Women with Animals
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Snowwhite and Rosered


A parody of the equal named fairy tale of Bro. Grimm by Don Luzifer in 2021

(Excerpt from the same named E-Book with ap. 58.000 words.)

Chapter 2 – A guest

The daily routine of the three woman goes on with a few little changes into the month of winter. White ‘permits’ her sister, who can go now only seldom into the forest, and her mother the stay inside of the house on special marked areas, so White can fulfill her very own cleaning menace. Rose mocks her sister with great enjoyment by sneaking behind her and make traces on the freshly cleaned floor. Again and again the mother admonishes Rose, but secretly the both lough about it. White takes her revenge every time when she catches her sister sneaking behind her, with the broom. As good as Rose can handle a bow, knife or spear, White can use a broom as a weapon perfectly. She pulls her sister’s legs away with a fast swipe or she slaps her with the wet wiping cloth into the face. Rose makes then always a quite stupid face, so White and her mother lough also about it.

So the days and weeks pass by, since the winter comes quite powerful above the land and covers everything with a fat, white sheet of snow. A loud howling, cutting wind supports the winter additionally. The tree women cuddle each other around the chimney, White hast to stop her cleaning menace, because the freshly cleaned floor would become an ice floor immediately. Rose reduces her trips into the forest to an absolute minimum.

Once an evening it slams against the door. The three are shocked, because who could it be in such weather conditions, even in the summer nearly nobody comes to this place accidentally. It slams once again.

“Rose, open the door carefully and check out who is it”, says the mother.

“Arm yourself, if it’s a robber”, pleas White.

“Bullshit, robber. Just a moment”, shouts Rose towards the door.

White and her mother cuddle themselves deeper into the sheets, while Rose marches towards the door.

At the door Rose shouts: “Who is there at this late hour and such a weather?”

“I mean no harm, I just want to get out of the shit weather. Please let me in to get some worm”, it shouts from the outside.

“And why we should believe you”, asks Rose back.

“If I wanna just cut your throats and if the weather doesn’t harm me, I would just come through the windows”, is the answer.

Rose thinks shortly, then she opens the latch and the door a bit. Immediately a large, dark paw pushes against the door and pushes Rose and the door aside. White and the mother cry out loudly, Rose is to stunned to react, then a gigantic brown bear stands in the hut. With its hind legs he pulls the door shut again, so that the flying snow and ice cold wind stay outside. The bear shuffles itself, so that the snowflakes fly away from its fur. Rose, who sits directly next to him on her butt and looks at him with wide opened eyes, gets the most over her.

After he has finished shuffling he wants to stand up, but he has to notice, that he is with his three meters height much to large for the ceiling of the hut. He falls back on his front legs. He turns to the scared women and says: “Don’t fear, my ladies, I mean no harm. As said, I just want to get some warm. Well, little red head, you should close the door properly again, there is a drought.”

Then he trots towards the chimney and makes itself comfortable. “Yeah, that’s great”, he hums relaxed.

White and the mother whisper and think what to do next. They make inconspicuous signs to Rose, but she just shrugs. But Rose is the first, who is ready again. She stands up and locks the door, what White and the mother can’t understand at all and they look scared, then she goes towards the bear, who lays comfortable in front of the chimney.

“Just saying, Mr. Petz, shouldn’t you sleep now, stuffed to the brim in a cave till spring and snoring that the mountains collapse?” asks Rose. White gets even paler and the mother puts her hand in front of her mouth. What the heck is the intention of her daughter, she asks herself.

“That would be the right run of the things, redhead, but the mountain in which I have my cave, has a Goblin infestation. Their mining works let my cave collapse. I was just able to flee when the ceiling came down. Since then I stray through the forest in this storm and I am happy to find your hut here.”

“Just a second, the mountains are still located on the other side of the forest, so why are you marching through the complete forest to just come here to this place?” Rose wants to know. “There must be several other kinds of hide outs for you, for example a hollow tree.”

