Women with Animals

Hope And Rosie


Part One

The week before Halloween, I am driving from Dallas back to my home. I had to pee; and I mean PEE! I stopped in a TA truck stop. Ran to the ladies, and pissed a stream that would have made a horse envious. Coming out of the ladies, I see these 2 girls standing inside the door of the restaurant. They are talking low, and I can see that they seem to be scanning the menu above the counter.

Quickly, I figure they are runners and they are broke. I walk over, take each one by the arm and lead them to a booth. Telling them to sit, I tell them to order what they want. I took both of the by surprise, but they had sense enough to figure a free meal was a free meal.

I had placed them on one side of the booth and I sat on the other side. I looked at them and told them flat out, “I know you 2 are runners. I know you are barely of age. I know you are in here to eat and get a ride from a trucker. I know that one or both of you will trade some pussy for a ride and some more meals. What I don’t know is where you intend to run to and not be found?”

There eyes and mouths opened and closed like 2 fish out of water. One started to speak, and I cut her off quick. “Don’t lie to me Bitch,” I told her. “I will call John Law right now, and you 2 can spend the next few days in lockup!”

She closed her mouth and I started with the questions.

“What are your names and how old are you?”

“My name is Hope and I am 18.” The other one said,
“Mine is Rosita, and I am 18, but people call me Rosie.”

“When did you run, from where did you run and why did you run?”

Rosie, who is Hispanic (Tex-Mex) spoke for both. The girl name Hope is a true white girl, skinny, but really pretty. Small tits, but they are noticeable, long legs like a colt, with a nice bubble butt, sort of dirty blonde hair, and she had really pretty blue-gray eyes. She wore a pair of tight jeans and you could see the slightest camel toe.

Rosie is pure Mex; big round tits, full ass, chunky tummy and thighs, nice red full lips and big brown eyes. Full figured girl. She was also dressed in tight jeans with a pull over top and a jacket. Hope had a log sleeve shirt and a sweater. They had a small gym type bag they shared.

Rosie offered the following explanation, “We left yesterday from Ponca City, Okla. We want to go to Florida. I left because I am the oldest of 7 kids and I a being worked like a slave. Hope is my best friend. Her mom is dating this guy, but the guy’s brother lives with them in her mom’s house. The brother of her Mom’s boyfriend is trying to do her, and Hope’s Mom’s boy friend keeps telling her to give his brother a piece. We both want to get out and get away. We don’t have a life in Ponca City.”

We talked more, and I asked about school, how far had they gotten in school, who among their friends knew they were running, how did they get from Ponca City to south of Dallas, and if they left yesterday, where did they sleep the night?

Both were being home schooled (not uncommon). Claimed they had told no one, and they had left about 1 in the afternoon the day before. Hope told her Mom she was staying a Rosie’s and Rosie told her mom she was staying at Hope’s. They figured that would buy them until dark today (meaning the day I found them) before any alarm was raised. They had hoped to be a long way away before any alarm was raised.

But travel was harder than they thought and more expensive. They stayed the previous night in a road side park near Sherman, TX. Rosie said they got a ride real quick out of PC, but the driver wasn’t going very far and they got stranded on a state road. She said it took them a long time to catch another ride, and that one ended in Sherman. Hope saw the sign on the road saying rest area, and they got out there.

Early this morning, they got some directions to I-45 and walked from the rest area to the state highway. They said it took them almost all morning to walk the distance. They got a ride once at the state highway and they managed to get to the interstate. Once there they got a ride quickly, but only to inner Dallas. The got another ride from a couple of teen boys, and the boys dropped them at the truck stop after both Hope and Rosie refused to give the boys some pussy.

It was now about 4 in the afternoon. I told them I was divorced, and owned 2 antique shops. I said I would give them a ride to my house where they could stay the night. In the morning, I would drive them to San Antonio, on Interstate 10 and see about getting them a bus to Florida.

Both of them looked so relieved. They had been concerned they would be stranded in the truck stop and they had no money. I told them that the Holiday time was approaching and I could always use extra help in the shops. I said they could work and earn some money for their trip, and start for FL in early January. I said, I might decide to go to FL then, because I had friends there, and Jan. would be slow time for the shops. I told them to think about it while we drove to the house.

I stopped at both shops so the girls could see the business and the quality of the merchandise we sold. Hope was impressed. Rosie was more street smart still a little skeptical toward my offer.

When we got to house, I showed them the layout and an extra bed room. I pointed out that bed was king, but intimated they would have to share the bed because the other bedroom had been converted to an office. (Not exactly accurate, as the house has 4 bedrooms and a 5th in the basement apartment. One was converted to an office, but we had 2 empty spares upstairs and 1 empty spare in the basement.

I got each of them a frozen margarita, and we sat in the den just chatting. I told them about the shops and how I operated. They asked about pay. I told them I would pay them $8 per hour or a 24% commission on all they sold. Either way was OK by me. I said I would pay them in cash. No taxes would be withheld, and they could stay with me at the house which would save them living costs.

I got up and got each of them a second Margarita. I suggested we all get in the hot tub and relax. After that, I would fix us some supper and we could plan for them to move on to san Antonia and I-10 the next day or they could stay for a while and earn some money. Their choice!

I told them they would have to sleep together as I did not have any twin beds in the house. They giggled and said they had slept in the same bed many times in the past. During the tour of the house, I made sure they saw the sex figurines and sex paintings I have. I heard them whisper, but I did not push things. Hope was becoming tipsy as hell, but Rosie seemed to have some tolerance for alcohol.

I lead them outside to the hot tub. I striped in the change house, and suggested they do the same. They both had an uneasy look, so I turned away. I commented we were all girls here and no one had something the others of us had not seen before. A bit reluctantly they both striped. I had them both nude and led them to the hot tub. Removing the cover, the steam rose from the clear jetting water.

I got in and gave each girl a hand in getting in the tub. I positioned each of them over a water jet, and I was on the bench seat working the jet stream controls. I would alter the flow between hard and strong to soft and fluttery. I had to guess what would work best on each girl, and I guessed that Rosie being Tex-Mex with a load of siblings as well as probably other relatives living in the same house, would be more receptive to rough while Hope, (she seemed shy and reserved) would respond to soft and fluttery more than hard and strong, although I did give Hope a quick blast of hard and strong once in a while and Rosie got a soft and fluttery once in a while.

Twice I got out and refilled their Margarita’s from the pitcher. Hope was falling down drunk, (which is what I wanted) while Rosie was only pleasantly tipsy. I watched as Hope responded to the water jets and soon she began to slip deeper into the water. I did not want her to cum, but I wanted her to feel really good.

I told Rosie, “I need to get her out of here before she drowns, and no doubt she is exhausted and requires some rest.” I set Rosie’s water jet to full blast and she let out the muffled moan, and although it was becoming dark, I saw her spread her legs wider to allow the water jet to sluice right through her slit and hit her clit from the backside (as though the water stream was a dick fucking her doggy style).

I got up placed my arms under Hope’s arms (making sure our tits rubbed together) and lifted her to her feet. I looked at Rosie and said, “She is so cute and adorable. I could just eat her up!” Rosie smiled and said, “She taste good too”. I pretended not to hear her as I helped Hope stumble and wade to the edge of the tub. I got her seated on the edge and I got out and then helped her swing her legs over the side. I let her sit on the edge while I got a big towel and draped it around her.

I told Rosie that I would get Hope into the guest room that I showed them earlier. I told her to sit and enjoy the water and her Margarita. She nodded her head and I got Hope to her feet with my left arm under her right arm and around her back. My right hand and arm were placed at her tummy to hold her upright while we walked to the house. Of course, because she had the towel around her and shielding my right arm and hand, Rosie could not see, as I massage Hope’s budding tits, and pinched and rolled her rock hard nipples.

I pretended that Hope was staggering, so that I could steer her toward the dog run. I was still within hearing range of Rosie, so I said, “easy Hope. You need to take small steps babe. That way you won’t stumble and we both fall.” I could fall on you and maybe cause a broken arm, on you or me. We have to take it slow and easy.” Hope mumbled something slightly incoherent, “ca dooa masef. Doan nee hep.”

As we slowly plodded farther away from the hot tub, yet in the general direction of the house, I had Hope in front of the dog run. All four of the boys were at the fence or the gate whining and wagging their tails like crazy. No dick peeking from a sheath, but knowing the boys, once I got Hope near the fence and they got a whiff of her aromatic pussy which was aroused from the water jets, pink doggy dick would come peeking out.

I continued to pinch and pull Hope’s stiff nipples. “You like how I pinch your hard nipples little hot pussy baby?” I asked her.

“AHHH HAA,” she would half moan-half mutter.

“Come on then, little hot creamy cunt. Come closer to the doggy run. Let Mommy’s boys have a whiff of your hot wet 18 year old pussy. I know your scent will drive them wild. And baby, you are going to give Mommy’s boys some sweet pussy aren’t you?”

“Doane no. Neva tride. Souns bad and peverred, ya no.”

“Oh no sweet angel girl, it isn’t bad or perverted. I know you have had some dick in your pussy. You have had dick haven’t you?”

“Yeah, but ona guy, not a dog.”

“Sweet Hope,” I said softly. “You have never really cum until you cum on a dog dick or a lesbian fist. It doesn’t matter if it is a lesbian fist with knuckles scraping over your G-spot, or a huge dog dick knot pulling and pushing against your G-spot, your orgasm will start deep in your pussy and tummy and come roaring out of your hot wet pussy like a freight train coming out of the Eisenhower tunnel.”

Drunkenly, Hope giggled and mumbled something like, “sounds great. Maybe I should think about it.”

I smiled at her and said, “Oh no thinking required little bitch. You are going to fuck 3 of the 4 boys here at the fence. They need some new pussy and you and your hot Latina friend Rosie, surely need some dick. Look at Rosie in the spa. Her legs are spread as wide as she can get them. She has her fine phat Tex-Mex ass in the air and her head almost fully face down in the water. That water jet is gushing through her slit and against the backside of her clit with such force, she would scream about cumming if we were not here. She is embarrassed for us to hear her.”

Hope giggled again and mumbled, “she can make some noise when she cums. Thas for sure.”

I turned Hope toward the house door and shot a quick glance at Rosie. She was shaking her ass and she had her head down. She was no more looking at Hope and I than she was flying an airplane. Her ass and pussy were moving round and round in huge circles. She got her pussy in the best positions to be sluiced by the water jet.

I pulled Hope’s nipples really hard and she moaned. I told her again, “you and Rosie are going to whore for my boys, They need some fresh pussy and you two are the fresh pussy. No need to argue, cause it is going to go down. You might as well be up for it.”

Hope giggled again, and said, “Maybe.”

I pinched and pulled her nipple really hard and she gasped.

“What was that?” I asked her.

Small tears came to her eyes, and she nodded her head and said, “OK. I can give one of them some pussy.”

“Now, that’s better. You are such a Good Girl. And darling believe me, you will fall in love with puppy dick and puppy cum.”


Part Two

The dogs went crazy, yipping, barking and whimpering as I led the fine hot aromatic pussy girl Hope away from the dog run. Just as I was to turn her away and toward the house, both RD, and Oscar (my new 2 year old Mastiff-Dane mix) had a nice length of thick pink dog dick emerging from their hairy sheathes.

“Look Hope baby,” I cooed in her ear before turning her completely. “Look how the boys react to your beauty and your super hot pussy. Oh Baby Slut Girl, you are such a turn on to them. You can’t be cruel and deny them. You have to give them some of your hot sweet pussy. Just trust Mama Darling. You will love their dick.

Hope there is nothing in the world like the feeling of a huge alpha male dog grabbing you around the hips with his front forelegs and pulling your hot ass and pussy to him. You think men can signal you how much they want you or how much they desire you? Bullshit, all the words in world cannot equal the feeling you have when that big dick dog pulls you to him.

The strongest and most possessive signal that you belong to a male is when that big dog pulls your hot pussy to him. He nips at your neck or slavers his long rough tongue over your back and neck as his huge dick searches for the hot wet recesses of your sweet pussy. Sometimes he whimpers; sometimes he growls slightly; but more often than not, he nips at your neck with love bites or bathes your back and neck with his tongue.

I tell you, when you have all your senses about you and you feel those nips or licks, your will tilt your hot ass and pussy up and put your head and shoulders down so your ‘man’ can take that pussy they way he wants to take it. And baby pussy girl, an alpha male dog’s way is rough and hard. When the stiff hairs of his sheath prick your vulva and thighs as he gets an inch or 2 or 3 of hard dick in you; you will swoon with mini cums!”

Hope swooned in my arms. She gurgled and slurred, “Souns wonnerful. Does it hurt? Ima lil girl ya no. My pussy ish tite. Doane wan no pane.”

“Sweet baby Hope,” I replied, don’t worry. After on of the boys eats you out with his tongue your little pussy will so ready for his dick you will beg for it. And Honey, pussies are made to stretch. You will love the feeling of your hot cunt stretching and opening to take his big dick. When he gets his knot buried in your pussy and you clamp those Kagel muscles behind his knot trapping his dick in you, he will start to pump hard but short strokes. The tip of his dick will pierce your cervix and cause just a momentary discomfort. His dick will lodge at the entry to your womb as he prepares to shoot streams and streams of hot cum into you.

As he pushes and pulls his big dick in your pussy, his knot will place pressure and drag of your G spot. Girl you will have the most, the longest, and the most intense orgasms you shall ever experience. Your pussy will be forever doggy pussy. You will be a true Bitch Hope, and nothing will satisfy you ever again like doggy dick.”

“Caan wate to tri it. Mase me cited. Pussy drippin’ now. You gonna brin 1 in wif me?”

“Not right now Sweet Hope. I want you a little more sober so the intensity and passion of the occasion can fully seduce you to the dog dick side of sex. You need some rest and sleep right now. Plus, I think Rosie is about ready for a good fucking. Her hot Latina pussy is drinking that water jet like a camel does when he supercharges his innards.”
Hope giggled again and slurred, “Rosie always firss. Got firss dick; got tiss firss; always firss. She gonna love it, cuz Rosie love big dick. Hee hee hee.”

I got hope into the bedroom and dried her completely. I had gathered a silk pajama top as we passed my bedroom, and I got Hope into it, got it buttoned, and got her in bed. She was snoring in seconds as her head hit the pillow. The stress and strain of the day, combined with the alcohol (although they had a meal at the truck stop) made a sedative that knocked Hope out for the night.

This entire process of getting Hope out of the spa, past the dog run, into the house and into bed took about 7 minutes. (If your pussy is tied regularly with dog dick, trust me, you get an internal clock in your head that is more accurate than the uranium super nuclear world clock.) I had left the water jet on Rosie’s pussy on high. I had no doubt that she had at least one nice cum in the couple of minutes I was inside with Hope.

I went back outside, and Rosie had shifted positions to Hope’s place. That jet was the soft and fluttery one. I walked to the side of the tub and took Rosie’s Margarita glass and poured the last of the pitcher into it. I took it to Rosie as I re-entered the hot tub. I moved to Rosie handing her the glass and forcing her to move back to the hard water jet. I grinned as I sat down.

Smiling as I looked at Rosie, I said, “Did the water jet work your fat wet pussy and give you a good cum baby?”

Rosie looked at me blankly for a sec, and lowered her head and whispered, “Sorry. Sometimes I get kinda loud when I cum. I was hoping you did not hear me. You must think I am some pervert or some kind of slut?”

I reached over and patted Rosie’s cheek. I said, “Of course not babe. And we did not hear you, although Hope did mention you get loud when you cum. How would she know something like that? Hmmm? And I have sat in this spa many a time over the 11-12 years I have had it, and I promise you, I know how good that water jet feels on your pussy and clit.”

Rosie blushed and kept her head lowered. I dropped my hand from her cheek to her shoulder. She shot me a quick glance and looked down again. I smiled more and said, “You are a really pretty girl Rosie. And you are built like a brick shit house. You could stand to lose a few pounds sure, but you look fantastic as you are.”

“Thank you,” Rosie replied. “I always battle my weight and waist. I like to eat, and while I don’t eat a lot of junk or sweets, I like fresh fruit and I like carbs. Everything I eat seems to go from my tits to my ass and hips and in between. I envy that fucking bitch Hope so much. She can eat all day and all night for a month and not gain a fucking ounce.”

I laughed and said, “She has her problems believe me. I am right at 6’ tall and weigh 136 lbs. You look at me and while my tits are 36C, they seem like little ‘A’ cup apples on me. My hips are 35 and I look like a boy. I have a long waist, so it seems like I have no figure at all even though I have a nice full and curved ass. Hope is the same, and while the dietary/metabolism thing is great for weight control, buying clothes that fit or attracting others is hard to do for girls like she and I.

You on the other hand, have a very short waist, so you have a great figure. With your full tits and bubble butt ass, even though you are shorter than Hope, you attract others like honey attracts flies. Hope mentioned that you were the first to have tits, first to have a BF, and first to get fucked. That is easy to see and understand once a person gets the chance to see you naked.”

I dropped my hand from Rosie’s should to her tit and squeezed it. She moaned a bit, and her hand came up to grab mine and move it.

“Ahh-Ahh Bitch”, I cooed. You be a good girl. I asked you a question and you ignored me. I don’t like that attitude in anyone, particularly a young little whore like you.” As I spoke, I squeezed Rosie’s tit even harder. She moaned louder this time. My fingers found her hard nipple and I pulled it and gave it a little twist. Rosie gasped.

“How would Hope know that you make a lot of noise when you cum? Huh Rosie? How would little shy Hope know that fact about you? And then you confirm you make a lot noise when I came back out and into the spa! You and hot pussy Hope been finger fucking each other, huh Rosie? Is that it? You been dining at Sweet Hope’s ‘Y’ twat and she is enjoying pink tacos at yours? Come on little Latina whore girl, tell Mama everything.”
As I spoke, I continuously massaged Rosie’s full tit and pulled at her nipple. She was squirming on the seat and I knew she was maneuvering so the water jet hit her pussy and clit exactly where it would give her the most pleasure. The hot little bitch was angling for another hard cum.

