Women with Animals
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Shania Twain and her Pets


(c) 2004 by Clvfan

Shania Twain was walking toward one of the barns on the estate she and Mutt had in Switzerland. She was going to feed her horses. She was dressed in loose sweat pants and a tee shirt. When she was away from the public she dressed as comfortable as she could.

One of her dogs was cavorting around her as she made her way to the barn, the others were off on the estate somewhere. This dog was her favorite, he was a big German Shepherd, Tan and black, weighed about 110 pounds. His name was Tim and he was in his prime, about four years old.

Any time she was home he stayed wherever she was. Sometimes she even had him shipped to where she was when she toured. Shania was humming to herself as she made her way to the barn, she was thinking it was strange that here she was alone on the estate for the next couple of weeks. Usually it was her and her husband and their son but sometimes things work out strangely.

Shania’s sister Jill and her family had been visiting from Canada and as they were leaving a few days ago, they wanted to take her son with them to visit the rest of the family back in Canada. Since he had recently been potty trained and he loved his aunt and cousins Shania thought this wouldn’t be a bad idea. She would miss him greatly but it was only for a couple of weeks and it would give her and Mutt some time alone. With the baby and the tour they hadn’t had much time for themselves.

Shania had just finished her latest tour and it was a huge success. She loved to make love and after the baby it seemed she couldn’t get enough. Shania loved her husband and wouldn’t dream of cheating on him but she got so frustrated when they were apart more than a day. They had a cast made of his dick and a dildo designed for her, it came complete with balls and they were hollow and could be filled with a warm liquid, squirting out whenever the balls were squeezed hard enough.

Shania took this with her on tour and even though it wasn’t the same it kept her from going crazy. As she walked down the lane to the barn she was thinking she would go to bed using Mutt Jr. Today, since right after her sister had left Mutt got a call from one of his associates in London.

Now while Mutt ran his business from home he never had to worry about going to the office, but occasionally things came up that couldn’t be handled and this was one of them. There were contract problems with one of the groups they were trying to sign and the group wouldn’t do anything till they talked to him personally. Since they were on tour in Austria Mutt was going to have to fly over there and talk to them. All in all he figured it would take about ten days to wrap everything up. So here she was by herself on the estate.

Now she had grooms for the horses and they had gardeners and household help for the estate so she really wasn’t alone but Mutt had already been gone almost two days and she had that itchy pussy that needed to be calmed down.

Shania had let the groom take off until Mutt got back, she figured taking care of the horses would keep her busy when she wasn’t writing songs for her next album. So here she was going into the barn putting grain into buckets and feeding her horses.

Tim was running around sniffing everything and then bouncing back to Shania nudging her leg with his head, she would reach down and scratch his ears and he would be off again. Shania took good care of her animals, her horses were groomed everyday and washed every other day, her dogs were bathed and brushed everyday, sometimes if Tim came on tour he didn’t get bathed every day but he got brushed.

The only horse that was in the barn at this time was her favorite one, a big black Andalusia named Dancer. Shania had been trying to teach him some fancy steps and he was coming along nicely. Her other horses were out in the pasture.

She took a brush from the rail of a stall and stepped over to Dancer, he swung his head around and nudged her shoulder as she started to brush him. Now Dancer loved his mistress, she was always stroking him and patting him, he loved to see her coming and enjoyed the feel of her on his back, especially when she rode him bareback.

Shania was brushing Dancers back and then moved down his flanks, his skin quivered from the pleasant sensations of the brush. Tim was sitting on his haunches watching his Mistress as she combed the horse.

Now Tim was a little jealous of her attention to Dancer but knew better than to act up. The first time he tried to get her away from one of the horses by playing and tugging at her she had put him out of the barn till she was done. So he watched patiently.

There was something different about her smell this morning, his nose up in the air, he caught the scent of a female in heat, not exactly like the females of his kind but a definite hint of sexual excitement. He gave a little whine and eased up closer just a little.

Shania continued brushing Dancer and humming distractedly to herself, She was horny and she knew when she got back to the house she would have to use Mutt Jr. at least two or three times just to ease the tension. Dancer was enjoying the feel of his mistress’s hands on him and the brush felt so good his cock started to drop down from his sheath.

Shania was working her way down one of his hind legs when she noticed his cock head emerge from the sheath, now she had seen her stallions with a hard on many times and even observed Dancer when he was bred last year but for some reason this simple action was turning her on.

She continued brushing his flank and more of his cock emerged, it was hanging down about seven or eight inches, not hard yet. it was pink and black about as big around as her forearm. Boy I bet he gives the mares a good time she thought. Thinking about that sent a gush of moisture to her cunt and she watched as even more horse dick emerged from Dancers sheath.

Tim was whining now his nose up in the air as he smelt his mistress desire. He wasn’t really sure what was going on but it was causing his dick to start emerging. He scooted along the ground getting closer to that enticing smell.

Shania had stopped using the brush and was just rubbing Dancer with her hands as she dropped to her knees to really get a good look at Dancers cock for the first time. By now it was all the way out and looked to be over two feet long and had a big flared head. It was starting to harden and creep up towards his belly.

Dancer was enjoying the feel of her hands rubbing him and he too could smell her excitement, this was what was stiffening his cock. Shania was suddenly fascinated by this huge cock in front of her face, she didn’t know why all of a sudden it was so exciting. She reached out and wrapped her hand around the shaft just below the head. It felt hot and velvety. Dancer snorted and bobbed his head, her hand felt great around his dick. Shania glided her hand up to the sheath, keeping a fairly tight grip, Dancer’s skin shivered and his dick jumped in her hand.

Shania didn’t even wonder about what she was doing, this was Dancer, her Dancer and she was bringing him pleasure. She scooted further under him on her knees and now used both hands to start jacking him off. Dancer was tossing his head and his cock was jumping as she pumped him from sheath to tip. This sure did feel good to him, almost as good as plunging into the hot cunt of the last mare they had brought him. Even better because it was his mistress bringing him such pleasure.

By now Shania’s pussy was slick with her juices as she was as excited as Dancer was. Poor Tim meanwhile had gotten up and was pacing back and forth behind his mistress, his cock now fully extended as the smell of Shania’s hot sex was permeating his nose. He was afraid to approach her, he didn’t want to get thrown out of the barn again.

Shania had got a good rhythm going, her hands a couple of inches apart she was running them from tip to sheath, As Dancers balls started to twitch Shania could see them getting ready to shoot so she sped up even more. Dancer was feeling sensations he hadn’t felt before and her soft hands were even better than the Mare.

He was snorting and stamping his back feet, careful not to step on his mistress. Shania watched his balls contract and she could feel the sperm shooting down that big shaft, several big blasts going several feet. She kept up the stroking till the sperm was just oozing from the tip. When Dancer was through cumming his dick started to draw back up.

It was a funny feeling for Shania as his cock retreated leaving her hands smeared with his cum. without thinking she brought one hand up to her lips and licked the cum off. It tasted different than Mutts, it was a little stronger and a little saltier but really pretty good.

Shania realized that her cunt was sopping and she almost had an orgasm from watching Dancer cum and then she heard Tim whining. Turning she saw him pacing back and forth and her gaze was drawn to his big scarlet cock hanging down. Well she thought I can’t leave him hanging like that after getting Dancer off but she suddenly realized that the one of the staff at any time could have caught her.

She got up and hugged Dancers neck kissing him on the nose, “I have got to see Mutt Jr. and take care of Tim, I’ll be back later.”

