Women with Animals

Alaskan Dream


(c) 2007 by Pantharas

Part 1: Its only the beginning

This was a moment I worked hard for. I saved every extra penny away, to have my dream vacation. For months I had been searching the internet when I found an ad for secluded vacation spots deep in the Alaskan tundra. One definitely caught my eye and I sent off an e-mail for further details.

It’s been a pleasant all be it long flight from Texas, when I finally heard “Ladies and Gentleman, this is your captain speaking. On behalf of all us here with Alaska Airlines, we welcome you to Fairbanks , Alaska. Your current time is 4:15 pm and the tempature outside is 38 degrees.”

Coming to Alaska had been a long time dream and but I never thought the chance would actually come, but here I was touched down and Alaska was right out my window. I was fidgeting in my seat as I peeked out at the sparkling blue sky and the scattered puffy white clouds.

I mentioned secluded, and this small and primitive cabin really was; I wanted the freedom of being alone but I did not want to be a fool either. The gentleman who owned it had his own place just a little ways away. He and I communicated via email several times before sealing the deal but the clincher for me was his telling me I could go for long rides on the sled while he worked his sled dogs. They entered a few races each year, so he constantly kept them trained and well maintained. Wicked thoughts ran through my head and I asked what breed were his dogs. His reply had me hot, tingly and instantly moist. He teams Alaskan Malamutes and they are all MALE.

He felt the best time for me to come out, would be in the mid-Spring. Most of the storms would have passed and I would have some pleasant weather, still the cold, but able to get around more and see more of the country side. He told me what to pack and said he had plenty of cold weather gear for me to use, so I was not to worry about that. I was grateful, because down in Texas, we don’t have much need for that type of clothing and finding it would have been difficult.

It took me three months before I saved up enough money for my trip; that gave Drake and I a number of chances for short notes back and forth… mostly him checking on my commitment to the trip and keeping me updated on weather. I found I hope quiet little ways to ask him about his dog team.

A few days before my flight was scheduled to depart, he asked if I would send a photo, so he would be able to recognize me at the airport. I said sure, not a problem. So I sent off one of me, in my normal attire of jeans and t-shirt, hair having a mind of its own and a big smile on my face. I didn’t think to ask for a photo of him and some would probably say I was foolish to agree to stay out away from it all, with only a man that I barely knew, for a neighbor. I never had any concerns for my safety at all, and felt very comfortable, even from our first contact.

As the plane pulled up to the terminal, I kept shifting in my seat, legs constantly moving in anticipation. The silk long underwear beneath my jeans felt wonderful against my skin, and I noticed I was becoming very aroused in all of my excitement. My breasts felt full and heavy beneath the silk shirt, thermal top and my unbuttoned flannel. The plane came to a stop and I quickly leaped to my feet, throwing my backpack over one shoulder and reaching overhead to my suitcase above.

I didn’t want to waste anytime being stuck down in baggage claim. I moved quickly towards the door of the plane and headed down to the baggage area, where I was supposed to meet Drake. My hair was flying around my face, probably looking a mess, as I moved through the other passengers, eager to step out in the Alaskan sunshine. I came to the escalator and paused before stepping on. I was so energized, my body humming in anticipation of my vacation.

I looked around but didn’t notice anyone holding a sign, chuckling to myself as I realized I had no idea what Drake looked like. Once on the bottom floor I walked towards the exit, looking for a sign or something, letting me know someone was here. After about 15 minutes, I began to grow a little concerned, standing off to side, nibbling on one finger. I reached into my backpack for my cell, when I felt a hand touch the back of my hair.

I spun around startled, staring into an olive green shirt, covering a well built chest. My eyes travelled slowly upward until I looked up at the stunning man before me. I felt my jaw drop, as my eyes ran over his handsome face, looking intently into his chocolate eyes. Oh sweet heaven! I took a step back, so I could get a better look at the proud man before me. He stood silently, letting my eyes run over his body, a smirk on his full lips.

He wore a tan leather jacket, snug across his broad shoulders. Tight, form fitting blue jeans, worn in spots, covered his muscular legs and I felt a blush steal over my cheeks when I glanced quickly at his fly. Mmmmmm…….a sleeping giant lay at rest there and my mouth began to water. Men don’t normally make me feel desire so quickly, the dogs have always been what bring about an instant yearning in my body and mind. My pussy winked and I felt her become moist, letting me know she was very happy with the male in front of her.

He reached out a hand towards me, introducing himself. “Hello Rochelle. I’m Drake. I’ll be your companion and guide while you’re in Alaska.”

I reached out, feeling his hand completely envelop mine, my skin pale against his mahogany flesh. Light to his darkness, my pussy winked again. It took me a moment for my mouth and brain to work together, before I could reply back to him.

“Hello Drake. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I felt myself blush more, feeling like a young adult instead of a mature woman. This was embarrassing and I was kicking myself inside, for being such a moron.

Letting go of my hand Drake reached for my suitcase, resting a warm palm on my lower back, he leaned towards my face, “Shall we go? I’m sure your ready to begin your adventure.”

“Oh yes Drake. I’m more than ready for my adventure. I’m so excited to be here.” I turned my head to smile at him and our lips almost met. A spark shot through me and I saw his eyes flare a bit. Hmmmm…..something was happening here.

I felt delticate and feminine with his body shadowing mine as we left the airport. The fresh air filled my lungs when we stepped outside. I drew the air deep into my lungs, my chest rising, breasts lifting against my shirt. The air was crisp, chilly, but the warmth from the man beside me, kept me from feeling the cold. We walked for a bit, my eyes taking in the bright sunshine. Drake stopped us beside a tall silver pickup.

Wondering how I was going to climb inside, I paused when I heard a bark. I turned to glance at him, a questioning look upon my face. He smiled down at me, before unlocking the door. I stepped back as the door opened and inside sat a full grown Alaskan Malamute. He was a beautiful beast, in the colors of grey and white – his almond shaped brown eyes full of intelligence as he looked down at me.

“Rochelle, meet Duke. Duke, say hello to the pretty lady.”

Drake stood with his shoulder propped against the truck, arms crossed over his chest, watching my every move as I moved closer to Duke. My heart started pounding, blood pumping quickly through my body, my whole body electrified. Duke held up his right paw and I reached with my right hand to shake. He stretched out his muzzle and I leaned even closer, letting go of his paw, to run my fingers through his thick full coat.

The softness felt like down beneath my palm, and I scratched him behind one ear, watching his eyes close in appreciation. I felt my mouth spread wide and I knew I was beaming from ear to ear, laughter bubbling from my lips. Overflowing with joy, I reached out with my other hand to squeeze Drake’s, looking over at him. He smiled at me, white teeth showing and moved to stand behind me.

“Duke is my lead dog and the alpha of the bunch. They are a team and work very well together, but all the dogs know he is the boss. I knew how excited you were about being with the dogs, so I thought you might enjoy his company on the drive out to my home.” With that he reached for my waist, lifting me easily, placing me inside the truck and buckling my seatbelt.

Duke sat close beside me as Drake closed the door and I burrowed my face against his neck, squeezing him against me. The feel of his fur against my throat, sent tingles through me and I wanted so much to be naked with this dog covering me. Trying to calm the wicked thoughts running through my mind, I took silent deep breaths as Drake climbed in the cab. Firing up the engine we headed away from the airport, driving out of town. Drake told me the drive would last for about 45 minutes, before we reached our destination.

I looked out the window as the town fell away and I saw the snow covered ground, reaching for my sunglasses, I was amazed at the beauty before me. Duke not wanting to be ignored, licked my left cheek making me sigh in delight and I rubbed my cheek along his muzzle, the feelings running through my body almost overpowering my senses. I thought of my dog at home and wondered how Duke’s tongue would feel licking along my secret places, teasing me. I bit back a moan, not wanting to give myself away to Drake.

Turning off the gravel highway, Drake shifted into 4-wheel drive and headed over the snow, I could see smoke rising from two chimneys in the distance. We pulled in front of a quaint log cabin and I could see the much larger one, hidden by trees off to the right. I unbuckled my seat belt, opening the passenger door. Duke leaped over me, landing quietly on the snow below, stretching quickly into a run, giving me a spectacular view of him with his tail held high. Drake came around and we were almost eye level now. Neither one of us said anything and he reached for me.

Drawing me close, he pulled me from the cab, my hands went to his shoulders feeling the supple leather and the strength beneath. Our breath mingled in the air around us as he slowly let me slide down the front of his body, my nipples drawing up tight, brushing down his muscular chest. I felt the bulge of his cock beneath his jeans, rub against my mound as he settled me before him. We were both breathing a little heavy and my hair blew around my face in the soft breeze. He reached forward and tucked a curl behind my ear.

“Let’s get you inside. After your long flight I thought you might like to rest and relax. I have some stew in the cabin for you, after a hot bath, you’ll sleep like a baby.”

Inside we went, Drake holding my hand so I didn’t slip on the porch. The cabin was warm and cozy, a fire banked in the fire place. Off to one side was a door leading to a bedroom and another doorway led to a bath with a an old claw footed tub. After making sure I was settled and knew where everything was, he showed me the radio, that connected to his house and started to go out the door.

“Oh, by the way, there is a doggie door, so I didn’t want you to be surprised if one of the dogs, mainly Duke came inside to visit you. None of them will harm you, but I just want you to be aware.” With those final words, he bid me good night and closed the front door quietly.

