Women with Animals

Kathleen Introduces Anais to Buster


During the short drive back to Kathleen’s home, Kathleen ordered Anais to play with her pussy. Anais did as she was told and as she brought herself to the brink of orgasm Kathleen would slap her clit or slap her hands and make her cease before she could cum. Anais was whimpering like a little school girl by the time they reached Kathleen’s home.

Kathleen pulled into the garage and closed the garage door. She helped Anais from the car and led her into the house to the spa/playroom. As they walked along the hallway, Kathleen whispered to Anais.

“Is that beautiful little pussy hot and wet Baby? Does Kathleen’s little girl need a huge big cum loaded dick to fuck her hot pussy and make it cum and cum and cum? Tell Kathleen what your little pussy wants. Tell me what your pussy NEEDS my pretty little girl!” Kathleen whispered to Anais.

“Are you going to give Buster that hot sweet pussy Baby?” Kathleen asked.

Anais hesitated a moment. This wasn’t something she could just spout out. She gulped, and then slowly nodded.

“Very good,” Kathleen said, delightedly. “You’ll love it. BUSTER is very good at fucking girls. He’s better than very good. You’ll just love hers dick. BUSTER has the best penis you will ever receive.”

“I… I hope so,” Anais stammered quietly. Kathleen took Anais into the playroom. she turned Anais and slowly began to unbutton the young girl’s blouse. Removing the blouse and tossing it aside, Kathleen slid the skirt zipper downward. The rasp of the zipper coincided with the rasp of Kathleen’s fingernail over Anais’s nipple encased in her lacy bra. The skirt fell to the floor to be stepped out of and kicked aside. Kathleen pinched Anais’s nipples and then pushed to bra straps down Anais’s arms. The bra unhooked from the front and it joined the skirt and blouse.

BUSTER was sitting at the edge of the doorway, watching the gorgeous young Latina woman, his tail swishing back and forth rapidly. When Anais looked at him, his front legs began dancing on the floor. The huge dog stood up, and his gigantic doggie dick peeked out from the thick furry sheath between the animal’s powerful thighs.

Anais stared with her eyes agape. She stared at BUSTER. Her heart began pounding. Her tits rose and fell rapidly.

“You want him Babe? You want that huge red doggy dick deep in your hot pussy?” Kathleen whispered, close to Anais’s ear. Anais could only nod her head slightly.

BUSTER could sense the excitement that coursed through Ana. Her heat and aroma filled his sense of smell. Buster’slong red tongue licked slowly around his jowl. Ana shuddered as she imagined that tongue licking her hot wet pussy.

Buster knew what was coming. He knew what he was going to get. He was eager, ready, waiting. The dog knew he was going to get some pussy.

Kathleen took Anais’s arm and walked her toward the center of the room and a padded bench. BUSTER followed along, his hot panting breath scorched Anais’s tight swaying ass as she walked.

“Oh My God,” Anais whispered, her voice holding a hint of fear.

“Don’t be afraid, Baby,” Kathleen whispered. “You’ll love it. Just let BUSTER do his thing, baby. I promise you everything will be wonderful for you.”

Anais didn’t respond. Her eyes were wide, as she looked back behind her. Her gaze locked on the wicked red tip on the fat prong of doggy dick that stuck out from under Buster’s belly. His dick looked gigantic. Bigger than anything she could possibly take inside her tight young pussy.

Kathleen felt the girl holding back. She pushed Anais forward. Anais let herself be led to the bench.

“Come on BUSTER! Come here boy,” Kathleen whispered to the huge Great Dane.

The bench was 20 inches wide, with moveable legs which could be raised or lowered thus adjusting the height of the bench. It was about 3.5 feet long. The bench had a padded kneeler that attached to the frame. Pad eye hooks were fitted to floor near each end of the bench. The 3.5 feet long bench seat was made in 2 pieces using sturdy hinges. It could fold upward or downward and then be locked into place. Kathleen led Anais to bench and slowly pushed the girl to her knees.

“BUSTER is going to work your little pussy soooo good Baby,” Kathleen cooed. “His tongue is going to bathe your hot pussy. The way he can curl it and then unfurl it inside your sopping wet pussy as he savors your pussy cream will make you squirm and squeal. When I place his hot huge dick in your hand before I tie you down, you heart will pound and your mouth will water. This dog is going to fuck you like you have never been fucked. He is going to ruin your pussy for every man and every man’s dick.”

