Women with Animals

The Unknown Effect


(c) 2006 by M. Lobo

There were things about Dave that no-one knew: neither himself nor even his mother. They were things that he would eventually learn.

Chapter One

Twenty years earlier Dave’s parents met and fell in love. They planned to marry but before it came into fruition his father was killed in a freak automobile accident. It was shortly after that time that his mother found out that she was pregnant. All her hopes and dreams seemed to come crashing down on her one after another. She had no money and guilt kept her from telling her family about the pregnancy; she didn’t think her Pastor father could handle her betrayal of all he had tried to teach her. She decided to keep it her own little secret. On her own she tried several times to abort the baby using methods that she learned by word of mouth and over the internet but nothing seemed to work. After the third attempt, which almost killed her, she resigned herself to her fate. She would just hide out, have the baby and then give it up for adoption. There were places that would take the child, no questions asked.

Dave was born perfect in every way. He was cute, cuddly, and rarely cried. He had dark hair and ice blue eyes. He was a favorite in the nursery and the fact that his mother had abandoned him without even seeing him once made the women dote on him a little more than the other newborns.

Dave was adopted quickly by a couple that was desperate to have children and since they were rich the papers seemed to fly through channels a lot faster than usual. He was five years old and he fit right in until his adoptive parents found out that they were expecting, and this time it would be a child of their own: a boy. Two years later another baby was born, this time a girl. He felt the difference immediately. He was left to his own devices; cared for, but ignored; and since he was so well behaved there were no obvious problems.

Dave was now graduated from high school and his adoptive parents had not even tried to attend the graduation service even though he had mentioned it to them several times. He knew he had been adopted; they had never hidden the fact from him. What troubled him the most though was that his step brother and sister never let him forget it either.

Two days after graduation Dave wrote a lengthy good-by note. He packed a duffel bag with some of his clothes, several nutritional bars and a few small bottled waters, making sure to leave room for his laptop computer and other personal items. He had five hundred dollars in his wallet and an ATM card that would give him access to several thousand more dollars; money that he had earned on his own. The one hundred dollar check that his millionaire parents had given him for graduation he left with his good-by note.

Dave began his new adventure by hitch-hiking. He had no particular destination in mind so he allowed fate to decide his route for him. By nightfall he found himself in a desolate rural area with no motels and a town so small that it rolled its meager sidewalk up several hours before night even fell. He did the best thing he could do to find shelter and ended up in what looked to be an abandoned barn. There was barely enough hay in the loft to make a bed but he managed. He was alone, but he felt better now than he had in a very long time. He slept well.

In the morning Dave set out again. He nibbled on one of the protein bars he had packed in his duffel. He looked forward to finding a decent diner or restaurant and having a real breakfast. The sun was just beginning to rise over the trees when he heard a whimpering that drew his attention. His hearing had always been very keen.

Dave moved into the brush carefully. He watched for movement and was soon standing in a small clearing opposite a trapped dog lying in the deep shadows. He looked more carefully and realized that what he saw wasn’t a dog, but a wolf.

“What in the world are you doing here.” He spoke aloud to no one in particular. He studied the situation a little longer and then decided to act. He couldn’t leave the animal the way it was, not if he could do something about it. He just didn’t want to get bitten for his troubles; and that possibility seemed very likely.

Dave studied the animal and the trap. He decided to try and befriend the wolf before reaching out and undoing the spring mechanism on the device. He began by talking as soothingly to the animal as possible. He even extracted another protein bar out of his bag and offered it to the beast. He was somewhat relieved when he saw the wolf’s nose twitch in response to his offer.

Dave inched closer but wasn’t ready for what transpired next. He managed to get the wolf to take his peace offering and then proceeded to reach out and touch the animal. He wanted to reassure the wolf that he meant him no harm. As soon as his hand touched the animal it was like he was bound to the beast and an unknown energy force passed between them. It wasn’t unpleasant, it was more awakening.

Dave had always figured that he had keener senses than those around him, but he had never made a big thing about it, so it had gone un-noticed. He breathed in deeply as a wave of unknown power surged through him. Things that had laid dormant surfaced and new strengths emerged. Minutes passed before he awoke from the hypnotic state of euphoria.

Dave pulled back from the wolf slightly, somewhat unsure of what had just happened. The animal looked as stunned as he himself felt and it dawned of him that the beast had nothing to do with the phenomena. Dave had been the initiator.

Dave became more aware of all his surroundings, including the pain that the wolf was still suffering. He began talking to the animal once more in a soothing tone of voice while reaching out for the trap that held the beast captive. He succeeded in squeezing the spring mechanism with minimal movement to the injured paw. The wolf yelped, but that was all and Dave knew that there was an understanding between the beast and himself that had not been there before.

With renewed confidence Dave carefully reached out and took the wolf’s paw in his hands. He gently massaged the injured area, feeling for any breaks in the bone; he felt none. “Well” he spoke to the animal outright while looking it straight in the eyes, “your leg will be sore for a while, but the cuts will heal and at least it is not broken.” He nodded slightly his head slightly and released the foot.

Dave expected the wolf to bolt and run away, limping of course; and that is what happened, but not before the beast bowed his head to Dave in a gesture of understanding.

Dave chuckled to himself and shook his head. He tried to fathom in his mind about what had just transpired but nothing made sense. He sighed, grabbed his duffel bag and headed out of the brush to begin his trek once more. A decent breakfast quickly became first and foremost in his thoughts as his stomach rumbled loudly.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Dave had no trouble finding the food he had been looking for, the scent of bacon, eggs, and toast drew him unerringly to a quaint little diner about a mile from where he had met the wolf.

Nightfall found Dave passing through a rural community once more; he had planned it that way. For some unknown reason he simply didn’t feel like being around other people at this point and time. He found another derelict barn, but also realized that this dilapidated outbuilding was still used from time to time. He would have to be more careful, he didn’t want any kind of run in with the land owners or cops.

Once more he fashioned himself a bed of hay. There was more of it in the bins and it was fresher than the previous night. He lay his duffel in the corner of barn and lay down next to it. He was soon fast asleep.

About an hour after Dave fell asleep, he began to feel uncomfortable. His clothes chaffed his skin and began to feel confining and restrictive. Half asleep, he extricated himself from the binding materials; he lost several shirt buttons in the process. He stripped himself bare.

Pain set in, pain that he had never felt before. He had never in his short lifetime been sick, nor had he ever broken any bones: even his teeth were perfect. No medical personnel had seen him since he received his last mandatory shots that he had needed to attend public school. Some of the pain nearly took his breath away.

Dave awoke to a whole new set of feelings, but he didn’t have much time to analyze them; he was no longer alone in the ramshackle barn. He also realized that he was no longer in his original body; he was now a wolf and from what he could see at first glance; a big one. It was hard to believe, but then seeing was believing. He reconciled to himself fact that he would have to figure it all out later and crept to where he could see what was going on in the other part of the barn.

A young man and woman were standing just inside the barn door, bathed in the light of the moon above. They were at least his age and they were amorously involved. “Let’s go in farther,” the man said softly. “It will be too hard to make love in the doorway.”

“Who says were going to make love?” asked the girl as she cupped the guy’s crotch with enough force to feel his mood.

Derek groaned his reply. “Come on Sarah you know that the whole night has been leading up to this. I’ve been copping feels of that sweet body of yours for hours now and it’s to the point that I’m about ready to explode.”

“We’ve only done it once before.” Stated Sarah, “What makes you think I want it from you again? And what about your grandparents, what if they find us out here?”

Derek Scoffed. “You don’t have to worry about Gram and Gramps they’ve been in bed for hours. And I promise to show you the time of your life, trust me.”

Sarah allowed Derek to pull her deeper into the barn. She liked Derek and she hoped fervently that this time would be better than the last. The setting wasn’t to her liking, but maybe it would spur him on to be more virile.

Dave thought for sure that the young couple was going to stumble onto his hiding spot; they came within ten feet of him before lying down in another stall. He watched as they groped one another and swiftly removed their clothing. In moments he saw the girl naked, and lying in the hay, waiting to be taken. It was a first for him and even in his new body he was beginning to respond.

Dave had seen pictures of naked women before but this was different. This was real and only ten feet from where he lay in the darkest part of the barn. It didn’t hurt that his fur was pitch black either. Dave eyed the girl fully and felt longings within himself that he had never felt before. The light skin and pink nipples seemed to call out… caress me.

Derek then moved to cover the girl and she protested slightly but he reassured her that he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t long before he was inside Sarah and humping away at a pace that could not be maintained for too long.

“Slow down,” exclaimed Sarah, “I’m not anywhere near ready yet. She did let out a few oohs and aahs but that was it.

Sarah lifted her legs slightly to see if she could increase the stimulation that she would feel. It didn’t help.

Within moments, Derek grunted and spewed his sperm into his girlfriend. “Oh Babe, that was fantastic.”

“You went already?” Cried Sarah. “What about me? Where is my satisfaction?”

“Hey, don’t worry,” replied Derek as he rolled off of her and to the side, “as soon as I rest up a little I’ll be ready to go again, you’ll see.”

Sarah looked incredulously at Derek. If looks could kill he would at least have had a few holes in him several inches deep. She shook her head and mumbled “I’ll show you!!!”