I took my other hand and clenched both of Rosie’s nipples in my fingers. I pulled her nipples out from her chest as far as I could and twisted them. “Don’t you dare cum, you slut whore! You will cum when I give you permission to cum! Do you understand me slut? Comprende?”

“Si, Si mamacita. Muay comprende,” Rosie responded softly.

I released my clasp on Rosie’s nipples, but continued to massage her tits. I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. She made mo move to respond, but I knew that her brain was trying to process all that had happened in the last couple of minutes. I softly dipped my tongue along Rosie’s lips until she opened her mouth slightly. I kissed her softly, barely scraping her white teeth with my tongue. Rosie opened her mouth more and we evolved into a long passionate kiss. I could hear her moans as my hands worked her firm tits and long hard nipples.

I broke the kiss and looked at Rosie. She blushed even more and looked downward. “Don’t worry baby,” I whispered. “I like girls. I like guys as people too, but sexually I just don’t like the baggage they bring to the party. I party with a different type of male. You will see shortly what I mean. Comprende?

Si, si. Rosie answered.

I took one hand from her tit and placed it under her chin. I lifted her chin until her head was straight and she could look me in the eye.

“Don’t fucking lie,” I ordered her. She shook her head to indicate she would not.

“I have a bench that I put in this tub. You can get on your hands and knees on this bench and back that hot sweet Mex pussy right back on to that water jet. That hard blast of water will work your hot pussy until it lathers like Dawn sudsy dish washing liquid. I know you want to cum and you want to cum bad. I think you are a girl that has loads and loads of cum in you. You are a regular pussy cum machine.

You want Mommie to get that bench and fix it for you? Huh Rosie slut? You want Mommie to arrange you on the bench and open your hot pussy for that wonderful blast of water on your clit? Is that what you want little whore girl? Tell Mommie what you want Bitch.

And if I fix the bench for you little hot pussy whore, are you going to tell Mommie everything? And I mean everything. I slapped Rosie’s tit 2 or 3 times as I repeated ‘and I mean everything’?”

“Oh Yes Mami. Please, please get the bench. I need to cum so badly. I will tell you all you want to know. I promise Mami, Only please let me cum, I need it. I need it really bad.” Rosie was pleading, almost sobbing. I grinned and dropped my hands from her tits and rose to get the bench that was adjacent to the spa.


Part Three

Rosie was panting as though she had run a long race. Her hips were undulating in the water. I got out of the spa and walked to the opposite side from which we were seated. I got the sturdy plastic bench and placed it in the spa. I could hear Rosie go, “UUUUUOOOOHH,” as I lowered the bench into the water. As she started to move to the bench, I pointed my finger at her, “Stay still, Bitch! I have not given you permission to move.”

Rosie remained in her place. I re-entered the spa. Grabbing the bench, I turned it in the water such that it bi-sected the length of the oval floor. I told Rosie to move to her right slightly and to position her smoking hot pussy over the soft and fluttery water jet. She did exactly as I asked, and when she was out of the way, I adjusted the bench alignment by placing my hand in front of the hard water jet.

The bench was positioned such that Rosie could get her knees on the bench eat and spread her legs as wide as she liked. She could rest her hands forward on the seat opposite from where she had been seated. By scooting her ass and pussy down into the water, she would raise her head out of the water. There were 2 jets at this seat. One jet for a person’s upper spine and neck and one for their lower back. The upper jet oscillated vertically along the spine, while the lower jet oscillated horizontally across the lumbar region.

Remembering something Hope had said I got up and out of the spa. I instructed Rosie to remain in place and ordered her NOT TO CUM. I dashed into the house to the playroom. Opening a cabinet, I got a nice 10” rubber dildo that was about 3” in diameter. This one did not have a suction cup at the base. It was long, thick and straight. Wrapping the rubber dick in a dish towel, I scurried back outside to the spa.

Entering the water, I sat up on the top rim edge and not on a seat. I placed the wrapped dish towel beside me. I spread my legs slightly. I told Rosie to sit in my lap with her legs hooked over mine leaning back so she could support her self with her hands on the bench. I brought my legs closer together such that I formed a bridge under Rosie’s back thus taking most of the weight and strain off her hands and arms.

In the position, the upper jet oscillating vertically ran up and down Rosie’s swollen labia and slit. I closed the flow valve to the lower jet, redirecting the entire water stream to the upper jet thus increasing its velocity (force) by passing more volume through a smaller orifice. Rosie was lying along the length of my thighs with her pussy lowered in the water. The jet was like a laser cutting through steel plate as the water sluiced through Rosie’s sweet pussy. Her soft silken pubic hair wafted eerily in the water. Seeing her pussy hair wave like that reminded me of a descriptive scene written by John D. MacDonald in his novel “Darker Than Amber”.

As Rosie leaned back on my thighs, her tits rose out of the water. I slapped her right tit sharply. Rosie gasped looking at me. I slapped both tits, first the right then the left. WHAP-WHAP. The sharp slap sound was amplified by the wetness from the water droplets on Rosie’s tits. WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP, I slapped her tits again and again. Rosie was mumbling and hunching her ass in the water. She moved along my thing muscles bringing her pussy closer then farther from the water jet. Her tanned tits were becoming red. WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP, my hand slapped each tit. The sound of a sharp intake of breath came form Rosie’s mouth, “EEESSSHHHH”, was the sound.

Rosie’s nipples were aroused, long and thick. They had to be over an inch long and thicker than my pinkie finger. I pulled on each one. Gently at first, then harder until I was pulling each nipple farther out from her chest. Rosie was moving her pussy and ass faster and faster in the water. I slapped her face this time and twisted her nipple harshly. “Don’t you dare cum you little whore,” I said as I pulled her nipple again.

Rosie was moaning incoherently in Spanish. I slapped her face again and commanded, “English Bitch. You aren’t with a bunch of your esse homies.” I slapped Rosie’s tits again. I allowed my left hand to fall to her mound. I rotated my hand so my thumb was pointed downward toward the water surface. I pulled Rosie’s pubic hair softly between my first and middle finger. I pressed my thumb against the flesh at the top of her clit and made slow circles over the top of that rigid shaft as I pulled her pussy hair harder and harder.

“You and Hope been fucking each other,” I asked?
“Uh, huh. She like it. Me too.” Rosie answered.

I curved my thumb and slipped the first joint of it into her hot wet pussy. Rosie sighed deeply and I dragged my thumb over her clit to enter her pussy.

“How long you been fucking girl,” I queried?
“About 5 years. My cousin do me first time one weekend when our parents was gone to a funeral.”
Rosie gasped ad I removed my thumb and started massaging her clit. I pressed down over her button and shaft, making small and then larger back to small circles over her orgasmic sensory command switch.

“Who takes charge when you and Hope fuck?”
“Mostly me Mami. Hope like it when someone do thinking for her. No pressure she say.”

“How many fingers do you make Hope take in her pussy when you fuck her?”

Rosie giggled and then moaned long and loud as I replaced my left hand with my right and slid 3 fingers in her hot cunt while my thumb spread her labia to make a frontal assault on her clit. Rosie was silent for moment. I realized that she was nearing orgasm again, and removing my fingers I slapped her tits again before really pinching her clit hard.

“I make her take 3 always, sometimes more. Dapens. See, Hope doane like to suck dick, but she love dick and thins in her pussy and her ass. She got a hot ass. For a skinny gringa, Hope gotta pussy like a cave. When she open up, her pussy can swallow the most amazin’ thins. Me and Hope been doin’ each odder for a few years now.

And she never fuck much wif boys. Maybe only 8-10 times wif boys, and mostly wif my cousin an his dick ess poquito. After Hope fin out I fucking, she want to fuck. Cuz she skinny ginga, most boys doane wan to do her. But my cousin, he gotta crush on her. So, I make a date wif Hope and my cousin and tell her that my cousin is really nice guy and maybe she let him do her. She did, but she say she no get a lot out of it. She say my fingers give her more. I laff an tell her my cousin is like Vienna sausage, not like chorizo. Hope laff too and say ess verdad.”

I muffled an explosive laugh, and renewed my efforts at finger fucking Rosie. I tried to slip my pinkie to her asshole; however Rosie clinched and asked meekly, “please Mami, not in my ass. I doane like it too much there. My mouth and my pussy OK for anything, but my ass, I never like too much there.”

I looked at Rosie and with a harsh hiss I said, “Listen to me Bitch. If I say you get it in the ass, you better spread those fat fucking cheeks. Your fucking do what you are told to do, when you are told to do, and where you are told to do it. If that means fucking a gorilla at high noon in the town square, that is what the fuck you will do. Is this clear to you whore slut? COMPRENDE!

As I spoke, I drove my fingers harder and faster in and out of Rosie’s pussy. I was pounding her as hard as I could. Although she was grunting like a little pig, she was rocking her pussy and ass in time to my hand and fingers. She definitely wasn’t lying about liking things in her cunt. And fuck she was as wet as the misting spray at Niagara Falls.

“OHHH Si, si, si Mami. I unnerstan good. Thas is so good the way you finger fuck my pussy. OHHH shit, I gonna cum Mami.” Rosie was wailing like a little Irish banshee.

I removed my fingers from her pussy and again commanded her not to cum. Helping her up from the bench; I told Rosie that she had to earn her cummings. I said, as yet, she had not earned anything except a place to sleep and a breakfast. I told her she had better prove to me that she was worthy of my investment of time and currency that I was going to make in her.

I swiveled my butt on the edge of the spa and hopped down to the deck. I had Rosie’s hand helping her to the steps and out of the spa. I walked to a chair with arms on it that was a part of an outdoor table and chair set piece. I flopped in the chair, scooting my butt forward to the edge. I draped my legs over the arms of the chair and patted my bare pussy.

“Come service Mami, Baby,” I cooed to Rosie. “Come prove to Mami that you love pussy as much as you love dick. If you are good little bitch pussy licker, I might give that hungry starving pussy of your some dick. Does Mami’s little Mex whore want some dick? Tell me baby, does your hot wet pussy need some big dick?”

“Oh yes Mami,” Rosie squealed. My pussy needs some big dick really bad. I need to cum Mami. My tummy and pussy actually ache waitin for me to cum. I never go this long wifout cumming at least once or twice. I want a big dick sooo bad. Please fuck my hot little pussy for me. I beg you Mami. I beg you. FUCK ME SILLY. FUCK ME SENSELESS.”

Becoming very dizzy, Rosie slid to her knees between my legs. Licking her lips and staring in anticipation, she watched as I spread my legs wider. Impulsively and without even realizing what she was doing, Rosie leaned forward and planted a moist, excited kiss on the lips of my pussy. Her tongue came out automatically and she began rolling it over my clit. “I love it, Mami,” Rosie said in an excited voice. ”I know little Latina whore girl. I knew you were a superb pussy eater when I saw you at the truck stop. Something told me you like pussy as much as you like dick.” I said as I Mami sat with my eyes fastened intently on her. “I want to suck your juices Mami,” she said. Forming her pretty mouth into a pursed pair of lips, Rosie took a deep breath and slowly lowered her mouth over my pussy. She could sense my pleased reaction to her warm, wet feminine tongue probing and searching the interior of my pussy and teasing my clit. Flicking gently but eagerly with her tongue, Rosie gradually worked the slick bead of my clit between her teeth. My clit is big and beautiful. Like a little dick and it deserved to be sucked. “Mmmmm!” Rosie moaned excitedly, nibbling and smacking with her lips to make clear how much she was enjoying sucking my pussy. I had been sitting in the chair thrusting my pelvis back and forth with movements that Rosie knew were coital in nature. As her black haired head continued to slurp and slaver in my lap, I watched as she worked 2 fingers into her moist pussy.

My movements became quick and jerky with each thrust sending my throbbing clit into Rosie’s mouth. My hands came down over her head and I began maneuvering her head up and down my slit in a forceful manner. Gasping, Rosie made no attempt to escape. Rosie loved to be handled like that. Her fingertip tickled my clitoris, making me shudder with erotic arousal. I thrust back and forth with powerful moves. I kept a firm grip on Rosie’s head. Rosie knew that my climax was rapidly approaching. She braced herself. Suddenly, I lifted her head from my pussy and with a frightful scream/squeal I spewed hot clear pussy juice cream onto Rosie’s face. She opened her mouth and lapped at the liquid flowing from my cunt. Gasping and gurgling, Rosie tried to swallow all of my squirting liquid. Rosie trembled as a wave of a minor orgasm overtook her sodden pussy. I settled back on the chair. Rosie made no attempt to get up although she was winded. Resting her head in my lap, she kept softly licking at the folds of my pussy. She gently licked all over my labia and lap, garnering all the juices that had spewed from my pussy like a kitten lapping up cream. “I loved sucking your pussy!” Rosie said. “and I never had no body squirt on me. I love that. Sometimes I thin Hope can do it, squirt I mean, but not yet. I hope you are happy with me Mami.” I helped Rosie get to her feet. “Get that fine Latina ass and pussy on that mat. I want you on your hands and knees baby.” I swatted Rosie’s full curved ass a couple of times and she giggled as she shook her ass walking to the thick mattress mat laid out on the deck.
Rosie dropped to her knees on the mat. I was behind her with the dildo in the towel. I pushed her between her shoulder blades and she went forward to her hands. “Like this Mami,” she whispered. I pushed again between her shoulders and she sank lower to the mat. Her face, tits, and shoulders were touching the fabric. “Couldn’t be better,” I replied as my hand moved into the cute black nest at the fork of her legs. Rosie squirmed and felt excitement mounting as my fingers began exploring the plump outer lips of her pussy. She was so soaked from the spa and from eating my cunt. As my fingers again finger fucked her Rosie could not refrain from pumping her hips in a fucking motion.

“Ooooh!” Rosie exclaimed. “You’re driving me wild!” Leaning forward, I buried my face in her full ass and began kissing and licking her cheeks. Rosie was astounded at the intensity of her own reaction. Her nipples scraped the mat cloth adding to her excitement. She was squirming and arching her back at the waves of pleasure that began radiating through her entire body. “Oh, Mami, go ahead and fuck me!” the attractive Latina teen cried out in a hoarse voice. “I can’t wait one more minute!”
“This is your reward for being so good.”

“It looks huge.” Rosie mused with awe at the black instrument. It was ten inches long, three inches thick and had ridges all along it in various patterns.

I looked at the dildo and considered it for a moment. “Yes, yes it is. Don’t worry though, we’ll make it fit. Haven’t I been making you feel good?” I looked at the young woman with raised brows expecting an answer.

Rosie nodded eagerly, “Yes! Please Mami… do it to me?” The girl’s eyes dropped to the large dildo and then pleadingly up to Mami’s eyes.

“Alright… here… lick this dick girl. I know you know how to suck dick. Suck on it like it’s a real dick…” I offered it to the girl who obeyed instantly. “That’s good, a little more…” I kept Rosie licking the instrument until it was shiny with saliva. Only then did I take it away and move around to the rear of Rosie.

I began by rubbing it along Rosie’s sopping wet slit. Rosie’s own spit made it slippery and the big dildo dick glided along Rosie’s slit collecting natural wet seeping from Rosie’s cunt. Then without a word I aimed the fat head of the dick like instrument at Rosie’s pussy and pushed it in about 3 inches. Rosie gave a little scream of surprise at her pussy entry being stretched and filled with the huge dildo head.

I gave Rosie little time to get used to the intrusion. As Rosie relaxed, I pushed a bit more rubber dick into her pussy. The Latina darling was moaning and screeching like a little animal. I guess she was one- a little pussy. As Rosie bgan to mumble, “Ohh fuck me; fuck me good. I love that dick.” I started pushing a little over half the length of that fake dick into the young girl’s pussy.

Rosie was squealing now. Squealing like a school girl at her first concert.

“Is this dick better than your boyfriend little whore?”

“Ohhh si Mami. Mush better than him.”

“Is this dick bigger than your boyfriend slut whore?”

“Verdad; verdad. He ess no so big. One time me and Hope do him cuz he want 2 girls. Hope tell him his dick like a little boy’s. He get mad, but ess OK, cuz he know I got the pussy.”

I pushed more dildo in her hot snatch. I had about 8” working her cunt. As I would pull out, foamy white girly cream would be coating the dildo and drizzling from Rosie’s sweet pussy. I kept on fucking in and out of Rosie until I met resistance. I had her entire pussy filled with the dildo dick. I left it there and bent forward so I coulod kiss her back and neck. Rosie was huffing and puffing like the little engine that could.

“Just relax.” I whispered in Rosie’s ear while pressing her body down by pushing my hips and the dick as deep as I could into her pussy. I licked along the shell of Rosie’s ear whispering to her; “don’t you cum you little whore. I want this pussy HOT as a roaring winter fireplace and begging for dick. Look over at the dog run. See the dog that is 2nd from the left. His name is Skeeter. His dick is not quite as long as this dildo, but it is as thick. And his knot is as big as a tennis ball. And sweet pussy Rosie, you are going to give Skeeter man some of you sweet pussy tonight.”

I plowed in and out of Roise’s drenched pussy with reckless abandonment. I wanted her to feel dick the way Skeet and boys were going to give it to her. Rosie was moaning and mumbling incoherently in broken English. I oulled her hair and turned her has to the side. With her lips parted I kissed Rosie giving her a deep thrust of my tongue into her mouth. I rolled my hips pressing my mound onto Rosie’s ass in a rhythmic long deep stroke fucking.

Rosie was writhing and moaning under me. I kept the kissing hot and demanding while cooing to her to ignore the huge dildo lodged deep in her pussy. I tortured Rosie by rubbing her breasts and rolling her nipples between my fingers. When Rosie was breathing like a winded Olympian, and her skin was hot and sweating I asked her if she was ready to give Skeeter some pussy. As I asked the question, I fucked her hard and fast for 4-5 strokes and then rapidly pulled the dildo from her aching starving pussy.