She started back to the house Tim right at her side his cock was still extended because Shania’s pussy was drenched and the smell was driving him crazy. She practically ran to the house Tim right beside her. She got to the house and went up to her bedroom on the second floor. It looked out over the back of the estate and other then the barn there were no other buildings in sight from that viewpoint. Even so Shania pulled the sheer drapes across the windows, it would let in the light but keep any prying eyes out.

Tim had jumped up on the four-poster king sized bed and lay with his head on his front paws whining and wondering how to help his mistress out. He knew what he would like to do but since she didn’t look like the females he had been bred to, he didn’t know how.

Shania went to her travel bag in the closet and got Mutt Jr out, this would be the first time he had ever been used at home. She stripped off her sweat pants and tee shirt standing there nude as she filled Mutt Jr’s Balls with the special cream they had bought with him. It warmed up quickly in the special made balls. Tim was being treated to a sight that any man in the world would have loved to have seen.

Shania Twain in the nude, her body was perfection, Strong legs conditioned from all the horseback riding, a round tight ass that was as hard as a rock, slender waist and wonderful tits that had grown a full size when she had her son. Even so they were still as firm as they were before she got pregnant. That famous belly button in the center of her flat belly. Her slick cunt was hidden by a neatly trimmed dark brown bush.

Tim was whining now, he could tell where that delicious smell was coming from but didn’t know what to do about it. Shania took Jr. to the bed and lay on her back running him over her hard tits and down that flat stomach to her cunt. She teased herself just a little by rubbing him up and down her swollen lips. She was already worked up so she eased the head in working it around, getting it slick with her juices. She pushed it in till all 7 inches were enclosed in her tight pussy.

Ummmm that felt so good when she started slowly stroking it in and out. She used one hand to tweak and pull on her hard nipples sending electric tingles of pleasure through her body.

Tim was inching closer to his mistress as she was lost in her pleasure, just scooting forward an inch at a time until his head was almost touching her side. He just had to taste her because her smell was driving him crazy.

While Shania worked Jr. in and out of her cunt and pulled on one taunt nipple, her eyes were closed while she imagined Mutt was filling her hungry pussy. Suddenly a warm wet sensation washed over her breast. She was so lost in lust it didn’t register what was happening right away, she just knew it felt good. It was a minute or so before she realized that Tim was licking her breast, his broad doggy tongue swiping up the side of her breast and over the nipple causing it to rise even more.

She was to far along that road to completion to even care while she worked Jr faster and faster in her cunt bringing her to a shattering climax. Her pussy was spasming around the fake Mutt trying to squeeze it in two.

Tim liked the taste of his mistress tits but he really wanted to get to the good stuff he smelled between her legs. Shania relaxed and came down from her orgasm, her eyes were closed and she let her legs fall apart.

Tim saw his chance and moved around between his mistress’s legs bringing his head to her hot opening and started licking up all that sweet juice. The first touch of his tongue on her pussy caused Shania to jump and look to see what was happening.

Seeing Tim’s head between her legs and feeling that broad warm tongue licking around her pussy felt really good. She reached down and pulled Jr. out and immediately Tim started sticking his tongue in her tight channel trying to get all her sweet juice.

Shania had never felt anything like this before. She had been eaten by men and Mutt was a great pussy eater but it couldn’t compare with this broad agile piece of meat combing the insides of her pussy. Tim was lapping her cunt like his life depended on it, sometimes swiping her clit or rubbing it with his muzzle as he tried to bury his snout in her pussy. The more he licked the more juice he got as Shania built rapidly to another Climax. When she blew it was the most earth-shattering climax she had ever had. She had to reach down and pull Tim’s head away from her extremely sensitive vulva.

Tim didn’t want to let a drop of her sweet nectar go to waste but he loved his mistress and whatever she wanted he would do. Tim’s dick was hard as a rock now extended under his belly and jerking upwards, he would like to bury it in his mistress but she wasn’t in any kind of position for him to accomplish that.

Shania was holding his head and when she looked down between her legs she could see the condition his cock was in. She was shocked to see how big it was, she had never paid any attention to it before, it must be at least eight inches long and as big around as Mutts. There were little squirts of precum shooting out every time it jerked upwards.

Well she couldn’t leave her friend in need after what he had done for her, so using her hands that she had on his head she moved him up till he was standing beside her. his cock hanging down about even with her head.

Tim was panting like he had ran ten miles by now while his mistress was stroking his side, she was lying on her back and he was on her left side. Shania reached up with her left hand and wrapped it around his cock near the base.

Ohhh that felt good to Tim. She started jacking him off watching the precum squirting out almost in a steady stream. Tim was really whining now and his hips were starting to buck. He wanted to fuck something. She rolled over on her side and started using her right hand, she could get a better rhythm going in that position. Tim thought his mistress’s hands on his cock was the best thing he had ever felt as she jacked his slick cock.

Shania reached up with her left hand and cupped his big balls gently squeezing them. Tim felt like an electric prod had hit him when she did that. Those balls started churning and he shot stream after stream of dog sperm onto the bed sheets right by her head.

Shania kept jacking till there was no more sperm coming and she let go of his cock and balls. Tim immediately lay down right beside her and started licking himself as his cock slowly retracted back into the sheath. Shania’s hand was covered in his cum and once again she licked it off. It tasted different than Dancers, not as strong or salty but more so then Mutts.

As Mistress and dog rested she thought about what had just happened. Shania had never had any sexual interest in any animals before so she wondered why now. She thought about her other horses and dogs, she had no interest in seeing their dicks or wanting to jack them off, but just thinking about Dancers big prong and Tim’s scarlet cock was already making her pussy wet again.

It must be because she loved them like they were friends instead of animals. While she was lying there thinking her hand just sort of absently started rubbing her pussy and she started getting excited again.

Tim lying beside her woke up when the smell of her excitement hit his sensitive nose. My mistress wants to play again he thought. He raised his head and looked at Shania, she had her eyes closed and her hand was between her legs. Tim wanted some more of that sweet juice she had there so he got up and moved over her legs licking her busy hand and any wetness he could find.

Once again that warm wet tongue on her pussy startled Shania. She liked what he did before so she removed her hand and scooted around till Tim was between her legs again.

Now Tim was very happy his mistress wanted him to lick her again and he went at it with enthusiasm. he ran his tongue all over her vulva, after cleaning off what honey juices he found there he went right to the source. Tim ran his tongue as far up into Shania’s cunt as he could and swiped all around before drawing it out and swallowing what he had gathered. He instantly sent his broad tongue back for more.

Shania raised her ass up off the bed trying to get all that wonderful tongue in her hot hole. The flexibility of Tim’s tongue as it ravished her pussy sent shivers all over her body, she had never experienced anything like this.

Tim was shivering himself, his mistress tasted so good and her body was so soft. He was pushing against her cunt with his long snout trying to reach as far back as he could. He couldn’t get his nose in her hot cavern but it had spread her lips open and his wet nose was rooting up against her clit.

To Shania it felt like his tongue was reaching places that had never been reached before and the strain on her legs from holding her ass up and the intense sensations Tim’s tongue aroused made her whole body quiver. She had her head thrown back onto the bed gripping a handful of comforter with both hands.

“Oooohhhhhhh baby eat me” she cried. “I’m going to cum baby keep it up.”

Tim didn’t know what she was saying but he could tell she was happy with him and he was more than overjoyed to continue his efforts. He could tell the faster he lapped her sweet pussy the more juice he got. By now Tim was getting excited himself and his dick and started to emerge from the sheath.