Sarah began to caress her own breasts and stroke the little clit bud. She had masturbated before and it looked as though she would have to do it again. She wished she had her little toy she had hidden in her panty drawer; it would have been very useful right now. She used her middle finger and got as much stimuli as she could stand and started rubbing.

Dave watched in awe as the girl began to satisfy herself. He was sorely tempted to give her a hand, or at least a tongue, but he wasn’t sure how she would react to him appearing out of the shadows like that. He could picture her screaming bloody murder and awakening her date. The other aspect of it though was that he didn’t like the way she smelled. Her vaginal secretions didn’t smell the way he thought they should… something wasn’t quite right. He decided to just watch her.

Sarah began to tense and lift her backside as though making love to a phantom lover above her. Her passionate moans became intense and Dave was rewarded by seeing his first female orgasm. It was pretty wild.

Sarah sighed and relaxed but she didn’t allow her euphoric state to slow her down too much. She hastily put her clothes on and then gathered up Derek’s clothes also. “Ta ta Loverboy, no-one disappoints me twice.” Carefully she made her way to the barn door and exited.

Dave gave a sigh of relief as the girl disappeared from view and he too realized that now was the time to pick up and leave. As dark as it was in the corner of the barn he could still see clearly. “I wish I had my hands back’” he muttered to himself and in seconds he found himself couched on the floor like the wolf had been: only this time there was no pain.

Dave ran his hands over his flesh in a quick explorative manner, he was himself again. He shook his head slightly, wondering if what had just transpired had been a hallucination or an elaborate dream. His reverie was broken by the nearby snores of the young man lying not too far away. He gathered his clothes and dressed. His previous nudity and the fact that his shirt was missing several buttons did suggest that something had happened… but what?

Dave walked quietly and with little effort out of the barn door. Even the darkest recesses of the building were still lit up as though a full moon was directly above. He had never had trouble with darkness, but his eye sight was keener now by at least ten fold.


Daylight found Dave many miles from where he had started to spend the night. The small garden he had found and raided provided him with just enough food to quell his ravenous hunger. He had the nutrition bars and a few bottled waters but he only wanted to use them as a last resort. His thoughts turned once more to the previous evening and beside what he had experience; he also wondering how the naked guy in the barn had fared. He could picture the guy trying to explain his nakedness to his grandparents.

The road that Dave was on twisted and turned it’s way through the country side. A clear pristine river flowed below so he decided to investigate; it was beautiful and inviting. He made his way down to the water’s edge with ease and something within him assured him that he would be able to drink the water without severe repercussions; he would save the bottled stuff.

Dave found a small sheltered cove that was not visible from the road above and made himself a comfortable place to lay down in the shade. He placed his duffel bag in some dense fern where it was perfectly hidden from casual view. He then rested.

He slept well and awoke refreshed. The sun was high in the sky and it was now the hottest part of the day. He gave the area he was in a quick surveillance and then stripped off his clothes and dove into the water; it was refreshing. He swam for the better part of thirty minutes before the sound of voices caught his attention; female voices.

Dave swam to the closest shore and had just reached it when the thought crossed his mine, ‘I sure wouldn’t mind being a dog again.’ The thought had barely begun when he found himself covered in hair as he had been the previous night. This time, as with the retransformation back to human, there was no pain. “Wow,” He exclaimed in a half whisper, “I could get use to this.”

Dave watched as a canoe with two young ladies paddled by; both of them were very beautiful and their Bikinis did very little to hide their charms. “Some day I have to make an effort to meet something like that.” He mumbled to himself.

He was just about to pull himself out of the water when another noise caught his attention; it was another canoe. This time however the occupants of the boat were male and he overheard them plotting as to what they were going to do when they caught up with the girls: they were going to rape them.

Dave’s hackles went up immediately. It was true, he wouldn’t mind making love to either or both of the girls himself, but it would have to be consensual. He rose up out of the water quietly, crossed the tiny spit of land that separated his hidden pool from the river, and then slipped into the main stream. The guys were so busy trying to catch up to the girls that they failed to watch behind them.

Dave watched as the two men closed the distance on the girls; the women never saw a thing before it was too late. The rapists forced the girl’s boat shoreward and as the canoes ran aground they reached out to grab them.

The girls were not entirely cowed and they did manage to break free and run towards a near by woods. In the process though one of them lost her Bikini bottoms and the other one lost her bra; this spurred the two men on even more.

Dave swam hard, closing the distance quickly. He emerged from the water as the closest girl was tackled; she was the one with no Bikini bottom. The girl managed one last defense as she reached out and savagely raked her fingernails across the guy’s face. He gave an anguished howl of pain and then hit the brunette in the jaw with his fist: all resistance stopped then as the girl passed out.

“I have you now bitch,” he exclaimed as he reached for her bra but that was the last he got to savor of his triumph. Searing pain in the right trapezious muscle followed closely with pain the left trapezious muscle washed all signs of victory away as he was dragged backwards from his prize.

Dave bit the rapist hard and often. He bit into so many different parts of the man’s body that the rapist began to look like a sieve and leak like one also. He even managed to get the guy’s throat in such a way that it was severely damaged but not fatal. Within thirty seconds the would-be rapist was running away from the confrontation as fast as his injured legs would allow.

Taking only a moment to check the unconscious brunette Dave sensed that she would be alright, nothing that rest wouldn’t cure. He then dashed after the other girl and her pursuer.

Ann was running for her life and the fact that her attacker was a little heavier than the one that had gone after Beth was the only reason he hadn’t caught her yet. She managed to look behind her a few times and she witnessed the attack of the huge black dog on Beth’s mauler and she hoped for the same rescue but she knew it would take time; she needed to keep running. It was her last thought as her foot caught in a small tangle of vines and sent her sprawling to the ground.

The larger of the two rapists watched the young blond in front of him and salivated. Her breasts were free and though pert were jiggling with every running step she took. She was a gazelle and he was a lion about to grab his prey. Every second brought him closer to the prize. He saw her stumble and was about to seize her when searing pain began to rack his body in several places.

Dave struck with the speed of a viper, sinking his fangs into the rapist’s flesh for only a split second before releasing it and sinking his teeth into a new spot. Just like his cohort the man was savaged to within an inch of his life.

Ann watched the speed and accuracy of the wolf’s attack and she was in awe of it and yet a little apprehensive. Would the huge beast stop once he was done with her assailant or would he start on something new; like her! She was relieved when the wolf began herding the guy away from her, allowing the bleeding man to run and stumble in an effort to escape with his life: they were soon out of sight.

Ann ran to where her best friend lay and found that she was still unconscious. She was no Dr. but at least Beth seemed to be breathing okay. She tried to pull her to a better location but couldn’t budge her. “Oh Beth, what are we going to do?” As she pondered what to do next the shadow of the wolf darkened her friend’s torso.

After Dave had chased the rapist away he noticed how bloody he was. ‘This would never do!’ he opined to himself. He looked at the river and had an instant inspiration; he dove into the water and while there transformed into his human self. He then emerged from the water and after slicking most of the water from his skin with his hands he retransformed back into a wolf. It worked perfectly; he was now clean and barely wet. He ran back to where the girls were.

Upon arriving where the brunette still lay Dave saw the fright in the blonde girl’s eyes and tried to alleviate it immediately. He could have talked the girl but that would have blown everything; he was enjoying the sight of the half nude women before him and he didn’t want it to change any sooner than need be. He cocked his head slightly and whimpered in as pathetic a manner as possible; it worked he could feel the tension flow from her.

Once he had gained some of her confidence he tried to get her to understand that he wanted her to try and roll the unconscious girl onto his back. It wasn’t easy but eventually with head gestures and direct eye to eye contact he got his idea across to her; and with just a little more of her help he moved the Brunette to a shaded spot under some trees, nearer the riverbank.

Ann tried to make Beth as comfortable as possible. She had even found her friend’s Bikini bottoms and managed to get them back on her. She had not been as fortunate with her bathing suit though; her bra had been ripped off of her not just untied; she would have to find something to cover herself with later. She then turned her attention to the one that had saved the both of them from being raped. She knelt on her knees in the soft sand in front of him and patted his head. “You are really something.” She exclaimed softly.

Dave was no wuss, but he fell in love with this girl at first sight. He fervently prayed that she was not romantically involved with anyone else. He reached out and kissed her on the cheek with as much class as his wolf’s snout would allow.

Ann’s father raised and bred dogs for a living so she was use to animal antics but this one was different and not just because he was a wolf. She realized in an instant that the wolf had actually kissed her, not just lick her.

Dave hoped that he wasn’t pushing things too far as he zeroed in on her bare breasts next. Her pert pink tipped mounds were a work of art. She had not been able to cover them because her bra had been destroyed. He gave a preemptory lick and when she didn’t pull back he continued on, taking her oohs and aahs as signs of acceptance.

Having her breasts licked by a dog was nothing new to Ann, she had allowed it to happen only once before, about a year previous, but that was the extent of her bestial adventures. She was a virgin and her other sexual exploits reached only as far as an occasional self induced orgasm.

Dave stopped licking her creamy mounds when she grabbed his head and held it firmly in her grasp. He knew that he had not displeased her; she had simply had enough of it for the moment.

A soft sigh was all that escaped her lips. “You sure know how to please a girl don’t you boy?” She then arose from her kneeling position and sat on a small grass covered dune that allowed her feet to dangle as though she were sitting in a chair with her toes touching the sand below.

