Women with Animals
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Being a Farm Girl isn’t easy


(c) 2018 by unknown

Especially if you’re me. I’m Mandy, and I’m from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of it. This life of mine isn’t easy because I am responsible for a number of animals including: cows, bulls, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, and a Husky. I feed them, give them water, milk the cows and goats, and clean their living areas. Not to mention the fact that I’m only sixteen.

My average day consists of my mother waking me up and making me breakfast. Then after breakfast, my dad and brother Josh leave to check the fields. After breakfast I do my rounds while my mom sits inside and does whatever. It occurred to me only after this story that no one even cared if I did my jobs. They weren’t even aware of my being outside.

Josh, my brother is a little uncomfortable at times. Home schooling can cause that. The only girls he ever sees are my mom and I. Though, he did always have all the answers for me. My dad is somewhat oblivious to everything going on around him, I doubt he could catch a cold. My mother is basically an uptight bitch about everything as you will soon see. A bit of an over- reactor.

You can ask anyone whose ever milked a cow, it’s almost too easy after you do it for so long. Goats are NOT the same, at least, these goats weren’t. Our goats were high quality, and very rare (so says my dad, I never got into the whole pedigree thing). They never stand still, on top of that, most of the time you don’t want to get close to them because the males like to hump them whenever possible. The smell almost makes me throw up.

After I feed and milk, I get to the best part, cleaning. Our eight horses are my first stop. Even if they haven’t been in the stalls at all, it seems there is always at least one pile of dung for me to shovel. I love watching them run and graze. By the time I was fifteen, yes fifteen, I could tell a stallion from a mare.

Shortly after that I learned what a mating session looked like. One day I looked toward the biggest stallion we have and watched him for a long time. After twenty minutes he jumped on top of a mare. I laughed a little when I saw him jiggle his hips around. Then he pulled out of her and I saw his penis for the first time. Two feet long at least. Then I saw the stuff drain from her, I never got close enough for a good look but afterward my crotch was always wet. Even just thinking about it made me feel that way, and thinking about what it felt like to have something that big inside me. That was before I even knew where babies came from.


The event that set off my curiosity in the subject of sex was at the goat pen, my last cleaning stop of the day. I go there just before I unload my wheelbarrow in the shit pile behind the barn. I walked into their enclosed section of the barn and tried the gate. Locked with a padlock. I hopped up on the fence and went to jump down but I tripped on a shoelace and flipped over before landing in goat crap Grand Central. I hit my head pretty hard and was a little fuzzy for a while. I tried to stand but only got to a knee. I looked to my left to ensure I was alone on this side of the pen, but all I saw was two blunt horns-BAM!!!-the lights went out.

When I came to I had a mouthful of goat dung. I spit it out and tried to stand but I was pushed back down. Then I felt him on top of me. The larger of the two goats was mounted and humping me. I felt his thing poke my butt harder and harder. His hooves tore at my overalls as he have me a really hard pole and shoved me into the crap again, giving me another helping.

I quickly jumped back over the fence before he got me again. I emptied the load of crap into the pile in the darkness. Then I ran to the house and walked inside. As the door shut behind me I smelled the same putrid smell of a goat mating. As soon as I did, so did my mom and dad.

“What is that smell,” said my mom.

“Yeah, what is it,” said my dad without taking his eyes off of the paper.

“I fell in the goat pen and…”

“You let a goat do that to you?” asked my mom.

“I didn’t let him, I…”

“I want you to promise me that you will never, ever, let ANYTHING do that to you ever again!” with that she walked over to me and looked at my butt.


She ripped off my overalls and threw them outside leaving me in a bra and panties. Then she lectured me for a half-hour after slapping me across the face. She was in such a mood that I didn’t even bother telling her how I had gotten into that position. I took the lecture, then went to the bathroom to get the scent off of me.

My brother was smiling as I walked through our room to the bathroom. If I wasn’t so mad already I would have kicked him or something but I was in enough trouble already. My panties didn’t slide off like they usually did, they peeled off. The smell doubled in intensity as, whatever the liquid was, smeared all over my butt.

I got some on my finger and smelled it, bad idea. Almost instantly I gagged and threw up in the toilet. The shower felt very refreshing after that. Josh was gone when I went in to go to bed. I thought about the pearly liquid that must have been covering my whole butt. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that the nasty juice came out of his penis. Hey, ‘the birds and the bees’ was never explained to me. I settled into bed after getting my nightgown on and tried to sleep, but so many thoughts were in my head. Josh came in a little later and got into his bed.

Then he did something strange, he pulled out what looked like pictures and undid his pants. His penis grew just like the horses’ and the goats. I realized then what he was looking at. It was…me, me in the shower. I was too tired to say anything but I don’t think I would have if I could. He started rubbing it and squeezing it as it grew. I rolled over to get away from the sight but I could still hear the swish of skin on skin.