BUSTER pranced and danced merrily. He thrust his head forward so that Ana could scratch his long snout. The dog sneezed gratefully, and then backed away as Kathleen draped Anais over the bench.

“Don’t worry, Baby. I’ll help you.” Anais was in a daze. She couldn’t think. She didn’t want to think. Anais wanted to be fucked by a dog. She wanted a dog to pound her and pump her pussy full of his cum. She wanted to feel a huge dick inside her tight young pussy. She longed for a big dick to open her pussy as it had never been opened, reaching deeper and farther inside her soaking wet fuck hole than any probe had ever reached. Anais wanted to be filled with a doggy dick? Buster’s dick.

She felt herself moving beside Kathleen. She felt herself being arranged over the bench.

“Lean over the bench, Baby,” Kathleen said softly in Anais’s ear.

Anais bent forward over the padded bench seat. Her body was wet from excitement and nervous sweat. She was naked. Even so, the room was pleasantly warm.

“Over the bench like this?” Anais asked.

“That’s right, Baby,” Kathleen said, helping the girl.

Anais was surprised at the comfort of her position. She was bent over the leather-padded seat at the waist. The seat had been folded downward so her head was down near the floor. She could see her bare legs and feet on the other side of the seat.

“Here, Anais,” Kathleen said. The woman took Anais’s ankle in her hand, and drew her leg to the side. She helped Anais place her foot in a loose stirrup that was attached to one of the pad eye rings in the floor. The stirrups were not a tie. The loop of soft leather gave her something to pull against, as well as something to help hold her legs a little more than shoulder width apart without straining her thighs or back. Anais found the other leather loop herself, and she slipped her delicate foot into it. She twisted her ankle slightly so the leather band shifted up higher.

Now the lovely girl was bent over the bench, her legs spread. She found two more leather straps attached to the flooring in front of her. These were for her hands. She stretched and slipped her wrists through the loops, and gripped the pliant leather tightly in her fists.

“Well, you certainly seem ready, my love,” Kathleen said lightly. She took a brief moment to touch Anais’s bare back. The girl’s spine was stretched full length, and the skin of her back was pulled taut by her bent-over position. Anais felt Kathleen warm and gentle hand pat back and ass for a moment.

As Kathleen stroked her bare taut ass cheeks, Anais began feeling warmer and warmer. She felt her body responding. Her belly tightened against the bench. Her legs began twitching slightly. Her pussy hole began dripping, getting ready for the massive dick of the huge Great Dane.

“Ready, Baby?” Kathleen asked. Her warm palm rested firmly against Anais’s ass, her long slim fingers curled around the ball of muscle and pressed lightly down into the deep crack between Anais’s ass cheeks.

“AHH HAA,” Anais said.

Looking between her spread legs, Anais could see Kathleen kneel down onto the floor. Kathleen removed some booties from a box near the bench. Kathleen closed the box and called Buster to her. The big dog patiently stood as Kathleen fit the booties over his front paws.

“Here, BUSTER, come here fella. Here, BUSTER. Come get some pussy big boy. Anais has some hot hot pussy for BUSTER, doesn’t she? Yes she does big boy. Pussy for BUSTER. Pussy, pussy, pussy. Come on, big boy. Thataboy,” Kathleen laughed as BUSTER stepped behind Anais his tail swishing back and forth rapidly. “She’s all yours, and that pussy is yours!”

Kathleen crawled to the side and front so she could talk to Ana. Kathleen watched BUSTER nudging his nose into the tight deep crack of Anais’s wiggling ass.

“Feel his hot breath on your ass babe. His dick is growing and coming out of his sheath. He wants you so bad. I have never seen Buster this excited. He cannot keep still. UHH-OOO he is licking his lips. In a second, Buster is going to lick your hot sweet pussy from your clit to your tail bone.”

Anais couldn’t keep still. Her bare ass wagged wildly as BUSTER moved his head toward her hot pussy. Every nerve in her body was alive, on fire. Her tits jiggled, and her nipples itched. Her tummy was hard and tensed against the padded bench. Her thighs tightened. Her pink pussy hole oozed her fresh creamy fuck juice.