Shania couldn’t take much more of this, Tim’s wild tongue filled her cunt and his nose rubbing her clit sent her into a shuddering climax, every muscle was straining as her tight cunt spasmed around her dogs tongue. Tim could feel her cunt squeezing his tongue but what was really good was the gushing abundant sweet nectar that was overflowing from her contracting pussy. He wanted to get every drop.

Shania’s orgasm had subsided but Tim was still working her cunt running his tongue in and out. She was so sensitive now she couldn’t take anymore so she grabbed his head and pulled it away from her still twitching pussy. Now Tim didn’t want to leave that hot sweet tasting hole but if his mistress wanted it then he would let it go.

Shania pulled him up beside her again and saw that he had started extending that big red dick from its sheath again. By now she knew she was going to get him off again, the only question now was how.

Tim started licking her breasts again, he knew his mistress liked that the last time he did it, her hard nipples loved the warm wetness that was washing over them.

She had her hands in his soft fur running up and down his sides, she reached under and started massaging his sheath, she could feel the hard cock sliding around inside it as she manipulated it. This sure did feel good to Tim and his cock continued to slide out till it was fully extended. He hoped his mistress would do what she did last time that felt so good.

Shania was looking at that shiny scarlet cock pulsing under Tim’s belly. It was crisscrossed with dark blue veins and his big black balls were hanging down behind it. It looked good enough to eat she thought and as quickly decided that’s what she would do.

Shania loved giving Mutt a blowjob, she enjoyed the feel and taste of a clean cock in her mouth all soft and hard at the same time. It gave her a sense of power over the male she was with, they were putty in her hands when she had their cock in her mouth.

Shania scooted around until her head was under Tim’s belly, his soft hair was brushing her tits and sending tingles all the way down to her seeping pussy. Tim didn’t mind because it looked like she was bringing that delicious hole back in range of his hungry tongue. She looked up at his cock as it hung over her head, she was gripping it with one hand slowly jacking it till it reached its full length. To her it looked to be about eight inches, longer then Mutt but about as big around. Up close she could see the dark blue veins running through it and the tapered end with just a little tip sticking out from the top. There was already a drop of precum hanging from the tip.

She brought the tip down to her mouth and licked it off. Tim was washing his mistress’s flat belly with his tongue and when she licked his cock he gave a little whine and started digging his tongue in that famous belly button. She tasted good anywhere. Shania opened her mouth and took just a couple of inches in closing her lips tightly around the shaft. She could taste the precum as it started squirting more.

Tim’s cock felt so hot and slick in her mouth, entirely different than Mutts. Shania started fluttering her tongue around her dog’s hot cock. Tim quit licking Shania’s stomach and gave out with another little whine, he had never felt anything like this. Certainly no female of his species had ever given him these feelings. He turned his head to watch his mistress, her sweetness momentarily forgotten as she took more of his cock in her mouth. She used her tongue on the underside as she went.

Tim tasted pretty good to her, he was bathed regularly and didn’t have a strong doggy smell, his dick was clean and tasted salty with just a slight tang to it. She took as much in her mouth as she could, about six inches before the head started down her throat causing her to stop before she gagged. She drew her lips back down the shaft till just the tip was in her mouth and bathed it with her tongue before starting back down, her lips clinging tightly to the shaft.

Tim’s legs were quivering now as he watched his beautiful mistress sucking his cock. This still wasn’t any way he was used to but it sure felt better than anything he had before.

Shania started up a rhythm and as she neared his sheath she saw that it was swelling. She knew about a dogs knot but had really forgotten until she saw this. She reached up and started massaging his sheath and Tim’s knot slid out, she was amazed it looked like he grew a pair of balls on each side of his shaft making it twice as big as the rest.

She started gently squeezing his knot with one hand and his big hanging balls with the other and continued to give him a blowjob that any man would kill for. Tim was panting hard now his back legs trembling, he wanted to fuck but this sure wasn’t the position to do that in. He couldn’t stop it however and his back legs started hunching into that warm wet place.

Shania felt him drive forward, his cock trying to drive down her throat but she had her hand wrapped around the shaft just in front of the knot so he couldn’t go any farther. By now he was squirting precum constantly and her mouth was filled. The juice was escaping a little from her tight clasping lips on the outstroke. Tim in this position couldn’t build up the speed he would have liked but he got a good in and out rhythm going.

Shania knew she was giving her dog a lot of pleasure and that big knot hanging over her head intrigued her, wonder if that would fit in my pussy and what it would feel like, she already knew she was going to let Tim fuck her. Her pussy was already gushing from the excitement she was getting by giving her handsome dog a blowjob.

She could feel his balls moving in her hand and his cock was jerking in her mouth. Tim s head was raised and his ears laid straight back along his head. He was conscious of only one thing, he was cumming like he never had before.

Shania felt the first burst fire into the back of her throat, it tasted a little different than the precum. It was much thicker and saltier. Tim was filling her mouth full, she couldn’t swallow fast enough but she kept her lips closed tightly over the shaft so very little leaked out.

When Tim’s pumping subsided Shania was able to get his whole load down her throat. She let his softening shaft slip from her lips and licked the tip of the last drop as it she pulled it out. Although his dick had softened it hadn’t retreated back to the sheath yet. The knot was still swollen and as she watched it started to subside. Tim, after his cum realized that his mistress had that wonderful smell coming from her hole again and took a step forward so he could get his tongue in action again.

When she felt his agile tongue lapping through her bush trying to get in her pussy again she quickly turned around and put her legs up over his front shoulders so he could get to her easily. Tim was in dog heaven again and he went to work running that flexible tongue deep in her pussy twisting and stabbing repeatedly.

It didn’t take her long to have another orgasm and even after her climax was over Tim just kept licking as she let her legs slide down his soft furry sides. She once again had to push his head away from her sensitive cunt. He didn’t want to give up but that’s what his mistress wanted so he curled up beside her and gave his dick a good licking before he went to sleep.

Shania lay there in the afterglow of her orgasm, thinking, was this better then Mutt’s lovemaking, no, it was just different and even though she knew she was going to fuck Tim she didn’t think of it as cheating on Mutt. She knew she wouldn’t make love to another man, she loved her husband. Why now all of a sudden her pets turned her on she didn’t know but these two did.

She knew that there was no way she was ever going to get Dancers cock in her, way to big but she could give him a good jacking and maybe a blowjob. Wasn’t any way she could get much more then the head of his dick in her mouth but she was looking forward to trying.

The next thing was to get Tim’s scarlet cock in her horny pussy, she was thinking about this when she drifted off to sleep.

Shania woke about an hour later, it was close to noon by now. Tim was still sleeping beside her his soft fur against her side. She got up and started for the bathroom to take a shower. When she moved Tim woke up, he just lifted his head and watched her, this was a usual routine and he didn’t get up.

After her shower she put on a clean pair of cotton shorts and another loose tee shirt, opened the drapes and unlocked the door. She went down stairs and out back to where the area was set up for washing the dogs, Tim padding along right behind her.

The houseman that worked in the area around the buildings was already there with the other three dogs and was giving one his bath, All three perked up, the two waiting crowded around Shania jumping up wanting to be scratched. The one getting the bath wanted that also but the houseman kept him back trying to rinse him off.

Shania laughed and played with all three helping to give them their bath. Tim always enjoyed his bath, he liked being scratched and rubbed all over and the water never bothered him.

