Women with Animals



(c) 2007 by M. Lobo

Part One

Bert Larson was livid his prize Shepard bitch was pregnant and he had no idea how it had happened. He had been very careful to keep her separate from all the males even when she wasn’t in heat. He was tempted to get them aborted but then someone might find out about her pregnancy or worse she would get infected and it would lower her breeding status if not squelch it completely. He determined that the pups were already thirty days along so he decided to keep her exiled until the litter was born and then just get rid of them. He’d never tell a soul.

The birthing day arrived a month later and as soon as he could he placed the three pups in a burlap sack and tossed them in the back of his truck. He planned to take them to the dump just outside of town and be rid of them there. He was in a hurry that day and neglected to put the tail gate up; it was all that fate needed to intervene. Several country road bumps later and a hasty turn threw the pups clear of the truck and into a ditch. They lay there for several hours; their pitiful cries growing weaker by the moment.

Keli, Hawaiian for Cheri, was on the main land, California in particular. She was going to be there for eighteen months and didn’t enjoy the thought of it. Her work had brought her here; she was into the design of semi-conductors. When she wanted to feel better she drove into the country, and pretended that she was in Hawaii; if only for a short moment in time. At the moment she was not in a very good mood. It was the weekend and she must have hit something with her right front tire and now it was flat. She sighed as she called for a wrecker to come and fix it or change it. She didn’t care what they did as long as it got done and she wasn’t about to do it because she only weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet. And it wasn’t to say that she was skinny; truth was that she was proportioned perfectly for her size. She was beautiful and men’s eyes followed her everywhere she went.

Keli didn’t have too long to wait, she had to admit that the auto service club that she belonged to was very good in providing quick service but the premiums were hefty also. She bided her time by strolling along the road and in the process noticed a burlap bag several feet into the ditch. She thought she saw it move edged closer. She peered at it intently and that was when she heard the faintest of cries.

Keli was not squeamish when it came to exploring the unknown. Within moments of hearing the cries of some small animal she had the bag open and was looking inside of it. What she saw made her sick but also stirred her compassion. There had been three puppies in the bag but two of them had died, only one remained; a male. She felt anger at what she saw and wanted to kick the person that had done this as hard as she could; particularly in a place that would hurt them the most. Her rage was quelled only slightly as the auto service man informed her that the repairs to her tire had been made and that she was ready to go.

She signed the necessary papers and then carefully retrieved the burlap bag and placed it on the front passenger floor. Her tires squealed as she sped from the place and made a bee-line for the veterinary clinic of a friend that she knew.

Within fifteen minutes of finding the puppies the remaining survivor was receiving medical attention. Her friend told her that she didn’t hold much hope that the pup would live but that they would try. Keli thanked her and then went home; she had done all that she could do.

Several days passed but when she arrived home on Tuesday there was a message waiting for her on her answering machine. “Hi Keli this is Beth from the veterinary clinic; congratulations, you have a boy. He’s quite an amazing little fella. Please give me a call or swing by as soon as you can… beep.”

To say that Keli was surprised was an understatement. Her family had several dogs before when she was growing up, but she had never owned one herself; what was she going to do? She sighed deeply, this was something that she had not thought of when she had rescued him.

Keli fixed herself a quick bite to eat and then went to the dog clinic. She exchanged a few pleasantries with her friend and then broached the subject of what to do with the dog. “I never really thought it thru.” She confessed.

“Well… the little guy has already been through a lot, but he has the strongest will to live of any animal I have ever seen.” Said her friend. “I’ll tell you what… take him home, raise him for a few months and if you think that he’s too much for you after that I’ll take him and find him a home with someone. There is something about this dog that just intrigues me.”

“Okay.” Agree Keli, “I’ll take him home with me and see how it goes.

“So, what are you going to call him? I’ll put it in my files.”

Keli thought for a moment. “Call him Mahi.”

“Mahi? Isn’t that the name of a fish?”

“Yes, it is, but in Hawaiian it also means Strong.”

Keli took Mahi home after several more days. Her veterinarian friend had wanted to make sure that he had the best start possible after such a traumatic birth. There were a lot of things to learn about taking care of such a small pup, but she managed. Weeks passed, then months. She taught Mahi things that she hadn’t thought possible at first and the amazing thing was that within days of her teaching him something new, he had it mastered.

Mahi became Keli’s nearly constant companion and he had full run of the house. There had been several break-ins in the area that she was living but no one ever touched her place, not with a huge German Shepherd residing there, and he was huge. Most Shepherds average height was twenty four to twenty six inches, his was thirty six. The average weight was seventy seven to eighty five he weighed in at one hundred thirty five and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He loved to play Frisbee and he ran like the like the wind. She loved the fact that he didn’t slobber all over everything and he rarely shed which was unlike most dogs.

About a year after Keli brought Mahi home, she was coaxed into double dating with a co-worker friend of hers. An hour into the social affair she was very glad that it would only be for one evening. Her escort turned into a real chauvinist and very overbearing he reminded her of her sister’s husbands. The only thing she enjoyed about the evening was the food.

“Thank you for the evening.” She said to Daniel after she opened her apartment’s front door. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” She went to close the door but found his foot in the way; he had placed it there intentionally.

“Hey, don’t I even get a good night kiss?”

“Uh… I’m sorry but I don’t know you that well yet?”

Hey, I’m an acquired taste.”

Keli shook her. “I’m sorry Daniel; I’m just not impressed by you.”

“Really, well I’m impressed by you and I didn’t wine and dine you tonight to get nothing out of it.” He pressed forward entering her abode.

“Please Daniel you need to go now.”

“I’ll go when I think I’ve been reimbursed for the evening.” Saying that, he entered her apartment fully and closed the door behind him. He grabbed her and as she tried to pull away several buttons were ripped from her blouse. Her skirt was next and he was in the process of stripping her of her bra when a searing pain in the back of his right thigh stopped him. He looked behind him just in time to see the jaws of a huge German Shepherd catch him in the uninjured leg.

“Mahi stop!” Commanded Keli, and he obeyed her; backing away and then coming to her side.

Daniel was on the floor, hurt and bleeding slightly but not so badly that he couldn’t regain his feet. “I’m going to have that dog put to sleep.” He threatened, hoping to trade her dog’s life for sex.

“No you won’t.” returned Keli, holding her bra in place while reaching down and picking up her torn blouse. “I’ll have you up on rape charges if you try anything. Now, get out of here before I call the police.”

Daniel realized that his bluff had not worked and stumbled to the door. He threw it open as hard as possible hoping to damage something but only managed to have the door spring back at himself and catch him in the ankle. He swore as he hobbled to his car, and faint mutterings and curses could be heard until he had backed out of the driveway and departed.

Keli shut the door as soon as Daniel was off the porch. She began to cry but then she felt Mahi at her side. She turned her attention to him. “Thank you Mahi, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

Keli suddenly felt exhausted and went to take a relaxing shower before going to bed. She dreaded going to work and possibly running into Daniel. When she emerged from the bathroom she was already in her shorty nightgown.

Mahi was on the bed when she got there. It was his usual place to sleep but this time he was closer to where she would lay. She snuggled up to him and whispered in his ear. “I don’t think I ever want to go on another date. I have you and I think I’ll satisfy myself with that for now.” She fell asleep holding him, but she vaguely remember receiving a kiss from him; or had she simply dreamt it?

When Keli awoke, she stripped off her nightshirt which left her clad only in panties. She stretched, got the clothes she was going to wear that day and placed them on the bed and then sat at the foot of her bed to begin putting them on. She was stopped in the process as Mahi stepped between her legs and rose up to greet her face to face.

Mahi did the unexpected; he kissed her and the faint memory of the previous night became clearer. “Wow, you kiss pretty good for a doggy. Think you can do it again?” He did and it escalated from there.

The fact that she was mouth to snout with a dog did not gross her out; she had been licked by dogs before. Even when Mahi shifted his aim and began to lick her breasts she did not stop him. She felt close to him, especially after last night’s episode with Daniel so she caressed him as he licked her. She felt an orgasm building and was surprised because the only orgasms she had ever felt before were self induced, and now it was being caused by someone she cared for.

“Oh Mahi, what are you doing? Are you trying to make love to me?”

Mahi’s head came up quickly, met her eye to eye and he nodded once; faintly, but it was there.

Keli knew that she was about to cross a line here that few people ever did, but it seemed the right path for herself. “You be my boy and I’ll be your girl. I never realized until last night how much I’ve relied on you and cared for you and you for me. Keep licking me Darling, it feels so good.”

Mahi did not understand everything she said but he did sense her feelings and they were reaching out to him. He ducked his head once more and caresses her brown nippled breasts with his tongue with renewed vigor.

Keli began envisioning all sorts of lovemaking and romantic play with Mahi; it was what triggered her first orgasm and she reached out and crushed herself to him as it swept over her. It was several minutes before she released him. “That was the most intense climax I’ve ever had Sweetheart.”

Keli lay back on the bed not really expecting more but receiving it seconds later; Mahi began licking at her panty clad pussy. “Here, let me help you.” She offered as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the lacy material and removed them.

With all obstruction removed, Mahi drew closer to the prize again. She smelled clean and desirable. He stabbed his tongue straight into her several times before sweeping it upward and catching her clit. He had no idea what he was doing, but to Keli it felt absolutely beautiful and her reactions spurred him on.

“Oh my God!” She exclaimed as she felt his tongue enter her farther than anything had ever gone before. She was still a virgin and she could have sworn that his tongue had touched her hymen. “I have been saving myself for my husband Mahi because I didn’t want to get pregnant as two of my sisters did and get trapped into a lousy marriage. I doubt that I will ever find anyone else that I would rather give myself to than you.

Keli lay back on the bed and spread her legs even more, allowing Mahi greater access. Wave after wave of intense feelings began to build and soon the second orgasm washed over her; more euphoric than the first. She managed to grab his head and pull him up onto herself. She hadn’t really planned anything next, her pussy simply needed a moments rest.

She kissed him several times and he returned the kisses. She tasted a little of her own essence as she did. “That was beautiful Mahi, I’ve never felt so close to anyone ever before.” She enjoyed the feel of his hair all along her body and then she realized that there was something else touching her also. She could feel his penis and it was resting right in the slit of her vagina. By rocking her pelvis upward she could push his hardness into her slot deeper and he responded by hunching forward and back. It felt fantastic and his cock was making contact with her clit on each forward motion.

“Mahi… oh Mahi, that feels so good. I’m beginning to wonder why I waited so long to be with you this way. Another orgasm was approaching but she made the mistake of turning her head toward the alarm clock. “Damn…” She sighed deeply it was getting late and she had to be on her way to work. She was tempted to call in sick but as young as she was, she was the head of the research group and took her job seriously. She held herself closer to her lover and whispered in his ear as she ground her pussy into him. “When I get home tonight we are going to make it the most special time we have ever had. You are going to take me totally and nothing will ever tear us apart.”

Mahi kissed her and then pulled away from her allowing her to rise. She marveled at it because she knew that he had understood her. Regrettably she began dressing and when done kissed him just before leaving the house; the sound of her car’s engine grew fainter.

This day was different than most days; there was a big change coming. Mahi walked into the kitchen and helped himself to one of the steaks that Keli had put there purposely for him on an open plate. It was cooked but very rare, just like he liked it. He had taken only two bites of it when he got the most nauseating feeling in the pit of his stomach. A chill swept over him and interest in the steak vanished. He ran to the door and peered at it intently, as though he could see through it, and then he howled. Something had happened to Keli and he could sense it; he no longer felt her presence.

Many times when he was waiting for Keli to come home, he knew almost twenty minutes in advance as to when she would step through the door. Now… nothing. She had just left, but it was the way her essence had vanished that worried him. He lay at the door and waited. Deep within he doubted he would ever see her again but he hoped that he was wrong.

Mahi had been right, his Keli died in an automobile accident that was not her fault. She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. He lay around the house for three days eating and drinking water only when his body really called for it.

On the evening of the third day Mahi was in the kitchen helping himself to some water from the tap; Keli had taught him how to turn it on and off so that he would have fresh water whenever he wanted it. He heard the front door open and ran to see who it was. He could tell by the smell that it wasn’t his Keli.

Two men were in the house, one by the door and the other already in the living room. They were Keli’s brother-in laws. “We should be able to stay here tonight.” Said the man in the living room. It was all the further he got before he heard and then saw the largest German Shepherd he had ever seen entering the room. “Holy Crap.” He yelled and then scrambled to arm himself with a fire poker from near the fireplace. The other man hid himself between the door and the wall.

Carl never realized that his sister-in-law owned a dog, and he sure didn’t want to tangle with this one. “Go, shoo, get out of here dog.” He shouted as he waved his arms toward the door.

Mahi sensed that these men somehow belonged here and seeing the open door he left peacefully. He had no idea where he would go but there was a whole new world before him and there was no way he could bring back what once was.


Several days passed, Mahi no longer had access to food as he had before. He grew hungry and slaked that hunger by catching rabbits in the foothills. He wandered southward, traveling over two hundred miles from his starting point. It was late evening when he wandered into a suburb much like the one he had lived in since birth. There was a big open area with a few tall trees at the center of it so he settled down there and watched. He blended with the shadows well since eighty percent of his body was black.

Jenna was blonde, brainy, beautiful and only twenty one years old. She already owned her own house which was worth well over eight hundred thousand dollars and had a bank account that allowed her to do just about anything her heart desired. She was currently working on a project that would give her liquid assets of over one million. If there was a flaw in the package it was that she wasn’t afraid to talk about what she did and that was computers. She was so into computers and computer animation that she scared most guys away because they felt so intimidated by her brilliance and those that were not scared away were too sleazy or nerdy to really do anything with. She figured that some day the right man would come along so she was keeping herself for that time.

At the moment though, she was having a lousy evening. Her period was a few days away and that made her hotter than she usually was. All she wanted to do was get home, crawl into bed and use her small vibrator on herself until she climaxed into oblivion and fell asleep. But, here she sat two hundred yards from her goal and an empty gas tank in her BMW.

Jenna could see her house, but she was going to have to walk the rest of the way to get there. She got out of her car, hit the auto lock and threw the keys into her small purse. She was in a foul mood and had only one goal in mind getting home. It was the reason she didn’t hear the approach of two men that waited until she was into the denser shadows of the trees to attack her.

One moment Jenna was walking and the next she was tackled to the ground. She tried to scream, but there was a hand over her mouth and she could feel her clothes being stripped from her. Her blouse, bra and skirt disappeared quickly. She reached out and managed to scratch someone but then she was stunned as a fist crashed into her jaw. The rest was hazy for a while.

Mahi saw the two men and the girl and he knew that she was going to be in trouble; he could feel the cruel intent that emanated from them. He ran to her aide and hit the attackers like a freight train. They were in pain and bleeding within seconds and driven from their prize before they had a chance to really even see her.

Mahi watched as the men ran away, limping every step, they didn’t stop until they were a long ways from where the attack had begun. He then turned to the blonde girl that lay before him. She was pleasing to his sight and felt that he could really make her happy if she let him. Perhaps there was hope for a new home here with her.

He looked at her lying there and then gently kissed her on the lips. He nuzzled her neck and then moved down to her breasts. Her nipples were small brown nubs atop cute B cup breasts. He set about suckling and licking them and within minutes had her responding to the stimulation.

Jenna cooed, the man she had been looking for was making love to her. Everything was a dark haze but she didn’t care. Her lover had kissed her and nuzzled her neck. He was sucking her nipples and licking her in a way she had never experienced before. She could feel a euphoric wave begin to wash over her and she wanted to ride it for as long as she could because every other orgasm she had ever had was self induced and this one was coming from someone else. She lifted her arms to embrace her lover and met fur; it puzzled her. She continued her exploration and found pointed ears and that was when she awoke.

“What the… where am I?” Her senses cleared slightly, but it was still dark and then she remembered where she was. She reached downward to her tight lace panties and found them still in place. She spread her legs slightly to check it better; running her finger over the crease: it was only a little damp. “Well, I guess I wasn’t raped, but what the heck did happen?” Vaguely she remembered the screams of the men who had attacked her and it dawned on her that this animal had saved her from them.

Mahi woofed softly and she tried to focus on him but there wasn’t enough light no matter what she did but she was now aware that a dog had just licked her to her first non-self induced orgasm. “Oh my god… Ewh!”

The scent of the young lady in front of him was so… sweet. He ducked down between her parted legs and began licking, trying to gain entrance into her. He began nipping at the barrier that hindered him from achieving his goal.

“Oh… now what?” Jenna saw that the dog had picked a new target to fixate on; her pussy. “Whoa there doggy… Ohhh… that feels good but you have to stop this.” She would have screamed, but she didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention to this scene. She was already considered a kook; she didn’t want this stigma added to it. She tried to move but he had her legs pinned down just enough to make that impossible and then the dog began nipping at her underwear. “Damn it Doggie, those are my best panties. Ohhhh…” She hurriedly reached down and hooked her thumbs in the lacy waistband. She managed to get then out of the way just enough to keep them from being destroyed.

“Hurry up and get this over with Mutt. I… Ohhh…” She lost the words to say as she felt his tongue repeatedly shoot into her as far as it could go and deeper than anything had ever been. She had expected him to simply lick her but this was intense. He did lick her but it was interspersed with the tongue fuck also. Her next orgasm caught her off balance and she grabbed his head and shoved his snout into her and held him there. After several moments the waves of ecstasy ebbed enough and she released him.

Jenna thought it was over. “Thank you Doggy, for saving me from those guys. I guess you deserved what you just got.” In her euphoric state she didn’t even think that there would be more. She turned and rose to her hands and knees and an instant later realized her mistake.

“Oh shit…” She hissed as she felt him mount her. An intense heat pushed it’s way into her and nudged her hymen. “No no Doggy, don’t do that, I’m a vir…”

Mahi was determined to show this girl that he could take care of her. He hunched forward and entered her half way and his next push sent him right to the bottom. He felt something temporarily blocking his path but it didn’t last long. He set up a steady rhythm and he awaited her response.

Tonight was loaded with firsts for Jenna but she didn’t really want to think about them. First orgasm brought on but someone other than herself. Almost raped but then fucked by a mindless mutt anyway. “Damn you Dog, if I ever see you again when this is over I’m going to purposely hit you with my car. God, if someone sees me I’ll have to move to another state. Shit… why is this happening to me?”

Jenna felt the dog’s cock bumping the deepest part of her honey pit. “Damn it, why does it have to feel so good. I don’t want this…” Her body was betraying her and was climbing once more to an even higher pinnacle. “Well, maybe I can get it over quicker.” She began pushing back and skewering herself onto his shaft. The pinnacle was reached and it was everything she had hoped it would be… if it hadn’t been brought on by a damn dog.

For a moment she forgot where she was and she imagined a handsome lover holding her, loving her, but she came out of it eventually. “Okay you damn dog, you’ve had your fun now get your cock out of me and let me go. I’m still going to hit you if I see you.” She felt his thick shaft pull back slightly and thought it was over. She gave a sigh of relief, never expected what came next.

One moment the dog’s cock was in reverse and the next it was at the mouth of her womb and borrowing deeper. “Oh my god… no no doggie, not in there. Not there! Ohhh…” Jenna found that the only thing that she could do at the moment was pant. She thought that she had gotten it all when a bulge began entering the mouth of her vagina. Seconds later it popped into her also. She was so full of the dog’s cock now that she didn’t know what to do. It was so beautiful… but it was coming from a DOG!!!

Jenna felt the dog’s cock move within her and she didn’t know how he managed it. It felt so good… but it was coming from a DOG! She decided that she would just have to block it out. Her fourth orgasm was approaching and she knew that it was going to be monolithic. Her climax hit and so did his, she felt super hot liquid shooting into her it time with her own contractions.

“Damn you DOG, I don’t want your scum in me, Ughhhhh… I hate you Mutt. Thank God you can’t make me pregnant. Damn… wouldn’t that be gruesome.” A chill passed over her at the thought.

Mahi didn’t understand what had happened, the girl’s body language said one thing, but her tone of voice conveyed another. It took ten minutes for his knot to go down so that he could pull out of his new found love without hurting her.

Jenna felt the animals cock slip out of her and plopped on her ass on the ground quickly so that he could not remount her. “You’ve had your fun you Bastard, and probably ruined me internally in the process, now leave me alone.” She backed away slightly as the dog neared her but then stopped, deciding to stand her ground.

Mahi carefully edged forward and kissed the girl on the mouth and then moved off into the darkness.

Jenna breathed a sigh of relief but it was short lived as she saw the dog’s huge shape coming closer again. She was about ready to cry when she realized that he had gathered all her things and had them in his mouth; he placed them at her feet. After he dropped them he did vanish, and she was finally alone.

Jenna grabbed her belongings and ran as best she could for her house. She was still afraid that the dog would return and try to mount her again. She had to admit that at the moment she was no longer horny but at what a cost. She neared the front door and the automatic light came on. She had forgotten about it and veered off toward the fence gate; she didn’t want to stand there naked in the light for any amount of time. She opened the gate, scampered through, and then slammed it behind her. She thought it latched but it didn’t.

Safely in the back yard, Jenna slowed to a walk; she was now surrounded by an eight foot barrier. The automatic light came on as she approached the steps but she didn’t worry about it this time and was soon in the door and secure.

Mahi had followed the girl and when she entered the house he entered the back yard and trotted to the far end of the pool. He lay there and awaited the dawn. He wanted one more chance to show her that he could make her happy.


Part Two

Jenna awoke feeling better than she could ever remember. It lasted until she flung the bed sheets back and found that she was nude. The events of the night before surfaced immediately. “Oh God… I was so tired I fell right to sleep.” She ran to the bathroom and started the shower. She scrubbed herself thoroughly. When she was done she toweled off and stood in front of the full length mirror. She looked good considering…

A thought came to mind. One of the men had hit her very hard and it should have caused bruising. As close as she looked though, she could find no black or blue marks, and her jaw wasn’t sore. She shook her head and decided to check with her doctor anyway. After she got dressed she phoned and managed to make an appointment for that afternoon. She called for a taxi, grabbed a gas can from the garage and waited.

Within five minutes the taxi arrived. The cabbie drove her to the nearest gas station and then back to her car. She was feeling in control of things once more until she saw the parking ticket under the wiper blade. “Those idiots. What do they think, that I parked here on purpose? Ughhhh…” She felt tempted to tear it up but then relented, she didn’t need more problems.

Jenna was on her way minutes later and the rest of the day was a piece of cake for her. She entered her Dr’s office on time and was ushered right in. Her Dr. was a woman so when the nurse told her to remove her clothes and slip into a gown she thought nothing of it.

The door opened as Jenna lay her clothes on the nearby chair. “Hop up on the recliner and put your feet into the stirrups.” Instructed Dr. Hazlet. When that was accomplished she continued. “So, what’s up? Why are you here today about a month before your usual annual physical?”

“Well… I…”

“You were sexually active, right?”

“Yeah… and I was afraid that he might have hurt me down there.”

“Did he wear a condom?”


“Make sure he wears a condom next time. You don’t want an unexpected pregnancy or an STD.”

“Oh… I doubt I’ll get pregnant, I think he was fixed.” “Or ought to be.” She added softly.

“You mean he’s had a vasectomy? How old was this guy?”

“About my age.” She lied.
The Dr. glanced at her oddly. “Well, let’s take a look. I’ve never used this gadget on you before because you were still a virgin but it should go in okay now. Watch the monitor above you.”

Jenna was still surprised and flinched when the camera enter her vagina. It was small but it still felt like it was of a substantial thickness to her. She watched as it burrowed deeper into her and she was soon looking at the bottom of her love pit.

“You seem to be okay, I don’t see any bruising, or any left over deposits either. The guy you were with must have been smaller than average. Except for your hymen being gone, I can’t see that you had anything bigger than a pinky finger in you.”

The news that she received from the Dr. did not make sense even when she saw it in the camera lens herself. She had not seen the cock that the dog had driven into her but she knew that it had battered the end of her tunnel very well. And there should have been some kind of mark from where he entered her uterus but there was nothing. She had been royally fucked by a dog the previous night, hadn’t she?

After leaving the Dr’s. office she did some grocery shopping. She almost filled her car with the food that she bought. Most of it would last her the rest of the month.

The sun had set by the time she arrived home. The shadows were already growing deep. Mahi blended in well and Jenna never saw him sitting near the door of her garage. The door opener whined and she entered the space as it reached the top of it’s travel. She punched the button for the door to close and was too busy with her purse and other things to see the huge Shepherd carefully enter and sequester himself at the front end of the car.

Mahi followed his new love when she entered the house with her first load of groceries. It was easy for him to evade her after that until the most opportune time. He watched her as she ate and busied herself with her computer. What he didn’t realize were the sites that she was checking out.

Jenna did some checking on dogs, she had no idea what breed had fucked her. She considered it morbid curiosity. She still wasn’t sure what the animal was when she left that site.

She went to a bestiality site next; she wanted to know if there were any diseases that she could have caught. She was pleased to learn that she had nothing to worry about. While on the site she felt something stirring within her when she read some of the supposedly true stories that were written there.

“Damn it, now I’m all hot again.” She muttered as she shut the computer off. She ambled up stairs and hopped into the shower. She washed slowly, lathering herself up and running her hands over her particularly sensitive areas several times.

After toweling off, she sat on the edge of her bed, lay back, spread her legs and waited for her skin to air dry. She would get her trusty little vibrator in a few minutes and finish what the beast stories had started. She was just about to sit up when her thighs grew warm and an even warmer projectile entered her vagina. It stabbed her repeatedly and felt very familiar.

“Damn.” She shouted, and rose up on her elbows. “How in the hell did you get in here?” His ministrations on her were already taking their toll. “Oh God, that feels good. Why… me? I want a man, not a damn DOG!”

The orgasm that flowed through Jenna was as sweet as the night before, it curled her toes. He didn’t give her a moment’s rest before he put his front paws on the bed and shuffled forward. His cock entered her as she realized that he was no longer licking her. “Ohhhhh…” She moaned as his meat filled her completely. “I’m being fucked by a dog again. Oh God, what am I going to do? It feels so good, but it’s a damn DOG!”

Mahi set a fast pace this time and he felt her response as her vaginal muscles spasmed around his hot shaft. He slowed, backed off a little and then shoved forward; but this time carefully, as he broached the mouth of her uterus again. His knot followed closely behind at the vaginal opening.

Jenna was beyond words at the moment, the only thing that managed to squeak past her teeth were pleasurable grunts, groans, Ohhhs… and Ahhhhhs… Her third orgasm hit her and she felt every spurt of dog sperm shoot into her like it was shot from a canon. She could imagine billions of his tiny little tadpoles attacking her ovaries and mugging any eggs that they found there. “You sure are trying to impregnate me aren’t you? And you sure know how to fuck, but why couldn’t you be the man of my choice? Oh God, I’ll probably never get all of you out of me for a long time. Ughhhhh…

Once more Mahi was confused. The female’s body accepted him, but her verbal responses denied him. He had done his best for the girl but she still didn’t want him. He resigned himself to the fact that he would not stay where he wasn’t wanted.

Mahi’s knot was shrinking fast and he was about to pull out of the woman when she reached up and grabbed the gold chain that he wore; she hadn’t noticed it before. She turned it until she could read it. “Mahi, what the hell kind of name is Mahi?” She held the thick chain and hefted it as though she were weighing it; it was heavy and it looked like gold.

Mahi was finally released from her grasp and he dismounted. He heard her gasp and saw that she was looking at his cock. “My God it’s big. I can’t believe that you had that whole thing in me.”

Jenna noticed that the dog seemed sad. “What’s with you Mutt? You just got done fucking me silly and you act like nothing even happened. I don’t know how you got in here, but tomorrow you leave and I’ll be a lot more careful next time.”

Mahi sighed and Jenna heard it. The dog was sad but she didn’t know why. He should have at least been satisfied after fucking her two days in a row. “Stupid Dog.” She muttered, but she too began to feel bad she was missing something here but wasn’t sure what.

Jenna went to bed earlier that night than usual. She left the dog to his own devices. She figured she would just have to clean up after him later… “Ugh…”


When Jenna awoke in the morning she felt so… good. She arose and walked into the bathroom. As she passed the mirror she glanced into it as usual and walked on. She stopped short and returned to the mirror again. She lifted her short nightgown over her head to inspect herself more fully. She liked what she saw but didn’t understand how it had happened. Her breasts were full and tight and had to be at least a cup larger than she remembered. Her tummy was flat and sexy there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her anywhere that she could see. Her muscles seemed different also. She felt sprier, more nimble but she couldn’t put a finger on it.

Mahi had moped around the house until nearly dawn and it took him a little longer to open this sliding door than others that he had managed. He left the back yard the same time that Jenna arrived on the ground floor of her home.

“Mahi, oh Mahi, where are you?” She called. She searched the place quickly and then saw the open patio door. She ran out and searched her yard next, but he wasn’t there either. She hung her head. She had such mixed emotions at the moment that she didn’t know what to think. When she left for work though, she left the gate and patio door slightly ajar just in case he did return; she was beginning to hope that he would.

Mahi had never traveled through a ritzy suburb before, especially not in broad daylight and never alone. His size drew immediate attention and it didn’t take long before a team of dog catchers was after him.

Two men approached him and one of them carried a tranquilizer gun. “Damn, he’s big. Largest German Shepherd I’ve ever seen. I better shoot him with a trank first and then we can grab him.” He lifted the gun to his shoulder and fired, he could hardly believe his eyes as the mutt rolled quickly to it’s side and the dart flew harmlessly over him. “How the hell did he know what to do?” He didn’t have time to express himself further as animal bolted away from them at a very fast lope.

The men tried to keep an eye on the dog as they raced for their vehicle, but within moments he was out of sight and the hunt was on. They drove around the neighborhood for several hours but found nothing.

Mahi ran fast, he had no specific destination in mind. He decided to hide out and wait for darkness. With that thought in mind he scanned the area and realized where he was; the gate to the one he had wanted to love was only a few yards away and it was still ajar. He ran for the opening and once inside closed it; he could reopen it if he really needed to. He went to the sliding door next and was surprised to see it open also. He didn’t understand this, humans usually closed these doors.

Mahi used caution as he entered the home this time, he remembered the tone of voice she had used when addressing him. It could be a trap. He sensed that she was gone and closed the slider also. He would wait until nightfall and then be on his way. He helped himself to some fresh water and then went to the refrigerator. He would take only what he needed and nothing more.

Jenna felt absolutely fantastic, but there was a sadness within that chewed at the edges of it all and diminished it somehow and she knew that Mahi was the key to it all. She had to find him again, that was the only solution. Her thoughts were interrupted by one of her collogues.

“Earth to Jenna, come in Jenna.” Cooed the only other good looking female in this particular computer group. “You are coming with me tonight aren’t you? You promised!”

“What?” Responded Jenna as she turned her focus on the woman speaking.

“Jenna, really. A week ago we made plans and you told me you would accompany me to the party at Harry’s. Hello… it’s Friday… I’ll follow you home and we’ll go in my car because I know the way there.”

Jenna was about to renege on the offer but her friend cut her short. “Don’t you dare try to back out on me now Girl. We both have to go or it’s no dice.”

“Okay she relented, but I’m not staying long.”

Sandy smiled; her plan to hook Jenna up with Tom was working. She didn’t plan to stay too long either. She was going to see if she could snag Sam, a guy that Tom had promised would be there, and she planned to use all her charms to accomplish it. She hoped to have him in bed all weekend just like Tom had his sights set on Jenna.

Almost everything went according to Sandy’s plan; the only flaw was when Tom took Jenna home. She was upset that her friend had manipulated her into this situation. She hopped out of the car the moment it stopped rolling and ran for the door. She was inside and had the door shut long before Tom had even the slightest chance of stopping her. She was halted in her tracks from going up stairs though when the door bell rang, and continued it’s incessant, obnoxious, sound beyond human tolerance.

“What do you want?” She screamed through the closed door.

“You dropped your wallet in my car.” He explained as he held it aloft for her to see it through the peep hole.

“Damn,” She hissed, and then proceeded to open the door. “Thank you.” She intoned as she reached for it, and then got another shock as Tom barged into her home. He had managed to take her wallet out of her purse earlier just in case he needed the tactic to get the door open, and now he was using that ploy.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like,” He scoffed as he tossed her wallet to the floor. “You and I are going to GET IT ON tonight and you will be glad we did in the morning…”

Jenna managed to pull away from Tom and back off a bit. She was surprised when he didn’t immediately follow her. She saw fear cross his countenance and moments later he fled out the door as though the devil himself was after him. She closed her eyes and turned a hundred and eighty degrees before reopening them. She hoped that she would see Mahi and she wasn’t disappointed.

Mahi was in the process of reopening the sliding door when he heard the car enter the driveway and come to a stop. He heard hurried footsteps approach and enter the front door and the door close. He went to check it out and witnessed the rest personally. He didn’t like the guy that came through the door last and he flattened his ears to his skull and glared at the intruder with bared teeth; that was all it took. With the man gone he changed his posture back to one of non-aggression.

He was startled at first by the Blonde’s actions as she turned, saw him, and then ran to him and hugged him. “I’m sorry Mahi, really I am, I’m sorry.” She cooed softly in his ear. “I’ve thought about it all day and it’s you that I want.” She kissed him and then arose, closed the door, locked it and motioned for him to follow her.

Jenna led him to the bedroom. “Stay.” She said softly when he was a few feet from the bed and he obeyed; there was a change in her attitude and he felt it. He watched as she stripped herself bare for him in as provocative a manner as possible. She then sat on the edge of the bed and called him to her. “I want you Mahi; I want you as deep and hard as you can possibly give it to me. I want you all night long and the whole weekend also. Take me now Darling, I don’t even want any foreplay I’m that hungry to feel you inside of me.” After saying that she lay back and waited for him.

Mahi understood exactly what she wanted and wasted no time in giving it to her. He was still careful about entering her though; there was no way he wanted to hurt her ever. He thrust into her deeply, feeling his cock nudge the bottom of her shaft every time he moved forward. She moaned and grunted her approval with each jab. He worked them up to a blistering pace and then felt her legs rise and grasp his flanks offering herself more fully than ever before.

“Oh Mahi.” She managed to pant. “You make me feel so good…” She embraced his neck and slammed her pelvic region upward to get even more of him. She knew that his knot was still outside of her but she also knew what he was saving that for later so she was careful not to spoil it for them. She felt the first euphoric wave claim her and marveled at how he manipulated his penis to make her receive the best sensations she could from it.

“I want you deeper Mahi. Give Jenna everything you have Darling, see if you can fuck me so hard that you force your sperm into my eggs weather they want it or not. I… I want your baby. I want to feel your puppies or babies in me and moving. I want to show my pregnant belly to everyone and have all the guys jealous of you, my Husband. I want to suckle that sweet little thing at my breasts and have you taste me also.”

Mahi pulled back, shifted his aim and reentered. He got the desired effect immediately; entering her uterus and locking his knot within her. He also tried to speak her name, it was the first time he had ever heard it and he like it. It came out very gruff so he knew that he would have to practice with it.

“That’s it Mahi, give it to me. Fill me up with…” She stopped, she wasn’t sure but she could have sworn that he had called her name as he set his knot. Was it possible? She knew that he was special and now she began to wonder just how special. Waves of ecstasy continued to lift her higher and higher and she shouted it out as it hit. “Now Honey, NOW… Give me your sperm; I want to have those little tadpoles mug my eggs so hard that they don’t know what hit them. “Oh God, Yesss…” She felt spurt after spurt of his essence shoot into her so sharply that they kept triggering a response in her own pelvic region. She held him tightly to herself while continuing to thrust her pussy onto his shaft.

Mahi kissed her and she returned it. He shoved his tongue into her and she loved it, doing the same to him when he pulled back. She liked the taste of him; it was not as she had expected it. “Ummm… I love running my teeth over your canines Darling.”

Jenna’s continued thrusting re-awoke the beast within her. Soon she felt him begin to return the jabs with even greater ones of his own. She relocked her legs around his hips and hung on for the sweetest ride that she had ever experience yet. “God, I hope that this never ends.” She cooed and a tidal wave of pleasure poured over her so intensely that it was impossible to describe; all she knew was that she wanted it to last forever.

Jenna lost track of time but according to the clock Mahi and she had been making love for over an hour and he was still deeply imbedded in her. It was blissfully euphoric. His body covering her the way it did was totally erotic. She petted his cheeks and rubbed his ears in approval. “I love you Mahi. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Mahi kissed Jenna again and then grunted, moving his mouth in the most unmistakable words that he had ever uttered. “I love you too Jenna.” It came out as gruff as the first time but with one difference, this time Jenna was watching him say the words and they were very understandable then. She kissed him and held him, glorying in the feel of him being in her and near her.

When Mahi eventually pulled his cock from her vagina, she felt and emptiness and she wanted to have him stuff his shaft back into her as soon as possible. She did realize though that they needed to get some rest so that they would have the strength to go as strenuously at it again as they did before.

Naked, she crawled to where she normally slept and patted the bed next to her. Sleep here Honey, I want you near me. She didn’t even pull a sheet over her; snuggled up behind her, his body heat her warm and comfy.

The next day dawned bright and beautiful and Jenna awoke feeling refreshed. It was Saturday and she was looking forward to every second that she could squeeze out of it with Mahi by her side. She kissed him, sticking her tongue into his mouth as far as she could and he reciprocated likewise. “Ummmm… you taste just as good as you did last night.” She worked her way to the end of the bed and lay with it’s edge at her pelvis and her breasts against the sheets; her feet were spread as wide as they could go and still touch the floor. “Can you guess what I would love for you to do to me Sweetheart?” She wiggled her butt invitingly.

Mahi rolled off the bed and landed on his feet. He moved behind his sweet Jenna and gave her several probing licks before rising up and positioning himself to mount her. The heat of her pussy beckoned to him and he inserted himself into her gently but forcefully. He did not go for the back wall as usual, but buried the tip of his penis right into the mouth of her cervix. A few more meaningful jabs later his knot was seated too.

“Ohhh ohhh, Mahi, ohhh my god, you sure know how give me the most pleasurable Goosebumps I have ever had. You are in me so… deep and your knot is caressing my G-spot just the right way. WOW!” Small waves of ecstasy washed over her and she concentrated in feeling every little ridge and ripple on her lover’s cock as it moved within her. She pictured his shaft imbedded in her uterus and what it would do when it erupted. “Give me your sperm Mahi; I’m just about there…”

Mahi felt the beginning ripple of Jenna’s orgasm and released his load at the optimum time. Her muscles worked in conjunction with his to feed her ovaries the impregnating mixture that could bring about new life. He wondered what his offspring would look like.

Jenna let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank you Mahi, you gave me just what I needed. You didn’t fuck me silly and tire me out but you drew me close to you and loved me.” Ten minutes passed and she dreaded the moment that his cock would slide from her but she consoled herself with the fact that she would have him again soon; very soon.


Jenna was amazed at all the things that Mahi could do, it really boggled her mind. He used the toilet to go to the bathroom, He could turn of a faucet to get fresh water anytime he wanted and he was familiar with the workings of a refrigerator and freezer; he even turned lights on and off again when needed. She wondered if he knew how to use the TV remote; but didn’t have time to test it at the moment.

She fixed them some eggs, sausage and toast and put it on a plate and then placed it on the floor. He gave her a quizzical look, picked up the plate with his teeth and placed it on the table close to her own plate. He sat on his haunches, put his paws on the edge of the table and showed her that he could eat just fine that way. He was very careful and if need be he would stand on his hind legs; none of the food landed on the table or hit the floor. Mahi was neater at eating than some people that she knew.

After everything was cleaned up, Jenna went to the miscellaneous drawer that all homes seem to have and got ten foot of twine. It was all she had as a leash at the moment. She even found a quick release clip that she tied to one end and made a loop for the other. “I won’t use this unless I have to.” She addressed Mahi. “I’m sorry, but there are leash laws around here and I sure wouldn’t to loose you on some stupid technicality. Let’s go, we have some shopping to do.”

The first order of business as far as Jenna was concerned entailed getting a new vehicle. She gave up her sporty little BMW and opted for a full size conversion van. She took a loss on her car but thought little of it as long as she could have Mahi by her side. She even whispered in his ear that they would definitely have to initiate the van by making love in it before too many nights passed. When she and Mahi pulled out of the auto lot all of the salesmen were panting; wishing that they could take his place if only for a few minutes and they never guessed how closely knit she and the dog truly were.

The rest of the weekend found them on the beech; one that catered to dog owners. At a fancy restaurant that also had the dog in mind and even a dog show. She bought him a better leash there and apologized as she clipped it on his collar; he quickly kissed her to let her know that he understood. Before they left there she had so many offers to have Mahi be a stud to some female bitch that she was stunned, he wasn’t even registered but that didn’t matter to some of them.

Over the course of the two days she and Mahi managed to make love three other times and now they were about ready to go at it again. He grabbed her hand gently in his mouth and led her out to the pool deck. He motioned to a heavy webbed chair that was just the right height to accomplish what they wanted and she lay down on her back; she wanted it missionary this time so that she could hold him.

“This isn’t fair; I’m going to have to hold in my screams of passion so that the neighbors won’t hear me as you pound your cock into me.” She was watching him closely and could have sworn that he smiled and nodded. “Yeah, well… one of these times I’m going to find a way to make you howl too.” That was all she got out before Mahi’s cock invaded her honey pot and did exactly what she expected; he shot her to the moon and all she could do was whimper, gasp and mew.

He alternately pumped her fast and shallow and then slow and deep, almost setting his knot on each slow thrust. It was a smorgasbord of techniques and it culminated with Mahi’s cock buried in her uterus so that none of his sperm would be lost. “Give me your baby Darling.” She hissed in his ear as his seed flowed into her. I really do want your offspring and if hope and desire can change our DNA patterns and make it possible then very soon you will make me pregnant. I love you Mahi, I pray that you can understand me.”

Jenna didn’t really expect an answer but she got one. Unmistakenably, she heard Mahi confirm what she said. “I understand, and love you too.” Came the gruff response that was punctuated by an even deeper forward thrust. She hugged him even tighter and crushed her pelvic region into him so hard that she was sure that there would be a dent there for at least a few days.

When the couple parted they cuddled and kissed and then swam for a while. Jenna had always been a strong swimmer, but she impressed herself by swimming four laps faster than she had ever thought possible, and she wasn’t in the least bit tired. Even her heart rate was only slightly elevated. She hugged Mahi, wondering if she would ever learn all that there was to know about her new mate.


Part Three

Monday morning rolled around for Jenna far too quickly, she would have been happier to spend the whole day in bed with Mahi. She also dreaded the fact that she would have to face Sandy about Friday night, and she would probably run into Tom also. She already had some preconceived ideas as to what she wanted to say, but actually saying them was another matter. She did not plan on going through this alone though, she was taking Mahi with her. She felt safe with him by her side and with the job she had she knew that she that there would be no problems.

When Jenna got to work she walked into the studio with Mahi right by her side. She saw several people shy away from them and there were others who didn’t but she could sense their trepidation. “You don’t have to worry about Mahi, he wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it was bothering me, but then all bets are off.”

She settled into her cubicle with Mahi at her feet and busied herself with the graphics she had been working with the previous week. It was going to be part of a new Sci-fi movie that was due out in six months and her part of it would earn her at least two hundred thousand dollars. She was interrupted by Sandy calling her name.

“Jenna… Oh, you are here. I didn’t see your car; some idiot parked their van in your spot.”

“I got rid of my BMW and bought a van.”

“I liked that car and I thought you did to. What in the hell made you… whoa…” Mahi had chosen that time to get up and stick his head around the corner and Sandy backpedaled quickly, bumping into others as she reacted to seeing such a huge animal. “Damn, where did that thing come from?”

“Sandy, this is Mahi. In a way I guess you could say that he chose me and I’m glad he did. He has already saved me from things happening that would have been tragic to me if they had occurred. And one of then occurred Friday night.” Jenna saw her friend tense and decided to broach the subject with her. “Did you plan to disappear on me like you did at the party and have Tom drive me home?”

Sandy hesitated. “I saw a chance to get close to Sam so I took it.”

“And in the process you sold me, your friend, into the hands of a person that you knew she didn’t care for; a person that was going to try and take advantage of her!”

“I guess I didn’t really think it through.” She replied, while chewing her bottom lip nervously.

Jenna knew that her friend was lying, she didn’t know how she knew, but she KNEW. “Sandy, you thought it through and you knew what he was going to try and do but you put a chance to sleep with Sam above your friend’s wellbeing. If it hadn’t been for Mahi, Tom would have raped me. I guess you are not the friend that I thought you were.” She strode out of her cubicle and Mahi followed at her side; she was headed for the vending machine area; it was much like the water cooler gossip area in other offices.

Jenna arrived at the vending machines and found Tom, exactly where she thought he might be; some of his buddies were with him. She stopped a few feet short of where he stood and waited.

One of Tom’s friends motioned for Tom to turn around and he did; his reaction was instantaneous. He spilled his drink all over his shirt and succeeded in splashing the guy next to him also. Seeing that huge German Shepherd again, this close, was now pleasant. “You… keep that thing away from me.”

“You will keep as far away from me as you possibly can and in the process you will not have to worry about my dog. We both know that you were no going to take ‘NO’ for an answer Friday and if it had not been for Mahi here I would be filing rape charges against you. A word of advice, don’t force yourself on anyone ever again; understood?”

Tom was crimson red with embarrassment. Most for his friends knew he was a womanizer but they didn’t think that he would ever force himself on anyone. “Yeah… I understand.” He muttered and then quickly walked away. He really hated Jenna for what she had just and he tried to think of something he could do to get even with her.

The rest of the day was uneventful but everywhere she went she heard whispering. Two other women actually came up to her and thanked her for standing her ground. They had been victims of Tom also but they had remained silent for fear of repercussions.

Jenna was relieved when the day was over. She had even talked to several higher level people to see if it was feasible to do the bulk of the work she did from home. They had heard through the grapevine that something had occurred and let her know that they would consider it. She loved her work with the studio, but she also knew that she could easily make it in the freelance sector of the business. She already had an established reputation for six other movies that she had been a part of.

When Jenna and Mahi arrived home, there was a dog catcher’s vehicle parked in front of her house. There was a sense of foreboding that passed over her. She entered her garage and closed the door before she allowed Mahi to get out. Her door buzzer was squawking it’s usual ugly sound as she enter the house; she went to the front door and opened it.

“Excuse me.” Came a squeaky voice that didn’t match the rotund person it belonged to. “We have had reports of a large mostly black Shepherd terrorizing this area. Do you have a dog that fits that description?”

“Yeah… but I can assure you that my dog would never do such a thing.”

“Really, I think that I can decide for myself about that. I need to see his papers!”

There was something about this man that Jenna did not like and that was beside the fact that he was a dog catcher. “I don’t have his papers here at the moment, but I can get them and bring them to your office in a few days.”

“I’ll have to take him with me then.” Said the catcher with a sneer in his voice.

“I don’t think so. I want to call your office and find out what this is all about and who filed the complaint.” Said Jenna, still feeling that something was amiss. She reached for her cell phone but the man stopped her with a compromise.

“I’ll be back tomorrow. Have his papers ready or you will be subject to fines.” He turned around and cursed under his breath. Tom had said that this woman would be easily cowed and that wasn’t the case. He hated the thought of having to take more drastic measures but for five thousand dollars he was willing to take a few risks. He really was a dog catcher; just not from this area.

Jenna was shaken, there was no way she was going to loose Mahi now, she wouldn’t know how to handle it. She thought hard for several minutes because she still assumed that the dog catcher was legit so she looked for a legit answer. She finally remembered a close friend of her’s that had become a vet. She looked in the phone directory and made an appointment for the following morning to get all the legal papers she would need. She was still worried but Mahi helped her put that all aside.

Mahi took Jenna’s hand and lead her to the sofa. He managed to get her turned around and seated. He began nipping at the buttons of her blouse but she stopped him. “I’ll take it from here Honey, if I don’t I’ll probably have a lot of sewing to do.” She stood and began doing a provocative little strip tease for him like she had done for him a few nights previous. She didn’t stop until she was totally naked. She positioned herself on her back, spread her legs and beckoned him closer. “I love doing it doggy style Mahi. But right now I want to hold you close to me while you are in me.”

Mahi started things off by gently licking her and then tongue fucking her. He knew that she loved being primed this way. It took him fifteen minutes of gentle persuasion to trigger her first explosion and as she came she hugged him close to her. The feel of his fur against her skin was an added bonus.

He kissed her; he nuzzled her neck… and then sank his shaft into her gently but firmly; all the way to the bottom. Sighs of pure pleasure escaped her lips with each thrust that nudged the end of the line and that was all of them. Her second orgasm wasn’t too far from the first and before the ripples of that quake ceased he had his cock into the neck of her womb. That was how he liked to be whenever he planted his sperm within her; none of it escaped that way.

“Ohhh… Mahi, you sure know how to make me feel better. I’m know that things will work out for us, I’m not about to give up the one I want to father my children.” She fell silent as thrust after thrush pushed her to the third pinnacle. She hugged him tightly, crushing her breasts into his chest and whispered encouragement into his ear. “Give me your puppy juice Darling, flood my eggs and knock me up. I want my belly to swell with your baby inside of me. I honestly do not think that I have ever wanted anything more… except to be with you forever.

Mahi felt the approach of the third orgasm and was ready to release his sperm into his mate. He knew now that every time they were together that small changes were being made to her DNA makeup. Eventually… it would bring about the possibility for her to conceive. He wished he knew how many times they would have to mate before she reached the final stage, but in a way that made it that much more enjoyable. He would have to ‘just keep plugging away at it as it,’ as the saying goes. He tried to remember how many times they had been together but he could only estimate that it had to be around ten by now. Her cries of ecstasy drew him from further thought and begged him to concentrate on the moment.

“Now Mahi, NOW… Ohhh… Ohhh… Ahhh… That… feels… sooo… good…” Every pleasure receptor there was in the human body seemed to fire at the same time within the beautiful blonde on the receiving end of her canine lover’s cock. It was like getting a two hour work out crammed into a half hour. Jenna floated in a post coital bliss that was beyond explaining. She was physically drained but she caressed her lover and did anything she could think of to make this moment even more memorable. “That was wonderful Mahi, it’s like I can feel you flowing through my entire body. You have fucked me royally, but in a good sense, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

They lay together for another fifteen minutes before Mahi was able to pull out of her sweet pussy. He gave it a few quick and meaningful licks before he backed off completely. She slid off the couch and onto her knees, hugging him around the neck. “I can not believe the changes that have occurred in my life since you came into it Mahi, and they are changes that are for the best I assure you.”

“Well, I better get some food prepared for us. I’m really hungry now, especially after that workout that you just gave me.” She kissed Mahi and then went about getting them something to eat. She prepared two steaks, one of them very rare, and then some veggies. She was cutting his meat into smaller bit size chunks when she heard voices coming from the living room. She put the knife and fork down and went to investigate.

Jenna walked into the living room and came to a stop just a few paces past the archway. Her little quip about Mahi using the TV remote came to mind. Just like a man, he sat on the floor and was pushing the buttons on the control pad. He seemed to be very careful with the placement of the middle nail on his right paw and in doing so he was able to change the channels and volume with considerable ease. He was actually watching the early evening news.

Mahi had turned his head toward her for a few moments after she had entered the room but when he saw that she was didn’t necessarily want anything he turned his attention back to the broadcast. Jenna, shaking her head returned to the kitchen. “I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.” She muttered to herself. “I wonder if he knows how to drive a car?”

Diner for the two of them was delightful. Jenna had put a robe on, leaving herself bare beneath; you never knew what or when something intimate might spring up. They ate on the patio enjoying the last of the sun’s warm rays before it was obscured by the mountains farther to the west. After the sun did set, they swam in the pool for a while and then retired into the house.

It had been a long day but before they slept Mahi mounted her one more time at the foot of the bed. All she would have to do was crawl into the center of the mattress before she fell asleep. And by the time this love bout was culminated crawling four feet to where the pillow lay was all she could manage. She was out by the time her head hit the pillow.


Jenna awoke with a start and reached out to where Mahi was, but the space was empty and an instant chill swept over her. She had been in the middle of a dream and in it she had lost him. She didn’t remember the particulars but he was no longer by her side. “Mahi!” She screamed. “Mahi, where are you?” The tone of her voice denoted panic and it was not missed by the huge dog as he entered the room from the bathroom.

Mahi trotted up to Jenna and gave her a reassuring kiss and then looked at her quizzically; head tipped slightly askew. She chuckled, without speaking she knew exactly what he was asking. ‘Why the screaming?’

Jenna caressed his cheeks and then reached for the heavy gold chain that was around his neck inscribed with his name ‘Mahi’. “This is what I’m worried about Sweetheart. What if the person who put this here wants you back?”

Mahi shook his head. “I will not leave you.” He said gruffly and followed it by another kiss.

Jenna smiled and decided not to try and argue the point of ownership with him; she did not think that he would understand. If only someone had not called the animal control people she would not be in this situation. She bathed, dressed and prepared breakfast for them; all the while wondering who in her neighborhood had complained.

The ride to the veterinary clinic was quiet. Mahi sensed that Jenna was still worried but knew that this would be all cleared up soon. She had called the studio on her cell phone and told them that she had a Dr. appointment that morning but she didn’t tell them it was for her dog. She was informed that the studio supervisor wanted to see as soon as possible.

Jenna sighed to herself. “Well, one thing at a time.” She intoned and put her signal on to begin her turn into the parking lot of her friend’s animal clinic. She parked it the shade of a tree and was soon entering the building. The structure was quite modern and larger than she expected, and judging by the amount of cars in the lot her friend had a good practice going on here.