“Oh my.” She exclaimed as she felt seepage between her legs. “I hope I’m not on my period now, I shouldn’t be!” She untied the string to her Bikini bottoms and slipped them off. She was relieved to see no blood, only a little seepage from getting so excited. She looked at Dave and addressed him. “I guess you really got my motor running there Wolfie, see.” She added as she spread her legs enough for him to see her vaginal slit completely.

Dave nearly voiced his admiration of what he saw aloud. He was so close to the prettiest blonde pussy that he had ever seen and it was real, not a picture. He edged closer to the girl and took in her aroma, she smelled clean; not like the girl in the barn the previous night. He moved even closer and then with one smooth swipe of his tongue bathed the blonde’s pussy mound from bottom to top, catching her clit bud as he exited that delightful valley. He followed that lick with several others and was not stopped so he continued; he wished he knew his new loves name.

The licking of Ann’s breasts had already sent her to one small high, and when Wolfie started in on her vaginal slit the feelings overwhelmed her instantly and she was powerless to stop it. She knew she shouldn’t, but after the first few licks she gave in to it. It felt so good, and it wasn’t like this was some boy who would kiss and tell and then spread it all over town.

Ann began to feel surges of pleasure building up and within minutes she was racked with the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced. She reached out and grabbed Wolfe’s head again and hugged him to her as intense feelings washed over her very being. ”Oh you sweet thing!” she exclaimed. “Thank you.”

When she released him Dave stepped back slightly. He had not planned it but his cock was peeking out of it’s sheath slightly and it did not go unnoticed by the girl. “Oh my,” she whispered “I guess I got you a little excited also didn’t I?” Her next move surprised him totally.

There was a look in her eyes that he couldn’t interpret but what she said next explained it all. “I owe you for saving my virginity and probably my life. I’ve never done anything like this before but there is something about you; I want you!”

Dave watched spellbound as Ann turned and got on her hands and knees; spreading them slightly. “I’m yours if you want me.” She added while looking back at him.

Dave did not hesitate and had soon managed to mount her. It took only one forward thrust of his haunches to locate her pussy and bury an inch of his penis into her. He carefully rutted into her some more and came against her hymen. He gently grasped her neck in his jaws and then plunged into her even deeper, shredding the barrier completely and forever.

Ann wanted with all her being what was about to happen; she wouldn’t have allowed it to happen if she didn’t. She felt her juices flowing and knew that within moments she would no longer be a virgin, and she wanted Wolfie to take that gift from her. She felt him grasp her gently but firmly with his legs and sighed slightly as his cock nudged her pussy and then entered. She felt the head of his cock push against her hymen. Goosebumps covered her as she felt his teeth gently grasp her neck and then it happened; Wolfie’s cock surged forward and claimed her completely.

The sting of pain that she felt was exactly as she had expected and it was as quickly washed away with intense feelings of pleasure that began to cascade through her like unending waves; each a little stronger in it’s magnitude. Wolfie’s teeth released her and he made love to her. Not the frantic paced humping that she had witnessed so many time at her father’s kennel, but deep steady rhythm that seemed to intensify everything. She felt everything within her and when Wolfie’s penis pushed up into the mouth of her cervix she climaxed.

Dave felt the head of his cock enter the girl even deeper and he knew that he should be as gentle as possible but not loose his momentum. He pushed a little more and felt his wolf’s knot lock itself into the beautiful blonde below him.

Ann was in a near delirium of passion. “Oh Wolfie you feel so good in me, I can’t believe the longings that you have stirred up.” She then felt the final push and also knew that they were locked together; she knew dog anatomy. She orgasmed again the most intense of all and she also felt the first of many eruptions from Wolfie’s cock. “Oh Wolfie give it to me Darling, I want all of you. Give me your puppy juice Honey, I want all of it and I don’t care what anyone thinks. Give me your babies if you can, I’m yours forever.”

Dave listened to all that the young blonde in his paws was saying and prayed to God that she meant it. His feelings for her were exactly the same as she had expressed and he hoped that she would not change her mind when she knew the truth. He rested, making sure that his weight was not totally supported by the beauty beneath him. He flexed his haunches every so often rhythmically and heard her moan with pleasure. “That feels so good.” She sighed.

Fifteen minutes after the last big orgasm, Dave carefully pulled his cock from his new love. Some of his sperm oozed from her slit, but not too much as her vaginal muscles clamped shut as though of it’s own accord to keep his juices within her.

Ann arose and moved back to the grassy dune where it had all begun. She managed to see Wolfie’s cock before it fully sheathed itself and knew that it was already shrinking. She could only imagine how big it had been when it was deep inside of her. Her stomach gave a twinge of longing at the mere thought of it.

Dave walked to where she sat and gave her another kiss; this time on the lips. And he was pleased when she reached out and pulled him even closer and returned the kiss. “I don’t know how much you can understand Wolfie, but when we leave here you are going with us.” She said.

Nothing could have pleased Dave more and as the love of his life lay back on the grass he moved up over her. She had been seated on the very edge of the grass and her legs were open. He move between them in order to give her another kiss and once more felt her vaginal slit in the most opportune place; lined up with his cock once more. He entered her again.

“Oh Wolfie, yessssss… I want you again too.” Exclaimed Ann as she felt her lover’s cock invade her deeply. She reveled in the feel of his hair on her stomach and breasts. This time she was able to lift her legs and she tried to lock them around his torso but he was a little too big. She did manage to hook her ankles into his flanks though and actually push herself onto his growing spear. “Yessss.” She hissed as she felt the familial positioning of his penis. “You are inside the neck of my womb again and when you squirt me full of your puppy juice it will go to where it will do the best to impregnate me; if you haven’t already that is.” Dave gave one more shove to seat his knot and then the fireworks began as they both climaxed together.

Dave and Ann were no longer alone in their lovemaking; not that they had ever really been but this time Beth was awake and watching. She didn’t know what to make of what she saw at first and she was totally stunned to see who was doing what to whom. She thought for sure that she would awaken in a hospital somewhere; not where she found herself. She was also surprised also to see that her Bikini bottoms were in place where they belonged. The last thing she remembered she was running half naked from a would-be rapist and then she scratched him and he hit her; she had a jaw ache to remind her of that.

Beth undid the string to her Bikini bottoms and checked herself, running her finger through her slit gently; it was dry, she had not been raped. How had that happened? Ann’s verbal pleas brought her back to the situation at hand and she could hardly believe her ears or eyes. A big dog was fucking her friend and she was not only asking for more but wanting his babies also.

Beth watched the coupling and began to get turned on. She saw the juncture of their joining and could only imagine what it must feel like to be plowed so deeply; a trickle of her own excitement began to moisten her. Inadvertently she began to stroke her own slit and was rewarded with a climax of her own that coincided with the lovers.

Dave’s hearing was acute and even though he was obviously engaged with his young blonde love he had not been slack in listening for any other intruders. He heard the brunette stir and then heard her as she orgasmed; he could smell her scent also. When his knot shrank enough to easily pull out, he did.

“Oh my God!” Exclaimed Beth as she saw the dog’s cock emerge from her friend. And then she did a double take as she realized that the animal wasn’t a dog, but a wolf. “What in the world happened while I was out of it?”

Ann sat up quickly at the sound of her friend’s voice. “It’s not what you think, Beth.” She offered quickly, but then realized that it was in all possibility exactly what she was thinking. She started again. “Beth we have been friends for a long time, haven’t we?”

“Yes.” Came the brunette’s reply. “Almost forever.”

“Then I need you to keep this a secret for me please!”

“I would never tell anyone Ann, you ought to know that. I’m still hoping that we will be going to college together like we planned.”

“Thank you Beth.”

Beth turned fully toward her friend and the wolf. It was then that Ann saw that Beth’s Bikini bottoms were undone and that her friend had been turned on by Wolfie and herself. “Can you please tell me what it was like when you were making love to the wolf?”

“Oh, it is hard to describe. He’s not what I expected, and when I saw something in his eyes as we move you into the shade I was drawn to him. I don’t know what to say other than I plan to take him home with me if at all possible. I love him! And I thing he loves me!”

“You must love him if you are craving his babies like you were.” Noted Beth. “It must have been really intense for you. Do you think he has a brother for me? He is a handsome brute isn’t he?”

Ann looked at Beth for a full minute. “Are you serious?”

Beth looked her friend directly in the eye. “If it’s good enough for you it ought to be good enough for me also right?”

Ann looked at Wolfie and then back to her friend. “Wolves run in packs and the alpha male will usually take two mates. I would be willing to share Wolfie with you if you want. It will make us sisters.”

“Are you sure?” Asked Beth.

Ann looked at Wolfie. “Do you think that you could love both of us and no others?”

Dave looked at Beth and then back to Ann. He distinctly nodded his affirmation, sealing it by kissing Ann on the lips and then moving to Beth and doing the same.

“He understood,” exclaimed Beth, “He understood everything that you said. There is more to him than meets the eye.” Ann only nodded.

Dave surprised both women by going behind Beth and grasping the tie string to her bra in his teeth. He pulled it and the cups came free of the girl’s breasts. She aided him by removing it completely. “I guess he knows what he’s doing.” Opined Ann.

“Come over here and sit.” Offered Ann, sure of what would happen after that and Beth complied.

