Women with Animals
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Furst Time


Part One

My given name is Kathleen Cherise (KC when I was young). I grew up on a farm. While Texas folk will say ranch, it was actually a farm. Sure, we had cattle, horses, hogs, goats, chickens, dogs. cats, and such, but we raised cotton and produce more than we raised cattle. Our place was a part of my Dad’s family place. The place was split when my Dad married. A 14 acre plot was cut out and that remained with my grandparents. My Dad’s brother (my uncle) got 1000 acres and my Dad got 986 acres. My uncle married a Tex-Mex woman and they have 5 children. Oldest 2 are boys, followed by 2 girls, and then another boy. I am one of 4 children a boy, me, and 2 more boys. My 2 girl cousins on my Dad’s side of the family are about my age (1 older by 13 months and 1 younger by 4 months.)

It was the summer. My older cousin (Angelina or Ange) is 20, her sister, (Isobelle or Sobe- pronounced either So-Be or sobb -long O sound) is 18, and I (19) were home working around the place. Everybody works on a farm. In the summer, our task was to feed and look after the animals and work the small vegetable garden. The truck produce was worked by the boys, while the men worked the cotton and soy beans (which are less labor intensive crops than rice or sugar cane). There was a small creek and wooded area behind my grand parents house and along the so called property line between our house and my uncle’s house. The vegetable garden was just north of the wooded area and creek.

Half way between our house and my uncle’s is the vegetable garden. Below the garden and going back toward my gtrand parents home is the creek and woods. I was on my way to the garden to pick some beans. Walking along the edge of the woods, I could hear Ange and Sobe talking. I did not pay a lot of attention, but I thought I heard Ange say, “no, no, you have to suck it to make it bigger.” I kept on walking. After a bit, Ange and Sobe came out from the woods and to the garden. Three of the dogs (they were all labs or cross lab and weimeraner) were trailing along. Between the 3 houses, we had probably 9 dogs, 7 males and 2 gyps (bitches). Both girls looked tousled, but heck, I wasn’t all ironed crease and starched blouse. The dogs were trailing along sniffing at the girls butts. Again, I did not process the info that quickly or that accurately.

We worked in the garden for about an hour or so before the summer rain started. we ran for the woods as it was closest, and took some shelter under a cluster of huge oaks. Ange, Sobe, me and now 4 dogs were bunched together. One of the dog’s (Hank) was poking his nose into Sobe crotch. She wore shorts and “t” top. Ange had jeans on as did I, but Ange had a pull over top while I had a conventional blouse. Ange grinned and said to her sister, “Hank didn’t get enough this morning, he wants some more.”

Sobe blushed and told her to ‘shush’. Ange turned to me and asked me, “KC, have you let a boy fuck you?” I got angry and said, “no, you stupid cow, but I am sure you have.” Ange smiled and said, “well, both Sobe and I have had a lot of dick”. I looked at Sobe and she hung her head, so I know it was true. I swallowed a huge lump of nothing and asked in quiet voice, “who? Who has fucked you?” Ange smiled again and said, “well, Hank here for 1, and then there was Ralph, Oscar, Patch, Gus, and of course the best of all, Rex.”

We worked in the garden for about an hour or so before the summer rain started. we ran for the woods as it was closest, and took some shelter under a cluster of huge oaks. Ange, Sobe, me and now 4 dogs were bunched together. One of the dog’s (Hank) was poking his nose into Sobe crotch. She wore shorts and “t” top. Ange had jeans on as did I, but Ange had a pull over top while I had a conventional blouse. Ange grinned and said to her sister, “Hank didn’t get enough this morning, he wants some more.”

Sobe blushed and told her to ‘shush’. Ange turned to me and asked me, “KC, have you let a boy fuck you?” I got angry and said, “no, you stupid cow, but I am sure you have.” Ange smiled and said, “well, both Sobe and I have had a lot of dick”. I looked at Sobe and she hung her head, so I know it was true. I swallowed a huge lump of nothing and asked in quiet voice, “who? Who has fucked you?” Ange smiled again and said, “well, Hank here for 1, and then there was Ralph, Oscar, Patch, Gus, and of course the best of all, Rex.”