I was tired after 13 hours of traveling time, so I put my suitcase in the bedroom, staring in awe at the large glass double doors, looking out to the land behind the cabin. It was a beautiful sight. The cabin was so warm, I decide to grab out one of my large flannel shirts and some thick socks, nothing else would be needed for sleeping. I went to the bathroom and ran a long hot bath, hopefully not using all the hot water, I soaked and washed my body. The water felt heavenly, and finally I drew myself out with a yawn. I rubbed coconut lotion all over my body and towel dried my hair before heading back to the bedroom.

I stopped in the doorway, there in the middle of the bed was Duke. Laying across most of the bed, his head resting on his paws, he stared at me. My skin became flushed, my nipples hard pebbles beneath my shirt and my pussy began to slowly wink. My juices starting to slowly flow, my lips dampening between my thighs.

“So, your sleeping with me tonight Duke?”

With a husky chuckle I moved towards the bed climbing upon the covers, watching him roll over to look at me better. I reached out running my hands along his side, feeling the muscles and bone beneath. He was such a handsome, seductive animal and I leaned forward to rub my face against him. I stretched out along the bed beside him, his tail moving over my bare thighs and looking into his face, I watched his tongue come out to lick across my lips. I moaned with pleasure, opening my mouth to touch his tongue with my own. I rolled over onto my back, as he licked at my tongue in an erotic french kiss.

We continued kissing, my fingers moving along his fur, moving my body closer to his. He stood over me then, his tongue never leaving mine, my body squirming against the covers, legs spreading wide. Stepping between my thighs with his rear feet, he kept his two front feet on either side of my chest. I arched my back to feel closer to him, wanting his weight upon my body. My squirming increased, making my shirt rise, leaving my pussy bare and exposed. Duke was now licking over my throat and down the vee of my flannel.

I quickly unbuttoned the shirt, his tongue following the path of my fingers. I reached for my breasts, lifting them up, offering my nipples to his mouth. He laid down covering my body with his. I could feel his sheath rub my lips and the hardness inside of it. I wrapped my legs gently around his body, crossing my ankles over his back. He continued licking at my nipples as my body arched up against him, head falling back in pure bliss. My hips started rocking against him, pressure building low in my belly, making me grip his fur tight.

I felt a sharp nip at my nipple and looked up into his brown eyes, my heart pounding fiercely as I struggled to breathe. I wanted to bring him pleasure, but I knew I couldn’t take much more, my desire growing out of control. He nipped again at my nipple, my breath coming out in a hiss, humping his sheath against me twice.

“I know what you want lover, I want it too.”

Pushing against his chest, Duke stood over me and I got my first glance at his cock. Pink and shiny, long and thicker than any I’ve taken before, it protruded from his belly. I had to have at least a taste, just one lick, so I slid my body down the bed a bit and reached for his sheath. Curling my fingers around the base filling his knot starting to form, he stepped over my hips looking down at me, giving him one last lust filled glance I took the head of his cock in my mouth.

Careful of my teeth, I slid him deep in my mouth, his cock gliding over my tongue, before brushing the back of my throat. He humped towards my mouth and I moved my head back and forth, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Not wanting our lovemaking to end here, I groaned as I pulled away from his cock, giving the tip one final lick and started to roll over underneath him. I shimmied out of my shirt, naked beneath him except for my thick socks, arching my ass up towards him. He stepped back, allowing me to get on all fours, before lifting himself over my body.

My breath came out in woosh, when his full weight covered me. I let out a moan as his first thrust missed it mark, turning to a gasp, when his next thrust hit home. He gripped me tighter, claws holding me and his hips thrust deep strokes, the sounds of his breathing and his cock piercing my pussy filling my ears. I braced my arms on the bed and lifted my ass a little higher, pushing back against him, letting him take me as he wanted. The pressure in my womb increased to the point of pain, his cock rubbing against my inner walls and with a loud moan I felt myself let go.

My orgasm hit me fast, hard and it was as relentless as the thrusting of Duke’s cock inside me. My muscles clenching tighter, I felt his knot slam against my lips, he pulled me even harder making me cry out as his claws pierced my flesh and with a hard thrust his knot entered my pussy, making me tremble at the stinging pain. My moans didn’t stop, a constant whimpering flowing from my mouth becoming louder and louder until his cum began to shoot inside me. At the feel of his heated seed showering my insides, my head arched back and I screamed, orgasming like I never have before. He rested his muzzle along my cheek and I reached up to hold his face close to mine, body shaking uncontrollably, this gorgeous canine my only link to the world around me.

We stayed together knotted and tied, when I felt him lift off of me and begin to turn. At the feeling of his huge knot turning inside me, I saw stars for a moment, feeling faint from the sensation. My arms collapsed beneath me leaving my ass high in the air for him. I felt him lay down, our bodies still joined and I whispered a soft “Thank you”. Our breathing was heavy and I felt another orgasm rush through my body, making me twitch on the covers of the bed, nails gripping so tightly, my fingers ached. I gently rocked against him wanting the pleasure to last as long as possible. My rocking became softer as his knot slowly shrunk inside my wet pussy.

I felt very tender when he untied us from each other, gasping as our juices leaked over my lips, spilling onto the covers beneath. My eyes were fluttering shut, exhaustion taking over my body, when I felt Duke’s tongue between my thighs. I moaned some more, his gentle touch easing my tender flesh. My eyes were heavy now and my body growing limp, when I felt the bed shift slightly beneath me. I spread my legs a little wider and the feeling of two tongues licking me, made a soft sigh spill from my mouth…………..two tongues?

With what little strength I had, I pushed up to my elbows and looked down my body, my eyes blinking a few times, not believing what I was seeing. There between my spread thighs was Drake and Duke, both licking at my pussy. Drake reached up with one hand, pushing me back down to the bed. Unable to do anything to stop him and honestly having no desire too, I pivoted my ass up towards those two eager tongues. I heard Drake moan, feeling the vibrations on my swollen lips.

I felt his long fingers gently pull my lips wider apart, opening my pussy up to his mouth and his tongue licking deeply, drinking up the juices from my mating. It was all too much, one of my secret fantasies come to life and letting out a cry, I orgasmed once more. My body so worn out, so thoroughly loved, I could only twitch and shake against Drake’s tongue. His hands moved over my ass and beneath my hips, lifting me tight against his mouth, catching every drop of my juice for his delight. As my twitching subsided, he gave me one last long lick, before moving over my body, his skin hot against my flesh. I felt his cock rub against me and him tilt it down to enter my pussy.

“I can’t Drake, I don’t think I can take anymore.” Even as I said this, I felt my body welcome him, opening for him, pushing back against his cock, his balls resting now on my clit.

“Shhh baby, I’m only going to hold you for a while. Just relax and feel my arms around you.” Drake stared down at the woman beneath him, the feel of her warm pussy along with Duke’s cum covering his cock, making him hardpressed to hold back from driving hard and fast inside her. He wondered what she’d say, when he told her about knowing her from the zoo site, recognizing her writing style in the messages they shared planning her trip. He thrust his hips slowly, gently and carefully, spooning her in the protection of his arms. He inhaled deeply, the scent of lust and desire heavy in the air, making the fine hairs stand up along his body.

Mmmmm………he sure did love the taste of her cream and couldn’t wait for more. Shifting over to the side, so as not to squish her with his weight, Drake ran a hand over her soft ass, smiling at the panther he saw tattooed there. Ahhh…..her name makes sense now, Pantharas was very fitting for this lady.


Part II ~ Discovery

Drake listened to her breathing, watching her back rise and fall, leaning forward to kiss along her spine. He smiled, tracing his tongue up towards her neck, her damp hair tickling his nose. That hair, that beautiful dark hair, wild and wavy, filling his dreams for a long time now, imagining it spread over his chest or even better, across his hips. He grabbed a handful, holding it to his nostrils, the delicate coconut fragrance subtle and erotic. Letting it trail through his fingers, hearing the hitch in her breath, as strands fell across her bare skin.

He knew she was tired, probably exhausted by now, but his desire for her hadn‘t been quenched yet. Easing his throbbing cock from the warmth of her pussy, he moved to stand beside the bed. Noticing a distinct chill in the air, he reached down, gathering her up into his arms; his heart giving a thump when she burrowed her head against his chest. Walking from the room, Duke following at his heels, he carried her to the couch, placing her upon it. Seeing her shiver and hearing her murmur his name, he turned to add more wood to the fire.

With the fire now blazing and crackling, he rose to return to her, pausing to look at her. Light from the flames cast shadows over her body; his eyes ran from top of her head, down to her bare toes. She wasn’t the most beautiful or the sexiest woman he’d seen, but even resting she gave off an inner glow. Her breasts full, they fell towards her side, nipples still firm. Her waist was smaller than he imagined, her full hips accentuating her curves. Her belly was rounded, a silver loop piercing her navel and he wanted to run his tongue over that pretty jewel. As his eyes moved over her mound, hidden by dark curls, his cock twitched at the sight.

He wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking it once, then twice and walked to her. Duke came and sat down before the couch, looking up at her. A devious smile spread across his face, it seemed they both weren’t finished with her yet. He squatted down before her, his cock bouncing, pointing high towards his belly button and petted Duke on the head. They shared a look of male understanding and he reached to brush the hair from her face, cupping her cheek with his palm. Black eyelashes fluttered and he found himself looking into a pair of dazzling Hazel eyes.

Raising her arms over her head, stretching her body, her breasts moving with a little jiggle, she smiled at him.

“Mmm.Hello Drake”, stretching a little more, she blinked and then saw Duke. Her cheeks became flushed, noticeable even in the shadows, her eyes growing wide.

Chuckling, rubbing his finger over one breast, tweaking her nipple, he said, “Hello Pantharas.”