“OHHHH NO Mami. Let me have it. Pleeeeezzzzeee let me have that dick,” Rosie wailed. Her ass and hips were hunching and rolling her circles. She started to reach between her legs for the dildo dick or to rub her swollen sensitive clit. I saw her hand rise and a I slapped her plump Tex-Mex ass as hard as I could 3-4 times. WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!

Rosie bellowed like a cow. Her eyes were wild with lust. Her body was doing it’s best to try to get that dildo to move inside of her. I was proud of how Rosie had obeyed the rule of not touching herself without permission. Rosie’s needed to be dominated.

I raked my body along her back and spine. My tits drug over her sweat sheened back. I had removed the dildo and asked her again; “are you going to give my Skeeter man some pussy? Tell me bitch, and if you say NO, your happy ass can go to bed without cumming and I will tie your hands and ankles so you can’t rub yourself in any manner. Now, are you going to give Skeeter some pussy? You wull love his dick once he starts fucking you. I promise you that you will love his dickl!”

Rosie yelped “yes, I give him pussy.” She then screamed when I thrust that rubber dildo back insode her cavernous cunt. “What Bitch?” I asked. Rosie wailed, “OH fuck yes Mami. I fuck him. I fuck the dog good for you. I fuck him till he cum andcan’t cum no more. Only he haff to make me cum. I need to cum sooo bad Mami. Please, please let him fuck me and make me be a real bitch.”

After this rough dildo fucking, Rosie was nearly out of her mind with pleasure.

“Let me get big dick Skeeter for you sweet Rosie. You are going to love his huge red doggy dick! Trust Mami Baby girl. You are about to have the best fuck you ever had and the most hard in intensity and most in number of orgasms you have ever had.”


Part Four

Rosie was sobbing nearly incoherently. I worked her sweet pussy to a frothy lather with the huge rubber dildo and my fingers. White pussy juices had secreted from her pussy dripping down her inner thighs. The foamy goo looked like egg whites beaten to a froth to make mechainue for a pie. A PUSSY PIE!! Her fat pussy lips were swollen and filled with hot blood. Her clit had emerged from its protective hood. The shiny pink pearl nubbin of her clitoris stood fully engorged and proud between her upper labia. I wanted to do a few final things to bchain Rosie to a full boil and begging, no PLEADING, for doggy dick.

I slowly pulled the huge rubber dildo from Rosie’s sodden pussy. Her groan at losing this filling implement filled the night air. I thought she would awaken Hope, and possibly the dead in the old grave yard about a mile away. I moved from behind Rosie to her side. I stroked her neck, back, flanks, tummy, backs of her thighs, and her fine rounded ass. I began my litany of nasty talk. It really works for a lot of girls, and it completely fails for others. One has to try it, and attempt to gauge the result.

“Alright little girl, get your face down on the mat. I want your fine full tits dragging the mat and then flat upon it. Come on bitch, arch your back. Get your ass and that hot pretty pussy high in the air. Come on. Do it!” I commanded Rosie.

Once Rosie had gotten into the position I wanted her in, I began to caress Rosie with my right hand, while my left hand lightly pulled and pinched her nipples. I bent from my waist, and lips grazed along her ears and her neck. Rosie’s panting and gasps were like a symphony to my ears.

“Does Mommy’s new pretty baby girl have a hot and wet pussy?” I asked Rosie.
“Ohhhh Yesss, my pussy is so hot and soaking wet.” Rosie answered.

“And I bet your little pussy becomes even hotter when someone makes you tell all your naughty deeds?” I stated.

“Ohhh Mommy, how do you know this? Is verdad though. I have one cousin, named Gabriel. He is much older. Maybe 40 or a little more. His wife don’t give him much pussy and he find out I am fucking his younger brother, so he want some pussy from me. I was es-cared, but he get me a little drunk, and I do it. He make me do confession, like the padre at the iglesia.”

Still caressing Rosie and nibbling at her ears and neck, I raised my right hand and “WHAP-WHAP”! I landed 2 strong swats to Rosie’s ass. “Owwww!” Rosie squealed. “WHAP-WHAP”. Another 2 swats, this time to the backs of her thighs. Another squealing, “Owwwww!” I rubbed the heat of my hand spanks into Rosie’s ass and thighs.

“Gabriel made you confess who you were giving that pussy to didn’t he little Latina whore girl?” I hissed in Rosie’s ear. “Did you tell him everything and everybody that you have given some pussy to?”

“WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP” Another 4 stinging blows to Rosie’s hot ass. I long groan combined with a soulful moan escaped from Rosie’s full red lips.

“I tole Gabriel mos of the truth. I doan tell him bout ever-one who I give pussy. I doan tell him about any of the girls. I doan tell him about 2 boys cuz I know he doan like those boys and I scare he maybe think I some queer to like girls. Gabriel like pussy and he doan mind cheatin on his wife, but he ole fashion too. Mommy, my pussy is so hot. Please, PLLLEEEEZE, I need to be fuck and I need to CUM. PLLLLEEEZE Mommy!”

“Beside Hope, who were the other girls?” “WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP” I spanked Rosie’s bubble butt more before rubbing it slowly as though I were pushing the heat of my hand on her ass into her tummy and pussy.

“It was a girl at school and a lady I baby sit for. She is a lady from Germany or Holland. I forget but she love pussy. Me and Hope together do her, and sometime she want juss me or juss Hope. She have some nice toys we play with. Hope like her pussy too, and maybe she and hope do more than play with each odder, but I doan know for sure. But I no tell Gabriel.”

“Your hot sweet pussy is going to get fucked tonight little girl. You are going to get the best fuck you have ever had. In fact, you are going to get a fuck that will be the standard by which you measure every fuck you get over the rest of your life. Your pussy is soo wet. I think you like to be disciplined and spanked.”

Rosie wiggled her ass and turned her head away as though embarrassed. I continued to run my finger tips through her swollen spread pussy lips. I did not penetrate her yet I used my finer tips to collect her juices and spread them over her ass. While I rubbed her ass, I spoke quietly in her ear.

“I have heard the same incredible tale by almost every female that got fucked by a dog. They all acknowledge and say that something special happened to them. From the moment an alpha male dog wraps his forepaws around the woman’s waist and pulls her ass and pussy toward him, he owns her. When the dog’s dick enters her pussy and he slams her with his big expanding dick he spoils her for human dick. It doesn’t matter how large a man’s dick is, or how long it is, it just isn’t enough any more,” I said to Rosie.

“I have heard this story, legend, tale from Japan to Holland. Bitch, you are going to beg for doggy dick.”

As I spoke to Rosie, I reached for the vibrating clamp device I had brought out with me after getting Hope in bed. This device consisted of a powerful vibrating egg with 3 clamps. The clamps were attached to a thin but stong sturdy chain. The clamps were intended to be attached to 2 nipples and a clit. I will admit that with a small amount of creative thinking, other sensitive bodily areas could be used. As an example, clamping one clamp to a persons tongue; one to a nipple and the final one to their clit worked very well in producing gallons of hot sweet pussy juice. I did not activate the vibe on switch yet.

I attached a clamp to each of her nipples. I attached the third clamp to the upper shaft of her clit. I wanted her pearly pink nubbin exposed for Skeeter’s hot, wide, wet tongue. I wanted to be certain the vibes would send sensations deep into Rosie’s womb and her G spot while Skeeter’s tongue over her clitoris exacerbated the pleasure her throbbing clit was giving her.

I rose and walked to the dog run. Opening the gate, I went inside the dog hut. I got Skeeter’s leash. All 4 dogs walked to me, and I clipped the leash to Skeeter’s collar. I squatted down and scratched 8 ears, and returned or gave multiple kisses. I cooed to the dogs, “Boys, Skeeter Van Meter is going to get some pussy. He is best suited to make this girl a bitch. But don’t worry and don’t become jealous. Mommy has another girl who will become a big dog dick bitch. She is resting now, so, Sandy, Artie, and Oscar, you boys go exercise. Go on now, let Skeeter get his pussy. He is going to make this little pussy forget every dick she has have had before and he will fuck her so good she will beg to give each of you some pussy. Trust Mommy my lovers.”

The 3 loose dogs walked back to the fence. They yipped and yapped as I opened the gate and led Skeeter out and toward the spa deck. Skeeter pranced toward Rosie. The damn dog acted as though he had fully comprehended the conversation I had with the dogs. Hell, I acted as though it were a 2 way conversation. I knew, no I sensed, that Skeeter’s keen nose could smell the scent of aroused female. I was certain he sensed that a pussy was near and that pussy was ripe for fucking.

Upon Skeeter and I getting back to Rosie, I positioned Skeeter behind her. I clipped his leash to a post along the side of the deck. I snapped my finger and lowered my hand with palm facing downward. Skeeter immediately sat a couple of feet behind Rosie’s high curved ass. I returned to Rosie’s side to resume caressing her ass and flanks again. I continued my trash talk to Rosie.

“From the Asian Orient to Europe; from South America to North America; I have heard and read of these legends. The myth is that possibly some sort of chemical is secreted by the dog’s dick. This chemical is absorbed by the woman as the dog fucks her. The porous pussy walls allow the chemical to be quickly taken into the blood stream.”

“The chemical promotes a physical change and more so a mental conversion. The chemical action and combination with the endorphins being released by the woman transforms them into a dog’s bitch for the rest of their lives. Some women tell of giving their virgin ass to a dog, and from that day forward that ass belongs to the dog alone. Tonight Rosie, we are going to let my dog Skeeter, take your virgin ass. But first, he is going to give your hot Latina pussy the best fuck it has ever had. And sweet pussy Girl, you are going to beg him for his dick.”

“Skeeter, pussy. Lick the pussy Skeeter man.” My big Dane Skeeter Van Meter crept to Rosie’s ass. His cold nose grazed her ass cheeks and he sniffed long of her aromatic pussy. Rosie gasped and rocked her hips. Skeeter backed away at the invasion of his space. Then his face inched forward again. I saw him lick his mouth as though in anticipation of some spicy meal. His long thick tongue shot forward and he licked Rosie from the top of her inverted pussy slit over her clit, through her pussy lips and ass crack, and over her sensitive asshole.

Rosie screamed and she arched her back even more. “OHHHH fuck Mami. Whaa is that? Something lick me from my tummy to my back. Wha is that?”

I remained silent to watch Skeeter busily begin lapping at the Rosie’s 18 year old pussy. I turned the clamp vibe switch to low as I stroked her back and the sides of her tits. I spoke to her while Skeeter licked her from tummy to tail bone.

“We will learn if the stories are true. I want to see if Skeeter, by fucking you in each hole, can spoil you for human dick for the rest of your life. From now on Rosie, you will want dog dick and only doggie dick. You will do anything to get a dog dick inside your hot wet pussy. You will try to suck and fuck every dog dick you see. You will snub your nose at men, and your hot pussy will be a bitch pussy for any male dog. After Skeeter has had your pussy and your ass, I will seal them with plugs. I want his hot doggy cum and seed inside you for as long as possible. I want your desire for dog dick to be insatiable.”

Rosie felt Skeeter’s tongue lapping her pussy and ass. She wondered and hoped his dick would feel as good as his tongue. Each time Skeeter’s tongue dragged across the chain of Rosie’s asshole, she would shudder and moan. The semi-rough texture of Skeet’s tongue as he screwed it into her pussy would send waves and waves of tingling sensations up her spine. She felt the juices running from her pussy. Rosie could feel her pussy lips and clit swell more as the excitement in her grew with each lick. As Skeeter licked, I increased the vibratory action of the egg and clamps.

“That feels so good Skeeter. Yes! Lick me harder, please Skeeter!” Skeeter knew the sounds of encouragement and nipped at her pussy lips. “Ohh Skeeter, stick your tongue in my pussy. Lick between my pussy lips. Yess! Harder! Yesss!” Rosie screamed to the dog. Rosie didn’t feel me reach under her ass but she felt the sharp pain to her tits and clit as I pulled hard on the chain which was attached to each clamp.

Rosie almost cried. She was so close to cumming on Skeeter’s tongue. Her pussy wanted something to satisfy it. In her delirious state she thought she would die of she didn’t cum soon. The pain caused by pulling the chain made her pussy open and close uncontrollably. She felt like she was cumming but not cumming. Her body was shaking but it craved for that special something deep inside that just wasn’t there.

Suddenly Rosie wanted to get fucked. She didn’t care any more she wanted the dog’s dick in her. “Mami, its O.K. You can let him do it,” Rosie whispered. I let go of the chain and asked Rosie, “What Rosie, I didn’t hear what you said, can you say it again?” I grabbed the chain and pulled it again.

The pain from the chain reverberated through the Latina girl’s body and she almost bounced up and down on the mat. “You can let the dog do it now,” Rosie screamed.

“Rosie. If you want Skeeter to fuck your pussy, then you have to beg me nicely.” I told her as I kept a slight constant pressure on the chain. Skeeter was still licking the girl’s pussy from top of slit to small of her back. Long sweeping strokes interspersed with a sort of cork screwing into her hot pussy to get more of her sweet spicy pussy juices. Rosie was going crazy with the mixed feelings in her groin.

“Please Mami, let Skeeter put his thing in me!” Rosie pleaded.

“Rosie if you want Skeeter to fuck your pussy then your going to have to say the words and say them loud enough that I can hear them!” I scolded. Rosie didn’t say anything. I watched her ass wiggle slightly as the feelings of pleasure from the vibes and Skeet’s tongue returned to her body. I pulled harder on the chain and said, “I can’t hear you Rosie.”

“Are you ready to give my boy Skeeter that pussy?” I rubbed her ass and pussy as I spoke. Rosie hesitation continued. “Whap-Whap”! Two small spanks to her ass and a tug on the chain as she rotated and wiggled her ass even more. “WELL!” I demanded.

Rosie screamed as I pulled hard on the chain again. Suddenly Rosie could think of nothing else but the dog fucking her. “Yesss. Pleeese Mami. Please let the dog fuck my pussy. Plesssse let him fuck me! PLEEEZE let me have Skeeter’s big doggy dick. Oh yes Mami. I give Mr Skeeter some pussy. I give him the bess pussy her ever get. Bring him Mami. Bring Rosie that doggy dick. I want it. My pussy wan that dick. She wan it bad; ver ver bad!”

“Very well Rosie, if that is what you want.” I whispered as I released the chain. I placed an open leather vest around Rosie’s midriff. I placed a thick towel folded in half over the vest.

“Skeeter, Fuck!”

Skeeter pulled his snout away from Rosie girl’s bitch pussy. He looked at me as his tongue swiped his nose and jowls. He wined and crouched down slightly before jumping up to place his front paws on the towel/vest but around Rosie’s hips and waist. Skeet had a vice like grip on each side of Rosie’s body. Walking forward with his back feet he moved forward to new girl bitch. His hindquarters started jerking as his enormous dick poked at Rosie’s wet pussy lips.

I was at the side of Rosie and the dog. I removed the clamp from the upper shaft of Rosie’s clit. I reached between Rosie and Skeet getting a grip on Skeet’s thick dick. It slid through my fingers as he tried to position it Rosie’s pussy entrance. I watched as the point of the huge dick poked at the small quivering hole. I watched the tip sink in and then pull back out only to sink in a quarter inch again.

Skeeter was finding his mark. Once the correct location was felt, experience had taught him to try a few times before slamming home. Not for the bitch’s protection but for his own. Too many times he had thought he had the mark and slammed his tender prick into something solid.

Skeeter was ready. His haunches moved back and he slammed forward. I would estimate that Skeeter and Rosie were nearly equal in weight. Both tipped scales in the 128-135 lb. range. Digging his front paws and claws into the towel and vest, Skeet pulled Rosie’s full ass and hips to him with all his animal strength. Skeeter’s long dick hit the center of Rosie’s fuck hole perfectly. His thick dick bore into Rosie’s tight hole a tad less than half it’s incredible length.

He quickly started moving in small quick jabs. His dick moved in and out like a piston due to the manner of his reciprocating hips. As Skeet’s dick came out a bit, I marveled at how coated it was with juices and cream from the warm confines of his bitch’s tight pussy. Sensing his dick becoming super slick, Skeeter backed out about 2 inches and immediately slammed his hindquarters forward again. Skeeter pulled with his front legs and started his quick jabs in and out of his girl bitch once more.

Rosie felt the tip of Skeeter’s dick hit the entrance of her pussy and then retreat several times. The feeling of the dog dick entering and exiting her hot wet pussy excited her so much she could think of nothing except getting the rest of that wonderful dog dick inside her drooling pussy. Without warning, something that felt like a bowling pin had been pushed up her pussy. She screamed, “NOOOO! Stop it. Stop it! Get it out! STOPPPP!” Her body went semi-rigid and tense. She contracted her pussy muscles, thinking she could force the dick out by strength. She screamed again begging for someone to stop the dog.

I am not sure if Rosie heard me hiss to Skeeter; “Fuck her Skeeter! Fuck the little bitch. Fuck her hard!” Rosie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Something was wrong! Her pussy was hurting so something must be wrong. At least she thought it was hurting. The perceived pain was subsiding. Rosie sensed a burning sensation, maybe not burning, but strong sensation of heat in her pussy, yet the pain, if it was pain, was no more.

Rosie felt Skeeter pull back slowly and shove forward again. “Noooo!”No..oo..oo,” she sobbed. Leave it in my pussy. My pussy loves that dick.” Rosie noticed a distinct void when Skeet withdrew a portion of his dick. The burning, or heat sensation, remained, and yet Rosie felt that was ebbing. She felt the sudden quick jabs of the dick trying to penetrate further into her body. The fire at the entrance to her hole was completely gone now. She could feel the dick inside her pussy’s entry. It rubbed against the thin tissue membrane inside her pussy. It felt good rubbing her like that.

Rosie felt the tip of the dog dick tickle the back of her tiny cervix. She thought she felt burning at her pussy’s entry hole as Skeeter’s huge dick continued to stretch the opening wider and wider. The picture of the dog’s dick fucking the lusty Tejana beauty was etched indelibly in my mind. I leaned to Rosie and whispered, “Skeet’s got a little more than half his dick in your hot pussy Babe. Do you want me to stop him from filling every bit of your sweet Mex pussy?” Rosie started to squirm as though she had to wriggle the answer from her body.