Jenna went to the front counter; Mahi was right by her side and unleashed. She identified herself and was told to be seated, and that it would not be too long. She headed for a set of chairs in the far corner and was surprised when a woman she passed shouted at her.

“You keep that brute away from my little Shotzie, she’s in heat and I don’t want him trying to maul her.”

Jenna looked to see what the matter was but saw nothing out of the ordinary; Mahi was right by her side and not even the slightest bit interested in the Dog mentioned. She looked at the woman who was clutching her dog and was about to say something when she heard her name being called by an assistant near the back door. “We have some preliminary tests we want to run before the Dr. will see you.”

Jenna was surprised but pleased to leave the crowded waiting room. She had notice the look of consternation on most of the other patron’s faces when they saw her huge German Shepherd. They were soon out of there and led to another room that was typical of clinic settings. “The Dr. will be with you shortly.” Said the assistant as she left the room.

“But I thought…” The door closed and her unfinished question was cut off also. She didn’t have long to ponder it though because her friend entered the room shortly after that. She looked just as she remembered and it had been at least four years.

Dr. Lara Beckett entered the room. “Oh my gosh, look at you!” She exclaimed as she drew closer and they both hugged. “It’s been so long since I saw you last and when I found your name on the appointment sheet I made sure that you were sent right in when you arrived.”

“Thank you, Lara, but won’t the other people get upset about me going ahead of them?”

“They’ll get over it. Besides, I’m not the only Vet. here. Lara looked her friend over carefully. “Wow, you look fantastic. What’s your secret, is it anything you can share with me?”

Jenna smirked because she knew where most of the changes had come from now but she couldn’t just blurt it out to her friend so she made up something that sounded feasible. “Just a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, this big boy keeps me on the move by just trying to keep up with him.”

Lara looked at the German Shepherd for the first time. “Damn he’s big. I’ve never seen a Shepherd that big before. Where did you get him?”

The room suddenly grew chilly to Jenna but she knew she had to be honest about things. She did her best to explain to her friend the situation she was in. “Something sounds fishy about that catcher.” Offered Lara, “I would definitely get in touch with animal control in your area before I ever let him take the dog. And as for Mahi here, let’s check the computer and see if he’s registered anywhere.”

Lara went to the terminal and brought up the dog registry section that most veterinarians subscribed to. Jenna held her breath and nearly passed out when she saw Mahi’s name come up. “It looks like he was previously owned by a person name Keli and I don’t see where ownership ever changed hands; he might have just gotten lost and couldn’t find his way back home. Keli lives in Silicon Valley.”

Lara turned and saw that her friend was taking this information very hard. “You better sit down.” She said sliding a chair closer to the terminal. “I’ll call the clinic that has Mahi’s records and find out what’s going on.”

Lara watched her friend closely while making the call and noted how the dog seemed to be trying to cheer her up. A woman’s voice on the other end of the line brought her thoughts back to the matter at hand. “Yes, I’m calling about a German Shepherd named Mahi; do you know anything about him?”

“Yes.” Came the excited reply. “We have been wondering what happened to him ever since his owner died and her brothers-in-law allowed him to get out of the house.”

“Hold on a minute please, I’m going to put you on the speaker phone… There, can you please say again what you told me.”

“Yes, Mahi belonged to a young lady named Keli. She was from Hawaii, and that is why the dog’s name is Mahi; it meant strong in her language. He was the only surviving puppy out of a litter of three and seemed to go against all odds to live. Keli, unfortunately, was involved in a bad automobile accident about three weeks ago and died. When her brothers-in-law went to her place to take her possessions back to the family in Hawaii, the got scared when they saw Mahi and released him outside. I’m surprised that he’s okay because he has always been an inside dog.

“Oh, I think he’s more resourceful than you give him credit.” Offered Jenna. “I’m the one who found him… No, let me rephrase that, he found me. He has also saved me twice from guys who would have taken advantage of me.”

“I take it that you are going to claim him then.” Said the woman over the speaker.”

“Absolutely,” Replied Jenna while stroking Mahi’s head and ears. “There is no way I would give him up after all he has done for me.”

“How about five thousand dollars?”

“No, I could never sell him.”

“Okay, but the offer still stands. If you find that he is too much to handle, please inform this clinic first.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, but if I were you I wouldn’t hold my breath. Mahi has a permanent home with me as far as I’m concerned.

“Very well, have a good day.” The line went dead and the speaker began to buzz.

“Wow, I think she really wanted this dog.” Commented Lara. “So, let’s get him up on the table and begin the exam Then we can get your papers for him in order. You probably aren’t going to breed him so I’m no going to worry about his hips. That only concerns pedigree stuff.

Jenna patted the table top. “Up here Mahi.” And the dog responded with no further coaxing.

“Wow, he sure responds well.”

Jenna nodded. “Yes, he sure does, and while you are doing that I am going to call the animal control people, like you said, and see if the complaint is legit.” She busied herself with that while Lara went on with the exam. By the time she was done, so was her friend.

“I have never seen a better specimen of Shepherd in my whole life.” Admitted Lara. “No wonder the other vet. wanted him. According to the records, he is only a year old and he is now remanded into your custody.” She added jokingly.

Jenna moved to the table and hugged Mahi. “I should have listened to you and not worried.” She whispered softly, but not softly enough because Lara heard her and something within the vet. told her that there was far more here than met the eye.

“So, how about filling me in on your life lately. Have you met any new and interesting guys?”

“None that haven’t tried to rape me and take advantage of me you mean?”

“Yeah, but have you met anyone good?”

Jenna shook her head. “Nah, and to tell you the truth I’ve given up on looking. If there is a guy out there that is right for me, he’ll find me.” She had been looking at Mahi the whole time she confessed her feelings for opposite sex and Lara did not miss the emphasis on him finding her.

Lara gathered the paperwork and put it in a folder. “We’re done here.” And she watched as if on cue, Mahi hopped off the table. “I’ll… have one of the receptionists make up the proper documents that you will need and you shouldn’t have any further trouble.”

“Well, I don’t expect any real trouble, but I do have to go to work and face Tom again. You were right about animal control they have not record about an unruly Shepherd in my area. The bastard that came to my house was a fake and if he shows up again I’ll call the cops immediately.”

Lara and Jenna hugged again. “Let’s get together soon.” Said the Lara. “There is so much that I would like to talk to you about.”

“My phone number and address are on the records that you have in your hands. My evenings are totally free so I leave it up to you to choose a date that is convenient to you. All I ask is that if you want to go out to eat somewhere that it is a place that allows dogs. I do not go anywhere without Mahi anymore.”

“That sounds fair.” Replied Lara. “And you can expect a call from me within the next few days.” She watched Jenna and Mahi as they walked down the hall and out the door. There was definitely more between the two of them than met the casual eye.

Jenna set off for the studio next and parked in her usual spot. Once more she headed for the vending machine area and was not disappointed; Tom was there in his usual spot. “Tom.” She called when she got to within earshot of him.”

Tom turned and backed away slightly when he saw the dog once more. “You keep that bastard away from me or I’ll…”

“You will do nothing.” Interrupted Jenna. “And you will call off your fake dog catcher also or I will have you both arrested! Do you understand?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about Bitch.”

Jenna knew that he was lying. The tone of his voice, his eyes, even the way he stood at the moment screamed of falseness. “You know what I’m talking about and I assure you that I will have you arrested and thrown in jail if you bother me again. I’ve already talked to the real animal control people.”

Tom sneered at her and walked away. He realized that he was caught and that there was nothing more he could do against Jenna unless he wanted to be in deep dodo; he feared both the police and the studio. He hated her but he liked his lifestyle better and did not want to jeopardize it for the sake of revenge.

Jenna walked toward her cubicle and was almost there when the head of the studio caught up with her. “I just saw some of what happened back there and I’ve talked to the other section leaders and it is our decision to allow you to work from home. We will still expect daily results mind you, but we will give it a try.”

Jenna shook the man’s hand. “I won’t let you down I promise. If I see that I can’t keep up, I’ll come back into the studio.” With a light heart she entered her work space and gathered all the things that she thought she might need. She was looking forward to being at home with Mahi.


The day was still young when Jenna and Mahi returned home. Everything that had been troubling her was gone. She fixed them something to eat and they had it out on the patio in the shade of the umbrella. A pleasant breeze wafted around them and life was great. She breathed in the air and was amazed with the number of different odors that she could smell. Most of them were good but a few of them… She had to make it a special effort to tune those scents out but she managed.

When they were done eating their lite meal, Mahi grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa. She looked at him coyly. “I know what you want.” And she began to strip her clothes off, noting the smile that played across his face. When she was totally nude, she sat on the edge of the couch and spread her legs to give him the greatest amount of access that he could have. “Bon Appetite.” She smirked.

Mahi ate her sweet little pussy with as much expertise as possible. His tongue probed her deeply and he curled it upward with each exiting stroke so that he hit her g-spot. He made sure that he hit her clitoris also but he did it gently; caressing it not crushing it. He did not rush the process and after about fifteen minutes she clutched him tightly to herself and rode out the waves of ecstasy that rolled over her.

She began pulling him up and over her, letting him know exactly what she wanted. “Give me your cock Darling, I want to feel you deep inside of me. Put your meat right into my uterus and spray my eggs with your seed.”

Mahi understood exactly what she wanted and complied readily. He eased his penis into her and kept shoving until he was at the mouth of her cervix. He found the tiny opening and gently wedged himself into her. Her murmurs of contentment were all he needed to insure that she was enjoying what he was doing. He didn’t want to exhaust her yet so he moved within her in slow deliberate strokes. His knot entered the mouth of her vagina and she clutched him to herself and met his thrust with a counter thrust of her own. He rocked his hips into her at a steady pace and knew that she would experience her second orgasm in a matter of moments.

“Oh… Mahi… you… sure… know… how… to… make… me… feel… so… good…” Jenna’s speech pattern was slow and husky. “I love you Darling, I want you so close to me always. I never thought that I could feel this way. Oh Go… Oh God… Give me your sperm Sweetheart; I want the chance to bear you a son. I want to have your seed in me so much that there is no way that I wont get pregnant. Oh Yes… Ohhh… I feel your hot cum spurting into me with so much pressure. I hope it hits my egg with that much pressure because then I know one of your sperm would be sure to break thru. I can picture it even now, your cum swarming my egg and forcing it’s way in. I can see the cells splitting and beginning the process that would fulfill my dream and give us a baby. I can’t wait for my belly to fill with our baby and see the jealous looks of every guy we pass, wishing that it was there’s.” She kissed him and held herself tight to him unaware that she had just gotten her wish. One of his sperm had broken thru, just as she had envisioned it. It would take a few days for that fertilized egg to implant itself within the uterine wall but it was on it’s way.

Mahi returned her kisses, unaware that they had brought into the world a new life, but he would realize it shortly. As soon as the egg entered her womb and began to grow, he would know; Jenna would smell entirely different when that happened. “I love you.” He managed in his gruff voice.

The two of them stayed yoked together at the groin for twenty minutes before he eased out of her. “Oh, I don’t want you to be out of me yet. Even when you’re not thrusting into me I feel the weight of your cock in me and it feels good.” She watched as he backed away and still marveled that he could stuff all of that meat into her; it sent pleasant waves of euphoria rippling through her.

The rest of that evening they frolicked around the house and Jenna remained naked. Mahi mounted her several more times but just enough to make her orgasm and then scamper away to hide. It was a new game and she loved it. One time he had her pinned under him in the grass and he was kissing her, nuzzling her, and licking her breasts.

“Stand up she hissed softly.” And he complied. She then arched her back off the ground until her vaginal mound made contact with his sheath. He gave her what she wanted and sent hic cock into her until he bottomed out. “Oh Mahi, we’ve done this about five times already and I’m still not tired of it. fuck me Darling; fuck me as hard as you can.

Mahi grasped her as best he could so that she did not have to bear the brunt of the strain that it would require for her to stay arched that way. He jack hammered into her and they soon exploded in unison; it had been too much for him to hold back anymore.

Jenna chuckled as she realized that Mahi had cum in her and was not seated in her uterus. “I got you.” She cooed, reaching up to his shoulders and neck and caressing them. “I finally got you so hot you couldn’t hold back.” For emphasis she gave several short thrusts impaling herself on his cock anew. She sighed deeply from the feel of it and then eased off and lowered her back to the ground. She tried to keep her pelvis rocked upward so that his sperm would not leak out of her.

She looked at her pussy and saw that it was tightly closed, but some of his cum had managed to leak out and the pearlescence of it was beautiful. She touched it and then tasted it; she was surprised at it’s nutty flavor. She could actually have eaten several spoonfuls of his sperm and it would not have grossed her out. She hated the loss of the precious fluid but the thought that there was ten times that amount inside of her vagina made her feel a little better. She touched the sweet goo once more and gently shoved as much of it as she could into her slit.

Mahi lay next to her and they kissed, hugged and caressed each other. He knew that she was laying there as long as she could so that his fluid would be absorbed and not lost from the vault due to gravity.

While they lay there the stars came out. It was a beautiful panorama of celestial magnificence. She wondered how many people were simply taking the time to view the spectacle and enjoy it. She thought of her life before Mahi and realized that she too would have missed it if it had not been for him.

When they finally crawled into bed that night they were both tired. Jenna could not remember ever feeling so good or having so much fun. It was a whole new life, but there were many surprised still ahead.


Part Four

The new day dawned and Jenna awoke refreshed. She dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and prepared breakfast for them. They enjoyed it on the patio; it was becoming a routine, but a pleasant one. She knew that she had to knuckle down and get behind the computer console; there was work to do and she had promised that the project would not suffer because she was now at home.

After the dishes were cleared she headed for the spare bedroom in which her computer was sequestered. Two steps out of the kitchen she felt the strangest sensation she had ever experienced in the lower part of her stomach. Open mouthed, she turned to Mahi. “I think you just made me a mommy.” She whispered. And then ran to him and hugged his neck. “I don’t know how, and I’m sure that it breaks all the known human and animal laws, but I’m going to have a baby; your baby.”

Mahi kissed her and she returned his kiss readily. She was getting use to kissing his doggy mouth and receiving his tongue; she returned it all back to him with gusto. She remembered all the things she had said those many times when they were coupled and now here it was. She was excited at the prospect of it all.

Thoughts of work were long gone; there was no way that she was going to be able to concentrate on anything until the matter at hand was settled with some amount of surety. She grabbed the van keys, called for Mahi and dashed for the garage. They were out the door and on their way to the nearest pharmaceutical to purchase a pregnancy test kit. Within fifteen minutes, they were back home and Jenna was peeing on the test strip. The results were almost instantaneous and she had Goosebumps of joy cascade over her. The strip was blue; she was pregnant.

Jenna hugged Mahi to her tightly. “How did you do this? I doubt that it had anything to do with me or my hopes and desires no matter how strong they were. I know that it is hard for you to talk but if you can explain it I would be most grateful.”

Mahi sighed, and in a voice that she had grown accustomed to he told her all that he knew; which was next to nothing. All he really knew was that he had no desire to be with female dogs. He considered himself human so he had looked for a human mate.

“Well, that doesn’t really explain too much but I guess it will have to do. The next question is what do I have growing in me? Is it a cute little puppy like his father; who we will have to watch carefully so that he doesn’t knock up all the neighbor’s daughters? Or will it be a human male. Will my gestation period be two months or nine? Wow, so many questions.”

Mahi began nuzzling her neck and then grabbed her bra with his teeth and gave a gentle tug. “You have already knocked me up Sweetheart and you still want to plow me?” In response to her question he tugged on her bra again. “Insistent aren’t we.” And she began to strip and she didn’t stop until she was totally nude. She then moved to the couch and lay on her back as she had numerous times before. “I want you in hard Honey, and the sooner the better.”

Mahi moved between her legs and was soon bringing his groin into contact with her’s. His cock edged into her in two inch increments and was soon bumping the bottom. “I want you to plug it into my cervix like you usually do, I want you so deep in me.”

Jenna heard his gruff voice. “I can’t it might hurt the baby.” She hadn’t thought about that but was glad that Mahi had. And she wasn’t disappointed in the sexual antics that followed next. He gave a little extra shove and his knot entered her in it’s present position and nudged the back wall of her vagina with a force that sent the room spinning.

“Oh my god!!! I feel as though your cock is about to tickle the back of my throat. Wow… I think I can get use to this until our baby is born and you can plug into my uterus again.”

Mahi’s strokes were short but very effective. He had Jenna on the verge of an intense orgasm within minutes. All that managed to escape her lips at the time were murmurs of pleasure. He gave her a good work out and as she orgasmed he flooded her with his seed also.

“Oh yes… that feels so good. Ummm… I can picture your sperm still trying to impregnate me and when they can’t do that they will try to find ways to change me. My hearing, my eye sight; they have never been keener or sharper. Thank you Darling for choosing me.” Jenna had been caressing him all over and then hugged him closer. The feel of his hair against her bare breasts and tummy was so erotic. “I guess after the last few days I ought to put more stock in the beastie stories that I read there. I might even enter a blurb of my own but I don’t think I can truly confess how you have knocked me up.” She kissed Mahi and he sensed that she was troubled about something.

“What is the matter Jenna?” He gruffed.

“I’m a little apprehensive. What if I have a difficult pregnancy and I need professional medical help. And when the baby is ready to be born, do I go to the hospital? The way things are now, you have to be sure everything is done legally or they start to ask all kinds of questions. Having you listed as the father of a healthy bouncing baby boy would raise a lot of eye brows; we would be put away in a clinic somewhere and examined as lab specimens and so would our baby.”

Jenna rocked her hips up against Mahi and managed to press his shaft into herself a fraction of an inch more. His sheath was wedged into the mouth of her vaginal slit. Oh… I want us to be together like this forever and be able to enjoy our life without fear. I want you to be able to claim me any time you want.”

Mahi responded to Jenna’s actions by pumping into her in short staccato jabs that took her breath away and had her climaxing within thirty seconds. As she rode the euphoric waves he made his proposal. “Would it be possible to move to a more remote area where our children will be able to have more freedom?”

“Yes… that would be possible. I never really planned to stay in this place forever. I’m sure that we can make that work.” She cooed softly as she basked in feel of his shaft buried so deeply within her. The weight of his cock stuffing her vagina was stimulation in itself; it didn’t even have to move and the knot rubbing against her G-spot was an added bonus.

They remained locked together for several more minutes and were in of the bittersweet process of him pulling out of her when the phone started ringing. They let it ring; the machine would pick it up. As always, she marveled when she saw the monstrous piece of meat that Mahi possessed and the thought that he had that thing stuffed into her and actually impregnated her sent a pleasant ripple through her. She slipped off the couch and gently grasped the hanging phallus. She brought it to her lips and kissed it and then hugged him. “Thank you Darling.”

The answering machine had picked up the call and was recording it. Jenna’s newly enhanced hearing zoned in on it easily and she recognized Lara’s voice even before she identified herself. “Hi Jenna, I have the next few evenings free and I thought I’d give you a call and see if we can get together. We can eat out or in I’ll leave that up to you. Please call me back I really would like to reminisce with you about old times.” The call was ended and the machine hung up.

Jenna arose and went to the bathroom to wipe herself. She hadn’t lost too much of Mahi’s cum but she didn’t like the fact that she had lost any of it. He was right by her side as usual. “I wish I could clamp my pussy a little tighter. I don’t want to loose any of your essence.” She scratched behind his ears affectionately. “I guess you are going to have to fuck me even more to compensate for the loss.” She added teasingly; but in actuality she was hoping he would do just that.

Jenna put her terry robe on but remained naked underneath. It was erotic to know that he could jump on her at any time and shove himself into her. She went to the phone next and dialed the veterinary clinic’s number and asked for Lara; she was connected to her friend within a minute. She explained to her friend that she had been busy and unable to answer the phone. And yes having her over for dinner that night would be wonderful.

After Jenna hung up the phone she ruffled Mahi’s neck hairs and stooped to kiss him. “I have to get some work done Honey, so please find something to do and I’ll get it done as quickly as possible.”

“I understand.” Replied Mahi gruffly and then trotted into the living room where the TV was. Jenna had a very good cable system and he enjoyed watching animal planet. He was learning more and more each day from all the programs that he watched.

Jenna chuckled and shook her head when she saw that Mahi had tuned into the animal planet channel. She made her way to her computer terminal and began her work. She expected it to be hard going at first because her mind was anywhere else but on the project; but she surprised herself. Her thoughts coalesced and she began pounding the keys like a woman possessed.

Making programming decisions came easy and what would have normally taken her four hours to do was done in one; and at the end of three hours she was farther ahead in the process than she could have ever hoped for. When she reviewed the work it was flawless and flowed smoothly. She sensed that this was just another benefit of being Mahi’s mate. She opened her robe and placed her hand on her flat stomach and caressed it. She wondered what traits and abilities the baby would have.

Jenna sent her progress to the studio over a secure link. She knew that it was good work and she was curious about what their response would be. She made sure the unit was set to receive incoming messages and then went to find Mahi. She was becoming horny again; it was like his sperm was an elixir that she didn’t want to go without for too great a length of time.

Jenna crept from the room, hoping to surprise Mahi. She tiptoed into the living room but did not find him. She searched the entire house and then saw the back patio door was open just enough to allow passage of her sweet lover. She removed her robe so that it would not rustle and continued out into the warm sunlight; it felt good against her skin.

There were several deck chairs that were facing away from the house and she thought that he must be in one of them. She got onto her hands and knees when she reached the grassy area and continued to advance on the proposed target. She was almost there when she was jumped from behind and got the surprise of her life. She shrieked at first but then she recognized the familiar furry paws of her mate. She felt his cock rub against her pussy and then rise slightly to nestle itself at the door of her anal opening. “Oh god… wrong hole Mahi, that’s my ass…” She felt his shaft begin to sink into her. She had heard about things like this and knew that the best thing for her to do would be to relax.

Mahi had thought about what Jenna had said about loosing his sperm so he decided to try this out. He was in the bathroom when the love of his life had tried to sneak up on him and he managed to get into the computer room and wait without her seeing him. He stalked her as she went outside and he thought it was perfect when she crawled doggy style toward the chairs. He waited until she was just right and then pounced.

He didn’t want to give Jenna too much time to balk at what he was about to do, but he knew that he had to be careful. This was a new hole he was about to explore. He applied the needed pressure and was soon ensconced in her bowels. It didn’t feel too different to him except that he could not feel the bottom of the tunnel. He began stroking himself into her slowly and kept it that way. Her usual murmurs of pleasure were all he needed to assure him that she liked what he was doing to her.

Jenna could feel that her lover was being very gentle with her. She was getting all the benefits of sexual stimuli only it wasn’t radiating from her vagina. Her whole interior was moving to the rhythm of Mahi’s cock. She was glad that she had gone to the bathroom about two hours earlier and was pretty sure that Lover Boy had noticed that excursion also; there was very little that he missed. She felt his knot enter her sphincter and knew that they were now locked together. He had been small when he entered her but he was expanding rapidly.

Mahi increased his pace slightly and Jenna placed her elbows on the grass. It changed the angle of penetration slightly and began to rub everything differently within her. She began panting and the approaching orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. All she seemed able to do was thrust her ass back at the invading phallus and beg for more. She felt his sperm erupt into her and accepted it wholeheartly. “Ohhh… yesss… you can fuck me like this anytime you want Darling. Anytime!”

Mahi gruffed into her ear. “I love you Jenna, I want you for ever.”

Jenna and Mahi were tied for about twenty minutes before he thought it was safe for him to pull out of her. She hugged him and then stood, noting that she had lost none of the cum that he had deposited in her. She felt great but then glanced at the clock and knew that she had to scramble and get cleaned up. She also had to get something prepared for dinner. She had one hour before her friend arrived.

Jenna showered quickly and was slightly surprised when Mahi entered and began to rinse off his impressive cock. He cleaned it thoroughly before pulling it back into his sheath. She was in continual awe of him and all that he knew and understood.


When the doorbell rang, Jenna had everything prepared and placed the steaks into the broiler. She greeted Lara at the front door and they hugged. They walked into the kitchen and made small talk as the food cooked.

Lara looked at Jenna under the stronger lights of the kitchen. “My god, you look radiant. Please, I really would like for you to teach me some of your beauty secrets. I haven’t seen anyone glowing like that since the time I saw my sister and she had just become… pregnant…”

Jenna noticed the embarrassed look on her friend’s face and chuckled. “I understand what you meant, I’m not offended.” She chewed her lip slightly and then decided to tell Lara everything. She hoped that she would understand. “I am pregnant.”

Lara’s jaw dropped. “Excuse… me. Did you just say what I think you said?”

“Yes, I just found out this morning.”

“I thought you told me that there weren’t any guys in your life!”

“How about if we wait until after the food is ready and we talk about it then?”

Lara was on pins and needles as they prepared the food together. She helped as much as possible in order to hear what her friend had to say. All kinds of ways of impregnation went through her mind but she never guessed the truth that was standing very close to her and watching her.

The table was set, food was on the plates and Mahi’s dish was on the table also; his food was diced in small pieces. “Lara, what I am about to tell you is true and must be kept between you and I. If you value my friendship this is what I ask. I think I will be needing medical advice and you are the only one that I can think to turn to. Will you help me?”

Lara looked at her friend seriously. “Of course I’ll help you and your secret is safe with me.

Jenna sighed and started the story from the beginning and ended with the blockbuster… “Mahi’s the father. The only thing that we are unsure of is who’s the baby going to look like; him or me?”

Lara looked skeptical “I hate to burst your bubble, and I hate to even think about it, but isn’t it more likely that one of the rapists managed to… you know…” Her answer came from the most unlikely source and was very gruff.

“I protected her.” Said Mahi, “No one but I have been in her.”

Lara looked from Jenna to Mahi, and back to Jenna. “Did he just talk?”

Jenna nodded her head. “That is what I have been trying to tell you. I’m not making anything up. It has been very hot and heavy between Mahi and I and it is what I want; no matter what others may think. Several times I have wanted for him to fill me with his sperm and make me pregnant and now, according to the home pregnancy test, he has. Did it happen because I wanted it, or is there another reason?” For emphasis she turned toward her Shepherd.

Lara was excited both mentally and physically. The whole aspect of what was before her was beyond all imagining. She definitely wanted to be a part of it even though she had some reservations. “I would ask if there was another like him at home, but I already know the answer to that one. What ever I can do to help you I will.”

Jenna sensed an extreme desire within her friend. A desire to have what she had but without the jealously. They had been very close friends in the past and now they were together again. She decided to go out on a limb and make an offer to Lara without consulting Mahi.

“Lara, my baby is going to be the first of his kind and it is going to be imperative that he remain a secret. The more of his kind there are and the quicker they appear, the safer they will all be. We may even need to start a small community of our own. One that is remote. Will you help me?”

“Yeah, I’ll help you.” She said unselfishly and with no reservations.”

“Good, I guess that will make our children as close to being brothers as we can make them. I’m sure Mahi will agree, won’t you?”

Lara’s jaw dropped slightly. “Are you offering what I think you are offering?”

“Yes, if you think I want you to be a mate to Mahi as I am. I don’t think I want to have twenty children.”

Lara arose from the table and hurried to Jenna’s side. They hugged, forming an alliance with each other that would never be broken; but in the future would be added to.

They knelt on the floor next and hugged Mahi. “Do you understand what we have just done?” He nodded his head in affirmation; and then kissed them.


The dinner was over, but the fun was about to begin. They entered the living room and Jenna led the way in stripping her clothes off. This evening wasn’t going to be about her, but about Mahi and Lara. She knew that Mahi would love them both equally.

Lara caught her eye. “What do I do next?” Mahi answered the question for her by gently taking her hand and leading her over to the couch. He pushed her gently into the chair and began licking her beasts. He had her squirming within minutes.

Mahi shifted his attention to her vaginal area and with only a bit of prodding with his nose she opened her legs to him in a comfortably large vee. He began slowly licking around the outside, gently brushing her clitoris. He lined up her hole with his tongue and stabbed it as deeply as possible with a slight curl at the tip on each withdrawal. He felt her G-spot and saw her reactions.

“Oh… my… God… he’s fucking me with his tongue.” Exclaimed Lara. “Oh… that feels so good. I’ve been around animals all my life and I have to admit there are times that I have wondered what it would be like to be a female of their species and on the receiving end of their cocks. Ohhh… Ohhh… Ahhh…” she reached out and grabbed Mahi’s neck and pulled his snout into her vaginal crease as she orgasmed. “Wow, that sure beats using your finger.”

As soon as Lara released him, he sat back on his haunches. He then hooked his nose under the outer part of her right knee and tried motioned for her to flip over. He did it so well that she understood what he wanted.

“It looks like I’m going to get to feel what it’s like to be a female doggy.” She assumed the doggy stance so well that Mahi didn’t have to do anything but mount her. He grasped her waist in his arms and shuffled forward and his aim was impeccable. The tip of his cock pierced the outer lips of her pussy dead center. He continued to enter her gently until he was against her hymen.

“Ohhh…” She sighed as his solid shaft came to rest against the barrier. She tried to relax and but a moment more, she was a virgin no more. She had always thought that it would be a guy that took her cherry, one of her choosing and hopefully one that she could establish a lasting relationship with; she had only missed one detail in that premise, the man was a dog. A very handsome dog by anyone’s standards.

Lara was surprised when the demise of her hymen didn’t cause as much pain as she had expected. Within moments all thought of it was gone as hundreds of new and more intense feelings flooded her sensory system. She felt his cock bottom out in her and nudge the end of her love tunnel. She felt him expanding within her and then she felt him begin to piston in and out of her. It was like every pleasure receptor receiving stimuli at the same time and she could feel the pressure building. She knew that she would climax soon and it would be triggered by a dog’s cock being within her very core. It would also be bigger than anything else that she ever experienced before; allot bigger.

“Ohhh… My… God…” was all she managed to say as her whole body began to quake and the euphoric feelings washed over her. She became aware of her lover’s hair as it brushed against her in several places and it became erotic. “I can see now why people love sex.” She intoned softly.

Jenna had sat on the sofa after her friend had orgasmed. She had been behind the mating pair and witnessed first hand the loss of her friend’s cherry as Mahi had shoved his cock into her. He had really plowed her near the end and it brought sweet memories of her own couplings with him. She leaned over and whispered. “It isn’t over yet.”

Lara felt Mahi retreat a little, change angle and then re-enter. “Ohhh… Ohhh… he’s… he’s… in my uterus. His cock just entered my cervix and now…” She began panting and did not stop until it was over and she had nearly passed out.

Mahi was gentler during this phase of his lovemaking. His cock was into the neck of his mate’s uterus and his knot was locked into the mouth of her vagina; he wasn’t going anywhere until his seed had flooded the rest of the uterus and worked their way into the fallopian tubes. He began a slow steady thrusting that would build into a climax for the both of them this time. And since this time the pressure increased slower it was like a balloon that is pumped up slowly as compared to fast, the trigger point came a little later but with more volume behind it.

Lara and Mahi orgasmed at the same time. She felt his sperm erupt from him like a volcano and flow hotly into her. She felt him nuzzle her neck in loving response to what he was doing to her. He had fucked her until she could hardly see straight but she knew that there was a capacity to love here also. He wasn’t just a dog. He wasn’t a mindless animal. She was so glad that she had met Jenna again and that she was a part of this whole new beginning.

Twenty minutes passed and Jenna was still sitting there caressing Mahi and whispering in his ear that she hoped that he save some of his sweet loving for her also. He had looked at her, nodded and then kissed her as she drew close enough. “Watching you two has made me so hot that I can hardly stand it.”

Lara began to stir and realized that Mahi was still on her and in her. “Wow that was beautiful.” She said as she rubbed the back of her head against Mahi’s chest. “I know that he will probably pull out soon but it is so cool being able to feel the weight of his cock inside me yet.” She grunted then in response to what he did as he pumped himself forward several times just to stimulate her and get her reaction.

Mahi began to slowly withdraw his cock from Lara’s pussy. When he was totally clear he stood there for a moment broad side to his newest mate to show her what had been lodged so deeply within her. “Gees… look at the size of that thing.” Exclaimed Lara. “I have a feeling that I’m going to be sore tomorrow.” She didn’t notice the smile on Jenna’s face.

Both girls gathered around Mahi and rubbed and caressed him. “Lara do you have a house?” Asked Jenna.

“No, I rent. I was thinking about buying one next year, why?”

“I want you to come and live with Mahi and I. Here at first, and then where ever we move to. I have a three bedroom ranch here and I never even see some of the rooms for days.”

Lara hugged Jenna and Mahi together. “This is the start of a whole new life for us isn’t it?”

“Absolutely.” Returned Jenna. “It began about two hours ago.”

Lara was tired after the fucking that Mahi had given her so Jenna escorted her to the master bedroom. She pulled the sheets back and the newest member of the family crawled in and fell soundly asleep within moments; not even caring that she was totally naked.

Jenna walked to the foot of the bed and stared at her friend. She wasn’t aware what Mahi was up to until she felt his paws push at her shoulder with enough force to plop her face down into the sheets. Before she had time to recover she felt Mahi mount her and she spread her legs as far as possible in welcome. She sighed with pleasure as he entered her. She was so hot from seeing Lara get fucked that she didn’t need any priming.

Mahi plowed into Jenna with eagerness. He could feel what she wanted and he gave it to her. His cock battered the end of her tunnel with just the right amount of force. He rode her to two orgasms before he set his knot and then slowed to shorter jabs. With the knot set he really shook her whole interior and the one inch jabs were tolerable and worked to his benefit.

At the onset of her third orgasm, Jenna felt Mahi flood her with his cum. The heat of it was so soothing and the whole experience was simply breathtaking. Coos and pleasant murmurs were all that she could manage.

She didn’t remember falling asleep but when she awoke she could still feel Mahi’s cock imbedded deeply within her. He kissed her neck when he felt her stir and slowly pulled his heavy shaft out of her. She quickly reached under herself and cupped her hand over the lips of her vagina and squeezed them slightly so that as little of his sperm would escape as possible. She then scrabbled onto the bed further and grabbed the pillow and put it under her hips, tilting her pelvis upward. She fell asleep in that position and did not move until later in the night.

Mahi went through the house and turned out all the lights before retiring to bed himself. He placed himself between his two mates and slept. He knew that he was going to need all the rest he could garner to keep these two satisfied.


Part Five

Lara was the first to stir. She awoke and saw Mahi lying next to her and Jenna on the other side of him. She remembered the previous night vividly and took stock in how she felt. She expected to be sore; especially her pussy, but she could never remember feeling better than she did now. Mahi moved beside her and was soon standing next to the bed. She threw the covers off herself and pivoted her body to the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor.

Mahi rose up and planted his front feet on the edge of the bed. He kissed her and nuzzled her neck. He licked her breasts and Lara submitted to his ministration by lying back and enjoying the feel of it all. She didn’t expect it to go very far until she felt his cock lodge itself into the outer folds of her vaginal lips once more. His warmth invaded her and she sighed her pleasure. “Ohhh… Mahi. Ohhh yes. fuck me Darling. fuck me good. I guess we really should be considering this our honeymoon.”

Mahi set a blistering pace and had his newest mate panting in no time. She lifted her legs and locked them around him as best possible and his cock sank even deeper into her as his knot mashed her vaginal lips with every thrust. Lara’s first orgasm of the morning washed over her sweetly and the next wave began building immediately after that. She came three times before she felt him back off slightly and she prepared herself for what was to follow.

Lara could picture Mahi’s cock searching for the mouth of her uterus and she tried to help him find it. It actually took longer with her assistance, but it sure felt good and Mahi didn’t complain.

Mahi’s prodding became gentler; he wanted to be in her not harming her and he knew what to do to accomplish it. With his cock in her cervix and his knot seated in the mouth of her vagina and rubbing her G-spot; He began to rock her with steady, meaningful thrusts. Her whispers of encouragement spurred him on. “fuck me Darling, I know where you have your cock and I want you to fill me up with your sperm. I want to feel those little swimmers as they course through my tubes and mug my eggs. I hope that I feel when one of them breaks thru and begins the whole process. But I especially hope I feel the fertilized egg implant itself in my womb like Jenna did. Give it to me Mahi, I’m ready to cum and I want it…”

Mahi was ready for her and when he felt her orgasmic contractions he added the force of his orgasm to it. His hot seed shot from the tip of his penis and there was no mistaking the impact of it as it spewed like a mini volcano within her. “Thank you Darling.” She murmured as she rode the euphoric wave to where ever it would carry her.

Lara was blissfully tired again. In a sweet haze she felt Mahi’s shaft as it rested heavily within her. She wished that it would stay there for hours but she could already feel it shrinking She had lost track of time and did not realize that they had been making love for over an hour; and had been tied for at least twenty minutes of that time. When he did gently pull free of her he kissed her and watched her as she crawled back into bed and fell asleep once more; it was what her body needed to speed along the changes that his DNA espoused.

Mahi saw and heard Jenna stir next and she caught his attention immediately. “Got anything left for me Sweetheart?” She cooed as she threw her legs over the side of the bed and lay on her tummy. She spread her legs wide in open invitation as just the tips of her toes touched the floor.

Mahi smiled as only a dog can and positioned himself between her legs. He knew she was wet already because he could smell her excitement. He wasted no time and pounded her with the same force and enthusiasm as he had Lara. His efforts were rewarded by the sound of her murmurs and coos. He rode her to two back to back orgasms and then slipped from her pussy and gently entered her ass. Her quick intake of breath told him that he had surprised her.

“Oh Mahi, that feels good when you go slowly and press deeply into me. I want you forever Darling and I can’t wait until we have a place in the country…” The orgasm that followed was not as intense as most of the others but it served it’s purpose and released all the pent up tension that she held. He remained in her until his sperm had a chance to absorb and then pulled out.

Jenna sat at the edge of the bed and Mahi kissed her before trotting off to the bathroom. She chuckled to herself as she heard the shower water begin to flow and she was amazed at how many things he was able to do without hands; she arose and joined him.

Two hours passed before Lara awoke the second time and this time Mahi was nowhere around to fuck her into oblivion again. She stretched and walked into the bathroom and just like Jenna; she did a double take when she passed the mirror. “Oh my God…” She squealed with excitement and it drew the immediate attention of the others.

Jenna ran into the bathroom and saw Lara examining herself in the mirror. She knew immediately what had caused the commotion because it was standing before her.

“Look at my breasts, they are as firm and as perky as yours are. My waist is smaller than it has ever been and my stomach is flat.” Exclaimed Lara

“Have you done your thing on the potty this morning yet?” She queried.

“No… why?”

Jenna smiled. “All those fat cells you lost have to go somewhere. You’ll see what I mean when you sit down, just don’t push too hard.”

Lara saw Mahi standing there and knelt down to give him a hug and kiss. She rubbed herself against him, enjoying the feel of his fur against her breasts. “Thank you for giving to me what you have given to Jenna. We will make you a family and I can’t wait until you make me pregnant also.” She kissed and caressed him and was joined by Jenna for several minutes after that.

After the hug-fest, Jenna arose. “I’ll make us some breakfast while you get cleaned up.”

“Thank you… And if you don’t have any plans, I would like to go down to the clinic and use the camera on us.”


“Yeah. At the clinic we have a camera on a flexible shaft. I want to see how everything looks inside me now that I’m no longer a virgin.”

“Oh… My gynecologist did that to me after Mahi first mated with me. It should be interesting to see again. I didn’t realize that you would have one of them.”

“I’ve used it several times to check out an obstruction in at least five animals.”

“Well, the sooner we get ready then the sooner we will see the results of last night’s experience.”

One hour later found the girls at the clinic and Lara explaining that they were there to get some test results and that they were no to be disturbed. They sequestered themselves in Lara’s office and shortly had the camera ready to explore their bodies. “Remove your panties and hop up on the table.” Smirked Lara as she hefted the flexible snake like camera in her hand. “This won’t hurt a bit.”

Jenna chuckled and was soon seated on the table with her legs spread. She felt the cold metal as it entered her but tried to concentrate on the video monitor that showed the camera’s progress. Her vaginal tube looked exactly as it had the first time that she had seen it: pink and clean with no abrasions of contusions on any of the walls. “Look at that.” She exclaimed when the mouth of her uterus came into view. “It looks as though a cap has formed over the entrance to my womb. I guess there will be nothing else getting into there for a while.”

Both women marveled at what they saw and then Lara switched places with Jenna. She handed the camera to her friend. “I guess it’s only fair that I let you do this.” And then she spread her legs wide. She flinched slightly at the touch of the probe and then looked at Mahi. “Don’t worry Darling I would much rather have your cock pushing up into me.”

Jenna guided the instrument with gentle pushes and watched the monitor. “Keep that up and I’m going to be so hot that Mahi’s going to have to fuck me before we leave here.”

“I know what you mean; it’s hard for me too. I just want to bend over a little more and have him see what he can do.” She added as the lens came near the back wall of Lara’s vagina. She gave a short gasp and stood still momentarily.

“What’s the matter, did you see something wrong?”

“No.” Hissed Jenna softly. “Mahi is playing with me. He’s licking my pussy and stabbing his tongue into me. Ohhh… God it feels good.”

Lara laughed softly, imagining how it would feel to have someone jam their tongue into you while you were standing. She did notice that Jenna spread her feet farther apart to accommodate his advances. She saw a small tremor pass through her friend and wanted to experience the same thing as soon as possible.

Mahi withdrew his tongue and repositioned himself so that he could once more see the video screen. Pink clean healthy walls greeted the viewers. “Wow.” Exclaimed Lara. “I was sure that I would see some kind of trauma. He hammered me pretty hard and there is nothing to show that it even happened except for the pleasant memories.”

“That is exactly the way it was with me. My doctor took one look at what we have just seen and said that I must have been fucked by one of the smallest men she could ever imagine.” She pulled the camera from Lara’s vagina and set it aside.

“So what does it all mean?” Asked Lara.

“I’m not sure yet, but if I had to guess… I would say that Mahi has passed onto us the ability to heal quicker than normal. I mean… well… look at our bodies and how much they have changed outwardly. Who knows what has happened inwardly and it’s not like we can go anywhere and find out either.”

The two girls stared at each other for a moment and then at Mahi. “We’ll probably never find out unless we can find some kind of geneticist that we can trust.” Offered Lara.

Jenna sighed. “Yeah, and that is not very likely.”

Lara hopped off the table and caressed Mahi’s head and ears. She planted a kiss on his snout. “You owe me one Sweetheart.” She said as she stepped into her panties. “But I don’t want it here. I want it where we can really get it on and I don’t have to worry about anyone hearing me scream as you fuck me royally.”

Mahi did just that when they got back to Jenna’s place. They spent the rest of the day with Mahi’s cock buried in one or the other of them. They marveled at his stamina but were pleased that he was that way. They made love… they ate… they made love… they swam… they made love, and by that time the girls were so worn out that it was all that they could do to crawl into bed and fall asleep.


Lara was the first to awaken because Jenna was the last to be fucked the previous night. She reached out and stroked Mahi’s fur and then moved to where she could whisper into his ear. “Do you think you have it in you to give it to me again? Only this time don’t pound me into oblivion. I want to make breakfast for all of us.” After saying this she scooted to the side of the bed and rested on her tummy. She spread her legs and even as her toes touched the floor Mahi mounted her.

Mahi smelled Lara’s readiness and was in her within seconds. He moved into her deeply for several strokes and then planted himself in the neck of her uterus with his knot following close behind at the entrance to her vagina. “Ohhh… yes, that’s what I want Darling. I want you to cum in me so deep that it will never see the light of day. I want your sperm to mug my eggs… and… knock… me… up…” The last of her words were punctuated by forceful back thrusts that rocked her world and sent her over the top. She orgasmed and as she did she felt the familiar warmth of Mahi’s love spread thru her. “Make me pregnant Honey, I want to feel you baby moving inside of me. Yesss…”

The two lovers lay there for fifteen more minutes and Lara concentrated on the heavy shaft within her and the warmth of his fur covering her backside. She hated it when she felt him slip from her vaginal grasp. She looked forward to more nights like the last.

When Lara was able to move she went to the bathroom, did a quick clean-up and headed for the kitchen. She had orange-juice, eggs with cheese, bacon and toast ready before Jenna stirred. All her friend had to do was sit up and eat. There were three plates on the tray; one for each of them.

“Ummm… Thank you Lara, this is delicious.”

They ate and talked of the plans for the day. One thing on the agenda was packing Lara’s belongings up and having them moved to Jenna’s place. “This is your place now also and I want you to treat it as such. Before too long I want your name on everything, right along side mine.” The two girls hugged and actually kissed; they were truly family.

The weekend passed far too swiftly for the girls and before they knew it Jenna was back at the computer and Lara was away at the veterinarian clinic. She got so many compliments on how she looked she couldn’t keep track of them all. Several of the male pet owners hit on her also but she was quick to shut them down by telling them that she had found a guy she was totally interested in. She was glad when her shift was over and she was able to get out of there.

Lara and Jenna had made plans to meet at a realtor’s office at three O’clock. She pulled into the nearly vacant lot and parked next to Jenna’s van. She locked her car and met up with Jenna who was standing on the sidewalk that led to the establishment. She ruffled Mahi’s ears a little and then bent down to give him a quick kiss. “I hope they have something for us.” She stated as they approached the building.

“I talked to some girl named Mandy on the phone earlier and she assured me that she would have something.”

Mandy Wilson was a young woman that knew realestate better than most people twice her age; and she was twenty one. She emulated her father when it came to knowing good properties and investments. She was a young go-getter that didn’t have time for guys in her life at the moment and she wasn’t impressed with anything common.

She had been raised with three older brothers and she saw the catastrophe that they had made of their lives by messing around with girls. Two of them had children that they were paying support for and the third was married but her sister-in-law was a real bitch. The whole family thing soured her on looking for a guy until she was really ready.

At the moment though she was hot and bothered. She was seated behind her desk where there were no windows to worry about and she was not in the direct line of sight for the door. She decided to remove her panties and take advantage of the lull in business; totally forgetting the three O’clock appointment. Raising her short skirt to give herself access to her vaginal slit she began to gently rub it. She was several minutes into her solo act when the doorbell chimed, announcing visitors. “Damn…” She hissed to herself and then quickly straightened her skirt and went to see who it was.

“Hello.” Offered Jenna as she neared the center of the room; followed closely by Lara and Mahi. “Are you Mandy, the one I talked to earlier about some remote locations?”

“Yes, I’m Mandy.” She returned as she remembered the call and the information that she had obtained. “I have a short video for you that will give you a tour of the places that I found. I’ll get it set up; it will only take a moment.”

Lara move closer to Jenna and whispered. “Do you smell what I smell?”

“Of course I do. I’d have to be wearing nose plugs to miss the fact that Mandy was probably playing with herself just before we entered.”

“It smells good though!” Stated Lara.

“Yeah, that’s because she’s still a virgin. I wonder…” Jenna left her question un-voiced for a moment as they watched the girl. “Do you think she would fit in with our newly established family?”

Both women took stock of the young woman that they had come to meet for the purpose of finding them a new home, unaware that they might also be finding a new mate in the process. Jenna spoke up first. “Can you please tell us a little more about yourself. We are serious about finding a nice piece of property and would like to know more about who we are dealing with.

Mandy was usually good at multitasking but this time all her usual skills left her high and dry. She had to stop what she was doing in order to give the two women the best and most accurate summery of her life and career that she could think of.

Jenna and Lara were impressed by the young realtor. She had ash blonde hair and brown eyes and a body shape similar to what they had before they changed. She was honest and hard working and they liked her. They could sense that she would be an asset to them if she so desired.

Lara turned to Mahi and spoke softly. “What do you think Sweetheart, will she fit in with us?”

Mahi looked at his two mates. “I’ll see he said coarsely.

Mandy had a hard time getting the computer program running. It was designed to give the two young women the presentation that she had set up earlier but for some reason the unit had a glitch in it and she had to re-load it before it would run. Also, some of the delay was due to the fact that she was continually sneaking peeks at them while she told them about herself. They were stunning and next to them she actually felt… second place. She knew that she was considered a very beautiful girl, but next to them??? “Okay… sorry for the wait. You know how computers are when you really want to do something. If you will have a seat over here, we’ll begin.”

Mandy gave a short speech and then pushed the play button on the remote. She then sat on the hard couch by the back wall. She was still flustered from being interrupted earlier. She became aware of how high her skirt had managed to creep and the fact that she was still pantiless as a cool waft of conditioned air caressed the few hairs she had down there. She was just about to move to a new location when the German Shepherd sat in front of her and blocked her further movement. She wasn’t afraid of him in the least and actually thought him to be quite handsome for a dog. “God, you’re a big brute.” She whispered. She didn’t even shy away from him when he surprised her by lowering his head and licking her slit in a way that sent tingles coursing thru her.

Mandy’s family had two dogs and the male, even though neutered, still liked to lick her; and sometimes she allowed it. This time though was different. This was a strange dog that was lapping her juices. She wasn’t too sure she could stop him without making a fuss and drawing attention to what was happening. And she really had to hold back a gasp as his tongue darted into her deeper than anything else had ever been.

Lara and Jenna heard everything that was going on behind them but they did not want to disturb Mahi while he was at work. They did feel pangs of desire well up within them though and they were determined that Mahi would fuck them both silly before the night was over.

Mandy watched the backs of the two women as they perused the video clips that were running. She wondered if they had ever had this huge dog lick them as he was her. She tilted her pelvis upward slightly so that he would have better access to her and it worked; an orgasm hit her like a small tidal wave and she continued to thrust her pussy onto the face of the Shepherd until the spasms subsided. The hard part of it all was in keeping silent when she really wanted to scream her lungs out.

She was breathing heavily but all in all felt better than she had ever felt before. She had just experienced the best orgasm ever. Even Ajax, her dog, had never made her feel this way. She was thinking about all these things when she realized that the German Shepherd wasn’t through with her yet. He rose up over her and was soon face to face with him. He even kissed her on the lips. She could also feel a distinct warmth and it was drawing very close to her vaginal slit.

Mandy wasn’t sure what to do. She was sure that she was about to be fucked for the first time in her life, and the fact that it was a dog did not bother her but she really didn’t want and audience when it happened. She cooed softly as she felt the hot shaft of the dog nestle into her slot and she expected the cock to seek out her love hole. Instead, it buried itself along her gash like a quarter pound hotdog in a small bun; brushing her clit in the process.

Mahi began thrusting at a measured pace. He sensed that he had to hurry as the video was beginning to wind down. He soon had the young woman below him panting. He knew exactly how hot he was making her and just before she could go over the top he stopped. He stepped away from the girl and ambled over to his two mates and sat between them. Both of them reached out and began petting him.

Mandy felt as though someone had just thrown a bucket of cold water on her. Her once hot vaginal area was instantly cooled by the circulating air from the conditioner. She was just about to experience the best orgasm she could imagine when it was abruptly taken from her. She sat up and then stood. She pulled her skirt down and then tried to survey what had just happened. The dog had definitely given her more pleasure than she had ever had before but what else had transpired. She wanted more of what she had just had and she wondered if the two ladies would be willing to sell the Shepherd to her… Further thoughts were overridden by the fact that the presentation had ended and the two women were now looking at her.

“Uhhh… what did you think. Did you see anything there that caught your eye?” She inquired.

“Yes, we did.” Returned Lara. “But we would also like your input. Of the three places… which would you choose?”

Mandy was stunned for a moment. No-one had ever asked her of her opinion; especially someone she sensed that really meant it. “I like the second parcel, it needs a little work but if I had a choice that is the one that I would go with.”

Jenna and Lara knew that Mandy had been totally honest with them. Jenna spoke out. “We would like to make an off on the second place for six hundred thousand. I know that it is considerably less than what they are asking but we’ll start from there. Also, we would like to have you come to our place and have you work up a video like you did for these places.”

“Okay…” I think that I can have a proposal ready for you by tomorrow around noon. And when I drop it by your place I can bring my camera and shoot the footage I’ll need to show your place in the best light possible.”

“Excellent.” Said Lara. And please bring your bathing suit when you come. We have a nice pool and a secluded back yard.”

While Jenna and Lara made out some paperwork that she had given them she contemplated about going over to their house. Mandy wasn’t sure about the pool thing but she sure hoped that she would be able to spend a few minutes alone with the huge Shepherd again. She looked at the beautiful animal and found that he was truly looking back at her. “If only dogs could talk.” She muttered to herself; but then relented. “Nah, that might not be too good after all.”

Jenna and Lara left the realtor’s office knowing that they would see Mandy again and wondering how things would develop. She would be an asset to their growing family “if” she wanted to join.

When the trio arrived home, the girls stripped down and hit the pool. The water was refreshing and when they climbed out Mahi was there to greet them. He took Jenna first, on the lounge chair, in the missionary position. She wrapped her legs around him as best she could and he pounded her fast and hard for nearly twenty minutes.

Mahi did not lock his knot into her until she had cum twice. After that he rocked her gently with the tip of his cock pushing against the back wall of her vagina so hard that to do anything else would have brought pain instead of pleasure. Her whole insides felt as though they were moving but the feel of his knot against her G-spot was the main contributing factor to a huge orgasm that almost put her light out. All she could do was murmur while he stood above her and waited for his knot to deflate. He kissed her several times and she returned the kiss as best she could.

Lara tried to stay occupied until Mahi was done with Jenna but during the last few minutes it was shear torture. She wanted to feel his cock in her so bad she could almost taste it. She lay back on the other lounge chair and began stroking herself slowly. She called his name softly and as if by magic she felt the familiar heat of his cock enter her hungry pussy tube. “Mahi…” She hissed again and then hung on as he pounded her with as much vigor as she had seen him do to Jenna. She too brought her legs up and around his flanks so that he would have clear access to her.

“Give it to me Darling; give it to me hard…” The first orgasm struck her with surprising force. “I love you Mahi, I want to be by your side forever…” the second orgasm followed closely on the heels of the first on. She felt him shift within her and she lay still, picturing in her mind the point of his cock lining up with her cervical opening and pushing home.