Finally he stopped and I could sleep. My head was pounding the next day from the hard hit I took. My butt hurt a little too. I ignored Josh who looked like he had just won the lottery. After my mother’s reaction to the goat incident, I got the urge to learn more about mating. Sparky, my purebred Husky, walked by me as if I had called him. I watched as he sat down and started licking his fuzzy sheath.

As I watched, it grew bigger, then I saw his pink penis start to emerge. It shined in the sunlight from a clear liquid covering it. Small veins ran through its length and pulsed. I felt my crotch get wet again and decided that was enough before my mom caught me. Next I took a closer look at the horses.

I followed a very “active” stallion until he led me to a mare. He mounted her and let his organ swell up to its incredible length. I got in closer just as he jolted his hips and shoved himself into her. He pumped his backside for about forty seconds, then he jumped off and ran away. She stayed and grazed as her hole emptied a thick white liquid. The goat’s was a transparent white but this was opaque and very thick.

I got closer and could smell it in the breeze. It smelled good, in fact great compared to the goats. I got even closer until the puddle was up to my face and smelled deeply. It was indeed good enough to eat. I looked around to check my privacy, clear. Then I scooped up about a cups worth between my cupped hands and stuck the tip of my tongue to it. I got a small salty taste but not much. I again checked my privacy and tipped my head back and let the warm slop pour into my mouth.

The salty taste engulfed my taste buds and I could now taste a new taste. Indescribable but incredibly good. I sucked up the rest of the puddle before leaving. The idea of eating something that came out of a horse made my crotch wet. I still didn’t know what that meant. As if he was answering my call, Josh was visible on the hill overlooking the pasture with my dad.

It took me the rest of the night to work up the nerve to ask him about sex. When I did though, he was happy to tell me anything. He told me about my clitoris and what it does, why my crotch was getting wet, and even where and what the g-spot was. After I ran out of questions, he said that I had to pay for it. I had to stand nude in the middle of the room and let him take any pictures of me he wanted for five minutes. That five turned to six, then seven. Finally I agreed to twenty minutes as long as I could ask anything I wanted. Then he explained why my nipples were hard.

That night and after everyone was asleep, I led Sparky into the bathroom and locked the door. He stuck his nose to my crotch like he always did and sniffed like crazy. My curiosity caused me to lift my nightgown up. He sniffed my butt, then my vagina. It felt weird having a dog brush up against my crotch. Then he started licking me down there. I started whimpering as he sent pleasure through my body. I stopped him before I woke up Josh. Then I rolled him over and rubbed his sheath until I saw his member extend. I touched the slippery surface and was surprised at how hot it was. I then mimicked what Josh did the night before. He didn’t seem to mind.

He grew bigger in my hand and I noted a lump at the base that was also growing bigger. I felt him tense up and the lump stayed at about the size of a grapefruit. All at once he spasmed and sprayed cum-Josh’s term-all over my arms and the floor. I licked my arms and slurped at the floor to get the taste. The fluid wasn’t nearly as thick as the horse’s but it tasted about the same. Not as strong of course.

Before I could stop myself, I closed my lips around his cock and sucked the slick covering and the excess cum off of him. To my surprise he started growing in my mouth. I got excited as he started humping into my throat. I played with it with my tongue until he spasmed again and filled my mouth with more hot cum. I swallowed all I could then let the excess drain down my chin and drip down my body. He stood up and licked the juice from my face and I gave him a huge hug.

After that he started following me around everywhere I went. Even to the bathroom, which was where he got to lick my cunt while I went. That was an intense feeling too. I sucked him and he licked me twice every night for a while. The growing curiosity in my mind was nagging at me now though. I needed to have sex. I studied on how big each animal was and formed a plan. I also had to make sure no one could see me. I even considered inviting Josh along just in case I needed advise. I decided against it.

In the end I chose a sheep for my first time. I picked out an old and slow sheep so he wouldn’t hurt me as he took my virginity. Luckily we had just sheared the wool off so I had no problems seeing where his dick would come out.

One day after feeding the animals and cleaning, I led my sheep to the tool shed and barred the door. I felt my cunt get wet as I stripped off my clothes and put them into a pile. Josh said that my first time would hurt, so I was ready for the pain. I got onto my hands and knees and faced away from him and waited. Nothing happened. I looked behind me and he wasn’t even facing me. I turned him toward me and exposed myself again, this time I got a reaction.

He stuck his nose to my butt and cunt then with incredible speed he pounced on my back. His weight arched my back down and raised my butt. I felt his sheath against my opening. He grabbed a hold of my hips and locked me into position. He squeezed me and held me even closer until his hind legs were pressed against me also.

Then he squeezed his legs together around my butt and held me so tightly that I could feel his heart beat. His sheath stiffened against my cunt and I felt the tip of it start to go in. It went slowly at first but then it started to gain speed. I gasped as it pushed through my hymen and kept going. The pain made me cry a little but the pleasure soon took over. I looked behind me and saw small lines of blood trickle down my legs.

I felt him rock back and forth on top of me and it made me moan as his cock slid in and out of me again slowly at first but then he gained speed. Faster and faster he went and his dick swelled inside me, stretching my pussy a little. Then with a lunge he shoved in all he could and locked us together again. I was short of breath as his whole back end twitched.