This was a test for Shania as she fooled with each of her beloved pets, she enjoyed them all but none of the others gave her that little tinge of excitement as she scratched and loved on them except Tim. After they were dried off all four went off romping and playing and cavorting over the yard. Shania went into the house to the kitchen where the cook fixed her a salad and she had some fruit with a glass of cold filtered water.

By the time she had finished her lunch Tim had come back, he enjoyed his brethrens company but he liked to stay with his mistress, especially now that she was giving him those delicious liquids and making him feel so good. Shania tried working on a song for her next album but the thought of Tim’s hard red cock fucking into her soft cunt kept creeping into her mind.

She gave up after a couple of hours. Tim was lying outside the door to her studio, she liked to be completely alone when she worked, only Mutt was allowed in there when she was working.

She reached down and scratched his head as she passed, “come on boy I think we both need something” she grinned as she headed for the stairs and her bedroom.

Tim could smell that his Mistress was getting excited again so he jumped up and followed eagerly, tail wagging as he bounced along beside her.

When they reached her bedroom she once again drew the drapes and locked her door. Even though their staff had been with them since they bought the place, even loyal staff might not understand her actions and she sure couldn’t afford for it to be known in public. She quickly stripped off her clothes and sat down on the bed, Tim jumped up beside her licking her face. She put her arms around his neck, hugging the soft fur against her. His chest fur rubbed against her tits bringing her nipples to a quick hardening.

“Momma has a treat for you boy although I am not quite sure how we are going to go about this” she laughed. Tim continued to lick her face as she lay back on the bed, she figured he was pretty good at figuring out what she wanted.

Tim knew from before that she liked the bumps on her chest licked so he started there, swiping the sides with his broad tongue before working over the top with the hard little bumps sticking up. Shania gave in to the sensations he caused in her breasts, she had one hand running up and down through his soft fur on his side and the other she was using to bring her other breast in range of that wide instrument of pleasure.

Her hot little cunt was getting wetter while she became lost in the pleasure her sweet dog was giving her. Tim could smell his mistress’s growing wetness and he started working his tongue down her body to get at it again, across that flat belly dipping into that wonderful belly button and across her silky down.

When she felt him nearing her pussy she scooted around and threw one leg over her head so he was once again positioned between her legs, Tim went immediately to the source of that sweet nectar. Again he tried to get his tongue as far up her hot hole as possible. Shania loved the feel of this but she didn’t want to go this way right now, she wanted that big dick in her.

She watched as Tim’s cock started emerging from his sheath. When it looked like it was about half way out she pulled his head out of her cunt. As much as she wanted him to go on she had other plans right now.

Tim didn’t want to leave a drop but once again his mistress wanted something else and the last two times had proven it would get even better. Shania quickly scooted under her dog and took his hot doggy rod in her mouth working it until it was fully hard. Now she really didn’t want to but again she let his cock slip out of her mouth and turned around on her hands and knees presenting her ass To Tim.

Tim was surprised that she quit sucking him, it was much sooner that last time and he didn’t even get to cum. But when Shania’s shapely ass was presented right in front of his nose he dove right in with his tongue again.

“Ohhhh” Shania moaned, that was unexpected, she thought he would hop right on. It felt like his tongue was getting even deeper in this position and she could feel herself building to a big climax. But again that wasn’t what she wanted right now so she reached behind her getting a hand under his hard working muzzle and tried pulling him up over her back.

Tim was once again perplexed as his mistress stopped him from getting all those wonderful juices but as she brought his head up he could see that now she was in a position that he was familiar with and since his dick was as hard as it had ever been he needed some relief, so he hopped up on his beautiful mistress’s back hugging her to him as he tried to get his dick in that warm wet place he had just had his tongue in.

Now the first time for both of them was a little awkward, Tim was hunching forward but his dick was missing the mark, sometimes jabbing into her ass cheek or sliding down between the lips of her pussy, when this happened it would slide across her clit, causing Shania to moan in pleasure. She figured he needed help so she reached back between her legs and used her hand under his shaft to guide him in, even this took a couple of tries before he finally got the tip of his dick in her hot pussy. That first invasion of the tip of Tim’s cock sent tingles all through her body.

When Tim felt his dick lodge in that hot hole he knew only one way to fuck. He drove his dick fully in on the first thrust and set up a jack hammer rhythm fucking his mistress for all he was worth.

When he drove that big dick in her all the way to her cervix, Shania was stunned. her little pussy was filled to overflowing with hot dog meat, she could feel the tip hitting her cervix on every rapid thrust. The muscles in her arms and neck were straining and her head was thrown back, eyes closed in ecstasy as feelings she had never known ran through her body. She had never been so filled before or pounded so fast.

Tim, his back legs straining to get all his dick in her was hugging her waist tightly his head straining forward over her sleek back, his ears laid tight against his head as her hot tight cunt massaged his driving cock, never had a female of his species ever felt this tight. His knot had come out of his sheath and was now banging into her swollen vulva trying to get inside.

Shania felt that big knot plowing into her but she was so full of dog cock now she didn’t think it would fit in. She didn’t think it could possibly feel any better than this scalding big red dick that was giving her a fucking like she never had.

Tim was trying his best to drive his knot in that wonderful hot wetness surrounding his dick and as Shania got wetter and more slippery with her juice and his precum he could feel one side start to slip in, he stopped his frantic fucking and just started driving forward trying to shove it in her all the way.

Shania’s whole body tensed when she felt that hard knot slide in the opening of her tight cunt. Waves of sensations caused her whole body to shiver. She felt like a flashlight had been shoved up her cunt. Tim continued to shove forward driving more of his knot in, Shania trying to help him by pushing back against his driving cock.

Hard as they both tried only one side of his knot would fit inside her incredibly tight hole, but that was more then enough to lock them together as Tim started shooting his scalding cum deep in Shania Twain’s pussy.

She could feel every spurt hitting her cervix as her body shuddered into her climax. Her tight channel was contracting around that hot dick and rippling all up and down the shaft. Tim had never felt anything like this, his big balls continued to pump hot dog cum in his beautiful mistress.

Shania’s head was hanging down between her hands, she dropped to her elbows because the force of her orgasm left her weak. Tim’s dick was still throbbing in her cunt but was no longer shooting big streams of cum just twitching and jerking and oozing.

They were hung tight and when Tim attempted to climb off he couldn’t, now this had happened every time with his other partners but he had never worried about hurting them, he would just turn around and start pulling, eventually his dick would come out. Sometimes it caused the female some pain as it was ripped from her cunt. Tim didn’t want to cause his mistress any pain so he eased down throwing one leg up over her shapely ass so they were ass to ass now his cock sticking back between his legs.

When Tim turned that knot turned in her already sensitive pussy causing another orgasm, not as intense as the first but pretty darn good. Tim tried moving forward a little but this just caused Shania to move with him, his knot was still swollen tight in her.

Every time Tim moved his soft fur brushed her ass and that hard hot knot moved against the tight walls of her pussy and gave her another little orgasm. Tim waited patiently till the knot started subsiding and when he felt her cunt loosen its grip on the rapidly deflating knot he stepped forward pulling his still hard dick from his mistress.

Shania gave a groan as that big dick slid out of her sensitive sleeve followed by their combined cum dripping on the bed. Tim’s dick was coated in both their juice and he lay down beside his beloved mistress and licked their mixture from his cock while it retreated back into the sheath. He laid his head next to hers, she had given him the best feelings he had ever had and he was looking forward to more.