“Look at me, do you really think, I could fit in such a hollow tree trunk properly? Turning once and I would let the whole thing detonate. No, the fine scent of your chimney has driven me to this place. A little fire is always warm and inside the scent was something other, something quite delicate”, says the bear.

“Ha ha, yes, I believe in that. My sister has cooked a marvelous stew”, smiles Rose.

“There isn’t by chance anything left of it”, asks the bear in a rapturous tone, the large, black eyes formed to a begging dog view and the front paws put together in a begging pose.

“White, what do you say, do we still have some stew for our guest?” Rose loughs to her sister.

White shakes her head and leaves the sheet and the cuddling of her mother crawling. She goes to the cooking pot, looks inside, then she digs a large potion into a bowl. A little bit scared she goes to her sister, then she reaches carefully the bowl to the bear. Carefully he takes the bowl out of White’s shivering hands with his paws, then he takes care for the content. He digs his mouth into the bowl and licks off everything with his long tongue.

“Hmm, that was delicious, despite it was cold. Compliment to the marvelous cook”, the bear hums pleased and makes sitting a formal bow.

White blushes and purrs: “Thank you, Mr. Bear.”

Then the bear take the word again: “Ladies, I don’t want to put undue strain on you, but do you mind if I spend the night here until the weather is better and I can find a new cave?”

The three of them look at each other, Rose nods to them, then White and the mother agree, too.

“OK, Mr. Petz. Till dawn will be all right. Looks like you have already found a place to sleep for the night at the chimney, we will retreat ourselves in our own”, explains Rose.

“Thank you, Ladies, you won’t regret that and I will repay my debt”, says the bear formally. Then Rose, White and the mother retreat into the bed of the mother and cuddle tightly at each other. The bear rolls itself in front of the chimney and soon all of them fall into a deep slumber.


The next morning all inhabitants of the hut notice, that the storm is over now. The bear says good-bye to the ladies and works himself through the snowdrifts, which had built up in front of the front door. Rose, White and their mother are doing their daily tasks during the day again.

When White prepares again the dinner in the evening, which sends again several smoke and delicious scent through the chimney, it knocks again at the door. Rose opens the door and the bear stands again in front of it.

“Good evening, Ladies”, the bear greets.

“Well, yes, good evening, Mr. Petz. What’s up?” asks Rose.

“Well, I’m really embarrassed, but here in this area aren’t any free caves and my old one is completely spilled. So I am homeless now. May I ask you again for shelter?” requests the bear with a begging look.

Rose turns to her family and asks loudly: “What’s your opinion?”

“Let him in and close the door, there is a drought”, shouts White and her mother nods agreeing.

“Well, come in and clean your paws”, grins Rose.

“Many thanks, ladies, as said, I am very sorry …” the bear starts.

“Yes, we know, come in and sit down, dinner is served. I fill a bowl for you”, says White.

Grinning Rose locks the door behind the bear, who trots slowly towards the kitchen. Indeed it looks a little bit funny, when the bear sits itself in front of the table on the floor, while the three ladies sit on their chairs around the table, but the bear towers over them by almost half a meter. Then they all together eats the dinner.

A few hours later they all goes to their sleeping places, the bear in front of the chimney, the ladies into the bed of the mother. Again a little later they all asleep. But another hour later Rose checks out, if White and the mother are really sleeping. She slips out of the bed naked and sneaks to the bear in front of the chimney.

First she just watches the large animal as it lays there rolled up in front of the chimney. Between his thick hind legs flashes a firm nutsack and Rose asks herself what kind of package the bear could have. She sneaks an all fours next to the bear. The strong scent of musk of the male bear reaches her nose and let her shiver. The scent let her pussy moisten. Now Rose gets more baldy and starts to caress the ham of the bear softly. The bear lets go a pleased hum.

When Rose’s cheeky hand wanders to his sack and caresses and kneads it, the bear opens up an eye. The bear enjoys the caressing of Rose at first, who uses shortly after her tongue additionally on his sack. Hot waves of lust rush through the hips of the bear and his balls jolt under the soft treatment. The bear turns his head towards his lower body, but can only see Rose’s nude lower back, which goes up and down.