Lara grunted loudly when his cock pierced her uterus. She began panting as the whole process was completed. “That’s it Sweetheart, lock your cock into me and give me what I really want. fuck me and make me pregnant.” She jammed herself onto his shaft with as much force as she could muster. “I want your baby Mahi, I want to feel your offspring within me and have all the guys jealous because it is not theirs. Ohhh God, yes… I can feel your hot stuff flowing into me. Make me a mama Darling, make me a mama…”

Mahi released himself into his mate as soon as he felt the first throws of her massive orgasm trigger. He kissed her several times but she was totally drained of energy and unable to respond. Her legs were still hugging his flanks but they were slowly beginning to drop. By the time he was ready to pull out of her he was no longer in her embrace.

Lara felt Mahi’s cock pull out of her and disliked the emptiness that she felt. If she had been strong enough she would have rolled him over on his back and attempted to shove his cock back into her that way.

Both women eventually came around after lying there for the better part of an hour. They still felt as though they had just participated in a marathon. Neither of them felt like cooking so they ordered home delivery from a little Chinese restaurant that wasn’t too far away. They watched as Mahi shared what they had; a portion of garlic chicken, some moo-shu pork and a shrimp roll with sweet and sour sauce.

Mahi did manage to mate with them one more time that night, but it was in the bedroom and on the bed; all the girls had to do was crawl into the middle of it and fall asleep.


The girls awoke a little later than usual and Lara had to rush off to the animal clinic. She had talked to Jenna and they had decided that she could quit her job. She would find employment at another clinic near their new home if she wanted to or if they thought it necessary. It was actually a short day and she managed to get home by O’clock. There was a small BMW in the in the drive next to the van and she hoped that she had not missed too much.

Mandy was usually very punctual but today there seemed to be one snag after another and before she knew it the clock read twelve thirty. By the time she got to the address that Jenna had given her she was almost an hour late. It didn’t stop her mind from wandering though and she recalled the dream that she had the previous night. It involved Mahi and he had made love to her; not just sex, but love. She believed in dreams, at least some of them, so she really pondered what it might mean.

Jenna answered the door bell and was pleased to see Mandy standing there. She ushered her in and Mahi greeted her with a soft woof of his own. “Were so glad you’re here, allow me to show you around. There are a lot of very fine qualities to this house and I would like to be sure that they are on the video.” She was about to move further into the house but Lara came through the door.

Lara entered the room with a spring in her step and the feeling of true freedom close at hand. She had gotten a late start that morning but she couldn’t remember ever feeling better. “Hey, glad to see that you could make it. We’ve been looking forward…” An extremely surprised expression crossed her face and she grabbed her stomach. “Jenna, it’s happened. I felt it, I’m pretty sure that I’m pregnant. It happened just like it did for you.” She said joyously.

Mandy looked at one girl and then the other. They wore no wedding or engagement rings and they didn’t seem the least bit concerned that she was there and privy to some very personal information. “Uhhh, if this is a bad time I can always return at a later date.”

Jenna looked at the realtor and smiled. “Actually, we would really love to have you stay. Yesterday when we were at your office we know that Mahi and you had… a little interlude.”

Mandy tensed. “What’s going on here? If this is some kind of extortion…”

Lara and Jenna were now side by side and Mahi was right there in front of them. Jenna took a small step forward and then began trying to explain things. “We have no intention of doing anything wrong to you but what we do need is your help; and if not your help then at least your promised silence. We have discovered something so fantastic that it is hard to believe unless you see it yourself. You met Mahi yesterday and I’m sure that what he did to you was very… satisfying. And, the reason he did not make love to you is because you have to make a choice first. Come on, let me get you something to drink and I’ll fill you in on all the details.”

Jenna led the way into the dining area and then the kitchen. She poured them all a small glass of wine and then began her long narrative. She left nothing out of it, even how she felt about Mahi at first and then how things changed.

Mandy looked skeptical. “What you are telling me cannot possibly be true. There is no way a dog can make a woman pregnant.”

Mahi stepped closer to her and then looked her square in the eyes. “And you have been through the whole universe and are certain of your conclusions?” He asked in a gruff voice; yet an understandable one.

Mandy’s jaw dropped. She had just heard a story, right out of the twilight zone; and now a dog was asking her what she truly believed. “I guess seeing is believing; unless this is some sort of elaborate dream.”

“It’s no dream Mandy. We are both pregnant and the only one who could have fathered our children is Mahi.” Stated Lara. “He is not the typical dog. We have no idea what our babies will look like but we are betting and risking everything that they will be extra special.”

“And you are going to start your own little secluded colony?” Added Mandy.

“Yep, that’s the idea.” Confirmed Jenna. “And we are looking for willing partners in our little experiment.”

Mandy sighed heavily. “What about you Mahi, I don’t look as good as your other wives, are you sure that you want me?”

“If I hadn’t wanted you I would not have licked you yesterday.” Came Mahi’s gruff voice. “I hoped that it would spike your curiosity.”

“It spiked it all right.” Stated Mandy. “I’m still hot and bothered by it, and even when I stroked myself last night I couldn’t get any lasting relief. I even dreamt about you.”

Jenna chuckled. “I think if you join our family that Mahi will be pleased to help you with your itch.”

Mandy nodded and then began to unbutton her blouse. “Where do I sign up?” she asked as she continued to shed her cloths.

When Mandy was naked, Mahi gently grasped her hand with his mouth and led her to the sofa. She sat at the edge of it and then spread her legs in an open invitation; an invitation that he accepted.

Mahi began by licking her and then progressed to stabbing her with his tongue. He had her squirming within minutes and did not stop until she orgasmed. She grabbed his head and gently yet forcefully shoved her gash onto his snout. He was glad that he could still breathe through his mouth.

“Sorry Mahi I didn’t mean to smother you but I have never felt so good.” She saw Lara and Jenna watching but felt no self-consciousness. She got the distinct feeling that they wanted to be where she was now.

Mahi moved closer and kissed her and she readily accepted it and returned it. She felt his hot shaft touch her pussy lips but this time it entered her. It burrowed deeper until it came to rest against her hymen. “Give it to me Mahi.” He heard her say; so he gave a hard stab forward and entered her hither to virgin depths.

Mandy winced from the stinging pain but it didn’t last long. Pleasure began to radiate outward from her core and she felt Mahi’s hot shaft sink deeper into her than she had ever thought possible. He began to pump into her and she could feel another orgasm building as though she were on a roller-coaster at the initial incline. She could feel the ridges of his cock as it rubbed her interior and acted like a ratchet to pull her higher and send her over the top. “Ohhh… my… god…” her vocal chords failed her after that and all that could be heard were gasps of pleasure.

“Damn that makes me hot.” Commented Lara as she watched Mandy in the throes of an intense orgasm. “Mahi’s going to have a long night ahead of him.”

“Oh I’m sure that he’s up to it.” Said Jenna as she recalled the previous night and the way he had fucked them both senseless; and then managed to nail them again just before bed. “I’m going to go and throw something in the oven so that we will have it later. We’ll have to order take-out again if I don’t do it now.”

Lara went to help, she was sure that they would hear when Mahi was done with Mandy; her blissful screams would alert them.

Mahi allowed his new mate to cool slightly before he proceeded. When he was sure that she could hear her him he gruffed. “I love you.” He then shifted his haunches and felt for the opening to her cervix. When he found it he shoved forward and Mandy came alive once more.”

“Oh my god… Where in the world did you just stick that cock of yours? Whoa… God it feels so GOOD…” The knot entered her shortly after his cock head entered her womb. They were sealed completely now but she was unaware of any of it. All she knew was that it felt so good to have Mahi within her depths.

Mahi began thrusting into her gently until he felt that she was ready and then he increased the tempo slightly. He kissed her and she was receptive, she wanted everything that he could give her.

“Oh Mahi, fuck me Darling. Make me a part of your family. I want you in me as much as possible. I want your sperm to flood me and make me pregnant as you have Jenna and Lara. I was hot the day we first met and yet I know that I sensed something special about you. I was hoping that you would slip when you were rubbing your cock in my slit. I wanted to feel you in me not just near me. When I went home I rubbed my clit until I came. I didn’t even let Ajax lick me because I wanted to remember what you did to me. Cum in me Sweetheart, cum in me now and truly claim me as yours. I will never let anyone have me but you…”

Mahi’s sperm gushed into her uterus and flooded it. He felt her orgasmic tremors and continued to rock himself into her in time with her contractions. As her climax ebbed so did his thrusting.

Mandy lay with Mahi in her and covering her. She felt so at peace and a euphoric bliss held her in it’s sway. She drifted into a deep sleep and never felt her new lover remove his hard shaft from her depths. Even when Jenna and Lara repositioned her on the couch and covered her with a blanket she did not move.


Part Six

Jenna and Lara stood by the sofa, looking down at the newest member of their growing family. “Wow, Mahi must have really plowed her good.” Commented Lara

“Yeah…” Agreed Jenna. “But I think that she was also really primed for it. When Mahi took me the first time I wasn’t quite as receptive. If I knew then what I know now I’d have been begging him to fuck me to kingdom cum also.”

Both girls chuckled and then looked at Mahi. “Who’s next?” They asked in unison; and then chuckled again.

Mahi had no intention of making such a crucial decision. He managed to nudge both of the girls toward the other end of the sofa and pushed them to their knees. Their chests rested on the seat and they positioned themselves for him from there.

“Is he going to do what I hope he’s going to do???” Jenna’s remaining thought was cut off as Mahi’s tongue plunged into her already hot interior. He stabbed her repeatedly for several minutes and as she orgasmed she grasped Lara’s hand and squeezed it; a pleased sigh escaped her lips.

Lara was next and she received the same treatment. Watching and hearing Jenna receive a licking only primed her that much more. She felt his tongue actually curve downward in an attempt to hit her G-spot and it worked. Her first orgasm washed over her like a lover’s sweet caress.

Mahi moved back to Jenna and mounted her without further preamble. He seated as much of his cock into her as he could without locking with her. He pistoned into her like a steam engine under high pressure and set for maximum speed. Ohhhs, ahhhs and pants of pleasure were all that she could manage vocally until her second orgasm claimed her.

Lara had witnessed Jenna’s fucking and knew exactly what was in store for herself. Even now, Jenna’s hand was grasping her’s in a tight clasp. She felt her lover position himself behind her and signed deeply as his cock slid into her. It kissed her back wall and then withdrew; but only for a moment and then the process repeated itself almost faster than her sensory receptors could register.

Lara’s murmurs sounded like a repeating mountain echo; except that the intensity of it grew instead of waned. She felt her insides give way to his advancing shaft by small increments; just enough to jostle them and set up a sweet tremor within her that lifted her to new heights. His fur covering her as and back added to the pleasure and when he nuzzled her neck it was all that was needed to send her over the top for her second orgasm.

Jenna’s climactic tremors had faded to mere ripples when she felt Mahi’s cock reintroduced to wanting pussy. “Ohhh… yes Baby, give it to me Darling. You make me feel so good when you are inside of me. Mmmmm, your love is like an elixir that feeds me and makes me stronger; and yet keeps me wanting more.” She felt him hit the back wall of her tube and continue to push until his knot was within her also. He rocked her slowly, lovingly, wanting to please her. His thrusting was firm and yet gentle creating sensations in her depths that eased all her tensions from her and made her think only of how she was connected to her lover. A huge orgasm was approaching and she heard him whisper gruffly. “I love you Jenna.” It sent her over the top as she was barely able to return. “I love you to!”

Mahi wanted to stay locked to his lovers as long as possible but in this instance that would not be possible. He waited for about five minutes and then very carefully extracted himself for his lovely blonde mate. He move to Lara and covered her once more. He sought out her vaginal opening and was soon pistoning within her again. He only made about ten strokes though before he backed up completely and targeted her other opening. He found it almost immediately and began to nudge himself into her nether regions.

Lara sighed as Mahi entered her once more. She was well ready for him again and she was sure that this time he would cum in her as he usually did. What she didn’t expect was for him to remove his cock from her pussy and plug it back into her ass. “No no Mahi, wrong hole…” It was too late; his shaft invaded her with gentle but persistent jabs that did not cease until he was fully seated within her. “Oh my God, you’re in my ass Sweetheart.”

“I know.” Came Mahi’s soft by gruff reply.

Lara felt Jenna squeeze her hand and then heard her soft sleepy voice. “He did it to me that way too, just after I told him that I was pregnant. Relax and you will enjoy it I promise you.”

Lara was already relaxed, she had heard about this kind of activity from some of her girlfriends; and how best to handle it. Mahi was pumping her with slow, deep, forceful thrusting and she was definitely enjoying it. It was different from receiving Mahi shaft in her pussy. His cock was still stimulating to her but he wasn’t battering the end of her tunnel. The climb to the orgasmic level was slower but that simply gave her more time to contemplate how she was approaching that plateau. She felt the heat of her lover’s cock within her very core and she also felt his ball sac slap against her pussy lips. Each thrust made those sweet sperm filled orbs massage her clit. She felt the embrace of his forelegs and his hairy chest pressed into her back. The warmth of his fur as he covered her was pleasant and stimulating in it’s own right. He nuzzled her neck and it was the final piece to the mosaic masterpiece and it sent her over the edge.

The orgasm that overtook Lara was subtlety different but still physically draining. She felt Mahi pour his sperm into her and it was like a radiating heat flowing into her that was not restricted by geography. She felt it in the outermost extremities of all her limbs and as it crept into her brain she passed out.

Mahi felt Lara go slack. He nuzzled her neck and held her. When his knot had collapsed enough to pull free of her he did it with the utmost of care. He nudged her buttock with his nose until he had pushed her onto the sofa in a way that she would not fall. He noticed that Jenna was beginning to stir and gave her a quick kiss before going to the bathroom to clean up.

Mahi returned to the living room after about fifteen minutes and found all of the girls still on the sofa but at least sitting and reclined against it’s back. “Is it always like this?” Queried Mandy softly.

“Yeah.” Responded Lara in the same soft tone. “But just wait until tonight; He’ll plow you so hard that all you’ll be able to do is crawl into bed and fall asleep.”

“But I have to drive home.” Said Mandy. “How am I going to manage that? I would really like to be with him one more time tonight if possible.”

Jenna reached out and took Mandy’s hand. “You are a part of us now. You don’t have to go to leave unless you really want to; but I can assure you that you are totally welcome to consider this you home.”

Mahi stepped close to Mandy and kissed her. “Please stay.” He gruffed. He then proceeded to kiss the others; not wanting to leave anyone out.

Mandy smiled and nodded. “I’ll stay, I was thinking of changing apartments anyway and this is definitely a step up from where I am now. I’ll also be able to make a better video of this place and get it on the market with its best assets showing.”

Jenna nodded. “I have a feeling that the sooner we are able to move, the better.”

Mandy sniffed the air. “What is that delicious smell, it’s making me hungry.”

“Come on, I’ll show you. While you and Mahi were together Lara and I threw a few things together. From previous experience we found that it would be advantageous for us to get dinner started before… Mahi got to us.” Explained Jenna. And they all laughed at that.

To the three ravenous young ladies the chicken, baked potato and salad were on a par with any chef’s gourmet meal. Mahi had no complaints either. After the meal they basked in the sun and swam in the pool. They all marveled at how well Mahi swam especially under water.

“I didn’t think dogs could go under water like that.” Opined Mandy.

“Not many do or will.” Answered Lara. “I’ve seen it before, but to the extent that Mahi does it… rare, very rare.

The girls talked the rest of the day, Mandy never managed to get a single room documented for the sales video but by the end of the day they each knew the other’s back round a whole lot better; they meshed perfectly.

When nine thirty rolled around, Mahi grabbed Mandy’s hand and escorted her into the bedroom. This time he had her lying face down on the bed with her feet touching the floor. He gave her several perfunctory licks and then mounted her because she was very wet already; she had been anticipating this for hours.

“Oh Mahi… yes Darling… fuck me good. I want to dream about you mounting me all night in my dreams.”

Mahi started slow but added force and speed to his thrusts as he went. Mandy’s first orgasm took a while to build but her second one was right on the heels of the first. He pulled back and shifted and reentered her on a slightly different track. His cock sought out her cervical opening once more and when he found it he nudged forward carefully. With one final forceful thrust he seated his knot also and it rubbed her G-spot perfectly.

Mandy responded to his thrusting. “Oh my God, you’re in there again… Mmmmm… that feels so good.” She felt someone take her hand and recognized Jenna’s voice. “Mahi is probably in the mouth of your uterus right now. That is why he is locked into you and not moving in long strokes; it would probably hurt us if he did. When you cum this time he will probable cum also and flood your womb and ovaries with his sperm. It took us several matings to get pregnant but you never know. It will be nice to have all our children born as close to each other as possible. Good luck Sweetie”

Mandy cherished those words and began to thrust back at Mahi’s cock in an attempt to capture every millimeter of it that she could. All she could voice were whimpers and murmurs of delight. She felt his ball sack rock gently near her clit and when it managed to touch it was like a little extra voltage being thrown into an almost already overloaded circuit. She felt the hairs of her lover next and they seemed to caress her from shoulders to buttock and even to the backs of her thighs. The warmth of him as he covered her and protected her radiated from him and she slipped into her next orgasm. It was huge, but it could not drown out the impact of his sperm shooting into her. It was like an extra booster rocket being fired at the optimal moment to achieve the perfect results; it was the last thing that she remembered that night.

Mahi lay covering her for fifteen minutes before hi carefully pulled from her; none of his seed was lost. “Wow.” Commented Lara as she and Jenna carefully moved Mandy into the center of the bed. “He sure rocked her to sleep.”

At Jenna’s urging, Lara lay down next. She positioned herself on her back and raised her legs in an inviting vee. She touched her vaginal lips and pulled them slightly open. “Come and get it Darling. I want you in me so bad that I can taste it. I want you to fuck me so hard that all I have strength to do is crawl into bed and fall asleep.

Mahi rose over her and began by kissing her throat and then moving to her mouth. He frenched her and as she was responding to that he shoved into her in one smooth thrust that nearly took her breath away. “Damn… you’re full of surprises.” She moaned pleasingly. He then began to piston into her with a force that nearly set his knot on every thrust; her vaginal lips engulfed the bulb about half way each time. He rode her to two consecutive orgasms and then set the knot. His strokes became slower but they still maintained a force behind them that pushed her interior around.

Lara clasped her legs around Mahi after her second climax; she hadn’t wanted to impede his movement. She began grinding her vagina onto his cock with as much power as she could muster despite the fact that two orgasms had already drained a lot of her energy. “Oh Babe, that feels so good with you inside of me. I can feel the heat of your shaft moving within my tube. I love the feel of your hair caressing my tits and belly. I love being able to grab you with my legs and arms and draw you to me. I’m so glad that I have your baby in my tummy and I can’t wait to see what we have produced.” She reached to kiss him and as their lips met the final orgasm of the night for her claimed them. His hot liquid poured into her and her climactic ripples grasped his shaft and pulled as much of him as it could into her recesses. “Mmmmm… Thank you Darling.”

Fifteen more minutes passed and eventually he was able to safely pull from Lara. She was in a euphoric daze but as he gently nudged her she would move and he was able to get her to the left side of the bed to where a normal person would sleep.

He then turned and saw Jenna standing there with a smile on her face. “If you’re too tired Darling, I’ll understand. There is always tomorrow.”

Mahi smiled as best he could and then gently began nudging her toward the bed. On the final push she saw seated at its edge and she just lay back from there and lifted her legs just as Lara had. He rose up over her and kissed her and in much the same fashion he plunged himself into her while they kissed.

After the kiss Jenna hissed softly in his ear. “I want you in my ass as we finish Mahi.” And then she kissed him again and they continued to kiss while they rutted into each other. Their flesh coming together as it did formed an unending circle as their tongues met and intertwined over and over again. The first orgasm swept through her after several minutes but they did not stop their thrusting until several minutes later when the second one rolled through. Then they jammed themselves at each other and held it in place; it was all Mahi could do to keep his knot outside her vaginal lips.

Jenna felt Mahi withdraw from her and the only reason that she did not protest was because she knew that he would be coming right back in. She felt his cock nudge her sphincter and tried to release it as best she could. He pushed into her gently and was soon ensconced within her depths once more. As he began to move the pleasurable sensations began to build. He was careful when he planted his knot inside her and with a gentle but consistent force he completed the task of locking himself to his love.

Together they began to move again and she became relentless at crushing her pelvis into him. With every move she tried to milk him of his sperm. She was endeavoring to make him cum before she did and hoped that he would pump two loads into her. “I want you honey, I want everything that you can give me. I love it when you are in my pussy the best because then I can pretend that you are trying to impregnate me all over again. But, at least this way I know that your DNA is absorbing into me and I have a better chance of retaining what you are giving me.”

Jenna and Mahi moved in unison with slow deliberate strokes. They rocked each others world for over forty minutes. Her legs were grasping him the best she could and she caressed him every where her hands could reach. They kissed repeatedly and when the dam could hold no more they both exploded in unison. She could already feel his hot shaft within her bowls and when he erupted it seemed to burn through her like liquid fire. “Oh my God… it’s so hot. Oh Mahi…”

Jenna was totally out of it but Mahi knew that he had to get her further onto the bed. He managed to move her by using his cock that was still imbedded in her and his front legs under her armpits. Little by little he succeeded in accomplishing the task. She murmured and cooed as he moved her with every shove of his loins.

Mahi finally had her where he wanted her and carefully unplugged from her ass; that movement caused the last murmur he heard from her the rest of the night. He covered her with the sheet and then went to clean up. He checked the house one last time and then lay on the bed at their feet.


Mandy was the first to awaken. She found herself nestled between Lara and Jenna. She saw Mahi at their feet and rubbed her foot against his flanks. She remembered him fucking her but she could not remember how she had gotten fully into bed; she assumed the other girls had moved her. Mahi slid off the bed, making a way for her to crawl to the bottom and sit at the edge with her feet on the floor.

Mahi could see all the beginning changes in his newest mate and was pleased. He straddled her body and positioned himself between her legs. He moved to kiss her and she received it readily, even reclining and pulling him even further over her. She thought they were just going to kiss for a while but when she felt his hot shaft at the entrance to her pussy she desired otherwise. She lifted her legs and grasped his flanks in an open invitation. “I want you Darling.” She said softly in his ear.

Mandy was instantly hot; voicing pleased grunts of satisfaction as he shoved into her. “Ummm, ummm, ummm, Oh Mahi that feels so good. I didn’t think that I would get to feel you in so early in the morning. I love what you did to me last night but please don’t fuck my light out this morning. They rock together slowly, totally different from the fast paced pounding of before.

She was almost to her first orgasm when he shifted within her and was soon nestled in her cervix with his knot in the mouth of her vagina and rubbing against her G-spot. “Oh Honey, you are in me so… deep. Your cock feels so good inside of me like this. I can almost feel every ridge as you thrust it into me. Ummm, Ummm I’m almost there again.” She began to get louder as her orgasm approached. “fuck me Mahi; give me your seed Sweetheart so that I can give you our babies.” She began thrusting herself against him as hard as she could at the same pace that he had set to stimulate her. “Twins run in my family Darling, I’d be so happy if I could bear you twins…” They both climaxed together. “Yesssss… Thank you Mahi, Thank… you…”

Mandy lay covered and locked to Mahi for fifteen minutes before she became aware of other movement on the bed. Jenna and Lara came into view not too far from her. Both of them were smiling and she received a kiss on the cheek from each of them. “Welcome to our family.” They almost said in unison.

Lara and Jenna busied themselves as best they could until Mahi pulled his cock out of Mandy. They wanted to be there when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time. They both smirked to her reaction at seeing the size of his cock for the first time.

Mandy had risen to a sitting position at the foot of the bed when her jaw dropped open. “Oh my God, look at the size of Mahi’s cock. That is not possible. How in the world did he have all of that inside of me, or any of us for that matter?”

Jenna laughed. “We don’t know but as you can attest it sure feels good doesn’t it.”

Mandy nodded. “No wonder the last two times we made love he fucked me silly. Wow…” She moved over to Mahi and bent to give him a hug and a kiss. “Thank you for making me one of your mates.” She then proceeded into the bathroom; and the other girls followed closely behind.

Jenna and Lara halted at the doorway. They watched as Mandy walked past the full length mirror by several steps and then stopped abruptly. She back stepped until she was at the center of it and then turned to face it; her jaw dropped once more. The face was a slightly thinner version of herself; one she really liked. Her body though… her body was exactly the way she had always wanted it to be. Firm proud looking breasts, a thinner waist and a perfectly flat tummy that accentuated her pelvic region graced her form. “WOW.” Was all that she could manage at the moment.

Jenna and Lara came up behind her. All of them were strikingly beautiful with only subtle differences between them. Having only one of them for a mate would have kept the average man hard any time he was in her presence. Mahi had all three of them and he knew that he was going to be one very busy boy keeping them all satisfied. His cock began stirring again and he nodded, he knew that he could handle it.


After several days of late night love making sessions the girls decided to change the way things were done. They began wearing long T-shirts and no underwear. Whenever they felt in the mood (which was quite often) they would find Mahi and make love. They tried as many different places in the house as they could think of. It allowed the interval between love sessions to be a little longer and easier on their four legged stud.

Lara managed to get out of her lease early and without penalty. She had the things she wanted to use moved to their combined house; the rest she put into storage until they could move to their new home. Mandy was fortunate also and managed to have a friend take over her lease; the deal was mutually beneficial to both of them. Other than her personal clothes she didn’t have too much in the line of possessions; all of her assets were in the bank.

The video of the house that they were currently living in was completed in record time and once aired on the net receive several viable replies. It was uncommon to get such quick results but Jenna’s property was prime real-estate. The offers they received were well within the selling price that they had hoped for and papers were signed in short order. They had Two weeks to pack up and move

They also received a counter proposal on the home that they were looking at and Mandy sent a counter offer of their own. The counter offer was accepted and papers were signed. They were given immediate occupancy so when they move from the old location they could move right into the new one. Everything was falling into place for them like a well set up pattern of dominos.

Mandy entered the house jubilantly; all the paperwork was now done for both homes. All they had to do was pack up and move. She could hardly remember feeling any better in her whole life. She and Mahi had made very passionate love the night before out in the back yard under the starry sky. She had turned out the back yard light and lay on one of the recliners. He had taken her missionary style and it felt so good to feel him enter her slowly and deeply. He covered her completely and she had grasped him with her arms and legs. His warmth translated to her and felt wonderful because the outdoor temperature was in the mid sixties at the time. They had rocked together in unison like that for over half an hour with her climbing to two orgasms before he shifted within her and entered her womb and locked tightly to her. She remembered her words of passion and how she had ground her pussy onto his cock so hard that his hairy sheath had entered into her vaginal lips by at least an inch also. When they climaxed it was Mahi who had fired first and her response was only a split second later; triggered by the feel of his precious fluids jetting into her. The endorphin rush that claimed her lasted for twenty minutes and he had stayed over her and in her the entire time.

Mandy had kicked her shoes off at the door as usual and walked into the kitchen area. Mahi was just coming into the house from the back yard and Jenna and Lara were preparing a very delicious looking meal. She took several steps into the room and came to an abrupt stop; grabbing the table and her stomach at the same time. “Oh my God… I think Mahi’s going to be a daddy again.” She exclaimed excitedly

Jenna and Lara dropped what they were doing and rushed to Mandy’s side. They embrace her lovingly and then included Mahi in the hug fest. They laughed, they giggled; Jenna even lifted her T-Shirt to show off the small lump that was beginning to form in her otherwise flat tummy. “I can’t wait for us to begin setting up our new home. Especially the nursery!”


Within a week the move was accomplished. The new house was livable, but there were a lot of renovations and refinements that the girls wanted to accomplish before the babies arrived. The first night in their new home Jenna surprised the others by presenting each of them with a small velvet box. “If Mahi could have done it I’m sure he would have.” She commented.

Lara and Mandy opened the boxes and found a half carat diamond ring and a wedding band within. Jenna then showed the others her rings by extending her left hand; they all matched. “I figured that it would be a lot easier for us if we looked married. It will help keep the unwanted male advances to a minimum I hope.” The others agreed and readily donned the rings that they had been given. They even made a ceremony of it and sealed it by Mahi making passionate love to all of them.

The girls rolled dice to see who would go first but secretly they all hoped to go last. They knew that the last one in line would literally be fucked into oblivion. What they didn’t count on was Mahi’s ability to fuck all of them that way from first to last.

Mahi started with Lara, she had rolled a six. She chose to take it doggy style and lay at the foot of the bed, legs wide and toes touching the floor. He licked her to orgasm, stabbing her repeatedly with his tongue and swiping her clit every six or seventh time. She was still trembling as his hot shaft lanced into her deeply. He gave her very little time to get accustomed to him before he began pumping into her like a locomotive attempting to set a speed record. The other girls heard her murmurs and sighs of pleasure and began getting wet because they knew that they too would be on the receiving end of Mahi’s cock before the night ended.

As a rule, Lara was the least vocal of the trio when being made love to, but tonight that did not seem to be the case. The ears of the remaining two were bombarded with descriptive phrases of what was happening to her. For over half an hour they could picture what was transpiring as though they were in the room with the mated couple. Both of the girls began lightly massaging their breasts and caressing the mound between their legs. Ten minutes of silence followed and then the moans of pleasure came again for a short period; the last murmurs they wondered about.

The shower in the bathroom turned on and the two girls looked at each other and grinned. They had assumed that Mahi had deposited his load of sperm where it would do the most good and now they were even surer of it. Their lover was now preparing himself for Jenna; she was the next in line.

Mahi entered the living room where the others waited. When Jenna stepped forward he took her hand and led her into the bedroom and the huge king-sized bed within. He released her hand and allowed her to choose how she wanted to receive him. He wasn’t surprised to see her lie on her back with her legs widely parted. He started to lick her but she grabbed the scruff of his neck and pulled him into her saddle.

Jenna sighed as she felt her mate enter her. This was the father of her baby and she wanted to please him in any way she could. They rocked together slowly at first but were soon clipping along at a faster pace; one that did not leave her breathless. “Oh Darling, you feel so good in me. I love it when your heavy cock is plunging into me and heating up my interior. I can’t wait until our baby is born and then you can try to fuck another one into my receptive pussy…” Her first orgasm washed over her. “You may not have physically given me the ring that I wear but I consider it still as binding; I will not ever leave you. I want to suckle our baby at my breasts and have you taste me also. I want to show our baby his father and let him of her know how special they are…” Her second orgasm hit and Mahi backed out of her and plugged into her ass just as she had expected. From there, all she could manage were the familiar murmurs and coos that she had uttered and heard so many times before. When her third orgasm hit she was flooded with her lover’s sperm and the all too familiar wave of pure ecstasy washed over her and sent her into a dream filled sleep. In her dreams her mate was rutting into her ass deeply and she didn’t care as long as he was close to her.

Mandy had moved to the doorway of the bedroom. She was there as Mahi enter Jenna’s ass and she knew for sure that she was going to receive the same treatment; it would not be the first time and definitely not the last. She continued to prime herself as she watched the pair move as one and reveled in the thought that she would be next. Minutes passed and she witnessed the climactic end. She nearly grinned from ear to ear as she saw Mahi almost lift Jenna from the bed with his cock still imbedded within her and move her upward toward the pillows above. She heard again the murmurs of pleasure as the task was accomplished.

Mahi pulled his shaft from Jenna and went to the bathroom to clean up. He knew that Mandy had watched at least part of the love session and he could smell her excitement. When he returned to the bedroom he found her on the bed, her stomach; he approached her.

“I want you to fuck me harder than you have ever fucked me before Darling…” She said as he covered her and thrust deeply into her.

Mahi could feel that she was as wet as he had anticipated and he had no trouble setting a blistering pace as he pounded it to her with as much force as he deemed safe. He pumped her so hard that she was speechless and all she could manage were grunts and gasps as his shaft bottomed out at the end of her tunnel. Her interior organs experienced sympathetic vibrations, though none of them were detrimental to her health. He rode her to three consecutive orgasms before he shifted and plugged himself into her nether tube.

Once Mahi was in her sweet little ass he slowed to a pace that allowed her to come around and enjoy the feeling. “Wow… I guess you gave me what I asked for.”

“I love all of you Mandy.” Gruffed Mahi. “I wish I could do more for you.”

“You’re doing all we need.” Confirmed Mandy. “And I’m sure that I can speak for the others also when I say that we would not have this any other way.” She grabbed his legs that were positioned over her shoulders and hugged them. She even craned her head upward in an attempt to kiss him and they accomplished the maneuver even as he slowly hunched into her rear passageway.

Mandy sighed her contentment. “You really feel good inside me tonight; your cock is so hot.” She began to shove herself backward onto his shaft even more and soon his knot was seated within her sphincter; she had to really relax herself to take him but she managed. “You feel good in my ass but I still prefer you in my pussy. Just the thought of your sperm coming near my eggs makes me hotter than anything. Ohhh…”

The two of them rocked together in perfect harmony and nearly forty minutes passed as the next orgasm built slowly to a deceptive intensity. “Give it to me Mahi, I want as much of you in me as possible…”

Mandy and Mahi orgasmed together and as his hot fluids poured into her she felt it as it spread through her entire system. The progress of his sperm through her very being was totally familiar and always seemed to have the same results. The euphoria that engulfed her was all consuming and she never felt being moved to the head of the bed.


Part Seven

There were a lot of things that the girls wanted to do with the new house and the money that they cleared on the old place was going to finance it all. Each one of them had plans and ideas for several of the rooms in the domicile and they had to laugh at how similar they were on the ones that had more than one idea for it.

In the end, the whole house would be renovated and modernized. Jenna sought out a reputable builder and in two days the easiest of the work was started. There was only one stipulation; none of the workers was to bother any of the women in any way or the contract would be lost.

The girls began wearing less revealing clothing but even that did not hide all their charms. One guy in particular snooped around as best he could in the hopes of catching even the slightest glimpse of anything of a sexual nature. He heard the water running in the upper bathroom once and tried to peek through the old style key hole. He had just gotten to his knees when he heard a growl that turned his spine to ice. He pivoted his head to the right and almost came in contact with the bared teeth of the largest German Shepherd he had ever seen. He jerked back quickly and jumped to his feet. In the process he gashed the left side of his temple and it produced a noticeable mark. He hurried down the steps and got as far away from the dog as possible; relieved that it did not follow him.

Mahi stayed outside the door as Jenna showered. She had tried to get done before the carpenters arrived that day but had not succeeded. She had a feeling that an altercation had occurred outside her door but she was unsure of it’s true nature and the apprehension that blossomed quickly vanished just as quickly; she would find out from Mahi after her shower exactly what had transpired. She would take the incident up with the foreman of the job later but right now she had other things on her mind.

Mandy and Lara had gone earlier to the nearest metropolitan area together, they never traveled alone anymore. They bought things that were on their list for the new house and a few things that were not. All of them had become more aware of their eating habits; the new muscles that they had suddenly been blessed with were beginning to scream for better nutrition and even more vigorous activity. They were even going to designate one of the areas in the house as a work out room.

Jenna and Mahi had other chores to accomplish but one stop had no been on the list. She saw a bicycle shop and indulged in buying a mountain bike for each of them. There were trails in the nearby hills and she planned to take advantage of them. She could already picture in her mind a picnic style outing, complete with picturesque lake, trees and secluded lovemaking for all of them. She had the van, but the bikes were to be delivered the next day; completely set up and ready to ride.

By the time the girls got back to the house, the carpenters were gone for the day. Their main bedroom was complete and they were very satisfied with what they saw. There were even a few full length mirrors in the room that looked as though they were there for dressing purposes but they also allowed lovers on or near the bed to see their own reflections; when Mahi mounted them this time they would be able to see him thrusting into them as well as feel him.

The evening meal was a not extravagant but very tasty. The salad, the thick juicy steak and the lite desert were perfectly done by the three of them. While eating, Lara and Mandy informed Jenna that they had found a veterinary clinic and a Real-estate firm that had openings for part time help; and the best part of it all was that they were only a block apart from each other. Neither of them wanted to be tied down to a full time job anymore but they hated loosing their skills and standing in the professional community. Jenna had been the lucky one in that aspect because all she had to do was take her computer with her.

Jenna and Lara volunteered to clean up and allowed Mandy and Mahi to go try out the new bedroom. They didn’t have too long to wait until they began hearing Mandy’s usual sighs and murmurs of pleasure but they also realized that those sounds were coming from a lot further away than the had at the old house and yet they seemed just as loud; if not louder. “I think our hearing is becoming more and more acute with every dose of sperm that Loverboy gives us.”

“Yeah, I would have to agree with you on that.” Commented Lara as she heard Mandy gasping about how deep Mahi’s cock was within her. With out even realizing it both women began rubbing their own bodies sensually.

Mandy had begun stripping the clothes off her body before she reached the bedroom and she was completely bare by the time they arrived at the bed. She lay back and spread her legs in open invitation. She was hungry to feel his shaft within her and he did not disappoint her.

Mahi wasted no time with foreplay because he knew that she was already hot and exactly what she craved. He covered her with his huge hairy body and even at the touch of his fur she began to sigh and Goosebumps of pleasure emerged on her skin everywhere. As he gently tried to enter her she shoved downward in an attempt to burry his cock within her more quickly and she succeeded to a certain point.

“Don’t be too gentle with me Darling. I’ve been craving this ever since the quick teasing fuck that you gave me this morning.” She began thrusting herself at him in earnest and he followed suit. “That’s better I can almost feel you rearranging my insides.”

Mahi set a strong steady pace that pushed his knot just short of half way into her with each thrust. After several minutes he could feel Mandy’s first orgasm wash over her and he did relent or slow down in any way. He knew the mate he was in and exactly what made her respond the best. Thrusting into Mandy while she climaxed made her even hotter and pushed her up the mountain to the next threshold even faster. He waited until she was on the brink of her next orgasm before he set the knot. The huge ball near the back of his hefty cock shoved into her a just the right moment and triggered the second orgasm; this time he did hold still and allowed her to savor the feeling.

“Oh Darling, you sure know how to fuck me. You are so deep inside of me that I can feel you sliding under my belly button and tickling it from the inside. Ohhh… I love how hot you are.” As her tremors faded she began to move and Mahi stood still allowing her to be the aggressor. “Mmmmm, you’re going to let me do the work this time. Okay, let see what I can do.”

Mandy began thrusting herself onto Mahi’s cock with as much force as she could muster. She had her legs locked behind his flanks and her arms hugging his neck. She concentrated on clamping her vaginal muscles and gripped his shaft within her tighter than it had ever been before. She began to sweat but knew that she was quickly approaching her goal. The calories that she burned were greater than those she had taken in at the evening meal. The climactic moment hit both of them at the same time but through it all Mandy managed to feel her lover erupt within her. “Thank you Darling, I love to feel your juices flowing into me.” Mutually, they closed the gap between their mouths and kissed, sharing almost as much saliva as they had other fluids just moments earlier.

The pair stayed locked together for fifteen minutes before Mahi carefully eased his way out of her. When they separated Mandy rolled her pelvic region upward in an attempt to keep his sperm within her. She did not want to lose any of the precious fluid if she could help it. Mahi kissed her one more time before leaving the room; he understood what she was doing.

Jenna was next, but when Mahi came down stairs, she led him into the back yard. She wanted to make love to him under the stars and they were just beginning to appear. She walked to what had become her favorite lounge chair; if it could talk it would have told of numerous sessions of love exchanged by the woman and animal. She lay on her back and bid him draw closer to her. He did; covering her and moving over with familiar ease. She closed her legs about him and grasped his neck, pulling them closer and kissing him.

The kiss was mutual and Mahi felt Jenna’s hands roam over as much of his body as she could reach. He hunched forward and brought his cock into contact with her vaginal lips. With small jabs he prodded her repeatedly; entering, retreating and then reentering her for several minutes. He could feel her tension building with each loving jab.

Jenna sighed and a small climactic quake washed over her. “Ohhh… Mahi, I want you… give it to me Darling and quit teasing me. I want to feel your cock in me sooo… deep. I want… On god yesss… like that.” She exclaimed as he did as she had requested.

Mahi began moving within her in deep… slow… strokes… just shy of planting his knot within her. He used her murmurs of pleasure to guide him in what to do next. Near the end when she whispered ‘faster’ he complied and rocked into her at a pace just short of jack hammer. He felt her orgasm begin and set his knot.

The feel of Mahi’s knot entering her and massaging her G-spot at the beginning of her orgasm was like pouring gasoline on an already blazing fire. Wave after intense wave flowed through her and continued to bombard her senses for several minutes. They lay together for over fifteen minutes with him buried deeply within her and covering her with his fur. The warmth that radiated from him was stimulating in itself as it chased the cooler evening air away from her heightened sensory receptors. He thrust into her gently every ten seconds and she cooed and murmured her approval each time.

When Mahi finally slipped from her neither partner had wanted it to end but they were not selfish. Jenna knew that Lara had been waiting patiently for well over an hour and a half. “Go ahead and be with Lara.” Said Jenna softly. “I just want to lie here and hold as much of your sperm within me as possible.” They kissed and parted and she sighed contentedly as she saw him leave and enter the house.

Mahi found Lara in the living room. She had occupied her time by reading some of the computer programming guides that Jenna had. She was puzzled at how she was retaining the information that she was quickly perusing. She had always learned new things easily in school, but this was way beyond that. She stopped reading and earmarked the page; she would return to it another day. She had heard Mahi’s approach even as he walked into the house and she smiled to herself. There were so many new things that they were all experiencing; the only trouble was they all blended into their everyday life so easily now that it was hard remembering that they were new.

Lara swiveled out of her seat and onto her knees; stripping off what little cloths she had on as she went. She greeted Mahi with a deep kiss and lingering hug. She caressed him all over and then turned and presented herself to him as any receptive bitch would do for her male. She could feel their baby within her even thought it was still small and the swell of her belly was little more than a goose egg. The fact that she was carrying his progeny and that he was in her again was fulfilling in itself. She hated the fact that she could not boast that the baby within her was from her beloved Mahi, and she was sure that the others felt the same way.

Mahi thrust into her deeply and her sighs of contentment were his reward. He nuzzled her neck and when she strained to reach back and kiss him he made every effort to make the connection.

“I love you Mahi.” Panted Lara as their pace quickened. “I want to feel you sweet cock inside my pussy as much as possible. Anytime, anywhere you want me just let me know because I want to satisfy you. I want all the babied that you can give me and I don’t care if you keep me barefoot and pregnant for the next twenty years. I want to watch as our baby emerges into the world from between my legs and takes it first breath of air. I want to suckle your babies at my breast and feed you some of my milk also. Ohhh… I can’t wait to do that…”

Lara’s first orgasm hit and Mahi pressed his knot into her just before her spasms ebbed away. He then set a new pace and this one left her nearly speechless; all she could manage vocally were murmurs and sighs of contentment. She was able to throw herself onto his advancing shaft though and the result was to increase his penetration into her depths by at least another inch. “Ugh… ugh… ugh… ugh… Ohhh…”

Mahi stopped his thrusting but held himself as deep into his mate as possible while their orgasms washed over them. His sperm flowed into her in jet like streams that crashed into the wall ahead of it and splashed elsewhere within her vaginal tube. It was like a live entity and clung to her. Long before Mahi removed his knot his essence was nearly gone; absorbed into his mate to bring about changes within her.

Fifteen minutes passed as Lara knelt, covered by her lover with his cock deeply imbedded in her. She hardly felt the passing of time but she did feel his hot shaft as it began to pull from her depths and she missed it’s presence already. She would have been just as happy to lie down together on their sides and remain joined as they had been for the entire night; she definitely planned to do that in the future.

The pair hugged and kissed for several minutes before preparing for bed. Mahi made a final inspection of the house, turning out the lights as he went. Lara washed up, brushed her teeth, and inspected her little belly bump in the full length mirror. She caressed it and cooed to it, wondering what it would look like; what characteristics would her baby have? She sighed dreamily and let her night shirt fall back into place.

Lara turned out the master bathroom light and ambled to the king sized bed. She hopped in on the left side of it because Mandy and Jenna already occupied the other two spaces. You never knew where you were going to sleep on the huge bed, just that there would be room for you when you were ready. She crawled into bed, pulled the sheets over her. She was nearly sound asleep before Mahi entered and placed himself at the foot of the large mattress.


It was left to Jenna to confront the foreman of the carpenters concerning the attempted peeping incident the previous day. He was outraged when he heard of it and apologized profusely, he did not want to loose this very well paying job. Jenna made it easier for him by making a suggestion. “If the guy who did the peeping will confess to what he did, we will have not problems. However, I would appreciate it if you kept him on some of the exterior work from now on.”

The foreman nodded his approval. “Who was it?”

Jenna looked down at Mahi. “Go and get him, and bring him here.”

Mahi approached the worker that was furthest from them but continually glancing in their direction while trying to look busy. Jenna heard the foreman curse under his breath when he saw the guilty party. The man tried to back even further away as he saw the dog coming in his direction, but he soon found himself in a corner.

“Get over here Jack.” Bellowed the Boss.

Jack timidly approached as soon as the huge German Shepherd moved to the side enough for him to get through. The gash on his left temple was still very sore looking.

“I’ll make it easy on you.” Snapped the Boss. “Tell me the truth and I won’t fire you. Lie to me and I don’t care if you are my nephew, you’ll never work for me again! How did you get the bruise on your head; and the story about walking into a door won’t fly any more.”

Jack sighed heavily. “I heard a noise in the bathroom and I didn’t know what…” A warning growl sounded at Jack’s side and he flinched. He was sure that no one else had seen him but here was this huge dog calling him on his story as though the mutt knew exactly what he was saying.

“Embellishment of a story is as much as a lie.” Cautioned Jenna. “And I know exactly what happened. Do you wish to start again?”

Jack sighed again. “I saw you (he pointed to Jenna) enter the bathroom and a few moments later I heard the shower turn on. I knew the shower was in line with the door and hoped to see you… you know. I was just about able to look through the key hole when the dog growled and scared me. I hit my head on the door frame as I tried to get away. I thought for sure that he was going to attack me but he didn’t. I’m sorry for what I did.”

The foreman looked at his nephew. “You’re off this job, and you’re lucky I don’t just let you go. I’ll call Sam and have you switch place with on of his men. You know where he’s working so get out of here. The next mistake like this will be your last.” The Boss apologized to Jenna again and then went back to work himself. The incident was the only problem they faced and the rest of the work was done with few delays. Two months after the work began the project was completed and the girls had a fully renovated home that suited them completely.


Jenna was now slightly over three months along but compared to other expectant women she was not as big. It troubled her but she had no idea what to do. There was no way she could go to a regular doctor. She sat at the edge of the bed and caressed the small swelling.

Mahi saw that she was troubled and tried to comfort her. He put his ear to her tummy and listened. “Everything is fine, please do not worry.” He gruffed coarsely as he arose over her and pushed her back onto the bed. He kissed her and she returned the kiss fervently. As he moved forward and entered her he French kissed her also, forming a complete circle once more. The sighs of contentment that escaped her lips informed him that she was in complete agreement with what he was doing to her. She lifted her legs and encircled him as best possible, offering herself to him to the fullest. He rushed nothing but did lock his knot into her. His hot shaft caressed her interior in short strokes and she felt every ridge that comprised the makeup of his cock as it move deep within her. They rocked together in unison for over thirty minutes before the orgasm claimed them both. They remained locked for several minutes more, savoring the feel of each other’s closeness.

Jenna felt Mahi begin to withdraw from her and clasped her legs around him tighter. She thrust herself at him several times and managed to get him into her again up to the knot. “Thank you for comforting me Darling, and if you feel like making love to me and comforting me again before the others get home just come and get me because I’ll be eagerly waiting.” For emphasis she rocked herself onto his shaft several times and then kissed him deeply.

Mahi returned one deep thrust that elicited a pleasured sigh from his mate and then told her that he would keep her offer in mind; he had every intention of mounting her again before his other mates got home. He would save the evening hours for them.

Mahi did catch Jenna again later that afternoon, he waited until she least expected it and then gave her a repeat performance of earlier that day. He exhausted her this time and she ended up taking a cat nap to recover.

When Lara and Mandy returned home they were excited as usual. They knew that one of them was going to be fucked by Mahi and the other one wouldn’t be far behind; it was a home coming ritual that they looked forward to. They found Jenna resting and knew that their mates had been busy; the scent of their lovemaking still lingered in the air and it excited them even more.

Mahi came up behind Lara and she did not resist as he gently took her hand in his mouth and let her to the sofa. She was soon on her knees with her dress over her back and her panties off. There were no preliminaries because the scent she was exuding was one of total readiness. He mounted her swiftly and surely.

“Oh… yes. fuck me Darling; I’ve wanted you again from the very moment you pulled out of me this morning. Sometime I hope we can be together and make love over and over again all day long. I’d love to set some kind of fucking record; even if it would never be published in Guinness’ book of world records.

Mahi pounded into her swiftly and just short of setting his knot. Her words of endearment became blurred coos and murmurs of ecstasy. He rode her through her first climax and did not stop until she hit her second. As the contractions for her second orgasm hit he set his knot. The sensation of his ball pushing through her vaginal lips and coming to rest against her G-spot were like the triggering mechanism to a catapult; she soared into oblivion and the laws of gravity ceased to exist. He rested over her for nearly ten minutes and then carefully extracted himself from her depths; he was learning quickly how to control his knot.

When Mahi pulled out of Lara, Mandy was waiting. She had removed all of her clothing and was motioning for him to follow her. They went up stairs to the bedroom and she sat at the edge with her legs spread in open invitation. As he rose over her she lay back. In moments his hot shaft found her eagerly waiting hole and engulfed him. The head of his cock began consistently nudging the back wall of her vaginal tube with enough force to create blissful ripples through her very being.

Mandy lifted her legs and encircled her mate’s flanks as best she could. Her arms grasped his neck also and she pulled herself against him so that his hair touched as much of her as possible. She loved pressing her breasts against his chest and feeling his fur rub against her nipples. She lifted herself so that she could whisper into his ear. “I’ve already prepared myself and I want you to cum in my ass where your sperm will do the most good now that I’m already pregnant.”

“Your wish is my command.” He answered gruffly, and then he began to thrust into her like a jack hammer. He pounded her to two orgasms that were only minutes apart from each other. He allowed her to rest for only a few seconds before her pulled out and carefully reinserted himself in her nether tube; knot and all.

Once he was fully ensconced within her, he began to thrust slowly. The climactic event would build at a snails pace; but the resultant orgasm would be earthmoving for her.

“Oh Darling, it feels so good with your shaft so deep inside of me. You sure know how to rock my world.” Cooed Mandy. She didn’t even thrust herself back at him but she did make sure that her pelvis was tilted so that he could enter her as freely as possible.

They moved in that slow sensual dance for nearly thirty minutes before the final throws of passion washed over her. He timed his ejaculation for the same moment and when his hot sperm hit her interior the inevitable happened; her shattering orgasm was met by the tsunami like flood of semen and they combined to send into a blissful oblivion. She never even felt him as he moved her onto bed further. She didn’t even feel him extract his cock from her rectal passage. She slept the rest of the night, even awaken for supper.

Lara and Jenna stirred about the time Mahi was hopping out of the shower and drying off. Lara went to the bedroom and then called for Jenna. “I think there will only be three of us for supper tonight.” She commented as she slipped out of her remaining street clothing and donned a colorful knee length shirt that she kept for night time use. She reached over and gently kissed Mandy on the cheek and then covered her with the sheet; rarely did any of them need more than the thinnest of covers when they slept, their bodies faster metabolism kept them plenty warm.

As Jenna and Lara ate supper that night they discussed the day’s events and made plans for what they would do that week end; a long awaited bike trip into the foot hills was part of it. Jenna had managed to get several aerial photos of the area and had a trip all planned out in her head. There were hundreds of trails through the hills and at least eighty percent of them were perfect for bicycles. There were several small lakes up there also, but there was one in particular that she wanted to go see. It seemed more secluded than the others.

As the girls sat and talked about the trip and how the weather should be perfect for it, Lara remembered the surprise that she had been waiting to announce to the group. “I was hoping to have all of us here, but I just can’t hold it any longer. The animal clinic is getting a new ultra sound unit. They’ve been picking up more clients with pregnant horses and other large animals so they are investing in a portable unit. I might even be able to bring it home with me some time and we will be able to get an idea as to what our babies are going to look like.

Jenna was as excited about the prospect of seeing their developing fetuses as Lara was; all of them wanted to know what to be prepared for. Would the babies have canine features? Every mix of human and dog had crossed their minds several times and some were a little gross; like a dog with a human head, those images they pushed from their thoughts as quickly as possible. All they really knew was that their children would be very special, but as to how they would look was still a mystery.

After everything was cleaned up for the evening, Jenna stretched and announced to Lara that she was tired and ready for bed. It didn’t surprise either of the girls to see that Mahi was right by her side and ready for her. They knew that if they did not want to make love before bed that Mahi would not force them; and there were a few times that it had happened that way, but not many. They rarely refused his advances. All they had to do was tell him what they wanted and he would make love to them that way.

Jenna prepared for bed and as she entered the bedroom she found Mahi waiting for her. She sat on the edge of the bed and spread her legs for him. “I’m tired, but I want you to make love to me however you want to Darling.” She cooed into his ear just before she lay back.

Mahi nodded almost imperceptibly and then mounted her. As she lifted her legs to clamp around his flanks he edged forward and allowed his cock to slide deeply between her vaginal lips; like a hot dog in a bun. He thrust slowly and the length of his shaft stimulated the mouth of her pussy and brushed her clitoris with ever move; her murmurs of pleasure were testament to the satisfaction she was receiving.