Rosie wailed a long and mournful NOOOOOOOOO. “He can’t stop. Please don’t let him stop Mami. Don’t ever let him stop. I have to have it all. All of his dick. I will die if he stopped. Yessss! Oh fuck yessss! Fuck your bitch Skeeter Man. I’m your bitch. My pussy is in heat. Fuck it boy. Fuck your new bitch’s hot wet pussy. Uunnhhh, deeper baby! Deeper, Deeper!” she gasped.

Skeeter continued jabbing. His dick pushing to gain further entrance into the tight orifice. He stepped forward and pushed upwards with his hind legs. He felt the largest part of his dick slip past the entrance to his bitch and he paused as it slowly squeezed itself further inside.

Rosie bit her bottom lip as she felt the dick expand the small area of her womb. She felt completely full and stretched inside. She didn’t think the rest of Skeeter’s dick would fit inside her pussy no matter how hot and wet she was. Her pussy was almost bursting from the large dick now. It seemed to fill her completely. It was feeling oh so very good now as it rubbed against her insides.

“Ohhh Skeeter, your dick feels good,” Rosie swooned. I grabbed her by her hair and lifted her head. As she opened her eyes, I kissed her long and deeply. My tongue swirled inside her mouth like a sea serpent.

Rosie’s screamed into my mouth as Skeet retracted a bit of his dick before fucking forward again. The massive red doggy dick pulled her pussy lips out and pushed them slowly back in as it sawed in and out of her cunt. The dick rubbed against the head of her clit and over the spongy spot at the top of her pussy. Rosie closed her eyes and took short breaths through her nose.

I guessed Rosie was concentrated on the dick that was now plunging in and out of her slippery pussy hole. Rosie felt the tip of Skeeter’s dick pushing back wall of her cunt, gaining more and more entrance with each stroke. She wanted it all in her now. She felt like a sex machine with the dog dick in her pussy.

Skeeter was pumping for all he was worth. Rosie’s body was building with intense emotions she had never dreamed of before. Skeeter had gotten into a rhythm. She was screaming with pleasure.

Rosie knew she was going to cum. Something big was going to happen. Electric chills kept building higher and higher inside her body. She wondered how high they would get before they exploded.

Rosie didn’t have to wait long. Title waves of pleasure erupted from inside her belly. They rippled out from her crotch, spreading until they reached every tip of her body and then started rolling back to where they came from. New waves began rolling outward and collided with the returning ones igniting from their collision and shaking her whole body.

Over and over again the super sensations cycled through her frame and then, what had seemed like an endless labored joy started to subside. Suddenly, Rosie felt the dick in her pussy vibrate and swell larger. Her pussy started to cum all over again as Skeeter flooded her with his seed. Hot, flaming liquid, burst from the stuffed entrance of her cunt, as it spewed from the dog’s balls and filled the little girl’s belly beyond it’s capacity. Rosie moaned again.

She heard me hiss in her ear, “Take it Baby. Take all of his seed you hot bitch! Take my boy’s hot sperm!”

Long long minutes passed. Skeeter had his entire knot and almost 2 inches of dick behind his knot buried in Rosie’s hot pussy. I aided Skeet in turning so his ass and Rosie’s ass were butted together. I then dil-dogged Rosie’s pussy with Skeet’s dick. As the knot pushed and pulled over her super senstive G-spot, Rosie would cum and cum and cum all over again.

I kept telling her, “No baby. You aren’t done yet. There is lotta more cum in thsat hot Mex pussy. Mami knows you nhave more cum in that cunt.”

Finally, after 22-25 minutes had passed, Skeeter was appeased. His big dick pulled out of Rosie’s sweet pussy with an audible ‘PLOP’. I pulled Skeeter to Rosie’s head and told her “Suck your cum and his from this wonderful dick that you now crave.” Rosie sucked Skeeter’s big red dick slowly getting it all inot her nouth excpet the knot. The knot and that small length of dick behind the knot she had to clean with her tongue.

Rosie knew she had been fucked royally and she couldn’t wait till the next time. She was only a little sore, and she turned to me and said, “Let Skeet and I rest a little and then he can do me again.” She turned her head to look at her new lover. She wanted to hug him and hold him.

I pushed an anal plug into Rosie’s pussy and another into her ass. I swatted her butt and pushed her head down to the mat again. “You stay here Baby Bitch pussy girl. We aren’t finished just yet.


I returned with a tall glass of iced peach tea. I sat beside Rosie and turned her on her side such that her head was in my lap. I held her head and the tea, telling her to sip the cooling liquid. As her breathing slowed to a mild pant from what had been an uncontrollable heaving, I placed my finger tips along the side of her neck. Rosie deemed this to be affection and she was partly correct, but my ulterior motive was to check her pulse. Her heart had been racing. It was only loping at the moment.

“Oh fuck Mami,” Rosie whispered. “I must have come 6 or 7 times. And 2 of them were the hardest and most intense cums I have ever had. That dog filled my pussy like it has never been filled. He has some kind of dick. I have to have him again Mami. I have to get that dick again and I want it as deep as possible. You know, I never felt a guy shoot his cum in me. I mean, I feel the guy’s dick pulsing when he cum, but I doan feel the cum hitting inside me. But that Skeeter Man, I feel his cum hitting the walls of my pussy. OHHHH fuck, it is sooo hot. I mean hot like hot water hot, as well as sex hot.”

I giggled as I stroked Rosie’s hair, her neck, and her tits. “A dog’s body temperature is about 4-5 degrees higher than a human’s body temperature. So, when a dog, a male dog shoots his cum in your pussy, you feel it because of the higher temperature of his cum as compared to the temperature of the walls of your pussy. Same thing applies to a dog’s tongue licking you as compared to my tongue licking you. Not only is the texture of the flesh of a dog’s tongue different, the temperature of the dog’s tongue is higher so you fell more sensations from the dog’s licking you.”

As I spoke, I slowly removed the plug from Rosie’s ass. She gasped but I was rolling and tweaking her nipple so I am not sure which action promoted her reaction. Rosie said that although she had never thought of fucking a dog, she was so aroused and turned on that she would have fucked a snake if I had held it to her pussy. I laughed and said she should not tempt me, ‘cause I might get ideas. I laughed even harder when Rosie turned her head up to give me a strange and totally semi-scared look.

“I will explain it to you Baby Pussy Girl,” I chuckled. “I think you will be curious once I tell you a few things.”

“But Mami,” Rosie said, “a snake is dangerous. That is too dangerous for me.”

“I slapped her face lightly and said, “we will see little slut bitch. We shall see.”

The plug I had inserted in Rosie’s pussy had a tit tip on its base. This tip was there to accept the open end of a hose which was attached to a bulb pump. Thus the plug could be inflated in both vertical length, (although not so much in that plane) and in horizontal girth/diameter (much more so in this plane). I had the bulb and hose beside me. I attached the open end of the hose to the plug tip.

Rosie and I continued out talk. “How did you like it when Skeet turned and was butt to butt with you?” I asked. “I wish you could have seen your sweet pussy clinging and clutching his knot as he rocked his rigid cum squirting dick in your scalding hot cunt. I know he was filling his new bitch with his puppy cream. And baby whore girl, your hot pussy was gulping down his cum, because hardly any of it was seeping out of your pussy.”

“Mami, when he get his dick all the way before he turn, and he start to shoot his cum in me, I think that cumming is the hardest and moss intense. I was wrong Mami. That was a ver big one. But, when he turn on me, and you begin to work his huge swollen dick in my pussy using those short hard stroke, his knot push and pull on my inside pussy and I have 2 cumming- almoss back to back that was more harder than the one when he first get in my pussy all the way. That is when I decide and say to you, I want more of his dick. I wan him to fuck me more like that. Will you help me and him Mami? Please, I need that dick again in my pussy like that.”

“Yes, little puppy pussy girl, I will help you get that dick again. And I will help you get it again in that hot pussy of yours. But, now my darling puppy pussy bitch, you are going to get that dick in your ass.”

“OHH Mami, pleeze not in my ass. I tole you, I doan like it too much in my ass. I suck him and he can take my pussy all he wan, but pleeze, not my ass.”

“Shush, little whore girl,” I said. Get back up on your hands and knees. I began to slowly squeeze the bulb of the hand pump. Rosie cooed and said, “Ohhhh Mami. The thing in my pussy ess getting bigger like Skeeter dick did.”

“I know Baby.” I said. As I squeezed again, I gave Rosie’s ass 2 swats. “Whap-Whap”

Rosie wiggled her fine ass and let out a moan. “OHHH yeas Mami. Spank Rosie Mami. She a bad girl. Spank Rosie pussy Mami. Rosie have a bad little pussy.”

I gave the bulb another squeeze and pushed Rosie’s head and shoulders to the mat. Rosie moaned and then made a long sigh as the plug expanded inside her pussy. “Doesn’t that feel like Skeeter’s dick after he got it in your pussy? That plug swells just like Skeeter’s hot hard dick baby.”

“Si Mami. It does getta bigger. But it iss no far in me like Skeeter man’s dick. Skeeter man, the point of his dick go way inside me and feel like a pin or needle pricking me. And when he way up and shoot squirt he cum in my pussy, OH Mami, I cum and cum really really hard.”

I would massage Rosie’s ass and tweak her nipples or lightly pinch her clit while talking to her. She would softly roll her ass and rock her full round hips back and forth. I rubbed Rosie’s ass. Releasing the bulb, I picked up a small bottle of lube. I squirted a dollop on Rosie’s ass crack.

“Now this is going to feel a little cool at first. This is good lube; the expensive stuff.” I worked the lube over the Rosie’s asshole with my finger tip. Rosie cooed and moaned lightly while I did this cause my other hand was working her clit to distract her attention from her sensitive asshole.

“Just breath Girl, this is going to feel a little weird.” I said to Rosie.

Rosie emitted a soft coo as she felt me rub lubricant over her sensitive virgin asshole. She knew what was coming and what was going to happen. She was apprehensive and scared, but she thought back to the immense pleasure and powerful orgasms she had from the dog. She had never considered fucking a dog, and yet when she did she had the best cums of her life. I was promising her that her cums from having her ass fucked would be just as powerful and perhaps more intense.

“There isn’t a white woman in the world that has an ass that can compare with a black or Latina girl,” I softly said. Rosie smiled and wiggled her ass ever more.

I pressed my little finger into Rosie’s tight ass. Just up to the first knuckle. I held it there allowing Rosie to become accustomed to the invasion and to learn to handle the slight pain and pressure. I held my finger there and counted to 40 slowly. Then I pulled back to the edge cuticle of my nail and pushed it back in a tad beyond the knuckle. Rosie groaned and moaned.

I gave the bulb another squeeze. Rosie moaned long and louder this time. I pushed and pulled my little finger in her ass, not really entering or exiting by making the flesh of her ass go in and come out. Rosie was working her ass and hips as she felt no pain other than the pressure of my finger upon her rectal muscles. Her moaning rose in volume and intensity. This was due to the back pressure from the expanded plug in her pussy pressing against my finger in her ass channel.

“Skeeter’s big dick is going to be rock hard again very shortly,” I whispered to Rosie. “He hasn’t had any pussy for a couple of months. He is crazy about your pussy and he wants some more of it. I want him to have your ass though. DO you want some more of Skeeter Man’s dick Baby? You want some of the lovely dick in your hot fine ass? Tell Mami what you need little slut girl.”

“I need Skeeter dick Mami. I need his dick ver bad. I want it. My pussy wan it. My pussy wan his dick, Skeeter’s dick.” Rosie’s voice had acquired that sing-song lilt due to her arousal and excitement.

“No hot bitch girl. Skeeter is going to get that ass. His dick is going to fuck your ass really good for you. And baby doggy whore, while he fucks your hot ass, I am going to be fucking your sweet pussy with the expandable plug I have in there. Just think Sweet pussy slut, as Skeeter’s huge dick works deeper and deeper in your fine ass; I am going to making this plug grow in your hot cunt.

As I slowly push and pull on the plug, and Skeet slowly pumps your ass, after he knots you of course, the plug will drag back and forth over your G-spot from the inside, while Skeeter’s knot puts reverse pressure on it from the outside. You think you had a big cum explosion when I dildo fucked your pussy with his dick after her turned his butt to you” Girl, wait till this CUM-CUSSION explosion detonates in your tummy and mushrooms though your pussy, ass, clit, and brain. You will be ruined for all men for all time.”

I removed my index finger and replaced it with my forefinger. I slowly pressed my forefinger into Rosie’s ass going beyond the second knuckle but not to full depth. I kept my finger motionless allowing Rosie to become accustomed to its presence. I wasn’t so much fucking her ass as I was playing a sexual instrument. When I made the insertion with my forefinger, Rosie stopped her ass gyrations. As she overcame her inner fear and trepidation at having her ass fucked, she started to rock her hips and roll her ass on my finger.

“That’s it darling. Roll your hot ass on Mami’s finger Baby. I know you like it. And Skeeter will whimper for you when you roll your ass or rock your pussy on his dick. He loves his new bitch, and he really loves his new bitch’s sweet wet pussy. You want him to love your ass just as much don’t you sweet doggy dick girl?”

“Yeaaa Mami. I wan Skeet to love my ass like he love my pussy.”

I began to move my finger in clockwise motion. Slowly but steadily so Rosie would become more relaxed and release the tenseness she retained in her clenched ass cheeks. “How are you doing Baby?” I asked Rosie. “Are you OK? I need to be sure you are properly prepped for Skeeter’s dick. You have to willingly accept what I am going to do to you. I want you to become docile, humble, and obedient to me and to Skeeter. He owns your pussy now and he will own your ass. Will you become docile, humble and obedient to Skeeter, Sweet Latina Girl?”

Rosie was panting like a dog now. Her face was plastered to the mat. She had lowered her tits so her breasts were flattened on the mat. You could hardly see her tits. She was getting used to my finger. Rosie started to fuck back on my finger. I suspect she still felt a minor amount of discomfort, but I knew she would begin to like it. In fact, I knew that very soon Rosie would be working her ass BIG time on Skeeter’s hot hard dick.

I opened the release valve on the pussy plug just a fraction. A small amount of air bled from the bladder thus reducing the size of the plug. This would ease the back pressure and relieve some of Rosie’s ass discomfort.

“Yes Mami, I promise to docile, humble, and obedient to Skeeter and to you. I wan to be a ver good bitch for Skeeter. I goan to haff to haff his dick every day. I love it. I love his dick. My pussy love his dick. And I hope my ass love his dick.”

I squirted a small dollop of lube around my finger in Rosie’s hole. I placed my middle finger next to my forefinger. As Rosie moved her ass on my forefinger, I kept a slight pressure on her ass with my middle finger. I placed my other hand in the small of Rosie’s back. As she moved with her thrust of her hips, my middle finger would slip into her butt adjacent to my forefinger.

As my middle finger moved farther into Rosie’s butt, Rosie raised her head from the mat. She cried out with a long howling type moan. She sounded like a 2 dollar whore on the Copenhagen docks being fucked by a bevy of sailors who had been 4 months at sea. Rosie’s dark hair was sopped with perspiration and clung to the side of her face. A long strand dangled between the lips of her open mouth as she made a pitiful cry begging for more and deeper penetration.

“Deeper Mami. Put you finger deeper in my ass. It hurt, but it feel good too. Fuck my ass Mami, pleeeze fuck my ass,” Rosie wailed as I began slamming both fingers as hard and deep into her ass hole. My hand made that familiar flesh to flesh slapping sucking slurping sound that is characteristic of a fanatical finger fucking.

“Come on you Mex bitch,” I hissed. Move that Mex ass girl. You had better move that ass and beg for that doggy dick. If you don’t I will slap your ass, put Skeeter man back in the doggy run, and leave your ass out here to be in pussy misery for the rest of the evening. Roll this ass bitch. Fuck my fingers!!” WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!! I slapped Rosie’s ass with my free hand while inside myself I marveled at how well and how quickly she had gotten into having her ass fucked.

I closed the release valve on the bulb on the dildo in Rosie’s pussy. Then I pumped the bulb 4 or 5 times. That caused the dildo to add a little over an inch in length and about an inch in diameter. Rosie inhaled sharply, but she continued to rock her ass back and forth on my fingers. I dropped the bulb and got my first 2 fingers around the flared base of the dildo in Rosie’s pussy. I clutched the dildo firmly and as Rosie rocked and pumped her ass, the huge bulb on the dildo would push and pull over her G-spot Justas Skeeter’s knot had done. Rosie began to squeal loudly and she started to plead.

“Ohh Yes Mami. Fuck my ass and my pussy. I need dick. I need a big dick. Nooo; I’m a wrong. I need 2 big dick. One for pussy and one for my ass. I am ready Mami. My as sis ready. I wann Skeeter big dick in my ass. I wann feel his belly hair pricking my cunt as he give me the dick. I need the dick. PLEEZE Mami, Rosie love Skeeter man dick.” Rosie panted and her voice had a sing-song lilt to it as she pleaded for me to allow Skeeter to pummel her fine tight ass.

“I have just the thing for your sweet whore girl. And dear Rosie, hot pussy Rosie, sweet fine ass Rosie, you are my little whore, and Skeeter’s sweet Mex Pussy whore. Aren’t you Baby?” As I spoke, I unscrewed my fingers like a corkscrew from a wine bottle from Rosie’s ass. Rosie felt empty and she shook her ass back at me in a plea to fill her butt with something…anything as long as it fucked her ass royally.

I had just the thing for Rosie. I went to Skeeter and held my fingers to his nose. A few sniffs and then his long textured tongue started to lap at my fingers. I removed my hand from Skeet’s nose and he followed me as I walked back toward Rosie. I led him to Rosie’s head and knelt beside her. I puller her hair and head upward and I kissed her mouth.