Her blush deepened, spreading to cover even part of her chest and she gasped aloud. Quickly she tried to rise; her movements slightly clumsy and she tucked her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. Her eyes grew shadowed, the light growing dim in them. He could see the fear, nervousness and uncertainty on her face and he felt a lump in his throat at putting them there. Duke sensing something was amiss stood and pressed his muzzle against her legs, giving her a quick lick. He watched her bury one hand along his neck, gripping his fur like a lifeline.

“How-w long have you known about me?” Her voice shaky and barely above a whisper, Rochelle buried her face against Duke. Eyes staring up at Drake’s face, she awaited his response. She couldn’t believe this was happening!

“Ah, don’t look at me like that honey. I’ve known of Pantharas, since you first joined the site. Your writing capturing my interest. I didn’t know Rochelle and her, were one in the same, until about six weeks ago.” Giving her his gentlest smile, he rose to sit on the couch beside her, his thigh brushing against her feet. “The way you describe your love of dogs, it struck a chord with me and I went looking through the posts and realized that it was possibly you. I was almost a 100% sure, but when I saw your picture and those eyes, I knew without a doubt, it was you.”

I clung tighter to Duke, trying to calm my racing heart. I never expected this, never expected someone to know who I was. Did I make a mistake by coming out here? I wanted this dream vacation for so long and now I was unsure about everything, feeling lost and unsteady. Duke licked my leg once again, pushing his muzzle against me and my pussy winked, my body responding even with my uncertainty. The desire was still there, still there for them both; the yearning to be joined not faltering with this unsettling news.

I needed to be calm, I needed to clear my head for a moment, and I gave myself the moment, to look –really look at Drake. Here was a man, a magnificent sexy man, waiting for me, sitting there quietly giving me time to adjust. He never took his eyes off of me, giving me time and space to clear my thoughts. His strength evident, very evident in his tall muscular frame, yet I sensed he meant me no harm, violence wasn’t what he was seeking between us. My eyes moved over his body and I could see his cock, still fully aroused, head glistening with pre-cum, firm and thick.

Sitting up, pushing my hair back over my shoulder, I looked him dead on. “What do you want Drake?”

His dark eyes became heated, desire flaring in their depths, reaching out to hold my chin, and brushing his thumb over my lower lip. His voice more husky, deeper than I heard before, “I want to give you your adventure. I want to give you your dream, Rochelle. I want to see your smile when you meet the rest of the team. I want to hear your laughter and joy, when I take you on your first run.”

Brushing his thumb over her lower lip once more, he slid his hand around to the back of her neck. With light pressure, he pulled her towards him, feeling the slight hesitation before she came up on her knees beside him. Their faces almost even now, he looked deep into her eyes, those beautiful eyes that hid nothing from him.

“I want to give you endless pleasure. I want to feel your body shatter around me, while my cock is buried deep inside you. I want to hear you moan while the dogs bring you to completion. I want to watch your body surrender to the ecstasy, releasing all of your barriers and be the one to make that happen.” Drake could see the wonder and oh yes, the desire on her face. Looking at her there, in that instance, he saw how beautiful she really was. He felt he was seeing the inner woman, the part of her, she never shared with anyone else.

With a shaky breath, I moved forward straddling his hips. I wanted this man, I wanted my dream and I wanted everything he just offered me. His hand gripped my hair tightly when I took his cock in my fingers, my thumb flicking over his slit. I rubbed him across my pussy, showing him with actions instead of words, how he affected me. Placing one hand on his shoulder for balance, I held his cock steady with the other and lowered myself over him, feeling my pussy stretch to accommodate his width. I never took my eyes off of him, lowering myself down till his balls brushed my ass, my clit rubbing against the base of his cock. Up and down I moved, rolling my hips as I rode him, his cock-moving deep inside me, my tempo increasing, desire building for us both. Both hands holding onto his shoulders now, I spread my legs a little wider, taking every inch of his cock inside me.

His hand gripped my hips, letting me set our pace, letting me be in control. I felt a freedom and I abandoned myself to it, to him, to us. His nostrils flared and I felt his thighs bunching beneath my own and I lost my focus, as a cold nose presses against the crease of my ass. My nails dug into his shoulders, Duke’s tongue licking over my ass, trying to reach between my cheeks. Drake leaned his head towards me, our lips meeting for our first kiss. Tongues tangling with each other, I felt his hands move to my ass, spread my cheeks apart, Duke’s tongue finding my rosebud quickly.

Drake loved the taste of her tongue in his mouth, her kisses becoming deeper as Duke licked her more. Her pussy was constantly winking, gripping his cock tight before releasing, her movements becoming faster, grinding harder against his pelvis when she had him to the hilt. Their kiss ended, her head falling back, sensations building and he pushed his hips lower to the edge of the couch. He could feel Duke pushing his nose against them, his tongue moving over his cock occasionally. Her ass coated in saliva, he moved his middle finger over her rosebud, massaging it, before pushing slowly inside. That’s all it took and her cries filled the room as she shattered around him. He was so close to cumming, his balls full and tight, but he had another place he wanted to fill.

When her shuttering calmed down, her head falling forward, resting on his chest, he whispered to her. “Turn around baby, I want to feel your ass around my cock.”

Her head came up quickly at that, almost knocking him in the nose and a wicked, naughty smile spread across her face. She raised above him and he could feel her juice dripping down his cock, turning to place her back against him. He helped her balance and slid even lower on the couch, placing her legs on either side of his. Resting her feet on the floor, he pushed her back forward, her ass opened to him and he rubbed the head of his cock over her tight opening, gathering up plenty of Duke’s saliva and her cream for lube.

Her body trembled, uncontrollably as he first pushed the head of his cock against her rosebud. She whimpered and moaned, but didn’t ask him to stop; though she was so tight. With a steady pressure, his head pushed through, her loud gasp startling. He gripped her hips tightly, keeping the movement slow yet steady, giving her time to adjust to him entering her. When he finally had all of himself inside of her, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. Running his hands down her shaky arms, he raised her hands, placing them around his neck and rested his face against her hair.

“Keep your hands there baby. Don’t let go.”

She could only moan in response, her body fully opened to him and he spread his legs wider, reaching down to rub her clit. She rocked against him and he snapped his fingers once. Duke came forward and began feasting in earnest. Long fast licks, moving over his fingers, his tongue reaching around his balls and cock, dipping into her pussy. Her head moving back and forth against his chest, nails biting into his skin. He eased up, wondering if this loving was too much.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Panting, I turned my face up to his, begging with my eyes, having never known this type of pleasure, this magnitude of fulfillment. I pushed my ass against him hard, his cock filling as me nothing ever has, passion running rampant through my veins. I felt his fingers move over my lips, pulling them apart, almost too much and Duke’s tongue entering my pussy deep. His tongue licking my inner walls, his nose pushes against the underside of my clit.

The explosion was fierce. My pussy clenching tight, gripping Duke’s tongue, my ass was squeezing tight around Drake’s cock. My eyes wide on Drake’s, letting his see all of me, holding nothing back, I felt my pussy overflow. Drake began pumping hard, using his powerful legs to thrust deep, bordering on pain, but I loved it, every moment I was receiving his lust. I felt his stomach tighten against my back, his arms bulge along my sides and with a howl, he came. Shooting hot jets of his seed inside me, his thrusts began to slow, gentle and ease. He snapped his fingers again, and Duke stepped back with a doggie smile on his face.

As our bodies cooled, our breathing coming back to normal, Drake wrapped his arms around and laid us down on the couch, never removing his cock from my ass. The exhaustion setting in now, I felt an unbelievable sense of serenity and completion. I wrapped my arms around his, holding them snug against my chest.

“So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” I asked, a hint of laughter in my voice.

I felt the spasms in his chest, holding back the laughter, and he drops a kiss on the top of my head.

“Well, you still have to meet the rest of the boys.”

With Drake saying that, we both burst out in laughter. Our chuckles slowly subsiding as with the warmth of the fire, we drifted off to sleep.


Part 3 ~ Exploring New Territory

Drake woke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee, stretching, he grasped the blanket that was slowly sliding from his hips. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sat up looking around the room, wondering where Rochelle and Duke got off too. Wrapping the blanket around his hips, he walked to the bedroom. Entering the doorway, he saw the bed was freshly made and his clothes were neatly laid out across it. Still no sign of the two of them, he dressed and went back for some much-needed coffee.

While standing in the kitchen, enjoying a strong cup of coffee, he noticed his jacket missing from beside the back door. Reaching for an extra coat, he headed out back, as the sound of a scream filled his ears. Heart plummeting to his stomach, he moved quickly, coming to a dead stop, at the bottom of the stairs. There out in the snow, being chased by his team, was Rochelle. Even from here, he could see the joy and realized with a shaky breath, it was a scream of happiness spilling from her lips.

Sitting down on the steps now, surprised at the weakness in his knees, he watched all of them together. His jacket hanging down to her knees, she ran, dodging behind trees, playing with the boys. The youngest of the bunch, Mac, raced after her, leaping in the air, hitting her in the back. She went down in a tumble, sending fresh powder up into the air, her laughter music to his ears. Duke, ever watchful, nipped Mac on his hindquarters for his overzealous behavior, before heading towards her. He could see her hands reach up, petting Duke along his muzzle, before she got back to her feet. Shaking the snow out of her hair, she reached back down, gathering snow in her hands, forming a snowball. Taking a pitcher’s stance, she let it fly, smacking Mac right in his hind end.

Drake bit back a laugh, not wanting to disturb her fun, enjoying watching his team at play. They were all leaping around now, and she began making snowballs, quickly as she was able, throwing them out at the boys. Some were leaping, catching the snowballs in their mouths, while they were getting nailed on different areas of their bodies. This went on for a while and he stayed silent, watching all of them together, under the blue skies. He found he liked this playful and innocent side, another facet to the passionate woman from the night before.