The feel of Mahi’s cock as it slid through her gash was exquisite. The stimulus was perfect and she had her first climax after a few minutes. As her Orgasm ebbed, he entered her and she sighed deeply. As good as his cock had felt on the surface it paled in comparison to what she experience now as his hot member gently pushed into her depths. “Oh Darling, yes… fuck me and made me yours over and over again. I love having you inside of me. I just want you to know that I am yours and yours alone. I love you Mahi.”

“I love you Jenna.” Responded Mahi gruffly as he slowly rocked into her. He set his knot into her and she cooed her approval. He made love to her slowly but deeply and the end of his cock pushed against her interior walls with a good amount of force.

Jenna cooed and sighed. Mahi was in her so deep. She pulled the scruff of his neck and managed to bring them mouth to mouth. They kissed, and the thought that formed in her mind was how they completed an unending circle. She could feel the passion the he was trying to bring to her and she knew that he loved her. She lost all track of time and they danced their dance of love for what seemed like hours; it was beautiful. She could even hear music as they move together and slowly the sound grew a little more intense. The waves of music began to pass right through her at first but then it caught her and pulled her along with it; it was the last thing she remembered until morning.

Lara arrived in the bedroom just as Mahi was covering Jenna with the sheet. He had already managed to move her to the normal sleeping position near the top of the bed and she could almost feel his shaft within herself as he accomplished the task. “I’ll have a helping of the same thing she had.” She said softly.

Mahi nodded and then helped her to get into the same position as Jenna had been. He did everything the same, starting with his shaft between vaginal lips and brushing her clit.

Lara lifted her legs and allowed Mahi greater access to her very being. “Oh, that feels so good.” She cooed as she felt his cock slide along the length of her pussy. Her clit was stimulated also and it was exquisite torture. She tried to align herself with him and cause him to enter her but he was always able to keep it exactly where he wanted it, deep in her vaginal crease. She finally gave up and just pressed herself against him as hard as she could. She was rewarded in her efforts with one of the sweetest orgasms she had ever had. It wasn’t too intense but she could feel all the tension draining from her just the same.

“That was so sweet…” She began, but his shaft burying itself in her depths momentarily took her breath away. “Oh my God… that’s even sweeter.” She felt Mahi enter her fully; knot and all. He began to move in her with gentle thrusts that stimulated her without hurting her. If he had gone full bore she would have been screaming in pain instead of enjoying the feel of his cock bump against various internal organs.

Lara thrust at Mahi’s cock with as much force as she dared. She grabbed the side of his neck and pulled herself up and his head down until they could kiss. She was getting use to the shape of his mouth and the feel of his teeth; he was actually a very good kisser for being a canine. He had all the human intellect and feelings it was simply trapped in the body of a dog.

Lara could feel her orgasm building as they thrust at each other. It was so delicious to picture what his cock was doing inside of her; gently pushing everything else out of the way as it advanced. His incessant prodding was exquisite. They had been locked together for over thirty minutes when the dam within her broke and her orgasm flooded through her. With it came the added force of Mahi’s essence as he fired his sperm into her. It washed over her like a huge blissful wave and carried her to a land of peaceful rest. She never felt herself being moved into the bed the rest of the way, or the sheet as it covered her; she entered the land of dreams.


Part Eight

As the Sun arose in eastern sky, so did the girls; they were totally refreshed and eager to start the day. Jenna filled Mandy in about their plans to go bike riding that day as they all showered together. She was all for it as they had discussed the possibility of such an adventure several times before.

Sandwiches were made and apples, bananas and a few finger veggies were chosen and packed in the bicycle saddle bags. Four cold bottles of water and eight frozen ones were also packed; by the time the unfrozen water was gone the icy ones would be ready for them.

The girls wore shorts and loose fitting short sleeved sweat shirt. They had long pants and a light wind breaker also if they needed, but they doubted that they would have to use them. Jenna had planned the entire route and it was all committed to memory. If anything, the whole trek was a test of all their abilities.

The day was perfect, the sun was warm without being blistering. There was a slight breeze that caressed them when they did stop to take in what ever sight of curiosity caught their fancy. The scents and odors that they came upon were cloying also. They were even able to identify and track several different animals; finding the animal itself, or the borrow that if lived in.

They had traveled nearly fifteen miles when they came upon their goal; the small secluded lake that was about three times the size of an Olympic pool. They surveyed the area thoroughly and found that no one had been there since the last time it had rained. The area was devoid of all human presence, there were no footprints or encampment fires anywhere. And best of all, there was no trash lying about either. The lake was pristine and pure. At one point, the grass led right up to the water’s edge. And this was where they chose to set up their picnic foods and blanket.

The girls wasted little time after their cursory inspection; they stripped off their clothes and dove into the clear, cool, refreshing water. They swam about the lake with practiced ease. They even raced each other for several laps and came out almost equal; the differences were negligible. None of them was tired after any of the fast sprints and it buoyed their spirits. They knew beyond any doubts that what they had now in abilities was due solely to what Mahi had imparted to them each time he made love to them.

Jenna was the first to leave the water, but it was only to dry off and hug her beloved mate. She kissed him and caressed him and then offered herself to him on hands and knees. “I want you Darling; I want you in me as deeply as you can go. And if I were not already pregnant with you offspring I would be begging you to fill me with your sperm and make me so.” She wiggled her butt enticingly and didn’t have long to wait for a response.

Mahi mounted Jenna with ease. She was already wet with desire and his shaft had no trouble opening her sweet vaginal lips. As always, he entered her slowly, his cock nudging into her deeper and deeper as his pre cum and her fluids coated him and eased the way. He was never in any rush to satisfy himself, the feelings and pleasure of his mates always came first. He loved hearing them offer themselves to him at the onset of their love making… but he also enjoyed it when they could no longer utter a word because they were too overcome by the intense feelings to say anything intelligible.

Jenna caressed Mahi’s right leg and then his left leg as he stood over her and pumped his cock into her. She felt his knot at the entrance of her vaginal vault and shoved herself back in an attempt to capture it. On her third try she was rewarded by the feel of his bulb squeezing into her. “Now I have you Darling.” She cooed in contentment. “And if I could find a way to take you any deeper I would not hesitate to do it.”

The couple set a slow deep rhythm that elicited murmurs of pure contentment. They were almost in a world of their own and yet they were not alone. Lara and Mandy were there also and fully enjoying the sight of their co-mate on the receiving end of Mahi’s cock. They even decided to join in and positioned themselves on either side of the love bound couple. With one hand they caressed Mahi and with the other they sought out Jenna’s breasts and massaged them. It was all that was needed and Jenna orgasmed. Mahi followed suit at the feel of her second spasm and he emptied his molten fluid into her with surprising force.

Jenna’s orgasm kicked into overdrive as she felt Mahi’s cum immediately forced to the side as it entered her. The head of his cock was stretching the back wall of her vagina already and when he fired his load of sperm it had no where to go except sideways. “Oh… God. Oh… you’d think I’d get a little use to him firing his cum into me.” She sighed deeply as she collapsed to her elbows and put her head on the blanket. She rocked herself back onto his shaft and felt her insides give way slightly; it was blissful torture.

Lara and Mandy backed off slightly but continued to caress Mahi. They also managed to get a look at the juncture point of the two lovers. They could see that Mahi’s knot was deflating but the sight of it still sent Goosebumps through them. They knew that very soon that same knot would be embedded in them also.

After a few more minutes, Mahi pulled from Jenna and gave her a parting lick through her vaginal slot. She sighed again and then rolled onto her back and tipped her pelvis upward. The action was totally un-needed but she was unaware of it just yet. All she cared about was preserving her mate’s sperm within her. Mahi’s cum was unlike most fluid that would flow with gravity. His essence clung to her tube like a wet glob until it was absorbed. Little was ever lost… but it was also the reason that it had to be deposited into her womb for it to get to her egg filled ovaries.

Mahi turned to look at his other mates and then cocked his head slightly in a questioning stare. He knew that they had probably worked it out among themselves as to who was to be next but if they didn’t he was ready to take them both on at once as he had done at least once in the past.

Lara moved first and positioned herself on her back. She then lifted her butt off the blanket and formed an arch with only her shoulders and feet touching the ground. She was definitely going to give her muscles a work out in that position.

Mahi moved over her and together they maneuvered to a place where he was able to enter her. He took his right leg and cradled it under her back giving her some support. They rocked together smoothly and he set his knot into her while it was barely inflated. It wasn’t long before they were attached firmly and his cock gave her some support below also. It was a strenuous way to make love and they succeeded but the coupling did not last long. It was probably the shortest session that they had ever had; the whole affair lasted for only fifteen minutes, but by that time Lara was totally spent.

As Lara lay there recovering, Mandy got onto her hands and knees and offered herself to her lover. She was wet with anticipation and sighed contentedly as Mahi entered her. “Oh… fuck your pregnant mate as though she wasn’t already carrying your baby in her Darling. Make love to me as hard as you can without causing any problems.”

Mahi bent to kiss Mandy’s cheek and then gently grasped her neck as though he had to hold her in place as he fucked her. He increased his pace quickly and soon his flanks almost became a blur as he pounded into her just short of setting his knot.

Murmurs and coos were all that could escape Mandy’s lips as she was on the receiving end of Mahi cock; it shook her very being. Her mouth contorted with unspoken utterings and she was totally in his control. She couldn’t even gather enough strength at the moment to push back at him; all she could manage to do was kneel and take it.

The first orgasm washed over her after about five minutes and the second one followed closely after that. The pounding was relentless and she was getting exactly what she asked for. She felt Mahi stop after her second climax and wondered what he would do to her next. Her wait was short as she felt him pull out of her pussy and begin nudging her sphincter. She tried to relax as much as possible and was soon rewarded by the feel of his shaft sinking deep into her bowls. His cock didn’t stop until his knot was seated within her also. She felt him begin to expand and knew that they would be locked together for some time. “Mmmmm… I guess you are going to fuck me senseless aren’t you Darling?”

Mahi gruffed. “I love you.” And then began pounding his cock into Mandy again. Once more she fell silent except for an occasional grunt of satisfaction.

When Mahi was in her ass, Mandy usually took a while to cum. But this time was different and it snuck up on her like a perfectly planned raid. It was totally overwhelming and as all her receptors fired, so did Mahi. She felt his hot sperm invading her and felt it’s progress as it spread throughout her entire system. She collapsed to her elbows and her head rested on the blanket. It was the last she remembered for at least an hour.

Jenna chuckled; she had watched the entire coupling. After Mahi had pulled from Mandy, she remained poised with her ass in the air. “When are you going to learn Honey, when you ask Mahi to give it to you, you are really going to get it.” She said as she crawled over to where Mandy was and moved the near comatose girl onto her side.

Mahi had been just about ready to push Mandy onto her side also, but Jenna’s assistance was a bit gentler than his would have been. ‘Hey, you can only do so much without hands.’ When he saw that Jenna had taken care of things for him he ran and dove into the lake to clean up. He huge cock still hung beneath him and he wouldn’t sheath it until he had washed it.

Jenna watched as Mahi leapt into the water from the shoreline. Two things amazed her: the size of her lover’s cock that she had felt inside her so many times and was still awed at it’s size, and the distance of his leap. She could feel the desire to have him in her again building already and his vitality seemed unending. The thought crossed her mind that she just might ask Mahi to really give it to her also, just like he had Mandy.

Jenna heard stirring at her side and Lara’s voice drew her attention away from the lake. “Wow, I didn’t know that a dog could jump that far. He must have cleared nearly fifty feet.”

“Yeah, that would be my guess also.” Responded Jenna. “It makes me wonder exactly how much of himself is he pouring into us each time he makes love to us. Look at how much we have changed already… and how far will it go?”

“I know exactly what you mean. Besides the fact that we are stronger, I’ve noticed that I can read something technical and retain and understand what I’ve read.”

Jenna sighed and then reached for the saddlebag that had the food in it. She retrieved a sandwich for Lara and then herself. They lay naked on the blanket, chewing their food and enjoying the feel of the sun’s rays upon them. Neither of them was self-conscious of the fact that they had no clothes on. They were totally at ease with their lifestyle; they were family.

Lara was half way through her sandwich when she remembered the dream that she had the previous night and she decided to tell Jenna about it. “I had this dream and it was so vivid.” She began. “There was this wide open field with a lake and trees in the background. I’m not sure, but I think I saw at least fifteen children, of various ages, playing and running all over. The whole area then came into view as though the camera that had been filming my dream was pulled back and there were four women standing there. I could have sworn that three of them were you, Mandy and I; but I couldn’t see the third one very well. What do you think it means?”

Jenna shrugged her shoulders. “Dreams are strange, almost mystical at times. Most I think are nothing; but there are other instances when I think they should be taken seriously. We’ll probably have to wait a while to see what this one meant but…” She was about to add more to her observation but Mahi chose to exit the lake at that time and it looked as though he had something in his mouth. She seriously hoped that it wasn’t a fish.

“What is that?” Asked Lara, voicing Jenna’s thought also.

Mahi trotted the short distance to the blanked and lay a slimy looking object at it’s edge. When he saw that neither girl wanted to reach for it he grabbed the thing and shook it. His effort was just enough to tear the thing open without spreading it’s content all over; over a dozen gold coins fell onto the ground.

“Oh my god, where did that come from?” Asked Jenna; meaning more than the obvious. The water soaked leather pouch had been in the lake, but how had it gotten there in the first place?

Both girls simultaneously reached for a few of the coins; they studied them intently. “I think these are twenty dollar gold liberty heads. And look at the date; they’re over a hundred years old.” Commented Lara.

“Wow, they look like they are in very good condition also.” Observed Jenna. “What do you think the value of them is now?”

Lara shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not sure, but there was this guy I knew that tried to impress me with his coin collection. What a sleaze he was, the coins actually belonged to his father. But anyway, I saw one of these and if I remember right it was worth at least three thousand dollars.”

Jenna looked at the coins and did a quick mental calculation. “So… we probably have at least forty thousand dollars worth of coins lying here.”

“And don’t forget the fact that there is probably more down there.” She responded as she arose to her feet and moved to the edge of the lake. She peered into the water intently but the inky depths would reveal nothing to her. She felt Jenna and Mahi move up beside her before she saw their reflection in the water.

Mahi’s gruff slow voice brought a halt to what she had been planning. “It is too deep for you at this time, and you could possibly injure yourself and our child if you try anything. What’s down there has been there for nearly a century or more. It will still be there next summer. But if it is found before we return it does not matter, nothing is worth one of you being hurt.”

Both girls looked at Mahi and then knelt to embrace him. He was right and he understood what was truly valuable. It would be interesting to retrieve the treasure that lay below but not at the expense of family.

The girls walked back toward the blanket but Jenna continued on into the brush. “Where are you going?” Asked Lara.

Jenna shifted her eyebrows sexily. “I want to find a place where Mahi and I can make love missionary style. I’m not up to taking him the way you did earlier.”

Lara chuckled. “Yeah, but it was so intense. I had to really go for it in order to keep him in me and it did add something to our coupling.” She then picked up one of the towels that they had brought and tossed it to Jenna. “This will probably help.”

Jenna caught the towel and carefully moved into the surrounding brush; Mahi followed closely behind. They didn’t have too far to go before they cane to a tree that had fallen. Where it met the ground offered the perfect platform for them to enjoy each other. She placed the towel on the tree and then lay back.

Mahi began by licking her vaginal lips but that did not last long. Jenna reached down, grabbed his fur, and pulled him over the top of her. “I’ve been wanting you again since you unplugged from Mandy Darling. I don’t need any priming I just want you in me.” She whispered and then sighed as she felt his cock head split her pussy lips and enter her.

Mahi thrust into her as deeply as possible without setting his knot. He kept his penetration slow but long. It took time before He felt her first orgasmic contractions but all masterpieces do. As he felt her second climax approaching he entered her fully. His knot now rode against her G-spot as she shuddered beneath him. He allowed her vaginal spasms to ebb a little and then began to increase his thrusting force. Her murmurs of pleasure became louder and she began to thrust back at him also.

Lara smiled as she heard Jenna’s gasps and moans of pleasure. Her body began to respond to the things she heard and her vaginal slot became moist in anticipation. When she saw Mahi again she planned to take him doggy style right there on the blanket in front of all of them. She hoped that they would join in and caress her breasts as they had the previous night.

Jenna’s third orgasm washed over her and she felt her lover shoot his life-giving sperm into her. It was intense and it added to all that she was feeling so deep within of her. She hugged her mate to her and endeavored to feel his body mesh with hers as much as possible. They kissed and their tongues danced with each other. Time ceased to exist for them as they stayed locked together in their own euphoric world.

When Jenna and Mahi re-entered the small lake clearing, they found Lara on her hand and knees in the doggy position. “I’m sorry we took so long.” She offered as she drew close to her friend.

“It’s okay, just help me now and get him inside my before I burst with desire.” Whimpered Lara.

Mahi was quick to respond and was soon knot deep inside Lara. He varied his pace within her, changing his speed every so often. His efforts were rewarded with two back to back orgasms that left her panting. He slowed then, and began an unhurried steady build that let her know that he wanted to spend time with her. He didn’t rush her last climax but allowed it to smolder just below the surface. He nuzzled her neck and they managed to kiss several times. He even managed to bring his right leg up and rub it across her breasts enticingly.

Lara had thought to slam herself onto her lover as hard as she could right from the beginning, but when she felt the way he was making love to her she changed her mind. She allowed him to do the work and she just received all that he had to offer her; it was so… good. He made love to her for nearly forty five minutes before her final orgasm claimed her and she felt him flood her with his sweet essence; it had been worth the wait.

When Lara and Mahi finally separated, Mandy was awake and eating her sandwich while examining the coins that had been found. She had thought that they should explore further also, but when things were explained to her she readily agreed that they should wait until the next summer. They would train and be prepared for it by then.


They all ate a little more, swam a little more and then packed to go home. It had been a very interesting outing and they planned at least one more before the cooler weather of fall really set in. They were half way to their house when they heard the unmistakable cry of a mountain lion. It was a ways off, but they were drawing closer to it. The howl was unsettling but they knew that if Mahi was present they would have no problems. They had stopped for a moment, and that was when Mahi dashed off down the trail almost faster than they could follow with their eyes.

Goosebumps covered the girls and they could hardly believe that the love of their lives had deserted them. Jenna was the first to respond and the others followed. They tore down the path after Mahi as fast as they could follow. It was several minutes before they heard the most unearthly scream they had ever heard.

Mahi entered a moderate sized clearing and his pace never diminished. He moved silently, unlike the animal he was hunting. The mountain lion came into view just as it screeched again. Except for another cry of surprise, it was the last sound that the animal had time to make.

The mountain lion was male, and slightly smaller than it should have been. It was injured and desperate; that was why it was up and about so early in the evening. It was stalking what it thought to be easy prey. It had attacked once and it was closing in for the kill when from out of nowhere it became the hunted.

Mahi hit the lion with enough force to bowl it over and send them both into a tumble. The initial bite to his opponent’s throat was loosened but now without inflicting a fair amount of damage. He closed again before the lion had a chance to regroup and escape and this time he succeeded in catching the back of cat’s neck in his vice like jaws. He suffered several scratches himself but when he got his footing he shook his enemy like a rag doll. There was an audible snap and the claws that had been embedded in his flesh withdrew as the lion died.

Commotion in the clearing drew his attention to the arrival of his mates. He released the hold on the cat and let it slump lifelessly to the ground. Lara spoke first but only echoed what the others felt. “Oh my god, it’s the mountain lion that we’ve been hearing. Mahi, why? You could have been hurt and then what would we have done. The lion may not have even attacked us, why did you risk yourself for nothing? I think that you owe us at least some explanation.”

A polite “Ahem.” sounded from the right side of the clearing, away from where all the action had just taken place. All three girls turned as though pulled by a common string. “I think he did what he did to save me.” Came a weak voice.

The girls approached where the voice had come from and were soon looking down at a young girl, much like themselves. She was in a water eroded depression and trapped beneath her bike. She bore several scratches and the most prominent one was on her upper leg just below her shorts; the claw marks of the lion were quite evident though not too deep.

“If it had not been for your dog.” She commented hoarsely. “I would probably be dead by now.”

Lara was the first to act. She grabbed the girl’s bike and easily lifted it up and away from the injured biker. The others then helped her out of the depression and onto level ground.

Jenna then offered her some water. “Sorry it’s used, but that is all we have left at the moment.”

“It looks like the finest artesian spring water at the moment, so you’ll get no complaints from me.” She replied before taking a large swig of it that almost emptied the container.

Jenna introduced themselves and the girl responded likewise. “I’m Rachel, and thank you for saving my life.”

“Our house isn’t too far from her.” Offered Lara. “You can come with us if you want. We’ll be able to patch you up better there, I’m a veterinarian. I have several types of antibiotic ointments, and they work on people as well as animals.”

Rachel chuckled, “I accept you offer. I really don’t feel like being alone at the moment and if I went to my own house that is exactly what I would be, Alone.”

All of the girls picked up on Rachel’s sadness, but they didn’t probe. If she wanted to tell them more about herself she would do so. They just decided to make her as comfortable among them as possible.

To Rachel, the trip to the trio’s house wasn’t too far but still a distance from where she had left her car to go biking on the trails. She felt safe with them even though she knew that there was more to them than met the casual eye. She was a consummate observer, very little escaped her; except for being stalked and attacked by a mountain lion that is.

Each of the three girls wore rings, and the rings were alike in every aspect. She wondered if they were really married or simply wore the rings to fend of suitors. She also noted that they were pregnant; their baggy sweat shirts had hidden it at first. She also failed to find the slightest inkling that would tell her that there was a man present in this house; it was quite an enigma.

Rachel was shown to the guest bathroom and even given clean undergarments and a robe. She understood that as soon as she had washed up, that Lara would see to bandaging her wounds. She undressed, started the shower, and was soon enjoying it to it’s fullest. It was quite new and there were multiple shower heads. The water hit her from several angles and it was invigorating. She allowed the water to cascade over her until almost all the remaining stress and tension was washed from her.

When Rachel was done and left the bathroom, she noticed that all the girls had showered also. She knew that she had been a little long in her ablutions, but not that long. Each of them wore loose fitting sweats but they were far from being unattractive.

“Have a seat.” Offered Lara as she pulled one of the kitchen chairs away from the table.

Jenna and Mandy gathered around Rachel as Lara tended to her numerous abrasions. She wasn’t too surprised when Jenna addressed her because she had already pegged her as the most motherly of the group. “I can see that you have a lot of questions you want to ask, and we don’t mind. All we ask in return is that what ever you learn here tonight will keep secret. I have a feeling about you and I want to see if I’m right.”

“I promise that I will never tell anyone about what you share with me.” Stated Rachel.

Jenna nodded, knowing that the strawberry blonde before her was telling the truth. It was one of the many assets that came from Mahi’s DNA. “Then ask away, but remember what you hear will be totally real and unadorned.”

“Rachel sighed, and began. “Are all of you really married?”

“Yes, in a way. We are faithful to only one lover and we consider him our husband. We cannot legally do anything, but our hearts are bound to him totally.”

Rachel raised her brows slightly. “He must be quite a guy to have you three. And from what I’ve seen he’s been very busy also. How far along are your pregnancies?”

“I’m a little over three months. Lara is two weeks behind that and Mandy is at a little over two months.”

“Don’t you get a little jealous of one another? You know… having to share him?”

“No, none of us is jealous of the other and as far as we can see our man has proven himself over and over again, and is totally selfless.”

“Well, I would sure like to meet him then because all the guys I have ever known are only interested in one thing; pleasing themselves.” Snapped Rachel. She awaited Jenna’s reply but it came from another source, one that left her stunned.

“Evidentially you have never met the right guy them.” Gruffed Mahi. “Someone who loves you will always put you first in all that they can.”

Rachel had heard the dog speak. And even seen the dog’s mouth move, but she was still trying to rationalize it all. “That’s really a cute trick, but dogs can’t talk. They don’t possess the vocal chords needed to do so.”

“Dogs cannot see color either.” Continued Mahi. “But the tan robe that you are wearing goes well with your strawberry blonde hair. It was hard at first telling exactly what color your hair was because you were so dusty when we first met.”

Rachel looked at the dog more closely and began to see things that see had previously overlooked. He was bigger that most Shepherds she had seen and he moved differently also. He wasn’t constantly panting either and there was a look of intelligence about him that far exceeded the norm. “How is this possible? How can he understand as he does?”

“That’s the big question.” Replied Lara as she completed her medical duties and stood with the other girls. “We don’t have a lot of answers unfortunately.”

“How come you’re telling me all of this? Do you have any idea what the government would do to you if they ever found out about this. Gasped Rachel.

Lara looked at Jenna and the young blonde nodded. Lara then stepped forward again. She then filled Rachel in with a condensed version of all that had happened since Mahi had come into their lives. She also added one more thing. “I had a dream, and I shared it with Jenna just this morning. Mandy was a little… indisposed when I remembered about it or she would have heard it also. In the dream I saw the three of us… and I also saw another woman; and Jenna and I are sure that the other woman is you.”

Rachel shook her head and chuckled. “I’m young… but I’m listed among the top one hundred in the genius’s who’s who category. I started college when I was fifteen and I’m almost through with my doctorate in geneticist. Everything that you have told me, and the things that I have seen here, are totally impossible. I know that they say that seeing is believing, but this… this is weird. I can’t explain how your dog can talk, but when it come to you being pregnant… it could be that you miscalculated how long it had been since you had sex with the last guy you were with.”

Mandy stepped up the plate on this on. “One thing that Lara left out of her narrative was the fact that we were all virgins when Mahi took us, and none of us has ever been with a man. Mahi is also passing some his traits and abilities onto us. That is how we know that you are a virgin also. We knew it in the foothills as we pulled you out of the ditch. We would have helped you no matter what, but we would not be talking to you as we are now if you were not clean.”

“Everything that we have allowed you to see is because we already sensed that you are an honest and trustworthy person.” Added Jenna. “All of this may seem abrupt, and you hardly know us… but we know you. When we were showering together we discussed it and decided to ask you to become part of the family. You don’t have to decide right away. There is no pressure on you except to remain silent about all that we have talked to you about.”

“We’re going to fix supper, will you join us?” Offered Lara. “Or would you prefer that we take you to your vehicle?”

Rachel nodded. “I’ll stay and eat.” She said softly while still trying to assimilate all the she had just learned. Her scientific training told her that everything here was impossible, but the talking dog and the earnestness of the three girls was battering down her staunch set of rules very quickly. It was then that she noticed that Mahi was sitting right beside her.

“It is a lot to take in all at once, isn’t it?” He gruffed.

Rachel nodded again and then asked. “How did you become the way you are?”

“I’m not sure.” Responded Mahi. “My first owner trained me to do a lot of things in order to make it easier for her to keep me in the house while she was at work. She was never aware of all the things that I was learning on my own while she was away. It was strange. If I heard or read about something I could retain it, and more importantly… understand it. My physiology my say dog, but other than that I think like most humans.”

“Your first owner, what happened to her? Lara did not mention her; did you… mate with her also?”

“No, she was killed in an automobile accident before we could get together.” Said Mahi with a hint of sadness to his already gruff voice.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She apologized. She even reached out and petted his head between his ears. She then quickly jerked her hand back. She was beginning to think of him as more than a dog but here she was petting his head like one.

“It’s okay Rachel, I don’t mind being petted and scratched like a dog; it’s what people see. And as you already pointed out, if the government knew about us we would be in mortal danger.”

Rachel was warming to Mahi’s charm quickly. Just being near him was exciting. She then became emboldened. “Why would you want me for a mate? I mean… look at Jenna and the others, they are so beautiful. I have always been told that I look good or fantastic but next to them…”

Mahi moved so that he was directly in front of her and could look her straight in the eyes. “There is a little saying that I heard and I will adapt it a little for this occasion. ‘As you are, they once were. As they are, you will be.”

“You mean that they were exactly like I am now, and that they have changed?”

Mahi simply nodded.

“But how? Why would they change? What is the mechanism that causes them to metamorphosis?”

Mahi managed a grin and it finally dawned on Rachel how the catalyst was delivered for the girls to change. She looked at the trio and found that they were all looking at her and paying close attention to what was happening between the animal and herself. “Every time we make love to him his DNA enters us and we receive it’s benefits.” Offered Lara. “If you join us it will do the same to you also and you will become part of the family; you’ll never be an outcast or alone ever again.”

Rachel stood and moved to where the others were. “You have a new member, what do I do?”

Jenna, Lara and Mandy immediately closed the small gap that had existed between them all and hugged and kissed Rachel on the cheeks. “Welcome to the family and your wedding night.” Stated Jenna. “When ever you are ready, all you have to do is offer yourself to Mahi and he will take care of the rest.”

Rachel stepped away from the others and opened her robe, allowing it to slip from her shoulders and fall to the floor. Without looking at anyone but Mahi she then stripped her bra and underwear off also. “I wish to be your mate as the others are. I promise to keep myself only for you.”

Mahi stepped closer. “I accept you as my mate and promise to you that I will be faithful to you and the family also.” He then took her hand in his mouth and led her into the living room. At the sofa he had her sit at its edge and spread her legs. It wasn’t long before she was moaning and whimpering in pleasure. When she came it was the first orgasm that she had ever had that was not self induced. She even grabbed his head and held him in place until the climax was almost gone.

As her last spasms ebbed Mahi had her turn around and kneel, facing the sofa. He then mounted her and began to gently enter her. When his cock found her maidenhead he pushed through it as tenderly as possible, claiming her virginity and herself as his forever.

Rachel cried out as her hymen was torn, but they were words of encouragement to the fact that she was his. It stung at first, but the pain was quickly washed away by the intense feeling of pleasure as his shaft caressed her vaginal walls with increased speed. This was a first for her and it was fantastic. She had always wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of a lovers cock and now she was finding out. It was beautiful and she could see why so many girls loved it but she was also glad that she had never been with anyone until now.

Mahi could feel Rachel’s approach to her second climax and he continued his fast pumping until he felt it’s onset. He then slowed to a near stop and allowed her vaginal tremors to subside and for her to enjoy the euphoric sensations. At just the right time, he pulled back just a little and reentered. He found what he was looking for easily and was soon advancing even deeper into virgin territory.

Rachel stiffened slightly and gasped as she was penetrated anew. There was no way to get away from it even if she wanted to because Mahi’s front legs were right at the top of her shoulders. She was pinned between his legs and his shaft and he was going deeper. “Oh god!!!” She panted. “He’s putting his cock right through the mouth of my cervix and into my womb. Ohhh… He’s so deep in of me… Oh gees, now he’s set his knot in me too.”

Jenna and the others had gathered at the entrance to the living room to witness Rachel’s first time with Mahi. They were all aroused as they remembered their introduction to him. Jenna remembered how upset she was when he fucked after the guys had almost raped her. She was so glad now that he had been so persistent. She recalled how she had almost lost out, and then she thanked her lucky stars that things turned out the way they did; she could think of no other life than what she now had.

Jenna pulled both girls closer so that she could whisper and be heard. “I thought we were vocal, but it looks like Rachel is going to beat us all in that category.”

“Mmmmm…” Murmured Lara. “I just hope our big puppy isn’t too tired for us tonight because watching them is making me hotter by the moment.” In unison vocal affirmations agreed with her.

Mahi’s thrusts slowed as his knot entered Rachel’s vaginal lips. The ball was now nestled against her G-spot and creating even greater sensations than before. He had wanted to make love to her now and then again later but it now seemed as though there would be a change of plans. He could sense that when she went she would really explode.

“Oh Mahi.” Exclaimed Rachel as she seemed to find her voice again now that his lovemaking had slowed. fuck me Darling; fuck me so hard that I’m sore in the morning like all brides should be. I have never experienced anything like this before but I’m sure I could never be happy or satisfied with anyone else but you. Ohhh… you are so deep inside of me. When you fill me with your sperm you are going to flood my ovaries with all you millions of little puppy makers. Ohhh yes, Ohhh, Ohhh, yes…”

Rachel’s third orgasm slammed her even harder than she expected. She lost her ability to speak and her facial expressions were lost to the world since her face was pointed toward the sofa cushions. If a camera could have caught the ecstasy she felt it would probably have melted. She felt her lover’s hot liquid pour into her in spurts that were so intense that if it had been any stronger it would have blown right through her and taken the top of her head off. An intense but beautiful light began to overtake everything and soon she was floating in a euphoric oblivion that kept her aloft for hours. It was beautiful.


Part Nine

Jenna, Lara and Mandy had watched most of Rachel’s initiation into the family and each of them was happy for their new sister but they could hardly wait to be beneath their lover again; and receiving him in the same fashion that she had. When Mahi pulled free of her they gently carried her up stairs and placed her in their bed. They then went and prepared supper. They were hungry and wanted the energy that the food would provide; not only for them to enjoy being with their mate but for their growing babies. The food was prepared quickly and relished thoroughly. They discussed the day’s events and made plans accordingly; there was a lot ahead of them and they all sensed it.

As the girls began to clean up the dishes Jenna was chosen as the one to begin the evening’s festivities with Mahi. She accepted the offer graciously and was soon in the bedroom with her mate beside her. It didn’t take long for her to shed her clothes and seat herself at the foot edge of the bed. She lay back and allowed Mahi to have his way with her with his tongue; at least for a while. Half way to the tip of the pinnacle she could stand it no longer and grabbed his collar and pulled him upward and over her.

Jenna loved the feel of her mate’s fur on her naked flesh as he covered her. Her peaked brown nipples rubbed against him and it energized her even more than before. His hair on her bare stomach and groin also added to the stimuli. When his cock head touched her and gently nudged it’s way into her she sighed her pleasure. She rocked her hips upward in an attempt to assist him in entering her and was rewarded with the feel of his heated shaft sinking to her depths. The whole affair was pleasure added on top of pleasure and it was accumulative.

Wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her and she experience her first orgasm before Mahi even began thrusting into her in any kind of a steady motion. The knot was still outside his lover’s vaginal lips so he began moving within her in an ever increasing tempo; it was ten minutes more before her second orgasm claimed her.

Mahi waited until Jenna’s climax had subsided to mere tremors before her began to press into her in earnest. Her eyes flew open as the move began and their eyes locked. She sighed even deeper and then pivoted her hips upward with a thrust of her own. They were soon rewarded by the feel of his knot slipping through her vaginal lips and nestling against her G-spot.

Together the pair moved in a synchronous dance that was simply beautiful. Mahi’s solid shaft nudged her interior with just the right force to accomplish ecstasy without the consequences of injury. Their ecstasy spiraled upward and in minutes they cascaded over the top together. They swam together in euphoric bliss and Jenna stayed there even after her mate departed.

Lara and Mandy arrived at the bedside just as Mahi was pulling his still hard cock from his blonde mate; their hearing was acute and they knew where the coupled pair were in the mating process. They watched as her vaginal lips closed immediately in an effort to trap and maintain his precious fluids within her. They knew what they saw was true of them also. Very little of their lover’s essence ever spilled from their body.

The girls assisted Jenna on to the bed further to where she would normally sleep; and then they stripped the few clothes they were wearing from their lovely torsos. Almost in unison they knelt at the foot of the bed in a manner that would allow Mahi unrestricted access to their sexual centers. They had decided to do this one tandem; they had done it before and it worked very well.

Mahi was busy with his next two mates for over an hour. The only thing he didn’t do was lock his knot into them. He worked them fast at first and then shifted to pounding them as hard as he dared yet still coming just short of tying with them; the continues spreading of their vaginal lips was enough to please them and keep them from missing his bulb nestled right against their G-spot. In the end they both fell asleep well satisfied.

After his four mates were finally tucked away for the night, Mahi checked out the house quickly yet thoroughly before returning to the bedroom and getting some very much needed rest himself. With the girls at the head of the bed he stretched out at the foot of it. He slept but it was a vigilant sleep.

It was early morning before any of the girls moved and it was Rachel that managed to move her way to the foot to the sleeping platform and make her way to the bathroom. She crossed over a warm spot at the bottom of the bed but didn’t think too much of it at first. Sleep still clouded her eyes as she did what she had to do and ambled back to the bed.

Mahi was waiting for her when she returned. When she sat on the edge of bed with her feet on the floor he moved in immediately. Before she realized it he had her reclined on the bed and he was over her. His body expertly parted her legs and his front feet were above her shoulders.

Rachel reacted well to the whole situation. “Well, you sure made me a part of your team last night Sweetheart. I’d have to say that you really fucked my light out.” At that moment she felt the tipoff his cock beginning to nudge her vaginal lips. “Ohhh… and it looks as though you’re back for more. Mmmmm… yeah, I think I’d like that too.” She cooed as his hair brushed her nipples and sent a tingle through her.

When Mahi’s cock tip was nestled in her tunnel he began to thrust with greater force. In moments he was in her to the onset of his knot and she sighed her contented approval. She even lifted her legs and brought them around his flanks; opening herself to him more fully. “Take me Darling.” Whispered Rachel. “I’m yours any time that you want me.”

“I love you as I love the others.” Gruffed Mahi. “I will always endeavor to make you happy.”

Talk between the two ceased as Mahi picked up the pace of his thrusting but their eyes never left each other. He rode her through two orgasms before he shifted within her and nailed her cervical opening like a guided missile locked on to its target. Her eyes widened as he pierced her uterus and… sank his knot into her depths also. With his knot kissing her G-spot and the tip of his cock imbedded deep within her she experienced a wave of euphoria wash over her that put her lights out again; she didn’t even feel her mate fill her with his life changing fluids.

Jenna, Lara and Mandy awoke to find Rachel, flat on her back, asleep at the foot of the bed. The fact that Mahi had mated with her the second time was un-mistakable. They could see the outward changes that had already occurred; her body style was much like theirs now. There were a few subtle changes but all in all it was a perfect package of beauty, grace and muscle.

As they stood there eying her she began to stir; it was as though she knew that she was the object of someone’s attention and it awakened her. In time the alertness would increase even more; just as it was still growing within others of her new family.

“Good morning, Rachel.” Cooed Mandy softly. “We usually bathe together in the morning and then have breakfast. Will you join us?”

Rachel’s smile was as radiant as the rest of the girls. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She returned in a sultry voice.

It wasn’t easy to get Rachel to enter the bathroom first but the girls succeeded in doing just that. They watched intently as she walked by the full length mirror; but where most of them had passed by the reflective device she stopped short by a mere inch. Her jaw dropped and a sigh escaped her.

Rachel re-centered herself in the mirror. “I can hardly believe what I’m seeing.” She whispered as she ran her hands over her newly reshape form. “Her waist was thin, her belly flat and her hips and butt athletic enough to give her a figure without overdoing it.

She brought her hands to her breasts next. If she had ordered them in a catalog or handcrafted them herself she could not have chosen anything better than what she was now caressing; and the feel of them… WOW. Her pink nipples stood proudly atop perky c-sized breasts that needed absolutely no support. It was herself that she was looking at but in a body that 95% of the female population would probably kill for to have.

Once Rachel was thoroughly satisfied that what she saw in the mirror was not a fantasy or dream she gleefully hugged the other girls; they them continued on with their morning showers. Clad only in short robes, they then moved to the kitchen to prepare a combined effort breakfast that would have rivaled any five star restaurant.

During their meal they talked about everything that was of importance to them. The gamut of the discussion ran from the gold coins that had been found the previous day to how close they felt the birth of the first baby would be. Was it going to be human, canine or a mixture of both?

“We really need to quit guessing and find out for sure what we are dealing with.” Offered Rachel. “I know I’m new here but we must get some solid information.”

“I’ve been trying to find out what’s cooking; so to speak.” Returned Lara evenly. “This is a new place that I’m at and I’m not as revered here as I was at my last place. We do have a portable ultrasound unit at work but the office has it locked away and I haven’t been able to get my hands on it long enough to set it up and find out what’s inside. Also, I know if one of the other girls caught me trying to get a look at my baby that they would gleefully insist on helping me. It could cause a lot of problems if what we found wasn’t totally human. Right now I have everyone convinced that I want it to be a surprise.”

Frustrated sighs sounded from all around the table. “Could we go there when no one’s there and figure out how to get at it?” Asked Mandy.

“No.” Chuckled Lara. “There is staff at the clinic twenty-four hours a day.”

“How about if you bring in a sick dog.” Came Mahi’s gruff voice as he placed his paws on the kitchen table. “Would you be able to look after your own pet if he were ailing? Could you get access then?”

The smile that crossed Lara’s continence was one of victory. “Gees, why didn’t I think of that?” She responded.

At that point, plans were quickly formulated as to what time and how sick Mahi was to be in order to make their plan work. The midnight shift was the chosen time and Mahi assure them that he could adlib enough go get them by.

With a plan in hand the girls began to clean up the breakfast dishes. Mandy didn’t get too far into the cleaning process before Mahi goosed her in the derriere with his nose and she gave a surprised squeak. “You’re excused if you want to be.” Smirked Jenna as she saw the brunette bent over the table and Mahi taking advantage of her position.

Mahi ceased his ministration and smiled as he walked into the family room and Mandy followed closely behind him. The girls knew what their male had planned for her and they also knew that he would be shortly seeking them out too.

Mandy loved it when Mahi just walked up to one of them and made passionate love to them. And they were true to their word; he could have them anytime he wanted. Within moments the huge Shepherd had the sweet looking brunette lying over the large ottoman. He began licking her from vaginal slit to tight puckered brown anus. He even pushed his tongue into her slit several inches until she could stand it no longer and begged him to mount her. It took only one plea from her to change his tactics and burry his cock within her up to his knot. After that, her sighs of pleasure spurred him on as he thrust into her rapidly.

“Ohhh Mahi…” Cooed Mandy. “Fuck me Darling, fuck me good. I’d be begging you to make me pregnant if I wasn’t already carrying your baby in my tummy. I can’t wait until later tonight when Lara gets to see what you have spawned within her… I only wish I could be there also. Ohhh…god… you’re so deep inside me.”

Mahi rode Mandy though two orgasms before gently shoving his knot into her. The action immediately set off her third orgasm and he fired his fluids into her also. Each time his glands fired and blasted his sperm against the back wall he could feel her react. Her murmurs of pleasure assured him that she wanted everything that he was doing to her.

When Mahi finally released Mandy he watched as she shifted over to the love seat and lay down in a way that would keep his fluids within her. He even followed her and kissed her; running his paws carefully over her bulging tummy. “Thank you for loving me and carrying my progeny.” He gruffed.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Darling.” Cooed Mandy before pulling his mouth down to her’s and kissing him passionately.

While Mandy was resting Mahi strode to where he knew the rest of his mates were. They were gathered around the large family computer and Jenna was on the web. As usual, she was going through the computer server that she used at work. It was fast and it was free to her; not that they had to worry about money but her company had a really good firewall in their system and she loved to surf anonymously.

He watched as her fingers deftly flew over the key pad searching out the things that they were interested in. At the moment they were looking up gold coins; particularly what kind, and when and where they were minted. There were thousands of ads to buy but the threads that led to real info were difficult to weed out because of all the ‘buy gold gimmicks.’

Lara was just to the left of Jenna, bent at the waist, leaning on the chair back and peering over her shoulder. She was a perfect target for what Mahi planned next. He moved behind her and gave her a gentle lick and her response was a diminutive sigh and the spreading of her legs to give him better access to her hidden treasures. She had heard him enter the room and even though most of her concentration was on the computer screen she knew where he was.

Jenna too knew what was going on even without looking but Rachel turned her head to see. “Is he always this way?” Asked the strawberry blonde of her companions.

“Yeah.” Responded Lara with a pleasured sigh. “We’re fairly certain that the changes that he is bringing about in us are incremental. Every time he mates with us we receive more of him and the ability to change; sort of like vitamin shots but these won’t wear off once we reach the 100% level.

“Wow, I never thought that there would be too much more to it beyond the first change and the ability to become pregnant.” Replied Rachel.

“No, there’s a whole lot more than that.” Added Jenna, turning from the computer screen for a moment. “I use to need glasses but I don’t any more. My eyesight is very acute now; even in the dark. And my hearing… I could probably hear a pin drop on the floor at a hundred yards; and I don’t mean a bowling pin.”

“Our sense of smell has increased also.” Added Lara in a husky voice; evidence that Mahi’s lingual ministrations were having their affect. “That’s why we knew that you were a virgin. There was no scent of man on you.”

“We really have to be careful.” Said Rachel in an awed voice. “Even the first bit of change would be enough to make us the most wanted persons in the world… but if the government ever found out about the rest of it. They would leave no stone unturned and try to move heaven and earth to get at us. I don’t think I can even safely analyze my own blood at work now. In fact… I will probably have to quit the lab.”

“Why” Asked Jenna and Lara in unison.

“Blood tests… We always have to take blood tests.” Rachel groaned. “We even have to give a sample of blood when we quit to be sure that we aren’t carrying any viruses.” She began to cry. “I think I may have really goofed up here.”

Mahi stopped what he was doing and Lara and Jenna gathered around the newest member of the family also. They tried to console her and eventually they did but it took a bit. “We’ll find a way.” Assured Mahi. “I won’t let anyone break up the family we have built.”


When Mandy eventually joined the group she was filled in on the things that had transpired as thoroughly as possible. The rest of the day revolved around finding a solution to their problem but there were no clear paths to take at the moment.

Midnight eventually arrived and none of them were any closer to an answer to their dilemma than they were hours before. Since Lara was the Vet. and Rachel was familiar with medical equipment it was decided that they would be the ones to go to the clinic.

In essence they all wanted to go but Lara was sure that if too many of them went that the on duty staff would not feel comfortable with the situation and insist on one of them being present. It wasn’t too long a drive and by twelve thirty in the morning they were walking in the door of the facility. The sight that greeted their eyes was one of hope; two people were waiting in the office with their animals and the staff was already busy with several others. “It must be an epidemic.” Whispered Lara as she guided Mahi into an inner set of doors.

Lara chose a room as far from the other Vets. As possible and then went to the receptionist’s area. The harried woman she found there recognized her and then only listened to her with half an ear as she explained what she needed. “Yeah, yeah. No problem. Here’s the keys, just make sure you itemize what you use and pay for them if you have to use any meds.” Said the woman hurriedly while trying to look up things on the computer screen and type at the same time.

Lara could not believe their luck and was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Within moments she had the portable ultrasound unit in hand and was heading for the room. When she got there she found that Rachel had already used one of the lancets and microscope slides to put a sample of her own blood under the lens. She flipped on the light for the viewer when she was sure that Lara was alone.

While Lara set up the portable device she still stole glances at the screen that displayed Rachel’s blood. There was no mistaking the fact that there was more than human essence there. The cells were slightly larger; able to carry more oxygen. But the main difference was the other entities that floated there. They looked as though they could move through the system as needed not just go with the flow. It also confirmed that there was no way Rachel would be able to submit any blood samples at work; the company would spot the entity immediately.

As Lara continued to work with the ultrasound unit Rachel stepped closer to her. “I need some of your blood to test.”

Lara momentarily stopped what she was doing and stuck her finger out. With deftness, Rachel jabbed the digit quickly and was smearing the blood on the slide almost before you could blink. She had it under the scope in moments and was rewarded for her efforts by seeing one of the entities still moving on it’s own before it died. It didn’t last long but it was still enough to confirm her theory; the entities did move on their own. Not only that, but Lara’s blood had far more of them than her’s did.

Rachel cleansed the slides thoroughly with alcohol and placed them back in their rack. She then moved to Lara’s side in time to be there as she began running the ultrasound over the small two and a half month old bulge in her tummy. Both women cooed at what they saw. “He’s beautiful.” Whispered Lara.

“Yeah, and he looks exactly like his daddy.” Said Rachel.

“Look at how well formed he is.” Commented Lara.

“I noticed.” Confirmed Rachel. “I don’t think he’s going to be in the oven much longer.” She added as she caressed her friend’s tummy.

Both women ooohed and aaahed about the small puppy they saw on the screen tucked away within Lara’s womb. “I hope he has all his father’s attributes. “Said the brunette desirously

“I’m pretty sure he will.” Responded Rachel.

Lara began putting the ultrasound unit away; and then thought of something. “Did you check Mahi’s blood?”

“No I didn’t.” answered Rachel with surprised. “Gosh, I must be slipping.” She hurriedly began getting the slides out again and proceeded to run a test on his blood. She managed to get a sample from his paw and placed it in the microscope. “Wow!” She exclaimed and then stood back so that Lara could see the view screen also.

Lara stopped what she was doing and moved closer to Rachel. “Whoa!” Was all she managed at the moment.

What the slide showed were hundreds of the blood-borne entities: and they were still moving and continued to move. It was easy to see that what he had within him were adult versions of what they had within themselves. It was enough for them to draw hasty conclusions as to what would transpire within them to make them just like Mahi.

Two hours after the pair left the house they were back and standing before the other members of the house. They didn’t keep Jenna and Mandy waiting too long before relating to them the things that they found. Squeals of delight and hugs abounded before they began to quiet and begin to think things through once more. It was determined that they had about one month before they had to be ready for anything that could happen.


Before Rachel and one of the other girls was to leave and go her car, Mahi mated with her again. He began licking her from behind until he sensed that she was wet enough. He then mounted her and rode her to two consecutive orgasms. His next move surprised her though.

“Oh my god, oh god.” Screeched the strawberry blonde as she felt Mahi leave her vagina and enter her tight little pink sphincter. “Oh Baby, Honey I think you’re in the wrong hole.”

Jenna chuckled, and quickly moved to her friend’s side. “It’s okay Rachel. He’s done it to us like that before also. All you have to do is relax. If you stop to think about it you’ll realize that by placing his sperm in your rectum it will allow his essence to absorb into you faster and more completely.”

Rachel had been too surprised to think about it at first but with Jenna’s assurance she relaxed and began to enjoy it. She was soon responding also, by pushing back at her lover in an effort to take more of him into her. “Oh yes… Fuck me any way you want Darling.” She hissed as his knot entered her. “Fill me with your hot fluids…” Those were the last words she spoke as an orgasm washed over with such intensity she passed out.

Jenna, Lara and Mandy stood back and watched as Mahi gently pulled from Rachel. Her anal ring closed immediately as though controlled by an outside source. It did what it was supposed to; it kept his sperm tightly sealed within her.

After Mahi returned from the bathroom where he had washed he took Lara’s hand and led her to the sofa. “I’m sorry I took Rachel before you but she is just beginning the process where you are about seventy percent complete according to what we saw in your blood sample.”

“I’m not jealous Darling.” She assured him as she knelt before him. “But since time is short I really wouldn’t mind if you gave me my injection the same way you did her.”

“Your wish is my command.” Gruffed Mahi as he began priming her vagina and rosebud as he had Rachel’s. It wasn’t long before he was nudging her sweet tunnel with his stiff member and sinking his shaft into her as deep as he could go without locking his knot into her.

Lara sighed her contentedness as her mate heated her up with his hot cock. She didn’t even try to speak but allowed her coos and murmurs of pleasure relay her feelings. She did manage to catch sight of Jenna and Mandy while she was being plowed and saw the looks of desire on their faces; wishing it was them that were on the receiving end of their lover’s rapidly thrusting cock.

After two orgasms washed over her Lara tried to relax her sphincter muscles. The heated tip of Mahi’s shaft entered her easily and her breath was ripped from her as his huge member sliced into her. It took a few moments for her to catch her breath and by that time she realized that he had his knot in her and she was mere micro seconds from being swamped from the rising tide of passion. She could almost see it as the orgasm claimed her; she was surprised that she felt several of Mahi’s spurts before she last consciousness.

Jenna and Mandy were waiting for their animal lover after he left the bathroom. It was past three O’clock in the morning by now but there was no way the girls were going to go to sleep before they got their dose of Mahi’s juices.

Once more it became a dual effort and Mahi performed well. He fucked both of them with equal vigor and they had no complaints that they had been the last to receive his attention that night.

He took Mandy from behind; keeping his knot just short of locking into her as he thrust into her like a steam engine at full throttle. For once she was almost without words but her grunts and murmurs were ample witness to what she was experiencing. He didn’t quit his first run at her until she had blown through two orgasms.

Mahi allowed Mandy to cool a moment and then covered Jenna as she motioned with her index finger that she wanted him on her and in her immediately. He found her already warmed up and ready to receive him; her pregnant bulge small and easily covered and made way for by his anatomy. They kissed and as their tongues played with other his cock found her wet valley and entered her in one quick thrust. The swift invasion elicited a sigh of pleasure and they began thrusting at each other with measured force and tempo.

Jenna locked her eyes with her lover and him with her’s. “Give me everything you have Darling. I can’t wait until we are all as you are. I will also be glad when we can be at total peace and can raise our children in safety.”

“That time will come Jenna.” Assured Mahi. “We’ll find a way.”

The pace they set was slower than most times they shared together but the intensity of the session grew at a quicker rate as the visual and mental bond they shared multiplied their union’s essence. Mahi fired his sperm into Jenna as she orgasmed. He did it without locking with her. She was more than satisfied though as she felt her lover’s fluids shoot into her and blast the back wall of her tube. They kissed and then she released him so that he could finish with Mandy also.

Mandy took Jenna’s hand and squeezed it gently. She knew that her friend had done everything she could so that Mahi could get back to her as quickly as possible. Even as her hand dropped away from the other girl their mutual mate re-entered her; this time in her ass. Everything was gentle at first but that was quick to pass. Before she knew it the ash blonde babe was locked to her lover by his knot and she was being washed over the orgasmic falls. She didn’t remember anything else for several hours.


When the girls awoke in the morning they didn’t rush around even though they would be somewhat late in getting to their respective work places. Jenna and Mahi took Rachel to her vehicle while making plans for her to move into the house with the rest of the girls. It was decided that even though Rachel would no longer live at her current apartment she would keep it as her place of residence until she was totally free of the lab she worked in.

