Women with Animals

Keeping June’s Secret


My brother Wayne is 19 months older than me. He was born on November 18, 1982 and I was born on April 20, 1984. Wayne was 20, to be 21 and I had just made 18. The way the months align though, Wayne finished 2 years ahead of me in school.

Whatever outstanding physical or mental characteristic each of my parents possessed, that gene found its way to Wayne. He had my mother’s thick wavy brown hair, her long lean frame, and her charm. He had my father’s wide shoulders, narrow waist, piercing sky blue eyes, and natural ability to excel at any sport involving any type of ball.

I was not entirely left out of the gene pool. I was long and lean, and had the same blue eyes, but I had gotten my father’s fair skin and red hair. I had a bit of charm, and I did not lack for dates, but I did not inherit my mom’s full breasts, or the natural swing and sway she had in her back yard when she walked away from you.

So, Wayne used his GQ cover looks, his athletic physique, his natural charm, and his true BS, to date and fuck nearly every friend I had. Now, this is not all bad, except, I got a rep as becoming a purveyor of young females for my brother. And unfortunately for me, Wayne’s HUNK friends and class mates saw me as ‘Wayne’s little sister’, and not as Wayne’s HOT younger sister.

I was a half day senior in high school with less than 3 weeks left before graduation. I headed home as all extra curricular school activities were finished. I was nursing my old and battered Karmann Ghia convertible along the road because I had forgotten my purse and money and had no gas. I figured I would ‘steal’ a few gallons of non-tax farm gasoline from my dad’s storage tank. Good plan, bad luck, heavy foot! I ran out of gas about half mile from the house and the tank.

I left my books in the car, and began to trudge my way to the house and the storage shed. Entering the front yard, I noticed my Mom’s car gone. It dawned on me that today was Thursday, and that was Mom’s day to volunteer at the woman’s shelter. I by-passed entering the house, and walked toward the equipment shed. With any luck, the 5 gallon utility gas container will have a couple of gallons of gas in it.

Walking along the side of the house, I heard the strangest of sounds. “Tha-wop; tha-wop; tha-wop, tha-wop, and a high pitched keening and moaning. My first thought was that a lamb or a young rabbit had gotten trapped in the copse of wood on the east side of the house. I reckoned a lamb had gotten out of the pen and become hemmed up in the woods.

I stopped walking and then I heard, “damn, ohhhh damn, Junie!! Your pussy is so fucking wet and hot. It is like a swamp with all this cunt hair you have. And look at my fingers bitch! Your cunt cream has coated them and it drips from them like syrup. My big dick is going to slide in your sweet pussy so easy baby! And I know you want it. I know you want my dick girl.” You are the best little whore ever Junie. You hot pussy swallows my 4 fingers.”

My mind raced as it processed the information. Wayne was fucking a girl. The girl was ‘Junie’!! WFT!!! Wayne was fucking my friend and classmate June Hadley!! June Hadley!! I could not believe it. I was 6 feet from Wayne’s bedroom window. I had to be certain in my deduction.

June Hadley was a rather shy and introverted classmate of mine. She was about 5’8” tall and maybe weighed 118-120. She and I played basketball and volleyball together. June had dark blonde hair, huge soft brown eyes, and a too die for figure. My guess was 35C-22-37. That girl had the best hips and ass in the county.

Before covering the 6 feet, I thought of the layout of Wayne’s room. Granted, I did not make a lot of visit to his room, so there was a chance he had re-arranged things, but it was slim and none. Wayne was not the type of person to be at all concerned where the bed was, where the desk was, etc. I pictured Wayne’s room from the window before me. The door was in the center of the left wall. The desk was on my right of the door and bed on my left. This was good, as Wayne would probably be lying with June, if it was June, and neither would see me.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I looked down to insure I would not step on something or make a sound as I stepped. I took a step, then a second, and then I crouched down bending my knees and my waist. I went under the window sill to the north side, rose and turned to look back through the window screen. Mid-May, Texas, clear sky and sunshine; the window was opened as normal.

“Unn-uuhh; unnn-uuhh; unn-uuhh, you gonna fuck me good Waynie? You gonna fuck Junie good?” I would recognize that child like voice anywhere. The questioning plea was immediately followed by the baritone voice of my brother. “Yeah baby. I am goon fuck you really good. But Junie; baby, you have to promise you will do it again. You have to let me watch you with him again. I want to see it all from start to finish. You have to let me baby. Pleeee-ze!”