“Suck his dick bitch. Get your lover man nice and hard for your fine tight ass. Come on baby. Skeeter loves to have his dick sucked by pretty little whores.” I massaged Skeeter’s sheath slowly. His keen sense of smell and my gentle knowing touch caused his dick to emerge from his sheath. He had about 3 inches peeking out and I pushed Rosie’s head under his belly. Eagerly the girl began to lick his dick and slowly take a bit of it into her mouth. Skeeter whimpered as Rosie sucked his red dick further and further out of his hairy sheath.

Once Skeeter got nearly 7 inches of dick out of his sheath, (about a minute of her sucking him) I stopped Rosie. I wanted his slick dick to be deep in her ass before the warmth and tightness of her butt caused his dick to swell. Skeet’s dick was long and thin at this time. His knot had barely begun to swell. And as he had had a good cum deep in Rosie’s pussy, I knew he would give her a great ass fucking.

I led Skeeter away and behind Rosie. I clipped his leash to his collar and wrapped it around a spa leg support. Skeet licked at Rosie’s ass and pussy. Once again, I pushed her head down to the mat.

Are you ready to change your life little slut pussy Cupcake? Are you ready to lead the life you were born to lead?

Skeeter Man is going to fuck your ass now Rosie girl, and you’re going to take every inch of dick he gives you. He isn’t going to stop fucking you until the job is finished so don’t even think about asking me to stop him.

“Thank you Mami, thank you for allowing Senor Skeeter to fuck my ass. Please, God Please let him have my ass now. Let Skeeter man fuck my ass NOW Mami.”

Rosie was on the verge of collapse when Skeeter mounted her and I guided the tapered tip of his red dick into her ass. She flinched as the first couple of inches slid in her tight hot butt. Then I saw her back muscles and her gluts relax as her ass became accustomed to the dick.

“Good girl, Rosie Cupcake. Your ass is hungry isn’t it? You need Skeeter to feed that dick starved ass don’t you Baby?” You are such a good little whore Rosie. And Skeeter loves your ass as much as he loves your pussy. And you love his big dick don’t you Baby?


Skeeter Man is going to give you everything you ever fucking needed. Get ready Baby, ‘cause your new Daddy is going to fuck that fine ass!”

Skeeter began to fuck Rosie’s ass in earnest. The thickness of his red doggy dick was stretching Rosie’s ass to places she hadn’t before imagined. Rosie was so hot and ready to fuck, she ignored the minor pain. I was proud of my new play toy.

I watched as the ring of Rosie’s anal passage turned white from the girth of Skeet’s huge dick. As he pulled back before plunging in again I saw Rosie’s cone outward like a volcano, and then cave in toward her core as he pushed his dick in her pressing his knot against her asshole ring.

“Relax and take his knot little slut whore,” I hissed to Rosie. “Take it before it swells. Once in your ass, you will clamp down on it with your muscles, and as he makes his short hard power strokes shooting his super hot cum deep in your ass, his knot will put pressure on the dildo bulb in your hot pussy. I will pump the bulb and you will get that same feeling you had when he power fucked your pussy and his knot was going back and forth over your G-spot. This time I t will seem as if you have 2 G-spots, one in your ass and the one in your sweet pussy.”

Rosie grunted like a little pig to acknowledge she comprehended my advice. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. I watched as she visibly released the contraction from her hip and back muscles. Skeeter thrust forth strongly and his knot slid in Rosie’s ass. She gasped and I saw tears come from her eyes.

“OHHH fuck Mami. I got it. I got Senor Skeeter’s knot. It iss soo fucking big. I doan know if I can take it. Ohhh fuck Mami. If you do this to Hope, she goan to love you and the dog dick for the ress of her life. Hope love dick in her ass.”

“You take his dick little whore. You are his bitch now. Skeeter is your daddy. He owns that pussy and that ass. Tell him Bitch. Tell my boy what you are and what he owns! Tell him now!” I slapped Rosie’s firm ass flesh as Skeeter fucker her hard and deep.


Rosie moaned and twisted to the left. She grunted and lifted her ass just a little higher. Skeeter’s huge dick was moving fast in short jabs into Rosie’s ass.

“I am your slut whore Bitch Skeeter Daddy. Rosie is your bitch to fuck. Ohh Senor Daddy Skeeter, you own my Mex ass and my hot wet pussy. I promise I will be your faithful bitch and fall to my hands and knees whenever you want to take me. I promise to suck your cum from your knot and drain you my lover Daddy doggy. I NEED your dick always and in all ways.”

Finally, forcing the breath right out of her, Skeeter’s boner hit deepest. Since his dick was soaked with his pre-cum and since Rosie’s ass was moist with lube, his long thick dick rushed up deep into her ass.

“Oh!” Rosie shrieked and had an immediate fit of tremors.

Skeeter, panting and drooling over the girl’s body, brought his hind legs closer to her. This natural movement sent his dick ramming deeper into her juicy ass fuck-hole. With his belly plastered against her lower back, Skeeter hunched his haunches and like a run-away piston his lower body fucked her ass hotly.

“Ohhhhh,” Rosie moaned. Her senses reeled and her tits tingled as his doggie-dick drilled into her ass. He fucked her ass now just the way he had fucked her pussy earlier and Rosie loved it just as much.

Her eyes rolled in her head as stinging pleasure rippled through her whole body. Skeeter’s big dick was making her swoon as he fucked rapidly in and out of her squishy little asshole.

Gripping the mat tightly, Rosie started humping her as on the fucking dog-dick, just like a bitch in heat. Her passion increased and her lust swelled.
“Oh, oh, you crazy dog,” she moaned, fucking her ass hotly. “Ummm, fuck me, Skeeter, fuck me! Eww, push it deep! Ohhhh, how you fuck! I must cum in quarts when you fuck me!”

All Rosie knew for sure was that she came in quarts! Skeeter seemed able to fuck and fuck and fuck! His stony dick rammed and drilled and burrowed in her hot ass, and Rosie kept moaning, cawing, cooing, and talking.

Her head lolled loosely on the mat. Her fingers whitened as they clenched the mat fabric. And her pretty pussy and ass twisted and churned on the drilling dog-dick. Hot puppy pre-cum oozed from her humping ass down through her pussy-slit to drench the mat under her.

Skeeter’s saliva dripped faster and his dick rammed harder and quicker, jabbing hotly into her writhing young ass-hole. Rosie creamed more and more.

Her best cum of all happened when Skeeter’s dick knot developed to full dimension in her ass. As the knot enlarged his tight balls rammed against her juicy pussy-lips. Tremendous feelings of cum-pleasure mounted in her belly, and she moaned passionately as a huge orgasm built to rip through her body.

She cried out when she felt his dick enlarge and fuck deeply in her hot belly. She knew he was going to let loose with a powerful load of puppy cum, and she sensed that his cum would ignite her orgasmic fuse. Rosie would cum something fierce. She was right.

“I need to cum. Please, make me cum. Can I cum, Mami? Please, can I cum?”

Skeeter’s horny dick streaked up into her tight asshole and started pumping great quantities of dog cum into her. Rosie whimpered with intense pleasure. Every inch of her straining, fucking body felt the good feelings. Her tits hardened and her dark nipples poked stiffly into the mat. Her pussy was creaming on the dildo inside her.

Moaning and groaning, she fucked her wet ass and pussy hornily on the dog-dick. Hot pussy-cream squished from around the sides of the fixed dildo and oozed warmly down her inner thighs.

Skeeter drooled lots of saliva on her back as he pumped his thin streams of cum up her ass. His muscles rippled and his haunches humped furiously as he fucked his spewing dick into the girl’s screwing, twisting asshole.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhh,” Rosie moaned, loving the fuck-feelings shooting throughout her young body. “Ohhh, Skeeter, good boy! Ummmm, how you fuck your bitch girl! God, I want you to do me every day. Umm, ewwwmmm, mmmmm!”

“Ewww, give it to me,” she panted, fucking her ass back at him each time his dick speared into her. “Ohhhh, fuck me, fuck me! Mmmm, it feels so good! Ohhh, what a big stiff dick you’ve got! Fuck my ass, Skeeter, fuck my ASS!! Mmmm, give it to me!”

Skeeter clutched Rosie tighter as he pumped her full of his cum. Rosie cried, sobbed, wailed and begged as her orgasm ripped through her. She felt the powerful rippling begin in her tummy and work its way through her pussy and center in and on her G-spot and clit. The dog dick in her ass put perfect back pressure on the bulb of the dildo in her pussy. Her cumming was the most intense and strongest of her life to date.

This scene went on for what seemed like an hour, but it reality was but a few minutes. Soon after most of his doggy cum was spent, Skeeter wanted to turn on Rosie in order to get butt to butt with her. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, so I held him in place and gently squeezed the small bit of dick behind his knot. Skeeter whimpered and I could feel his dick dwindling.

Within 12-15 minutes Skeeter’s dick had shrunk sufficiently for him to withdraw from Rosie’s ass. I saw her clench her muscles in an attempt to keep that red hot thick organ of immense pleasure inside her. She didn’t and as she fell with her tummy now plastered to the mat I caressed her and kissed her neck. Using the cool cloth, I bathed her exposed flesh.

Rosie gave a long long sigh and said, “Oh My Fucking God. Madre de Dios. This dog is the best fuck a girl could ever get. I want him all the time. He can have my pussy, my ass, and my mouth whenever he wants them. Hope is gonna pass out if you allow her to get dog dick and dog fucking like this.”

I smiled and kissed Rosie and said, “We shall see. But faint or not, little Hope is going to give Artie her pussy and her ass. And Rosie my Latina darlin’, Artie has a dick that is much longer and thicker than Skeeter. Artie is going to fill that skinny slut pussy better than she ever thought possible. And little whore girl, you are going to help Artie make her pussy his pussy.”


Part Five

My home has an installed cctv and intercom system. From the central panel, and there can be as many as 3 central panels, or 1 central and 3 sub panels, one can visually and audio monitor activity throughout the home. This function was designed as at the time of home planning, we (my former husband) each anticipated that our home would become the final stop for either his or my parents, or possibly for my husband himself. He is 24 years my senior, thus when I reach 60 he is 84.

When I placed Hope in the room to sleep off her stupor, I activated the cctv and intercom in the room and activated the monitoring function at the sub panel in my bedroom. After Rosie’s session with Skeeter, I instructed her to take a shower and then go to bed. I reckoned both girls would sleep until late morning. I was right.

In the morning, I switched monitoring functions from my bedroom to my study. The study is where I do all my shop business work, thus I take coffee here in the early morning hours while working on various things.

Along about half ten, maybe a bit more toward eleven, I heard some stirring in the bedroom. I looked up at the monitor to see a rustling of sheets, giggling, a little repositioning, and then a voice saying, “I have to pee!”

I watched as a nude Rosie and a panty clad Hope got up to go to the bathroom. I did not have the bathroom system activated, but I imagined they relived themselves and brushed their teeth. After what seemed a longer time than required for such minor ablutions, they returned to camera range in the bedroom.

“I have this dull ache in the back of my head”, Hope said.

“Duu-ahh, I guess!” Rosie replied. “You had more margaritas than you can handle.”

“Yeah, I did. That was stupid of me. I asked you in the bathroom how your pussy got so swollen and how did you get those hand prints on your ass?” Hope asked.

Rosie giggled. “You sure you want to know? I tell you this, I had a lotta fun lass night after you went to bed. This lady is ver ver HOT and she a freak like you and me. We have a lotta fun lass night.”

“Well, what happened? And, no matter what happened, why didn’t you come wake me up? I wasn’t that out of it! I coulda been OK and had some fun too. Sometimes, you really piss me off, ya know that?”

“WHAP”. The crack of a hand on flesh exploded through the intercom.

“Owww.” What was that for?” I heard Hope cry.

“Tha iss for you being a bitch lass night. You know you can na hold you drink. Why you go loco and drink so much so fass, Huh? You almos pass out. The woman haff to brin you to bed. You snoring like a train. And you breff stink. Thass why I give you the slap. Plus, I know it make your little pussy hot too!! Hee, hee, hee.”

I watched as Rosie slapped Hope across her cheek. Hope made a soft squeal followed by a low moan. Rosie reached forward and seized Hope’s two tit nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each of her hands. I licked my lips as Rosie pinched and slightly twisted Hope’s nipples.

“Ohhh Rose, don’t pinch my nipples so hard. You know that my tits and nipples are sensitive. Be nice Baby. Be nice to Hope. And that lady Kathleen, she may be around and she might hear us.”

“I take a look around while you peein and cleanin you teeth. She no here now. Maybe she at her shops. And besides, I tell her about us lass night when she and me playin. I goan to be ver nice to you little fuck slut. I goan to show you who own your white pussy and white ass.

This lady, she goan to try to make you change, but doan worry, I done it lass night, and I not goan let you change. You goan to stay Rosita’s white pussy fuck toy just like you always bin. You my pussy and my ass. Ain that right Hope baby? Tell Rosita’s who your pussy and ass belong to? Come on sweet pussy whore, tell Rosita who is you Daddy. Who you Papi baby?” As I strained to hear the semi-whispering voice, I could make out moaning and sounds of pleasure.

“Hope baby, I goan get your long plastic dick. I wan hear you buzzing away with your toy before my lips can turn you inside out and make your tight white pussy cum and cum? C’mon baby, relax and let Rosie suck on your big titties and tight pussy. I want to taste your pretty white pussy”.

“I wan you to lie in tha bed and fuck yourself with that piece of plastic. C’mon baby…why are you blushing now? My tongue and some other things we have in our packs goan to show you who own you. I mus do this before the lady come back. I thin she go to her shops, but she goan to come back for you. She got special plans for you. I goan tell you about it later.”

I could hear soft crying. Rosie cooed to Hope, “I gaon make you cry good you white bitch. You gon to sob and cry and squeal for me before I let you eat my beautiful brown cunt baby. You such a whore Hope. And Rosie goan to give you everything you need until the lady get back. And when she get back, she goan to force you to do some thins that I wan to see ver ver much”.

I watched as Rosie pushed Hope back to the bed. Hope fell back and her long legs flew upward. Rosie grabbed Hope’s panties and tugged them down to Hope’s calves. Rosie went to their back packs and opening one, she retrieved a long slim pink vibrator. She turned and tossed the vibe to Hope. Hope caught the vibe and switched it on as Rosie clutched the back pack and brought it over to the bed placing it on the opposite side night table.

Rosie leaned over Hope and began to lick and suck at her breasts. Rosie’s hand guided Hope’s hand holding the vibe down over Hope’s tummy and then back up over the breast which Rosie was neglecting. Hope arched her back and gasped a little as the vibe combined with Rosie’s mouth and tongue made her nipples rock hard and elongated and I am sure made her pussy begin to flow copiously with feminine lubrication.

The vibrator hummed mightily as Hope tried to bring herself to a quick orgasm. But Rosie was guiding Hope’s hand and thus where on Hope’s body the vibrator touched.

“ZZZzzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzz…” the powerful pink toy chugged on and on as 2 hands, one from each girl moved the tip up and down tit, nipple, tummy, thing, and finally barely skimming over a glistening wet slit to stop for a moment over the hood of a swelling, rising, emerging clit. Hope was getting close to cumming. Rosie moved Hope’s hand and the vibe back to her tummy. Hope cried out and moaned as she gasped loudly at losing the sensation invading her clit..

Rosie grabbed Hope’s left breast and gave a firm squeeze. The vibe teased and stimulated Hope’s right tit and nipple. “Ahhhhh,” Hope squealed as she sought release. Rosie moved the hands and vibe again and pressed the length of the plastic lover against hope’s clit hood. Hope was close…so damn close, as Rose pressed and released, and pressed and released, and pressed and released the vibrator against her lover’s puffy, wet pussy.

“NNNNggghhh…nnnggghhh,” Hope grunted. Hope was panting. Rosie forced Hope to her knees and ordered her to hold on. ‘Almost there,’ I could hear Hope pant as the wave of guilty orgasmic pleasure zoomed through her brain.

“WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP! A firm slapping resonated from the monitor. I watched as Rosie slapped Hope’s ass 4 times. Twice on each cheek and what appeared to be in a very hard way.

“Goddamnit,” Hope stuttered softly. The annoyance manifested itself on her face at the interruption of her pending orgasm.

Rosie grabbed a sash from a robe and slipped it around Hope’s wrists. She took the long loose end and pulled it to circle around Hope’s neck. Rosie left about an inch of slack in the end around Hope’s neck when she tied a quick release knot in the sash.

“Rosita I’m not…uuunnngggg,” Hope didn’t get to finish her protest as Rosie’s full red lips attacked Hope’s exposed pussy. Rosie planted a wet, open-mouthed kiss in the center of Hope’s labia. I watched as Rosie’s tongue bathed Hope twat with saliva. My already aroused cunt started its flow of juice.

“Rosita iss goan give her white puta pussy what it needs. I know you Hope. You are a puta slut and you love what I do to you.”

Hope wiggled her ass, spread her legs, and murmured, “OHHH fuck Rosie. I was a bad girl last night. I drank too much. I embarrassed you and me. I am sooo bad Rosie. You better give little white puta Hope what she needs most.”

Rosie remained behind Hope. She licked and sucked Hope’s cunt and ass. I watched as Rosie brought Hope close to orgasm by using her big soft lips on Hope’s pussy and clitoris and slowly, steadily finger-fucking Hope’s butt with her long brown fingers. Rosie rose and stood along the side of the bed. Rosie reached into the back pack a straight razor which she held menacingly before Hope’s eyes.

Rosita placed the cold blade against Hope’s neck and ran it down to the side of her breasts. Hope felt the sharp edge digging at my swollen long nipple.

“You better stop shaking you dumb white pussy puta or you’re going to hurt yourself.” Rosie was enjoying Hope’s shame. She knew Hope would perform whatever deviant act she demanded of her.