When Jenna and Mahi returned home he led her into the upper bedroom and had her strip, and then lay on the bed in whatever position she wanted. He wasn’t surprised when she lay at the foot of the bed so that she could take him missionary style; she loved looking into his eyes as they were coupled.

Mahi began licking her and she allowed him to heat her up until she was about ready to orgasm the first time. She then grabbed his collar and pulled him over her but not before he managed to get several licks on her pregnant stomach. Once he was over her completely she took the opportunity to rub her breasts and nipples over his chest the best way she could while her baby bulge nestled once more in the hollow of his stomach. She felt waves of ecstasy surging through her as though there were minute wires spider webbing through her and transmitting small shocks to her sensory system. And when his shoved his hot cock into her the entire mass short-circuited and fired.

“Ohhh… yes… take me Darling.” She whispered just before she kissed him. Her murmurs of pleasure continued as he eagerly thrust into her and he only slowed a bit as he rode her through her first climax. After a bit he began thrusting into her even more and his knot was a mere fraction of an inch from setting.

Even as Jenna lay on her bed and took Mahi’s shaft so deep that her insides jostled about within her the two lovers stared into each other’s eyes and allowed themselves to bind there as well as below. It became impossible to speak as wave after wave of ecstasy lifted them higher and higher and the young blonde’s mouth opened and closed over and over again in unspoken bliss as his huge cock caressed her hidden chamber to its fullest. The silence bore on for only a few minutes more before the orgasmic avalanche occurred. Both male and female fired together and there was no way the pair could have joined any closer.

Mahi’s knot had seated inside of her when they experienced their mutual orgasm and they remained locked that way for at least fifteen minutes. During that time they kissed and caressed each other. He was always careful not to scratch her and it wasn’t easy because of his paws.

It was noon before Jenna finally managed to get on the computer and begin doing what she needed to keep her job; not that it really mattered too much owing to the gold that they had found but she still enjoyed her work. Also, they didn’t have the coins within their grasp yet. They needed to find out how to retrieve them and then market them. And they needed to do it as anonymously as possible; the less exposure to them the better.

When Jenna did manage to check out her personal files she found something peculiar. Someone had tried to get past her firewall and find out who she really was. With her new heightened senses it bothered her immensely; especially when she tried to find out who had tried to hack into the system and couldn’t get a read on them either. She had an uneasy feeling that she had somehow triggered something in the system when they were looking for information about lost gold the night before.

Jenna managed to get a lot of computer work done despite the incident with the attempted hacking of the firewall and the potential problem with Rachel’s blood tests. She attributed it to the fact that Mahi’s enhanced traits were definitely becoming stronger within her; it was a total relief in knowing this and the very thought inspired her to go and find him.

Jenna listened closely and was eventually able to hear him; he was breathing deeply: she smiled. As quietly as possible she moved up stairs to the bedroom and found him lying on the bed asleep. Even as she entered the doorway she saw his eyes open and what looked to be a smile cross his hairy face. Even in sleep he was alert.

Mahi watched as Jenna entered the room and knelt by the bed close to him. He moved his paw to cover her one hand even as her other hand reached out to stroke him. She said nothing but the look in her eyes and her touch spoke volumes. For fifteen minutes they remained silent and there were no overt sexual displays beyond an occasional kiss but then none were needed to strengthen the bond between them; and within her belly she felt her baby move.

The whole day went by very fast for all of them despite the fact they stayed a little later at their respective jobs to make up for being late that morning. Mandy was the first to return home and when she arrived she found Mahi waiting for her. She hugged Jenna quickly but that was all she had time to do before the huge Shepherd was leading her up the stairs and to the bedroom. “See you in a bit.” Was all she managed to yell out before squeals of pleasure began emanating from the upper room.

Mandy was fast when it came to getting her clothes off; especially when it involved disrobing so that she could make love to Mahi. She was kneeling at the foot of the bed in mere moments after they crossed the threshold but he had other plans; he had her kneel, doggy-style, on the bed itself.

The young ash blonde babe wasn’t sure at first why her lover wanted a change of venue but she soon found out. He licked her to within an inch of orgasming and then mounted her. He entered her slowly at first but after he was seated within her just short of setting his knot he began building up speed. At first each individual drive of his shaft elicited a satisfying grunt from her but as the speed and intensity increased her vocal emanations melded into a constant drone of pleasure.

Mandy allowed herself to collapse to her elbows and look between her jiggling breasts, over the slight belly bulge and through her spread legs. She loved what she saw. Mahi’s huge red cock was driving in and out of her like an unstoppable piston and it felt so… good. Even as she watched she wondered how she was able to take so much of that sweet shaft within her.

Even as she closed her eyes to picture what his hot meat must look like as it entered her depths she felt her first orgasm wash over her; it didn’t stop there. The surge continued: unabated. The buildup never faltered as her love’s momentum never slowed. The ecstasy mounted higher and higher and in her mind she could see the next set of climactic rapids; and then she was in them.

Mahi slowed when he felt Mandy begin to enter her second orgasm and he allowed her to feel them without outside interference on his part. He waited with his cock buried deep within her until her vaginal spasms had waned and then her pulled out of her and gently inserted himself into her tiny brown rosebud. He found little resistance and began sinking into her with slow thrusts. He heard her whispered encouragement just after the head of his shaft pierced her so he kept going until he had his knot within her also.

Mandy and Mahi swayed together as one entity. She managed to get back up on her hands momentarily and then grabbed his legs and hugged them. With her eyes still shut she began lunging back at her lover’s groin in an effort to capture even more of him if it had been at all possible. It was a slow dance and by the time it had reached it’s pinnacle the duet had expended a lot of energy. When they climaxed it was mutual and when his hot fluids spewed like a volcano into her depths and she quaked almost hard enough to shake the bed.

Mahi was almost as spent as Mandy but the time his fluids entered her. They had the same effect on her this time as they usually did when he ejaculated his essence into the girl’s rectums; it was sensory overload and she passed out. He didn’t try to stop her as she slumped forward in her blissful coma but tried to carefully guide her downward and to the side. With his shaft still buried within her it wasn’t too hard to accomplish the task. For the next fifteen minutes he lay spooned against her backside until his knot diminished enough for him to be able to gently extract himself from her anal cavity.

By the time Lara got home Mahi was just leaving the shower. His groin area was still damp. He usually managed to wash off after an anal episode without getting too wet. He greeted the beautiful brunette before she got too far into the house. They exchanged kissed and then they entered the kitchen; Mahi was hungry.

When Lara and Mahi walked through the archway to the kitchen they met up with Jenna. She was preparing dinner and they already knew what it was going to be as the smell of the pork loin had already permeated most of the house and she was just beginning to place them on the baking sheet.

“How was your day?” asked Jenna after they had hugged.

“Uneventful.” Responded Lara. “Some of the other team members did ask how my dog was doing but there were no problems.” While she was saying this she had lifted her blouse and began caressing her pregnant tummy; she felt movement. “What was really hard.” She continued. “Was staying away from the ultrasound unit. I wanted to see him again so… bad.”

Jenna smiled. “I can imagine.” She said softly as her hands found their to her own baby bulge. “I f I thought there was going to be much more time before I had this little bundle I’d be tempted to see if we couldn’t buy one of those portable ultrasound units ourselves.”

Further thoughts along that line were temporarily halted as they heard a vehicle pull into the yard. “I think its Rachel.” Commented Jenna as they went to see. “I remember the sound of her engine when we took her to her vehicle this morning.”
The girls and Mahi stepped out onto the side porch as Rachel shut the door of her car. She smiled as she saw them standing there. “Wow, do you always meet homecoming family members like this?” She asked.

They smiled at her and then they hugged when she got close enough. “Actually…”Responded Lara. “We came out to be sure that it was you. Jenna thought it was your car that pulled up, but I hadn’t had a chance to hear it yet for myself.”

Rachel turned to Jenna. “You knew it was me because of the sound of my car?”
“I knew it was your car.” Corrected Jenna softly. “I figured that it would be you that was driving it.”

Rachel was impressed and as she entered the house she wondered how quickly her abilities would develop. She then looked at her side and saw Mahi looking at her with desire in his eyes and she followed him as he entered the livingroom.


Part Ten

Jenna and Lara returned to the kitchen, totally aware that they had lost the newest member of the house to their mutual lover. They exchanged smiles and continued on with the preparation of the evening meal. Each of them had an ear tuned to the living room and the actions that were transpiring within it. It always turned them on to listen to their sister’s voice their reactions as they were on the receiving end of Mahi’s shaft.

Lara began preparing some flaky crescent rolls to go with the pork loin that Jenna was preparing. “Hey, where’s Mandy?” She asked as she began placing the rolls on the cookie sheet.

Jenna looked at Lara and smiled. “Mahi caught Mandy as soon as she walked in the door from work. I’m very sure that she took him the way it would do the most good.”

“In other words.” Added Lara. “It may be a while before we she her this evening.”

“If at all!” Commented Jenna. “But I’m still going to cook her a pork loin. I’m sure she’ll be hungry when she does wake up. I’ll bake them lightly so that when she reheats it that it won’t be over-cooked.”

Both girls turned toward the living room as though jerked by a common string. “We might be eating alone.” Smirked Lara. And then both of them chuckled.

When Rachel followed Mahi into the living room she began stripping her clothes off even as she went. By the time she reached the love seat the only thing she still had on was a silky set of underwear. She knelt beside the huge Shepherd and kissed him passionately before removing the panties and presenting herself to her lover.

Mahi licked her slit from bottom to top, crossing over her pink vaginal lips and rosebud in slow languid motions. Several of his stabs even penetrated her tube several inches. When he knew she was primed enough he mounted her and entered her easily; her juices allowed him easy entry and his own pre-ejaculates smoothed the way for him even more.

Rachel sighed deeply as Mahi’s cock slid into her very core. Three thrusts had him to the bottom of her love pit and then he began to rock her world with lustful intention. Her whole world collapsed and became centered on what was happening in her vaginal area; it literally took her breath away and murmurs of contentment were all she could manage at the moment.

The speed and depth of Mahi’s strokes could only have been rivaled by a machine as his moves remained fast and consistent. He pounded her hard until she was about to orgasm and then he pulled out of her and gently re-inserted himself into her pink anal opening. He would rather have remained in her pussy and entered her cervix but expedience dictated that he get her as full of his DNA as quickly as possible.

Rachel was momentarily confused as she felt her lover remove his pleasure giving shaft from her depths. But, as he entered her nether region she became vocal; at least for a moment. “Oh god… oh god. Take me Sweetheart, take me any way you want to…”

Mahi was gentle with her as he sank his cock into Rachel’s anal depths. His thrusts were just strong enough to set his knot in her before he got too big. He set a pace that elevated their ecstasy slowly but surely and after five minutes they crossed the orgasmic threshold. His sperm jetted into her depths and her response became typical of what happened when he released himself this way into one of his mates. He held her tightly as her shook and he kept her from falling off the loveseat. They stayed nestled together like that for another ten minutes before he extricated himself and went to the shower once more.

Mahi eventually made his way to the kitchen. The smells that emanated from there were mouthwatering. As he passed the living room he wasn’t surprised to see that Rachel had already been moved to the common bedroom; Jenna and Lara’s scent was fresh in the stairway. “Thank you for helping me with Rachel.” He offered.

“You’re welcome.” Both girls responded in unison. But then Lara crouched down beside him and ruffled the fur on his head and neck as she whispered in his ear. “I hope you saved some for me.”

Mahi kissed her. “I would never neglect any of you.” He gruffed. “However, I would like to get a bite to eat before we get together.”

Lara scratched behind her lover’s ears and then moved to the counter where several dishes were stacked. She took one of them and prepared it specifically for him; even cutting the meat into small chunks so that all he had to do was scoop it up and eat it. Within minutes she had the dish ready for him and set it on the table.

Mahi moved up to the table where his plate sat but then waited for his two mates to gather their food. When they sat he arose and placed his paws on either side of the plate. They ate together, and once more discussed the day’s events.

Since Lara had already mentioned about her day, Jenna started with her’s. It wasn’t a long narrative but it was thorough. “Are you serious?” Asked the brunette after she heard about the attempted hack into the company firewall. “Are you sure it was because of what we were looking for that caused the person’s unknown to attack the firewall. It could have been some movie rival trying to get company animation secrets.”

Jenna shook her head. “No, I checked. I’m not sure if anyone else will realize what happened; they will probably chalk it up to the animation rival theory but I see it differently. Someone wanted to find out who we were and why we were so interested in mysterious gold shipment disappearances.”

If Lara had hackles they would have been raised. “Is there a way to find these things without going on the internet then?”

A chuckle came from one of the most unlikely of places and both women looked at Mahi. “I think It’s called the library.” He gruffed as the girls eyed him.

“How do you know about libraries?” Asked Lara.

“I read.” Gruffed Mahi. “And I understand far more that I did even a few months ago. Even Jenna’s books are beginning to make sense to me.”

Both girls looked at each other and shook their heads. It seemed that no matter what happened Mahi always seemed to surprise them in one way or another. Their senses and abilities were increasing but so were his.

The meal was over shortly after that and Jenna volunteered to clean up. “Thank you.’ Whispered Lara as she hugged her friend.

“You’d do the same for me.” Replied Jenna as she watched Lara and Mahi leave the kitchen for another part of the house. She heard them go up stairs and then she concentrated on getting the chores done so that she could be ready for her session with Mahi when the time came.

When Lara and Mahi got to the bedroom it was only a matter of moments before she was naked and lay on her back at the foot of the bed. Her pregnant tummy was plainly visible and every now and then a smaller bump appeared and then disappeared as the pup moved within her uterus. “I think I’ll try it this way.” She commented as she saw Mahi looking at her. “Our baby’s making it hard for me to lie on my stomach.”

Mahi moved between his lover’s legs and began to lick her vaginal slit. He took his time and made sure that most of his probes sank into her an inch or more before it started its upward travel. Every swipe managed to caress her clit to its utmost and in short order he pushed her over the brink. As she orgasmed she grabbed his head and held his snout close to her until her tremors passed.

When Lara released Mahi he rose above her. He placed his paws far above her shoulders allowing his heavy chest to touch hers while her tummy bulge fit nicely into his lean abdominal cavity. She cooed as the hot tip of his shaft lodged itself within the mouth of her vagina. She sighed even deeper as he entered her and she was soon enjoying the feel of her mate as he thrust into her repeatedly. “Fuck me Darling. There were only two things I thought about all day. One was our baby and wishing that I could see it again with the ultrasound; and the second was of you. I couldn’t wait to get home today and make love to you again.”

Mahi kissed Lara as he thrust into her. Her sighs of pleasure were muffled but it didn’t diminish the ecstasy that built within them until they were on the brink of orgasm. He then shifted gears a bit and pulled out of her. His next thrust was a gentle one and he was soon lodged in her anal canal. He was totally serious about getting all the girls to his functioning level.

Lara’s eyes widened and locked on her lover as he pumped his shaft into her anal opening. “Go ahead and fuck me Darling.” She cooed. “I know what your intentions are and I’m totally with you in this. Give it to me Honey.”

The pair’s eyes were locked on each other as their orgasms approached. They were almost simultaneous. Mahi fired first and his essence provided the momentum needed to send Lara over the edge. He watched as she quaked and her eyes rolled back and then closed. She passed out but the smile on her face spoke volumes about how much she enjoyed their love session.

When Mahi’s knot shrank enough for him to safely slide his cock out of Lara’s sphincter he wasn’t surprised to find Jenna sitting in one of the chairs at the make-up table. She had been there since just before he had entered Lara’s nether region. She arose and moved to the bed. “Go ahead and wash up.” She offered as she singlehandedly moved her friend to the sleeping area of the platform.

Mahi washed as quickly as possible and when he returned to the bedroom he found Jenna sitting at the foot of the bed. She crooked her index finger and spread her legs in open invitation. As he moved closer she reached out for his collar and pulled him up until they were face to face. “You don’t have to make love to me right away, Darling. We were together earlier and I can definitely wait until you are ready again; even if it’s the wee hours of the morning.”

Mahi moved closer to her and kissed her. She returned the kiss and heightened it by adding her tongue to the mix while lifting her arms and embracing him. As their kiss broke, Jenna crushed her chest against his and reveled in the feel of his hairs against her breasts and nipples; she loved the sensation of it all.

The two lovers eventually parted and Jenna restated her offer but Mahi surprised her by pushing her torso back against the bed. She smiled and shuffled her body downward until her butt was just about hanging over the edge. Even as she moved into place she felt his heated cock head brush her vagina. Moments later she sighed approvingly as his shaft entered her and she responded by thrusting herself up at him in an effort to capture as much of him as possible.

From the beginning the pair made eye contact and it remained that way through most of the sexual encounter. He thrust into her slowly and his pace stayed constant. Each and every probe was soon bumping the bottom of her tunnel and it caused her to grunt with each impact.

As they stared into each other’s eyes she reached up and pulled his head downward. They kissed as they thrust at one another and their bodies formed a complete circle. The symbolism of it all was not lost to them as their flesh merged repeatedly in their dance of love. The tempo of their coupling even slowed but each thrust seemed deeper and deeper and the peak of it was held for several seconds. His knot sank into her and she exhaled fully as though to give his invading member room to enter her. They lasted only three more intense mergings before he fired his sperm into her and her body willingly accepted it. They stayed locked like that for nearly half an hour; lost in loves euphoria and not caring a wit about it.


The next day started early and Mahi managed to mate with Rachel and Mandy before they gathered with the other female members of the house for their morning bath. He took Rachel in the bathroom just after she had relieved herself. She was naked from the night before and as she bent at the waist to look into the mirror on the vanity he caught her. He saw her smile as he came up behind her and kissed her sweet valley with a few swift licks. Her response after that became more physical as she lowered herself even more and placed her elbows on the counter top while spreading her legs wide to give him all the room he needed.

It wasn’t long before he arose over her and managed to spear his hot doggy point into her primed slit. The coupling was one of the shortest matings that he had ever performed but it did what it was supposed to do; inject his DNA into her and continue her transformation. Rachel knew what he was after and it pleased her entirely that he was trying to help her achieve what the others already had.

As Mahi pulled his shaft out of her pussy she purposely clenched her vaginal muscles in an attempt to hold all of his essence within her. She did it, not knowing how thick his life changing fluids were but she felt satisfaction just the same as she made her way to the bed and lay back with a pillow under her hips. She slept peacefully for another hour after that.

Shortly after Rachel lay down Mandy began to stir. She was hungry and made her way to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and saw several pork loins on a plate. She grabbed one of them and began gnawing on it. She didn’t even care that it was cold; she was too hungry to even wait the amount of time it would have taken to zap it in the microwave. She devoured it quickly and then followed it with a small amount of juice. Even as she placed the dirt glass in the sink she felt the relief of her hunger pains; they seemed to melt into non-existence.

Mandy turned to go back to bed and was not surprised to find Mahi waiting for her in the kitchen archway. She had known he was there even as he arrived there and she smiled because she knew exactly what he wanted. She walked over to him, ruffled the hair on his head and then walked into the living room. “I think I’ve been here before.” She chuckled as she knelt by the loveseat and presented her lover with the target he needed to consummate what they both desired. She did stay sufficiently away from the couch to give her pregnant belly room to hang freely but her breasts touched the divan’s coarser fabric and energized her peaked brown nipples like a hundred tiny fingers strumming themselves across taut strung guitar strings.

Mahi didn’t even bother licking Mandy’s vaginal slit; she was already beginning to secrete the lubrication she would need to ease the entrance of her male into her. She didn’t want any preambles and she hissed her pleasure as she felt her lover cover her and gently thrust his hot cock into her more than ready pussy. “YES… Darling… fuck me and make me more a part of you…”

Mahi thrust gently at first but he didn’t keep it that way. His hot, blood engorged, shaft lanced into her depths with increasing speed. His beautiful ash blonde mate beneath him began panting as his knot nudged her vaginal lips and made its presence known. He rode her hard and as he felt her vaginal muscles begin their orgasmic twinges he set the bulge within the mouth pussy. His essence merged with hers and they merged fully into one; if only for the length of their mutual tremors.

An hour passed before Mandy began to move again and as her senses solidified she realized that Mahi was still embedded deeply within her and holding her in place. Even as she began moving He teasingly thrust into her several times. “Keep that up Buster and you better give me another dose of your love because you’re already making me horny by having your cock in me!” She warned.

“As you wish, Darling.” Gruffed Mahi; and then he rocked her world slowly with some of the deepest and strongest thrusting that she had ever experienced. His knot was still in her and the tip of his cock was ramming her with enough force to jostle her insides just short of harming her. She didn’t even have time to orgasm herself before his essence sprayed her insides thoroughly.

Mandy sighed heavily as she gloried in the feel of her mate’s sperm flooding her interior. It didn’t matter that she had not cumm. All she cared about was that she had received her lover’s most prized possession; his essence. She grabbed his legs and hugged them to her as best possible. “Thank you Baby. Thank you… I’d hug you better if I could but at the moment we’re a little hung up.” She chuckled. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love having you inside of me like this.”

Mahi tried to concentrate on deflating his knot and managed to speed up the process by a few minutes. But the time they parted and made their way to the upper bedroom the other girls were awake and preparing to take their communal shower. He watched his mates as they walked by and his cock stirred even after making sublime love to Rachel and Mandy earlier that morning. He was one lucky dog… and he knew it.

The girls had plenty of room in the shower and for the most part they took care of themselves. When it came time to do their backs though they formed a circle and scrubbed each other thoroughly. It was a totally satisfying moment that continued to build the bond between them.

After their baths they donned their short colorful robes and as usual wore nothing beneath them. They made their way to the kitchen and were soon whipping up tasty tidbits to share with one another. They talked as they ate and their day was planned using the knowledge they possessed. Even Mahi added his input and he surprised them when he suggested two options.

“How does your company test your blood?” He asked of Rachel.

“They are very modern, and pride themselves in using sophisticated testing methods.” She offered after a moment. “You stick your finger on this pad and it reads your print and then the computer tells the machine what it’s to look for. Once it determines who you are it then pokes your finger just deep enough to get a blood sample. I must say, it’s ingenious and nearly painless.”

Mahi thought for a moment. “I remember seeing a movie one time about something like this. I bet we could develop something like what the people in the movie did and use it to fool the machine. Unfortunately, we would need something like your original blood to make it work.”

“I think I know what you have in mind and I should be able to fabricate something like that. “Nodded Rachel. “It will have to be just thick enough to protect my finger but allow a small amount of a clean sample to ooze out. I think it’s possible.” She then arose and hugged her mate. Kissing him fully on the mouth when she got close enough.

Even as Rachel sat beside him and he tried to ignore the beautiful beaver shot she was flashing him he looked toward Jenna and offered a though he had that concerned her. “How good are you at making fake I.D.s. At least something good enough to pass a librarian’s scrutiny? You could still go on line at a library or computer café and use the bogus credentials. If anything was triggered they would only have a fake name to act on. And, according to how good they really are you should have a bit of time on the first outings in which to do your search.

Mahi’s plan was accepted readily and he soon found himself surrounded by two of his beautiful mates. Jenna didn’t hide her assets at all either because as she knelt in front of him her robe parted wide and her neatly trimmed golden gash came into plain view. She too kissed him but she also whispered into his ear as sexily as possible. “I’ll have you later Sweetheart, and I know you have already been with Rachel and Mandy this morning so I would suggest that you ravage Lara.” She kissed him again and then backed away to allow him freedom to act.

Mahi did just as Jenna had suggested and was soon between Lara’s spread legs right where she sat at the kitchen table. She had moved to a sideways position in her chair as she listened to the morning’s discussion. And her neatly trimmed brunette snatch was poised right at the edge of the seat. He had her in his embrace in an instant and his cock was seeking her heated channel like a guided missile. It wasn’t long before he was in her and she was doing everything she could do to encourage him.

Lara’s seating was precarious and the only thing she could hang onto was her lover’s thick torso as he drove his cock into her repeatedly. He did exactly what Jenna had said for him to do; he ravaged her. She had never been taken quite like this before and it excited her. There was no way she could stop him even if she had wanted to; and she definitely didn’t want to. Even the thought that her mate was taking her in front of all the others made it even more delicious. She had him; he was buried deeply within her: claiming her as his. Sigh after sigh of pure pleasure escaped her lips. They scaled the ladder to bliss quickly because of the circumstances and even as she hissed her orgasmic arrival she felt him shoot his sperm into her depths and clung onto him just a wee bit tighter as the muscles in the lower portion of her body lost all coherent control and spasmed repeatedly for several minutes; trying to milk even the most minuscule bit of essence from him.

With all that had transpired that morning it was surprising that any but Jenna got to work in a timely manner but as it was, none of them was late.


When the other members of the family left, Jenna went to work also. She liked what Mahi had proposed and sat at the computer to make it happen. She scanned all of her important documents and then worked at the scanned items until they contained all the un-scanable bits and pieces that the documents were purposely made to omit; her keen eyesight picked them out easily and her artistic ability took care of the rest. When she was done she had documents that could have passed all the tests except some of the numbers that they contained. She knew she had to be very careful with what she had; she was sure what she had done was illegal. However, the people that had tried to hack her company’s firewall and find out about her were in that same category; and she was sure that whoever they were they would not listen to reason.

When Jenna was done she had three sets of I.D. containing three different names and three different addresses. She knew no one by the names she chose and although the addresses were real she had never been associated with any of them in any way either. She was almost ready to venture forth and try them out. She needed only one more thing and she found it lying on the bed in the upper bedroom. Even as he rose to greet her she threw her robe aside so the he could see her fully. “It’s time.” Was all she said as she approached him.

Dogs can smile and the look that crossed Mahi’s continence fell easily into that category. He saw his blonde mate approaching him and marveled at her beauty. The fact that she was carrying his offspring within her tummy only added to the totality of it all. He watched as she crawled onto the bed and then in as sexily a manner possible writhed about until her vagina was positioned at the bed’s edge as she lay on her back. She spread her legs in open invitation and didn’t have long to wait as he moved quickly in between them.

Mahi began licking her as deeply as he could reach and then she aided him by lifting her legs and giving him total, unhindered, access to her honey pot. He moved in, his eyes just inches form from her neatly trimmed vaginal mound. She was already wet and her salty flavor excited him even more. Each of his mates tasted different and he would never have been able to say which one’s scent he preferred most. He loved them all and in this instance… IT WAS ALL GOOD!

Mahi lifted himself away from Jenna’s sweet flower; but he didn’t go far. He stopped as he drew closer to his mate’s bulging tummy. He was rewarded for his effort by seeing a smaller bump move upward along her taut surface. There was life there and very soon he or she would be born and begin to grow strong in an entirely different environment than the one they currently occupied. He could hardly wait and he knew his mate felt the same way. He licked the spot lovingly and then continued on.

His next stop was her magnificent breasts topped by hard brown nipples that almost begged to be suckled. He gave them each a tentative lick and then went back for more. This was something that he rarely did but at this moment he felt impelled to do it. As he continued his efforts a new taste came to his palette. It was new, but he knew what it was; it was his first taste of his mate’s milk.

Jenna sighed as she felt Mahi lick her breasts and then suckle them. She felt her milk leave her and flow into her mate’s mouth and a feeling of blissful accomplishment swept over her. She lifted her arms and held her lover’s snout to her teat. She wanted him to taste more; and he did just that. He didn’t stop until he had consumed at least several ounces from each delectable mound.

When Mahi lifted his head from her breasts he moved upward and kissed her. While their tongues played tag his hot shaft sought out her depths and entered her with practiced ease. With each thrust she sighed with pleasure at having her man within her. She could think of nothing more pleasing to her than giving her mate her body to satisfy his needs as he always endeavored to please her.

“I love you Jenna.” Said Mahi as he sank his cock into her and buried his knot within her.

Jenna flinched and then voiced her pleasure. “Oh… YES…” She grunted as Mahi set his knot and it was a moment before she could get back to what had caused her to react in the first place. “Mahi, what did you just say?”

“I said I love you.” He reiterated in the same voice that he had used before. His words were still a bit gravely and deep but far from the gruffness that it had once been.

Further thoughts on that subject line were abandoned at that moment as deeper forces claimed her attention. Mahi began thrusting into her at a measured pace that lifted her into a euphoric state that left no room for anything except what he was doing to her. “Fuck me Darling…” She intoned. “Take all of me and make me yours. I love you, and I look forward… to our life… together.”

Jenna grabbed Mahi as tightly as possible while her vaginal muscles spasmed over and over again. Her contractions didn’t go unrewarded; because her lover orgasmed also and fed her his essence which was exactly what she craved.

The couple lay at the edge of the bed for several minutes before their euphoric haze cleared enough for them to see straight. It was then that Jenna recaptured her original train of thought. “Mahi, your voice has changed.”

“Yes, I noticed that I sounded different also.” He returned in the same tone of voice that he had used just minutes earlier.

“Are you Okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine, and as far as I can tell and my throat’s not sore.” He shrugged his shoulders for emphasis that he had no idea as to what was happening.

Jenna repeated his gesture. “I guess time will tell.” She added as she lay beneath her lover, enjoying the weight of his shaft inside of her.

It was several more minutes before Mahi was able to pull from her depths and she sighed as he did. She wished that he would push himself right back into her but he didn’t. If it hadn’t been that she really needed to get things done elsewhere she would have suggested it. She knew that her vagina had already closed but she could still feel the emptiness.

“We’ll make love again this evening Jenna.” He promised in his new voice; and answering her unspoken desire in the process.


Jenna washed up and dressed to go out after that. She really hated leaving the house and promised to return as quickly as possible. She took her new I.D.s with her and drove fifty miles to a town that she knew had computers available in their library.

Mahi was alone for the first time in a long time. He ate a bit and then lay down to rest. If this day followed its present course he was going to need all the energy he could gather for future use.

Two hours passed before his rest was interrupted. The sound of a car coming down the long drive awoke him, and as the vehicle drew closer he knew who it was. Rachel was home and she was earlier than usual. He ran to the door and opened it; which was totally opportunistic for her because her arms were full of boxes and she would have had to set them on the porch table if he hadn’t been there.

“Thank you Darling.” She intoned as she walked to the dining room table and placed her burden there. She then moved to Mahi’s side and kissed him passionately. “I couldn’t think of much else today except the wonderful way in which you sent me off, real early, this morning. And I’m seriously hoping that you’ll be able to give me a little more of the same.” She whispered in his ear conspiratorially.

Mahi smiled at her. “You’ll have to eat a little first.” He told her and then headed for the kitchen. He stopped at the archway and turned back to where Rachel was still sitting.

“What’s up with your voice?” She asked as she rose from the floor. “It’s not so gruff.”

Mahi shrugged and led the way into the kitchen. “I don’t know what’s happening.” He stated with his deeper bass voice that was clearing even more each time he used it. “Jenna and I noticed it earlier today.”

“Jenna… Where is Jenna?”

“She managed to make some very good looking fake I.D.s so she went to try them at one of the libraries that are about fifty or so miles away.”

“Oh… Yeah… I remember now.” Said Rachel while going through the refrigerator in search of food. “I’ve had so much on my mind today that I forgot for a moment about what she had mentioned earlier at breakfast.

While Rachel ate, Mahi nibbled lightly on different items that he found. All he was doing was biding his time until his strawberry blonde mate was ready. The talk as they ate shifted to her upcoming blood test and how and when she was going to submit her resignation at the medical research facility. Between the two of them they rehashed and refined the solution that they had discussed at the breakfast table. “I even brought a few things home with me to begin the process.” She stated before finishing the last morsel of food on her plate.

“Excellent, we’ll look at it later.” He stated as he took her hand gently in his mouth and began leading her toward the upstairs bedroom.

Rachel giggled playfully and followed him willingly. She had a good idea where he was taking her and once she was sure of it she extracted her hand from his mouth and ran ahead of him; shedding her clothes as she went. By the time they arrived in the room she was naked and she promptly knelt at the foot of the huge, slightly lower than normal, sleeping platform.

“I want us to be on the bed this time.” He said.

“After a surprised look crossed her face she scrambled closer to the head of the bed, allowing Mahi plenty of room behind her. “Is this better, Darling?”

“Perfect!” He returned and then he promptly began showing her what he had in mind. He started by licking her from clit to rosebud, swiping his tongue across her coral pink assets slowly and meaningfully. The first lick coaxed a deep… pleasured groan from her lips and she lowered herself from her hands to her elbows. The second lick caused her to spread her legs just a little further open and rock her pelvis upward in order to open herself more fully to his advances. After that, each lick simply sent her senses skyrocketing and when she reached the apex of it all she orgasmed and he held his tongue just within her vaginal slit and made it quiver ever so lightly. Her whole body quaked and at times it seemed she was going to crash forward onto the bed but just as she was about to lose contact with his tongue she would recover and lunge backward just enough to recapture it.

After the heavy tremors subsided Mahi moved up and over his sweet mate. Even as his legs came against her backside his hot shaft began seeking the precious coral cavern that she was so free offering him. As his cock touched her and then entered her she responded.”Oh… Baby… Yes… Give it to me Sweetheart. I want you in me. Fuck me and make me pregnant. Please…”

Mahi had planned on making love to Rachel as soon as he saw her again that day; but he had wanted to end up their lovemaking by cumming in her ass so that his DNA would have the greatest effect on her system. He began thrusting into her with an ever quickening pace and the pleas of his mate to make her pregnant turned into coos and murmurs of pleaser that were nearly incoherent as to their content.

When Rachel orgasmed Mahi held himself in her as deeply as he could without locking his knot. It was about this time that he would have extracted his cock from her vagina and re-entered her rosebud but after hearing her earlier pleas he decided give her what she wanted. “I love you Rachel.” He intoned softly near her ear. He then shifted within her and began nudging the tip of his cock into the mouth of her uterus. When… he shot his sperm into her this time it would go only one place; directly into her fallopian tubes and toward her eggs and ovaries.

Rachel felt the slight withdrawal of her mate’s shaft and cringed at first; almost positive that he was about to enter her analy. It was where the most of his DNA would have the greatest affect on her so she understood why he would take her that way; but her true wishes lay elsewhere. However, when she felt him enter her cervix she became ecstatic. “Oh Mahi, thank you Darling.” She hissed as she rocked her body back into her Lover’s thrust. She relished the feel of him as he entered her completely and his knot began rubbing her G-spot. “Thank you for trying to fulfill my deepest desires.”

The look of ecstasy that crossed Rachel’s face was a thing of beauty. Her eyes were closed since her lover wasn’t in front of her anyway; but her mind’s eye and imagination was clearly focused on what she and Mahi might look like where she watching their actions from a few feet away. Her senses focused on each slow thrust, and the jarring impacts sent ripples outward from the epicenter that reached not only her nose but the tips of her toes. Feeling what she felt was sheer ecstasy but added to the fact that her mate was trying to impregnate her intensified it all tenfold.

Rachel and Mahi lost all track of time and the last segment on their union had them joined together for nearly fifteen minutes before their mutual orgasm claimed them. “Thank you Darling.” She whispered while embracing his leg and kissing it.

“The pleasure is mine as well, Sweetheart.” He returned as he nuzzled her neck lovingly.

It was a while before the lovers parted and Rachel decided to rest a bit before returning down below. They kissed and then Mahi made his way to the kitchen area. Jenna and Mandy were already home; only Lara was running a little late. When he trotted into the food prep area both girls turned toward him and smiled. “Will Rachel be joining us for dinner tonight?” They asked, almost in unison.

“Yes, she will be, but I’m not sure exactly how hungry she’ll be.” And when he saw the puzzled look on their faces, Mandy’s in particular, he added. “We ate a bit already; I was planning on… you know. But I decided to change my mind at the last minute because I knew what she really wanted.”

Both girls gathered around him almost instantly and knelt to hug him. Each one kissed him in turn and then Jenna whispered. “You did the right thing, Darling. Thank you for loving us as you do.”

He kissed them in turn and then looked at them. “You… all… make it so easy. I’m the luckiest dog I know.”

Jenna went back to what she had been doing before he entered but Mandy remained at his side. “Am I the only one here that thinks our boy here sounds a little funny?”

“It happened earlier this morning.” Responded Lara for Mahi. “His voice… started changing. We don’t know why just yet.”

“Wow.” Exclaimed Mandy as she too returned to preparing her portion of the evening’s meal. “I like your new voice Darling.”

By the time Lara got home, Rachel was moseying into the kitchen also and on her continence was one of the most beautiful smiles that anyone of them had ever seen on her. Each of the girls was very beautiful but at times they simply radiated their loveliness; and this was one of those times.

The two newcomers went to the cupboard and began setting the table. They could see that the food was almost ready and that Jenna and Mandy had prepared all of for them. Just before they sat to enjoy the repast they thanked their fellow mates.

Once the food was passed and the girls began to eat Jenna started relating to the others what she had found in the library. She had made sure that she didn’t focus in on lost gold shipments for any one area. She didn’t even start with the area that they were most interested in. In the end she had hit the entire west coast. What she found had surprised her. There were at least twenty such stories but only two of them fell within the domain that they were interested in.

“You actually found stories about lost gold in this area?” Questioned Rachel

“Yes.” Answered Jenna. “And the net worth of either lost shipment in today’s dollars would amount to about a hundred million in cold cash.”

“Whoa.” Exclaimed Lara. “Now the attempted hacking of your company’s computer is making more sense. We must have triggered a search trap somehow.”

“Yeah, and I can only hope that if this search triggered anything that my home made I.D.s were good enough to hide us.” Added Jenna.

“They should be.” Said Mandy thoughtfully. “But then I guess that will depend on how much money they have to spend in their search for a non-existent person. The fake name and address will probably stir them up a bit but I don’t think we had much choice.”

“And at least now we have some idea as to how cautious we must be.” Agreed Rachel. “For a hundred million dollars there are a lot of people who would do just about anything.”


Part Eleven

After relating to the others about the gold, Jenna placed a ring box on the table in front of Rachel. “This is your official welcome to the family.” She intoned.

Rachel opened the box and tears rolled down her cheeks as her fingers gently caressed the half carat diamond solitaire and wedding ring that she found within; they matched the rings that the other’s wore. “Thank you… All of you. I’m going to begin with wearing the engagement ring. There will be hundreds of questions from everyone with just that.”

Jenna nodded. “I can understand that. But the one thing it will also do is give you a reason for leaving the lab.”

Rachel nodded her agreement and they all watched her as she placed the engagement ring on her finger. “I accept everything that comes with being a part of this family.” She said solemnly and then hugged and kissed all the members of the family, saving Mahi for last.

Once the dinner was over, and the dishes cleared, the evening took an even larger turn from the usual. After they retrieved a few more things from her vehicle Rachel dug into the items that she had brought home. The other girls were impressed with the array of implements that they saw spread out before them. There was a high powered microscope with the ability to send its output to a computer screen, two blood analyzers and a centrifuge.

“Where did you get all the fabulous toys?” Asked Lara.

“These are leftovers.” Responded Rachel. “The processing equipment we have now relegates these units obsolete so they sell them off to other labs. I simply put a bid in for them the other day and got them for us. I knew that they would function for us in what we needed but I didn’t expect to get them so quickly.”

“You don’t think there will be any problems then when you tell them you’re quitting?” Asked Jenna

“No.” Returned Rachel. “I know several people that bought up older equipment and then quit.” And she was right on that point. What she hadn’t anticipated though was a co-worker with an eye for her that she hadn’t realized. As her senses grew she would learn of it soon enough and it would warn her of impending danger.

One by one both Rachel and Lara began collecting blood samples. They did it as quickly and efficiently as possible. The cells that Mahi was producing in them spent as little time as possible in the light before getting to its destination in the microscope or analyzer. What they found was fantastic and right along the line of reasoning that they had already adopted. They tested Mahi last.

Jenna was the farthest along in development, and it had nothing to do with the impending birth of her baby. Lara was next and then fairly close behind was Mandy. Rachel was last, but that was to be expected. However, all of them fell far short of what their lover carried; his levels were off the chart and the girls were a little disheartened because they sensed they were closer than that.

“I would have expected a little less development in Mandy.” Opined Rachel as they viewed their findings. “Given the time frame of when she became active with Mahi I would have surmised that she would not be quite as advanced as she is.” When she looked up from the paper that was in her hand all she saw were smirkish grins on her friend’s faces. “What… what am I missing?”

“Most of the times I’m with Mahi.” Offered Mandy, “I take him in the ass where it will do the most good. And, since he tries his hardest to keep our mating on an even keel, and each of my sessions is more beneficial I guess I’ve been gaining DNA faster.”

“I guess its proof positive then.” Concluded Rachel. “Tell me something though. Do you like it that way as much?” She asked as her eyes scanned the others.

Jenna was the first to respond and shook her head. “I prefer him in my pussy. It just feels better that way to me.”

“I agree.” Offered Lara. “If I take him in my ass it’s just a means to an end.”

“Ditto.” Added Mandy. “I know you think I really like it that way the best but it’s exactly what Lara says. It’s just a quicker way of becoming what we are destined to become with Mahi as our mate. Besides, I would rather be able to cuddle with him when we’re post orgasmic. I miss feeling him being locked in me after he shoots his cumm into my uterus. It’s like he’s trying to make me pregnant all over again.”

Mahi sensed their joy, but also their sadness. “I think you are still missing something if you take only the readings that you find.” He said as he positioned himself in the middle of them. “The more that I am with you I am sure that what we are seeking is a kind of critical mass. Once my DNA builds up within you to a certain point I am sure that it will take off on its own. It will multiply and flood your system just like mine.

“Do you think so Darling? Really think so?” Came more than one voice, and he nodded. All around he heard a collective sigh and his four females were soon surrounding him. They knew that he would not lie; not even to ease their worries: he wasn’t that way.

Mahi received their adoration happily and knew that he had his night cut out for him; he was going to be a very busy puppy for the next few hours.

Mandy was chosen first, and true to her course she asked for him to cumm in her ass at the last. It wasn’t easy asking for him this way but she, like the rest of them, were beginning to feel that the sooner they reached full maturity the better it would be. As soon as they reached the bedroom she stripped from her clothes and knelt in the center of the bed. She would be totally out of it soon.

Mahi began licking Mandy sweet slit, drawing his tongue from top to bottom in smooth eve swipes. She was very wet and wasn’t surprised when she motioned him to cease the preamble and give it to her. “I’m wet already Darling, just fuck your sweet cock into me and rock my world.”

Mahi did as she bid, not too unhappy at the prospect of satisfying Mandy so easily. He made a promise to himself that once the girls were all up to speed that he would never do quantity again; only quality. He mounted her and as he brought his cock forward he hit the target immediately. He heard a sigh of pleasure as he entered her vaginal slit and when his cock tip nudged the bottom of her tube she grunted anew.

“Oh Darling, that’s it fuck me and make me totally yours. I love it when we’re together like this. But I can’t wait until all we have to do is enjoy our union and not worry about how close we are to completeness.” She thrust herself back at him and almost caused his knot to sink into her completely. All she really wanted was to have him in her and feel him as deeply as she could while he was there. And, remember it when they were through.

Mahi set a steady pace, one that would prolong their time together enough for her to relish all that he was doing to her. His cock continually nudged the bottom of her vagina and sent waves of pleasure through her while constantly lifting her from one plateau to another. When he was certain that she was only seconds away from climaxing he sped up. The added stimuli slammed her over the top and while she was still in the throes of passion he pulled from her and re-inserted himself gently within her anal cavity. He didn’t even lock with her but released himself into her and experienced the usual results. In moments she was out of it and lying on her side in the middle of the bed. He kissed her and then carefully repositioned her so that she would be comfortable; then he went to wash up.

When Mahi went down stairs he found a can of ‘Red Bull’ waiting for him, in a bowl, on the table; and the girls grinning at him. “I suppose you’re trying to tell me something?” He intoned.

“We’re only trying to help.”Snickered Rachel.

When Mahi was ready again he went upstairs. He knew that Lara had already gone in that direction and when he entered the bedroom he found her sitting at the foot of the bed with her legs spread and her pussy at the edge where he needed her to be. He reached to kiss her mouth first and she responded by leaning forward and completing the move. They swapped tongues for a bit and then she lay back and offered herself to him as freely as she could.

Mahi edged forward and was soon licking her slit from bottom to top. He concentrated on her vaginal opening and clit but didn’t neglect her little brown rosebud. He sank his tongue into her as deeply as possible and after a few minutes had her writhing in ecstasy with her legs in the air and spread even wider than before. When his tongue managed to catch her G-spot she orgasmed and reached down to clasp his head and hold him still. For three minutes she trembled before she finally released him.

Lara felt Mahi beginning to cover her and grabbed his collar in an attempt to speed his approach. “In me Baby, I want you in me.” She hissed passionately. “I want… Ohhh…” She ceased her words for the moment as she got what she was asking for. His hot cock was splitting her vaginal lips open and sinking into her depths. Three thrusts from her wonderful lover and he was as deep as he was going to go without completing the task and forcing his knot into her also. She locked her feet above his back and moved with him in unison.

Mahi began to fuck her at about the same pace that he had used on Mandy. Every thrust he made into her interior was felt completely as his cock rubbed her and each nudge to the bottom of her baby chute registered about 3.5 on the Richter scale. She was not the only one to enjoy the friction between them and it was all he could do to keep from cumming. It was a relief for him when he felt her begin to orgasm and the setting of his knot added another dimension to the equation. He shot load after load of sperm into her and she accepted it wholeheartedly.

Once the stronger tremors passed Lara reveled in the feel of her lover’s hot heavy shaft as it lay within her depths. They kissed again and as they were intertwined their baby kicked inside her uterus. He saw the look of surprise cross her continence.

Mahi pulled away slightly. “I felt it.” He assured her.

“We made that Darling, and I’ve seen him.” She cooed. “I can’t wait until he’s born and I can suckle him at my breasts.”

Mahi smiled and move his head downward to the firm brown tipped mounds in question. He kissed them and gently sucked each one in turn. He tasted nothing but his mate’s natural saltiness; which he thoroughly enjoyed. He moved upward again and in the process purposely prodded her with his cock with two good thrusts. He wanted to see her reaction and he was pleased with it.

“Ohhh… god…” She huskily whispered. “If you do that again you better keep it up and fuck me properly. I’m trying not to be greedy and save some of your precious DNA for the others. “But if you…”

He cut her off with another kiss. “Sorry Darling, I just wanted to make you feel good.”

“Ohhh… It does.” She returned. “It’s just that if you wake the kitty up again you’ll have to play with her properly and not just tease her.”

She initiated the kiss this time and as they dueled with their tongues he slowly slid from her depths. A sigh of pleasure tinged with a hint of sadness escaped her. She really would have loved another round of slow lovemaking but she was being thoughtful of her friends.

Mahi gave her another kiss and then went to the bathroom. When he returned he found Rachel and Jenna waiting for him. “Take Rachel first.” Offered Jenna. “She’s the one that we need to pump full of your DNA the fastest.”

Rachel reached out and caressed Jenna’s face. “Thank you for being so unselfish.” And then she gave her a sisterly kiss. As she positioned her butt at the edge of the bed and lay back, Jenna left the room for a moment; she’d be back in time to see most of the show.

Mahi began where he usually did. He edged forward and probed Rachel’s sweet interior with his tongue. He knew he was getting to her as she squirmed and sighed her pleasure. Several times he really moved her when his taste buds swept across her clit. But he really rocked her world when he jabbed deeply and curved his tongue upward and tickle her G-spot. It was at one of these times that she grabbed his neck and held him still as her first orgasm flooded her senses.

As soon as she released him enough to allow him to move he came over her and began licking her magnificent pink tipped breasts. He lingered there just enough to please her but now enough to allow her orgasmic tremors to completely vanish. She was still enjoying her first climax when he entered her and started the internal caresses that would really blow the top off the sensual scale. She lifted her legs upward and over him, making sure that he had total unrestricted access to her hungering valley.

Mahi thrust into her slowly, making sure that each and every push bottomed his cock against the bottom of her vaginal tube. Their eyes locked onto each other and everything that he wanted to do to her passed through his eyes and into hers. There was no way she could mistake how he felt about her and how much he loved her. He poured himself into her mentally just as sure as he would shortly be pouring himself into her physically.

“I want your baby…” She murmured passionately as she neared her second orgasm.

Mahi nodded his agreement and then they kissed. As their tongues met he shifted his approach and nudged the tip of his cock into the neck of her cervix. She began panting in an effort to postpone the approaching quake but her lover stopped her. “Let it happen Darling, everything’s ready.” He assured her.

Rachel let go and as her orgasm washed through her so did his precious sperm. Billions of his life giving wigglers invaded her and sought out what nature had taught them to seek. Some of them swam up the left tube and found nothing but those that took the right road were soon swarming her egg and trying to impregnate it. The struggle for first place was nothing short of herculean but when it was done there was a clear winner. And when he merged with her cell they became one; another new life was begun.

Everything had occurred so quickly that she hadn’t even realized that Mahi was knotted with her. The intensity of the orgasm had obliterated the fact that his knot had entered her and was rubbing her G-spot. But as they lay tied she was beginning to feel his presence and it was beautiful. The feel of her man so deeply imbedded within her was like a bellows the fanned the flames of a furnace and kept it hot and ready.

A contented sigh escaped Rachel’s lips as their heated ardor slowly cooled. The bed moved slightly and she looked to her right. She saw Jenna kneeling on the floor at the edge of the platform and their eyes met. “Thank you again for letting me have Mahi first.”

“We’re family.” Stated Jenna softly.

Rachel lay there beneath their mutual lover, feeling the warmth of his shaft still buried so deeply within her and nodded. Her hand reached out to Jenna and their hands touched. “My parents didn’t really have time for me when I was little.” She mused. “And they were thrilled when they found out how gifted I was. Their input into my life became minimal. I soon became so busy pursuing my own learning and activities that everything just slipped by. It wasn’t until I almost died and then saw you and Mandy and Lara and how you interacted that my hunger for a family was rekindled. Being a part of everything here is like an answer to a dream.”

Jenna kissed her friend.”Yeah, I know what you mean.”

Rachel could feel Mahi’s knot beginning to shrink and knew that it wouldn’t be long before he pulled out of her. “Did you like what you saw?” she asked.

“Ohhh yeah…” responded Jenna squeezing the strawberry blonde’s hand. “I always love watching our Loverboy when he’s with one of you. I can still seem to feel it and know that very soon I’ll be able to be with him also.

Moments later Mahi pulled out of Rachel and she responded by squeezing her friend’s hand again. Her sigh of pleasure was muffled as the huge Shepherd kissed her before going to the bathroom to wash up. When he returned Rachel was already lying in bed with a pillow tucked under ass and nearly asleep.

Jenna smiled when the animal’s and her eyes met. He moved close to where she sat on the bed with her knees at its edge but spread. He came to within a few inches of her spread knees and stopped. “I’m going to give you a reprieve.” She said as she reached out and cuddled his neck. “We’ll be together tomorrow. But, I just want to be able to hold you tonight, at least when we begin sleeping.”

Mahi rose up and gently pushed her onto her back. The bulge of their baby within her tummy became easily evident. He ran his muzzle over and around her stomach like a man would use his hand to caress his mate that was pregnant with his child; and she loved the feel of it and sighed her pleasure.

When Mahi was done exploring the baby bulge he moved upward and zeroed in on her breasts and nipples. As his mouth touched the mounds he allowed his tongue to add to the caress; especially when he hovered over the luscious looking brown teats.

Jenna reached up as her lover hovered over her and her hands moved upward to gently hold him. Her actions assured him completely that what he was doing was exactly what she desired. “Hang on a minute Darling.” She intoned as she scooted down a bit so that her butt was at the bed’s edge instead of her knees. “I just want to feel you rubbing my pussy area with you sheath while you’re sucking my tits.”

Mahi felt her warm mound present itself to the tip of his cock and smiled inwardly. He resumed what he was doing, adding a little suction to his efforts. He heard Jenna as she gasped from the pleasure and he added to her senses by gently pushing his cock into her receptive center. Milk began flowing into his mouth and his hot shaft began thrusting into her.

“Oh Mahi…” Hissed Jenna as she felt her mate enter her deeper and deeper with each thrust. “Thank you Sweetheart… I wanted you so badly but I didn’t want to pressure you.”

Mahi thrust into her slowly and momentarily pulled his mouth from her teat. “I knew what you wanted, and were yet willing to give it up because you thought I was too tired. I love you.” And then he continued what he had been doing but shifted to her other breast.

Jenna felt her milk leave her body and reveled in it. She knew that she would have plenty for their baby when he was born. The whole gamut of her senses was flooded as her mate fed at her breast while feeding her his DNA so that she could grow. It was so beautiful.

Mahi stopped feeding from her breasts after receiving about two ounces from each mound but he didn’t stop suckling them to add the stimuli. He watched as his sweet blonde mate writhed beneath him and thrust herself at him repeatedly; he knew that she was close and he was ready also.

“Give it to me Mahi.” Hissed Jenna. “Shove your knot into me and lock us up. Ohhh… god YES…”

Mahi’s knot entered her and their movement became short jabs. Their eyes locked with each other and as he poured his sperm into her. Her ecstasy contorted face was a thing of beauty to him because he had been the cause of her slipping over the edge and into euphoric bliss.

It was several minutes before Mahi was able to pull out of her. When he did he gently repositioned her across the foot of the bed where he usually lay and then spooned himself up behind her. His actions were not lost on her and even though she could barely move herself she was aware of his efforts to please her.


Mahi’s recovery time was incredible by the time Mandy stirred early in the morning he was ready to romp again. After she relieved her bladder he made her an offer that she wasn’t about to refuse. She noticed that Jenna was not where she normally was so she and Mahi ran down the steps and ended up on the love seat as usual.