BUSTER butted his nose into the girl’s ass, and then slurped his long thick wet tongue out, driving it against Anais’s precious pussy mound. The wide wet tongue slapped into her pussy and sent shivers of pleasure racing through her body.

BUSTER licked the bare hot mound of Anais’s young barely used pussy. He twisted his huge head, pushed his snout hard into the firm smooth lips of her pussy. He snorted loudly against her pussy. Then he slopped his tongue between her pussy lips, and fucked his tongue inside her pink pussy hole.. The rough tongue rubbed over Anais’s sensitive clit, making it bloat up hard and hot. She began trembling all over. In the already-warm room, she began sweating. She found it hard to breathe in her upside-down position. She began panting. She licked her lips over and over.

“Fuck me, damn you,” Anais whispered urgently.

She felt like a slow flame was burning beneath her, slowly roasting her. The salty sweat began pouring from her skin, basting her flesh in the heat of her rising lust.

“Oh, BUSTER you wonderful doggie,” she whispered to the animal. “Please do it to me. Give me your big dick. Do it now, baby. Get on top of me, and stick that big red dick of yours into my pussy. Fuck Ana’s pussy Buster. Fuck my pussy hard!”

BUSTER had another idea.

He nuzzled the girl’s bare pussy with the tip of his nose, grinding his snout into her wet warm pussy. His tongue lashed her pussy hole, fucked deep, slurped out the fresh young fuck fluids that flooded her tight young barely used pussy channel. Then he pulled his head back. Buster’s snout was smeared with the young girl’s fuck juices. The dog leaped up his padded front paws gripping Anais around her small 20” waist. His big chest rest onto Anais’s bare back. She took the heavy weight with a soft grunt.

“Oh, Buster. Please be careful of my pussy. I’m tight and I don’t get much dick. Don’t hurt me too bad. But hurry up and fuck me, sexy BUSTER.” Anais gasped and whimpered through gritted teeth.

She was frightened and excited at the same time. Frightened that the big dog’s immense penis would really split her open, ruin her as a woman for life; excited that her first real big dick fuck was taking place with a giant handsome dog.

Kathleen was pinching and pulling Anais’ nipples and clit she watched BUSTER stab his dick at Anais’ pussy.

“Fuck me, Buster,” Anais said quietly. “Please, Buster. Hurry up and stick your penis inside me. I need to feel it. Oh Buster Baby, fuck my pussy.”

Anais was hanging over the leather-padded bench, gripping the leather straps tightly. Her long legs trembled. Her ankles pulled at the leather bands. She tensed, tightened every muscle in her young body, getting ready to feel the first hard deep thrust of the animal’s magnificent penis.

“Hurry, doggie. Hurry.”

Her ass wagged and jerked as she thrust her body back and forth on the bar. Anais needed dick badly now. Her brain was fogged and flooded with desire. Her pussy clenched and spasmed, trying to gulp down the penis that wasn’t there yet. Her belly spasmed hard. Her head lashed from side to side, dragging her long blonde hair back and forth across the carpet of the platform.

“Fuck me, Buster doggie,” she commanded.

“Now, damn you!”

BUSTER pranced forward. The tip of his massive red prong doggie dick bumped into Anais’ pussy, and the girl gagged on her pleasure.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped, gulping in little swallows.

Buster’s dick stiffened more. He butted the head of his pointed penis against the girl’s bare slick pussy mound. Anais wiggled her ass, and Buster’s dick jerked back and forth across her sensitive pussy lips. At last, the head of his dick pressed between Anais’s pussy lips.

“Ooooo, yeah. Fuck it into me, you great big dog,” Anais growled.

She jerked her belly against the bar, worked her pussy lips open around the fat head of the dog’s penis. She pushed her pussy back as far as she could and felt the dog’s thick penis fuck a little farther into her pussy hole.

As Buster humped his powerful hips, more of his big red dick slid into Ana’s gorgeous wet vagina. She felt as though her vagina was being stabbed with a hot needle. Ana had never felt a dick this hot, this big, and this hard.

“Do it, damn it. Fuck your big dick into my pussy, Buster!” Anais demanded.