My jaw dropped and my mouth was open so wide I could have caught 100 flies in it. I gaped open jawed from Sobe to Ange. I looked at Sobe and she glanced up and me and nodded her head in agreement. Ange pushed me down to sit upon a knurled oak root. She then began to explain.

“Look KC, you know we are always being told about boys and all they want is pussy. We are Catholics and it is a sin to fuck outside marriage. And what it we get pregnant and how that would embarrass gran and Pops, as well as out parents. We would be the laughing stock and talk of the county. You have heard all this and you know it is true.”

I nodded my head and asked, “Yeah Ange, that is all true, but what does that have to do with the dogs?” Ange giggled and said, “KC, girls get just as horny as boys, maybe more. So, we have to do things that give us fun, but don’t knock us up. If we want dick, we have to use vegetables shaped like a dick, or dildo’s if we can ever get to Houston or Dallas and buy 1, or we have to use an animal. Now, we have 9 dogs on our place and 7 of those are male dogs with really nice dicks.”

I had a million questions in my mind, but all I could do was sputter and stutter, “but, but, but.” Ange took my hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked at me and said, “would you like us to teach you?” I didn’t know what to say, and I believe I actually said, “I don’t know.” Ange patted my hand and kissed my cheek and told me to relax and watch. She moved over to Sobe who was still standing, blushing, and head down. Hank was licking at the crotch of her shorts. Why, I had not noticed this I cannot answer.

Ange softly talked to Sobe, “honey, Hank wants some more pussy. Let me help you. Are you going to give Hank that pussy hun? You know how bad he wants it Sobe. And you know you want his dick. You love his cum. You know you want that dick Sobe.”

Ange unsnapped Sobe shorts. She pushed them down her legs. Sobe wore no panties. I gasped and Ange grinned and said, “no need for panties in the summer with all the dog dick to handle.” Ange pulled Sobe t shirt down as far as she could. She pushed Sobe to her knees and told her to get on her hands and knees. Sobe followed orders like she ahd been doing this all her life. Ange made Sobe spread her legs wider and she brought Hank over behind Sobe. He started to lick her from the top of her slit around and up the crack of her ass. The more he licked, the more Sobe groaned and whimpered.

Ange had to stand away from Hank and keep the other dogs at bay. Finally, she asked me to come over and hold 2 of them. She took the last one and brought him to the front of Sobe. “Come on Sobe. Do like I showed you. Reach under him and massage his dick. I promise you, his cum tastes very good.”

I was in total awe. I watched Sobe begin to jack off this dog. He stood there as she slowly and lightly ran her hand all over her sheath and dick. When the tip began to peek from the sheath, she got her head under him and licked the tip. Immediately, his dick shot out another 2-3 inches. She licked it again, and it came out another inch or so. Ange was telling her to keep on lickiing it and make it hard. Ange went back to Hank and cooing to him said, “come on Hank. Time to get that pussy. Sobe wants your dick baby. You have to give it to her.” Ange helped the dog mount her sister. Ange had her hand under Hank and she feed his dick to Sobe’s pussy. Sobe squealed when Hank shot that dick home and she was wailing when he pounded at her with his knot. In a matter of minutes she was going “Unnh, Unnh, Unnh,” as Hank fucked her silly. I could not have imagined a pair hips that moved with the force and speed of those on that dog. Today, nearly 30 years later, I can still visualize that lab fucking my cousin. I cum hard and squirt when I mentally picture this event.

As Hank shortened his dick stroke into Sobe, the little vixen had her head under the other dog and his dick in her mouth. Ange was going from Sobe front to back encouraging her with advisory comments such as “suck softer honey, get his full dick in your mouth, , or, “fuck your ass back on Hank’s dick Sobe. Let him know how bad you need his dick.”