His boner starts to move and coming out of its sheet. The bear hums pleased, then he rolls himself on his back and spreads his hind legs. Rose, surprised at first, takes the invitation thankfully. Skilled she licks over his thick balls, caresses the root of his cock and watches fascinated, how the bear boner stands up slowly.

Rose crawls forward, grabs with one hand the boner and puts it between her down hanging breasts. She rubs herself on the thick pole. The bear’s eyes bulge and watches her fascinated. Rose searches a comfortable position for herself at his butt, so she is able to caress his dick with her tits. She presses her breatstaround the cock and rubs them on the pole up and down. At the top of the bear cock appears the first drop of precum.

Rose lowers her head and licks that drop greedily. Then she puts her mouth over the top of the bear cock. Joyfully she sucks at the red pole of the bear like at a lollipop. The bear hums deeply satisfied and leans back. He stretches himself out pleased while Rose caresses his boner.

The bear won’t cum yet so soon. He rolls himself and stretches his front legs out for Rose. Rose looks up and sees the paws of the bear coming towards her. The bear grabs Rose’s upper body as soft as possible and without injuring her with his sharp claws. Then he lifts her up on his belly slowly. When she hovers in his paws over his belly, its cock twitches beneath her. The bear lifts her up to his large mouth, then he licks with his large tongue all over Rose’s face. He lifts her up just a little bit further, then he licks her between her breasts. He likes Rose’s scent and licks all over her tits and nipple, too. Now Rose purrs out her lust.

The bear puts Rose down on his chest and she is able to put down her wide spread legs right and left of him on the ground. She enjoys his warm, long fur on her skin and after the two of them trade a deep french kiss, she crawls downwards with spread legs to his still twitching boner, till it touches her buttocks. She reaches between her legs and grabs the pulsating piece of hard meat and drives it between her juice pussy lips. Easily the tip of the cock slides through her pussy lips. Rose pushes herself backwards onto the boner. Slowly she sinks down on it. Without much troubles the bear boner disappears inside Rose’s pussy half way. The thing has a pleasant thickness, which doesn’t overwhelm Rose’s slit capacity. But now there is the length of the boner. Now halfway the tip hits her cervix an demands entry.

Rose let her butt circle on the pole, then the slim stick enters her cervix. After she gets comfortable with the strange feeling, she carries on impaling herself on the pole. Another quarter disappears inside her lust cave and the bear keeps laying there motionless, but buzzing for horny pleasure. He let do her own thing.

Rose wants to feel the long fur of the bear at her clit. She works herself down on the long pole, inch by inch. Despite the tip of the bear penis already pokes against the end of her uterus, she wants to have all of it inside. The feeling of being impaled isn’t the best, but she presses herself baldly completely on the sharp, hard penis, till she finally feels his four on her clit. She has sunk all of it inside her finally. She let her hips circle, so her clit gets the maximum of tickling by the fur. This marvelous feeling covers the light pain in her belly more than enough. Furthermore her well filled pussy produces much of juice, coating properly the bear penis and drops on his fur between his hind legs. Carefully she starts to ride him, too.

With her legs spread wide she squats on the bear penis, lifts herself up again and again slowly, then she lowers herself back. Thereby she increases the rhythm stately. The bear enjoys Rose’s efforts on his prick visibly and hums satisfied. Rose’s breath goes faster and faster and she has to forbid herself to cry out loud, so she doesn’t wake up her mother or White.

Rose bends herself forward and supports herself on the belly of the bear. With a fast pace she rides the bear down. She has found a comfortable position for her enjoyment, so the sharp bear penis doesn’t poke inside her uterus and she gets tho most satisfaction. The bear still lays there on his back, enjoying her efforts riding him off. A female bear would be unable to offer him such a lust and pleasure that way, he thinks by himself. These human females are very special.

Rose tries her very best not to moan, pant too loud nor start screaming, as long as she ride the bear pole, but White has still get a clue what’s going on. On one hand she misses Rose’s warm body next to her in the bed of the three women and on the other hand she can watch she shadow play of the two fuckers on the wall. But White is still too scared and timid to crawl out of the bed and watch them both fucking clearly or even to take part.