Her laughter was constant, until finally she stood bent over, hands on her knees. The two brothers’ came up behind her nipping at the jacket hem, pulling her back down into the snow. She fell backwards, arms and legs up in the air and the dogs all moved in. He sat up straighter, ready to call them off, when he watched her grab one by the scruff of his neck and wrap her legs around him. Then she rolled, putting herself on top, straddling him. Her heard her yell out “Gotcha!”, and lean down over the dog, rubbing her face in his neck. The rest of the team circled her now, quieting before lying down beside her, and Duke moved to stand at by her head.

Sitting up, the warmth of the team surrounding me, I raised my face to the sun. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun, playful fun, as I had with these rambunctious boys. Waking up, seeing Drake still asleep, I couldn’t resist coming outside and seeing the beauty around me. Duke at my heels, we stepped outside, enjoying the morning air, cool and crisp, none of the refinery smells from back home in Texas. This vacation had become much more than I ever planned and I couldn’t get over all I have experienced, in such a short time.

Looking at these gorgeous animals surrounding me, I could feel the laughter changing, my body growing warm and not just in the sense of body heat. Ideas were forming in my mind; naughty delicious ideas that made my heart skip a beat and my breathing quicken. Lowering my eyes, I looked to see Duke staring intently at me, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I stretched forward and gave him a kiss, my tongue reaching for his and his wrapping around mine. Balancing on my knees, I held my palms to his muzzle, our tongues dancing together, my body beginning to shiver with desire. My eyes grew heavy, my breasts felt full and tight and my head fell back, leaving my throat bare to him.

My hands fell to my sides and the other’s began to lick at my fingers and palms. Duke’s tongue moved over my lips, licking away at my cheeks, then shoving beneath my hair to my ears. Bodies brushed against me, their heat seeping through the jacket, heating me through. Tongues moved over my hands, teeth grazing along my finger tips and I could feel myself going towards the edge. Duke moved lower along my ear, his nose pushing the jacket aside, his tongue licking with long strokes over my neck. Right there, he hit the spot, his tongue pressing hard along the curve where neck meets collarbone. Soft whimpers began to spill from my mouth and I was unaware of everything else, but these amazing canines.

I wasn’t thinking of anything else. No concern for any whom might see, pleasure had the reins and I was gladly going along for the ride. My nipples pressed hard against my bra, aching and tender, rubbing with every breath. My thighs started to quiver and I felt my shirt begin to lift, a cold nose brushing above the waistband of my jeans. Warm moist heat moved over my belly button and Duke’s tongue dipped beneath the edge of my shirt. It was too much, too much pleasure in that given moment and my body let go.

My hips bucked against the dog, trembles traveling throughout my body, sending sparks of desire into my mind. The tongues licking at my fingers and palms changed to teeth and I felt the tug of the team. It was almost as if they were tugging me deeper into the abyss and I cried out in the final stages of my orgasm. My body fell back, sprawling out over the dog beneath me, thighs still gripping his sides. Duke stepped over us both, licking my throat, moving to the opening in my shirt, teasing me with quick flicks of his tongue over my skin. The spasms began anew and I had to open my eyes. I never expected to feel my body release like this, so quickly and fierce, my clothes all still covering my body.

I felt a sharp bite on one hand, turning to see my fingers clenched between teeth and my orgasm returned, in full force. I cried out again, unable to move for the tugging on my fingers and Duke’s body covering me. He seemed to know how far to push with his tongue, how much pressure to place on my skin. I shook and the clenching inside my pussy coming faster and faster, spasms moving deep into my womb. I moaned loudly, the scent of the fur around me, mingling with the scent of my juice beneath my jeans. I came undone, out in the open, underneath the bright sunshine and the feelings were indescribable.

“Easy boys, easy” I spoke, my voice ragged. My nerve endings hyper sensitive, I needed things to slow down and I needed to ease back to normal.

With a last few licks on my fingers, the team eased back, lying down around me once again. Duke stayed above me, his hot breath moving over my face and I looked up into his brown eyes. The connection clicked, that quiet moment, when words aren’t needed, but everything is said without a sound. He knew he had me and I knew he caught me. We stayed there looking at each other, for how long I don‘t know, my eyes full of him. A piercing whistle filled the air; I watched his ears twitch, his eyes blink, and still he stayed with me. A second whistle came, more insistent and with a lick across my cheek, he stepped away, the rest of the team beginning to rise.

Pushing up with my hands against the snow, I sat forward, hair falling around my face. Taking a few shaky breaths, I brushed my hair away from my face and turned to look towards the cabin. A different flush covered my body now, as I saw Drake sitting on the deck, no doubts about all he had witnessed. Gathering my feet beneath me I stood and walked towards the cabin, the team moving around me, with Duke at my side. I made myself keep my head high, though it was so tempting to look down at the snow, stopping when I hit the bottom steps.

Clearing my throat, a nervous smile on my face, I spoke. “Good Morning Drake” I shifted from one foot to the other, watching his eyes flare bright.

He reached out his hand toward mine, pulling me to him, taking me to my knees between his spread legs. He reached up to grip my hair in both of his hands.

“Good Morning Rochelle.” Kissing me once on the lips, tongue tracing my bottom one, he leaned his face back. “You know I never get tired of the view out here. There is always something new and exciting to see.”

Giving a very unladylike snort, I started to giggle and my head fell forward against his chest, his hands now rubbing along my hair. I reached my hands out and wrapped them around his sides, holding him, while my nervousness evaporated. A sense of belonging filled me and I held on to him tightly, awed at the acceptance he just gave me with a few words. The morning became even brighter and I felt something start to unfold inside me.

“I think its time we take you for your first sled ride. The team seems to have some extra energy to burn.”

I looked up at him, smiling and nodded my head. “I would like that. I would like that very much.” I could see the smile on his face and he helped me rise from the steps, before standing tall above me.

“Let’s gather the gear, fill a thermos with some coffee and we’ll head out.”

We went through getting the coffee, grabbing some extra outerwear and headed over to the barn. The dogs became excited and more alert, knowing what was about to happen. I watched Drake push the sled out of the barn, gathering the x-back harnesses and lines. I had read up about sledding before I came, studying as much information as possible, so I would be somewhat familiar with how everything worked. I knew teams range from three to twenty-four dogs and Drake had a team of seven. As he harnessed each dog, clipping the tug lines to each and then attaching them to the central gang line, he introduced me to the members of his team.

“Connor and Duncan are brothers and they are my wheel dogs. They work best side by side and they are three years old.” The brothers‘, with their black and white coats, stood proudly, ears forward paying attention.

“Then we have Mac and Tucker, the team dogs” I couldn’t help but smile at Mac, his red and white coloring making him the odd one of the group, a goofy grin on his doggy face. Tucker, another black and white, had the look of resignation on his face, glancing over at Mac, before giving a sigh. “Mac is the youngest, just eighteen months. He’s still learning and Tucker at 3 years of age, is a good teacher.”

He gave an extra pat to Tucker, for I am sure that poor dog has to put up with quite a bit from the youngster. He began harnessing the next two and Duke came to stand beside me. I rubbed his ears, while Drake introduced me to the other two, seeing the excitement in them while they were harnessed.

“Here you have Jake and Ki, my swing dogs. They are both two years old and each very capable of being a lead dog.” Jake was grey and white like Duke, but not as large. Ki had the black and white coloring, but the white fur was more prominent over his body.

“Of course, you’re already familiar with Duke.” Giving me a wink, he called Duke over and harnessed him up as well.

Seeing each of these dogs, harnessed at ready, my heart began to pound. Even with similar coloring for some, each dog was unique and gorgeous. Strength, determination and intelligence showed through their bloodline, highlighting the wonderful details of this fascinating breed. They were now attached to the sled and Drake placed a thick sleeping bag in the sled, along with the coffee and a few snacks. He patted the sleeping bag, and I walked over to the sled, sitting down inside of it. He wrapped a heavy blanket around me and placed a hooded scarf over my head and neck. Handing me a pair of sunglasses, I put them on, becoming just as excited as the boys.

I felt the sled shift as Drake stood behind me on the foot rail, and with a loud call of “Hike!”, we were off. The wind blew back flakes of snow from the team in my face, but I didn’t notice the chill. The dogs pulled, slowly at first, then reaching their stride, the speed increased. I could hear their breathing, there paws digging at the snow and the shushing sound of the sled, gliding behind them. We went for miles and I got to see Alaska, the way she was meant to be seen. No motors, nothing unnatural, just a team of dogs and a sled, traveling over the beautiful countryside. I saw deer off in the distance, not sure what type, and still the dogs pressed on, never glancing away from the path in front of them. We crossed by small frozen creeks, the ice sparkling like diamonds and I was stunned by the magnificence of it all.

We stopped for a short while, sharing coffee and small chatter, letting the dogs have a break. Mostly it was quiet and thoughtful; my mind taken over by all that I had seen and felt. We began our journey back to the cabin then, and I was saddened a bit, cause I didn’t want this to end. Staring at the furry behinds in front of me, my mind began to drift towards more intimate thoughts, and more ideas began forming in my mind. When wasn’t I thinking intimate thoughts, since coming here, either about the man or his dogs.

We pulled up in front of the barn finally and I climbed out of the sled, quickly giving Drake a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. He just smiled, shaking his head at me, removing the harnesses from the dogs and putting away the gear. I watched him, talk quietly to the dogs, praising them for doing such a good run. He gave each of them a little special attention and I could see the respect between canine and man. He then dished up food for them, placing their bowls in the barn and my stomach gave a loud grumble.