“I don’t need any warm-ups.” Said Beth. She knew what was coming, she had seen Ann experiencing it only minutes before. She sat with her buttock on the very edge of the low dune, spread her legs and lay back. In moments she felt Wolfie cover her and her stomach and breasts tingled.

Dave felt his cock at the entrance to Beth’s vagina. He did as he had with Ann and entered her slowly. When he came against her hymen he looked her in the eyes and when he saw she was looking back he pushed into her fully while reaching down to kiss her; her slight gasp of pain was uttered directly into Dave’s mouth. He began to move within her and in short order her gasps were those of pleasure.

“Oh Wolfie, now I see why Ann said what she did. Give it to me darling. I want what she does, your babies.

Ann watched as Wolfie took Beth as he had taken her. She wasn’t jealous; she was turned on by it. She wondered if he would be able to make love to her again before the might was over.

Beth felt an orgasm building within her. The stimulus of Wolfie’s hair rubbing her stomach and breasts was glorious. And the feel of his huge cock inside her once virgin canal was overpowering. She remembered how big it looked as it emerged from Ann and it added more coal to her already hot fires. She hugged him closer using her arms and legs.

“Oh Ann!” Beth began, but that was all she managed before the pending orgasm washed over her and silenced her. It was several moments before she was able to continue. “Ohhhh, he’s got his cock in the neck of my cervix and pushing it deeper. I can actually feel it. He’s going to flood my ovaries with his puppy juice for sure when he cumms.”

Ann knew that Beth was giving an accurate description of what was happening. Beside the fact that it had already happened to her twice, Beth had always wanted to be a nurse and she knew her anatomy very well. If she said Wolfie’s cock was now embedded in her uterus then that was exactly where it was. “That is how he had me too.” She commented. And then added. “There goes his knot; you are now tied to him.”

Beth shuddered through a second orgasm. “Thanks for warning me.” She panted jokingly. “Okay Wolfie,” She continued to pant as he thrust into her in a way that stimulated the penis uterus contact to it’s highest stirring primal longings. “I’m ready… give me… your sperm… Darling… make me… pregnant… with your… puppies… I want… everything… you can… give me…”

When the third climax hit it was like a category 5 hurricane to her senses. She felt him erupt inside her and his warmth spread through her. She had been serious about having his puppies but had some reservations as to weather it would really be possible, but now… she began to rethink things. “Ann… Ohhhhh Ann… He sure knows what he’s doing. His sperm just shot up my tubes. They don’t have far to swim and if they hit my egg I’m sure I’ll get pregnant. It will probably be a boy too because those little guys swim faster.” Another euphoric wave cascaded over her as she though of her pending impregnation.

Ann reached out and touched her friend’s arm lovingly. It was still wrapped around Wolfie’s neck. “That’s why I offered to share Wolfie with you. I want to go through this with you together. Together… we can make this work, I’m sure we can.

Minutes passed. Dave knew that his knot was almost shrunk enough to pull out of Beth without hurting her. He kissed her lips lovingly and then carefully backed away from her. He saw only a small amount of his fluids seep out of her vagina before it closed up. He also saw Ann watching the withdrawal carefully. She had wanted to see first hand what she had previously only felt. “Wow!” He heard her exclaim. He move to Ann and kissed her just as he had kissed Beth. He honestly loved them both and he would do everything he could to make this work out.

“Wow.” Exclaimed Beth as she sat up. “I think I have just been royally fucked, but I mean that in a good way.” She reached out and hugged Wolfie to her, his hair still felt good against her breasts. Both girls fawned over him for several minutes, kissing him often.

Ann eventually stood and Beth followed. “Wolfie still puzzles me.” Quipped the beautiful blonde. “For a wild animal he sure smells good.”

“I noticed that too.” Agreed Beth. “But I think that we have more pressing matters at the moment. We lost everything that we had when those jackasses jumped us. I’m getting hungry and I doubt that any kind of rescue party will be sent from the canoe livery until tomorrow.

“That could be a problem.” Said Ann. “Not only that but we don’t know how cold it may get tonight either.”

The girl’s pondering of their situation was cut short as Dave sought to get their attention. All he wanted to do was be sure they wouldn’t wander off while he went to get some of his own supplies. He hoped he had gotten his point across and then plunged into the water. He swam to the far shore and then ran up stream toward his encampment.

Dave was gone for only fifteen minutes but the girl’s had already begun to conjure up several bad scenarios that would keep Wolfie from coming back to them; none of them were Wolfie’s fault though.

Both girls gave a huge sigh of relief as they saw Wolfie coming down stream once more. There was a huge bundle of something in his mouth and they were amazed that he was able to keep it out of the water.

By the time Dave got to where the girls were and dropped the bundle of supplies at their feet his jaws ached. He was pleased to see that he had managed to get everything there without it getting wet.

Ann and Beth bent down to examine the things that Wolfie had brought to them. They could hardly believe their eyes. “Look at this stuff.” Exclaimed Beth. “There’s water, nutrition bars, two T-shirts and even a book of matches.”

Both girls looked at Wolfie simultaneously and he quickly turned his head away as though his attention had been elsewhere all along. “The plot thickens.” Mumbled Ann to Beth and they both laughed. The whole day had been full of weird surprises; what more lay ahead?

After donning their bathing suit bottoms and the t-shirts, they ate some of the food and drank some of the water. Firewood was then gathered and they did it together, not wanting to loose each other’s company or Wolfie’s either. They had a sizable pile of wood by the time they were done and they could see by the lengthening shadows that darkness would not be too far away. With a minimal amount of trouble they were soon able to get a fire going and were at least warm and cozy.

Ann and Beth sat with their back to the grassy dune on which they had enjoyed Wolfie’s sexual pleasures. Both of them would have loved to go at it with him again if the hunger pangs they had would only go away. They nibbled on more of the nutrition bars but it wasn’t enough and they did not finish them completely; there was tomorrow to anticipate and they were totally unsure as to how much energy they would have to expend on getting out of there. It was not a pleasurable thought especially since they were both barefoot. The one thing they did not worry about though were other animals, not with Wolfie around.

The Girls talked, made plans, and eventually grew tired. They snuggled as close to Wolfie as possible. He was warm and they found that they needed nothing more to be somewhat comfortable. He too closed his eyes and slept, but it was an alert sleep. Nothing moved or came near them that he didn’t know about. He looked forward to being out of there and enjoying the girl’s attention once more. Tomorrow would be another day.


Chapter Two

It was early morning, dew was heavy on the surrounding foliage but under the trees and around the fire it was dryer. Dave had managed to keep the fire going all night long and not disturb the girls’ slumber in the process. There had been several visitors to the water’s edge through the night but they had kept their distance: some because of the human scent and another because of the fire. What ever the cause, Dave had still enjoyed watching them.

Dave felt Beth stir and when he saw her smiling at him he kissed her on the lips and she kissed back. “Well, you don’t have morning breath,” she commented, “but I bet I do.” She stretched and looked around. She noticed that the fire was still burning and that the pile of wood was greatly diminished; she knew that Wolfie had kept it burning all night long. How would a mere animal know what to do? Another enigma arose and she wondered if or when they would begin getting some answers.

Beth looked at Ann who still slept peacefully; she then took stock of herself. She felt well rested, far better than she had expected. The absence of mosquito bites was the next thing that came to mind. She hated mosquitoes, they always seemed to prey on her but there were no itchy spots to be found anywhere. The fire caught her eye, maybe that was the reason for the lack of bites but even as she thought it she doubted it.

Her gaze turned once more to Wolfie and she shuffled forward a bit and hugged him close to her. He kissed her again and then nuzzled her neck; she felt her stomach quiver and it wasn’t from hunger: at least not for food. She broke off the embrace and reached for the draw string of her Bikini bottoms pulling them off in one smooth motion and setting them aside. She then lay back and spread her legs, offering herself to her lover.

Dave moved like a huge shadow coming to rest at the juncture of Beth’s thighs. His tongue slid forward and buried itself in the tender folds of her womanhood and he was rewarded with a pleasured sigh from her. He continued his ministrations on her sweet flesh of fifteen minutes before she erupted in a beautiful orgasm that made her quake all over. He arose to a sitting position and watched her reactions to his lovemaking and was pleased; he even managed a smile of sorts.

Beth grabbed Wolfie’s shoulders and pulled herself up until she was hugging him once more. She wanted to feel him close to her; she wanted to feel him inside of her. The memories of the previous were like the finest chocolate to a sweet tooth. She held him tight until her orgasm had died down and then turned her back to him and offered herself doggy style.

Dave wasted no time in mounting his beloved brunette. He found her waiting for him right where he expected her. He edged his cock into her gently at first but when he was sure that everything was lined up properly he shoved it home and her deep sigh of contentment assured him that what he did was exactly what she had wanted.

“Oh Wolfie that’s it Sweetheart give me everything you have. I want to feel you so deep within me that my insides will remember you from now until you fill me again.” And that is exactly what she got. She felt his swelling member touch the bottom of her deep tube and knew that his knot was no where near being seated within her yet. Each thrust that he made bumped her insides and sent out small sympathetic shockwaves; she began to grunt with each impact and there were many of them.

“Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh…” She could feel the onset of the first orgasm building and knew that it was going to be intense. He was making love to her like she had only previously dreamt about. “Give it to me Wolfie, I want you Honey. I want your babies.” Those were the last recognizable words she uttered for several minutes before the pent up explosion of passion coursed through her. She didn’t even realize that He had slowed his humping so as not to interfere with what she was already experiencing.