My brother was pleading with June now, and my curiosity was running wild. I heard a giggle and then this child voice said, “hee, hee, hee!! OH Waynie, you can watch me with him. I love for you to watch me. I love doing him or him doing me, whichever, but as much as I love that, I will love it more when you watch me let him do me really good. Just like you are going to do me now. Come on Waynie! Fuck Junie’s hot pussy. Give Junie that big dick. Come on Wayne. I need that dick now!!”

I rose and took a long 1001-1002 look through the screen and ducked down again. Wayne had June bent over the end of his bed. Her fine ass was in the air and her chest and head rested on the bedspread. Wayne pulled 3 fingers out of her hot swamp pussy and stroked his dick. DAMN!!! My brother had a big dick. Nearly 10 or 11 inches I would bet. The head flared out like a mushroom. He was stroking it as he stood behind June. Wayne suddenly raised his hand and swatted June’s ass. The sound was like a rifle shot. I rose again to look through the window.

June squealed like a little piglet. Wayne was thwopping his dick into her sodden slit. Wayne swatted her ass again and again. June squealed. I could barely hear Wayne as he hoarsely pleaded, “promise me Junie. Promise me you will let me see it all. See everything you do with him. Promise me baby, and Waynie will fuck you better than ever.”

“I promise Wayne. I promise, I promise!! Now fuck me. Fuck Junie’s sweet pussy.”

I turned and scurried to the equipment shed. I was breathing like an old fashioned bellows. I was in awe of my brother’s dick. I was more in awe of June, who I liked, but always considered a bit of shy reserved girl with little to say. And I was curious as hell as to whom the other person was that was fucking June?? And why would my brother want to watch someone else fuck his girl? But then I thought, ‘maybe June wasn’t Wayne’s girl’? Maybe she was this other guy’s girl, and ole Wayne had struck again with his BS and charm. I had a lot of information to process and dwell upon.

The gas container was about half full. I grabbed it and walked back to my car passing on the opposite side of the house from Wayne’s room. I poured the gas into the Ghia, placed the can on the front floor board, and the old darling started for me. I allowed the engine to idle making sure the fuel pump was primed and the fuel lines bled of any air. I put the Ghia in gear and slowly rolled up the balance of the drive.
I passed again on the opposite side from Wayne’s room, but I raised the volume on the radio as loud as it would go. I wanted to give Wayne and ‘Junie’ time to finish their fuck and get their clothes on, before I saw them. I got out of the Ghia and went to the gas pump. I filled the container and placed it back in its proper location.

Exiting the shed, I turned the Ghia around and parked her in the garage. I closed the doors to my spot in the garage and walked toward the house. As I did, Wayne and June came out the front door and strode to his truck. June waved and called out, “Hi Kat; Bye Kat.”

Wayne stopped and called to me, “Hey squirt, mom says you are to fix dinner. How about making that Mexican chicken enchilada casserole dish with the flour tortillas? You know I am crazy about that dish?”

“Hi June,” I waved. I flipped my brother the bird and said, “I’ll think about it. Maybe I will make a salad and some chicken soup.” Wayne gave me a mock pouting look of disappointment and then he smiled that million dollar smile. He knew me well enough to know that his praise of my cooking meant a lot to me and I would fulfill his request for the enchilada dish.

A couple of weeks passed and the questions I developed about June and Wayne ebbed. It was maybe 7-8 days before graduation, and I had concluded my English Literature final. I cut through the gym thinking I would exit on the opposite side and get to my car in the parking lot. As I passed the girls locker room, I heard someone crying. I peeked in and found June weeping in front of her locker.

I walked to her and sat. I placed my arm around her and said, “hey, hey girl. It can’t be that bad. Come on now. We are about to graduate and start new lives. What is the matter June.”

June turned to me and sniffled. She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “It is Wayne. He says that after graduation, with me going to UT and him at Tech, it is better that we break up. Really Kat, I don’t want to break up with him. I am crazy about him. I told him that even if we were at the same school, we would be so wrapped up in studies and other activities that we wouldn’t see each other but once a week, so being at different schools was not a lot different. But he is an asshole and said, ‘no Junie, we should break up and see other people.’ “

I looked at June and nodded, “he is an asshole. He is thinking about pussy and if he is at Tech and you at UT, he reckons his pussy quota will be curtailed. He is jerk and a dork!”