“I guess you are hungry” He started laughing at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. “Careful with that tongue, I might just keep it.”

He gave me a wink and he led me out of the barn, closing the door. “Let’s head over to my house, there is someone I want you to meet”

I wondered whom he could possibly mean, eager to find out whom this someone was. We entered through the back door and walked through his clean kitchen. Pots and pans hanging above the island, I could tell this man enjoyed his cooking and he continued on through to the living room. The room was masculine in every detail, but there was coziness to it all. I felt instantly comfortable here and began taking off the jacket. I watched him remove his own jacket, laying it across the back of one chair. His body made me warm and I felt myself grow moist once more. My eyes followed him as he squatted down before the fire, his jeans pulling tightly over his behind.

I wanted to touch him, run my hands over his body and feel his warmth. I couldn’t get over how aroused I was, how I was in a state of permanent “heat”. My desire and passion never quite quenched, constantly wanting another touch or taste. He quickly had the fire roaring and the room slowly warmed. I glanced down at myself and realized I was a mess. I reached up to feel my hair and cringed when I realized it was all over the place.

“Drake, I think its best I head over to the cabin and get cleaned up.” Not wanting to get anything on his clean floor, I turned to grab the jacket.

“Why don’t you take a shower here? You can use my robe hanging on the back of the door.” He stood, turning towards me and I could see his bulge beneath his jeans. “I’ll get some food together, while you relax in the shower.”

I walked towards the doorway he pointed too and went inside. Stripping my clothes off, I turned the water to hot and climbed inside the shower. Oh, this felt so good and I lathered up my hair, soap bubbles moving down over my curves, dipping in places. I love the feeling of my hair, wet and heavy, dripping down my back and I leaned my head forward against the wall, letting the water flow over my skin. I stood as the heat both inside and outside my body matched. Not wanting to use up all the hot water, I sadly turned it off, reaching for a towel to dry off. My nipples still tender, they burned as I dried off my body. The towel felt wonderful, buffing my skin and I moved it over my legs and the edge of my pussy. Dipping a finger between my lips, I could feel my slick wetness, my juice just inside, waiting to spill.

Putting on his robe, rolling up the sleeves that went well past my hands, I towel dried my hair before opening the door. I paused seeing the Malamute sitting on the other side. She was female and it showed in her features. Her coloring was very pretty, Sable with a red undercoat, and a dark grey outer coat. She stretched her muzzle towards my mound and I felt the tingles increase. We walked back to the living room, sitting down before the fire.

I ran my hands over her fur; she was so very soft, scratching my nails through her undercoat. She seemed to like this and pushed back against me. I went up on my knees, using both hands to touch her, reaching over and around her body, trailing my fingers over her hip and around her tail. I blushed when she pushed her nose beneath my robe, hot breath blowing over my mound. I gasped when her tongue licked low, over my curls, catching the edge of my lips. This felt so good and I bit my lip, wondering how far I should go with her. She licked more now, tongue flat and thick, dipping between my lips, teasing my clit.

I felt warmth at my back as Drake came behind on his knees, his large frame surrounding me. His hands reached around to the tie, loosening it completely, opening the robe wide. I felt him move my hair aside, nuzzling my neck, nibbling at my flesh. He leaned back, removing his shirt, and I heard the snap as jeans were opened. He kissed my neck again, before whispering in my ear.

“Her name is Kota. I think she wants to play with you.” His tongue traced my earlobe and I shuddered as goose bumps covered my skin.

I pulled away from him and Kota looked up at me. I smiled and thought about a dream I had. Moving forward on my knees, I let the robe drop down my arms, before turning to face Drake. Wearing only his jeans, he was sexy as anything I had ever seen and I pushed him with one hand. I reached for his jeans, pulling them down his hips, his hard cock springing up towards his belly button, already glistening with pre-cum. Supporting himself with his hands, he spread his legs around me, lifting his hips, so I could pull his jeans all the way off.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, my hand reaching automatically for Kota, as she brushed up against me. I was feeling very wicked and oh so naughty. Her face close to mine, I gave her a lick along her muzzle, my eyes never leaving his. She reached out with her tongue and we kissed, tongues mingling together. I saw his eyes open wide, nostrils flare, watching the two of us together. The dream filled my mind once more and I leaned my face against hers, both of us looking at him.

“Actually…I think its she and I plan on playing with you.” I moved forward, straddling one of his muscular legs, Kota moving up the other and I lowered my face to his waiting cock. He leaned back farther now, propping himself up on his elbows, and I looked up his body, Kota’s face beside my own.

“That’s if you don’t mind Drake” I paused with my mouth, just above the head of his cock, waiting for his response. I saw him swallow, lips slightly apart as he took a deep breath, his cock bouncing once against my chin, pre-cum leaving a wet spot on my skin.

“Honey, I don’t mind at all. Have all the fun you want.”

With hearing that, I let out a very devious chuckle, licking once over the head of his cock. Taking the head in my mouth, I held his gaze, my tongue swirling around the edges, flicking the top of his shaft. Taking him further into my mouth, I felt Kota move, her tongue joining mine, licking him along the lower part of his shaft. Closing my eyes, his scent coming inside me with every breath, I feasted on him. Moving my head up and down, I licked and sucked along his hard flesh, Kota’s tongue licking at the edges of my lips. She moved closer, her tongue now on his balls, while I took him deep in my mouth. I felt his full head touch the back of my throat and I pivoted my neck, slipping the smallest bit deeper into my throat. Moaning at his taste, I sucked him a little deeper, stopping when my gag reflex kicked in.

Kota and I worked together, her long thick tongue working its way over his balls, my mouth taking care of his cock. We sucked, nibbled, licked and my pussy began clenching tightly. I lowered my hips, rubbing my wet pussy over his leg as I pleasured him. I was becoming more aroused, desire raging in my veins and I reached with one hand to rub along Kota’s back, towards her tail. I heard him gasp, as she licked faster and I increased my pace to hers. Kota began squirming, moving around some and I dipped my finger beneath her tail, feeling a canine pussy for the first time.

Pictures went through my mind and I blushed at my thoughts, not believing I was going to be this daring. I wanted to see him with her, I wanted to watch his cock enter her furry pussy and watch the expression come over his face, as he loved her. I wanted to explore this new ground with him and her both, so I raised my head off his cock, smiling at the sweat on his brow. I crawled backwards down his leg, never taking my eyes off of him, licking my lips, the taste of his pre-cum on my tongue. Reaching for Kota, I rubbed my naked body along her fur, my nipples aching at the gentle touch. She went down on her side and I leaned to kiss her one time on the side of her beautiful muzzle.

I dragged my nails down towards her tail, gentle steady pressure and came to her waiting pussy. I rubbed my fingers softly around her, careful of my nails, dipping a fingertip inside. He sat up, moving closer and I placed that fingertip in my mouth, tasting Kota. She was sweeter tasting than I imagined and I found I liked it, seeing her move her tail out of the way, I lowered my face to her, inhaling her subtle aroma and licked. My ass high in the air, I went down low, arching, my face now buried in her fur. I ran my tongue around her pussy, pushing the tip inside to taste her. I felt the muscles clench on my tongue and I knew she was feeling the pleasure I was trying to give to her.

“Damn Honey, what are you trying to do to me?” I felt him run his palm over my ass, fingers dipping into my now dripping pussy. I was so very wet and excited sharing this with him that I moaned out loud against Kota. I could hear her panting in response and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer before I exploded myself.

“She wants you Drake. Don’t make her wait anymore.” He got up on his knees and Kota stood as well. I was between them, and I leaned my face closer to her, licking and kissing around her pussy.

“I need lube for her” He rubbed his hand down my back watching me pleasure her and turning my ass towards him, I spread my legs wide, opening my pussy to his gaze.

“I believe I can take care of that for you.” Pausing to look over my shoulder at him, my eyes heavy with desire and lust, I watched him come up behind me, holding his cock in one hand, before I felt him ease inside me. My ass arched higher as his cock buried itself to the hilt in my pussy, my walls tightening around him. His fingers dug into my hips and he pulled me back hard, causing me to gasp and moan at his possession of me. I stayed touching, licking and pleasuring Kota, almost overcome by the sensation and scent of them both.

He thrust inside me with long, deep strokes and my body responded eagerly to his touch. Feeling how wet my pussy had become, my juice spilling over my lips, I started to ease away from him, glancing back when he stopped me. We stared deep into each other’s eyes and his hand gentled on my hips, slowly sliding down my thighs and away. I moved out of the way of him and Kota stepped back, knowing what was about to happen to her. I raised myself up, reaching for his cock covered in my juices, guiding him to her pussy. Her tail high, she balanced and I watched as he disappeared into her warmth. I watched the care he took with her, the softness of his hands and I couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful sight before me.

Leaning forward I kissed him once upon his chest, before moving to lie down on my back. I slid underneath her belly, my head now between her legs and I could see him moving in and out, his balls swollen and tight with his cum. I reached with my hand to rub over his balls, encircling his cock with a few fingers. Wanting a taste I stretched as far as I was able, straining my neck to lick his cock and balls as he thrust inside her. The scent was incredible, three different fragrances combining to make a sexy perfume that drew me to them both. I could taste my juice with hers and I pressed hard with my tongue against his cock. His speed increased, his balls drawing up tighter and I heard him let out a yell, his cum now filling Kota, seeping out around the edges of her pussy as she milked his cock. Droplets and dribbles spilled over my waiting tongue and I licked at them both, the three of us joined in an unforgettable moment, one I will never ever forget.