BUSTER fucked his huge thick dick deeper into the girl’s tight pussy slit. He felt the slight resistance of her fuck hole entry muscles. His dick went harder. Buster gave a sudden hard jerk of his strong thighs, and his penis sank even farther into Anais’s drenched pussy entry, driving the tip of his red dick deeply into her fuck-hole.

Anais’s body arched hard and taut. Her head came up. Her mouth flew wide open. A terrible shriek of pure lustful pleasure wailed from the stretched young throat.

Buster’s gigantic doggie penis sank smoothly into Anais’s pussy sliding all the way into her belly through the tight cream-filled tunnel of her young pussy.
The dick filled her belly, her tight tummy expanded slightly with the huge size of the animal’s fat penis.

“Ohhhh,” the young woman moaned, long and loud. The cry of pleasure escaped from her throat as she lowered her head back down toward the floor of the platform. “Ohhhh, that feels sooo good, Buster.”

Her thighs quivered as her legs tried to clamp down tightly around the dog’s dick. But the leather straps kept her legs apart. Her hands gripped the leather loops in front of her so tightly that her knuckles were white. Sweat popped out all over her naked body.

Her tight pussy tunnel quickly adjusted to the filling rod of Buster’s dick. Her clit pressed firmly against the animal’s dick. Anais could even feel the massive black sac of Buster’s hard balls mashed into she wet drooling pussy mound.

She gulped over and over, panting hard between gulps.

Her nipples were tight and hard and swollen huge. They itched badly, longed to be pulled and pinched. Her guts churned with lust. Her pussy walls spasmed and clenched Buster’s hard hot dick. They squeezed the fat dick firmly.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” the young woman grunted again and again, her voice barely audible. Her head bobbed and swayed limply from her shoulders, her hair swished back and forth on the floor. Her eyes drooped partly closed, but she could see from her upside-down position the thick furry thighs of her lover, hers huge balls rammed firmly into her pussy lips. She could see how her pussy lips were split wide open around the base of the animal’s thick penis. She could see her own creamy fuck fluids rolling slowly down the base of Buster’s dick and wetting the black fur of hers thick dick-sheath.

She moaned in lusty pleasure as she watched Buster start to withdraw his dick from her split pussy.

She felt his penis deep inside her pussy. She felt the sliding dick pulling out of her pussy, rubbing slowly over her swollen sensitive clit. The sensation was overpowering. Anais groaned loudly.

The dog’s dick pulled out of her pussy very slowly. Buster had been well-trained — go slowly when fucking a human girl. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. His huge dick slid out of her tight pussy tunnel, until only the pointed head of hers dick was still inside her.

Anais could see her pussy lips kissing the thick red penis-meat. Buster’s dick looked almost like a fat huge sausage stuffed between her pussy lips. Her pussy was wet with fuck fluid, and Buster’s dick glistened with her gooey pussy cream.

“Oh, Babe! Buster fucks me sooo good!” Ana whispered weakly, watching closely as Buster started fucking hers penis back up into her pussy.

Her pussy lips parted wider as the thick dick fucked back into her. She gasped as hers penis filled her. She felt like his dick was going to jab into the back of her throat or pop out her mouth. Buster’s penis was so long and thick. She felt like someone was shoving a fist and arm all the way up into her hot wet pussy.

She felt the head of Buster’s penis bang against the end of her pussy, then pop through into her womb. She felt the tissue of her womb stretched as the dog’s long dick kept fucking deeper and deeper into her hard young pussy.

“Ohhhhh, Buster. You’re dick is so fucking huge. Ohhhh, I can feel your dick so deep inside me. It feels so good, baby. Yes. Fuck me good and hard. Fuck me slow, Buster,” Anais moaned and whispered urgently, her mind filled with foggy lust.

BUSTER fucked his dick all the way into her pussy hole, then slowly pulled out again. The big dog’s dick glistened with the girl’s creamy fuck juices. As his penis got wetter and wetter, his dick fucked in and out of her belly faster and faster. Buster’s penis pressed harder and harder against Ana’s hard swollen clit.

Anais was being driven crazy with lust and rising pleasure. Her clit was a tiny point of fire that burned hot pleasure deep into her loins. Her belly was hard with spasms of lust. Her tits jumped and jerked as her whole body bucked.