Shania collapsed on the bed her wet pussy throbbing as it closed up from the huge invader. She had never had as many orgasms in one setting and she was completely wore out. Tim had stayed tied to her for about ten minutes and she must have had that many orgasms in that time. She knew one thing as she drifted off to sleep. Tim was going on tour with her when she traveled anymore and when Mutt was gone she sure wasn’t going to be horny anymore.

Shania napped for about an hour and then took another shower before donning some clean shorts and tank top. It was about four P.M. and it was time for her to groom her horses. By the time she and Tim had gotten to the barn all three of her horses were standing by the barn, they had become accustomed to the daily grooming and were waiting patiently. Besides Dancer she had a beautiful chestnut quarter horse and a Tennessee Walker. She loved them all and tried to ride a different one every day she was home.

She watered the other two down but pulled Dancer to the side, she was going to ride him this afternoon and would bath him after his cool down. While she brushed and curried the other two she enjoyed the feel of their sleek coats under her hand but there was nothing that was sexually exciting about them. She feed them some sugar cane and let them go back to the pasture.

Usually she rode with a light saddle but today she just put the halter on Dancer and jumped up on his back heading out over the 1000 acre estate with Tim running along beside them. She had deliberately put on a pair of big legged shorts and when she was well on the back of the estate she scooted the leg of her shorts on one side up on her thighs as far as it would go. This gave her plenty of slack to pull the inside part of the leg open enough that she could let her bare pussy come in contact with Dancers back. The feel of his hairy coat rubbing her pussy as she rode felt good.

They rode about an hour sometimes walking sometimes galloping, the switch in strides caused a different feeling when her body moved back and forth on her big baby’s back. Tim was used to this, he usually went with her when she went out. He was beginning to smell that delicious aroma again as Shania’s pussy heated up from the constant contact with Dancers coat.

She figured they had exercised enough for today, besides she had other plans Dancer. She pulled her shorts back over her pussy because she was getting to excited and she had other ways she wanted to come, this was just the teaser.

When they got back to the barn she saw that the houseman had come and cleaned the barn like he did every day about 5:00 so there shouldn’t be anybody coming to the barn till tomorrow sometime. Shania walked Dancer till he cooled down then took the hose and washed him down. After drying him off she started brushing and combing him again. Dancer enjoyed his bath and the feeling of the brush over his coat, he especially enjoyed the feel of his mistress hands as she rubbed his coat all over.

After getting him completely dry she led him inside the barn and closed the doors at both ends putting a cross bar in each one locking them from the inside. The barn had numerous windows all with blinds on them, actually the barn was better then most average houses. She went around and closed all the blinds so you couldn’t see in but they still let a little light in.

She took Dancer over to a stall that had a wooden floor freshly filled with new hay. Shania took off her shorts and top laying them over the rail of the stall. Tim came in and lay down in a corner, he could already smell her excitement and he gave a little whine, hoping she would let him have some more of her sweet sauce.

Shania didn’t notice Tim, she was concentrating on Dancer at the moment. She got down on her knees and scooted up under him. Dancer too could smell his mistress excitement and his big cock was starting to drop, just the head and a couple of inches. Shania grasped his shaft right behind the head and brought the broad flat head to her lips just touching her tongue to the rough surface. Although it looked rough it felt velvety smooth to her tongue, Dancer smelled clean just a hint of horse. She had been around horses for a long time and liked the smell.

Seeing his big balls swinging between his legs she used her other hand to heft them and massage them around in her hand. Dancers head was bobbing while her delicate hand groped his balls, her sweet tongue flicking around his cockhead. Now more of his cock was sliding out of the sheath till it was hanging down over two feet. Shania took her hand off his balls and using both of them brought his cock up to her lips, she tried to get the head in but it was so big she could only get half of it in.

She sucked on that half and used both hands to run up and down the length his velvety black cock, it was bright pink in some areas and jet black in others, Shania thought it was beautiful. Dancer loved the feelings his mistress was giving him and his back legs started gently moving, he was careful, he didn’t want to hurt her.

Shania took his big cock out of her mouth and scooted up till she could put her firm tits around Dancers long pole, by raising and lowering her upper body she was able to tit fuck her big stud.

Dancer now felt this new sensation of his mistress soft skin partly surrounding his dick and sliding up and down the top. He gave a whinny of pleasure and bobbed his head. She did this for a few minutes but she couldn’t get up enough speed in this position to bring him off, so she turned around and backed her ass up against his big pole positioning it between the cheeks of her ass so that it pointed down toward the ground. By doing squats with her well toned legs and using her hands on the twelve inches sticking out below her pussy she was able to stimulate a fucking.

His big black and pink rod sliding through her pussy lips and rubbing her clit really felt good. She could pick up more speed this way and Dancer was hunching forward a little, it felt better to him than breeding a mare.

Tim lying in the corner could smell Shania’s excitement as she built towards a climax and he was up pacing, his scarlet cock beginning to emerge, but he wouldn’t do anything unless she indicated she wanted him to. Shania loved the feel of this big horse cock sliding between her pussy lips but she really wanted to finish him off with her mouth this time, see how much of his cum she could get down her throat. So she slowed down and removed his hot pole from between her legs, turned and got on her hands and knees so she could try and get that big head in her mouth.

She was holding herself up with one hand and was using the other to try and stuff all that big head in her mouth, Just as she finally got the whole thing in she felt a weight hit her back and she was suddenly filled with a scalding hard dog cock.

“Hummmmph” was all she could say around Dancers big prick.

Tim’s cock had fully extended while he watched his mistress turn and get on her hands and knees, now the last time she did this she wanted him to breed her and he did so want to breed her badly now. So he took that as a sign and quickly went over jumping up on her back and wrapping his legs around her waist pulling her straight back on his hard cock, this time it hit the mark of the first try and he slid fully into that hot tight hole feeling the tip hit the back of her cunt.

He immediately started his jackhammer fucking.

Shania was stunned for a moment but only for a moment, his frantic fucking felt so good and Dancers big cock head tasted so good she just went with the flow. She started using her tongue on his cockhead and running both hands up and down jacking him quickly, she didn’t have to worry about supporting herself Tim had his forelegs wrapped tightly around her hips pulling her back to him on every thrust.

Dancer turned his head to look at his mistress and she sucked and jacked his cock, the cockhead in her mouth was really getting a working over, he had never been in anything that tight, the feel of her soft hands running swiftly up and down his shaft sent shivers of pleasure over his whole body.

Tim was once again in dog heaven, this had to be the tightest little hole on the planet, it gripped his cock and massaged it like a velvet glove as he pistoned in and out. His knot was fully formed and trying to get in his mistress hot hole.

Shania could feel it banging against her cunt and this turned her on even more, she started shoving her ass back trying to help him get it in. Her hands were flying up and down Dancers hard pole now and she could see his balls jumping when he unloaded a huge stream of hot horse cum in her mouth.

She tried to swallow all she could but it was just too much, she took his dick out of her mouth and let it shoot on her satiny tits, Tim had managed to get his knot started in that hot tight hole again and he was straining his back legs for all he was worth trying to force it in there.

Shania felt it pop in and again she felt like it was the size of a coke can but it didn’t hurt just filled her up. Still Tim could only get one side of it in there. He kept shoving as hard as he could his cockhead bumping her cervix with every thrust caused Shania to moan in pleasure. Tim’s hard thrusting caused her to drop her hands back to the floor to keep from being shoved across the floor.