His thrusts slowed, coming to a stop and I rubbed my hands over Kota as she moved, going to lie down a few feet away. I lay there on my back, looking up at him, my mouth shiny. He grabbed some pillows of the couch, stretching his gorgeous body, making me twitch. Placing them on the floor beside my head, he reached for me and I rolled over to my side, sitting up to go into his arms. He held me close, kissing my lips, our mouths meeting softly in a slow sensuous kiss. He lay down amongst the pillows, bringing me over his body and I rested my head upon his chest, hearing his still rapidly beating heart.

I drew back in amazement as his cock, still hard pushed against my pussy, pushing through my wet lips. I rolled my hips, hissing as he slid deep, and the head against my cervix.

“You can’t be serious, surely you need to rest”

I saw the wicked smile now spread across his lips and the twinkle brightens his eyes. Gripping my hips firmly, he thrust up, driving himself inside me. Oh my! He was serious…very serious indeed.


Part 4 ~ One with the Team

Curled up beside Drake, his soft breathing reaching my ears, I awakened slowly. I pushed away gently, not disturbing him or Kota, snuggled against his other side. My thighs were still slick, wetness still easing past my swollen pussy lips and I slowly stretched. I could feel myself being watched, heated eyes looking at me and I turned my head to see Duke, sitting a few feet away. My heart began to pound, as he continued looking at me, watching me with a look of desire on his canine face.

Moving back slowly, I sat back on my knees and waited for him. Something was happening here, between the two of us, something that pulled my inner soul to him. He walked towards me; the dominant predatory male and my mouth began to water. He glanced down at Drake and Kota, before stopping in front of me. I reached out to touch his body, feel that unbelievable softness of his coat beneath my fingers and he turned from me. I was surprised by the ache I felt, as he moved away and I wanted him to come back. My breath shook as he looked over his shoulder at me, before walking some more towards the kitchen. He’d walk forward, stop and pause, then look at me some more before walking forward again.

I realized he wanted me to follow him and I rose to my feet, grabbing the robe, I slipped it around me, tying it at my waist. Following him into the kitchen, I saw him stop at the back door, seeing the doggie entrance. Seeing a long coat hanging beside it, I threw this on as well and opened the door for him. He stepped outside and I had no other course, but to follow him. The cold ground beneath my feet stung and hurt, making my body quake, but he rubbed against me briefly, before heading down the steps. I hurried after him and I realized he was leading me to the barn.

As we walked silently together, he a few paces ahead, I took in the beauty of the night around me. The sky was clear, a million stars shining brightly. The snow gleamed, undisturbed in many places, a pearl blanket covering the land. My breath came out in puffs of fog and as I moved following Duke, the coldness disappeared, leaving me warm with excitement. Alaska welcomed me, captivated me and intrigued me like no place else on this earth. She was a beauty you had to honor and you felt the overwhelming need to protect. This land held me spellbound, almost as much as the canine before me and I knew I was forever changed and marked by them both.

At the double doors of the barn, Duke stopped and I reached to open them, allowing him to enter first. I walked inside, seeing the soft glow of light and closed the doors behind me. When the latch went into place, I knew this moment, would be like no other, this moment would take me somewhere I truly never believed would happen. The floor of the barn was covered in hay, insulating from the chill and I saw the team scattered around, sitting and laying down in different spots. I walked forward, following Duke and six heads turned to watch me.

The questions were running wildly through my mind now and I was starting to shake. My eyes became unfocused, my mind starting to shatter a bit, as the images ran through my mind. The secret desires, the hidden fantasies, overtaking me, an erotic film moving at the speed of sound through my mind. Images I thought of, positions I dreamed of, things I don’t even know if possible, flowing through me. I felt the wetness between my thighs growing, those twinges of desire, spreading out from deep inside and I removed the jacket, letting it fall to the hay.

Standing in the robe, nipples hard, breasts heavy, matching the heaviness of my womb. I thought of everything that happened since coming to Alaska and it was all coming down to this. The team all moved in, coming closer, their eyes gazing intently at me. I looked up and stared at Duke, sitting and waiting like royalty. Proud and strong, I could see the beginning of his pink cock, peeking out of his sheath. I smiled then, a little nervous chuckle spilling past my lips and looked around at each member of the team.

“Hello Boys, looks like I am dessert for the evening.”

My voice came out husky and deep, full of sexual heat, surprising me with the depth of emotion I heard. I was nervous, cautious, but there was a desire eclipsing everything else. A desire of such magnitude, I wanted to throw caution to the wind and let my Zoo side out completely. I didn’t want to hold back a single part of which I had become; I wanted to be free with these canines. There was no one watching, there was no one near to say anything and there was no one I had to answer too, but the boys and myself. The glow inside me expanded and I could feel my body soften, readying itself for all that was sure to happen.

The team moved in closer, luxurious fur rubbing against my legs and I wanted the robe off. I didn’t want anything in the way of their touch. I needed to feel all of them; I needed nothing barring the connection of all of us, to each other. I felt a tug on the hem of my robe, softly at first and then more firmly. I looked down to see Mac, tugging with his teeth. The youngster of the bunch, was becoming inpatient. Laughter filled the barn; I placed a hand to my mouth, to hold back the sound, but realized it wasn’t nervousness.

My head fell back, joy flowing out of me, to be shared with all of the boys. I looked back down at each of them and I could see they felt it, felt the merriment from me, moving over them. Duke had a canine grin on his face, his eyes twinkling with intelligence, almost human. I loosened the tie at my waist and let the ends fall and Mac took full advantage, tugging the robe all the way off. My breath left in a whoosh and I stood naked before the boys. My legs spread about shoulder wide, hands on my hips, feeling their eyes move over my flesh, looking over their mate for the evening.

I felt their hot breath as they sniffed at my legs, feet and around my ass. Cold noses touching faintly as they gathered the scent of my body to them. Tongues reaching out, lapping at my flesh, goose bumps rising, the fine hairs standing. Just in that simple touch alone, I felt an overabundance of pleasure from them. Duke stayed sitting, watching all the action from a few feet away and I had to wonder if somehow these canines had planned this evening, before I arrived. Seeing the look in his dark eyes, I wouldn’t be surprised, even if it was a very fanciful notion to contemplate.

I moved closer, stepping through the team, needing to be close to Duke. I went to my knees before him, the hay scratching a bit, but that was something I would forget about before long. I brought my face up close to his, looking into his eyes and licked him across the front of his muzzle and nose. His eyes closed a bit, now at half-mast, so I started giving him quick short licks around the sides of his muzzle. My tongue dipping beneath his lips, sliding over his teeth, tasting him. I moaned and the hunger was building, fiercely and quickly. His thick tongue licked over my lips, then again pushing between my lips to my teeth inside. And so it began, a long fulfilling French kiss. Tongues entwined, mingling our saliva together, tasting each other. I opened my mouth wide and he pushed his tongue deep. Licking the inside of my mouth fully, I grabbed onto his shoulders, gripping his fur tightly with my hands.

Duke’s tongue moved faster, almost smothering me with the pace; he was setting in my mouth. I shivered as a thick warm tongue licked my spine, dipping towards the crease of my ass. I rose up a bit, still on my knees, spreading them wider for balance. The tongue along my ass went a little lower, making me moan against Duke, gripping him tighter. I couldn’t see who it was behind me, but I felt his head turn to the side, going below my ass, to lick at my pussy lips, tasting me. Sharp teeth nipped at my lips, his muzzle pushing my legs farther apart, to give him access to my moist flesh. My eyes went wide and I looked into Duke’s, he was my anchor in all of this. We stopped kissing and he stood on all fours, his tongue bathing my entire face. I let go and braced my hands on the floor, succumbing to the sensations building in my body and mind.

I wasn’t on all fours completely yet, when I was mounted. I gasped, not prepared for the quickness of the canine’s entry. My hips arched high on their own accord without thought and I lowered my chest a bit. I could hear panting in my ears, coming from all sides and I was panting along with them. I looked over my shoulder and realized it was one of the brothers, not sure if it was Connor or Duncan, and then that little detail didn’t seem important anymore, as his cock seated itself fully into my pussy. His thrusts were steady and deep, front legs gripping my hips, pulling me to him as he thrust inside. The fullness, my pussy stretching to accommodate his girth and length, had me spiraling quickly toward the abyss.

The other brother moved in front of me and he mounted my face, front legs gripping me around my armpits. His dripping pink cock, little red lines along the sides, stabbed at my cheek, before bumping the lips of my mouth. Not sure I could keep my balance with only one hand supporting me, I opened my mouth and he went inside. His slick heat slid easily over my tongue and I felt a momentary panic, when he went deep in my throat instantly. Breathing through my nose, I closed my eyes and my walls all came down. Using my tongue I pressed firmly against his cock as he stroked over my tongue. His thrusts were as steady as his brother and these two sure knew how to work well together. My body was being taken at both ends and I never dreamed it would feel this fantastic.

Soft fur moving over my ass and soft fur covering my face, the sensation only heightened my own awareness even more. The knot growing at my mouth began to pound against my lips and I closed my mouth tightly, protecting him from my teeth. At the same time, my pussy lips were forced wide as the knot there went inside and I growled loudly from the pressure. First it was in, then the tug as it popped back out, then pushed in with greater force, before I became locked and tied. With my left hand I dug my fingers into the hay and reached up with my right, wrapping my fingers around the knot at my mouth snugly. Three hard strokes and the flooding of my body began. Hot, liquid heat filled my mouth, tangy cum covering my tongue. My pussy was being drenched as spurts of cum sprayed against my cervix and vaginal walls.