Ange was on her knees near Sobe’s head and I heard her ask, “is his dick throbbing?” Sobe nodded her head as best she could. Ange coaxed Sobe to suck a little harder and jack his dick while she sucked him. Ange told Sobe, ” hun, when he begins to shoot, I want you to jack him off but back your mouth away from his dick so KC can see how powerful they shoot their cum.” Sobe nodded and within moments, I saw the dog curl his back and shoot jet force blasts of cum into Sobe throat and face.

My hand had been down the front of my jeans for a half hour diddling my S&C (slit and clit). Ange was kneeling at my side with her hands unsnapping my jeans. I half heard her say that I had to help with the other 2 dogs. I sucked in my waist as Ange pushed my jeans down my hips and legs. My panties went with my jeans.

Ange had me on my hands and knees and one dog sniffing my ass and pussy. I was soaking wet and Ange exclaimed such when she ran her fingers through my slit. Then the most amazing feeling hit me. A long hot slightly rough and wet piece of flesh was raking over my clit and fuck hole. I know I was squealing like a school girl at stage front at a Madonna concert. That dog could curl his tongue inside my pussy and touch places that my fingers never found. How long this lasted I don’t know. My head hung doen and was shaking, shivering, quiveirng, rocking, sobbing, cumming, crying, and laughing at all once.

I guess in real time that dog licked me for 10 minutes at most. In my mind it seemed like hours. Ange helped him mount me. She told me that he had to have some pussy or he would go mad and bite people. She said that Sobe had done her part, and now it was my turn. She said that she would take of the other 3 males that weren’t there. When she said that, Sobe added, “you just want that huge monster dick that Rex packs Angelina. You aren’t fooling me.”

I was mounted and fucked royally by this dog. As soon as he finished, Ange got the last one on me and in me. My poor little pussy was so sore, i could barely walk when he finished. Let me tell you baby, tht while this was my first, I can assure you that I was being puppy fucked every day that summer even during my period. Those dogs went after a menstrating pussy like ducks go after June bugs.


Part Two

OK, so Ange, Sobe, and I and Ange’s best friend Rosalie, have been draining 9 dogs of cum. Not all 9 every day, but I bet we got 5 or 6 of the 9 every day. The best part in all this is that of the 4 of us, none of us had menstrual cycles that occurred at the same time. We had a few days gap between 1 of us finishing a period and another one of us commencing a period. Sure, we had a lot of PMSing going on, but the beauty of a canine lover is that he never complains about our bitching. Talk softly to him, coo to him, and rub his dick and that lovely boy will die for you.

Rosalie was away at her grand parents and Sobe had just started her period. Sobe probably had the worse period times of us all. The first day or so, she really cramped badly, and her flow was heavy. On this particular day, she had remained in bed and intended to stay near the house.

Ange and I composed of the vegetable garden crew. When you have had a good spring weather wise, vegetable gardens can be prolific in produce. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (we raised over 30 varieties of peppers), shallots, beans, peas, corn, turnips, mustard, lettuce, melons, peaches and plums. Believe me, you don’t need multiple rows to have an excellent crop, and there was work to be done ever day.

We started early, because the summer sun in TX can be oppressive. It had just broke daylight, when we met at the edge of the garden. Three of the dogs trailed Ange (I swear, that girl has a magnet in her pussy! She can attract males of all kinds from miles away!) I wore my traditional jeans and a ‘t’, while Ange had on a pair of short shorts and pull over top. No bra, and her pretty brown nipples were as evident as Be very carefull with the numbers.. One and only warning) erection at a nudist colony.

The dogs took turns sniffing at Ange’s butt and pussy as she plodded along. Now and again the little slut would stop and pet one of the dogs allowing them all to place small licks on her legs and the crotch of her shorts.

“Damn Ange, can’t you get enough of those dogs? And do they ever get so drained they quit sniffing at your pussy?” I asked with a slight amount of morning ‘tude in my voice.

“Querida KC, mi amorosa KC, you cannot get enough of my pussy and you have the brain and will to reason. You think these instinctive dogs are able to pass by my hot pussy once they have had a taste? No way baby! These fellows know which bitch here has the pussy that best drains them of cum. And I never get enough doggy dick. Once you have been knotted, there is no other feeling like it in this world. And cousin, if I know you, your little panties are soaking wet right now.”