Dave eventually stopped his hip action completely, giving Beth a chance to recover. He nuzzled her neck and even brought his paws to her clothed breasts and succeeded in massaging them through the T-shirt; They seemed a little fuller than he remembered. He waited until she was coherent again and then he started all over.

“Wolfie, Honey you feel so good doing what you are doing to me. Wow, I don’t think that I could ever get enough of this.” The tremors began to build again. A second ago she hadn’t thought it was possible to climb any higher on the orgasmic scale but it was happening. She became incoherent again.

Dave rode her carefully, enough to push her over the top once more but not to a point that would hurt her. He reveled in her words of love knowing that she meant every syllable of what she was espousing. He looked forward to planting his seed in both of these girls and having them bare his children. He was already planning their future and it was a wild one. He slowed his thrusting, giving Beth a chance to relax.

Beth was finally calm enough to talk. “Wolfie, I don’t know how much more of this that I can take; at least not in this session.” She was about to say more but she felt Wolfie shift a little and then shove forward. His cock went right to the mouth of her cervix. He continued to gently push and the inevitable happened; he slowly slid into her uterus; she felt every micro-inch of it. He didn’t stop until his knot was seated inside the mouth of her vagina once more. “Oh Honey, you’re in me so deep. Give me your love juice now Wolfie. You have me exactly where you want me. Your sperm is going to soak my eggs so well. If you didn’t impregnate me last night this time sure should. Give me your babies Darling I’m ready for it.” She felt her lover’s penis begin to vibrate and a gush of his hot fluid flooded her. She hadn’t realized how close she was to her third climax and the thought of Wolfie’s sperm flowing into her ignited the short fused powder keg.

Dave held Beth tightly to himself as her third orgasm claimed every fiber of her being. He could feel her interior spasms for several minutes; they milked his cock for all it was worth before they died down. It was at least fifteen minutes after that before his knot shrunk enough for him to safely pull free; he cuddled her the entire time.

Eventually Beth came around and was able to support herself. She hugged Wolfie and relished the feel of him in her arms. She whispered into his ear. “That was beautiful my love, thank you. Ummmm… You made love to me for almost an hour. Unfortunately, you gave it to me so good that you tired me right out and I need to rest again.” She then released him and curled up at his feet in the sand.

Dave kissed Beth’s cheek as she slipped once more into slumber-land. He then turned to Ann who was still breathing heavily from what she had seen and she had only witnessed the final throws of Beth’s third orgasm. He approached her and kissed her square on the lips and she received his advances wholeheartedly. “Do you still have enough for me?” She asked teasingly yet seriously. He responded by gently pushing her upper torso until she was lying flat on her back and then he grasped the tie to her Bikini bottom.

Ann knew what he was after and helped him. Her succulent pussy with it’s neatly trimmed blonde hairs lay bare for his viewing pleasure. He edged forward and licked her sweet smelling vaginal slit with vigor. It took about five minutes of licking and probing with his tongue to bring her to orgasm.

When the euphoric spasms ebbed sufficiently Ann grasped the scruff of Wolfie’s neck and pulled him over the top of her. She lifted her pelvic region off the ground and was able to almost bump his sheath; she was so close.

Dave knew exactly what Ann was trying to do and aided her in her efforts. He lowered his rump several inches and the desired results were attained. His cock slid forward from his loins and embedded itself several inches into her warmth. A groan of satisfaction was elicited from her lips.

“That’s what I need Darling, I want you as deep inside of me as possible.” And to emphasize her point she drove herself onto his spike as hard as possible. She even managed to hook her legs into his flanks and pull herself higher; the desired results were achieved as his cock hit the back of her vaginal tube. She wasn’t sure where the strength to do this came from, but she loved it.

Ann established a steady rhythm and she was in ecstasy as she felt Wolfie’s cock move her insides around with each solid impact. She tried to communicate to her lover exactly how she felt. “I… have… no… idea… what… this… feels… like… to… you… but… I… want… to… have… your… babies… so… bad… … … I… love… you…” It was all the further she got before her next orgasm slammed into her like a freight train.

Dave felt Ann’s familiar vaginal contractions and they almost succeeded in pushing him over the top too. He longed to plant his seed into her also, but he wanted to be in the neck of her womb and have his knot wedged into her sweet pussy at the same time.

Ann released the hold she had on Wolfie with her legs and eased herself to the ground. “That was beautiful, but you didn’t cumm in me yet, did you? You still want to nail me a little more!” She looked into his blue eyes and smiled and then draped herself over the small dune, presenting her backside to him. “I want you too Honey, so please, don’t keep me waiting.” She noticed something strange about her breasts but that curiosity soon diminished as other stimulation began to claim dominance.

Dave did exactly what she wanted and was in her vaginal slot within seconds of her kneeling there. He shoved his cock into her gently but firmly and found what he was looking for. The tip of his manhood (or wolfhood at the moment) nestled itself in the mouth of her uterus and kept going until they were knotted.

Ann became very verbal as Wolfie entered her. “Oh… You are pushed right into my cervix again. You really want to make me pregnant don’t you! I sure hope so because I want it too.” She continued her verbal seduction as his thrusts slowed. The thought of his sperm flooding her ovaries again was intoxicating to her and she was sure that it would be the same to Wolfie; she knew that he understood her. As far as she was concerned when it came to couples, the greatest gift you could give your lover was not just bearing his children but letting him know that you really wanted to.

Once Dave was locked into Ann his hip motion slowed and movement within her was limited to about a half inch. The lessoned thrusting did not diminish her stimulation though. The feel of his penis in her uterus was more than enough to trigger her third orgasm; “Now, now, now… give me your babies now Honey. I want to feel your offspring moving in my belly and then suckle them at my breasts. Yes…” She cooed as she felt his hot sperm gush into her. Mmm… that’s what I want.”

Ann’s vaginal contractions milked Wolfie’s shaft as it had several times before. Her interior muscles coaxed every fluid ounce from him and pulled it in the direction that would do the most good to the recipient; it sent his seed up the fallopian tubes and aided his sperm in their effort to find a viable egg and impregnate her. “Wolfie, I swear, if you haven’t already made Beth and me pregnant I’m sure you will one of these times. I can feel it. Every time you pump your juice into me I feel as though I’ve been given a vitamin cocktail.”

Dave pondered everything that the girl’s were telling him about their sexual liaisons. He had a hunch that he was transferring to his lovers more than just his sperm, but DNA that was altering them; his DNA. He wasn’t sure if the girls had noticed it yet but they had lost fat cells already. Their bodies were leaner than before; their stomachs flatter but their breasts firmer and larger by at least a size.

When Dave realized that his knot was now small enough to pull free of Ann he gently removed it; none of his sperm leaked out and her vaginal slit closed quickly to help preserve any that might have escaped her uterus.

Ann hugged Wolfie’s neck. “You have to come home with me Darling. Neither one of us could stand loosing you now.” She kissed him, and then lay down again to get just a few more minutes of sleep before leaving there.

Dave was going to let the girls rest for about thirty more minutes but the sound of an outboard engine on the river made him alter his plans after only half of that time. He began barking softly and nudging them with his nose. When he had their attention he jerked his head toward the water and up-stream.

“I think he’s trying to tell us that someone is coming.” Offered Beth. “We had better get dressed.” She continued, noticing that they were both naked from the waist down. They did not notice Wolfie move away from them but they did get their suits on before a boat came into view and they heard shouts of excitement

Dave had run several yards away from the girls, he sensed danger. He saw one of the men aboard the boat aim a gun in his direction and he heard the man’s excited shout as he pulled the trigger.

Five seconds after the boat emerged from the tree line a shot rang out that split the morning silence like thunder. Dave was ready and a fraction of a second before the man fired his weapon, he dropped to the ground. For all intents and purposes it looked as though he had been shot, but the bullet had passed over him cleanly and buried itself in a tree a hundred yards away.

“I got him,” yelled a man on the boat, “I got that SOB right in the heart.”

Ann and Beth were stunned when they saw what happened but their grief didn’t even have a chance to set in before they saw Wolfie jump up and run for the nearest brush that would shield him from further attempts on his life. They too ran into the field shouting for the men to stop firing.

Deputy Gary Fielding considered himself a crack shot, and he was good; just not as good as he bragged himself up to be. His jubilant shout was cut short as he saw the wolf rise up and run for the nearest thicket. “Son of a bitch,” he exclaimed and took aim again. He got two more shots off but with as fast and erratic as the animal moved it was impossible to get a good bead on it. He could have swore that the beast was running a zigzag pattern. “Nah, it couldn’t be.” He muttered to himself and by then the boat was touching shore.

“Get the anchor out,” shouted the boat’s driver, “and make sure that it’s at least fifteen feet away from the water, I don’t want to loose it in this current. We’d never hear the end of it from the other guys if it did.”

Ann and Beth saw Wolfie make it safely into the dense thicket. They arrived at the place where he had first fallen and searched the ground. “I don’t see any blood,” offered Beth in a relieved tone of voice. They didn’t get a chance to look any further as the two men from the boat approached them.

“Why did you shoot at our dog?” She yelled at them.

“Dog?” retorted Gary, “you must be blind as a bat babe. That was a full grown wolf and as big and mean as they make them. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen any bigger.”