I was feeling so much, so many different sensations and sparks of pleasure that I couldn’t even orgasm. The fulfillment was more mental than physical and I loved every second of it. Cum was dripping over my chin and cum was trickling down my thighs, when both boys turned. I lost the cock out of my mouth for a second, but kept a grip around his knot and pulled him back between his legs, so I could continue sucking on him. My pussy ached as the full knot turned inside me and I gasped once again. A fluffy tail teased over my lower back as we waited together joined. Time slowed down and still spurts of cum filled opposite ends of my body. My skin tingled, I felt like I was going up in flames, so sensitive I hurt, but I didn’t want it to ever stop.

They’re knots started going down, easing back to normal size and I released my hand from the one at my mouth. He stepped away, licked his cock a few times and turned to lick me across the mouth. Looking into his face, I could see it was Connor.

“Mmm… You taste delightful Connor.”

He licked the cum dripping off my chin and I felt another tongue join his, seeing Jake come up beside him. I reached and rubbed my hand first over Connor’s head and then over Jake’s, opening my mouth so the two could clean me up inside and out. Duncan gave a tug and pulled his knot from my pussy, making my legs almost collapse. Warm tongue soothed my flesh and I felt another tongue join this one as well. Oh my god! I couldn’t get over how this felt. Thick warm, broad tongues lapping at my skin, cleaning up every drop of cum on my body. I had a tight grip on the ground, nails digging into the hay, when one exceptionally firm lick across my clit, sent me totally over the edge.

I shook, shuddered, and vibrated at the pleasure radiating out from the tiny nub between legs. How something so small could bring such feeling to me, would never cease to astound me. My arms were shaky so I let my head lower to the barn floor, leaving my backside wide open and sweet heavens those boys feasted on the juices flowing there. Tongues dipped inside, teeth scraped over lips and noses pressed hard against my tight anus. I could feel my vaginal walls clenching around the tongues, squeezing them as they pushed inside me, a constant state of contracting and relaxing. I moaned, growled and whimpered at everything I was feeling and I opened my eyes to see Duke laying flat beside me, close to my face. I looked into his eyes as my orgasm started to calm, my breathing gentling and quieting. He reached out with his tongue, to swipe it once across my lips and then he moved back.

I let my body fall all the way to the floor, rolling to one side. I could feel hay getting tangled in my long hair and sticking to parts of my skin. More images came into my mind and a wicked chuckle came forth. Two down and five more to go. Oh yes, I was letting myself be free with all of the boys. I looked around the barn from my position on the floor and saw a mound of hay on one side. That might just work, for the images I was seeing right now. I grabbed the robe and crawled to the mound of hay, spreading the robe over it. I laid back against it, on my back with my knees wide, feet close to my ass, digging with my heels to get a better fit. I looked around at the boys and saw two more come forward. Jake and Tucker moved forward, both heading for the opening between my legs. My breath instantly started speeding up and my heart began to pump faster. I never experienced missionary sex with a canine before and I so wanted to right now.

I pushed up with my heels, offering my wet pussy to them both. They both dipped down to lick and I pushed my hips out to them, reaching with my own hands to pinch my aching nipples, twisting them between my thumbs and index fingers. Tucker nudged Jake out of the way and mounted me, his legs gripping over my hips, walking forward with his back legs. I squeezed my breasts together, offering both nipples to his mouth and he licked them, making me sigh with unbelievable pleasure and delight. Jake not to be left out of this joining, moved up towards my head and began kissing my mouth.

I let go of my breasts, just as Tucker hit his stride, finding his rhythm inside my pussy. Quick jabs at my cervix could be felt, followed by one long deep stroke then quick jabs again. I rolled my hips with every deep stroke, following his lead. His fur caressed my clit and belly, nudging my belly ring and I felt a new inferno start to build. I reached up behind me, gathering more hay, to make a sort of pillow for my neck and grabbed Jake’s front legs to move him over me. Grey and white fur filled my vision as he moved over and then there was his glorious shiny cock.

Oh my! This was going to work out nicely. I ran my fingers over his back, pulling him up, till his hind legs were almost even with my shoulders. I grabbed his cock behind the knot starting to form and brought him to my hungry mouth. Testing myself on how well I could multi-task, I stroked Jake’s cock with my hand and my tongue, my hips still meeting Tucker’s thrust. Feeling more confident, more eager, I allowed Jake deeper into my throat, caressing his tight sac with my other hand. His pre-cum lubricating my throat well, his hips began hunching, faster and faster. Not to be outdone, Tucker gripped me tighter and thrust forward so fiercely, I screamed around Jake’s cock as Tucker’s knot forced its way into my snug pussy.

Dear heavens! He was almost too much, but the pain was matched by the pleasure, the stinging burn as I felt the lower edge of my tender flesh almost tear, sending me into another realm of release. I lost the ability to move my hips, I lost the ability to suck deeper and let both of these males, mount me as they chose. Already having been flooded with cum, I felt the wetness instantly start seeping out of my pussy, tickling my ass as it followed the cavern between my cheeks towards my tail bone. Jake’s knot was pushing hard against my mouth and I squeezed him firmly, feeling the first blast of his cum, splash the back of my throat on its way to my belly. His taste was saltier, almost metallic, but I did my best to take all that he gave me.

I felt his seed pool past the corner of my mouth, over my chin and a thin trail moving along the curve of my neck. So much cum, the scent surrounding me, making me moan in wanton delight. My legs were getting tired, my back a little sore, keeping my hips high and I waited for Tucker turn, but instead he laid more of his weight over me. I could feel his stomach heaving and hear his erratic breathing and feel his saliva drip onto my belly. Covered and smothered by these boys, I was in a sensual paradise, more detailed, more arousing than anything I could ever possibly dream.

Whether its ten minutes or one hour, time loses all meaning when you are knotted. The joining with canines sets its own timetable and you have no choice but to go along for the ride. I’ve learned you can’t force it, you can’t push it to be something different, you can only feel and experience. The magic comes when you allow yourself to free all the inhibitions of your mind and release the animalistic part of your nature. In accepting that primitive and primal spirit within, I found I was learning more about my life as a Zoo and the woman I was and hoped to be.

My insides felt tender, very swollen and achy. Some of it was from the mating I was sharing and some of this was due to still desiring to experience more. Tucker, was slowly coming down to his normal size and I could feel him start to shift his weight around, when he pushed back from my hips, nails scratching a wee bit. Instantly, I felt quick licks over my pussy, fast darting movements of a speedy tongue, collecting the combined juice of Tucker and I. The touch wasn’t firm, but light, almost delicate, relaxing after the force of Tucker’s knot invading me. I started letting my hips lower back down to the hay, but a persistent bump from a nose, beneath my ass, kept me from going down. I shuffled my feet further forward; putting more of the weight to my upper back pressed into the hay and felt some of then tension in my thighs and hips ease.

Jake stepped over my head then, his cock slapping me on the nose, leaving a last few drops of cum there. Ouch, my jaw muscles were feeling a little overworked and abused. I thought of all the aches and pains I was feeling right now and how I will probably feel at the conclusion of this dream evening. Don’t know if I will be able to walk, crawl or even move an inch, but it was surely worth it and I would have no regrets.

I stretched my arms overhead, pulling my stomach in tight, burying my head against the robe and hay beneath it. That feels so good, the delicate touches around my pussy and ass was what I needed right now. I looked to see whose tongue belonged to this oral master and saw Ki, between my spread thighs. I reached to run my fingers gently over his head, a soft smile on my face. I heard whimpering from the right and young Mac was sitting there with his muzzle resting on his paws.

I held out my right hand to him, calling him over. “Come here Mac, baby. Are you feeling a little left out?”

Mac first moved towards my lower body, but a loud growl from Ki, had him turning towards my chest. The red and white of his fur was so different than the others’ and I ran my hand lovingly over his muzzle and his full chest. He licked at my mouth once, and then I watched his face pivot towards my breasts. He lifted one paw, tapping my right breast, just to the side of the nipple. I snickered when my breast jiggled a bit and his ears perked forward. It was like he was seeing something for the first time and come to think of it, maybe he was.

Duke came up on my left side, no growls emitting from Ki at his approach. He lay down beside me and rested his head above mine, placing one paw on my left breast. I shared a nuzzle with him, his muzzle beside my cheek, my other hand caressing his neck, then turned back to watch Mac explore. Mac’s head turned one way, then the other as he tapped my breast again, making it jiggle once more. A soft, warm and cozy feeling spread out from my heart, bringing tears to my eyes. I’ve shared laughter in human sex, the joy of two partners chuckling together, but I never expected to have this same feeling with a canine. I never imagined I would receive this gift as well and what a gift it was to receive.

Mac took a tentative lick of my nipple, sitting back quickly when it hardened beneath his tongue. He leaned forward, sniffing loudly before making a much firmer pass. He licked harder, pushing the nipple this way and that, nibbling at it with his teeth. I took a quick breath, wondering at how rough he would become with his inexperience but he seemed to understand how many teeth to use. I started to float in that warm cozy place, surrendering to the sweetness, when Ki mounted my hips. His cock poked the crease between thigh and pelvis, before finding entrance into my pussy.

Gripping the scruff of Duke’s neck with one hand and the fur over Mac’s shoulder with the other, I moaned loudly, arching up to Ki’s thrust. Ki’s cock was thick, much thicker than the others’ and he rubbed my pussy walls, from my lips back to my cervix. Constant friction, constant touching, stretching me wider. Mac was excited and his excitement increased, his tongue and teeth working overtime on my breasts and the traces of cum on my neck. I turned my face up to Duke, hugging him to me, whimpers rolling from my mouth, one after the other. My clit felt huge, absolutely huge and unprotected by the hood of skin usually covering it. The caressing of my g-spot never stopped, the fur moving over my clit never ceased and my orgasm was before me, well…like greased lightning.