What wasn’t usual was that she lay on her back with her legs spread and ready to grasp him as soon as he moved into her saddle. Mahi gave her vaginal slot a few preemptory licks and then move forward; she was totally wet and it wasn’t from her going to the bathroom just a few moments earlier. As his cock nudged her pussy lips open she encouraged his actions. “Fuck me Darling. I’ve got an itch that only you can scratch Babe.” After saying that she scissored her legs around him and opened herself completely to his desires.

Mahi began thrusting into Mandy faster and faster while keeping his knot from entering her completely. Her eyes were closed and the look on her face bespoke one of utter enthrallment. He could feel the level of her excitement increasing until she was ready to blow and then he entered her completely. Her eyes flew open as his cock slammed into the bottom of her love tunnel and his knot caressed her G-spot but she saw nothing. Her orgasm slammed into her like a ton of bricks and almost every other outside stimulus ceased to matter for several minutes. When she was able to focus on what was before her she met her lover staring back at her with loving tenderness. “Wow, I think I’m ready to go back to bed again.” She murmured.

By the time Mahi extracted his cock from her sweet cavern she had just about fallen asleep. The movement of his shaft within awoke her minimally so he nuzzled her until she moved onto the love seat fully. He then found one of the lighter blankets that the girls had around the room and covered her with it. She slept with a contented smile on her face.

Mahi himself lay beside the loveseat and rested. It was another hour before he heard movement in the bedroom above and as he listened he heard three distinct sets of footprints. He nudged Mandy and she sighed. “I hear them.” She then sat, ruffled his fur lovingly and walked toward the stairs. He smiled as he followed her sweet bare ass to the upper level and watched as his lovely mates paraded around in all their naked glory; what a life.

The rest of the morning flew by; Jenna and Mahi eventually found themselves alone. “I really loved what you did to me last night Sweetheart.”

“I enjoyed it also,” Replied Mahi in a husky yet clearer voice and it drew Janna’s attention immediately.

“What did you say?” Asked Jenna as she drew closer to him.

“I said, I enjoyed being with you.” He repeated in the same voice.

“Mahi.” Stated Jenna as she knelt near him and hugged his neck. “Your voice is becoming even clearer. I’m not sure what’s going on yet but… your voice is still changing.”

“Cool, do I sound okay?”

“You won’t hear any complaints from me Darling.” Whispered Jenna softly in his ear.

“Good.” He returned and then he bowled her over onto her back as she clung to his neck.

Jenna gave a playful squawk as he tussled with her and though she was pregnant she still felt very agile. However, when it was all said and done Mahi had her gently pinned and her robe opened and her legs spread. The first sweep of his tongue sliced through her vaginal slit from bottom to top with ease. “Oh Honey, that feels so good.” She hissed as one lick followed the other in slow deliberate succession. She just lay there for a moment as she enjoyed his ministration upon her but she did tilt her pelvis upward to give him better access to her excited crevice.

Jenna could feel her orgasm building and didn’t want to do anything that would make it stop but as she lay there she saw Mahi’s sheath. She reached out for it in an attempt to caress it but it was beyond her grasp. It dawned on her that in all she had been through in the past months she had never even touched her mate’s cock. She saw the tip of it peeking from its protected tube and made a promise that very soon she would get a better look at the implement on her pregnancy.

Mahi kept up the pressure of his lingual caresses. He jabbed his tongue into her and curled it upward and as he raked it across her G-spot; the dam broke. Her murmurs and sighs were but a part of the outward evidence that her orgasm had claimed her. Her whole body shook and his tongue was expelled from her warm interior so he continued to gently lick her vaginal lips.

Jenna sat upright and Mahi released her legs. She shifted to her hands and knees and kissed him several times before turning and presenting herself to him. “Take me doggy style Darling. I want you.”

Mahi moved over her easily and gently shuffled into place. His left foreleg reached under her arm but above the bulge of their baby that lay cradled inside her uterus. His cock nudged the lips on her vagina open and he entered her. “Yes…” He heard her hiss as he thrust deeper into her.

Jenna noticed that Mahi remained shallow within her and she was about to say something but he kicked his motions into overdrive and she didn’t think much about it after that. His cock pistoning in and out of her like a locomotive made up for his lack of depth. “Fuck me Sweetheart, Fuck… me… and pour your love juices into me!”

Jenna felt the approach of her orgasm and it was different than most, yet still very satisfying. She sighed her complete approval as she felt Mahi’s sperm shoot into her. His eruption didn’t seem quite as strong as other times and she wondered at it until she remembered that his knot was not locked inside of her either. “Mahi, is everything okay?”

“Yes.” He returned softly as he carefully extracted the healthy length of cock that he still had imbedded within her from behind.

“Then how come you didn’t lock your knot into me?” She asked as she turned to face him.

Mahi smiled. “Because… you are about ready to give birth.”

“What…? How… how do you know?” She asked excitedly.

“When I licked you, I’ve noticed a change in the way you smell and… taste. I thought it would be better if I didn’t thrust into you too deeply, or even lock with you… no matter how much we wanted it!”

Jenna moved to one of the wooden chairs where she could be more comfortable; Mahi was right by her side. “Are you sure about this?” She asked as she hugged his neck.

“As sure as I can be. It’s all new to me also but my instincts are rarely wrong.”

“But I feel so good; I feel as though I could get the bike out and ride the mountain trail all the way to our FAVORITE lake.” Mahi didn’t respond but what she would consider to be his special smile crept across his face.

While Jenna and Mahi spent time together, the others were busy about their usual day. Lara was continually being asked as to her due date and after the first few times she had the perfect story memorized with a due date about six plus months into the future. She hardly had to even think about it in order to give a viable answer. She knew however that when she was ready to give birth that she was going to have to make people think that the baby spontaneously aborted. If she didn’t, the girls that worked in the clinic would eventually begin pressing her to see the baby. She didn’t like the thought of lying to everyone but she was sure that they would never accept that the puppy she carried around was her newborn son. Eventually she was going to have to quit this place. But then taking care of the babies was going to have to come first anyway.

In Mandy’s case, the questions were about the same; but they usually came from perspective buyers. She didn’t mind when the women asked her questions but when it was guys that were doing it she sensed that they were trying to hit on her and she made sure that her rings were plainly visible. And… she mentioned her huge loving husband frequently. Most to the time the guys got the hint but in one case she had to outright tell a guy to back off. He had come alone, without his wife, for a second look. He then had the audacity to tell her that he guessed she didn’t really want to sell the place they were looking at and he wouldn’t buy it if she weren’t… more co-operative. She felt like kicking him in the balls but opted to simply walk out the front door and wait until he came out. She then relocked the house and walked away. She shouted over her shoulder that if he ever came near her again that she would file charges against him; she never saw him again. Two days later she sold the house to a different couple. She was looking forward to quitting her job once they were able to secure the treasure.

Rachel was quickly becoming acclimated to her new senses and abilities. In a way it would be a shame to have to leave the lab now that all her faculties were so much keener than they had ever been. Unfortunately, she knew that if she wasn’t very… careful that she would become one of the test subjects instead of a researcher. She hated the irony of it all.

Another thing she disliked was the fact that more and more of the male population were taking notice to her. She purposely began wearing bulky clothes to work but when she switched into her lab clothes there was no hiding the fact that she was a very well put together female specimen.

Rachel gathered the items that she was looking for and was taking them back to her work station when she felt a strange sensation in her lower stomach and she gasped. She had a good idea what it was because she had already talked with Jenna and Lara about how they felt when they sensed that they were first pregnant. She wished that she were home so that they could celebrate the event; as it was she would have to wait a few more hours.

When Rachel arrived at her workstation she began labeling the items. She didn’t even have to turn around to know that she was no longer alone, but worse than that; she also knew who it was: Stan. She had noticed earlier that he was watching her more and more and she didn’t like it in the least. He was thirty years old and a known womanizer. He moved from female to female after he got what he wanted out of them. “Can I help you?” She eventually asked when she had purposely turned so that he would be visible to her.

“Yeah, I hope you can. I noticed that you’re working on a project that I’m extremely interested in and I thought that we might be able to… collaborate on it. What do you think?” Asked Stan as he pressed closer.

Rachel backed away from him as she lifted her left hand to display the ring she wore. “Not going to happen, Stan. And I would really appreciate that you keep any mutual work that we may have to share on a completely professional level.”

“When did you get engaged? I didn’t even know that you were seeing anyone.” He said suspiciously.

“I’m sorry, why are you so informed about my… personal life?” She asked defensively.

“I know, Rachel, because I’m a department head.” He chuckled, trying to keep the conversation on the light side.

“You are not my department head.” She corrected. “And my name is Ms. Morris to you. If you have any problems with that we will take it up with my supervisor immediately, I’m not interested in you or any of your attention or help.”

Stan backed off immediately, he wondered if she knew that Jack Ackers, her immediate boss and a person that outranked him in authority around the lab, disliked him personally. “Hey, I was only trying to be sociable.” He weaseled.

Rachel nodded but she didn’t smile. “Really… well I don’t want to be sociable, now please leave me alone. I have tests I want to run and I don’t need any interruptions.”

Stan nodded as he backed away and then turned to leave, but in his mind he was still making plans to invade her space. He was going to get to know her one way or another. He wondered if he could get her new fiancée to break up with her. And if things didn’t work out in his favor he would try to find some way to ruin her.

Rachel actually got some work done that day despite her ordeal with Stan. She marveled as she thought about it because if what happened to her today had transpired before Mahi had been with her, she knew she would not have handled it as well. By the time she left to go home she was totally in control and couldn’t wait to get back to Mahi and the rest of the family.

When Rachel turned out of the lab’s parking lot and headed toward her new home she immediately became ill at ease. She looked in her rear view mirror and wasn’t too surprised to see Stan’s car behind her. At first she thought it was just a coincident but then… why the apprehensive feeling? She decided to test her theory and stopped at a small convenience store. Her fears were instantly vindicated as she went into the store but he simply parked and waited for her to return. “Damn it.” She hissed. She knew that she had to lose him, but doing it without creating suspicion was going to be the hard part.

Stan could have sworn that Rachel lived in the other direction but he wasn’t sure of her address. He had been trying to get access to it but all the employees’ home residences were inaccessible; even to him. That’s why he was following her now. When she turned into the store he was relieved. He’d continue following her when she came out.

Rachel got into her car and pulled to the parking lot exit. She sat there just long enough to analyze the stoplight a few blocks down and then gunned it. She turned in the direction of her old home and pushed the speed limit just enough to get what she wanted without creating unwanted attention in her direction. She passed under the light just as it turned yellow.

Stan held back a bit he didn’t want to get too close behind her. He nodded as he saw her turn in the direction that he thought she should be going. He was surprised at the speed at which she pulled out of the driveway and tried to follow suit. Unfortunately, he had to wait for two cars to go by before he could continue. He hit the gas pedal when he was clear and rocketed around the cars he had just had to wait for but his efforts were in vain. The light turned red while he was still thirty yards from it and he spotted a cop car on the other side so he had to slam on his brakes. The squeal of his tires caused the police to look in his direction and he tried to look innocent of the speed it had taken to create such a sound. When he was finally able to resume his prey was long gone. He tried to follow on the same road but never found her.

Once Rachel was sure that she was free of Stan’s pursuit she turned, went several blocks and then turned again. She was soon headed in the right direction and made good time after that in returning to her new home. She fretted the incident though because she had hoped that the faceoff in the lab had been enough to scare him away.

When Rachel arrived home Mahi was there to greet her. “What happened.” Were the first words out of his mouth and although she normally understood his gruff voice easily his clearer words surprised her.

“Mahi, your voice…” started Rachel.

“Yeah, it’s still changing.” He answered her before she could complete her whole question. “But, back to you; you’re upset about something?”

Rachel sighed. “There’s a guy at work that’s coming onto me and I detest him. Even after I showed him my ring he didn’t quit. I told him I’d take him to my boss if he didn’t back off. He acted as though it was over and he understood but then he tried to follow me home and find out where I was living tonight.”

“Don’t worry Darling, we’ll find a way even if I have to ride with you to work and be there when you get out. I’ll make an impression on him one way or another.” And then he growled and bared his teeth for emphasis.

Rachel chuckled because she knew the kind of impression that Mahi meant. She was just about to kneel and hug his neck when Lara raced out onto the porch and shouted to them. “Jenna’s water just broke!”


Part Twelve

When Lara re-entered the house, followed closely by Rachel and Mahi, they found Jenna resting on top of a pile of clean white towels in the middle of the kitchen floor. Mandy was at her head and acting as a prop for her sister to rest against. Lara moved between the young blonde’s spread legs and gently felt her stomach.

“The baby is on its way.” She cooed. As they watched a black button nose appeared; followed quickly by the rest of the head and shoulders. Jenna hardly had to push at all before the puppy was born and Lara was cleaning him up. “It’s a boy!” She added, and tears were brimming in everyone’s eyes as they witnessed the birth.

“He’s bigger than most puppies isn’t he?” Questioned Mandy.

“Yeah, about three times larger than usual Shepherd pups.” Offered Lara

“How do you feel, Jenna?” Asked Rachel.

“I feel great. He was on his way out before I hardly knew what hit me. I think we will all have to be very careful as to where we are when we’re close to giving birth.” She stated.

“Was it painful?” questioned Mandy.

“A little, but not nearly what I expected it to be.” Responded Jenna.

Lara had taken care of almost everything about the birth and it wasn’t long before the small pup was at Jenna’s teat. A blissful look came over her as he latched onto her and began feeding. “He sure knows how to eat.” She cooed.

Lara continued to rub Jenna’s stomach and then told her to give one more gentle push. She followed her sister’s instructions and the placenta was expelled neatly onto the awaiting towels. “Wow, I doubt we’ll get those clean.” Exclaimed Mandy.

“Nah, they’re shot for normal use.” Said Rachel. “But we should be able to get them clean enough for birthing. As long as their sterile they should be fine. If they don’t come clean enough, we’ll just get new ones.”

Everyone pitched in and in no time Jenna was in the living room and resting on the sofa with the pup snuggled warmly on her tummy and satisfied. Everyone gathered around and Lara finally asked the question that they were anxious to know. “So, what’s his name?”

Jenna gently caressed the little bundle. “Mahi and I have talked about it. The name we chose if it was a boy was Avanti.”

All of the girls ohhhed and ahhhed about the choice of a name. “That’s quite appropriate.” Offered Rachel. “It means ‘ahead’ or ‘first’ in Italian, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, I’m fairly sure that your right, Rachel. It just came to us.” Returned Jenna.

“Excellent choice.” Agreed Lara. “When did you come up with it?”

“Not until two days ago.” Answered the new mother. “How about you?”

“Not yet.” Responded Lara. “But I’m sure we’ll get to it real soon, won’t we Darling?” She added as she ran her fingers through the hairs on his head. Mahi simply looked at her and nodded.

The evening meal was prepared by the rest of the family while Jenna relaxed in the living room. When everything was ready they brought the food to where she lay and they ate together. Talk for the most part remained on the light side until Rachel reviewed her day for them; omitting one particular item. “Except for the incident with Stan it was a very good day.” Concluded the strawberry blonde.

“Really?” Intoned Jenna with a slight lift to her eyebrows and an unmistakable lilt in her voice. “And the very good part of the day?”

Rachel chuckled while shaking her head. “I’ll be glad when I’m up to speed like the rest of you. The good part is that I’m …”

“Pregnant.” Shouted Mandy joyfully, completing the sentence for her; while nearly prancing around in shear glee at the prospect.

In a way Mandy stole her thunder, much like a person in the audience finishing the punch line for a standup comic. It was impossible for her to be upset though because she knew that the outburst had been her friend’s utmost desire for her. “Yes, I’m pregnant.” She stated and then found herself on the receiving end of numerous hugs and kisses. She did have to bend to get Jenna’s embrace but she didn’t mind it in the least.

“How come you didn’t tell us right away?” Asked Jenna. “I sensed that there was something different but with just giving birth to Avanti, I wasn’t sure.”

“I didn’t want to take away from the joy of Avanti’s birth.” Explained Rachel.

“Your announcement would have only added to it all. Said Jenna softly. “Just as it has now. Good things never overshadow one another they simply multiply the reason to celebrate.”

The girls eventually turned on the TV to watch the evening news. It was bout all they watched on the boob tube because usually had other thing that occupied their time. It wasn’t long after that before Rachel and Mahi disappeared. “I hope he puts it where it will do the most good.” Chuckled Mandy. We really do need her DNA levels increased in the shortest time possible.

“Yeah,” Agreed Jenna. “First it was the lab blood tests, and now it’s this Stan guy. Couple that with the attempted hacking of the company computer and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hate to be isolationists but I’m beginning to think that the less we have to do with the outside world the better off we will be.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” Added Mandy. “I’ll be glad when I can quit work.”

“Ditto.” Exclaimed Lara. “I don’t think I’ll miss the working world either.”

“Well, once Rachel can quit her job and sell her house we’d be financially set even if we didn’t have the revenue of the coins to look forward to.”

In the upper bedroom, Rachel was on her knees in the middle of the bed. “Be gentle Darling.” She said softly as she looked back at her lover as he prepared to mount her. “I want you where it will do the most good tonight.”

“I’ll be as careful as possible my love. As far as I’m concerned it’s no good if you can’t enjoy it.” He responded as he mounted her and his fur tickled her back in a pleasing way.

Mahi was very adept at finding his mates. He always edged forward and when the hot tip of his cock entered her vaginal lips he followed it swiftly with a thrust that shoved his member into her about half way. It was followed with several more and it wasn’t long before he was bumping the bottom of her tube. He loved it when he his current mate would gasp with pleasure; it let him know that he was pleasing her.

Rachel let Mahi know exactly what she was feeling. If it wasn’t words, it was pleased sighs and contented murmurs. “Take me Darling, fuck that wonderful cock of yours into me and enjoy yourself.” As she informed her lover what she wanted of him she pushed back into him with about minimum force. She wanted to feel him but she knew he didn’t want to lock with her just yet. They kept their pace nice and slow and they could feel every centimeter of his cock as it slid into her moist cavern.

Minutes passed and Rachel felt her first orgasm wash over her. Mahi stopped his thrusting as they both enjoyed the feel of her vaginal muscles clamp repeatedly on his shaft. She lifted her head and was able to rub it against his broad chest. Just knowing that he was back there, poised over her receptive body, with his maleness deep inside of her pleased her both physically and mentally. She reveled in the feel of it all.

Mahi waited until her tremors subsided and then began thrusting again. When she dropped her head and lowered herself to her elbows she rocked her pussy upward and into his advancing shaft. He fucked her slowly and when she was ready to go again his carefully extracted himself from her vagina and plugged himself into her quivering little rosebud. He did this with great care but didn’t push hard enough to set his knot. Despite his effort to keep it contained he knew that it would be too big to shove into her at the moment.

Mahi and Rachel began thrusting at each other once more and his knot nudged her sweet pinkness at each impact. He bent his neck downward and carefully grasped her neck in his mouth. It left little doubt to the fact that he was claiming her and that she was his. The thought that she was in his power was un-mistakable and she love that fact. “I’m yours Darling.” She hissed softly. “Take me and make me more like you.”

Rachel let herself go and her orgasm followed quickly. When Mahi’s sperm hit her rectal system it was the last thing she remembered. She felt her lover shoot himself into her and her orgasm instantly went from a 4.5 to a 9.5 and she was out of it.

Mahi heard her gasp as he shot his fluid into her and then he had to hold her as she went limp. He guided her downward to the bed as gently as possible and as he did he felt his cock slip from her body. He arranged her so that she would be comfortable and then went to was up. When he came out she was resting very well.

The girls were down stairs and when Mahi entered the living room he walked directly to Jenna and the baby. He gently licked at the small bundle and their baby seemed to respond favorably to his touch. The young blonde smiled and then reached out to carefully hug her mate. “Thank you, Darling.” She whispered softly into his air and then kissed him.

Mandy allowed Mahi to rest a bit before she approached him. She whispered in his ear and he looked at Lara. Her response was a smile and a nod. He had been going to take her next but he could see that she didn’t mind if he took Mandy instead. Lara would be the last one that night because Jenna was unavailable for at least a week.

Mandy and Mahi disappeared up the stairs and into the bedroom. When the young ash blonde babe saw Rachel she didn’t have to guess as to how one of her counterparts had taken their mutual lover. She turned to her mate and hugged him; bringing her lips close to his ear. “I want you to make love to me just like you did Rachel.” She whispered; and then she positioned herself on the bed and readied herself to be rocked into oblivion.

Mahi jumped on the bed and licked Mandy from pussy to ass. He probed her as deep as possible with his tongue and actually curled the tip of his oral digit downward in an attempt to reach her G-spot. He managed to hit it several times. It took a bit but he eventually managed to lick her into her first orgasm. As she shuddered in delight he came up over her and nearly covered her completely.

Mandy’s climax had barely ebbed when she felt Mahi’s hot shaft split her vaginal entrance and bore deeper into her ready body. “Fuck me Darling; let me know how much you want me.”

“I want you Mandy. You are a very important part of the family; you all are. I love being in you and feeling you respond to what I’m doing to you; and I love the way you smell. In short; there is nothing that I don’t love about you.”

Mahi began thrusting into her slowly. He made sure that each and every time he bottomed out in her vaginal tube that it was as solid a bump as possible. His knot entered her to the halfway point and split her labia lips. It stimulated her clit with each move and it wasn’t long before she was cruising into her second orgasm.

Mandy felt her huge lover cease his movement within her so she could enjoy the feel of her pussy as it tried to milk him of his essence. It was as though she could feel each and every centimeter of his cock as it lay within her and she swore she would be able to draw the exact contour of his magnificent phallus if she wanted to. She sighed contentedly and then relaxed as she felt the hot probe begin to move; she knew where it was going next.

Mahi gently reached down and grasped her neck in his powerful jaws. Moments later he was carefully entering her cute little brown tinged netherworld. His precum lubed the way and it wasn’t long before he was in her to his knot once more.

“Ohhh… god… yes… Fuck me Sweetheart. Hold me in your grasp and shove your hot cock into me and possess me. Give me what you have and help me to grow. I can’t wait until we have our babies… and are able to run with them. Ohhh…” Her next orgasm caught her off guard and as she entered her climactic throes of pleasure Mahi did the same.

Mandy felt Mahi’s initial blasts of sperm but the multitude of others was lost to her senses. He held himself within her as she slumped and even collapsed when she did so that his contact would not be lost. He remained spooned against her until he was sure that all of his fluids were in her and out of his delivery system.

After Mahi pulled out of Mandy he managed to position her in the bed so that she would be comfortable. He washed up and then returned to the living room below. He rested for about thirty minutes and then moved to Lara’s side. She smiled at him when he drew near.

Lara gave Jenna a hug and gently caressed the puppy that still lay on his mothers tummy. She then headed for the upstairs bedroom with Mahi following closely behind her. As she went she began shedding what little clothes she still had on. She looped her garments over her arm and by the time she entered the bed chamber she was naked and swaying her hips seductively; giving her mate every opportunity possible to fiest his eyes on her curves. From where he was walking it was nearly impossible to tell that she was slightly over two and a half months pregnant.

Mahi watched as his lovely brunette neatly tossed her clothes onto a nearby chair and then sat at the foot of the bed. She edged forward until her neatly trimmed valley was right at the brim and then spread her legs invitingly. She crucked her right index finger in the universal ‘come hither’ gesture and then addressed him in a sultry voice. “I don’t need any warm ups Darling, I have waited until last because I want you to take your time and fuck me slowly. Jenna’s going to be out of it for a week at least. And then you will be able to play catch up with her while I’m out of it after giving birth.”

“I will still make time for all of you Darling, regardless of whether I’m making love to you or not.” Said Mahi softly. “I love mating with you but sharing your time is just as important to me. Once you have reached the critical DNA point and your body is fully functional things will get even better.”

Lara helped Mahi come up over her and lay back as his chest met hers; his hair acted like a thousand tiny fingers as they brushed against her nipples. Her hands caressed his massive neck and their eyes meshed. No words were spoken; none needed to be at the moment. The look that passed between them as his hot shaft tip came against her vaginal lips spoke volumes. He entered her with slow calculated thrusts but eventually it became too much for her to bear and she added her own motion into the mix. She thrust her pussy up at him and forced him into her. She wanted him deeper; quicker.

Once Lara had her male in her vaginal vault and he was nudging the bottom of her tube with every move he made a triumphant smile washed across her countenance. She rested then and allowed him to do what he wanted to her; she had simply been too hungry to feel his heat deep within her to pussyfoot around.

Mahi set a steady pace once more. The head of his cock hit her interior like a battering ram in slow motion; the force was there but the speed was diminished and allowed for her organs to respond without damage of blunt force trauma. He entered her sweet sanctum right up the half way point of his knot with every attempt.

Lara lay beneath her huge lover and with each thrust began expelling small gasps of air from her ecstasy imprinted lips. With their eyes still locked in loves embrace the danced this sexual duet for nearly fifteen minutes.

Each and every impact lifted the both of them higher and higher and when Mahi sensed that she was right on the verge of cumming he introduced his knot to her G-spot. One last push drove his cock into her even deeper and locked his ball of flesh into her completely. She gave one last gasp and then orgasmed; it was one of the sweetest experiences she had ever encountered. And even though she tried to keep eye contact with her lover the shear ecstasy of it all caused her to squint. Her eyes shut on their own volition and she rode the emotional rollercoaster but it wasn’t in darkness. Hundreds of bright colored flashes exploded all around her; it was reminiscent of a fireworks finally on the fourth of July.

When the euphoria ebbed enough for her to open her eyes once more she was again staring right into her lover’s deep pools of emotion. “I wish I could describe how beautiful you look.” He said softly when she resurfaced. I doubt it would be possible for even the greatest painter in the world to be able to capture what I saw just moments ago.”

Lara smiled and signed contentedly. “I think you nearly took my head off with that shot Darling.” She whispered. “Except when you’ve cum in my ass I’ve never been closer to passing out then I was when you blasted me this time. I love what we just shared.”

“So do I Lara, and I promise we’ll do it again the same way and see if we can get the same results.”

Lara kissed him and he returned her sign of affection. As their tongues dueled each other Mahi began to slowly extract himself from her heated core. A disappointed sigh escaped her lips and her tongue action ceased. “One of these times I’d love to fall asleep with your hot cock buried deep in my pussy.” She muttered into his mouth.

“I would love to do the same Lara.” Returned Mahi as their mouths still touched. “We’ll have to start out doggy style and then after I make you cum we’ll plop over on our side and I’ll stay in you.”

“Mmmmm… Sounds good to me.” Said Lara as they finally broke their kiss. “Just not tonight. After that last orgasm I’m so tired I’m about ready to fall asleep right here.

Mahi slowly lifted himself off of Lara and sat on the floor. He watched as his beautiful brunette mate flipped over on her hands and knees and crawled toward the head of the bed. Even after emptying his balls into her but a few minutes ago he thoroughly enjoyed watching her sway her cute little ass in front of him. He knew he had a good life and he’d be even happier when the few nagging situations would go away and leave his family alone.

Lara fell asleep quickly and Mahi left the room as quietly as a wisp of air. He was soon standing next to the sofa where Jenna and the baby still lay. The TV was broadcasting but Mother and baby were slumbering peacefully and he did nothing to disturb them. He turned the tube off and then lay close to his family.


Through the night Jenna tended their puppy. It was actually a lot easier than having a human baby. She herself was feeling better by the hour and there was little or no healing to even take place; she had not ripped while giving birth. After she had fed Avanti at about five in the morning she went up stairs and washed up. She stripped her clothes off and stood in the mirror. “Yes…” She whispered to her image. There was no sign that she had ever been pregnant; not even the slightest stretch mark. Her breasts were fuller, but they were still firm. She hopped into the shower and washed thoroughly; she reveled in all that had happened so far.

Mahi saw Jenna rise and heard her as she moved around up stairs. He stayed with their pup and marveled at what they had produced. It would truly be interesting to see their young one grow and he wondered at the young one’s potential.

When Jenna returned to the living room she found Mahi waiting there. “You know…” She whispered as she sat on the sofa and caressed his massive neck. “I’m already feeling better… you might be able to make love to me again a lot sooner than we thought.”

Mahi nuzzled her neck. “I would love to Darling.” He returned. “But it wouldn’t be wise and I’m not about to take a chance of hurting you for a moment’s pleasure; no matter how intense that pleasure is.”

“I have another hole.” She reminded him.

“Yeah, and I’d use it very carefully if when I shot my DNA into you that you wouldn’t pass out.”

“Oh yeah… I forgot about that.” She added sheepishly.

“We’ll be together as soon as possible I promise.” He continued as he nuzzled her some more. “And in the mean time, you need to pick up a diaphragm. We don’t want you pregnant again too soon. It would not be good for you or our next baby.”

Jenna knew that what he was saying was the absolute truth. He was interested in her for her, not just as a breeding instrument. She hugged him closer and ran her hands over as much of his body as she could reach.

After a bit, Jenna sat back against the sofa and she smiled as Mahi moved closer and licked her breasts. He gave both of them a gentle once over but then Jenna invited him to taste then once more. “There’s plenty of milk in there for you too Darling. Avanti doesn’t eat that much just yet.”

Mahi move in again with greater interest and bean to really suckle on his mate’s sweet teat. Her breast milk ran into his mouth and the taste of it to him was absolutely superb. He took some from each breast to keep it even while making sure that he left some for his son to be nourished with.

Jenna thrust her breasts forward as Mahi drank from them and she ran her fingers through his hair. She loved the feel of her milk being taken by her mate. Before it was over she was on the verge of an orgasm.

When Mahi saw how close Jenna was to cumming he dipped his head lower and began licking her clitoris as best possible. In moments his mate scooted lower and spread her legs for him giving him better access to her virginal slit. He kept up his ministrations after that until her orgasm claimed her.

Once Jenna’s climax ebbed enough for her to respond coherently she grabbed Mahi by his collar and pulled him up and over her completely. She kissed him and brought her legs up and over his back. Her actions brought their genitals together and if he had wanted he would have been able to spear his shaft into her very easily. As it was his sheath nudged her saliva slick slit. It was only his love for her and his desire to keep her safe that kept him from plunging himself into her. “Please, just rub that hot shaft of yours through my furrow a few times.” Begged the young blonde.

Mahi could see no harm in that so he shifted his stance a bit and was soon very carefully sliding his cock lengthwise through her pussy lips. He maintained a slow steady pace while they rocked each other’s world. Their eyes remained locked on the other and it was quite satisfying considering the circumstances. He watched as a milder orgasm claimed her again and then he kissed her while she sighed her pleasure.

Jenna and Mahi had just straightened up when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Lara was the first to poke her head into the living room. “Hey, I thought you were not going to have sex until at least a week.” She said with concern.

“He didn’t enter me.” Corrected Jenna. “I begged him to slide it between my pussy lips and over my clit but nothing more.”

“Okay, but you still better be careful.” Added Lara. “You could still get pregnant you know?”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m going to get a diaphragm before we do any more. I just couldn’t resist a little taste.” Responded Jenna. “Besides, you’ll see what it’s like soon enough. And if I were you I’d look into getting yourself one of those things also. After you give birth you tell me if you wouldn’t want him to fuck you again almost immediately also.”

“Wow, you feel that good already?” Asked Lara.

“Yeah, I do. I hardly feel as though I went through anything at all.” She explained. “Avanti’s birth was very easy from what I could see. And the fact that we heal a lot faster than usual… I feel fantastic.”

Lara took stock of Jenna as she approached her. “Well I must say you certainly look good. I wouldn’t know that you were even pregnant.”

“That’s what I mean.” She added as they entered the kitchen to get the morning’s meal underway.

Once breakfast was over Jenna whispered in Rachel’s ear. “I think there’s time enough for you and Mahi to be together this morning if you want? I’ll clean up our portion.”

Rachel thanked and hugged Jenna before quickly disappearing with their mutual lover. She was at the foot of the bed and ready to receive Mahi as fast as she could climb the stairs and shed what few cloths she had on. “I’d ask you to give it to me the way it would benefit me the best but I need to be coherent in an hour.”

“Then I’ll have to do my best to overcome that Darling.” He said as he mounted her. He entered her gently but after that he pumped himself into her with the speed and power of a locomotive. He powered her through her first orgasm and didn’t stop until she was close to her second. As he felt her next climax approaching he set his knot and emptied himself into her.

Rachel spasmed over and over as she felt Mahi’s sperm shooting into her depths. “Feed me Sweetheart; give me all your delicious fluid.” She held both his front legs and arched her back to receive him better as she said this. And she enjoyed the feel of his molten essence spreading through her system. She gasped though when his hard rod began gently moving in her again. “Oh… god that feels so good…”

Mahi nudged her gently and continued to do so until his balls had refilled. He didn’t wait for her this time, but fired his sperm into her again. Now, she had a double load.”

Rachel wasn’t sure what Mahi was up to until she felt him ejaculation into her depths again. All she knew was that he was moving her around inside in such a way that she was about ready to faint from the sheer bliss of it all. She remained in that euphoric state for the better part of fifteen minutes and began to become coherent again only after he pulled his knot out of her well fucked pussy.

With herculean effort she managed to turn over while he still stood above her. She grabbed his neck and pulled them together. “I think you nearly fucked me silly this time Sweetheart.” She whispered huskily. “And as far as I’m concerned you can do it again any time you want; anywhere you want!”

It was a few minutes more before they broke their embrace and Rachel ambled into the bathroom to clean up. When the other girls saw her they didn’t know exactly what had just taken place, but they knew the blissful look on her face; they had experienced it a time or two themselves and would again in the very near future.


When Rachel went to work that day she felt ecstatic. She also knew that if Stan tried to follow her that evening she would have a big surprise waiting for him. She and Jenna had talked about it and they had made arrangements for Jenna to bring Mahi to where she worked. They would see how things would progress from there.

Rachel got a lot done at work that morning; for the company and herself. The project that she was working on was moving along faster than she had expected and with greater clarity as to what was happening than she had ever hoped for. She would miss this job, but no matter how much it meant to her… it wasn’t worth anyone ever finding out about the changes that were occurring within herself.

On her part of the matter, she had managed to fabricate a small pouch that she would be able to stick on the tip of her finger. And the best part of it was that it was nearly invisible. Her fingerprint would be able to be applied to it and the hidden sac would hold more than enough blood to give a descent sample when needed. Now, all she had to do was make blood samples that would pass the analyzers.

It was noon before she finally met up with Stan in the lunch room and her hackles went up immediately. She got in line to purchase a drink and wasn’t surprised when he managed to get in line right behind her. Very nonchalantly she eventually turned and addressed him loud enough for several people in line to hear. “Was that you I saw following me last night after work?”

“What?” Returned Stan, trying to look innocent. “What are you talking about?”

“Yesterday, after work someone followed me to a local convenience store. They waited outside and then tried to follow me again but I lost them at the first light. It looked like you.” Accused Rachel.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He lied.

“Really…” Returned Rachel sarcastically. And then rephrasing the whole accusation. “So it was just my imagination that a dark blue 2007 Buick Lucerne followed me out of the parking lot and then turned in at the same convenience store that I did; but did not enter. And then tried to follow me again after that! And it wasn’t you?” Her voice was actually very controlled despite the fact that she could almost see the word ‘liar’ imprinted across his forehead.

“I already told you that I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He maintained but he put down the items that he had wanted to purchase and left the lunch room in a very agitated state.

Rachel’s afternoon was every bit as productive as her morning had been. It was almost four o: clock when her immediate supervisor, Jack Ackers, walked into her lab area. “How’s it going Rachel?”

Rachel nodded. “I doing well and my project is ahead of schedule. How about you?” She returned, already having a good guess as to why he was there.

Jack smiled but it was a guarded one. “I heard there were problems in the lunch room between you and Stan.”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” She said. “He came on to me the other day and when I told him I was already engaged.” And for emphasis she held up her left hand; showing him her ring. “He began to ask questions that I didn’t care for. I told him that I wasn’t interested in him and then I caught him trying to follow me home.”

Jack looked around to be sure that no one else could overhear him. “Are you sure that it was Stan?”

“Yes, I am.” Said Rachel confidently.

Jack nodded. “Do you think that he will do it again?”

“Unfortunately… Yes. And I already have it set up with a very good friend of mine to follow me in her car for the next few days. I don’t trust Stan.”

Jack nodded again. “Okay, I just wanted to be sure that you’re safe; but I guess you already have that covered.”

“It’s covered.” Assured Rachel.

Jack nodded once more and then left her lab area. He really liked Rachel; she reminded him of his daughter and he clearly looked at her that way. Even as the door closed behind him he was making plans to see for himself exactly what was going on.

Rachel went to the ladies lounge and changed her clothes; she was ready to leave the lab right on time. She didn’t hurry out of the building but was right in the middle of the pack as they all exited. She went to her car without looking any farther than to be sure that Jenna was there and the full sized conversion van was hard to miss. When she left the lab this time she turned toward her old house. She drove for several minutes before she received a call informing her that she was being followed.

Jenna knew exactly where Rachel was headed and took a shorter route. She was already in the park and had positioned her car so that she had an excellent view of the remaining lot when she saw her friend pull in. She also watched as the vehicle that they were interested in did not enter this portion of the parking area but entered the next on down the line.

Rachel got out of her car and did a few stretching exercise before hitting the jogging trail. This was her first time here but she looked like she had done it all her life; she actually preferred biking better. Jenna watched her go and then released Mahi. “Be careful Darling. There’s a leash law and I wouldn’t want you to get nabbed.”

“I’ll be careful.” He said before racing for the nearest woods and making a beeline toward where he knew Rachel to be running. Jenna followed shortly after that with Avanti carefully cradled on front of her.

Rachel came to the first workout area and did the exercises that were listed there. She even did double the required amount before moving on, just to kill time. She made it all the way to the third station before sensing that she was no longer alone. What surprised her was that there were two people in the woods ahead not just one; and they were not together. She knew where Jenna was and had a harder time locating Mahi but it wasn’t either of them; the persons stalking her were down the trail a few more yards. She decided to stall for time and make them come to her.

It took ten minutes before Stan became impatient. He strolled into the clearing as though he was surprised to see her. He was a lousy actor. “What are you doing here?” She asked him while still wondering about the other person.

“Hey, it’s a free country. I come here quite a bit.”

Yeah, it sure looks like it.” She said as she nodded toward the clothes that he wore. “We’re on a jogging trail with work out stations and you are wearing you street clothes.” She shook her head and then tried to pass him but he reached out and grabbed her.

“You are nothing but a prick tease.” Said Stan angrily. “I think I’ll teach you a lesson…”

His threat was cut short and it wasn’t a split second later before he found himself on the ground. He had no idea what hit him but when he looked up he was starring into the face of the largest and most vicious looking German Shepherd that he had ever laid his eyes on. It scared him so much that he peed his pants.

“He won’t hurt you as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” Said Jenna as she slowly walked into the clearing with a digital video camera still filming the event.

“You bitch.” He began to say but it ended there as Mahi growled his displeasure. “You set me up. This is entrapment.” He raged but he didn’t move a muscle.

“No, it’s not entrapment, Stan. You could have simply let me walk by and ignored my presence on the trail. Instead, you decided to threaten me.”

Mahi move away from the man on the ground and positioned himself so that he could see who was still lurking down the trail a bit. It wasn’t long before Jack came into view. He knew the animal had spotted him and he decided to come out into the open instead of being flushed out. He had seen the huge dog take Stan down and he didn’t want the same to happen to himself.

“Don’t be afraid of the dog, Jack. He won’t bother you as long as you don’t try to hurt Jenna or myself.”

It wasn’t long before Jack was in the clearing and shaking his head in Stan’s direction as the man finally stood up. “I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, and don’t plan on staying. I saw the whole thing and with that tape as corroboration I doubt you’ll be working for the lab much longer. I’ve heard stories of other women complaining about you but this time you have picked on one that is under my supervision.”

Stan sneered wordlessly at them and then walked away like a defeated man; in his heart though, he was already planning retribution. He took a shortcut through the woods in a line that he thought would take him to his car. He was only a little off. He ended up walking two miles farther than needed. He should have stayed on the trail. On the bright side… by the time he did reach his vehicle his pants were dry.

By the time everyone arrived home and the dinner was prepared and eaten there was little to share about their day except on Rachel’s side. “I don’t like that guy.” Commented Lara. “If he gets fired he’s going to go berserk.”

“I agree.” Added Mandy. “I don’t think we should let Rachel go anywhere alone. Not after seeing that recording.”


Part Thirteen

Rachel was calm and confident about the day’s events. She had a new strength within her; a strength she knew she would not have had just a short time earlier. If this had happened before becoming involved with her new family she would have been a total nervous wreck by now. She had always considered herself self-reliant but this situation with Stan would have stretched her previous confidence to the limit. She sighed happily as she looked around her and took in her current surroundings. She knew where her new strength was coming from. Jenna, Lara and Mandy were behind her 100% and Mahi was the catalyst that spurred it all on.

Even as Rachel sighed, she felt Mahi come along side her. She looked down at him and saw a smile cross his continence. “Are you ready for your next injection?” He asked with a deep yet gentle voice that seemed to fit him perfectly.

Rachel knelt next to him and hugged his neck. “I’m ready for anything you want to give me Darling, anywhere you want to give it to me. And I don’t need any warming up; I’m wet and hot enough for you already.” Whispered the strawberry blonde just before kissing him fully on the snout; she then continued. “I managed to work quite efficiently today but thoughts about you consumed all the rest of my free time: especially when I felt the egg you fertilized implant itself in my womb. I love you Darling

The trip to the master bedroom was swift and hurried but by the time Rachel arrived at the communal bed she was naked and ready to receive her lover. She looked over her shoulder and smiled as she knelt at the foot of the raised platform. Her breasts flattened against the covers and felt cool to the touch for several seconds but then the thought of it was negated as Mahi rose over her and covered her with his warm body. The hairs on his chest caressed her back like a thousand tiny fingers and drove all other thought except what she was about to receive from her sensory receptors.

“I love you Rachel.” He intoned as his cock gently probed for her moist opening and it wasn’t long before he was gently thrusting himself into her.

“Oh… yes…” Hissed Rachel as she felt Mahi’s hot shaft split the entrance of her pussy and burrow into her deeper and deeper with each thrust. “Fuck me Darling. Make me more and more a part of you.”

Mahi thrust into Rachel as deeply as he dared without setting his knot within the entrance of her vaginal slot. She had been right about being wet and ready; between his precum and her secretions they were very well lubricated. He continued his slow thrusts for only a few moments more before he kicked it up several notches. Soon he was pumping into her like a 5000 horsepower locomotive with its throttle wide open and a full head of steam to drive it.

“Ohhh… my god, you’re fucking me sooo… good.” Gasped Rachel as the head of Mahi’s spear-shaped cock pounded the end of her tunnel with just enough force to set up a sympathetic vibration within her. The vibration emanated outward and transferred itself to her other organs. As they were jostled they in turn were stimulated and her whole body felt as though it was involved in receiving her lover’s attention. When the huge Shepherd above her closed his jaws gently over the back of her neck it was the last stimulant needed to send her over the top. She climaxed so hard she nearly fainted.

Mahi stopped his motions abruptly when he felt her vaginal tube spasming around his thick member. Her pussy muscles were milking him so hard that if he didn’t cease his actions now and concentrate on something else he would have spilled his seed into her before he wanted to.

Wave after wave of ecstasy washed through Rachel’s core and it was all she could do to remain still as and not add any extra stimulation to her mate’s shaft that was nestled so… sweetly within her depths. She knew why Mahi had stopped his thrusting and she honored his wish. She did tease him with it though as she gently caressed his legs that loomed just above her shoulders. “I could have had you, you big puppy.”

“You definitely could have Darling.” He returned as he nuzzled her cheek. “But I’m pleased that you didn’t. I know that receiving me in your ass is not your favorite but it is the most expedient way of getting my DNA into you that I know.”

“I’m ready for it.” She cooed softly. “Now that I’m pregnant with your baby I can handle you in my ass for the sake of getting me up to where the other are. Just be gentle.”

“I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you Rachel.” He whispered as he withdrew his phallus from her vagina and nestled it against her delicate pink sphincter. With utmost care he began to hunch forward again and with his precum lubricating the way he sank his shaft into her nether world. It was very tight, just like his other mates were. He took his time but didn’t stop until his knot rested just outside her sweet little rosebud. He didn’t plan on forcing that into her.

Mahi began ever so slowly to thrust into her and she lay there and received him, submitting herself to him.

Rachel grabbed her lover’s legs again and hugged them. She had to admit that after a few minutes of feeling Mahi move within her rectal cavity that it was beginning to stimulate her. “You can go faster if you want to Darling.” She eventually hissed. “It’s actually beginning to feel good.”

Mahi increased his pace a little but still didn’t want to overdo it. He rocked her world for another fifteen minutes before he felt a subtle tremor pass though her and as it did he unloaded himself into her. When his sperm erupted from his shaft and into her depths she quivered intensely and then passed out; his essence had been delivered.

Mahi rested for a moment and as he did Lara entered the room. “I’ll help you with her Darling.” She offered and together they moved Rachel onto the bed where she would spend the rest of the night.

Once Mahi had extricated himself from Rachel he gave her a quick kiss and then kissed Lara also for helping him with the newest member of their family. He then went to clean up in the bathroom. The night may have been over for the strawberry blonde but it was far from over for him. He knew that each of his other mates would be wanting a piece of him before they went to sleep that night also.

Lara allowed Mahi to rest for a half hour before she decided that it was her turn to make love to him. She found him in the kitchen wolfing down the last bit of what had been a sizable piece of meat. “Getting a little energy boost.” She teased.

It was still a little strange to see a huge German shepherd grin but the girls were getting use to it. “Oh yeah…” He intoned and I know exactly what to do with it.”

Quicker than Lara thought possible he had her backed against the kitchen counter her thighs parted and his nose buried between her legs. The robe that she had been wearing was open and her pussy was laid bare to his ministrations. She was already naked beneath the robe in anticipation of making love to Mahi but she hadn’t planned on him seizing the opportunity in the food prep area.

Lara looked down but all she could see was her bulging tummy and half of her husband’s head. She knew exactly where he was though because she could feel his tongue licking her clit expertly while occasionally delving deeper into her pussy and exciting her there also. She cradled his head in her hands and began to moan her pleasure but then gently pushed her mate away as her knees were getting weaker by the moment. “Time out Darling. Let’s take this up stairs where you can really do me right and I won’t melt into a puddle right here on the kitchen floor.”

The journey up stairs was not as swift as it had been with Rachel but it was a fast pace none the less. Lara took off her robe just as she entered the room and tossed it into the corner of the room that she claimed as her’s. She then sat on the end of the bed and spread her legs once more. “Now.” She whispered sexily “You and my sisters won’t have to scrape me off the floor when we’re through making love.”

Mahi moved in once more and was soon evoking sighs of pleasure from his brunette mate again as his tongue sliced deeply into her interior and caressed her sensitive vaginal regions anew. Her hands caressed his head and coaxed him on as his oral digit excited her to new heights. He didn’t stop his lingual manipulations until Lara slid into her first orgasm and tried to stuff his snout even deeper into her tight female crease than it already was.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god…” She hissed as her climax washed through her pelvic region and her hips emulated receiving her lover even deeper into her love canal. It was several intense moments before she realized how tightly she was holding Mahi head and what she was doing to his snout.

Mahi wasn’t upset in the least that his lover had tried to shove his nose into her deeper than it had ever gone before. He actually loved the idea that he had primed her so well that she had lost it completely. Besides, he loved the taste of each of his females and he wouldn’t change his situation for anything in the world.

When Lara had recovered a bit and after her heartfelt apology for nearly smothering him; she lay back on the bed again and spread her arms out to him in open invitation. “I want to make love to you this way Darling. I want to look into your eyes as you fuck your sweet cock into my hungry pussy. I may already be pregnant with your puppy and about ready to give birth but I still what you in me as much as possible.”

The bed shifted slightly as Mahi placed his forelegs above Lara’s shoulders and scooted his abdomen forward until his sheath was nestled close to her vaginal slit. He didn’t even have to look to guide the tip of his cock into her moist valley; it sliced into her easily and sank inch by tantalizing inch into her depths until it was nudging the back of her tunnel.

Once Mahi was fully engulfed by her pussy he lowered himself until his chest nearly rested on her’s. He began rocking into her gently and allowed their excitement to build slowly. They kissed and stared into each other’s eyes intently. Few words were spoken but none were really needed to convey the feelings that they had for each other. Their eyes spoke volumes and when they kissed and completed the circle that their bodies formed when joined as they were it completed their unity.

When Lara and Mahi climaxed in unison this time it wasn’t accompanied with fireworks that flashed behind their eyes and in their brains but with a heat that warmed her core to depths that she never thought possible. It was impossible for her to describe what had occurred but she knew that something big had happened; she just wasn’t sure what it was and she was too tired at the moment to even contemplate it thoroughly.

Mahi smiled as he realized that Lara had fallen asleep with his shaft still deeply buried within her. It took a bit but he was more than able to move his sleeping mate onto the bed further and into her usual bedtime position.

Once Lara was safely tucked into bed Mahi left the upper level and went below to find the two remaining members of the family in the living room. Jenna was resting on the couch with Avanti at her breast, suckling him. Mandy was nearby in the rocker recliner, watching the sensuous meal time of the new born pup. She cradling her pregnant tummy with one hand while gently caressing her own breasts in anticipation with the other. She could hardly wait to feel her baby at her breasts like Jenna was now experiencing.

When Mahi entered the room, Mandy roused from her reverie and approached Jenna. “See you in the morning.” She intoned softly before she stooped to kiss her gently on the forehead.

“You’ll have your own little one soon.” Comforted Jenna, knowing how much her friend wanted to feel her own baby at her breasts. She then watched as Mahi and the ash blonde realtor left the room to go up stairs. She was half tempted to go with them and watch as their mutual lover took Mandy but she held back. It hadn’t been that long since she had felt that huge shepherd so deep inside her but she was already missing it fiercely.

When Mandy and Mahi arrived in the bedroom the young woman crawled onto the bed and into a position where when he was done with her she would not have to be moved. “You know what I want Darling.” She said softly as she sexily swayed her fine shaped derriere.

Mahi was ready for her even though he had already been with his other two mates within the past couple hours. He had long ago realized that although the girls’ anatomy was similar they were still very different when it came to making love to them. He loved the distinct taste, feel and reaction that each of them possessed.

Mahi wasted little time after Mandy presented herself to him. He was behind her in an instant caressing her with his tongue from clit to rosebud. The view that she gave him was more than enough to spur him on and keep his juices flowing. With her legs parted the way they were he had an excellent shot at her tight clam shaped vaginal slit with its neatly trimmed beard below. He could also see her sweetly bulging tummy where their baby was growing. He love her completely as he did his other mates.

Mandy had lowered herself to her elbows as she offered her lover unimpeded access to her sexual delights. She had no idea the tantalizing view it gave him of her nether world and their baby’s growing space. All she knew for sure was that she was wide open for him to do whatever his heart desired to her and she was enjoying every moment of it.

The young ashen blonde purred with ecstasy as Mahi’s tongue sliced deeply into her and touched her G-spot. It caused her to marvel at his ability to curve his oral digit downward in an effort to graze that sensitive area. And when he slowly exited her tasty crevasse and swiped his fleshy digit across her delicate rosebud it sent more than a few goose bumps coursing through her.

When Mandy’s first orgasm slammed her it caught both of them by surprise. Mahi had just inserted his tongue into her vaginal slit again and had managed to hit her G-spot anew when it happened. Her pussy muscles rippled strongly and if it had been his cock that had been in there he doubted that he’d have been able to keep from unloading his sperm within her at that moment. It was definitely a reaction that would have induced sperm discharge and assist in impregnation if she hadn’t already been expecting.

Mahi waited for her orgasm to subside a bit before he mounted her. As it was when he gently inserted his thick shaft into her heated interior he could still feel the aftermath of it all. It was like experiencing aftershock in the wake of a major quake and they were definitely readable on the Richter scale as the continued to pulse in an attempt to milk essence from him.

Mandy sighed contentedly as she felt Mahi shove his hot shaft into her. As much as she loved the way he made oral love to her there was nothing that beat the feel of his cock as it entered her and filled her completely. If all she ever did was make love to her mate and have his babies she was sure she would be totally fulfilled; and yet she knew that there was so much more to all of this and that made it even better.

Mahi began moving within his sweet ashen blonde as her orgasm ceased. He set a slow pace and allowed his cock head to distend the back wall of her vagina almost to the point of setting his knot inside the mouth of her pussy lips. It was a languorous screw that lasted for over fifteen minutes but allowed the exciting pressure to build slowly. He knew that when this climax hit that it would be every bit as devastating as the first.

Mandy knew that at any moment she was going to cross the last barrier and be unable to hold her next orgasm from slamming her into oblivion completely and she told Mahi as much. It came as no surprise to her then when he pulled his cock out of her pussy and carefully reinserted it into her ass. As soon as his knot bottomed out against her rose bud it was the last straw. She slammed herself back against her invading lover and rode the crest of the wave. She felt him erupt within her like a volcano and the lava he spewed inside her warmed her thoroughly. Contentedness pushed her the rest of the way over the precipice but she didn’t dread it. She had been there before many times, and as before, she found herself floating in a world of utter beauty.

Mahi almost set his knot in Mandy’s sweet nether region as she lunged back at him. He held her tightly as he emptied himself into her and as his fluids hit her they did what they usually did. They sent her into a world that only she would know. He followed her downward as she slumped forward in sleep and extricated himself from her only after he was sure that he had fully dispersed his seed into her. None of his essence went to waste.