Finally I felt hot cum splash into me. He twitched for a good minute and a half before he let me go to lick him clean. The cum spilled out onto the floor and I got all I could of it.

I stood up and put my clothes back on. Then I opened the door only to see my mother walking towards the barn. She was looking for me. I ran around to the back of the barn to the back door. The sheep followed me in as I opened the door to the sheep area. My mom opened the door to the sheep section just as I got the gate closed behind me. She looked as if she was going to say something, then the blood on my legs caught her eye.

“What happened?” she asked.

“A goat rammed me,” I lied, I couldn’t tell her that a sheep just had its way with me.

“Well make sure you get it cleaned and bandaged.”


“I’m going over to one of my friends’ house, I’ll be back around nine.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later then.”

After she was gone I fed the other animals, then I came back to the sheep. This time I wanted a bigger and younger partner. I took my choice back to the shed and disrobed. He watched me from a corner as I got into position for him. As soon as I exposed myself he clung to my hips with more power than the first. There was no chance of his letting go either.

His sheath hit me as his hips thrust back and forth. I felt the tip of his cock poke into me after a few seconds. Then he stuck it in as hard as he could. My hips started to hurt as he hung onto me. His cock moved in with ease and pretty steadily until he thrust forward, burying a seven inch rod into my tender cunt. He started swelling up inside me as soon as he started to hump me.

Loud moans came from me as he pushed into me deeper and deeper with each thrust. About halfway through he started pulling me back to meet each thrust. My mouth was gaping open as my pleasure raged on. His strength overwhelmed me when he began dragging me back onto his dick. All of the sudden I started shaking and I moaned even louder as I felt even more pleasure shoot through me.

I felt my cunt contract around his massive erection. He planted me with all he had as I finished the feeling and flooded my cunt with his brand of cum. I panted as I felt the steady jet of it hit my tunnel’s end. I then realized how hard he was holding onto me. The pain in my hips was intense, and his hooves had dug into my sides drawing blood.

I took him back to the sheep pen feeling very satisfied with my new found hobby. After barring the gate and walking out of the barn, I went inside to shower and get something to eat. It turned out I was too tired to do either of them. I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly. The next morning my cunt stung along with my hips. I asked Josh the next day what it was that I experienced when the wave of pleasure hit me.

He said that I had an orgasm, or the way a girl cums. Then he asked what I was doing when that happened but I just ignored him. I was looking forward to a long line of sheep but my mom caught me as I walked out the door. We were going shopping for new clothes for me. Normally I would have been happy but I had my heart set on having sex.

We got halfway to town when I realized I still hadn’t showered. I was itching at little sheep hairs all over me and I smelled like cum. We had the car windows down so my mom didn’t notice. She noticed at the stores though. She believed it was the store and shrugged it off and I breathed a sigh of relief. The people in the stores covered their noses and didn’t stay too long. I thought I was home free as we walked out of the last store, but I was so wrong.

I felt warm gooey cum start to seep out of me just as we got to the car. The smell had doubled in intensity but my underwear was catching it so far. My fears diminished on the hour drive back home, but they came back as our farm appeared at the horizon as we drove the last leg of our day down the dirt road to our house. I got out of the car and rushed to the trunk to get my bags out.

As soon as I got the bags in my hands my saturated underwear gave way to the growing pressure. My shorts didn’t catch much and before long, three thick streams of cum ran down my inner thighs. My mom was walking behind me and would easily see it if I didn’t act. I rubbed my legs together to make it less noticeable but the cum didn’t stop flowing. I had about a cup of it making a squishing sound as I walked.

Out of nowhere, Sparky ran to me and slurped it all up with two quick moves with his tongue. I nudged him away before he got too into it. His fast tongue saved me from feeling the wrath of my mom. I decided after I got a shower that I would give Sparky a personalized ‘thank you’.

The next day, my mom planned another visit with her friend, therefore I had the place to myself. All the better. As soon as I was sure I was alone, I called Sparky into where I was sitting in the bathroom. He trotted in and darted to my open crotch and sniffed me.

He had long anticipated this because he was always sniffing my butt and crotch. He licked a little too. His wet nose sent chills up my spine. I got into position in front of him and waited. He continued to sniff my now fully exposed pussy. Then he shoved his rough tongue in which made me scream in delight. He bathed my hole with slobber until I moaned with my second orgasm. He stopped and there was a few seconds where I didn’t think he was going to do it.

I turned to look back at him just as he mounted me and started poking my butt with his dick. He held onto my sides a little looser than the sheep but I still wasn’t going anywhere. At last he shoved his eight inch cock in until it hit my end. Little sparks of pain shot through me as he started pumping his cock in and out with incredible speed. I felt it expand to an amazing size. It felt hot and I could feel veins pulse at its surface. I barely noticed that it was stretching my opening even more. He humped harder and harder, making my back arch so he could plant me with even more.