Her head was brushing Dancers cock. Dancer felt so good when he shot his load in her hot mouth and when he had finished cummng his cock started to soften and draw up but the feeling of his mistress soft hair caressing his cock kept it hanging down.

Shania was in another world now she could feel Dancers big cock rubbing her head on every thrust from Tim, that hard dog cock spitting precum constantly against her cervix was about to make her climax again. She could feel it trying to jerk in her tight pussy each pulse sending thrills through them both. Tim’s doggy lips were pulled back in a smile of pleasure when his balls unloaded in his mistress slick hot cavern.

“Ahhhhhhhh, Ummmmmmmm good”. Shania gasped as the hard blast of doggy cum inundated the back walls of her clasping cunt. Not a drop escaped as Tim’s hard knot kept her tight hole blocked up. Once again Shania hung her head in exhaustion while she was hung up with her baby boy. Dancer was looking back down and his big cock drew back up in his sheath while he heard the pleasurable sounds coming from his mistress.

Tim once again threw his leg over Shania’s ass and they were facing the opposite way and once again the feel of his fur sliding across her skin and the pulsing of that sill hard cock in her cunt gave her mini orgasms. She had a plan this time though and when the knot finally slipped out she quickly turned and ducked under Tim’s belly capturing his cum coated cock in her mouth letting it slide all the way in. It was so slippery with their combined cum it easily slid into her throat and she took it all the way to the knot. She used her tongue to clean it off by tightening her lips and slowly easing off bringing all the juice off and into her hungry mouth. As she let the tip slide out she swiped the last drop with her little tongue.

Tim thought this was much better then him cleaning his own cock off, her hot mouth was much better than his tongue. It felt so good his dick stayed hard. Shania sat back on her knees and rubbed Dancers drying cum into her tits and belly. Man that was intense she thought. I think I will have to have more of this, however, and she turned to her lover dog.

Tim’s cock was beginning to soften and withdraw into his sheath. When his mistress turned on him shaking her finger, “bad dog, you don’t jump on momma unless she tells you to” she scolded.

Tim hung his head and whined he knew he had done something wrong and the only thing he could think of was jumping on his mistress when she hadn’t given him any indication that she wanted him to. Tim was a smart dog and he wouldn’t make that mistake again no matter how horny he got.

Shania got up and put her clothes on and gave Dancer an extra rubdown, opened the blinds and the barn doors and headed back to the house. It had been an exhausting day so far. She got a shower and was lounging around the house with just a pair of loose cotton shorts on, all the help had left for the day and the electronic security devices were on all around the estate, so she felt comfortable going topless. About 10:00 Mutt called from Austria, the sound of his voice making her want him to be with her, he still made her hot. She told him how much she missed him and to hurry home, he said it would still be about a week before everything was ironed out. After she hung up she got ready for bed, usually she wore a pair of cotton shorts and a tee shirt to bed but tonight she just climbed in nude. She snuggled down under the covers and Tim jumped up on the bed lying beside his mistress as they both went to sleep.

When the sun rose the next morning Shania woke to the wet muzzle of Tim nudging her arm and whining.

“Okay boy, I know, time to go out.” She jumped out of bed and put on some shorts and a tank top because by now the staff would be arriving shortly, she turned off the alarms and went down to let Tim out. He wasn’t gone but a few minutes when he was back wanting to be let in. Shania let him in and they played around the house until she heard the cook coming into the kitchen.

“Okay boy lets got get ready to feed the horses she said. But she knew already what she was going to do as she bounded up the stairs to her room. Once inside she locked the door and drew the drapes.

“Come on boy lets get you cleaned up” she said as she went into the bathroom and got a wet washcloth. She stripped out of her clothes and sat on the bed, Tim jumped up beside her.

“Here lets get you all clean for momma” she said and reached between his legs and started massaging his sheath.

Now this is what I like Tim was thinking as his red dick started sliding out.

She worked his dick until it was fully extended then took the warm wash cloth and bathed it. When she finished she gave it a kiss, “there now we can have some fun” she grinned. She had a plan this morning, she was going to see if she could get Tim to fuck in the missionary position. They had a day couch in the room and it should be just about the right height for what she had in mind.

She got down on the floor on her hands and knees wiggling her tight ass in front of Tim’s nose, Tim being a smart dog knew what she wanted and dove in with his tongue licking that sweet pussy and driving his tongue deep in her while his snout tried to push in her tight hole.

Again that agile tongue sent waves of pleasure through Shania and she wanted him to make her cum. Tim had no problem with that, he loved the sweet juice she put out and he was working his broad tongue like mad to lap it up as fast as she secreted it.

Lapping up that sex juice had given him a hard on. His big dick sliding down out of the sheath. Shania started her climax, squeezing his tongue in her tight pussy while he worked for every drop of her cum. Once again she had to push him away.

She went over to the day couch and lay on her back her ass right on the edge and her feet on the floor, her back was slightly inclined. She called Tim to her and guided him between her legs although he didn’t need any guidance because that sweet smelling hole was right in front of him. He stuck his muzzle in her crotch and started licking, after her orgasm she was very sensitive and his tongue on her wet clit caused her to jump and moan.

“Ohhhh baby not again come on up here momma has something for that big old doggy bone” she giggled. Tim at her urging hopped up on his mistress his front paws going on either side of her chest, his furry legs were grazing the sides of those luscious mounds. She was right, as he moved between her legs his big cock almost naturally fell right in place. The tip of his cock lodged in between the lips of her hot cunt.

Now Tim knew where he had landed and although the wasn’t a situation he was used to he pretty well knew what to do and he thrust forward with all his might. The sudden intrusion filled her tight cunt and caused Shania to grunt “uhhhhhh Yes baby” as his hard cock bottomed out in her again.

Actually just the opposite from a man Shania felt like he was even deeper in this position his pointy tip really banging against her cervix. Tim is straining trying to get that jack hammer rhythm going but this was new and he was kind of spastic at first.

Tim’s fur on his chest brushed her nipples and his big cock filled her tight pussy completely. It sent waves of desire and excitement rushing through Shania’s body, she spread her legs as wide as she could and Tim drove forward even more.

He was getting more adept at this position and he started drilling her pussy for all he was worth. Tim’s sleek fur rubbing back and forth on the inside of her thighs and across her belly and tits while that big red cock was pounding her tight cunt had Shania secreting juice as fast as Tim’s precum is squirting against the back of her cunt.

She has both arms around his neck holding on as he pounds away.

“Uuhh, Huhhh, Ohhh Uhhh” is all she could say. Now that he found a rhythm Tim liked in this position he could feel his cock hitting the bottom of his mistress cunt and his knot had formed, he was going to try and get it all in this time.

Shania could feel that big knot hitting her cunt on every stroke and she spread her legs even wider, suddenly she felt it widening her vulva and slipping in, Tim felt it also and scrambling on his hind legs he shoved as hard as he could while clamping his fore legs around her waist and pulling her to him.

They both feel the knot as it works its way fully in her tight hole. Shania felt stretched beyond anything she had ever felt before, even having her baby didn’t feel this full. It didn’t hurt much just a little discomfort and feeling incredibly stuffed.

Tim now that he has her stuffed just keeps humping driving it in deeper. Shania is in another world of sensations. She starts cumming and clamping his cock, Tim can feel the constrictions around his scarlet shaft as he batters her cervix and the tight squeezing wetness starts his big black balls churning out cum that rockets through his jerking dick blasting her cunt with scalding sperm. The hot blasts were keeping her in a continuous orgasm.