Rosie moved the back side of the blade downwards across my belly and slightly through Hope’s soaked pussy slit with agonizing slowness. Rosie closed the blade and tossed it back in the back pack. She placed her left hand at Hope’s butt and I watched as at least 2 maybe 3 long fingers slushed into Hope’s wet pussy.

“Just what I thought, all you stupid white pussies love the way Rosita takes charge.” Rosie shoved her wet fingers into Hope’s mouth, “Clean them bitch. Good pussy. Stay right there pussy, your daddy has some surprises for you.”

Rosie got a leather collar from the pack and placed it around Hope’s neck. She then removed the sash and replaced it with leather cuffs to Hope’s wrists. She moved Hope’s arms from behind her back and placed them out in front of her. Rosie hooked the cuffs together with about 6 inches of chain between the two. Tying the sash to the chain, Rosie secured the cuffs to the bed head board. Hope’s arms were stretched out in front of her head as though she were bowing on her hands and knees.

Rosie was practiced and methodical as she attached the ankle cuffs and a spreader bar that would not allow Hope to close her wide-spread legs. She then secured Hopes ankles to the bed frame. Rosie went back to the side of the bed. “This is what little white girl pussies get when they are bad,” she said softly, in the seductive voice she used to woo Hope into this lez relationship.

Rosie turned Hope to her right so that they could watch in the mirrors mounted on one wall. Rosie knelt behind Hope and started to slowly scratch and tickle her way up Hope’s legs towards her flowing cunt. Hope groaned as Rosie teased the flesh with her finger nails and kissed and licked Hope’s ass cheeks.

“Oh Rosie…so good…so good,” Hope moaned louder as Rosie licked Hope’s butt hole with a flattened tongue, just like a mother cat would clean her kitten.

Rosie sucked and kissed Hope’s pussy and within moments Hope was begging and pleading for permission to cum “Rosie…Rosie…oh yes…oh yes.” Hope mewed and moaned.

Hope watched, in a sexual stupor, as Rosie turned to retrieve other implements from the large back pack. I watched in fascination because I would never had imagined that one so young as Rosie could be such a well versed dominant.

With her brown skinned back turned toward Hope, Rosie said, “You stupid white dykes are all the same; you just don’t know how to behave and control your emotions. You haven’t been a good white pussy, now have you baby,” Rosie asserted to Hopes bound form.

“Little white fuck whores deserve to be punished when they don’t obey their daddy.”

Hope heard the riding crop sing through the air a moment before it impacted on her ass. I watched as Rosie swung the crop with some obvious force. “NNnnnnggghhhhhhh,” Hoped screamed in real pain into the pillow as Rosie started to whip her with the crop.

After the second “thwap” of the crop Hope started crying. Rosie stopped after 10 or 12 strokes as Hope sobbed. Hope would emit small screams with each impact from Rosie’s instrument of punishment.

Rosie placed the shaft of the crop into Hope’s pussy slit and drew it back towards her. Hope knew that she was lubricating the length of the tool. Rosie gave Hope’s pussy one hard swat and then she stepped beside Hope.

“LOOK at ME whore! You dumb white pussies are all the same, you whine and cry when you get punished, but you just can’t help fucking-up my riding crop with your pussy juice,” she goaded me, waving the wet crop in front of my face. The more I whip your ass and spank that hot pussy, the wetter it becomes. You’re not supposed to enjoy this as much as you do you stupid bitch. But, you can’t control that hot pussy of yours, can you slut whore?”

Rosie snarled to Hope. Then Rosie commanded, “answer me you stupid cunt”. Hope tried to mumble with her mouth placed on the pillow, but nothing intelligible came forth.

“I fucking thought so, you won’t even answer your daddy when asked a question,” she sneered.

Rosie blindfolded Hope so that yet another of her senses was deprived. I watched as Rosie moved around behind Hope again. The swish of the riding crop whistled through the air as Hope’s beating started anew. After 15-18 hard, vicious lashes from her crop Hope was a whimpering, sobbing mass of pitiful girl bound to a bed frame.

Hope’s ass and upper thighs were on fire, burning from the Lash of the crop so expertly wielded by the chunky Latina woman. Rosie was far from done with Hope though. Rosie applied a cool, wet lubricant gel to Hope’s asshole. Hope clenched her ass cheeks and cooed, “UooooUooo as she felt something warm, narrow, and stiff being inserted into that hole.

“What a fucking whore,” Rosita exclaimed. “I just touch the tip of my crop to your bunghole and it that ass opens right up.”

“I will take care of that hungry asshole baby,” Rosie sneered. “Daddy has much better toys for your hot ass than this slender riding crop handle!”

Rosie roughly pulled the riding crop from Hope’s ass. The replacement implement for the crop was slick, smooth, long, wide and firm.

I watched as Rosie slowly fed the huge vibrating anal plug into Hope’s eager butt. Hope’s fine white ass stretched as the plug went deeper in her ass. Hope looked as though she would scream, but then the plug tapered sharply to a small diameter and Hope’s anal muscle closed over the plug shaft. Hope sighed once the plug was in-place. I sensed Hope felt wonderfully full and after the initial pain subsided and her anus would develop a warm, pulsing glow.

Then I heard the distinctive sound of a Polaroid camera going off, “Click…whiiiizzz…thunk.”

Rosita was still twisting and turning the butt plug; with one hand and taking pictures of Hope with a camera in the other. The camera sounds continued, “Click…whiiiizzz…thunk. Click…whiiiizzz…thunk. Click…whiiiizzz…thunk. Click…whiiiizzz…thunk,” as Rosie captured Hope’s lesbian submission on film.

Hope struggled a bit against her bonds. She was not desperately trying to escape, because Hope enjoyed the humiliation of being photographed in her bound and aroused state. Rosie just laughed as Hope pretend struggled and pleaded with Rosie “not to take pictures that would humiliate her.”

Rosie placed the camera back in the back pack. She ran her hand over Hope’s firm red striped white ass. “I knew your hot ass could take my big toy,” Rosita said, sounding pleased with herself and Hope. Hope was a sweaty, whimpering shell of a woman. Her body had become no more than a toy for Rosie to play with…another white pussy subbie slut.

Hope’s torturer surprised her again by starting to slowly, gently rub her exposed pussy with lubricated fingers. Rosie quickly brought Hope to the precipice of climax. Hope’s body betrayed her mind, and as her seducer aroused Hope’s insatiable pussy.

“That’s Daddy’s baby,” Rosie’s voice was back to the slow, liquid, seductive voice that originally lured Hope toward her lesbian charms, “Be a good white whore now, and don’t you cum unless daddy gives you permission. You understand baby? No cumming unless I give you permission. I don’t want to have to punish my whore girl again.”

I watched closely as Hope’s needy, shameful body betrayed her. I saw the waves of heavenly ecstasy overwhelm Hope after ten minutes or so of Rosie’s manual manipulation of her lover’s excited pussy and engorged clitoris. Hope sang out the longest most mournfully erotic moan as her sweet wet pussy flooded Rosie’s hand with cunt juice. Hope’s body bucked against Rosie’s hand as best it could in its bound state. Hope scraped her chest on the smooth satin sheets thus rubbing her sensitive erect nipples while her pussy convulsed under Rosie’s experienced hand.

I surmised that the entire scene, the burning of Hope’s butt cheeks, the fullness of the plug in her ass, the pain in her lower back and her knees from being tied in this submissive position, Rosita’s constant threat of more punishment, and the expert manner in which Rosie finger fucked Hope’s hot pussy combined to intensify Hope’s cumming and the flood of pussy juice she spewed forth. The little whore was a squirter!

“You disobeyed your daddy again, didn’t you whore,” Rosita was her sneering persona again. “You are going to learn to obey your daddy girl. You will only cum when I order you to cum. You will cry when I tell you to cry. You will talk when I tell you to talk. You will fuck and suck who and what I tell you to fuck and suck. You will learn to follow my orders or I will whip your stupid white-trash ass and pussy every day. Do you understand me bitch?”

“You just came when I told you not to, didn’t you whore?” Rosita said as she smeared her wet hand all over Hope’s face; spreading Hope’s wanton pussy juice as evidence of this disobedience. “You’re one of the dumbest white whore cunts I’ve ever fucked.”

Rosie started to whip Hope’s ass and pussy with the riding crop. Hope whistled and emitted a high keening scream every stroke of her crop. After seven or eight strokes she stopped. Hope’s ass was burning anew with pain. Her pussy lips felt like they were cut and bruised. Rosie rubbed Hope’s stinging ass cooing about how pretty Hope’s ass looked with the red and white stripes.

“Its ok baby, daddy has punished you enough. Now Daddy has some nice brown dick for you. Later today, when the lady come back, you gonna get some really nice red dick, hee hee heee. And baby whore girl, I already tell the lady, you gonna love that huge red dick and its scalding hot cum.” I could see the fear in Hope’s face and eyes as Rosie’s words terrified her.

“Don’t worry baby, you’re going to get daddy’s big brown dick,” Rosita assured me that she was going to fuck me with a dildo, “and daddy’s dick is very big and very thick, just the thing a white whore like you needs in her slut whore pussy.”

I watched Rosie open the back pack. She was preparing to give Hope the “Daddy’s Dick”.

Rosita’s hands opened Hope’s cheeks rubbed her aroused pussy lips. Hope’s labia and clit were inflamed and swollen as though a pussy pump had been used on them. Rosie strapped the harness around her waist. She walked to the side of the bed and leaned in to kiss Hope. Hope’s eyes bulged at the size of the dildo.

Hope licked her lips and Rosie giggled. “Yeah Baby whore girl, Daddy knows what dick you want. Daddy knows your hot sweet pussy. I know what dick you want and need in that starving wet pussy. Daddy has the dick you want babe. And Daddy is going to give it to you. I have to prepare you and open you for the lady and her surprises for you.”

“No cumming unless I tell you to baby,” Rosie told Hope.

Rosie poured cool, wet lube into her hand and began to masturbate the dildo. She placed the hot tip of the “Daddy dick” against Hope’s swollen pussy lips. Hope groaned with desire, begging and pleading for Rosita to fuck her.

Rosie worked the tip into hope’s pussy. The dildo was vying for space in Hope’s body with the butt plug that filled her asshole. Inch by inch Rosie worked her exquisite dildo dick into Hope’s hole. In a bit, out a bit; In a bit, out a bit; in a bit deeper; out and then in a bit deeper, until Hope’s pussy is filled with the huge brown dildo.

Rosie grabbed Hope’s hips with her strong hands, digging her finger nails into Hope’s flesh. Rosie withdrew the dildo three or four inches and then slammed her dick and her hips into Hope’s pussy and body.

“NNNNnnnnnnnnngggggggghhhhhhhh,” Hope screamed. Rosie repeated this two more times. Each time Hope screamed less and squealed more. Rosie was battering Hope’s insides, turning that soft wet tight flesh to mush with this huge brown dildo.

“Take it bitch. Take this dick for Daddy. Daddy has to get you ready for the dick the lady has for you. You gonna love this new dick Hope. A hot fuck hole whore like oyu is gonna go nutso over this dick and the way it fucks you. This lady gonna make you love a new dick and a new style of fucking. But Rosie gonna get one last fuck before the lady make you an addict to this new dick.”

Hope got into Rosie’s rhythm rocking her pussy and ass back onto the dildo. Rosita was taking ownership of hope’s cunt.

“Fuck me Rosie, Fuck me Rosie, Fuck me Rosie,”’ was the mantra chant coming through the intercom system. It wasn’t long before a wave of pleasure overtook Hope and her body shuddered as a long climax hit her. Hope trembled and moaned as her juice coated her and Rosie’s thighs. Rosie fucked Hope slow and deep, and fast and deep, but always hard pounding thrusts.

“Does my white whore want to cum for Daddy now? Huh bitch? All you white whores want to show their Daddy how hard they cum on daddy dick.” Rosie was growling with intensity as she increased her pace inside Hope’s cunt, “Yeah baby, daddy is gonna knock you up. Cum for me whore. Moan and cum for daddy.”

Hope squealed, screamed, shook, shuddered, and squirted what seemed to be gallons fo pussy juice as her orgasm ripped through her body. Rosie grinned and leaned over Hope to kiss her back and neck and this slim white girl rode the tide of orgasm to a near faint outcome. The sweat glistened on both of them as Rosie slammed the dildo as far as possible into Hope and held it there while grinding her hips into Hope’s ass as her fingers pinched, pulled and twisted Hope’s clit.


I had watched one of the hottest lez domination scenes I had ever seen. Now, I had to pretend that I was just arriving back home. I hurried out of my office through the den, kitchen, and pantry room to go out the door into the carport. I hit the door opener and quickly backed the Suburban onto the drive. I tapped the horn and drove back into the garage. I exited the Suburban, hit the door closer again and entered the house through the pantry entrance calling out as I entered.

“Girls! Rosie! Hope! Are you girls awake? Come on you sleepy heads. Time to get your cute asses in gear if you intend to leave for Florida today.” (We had not yet resolved the issue of their staying for a while or going on to FL).

I walked though the den to the hallway and down to their bedroom. As I reached the door, I knocked and then opened the door without waiting for an answer. Hope was lounging in the bed and Rosie was placing the backpack over near the closet. Hope’s face was still flushed. Laughingly, I went to the bed and pulled Hope’s arm indicating that she should arise.

“Come on sleepy head. You didn’t have that much to drink last night, and believe me Rosie worked her cute Latina butt off after you zonked out last night.”

I looked at Rosie and she grinned nodding her head to indicate that the statement was correct. Hope looked at Rosie with some curiosity. Rosie turned and said, “Doan worry Hope. You gonna learn all bout it later today. Ain tha right Mami Kathleen. Hope gonna learn today.”

I smiled and replied, “Well, that is up to her. Maybe Hope is not interested in learning what you have learned. Hope may decide she knows enough now. And who knows, maybe Hope will think the subject is not to her liking.”

Rosie laughed a loud. “No, no, no. I tole you how Hope is and how she love to fuck. You goan to see for you self. Hope is a real freak.”

I looked at Hope and she blushed and her flushed face became as red as a beet. I pulled at Hope’s arm again, and reluctantly she got up from the bed. As she rose, I turned her so that her ass was facing me. I ran my hand over her tight curved butt and said, “Girl, those red stripes are not from sleeping. What happened to your ass?”

Rosie looked at Hope and said, “Go on puta. Tell the lady wha happen to your ass.”

Hope hung her head. I placed my fingers under her chin and lifted her head. Looking at her and in a low hissing voice I said, “Tell me what happened to your ass little slut whore?” Peripherally I saw Rosie smiling broadly. “Come on Bitch, talk! Talk, or else I will add more stripes to that ass of yours.” I hissed at Hope.

“Ma’am, I was a bad girl last night. I drank too much. For drinking too much and embarrassing Rosie, I got a spanking. I am sorry. I won’t let it happen again. I will be a good girl. Really I will. I promise you Ma’am. I will not embarrass you or Rosie. Please forgive me Ma’am.”

I lightly slapped Rosie’s face. “I am not so sure I believe you or that you are worthy of being forgiven. You get your ass in the bathroom and take a shower. While you are cleaning yourself, I shall make some coffee. And pretty pussy whore girl, while in the shower, I want you to clean your ass and pussy thoroughly inside and out. I don’t want you having some funk smell of taste for my boy.”

Hope looked at me strangely. I slapped her face again and she snapped to and went to the bathroom. I called to her, “silly cunt! You forgot to bring fresh clothes. Well never mind, since you forgot clothes, you can wear the panties you had on and nothing more.”

I motioned to Rosie with my finger. As the curvy Latina approached I reached out to play with her nipples. “Did you tell her about the dogs?” I asked.

“Ohh no Mami,” Rosie replied. “I say nothing about them. I only say to Hope that ‘the lady haff a surprise for you. You gonna laff the surprise the lady haff.’ I say nothing else. Hope ass ess red because we play together this morning while you were away. Hope like it ruff. I tell you thess. So we play and I give her a few wacks with the crop. Little whore girl was squirting as I spank her ass and pussy.”

I grinned and told Rosie she did well. I knew Rosie was relatively fresh from the shower she took before retiring the previous evening. I told Rosie to go into my bath and freshen herself and that she should be out and in the breakfast room BEFORE Hope. I told Rosie to follow my lead when Hope came into the breakfast room. I told Rosie I was going to question Hope about her punishment and I wanted to humiliate her.

Rosie grinned and told me, “Mami, tha lil bitch will have her pussy gushin in 2 minutes if you talk nasty to her and humilliy her. She love it and she got no control over her puta pussy.”

Off the cute Tex-Mex bitch went. I waited a second and then I opened the backpack inspecting the contents. Quick inventory revealed: a collar; a crop, a paddle, (2) butt plugs- one larger and one medium; (3) vibrators; (2) sets of nipple and clit clamps (one vibrating and one plain); a sturdy leather strap-on harness capable of accommodating 2 dildo’s- one over the other for DP action; and (4) dildo’s of various sizes. The brown one was the largest and I guessed it at 12” long and 3” in diameter. The smallest was about 9” long and no more than ľ” in diameter. Obviously as ass tool.

Closing the backpack I went to my bedroom and into my closet. I fetched a thin leather belt and an initiation paddle. Much like a table tennis paddle with the round face, this paddle has a custom made handle. The handle is of polished wood and shaped like a dog’s phallus. The handle is about 12” or so in length with a huge knot 8” from the junction of the handle and the paddle. It isn’t really and table tennis paddle. As I said, it is an initiation paddle.

I brought both paddle and belt to the breakfast room. I switched on the coffee pot. I minutes the aroma of fresh coffee permeated the area. Rosie came bouncing into the breakfast room wearing a pair of skin tight short shorts (with a beautiful prominent camel toe) and a tee shirt. I poured her a cup of coffee and indicated the sugar and cream. She fixed her cup and sat at the table.

I placed a pot on the stove and began to scald some milk. When Hope entered the breakfast room, I had a small 2 cup pot of sweet coffee-milk made. I poured Hope and cup and placed the cup on the table. Hope sat and slowly sipped the coffee milk smacking her lips and murmuring that is was good.