I hung my head and blushed. Although just a year older than I, Ange seemed like an ancient when it came to the ways of the world and especially sex. She had a way of knowing my thoughts as I thought them. When it came to sex and knowing what made people hot, Ange had a 6th sense ESP type of mind that intuitively knew where to leap. Didn’t matte it was boys, girls, dogs, old or young, Ange could suss out sex in someone easier than a pig could wallow in mud.

“KC, tell me baby, are your panties wet?” Ange asked again softly. I nodded and said in a whispered voice, “Uhh Huhh, they are.”

“Are you a horny little girl this morning KC?” She asked. “Is your tight little pussy in need of a long thick doggy dick and a load of salty hot puppy cream?”

All I could do was nod. Ange giggled and took my arm. “Come on,” she said. “I have an idea that both you and I need the same thing before we start in that veg garden.”

“One dog just can’t satisfy me,” said Ange, feeling a need to explain. “You see, I think I am a nymphomaniac. I just can’t get enough fucking. I wore out three boyfriends last year. I fuck every chance I get. I like boys, men, girls, and I’m also fond of dogs. I could fuck a dozen of them a day.” “We certainly have enough dogs around here to satisfy your hot pussy,” said KC. “These dogs love to fuck. You’ll get your pussy filled with cum, don’t worry.” On appearances, Ange didn’t look like such a hot-fucking tigress — but what did KC know?

“I want 2 dogs together at the same time,” Ange declared. KC followed her cousin into the clearing of wooded area. Ange’s nice round ass shook with every step and nearly jiggled right out of her too-tight shorts. Her tits bounced playfully in her top. KC couldn’t wait to see the dogs fuck her hot little bitch cousin.

The clearing was quiet, cool, and pleasant. The dogs followed the girls into the open area.

Get naked,” Ange told KC as she removed her own shorts and halter. And in seconds, both women were standing stark naked in the clearing.

Ange turned her attention to two of the dogs. Already they were circling her, sniffing at her pussy and ass. She smiled as she cupped her tits in her hands and spread her legs wide.

The larger Lab was the boldest. He stuck his muzzle up between her thighs and began licking her pussy mound. His long wide tongue slithered up and down her pussy lips, brushing her thick pussy hairs this way and that and soaking them with spit. Ange gasped and then squealed, but kept her balance.

The other retriever looked for something to lick also, and chose the woman’s ass-crack. He snaked his thick tongue in between the round ass cheeks and forced them apart. Then he started licking up and down her ass-crack.

Ange stood there, licking her lips and fondling her own tits, while the dogs licked her at both ends. Shivers of delight raced through her. She began moving her hips in circles in order to capture more of the dogs’ tongues. At the same time, she squeezed her tits in her fists and flattened them. Her passion grew and grew, until she was groaning deliriously.

The large Lab worked his tongue up into the nympho’s pussy hole and licked her pussy walls thoroughly. He lapped up dripping pussy juices while spreading his own spit, making her fuck-tube very greasy.

The golden retriever licked her ass-crack loudly, his lapping tongue filling the air with lewd slurping noises. He knocked her ass cheeks up and down from side to side, until they quivered like gelatin. And all the time, he was torturing her asshole.

“OHHHH fuck!” Ange squealed, teetering. “I love it!”

The tongue in her pussy slithered round and round, reaming her fuck-hole. She cried out repeatedly, unable to withstand the pleasurable torture of bliss that was shooting through her loins.

Ange looked down and watched her little pussy twitching. She felt as though her pussy were alive. She could not even see the Lab’s tongue, it was buried so deep. But she certainly felt the dog’s hot tongue. It slithered along her greasy pussy walls, jolting her tender nerves mercilessly. She moved her hips faster, wanting to feel the tongue everywhere at once. But there were two tongues she had to deal with.