Tim has his head lying on her shoulder, his neck and hindquarters straining to the limit to drive that extra little bit in her. His dick still trying to jerk and spurt in that velvet tunnel.

She can feel every throb and jerk, it feels sooooooo goood. Tim starts relaxing his hold with his fore legs after his balls emptied themselves in his mistress tight wetness. He starts licking her face as she tries to calm down, but every throb sends a new little orgasm crashing through her body.

They lie like this for a few minutes until Tim tries to move backward, he can’t and he isn’t in any position to move anywhere else.

When he rose and tried to pull out Shania groaned, every movement caused his knot to rub her sensitive cunt walls. Looking down in his beautiful mistress face he can see the pleasure he has given her, no more than she has him, that was beyond even the last time he bred her. In gratitude he started licking those good tasting mounds on her chest.

Now Shania had two areas of pleasure to feel. She lay there trembling with one orgasm after another until Tim’s knot started subsiding. She could feel it as it receded letting that so full feeling start to fade. Tim waited until he was sure he wouldn’t cause her any pain before he backed off of her, his still hard cock dropping down dripping their combined juice on the floor as it poured out of her freshly fucked pussy.

Shania would have like to cleaned her baby’s dick but she was to fucked out, she just slid down to the floor and sat there with her legs spread. Tim wanted her to clean him like she did the last time but when she didn’t he started licking himself clean of their mixture while his cock retreated back in his sheath. When he was done he went over to his mistress licking her face in gratitude.

Shania threw an arm around his neck “Baby boy that was the best fucking I have ever had” she sighed. When she had recovered she cleaned up the mess they had made took a shower and had her breakfast. She called her sister and talked to her son for about twenty minutes finding out all he had been doing with his cousins. She and Tim headed for the barn to take care of the morning feeding.

As usual Dancer was waiting for his mistress in the barn. He nudged her shoulder as she came up and patted his neck and kissed his velvet nose. “I have plans for you later you big stud” she grinned as she started brushing him. “I am to tired now to take care of you.” She combed him only lightly massaging his big balls and then went about her usual chores for the rest of the morning.

She helped the houseman wash her dogs after lunch and then went to the barn to do the horses, she didn’t wash Dancer again with the other horses, she took the chestnut out this afternoon for about an hour, just riding around the estate. But she also had another motive. After cooling off the chestnut and combing him out again she brought Dancer in and started washing him. Drying him off she checked the time and saw it was about 6:00, all of the staff would be leaving soon.

She left Dancer in the barn and went back to the house until the staff had left. Then turned on the alarm and she and Tim headed back to the barn. Once again she closed and locked the doors and pulled the blinds, there was about an hour of daylight left so she didn’t need the lights.

Dancer was already in the stall stamping impatiently waiting to see what his mistress had in store for him this time. She undressed and crawled under her black stallion, scooting right up till she can try and get her tongue in the opening of his sheath. Shania wraps both hands around it and starts massaging as she works on the opening, Dancer can feel her little tongue worming inside his sheath and immediately starts to let down his long cock.

Shania felt the big head trying to come out and opened her mouth wide taking it in before it can flare out, this sends shivers of pleasure over Dancers coat as her little tongue works on his cock head. Shania’s head is pushed back as his long cock slides out, she loves the shiny black and bright pink of his big dick. Wrapping her hands around the long shaft tightly she starts jacking him as she sucks his flared cockhead. It fills her whole mouth.

Dancer is getting that good feeling as Shania runs her hands up and down his long shaft. Shania wanted to finish what she started yesterday so she lets the big head pop out of her mouth and turns around bending over and backing up to his big black shaft. She lets it slide between the cheeks of her firm ass and through the lips of her swollen pussy. grasping the end of his cock that was sticking out between her legs she started jacking it and rubbed her ass up and down his cock. That big cock shaft spreading her pussy lips and running along her clit made her hot little pussy flow and it spread along Dancers cock as she rode up and down making it slick and easy to ride.

The feel of her tight ass cheeks and pussy lips running up and down his cock was driving Dancer wild, not to mention her hands playing with the head and lower part of his dick. He was snorting and bobbing his head in pleasure. While she worked her lover to a climax, she was working herself to one also, Dancers hot shaft was rubbing her little clit and driving her straight into a climax.

Shania clutched the end of Dancers dick hard as the orgasm hit her, her legs quivering while her pussy was spasming, the juice flowed down around Dancers dick. When he felt Shania’s tight ass cheeks squeezing his cock his big balls started emptying, shooting a stream of horse cum over his mistress pretty feet.

She felt the hot horse cum shoot out but she was in the throes of passion and couldn’t do anything but groan while her orgasm had her frozen. When Dancer’s cock was down to dribbling cum Shania wanted to taste his cum again, she quickly turned and sucked his great cockhead drawing the last of his cum out.

When Dancers great cock started drawing back into his sheath poor Tim was pacing back and forth, his mistress sweet smell was driving him crazy but he wouldn’t do anything without her telling him to. His cock is already extended and Shania turns and sees him.

She had an orgasm but there was nothing in that hungry pussy to clamp down on and right there in front of her is a magnificent specimen of cock.

After hugging Dancer and kissing his soft nose again she headed for the house.

“Come on baby boy momma has some hot pussy for you tonight” she laughed.

Shania was just as anxious as Tim for her aching cunt to be filled up, so they hurried to the house and up to her bedroom. She once again locked the door and closed the drapes. Going quickly to the bathroom she got a warm wet rag and washed his cock. Tim had felt so good and deep on the day couch she quickly stripped her clothes off and lay down again with her cute ass just on the edge and her feet spread wide apart.

Tim could smell the sweet musk coming from her honey hole and his red dick was extended its full eight inches.

“Come baby make mommy feel good” Shania cooed as she spread the tight lips of her pussy and fingered her clit.

Tim needed no further encouragement, he had to taste his mistress again and padded up between those widespread legs running his tongue directly into her cunt. That flexible hunk of meat swabbing her insides sent shivers of pleasure through Shania. But she needed something firm in there so just after a few minutes she pushed his head away.

Tim looked at her questioning, she patted her tits, “Now boy fuck momma” she husked.

Tim now knew what he needed to do and he was more then ready to feel that hot wetness surrounding his hard pulsing shaft. He jumped up placing his paws on either side of his mistress and walked forward on his hind legs till he felt the tip of his cock lodge in her slick vulva. That was all he needed, his forelegs gripped Shania’s hips pulling her to him as he thrust forward quickly burying his big cock fully in her tight gripping flesh.

He felt the tip as it slammed into her cervix causing her to grunt and him to whine. Tim having done it this way before now knew how to get a stride going and he started hammering his mistress for all he was worth, back legs dancing trying to get everything in there.

When Tim’s big invader shoved open her pussy walls and slammed into her cervix so quick it was one of the most intense feelings Shania ever had, delicious tremors of pleasure radiated over her whole body and she was just holding on as Tim continued to hammer away. She could feel his soft fur rubbing the insides of her thighs and across her belly. She reached up with both arms thrown around his neck and lost herself in the feel of that hard red cock pounding her cunt.

Tim was lost in his own feelings while his body strained over her, forelegs locked around her waist working with his pistoning hindquarters. His head was stretched out over her, eyes closed and his ears laid tight to his head. The feeling of his mistress hot slick channel gripping his cock as he fucked was greater then anything he had before. His knot was swelling and Shania could feel it bouncing against her lips, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Tim would be driving that big wedge in her.