I sat at the table with a glass of grapefruit juice. I made small talk with Rosie, and Hope sat up to make a comment. I looked at her, and right on script Rosie snapped, “Puta, why you talk. No body axe you for you 2 cens. You shut your gob or I show Mami what you can do with that whore mouth.”

Hope blushed red as a fire extinguisher. She looked down into the coffee cup. I stared at her, and as though my eyes were lasers on her chest, she squirmed on the chair. With a quick glance and wink to Rosie indicating I was going to start the questioning, I cleared my throat. Hope looked up at me.

“Tell me little fuck whore, why did Rosie have to punish you this morning?”

A small meek voice responded, “Because I was bad Ma’am.”

I glared at Hope and replied, “well stupid bitch, I know that. My question is what transgression did you commit that warranted Rosie to punish you?

Hope squirmed more and while it seemed impossible, her face blushed even more. “I drank too much last night. I embarrassed myself, my friend Rosie, and I disrespected you and your hospitality Ma’am.” The voice uttering these words was absolutely pitiful.

“STAND UP!” I commanded Hope. “Drop those panties and turn around!”

Hope shot up and pushed her panties to her thighs. She turned and faced the door leading our back toward the spa and the dog run. I watched as the red shame spread around her neck and across the top of her shoulders.

“How did your ass become stripped red and white like a barber pole?” I asked Hope.

She wavered from foot to foot. She stammered, “Ro..Ro..sie whi..whi..whipped me wi.. wi..with th.. th.. thee crop.”

I stepped to Hope and ran my hand softly over both of her firm tight curved ass cheeks. I softly blew a stream of cool air on the top of Hope’s spine and the back of her neck. I watched the fine blonde hairs on her spine and neck rise like rose petals seeking the morning rays of the sun.

My hand continued it caressing and massaging of Hope’s ass. I stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear, “You pretty little whore slut. You disrespect me by getting drunk in my home. You toss my hospitality and generosity aside as though you are entitled to those gifts. You are a whore. A silly no brain whore. I am going to punish you for your disrespect and your lack of thinking.”

Hope nodded her head slowly. She continued to waver to and fro from foot to foot.

Rosie stood and walked to stand in front of Hope. Rosie reached forward and grasped each of Hope’s nipples in her fingers. She slowly started to pull, pinch and twist Hope’s nipples. Hope gasped a sharp and large intake of breath as Rosie manipulated her nipples and I caressed her ass.

“You want to be punished for your disrespect, don’t you little whore?” I cooed in Hope’s ear.

Hope nodded again. “Talk Puta!” Rosie said.

“Yes Ma’am. I want you to punish me for being bad. I was so bad. I need to be punished.”

“I bet your pretty little whore cunt becomes soaking sopping wet when you get punished. I bet your little pussy opens up and begs for a huge big dick. Your hot little clit swells with blood and becomes as hard as a diamond. I bet that hot sweet pussy of yours betrays you and drips its juices on the floor as your ass, tits, thighs, and face are punished for being the bad girl whore slut that you are. Tell me slut whore, is what I think correct or not?”

Hope spread her legs slightly. She nodded her head. Rosie pinched and twisted her nipples harshly and told her to speak.

Hope spoke and replied, “Yes. My little pussy becomes soaking wet. When I get spanked, I think of and beg for a huge dick to take my hot cunt. I like it rough. I want the be ravaged by that dick. My pussy will froth its cunt cream and drip for you if you spank me. I am a whore. I am a slut. I need a dick. I need a big dick in my pussy. Rosie has a huge dildo dick that she uses to feed my pussy. I love it and I love how Rosie fucks me senseless with that dick.”

Rosie began to slap Hope’s tits. “Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat.” Methodical slaps and with each one, Hope would gasp and moan. I timed the tit slaps and started spanking Hope’s ass with my hand to match the tit slaps. “WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP”.

Hope’s moaning increased in volume. I could hear Rosie tell her, “Little puta girl, The lady goan spank your ass wit her paddle. While she doin that, I goan to take a dildo she have and fuck your pussy. We got to open you up bitch. We got to open that hot pussy for the surprise you goan get. You goan love this surprise the lady got for you. I know you Hope. You a freak Hope, but you goan to be a bigger freak once you get this surprise. You goan love it. I promise you.”

With every word, Hope shuddered. The little whore was trembling. Rosie told me to look at Hope’s pussy. She had begun to flow her creamy juices and the flow was so heavy, she was actually draining cunt cream onto the floor.

“This gringa puta hassa lossa cum in her Mami. Doan you worry, this beech gonna squirt lossa times for you and your boys. Aren’t you gringa puta Linda. You goan make that little hot pussy squirt when you new Mami tell you to make it squirt? HUH? Is that hot pussy goan squirt for us Hope?”

“AHHHHHHH-HAAAAAAAA,” Hope half moaned and half sobbed. “My pussy is gonna squirt really good for you and the new Mami. You know my pussy squirts like crazy Rosie. I am building a big squirt right now!”

I got the paddle and walked to join Rosie. Hope had her head thrown back and her eyes closed. I tapped her cheek with the paddle. “Look at this instrument of pleasure little slut whore,” I said to hope. She opened her eyes, and I saw the gleam in them. First, a bit of fear and trepidation, then her eyes opened widely when she noticed the handle.

“Wha…wha is that on the end of the paddle?” Hope asked. I flipped the paddle in my hand so that I clutched it by its round paddle part and not the handle. I pushed the handle to Hope’s face and asked, “you mean this end whore girl?”

“Uhhh-Huhh,” Hope answered.

“This is the dildo end of the paddle. Its purpose is to open a girl’s pussy for the best dick in 5 states. (Texas and the 4 others that abut Texas) Rosie tells me you have a hot pussy that really squirts its sweet cum. Are you a squirter, little whore Hope? Well bitch, when this big dick works your hot pussy, you will squirt like a ruptured fire water hose attached to a broken fire hydrant.”

As I spoke to Hope, I lightly traced her cheek, neck, and lips with the polished handle of the paddle handle. Hope looked at me questionably, her breath slightly panting, and wondering what she should do. I stared at her for a moment and then I slowly nodded my head. “Go on baby. You know you want to. Do it you sweet pussy girl!”

Hope opened her mouth and I slipped a tiny bit of the paddle handle past full lips. Hope closed her lips and slightly sucked. I could see her cheeks convex as she pulled against the handle.

“Bathe the dick with your tongue Honey,” I ordered. “Get this dick sloppy wet. I want this dick dripping with your spit as much as your hot pussy drips its cream when you get spanked. Rosie tells me that your pussy gets so hot when you are spanked that your cunt cream is boiling. Is that true little fuck toy girl?’

“AHHHHHH,” Hope wailed. “OH FUCK YES!” She screamed. My pussy flows cream like a river flows water. I get so embarrassed. When we went to school, Rosie would take me in the bathroom and work me up so my pussy would flood my panties. She would make sit all day in those sodden panties and I was so embarrassed and humiliated that I would continue to flow pussy juice keeping my panties sodden all day.

At last period, Rosie would gather a number of her Latina friends and tell them to meet her in the bathroom. Rosie would pull me into the bathroom and make me sit on a toilet seat. She would tell me to pull my skirt up around my waist and tuck the hem of the skirt into the waist band. She would tell me to spread my legs and to play with my pussy over my sopping wet panty crotch. She would then charge the girls 50 cents each to watch me play with my pussy and see the drenched wet spot spread as my pussy juices continued to drip.”

I removed the glistening wet paddle handle from Hope’s mouth. I went back to her and because the handle was so slick, I put a batting glove on my hand. Rosie started again to pull, pinch, and twist Hope’s rock hard long nipples. When Rosie started the tit slapping, I started in earnest on Hope’s fine tight curved ass with the paddle.

“Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat-Splat.” Rosie slapped Hope’s tits with one hand while pulling and twisting her nipples with the other.

“WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!” The paddle cracked against the firm flesh of Hopes ass. The fading red stripes from the crop were being melded and blended into a huge red rose pattern on Hope’s fine ass.

As Rosie and I slapped and spanked Hope, I was hissing in her ear.

“Got a big dick for you bitch. I am going to make you a proper bitch. A real bitch. You know what a real bitch is you puta slut. You are going to fuck what I tell you to fuck, when I tell you to fuck it and where I tell you to fuck it. And your whore ass pussy is not going to cum or squirt until I order you to make it squirt. I got s dick for you that will shoot scalding hot cum all over your womb. This head of this dick is going to slip right into and beyond your cervix and open you up like a new can opener opens a can of beans. You are going to be fucked better that you have ever been fucked.”

Hope writhed and squirmed as Rosie and I slapped and spanked her. I stopped and caresses her ass and continued with my vulgarity laced tirade. The more I talked of a huge dick in her cunt, the more Hope would shudder. I noticed and internally I shook with amazed concurrence, Rosie was right, this bitch was dripping her pussy juices like a broken faucet. The puddle on my floor was spreading and Hope’s pussy was draining.

Rosie saw me looking and she laughed saying, “Doan worry Mami. This beech gotta lot more cum in her. I know this pussy ver good. She can cum like this all day. I seen her drain the balls and dicks on 6 guys. Not a one of them had a drop of cum left in him, and this cunt was still flowing like a waterfall when I shove the dildo in her snatch.”

Hope gave a huge shudder and Rosie quickly pinched and twisted both nipples. “Doan you dare cum yu gringa puta Linda. You cum when Mami order you to cum. You hear me. I get my knife or razor and I cut your nipples off if you cum without permission. Your pussy gonna cum when Mami tell you to cum. Now beg, beg you bitch. Beg Mami to give you that huge big dick. You know you want it. Come on puta Linda, beg for the dick you love. Beg for the dick your pussy has to have. BEG BITCH!!”


I teased Hope’s pussy with the handle of the paddle. As Rosie shrilly urged Hope to beg for dick, I swatted her ass again and again with the paddle. I would swat her but 4 times and then with one hand rub and caress her ass while the other hand held the paddle and used the dog dick shaped handle to tease Hope’s pussy.

“This paddle handle is the shape of a dog dick. A rather, nice sized one, I might add. I order you to become accustomed to this shape Hope. Believe me, you will learn to love it and crave it every time you see a dog. This particular device has a tube attached at the base. The small bulge here at the base is inflatable, just like the real knot of dog’s dick.”

Hope was wide eyed and shuddering as I rubbed her clit with the head of the dog dick shaped paddle handle. She would roll her eyes and vigorously nod her head in the affirmative as I would run the length of the handle through her soaking wet vaginal slit. Hope was breathing heavily. She released a sound from of her mouth that was a combination of loud, long groan and long pleading sob.

“Now, your going to beg me for some dick little puta girl. Tell Mami how much you want to get fucked. Beg Mami to help you get fucked. You need some dick Baby. Your sweet pussy is smoking hot. If you convince me, I might help you. I have access to the best dick or penis you will ever get. You have to beg me and convince me or else your poor pussy will STARVE for dick.” I explained to pretty Hope.

Hope’s pussy was throbbing open and then closed. Her ass was burning along with her breasts and nipples. Her pussy lips were swollen red with the increased blood flow through her sex organs. She wanted but also feared the size of the paddle handle. Between gasps for air Hoped begged and pleaded as Rosie had instructed her. “Please Ma’am. Please Mami. Put it in me. Put that handle shaped like a dick in meeeee! PLEASE!!!! Please, I need it so bad, I’m so hot I can’t stand it! Pleeease, please, fuck me with it. Just fuck me pleeease!!”

“Very good, Hope, but you forgot to mention which hole you want it in. You’ll have to beg me again if you really want it.”

Hope wanted and needed to feel the long thick dog shaped dildo in her raging pussy. She thought maybe Kathleen wanted to put the handle in her ass, but needed it SOOooo badly in her pussy. “Please Ma’am stick it in my pussy please, I can’t stand being empty anymore. My pussy’s on fire,” Hope cried and begged of me.

Hope looked into my eyes and begged, “Please Mami, I want you to shove that big hard dog dick dildo in my burning, needing, pussy fuck hole.”

I smiled. “Beg me more, Darling Puta Hope,” I said.

“I’ll do anything. Please — please put it in my pussy. I need it soooo badly. I suck your pussy. I’ll do anything. Pleeeease…” she sobbed. “I’m so hot for it. Fuck my pussy with it Mami!”

I rubbed the paddle handle even deeper through Hope’s sodden slit. As the taper point head slid past her clitoris followed by the expandable knot running over her clit and mashing it, Hope began to strain while standing. Her fists were clenched, and her toes started to curl under her feet.

Suddenly a loud and harsh sound cracked through the air, “SPL-AAT!” With full force, Rosie slapped Hope’s drenched pussy. “Yeee-oowwww!” Hope screamed.

“Gringa Puta was bout to cum Mami. I haff to stop her. Once she start cumming, she goan to be squirtin her pussy juices all over the place. The floor will be slicker than a hilly street with a layer of ice. We will all be slidin over floor. And, this puta know she cannot cum until she get a permission.”

Hope was panting, pleading, and straining to get relief. I looked at her and asked, “Are you ready for the best dick ever. Are you ready to become my sweet pussy bitch? My hot pussy whore? My lezzie lovin dick starved squirting pussy whore girl? Are you ready little hot pussy Hope?”

“OHH Fuck yes. Anything Mami, anything at all. I’ll fuck anything. Just bring it in and let it fuck me. Ohhh I’m soooo hot and horny. Let Rosie get the big dick dildo for my pussy. Or you fuck me with the paddle handle shaped like the doggy dick. Please let me get fucked with my pussy full of dick.” Hope moaned.

I motioned for Rosie to follow while I led Hope to my playroom. It had been a bedroom, but 4 bedrooms in a household of 1 or 2 was an over kill. I converted one bedroom to a playroom. Along 2 walls were mirrors, cabinets, and wooden racks that contained various pleasure/pain implements. One wall of the cabinets walls had a door that led to a private bathroom and shower. One was lined with a long L shaped sofa. The final wall contained the door we entered the from off the hallway.

In the center of the room there was a large thick exercise matt that had an opening cutout from it. Protruding through the opening was a steel frame and wooden bench and platform sloping up at a 45 degree angle. At the top of the sloping platform was a chin/forehead rest slightly raised from the surface of the platform. The rest was adjustable. Attached under the chin rest were what looked like bicycle handle bars with Velcro cuffs attached to the handle bars. There were two holes in the sloping board designed for the insertion of female breasts. The platform was just long enough to support a person from waist to shoulders. The platform could be tilted up of down. The upward rise came to about 45 degrees and downward tilt lowered to about 125-130 degrees. At one edge of the bench, were 2 metal rings. Each ring has been inserted through a steel pin. A Velcro cuff was attached to each ring.

I told Rosie, “Get the hot pussy bitch on her knees and fitted onto the breeding bench. This hot pussy whore needs her sweet soaking wet pussy bred badly. Kneel her down at the end of the bench, bend her over the padded board, and place her fine firm tits in the holes. Secure her waist with the strap. Make her place her hands on the handle bars and secure her wrists with the Velcro cuffs. Place her head on the chin and forehead rest. Finally, spread her legs wide open and secure her ankles with the cuffs attached to the metal rings. I am going to collect the PENIS for this hot pussy whore bitch!”

Hope did as Rosie told her. She wiggled to get comfortable. Rosie adjusted the chin rest so that her head faced straight forward. Rosie secured the velvet encased leather waist strap. Hope’s hands were on the handle bars and Rosie cuffed them in place. Hope felt her knees being pulled apart from behind and locked in an extremely spread position. Her ankles were cuffed to the rings. Rosie giggled while watching the expression on Hope’s face as Hope tried to guess what was going to happen.

I returned in a few minutes holding a leash attached to my huge mix Mastiff-Dane dog. I brought the dog around to Hope’s face and squatted down with my arm around the huge beast.

“Hope this is Artie. Artie this is Hope. Now that you’ve both been formally introduced, I think it’s time you two get better acquainted,” I snickered as I stood up and lead Artie by the collar to Hope’s totally spread and exposed ass. I reached out and clipped Artie’s leash to third ring between Hope’s spread legs.

“Artie is a very well trained dog,” I stated. “I bought him about 2 years ago as 12 week old puppy. I have trained him myself and of course used other willing participants; well, some not so willing to start with, but they became very willing to continue after the first session with him, Hee Hee Hee. Fortunately for you, Artie hasn’t had the opportunity to mate with a female bitch for almost 4 months now, so I’m sure he’ll be in top form today. I’ve seen Artie take 8 bitches in one afternoon, or one bitch all day long.”

I stepped back and gave the dog a command. “Artie, lick!” Artie proceeded to lick Hope’s pussy from behind.

Hope wasn’t sure she could accept this. She moved her hips left and right away from the dog’s snout, not allowing Artie to have a steady target for his tongue.

“Hope — Hope — Hope. When are you going to learn? You must never refuse to have sex, of any kind, when it’s offered,” I scolded her.

I looked at the dog and said, “Artie, stop!” Artie stopped licking Hope’s pussy and ass and sat down.

I walked around to face Hope. I stooped down and adjusted the chin rest slightly. I walked back, unhooked Artie’s leash and brought the dog to Hope’s face. I lifted the two front paws of the large dog and placed them on Hope’s shoulders. Hope’s face was only inches from the dog’s sheathed huge dick. As she looked she saw the wet red tip of the dog’s dick slide slightly from its sheath.

“Hope, as you see, you have already started to excite Artie. I must insist that you bring him to the point from which he can satisfy himself in another way.”

I reached under the dog and rubbed the dog’s balls with one hand and stroked his sheath with the other. Hope watched as the dog’s dick slipped out of the sheath and touched her lips. While I continued my manipulations the dog moved forward and his dick entered Hope’s mouth.

I stopped and watched as Artie dog took over, pumping his swelling dick into Hope’s mouth. Artie would give two of three quick pumps and then stop. Two or three more and shift his stance.