June smiled slightly and whispered, “I give him all the pussy he wants now and more.” I looked at her smiled in return saying, “yeah, I kinda figured you did. Wayne has a way with girls, and to be honest, a few weeks back, I happened to be outside his room and I heard and sorta saw you guys getting’ it on.”

June blushed, and I hugged her. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed,” I said. I know my brother, and let’s face it, you are a knock out.” June blushed more, and I hugged her again. In reaching for her, my hand inadvertently grabbed her tit. I felt her swollen nipple before moving my hand to her shoulder.

“Damn June,” I said. “I am surprised you didn’t poke out one of Wayne’s eyes with those rock hard nips. No wonder all of a sudden that boy has such a fetish for sucking things.” June laughed out loud and said, “well, Wayne is a good sucker all right, and he has some things that I like to suck”. This caused me to laugh and respond, “hey, come on. I’ll give you a ride and we can plot how we are going to change my brother’s mind about this break up thing.”

June beamed. “Really Kat! You think we can get Wayne to change his mind?”

I looked at her and said, “girl, if every piece of pussy you give him is as good as the piece you put on him the day I was outside his window, and I guarantee you we can get him to change his mind. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if old Wayne talked to Dad and changed from Tech to UT. After all, UT has an engineering school.”

June beamed all the more. Together she and I walked to my ancient Ghia. The top was down and we got in and secured the seat belts my Dad had engineered and installed in the car. Before, I started the car, I said, “everybody is home at my house. Let’s go to the DQ and talk there.”

June said, ‘no one is home at my house and I don’t expect anyone home until after 9 tonight. Let’s go to HEB and get some munchies and drinks, and go to my house. Besides, I will have to take notes on our plan.”

“That is even better. We will go to your house after we stop at HEB. And June, I want to ask you something that has been bugging me. The day I accidently came up on you and Wayne in his room, he kept asking you and finally made you promise, ‘that you would let him watch you from the beginning with some other guy! What kind of kinky shit has my brother talked you into?”

June flamed red with embarrassment. She hid her face and for a moment, I thought she would break out crying again. I started to apologize, when she turned to me and said, “We can talk about it once we get to my house. I could see June was embarrassed so I simply nodded my head.

The girls made a quick stop to HEB buying fruit flavored no calorie water and low fat low salt chips and snacks. Back into the Ghia and down the road to June’s house. June’s parents, like ours (Wayne and I) were farmers/ranchers. Actually more farm that ranch. Our primary cash crop was cotton, and we also grew commercial sorghum (milo). Cattle, sheep and hogs supplemented our farm income.

We arrived at June’s home in 10-12 minutes. Gathering our store purchases, we entered the house from the rear. June’s big red Labrador, Dog, (named for Jake McCandles’ rough collie) ran to greet us at the door. June put her bag down and stooped to pet, hug, and kiss on Dog. I walked around them and placed my bag on the counter. I noticed that Dog was making an obvious sniff at June’s crotch, but I knew that was what a dog did, so I thought no more of it.

June rose, slightly flushed or blushed I don’t know which, and said, “girl, let’s go to my room and plot how I can keep your brother’s big dick all to myself!”

I laughed, and retorted, “you better be careful of what you wish for; you may get it and find out it isn’t all that after all.”

We got a couple of snack trays, piled on various munchies and some tall glasses of ice along with 2 bottles of water and off to June’s room we went. Dog followed us, but again, I did not think a lot of it. Once in June’s room, she said, “I have to get out of these jeans and top.”
June had not gotten ‘top’ out of her mouth when she unsnapped her jeans and lowered the zipper. She pulled at one leg and kicked them off the other leg. Her bright green thong appeared damp from sweat, and June turned slightly and pushed it down her hips and legs to the floor. She walked to her dresser and removed an old worn pair of baggy running shorts and a wife beater top. June pulled her top and bra over her head in one motion. She donned the wife beater and the running shorts. She kicked her sandals off her feet toward a closet door and plopped on her bed.

I kicked off my shoes and flopped on the bed. I sat in a lotus position facing June. She was lying on her tummy using her hands to prop up her face. She sighed deeply and said, “Kat, before we plot how I can keep Wayne, I need to tell you the answer to the question you asked.”

