Women with Animals

The answer was not what he expected


Chapter One

Barry and Millie had been married for 10 years. They had wanted a family but after trying for several years and having tests done they were told it wouldn’t happen. They were heartbroken but they had to learn to bare it. However they seemed to have lost that spark. Intimacy become less and time together waned. Barry tried to engage but Millie seemed to be just going through their times together as more of a duty rather than a joy. There was a coldness that threatened to totally freeze up.

It was a Friday when Barry returned from work to find Millie unusually happy. She only worked part-time at the moment and Friday was one of her days off. “Hi” she said cheerfully and gave Barry a passionate kissed. Barry was a bit surprised. Lately it had been a nod only when he got home. “Hello” he said “you sound happy”. She just smiled. The sort of smile that had been missing for years. He went into the living room and picked up the paper. “Don’t get too comfortable” Millie called out “dinner will be ready in 15 minutes”. He read the paper until Millie yelled out “it’s on the table sweetheart”. Sweetheart? She hadn’t called him that since….he couldn’t remember when.

He went into the dining room to find his favourite, fish and salad. “That looks nice” he said and looked at his wife. She seemed to be glowing. He sat down and they ate their meal. “How was your day” Millie asked. “Oh you know, ok I guess. Nothing out of the ordinary”. He looked at his wife and begun to wonder if she had been drinking. Something must have got her in a good mood. “I’ll tidy up” she said “you go and finish reading your paper”. He went back into the living room and picked up his paper. He heard Millie in the kitchen humming to herself while she washed up. Now he really begun to wonder what was up.

Millie came back into the room. “I splashed water on my dress” she said “I will just go and change” and disappeared into the bedroom. 10 minutes later she came back and Barry looked up. Instead of a dress she had on a short skirt and a top and was obviously not wearing a bra. Before he could say anything she pulled the newspaper out of his hands, sat on his lap and began to kiss him passionately. “Make love to me darling” she whispered as she nibbled his ear. She hadn’t done that for years. He felt his cock awakening. “What bought this one” he said but she smiled and again said “make love to me right now”.

Barry stood up with Millie in his arms and headed for the bedroom. He didn’t know what this was all about but he wasn’t going to miss the chance. Clothes were shed and they tumbled onto the bed. He started to rub Millie’s pussy but she pushed his hand away. “FUCK ME” she screamed. Shocked he mounted her and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He thrust into her pussy balls deep. She was soaked. She squealed and then moaned as he began to pound her furiously. “Yes honey do it hard. I want it hard” she wailed as he did what she ordered. It had been so long since she had expressed any need and now she was begging, no, demanding it.

He tried to delay his orgasm but her hot wet pussy and his own urgency got the better of him and he groaned as he unloaded. To his surprised she came also at the same time. He rolled onto his back both of them puffing and panting. She rolled onto her side and cuddled him. “Sorry for cumming so quickly” he said as they kissed. “Never mind darling” she said “the night is still young”. It was perhaps 15 minutes later that she reached down and began to stroke his cock. He moaned softly as she brought it back to life. “Mmm that feels nice” he whispered. She chuckled “it will feel even better in my pussy” she replied.

Now fully erect again she straddled his hips and lowered herself onto his erection. She closed her eyes and moaned as she took the whole 8”. She began to rock back and forth as Barry reached up and began to fondle her breasts. “Rub my clit sweetheart. Make me cum” she said. Barry reached down and found her swollen clit. “Oh God yes” she squealed and shivered all over. It only took a minute or two because she gasped and then groaned “yes, oh yes” she shouted “keep doing it” and she came twice more before he finally came.

Again Millie cuddled up to him. “Oh darling that was so good” she said “was it good for you?” Barry smiled “it was wonderful” he said. He didn’t say anymore. He lay there wondering what had gotten into his wife. Last night she had rebuffed his amorous advances but tonight she seemed like she couldn’t get enough. Although he was overjoyed this nagging feeling would not be denied. What had changed that had turned his frigid wife into a sexual predator. He had a shower and went into the living room and turned on the TV. Millie had her shower and came into the living room wearing a flimsy nighty. Barry looked at his wife. “My God I think she wants more” he thought to himself “perhaps she is trying to kill me”.