“Are you two young ladies Ann Carter and Beth Falconi?” Asked the second deputy.

“Yes.” Responded Ann.

The deputy gave a sigh of relief. “My name is deputy Jerry Simons. We were not able to organize a search party for you until this morning and later in the evening two guys showed up at the local hospital, savaged to within an inch of their lives by a wolf, we began to worry.”

The girls looked at each other and then back to Jerry. Beth addressed him. “Are the two guys that you have in the hospital about six feet tall, one skinny and the other a little heavy set?”

Jerry nodded his head. “Yeah, that sounds like them, why?”

“Well it’s too bad that Wolfie didn’t finish them off,” explained Ann. “It’s because of them that all of this happened. They rammed us with their canoe and forced us ashore. They then tried to rape us! If it hadn’t been for Wolfie they would probably have succeeded. The thin one hit Beth so hard it stunned her. They need to be sent to jail.”

Gary cut in before Ann could finish her narrative. “You know, with the way you two babes look it’s easy to see why this happened.” He allowed his eyes to wander over the girl’s bodies; especially Ann’s. She had no bra on and her nipples were prominently poking the T-shirt material leaving little to the imagination as to where the were.

Ann crossed her arms over her chest immediately, disgusted with the way the deputy was ogling her. “Who is in charge her?” She demanded, hoping that it wasn’t the obnoxious bore that held the gun.

“I am.” Answered Jerry.

“Good!” Ann spat, “Get this jackass out of our sight or so help me your superiors will hear about this.”

“You two must be cold.” Stated Jerry to help defuse the situation. “Gary, go to the boat and get a couple of the blankets that are there. The man made a slight face at Ann and then obeyed Jerry’s instructions. If Jerry hadn’t been there and he had found these girls alone, he might have tried something himself. These girls weren’t just tens; they were twelves by his reckoning

Both girls huddled closer together but it wasn’t for heat’s sake, they didn’t even notice that it was in the low fifties. They should have been shivering but they weren’t. Beth confided in Ann about something that she had mentioned. “My jaw doesn’t hurt where that guy hit me. It was sore at first, but now…“ She shook her head. “It should still be sore, I know it.” She concluded while flexing her jaw.

When the other deputy returned with the blankets they took them so that they could cover up more than anything. Ann was the recipient of another vulgar gesture from Gary who flicked his tongue like a snake would, emphasizing that he would like to eat her out. She just gave him a disgusted look and turned away. The other deputy had missed the exchange because he was talking on the radio to the search and rescue chopper. Mention of the attempted rape was also part of the conversation.

Dave had not missed a thing though. He wasn’t far away and would not leave there until he was sure that the girls were truly safe. When he heard the approach of the helicopter he backed further into the foliage. He watched as Jerry pulled a smoke grenade from a pouch, armed it, and threw it into the largest open space accessible. Within seconds a dense red smoke arose skyward pinpointing their position and the chopper landed. He also heard the officer mention a canoe livery several miles down stream

As Beth and Ann boarded the rescue unit Dave was running as fast as he could toward the river. He leapt from the bank as a wolf and hit the water as a man, carving the liquid in a shallow dive that carried him over half way across the watery span. His speed hardly diminished as he hit the opposite shore and he was soon at his duffle bag, drying off and getting dressed.

Dave heard the chopper take to the sky and noted the direction of it’s flight path. He heard the boat leave also. He sprinted for the road that he had been on the previous day and was soon loping in that direction also. His speed would have done an Olympic sprinter justice and most athletes would have slowed considerably after four hundred yards but he kept on, driven by love and desire.

The sound of a vehicle approaching from the rear caught his attention. He slowed and was soon walking backwards, extending his thumb as all people do when hoping to hitch a ride. The old truck downshifted and came to a stop next to where he stood. The frail looking man inside addressed him. “You know, the speed you were going you would probably get there faster than with me but how can I be of help?”

“I’m looking for the Aspen Bend canoe livery, it should be near here.”

“Yep, I know right where Aspen Bend is. Hop in and I’ll take you there, I was going right by it anyway.”

Dave thanked the man and hopped into the vehicle. A ten minute drive put them just over a bridge from where the livery lay on the river’s edge. The man stopped the old truck and Dave hopped out. He thanked the guy once more and began to cross the bridge. In the distance he saw the rescue chopper but another helicopter sat nearby also; this was a private unit and he knew that it concerned the girls.

Within minutes Dave was among the assembled rescue volunteers. He kept his ears open to the whereabouts of the girls. He was sure that he saw them and moved to intercept, they were being escorted toward the choppers. His attention was on them when he bumped into someone quite heavily. “Sorry,” he said off handedly and was about to move on when a heavy hand grabbed his shoulder and tried to apply paralyzing pressure to his trapezium.

“A simple sorry ain’t going to work Asshole, you’ll have to do better than that.” growled Gary.

Dave wasted as little time and energy as possible while noting the situation. There were cops everywhere and he did not want to be detained for any reason but this was the guy that had accosted Ann and Beth and it was now payback time. The words were barely out of Gary’s mouth when Dave applied a little pressure of his own on the offending hand.

Gary had no idea how it all happened. One second he was trying to get a nerve pinch on this dwebe and the next he was lying face down of the ground with a foot on his neck and his arm at an awkward angle behind his back. He could not have moved to save his life and he was beginning to pass out. His arm was then released but he was dizzy and disoriented and it was a slow climb back to reality.

A lot of people had witnessed the altercation; one of them was Gary’s boss. He had heard that the deputy was heavy handed, overbearing, rude and crude. And now he had seen it for himself. He addressed his subordinate next to him. “As soon as Gary is able to stand, tell him I want to see him immediately. I think it is time for that young man to find another career.”

Dave was not stopped or interfered with in any way as he headed for the makeshift chopper pad. It was already too late though as he heard the whine of the rotor blades increase and saw the helicopter rise into the air. He even saw the girl’s faces as they peered out the small window in his direction.

More eyes than he could have imagined witnessed what he had done to Gary, but none as precious as those that belonged to Ann and Beth. They had seen at least the aftermath on the encounter. “It’s him!” Stated Beth excitedly, “I know it’s him I can feel it. Daddy please have the helicopter re-land, there is someone down there that we have to see.”

Mr. Falconi’s mind was elsewhere, studying the brief that he had brought with him no this trip. He had come to rescue the girls and he had; now it was time to get back to business. At first he had been concerned for his daughter’s safety but the whole misfortunate event had gracefully only lasted a few hours. It wasn’t until Beth had pushed his hand down so that he could no longer read that he acknowledged her. “What is it Beth?”

“Daddy, we need to turn around and go back to the canoe livery. There is a guy there that really helped us out and we didn’t get a chance to thank him properly.”

Mr. Falconi snorted. “We can’t turn around, I have a very important meeting that I was almost going to miss but now I can be there.”

“Then just land and let us out, we’ll take Ann’s car back; it’s still parked at the head of the canoe run.”

Mr. Falconi shook his head. “It’s already been picked up by a tow truck, and I promised Ann’s father that I would deliver you both safe and sound at home. Now please, I don’t want to hear another word about it. You can send a card to whomever it was that helped you. That should be more than enough.

Beth looked at Ann and shrugged her shoulders. “He’ll find us.” Whispered Ann. “I’m sure of it.” She comforted her friend.

Dave already knew the girl’s names and he had the tail rotor numbers from the chopper. He would find the destination of the craft and begin to look there; you could find anything on the internet if you knew how to use a search engine.


Chapter Three

Dave watched as the helicopter pitched forward and banked right while still in a sharp climb out of the heavily treed valley in which the canoe livery sat. He stared at the chopper as it beat a hasty retreat out of the area and his eyes did not leave it until it was a very small speck in distance.

Once he was certain that the helicopter was not going to return he nodded and then headed back toward the road that had led him into the area. He needed to get to a place where he could use his computer.

As he passed some to the rescue teams as they began packing their stuff away he did notice that the deputy that had accosted the girls, and just a few minutes ago himself, was being reprimanded by his superiors and relieved of duty for his actions.

Dave hated to see people lose their jobs, but this was one person he was sure did not deserve the responsibility or respect that came with being in his line of work. And to think that anyone so hot tempered was carrying a gun was a sure fire recipe for some kind of abuse. His assumption was further vindicated as he walked by the area and he felt the man glaring at him.

Dave ignored the feeling of hatred that emanated from the man. He had no doubts that if they had been alone that the man would have foolishly attacked him again. He could only assume at the moment that the ex-deputy blamed him for the fact that he was relieved of duty.

It was still early June and the morning air had a slight chill to it; especially if you were standing in the shade of the many tall trees that circled the flat staging area. The rescue chopper was still there and Dave wished that he could run over to it and fly after the chopper that had Ann and Beth in it. He sighed heavily and then began a leisure but ground eating trot toward the road.

When Dave got to the black-topped path that served as a road into the area he stopped and looked at the directional signs. The path that led to what he knew to be the largest town in the area angled away from the flight path that the private helicopter had taken. Unfortunately, it offered the best way to get him to a place where he would have more than one option to choose from in his next step in finding the girls.

Dave began trotting down the road once more. His pace was an easy one for him. He had traveled a mile and had not even broken a sweat when he heard a vehicle approaching him from behind. He spun around and once more put his thumb out after being certain that the approaching car was not a police unit.

