life together. But now it was finally time to introduce herself to the new neighbors.

It was going to be another hot day, well into the 90s. So instead of her customary jeans Lilla changed from her usual sleeping clothes to cooler shorts, a T-shirt, and flip-flops.

As she walked over she heard barking coming from inside the neighbors’ house. The dog had a deep voice and Lilla knew it had to be a big dog. Being the dogslut she is, Lilla felt her nipples harden and her petpussy gave the little tremor it always did before she became wet.

“Oh fuck, I hope he’s an uncut male stud.” She whispered hopefully to herself.

Then she was at the door ringing the doorbell. She heard a woman’s voice answer over the dog’s barking.

“Just a second. I have to get hold of the dog. Sit Hans.”

Then the door opened and Lilla was looking into the green eyes of a redheaded woman in her mid-20s.

“Hi, I’m Alice and this is Hans.” Said the young redhead while holding onto the collar of a rust colored obviously male Doberman sitting on his haunches.

“Hi, I’m Lilla. I live just next door. I watched you and your partner move in over the weekend. I just wanted to come by and introduce myself and offer a hand if you still have work to do.”

“That is so sweet. I wish my fiancé was here but he had to start his new job this morning. But please do come on in and get out of this heat.” Offered Alice.

As Lilla walked into the house she held out her hand to Hans. Hans looked into Alice’s eyes questioningly.

“It’s okay Hans. Lilla is a friend.” She said while scratching behind his ears. Quickly Lilla began scratching behind the other ear.

“Hans is such a handsome boy and seems so smart too. I just love dogs.” She said with accent on love while glancing at his sheath and balls. Lilla couldn’t keep her hands off of Hans which Alice couldn’t help but noticing.

“Yes, I can tell you and Hans are going to be good friends.” Said Alice after noticing that Lilla’s nipples were standing out despite the heat.

“I’ve been working a couple of hours and was just about to have a little ice-cream in the kitchen. I’m actually pretty much done. Care to join me?” Offered Alice.

“That sounds wonderful.” Said Lilla as she, Alice, and Hans walked into the kitchen.

Lilla continued stroking Hans as Alice fixed a couple bowls of butter pecan ice-cream. She took the opportunity to quickly give Hans’ cock a squeeze through his sheath. Alice placed a bowl of ice-cream and a spoon in front of Lilla and they began eating facing each other while standing at the center island in the kitchen and chatting about the area. Lilla not wanting to get ice-cream on top, bent at the waist which pushed her ass out a bit.

As Lilla told Alice about the best places to shop and the local farmers market Hans slipped around and began sniffing Lilla through her shorts from the rear. Lilla gave a little gasp and leaned over a bit while spreading her feet but said nothing while still eating her ice-cream. Alice noticed the gasp and the reason for it.

It was at that point that Hans’ tongue slipped into the leg-hole of Lilla’s shorts. Hans began licking Lilla’s pussy through the thin fabric of her thong. Lilla bit her lower lip and said nothing. Alice on the other hand did.

“You know Lilla. I’m really glad that you’re our new neighbor. I’m sure John is going to like you. I can certainly see that Hans likes you. He’s been licking your pussy for a couple minutes now. I was hoping we’d find a dogslut for Hans in our new neighborhood. And here one has shown up on our doorstep and we didn’t even have to go looking. You’re pretty too with your girl next door look and you’re literally the girl next door. You’re really going to help us out by serving our dog.” Alice said.

Lilla blushing could say nothing. She knew everything Alice said was true. She just hung her head submissively waiting for Alice’s command while enjoying Hans’ tongue. Her pet pussy began to hunger. She needed Hans’ dog cock.

“Come around here Lilla where I can see you. That’s right. Now strip.” Alice ordered authoritatively.

Lilla, hot for Hans, quickly stripped down to her panties.

“All the way dogslut. Drop those panties for Hans. I know you want his cock in your petpussy. This is the last time you ever wear panties when visiting this house.” Alice commanded with a smile on her beautiful face. Lilla hooked her thumbs into the waistband and slid her panties off her hips and they fell wetly to the floor. She then stepped out of them.

Lilla stood there naked with her pussy juice sliding down her thighs. She needed Hans’ cock so badly and would bear any humiliation to get it. Hans wanted her too. He was whining in his need for her. That made her so hot knowing how much she aroused him.

“Okay dogslut, knees and elbows. Prepare yourself to get dogfucked. Offer yourself to our dog.” Alice commanded.

Lilla obeyed. But it was more than that. She wanted to serve Alice by servicing her dog. She was happier than she had been in a long time. She could not remember the last time she was this aroused. Hans was still whining in his need of her. Lilla was on her knees and elbows and arched her back down thereby angling her pussy up for Hans.

“Oh my. You really are a dogslut. You’ve fucked dogs before. I can tell. Hans! Mount!” Alice commanded.