I started to twist and turn, my upper body squirming, but Duke put some weight behind the leg over my breast, holding me down in the hay. I couldn’t get away from the constant stimulation and I sobbed out my orgasm into his neck, tasting fur on my tongue. Mac added some weight of his own, moving over to my other nipple, giving it some undivided attention, fueling this orgasm even higher. I felt lightheaded, dizzy and almost to the point of passing out, the pleasure was taking me to a new level of sensuality. Ki thrust harder, demanding more, making my legs spread even wider to accommodate his taking of me. I felt a tongue on my belly and turned my head to see what was happening. My vision unfocused, I saw Ki take my belly ring between his teeth and pull.

My back arched upward, tighter than any longbow and I lost what little mind I had left. A maelstrom of feelings washed over me and if you asked, I couldn’t tell you what my name was. Sensory overload, stimulation extreme was all that I knew. I couldn’t stop anything, I didn’t want to stop of any of this, and all I could do was live the experience and hope I would make it out the other side. I was up in flames and was sure I would burn out, before this orgasm ever ended. Then I felt it, felt Ki’s knot set inside my pussy and knew this one would shatter my pelvis, he felt so enormous. Somehow it didn’t, somehow my body took all of him and his cum drenched me.

The pressure was so much; I felt my belly swell low, as his cum filled me inside. His knot did not allow anything to escape. I didn’t think I could orgasm more, I didn’t think it would increase, but I felt my pussy contract so hard, it hurt, pain radiating outwards. My fingers felt raw and sore, from the viselike grip I had on Duke and Mac. My fingers throbbed as I held onto them both. I must have been crying, for the two of them were licking softly at the outer corner of my eyes and the tears escaping there.

Ki was tied to me for a long time or I think it was a long time before his enormous knot ever went down. He never tried to turn, thank the stars; he stayed over my shaking body until his cock came out with a pop. Cum ran over and spilled from my pussy, covering my ass and dripping onto the hay below. My body fell down in heap against the hay, the robe bunched up beneath me. I rolled to my right side, cuddling against Mac, feeling Duke’s warmth against my spine, shutting down for a time. I felt no other tongues lick over my skin like before. They all seemed to realize I needed a sort of break, after this mounting.

I felt fragile after this, needing the comfort and warmth from cuddling these two. These two, Mac and Duke, the only one’s I haven’t been mounted by this evening. The evening seemed to building all along and I wondered what would happen at the end. My body was still in shock, my mind slowly coming back into focus, as I held Mac against me. I rested, dozing for a few minutes, the tremors in my body slowly subsiding, becoming little twitches, now and again.

Mac moved a bit and finally rolled onto his back beside me. He turned his head to look at me, giving a little whimper. I looked down his body and saw his cock poking out of his sheath. I wanted to feel him inside me, but I needed this passionate interlude to be a little gentler. Carefully I moved over his body, mounting him, in a position I was familiar with. I ran my hands over his muzzle, neck and down his chest. Slowly, sensuously using very calm hands, as not all canines enjoy being the one “mounted and ridden”. Mac’s tongue came out his mouth hanging to one side and I leaned forward touching mine to his. His eyes widened and he licked me from chin to forehead. Sliding my right down over his chest, his soft belly, I spread my thighs, digging into the hay with my knees and raised his cock towards my pussy.

He immediately humped into my hand, placing his front paws above my breasts. Pivoting my hips back, I guided the head of his cock between my lips and let nature take course. He humped up once and I lowered down on him, feeling very snug, very swollen inside. My breath hissed out, I didn’t realize how tender and downright sore I was until then. We moved together, he thrusting up to meet me and I undulating down onto him. Slow and easy, I sighed at the feelings he brought forth, the comforting embrace and the intimacy of looking into his eyes as we joined together. I felt his knot, swollen, hard and large bumping my lips and reached between my legs once more. Using my fingers, I spread my lips wide and sat down on him in one long movement. My head fell forward, I groaned against his fur and we were one.

Burying my face in his chest fur, I started to squeeze and release my vaginal walls around his knot. Nothing fast or overly wild, just simple movements that were having wonderful results for us both. It had been so long since I was able to share canine loving this way and it brought back fond old memories, to which I was adding very pleasurable new ones. The barn had grown silent and I could see Duke still beside us, watching all that was before him once again. Duke rose, stretching his large body and moved to walk behind me. Holding onto Mac tighter, I knew what was about to happen; I just seemed to know right away. Swallowing deeply, trembles came over me and I waited in silence.

At first it was only his tongue, his hot breath moving over my lower back and down the crease of my ass. He pushed pass my ass cheeks and began licking my tight anus with vigor. Oh, that felt so darn good. My pussy winked harder in response, causing Mac to thrust a few times as I massaged his knot with my flesh. Duke pushed against my back and rose high, placing his front paws over my shoulders. Nails digging in, he came forward his cock poking just above my anus, his pre-cum making him slide up the crease of my ass. I raised up as much as Mac’s knot would allow and felt Duke hit the spot.

My whole body shook hard, muscles clamping down, as Duke’s cock pierced my ass. I rubbed my face back and forth against Mac’s chest, mouth open wide trying to breathe. The pressure was extreme, feeling my ass being forced open by his thick cock, was something I only imagined. I knew of anal sex, I loved anal sex, but never experiencing it with a canine, this was out of this world and over the top for me. I held on tight, figuring I was going to be ridden hard and rough, but Duke surprised me, he truly did. He was in control of the situation, in a sense taking Mac and I both, but he was as gentle as he could be. He set up a smooth pace, in and out, the head of his cock coming close to exiting my ass, before he’s thrust back inside.

This was a story for me to write about, though how I could ever do something like this justice, I would never know. The fullness, the overwhelming complete feeling my body, mind and heart were experiencing was too beautiful for words. Mated and bonded, mounted and bred, that’s what was happening here between the three of us. As intimate a connection I could ever hope to achieve, this moved way past the physical and entered a spiritual realm of existence for me. I wasn’t screaming or moaning, I was breathing deeply, not wanting anything to hinder the peace I felt or to mask the passionate exchange going on.

I felt Duke cover my body more and I rose up a little with my upper back, wanting to feel every part of him I could. His nails dug in a little deeper and I felt his knot push firmly against my ass. My mouth opened wide, in a silent gasp, when he thrust forward hard and fast, locking us all together, totally joined as one for sure. Mac rolled his head to one side and I felt the cum release from his cock into my pussy. It was too much even for him, to feel. My head went back and I felt Duke’s muzzle against my hair and skull. I reached back and up, gripping one of his legs, his knot seated deep in my ass, his cock deeper than any cock had ever been inside me. He was so large inside me and my ass was so tightly clamped around him, that he could only move a few inches it seemed before he started to fill me with his cum.

I held onto Duke’s leg tightly, moving so my cheek rested against him and my orgasm started to release. Sensations like water pouring over my skin, went through me, constant waves of desire cascading through my body, endless ripples of pleasure. The barn became brighter and I could see we were mating together with the dawn. As the new day awoke, my journey was being fulfilled in the most precious way possible. Rays of sunshine peaked through gaps of the boards, streaks of light covering our bodies. The other members of the team had gathered around the hay pile, each watching us, and it was magic. Dust particles sparkling in the light, as if someone scattered fairy dust around us all.

The emotions running through me were taking my breath away, leaving me vulnerable yet feeling renewed. I came here to Alaska to fulfill a dream and spend time in a place of mystery and beauty. I thought sharing myself with a sled team, would be riding in a sled or playing the snow. I never thought I would actually have an intimate encounter, I could take with me, cherish and hold close to my heart till the end of my days. This was the tale of all tales; the one I would sit back in my rocking chair when I was in my eighties, chuckling wickedly about, while holding my hand to my heart.

My ass started to ache, the pressure intensifying as Duke’s cum flooded me more and more. The ache in my back increased as well as the ache in my pussy, till I thought I would explode, gushing cum everywhere. Mac’s knot stayed firm inside me and I think the firmness of Duke’s made it last even longer. Something had to give soon, for the pressure was more than I could bare and I was starting to grit my teeth. I held on tighter to them both, tears starting to feel my eyes, when I felt it. I felt a slow drip of hot satiny juice spill past Mac’s knot and then past Duke’s even larger one.

Breathing heavy against my hair, Duke eased up with his nails some and more of his cum, started spilling out around his knot. I was soaked, drenched, wet as if I had been hosed down and there was more where that came from. I could feel Mac’s fur becoming wet beneath my thighs and pussy, imagining the mats he would later have in his furry undercoat. His knot going down now, becoming smaller, my ass finally pushed Duke out without a squishing wet sound, making me give out a small growl as the cum that filled me, came out with a rush. My body pushed so hard, that Mac’s knot came out of my pussy with a messy juicy sound and I fell forward over him.

Nails scratched down my back as Duke lost contact with me and he fell down beside us. What a mess, a blissful mess the three of us must have made. I rolled to the side, landing between Duke and Mac, hay sticking all over my lower body, heart racing against my chest. The other team members came forward, sniffing over the three of us, before they began licking each of our coated bodies. They licked, tasting their leader, tasting their youngest member and tasting their mate of the evening. We laid back against the hay, neither of us moving, neither of us shifting, exhausted and completely done. As each tongue moved over my body, licking up our combined essence, I reached out to give each member a gentle caress. Right there, right then, I was one with the team and I was one with the pack.

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