The blue sedan, loaded with two guys sped by but then quickly slowed. The tires on the vehicle even gave a slight squeal of protest. “Where are you headed?” Came a voice out of the passenger window as Dave moved closer.

Dave told the two young men where he was headed and when he was offered a lift he hopped in the back seat. He entertained the driver’s twenty question routine as best he could without giving out the fact that he knew everything that had been happening at the canoe livery.

After the driver was done with his questions, the passenger added one of his own. “Are you the guy that flattened the deputy back at the canoe livery?”

Dave nodded. “We accidentally bumped into each other. The mistake was mutual; neither of us was really watching where we were going. I apologized but he… didn’t seem to want to accept it. He grabbed me…and I put him down.”

Both guys chuckled at hearing that and the front seat passenger immediately turned and extended his hand. “Then let me be the first to shake your hand then. Gary is an ass and he let his badge go to his head. It was about time that someone put him in his place.” He said as he and Dave shook hands.

“Amen to that.” Seconded the driver. “I just wish I could have seen it happen.”

The front seat passenger chuckled again. “Yeah… well I saw it, and it was fantastic. I was also standing close enough to the sheriff when he fired Gary’s sorry ass. God… was he pissed.”

“I can only imagine.” Offered the driver. “I missed that too… unfortunately.”

By the time Dave was let off in the small town that he had been heading for he was the newest friend of both the driver and the passenger. “If you ever get this way again, look us up. You’ll probably find us at the fire station.” Offered the man behind the wheel.

“And until you are out of the area watch your back.” Warned the passenger. “Gary lives in this town and he holds grudges.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Responded Dave. And then he watched as the two guys drove away.

The town in which Dave found himself was the biggest in the area, and yet it was truly a very small burg. All in all its most defining features were its gas station, a movie theater, a fair sized diner and an internet café. He was hungry so he opted for the food first. He ate lightly and fifteen minutes after entering the eatery he was done and headed for the café.

Dave was a whiz when it came to computers. Even using the café’s units he maneuvered about the web with ease. It took him nearly half an hour to find what he wanted but by the time he was done he knew where both girls lived; but then it hadn’t hurt that both of their fathers were prominent business men and in the news recently.

Dave had the girl’s addresses committed to memory almost the second he saw it listed. He also had a phone number for the Falconi residence but he doubted that they would be home just yet. Once he had what he wanted, he wasted no further time in the café and headed for the nearest transportation center.

By noon, Dave found himself on a non-stop bus that would take him to within twenty miles of his desired destination, but he would not arrive there for several hours. In the mean time he rested and tried to make future plans. It was hard though without knowing what lay directly ahead. The two girls that he had met were definitely a divergent path than the one had first sketched for himself alone. He had begun his journey with no real goal in mind but to get out on his own. But finding out that he was a shape-shifter was beginning to make him question his origins even more.

Dave knew very little about himself but he had learned bits and pieces of his past from the most unlikely of sources; his step brother. They were not related in any way except by law; with himself being the adopted one, and his brother never letting him forget it

As Dave and his step brother had grown older together, the rightful heir to the family fortune reminded him continually of his humble beginnings. He was told things by his younger sibling that he himself had never heard. And yet he trusted the boy because he could sense that he was being told the truth. And yet it was done in a way that made it sound as demeaning as possible.

Dave remembered all of it and could assume only one thing… that his brother had been told by his adoptive parents what they knew; even though they had never told him. So… his younger sibling used the info to taunt and humiliate him.

He lost count of the times he was told that he was a bastard; the product of a man who never even married the woman he had fucked and impregnated. And that it didn’t matter that the man was now dead; he probably wouldn’t have married her anyway.

And then there was the tidbit about his mother being so ashamed of him that she had never even bothered to see him. She had left him immediately and returned to Arizona to begin her life without him.

Dave’s pieced together information of his past was interrupted as the bus pulled into the station. When the door opened he slowly made his way to the side of the motor vehicle to pick up his duffle bag. It was somewhat lighter than when he had started because of the things he had used, and what he had given to Ann and Beth.

Once Dave was out of the depot, he found himself in a section of town that was less than desirable to be walking in too late in the evening, and especially at night or alone. Attention to his presence was coming from two distinct locations so he did the only thing he could do without having to meet up with the local denizens; he walked over to a cab and got in.

Dave gave the cabbie Beth’s address and then asked to be taken to a motel that was in that vicinity. The man looked at him and then immediately asked to see proof that he could pay the fifty plus dollars that it would take to get there; it was evident that the driver doubted his ability come up with the money given his current shabby attire.

Dave showed the man two fifty dollar bills and before he could even put his wallet back in his pants the cab took off like a rocket; he was surprised that the tires on the vehicle didn’t squeal even louder and longer than they did.

There was silence in the taxi for several blocks and then the cabbie’s curiosity got the best of him. “So why do you give me one address and then tell me to take you to another?” He asked.

Dave smiled, but then answered. “For the same reason you asked me to show you the money first. I’ve had a very rough trip so far and I didn’t think it would be too cool to show up on a girl’s doorstep looking the way I do.”

“Ahhh… I knew it.” Beamed the cabbie proudly. “As soon as you said what you did I knew there would be a girl involved in this.”

“Isn’t there always?” asked Dave in a personable manner.

For the rest of the trip the cabbie and Dave made small talk. It ended as the man pulled into one of the local motel chain parking lots and stopped. “I wish you much luck my friend.” Intoned the driver as Dave paid him; giving him an ample tip along with the cab fee.

Dave walked into the motel lobby, very aware of how disheveled he looked. There was an older woman there that was just signing in herself and when she saw him she shied away from him as though the five feet that was already between them was not near enough space. He simply smiled at her.

When it became Dave’s turn to request a room for the night he read nothing but suspicion in the motel operator’s demeanor. “Can… I help you?” She asked cautiously.

“I need a room for the night… and possibly a few days.” Offered Dave.

“I’ll need a major credit card.” Said the young brunette attendant, already assuming that the ill clad gentleman in front of her would not be able to hand her one.

Dave opened his wallet and pulled out a Platinum Visa. He knew that it was good for over twenty five thousand dollars and at the moment it was free and clear of any charges. He handed it to her and once she had it in her hand she immediately wanted to see his ID. To which he obliged her by showing her his driver’s license.

The young woman ran the card, sure that there would be a problem with it but the transaction actually took less than most usually did. “I’ll leave the amount blank for the moment.” She finally muttered lowly. “Your cost per night will be…”

Dave stopped her and handed her another item; a choice privileges card. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” He added softly. “It’s been a long day.” He could have added that he had been shot at, in a bit of a scuffle, and traveled over a hundred miles in a stuffy buss; but he didn’t want to scare her any more than she already was.

With the card the young man handed her he now got a thirty percent discount, one of the highest she had ever seen. She looked at him again and wondered if this wasn’t some kind of test of the way she treated people; and she swallowed hard. Whoever David Wolfram was he definitely had connections.

The young brunette handed the privileges card back and from that point on her whole demeanor changed. She quickly produced a set of door entry cards and then directed him toward his room. She watched him as he walk away and noted his stature and posture spoke volumes about him that his clothes failed to pass on to the rest world. The old saying ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’ definitely came to mind.

The young lady was right in assuming what she had found out; Dave was someone of note. His adoptive parents had been rich, money handed down by birth. But he was equally as wealthy and his came from using his own abilities. While his parents and semi-siblings thought he was simply wasting his time on stupid computer games he had actually been developing them.

He had sold several major games to the computer companies and in return his pay was in the high hundreds of thousands. And one of them even went for over a million. The hard part in all of this though was in getting the game companies to deal with him in the first place; without his adoptive parents being involved.

He had only been fifteen at the time but through teleconferencing and computer networking he had them convinced that he was well over twenty one. The image he presented them of his alter-ego was so good that the companies never realized that they were looking at a computer generated image. So now, at the age of eighteen he was a multi-millionaire shape-shifter, and looking for his roots. He chuckled at the fact that he had been given his adoptive parents last name, Wolfram; especially in light of what had happened a few day prior when he finally met a real wolf.

Dave tossed his duffle bag on the bed and stripped out of his clothes. He headed for the shower and bathed in the hottest water that his body could stand. He didn’t over do it but it did feel good to be clean again.

After drying off he rummaged through his clothes and realized how little he really had. He had not flaunted his money while he was in school, and his adoptive parents never really gave him a lot of cash to work with either so he didn’t have much. He knew now that come morning he would have to get himself a new wardrobe. Nothing fancy, but definitely better than the used and hand me down items that he presently had.

Once Dave was dressed he cranked up his computer and opened up the maps program that he had. He typed in Beth’s address and was soon looking at where her residence lay compared to his current position. He even got on line and brought up an aerial view of the neighborhood, and he was impressed. Beth’s family evidentially had money if looking at the estate he was perusing was any evidence of her wealth. But then he had half suspected it already considering that her father had come to pick her and Ann up in a private helicopter.

After Dave was satisfied that he knew where Beth lived he headed out. He grabbed a small burger to eat at one of the local fast food franchises but that was it. He preferred food he made himself, or at least something more nutritional and with less calories.

By now, it was getting late and he wondered if he should even really try to see the girls, assuming that Ann might possibly be spending the night at Beth’s place. He found a very secluded spot and quickly stripped his clothes off before he shifted. In moments he found himself on four sturdy legs, with pitch black hair and ready to run.