“Do you like my nighty” Millie queried. “Yes” he replied. She gave a wicked grin “it really comes off easily” she said “when you are ready”. He would go around once more before they fell asleep that night. It had been years since they had racked up three sessions in one night. All weekend was the same. Millie seemed to be constantly on heat and Barry found himself struggling to keep up with her. Their love making had been fairly conservative but on Sunday night Millie shocked him. “Fuck me doggy style” she begged “give it to me hard and fast”. Barry did as she asked. First he stroked her pussy but found she was already wet. Millie got on hands and knees and Barry drove his cock deep into her. “Yes that is what I want darling” she squealed “now do it”. Barry grabbed her hips and pounded her as hard and fast as he could. She wailed and moaned “yes, oh fuck yes” she screamed and, reaching down, began to rub her clit. She came twice in quickly succession before Barry finally groaned and came deep inside her pussy. It had been three days like nothing before.

Millie collapsed on her stomach. Mumbling into the pillow she said “Barry I love you darling. That was so good”. Barry sat back on his hunches and looked down on his wife. He didn’t know what had set her off but he hoped it wouldn’t stop. He lay beside her and she turned to face him. They hugged and fell asleep still naked. It was 2am when he woke up and moved waking Millie. “My pussy is so sore” she moaned “but the rest of me is so happy”.

The next morning Barry headed off to work. He couldn’t help smiling. Even his workmates noticed the spring in his step. He picked up the phone and rang home. There was no answer. “That is strange” he thought “she doesn’t work Mondays and Fridays”. Later that afternoon he tried again. This time she answered. He mentioned he had tried earlier. “I was over at Ann’s house” she said. Barry thought it was strange as they just knew Ann to nod when they passed in the street. Barry always thought she was a bit strange. Always walking her large Doberman and he had never seen her with a guy. She obviously lived alone. He didn’t ask any more questions. But his mind was racing. Was she really visiting Ann? What had made so horny Friday night and the weekend? Then he began to think the worst. Did she have a lover? Is that the reason she was horny? Was she thinking of someone else when she played up to him? He wanted answers but how to find out? That was going to take some sneaky effort.


Chapter Two

Barry arrived home after work on Monday to find Millie again in a short skirt and sexy top and without underwear. She kissed him passionately when he walked into the kitchen. Grabbing his hand she pulled it into her crotch to show him she wasn’t wearing panties. Her erect nipples bore testament to the lack of a bra. “Rub my clit darling” she whispered into his ear “I feel so horny”. Barry obliged and within minutes she was hanging on to him as her orgasm caused her knees to buckle. “Thank you honey. Let’s delay dinner and let’s fuck” she said and bent over the kitchen bench. “Do it right here right now” she begged and Barry had his way with his moaning wife.

Millie headed off to the bathroom to clean up the cum oozing from her pussy. Barry tucked his cock back in his pants. Sitting in the living room he again wondered what was going on. His wife had suddenly turned into a sex manic. There had to be a reason. She came back and said she would get dinner started. He read the paper but his mind was on the task. He kept coming back to the thought that his wife had a lover and her sudden amorous feelings were not love but guilt. How could he find out? After dinner Millie again was eager to please him and again it was early to bed and another wild session with Millie on hands and knees begging his to fuck her hard and fast.

As the week progressed Barry noticed Millie was less attentive. Straight away he put two and two together. She didn’t work Mondays and Fridays so that was obviously the reason. He decided to spy on her the following Friday and find out for sure what was going on. Early Friday morning he rang work and said he was ill. However he dressed as usual and left home at the normal time. Millie seemed eager to cuddle him before he left. He drove into the next street and parked his car. Then he walked back to the corner and began to watch his house. It was about 30 minutes later when he saw Millie come out of the house and cross the road to Ann’s house. She disappeared inside.

Barry stood there wondering what it meant. Was his wife suddenly bisexual? Was her lover really a woman? He walked up the street and sneak around Ann’s house. He began to look through windows. No-one in the bedroom. He had expected to see them. Then he looked in the living room window. He stood there totally shocked. There was his wife and Ann both naked. Millie was kneeling on the floor with her body resting in the couch. Ann was sitting in a lounge chair watching her. “What was going on?” he thought “what are they doing?” The answer was soon revealed.

As he watched Ann’s Doberman came into the room. He approached Millie and pushed his nose into her crutch. Barry’s eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. Millie began to squeal. The dog was performing oral sex on his wife. Barry was filled with shock and disgust but his cock had no such moral judgement and began to grow erect. “Oh yes” he heard Millie cry out. “Yes lick that bitch” shouted Ann. Millie was moaning and wriggling her arse. “Good boy” she wailed ‘make your bitch cum”. Despite Barry’s shock he couldn’t deny his obscene excitement. Was it the fact that his wife didn’t have another man? But a dog? What the fuck? He unzipped his pants and released his now fully erect penis. He began to stroke himself as he heard Millie cry out “mount me”.