He finally held tight and pushed in what felt like a slippery tennis ball. I wiggled around and felt it start to grow. He stopped humping and expanded his shaft even more. The lump sealed my hole up as it grew to the size of a softball. I screamed in pain and pleasure as his cock exploded inside me and stuffed me with cum. The lump made sure nothing came out but it felt like someone had turned on a fire hose in there. My body spasmed as I felt the hot cum flood my system and finally stop flowing.

He hopped of me and tugged at me but his dick didn’t budge. His huge rod was wedged in by the lump and my cunt wasn’t allowing him to pull out. We ended up butt to butt while we waited for him to shrink. I was still ecstatic from the experience so I turned myself so he could lick my face. I sucked on his tongue a little as he lapped away at my face.

I didn’t see anything wrong with kissing a dog since I was connected to one through the loins. That and I had his seed floating around inside me. It took him twenty or so minutes to shrink enough to release me. When he did, the pressure inside made the cum spurt out of my cunt and cover the blue tile in the bathroom. I got what I could from his cock, then I drank from the floor, then I squeezed my midsection and swallowed what leaked out. I let him outside and cleaned the bathroom floor to get the smell out.

I then went out and fed the animals, cleaned their areas, and milked. After I was done, I went to the horse pasture and found a good looking stallion. I had no problems finding his sheath as I got under him. I rubbed it until his two footer started coming out. For the next hour I played with his rod. Every now and then he would cum and I would get a white shower of massive proportions.

After he shot me with it for the fifth time I saw my dad and brother coming my way. I took off for the house but my mom had just pulled up in the car. I frantically looked for a place to hide but the only place I wouldn’t be seen would be in the shit pile. I ran and jumped behind it with my nose plugged, at the last moment. I had to stay there for a while because it wouldn’t have been good for my mom to have caught me with horse cum literally covering me.

So I waited, and waited, and waited until the lights were off in the house and I was sure my parents were asleep. I went to stand and felt the dry cum crack and break off. I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face due to the clouds so I couldn’t find my footing.

As soon as I stood up I got a sharp pain in my leg from sitting for so long. I stumbled into the pile but caught myself before I fell in. I was ankle deep in feces and didn’t realize it though. I took one step and slipped on the crap and splattered face first into the fresh peak of the pile.

I laid there for a while with my face in the most disgusting assortment of crap you can think of, hoping it didn’t happen. I went to stand and my arms pushed into the mushy shit and I knew. The sad part was, I could identify what animal’s shit I had in my mouth from the smell and texture of it. How sad and disgusting is that? I went into the house and showered immediately. I put my clothes in the barn because of how they smelled. Nevertheless, my smell had not come out.

No matter how hard I tried to get it out, I still smelled like shit and cum. I got into bed and fell asleep quickly. I dreamed of Sparky licking my cunt, I moaned as it darted in and out. My back arched up and he started licking my butt. I moaned even loader as I climaxed into his mouth. I opened my eyes to see that Josh had his head between my legs and was slurping at my cunt.

I went to scream at him but he clapped his hand over my mouth and said, “Don’t scream, don’t make a sound unless you want them to hear about the sheep, and Sparky.” My eyes widened and he let my mouth go.

“How did you know?”

“It doesn’t take me and dad all day to look at the fields stupid.”

“I never see you come back.”

“Do you ever look?”

“Well no.”

“There you go. I have pictures of you with the dog and with the sheep, I really want to tell mom about it but I’m willing to cut a deal with you.”

“What kind of deal?”

“The kind that favors me and puts you on thin ice. In other words, blackmail.”

“What do I have to do?”

“For now just suck me off every night, but I think that after a while I can change that around.”

“That’s disgusting-”

“Don’t give me that! You’ve sucked Sparky’s dick and you had horse cum all over you tonight but you won’t give me head? It doesn’t matter though, you’re doing it or face mom. My offer stands,” he looked me in the eyes as he said the last part then he took off his pants to reveal his member.

I got to my knees and took him into my mouth. I tried not to taste but it was no use. I rubbed it with my tongue as he grabbed my head and rubbed his fingers through my hair. I felt him tense and shoot cum into the back of my throat at last and he made me swallow it all. Not that there was a lot but compared to horse cum, it was awful. He pulled his pants back on and made me stand.

“Thanks slut,” he said. Then he kissed me on my lips and licked the inside of my mouth for a while. He finished and got back into bed.

I cried myself to sleep, knowing it wasn’t over. Our nightly “chats” became a regular thing just as he promised. Every night I found myself swallowing what little cum he had to offer, and every night he kissed me and felt up my boobs. Two weeks went by and I didn’t breed with anything with the fear that Josh may be watching with his camera snapping away.

Then one night at supper, my mom announced that Josh would be leaving in two days for summer camp. I had a celebration in my head and felt relieved that he would be gone for six weeks and out of my mouth. Two days though, he could do a lot in the two days we had remaining with each other. My happiness drained away at the though of that. My fears were reinforced when Josh glanced at me from across the table and gave me an evil smile.