Dave made sure that his wallet and meager clothes were well hidden and then headed toward the Falconi estate. His swift lope carried him quickly to where he wanted to be. He reconnoitered the area first and once he was satisfied as to where all the security systems and alarms were he moved as close as he could to the main house. He was already within the eight foot fence line that acted as a privacy screen; to him, jumping it had been easy.

There wasn’t much of a moon, but then he really didn’t need it. He saw everything quite clearly. He moved to a particularly dark area under a small maple and sat there. He perused the back of the house for several minutes and then called out to Beth and Ann. His single howl split the night air cleanly.

All around him, dogs responded to his call. They clamored for nearly a minute before their owners finally shut them up. He noted their positions in case he had to beat a haste retreat but his main focus was on the house. Were the girls there? Did they hear him if they were? He pondered these things as he waited. He wished now that he had a cell or satellite phone. At least then he could have called first.

Beth had just gotten off the phone with Ann when she heard something that immediately got her attention. She wasn’t sure but she could have sworn that she heard a wolf howl; and it sounded as though it came from the back yard. At the moment she was wearing a large stretchy t-shirt and panties so she quickly slipped into a robe.

Slipping down the stairs as silently as she could she was soon standing at the back sliding door and looking out. She heard no other movement within the house so she disabled to door alarm and slid it open. Cautiously, she moved toward the pool and after satisfying herself that nothing was on this side of the water she looked elsewhere; off into the deeper shadows of the yard.

Beth was about to call out to Wolfie and see if he was there, but she didn’t have to; she heard him woof lightly and she turned to where the sound had come from. She wasn’t too surprised when she saw him step out of the deeper shadow and move toward her.

Wolfie walked briskly to where she stood and sat at her feet. And she in turn stared at him. “I see we’re still in costume.” She offered softly as she knelt and ruffled the fur on his head and neck.

By her words Dave now knew that she or they knew that he was very different; so he didn’t keep her in too much suspense. “Yeah.” He spoke somewhat gruffly. “I didn’t get my other clothes back from the cleaners yet.” He jested.

Beth chuckled. “A comedian wolf… who knew?”

Dave looked her in the eyes. “I was afraid if I talked to you in the beginning that you would have been totally freaked out. And if you knew that I was really a guy… that you would try to cover up your beautiful bodies.” He offered apologetically. “I’m sorry I deceived you.”

Beth thought if over for a moment and knew that he was right. If they had suspected that he was really a man they would have acted a whole lot differently. And she doubted that they would really have gotten to know his as they had. “So… what are you really, a werewolf?” She asked with a bit of trepidation.

Dave felt her fear immediately and shook his head. “I’m not a werewolf; I’m a shape-shifter.”

Beth was put immediately at ease and yet she frowned a bit. “Darn, I was going to ask you to bite me.” She added lightly. “Like in the movie, Wolf. Starring Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer.”

Dave chuckled. I saw the movie… but unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.”

Beth sighed. “Rats” She exclaimed. “I was hoping to become like you are, and I’m sure Ann would also.”

“I didn’t say that you couldn’t become like I am.” Explained Dave, “I just said it couldn’t be passed on by biting you.”

Beth’s curiosity was instantly piqued. “Then how do we become like you?” She asked with earnest interest.

Dave didn’t want to simply blurt out how they would become completely like he was without first asking a very vital question. “Beth, I know that we have only known each other for a very short time but I need an honest answer. Do you want what I have for yourself and the power it will give you? Or do you want it so that you and I can be closer together?”

“So that we can be together!” Said Beth without hesitate truthfully.

Dave nodded. Everything within his being told him that she was telling the truth. “Good, because in a way you are already on your way to becoming as I am.”

Beth looked at him quizzically at first and then she opened her mouth in surprise as she understood what he meant. “When you made love to us.” She whispered.

Dave nodded again. “It’s a slow process, but it seems that I can pass on what I am to my mates. I didn’t realize it at first, but it became evident to me that something was happening after the second time that we were together. You already have a few of my attributes but you will gain more as we continue being close.”

This time Beth nodded and as Dave watched she began to slip out of her robe. “I want you Wolfie…”

“My name is David.” The wolf before the young woman interrupted. “Or Dave, if you prefer.”

Beth smiled as she continued to slip out of her robe and set it to the side. “I want you David.” She stated, using his proper name. “And I don’t just mean for now… I mean for all time.” She added as she then slipped her panties off and turned to offer him her body.

Dave knew that Beth meant business and that she had no doubts as to what she had just professed to him. As far as she was concerned, they were already a couple and even if there was no marriage she was just as committed. So when she offered herself to him he took her.

Dave, in his wolf’s body, moved closer to her and gently began licking her. He had to get as low as he could in order to reach her clit but then he was able to catch her from the top of her vaginal crease to her dainty rosebud.

Beth moaned softly and then lowered her upper body to her elbows while rocking her pelvis upward. The maneuver worked and almost instantly Dave was able to reach her better and sink his tongue into her deeper. She wanted to scream how good it felt but she knew that she had to remain as quiet as possible in the back yard of her parent’s estate.

Dave licked Beth as best he could. He had no real training in making love but he guessed from her actions that he had to be doing something right. At one point she reached back and covered her mound so that he could do nothing else and then he watched as she shook and trembled. He was not a big fan of porn on the web, but he did recognize the fact that she was having an orgasm and he felt some measure of pride. He had caused her to climax the way she did.

Beth had managed to manipulate herself several times in the past, but the orgasms that she had experienced over the past few days were far better than she could ever have imagined possible. God… no wonder people loved sex once they really knew what it was about.

The young brunette sighed as the euphoria ebbed, but her respite was short lived. The cool night air was instantly replaced by the feel of warm fur as Dave covered her back. She rose to her hands to eliminate the gap between his chest and her upper back and it felt even better; she loved the closeness.

Dave encircled her waist with ff.gif arms and shuffled forward. His efforts were rewarded when he felt his K9 cock nudge her vaginal lips open. As gently as possible he hunched himself forward even more and then slid several inched of hot hardened phallus into Beth’s depths.

Beth could hardly wait to feel David in her again as he covered her. She felt the first tentative bump of his cock as it touched her and then it split her pussy lips and lodged itself within her. “Yes…” She hissed joyfully. “Take me Darling… take me and make me yours.”

Dave loved what he was hearing; it was music to his ears. For years all he had heard from those that were close to his was that he was an outcast and a no-body and that he would never amount to anything. And even thought he knew how capable he really was he still longed for true companionship and now he was sure that he had found it.

Gently, tenderly, Dave made love to Beth. He held her in his K9 arms and even carefully bit into the back of her neck as though he was dominating her; letting her know that she was his and that he truly wanted her. Thrust after thrust moved him deeper until he was beating against the bottom of her vaginal sheath.

Beth’s low moans were continuous and if anyone could have seen her facial expressions they would have concluded only one thing; that she was in heaven. Over and over she felt Dave bump the bottom of her kitty’s canal and it was so good. And when he gently grabbed her neck with his teeth it sent waves of pleasure washing over her. She was his, and in his power, and words could not describe how close it made her feel to him.

For the both of them, this time of being together was even better than when they were by the river. The time they had shared on the failed canoe trip was fantastic and yet it paled in comparison to now. Here, they were not simply a wolf and a girl sharing a hot bit of sex; they were true lovers with an exciting future ahead of them. If there was any negativity at all it was only that Ann was not here with them.

Beth had a few minor orgasms while Dave stroked himself into her. But when the big one approached they were both ready. His cock knot slipped into her one last time and then they were tied. Even as her orgasmic tremors claimed her again she felt his seed pour out of him and into her. A deeper groan slipped from her sweet lips and it only half attested to the ecstasy that coursed through her.

Dave held Beth aright, as he felt her slump a little. More and more of his sperm and genetic makeup were pumped into her as he hugged her to him. He smelled her hair, her body, everything that made her what she was and he loved it. How beyond fate had he managed to run into such beautiful young ladies on the river when he did. And then… to be able to rescue them and begin a relationship with them… Wow!

Beth stirred and realized that she had been so relaxed that she really should have keeled over. She knew immediately that Dave had held her. Once more she moaned contentedly and brought her right hand to where her lover’s hairy leg was and caressed it. She wanted him to know even now, non-verbally, that she appreciated what he was doing for her.

By the time Beth began to move Dave was ready to gently pull his phallus from her depths. His knot had shrunk enough to allow it to happen. He was careful as he did it but his love still moaned. But it wasn’t a painful complaint; it was one of disappointment at becoming detached from her new mate.

Beth turned quickly and embraced Dave’s wolfly form. “Come to the house with me.” She sighed.

Dave pulled away just enough to give her a kiss. “I can’t he said softly, but I will return tomorrow shortly after noon; I promise. I need to look… presentable when I meet your family.”

“David, I don’t care how you look when they meet you.” She said earnestly. “I just want them to see you.”

“I know it doesn’t matter to you Beth.” Said Dave softly. “The feelings that we share cover things like our attire. But your family… I think that will be another matter entirely.”

Beth sighed resignedly. “You promise you’ll be here tomorrow at twelve.” She then added eagerly.

Dave smiled and he pulled it off very well despite his wolfish countenance. “I cannot promise that I will be here right at high noon, but it will be shortly afterward; and definitely no later than one.” He intoned as he thought about all that he needed to do before he met the family, especially her father.

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