After Mahi cleaned up he ambled back down stairs. He caught Jenna’s knowing smile as he entered the room. “I heard Mandy all the way down here and knew that you would be coming soon.” She teased as he moved to where their baby slept. He looked at Avanti who was sleeping in the small cradle that they had purchased for him and the small pup looked contented and full. He then looked back to his blonde mate and saw that she had opened her robe for him and spread her legs in open invitation. She was beautiful; her breasts were full but firm and her tummy with her neatly trimmed bush below was as flat as ever.

“I’m sure Avanti didn’t drink it all Darling.” She cooed as she held both breasts in her hands in offering. “I know you don’t want to put that sweet cock of yours in me just yet in fear of hurting me but at least I can have the satisfaction of having you feed from my breasts.”

“That I can do, and perhaps a bit more.” Agreed Mahi as he closed the short distance between them. It was only a few moments before he was between her legs and suckling her teat. The milk that flowed from her and into his mouth was warm and sweet and it satisfied both of them as she cradled his head to her bosom.

Mahi fed from both her breasts to even out the usage of what he took from her. She sighed contentedly as he fed from her and she was saddened when he stopped. Her disappointment didn’t last long though because when he was done with her tantalizing nipples he went right to her delicious pussy lips.

Jenna sank a little lower on the couch to give Mahi better access to her vaginal area now that he had shifted his attention to that arena. Once more she caressed his head as he administered pleasure to her. When he sensed that she was about ready to climax he rose up over her and placed the tip of his shaft at the opening of that pleasure world. She would have to tip her pelvis back a bit to allow him to slide through her furrow as he had done previously.

Jenna locked eyes with Mahi. “Fuck me Darling.” She pleaded. “I know I’m ready, I can feel it. I want you in me Sweetheart… just… don’t cum in me until I get the diaphragm tomorrow.”

Mahi looked at her intently for a moment and then did what they both wanted and knew within their beings that it would be safe to do. He lined the tip of his cock with the opening of her pussy and slowly entered her.

“YES… Oh god…Yes.” She hissed as she reached out to Mahi and pulled him closer to her. “Fuck me Darling, make me yours. I want to feel your hot shaft in me so much. Oh Sweetheart I love you.” She intoned as she felt her lover do exactly to her what she was pleading for him to do.

Mahi stroked his heavy shaft onto her gently, trying to elicit the best feelings from her while remaining as unaffected as possible. It wasn’t easy but he did manage to coax an orgasm out of her without spewing any more of his sperm into her than was able to escape into her through his precum. It would have to suffice for the moment.

When Mahi pulled his still erect shaft from her depths she hugged him tenderly. “Thank you. I promise I’ll get a diaphragm in the morning Darling. I want you to pour your sperm into me again as much as you do Honey.”

After that Jenna spread several blankets on the floor and it provided enough padding to make it comfortable for them. She slept soundly with her arms draped over Mahi’s back until Avanti’s hungry cries awoke her. She felt well rested and contented by then as she once more brought her small son to her breasts to feed.


With all that had transpired the previous day, Rachel used it as an excuse to skip going to work. She called Jack at the lab and told him how she felt and he excused her absence readily. He actually told her to take the rest of the week off and she planned to do just that. She was going to make good use of her time home in more than one way.

What Rachel didn’t know but readily suspected was that when Stan arrived at work that day he was immediately called to the office of the Lab Manager. It was here that he faced five other men of higher ranking in the lab than he was.

Stan wasn’t too surprised when he was called to the Lab Manager’s office, but deep inside he had hoped that it would just blow over like so many of the other of his womanizing incidents had. This time he wasn’t so lucky. This time he had crossed some invisible line that he didn’t understand and he blamed it all on Rachel instead of taking the responsibility for his own actions.

When Stan entered the office he tried to come through the door like a confident man in charge of his own destiny but that attitude ended within seconds as he saw who he faced within. The meeting lasted for the better part of an hour but in the end he was summarily dismissed without the slightest chance of an appeal. He didn’t have a snowballs chance in a blast furnace of keeping his job this time and he really didn’t deserve one. Every female complaint that had ever been brought against him was listed inside a thick folder that was sitting on the Lab Manager’s desk. This had indeed been the straw that had broken the camel’s back.

Long before noon, Stan was ushered out of the lab; escorted by security and stripped of all I.D. that would allow him back into the facility. As he stood by his Lucerne the scowl that crossed his continence was a mask that would have done a Halloween costume justice in terms of scariness. Hatred brewed behind his eyes and most of it was aimed at Rachel and the other girl that had been there at the park to set him up. Different scenarios as to how he was going to get even with the bitches rambled through his mind in an unending cascade of planned vengeance. It began to consume his every thought.


Shortly after talking to Jack and hanging up the phone Rachel met up with Mahi as she exited the den. The look on his face left little to the imagination as to what was on his mind concerning her. She giggled at his antics and then ran for the bedroom. She got there before he did but there was no doubt in her mind that she had been allowed to win.

When Rachel got to the communal bed she spun around quickly and faced her four-legged lover. She had never done a striptease before but her version of it was very sexy and would have stirred the loins of a dead man let alone a healthy, horney, k-9 that was bent on mating with her anyway.

By the time she was done with her provocative dance she was kneeling at the foot of the bed with a look in her eyes that spoke volumes as to what she wanted also. Her desires were in the process of being fulfilled as soon as she licked her lips in anticipation.

Mahi was on her in an instant; only this time he opened their sexual escapade with a good session of cunnilingus. He ravaged her completely and had her halfway to her second orgasm before she pleaded for him to stick his cock in her and fuck her royally. “Just don’t fuck my light out like you did last night Darling. I have things that I need to do after I manage to recuperate from our lovemaking.”

Rachel felt the familiar warmth of her lover’s fur as he covered her from behind. She reveled in it and then grasped his legs as they come over her shoulders. As her animal lover nudged his cock to the entrance of her pussy she rocked her pelvis backward to give him the optimal angle in which to enter her moist depths. It wasn’t but a moment more before she was rewarded for her efforts as his hot shaft sank into her depths and eventually nudged the bottom of her tight canal.

“Oh Mahi… that feels so good. Ohhh…” She continued to murmur as he began to pump himself in and out of her with greater speed. She had been more than ready for him with her own fluids when he entered her, and as his precum gave her tight recesses even greater lubricity he was able to increase the tempo at which he fucked her with no fear of the rapid pace that his was beginning to build to.

Jenna awoke from a short catnap that she had been taking and wondered at first what had disturbed her slumber when she heard Rachel’s pleasured sighs coming from the upper bedroom. She chuckled and then went back to her rest as the sound of her friend’s murmurs continued on in varying intensities.

For nearly ten solid minutes Rachel could do little but babble as her male pounded her with everything he had short of setting his knot in her. As he slowed because they were nearing their mutual climax she finally got her voice back. It lasted for a few seconds and then it was lost once more as the orgasm that hit her washed all coherent thought from her for several more minutes.

When Mahi finally pulled his shaft from his mate she didn’t move for several moments. “I’ve changed my mind.” She intoned tiredly. “I think I’ll take a quick nap before I do anything else.” As he watched he saw his beautiful strawberry blonde crawl onto the bed and fall asleep. He covered her naked body with the sheet that was there and then went down stairs. He marveled at each of his mates’ distinctive beauty. He was a lucky dog and he knew it.

Mahi helped himself to some water before checking in on Jenna and Avanti. When he entered the living room he found her rising from the sofa. She looked at him and smiled. “You rode Rachel pretty hard Sweetheart.” She said with her usual sultry voice. “I’m going to get dressed and take Avanti shopping with me but when I return I hope that you are rested enough to give me a little of the same attention that you showed our resident geneticist. I know that we were together last night but I haven’t had a dose of your life changing essence for several days now and I’m really hungry for it.”

Jenna allowed her robe to open and her charms were revealed within its shadows in a most provocative way. She watched Mahi and knew that he had not missed her display; he never did. She ruffled the hair on the top of his head and the side of his cheek as she walked by and though it wasn’t much it still caused his loins to stir. He was already visualizing what he was going to do with her when she got back.

When Rachel stirred about an hour later the house was quiet. She bathed and then went down stairs. She found the note in the kitchen that Jenna had left and it detailed all that she planned to do while she was out and about. She had to smile when she saw the request that Mahi be allowed to rest until her return. She knew immediately what that was all about and was please that Jenna was feeling so well.

After grabbing a small bite to eat Rachel set about trying to find a way to separate Mahi’s blood donation from hers while not making it look as though her blood had been scrubbed. She knew that the lab had a previous sampled of her blood and when they took their next test they would be matching the samples against each other for possible changes. It was a dilemma, but not an impossible one.

Once Rachel got involved with her experiment time flew. Before she even realized it Jenna was home and the smell of the evening’s meal was wafting through the house and stirring her taste buds. It was then that she really took the time to listen to her surroundings and she smiled. She wondered if she made the sounds that she was hearing when she was being fucked royally by Mahi.

When Jenna got home she had two things on her mind. The first was for the family, she started the evening meal by preparing it and throwing it in the oven to cook. The second was for herself and Mahi. After she was sure that the food prep was done to her satisfaction she went looking for the huge shepherd in hopes of fulfilling her promise that she had made to him. She found him on the back porch, relaxing in the warm sun on a cool day. When she opened the door he arose immediately from his slumber. He was ready also.

Jenna and Mahi moved to the upper bedroom where they would be comfortable. While the young blonde climbed the stairs with her lover trailing closely behind her she was loosening her clothes. By the time she stepped into the room it took only a moment longer for her to strip herself bare and stand before her chosen mate.

She knelt before him and hugged him to her naked torso, reveling in the feel of his fur on her breasts. Her nipples became excited and a pleasant ache reminded her of the food that she carried within them. “Drink some of my milk Darling. My breasts are full and Avanti isn’t drinking enough yet to really deplete them.”

Jenna arose and sat on the edge of the bed. The action brought her full teats to just the right height for Mahi to indulge her wish. She cradled his huge head to her like a hungry child and sighed as she felt him latch onto her and draw nourishment from her brown nipples. It was erotic and it began the whole lovemaking process.

Mahi fed from his mate carefully. The feel of her teat in his mouth thrilled him as it’s sweetness trickled down his throat. He loved Jenna as he loved all his mates but she was different at the moment because she was giving him something of herself at the moment. He knew he would get the same from the others eventually, but this was feeding him now, and it was changing him.

When Mahi had fed evenly from both breasts he nudged Jenna backward on to the bed and into a lying position. He came up over her and she guided him with her arms and hands enmeshed in the hairs of his neck. Their eyes were locked together as was their custom when he took her in the missionary position. And when his cock found her awaiting pussy she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him as best possible. She offered herself to him freely.

“Fuck me Darling.” She said in a husky whisper. “I love you and want as much of you as possible. I Ohhh…” Her voice failed her for the moment as he entered her and began sliding deeper and deeper into her warmth.

Mahi started out slowly at first because he had not really prepared her as he sometimes did. However, once he was sure that his precum was lubing her properly he stepped up his pace.

Jenna clung to her mate and pulled herself as close to him as possible. She lost eye contact with Mahi but there was no denying the other feelings that were impacting her senses. It was impossible to miss the fact that she had his hot shaft within her pussy that he was stimulating her whole being with every advance and retreat of that meaty stud.

Jenna felt as though she could do nothing but take what her male was giving her; and in all actuality she was totally pleased with the situation. She wasn’t sure how long the bout had continued but as it began to slow she heard all kinds of words of encouragement as to how hard to fuck her. It took a moment to realize that it had been herself that had been egging Mahi on.

Jenna felt her third orgasm approaching. She vaguely remembered the other two but she had been blasted through both of them and the pounding had not ceased during the entire time. The stretching of her vaginal entrance caused her to groan in pleasure as her lovers knot entered her and sealed the tube in preparation of receiving Mahi’s essence.

The young blonde pushed away from her K-9 lover just enough to be able to look him in the eyes. “Give me you sperm Darling. We may not be able to get pregnant because of the diaphragm in me but I still want as much of you in me as possible.”

As Jenna voiced her desire her third orgasm claimed her and her vaginal tube quivered in response. In return, Mahi added his climax into the mix and his fluids erupted into her with enough force against the back wall of her tube that it was impossible for her to miss.

Jenna pulled Mahi close to her again as his essence shot into her and she felt the impact of it. “Thank you Darling.” She murmured softly but then gave a startled yelp as she felt something slightly different from the norm. The sperm that he had just deposited in her was warm as usual but it didn’t stop there. The heat of it was traveling completely through her and a euphoria came over her like she had never experienced before. “Wow…” She exclaimed.

Mahi now pulled himself away from her a bit but did not disturb their union; his knot was still locked firmly inside her. “Are you okay?” He asked.

“Oh yeah…” Responded Jenna in a voice that left little doubt that she was still flying high. “I’ve never felt better.” She added and then she began hugging and kissing Mahi anew in a passionate after sex after glow.

It was several minutes before Mahi and Jenna uncoupled and returned down stairs. They were in no hurry to part. If it hadn’t been for several factors they would have probably started in on another lovemaking session right then and there. Unfortunately, the smell of food cooking, the sound of several different voices and the yelp of a hungry pup changed all of that; they went down stairs.

Jenna slipped back into a robe as she and Mahi went below. As they entered the kitchen Lara smiled at them knowingly. It was impossible for her to miss the fact that they had just made love to each other. If the scent of their coupling hadn’t been enough then the look on the blonde’s face should have done the trick. “You look very well today Jen, how are you feeling?” She asked.

“I feel… wonderful.” Replied Jenna.

Lara raised her eye brows at her sister’s statement. “Let’s take a look.” She offered as she went to the cupboard and retrieved a case that could hold a multitude of items. “I finally found what I was looking for and picked it up just today. It’s a camera with a small waterproof lens that’s mounted on a flexible shaft. And you can stick just about anywhere; according to the ads that they are running for it in the magazines.”

All of the girls chuckled because they knew exactly where Lara was planning on sticking her new toy.

Jenna and Lara disappeared up stairs with the camera while the other finished preparing the evening meal. The pair was gone for only fifteen minutes before they returned. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you were still a virgin; except for your hymen being missing that is.” Offered Lara as the two girls reentered the kitchen.

Mandy saw Jenna holding some pictures. “Are those photos of what you look like inside?” She asked somewhat sheepishly.

Jenna smiled and nodded. “Here, have a look; this is what you should look like inside also.”

Rachel drew close to Mandy and they viewed the images together. She had seen pictures of a woman’s anatomy, but she had never before known who the pictures belonged to. Knowing who the photos belonged to seemed to change how you truly viewed those snapshots.

Rachel nodded; Lara was right. What she saw as she looked at the images was a very healthy pelvic area and cervical mound. Seeing these photos made her wonder… exactly what she looked like and she determined that before the night was over she wanted to see her neatly trimmed pussy interior through the camera’s eye also.

Lara and Jenna smiled as they saw the interest that the photos were drawing. “We can use the camera on all of us after dinner.” She offered. It will be interesting. Besides, I want to see what my pregnant puss looks like also.”

As the girls ate their evening meal they talked about their day and shared their feelings. Jenna went first and when she mentioned about the hot orgasm that she had experienced earlier that afternoon Lara’s smile broadened perceptively. “Besides being hot, can you tell us a little more about it?”

Jenna paused for a moment. “It’s hard to describe except that when it hit it seemed to heat my whole body from head to toe. I felt so euphoric… and it hasn’t really diminished even yet. I just feel so good…”

“Was Mahi… taking you anally?” Asked Lara.

“No.” responded the blonde. “I didn’t want to get blasted like that when I have Avanti to watch over. Why?”

“Because I had the same thing happen to me the other night also.” Explained Lara. “Only I was taking Mahi up the ass when it happened so I simply figured that it was a more intense version of the original.”

Mandy laughed. “What can be more intense than being blasted into an oblivious dreamland?” She asked.

“I’m pretty sure that you will find that out for yourself very soon.” Answered Lara. “I’m fairly certain that I’ve taken Mahi anally more times than Jenna has, and… that being the case I think that I caught up to her.”

Jenna agreed. “You were only two weeks behind me.” She intoned as she hugged her friend. “That would be fantastic if we hit the threshold at nearly the same time.”

“It’s easy enough to check out.” Commented Rachel as she disappeared into the room that held her experiments. It was only a few moments before she returned with several microscope slides and a pin. “Ante up girls.” She said as she drew closer to them.

The evening meal was nearly forgotten as the girl’s attention was drawn toward this significant test. Each of them held out a finger to be pricked and Rachel deftly accomplished the task of gathering their vital fluids. Within minutes they were gathered around the microscope to see the results and the projection that showed on the wall answered some questions while opening others.

Jenna and Lara had indeed reached the threshold; their samples were still alive and moving while showing no sign of dying. Mandy’s was not too bad but it did show signs of diminishing and Rachel’s was good but definitely had a ways to go yet.

All in all the outcome of the test was very encouraging and the girls discussed it as they returned to the table. Unfortunately the main question was unanswerable at the moment. What exactly did reaching the threshold really mean? And all of the girls turned to Mahi who was sitting a few feet away intently watching them.


Part Fourteen

With all eyes on him, Mahi did his best to shrug what shoulders he had.”Why are you looking at me? If I had been raised by my mother and father I might have some idea as to what was going on. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. I was the only one of my litter to even survive.” He said sadly.

Jenna and the others gathered around him quickly after hearing the sadness in his voice. “We’re not blaming you for not knowing your origin Darling. And although we would love to be acquainted with the whole story I know that none of us would change where we are or what we have just because we have a few questions about the situation.

All the girls hugged him after that and then they quickly finished the evening meal. As Jenna, Rachel and Lara set about cleaning up the kitchen they excused Mandy to be with Mahi. They definitely had a goal now and it was to get the rest of the members of the family over the threshold as soon as possible; for whatever reason.

Mandy and Mahi went up the stairs almost faster than a streaker being chased by the cops with tasers. It wasn’t long after reaching the sexual sanctum that she was kneeling naked before her lover and kissing him passionately while rubbing as much of herself against him as possible.

They wrestled and tumbled together for several minutes before Mahi ended up on top of her looking down into her brown eyes. His cock tip was nestled in the tight furrow of her pussy and was teasing her desires. The heat of his huge battering ram left little doubt as to it’s intention; it was seeking an audience in the inner chambers.

“Not down here Darling.” Breathed Mandy huskily. “When I get you inside me I don’t want you hindered in your movements by our position.

Mahi released her, knowing that she was right. He would have been able to get in her but he would not have been able to move too freely. He watched as she arose and then sat on the bed with her legs spread in open invitation. “Take me like this a first.” She cooed. “And then we’ll switch to the doggy position to finish. I want to watch you while we make love.”

Mahi obliged her and was pleased by her request. Most of the time he and Mandy made love it was all about her getting his essence into her in the best possible way; which made sense but didn’t allow them the closeness that he shared with the others. Being able to look deeply into her eyes as he moved within her would change all of that.

Mandy felt the cool night air wafting over her naked form for only moments before her huge hairy lover covered her and warmed her anew. The feel of his heated loins as they drew closer to hers excited her even more. It was only a matter of seconds before she sighed in contentment as her mate’s hot shaft split her vaginal lips and entered her moist depths. “Yes, Mahi… make me yours Darling.” She hissed while looking into his eyes.

Mahi moved slowly in his ash blond lover, allowing his lengthy shaft to nudge the back wall of her cunny while his knot pushed open her pussy lips and caressed her clit. He gradually increased his speed and within minutes managed to push her over the edge and into her first orgasm.

Up until the moment her climax hit her they had remained eye to eye; but when she passed over the brink her eyes involuntarily squeezed shut as though to keep her ecstasy from escaping. Mahi watched Mandy’s facial expressions as her body responded to the built up stimuli and it pleased him to know that he had caused his lover such bliss. To him, watching his women orgasm was a far greater pleasure that than even climaxing himself.

Mahi slowed his pace and allowed Mandy to ride the wave of her blissful experience without too much outside interference. When she reopened her eyes he kissed.

Mandy sighed as their lips parted. “Please take me from behind now Darling and don’t worry about making me cumm. All I want is your essence in my anal canal now. I’ll be glad when I reach the threshold like the others have because when I do get there I want most of our lovemaking to be from the front. I really loved staring into your eyes as you pumped your cock into me; I felt closer to you than ever before.”

Mahi kissed Mandy again as he gently pulled his cock out of her vaginal slot and she moaned her pleasure. Once her lover was free from her she carefully moved further onto the bed and mentally prepared herself for what was to come next. She watched over her shoulder as her four footed lover approached her and Goosebumps claimed her flesh as his fur covered her again for the third time in less than an hour.

Mandy sighed as Mahi gently eased his manhood into her anal chute. She felt him thrust into her at a slow pace as he allowed their friction to build their excitement slowly.

Mahi didn’t try in particular to bring her to orgasm but by the time he reached his zenith she was right there beside him and they passed over the pinnacle together. He felt his essence flow into her and the effect of it on Mandy was very evident. It looked as though she was experiencing an earthquake but her murmurs and sighs of pleasure let him know that what she manifested was sheer bliss. It lasted for nearly fifteen seconds and then she gave a big sigh and zoned out completely.

Mahi carefully moved Mandy into as comfortable a position as he could and then gently extracted himself from her nether world. He kissed her on the cheek before covering her naked form with the sheet and then went to the bathroom to clean up. It wasn’t long before he was refreshed and heading below. He knew his other mates would let him rest a bit if he wanted and then he’d be at it again. This was a rough life he chuckles to himself as he cruised down the steps.

None of the girls had to go and look to know that Mandy was now in her usual unconscious state after her bout with their mutual lover; everything was now quiet in the upper levels of their home. Each of them heard Mahi as he cleaned himself up but only Jenna and Lara heard him come down the stairs on his padded feet; Rachel had not yet attained the very acute hearing that her sister’s had.

Thirty minutes passed before Mahi found his other mates in the den. Lara had her camera out and was inspecting Rachel. She had just taken the last of the pictures that she deemed necessary as he entered the room.

“Wow.” Exclaimed Rachel as she viewed the interior of her vaginal tube. Her insides were pink and healthy looking with no signs of trauma. She perused the image of her cervical opening and saw the plug that had her womb safely sealed from further intrusion until her baby was born and without thought reached out and pulled Mahi closer so she could hug him. “I love you Darling.” She intoned as she scruffed his neck.

After a few moments Rachel let go of her lover and they watched as Jenna guided the long necked lens into Lara’s brunette topped cleft. Because she was nearly four months along they all viewed the screen with interest as the mechanism moved deeper into her recesses. For the most part it was hard to tell any difference between Rachel’s pictures from what they were currently seeing.

“You’re looking in the pink.” Teased Rachel

“Yeah,” Agreed Lara with an excited sigh as Jenna moved the probe around inside her vaginal slit. “And I can’t wait until Bartholomew is born.” She caressed her tummy dreamily. “I’ve seen him several times now using the ultrasound unit at work and I can’t wait to cuddle him to my breast and suckle him.”

Jenna smiled at her friend’s heartfelt desire. “I know what you mean because it has been the same for me.” She agreed as she withdrew the probe from the girl’s slit.

Once the camera was removed from her vagina, Mahi insinuated himself next to her. “I hope you don’t mind it I cut in.” He intoned. “But it’s your turn to be with me.”

Lara hugged him and then whispered in his ear. “Take Rachel Darling, Jenna and I have already hit the threshold. We want you to make love to us but it’s not as important for us to get your prime DNA.”

Mahi kissed Lara and then went to Rachel’s side. The strawberry blonde gave him a quick caress on the top of his head and then arose from where she sat and embraced her brunette sister. “Thank you for being so considerate.”

“I’m sure that you would do the same if we were in your shoes.” Responded Lara as she returned her friend’s hug. “We’re family.”

It wasn’t long after that until Lara and Jenna busied themselves with various projects that they deemed important to themselves or the family. Each of them looked forward to being made love to by their lover and their desire to be taken by him caused them to become excited. Both of the girl’s could feel their vaginal secretions begin to flow at the thought of it.

In the upper level of the home Rachel wasted little time on preliminaries. She had known that Mahi would take her sometime that night and it had dominated her thoughts. When Lara had shoved the camera up her sensitive twat it had excited her even more. She wanted to feel her four legged lover in her as soon as possible now.

Even as Rachel’s robe hit the floor she was kneeling on the bed and presenting herself to the huge German shepherd. “Take me Darling and possess me. I want you to put your essence where it will do the most good Honey.”

Mahi planned to do just that but he was also going to make sure that he gave her as much of his sperm as possible. He was going to fill both her vaginal and rectal cavities with his fluid. He edged up over her and was soon hunching his hot shaft into her depths. Her response as he entered her spurred him on and gave him pleasure to know that he was fulfilling her needs.

Rachel sighs and murmurs of pleasure increased as Mahi plowed his meaty shaft within her in an ever mounting tempo. She felt him pull her closer to him with his paws on her hips and marveled at how he gently yet firmly held her within his strong grasp. He had her good and it was exactly what she wanted.

Rachel cooed her approval at how Mahi was taking her and thought to what Jenna had told her about her first time. She wondered how she would have felt if she had been the first in this family to experience having a dog cock shoved up her virgin pussy and no one reassuring her that she was doing the right thing. How different it would have been. She revered the blonde for picking up on all the benefits of making love to this huge shepherd and wondered if she would have done as well.

The strawberry blonde lowered her head to her arms and arched her back a little more to give Mahi even better access to her vagina. It had the desired effect as she felt his cock nudge the bottom of her tunnel with greater force. The other aspect to it all was that her lovers knot was entering her at least half way and caressing her clit with ever forward thrust.

Their sexual tension continued to build and as her first orgasm claimed her she felt Mahi fire his sperm into her and it surprised her. She was just about to mention it to him when he pulled out of her and repositioned himself at her back door. Her inquiry was stifled as his cock slowly spread her nether world and borrowed deeper within her. Her murmurs of ecstasy claimed her vocal chords once more and she let her lover know that she was pleased with how he was fucking her.

Mahi stroked his shaft into her with enough force to buffet her pink rose bud with his knot but he didn’t try to lock it into her. His lover’s coos of pleasure were all he needed to know that he was doing everything she wanted him to do to her.

“Ohhh… Mahi… Fuck me Darling. Fuck me with that sweet cock of yours. I’ll be glad when I reach the threshold like the others. I want to make love to you with no other motive in mind but being with you. I…”

Rachel’s next orgasm slammed her unexpectedly and as it did it also triggered Mahi’s next offering of his bodily fluids. The usual results ensued and Rachel gave way to the euphoric oblivion that followed. As she slumped forward he followed her downward. It was several moments before extricated himself from her. He kissed her cheek, and then he covered her with the bed sheet. He gazed at her lovingly a moment longer and then left the bedroom.

Two down and two to go Mahi thought to himself as he trotted down the steps. At least his last two mates only needed to be satisfied and it didn’t matter how much of his sperm he pumped into them; or where he pumped it. He was already pretty certain as to where and how they would want him to make love to them.

When Mahi found Lara she was putting the camera away. He could easily smell the alcohol she had used to sterilize the instrument and he was very certain that the last person she had used the device on was herself. “You decided to take another look at where the baby will soon be emerging from.” He stated as he caught her attention.

His brunette mate smiled at him. “Yes, I decided to take another look for myself. I know our baby is going to be pushing his way through there in a few days and I wanted really examine it and see if I could make out any changes in the cervix opening.”

“Were there any?” He asked with interest.

“Yeah,” She returned softly. “I’m very certain that there was a difference. I think that it is beginning to bulge a bit. More so than what I’ve seen of it previously.”

Mahi edged closer to his mate and she hugged him. “I can’t wait until our baby is born and you can see him. I want to breast feed him and feel him pulling nourishment from my teats.” She stopped and looked him in the eyes. “I want to be able to feed you also Darling. I know that you have tasted Jenna’s milk and I can’t wait until you can drink from me too. I love you.”

The passionate kiss that ensued was so hot it would have steamed up a mirror if there had been one present. “Take me now Darling. I want you in me.” She hissed and she hurriedly slipped off her robe and lay on a pile of cushions that would give her the height she would need to give him ready access to her.

Lara watched as Mahi came between her spread legs and covered her protruding tummy with his warm body. Her baby bulge fit so nicely beneath his thick chest and neatly followed the indentation that his own stomach formed. They were like two adjacent pieces of a puzzle.

Mahi was still standing on all four feet but he was easily able to bring his hot cock in line with her hungering need. Within moments he was nudging his hefty shaft into her, fulfilling her, and evoking murmurs of pleasure from her inner depths.

“Ohhh… ohhh… yes. I’m yours to take whenever you want Darling.” She cooed as they lay eye to eye with each other. “I never dreamt that the one I would give myself to would be a dog but there is no way I’d ever have it in the least bit different. I can’t wait to run with you in the fields again. And swim with you and our baby in the ponds. I love the life we have here.”

“I’m pleased with the way things are developing also Lara. I too love the life I have found with my mates here and you all please me completely.” He responded as he slowly thrust himself deeper and deeper into his lovely companion. He loved them all equally and there was no way he could ever have chosen any one of them above another. They were one, they were a family. “I know that I’m a very lucky dog.”

Lara and Mahi moved together in a languorous union that was totally blissful. “I want all of you in me Darling. I want your knot.” And for emphasis she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him as best possible to gain the leverage she needed to stuff his appendage into her receptacle.

With Lara’s legs scissored around him he was forced to slow his thrusting even more. But, with each forward movement he entered her deeper and deeper. With the sixth push, aided by her counter thrust, his knot slipped past her vaginal lips and locked them together. A sigh of sheer pleasure escaped her lips and her face recorded the bliss she felt also. “I have you now Darling…” and that was the last she could utter at the moment as they orgasmed mutually. They simply stared into each other’s eyes as she milked his shaft with her muscles and he poured himself into her.

They ended their union with a long soulful kiss and then gently disentangled themselves from one another. No words were spoken but what passed between them needed no verbal confirmation to reassure them that they loved each other fully. He gave her one last peck on the cheek as she caressed him and then he went to rest a bit before seeking out the last member of the family.

Jenna had just placed Avanti in his bed when Mahi entered the living room. She slipped her robe from her shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor. As she face her lover full on she cupped her breasts with her hands. “They’re not empty yet Darling. I think our son is purposely leaving some for you.”

Mahi eyed his blonde mate with an appreciation. She had an athletic body with very defined musculature and yet it wasn’t over done. Her stomach was flat and the neatly trimmed pubic hair pointed to her pleasant valley below in an enticing manner. Her breasts, although larger than normal because of her milk production, were still firm with only a hint of sag because of their nurturing fullness. He watched as she squeezed the right nipple slightly and saw a drop of fluid appear.

Jenna smiled at Mahi and then lay back on the couch in a manner that would allow her love full access to all of her charms. She was pleased to see him moving quickly toward her before she was even completely ready for him.

Even as Jenna spread her legs to give Mahi room to draw close to her he was there. He had her right teat in his mouth in an instant and was soon drawing even more fluids from her body. She could feel him pulling the milk from where it was stored and it sent wave after wave of pleasure through her entire system. She cradled his head in her arms and caressed him as he fed.

Mahi was true to form; he made sure that what he took from one side he also took from the other. He drank a few ounces from each breast, reveling in the sound his wife made as he fed from her magnificent teats.

Once Mahi was done drinking he moved a little higher over his mate and kissed her while his shaft below sought out her hot moist vaginal opening. He knew that she was prepared for him because he could smell her readiness.

Jenna’s sigh of contentment escaped her lips and vibrated into his mouth as his engorged member sank deeper and deeper into her warm center. “I love it when you take me like this.” She cooed after their mouths parted and their eyes met. “I loved it when I was pregnant and I felt our baby moving inside of me. But I’ll be honest, I really miss you shoving the tip of your cock into my cervical opening and fucking me like you’re trying to impregnate me.”

“It will be a while before we can do that again Darling; As much as I want to keep our family growing I don’t want to impregnate you any oftener than at least one year apart.”

“But Mahi, I feel so good. And I’m sure that we could procreate at a lesser interval than a year.”

“We could he agreed, but I’m afraid the little ones wouldn’t be ready for the transition.”

Jenna hugged him to her chest closer and his thrusting slowed even more. It felt good though to simply have his hot shaft resting insider her. “You’re right Darling. I wasn’t really thinking of them. I was only thinking of pleasing you.”

“You please me beyond your wildest dreams by simply being with me on an everyday basis.” He responded; and then he kissed her fervently. “I love seeing you pregnant and carrying my offspring, but not at the cost of your health or the wellbeing of our children.”

For the nest half hour Mahi and Jenna slowly brought each other to an escalating crescendo. When they peeked they also kissed and held it until the orgasm had subsided substantially. Few words passed between them after that but then there was none really needed.


The next day had both Lara and Jenna at the breakfast table with perplexed looks on their faces. “I had the most vivid dream last night. I swear… I’m still not sure what to make of it because it was so detailed.” Offered Lara before taking a sip of her orange juice.

“Really, so did I.” Exclaimed Jenna before the brunette could swallow and progess any farther with her narrative. “It was so… real. What was your dream about, Lara?”

“I dreamt that I had turned into a dog.” Stated Lara. “A beautiful Shepherd like Mahi, only a female. I…”

“So did I.” Interrupted Jenna. And by now both girls were looking directly at one another. “Were you still pregnant?” She asked.

“Yes, I was,” Responded Lara in a far away sounding voice as though she was trying to recall the exact details. “I was pregnant… and the foliage was just like it is now in the hills. It was this time frame… and I was just as I am now. It was so… real; I can almost remember the scent of the drying leaves in the cooler air.”

“My dream was just like yours Lara.” Offered Jenna when her friend had stopped talking. “Only Avanti was with me. He was still quite small but he was able to scamper about like most little pups do.”

Rachel and Mandy sat in rapt attention; barley looking at the food on their plates. They sensed that something important was in the air.

“What if.” Began Lara. That upon reaching full maturity, it meant that we would be able to shape shift into Shepherds.” Offered the brunette.

“That’s fairly wishful, don’t you think?” stated Rachel skeptically.

Jenna shook her head. “No… I don’t think so.” She returned. “There are things at work here that we could scarcely imagine. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but I definitely wouldn’t want to rule anything out either. Look at Mahi and tell me that he is… normal. I’m willing to give time and mutation a chance to work here. Especially after the vivid dreams that both Lara and I have had after reaching full maturity.”

“Wow.” Exclaimed Mandy. “Being able to change like that would be so exciting.”

Jenna and Lara offered no more concerning their dreams but in their hearts they pondered what they had experienced to its fullest. The rest of the meal was eaten while discussing other things and one of these was the fact that Lara had given notice to the clinic that she was quitting at the end of that week. She knew that her time for delivery was drawing very near. Soon she would be holding her own little bundle of joy; the one she had seen several times before as a mere shadow. Soon she would be holding her new pup to her breasts and nourishing him with the milk from her breasts. She could hardly wait.

The days began to pass faster and before the week was over Rachel had perfected her blood sample finger pouches and the purified blood that would be inside of it. She had no doubts about being able to pull off the blood test when needed so on Friday she returned to the lab and officially quit her job.

Rachel received a lot of static from the managers of the lab about quitting because they did not want to lose a good worker; but in the end she prevailed. When it came time to offer up her blood it was a simple task for her to use the finger that she had the pouch on and she was routinely cleared to quit.

It was about noon when Rachel walked out of the lab for the last time. Jack walked her out of the facility and then hugged her as he would a daughter. “Don’t be a stranger.” He intoned as she got into her car.

“I won’t forget you Jack. Thank you for being a good Boss.” And then she started her car and drove out of the parking lot.

Rachel stopped at several stores on the way home and numerous times she felt as though someone was following her. Three times, three different cars; she was beginning to become suspicious about the situation. She pulled into the last store she was going to stop at and the feeling that she was being followed surfaced again. She furtively looked at the vehicle in question and recognized that it was the first car she had seen; she was being followed: but by whom, and why.

Rachel walked into the store front and around the closest barrier she could find that would block her from being seen from the outside. She carefully peeked then to see if the vehicle that had been following her was still there; it was! “Damn.” She swore under her breath as she rooted for her cell phone in her purse.

The strawberry blonde’s fingers tapped the key pad swiftly, punching in the numbers that would reach home with familiar ease. She breathed a sigh of relief when Jenna answered the phone on the third ring.

“Hey… Rachel” Was all Jenna managed to say after seeing who it was from the caller ID.

“I’m being followed!” Blurted Rachel, and then she filled Jenna in on what was happening.

Some of the swiftest plans ever formed transpired within moments of the call being connected. Rachel was to shop around a bit and then drive to another store. She would enter the front of that establishment and walk directly to the back exit where Jenna and the van would be waiting.

In the mean time, Lara would be in her vehicle and she would be taking pictures of whomever it was that had been following Rachel; the hunter would become the hunted. It wasn’t the best of ideas, but they hoped that it would work.

In actuality, everything worked like clockwork. There were a few flaws in the mix; like the fact that Rachel’s car would have to be abandoned for a short time. It would be retrieved later when the coast was clear. The other aspect to the mess was that the girl’s were now within three miles of the house and this was where they did most of their shopping. They would have to be a lot more careful in the future.

When Rachel slipped into the van at the back of the store, Jenna pulled out of the establishment’s parking lot slowly, drawing little or no attention to herself as they went. Lara in the mean time had the surveillance vehicle in her sight. She took several pictures of the car, the car’s license plates and the driver.

Jenna and Rachel got home about a half hour before Lara; the brunette vet took a longer way home, making certain that no one was following her. Even as she walked in the door she was slipping the memory card out of the camera. She handed it to Jenna who deftly loaded it into a card reader and within minutes they were looking at one of the men that had attempted to follow the strawberry blonde member of the family.

“I recognize him as one of the guys that were following me but other than that I don’t know him.” Offered Rachel as she viewed the image of the man on the computer screen.

“Okay…” Said Jenna as her fingers began dancing over the computer’s keyboard. “Let’s see who owns the vehicle that he was driving then.” It took a bit, but by the time she was done they were looking at a name; Dennis Atkins.

“Nah… it still doesn’t ring a bell.” Said Rachel

“I’m not done yet.” Commented Jenna with a conspiratorial lilt in her voice. Her fingers caressed the keys once more and when she was done they had a little better understanding as to what they were dealing with. The monitor displayed the name “Atkins Detective Agency.”

“Who would hire some company to find us?” Questioned Rachel.

“Not us.” Corrected Lara softly. “You!”

Rachel looked perplexed at first and then it dawned on her. “Stan?”

“He did lose his job, and I’m pretty sure that he blames us for it.” Stated Jenna. “He has tried to follow you twice before and really botched it. Yeah… Stan would be where I’d bet my money if I were inclined to do so.”

Even as the girls pondered their next move, Mandy came through the back door. “What’s up?” She inquired after seeing the girls at the computer and wondering why there wasn’t the customary smell of food cooking.

It didn’t take long for the four beauties to throw together something tasty to eat. In the process they briefed Mandy in on what had happened. Plans were made to pick up Rachel’s vehicle and then sell it. They would go to a town several miles away and trade it in for something different. Mandy mentioned a four wheeling pickup truck and the though stuck. They would buy another truck that weekend.

After the evening meal, Jenna and Lara left the house and went to retrieve Rachel’s car. They cased the area thoroughly. None of the Atkins people were there but they did find something else. A GPS device had been mounted to Rachel’s car near the back bumper. Lara removed it quickly and attached it to a vehicle that was nearby and happened to have out of state plates. “Let them follow that for a while.” She muttered to herself. She fervently hoped that this was the last stop for whoever owned the truck she had attached the beacon to before they headed back to Alaska.

When Jenna and Lara returned home they were in a jovial mood. They had both gone a different way to detract any followers but they had remained in contact with each other by cell phone. There were no complications and they pulled into the long drive that led to their house one behind the other.

“How did it go?” Asked Mandy as the pair entered the back door. She had heard them laughing outside before they had even open the door.

“We got Rachel’s car easy enough but there was a GPS locator attached to it.” Started Jenna.

“So I moved it to a truck headed for Alaska.” Finished Lara. “And I hope the Atkins people freeze their asses off trying to retrieve it.”

Jenna looked around for Rachel to fill her in on all that had happened but as she took time to listen she realized that she would have to wait until morning to relate to her the evening’s events.

It took a while for the nightly routine to come into play. After Jenna and Lara had gone to get Rachel’s car, the young strawberry blonde felt bad about her friends having to put themselves out to reconcile the mess; but they had insisted upon it. Almost an hour passed before Mahi was able to get her attention elsewhere but when he did she forgot about the rest of the evening.

Mahi started out licking Rachel as she lay at the foot of the bed. It took a bit to get her warmed up but eventually she set the day’s events aside and concentrated on what Mahi was doing to her. It was impossible to count the number of times his thick tongue stabbed deeply into her moist depths and caressed her G-spot but for some reason that singular tactic got her attention the quickest.

As Rachel began to respond to Mahi’s ministrations she reached down and cupped his head in her hands. She rocked her pelvis upward several times in an attempt to give him better access to her delights and take him deeper. And then she let him know exactly what she wanted him to do with his tongue. “Fuck me with it Darling.” She intoned softly.

Mahi didn’t have too long to wait after that before he felt his lover’s vaginal muscles try to clamp down on his oral digit. He was surprised though that she hadn’t tried to stuff his muzzle into herself any deeper than it already was. This time at least, he was able to breathe.

It was several minutes before Rachel resurfaced after her orgasm. When she did she hugged and kissed her mate profusely. She could taste her own vaginal fluids in Mahi’s mouth and had to admit that the flavor wasn’t too bad.

After they broke their succulent kiss she sexily moved further onto the bed and presented him a target that was not only beautiful to him but would have been the envy of any man to have crouched before him. Her ass was elevated on long sleek legs and her delicate pink rosebud was right out in the open begging for attention. Her neatly trimmed strawberry blonde pubic hairs pointed to the treasure cave above and awaited his entry.

Rachel moaned wantonly. “Don’t let my little girls get cold.” She knew that her huge male lover was admiring her assets. Looking over her shoulder, she could see where his eyes were focused and it pleased her that she was turning him on so completely.

Mahi licked his lips one last time and then set about pleasing his female once more. He deftly jumped onto the bed and with practiced ease covered his mate. His thickening male shaft had no trouble what so ever in finding her excellently offered target.

A moan of sheer delight escaped Rachel’s lips as Mahi’s spear tipped cock gently but firmly parted her vaginal lips and sank several inches into her heated core; her previous orgasmic fluids and his precum eased his entry. She continued her moans and murmurs of pleasure as he pulled out a bit and then pushed even deeper.

Four firm thrusts and his heavy cock was seated within her cunny completely; kissing the end of her tunnel gently. Only his knot remained outside and that she could feel knocking at her pussy lips and teasing them as though they it was going to invade her interior but simply wanted to taunt her first.

Mahi nuzzled her cheek and then carefully took her neck in his mouth as though he were going to dominate her. He held her firmly and then began to move his hot shaft within her depth in a way that elicited words from her mouth that were drawn from her very core.

Rachel felt her lover’s teeth grip her neck and it sent Goosebumps of pleasure coursing through her. She knew she was going to be on the receiving end of a good pounding and she wasn’t wrong. It started slowly at first but it built its way to full throttle quickly. It wasn’t long before her lovers cock was nearly rattling her teeth as his thick shaft hit the end of her tunnel with force and rapidity. The knot that was once just brushing her pussy lips was now splitting them and sinking into her at least half way; and it was a sizable knot. In all honesty it was all she could do to hang on and take what he was dishing out to her and she loved it. What few coherent words she was able to get past her lips were words of encouragement.

Mahi could hear and feel his mate’s approaching orgasm easily. It wasn’t long before Rachel began to quiver and shake in response to the stimuli that she had been receiving; it pleased him to know that he could elicit such a response from his woman.

Rachel’s climax rumbled through her like an earthquake with aftershocks. She wasn’t surprised when her mate stopped his thrusting also and allowed her to enjoy the nerve tingling cascading effect of her orgasm but she was pleasantly surprised to feel him release his essence into her vaginal cavity. It was like having a deliciously decadent ice cream sundae and yet being thirsty. But then, have a refreshing drink served to you immediately afterward that would slake that thirst also.

Mahi stayed imbedded inside his lover’s sweet cave for several minutes, his thick shaft pumping his fluids into her in response to her vaginal muscles trying to milk as much out of him as possible. He kissed and licked her several times and she sighed contentedly.

“Oh Darling, you make me feel so… good.” Cooed Rachel as she moved slightly and still felt the thick shaft buried inside of her and continuing to warm her. “I’d love to just couple the way we did just now and then plop down and fall asleep with your cock imbedded so deep in my kitty. Mmmm…”

Mahi himself thought that it would be interesting to try some time but now was not that occasion. His mate’s pleasured sigh as he began to move again turned to one of disappointment as he gently pulled his shaft out of her. It wasn’t until he began to reinsert himself into her nether world that she realized that he had more planned for her; it would be just like the last time: he was giving her a double shot.

“Oh… my… god…” Blurted the strawberry blonde loudly as her huge four footed lover began to insinuate himself into her rectal cavity. The invasion was done with the utmost of care and even as he bottomed his knot at the mouth of her rosebud the thrusting began. He rode her gently and it took a bit before he was ready to spew more of his sperm into her but she didn’t care in the least that she wasn’t ready to climax this time. “Just give it to me Darling. Fill me with your seed again.” These were her last coherent words of the evening as his essence flowed into her and had their usual effect. She quaked for several moments as she felt his heat pour into her and spread through her like wildfire. And then oblivion claimed her. A pleasant and peaceful world without cares or fear.

Mahi was ready for her and when she collapsed. He followed her downward until she lay flat on the bed. He sat there straddling her for several minutes, his cock yet inside of her as his fluids were still being pumped into her. When he was done he gently extracted himself from her and went to was up. The night wasn’t over yet; at least not for him.


Part Fifteen

When Mahi returned down stairs after cleaning up, he joined the girls in the living room. Jenna and Lara filled him in about the tracking devise. They all had to chuckle about hoping that the Atkins Agency would have to track the truck a bit before they found out that their GPS unit had been discovered.

“The down side to all of this.” Stated Jenna. “Is that if it is this Stan character from Rachel’s lab, how persistent is he and what are his real intentions? And, if it isn’t Stan… then who is it?”

“I’ll go to the agency’s office tomorrow and see what I can find out.” Offered Mandy.

“What?” Returned Lara. “Why would you do that?”

“I’ll tell them I looking to see if my husband’s cheating on me.” Replied Mandy. “I might be able to ask enough innocuous questions about other cases to find out something. Besides, I’m the only one of us here that has not been involved with this incident yet.”

Jenna and Lara looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Agreed Jenna. “But you have to be very careful. We can’t afford bringing anymore attention our way.”

“I’ll go one time, just to check out the company.” Offered Mandy, Pleased that she was going to be able to do something for the family. “If I find something… great. If I don’t find anything… okay; and it’s over.”

“Okay.” Said Jenna and Lara chimed in on that agreement. They could see that Mandy was excited about her roll in this so they went along with it.

After the plans ended, Mahi insinuated himself into the mix and stood beside Mandy. It wasn’t long before he had her full attention and the pair retired to the upstairs. The cute little ash blonde babe stripped her clothes off her pregnant body quite provocatively and in the end she was lying on her back at the foot of the bed and wet with desire.

“I don’t need any warming up Darling.” Cooed Mandy as she spread her legs further in open invitation to her lover. “I just want you in me.”

Mahi watched his lovely mate with keen interest. She was beautiful and the heated scent of her arousal was very stimulating. He caught a glimpse of her neatly trimmed pubic hairs and smiled, it was as though the delicate blonde tuft was pointing the way for him to enter the gift that she was offering him.

Mahi rose over her, stopping only for a brief moment to lick her delectable brown nipples and the response he received for his efforts assured him that the gesture was not in vain. He kissed her next and as their tongues mingled his maleness nudged the opening of her sweet grotto. Her pleasured sigh spurred him on and they were soon joined as one.

Mandy felt Mahi’s hot shaft as it began to part her vaginal lips and cooed her pleasure. As she felt her lover slide deeper into her she lifted her legs completely and brought them up around his flanks. She opened herself fully to his advances and even thrust herself at him until he was bottomed out in her depths.

“It feels so good to have you inside of me Darling.” She murmured as their lips parted. “I can scarcely believe all the wonderful things that have happened to me since we first met.”

Inadvertently, both Mandy and Mahi thought back to the real estate office and how he had seduced her. He had licked her to orgasm and then slid his cock through the furrow of her vagina without entering her; stopping just short of her climaxing again.

“I love it better when you are inside of me sweetheart.” Said Mandy softly as they stared into each other’s eyes. “And, I can’t wait to have you out in the wilds again, like we did by the pond in the hills.”

Mahi began thrusting into his mate and listened to her murmurs of pleasure as he made love to her. “I enjoyed those times also Mandy and when the weather is warm this coming summer we will definitely share intimate moments like that again.”

Mandy embraced the huge animal’s neck and pulled herself closer to him. It slowed his thrusting into her a bit but she reveled in the feel of his fur against her breasts, stomach thighs, everywhere. She wanted as much body contact with her lover as she could get.

“Take me Mahi. Take me anytime you want.” Hissed Mandy as his hot shaft burrowed within her and nudged the end of her vaginal tunnel. “I love you…”

Mahi felt Mandy’s first orgasm claim her and he was able to release some of his sperm into her at the same time. He watched her as she experienced the throes of passion that he was able to induce in her and he loved what he saw; he love her.

When her orgasm ebbed, Mandy opened her eyes and knew that Mahi had been watching her intently the whole time. “Did you like what you saw?”

“Absolutely.” Responded Mahi, “You actions always please me Darling.” And then he kissed her again.

When their kiss broke this time they mutually parted and Mandy prepared herself to take Mahi in the way it would help her progress more rapidly toward genetic completion. “It’s a means to an end.” She intoned as she wiggled her derriere as enticingly as possible. “I don’t mind it this way but I will truly be happier when we won’t have to think about which way we do it.”

“I agree.” Intoned Mahi as he mounted her from behind. “I enjoy simply being with you and not worrying about thresholds.”

Mandy relaxed as best possible as her lover invaded her nether world. Once his knot was nudging her tiny brown rosebud she began thrusting back as him as he thrust into her. It didn’t take long for her to reach her next orgasm because she was not only enticing him physically but verbally. As she passed over the top he downloaded his essence into her. “Thank you…” She managed to say before slipping away into oblivion.

Just as he had done with Rachel, he did the same for Mandy. He carefully followed her downward as she collapsed and when he was sure that his sperm was fully emptied into her bowels he gently extricated himself from her posterior.

Jenna and Lara knew that Mahi would soon be down to claim one of them. “You go first.” Offered Jenna. “I have to feed Avanti soon anyway.” She hefted her breasts. “I’ll be glad when he eats more. These babies get a little sore by the time he’s ready to dine.”

Lara lifted her eyebrows several times. “I thought Mahi was helping you with that?” She asked teasingly.

“Ohhh… he is.” Returned the young blonde sexily. “But they still seem to fill up and ache with need before he gets his nourishment.” The girls hugged and then turned to the doorway; Mahi was there.

“Do you need a little rest Darling?” Inquired Lara.

“Oh no, I’m sure that I could still take you all on at once if I needed.” Stated the Mahi. “Every one of you turns me on in a way that makes desire you more and more each day.”

Lara reached down and scritched her fingers through the hairs on the top of his head. She didn’t even have to bend in order to do so because of his size. He stood 36” tall. “All right you big puppy; let’s go and you can scratch my itch. I heard you giving it to Rachel and Mandy so I’m really looking forward to getting my turn.”

“I won’t let you down Babe.” Intoned the huge Shepherd as he followed her up stairs.”

Jenna smiled as she watched her family members move off toward the upper chambers. She went to where Avanti lay and began petting him as he stirred. “Wake up you little sleepy head.” She said softly. “I want you to be done feeding by the time your daddy returns.”

When the couple entered the bedroom Lara began doing a hot striptease for her mate. Her moves were provocative and she rubbed her naked torso against her lover’s fur in a way that was nothing short of HOT.

Lara danced for her mate until she saw the tip of his cock peeking from it’s sheath. As she ended her last set of moves she came to rest on her back at the foot of the bed. Her last move was to spread her legs in open invitation to her male.

Mahi waited for a split second after his mate came to rest before he was on her. His tongue split her lower cleft perfectly and his oral digit entered her several inches. He raked her G-spot and he felt her respond to his stimuli.

Lara writhed in ecstasy as her huge four footed lover manipulated her vaginal valley with expertise. It wasn’t long before he had her on the verge of her first orgasm and she cupped his face in her hands as she peaked. “Oh, that feels so good.” She cooed as she stuffed his nose into her sweet crease.

Mahi was ready for Lara’s actions and he was able to breathe through his mouth until she finally released him. She apologized but he assuaged her concerns by letting her know that he wouldn’t have it any other way. He moved up over her and entered her even as he sought out her mouth to kiss her.

Lara sighed with pleasure as Mahi entered her and her hot breath mingled with his as they played tag with their tongues. He moved deeper into her. “Fuck me Darling.” She cooed as their lips parted and she thrust her hips upward at his advancing phallus. I love you.”

Mahi looked into her eyes and returned her vow of adoration. “I love you Lara and I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.”

Their eyes remained locked on each other as they moved in unison. He was fully ensconced within her and she felt his heat and heaviness in her stomach and reveled in it. “I can’t wait until our baby is born Darling. I’m so… ready.”

Mahi kissed her. “I’m sure it will be soon Sweetheart. I can’t wait to see our baby also.”

“Will you taste my milk like you do Jenna’s?” She cooed more in desire and reassurance than any other motive.

“Absolutely Lara. I can’t wait to sample your milk Darling.”

Mahi began pushing into Lara with greater urgency. “Take it Sweetheart.” He grunted as he felt his knot enter her. His thrusting slowed and he switched to short jabs with sustained peaks to deliver her the pleasure that he wanted her to have.