The retriever filled her ass-crack with his spit, until the spit began oozing down the backs of her thighs. His tongue blasted her puckered asshole again and again, jolting her hard. Ange teetered dangerously, but continued to move her hips in circles. The dog’s tongue-tip slipped through her ass ring time and again, tickling her sensitive anal opening. She loved the crazy sensations that started racing up her asshole, and so she squatted lower, hoping to feel more of them.

The dog tested her ass to the limit, but he was just unable to work much of his tongue inside her tight asshole. So he settled for what little he could get, reaming her anus with just his tongue-tip. It was still enough to make her woozy.

“UNNNNHHHH!” Ange cried. “Lick me, you dogs! Lick me hard!” She bounced her tits in her fists as her lust soared.

The dogs lapped up her pussy juices and cleaned out her two fuck-holes. In the process, they oiled her pussy and ass with their spit, and tantalized her sensitive nerves mercilessly. Soon her pussy lips and clit puffed up and became swollen as blood surged into this sensitive flesh. Her pussy began throbbing hotly.

“Oh, shiiiyyiit!” cried Ange, teetering dangerously. “I can’t stand up any longer. It’s time to fuck.” Quickly, she fell to her hands and knees and braced herself for the dogs’ attacks.

“Do it, you dogs. Fuck me!” “Shit!” KC said to herself. “Here we go again.” I spread my own legs wide and began rubbing my young pussy.

Ange waited for one of the dogs to mount her, but became puzzled when neither did so right away. She looked back over her shoulder for an answer, and saw that the animals’ dicks were not yet stiff. Though she was ready to fuck, the dogs apparently were not.

“Don’t worry, you dogs,” she said, turning around to face them. “I’ll get those dicks nice and hard in no time. Just a few hot sucks should do it.”

Ange, still on her knees, stuck her head under the Large Lab first and began flicking her tongue against the animal’s dick. She licked his pink dick tip hesitantly, just barely tasting his piss hole.

Her tongue danced along his dick, plucking at a drop of pre-cum that oozed from his dick. She sucked up the creamy morsel and found it very tasty. Then she went back for seconds.

Her tongue played with the tip of the dog’s dick for several seconds, delving for more pre-cum. She jolted the animal’s nerves again and again, and soon the animal was whining and licking his lips. After calming the dog with her gentle hands, she decided it was time to get serious.

Ange opened her mouth wide and wrapped her greedy lips around the dog’s dick. Then she immediately moved her lips down his dick shaft, enveloping his knot, all the way to his hairy balls. She gobbled up his dick in no time, making it disappear deep within her mouth.

“Mmmmffff!” she mumbled, her mouth stuffed with hot doggie dick. Her tits hung down heavily as she leaned under the dog and sucked his dick. She bobbed her head back and forth, gobbling on his dick greedily. She sucked his dick deep down her throat, spit it halfway out, and then swallowed it again.

Ange’s clinging lips massaged the entire length of the animal’s dick shaft, from his hairy balls to his greasy dick head and back again. She excited every bump and every vein, until the bumps began tingling and the veins began gushing with boiling blood. The dick grew fatter and redder, and soon was throbbing against the roof of her mouth. But she wasn’t quite satisfied. Ange wanted this Large Lab’s dick as hard and as big as she could get it. So she pumped some more, working her wet lips up and down his mighty dick shaft with blinding speed. Spit oozed from the corners of her mouth and dripped onto her tits. Cum trickled down her throat.

The dog’s dick head speared the back of Ange’s throat, drove her cheeks outward, and caressed the roof of her mouth. She choked and gagged repeatedly, but never stopped sucking. She knew that the dick would be plenty big enough to fuck before long. With bugged-out eyes and puffed-up lips, Ange sucked on the dog’s dick. She greased his dick down with her spit and made it all shiny. She stroked the dick with her clinging lips and made the fucker swell up to a gigantic size. When she finally spit this wonderful pussy-stabber out of her mouth, she knew that it was ripe for fucking.