BUSTER began fucking the girl’s pussy hard and fast, fucking his long thick penis in and out of her pussy slit in rapid doggie thrusts. His forepaws gripped Anais’ hips and waist as tightly as a clamp on water hose. Anais’ firm bare back glistened with sweat that gushed from her skin.

Anais moaned, feeling the soft but slightly prickly bristles of doggy hair on her back.

Buster’s balls were drenched with Anais’s hot juices. The furry sheath of his penis was soaked and matted. His balls mashed into her drooling pussy lips again and again, parting them further around the base of his punishing prong of dick-meat.

He fucked her hard. Buster whined and panted rapidly as he fucked her. Doggie drool spilled from his lips and fell in long thick strands onto the girl’s back, mixing with her slippery sweat.

His loins pumped hard and fast against her ass and thighs. The huge red dog dick fucked wildly in and out of her wet young pussy.

Anais was gasping loudly, her whole body on fire with desire, need, lust and pleasure. Her muscles spasmed continuously, as she fought the strain of her bent-over position, fought the need to clamp her thighs around the dog’s body and hug him to her as he fucked his penis in and out of her clutching pussy hole.

“Oh, God,” Anais cried, “Oh, Jesus. Fuck me, Buster. Fuck me harder. Fuck me faster. Oh, yeah. Fuck me forever.”

Anais was going mad with her lust. She felt like she was nothing but a huge sucking pussy and two flopping tits. Every nerve was stretched taut, tingling, burning.

“Ohhhhh, do it, do it, do it,” she groaned.

Buster hunched over the girl’s bare ass cheeks and fucked her wildly. His bouncing balls felt heavier as they swung into Anais’ swollen labia. Buster’s ass jammed forward in rapid bursts. His dick fucked deep into her pussy, pulled out, sucking loudly and wetly. His penis fucked back into the girl’s tight wet pussy hole. His penis slipped back out, sliding smoothly, hotly over her burning clit.

Anais bucked hard over the bench. Her ass wiggled madly against the dog’s big balls and furry thighs. She was completely mad with her lust.

“Fuck me, damn you. Fuck me as hard as you can, you fucking bastard doggie. Fuck me, fuck me,” she growled through tightly gritted grinding teeth.

Kathleen watched as Anais’ pussy lips split again as giant dog dick pushed into the sweet wet cunt. The dog’s dick fucked into Anais’ pussy, spreading her pussy lips wide. Fuck juices squished out of Anais’ pussy around the base of Buster’s penis, spattering the dog’s black fur with white fuck cream, splashing against the black sac of balls.

She grunted and groaned as she felt her pleasure rising up higher and higher. It was close, now. She could feel it coming. Her body tensed hard. Her belly tightened against the leather bar. Her tits seemed to bloat into huge heavy balloons. Her nipples sizzled with itchy fire.

Buster pulled his penis all the way back, only the pointed red head of hers dick still between Anais’s soft pussy lips. His balls gave a violent spasm. He curled his huge head further onto Anais’ back. And Buster fucked his long thick penis, in one long smooth motion, all the way into Anais’s guts.

Buster’s balls squeezed hard, and he jammed hers furry thighs against Anais’s ass. His balls blasted hot thick spurts of doggie cum deep into Anais’s womb, flooding her pussy.

Anais’s pussy walls spasmed tightly around the dog’s dick. Her body arched and bucked wildly, uncontrollably. She yanked at the leather bands, pulled and tugged hard with her legs. Her belly slammed up and down against the bar. Her pussy gushed hot creamy pussy cum.

“Oh, uh, oh, Jesus,” the girl grunted weakly, her head flopping wildly.

Her body bucked and jumped on the bench. Her mind exploded with pleasure. Her body shuddered and jerked over the padded bench, sliding from side to side or rising off the bench only to slam back down against it.

Her pussy clutched hard at the doggie dick within her. She gushed her gooey cum over and down the pussy-filling rod of dog penis buried in her vagina. Her body thrashed madly in the lusty throes of her violent climax.

“God, God, oh Jesus, oh, oh,” she gasped with each buck and thrust and jerk of her ass.

Buster’s balls ground tight against her gushing pussy lips. They smeared the girl’s fuck juices all over her pussy and jerking thighs. On her bare wet back, his paws gripped even tighter around her hips and glistening skin.