Lara moaned pleasurably with each forward motion that Mahi gave her. She felt his cock in her utmost depths and it moved her in a way like nothing she had ever experienced before. “Oh… Darling… I feel as though you’re using your cock to stir us together in a way that would never let us come apart. Melt into me sweetheart. Melt into me…”

Lara’s orgasm claimed her and Mahi was able to fulfill his part of the sensual act also. As the beautiful brunette milked his shaft with her vaginal muscles he emptied himself into her. He held her tight as she quaked in the aftermath of the sexual build up.

Mahi stared into Lara’s face as he did all of them when he took them in the missionary position. He loved watching his mates as they orgasmed. Each of them was different and unique, and yet somehow they were the same. He loved them all equally.

While Lara recuperated from her intense orgasm, Mahi kissed her and nuzzled her. They lay in each other’s arms and paws for nearly twenty minutes exchanging pillow talk before his knot was diminished enough to pull from her without causing her pain.

Dreamily, Lara move onto the bed and plopped herself into one of the sleeping spots that the huge mattress easily afforded. She pulled the sheet over her naked body and then reached out for Mahi so that she could kiss him one last time before she drifted off to sleep. “I love you Darling.” She cooed softly and then she closed her eyes.

Mahi sighed contentedly and then turned to go down stairs. There was one more member of the family he wanted to be with before he was ready to call it a night and he planned to satisfy her as well as he had the other members of the clan.

When Mahi arrived in the living room he found Jenna waiting for him. Avanti had been fed and now she wanted him to finish her off. “Our son has already warmed me up and if it wasn’t for the fact that I want you to drink from me also I’d be begging you to mount me already.” She whispered sexily.

Mahi smiled as he approached his blonde mate and it wasn’t long before he was tasting her offered delights with relish. He drained both of her sweet globes easily and then indulged in a bit of French kissing before Jenna let him know that she wanted him in her. It surprised Mahi a bit as Jenna pushed him away but as he watched he saw her turn her back to him and offer herself doggy style.

“Take me like this.” Cooed Jenna as she wiggled her ass in front of his face. “I want you to fuck me like a four footed lover this time. Put your cock in me and fill me up with your babies.” She added with desire as she looked over her shoulder at him.

Mahi’s cock was peeking from his sheath as he mounted Jenna and as he brought his loins up to her backside the tip of his shaft found her waiting slit easily. The moan of pleasure that escaped her lips as he entered her and it spurred him on and in a trice he was buried deeply inside his sweet blonde.

“Ohhh… yes…, I want you in me so… deep.” Whispered Jenna as Mahi’s cock nudged the bottom of her vaginal tube. “Fuck me like a bitch in heat Darling because at the moment that is exactly what I feel like.”

Mahi was encouraged on by Jenna’s pleas and he began pouring it to her just as she had requested. It wasn’t long before his flanks became a blur as he made love to his sweet blond companion. He could feel every thrust as it nudged her back wall but he could scarcely imagine what it felt like to her. All he could do was gage her reactions and act accordingly.

Jenna arched her back in an effort to receive her lover even deeper. She let Mahi know exactly how he was making her feel and he fucked her royally. She blasted through two orgasms and the third one was on its way when she lunged backward and captured her husband’s knot within the confines of her vaginal mouth. “Fill me with your puppies Darling. I’d have a whole litter of them if I could…”

The orgasm that slammed Jenna was so intense that she nearly fainted and she was glad that Mahi had her firmly in his strong paws. She felt her mate empty himself in her as each of his semen filled blasts hit the back of her vaginal cavity and gushed sideways from there. The tremors that passed through her continued for over a minute and she was totally drained of strength.

Twenty more minutes passed before Jenna was able to move on her own and Mahi was ready to pull his knot from her depths. Once she was free of him she quickly turned and hugged him to her as though they had been away from each other for weeks. “You made me feel so good.” She cooed into his neck hairs and she caressed him. “I love being with you Darling.”

“I love you too Jenna.” Offered Mahi with feeling. “I’m looking forward to a long life with you and our children.”

Mahi helped Jenna lay on the sofa and covered her with the blanked that was there. She reached out for him sleepily and caressed his ears for a moment and then she was asleep. He sat there for several minutes watching his beautiful blond mate and then kissed her gently on the cheek. He then curled up on the rug to get his needed rest also.


Mahi rested well and when he heard Mandy and the other’s stirring in the upper level of the house he went to see them. He could never get enough of seeing his lovely mates walking around naked or at least scantily clad. When he entered the bedroom he wasn’t disappointed; Lara, Mandy and Rachel were as bare as the day they were born and just coming out of the shower.

“Morning Sweet Thing.” Cooed Rachel as she knelt to give the huge Shepherd a hug. She was still semi-wet but it didn’t matter to her of Mahi. It was one of the traits that made him different from other dogs like him; He didn’t shed.

Lara and Mandy soon joined in on the adoration he was receiving and he enjoyed it. He even managed to get a few good licks in himself and each of the girls squealed in delight as he raked their fabulous breasts with his tongue.

The fore play lasted for several minutes but then the girls broke it off and got dressed. Each of them would have loved to simply lye on the bed and have him ravage them but there were other things that needed to be accomplished at the moment.

When the girls arrived down stairs, Jenna had just finished feeding Avanti. They watched as she set him on the floor and he scampered about. He sniffed the floor in several places before Mahi mentioned that he needed to be taken outside immediately.

Jenna reached down and scooped Avanti into her hands easily and the little pup was soon introduced to the outside world for the first time in his life. He watched as his father appeared and relieved himself against a large rock that was several yards into the backyard. Following his papa’s example he ambled over and did the same thing.

“Wow.” Exclaimed Lara as she watched the puppy training from the screen door. “I’ll bet other mothers would wish to have their kids so easily trained.” And she was right in that estimation. From that day forward Avanti always looked to be taken outside when he had to go potty. Eventually he would even learn to use the bathroom like his father; but that would not be until he was big enough to actually reach the toilet.

It wasn’t long after this that the girls had breakfast ready. The egg, ham and cheese omelets with a side of toast went well with all the occupants of the house. It was while they ate that the girls talked as usual.

Jenna opened the communal sharing. “I had another dream last night. It was exactly like the first except that it took place in a different location.”

“Same here.” Echoed Lara. “I was in the hills and able to look down on our home. It was so… peaceful.”

“Were you still pregnant?” Asked Mandy.

Lara thought for a moment. “Yeah, I think I was.”

“It has to mean something.” Encouraged Rachel. “I’m sure of it.”

“Well… it makes two days in a row that we’ve had the dreams.” Offered Jenna. “I just hope it isn’t wishful thinking. I remember times when I was a lot younger and I’d dream about being able to run gracefully on all fours.”

“I’ve had dreams like that.” Agreed Mandy.

“Me too.” Chimed Rachel.

“I think that we all have.” Added Lara.

“I could run so fast.” Continued Jenna. “And it was so graceful to be able to lope along like that.”

“Yeah.” Sighed Mandy. “I really loved that dream.”

The girls became quiet after that and soon the breakfast was over. Deep in their hearts though they truly hoped that Jenna’s and Lara’s dreams were an omen of things to come.

By Eight thirty, Mandy was out the door and on her way to work. She didn’t really plan to do too much that day for the real estate company she was currently working for. In fact, she planned to tell the owner of the business that she was going to quit within two weeks. She had already talked it over with the other girls and they were behind her completely. As it stood, none of them really needed to work anymore; especially with the gold they planned to salvage from the pond in the spring.

When Mandy walked into the realtor’s office, she sensed that something was afoot. The owners were talking in a very animated manor until they saw her enter the door. The husband of the pair looked pained but the wife looked triumphant.

“Mandy, will you come into the office please?” Asked the woman.

The young ash blonde nodded and soon she was standing before the people that had hired her just months previous. “What’s up?” She inquired.

The man started to say something about slow sales… and then stopped.

“We need to let you go.” Blurted the woman. Sales have been very sluggish and since you are the last person we hired… you are low man on the roster.

Inwardly, Mandy smiled. But outwardly, she decided to play with the woman because she knew that the wife did not particularly care for her. “Is it my performance?” She asked.

“Uhhh… no. You’ve done well there.” Said the woman. “You’ve… actually brought in more clients than anyone else. It’s strictly a sonority decision. We plan to give you a severance bonus.” She added in hopes of quelling any further questions.

“Alright.” Agreed Mandy; not even planning now to tell them that she had wanted to quit anyway.

Mandy could hardly believe her luck. One hour from the time she walked into the real estate office she was walking out with a five thousand dollar check in her purse and a very large smile on her face. She didn’t really need the money, but it assuaged her regret about being let go. No one liked to be let go; especially when they were the best in the office at what they did. It was a matter of pride in one’s work.

Mandy cashed the check, kept a little spending money for herself and then put the rest of the money in the family’s account. Before noon she was at the Atkins Detective Agency and sitting in the office waiting to be seen.

Fifteen minutes passed before the door opened and Mandy looked up expectantly. A man was leaving and he didn’t seem too happy. “You telling me you lost that bitch?”

“Well, we did think it strange that she was heading so far north Stan. And it took my brother about five hours to catch up to the GPS signal which had been mounted to a truck. How you Ex found it has us stumped.”

“Yeah, well you should have been watching the vehicle closer.” Groused Stan

“Hey, she made us somehow so we decided to get out of the area and track her with the GPS.” Offered one of the Atkins brothers.

“Yeah, yeah.” Grumbled Stan. “Just keep me informed. She took a lot of my personal things when she left me and I want them back.” He tossed at the man before he walked out the door.

The Atkins Brothers shook their heads and then looked at Mandy. “We’ll be with you in a minute Miss.” One of them intoned before they reentered the back room and shut the door.

Mandy smiled at her luck. She was batting a thousand at the moment and didn’t need to stick around for anything else. She walked out of the office quietly, unaware how stealthily she was moving; it was becoming second nature to all of the girls. When the brothers eventually came out to interview her they were surprised to see an empty room; they hadn’t even heard her leave.


Just after noon when the house was quiet and Jenna just finished feeding Avanti. She lay down for a nap, she felt tired… and it was strange because she rarely felt that noontime fatigue any more. She listened intently and caught the sounds of Rachel and Mahi making love up stairs. She tried to locate Lara by listening but after ten seconds she gave up and lay down on the couch. She was asleep shortly after her head hit the pillow.

Lara was in the family room and she too felt sluggish. She decided to catch a quick nap herself. She knew where Mahi and Rachel were and she supposed where Jenna would be. When her head hit the small pillow that she decided to use to cradle her head she was fast asleep in seconds also.

Jenna and Lara seemed to enter a dream world. Their cloths became restrictive and both of them shed what few garments they had on with ease. They then arose from where they had been laying and went into the kitchen. It was strange because the dimensions of the furniture seemed a bit off and there was something surreal about what was happening. Each of the girls saw a fine looking shepherd bitch in the doorway to the kitchen so they knew it wasn’t Mahi. The animal was somehow… familiar. And then it dawned on them; it wasn’t a dream.

“Jenna?” Asked one of the Animals.

“Lara?” Asked the other.

“It’s happened.” Exclaimed Lara gleefully. “The dreams were true!”

“Oh my god!” Shouted Jenna excitedly. “This is wild… but what about our other selves. I really don’t know if I want to give up being human. I whoa…” Before she could even finish her thought Jenna found herself naked and standing on all fours.

“Wow. That was fast.” Commented Lara as she looked at her friend. “What do you think triggers the transformation.”

“I don’t know.” Responded Jena as she stood to her feet. “I hope I didn’t mess up though. I don’t want to lose my humanity, but I would still love to be a dog…”

Lara watched as her friend once again shifted into a good looking Shepherd bitch. “I think you’ve found the key Jenna. I think it’s a matter of will…”

Jenna chuckled as she watched Lara transform. The brunette was almost instantly standing bent over on hand and feet and as naked as a baby jay bird. “Wow, this is wild.”

Lara thought about being a dog again and was instantly transformed. She walked over to Jenna and then sat down. “This… is fantastic, and I vote that we keep this our little secret until we have a chance to make a big show of it.”

“Like during supper tonight?” Whispered Jenna conspiratorially.

“Exactly.” Agreed Lara. And the girls then made plans as to how they were going to present the rest of the family with their newly developed abilities.

Mahi and Rachel had retired to the upper bedroom and he made love to her for the better part of forty five minutes. He had started out by munching on her sweet little clam until she was begging him to enter her and then he did just that. He rose over her and took her in the missionary position. They thrust at each other slowly and passionately. He watched her facial expressions as his long phallus nudged the end of her vaginal tunnel and he loved her reaction to each and every impact.

“Oh… Mahi, you make me feel so… good.” Cooed Rachel. As she lifted her legs and grasped his flanks with them.

“And I love making you feel good Darling.” Responded the huge Shepherd. “I can’t get enough of watching you as we make love.”

“Good.” Exclaimed the well built strawberry blonde. “Because I want to have as much of you in me as I possibly can.” She whispered before increasing her own thrusts.

Mahi held his ground and on the third forceful drive his knot blasted through her vaginal lips and locked him to her. He watched as her eyes widened momentarily and then slammed shut as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled through her nerve centers. He added his own essence to the mix and when she felt him blasting his seed into her the tremors that were coursing through her doubled in intensity.

“Thank you Darling.” Whispered Rachel softly. “I love you so much.”

Mahi stayed buried in Rachel’s depths for several minutes before he felt the swelling in his knot decrease. With utmost care he maneuvered his lover further onto the bed. His hard shaft in her pussy was one of the pulling points and it drove him into her over and over until he had her where he wanted her.

Rachel grunted in pleasure with every move that Mahi made. She had been royally fucked and she knew it. To top all that off she had received several more healthy thrusts that helped her maintain the peak that she was riding. And, the best part of it all… she knew that this huge dog would do it to her again very soon. These were her thoughts as she fell asleep in her lover’s paws.

When Mahi was finally able to pull free of Rachel he kissed her, pulled the bed sheet over her and then went down stairs. As he entered the kitchen he stopped short and stared at his two beautiful mates that were standing there. The odd part was that they were naked. He wasn’t complaining but the looks on their faces and their elevated heart rate told him that he was missing something.

Jenna and Lara heard Mahi’s approach just in time. They shifted to their human form and stood erect as he appeared in the doorframe. “We heard you coming.” Said Jenna after a moment of silence. “Do you feel up to taking the both of us at the same time?”

Mahi smiled and accepted their offer. He still felt as though he was missing something but he didn’t push it. They would tell him if it was important; he trusted them.

Mahi and the two girls entered the living room and it was only a matter of moments before he was at them. He started with Lara this time and as he buried his tongue in her vaginal slit Jenna caressed his back and rubbed her bare flesh against him.

As Mahi ate out his sweet tasting brunette he definitely found her hot and ready. It didn’t take much delving with his tongue to draw her first orgasm from her. His oral digit caressed the outer lips of her pussy with just the right amount of pressure to evoke pleasured sighs from his parted lips.

He entered her numerous times and almost each jab brought Mahi’s tongue against her G-spot. His lover grasped his head and held him firmly as she trembled and he marveled that his snout was not forcefully thrust into her; not that he would have minded.

After Lara finally released Mahi he eagerly moved to Jenna who was now seated beside the brunette; she had moved there quickly when she saw that her sister was momentarily done with their mutual lover. She opened her legs widely in open invitation and it was accepted instantly.

Mahi tasted Jenna as he had Lara. There flavors were different but both of them were totally delicious in his parlance. He hit her sweet slit in the same manner as he had his lovely brunette and if there had been a timer running they would have almost read the same digits as his blonde mate passed through her tremors.

With one last loving lick to Jenna; Mahi moved back to Lara. He moved between the brunette’s legs easily and was soon ensconced deeply within her. She closed her legs around him as best possible and thrust herself at him with unbridled love. “Fuck me Darling. Fuck me and take as much pleasure as you can from our union. I love having you in me. And I love the closeness that we share.”

Mahi began stroking himself into Lara rapidly and her verbal out changed to murmurs of sheer pleasure as his thrusting pushed her over the top again. He managed to orgasm himself and as his sperm flowed into her she responded to the feel of it entering her. “Mmmmm…”

Mahi waited a bit and then kissed Lara. “I love you.” He intoned and then he moved back to Jenna. He followed the same pattern with her as he had with Lara moments before. And she definitely didn’t mind being second in line for receiving his passion; he had plenty of it. She too wrapped her legs around the huge Shepherd and began thrusting herself at him.

Jenna and Mahi locked eye to eye with each other and thrust rapidly at one another. Their passionate dance was hot and neither of them lasted very long. Her volcano erupted and his vent flowed. Their outputs merged and they remained physically fused for the next fifteen minutes. They were joined by Lara as she hugged both of them in a communal hug that drew all of them together.


When Mandy returned home everyone was cleaning up after their various bouts of love. She smiled because she knew each of her fellow mates had been with Mahi; she could smell it. And if that wasn’t enough the satiated looks on their faces would have been enough in itself.

Mandy refreshed herself also. She wanted to be ready when Mahi came to her. She was just about dry when Jenna playfully slapped her butt as she walked by. “He’s hot, and your next.” Whispered the blonde. And the two girls exchanged meaningful looks.

By the time Mandy arrived in the kitchen, the evening meal was in full preparation. She joined in where she could and within fifteen minutes they were sitting at the table and the day’s events were rehashed.

Mandy filled them in on all that she had learned and they all chuckled at the fact the one of the Atkins brothers had to waste five hours of his time to track down the GPS unit. They also weren’t too surprised to learn that Stan was behind the whole operation.

“How far do you think he’ll take this?” Asked Jenna of Rachel.

Rachel shook her head. “I don’t know. This is farther than I expected him to go already. I think he’s gone over the edge.”

“That’s not good.” Sighed Lara. “It makes him capable of just about anything.” No one disagreed with her final analysis. They would have to be very careful and their alertness would eventually pay off twofold.

Jenna and Lara waited until everyone was enjoying their desert before they announced that they had a special surprise that they wanted to show the family. They giggled and laughed as they excused themselves and then went into the living room. Deftly they stripped their robes off and within moments had transformed themselves into their K9 form.

“Here’s the surprise.” They coursed in unison. And then they strode into the kitchen in all their animal glory. Two beautiful female Shepherds; one of them obviously pregnant.

“All right!” Exclaimed Rachel without a doubt in her mind as to who she was looking at. She could actually make out Jenna and Lara within their new shapes.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you…” Sighed Mandy to no one in particular. “Yes… I hoped that this was where it was all leading.” She squealed joyfully.

Mahi said nothing. But now he knew that his estimation of his wives was true. They did have a secret and they simply wanted to keep it until they could share it with the whole family. There was nothing wrong in that.

Everyone gathered around Jenna and Lara and the family celebrated this turn of events. They all looked forward to the future and what it held. They could hardly wait for the others to reach their threshold now.


Part Sixteen

With the revelation of what was to come; Jenna and Lara sacrificed their time with Mahi in an even greater manner. They allowed him to be with Mandy and Rachel almost exclusively; and their stratagem worked. They were not without their joy in the meantime though; they managed to slip into the surrounding foothills in their new forms and run wild on several occasions. Both of them experienced the dream that they had dreamt in real life.

Several days passed and now that all of the girls except Jenna were semi-retired from jobs in the outer world they began to make even greater plans for the future. Money was no object of concern. Jenna was still working for the movie industry at home and able to get done in one hour what it had taken her days to do previously. And with the promise of the gold in the pond adding to their coffers they knew that they would have no problems.

The weekend had just passed; not that any of the girls really cared as to what day of the week it was any more but even as Mandy stirred very early that morning, Mahi was on her. He waited for her to finish in the bathroom before he maneuvered her to the foot of the bed but that was about it. Even with her ever heightening abilities he had her lying on her back with her legs spread before she realized it.

Mahi came up over his little ash blonde mate deftly and before she could barely get a squawk out of her mouth he was slipping his hot shaft into her surprised but welcoming depths. Her yips of playfulness turned to murmurs of passion quickly.

Mandy was surprised at how easily Mahi managed to take her but then she wasn’t about to refuse him. As she felt him shove his eager phallus to the bottom of her honey pot she brought her legs up around him and thrust back at him as avidly as he was taking her.

They managed to lock eyes with each other momentarily and then they kissed. She ran her tongue over his teeth and loved the feel of them as their oral digits explored one another’s mouths. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him and how grateful she was that he had made her a part of his life and a member of the family. There was so much that she wanted to say but it never got past her lips this morning.

Before their lips could even part for her to speak her heart their first orgasm swept through them. It caught her by surprise but Mahi was ready. As Mandy slipped over the brink of excitement and her vaginal muscles began milking him of his essence he unloaded himself into her.

Their lips parted then and their eyes locked once more. Mandy managed a quick breath and then the most euphoric look he had ever seen on her continence passed over her. It had started as an exceptionally hot wave of sperm entering her pleasure centers and then it spread like wildfire from there. Before she realized it the feeling of sheer ecstasy had claimed her completely. Even taking Mahi anally had not felt this exhilarating. One moment she was awake and the next she was sound asleep.

Mahi sensed that Mandy had indeed crossed the threshold and he was very pleased. With utmost care he maneuvered her sleeping form back into bed and covered her. He slipped from her warm depths and then kissed her before lying down at the foot of the bed himself.

When the rest of the girls began awakening about an hour later they were not surprised that Mandy didn’t move. They had heard Mahi taking their fellow mate but what they didn’t know yet was that he hadn’t take her anally. They simply assumed it because she wasn’t stirring yet.

“Mmmmm… you’ve been busy this morning, haven’t you Darling?” Cooed Rachel as she caressed Mahi’s neck and jowls. “I hope you have some for me after we have breakfast.”

“You can count on it.” He returned as the strawberry blonde headed for the bathroom. “In fact if you want it now, I’m ready.”

Rachel turned smiled at him. “I need a little food in my tummy first because when you’re through with me I’m hoping that I’ll sleep until noon. And then you can do me again.”

“I will definitely do my best Sweetheart.” Intoned Mahi softly as Rachel entered the bathroom.

The girls were soon bathed and semi-dressed. They headed for the kitchen and prepared breakfast. They decided to let Mandy fix her own food when she was ready, that way it would be fresh. They chatted and made plans and then it all changed.

Lara stood to take her dished to the sink when she gave a cry of surprise and quickly set the dished back on the table. Jenna and Rachel turned to look at her and as she stood there they saw liquid dripping on the floor between her feet.

“Rachel, go and get the birthing towels.” Commanded Jenna and the strawberry blonde didn’t hesitate for even a split second; she did as she was bid to do. Jenna helped Lara to sit on the floor and by the time she had her lying back and semi comfortable the towels were there.

The girls worked well together and as Jenna supported Lara’s back, Rachel placed the padding where it was needed and prepared to assist in any way she could. The whole process didn’t take very long and before another fifteen minutes had passed, Bartholomew was born.

“Wow.” Exclaimed Rachel as she placed the beautifully marked black and tan pup on his mother’s tummy. “You sure don’t want to be caught anywhere but home when this happens.”

Jenna chuckled. “Could you imagine the stir this would cause if anyone else saw it?”

“No!” Returned Rachel sharply. “And I really don’t want to think of it. We would never be left a peace again.”

Jenna not only saw the seriousness in Rachel’s demeanor but felt it also. “I didn’t mean to upset you Rachel. I know that you are right, we have to be very careful.”

“I’m sorry Jenna. I didn’t mean to infer that you wouldn’t be careful with our secret.” Apologized the strawberry blonde. “I just know what would happen to the family if this ever got out. We have so much here and for us it would all be gone. We would all be specimens to be poked and prodded at their will. If any of us survived… it would be a miracle.”

“That is a gruesome thought.” Added Lara as she cuddled her newborn. “We do have to be very careful; we can’t let anything happen.”

It wasn’t long before Lara was off the floor and in the living room. For just having given birth, she was hardly the worse for wear. “Something tells me that having our little pups here is far easier than having a regular baby.”

Jenna agreed and Rachel caressed her tummy. The baby within her didn’t even show yet but after seeing the other two members of the house give birth she didn’t fear it at all. In three and a half month she would have her own little four footed bundle to nurse and play with.

The girls began clearing the dishes from the table but Jenna stopped Rachel after most of them were in the sink. “I’ll get the rest; I think someone’s waiting for you.” She said as she pointed at the doorway and Mahi as he patiently sat there.

“Thank you Jenna.” Responded Rachel and then she gave her fellow house mate a heartfelt hug. She scratched Mahi’s head as she went out the door and didn’t have to look back to know that he was only a pace or so behind her. When she got to the bedroom it only took a moment to strip the robe from her body and stand before her four footed lover in all her glory.

Rachel saw the resting form of Mandy in the bed and beckoned Mahi by crooking her finger as she entered the bathroom. “I want to try something different.” She cooed.

Mahi followed his strawberry blonde into the spacious bath area and wondered what she had in mind. He didn’t have long to wait as he watched her kneel on a low padded stool and hang on to the sink counter as she bent over. The sight she afforded him as quite appealing.

“Don’t keep me waiting too long Darling.” Teased Rachel as she swayed her delectable hips. But, she wasn’t looking at him directly as she said this. She was using the huge wall mirror and addressed his image there.

Mahi came up behind Rachel and languorously swiped his tongue through her sweet tasting vaginal slit several times. She swayed her back and parted her knees as far as the padded stool would allow her in an effort to give him greater access to her feminine treasures. When he buried his tongue into her as far as possible she shook and sighed her pleasure as a small orgasm rumbled through her system.

“I want you in me Darling.” Sighed Rachel and she knew he had heard her because he was soon mounting her. His hard pointed shaft found her easily and in seconds she felt him exactly where she wanted him at the moment; His cock head was nudging the back wall of her vaginal tube and his knot was kissing her pussy lips.

Mahi began to move slowly within his lovely mate. He clung to her and pulled them closer with each and every thrust. His knot split her cunny lips half way, falling short of locking himself within her by mere fragments of an inch. His battering ram of solid blood filled flesh moved her insides in a way that gave little doubt as to what was happening to her. He was fucking her passionately and she loved it.

Rachel looked at the image in the mirror and another blissful tremor passed through her. She was watching a beautiful young lady being screwed by a very handsome Shepherd and it was better than seeing a movie or even catching one of her sisters in action. She not only got to watch the hot action but she felt it firsthand at the same time.

At the height that Rachel was kneeling at it was easy for Mahi to thrust into her. It was not quite as comfortable as fucking her while she was lying at the foot of the bed but this position did have it’s perks.

Usually, while Mahi mated with his chosen female in this manner, he was unable to see her facial reaction to his invading member; but the mirrors changed all that. Now, he could watch his sweet strawberry blonde as his hard shaft teased her and nudged her internal organs over and over and over. Each and every bump created a slightly different look and he did his best to catalog them all. She was beautiful and he loved her. He could see the sexual tension building and he counted the thrusts until he felt her orgasm begin. He was right, and he fired his sperm into her at precisely the same time her vaginal muscles tried to milk him. It was like poetry in naked motion.

Mahi held himself within his willing mate for several minutes. It allowed his essence to soak into her completely. While they waited he nuzzled her neck and they managed a kiss of sorts and Rachel giggled at their attempt.

Rachel sighed as she felt her lover slowly extricate himself from her depths. “I loved the way you just fucked me Darling. We’ll definitely have to try it this way again. It was so hot watching you as you shoved you sweet tool into me. Seeing it and feeling it at the same time was… Mmmmm… beyond words.”

Mahi watched his beautiful mate as she went to the foot of the bed and lay there with her feet on the floor and her legs spread. “See if you can get it into my ass this way Darling. I want to watch you as you pump yourself into me again.” He continued to watch until she had lifted her legs and had her knees nearly pressing on her breasts. Her sweet little pink rose bud began winking at him.

Rachel opened her arms in an unmistakable invitation and Mahi wasn’t about to refuse her. In moments the huge shepherd mounted his lover and began moving himself into position. His cock did what it was supposed to do and her nether world was soon being lubed with his precum. By the time the two otherwise tender pieces of flesh met it was no problem at all for him to slowly sink into her depths once more; only this time, down a different road.

Rachel relaxed and allowed her mate to enter her. “Oh Mahi, no matter how many times that battering ram of your invades me like this I can scarcely get use to it’s size. I swear… that shlong of yours feels like a baseball bat.”

“Really.” Returned Mahi as he loomed over his mate and continued to rock his loins forward and gain precious ground with each thrust. He changed his tactics a bit and instead of short jabs he opted for longer sustained ones. As his knot kissed her dainty pink rosebud he not only saw the effect that he was having on her but she sighed her pleasure also.

“Ohhh… Ohhh… Baby… you are in me so… deep.” Cooed Rachel as she looked into her lover’s eyes. “I love being able to see you face to face or at least see our image in a mirror as you are making love to me.” She ran her hands through his thick coat as she spoke and the feel of it excited her even more. She even felt the hairs of his loin area rubbing her sweet valley and it increased her experience with Mahi tenfold. “I love you Darling.”

“I love you too Rachel.” Returned Mahi in a voice that was both deep and rich. It matched what the young lady thought an animal should have if all huge animals such as this one could talk. “My life with all of you here is so wonderful.”

The two lovers rocked each other’s world slowly. They kissed and stared into one another’s eyes in a way that excluded the rest of the world while they were joined. Step by step they scaled the mountain side together and when they reached the top it was sheer bliss to slide down the other side.

Rachel was more than aware that she had her lover’s hot shaft buried within her nether world. The heat that radiated form him was unmistakable and totally enthralling. It was like applying soothing warmth to a particular sore spot and having that ache go away. However, when she crested the orgasmic wave and knew that her four footed lover was right there her to give her a little extra shove it really sent her flying. It wasn’t a fearful trip though; she entered a world where everything was right and there were no obstacles to get in anyone’s way.

Mahi watched as his sweet little strawberry blonde orgasmed and then passed into a world that he could only guess at. Rachel, Mandy and the others had tried to describe it to him but it was hard to fathom without really experiencing it. He looked down at the peaceful expression on his lover’s face and could conclude only one thing; it looked very restful and fulfilling.

With some effort the huge shepherd maneuvered his comatose mate into one of the sleeping positions. Once her carefully extricated himself from her depths her covered her with the sheet and allowed her to recuperate in her own time frame.

After Mahi cleaned up he went down stairs and joined Lara and Jenna as they cooed over the newest member of the family. Bartholomew and Avanti looked a lot alike; they were spitting images of their father but with slight variances. To the family they were as individual as most babies but to the outer world they looked like they had come from the same litter: except for their size difference at the moment, and that would all change after a few months.

Lara suckled the newborn pup at her breast and her continence was that of sheer bliss. “Do you want a taste of me too?” She asked softly as her eyes met with the father of her child.

“Mmmmm… You know I do.” Responded Mahi with the essence of desire permeating his voice. “I’ve looked forward to this since I was able to taste Jenna’s sweet offerings.” He moved closer and kissed Lara and then his son. He looked forward to running with them in the fields shortly.

It wasn’t too long before Lara set Bartholomew aside to rest and beckoned her four footed mate closer. She only crooked her finger once before Mahi was there and finishing off what her son had left behind. As her male fed from her teats she cradled his head in her hands. She sighed her pleasure as he emptied her milk sacs and when he was done she held him to her chest in contentedness.

After a few minutes, Mahi carefully pulled his head free of Lara’s arms. She had fallen asleep. He kissed her and then covered her with a light blanket. He then turned to Jenna who was reclining in the other large sofa that occupied the room.

“How does her milk taste?” Queried Jenna.

Mahi drew closer to the sweet young blonde and kissed her before rooting her robe aside. He latched on to one of her milk filled breasts and began sampling what she had to offer. “Mmmmm…” He intoned softly. “It’s like tasting various fine wines and finding it impossible to tell which one you prefer the best.”

Jenna chuckled at his analogy. “And when did you become such a wind connoisseur Darling?”

“Hey… I use to watch a lot more TV before I met up with all you girls.” He said in his defense. “I may have never tasted wine, but I know that they can possess subtle differences, be very tasty and neigh impossible to choose the one you like the best.”

Jenna smiled at her mate and hugged him to her. “I’m wearing my diaphragm. Do you think you’d be interested in making love to me?”

“Just give me an accessible target and I’ll show you how interested I am.” He returned honestly.

Jenna turned on the couch and placed her feet on the floor. Her legs were spread and her robe had parted. Her neatly trimmed pubic hair pointed to her valley of delight and she found her four footed lover’s tongue insinuating itself inside her before she was even done moving into position.

“Oh Darling, Yes…” Sighed Jenna as she caressed Mahi’s head. “You make me feel so… good.”

Mahi took his time with Jenna. He hadn’t been with her as much as the others in the past days so he planned to make it up to her while he could. He drilled his tongue into her deeply and caressed her G-spot repeatedly. With equal interest he laved her outer labia and swiped her clit passionately. She writhed at his touch and cooed her pleasure. After she orgasmed he mounted her.

Jenna climaxed and before it had totally subsided she felt the first love of her life cover her and enter her. She welcomed him with open arms and widely splayed legs until he was imbedded in her depths once more. When she felt him bottom out she grasped him with her legs and met his thrust for thrust.

Mahi had wanted to mate with Jenna slowly, but she had other plans. He began thrusting at her with the same force and speed that she was dishing out. Their bout slowed only when his knot entered her and they were forced to move at a reduced speed and diminished stroke length.

Jenna smiled up at Mahi now that she had him buried so deep within her very being. They kissed and rocked together in the closest dance that any pair could ever attain. “I love you Sweetheart. I know that it was my idea to let the other girls have you more frequently but I sure do miss your presence in me.”

Mahi smiled. “I won’t neglect you any more Janna. None of you will go without my attention simply because you have reached the threshold. I’ll just have to try harder myself to fulfill all your needs.”

Jenna pulled Mahi as close to her as possible. His chest hairs caressed her nipples in the most tantalizing way. “Thank you for your understanding Darling.”

They made love to each other for the better part of forty minutes and ended their dance in an exquisite mutual orgasm that left them both drained. It was another fifteen minutes before he carefully pulled out of her and she curled up on the couch for a short nap before feeding Avanti again.


Once more the days passed. Mandy was now able to shapeshift like Jenna and Lara and they enjoyed their dual lives. With no need for the girls to leave the house except for grocery shopping or exercise the following weeks became a blur. It wasn’t until the former Realtor gave birth to David that they realized how quickly time was beginning to fly by.

Days turned to weeks and weeks into months. It wasn’t too long before the weather began to change and spring was well on it’s way. The day after Rachel reached her threshold the girls treated it like a birthday for her and planned a huge party for all that had been accomplished. Even Christmas and New Year wasn’t going to compare to what the young ladies had in mind.

Mahi smiled at the preparations. He himself had a secret that he was keeping to himself and he planned to reveal it at the party.

While Lara and Mandy were at the store, Jenna and Rachel watched over the kids. That particular feat didn’t take much because they were exactly like their father in many ways; they were very fast learners. They were also TV hounds at times so the girls made sure that what the young pups watched was totally educational.

Jenna turned from her computer and looked into the living room. All three of the boys were watching Documentaries at the moment while faint noises from upstairs informed her as to where Rachel and Mahi were. She smiled and then turned back to her screen. She uploaded the computer data that she had been working on and then tried to sign off. She punched on the “Log out” button several times but nothing happened. She even tried the Ctrl-Alt-Delete buttons but nothing seemed to work. The company computer wouldn’t terminate her log in.

It was several minutes before Jenna got tired of it all and simply held the power button for several seconds; the computer eventually shut down. The whine it made as it did so sounded as though the machine was protesting her actions. She had to admit, it was the first time she had ever had to do anything like that with this unit and it was unsettling. Her heightened senses warned her that something was wrong.

Jenna’s feelings served her well. Once the men that had tried to hack into her company’s computer were shut out by the firewall they waited. It wasn’t too long before several more inquiries were made concerning lost gold and though the questions came from different locations and under different names they still sensed a pattern. They opted to infiltrate the original company and get into the computer that way. It took them months of planning but in the end they attained what they needed. They now had a name and address to go with the first gold query.

Rachel and Mahi were totally enjoying each other. She was on her back and he was between her legs and deep within her. There was no reason to be hasty at the moment, they had installed a gate at the foot of the stairs so none of the pups would pop up in the doorway and wonder what they were doing. They didn’t plan to teach them about sex for a while yet.

Mahi thrust his hot shaft into Rachel slowly. They kissed, hugged and caressed each other passionately. “Oh Baby.” Cooed the strawberry blonde. “I never cease to marvel at how good your cock feels inside me. Mmmmm, I love it when we’re able to do it slow.”

The huge shepherd had to agree with her. There was a time for each style of lovemaking and he loved to pound his mates but this instant was different. He wanted it slow this time and so did she. They were mere moments from experiencing a very sweet orgasm when Jenna stepped into the room and they could tell that she was flustered about something.

“I hate to break this up.” She said abruptly as she drew close to the mating pair. “I’m sorry. I need your opinion on something and it can’t wait.”

Rachel and Mahi knew Jenna well and they trusted her judgment. The couple’s sexual peak waned and the pair was soon sitting next to the blonde and listening to her tale. By the time she was done the two lovers shared her concern equally.

Lara and Mandy arrived home about an hour later. They too heard what Jenna had to say and felt concern. They didn’t allow the news to keep them from cooking the steaks on the grill though; everyone was hungry by then.

Even as the girls prepared the food and cooked the steaks they discussed their options. It was then that they noticed Mahi looking intently toward the foothills. “What’s the matter Darling?” Asked Jenna.

“Someone is watching us from the first set of hills.” He intoned. “And I don’t like the feel of it.”

“Who is it?” Asked Mandy.

“They are too far away to tell who it is.” He replied. “But I’m going to go and find out. It could be a random peeping tom kind of thing but I’m now about to take a chance on it. If it’s something semi-innocent I’ll simply chase them away. If it isn’t innocent…” He left his words hanging and they didn’t ask him to clarify what he meant. “Get inside and stay there.” He ordered and then launched himself off the back porch like a heat seeking missile.

Each of the women grabbed their own pup and headed into the house. The steaks on the grill were long forgotten as the girls scrambled for safety. Even their hunger was quelled at the moment.

The man was just beginning to get sighted in when the actions of the girls surprised him. There was no way that Rachel and her group could possibly know that he was there. He watched and his attention was riveted on the girls and not the huge animal that was streaking in his direction. He was a novice at sighting through a rifle mounted scope and was totally unaware that the shooting her was going to attempt was something that could only be done by a true marksman. The rifle was capable of doing what he wanted done but he wasn’t. He had allowed his hatred drive him to seeking vengeance in this manner.

Mahi approached the man from behind. He knew who he was as soon as he got a whiff of the intruder; it was Stan. With utmost stealth he closed the distance between them because he recognized that the man had a gun.

Stan wondered where the girls had gone. He saw the smoke coming from the grill and hoped that Rachel or the blonde bitch would come and retrieve the food. He’d get them now that he had finally found them. He’d gone through a lot of money and several detective agencies but it had eventually paid off. He was savoring his victory until he heard an angry growl very close to his left ear.

Stan tried to bring his rifle around fast and he managed to get a reflex shot off, but Mahi was well inside the safety zone by then. He bit the man’s hand and the weapon dropped to the ground. A scream of utter terror cut through the air as Mahi nipped at the man and chased him as he ran.

Mahi knew these hills well and he drove his prey to exactly where he wanted him. He could have killed Stan easily but he had other plans. It wasn’t long before the would be shooter came to an abrupt stop and he hit the man from behind one last time.

Stan’s lungs burned with effort but he was surprisingly unhurt except for the bite on his hand. He was just beginning to think that he might survive this incident when he saw a twenty foot drop suddenly appear in front of him. He tried to stop and almost succeeded but he was hit from behind and pitched over the edge. The last thing he ever saw was a bunch of jagged rocks below and he was closing on them with the force of gravity acting on him; he didn’t survive the fall he didn’t died instantly either. Many painful hours passed before he expired and no one came to rescue him.

Mahi looked down on the man one last time before turning away and obscuring any tracks that he may have left during the chase. When he was satisfied with his effort he headed home. He had just arrived in the back yard when the whole family emerged from the back door and they were running on all fours.

The girls had heard the shot fired from the hills but none of them sensed that anything was wrong with Mahi. They did peer in that direction from what safety they could find and still satisfy their curiosity though. They weren’t totally relieved until they saw Mahi trotting their way in the distance.

Mahi was half way home when all of the girls heard a strange car pull into their driveway. Their exceptional hearing alerted them to the intruder while he was still a hundred yards from the house. Jenna ran to one of the windows that would afford her a view and peered out at the new disturbance. She didn’t like what she saw as a vehicle with four men in it came to a halt behind her van. They sat there for a moment and then got out. She caught a glimpse of weaponry under their jackets.

Jenna turned immediately and whispered coarsely to her sisters. “Strip out of your clothes and throw them in the laundry. Shift to K9 and get out the back door; there are men with guns in the driveway and I don’t trust them. Run for the hills.”

No one stopped to question anything that Jenna said. They could tell by her tone of voice that she meant business. Within fifteen seconds of her first order the girls were bare and shifting to their four footed alter egos. They were out the back door even as the men climbed the front steps.

A man named Jason Mc Chord was the self acclaimed leader of these “Lost Gold Hunters” and he was as ruthless as they came. The other members of the group were Robert Ellis, Mike Watson and Gary Simpson.

They didn’t mind that Jason took the lead in most cases as long as the loot that was found or confiscated was split equally. Together they were responsible for the death of ten people that had legitimately found a treasure of sorts and tried to cash in on it. These men were in effect nothing more than modern day pirates that knew how to pinpoint other treasure seekers and take it from them before they could go public with it.

This particular campaign had taken a lot of their time and cost them over thirty thousand dollars to date. But they sensed that there was something important here and it was what drove them on. Equipment and bribery so that others would turn their backs to what you were doing didn’t come cheap. Luckily, there was always the jealous co-worker willing to make a little extra money at other people’s expense and the filmation company where Jenna worked had several of them. A particular person by the name of Tom had been very helpful.

Jason rang the doorbell and listened. He heard the devise ring but there were no voices from within to inform him that the alarm had sounded. “Something ain’t right here.” He intoned softly. “There are four vehicles in the drive and no one is home?” He turned to Gary. “Sneak around the side and see if they are in the back yard somewhere.”

Gary did as he was bid and was soon peering around the edge of the building. He noted that the grill on the back patio was smoking as though something was burning and he wondered who was supposed to be tending it. Other than that the only thing else that he saw were a group of four large dogs and three smaller pups and they were ambling off into the field; he returned to Jason with that information.

Jason’s brows furrowed at hearing what Gary had to say. “This don’t make sense.” He responded and then he decided on a different plan of action. “I guess if they won’t come out we’ll just have to go and get them.” He intoned as he entered the home uninvited with his gun drawn.

“You two, go up stairs.” He ordered as he looked at Mike and Bob. “Don’t hurt anyone just bring down whoever you find there. We’ll check out the lower level here.”

The four men split up but were soon back together and standing in the kitchen. “I found this up stairs in one of the bedrooms.” Intoned Mike as he handed a framed photo of the girls and Mahi to Jason.

Jason whistled his approval at what he saw. “Wow we definitely have to find these babes. I’m sure that we can find a way to have them entertain us while they tell us what they know about the missing gold cache.”

“Amen to that brother.” Added Gary. “And I got dibs on the strawberry blonde first.”

Robert chuckled and then chimed in. “Hey, before we’re done here you’ll be able to sample all of them.”

Jason laughed at that also but then he became serious. “We need to find them first though or we’ll never be able to make our dreams come true; either financially or physically.”

The gleeful looks that the men had shared turned to scowls. “Where are they?” Asked Gary to no one in particular and definitely not expecting an answer.

Jason sighed deeply. “Bob.” He ordered; without even looking at the man. “Go move the car down the road a bit and hide it. They might have another vehicle that they are using and are simply out shopping somewhere.”

Bob grunted his acknowledgement and then went to move the car. The one thing that dominated his mind at the moment was getting his hands on the brunette that he had seen in the picture. She was hot and his groin ached at the thought of ravaging her.

Mahi came out of the slight depression that he was traveling in at the moment and was surprised to see his entire family headed his way. He broke into an all out run and was soon standing in front of his mates. “What’s going on?” He asked because he knew that something was wrong.

“Jenna saw men with guns coming to the front door. Offered Mandy quickly.

“I don’t know who they are or what they want but I know that they are up to no good.” Added Jenna.

Mahi nodded. “Take the pups into the hills a bit and watch from there.” He then turned toward the house.

“Where are you going?” Demanded Jenna.

“I’m going to find out what’s up and take care of the intruders.” Offered Mahi.

“Darling, they have guns.” She anguished.

“Yeah, and they are after my family with them.” He said angrily. “Please trust my judgment and go into the hills. “I’ll be fine I promise you.”

Jenna and the others transformed and in a moment Mahi had four naked beauties hugging him. They could still function better in their human form than they could as dogs so they expressed themselves this way. Tearfully they shifted again and then did as their mate wished; it wasn’t without a lot of misgiving though.

Mahi watched as his mates and children worked themselves further into the hills. He then pointed himself in the direction of home and trotted toward it. He had a plan but it was a very pliable one at the moment.

When Mahi arrived at the house he got there just in time to see one of the men leave. He watched as the intruder got into his car and moved it down the road a bit. It was easy to see that the man was trying to hide the vehicle. He used several of the bushes in the yard to hide his approach and closed the distance between them swiftly.

Bob had no idea that he had become the hunted; his thoughts were still on the brunette and what he wanted to do to her. His thoughts were rudely interrupted as he was tackled from behind and hit the ground hard.

Mahi did now what he had planned to show the girls at the party; he shifted to human form. “Breast milk does a body good.” He jovially whispered to himself. His sperm had changed the girls, and their milk had changed him. Wouldn’t they be surprised? He then concentrated on the problem at hand and hit the man from behind before he was even aware that he was a target.

When Bob finally became oriented he found himself on his back with a naked man sitting on him in a way that made it almost impossible to move. If this had been some other situation it would have been comical but under the circumstances he sensed that this was anything but funny.

“Who are you and why are you here?” Asked Mahi of his captive.

“Get off me Asshole, and I’ll tell you.” Bob said loudly.

Mahi could read the deceit in the man as though it was tattooed to his face for all to see. He reiterated his question and then punctuated it by grabbing the man’s collar bone in a way that caused him excruciating pain. “Why are you after the girls?” he added.

Bob writhed in anguish and tried to buck his assailant off of him but it didn’t work; he remained trapped. He did manage one last act of defiance. “Fuck you buddy. When I get loose I’m going to kill you and rape the bitches!” He then tried to bring his legs up and snare the young man.

Mahi knew exactly what the man was trying to do and drove his open palm upward under the guy’s chin. Driving flesh met tender flesh and jawbone and the man’s neck suffered the consequences. With an audible snap the man died as his neck broke and his head turned to a very unnatural angle. Even as Mahi arose from the corpse he transformed once more. “One down and three to go.” He intoned softly as he trotted into the bushes.

In the house, Jason was becoming impatient. His cohort in crime should have been back by now. “Where the hells Robert?” He groused as he peered out the window toward the road.

“Maybe he found something.” Offered Gary.

“Really.” Responded Jason. “Then go find out what it was and get your asses back here. I don’t want anyone accidentally seeing us moving about in the yard and calling the cops.”

“I doubt that there’s much chance of that.” Said Gary. I don’t think that there is a neighbor within a mile of this place.” He added as he walked out the door.

Gary hopped off the porch and looked around; he didn’t see or hear anything of Bob. “Now where would I go to hide the car?” He voiced aloud and began walking toward the road. At the road he stopped and looked in both directions; it was still quiet. “Where in the hell did that Jackass go?”

Gary arbitrarily decided to go to his right once he hit the black top. He strolled along for about fifty yards before a flash of color other than green caught his attention. It wasn’t much but as he moved to check it out he realized that it was Bob’s maroon colored jacket and Bob was still in it. He began reaching for his gun, purely out of habit. He never cleared the holster with it. “What the fu..” It was all he managed to say before he was slammed to the ground.

Gary hit the ground face first and with his arms pinned at his side or against his chest. He could do nothing to prevent his nose, teeth, lips and chin from taking the brunt of the impact. His whole world reeled but unlike Bob he never saw his attacker; at least not his face. He did happen to see a hairy human leg as his head was twisted to the side but then everything went black as his neck was snapped like a brittle twig.

Mahi searched this intruder and took his gun. He then did the same to the first man; taking his gun and the keys to the car. He knew that the next two men would not be as easy. They would be suspicious of their friend’s disappearance soon.

Trying to formulate a plan, Mahi hid the keys to the car and one of the guns under a bush several feet away. He shifted and then moved closer to the house. As a dog his presence didn’t look nearly as out of place as a naked man would, but then the gun that he carried in his mouth might have alerted the men in the house that something was awry.

Mahi trotted to the side of the house near the vehicles. He stashed the second gun on the running board of the van. It was a foregone conclusion that he had never used a weapon before but he felt confident that he could shoot one if he had to. He was sure that the men would shoot him on sight if they saw him with the pistol no matter what form he was in at the moment; at least as a dog they might hesitate. Little did he know how much Jason hated K9s of any kind.

Jason was rummaging through the refrigerator and snagged one of the Mt. Dews he found there. He twisted it open and took a big swig of it before he recapped it and sat it on the counter angrily. “Where in the hell are those guys?” He yelled.

“Hey, you know women. If they go shopping they lose all track of time.” Responded Mike.

Jason looked at Mike. “I didn’t mean the girls Dipshit, I meant Gary and Bob. They should have been back by now.”

Mike went to the window that overlooked the front yard. He peered through the curtains without moving them but saw nothing. All was quiet; too quiet. “Something is not right here!” He stated.

“Gee, do ya think?” Responded Jason sarcastically as he freed his pistol from his holster. “Let’s go out the back. I’ll go around one side of the house and you go the other. We’ll find out what’s going on out there.”

The men moved with practice ease as the exited the back sliding door that led to the patio. They considered themselves good at what they did but they missed the true hunter that stalked them this day. He was in the field just beyond the cars and his black and tan coat hid him well as he lay in the scrub brush that grew there.

“You go that way.” Intoned Jason as he pointed briefly toward the cars. “Be careful… but make sure you don’t shoot Gary or Bob incase this is just a… misunderstanding.”

Mike nodded and then moved toward the driveway. The barrel of his gun led the way with each step he made. He peered around the corner cautiously and then stepped on to the pavement. He took one last look toward Jason and noted that his partner was just turning the corner also and then he moved on. He was half way to the front of the house when he heard something. He spun quickly but he wasn’t nearly fast enough. The gun fired as it was deflected upward and he did manage to see a naked man standing in front of him for a split second. Then, the man’s open palm slammed him under his chin and it threw his head backward and snapped his neck in the process.

Mahi was transformed and turning the corner of the house into the back yard by the time his latest victim hit the ground. He listened intently and from what he heard he ascertained that the last man had not turned back but was running toward the cars along the front of the dwelling.

Mahi moved with speed and stealth. He caught the last man as he was trying to peer around the corner where his partner lay dead. He saw the man recoil at the sight of mike’s body and then he struck. He grabbed the man’s arms and threw him to the ground as though he was a lightweight mannequin. The thing was that Jason was a well built individual.

Jason was totally surprised as he was manhandled and thrown to the ground. He hit hard and lost his gun in the process; it skittered under one of the vehicles. He had sense enough to roll upon impact and managed to get to his feet but then he stopped and nearly laughed as he beheld the naked youth that stood before him. “Who… the fuck… are you?” He growled.

“I’m your worst nightmare.” Stated Mahi.

“Really.” Jeered Jason. “To me you look like a kid who’s about to die.” And then he cast his eyes about in an effort to find some vantage point.

“You’re at the end of the line and all of your men are already dead.” Intoned Mahi.

“Yeah? Well, I ain’t like my men. I can hold my own in a fight.” Added Jason with bravado. He then strode toward the youth with confidence. He began swinging his fists and kicking with his feet when he was close enough.

Mahi parried everything that Jason threw at him and then threw a few punches of his own. It didn’t take many before the braggart was reeling and disoriented. He never saw the final blow that rearranged his neck like that of his counterparts. He hit the ground on his stomach but if he could have opened his eyes he’d have seen a few wispy clouds float high in the sky above him.

Mahi shifted into his original form. He left the men where they lay and ran toward the hills where his family awaited him. He didn’t get too far before he saw Jenna, Lara and Mandy coming out of the nearest depression. They were coming to help him.

The girls shifted and gathered around him. They stayed low so that they wouldn’t be easily seen. “Where are they?” Asked Lara, “We should be able to take them together.”

Mahi smiled. “They are already dead.” He intoned. “But thank you for coming to help.”

The girls hugged him and he reveled in it. He felt their bare breasts against all parts of his body and he couldn’t wait to be with them again.

Lara offered to go and get Rachel and the pups while Jenna and Mandy returned to the house with Mahi. When the girls got there they were glad that it was over but surprised at the lack of blood. They were sure that they would have a lot of cleaning to do in order to get rid of the bodies.



Getting rid of the men’s bodies wasn’t too easy but it was doable. They placed the weapons in the holsters and made sure that the only fingerprints that were on the guns belonged to the man who owned it. Mahi knew what gun belonged to whom. They drove the corpses to an abandoned dry well that was twenty miles north of their place and threw them in it. Their bones would someday mix with several other skeletons that resided there. The last step was to ditch the car. They parked it in an area that had an exceptionally high crime rate and left the doors open and the keys in the ignition. The vehicle was never seen again.

As for Mahi and the girls they lived very well and in the summer they were able to claim the lost gold shipment with no interference from anyone.

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