I looked at June strangely, then I remembered that I had asked about the other guy Wayne wanted to watch her with. June looked back at me intently. She wasn’t embarrassed or anything, she looked as though she was making a judgment about my maturity to cope with her response. June sighed and started,

“Do you remember how dry it was last summer?” I nodded my assent that I did. “Well, our mill pump on the on the north range quit working. Daddy tried everything he knew to fix it. He even called Mr. Stevens to come out and look at it. No luck. It looked as though we would have to drill a new well and install a new pump. And Kat, you know that last year was a rotten year for us farmers, and Daddy did not want to go into $15-18 thousand in debt on this year’s crop before we had this year’s crop planted.”

Again, I nodded my understanding of the situation.

“Well, our Dad’s ran into each other and your Dad suggested that Wayne come over and look at the north range mill and pump. The day Wayne came over and saw my dad to tell him that he was going out to the north range was a day that I happened to be out there too. I was there because there is a deep hole in the bend of the Red that always has water, and I figured I would skinny dip.”

“I went out there and Dog went with me. I had no idea that my dad had asked Wayne to go out and look at the mill and pump. I reached pool and it had water, but because of the drought, all the animals were wading down to it to drink. What is usually a clear cool pool was red muddy water. I was already out there, so I shucked my bikini bottoms off and waded around about to my waist. And while the water was muddy, that film of fine gritty dirt did not cling to my skin.”

“Anyway, I splashed and waded for maybe 10-12 minutes. The few fish still alive swam and grazed across my legs giving me a start. Once, I swear one swam between my legs and its dorsal fin grazed my pussy. I nearly shot out of the water like a missile out of a silo. Scared me and at the same time excited me. A weird feeling, but a good weird. Ya know that I mean?”

Once more I nodded my head. Frankly, I wondered where all this was going?

“I waded out of the water and spread a towel out in the short dry grass. I lay down on my tummy to get some sun. As I lay in the sun, I sort of day-dreamed dozed away. I don’t know that I was thinking of anything particular. Now, it seemed like forever, but maybe it was just a momentary delay, but I felt the most wonderful sensation of being licked between my thighs. I ‘ooohed’ and ‘aahhed’ and grunted and moaned, without giving thought to what or who was licking me. I know it sounds crazy, but I promise that is what I felt.”

“Anyway, I became alert, and immediately thought, what was licking me. I turned my head and it was Dog. And, as luck would have it, when I turned and saw Dog, his long wide tongue made a long sweeping slurp under my pussy, through my slit, and up through the crack of my ass. Kat, That tongue swipe was the best thing I had ever felt. It was like an electric shock wave had entered my tummy and electrified my entire groin before shooting out my clit. I squealed like a little piglet.”

“I was stunned and spluttered. I could only make sounds not words. I tried to shout, ‘Dog, get off me,’ but it came out like “Doff-eee’. I rose to turn over and why I did that instead of just rolling over I do not know, but when I rose I pulled my knees under me to kneel and then stand. Well, that was like waving a red rag at a bull. Dog unfurled his long red wide tongue and he licked me from my clit to my tail bone. That same electric shock and the same squeal resulted.”

“So, here I was on my knees in a sort of low crawl position, my arms bent at the elbow with my palms on the ground and my legs spayed wide with my tummy about 8-10 inches off the ground. Not uncomfortable, but not the most relaxing position for a girl to be in. Dog stepped forward and now all he had to do was raise and lower his head. He did not have to flick his tongue as well as extend his neck. And did he ever know what and how to lick pussy!! In just a few long swipes with his tongue he had me sobbing like a virgin, and cumming like a dockside whore.”

“That dog seemed to know exactly where to lick, because he hit all the spots. Outer labia, inner labia, clit, inside the pussy entry, slightly over the G-spot, through the pussy slit to my ass crack and I swear he slowed and would deliberately drag his long wet wide semi rough tongue over my asshole. I was cumming so hard my pussy was spewing little shots of cum on Dog’s face and nose. He was trying to lap up the juices I was spewing on him and lap up my inside juices. It was hilarious! He would lower his head and lick and I would spew on his face and he would jerk his head and lick his complete jowl. I was cumming harder than I ever have and laughing harder than ever.”