The dog was obviously fully trained and heard Millie’s command he did in fact mount her. After a couple of false starts he found the target, a soaked fuck hole. Thrust forward he buried his growing cock into his squealing human bitch. “Oh God yes. Good boy” Millie shouted. Barry looked over at Ann. She was sitting in a lounge chair and masturbating as she watched Millie being fucked furiously by her dog. It only took Barry a matter of minutes before he orgasmed. Feeling a mixture of anger and relief he zipped up his pants and, having watched his wife a little longer, headed back to his car.

He sat in his car digesting what he had witnessed. He shook his head constantly as he relived the sight of his wife being humped by a dog. How was it possible? What had led her to this? Was he somehow to blame? Then another thought entered his troubled brain. How could he use this to his advantage? It was as if he hadn’t been turned on by what he saw. He started the car and drove home. He sat in the living room and waited for his dog loving wife to return home. It was nearly two hours before he heard the key in the door. He turned and waited for Millie to appear.

“What are you doing home” Millie asked as she walked into the living room. Barry looked at her. “Did you enjoy your fuck with Ann’s dog?” he asked. Millie turned white and tried to speak but just made a gurgling sound. “Yes I saw you” continued Barry “on your knees with that dog on top of you. You loved it didn’t you”. His voice growing louder. Millie suddenly found voice. “I am sorry” she blurted out “please, I will do anything”. Barry saw his chance. “Strip” he yelled “get your clothes off”. Without a word Millie did as she was told. Barry unzipped his pants. “Come here and suck my cock while I think about where we go from here.

Millie had resisted oral sex most of time just a quick suck and never any more than that. She realised a quick suck would not satisfy her husband this time. He moaned as she wrapped her lips around his erection. “Suck it you doggy slut” he yelled and then moaned “all the way down on me”. Millie’s eyes filled with tears. She knew better than complain. She had been caught and now had to pay the price. “Suck harder” Barry groaned “suck me until I cum in your mouth”. Millie had never gone that far, ever, but she realised Barry had the upper hand. “Yes that it bitch. Just like that. Shit I love it” he wailed and moments later he filled his wife’s mouth with his love juice. She swallowed as fast as she could but still some cum dribbled down her chin.

Usually Barry’s erection would go limp after he unloaded but this time he remained stiff. “Get on your knees and lean on the couch” he said “just like you do for that mongrel dog”. Again Millie as she was told. Barry stood up and dropped his pants. Kneeling behind her he drove his cock balls deep with one vicious thrust. “You like it like this do you” he yelled and proceeded to fuck her as hard and fast as he could. She screamed but not in pain. “Oh God Barry you are better than any dog my darling. Use me. Abuse me. Teach me what a slut I am”. Because he had already orgasmed it took over 20 minutes before he was able to cum again. By that time he was out of breath. Millie, on the other hand, was shaking from head to foot. She lay face down on the couch as Barry’s juices oozed from her pussy and ran down her thighs.

She remained there waiting for Barry to say something. Finally he stood up. “Let me have a shower and then we will talk” he said and staggered into the ensuite bathroom. Never in all their married life had he treated his wife with such vigour. Catching his breath under the shower the power he felt dawned on him. Rather that threaten his wife he now had real power over her. His nature didn’t allow him to punish her as such but holding the whip hand meant pleasure for both of them and maybe, just maybe, he could fulfil some secret desires. The blowjob had only been the first step.


Chapter Three

Having given Millie a thorough fucking Barry looked down on his wife still on her knees trembling. He was in two minds. He was thankful that she had been with another man. But a dog? My God what was she thinking? His mind was racing but the image of his darling wife and her obvious pleasure with her dog lover was seared into his brain.

He stood up and headed off to the bathroom to shower. Moments later Millie followed him. “Please don’t hate me darling” she pleaded. How could he hate her? Yes, he was shocked, disgusted even, but hate? “I don’t hate you Millie” he said “I just don’t understand how you could do such a thing. I think we should have a shower, have lunch and then go and talk to this Ann person”. Millie nodded her acceptance. After they both showered they had lunch. Sitting with a coffee Barry sought to understand. “How did it happen?” he asked “how often has it happened?”