Immediately Lilla heard Hans’ nails clicking on the tile floor. Followed by him quickly licking her wet and ready pussy a few wonderful times. There was a short pause. Then Hans was on her. His front paws were gripping her waist. She could feel his nails scratching her hips. His sparsely furred velvety smooth belly was rubbing her thighs and ass. Hans was thrusting. Trying to find her pussy with his cock.

“Lilla, you dogslut, help Hans find your doggy fuckhole. Don’t act like you don’t want this you dogfucker.” Alice said excitedly.

Lilla obediently and joyfully reached between her thighs with her right hand and guided Hans to her petpussy. Once Hans had penetrated her a couple of inches he thrust all the way into her cunt. He was in her and in her deeply.

As Hans began pounding Lilla’s petpussy he began swelling. Lilla, dogslut that she was, began milking his hot dogcock by gripping and releasing his cock with her petpussy. Quickly Alice stepped behind Lilla and Hans and pushed Hans’ rump into Lilla to keep his knot seated in Lilla’s pussy.

“That’s a good boy. Fuck your dogslut well. Make her cum on your knot.” Alice said to Hans.

Indeed Lilla was about to cum. She could only really cum while being fucked by a dog. The size of Hans’ cock was overloading her brain’s pleasure center. His dogcock was filling her like only a dogcock could. The blunt knob was pressing into her cervix. The fat shaft stretched the walls of her pussy. And lastly that huge glorious knot was pressing against her g-spot. She came and came hard.

“FFFUUUUCCK! I’m cuming!” Shouted Lilla as the first wave of her orgasm hit her like a truck.

Then Lilla felt Hans begin his orgasm. She felt is hot cum spurt against her cervix and into her womb. This realization brought on the second wave of her orgasm.

“That’s a good dogslut. Make my dog cum in your petpussy. Take his cum into your womb where they can knock you up just like any stray bitch.” Alice said excitedly.

For the next ten minutes Hans was mounted on Lilla. All while Alice, the redheaded neighbor told Lilla what a filthy dog-fucking dogslut she was and how lucky she was that a handsome pedigree stud like Hans would look at her much less fuck her. Lilla could only moan out in pleasure as wave after wave of her orgasm hit her and as Hans continued to pump near unending pulses of hot dog cum into her womb and overflowing petpussy.

Finally Hans’ balls were spent and his cock began shrinking into his sheath. Hans dismounted Lilla and laid down in his dog bed licking the tip of his cock. Lilla fell over on her side as dog cum poured out of her stretched and sore but happy petpussy.

Just as Lilla was about to doze off in post coital sleep she heard Alice say.

“Well Lilla, thank you so much for coming and helping out. Now that you’ve tired out Hans I can go shopping for a couple of hours without worrying about him. I’ve texted John with a couple pics of you and Hans. We’re both really glad you’re our neighbor and that you’re such a dogslut.” Alice said cheerfully.

“I’m glad to have helped out. I really enjoyed it.” Lilla responded.

“I could tell. Could you come back this evening when John’s home? I know he wants to meet you and see how well you and Hans play.” Alice asked.

“Yes, I don’t see why not. I’d be glad to come over. How does 7 pm sound?” Lilla asked.

“That would be great. You know if you want to be Hans’ dogslut there are a few rules.” Alice said.

“I’m listening.” Said Lilla.

“The rules are:
1) I’m Mistress; John is Master; and Hans is Master-Hans.
2) You are never to wear panties, shorts, or pants here again. Your petpussy belongs to Hans and he should always have access to it since it belongs it him. So you wear short skirts or dresses when you come here or you wear nothing at all.
3) No more birth control. There must be nothing that comes between you and Hans having puppies despite how unlikely that is.
4) You must wear a collar saying ‘Property of Hans’ so long as you belong to Hans regardless of where to go or whom you see.
5) You are not to wash or douche Hans cum from your pussy or wipe it from your thighs.
6) And lastly you must keep that petpussy cleanly shaven. The only hair that should be on your cunt should be Hans’.
Can you live by those rules?” Alice asked.

“Yes Mistress.” Replied Lilla.

“Good. See that you do. Now get dressed and go home until tonight. I really have to do some shopping.” Alice said.

Lilla quickly got up and dressed except for her panties without cleaning the dog-cum from her thighs or petpussy. She walked over to Hans, knelt down and kissed his snout while he slept. Whispering “I’ll see you this evening Master-Hans.”

As she headed towards the door Lilla turned and said “I’ll be back at 7 pm. Mistress.”

Alice answered. “See you then Lilla. I hope you enjoy sucking dogcock.”

Then Lilla, the dogslut, walked back home whistling a tune to herself as she looked forward to that night and all the nights thereafter as the dog-slave of the new neighbors. Knowing in her heart that she would never have to be without dogcock ever again so long as she was a good girl.

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