At around midnight that night he came into our room. I got off of my bed and took all of my clothes off for him and waited for his instructions. He told me to get on my hands and knees, I did. He got his clothes off and got behind me. He pulled my legs apart so my butt cheeks were apart from each other. He laid on top of my back and squeezed my tits as I felt his dick grow to his six inches under me. He rubbed my slit with the head and poked my butthole for a while. Then finally he started pushing forward into my butt. My muscles tensed and squeezed his cock as it pushed into me deep. I felt it rub the bottom of the intestine as he pushed in further.

“Did that feel good? ‘Cause I hope this hurts.” All of the sudden he grabbed my hips and started humping me with full force. I started to scream in pain but he grabbed his nearby sock and gagged me with it. I could only cry as he made my hole bleed from his erratic thrusting. It wouldn’t have hurt so much if he would have let me suck it first but he was humping me dry. The blood ran down my legs and I cried more and more. Finally he pushed my front side to the floor, plugged my hole, and shot cum into my butt. I felt the warm fluid flow inside me as I was yanked from the floor as he pulled out. He spun me around and said

“Suck it slut.” I looked at him in disgust. It had cum, blood, and a little crap smeared on it. I pulled out the sock and looked at him again with a pleading look. He got tired of waiting and thrust into my mouth making me gag on my own blood and feces. Luckily I couldn’t taste it, mostly because I couldn’t breathe. He pulled out when he had shrunken.

“See you tomorrow night slut.” I cried myself to sleep with a maxi pad on my butthole. I woke the next day and complained of a bad headache which got me out of working for the day. The bleeding had stopped overnight but the hole was swollen and it hurt like some had pushed a rusty knife into it all night.

After supper and after our parents went to sleep, Josh took me out to the sheep pen and pulled my clothes off. The sheep kept to themselves as we got in with them. Josh took his clothes off and laid on the ground with his cock growing. “Go get Sparky and bring him in.” I did as I was told and led Sparky to Josh.

“Here’s what’s going to happen: You are going to sit on my cock facing away from me, then I’m going to hump your ass while you lay back on top of me and get Sparky to fuck your cunt. After that, I’ll figure something out.”

I rubbed Sparky’s sheath to get him started, then I slowly lowered my butt onto Josh’s waiting cock. It breached my hole and I screamed in pain. I got off, quickly sucked Josh, and sat back down before he got angry. It slid in easier this time but it still hurt. I rested on top of him and laid back bending his dick up. Sparky sniffed my pussy and started licking me. Josh humped my butt slowly and rubbed my nipples as Sparky lapped away at me.

“Hey! I told you to get him to fuck you, not eat you out!” I said okay and got him to stop licking and walk forward. I told him to lay down and he did, and just as he did his cock slid into my cunt a little. With a small yelp he grabbed my sides and started fucking me with full force.

I widened my legs to get all I could of both of them. Josh started speeding up to go at the same rate Sparky was and I soon found myself bobbing back and forth getting filled in both holes at the same time! It felt incredible even if it was my brother. Josh sprayed me with cum long before Sparky did so I stopped Sparky to receive further commands.

“While I get ready for another run with you, get into position so he plugs you with his knot. I want to see that again.” I got onto my hands and knees and let Sparky mount me and pump his huge cock in and out. Josh watched and pulled out his camera from the other side of the fence and started snapping off pictures. Sparky jammed in his knot and it grew and grew to the size of a grapefruit this time. My cunt was at the breaking point as he twitched and filled me with his cum.

Josh said he still wasn’t ready yet so after Sparky could pull out I crawled into the herd of sheep and let a big one mount me. I loved the feeling of being held so tight again. As he sprayed my hole with more cum Josh took me to the hose next to the goat pen and stuck it up my pussy. The cold water sent chills up my spine. The cum all ran out and he stopped the hose.

Before I could say or do anything the bent me over the fence of the goat pen and shoved his dick into my cunt and grabbed my hips. “This is how you like it isn’t it? Pushed down and pulled around like a bitch in heat?”

I screamed as he tore into my already sore vagina. He humped me for a good fifteen minutes, bumping my legs against the fence. He came inside me and bent me over the fence to let it soak into me. The goats inside started ramming the fence around me. I tried to straighten up but he held me down for another five minutes.

“With any luck you’re pregnant with my kid now. Have a nice six weeks slut,” he whispered this in my ear then he picked up my legs and flipped me into the goat pen. The biggest goat was on me in seconds. I knew what I smelled like, and I knew what he was going to do. Then I remembered what my pants were like after they had me. My whole back half was covered with a thick layer of cum! Now with any luck, their cum would wash out Josh’s! I could only hope they didn’t kill me in the process.

I straightened up in a flash and he mounted me with lightning quick reflexes. I grunted as he pulled me back and impaled me on his huge rod. He put Sparky to shame with his size. He was only about eight inches long but he was so wide! As he humped me I felt my cunt walls being stretched. I moaned as he spasmed and drenched my hole with cum.