She explained she had met Ann in the supermarket. They got talking. They went to Ann house for coffee. “So when did this happen?” he asked. “Last Friday” she said “I was drinking my coffee and felt very relaxed. Then her Doberman, Max, came up and tried to lick my pussy through my pants. I tried to stop him but then I just surrendered to him and the next thing I knew I was on my knees and he was fucking me. I don’t know what happened”. Barry listened intently. He was no closer to the truth. He couldn’t understand how she had just let the dog have his way with her. He decided that they would go and see Ann and maybe get the answer he wanted.

They walked across the road and rang the doorbell. Ann answered the door wearing just a robe. She looked flushed. “Sorry, I wasn’t expected anyone” she said and let them in. Max was lying on the floor licking his exposed cock. It was apparent that he had just finished pleasuring Ann. They all went into the living room and Barry demanded to know what was going on. Ann seemed calm and smiled at them both. “He knows” said Millie “he watched Max with me this morning”. Ann looked at Barry. “So you were spying” she said. Barry admitted he was and how shocked he was to see his wife being humped by a dog. “Yes I suppose it would have been a shock. Particularly knowing how much she was enjoying it”. Millie blushed and Barry gave Ann a nasty look. But she was right.

“I will make coffee” Ann said “and then we can talk”. Barry really wasn’t that interested but Ann insisted. Coming out with three cups they sat done. Barry thought his coffee was a bit bitter but didn’t say anything. By the time he finished the coffee he was feeling strange. “Are you ok” Ann asked. Barry tried to respond but the words would not come out. He looked at Millie and she too had a faraway look in her eyes. “Are you feeling warm Barry? Why don’t you take your clothes off?” she said “you too Millie”. As if they had lost totally control both Barry and Millie stood up and undressed. Ann slipped off her robe. Looking down on Barry’s swelling manhood she groaned “oh Millie I can see why you enjoy your husband’s cock. It is quite impressive”.

Barry now completely naked stared at his wife and then Ann. His mind was racing. “What is going on” he thought. His brain was disconnected from his body. “Barry, kneel on the floor and lay over the couch like Millie did this morning. He did as he was told. He was now operating on autopilot. Ann picked up a jar off the cabinet in the corner. It was KY Gel. She smeared in over his anal opening. He tried to stop her but couldn’t. “OK Max, come and get a new bitch” she said. Max pricked up his ears and then padded over the prone figure of Barry. “Mount” she yelled.

Barry was helpless to repel the advancing dog. It matter little that this bitch as male he just needed to mate regardless. Ann knelt down as Max thrust several times. Ann knew she would have to assist this time. Lining up Max’s growing doggy dick with Barry’s bum hole she encouraged her pet to try again. This time he was successful and felling the tight confines of Barry’s anal canal he drove forward. Barry let out a scream and then a groan as he was penetrated. “That’s my good boy” Ann said excitedly. Max didn’t fully understand. He was just doing what came naturally. Barry was wailing now as Max’s cock had grown to its full 10”. But his body accepted the intrusion the wailing stopped and was replaced by a lustful moan.

Millie looked down on her husband now being mounted by Max. She smiled and began to fondle herself. First her breasts and then her crotch. “Max likes his new bitch” said Ann as she walked over and kissed Millie. The kiss was returned and their tongues intertwined. “Come over here” said Ann leading her to a lounge chair. Ann sat down and spread her legs. “Lick my pussy honey. Make me cum” she said. Millie dropped to her knees and began to slide her tongue over and into Ann’s pussy. “Oh yes just like that” Ann cried and forced Millie’s head deeper into her crotch. “I knew you would be a wonderful cunt licker darling” Ann said and in no time at all she had peaked. “Mmm so nice Millie. So very nice. Make me cum again”.

Meantime Max had tried and failed to thrust his knot into Barry’s opening. He was too tight. After numerous attempts he finally gave up and pulled away. Barry lay trembling from the brutal intrusion on his virgin arse. Ann looked over and smiled. “You liked that didn’t you honey” she said “you liked being pegged by my lovely boy. Also know your wife is a great cunt licker. I am so glad you came to see me”. She then gave a squeal as once again Millie’s tongue pushed her over the edge. “That was so nice Millie but your poor husband still has an erect. Why don’t you go and take care of that”. Millie turned around to see Barry now sitting on the couch. Crawling across the floor she grabbed his cock and began sucking it. Ann turned to a frustrated Max. “Mount boy” she said.