“To say that Dog was eating me better than anyone ever had would be an understatement of a lifetime. Face it Kat, the guys we date and allow to fuck us don’t have a clue about eating pussy. I mean, no offense to them, ‘cause it is fun learning and exploring with someone you care about, but it must be like having your prom dress tailor made or buying one off the rack. The difference in the fitting is breath-taking. And the difference in the feeling between Dog and the amateurs we date is breath-taking.”

“I had cum so hard, I was spent and I flopped down on my tummy. Dog continued to lick me, so I rolled over on my back. I allowed my legs and knees to fall open. Well, allowed is maybe not all accurate. More like, I spread them as wide as I could. Dog dropped his head and began licking me from asshole to belly button. Long slow slurps, with his tongue flattened out and as wide as a 1 by 6. And how he knew to curl it up into my cunt and asshole I don’t know, but instinctively he did. He was driving me wild again, and another huge orgasm was building.”

“I rose up on my elbows and another spew of pussy cum sprayed upward. Dog’s head came up and he tried to bite the spray of cum. It was too funny. I looked at Dog and as his head was up I could see under his chest. His red dick was popping out of his hairy sheath. At first glance, it didn’t look like much. But as I looked at it, the damn thing just kept coming out and out and out. And at the back end was a knot about the size of a golf ball. Of course, I knew the knot was how the dog locked his dick in the gyp to impregnate her, but, I had never seen one so up close and personal.”

“I don’t know what I was thinking. If I said, I wasn’t excited and I wasn’t really horny, I would be lying. But, I would also be lying if I said I was craving for his dick and for Dog to fuck me. I wanted more, but I wasn’t sure how much more I wanted. I know. I know. It makes no sense to me now when I hear myself say it. I guess I wanted to be experimental and curious with Dog, but I also wanted to be able to control things and I knew that would not be possible without help. And I surely wasn’t going to recruit any help at that moment!”

“So, I pushed myself up to a sitting position. I closed my legs and Dog stepped outside of them and walked to me. He kicked my face and I scratched his ears and neck. He was panting and so was I. I could not stop my hand from moving down his side over his ribs and under him. I slid my hand back until I felt that wet slimy piece of flesh. I tell you Dog whimpered when I closed my hand around his dick. I loosened my grip on him and slowly began to jack his dick.”

“Kat, he dug his back feet into the dirt. He bowed his back and he began to power drive his hips. He was humping pumping so fast he moved like a blur. He was so out of control he backed his dick out of my hand. When he stabbed back at it his dick kept poking my thumb and fingers. It was rock fucking hard and he was spurting some watery cum. I was shocked, amazed, and turn on all at once.”

“Finally he stabbed his dick back into my curled palm. He began his super fast jack hammering hips again. All I could think of is how that dick would feel in my pussy being driven by those powerful super fast thrusts. I decided then and there, I had to find out.”

“I released Dog. He kept on humping and he was shooting his stuff on my belly. It was so hot. I mean temp hot as well as HOT!! I tried to slow him and calm him. In a moment of so he stopped humping. I looked and his dick was still extended and rock hard. I turned and fell to my hands and knees. I crawled in front of Dog and as best I could I shook my ass at him. When I did that, it dawned on me that if he mounted me, he might miss and hit my ass. I nearly turned around with a thought of calling the whole thing off. But that dick was shaking and shooting at me and I had to feel it surging through my cunt.”

“Dog licked me about 8 times. If I had any idea of not giving Dog some pussy, believe me those ideas were long gone after 2 licks. By the eighth lick, I was ready to give Dog pussy, ass and a blow job. Dog knew his role. He stopped licking and hopped on my back. I felt his claws dig into my sides to grip me and pull my pussy to him. He was humping crazily again. His hot dick was stabbing my things, my butt cheeks, over the top of my ass crack, and every once in a while, he would stab that hard dick through my pussy slit.”

“I was so wet my pussy juices coated his dick which was already coated with doggy cum. When he ran his dick through my slit, he would trap my clit against my pubic bone. His humping would pull my clit hood up and down my clit. It was like he was jacking me off. I was going mad, begging him to fuck me. Begging him for his dick, I think I even promised him a full blow job if he fucked me right now. Like he could so understand what I said. I was mad I tell you.”

“Finally, I lowered my shoulders to he ground raising my ass as high as I could. I narrowed my legs to about the width of my shoulders. This sort of provided Dog with a chute to fuck in. I reach under me and just held my hand from my pussy entry back toward his dick. It worked perfectly. His dick hit my palm and I guided it straight to my pussy hole. Like a hot rocket, Dog’s dick sank in me farther than any guy ever sank in me.”