Her pussy clenched expectantly as she wriggled around on her hands and knees and got into position. Once more she called to the animal, and this time the Large Lab mounted her right away and seized her slim waist between his forelegs. Shivers raced up Ange’s spine, and she began squealing loudly, knowing she was about to be fucked by this huge dog.

She braced herself well as the animal’s weight bore down upon her. His thick belly hairs caressed her soft ass, and his sharp claws scratched her thighs. More shivers rocked her body. She groaned loudly. Then she shrieked when she finally felt his dick poking into her pussy crack.

The animal went wild when he felt the woman’s pussy lips closing in on his dick. Instinctively, he drove his dick forward and pierced her fuck-hole.

“Iiiiieeee!” Ange screamed, throwing back her head. “Oh, shit! What a dick he has!” She spread her thighs wider to make room for the enormous pussy-stabber.

The Large Lab lunged forward once more and fucked his big dick still deeper. He forced apart her clinging pussy walls and jarred the shit out of her senses, so that she screamed again.

In one more fuck-lunge, the dog sank his knot past the muscle ring at the entry of Ange’s pussy. His huge balls slapped against her swollen pussy lips. He stood there on his hind legs, holding the brunette close to him, enjoying her hot, tight pussy. His tongue hung limply from his panting mouth and saliva drooled onto her back. His eyes blinked sleepily. His hot breath exploded from his mouth in heavy bursts. He rested for a second longer, then began fucking the bitch.

“Ohhhh!” cried Ange, her face strained as waves of bliss swept through her pussy. “He’s going to fuck the shit out of me!”

Holding Ange’s waist tight, the animal humped hard and fast, fucking his big fat dick up and down her pussy tube with enough force to rock her body back and forth. Ange went along for the ride, moaning and gasping with each hard fuck-thrust.

The animal’s dick spread her pussy walls from every direction, driving them this way and that, and smearing them with pre-cum. His balls hammered the backs of her thighs so hard Ange cringed at the sound of the nasty flesh-slapping noises that filled the air.

The friction inside her pussy was intense. She slobbered deliriously with each thrust of this huge dog dick. It was as if someone were using a wedge to split her pussy open down the middle. She began pumping her pussy muscles on the hard-driving dick in a vain effort to control the fucker.

The Large Lab fucked right through her clinging pussy muscles. He jarred her whole body as he did so. In fact, he began humping her across the earth of the clearing. His dick acted like a pile-driver.

Ange crawled along in front of him, unable to stop. His vicious fuck-thrusts sent tremors racing through her body. The huge dick took away her breath and made her pussy throb crazily. She groaned deeply, her mind spinning, her pussy juices swirling.

Soon pussy juices began oozing down her pussy. The dog’s hard-fucking dick quickly turned the fuck juices into a buttery froth that coated his dick shaft and her pussy lips and pussy hairs. The dog kept fucking, spraying the froth all over Ange’s inner thighs and ass.

“Ohhhh!” she cried, biting her lower lip and shaking her head. “I can’t take much more of this. He’s making me CUMMM!”

The dog drove his dick into every crack and crevice of her sopping pussy hole. His balls turned her pussy lips red and made them swell up and throb. His dick root jolted her aching clit and caused the fuck-knob to throb.

“OHHHH!” she cried at last. “That’s it! I’m ccumming!” She started shaking spasmodically as her orgasm took complete control of her mind. “Heeeelp! I’m cumming!”

Her pussy juices then erupted and flooded the animal’s big dick. The sudden flow of steaming fuck-juices onto the dog’s dick caused him to suddenly go into an orgasmic fit of his own. He humped out of control, his hind paws leaving the floor again and again. He put all of his weight onto her pussy, and then he came and blasted her pussy hole with his steamy white cum.

“UNNNHHH!” squealed Ange when she felt the onrush of doggie cum. “Oooooh!”

The dog humped and Ange pumped until the animal’s dick was spent. Then Ange released her pussy grip. The dog was suspended on her back as his dick and knot began to shrink. After some minutes the dog hopped down off her and went across the clearing to lie down and rest.