As Millie began to suck on Barry’s still raging hard-on Max sprang into action. He rushed over, mounted Millie and, finding his target, buried his cock into her soaked pussy. He began to hump her mercilessly as this was more like it. Having been frustrated he was now super excited and in no time began to bury his knot into Millie’s welcoming pussy. She was gagging, moaning, squealing, her senses were overwhelmed. She suddenly lifted her head “Oh yes fuck me Max my sweet boy. Fuck your nasty bitch” and then went back to suck Barry’s cock. He moaned and came and Millie swallowed every drop. The she screamed as she felt Max’s cum filling her love tunnel. Ann sat in the chair rubbing her pussy and surveying the scene. “Oh so nice” she muttered “so very nice”.

It was at least 10 minutes before Ann, having cum several times, turned her attention to Barry and Millie. Max had serviced Millie who in turn had sucked Barry dry. “OK you two put your clothes back on and go home now” Ann said. They complied and staggered across the road and back home. It was several hours before they began to regain their senses. “That bitch gave us some sort of drug” said Barry, now realising his bum was sore. He knew what had happened to him and how he wasn’t able to resist. He also realised he had actually enjoyed it. Millie certainly remembered what had happened. She was glowing and had loved the double penetration, mouth and pussy. They spend the rest of the evening shaking off the effects of Ann’s secret tea. It had been quite a day.


Chapter Four

The next day both Barry and Millie has shaken off the effects of Ann’s secret tea. A drink that made them both a slave to Ann’s kinky desires. Barry especially had been anally violated by her dog. He have never considered anal sex but found that being a servant for a dog had aroused feelings he had never knew he had. Far from being ashamed of those feelings he found he wanted more. This time he wouldn’t need the special tea to put him in the mood. Millie found it exciting to see her husband being anally abused. Her only reservation was that she wasn’t getting serviced.

Barry and Millie went shopping as was their usual routine. They stopped for coffee and Millie chuckled and said Ann’s tea tasted better. They got home and put the shopping away and decided to take a walk before lunch. At the park they ran into Ann walking Max. He got excited when he saw them both. “He remembers last night’s fun” Ann said with a laugh. “You bitch, you drugged us” said Barry. “Oh no honey, you were the bitch last night” Ann said “come on over this afternoon for an encore”. Right on cue Max gave a low growl. “Max wants to see you as well. He loves his new bitches”. Barry stared down at Max. His cock stirred. He might have been drugged last night but he remembered to feeling of having his bum hole full of doggy cock.

Ann walked on and Barry and Millie watched her disappear. “I want to go” whispered Millie. Barry smiled weakly. “Oh don’t know darling. Maybe we shouldn’t” he said with an air of concern. “Oh please honey. I know you enjoyed it and I certain do. Please can we go?” pleaded Millie. Barry could see there was no use denying that they both wanted more. His arse was twitching and Millie’s pussy was getting wet just thinking of taken by Ann’s dog. “Oh alright you bad woman” said Barry “but first we will go home and you can be bad with me”. They hurried home and headed for the bedroom. Clothes flew everywhere as their desires overwhelmed them.

Barry drove his face into Millie’s already soaked pussy. “Yes darling tease my clit” she wailed “make me cum and cum” and her moans signalled multiple orgasms. “Stop Barry. Get up here and fuck your slutty wife” she screamed and he did just that. Both of them moaning and grunting as they humped like two wild animals. Afterwards they lay in each’s arms. They had to admit that they had rekindled the desires they thought were lost. “I love you Barry” Millie whispered in his ear. “I love you” Barry replied “let’s have a shower, have lunch and then visit Ann”. Millie smiled. “Oh thank you honey” she said “that sounds wonderful”.

After lunch they walked across the road. Ann opened the door. “I thought I might see you today” she said with a knowing smile “so Barry have you come to try it again”. She laughed, Millie laughed, Barry not so much. “You drugged me you bugger” he muttered. “Yes I did honey and I know you enjoyed it. I saw it in your eyes”. Barry just nodded. She was right. “Come into the living room and take a seat” Ann said. Millie sat on the lounge and immediately Max padded over to her. He was obviously now completely trained and knew these bitches wanted his attention. Millie quickly slipped her panties off giving Max full access to her crotch. He licked her eagerly as Barry watched wide eyed. Millie was now a compliant doggy bitch. Her moaning signalled her total surrender. A moan Barry knew well but now it was a dog pleasuring her.