When Tim felt her pussy open enough to start one side of the knot he quit his frantic humping and started lunging driving all of it in his mistress.

“Uhhhhhhh, Huhhhhhh, Ohhhhh” was all she could get out as that big knot spread her lips and filled her tight pussy, with the knot embedded Tim’s cock was mashed against her cervix and every throb and jerk sent waves of pleasure through out her pussy, Tim could feel her cunt spasm and the tight constrictions made his big balls jump as they blasted his scalding sperm deep into his mistress.

She felt every scalding shot as his big dick emptied in her rippling slick channel. This was one of the parts she enjoyed the most while they were locked together and every movement of his blue veined cock sent her into another little orgasm.

Shania was exhausted but unlike last time she wanted to clean her baby boy so when Tim felt his knot recede enough so he could pull out he started backing off, the feel of that big red dick sliding out gave her another orgasm but when the tip fell out of her dripping pussy she pulled him by his front legs and he jumped up on the couch beside her.

Shania immediately dipped her head under his belly and took his cum coated cock in her mouth running fully down his shaft, she tightened her lips and withdrew her head squeezing all of both their juices into her mouth and swallowing.

“Uummm baby boy you taste good” she sighed as she dropped back on the couch.

Tim’s cock retreated and he licked his mistress face then he lay down beside her, his head lying across her flat stomach. Shania laid there for a while and then went and took as shower then to bed.

The following days became a pattern of Tim and Shania fucking in the morning and she was getting Dancer off in the afternoon. Shania tried different ways with Dancer titfucking him till he came, running her tongue all up and down that black and pink shaft, tonguing his big balls while she jacked him off. The only way he gave her an orgasm was when she backed up and let that big shaft run up and down between her legs. If they did it that way then Tim got a big reward cause she had to feel a dick in her before she went to sleep. If she was down on her hands and knees she let Tim come and fuck her dog style.

She was so relaxed that she got a lot done on her next album before Mutt came home. He was due to arrive home today and they were both leaving for Canada the next day to pick up their son.

Tim knew today was different because his mistress didn’t fuck him this morning, while disappointed he knew his time would come again and besides he still got to stay around her.

When Mutt arrived at the estate he found Shania waiting for him at the top of the stairs, she had her hair done in soft curls hanging around her shoulders and her makeup on, she had on a robe that came to the floor but he could see some high heels sticking out under the robe.

She was so beautiful that no matter what she wore she looked good enough to eat. He knew he was a lucky man to have such a beauty love him. He bounded up the stairs and took her in his arms kissing her passionately, She returned his kiss grinding herself against him.

Shania took his hand and led him to the bedroom each telling the other how much they missed them.

“Take a quick shower love and see what I have for you” she grinned at him.

Mutt quickly obeyed because he knew what he wanted and he didn’t want to wait any longer. When he came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around him he saw a sight that any man in the world would love to see.

Shania Twain standing before him wearing a black leather corset formed under her wonderful tits, holding them straight out. It encompassed her tiny waist flaring out over her curved hips and came down in a point about three inches above her pussy, Her dark silky pubic hair covered those tight lips. She had on silk stockings held up by black lacy garters and knee high black leather boots.

Standing there with her hands on her hips and a big dimpled smile of her face would give a post a hard on, Mutt not being a post became instantly hard, dropping his towel he took his wife in his arms and ravished her mouth with his. He brought his hands up cupping her firm tits and tweaking her nipples till they were hard points.

Shania was running her hand over his ass and around the front cupping his balls and skimming her fingers up and down his hard shaft. She walked him back to the bed and when he fell backwards she dropped on her knees and moved between his spread legs taking his hard cock in one hand and cupping his balls in the other.

She proceeded to lick and suck his hard cock, taking it fully in her mouth and using her tongue to drive him wild. Mutt had one hand tangled in her hair helping her as she bobbed up and down on his cock.

Shania loved giving her husband a blowjob, his hard cock tasted so good. Mutt was uncircumcised and the loose skin sliding up and down his shaft got a good working over with her tongue, she liked to pull the foreskin over the head and tickle down inside with her tongue running it over his big purple head.

This was heaven for Mutt but he had been away to long and he wanted to cum in that sweet pussy so he eased her off his cock, very reluctantly and pulled her up beside him. He took time to kiss and suck each succulent breast and nibble each hard nipple before he moved between her legs. he ran his nose through her soft hair and used his tongue on her clit and hot pussy. he ran two fingers up inside that tight hot sleeve while he concentrated on her clit, he soon had Shania moaning and clutching his head as she poured her sweet juice over his hand.

Mutt used his tongue to clean his hand and drove his tongue in her hot hole to get all he could. He moved up over his wife and reached down guiding his seven inches to the entrance of his wife’s slick lips. When Shania felt the head at the entrance of her pussy she threw her legs up over her husbands back to give him full access to her hot cunt and when he slid in until his balls were bouncing off her ass, she knew how much she had missed him.

Mutt started a slow stroke, the feeling of that hot channel squeezing his dick sent tingles all over his body. Shania was moaning softly now as she felt her husbands hard cock widening her cunt, it felt so good, Mutt had been away to long and he started pounding her for all her was worth. he backed out until just the head was lodged in those tight lips and then dropping all his weight on her he drove her into the bed as he imbedded himself fully.

Now both of them were grunting and moaning, Shania had her legs locked over his back trying to keep him clasped to her, Mutt had her head in both hands, mouth mashed to hers in a lovers passionate kiss. Mutt felt her cunt start to ripple and she grabbed him by the hips and pulled him in deep as she bathed his cock with her honey, her cunt squeezing his cock like hot velvet.

Mutt drove in as deep as he could, his balls hard against her tight ass while he shot two weeks worth of cum in his beautiful wife. Shania didn’t think he would ever quit spurting, it gushed back out around his dick and down her ass on the bed.

They lay there spent, just caressing each other as lovers do.

“Whoooo lady if you are going to greet me like that every time I come home from somewhere, I am going on trips more often” he laughed. Shania laughed too and they kissed starting a new round of lovemaking.

Tim was lying outside the door where he usually stayed when the master was home, he knew what was going on because he could smell his mistress excitement. The fact that he wasn’t the one giving it caused a little sadness but he knew he would get another chance and he didn’t mind sharing his mistress with someone who loved her also.

When Shania and Mutt got ready to leave the next morning she went down to the barn and brushed Dancer. As she ran her hands over his big body she told him “it might be a while you big stud but I will take care of you again.” She kissed his soft nose and left. Dancer was smart and he knew he would feel the pleasure of his mistress hands and body again.

When they drove off the estate Shania was thinking. I love Mutt and he gives me just as good a feeling as Tim or Dancer, I love getting my big black stud off and I love the feel of Tim’s hard cock and big knot in me.

When Mutt is home I don’t really need to fuck Tim but I know I probably will sometimes. That was one of the things she was doing as she took her daily rides, looking for a place on the estate that would be private enough for a tryst with her dog and horse. She found a place on the back edge up against a tall hill there was a grove of high hedge like trees that made a solid wall. There was only one little entrance next to the hill that led to a grassy grove about twenty foot around. Perfect for what she had in mind. Shania smiled She knew from now on she would take Tim with her on tour and there was no need for her ever to be horny on the road or when Mutt was away on business.

The End

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