For the bear it’s getting uncomfortable to lay on his back so flat. It’s quite a great feeling to get ridden off his boner by this elves alike being and his balls are also calling slowly, but some pain in the back can destroy the best feelings. He pulls Rose’s left leg forward, so she can’t come under him now, when he lifts himself up over his right back bacon.

Rose has been robbed off of her support and falls completely onto his cock. She can barely suppress an UNGH! But the fast up lifting bear catches her and soon she sits with wide spread legs impaled on his lap. Now she can bury her hands inside his fur on his chest and carry on riding him in a gallop. The bear hums satisfied. Unfortunately he towers her sitting for more than half a meter and can’t lick at her. But holding her carefully with his large paws it’s, caressing her, that’s possible without troubles. He takes good care not to injure her flawless body with his sharp claws.

Rose’s breath increases its speed rapidly, she starts to jolt, her thighs shiver, then her pussy clamps itself around the hard shaft of the bear, she is coming. She buries her face in the chest fur of the bear, she has to stop. Her orgasm let her quiver and she pours a lot of juice over the bear boner. Her clamping vagina muscles milk the shaft inside her. The bear notices that, too, and his balls are boiling. He let go a relaxed, suppressed humming, then he surrenders to her milking pussy. His cream rushes through the canals inside his boner, then he floods the depths of her cunt.

Getting flooded by the bear let Rose come again and one orgasm hunts the other. She huddles herself into the crotch of the bear and his furry belly. With great afford she suppresses her cries of lust. How much she would like to scream out her lust and passion, just enjoying the moment, but nobody should know it, yet.

While Rose cuddles herself into the fur of the bear and comes to breath from her intense orgasm, enjoying the hard, long pole and the flood of sperm inside her, the bear has noticed, that they have an audience. His sharp eyes have registered the movements next to the bed of the women. But the old gentleman keeps silent and waits for the things, whom may come soon.

After seeming endless minutes Rose left the belly fur of the bear and dismounts the shrinking bear penis. She holds her slit shut, because she wants to keep the bear sperm inside with loving joy and feel it sloshing around in her belly. For good bye the bear licks again all over her face, her upper body, kisses passionately her nipples, then they part for the rest of the night.

White has seen enough and crawls back into the bed, because she doesn’t want, that her sister discovers peeping at her. Just when she slips under the bed sheets rose appears near the bed. White can see from her wrinkle of her eyes, that Rose walks quite bow – legged and she holds her slit shut.

Rose crawls carefully into the bed to her sister and mother, still hoping, none of them has noticing anything. Her mother snores deeply and rhythmically, White is completely silent. Pleased she cuddles herself against her sister.

White doesn’t move and doesn’t make any sound. She waits for her sister’s exhausted sleep, then she winds herself off of the arms of her sister and slides to the foot end of the bed. Now the fun starts for White. She rolls her sleeping sister on her back, spreads carefully her legs apart. Blind in the dark beneath the sheets her hands glide along the thighs of her sister up to her well filled honeypot. White’s greedy tongue follows closely.

Really soft White tips the pussy of her sister, parts carefully the swollen, wet pussy lips, then she sinks her mouth including her stretched out tongue into the wet treasure chest of her sister. Greedy she sucks, licks and swallows the mixture of bear sperm and pussy juice off of the well filled cunt. Rose purrs in her half sleep. Long ago she has noticed, that her horny sister attacks her pussy. She enjoys the demanding tongue inside her slit, therefore she had received the filling and hold her cunt closed. Her hands wander to her breasts and start to kneed them, pinching her nipples.

If White has dared to watch us, Rose thinks. Maybe, but at least now she knows for sure, I have fucked just a moment ago, she smiles to herself. Rose concentrates her mind again to White’s digging tongue inside her slit and let her juices flow.

End of the excerpt. The whole E-book contains 105 DIN A4 pages and ap. 58.000 words according to Libre Office. Available under the link at Smashword.com.


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