I though we were done so I went to stand but he hit me hard with his horns and I fell to the ground. He mounted my raised butt and I screamed in delight as he pumped his cock in and out with quick thrusts but hard as hell. He came again inside me and I could get back to all fours for him.

He mounted again and again, filling me with his hot, musty cum. The pressure got to be too much for my hole so it drained out of me and covered my legs. I gagged and held back my vomit as the smell engulfed my senses. I could taste it in my mouth and feel it in the air. Like he was answering me, he came again and moved to my front side and stuck his cock to my face. This time I did throw up.

The smell was horrendous. It made me feel dizzy until he mounted me in reverse and fucked my mouth. I coughed and sputtered and he just fucked me harder. His underside rammed my nose as he shoved in deep to cum. Luckily he shot it down my throat so I couldn’t taste it. He jumped off and walked back to my butt and mounted yet again! He ripped my cunt to shreds for another hour and finally hopped off to rest and eat.

I was relieved as he hit me into the dung to dismiss me, but I quickly sprung to my feet to avoid the smaller male. He was erect and trotting toward me. I jumped out of the pen and sighed in relief. The goat stared at me and rammed the fence.

“Oooooh, Nooooo. Get back in there and finish them off,” Josh appeared from behind the water trough with his camera, “I don’t have enough pictures yet. Get back in and get fucked again.”

“But he might kill me if I get back in!”

“I don’t give a shit! Get in or I’ll throw you in again, or better yet, let me go get a chain and a padlock and I’ll put you on a short leash for them to rape you all night. I’ll be right back.”

“Wait! I’ll do it.”

“Are you sure? It could be cool to have a goat fuck you all the time. We could call you goat girl and take you to the goat farm on the other side of the state to get bred.”

“I’m positive.”

“Okay, but be careful, you may already be knocked up with Sparky’s puppies. I don’t know if you can get pregnant or not with animal cum.”

I knew he was messing with me, the whole “goat girl” thing was enough to show his bullshit. I hopped the fence and got into position for the goat and waited. He circled me for a while then charged straight at me and rammed my head and knocked me out. I woke up and had a mouthful of shit again. I felt his cock sliding in and out of me. I heard Josh snapping photos off and the sound echoed in my head. The goat filled my hole with cum and hopped off of me.

I opened my eyes just as he pissed on my legs and back. I spit out the shit and got back into position for him. He mounted me and planted his seed another ten times before I was dismissed. The big goat was back though. I frantically looked at Josh but he was gone. I looked at the window and saw how light it was outside. I jumped over the fence and sprinted to the house. I looked in the window and saw my parents in the kitchen so I ran around to my bedroom window and climbed in.

Josh was waiting for me. “One last suck for the road. Quick!” I looked at him then I took in his cock. He held my head as I tried to get him off as quickly as possible. He pulled my head up against him and smashed my nose as he shot cum in. “Thanks slut.” I got into the shower and washed the goat smell out as best as I could. It still lingered though. Josh wasn’t helping, he got into the shower with me and kept rubbing my cunt and squeezing my boobs. By the end of the shower, I had more cum in my butt from him.

Needless to say, I was very sad to see him go (sarcasm). As my parents left to take him to the bus station, I was left to watch the farm. Then I caught sight of Bob, our big hog. He, the horses, and the donkey were the only animals kept outside. Before I changed my mind, and after my parents were out of sight, I stripped to nothing and got into his mud pool with him. The murky water was cold on my body and I sank into the soft mud at the bottom. Bob was laying with his back half in the pool and his front in the sun. I slid over to him and got him to stand long enough for me to get under him. I saw his huge balls just before he rested his two-hundred pound frame on top of me. I felt my body sink into the soft material under me. I reached down to his flabby sheath and stroked it until his dick was long enough to push on my cunt.

I opened my legs and he jerked himself in all the way. I whimpered a little but then he started slowly humping my abused hole. After the night’s raping, Bob was, soothing. The cold water ran into my loose cunt and made me cum from the sensation. Bob grew and grew until he filled the hole. He sped his thrusts a little, then he jerked again and started spewing cum from his gigantic balls into my womb.

I orgasmed again from the hot cum hitting my inner points and felt him finally stop filling me. The only problem was I couldn’t move. I had sunk into what I hoped was mud so far that I couldn’t slide in or out. My legs were stuck too! I looked at my shoulders and saw that the jerking Bob did had buried them! Then Bob got up and laid in his pool to cool off. My legs were covered and my crotch was also covered, it only had a hole leading into my pussy and a trench leading to it where his sheath was laying. I stood up and looked at a perfect mold of my body, right down to my crack. I stomped around on it to avoid any suspicion.

His cum had all drained into the pool so I couldn’t get any. I opened my pussy lips to check but all that came out was the muddy water. I got a shower and laid on the floor in my bedroom completely nude. I got a call from my parents saying that they would be a few more hours. I didn’t care. Sparky came in to see what was up so I open my legs and let him slurp at my cunt for a while. During my second orgasm I felt a sudden lurch and my cunt started spraying jets of a clear liquid out and onto Sparky.