Anais’s nipples felt like they were about to burst open with pleasure. Her beautiful full breasts with their rock hard long nipples jumped and bounced as her body bucked.

Her belly ground hard against the bar. Anais’s thighs clenched and tightened.

The muscle in her thighs jumped and twitched. Her clit ached and slightly burned. The pretty young girl was tormented at the sensitivity and horniness of her clit. Her pussy spewed thick streams of creamy cum.

Buster’s penis was jammed tight and deep in her pussy. Her pussy walls squeezed the long thick prong of doggie dick hard, forcing every drop of Buster’s hot come from his balls.

The dog whimpered and cried softly as Ana’s hot tight pussy squeezed every drop of cum from his dick and swollen knot. Buster pulled back slightly and surged forward again resealing his thick dick in Anais’s spasming pussy slit. The large animal drooped over her back, his long pink tongue licking her spine, neck, and ears.

Anais was still coming. She jerked violently, held on to the leather bands tightly, and felt her pussy blasting cum like water from a hose. She felt her own hot come, mixed with Buster’s thick gouts of doggie come, running down her thighs.

Her body bucked against the bench, jumping up, slamming down. She pulled her head up. She was panting violently, sweat gushing from every inch of her wet skin.

She grunted, cried out. “Oh Jesus, Jesus, my pussy. My pussy. Oh, my fucking pussy!” she screamed.

Kathleen reached under her and stroked the young girl’s throbbing swollen clitoris.

“Oh, God, yes!” Anais shouted, feeling Kathleen’s fingers tweak and pinch her clit. hers hand and fingers worked Ana’s clit, bringing her even higher. Anais felt another violent climax rise up high and crash down over her. Her whole body went into another bout of hard bucking.

Kathleen wrapped her arms around Anais’s wet thighs, and held on tightly. Her fingers clawed at Anais’s hard spasming belly.

“My tits,” Anais cried. “Oh, please. My nipples.”

Kathleen pulled hers arm from beneath the girl’s legs, and reached up between them. She cupped Anais’s wet bouncing tits in her hands, found the hard pulsing nipples. She worked the sensitive nubs between hers fingers and thumbs, and then suddenly squeezed hard, twisted, rolled and rubbed the rigid buds of her nips painfully.

Anais screamed into a long groan, and went limp with pleasure. But her body jerked her violently against the bar. She ground her pussy back hard against Buster s hard fucking penis.

Kathleen clawed at Anais’s tits and nipples as Buster continued to make short hard thrusts into her sodden pussy. The powerful dog intended to make this beautiful woman hers bitch for all time.

Kathleen and Buster were driving Anais berserk with lust and pure mad pleasure. She’d never felt anything so intense, so overpowering, so satisfying. She sighed deeply, and her body slowly went limp over the leather-padded bench. She hung there, totally exhausted, but still moving her pussy in time with Buster’s short thrusts.

Kathleen’s hands gently cupped the young girl’s big tits. She felt Anais’s nipples very slowly soften against her palms. She squeezed the girl’s lush tits lovingly, then let go. She brought hers hands to Anais’s wet thighs, and let her fingers roam lightly up and down the backs of the girl’s long legs.

Anais sighed heavily.

Anais slipped her wrists from the leather bands. She pushed her upper body upward and stretched.

“Oh, God, do I feel great,” Anais said quietly.

Buster gave Anais’s pussy some long licks to clean flowing cum from her.

“My legs are like limp rags, Kathleen. Help me out of these stirrups, will you.”

“Sure, Baby.” Kathleen slipped the loops from Anais’s bare feet. She helped the girl straighten up, then step back away from the bar. Kathleen hugged Anais tightly. She pulled Anais to her and kissed her lightly on her forehead.

“Let’s get in the shower, Baby.”

Anais nodded. Kathleen lead her to the sunken tub in a corner of the spa room.

Buster was resting contentedly at the edge of the tub, hers big handsome head resting on hers forelegs, hers deep dark eyes watching.

“Jesus, that dog is something, isn’t he?” Anais said to Kathleen in awe.

“He’s the best there is, baby,” Kathleen told her “I told you he had the best penis you will ever get!”

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