Hope couldn’t believe she was sucking the dick of a dog. She was amazed at the size of it. It was so big around that it stretched the lips of her mouth to the point that they almost hurt. She had never fully seen a dog’s dick before. Just glimpses of one when dog’s at home were mating, and certainly never one this close. It was amazing to see, and so slippery in her mouth. It was pointed at the beginning, thick in the middle and tapered back to a large ball of flesh near the sheath.

Artie was really getting into fucking Hope’s mouth. The dog’s dick was sliding over half way in and out of her lips with each quick thrust of the dog’s powerful hips. Hope was beginning to wonder what it would feel like to be pussy or ass fucked with this huge hot red doggy dick. She felt her pussy juices flowing down her inner thighs. Hope couldn’t stop wiggling her ass even though there was nothing to wiggle it at.

Just as Artie started picking up the pace, and I was sure Hope thought he was going to cum in her mouth, I shouted, “Artie, stop!”

Artie jumped off Hope’s shoulders. Artie retreated a few steps and immediately starting licking himself. I felt sure Hope thought that this was what I meant by “satisfy himself in another way”.

“He wants to fuck you,” I cooed to Hope, leaning in so my face was just a few inches from hers. “Artie wants to fuck you in every way possible. He and his huge red dick are going to make you beg for more. I want you to think about him as you watch what he can do. I want you so impatient for him and his dick, you cannot remain still. He is going to have that sweet little pussy of yours screaming for dog dick morning, noon and night.”

“Artie, come!” I commanded and the dog stopped his licking and followed me over to one wall. I got the small work out bench and pulled it over in front of Hope. I instructed Rosie to drape her fine Latina ass over the bench. She grinned and fairly skipped over to the bench. Hope had a perplexed yet somewhat relieved look on her face yet I could fathom she wondered what was next.

“Would you like a good doggy fuck Rosie?” I asked.

“OH Hell Yeah! Mami!” Rosie sang, as she dropped to her hands and knees like the true bitch she had become.

I gave Artie the signal to go to Rosie. The massive dog was behind the pretty Latina woman and started licking Rosie’s pussy from behind. Hope could hear her best friend moan as Artie’s ling semi-rough tongue sluiced its way through Rosie drenched pussy slit. Rosie moved and shook her head from side to side.

Hope couldn’t believe it but, she was jealous of her best friend. Artie should be licking her pussy, not her best friend’s. Her best friend should not be trying to steal Artie away. “I was Artie’s first choice,” Hope thought. “I’m Artie’s bitch. Rosie you have no right to have Artie even touch you,” Hope thought as her bodies desire continued to build.

Artie was driving Rosie wild with his licking. Sweet juice from her pussy poured out, as Artie’s tongue greedily caught every drop. Rosie had surrendered completely to Artie’s tongue lashing. Artie’s tongue was so long and fast that, to Rosie, it seemed to be unrelenting. She wiggled her hips and pumped her pelvis in an effort to get Artie’s tongue to different places on her pussy.

Suddenly Artie drove his long slick tongue up inside Rosie’s hot cunt, the pretty woman twisted such that the tip would curl and tickle her G-Spot. When Artie pulled his tongue out, Rosie screamed with shear delight. She had never felt anything like this. Before she had a chance to calm down, Artie would shove his tongue inside her pussy hole and do it again.

From the other room Hope watched in anger as she watched her best friend taking Artie away from her. “Damn bitch,” she shouted. “I’m Artie’s bitch, not you! Get away from him you little pussy!”

In her present state of mind, Hope regarded her best friend as the competition. As she watched the dog with her best friend she could feel every lick from the dog’s tongue on her own pussy. She could feel his velvet tongue sliding against her pussy lips. Hope opened her mouth and tried to remember what Artie’s doggie dick felt like when he was fucking her lips. She imagined giving herself fully to the dog, to do with as he wished.

Rosie’s body shook with pleasure. She had never dreamed a dog could do this to a woman. The dog would snip at her clit, and his tongue would start it’s seemingly unending slide along her entire pussy. With each lap the dog’s tongue dragged her pussy lips with it. Then it would withdraw for a moment and leave her craving for it once again.

Hope’s hips were humping air as she sought relief for her burning pussy. She was totally consumed with anger at her best friend and longing for the pleasure the beast could give her.

I looked at Hope and hissed at her, “Have you changed your mind about Artie and giving him that hot pussy? Are you prepared to subject yourself to me? Are you ready to fuck what I tell you, when I tell, and where I tell you? If you are not, I will leave you tied to that bench all day and all night, while I parade girl after girl in her to be fucked by my dogs. Your choice bitch; which will it be?”

“Mmmm yes. Anything I’ll fuck anything. Just bring it in and let it fuck me. Ohhh I’m soooo hot and horny, get the dog back. Let that beautiful big dog dick fuck me full,” Hope moaned as she thought about the dog dick fucking her.

Hope’s hips were humping air as she sought relief for her burning pussy. She was totally consumed with anger at her friend and longing for the pleasure the beast could give her.

Rosie wondered how long Mami would allow Artie to continue before she stopped her canine lover pleasuring her pussy. “Please don’t make him stop,” she thought. “Don’t ever let him stop! I would just die if he stopped now!” Rosie silently screamed in her mind.

“Artie stop,” I commanded. To Rosie’s frustration the dog stopped licking. The huge mastiff mix animal stopped, but looked at me with a bewildered look. Rosie shot me a glance of pure evil while moaning a long drawn out, “Noooooooo Pleeeeeeze Mami.”

Hope watched in agony as her friend responded to the dog’s licking. Artie worked his tongue into Rosie’s pussy like a tape worm eating into an intestine lining. Hope saw Artie’s beautiful dog dick emerging from its hairy sheath. As that big doggy dick grew and extended outward inch by inch, Hope thought again how it felt when she sucked it. She saw the dog’s balls swinging forward as he licked Rosie’s big clit. Hope wanted so badly to be in her friend’s place. Hope wanted to feel that thick dick sliding in and out of her pussy. She would find a way to get even with Rosie. She would punish her friend. Punish her good.

“It’s the guilt that’s bothering you, isn’t it?” I asked suddenly.

“How-how did you know?” Hope was amazed.

“We’ve all been there. I was once pretty innocent, myself.”

“You were?”

I laughed. “Don’t look so astonished. Why, I was even a virgin once, you know.”

Hope was forced to smile. “But… but it’s all so confusing…” the young woman said, relief flooding through her.

“Listen,” I told her. “There’s just one guideline that works… if it feels good — do it!”

“Oh, it can’t be that simple,” Hope protested.

“It is,” I said with assurance.

Hope could feel herself gasping for air as she watched Artie lick his own huge penis with slow, calculating movements, wrapping his tongue hotly around his organ and running it like an imitation pussy up and down along its pulsating hard length. Hope had never imagined much less ever seen such a vulgar yet OH SO HOT sexual display. She could feel her heated loins dripping a warm heavy moisture of pussy juices down through her vagina and out between the swollen and open outer lips of her trembling pussy. Although Artie’s earlier lingual ministrations had excited Hope, this overt openness of the dog’s dick crept upon her unawares, and before she knew what was happening, her belly was clenching and unclenching in lewd desire for a long thick penis to fill her hungry depths.

Hope begged me to allow Artie to her. “Mami, please Mami, bring Artie to me. I’ll fuck his brains out. I know I can fuck him better than that slut friend of mine,” she insisted loudly.

“I don’t know Hope, Artie seems to like Rosie, and she is experienced in taking dog dick. In fact, Rosie is a good bitch.” Hope looked at Rosie and I could see she sooo wanted to ask when did Rosie have the opportunity to get doggy dick, how did it happen, how did she like it, who was with her, did it hurt, did he knot her, etc? I knew the questions Hope had and the others to come were as frustrating to her as her pussy being void of attention and dick.

“Please – Mami—pleeese! I’ll do anything. Anything you want from now on! Please I’m going crazy not being able to fuck something. I need to be fucked. I need a dick filling me up. Pleeese Mami,” Hope pleaded.

Hope sobbed as her brain began to conclude she was not going to grt fucked. After what seemed like hours of her hot pussy being spanked, finger fucked, rubbed, stimulated, and brought to the precipice of a mountainous orgasmic cliff, her mind day dreamed she was fucking the dog while every one she knew watched and applauded, telling her what a “GREAT DOG SLUT” she was.

I knew Hope wanted the dog but the reality is that she would be reluctant to do so with her friend watching. As I turned to walk out of the playroom, I told Hope that Artie would lick her if she commanded him to do so. I told Rosie I would bring in another doggy friend for her.

Hope stared at Artie’s enormously long wet tongue sliding in and out of his panting mouth. She felt Rosie’s eyes watching her. She feared that if she didn’t tell the dog to lick her before Mami’s return, she would take Artie away. Her hips were moving involuntarily, rocking to and fro. Hope couldn’t resist any more. “Artie, lick!” she heard herself scream at the dog.

From somewhere in the room Hope heard loud moaning, and a woman’s voice screaming for someone to lick harder. She realized the words were coming from her own mouth. She opened her eyes and watched as the obedient Artie continued to drive his tongue between her legs. She spread her legs to allow him more access. Immediately his tongue shot up inside her and licked from her ass to the top of her pussy. She squatted down to spread her pussy open and give Artie full access to her needy clit.

“AHHHHH, Artie! Your tongue feels so good,” she wailed. Artie flicked his tongue, curled it at the end and stuck it up the entrance to Hope’s pussy. “Oooooohhh Artie!” hope barely hissed with a definite quiver in her voice, “You’re the best pussy licker I’ve ever had. Ohh yesss, don’t stop! Yes! Yes! Fuck my pussy with your wonderful tongue. Bite my pussy, lover boy! Yes, Artie darling, Bite it.!”

I returned to the playroom with Sandy, my pure Great Dane. Although almost 7 years of age, Sandy is a fucking machine. He could wear out a pussy a day. I couldn’t count the number of times I had seen him mount a puppy pussy slut 8-10 times dur9ing a 14-16 hour day. And the ironic thing is no matter how sore a girl’s pussy may be, the little slut whore bitches would present their hot little pussy to Sandy for more fucking.

“Hope,” I said. “When you are ready I want you to beg me to let Artie fuck you. I know you can feel the pleasure of his tongue on your pussy. The pleasure of having his dick in your pussy is ten times better.” I cooed to Hope.

I led Sandy to Rosie and told her, “this is Sandy. I am sure your will love him as you do Skeeter Van Meter. He is yours to have for the rest of the day. I have to work with the new bitch, as she seems reluctant to experiment with doggy dick.”

Rosie smiled and whispered, “No Mami. Iss not verdad. Belief me, Hope ready to give that dog more pussy than he ever get. I know that whore. She ready to fuck him till he drop!! Hee hee hee. Tha iss verdad.”

“Artie, STOP!” I commanded. Hope’s nostrils flared with burning desire.

“Do you mean you want him to fuck you, Hope?” I asked, holding Artie back by his collar. “Is that it? If it is, you have to say so.”

“YES!” she cried. “FUCK ME! LET HIM FUCK ME!”

“With what, Hope? Let Artie fuck you with what?” I knew it was heightening her pleasure to withhold its fulfillment like this. “With his dick in your pussy? Say it!”

“Oh yes! Yes,” she drooled. “Let him fuck me with his dick buried all the way in my hot pussy! In my pussy, hurry! I’m dying!” Hope no longer cared about anything or anyone. Her mouth slurped gratefully as Artie wandered back to her ass. She looked longingly back hoping to see the dog’s dick as he began to stuff that huge red penis deep in her hungry cunt.

I snapped my fingers and ordered, “Artie, FUCK. FUCK Hope’s steaming hot pussy. Come on boy. You want some lady pussy this morning. You want to sink your huge knot in this hot hot lady pussy and make her your bitch forever. This whore is going to love your huge big dick, Come on Artie, give Hope’s hot pussy what she is begging for; give that pussy your big doggy dick.”

Artie rose and I helped him get mounted on Hope’s back. I got his forepaws into the protective slots. Hope could feel Artie searching underneath her with his thrusting dog dick. He wanted that open wet slit of her vagina. When it brushed against her pussy lips, Hope cried out with joy as if she had been touched there by an electric shock. She tried to move backward, and as she did, Artie found her yearning pussy mound and slid home with a fast wet rush that took her breath away.

At last! At last! Her heart cried, pounding madly in her chest. At last!

Artie began fucking Hope furiously and her sex-addled mind processed this information with relish. Hope looked up to see Rosie’s open mouth engulfing Sandy’s big red doggy dick. I pulled, twisted, pinched, and rubbed Hope’s distended nipples and blood engorged clit.
“Oh God! Oh God! I can’t take any more of his dick,” Hope sobbed. Yes you can bitch!” I hissed. “You are going to take it all. No relax and let him fuck you like the whore you are.”

Artie thrust the blood-filled head of his penis straight upward into Hope’s pussy. Her hot wet cunt guided that huge puppy cum creamed missle into her hot recesses until it bumped her cervix with a belly-jarring thump. Her vagina undulated to grasp its hot hard length as if with dozens of tiny hands as it slid backward and out, returning again and again with savage swiftness. The dog rammed as far as he could into her eagerly massaging pussy, then whipped out again, his cum-inflated balls smacking heavily against the smooth white backs of her thighs, as she moaned with sensual delirium.

As deep as both dicks were in her mouth and pussy, she still wanted them deeper. “Fuck deeper! Deeper!” she wailed in desperation, and then she gagged at the penis stuffing her mouth.

She sucked at it in wild frenzy, her body trapped in a mad, naked whirlpool of raw lust unlike anything she had ever experienced before. The wildly jerking penis in her pussy pistoned faster and faster, making her cry out with joy even as she sucked on the other one.

Hope’s eyes were glazed with uncontrollable lascivious desire. All thought of anything else but being fucked by these wild animals had departed long ago. Now she wanted only to feel the wonder of this spectacular multiple fucking, and that was all that mattered in the entire world. She lusted to have her belly and throat filled with great sticky warm pools of animal cum and feel it churning wetly inside her.

Hurry, doggy, doggy darling! Hurry! her passion drugged mind cried out.

Fuck me or I’ll die!

The dogs acted to oblige, thrusting faster and faster and faster. Her pussy was a steaming hot cavern now filled with molten volcanic lust, twitching like a nerve out of control. Her body felt as if it were about to explode into a million ecstatic pieces, and she sobbed hysteriHope around the mouth-fucking dick, crying out for the relief of an orgasm. Her face contorted with anguish as everything in her strained for the ultimate explosion.

Hope clenched her eyes tightly shut against the whirlpools of sensation that were shooting out of control through her sex-starved loins. The wild animal fucking of her bursting pussy drove shocks up her spine right to the base of her skull, where they shattered in a cascade of wildly shooting stars. Her whole body was alive to the demands of the flesh. Her pelvis tried to jerk back along the fucking dog hardness, sucking it in her belly as deeply as was humanly possible. The unrelenting fire in her body had replaced all other considerations.

Now she wanted only to fuck! To suck! To have her naked titties licked off by the wonderful fucking dog beneath her!

Her entire being was a great open cavern needing to be filled, stuffed and gorged with fiery hot masculine sex muscle. Nothing else mattered now; not her husband, not the principles her pious father had taught her, nothing but the flicking reality of the Dane-Mastiff mix tongue wiping all-round her throbbing stiff-nippled breasts and Dane-Mastiff mix penises fucking her mouth and crazily pulsating pussy. Her steaming pussy furrow wanted only that masterful canine dick blasting in and out of its yearning hot flesh, drenching her loins with lust.

“Ohhh, my yessss, darling! Lick my tits! Lick my tits! Fuck me, darlings…! Ooooooohhhhhh, goooood! Hot dick! Fuck my pussy!”

Her hot thick saliva fairly swamped the forward dog’s pistoning dick as she pulled madly on it, swallowing the tiny droplets of cum as fast as they welled up on the tapered end. She rotated her lust-contorted face as much as she could around its slippery length, licking and lapping, nibbling and suctioning at the fleshy hard instrument as it screwed in and out between her tightly ovalled lips. She sucked it as deeply into her throat as she could and moaned with joyous happiness.

In her pussy, the other dog’s thrusting male hardness was threatening to rip her belly open with delirious delight. She could hear Denny gasp with passion as she ground her pussy back against Artie lasciviously, grinding their pubic triangles together at an awkward rear-end angle. The dog was fucking frantiHope into the fluted pink lips of her pussy slit, stretching her wanting pussy with each thrust from behind up between her wide-splayed thighs.

“Ooooooo… ooohhh… ooohhh… aaaaaahhhhhhrrrggghhh!” Hope moaned, jerking convulsively as both blood-engorged dog penises raced into her helpless orifices like runaway freight cars out of control. She was so happy. It seemed as if any minute both of the dicks in her body would meet in her center and explode out through her navel. She wanted to devour them both with great drowning gulps of sensuality. But suddenly — too soon — both dogs began to shudder in orgasmic frenzy, Artie shooting his sperm hotly down into her urgently sucking throat in a white-hot needle-sharp stream, and Artie emptying his semen with scalding urgency high up into her helplessly quivering belly.

Hope groaned, delirious with happiness, as the huge dogs filled her body with their cum. Her joyous lusty cries echoed from one end of the dimly lit room to the other, encouraging couples to entwine once more and continue their orgy. But the young girl’s cries turned to mewls of disappointment very quickly, for, even as the two Dane-Mastiff mixs squirted out the final drop of their exploding semen into her ravished pussy and mouth, their penises deflated quickly and they moved to withdraw.

“No!” she cried. “You can’t leave me! I’m burning up!” She swung her long blonde hair around over her eyes, which were by now wild and staring, consumed with lust, and yelled to her boyfriend, “Denny, hurry! Do something… get the other dogs! Put another dick in my mouth and another in my pussy! Hurry! God, I’m dying! Make them fuck me! Please!”

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Views: 3238

2 thoughts on “Hope And Rosie

  1. soooo HOT sooo dominate soo HOT. barb and i would love to have cleaned their cunts. we are bi and love zoo

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