I screamed as my body shook and my back arched. The smell was incredible! Sparky was lashing out with his tongue in a frenzy to eat my pussy until his tongue fell out. I quickly got into position for him and let him hump my brains out. He grew and grew inside me. My walls stretched even more as his knot went in and grew even larger than before.

I pushed back against him to grind in all I could before his big finish. I threw back my head and let loose a high pitched moan as he sprayed my insides with fiery hot cum. I felt it push through my plumbing and start to fill me up. I was panting and sweating gallons as my orgasm ceased.

He tugged at his knot and soon gave up. It wasn’t moving for a while. His cock was still pulsing with his heartbeat. Both of our hearts were beating at an incredible speed. After a while we separated and he we to lay down. I got into bed and slept for until my parents got home. I threw on some clothes quickly and went to meet them so they wouldn’t come looking for me.

They informed me that they would be gone for the weekend to go to the goat farm Josh was talking about. They would be gone Saturday and Sunday so I would have to maintain everything at the farm. They made it sound like it was brain surgery but I had done it before, it basically was what I already did.

I slept well that night, probably because I didn’t have Josh’s unique aftertaste in my mouth. The next day went pretty much routinely to show that I was capable of running the farm. My parents told me they would be leaving at around seven in the morning. I said goodbye before I went to bed that night. Through the night I had dreams of having sex with Cappie the donkey and then the horses. The dreams themselves felt so good but I wanted the real thing so badly it made my cunt ache.

I woke up in a pool of my own sweat and pussy juice. My parents were long gone and I only had to feed, milk, and clean before I could get filled with Cappie’s giant cock. I skipped milking the goats because they weren’t very happy with me after my escape. I finished the cleaning and dumped at the pile at around noon. I undressed and walked into Cappie’s pasture. I had always felt sorry for him because he didn’t have a mate for company.

I felt the same about Bob, but I think I filled that position well enough. Cappie was grazing in the middle of the pasture until he saw me. He was a very social creature and was always very nice to me when I visited him. He walked over to me and nuzzled my chest with his nose.

“That’s right, you get a mate today. And you’re just the right height so I won’t need a table.”

I got under him and squeezed his sheath. It was huge! My hand could barely wrap around it halfway! I continued to rub and massage it until his dark brown rod extended. It was almost a foot and a half long and as big around as a Pringles can! I bent down so my hands were on the ground. Then I stretched my butt up to meet his cock. The head touched my opening just as a clear liquid started oozing out of it.

Josh had had something like this only, he only had a few drops. Cappie was letting it dump out. I t lubed my hole enough to where I took a step backward and the tip of his cock slipped in. He moved forward slowly and filled my hole with the lubricant as he went. His cock pushed in and stretched me to the breaking point. His cock pushed on my cervix and tried to keep going. The lubricant from the tip of his member started going in and filling my uterus with the slimy liquid.

With a quick jab of force, his dick ripped my cervix open and pushed into my uterus. This whole time I was ecstatic with lust. I wanted it deeper and deeper. I wanted him to fuck me like he would another donkey. When he tore into my cervix I screamed in pain worse than when Josh dry fucked my butt, worse than when the sheep popped my cherry.

Feeling him hit the ending of my uterus somehow made me forget the pain. His cock was almost all the way in! He stopped the lubrication and started rocking his hips, making his giant cock slide in and out of my uterus. I felt him grow even more and rip my cervix more and more until the pain became unbearable. Mixed with the intense pleasure I was feeling, I was crying and cumming at the same time. My legs were covered with lube as his swelling cock forced it out of me. At last he tensed and stopped swelling.

I closed my eyes and prepared. With one fast move he spasmed and engorged my shredded reproductive system with cock and shot gallons of cum into my body. It filled my uterus and made my belly grow. Then it ran out of room and shot out of my hole with a sucking noise. He pulled out and let loose a tidal wave of cum still spurting from his massive organ. I fell to the ground in a heap making the cum in my womb gush out.

I sprawled out under him and caught the last of his rich cum on my chest. I was laying in the center of a giant puddle of hot, sticky, white donkey cum and I was happy. My entire body was covered with it from my long brown hair to my pink toenails, I was white. I sucked up enough to fill me and there was still more.

My cunt was still emptying into the puddle as I stood up and went to Cappie’s face to give him one of my signature kisses. He licked my face and I sucked on his tongue and lips until I was satisfied. I suddenly got an idea and ran to the barn and got my dads shop vac. I cleaned it out and took it out to the pasture via an extension cord. I turned it on and sucked up the puddle of cum.

The vacuum got full before I got done though so I emptied it into a sanitary bucket and continued collecting the cum until I had it all. I went inside and washed out my cunt and the rest of me. My body was still tingling but I was exhausted. Then I noticed the edge of something under Josh’s bed.

It was a picture! The stupid prick didn’t take them with him! I lifted his mattress and found nearly thirty of me with the sheep, Sparky, and the goats. As I picked up one of me and Sparky, I saw the difference in Sparky’s cock from when I suck it to when it’s inside me.