“His super fast pumping was driving his dick deeper with every stroke. I started wailing and sobbing and crying like a child. It felt so good I cannot adequately describe the feelings I had. His dick was pumping me like guy’s fist when he jacks off. That fast and hard. I loved it. I imagined that his dick was swelling inside my cunt. It felt like he was growing in me. He was pounding my pussy so hard and fast small pains shot through my groin. Soon, there were no pains at all, only a growing dick in my cunt and explosive orgasms growing in my gut.”

“I was pleading and begging Dog to fuck me harder. I was imploring him to take my pussy in any manner he wanted. I pleaded with him to breed me. I was being fucked. Not being made love to. This was pure and simple raw animal fucking. And I loved it. I couldn’t get enough of Dog’s dick. Then I felt something very strange. There was an enormous pressure at the entry to my pussy tunnel. I reached behind me and felt Dog’s dick. I felt his knot and I didn’t know what it was. I mean, I knew it was his knot, but when I saw his knot it was like a gold ball and what I felt was like a baseball. BIG DIFFERENCE!!”

Dog was fucking me so hard and so deep he was pushing my knees across the grass. I was getting brush burns. He was driving my head into the ground. It was so powerful and soooo hot. I don’t know where I had the stronger cummings, in my mind or in my pussy. All I know was that this was the best dick and the best fuck ever. The pressure against my pussy lips was such that I felt my pips parting. I knew it was that baseball knot seeking its way into my cunt. I knew my pussy was too small to accommodate that knot, so I sort of didn’t think about it. WRONG!!!”

Dog kept hammering away and his knot got part way in and I screamed. Then, all of a sudden with a hard thrust, I felt the pressure increase to fainting level, and then it went away. I only felt stuffed. I mean, it was like I had eaten a whole German chocolate cake and washed it down with a gallon of milk. I felt totally stuffed. Dog stopped his hammering. He danced a bit on his back feet and readjusted his front paws around my waist. It was as if he was communicating with me telepathically: “

“I got my big dick and knot sealed in you now girl. You are going to give me the pussy. I am going to make you my bitch. You can forget all those piss-ant boys you have been giving this pussy to, ‘cause as of now, with my rocket dick and my baseball knot buried in your cunt, you can give your soul to the lord, but your pussy belongs to me.”

“Then he started a short slow but steady pumping of my pussy. His dick swelled a little more and spurts, no jets, of hot hot hot puppy cum began to splash deep in my womb. I could feel that cum hitting my stomach. I know that is ridiculous, but that is what I felt. Dog continued to spurt and shoot his hot cum in me for at least 12-14 minutes. When I finally realized his spurting dick was no longer spurting, he was still huge and locked in me. He swung his legs and we ended up butt to butt, but he still had dick and knot sealed in my hot and throbbing pussy.”

I don’t know how long we were tied like this. Any estimate I gave you would be a pure guess. I know I felt his dick shrinking. Every once and a while he would try to pull back and out, but I would clench my cunt muscles and this would make him whimper and he would stay. Dog blew my head off when he was cumming and his cumming made me to start cumming. I know was squirting my cunt juices all over his dick and down my thighs. I kept on cumming as long as he spurted doggy cum into my pussy.”

“After I don’t know how long, he pulled out. Dog flopped right there on the towel and started to lick his dick. My head was right there and I could not believe the size of that thing. I reached and clutched it with my hand and started to lick it and suck it. Dog and I were licking his dick together.”

“That is when your brother Wayne came over walking over the little hill. He saw me sucking Dog’s dick and he saw Dog get up and lick my pussy. So, this is what he is asking to see from the beginning. He wants to watch Dog fuck me. And I don’t mind, ‘cause I don’t think Wayne is going to get a complex because Dog has a bigger dick. In fact, I bet Wayne’s dick becomes a bit bigger because he is soo turned on by watching Dog take his pussy.”

I smiled and hugged June. I told her, “If that is what Wayne wants to see, you got him forever girl. You give him little shows but never the whole show. You will have Wayne’s dick all to yourself, but you are going to share Dog’s dick with me.”

June laughed and stood up. “Dog. Dog, come here. Junie has some new pussy for Dog. You are going to make Auntie Kat your bitch just like you made Mommie your bitch. Come Dog, new pussy for you!”

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