“Try to take him missionary” Ann suggested. Moving her bum to the edge of the couch she leaned back. Max took the hint. Obviously Ann did this with him. He mounted her, his hips thrusting furiously. Millie squealed as Max’s cock found its mark. “Oh yes” Millie yelped as he tried desperately to tie with her. “He can’t get his knot in me” Millie mumbled. Ann chuckled “I know sweetheart” she said “but he will keep trying. Don’t you love it?” Millie moaned “Oh yes. God yes”. Normally Max would tie with her in less than a minute but unable to in this position he pounded her for only two minutes before he became frustrated. Growling he finally gave up and pulled away.

“Quick, now get on your knees” Ann said enthusiastically. Millie quick turned around and got on her knees. A frustrated Max saw his chance and mounted Millie, ramming his cock deep into her. She screamed as he took out his frustration on her. Ever after burying his knot he kept thrusting. He would teach her lesson. A lesson she would not forget in a hurry. He slowed and then stopped. Millie felt his hot cum spilling into her. She gasped and then chuckled “good boy Max. Fill me up with your doggy cum. I love it”. Barry watched his wife enjoying being fucked by this huge dog. His own cock was erect and throbbing. Ann saw him watching. “She loves it doesn’t she Barry” Ann said, smiling “Does it get you horny watching her loving it? Do you love to watch?” Barry turned to Ann and nodded. There was no doubt that he did. “Why do you unzip your pants and show me?” challenged Ann “don’t worry I am not going to do anything. I have my Max and he is enough to keep me happy”.

Barry unzipped his pants and pulled out his man meat. “Mmm very nice darling. Your wife loves my dog but I bet she also loves your cocktoo”. “Yes she does” said Barry “and I love fucking her”. Just then Millie squealed as Max forced his knot from her and slipped out of her punished pussy. “Oh look at that huge cock Millie. Wouldn’t you like to suck it?” Millie looked at Ann horrified. “Suck it?” she exclaimed “I don’t think so. That is too weird”. Ann knelt beside Max “he likes it Millie dear” Ann said and, grabbed hold of his still swollen knot, she began to lick Max’s cock. “Come on honey. Come and give it a lick” Ann said. Despite Millie’s initial reluctance seeing Ann doing it emboldened her. Both women were running their tongues up and down Max’s still erect cock. Ann slipped it into her mouth and sucked and then offered it to Millie. Her misgivings gone she did the same. Barry watched in disbelief as he watched then both orally enjoying their doggy lover.

“I want Max to fuck me now” rasped Ann as she took up position. Max didn’t hesitate and mounted her immediately. She moaned as he buried his doggy cock into his bitch. “Oh yes my darling boy” she wailed “fuck me, fuck me Max”. Millie looked at Barry who by now was stroking his cock. “Oh honey are you feeling left out” she said, and crawling across the floor she began to lick and suck his cock. “Mmm” she murmured “I will suck you like I sucked Max” and it took barely 2 minutes for him to fill her mouth with his juices. “Oh now I have cum in both ends” she said giggling. Meanwhile Ann was getting her fill as Max pumped her full of his cum.

After Max had pulled away Ann looked over at Barry. “Want your turn now” she said and laughed. “I don’t think so Ann” he said, not sounding that convincing. “Well you know where he is if you want to do again. I promise no “special” tea this time. I know you will enjoy it”. Barry zipped up his pants while Ann and Millie went and had a shower. They were quite a while and Barry assumed that showering wasn’t all that was happening. Millie came back into the living room fully dressed. Ann wore just a bathrobe. Obviously she wasn’t done with Max.

Barry and Millie returned home. Millie kissed Barry passionately. She was trembling. Barry didn’t say anything. He could tell what she was thinking and she was waiting for him to say something. In the end she couldn’t hold back any longer “shit Barry will you take me into the bedroom and fuck me” she screamed. Barry smiled “why not here” and pushing her onto her knees with her body of the couch he pulled down her panties, unzipped his pants and began barking as he buried his stiff rod hard and furious into her welcoming pussy. “Oh yes my darling this is better than a dog” she wailed as he humped her for at least 20 minutes before unloading. Despite her love of his cock he knew where she would be on her days off and who she would be with. He couldn’t be jealous of Max.

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