Just the sight of it made my cunt really wet and hot. My lips swelled and glistened and I felt my cunt loosen. Sparky trotted in and smelled the air. He looked at me and started humping my leg. I pushed him off but he wasn’t stopping. Then I smelled what he did, my heat. His cock was already huge, bigger than it had ever been.

My exhaustion faded and I dropped into position and he locked his body to mine. His cock ran in deep. I started meeting each of his thrusts but then he started pulling me back and doing it for me. He had complete control of me. For the first time I felt like I was a bitch and he was going to breed me. I yelped as his knot grew to the size of a grapefruit again, but then it kept going.

It swelled bigger and bigger until finally he blasted searing hot cum down my elongated cunt and out. Wait, out? His knot had stretched me to where it could slip in and out. He hopped off and tugged it loose with a sucking sound and a rush of the hot cum. I drank it all, then I kissed him for five minutes straight.

I finished off the donkey cum in the bucket and got into bed. Sparky jumped in with me and I got an idea. I laid on my back and put him on top of me. I slid his cock in and wrapped my arms around him as he started slowly humping. He laid his head on my shoulder and we fell asleep. However, I woke up throughout the night when he pumped what cum he had left into me. We woke the next day and he jumped off of me to get some water from the toilet. I sat up in bed and felt my cunt opening. It felt all right but I knew the damage had been done deeper inside.

I reached in as far as I could and felt around my cervix. Every time I brushed my hand on it I winced in pain. However, for being torn open like that, there wasn’t much blood. And it did seem to be healing. My injury made me think twice about my planned mating with the horses. I then thought about how often parents were out of town.

I decided too first to my chores, then get filled. I avoided the goats entirely. I knew that I would have to go in there again, but I didn’t want to at all. I dumped the waste on the pile and returned the wheelbarrow to the tool shed, then I went to the pasture. I left my clothes in a pile at the door of the barn so I wouldn’t have to delay.

Sparky had done a good job of preparing my opening by loosening it all night with his enormous knot, but I was still weary as to whether this was possible. I honed in on the smallest stallion and climbed to his back. His short hair brushed my clit as I bounced on his back.

My pussy swelled and spurted my juice out in response. We reached the barn and I slid off of his back, leaving some of my juice on top of him. I opened the gate to the stalls and led him in. I put him into a stall and closed the gate. Then I grabbed a wooden table we used to wash them. It reached up just enough for me to lay on it and still be able to slide under him. We need a table this tall to wash them because the smallest stallion we had was five and a half feet tall at the shoulder. That isn’t very easy to wash without a little help.

I opened the stall and pushed the table in so it went right between his front legs. I closed the gate behind me as I walked in with him. My cunt was radiating heat and dripping in anticipation. I no longer felt the sting in my cervix, only the severe wanting. I positioned the table so his belly would rest on top of me. I calculated how far to scoot my body down so he could fully extend and not hurt me.

Finally I rubbed his sheath and watched it slowly come out. Then it increased speed. I quickly jumped onto the table and lay on my back. I closed my legs and felt his cock sliding on the table toward me like a huge snake. It touched my crotch and sent a shock wave through my body. I spread my legs wide to welcome the visitor and he pushed into my loose opening with ease.

The ease turned to struggle, then force, then I screamed as his rock hard cock started hitting me with full force, trying to embed itself. I had about a foot of it in so I wiggled around as best as I could to try and deepen it, or at least get some lube in there to make it easier for him. He moved in another three inches and I moaned, finally feeling his girth.

The only unstretched part of my hole was being penetrated and it felt incredible! I grabbed the sides of the table as he pushed in deeper and deeper, my cunt helping him along by almost spraying lubrication out. My body twitched as an orgasm washed over me. His cock finally stopped growing but sadly, he still had about six or seven inches left outside. He didn’t seem to mind it as he started bucking.

I was suddenly taken back to the days I watched a horse to horse mating session and thought to myself what it felt like. The kinkiness made my cunt issue a raging orgasm as my stallion punched the head of his cock to my uterus’ walls. It swelled bigger and bigger, tearing my cervix even more but I didn’t care. I started screaming in ecstasy as his entire back end shot forward and shot me with his one of a kind cum deep in my womb.

I exploded again in orgasm as his cock spewed cum into me for another ten or twenty seconds but who’s counting? I sagged to the table in pure exhaustion from the extreme fucking I just endured. His cock spewed what was left and tugged out of me with a popping sound. The cum/blood mixture poured out of me like I was just another mare of his. I squeezed my stomach and felt the liquid splash out. I smiled and rolled off of the table and slurped all I could from his shrinking rod.

It still looked gigantic even though it was receding, which made me marvel at how big it was when it was inside me. I let him out to the pasture and moved the table back to the washing area. Even though it was only like three o’clock I went inside and collapsed on my bed, spilling another pint or two of cum on my white sheets as I drifted to sleep.

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