“Bravo,” said KC, still rubbing her own pussy. “That was a good fuck. I almost came just from watching you two.”

“Yes, well, keep watching,” said Ange. “I’m not through yet.” She then called over the golden retriever and began to play with his balls. “A hand-job should stiffen up that dick.”

Ange cupped the dog’s hairy balls in her palm and bounced them around. She kept squeezing and massaging his balls, determined to arouse the cum in them. From his balls, her hand moved up his dick shaft, slowly and gently. She used all five fingers to caress his dick. It was like stroking velvet, she decided.

Then she wrapped her fingers around the dick and began to move her fist up and down, slowly. She jerked on the dick again and again, stretching it outwards. The dog started whining and shuffling his feet, but Ange calmed him down with a few gentle words in his ear.

Meanwhile, her fist continued to move up and down the full length of the dog’s dick shaft. She massaged the dog’s dick veins and dick ridges thoroughly, moving her palm up and over each one. Soon boiling blood began to flow through the many dick veins, and the dick swelled up and began to throb.

“You’re almost there,” she said, grinning excitedly. “Just a few more strokes and you’ll be ready to shove that big dick into my wet pussy hole. I’ll bet you can’t wait, can you?”

She started moving her hand faster, jerking it from his balls to his dick head and back again with amazing speed. By degrees, his long pink dick slithered out of its hairy bag to wet her palm and fingers, and excite her even more. “Mmmmm!” she moaned, resisting the temptation to lick her fingers. She knew that that would allow the dog’s dick time to cool off.

She kept jerking him off, her fist stretching his dick again and again. Soon most of his dick was jutting out of its hairy bag. Instead of feeling tickling hairs, she felt greasy dick meat sliding through her fist.

She continued her hand-job until the dick was rock hard and very long. Then she released the dick, confident that it would remain stiff for a long time, or at least long enough to make her come again. She took the time now to lick her fingers clean, and then got ready to fuck the dog.

The dog mounted her from behind as soon as she got on her hands and knees. His urgency was obvious. He seized her slim waist between his forelegs, then began humping furiously, driving his big pointed dick into her pussy crack. She squealed and gasped as she braced herself for the animal’s attack.

“Fuck me!” she cried, licking her lips. “Slam that big pink dick into my pussy!”

The dog did just that. His dick slipped up into her fuck-hole easily, for her pussy tube had already been greased by the Large Lab’s pre-cum. His big dick forced her pussy walls wide as the fucker slid balls-deep.

“Eeeee!” she squealed, shaking her head and arching her back. “I love it! Fuck me hard!”

The retriever tried to fuck her harder. He humped into her with what seemed like all his strength. His dick speared her pussy walls in a dozen or more different places, driving them every which way. His dick’s knot scraped against her clit and drove her crazy. His hairy balls hammered her pussy lips and the backs of her thighs. Ange just groaned and sighed and did her best to cope with the hard pounding.

The animal whined and yipped as he fucked, so great was the heat inside the woman’s pussy. Soon spit began dripping from his panting tongue and falling down upon her back.

Ange shivered hard from the fucking. She had to deal with the dog’s hard-fucking dick and his hot breath and spit. And she also had to put up with the nerve-racking caresses of his soft belly hairs on her smooth ass.

“UHHHH!” she squealed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “I’m on fire.”

She pumped her pussy muscles against the big dick and stroked every inch of its shaft as it fucked in and out of her pussy. The friction sent wave after wave of hot bliss rolling through her body, all the way to her brain. She cried out loudly, but kept up the pussy pumping. Her heavy tits swung back and forth like pendulums, and her ass shook. But she braced herself with her hands and knees and took the animal’s hard fuck-thrusts. She knew that she would soon come.

Her whole body began to rock back and forth as the dog fucked harder and harder. She could hear him panting and she could feel his hot breath on her back. She could feel the sting of his dick, and hear the filthy flesh-slapping noises. The dog was about to come, too.

“Aaagh!” she cried at last. “I feel your cum! Now feel mine!” KC watched in awe as her cousin squirted for the second time in an hour.

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