Women with Animals

Anais, Monica, And Me


This is a 50-50 recanting of an actual event. Both girls did and still give Buster and Oscar some pussy. As with all my real life memories, I attribute more quantity and more graphical verbiage to the participants than was actually said. This literary license is intended to offer a clearer mental image and add spice for the reader’s enjoyment. It is not a 100% pure and accurate account of who said what. For actual and factual recollections of who said exactly what, I would have to engage courtreporters.com. And they ain’t coming to my part of Texas this year. ~LB


I have been doing Anais for four years. And although she has never been a live in GF, she would come over for some fun a couple of times a week. Ana is not a true submissive. She is a passionate, skilled, kinky and easily influenced lover. Petite, not bigger than a minute, her sweet wet hot pussy can swallow the largest strap-on dildo dick in my arsenal. And my arsenal is extensive.

During the first summer we knew each other, we were at lunch one day. Just noshing and BS’ing. I knew she had a son, and thinking she is Latina, and a traditional Catholic, she must have been married, so I asked her about her marriage. She explained that she and the father of her son had never married. He occasionally provided for the child and he had limited visitation rights (because the father’s mom wanted to have a relation with her only grandchild, Anais’ son) but that was the extent of their contact.

I asked Anais how long after his birth and the break off with the boy’s father had she waited before resuming dating? She replied that she waited until the boy was about 3. She said has been on a few dates since he became 3 (he is 8 this month (Jan 2014). She admitted that she was concerned that entering new relationships with males would confuse her son. He would meet one and maybe form an attachment and then that one would be history and another would be in place. She did not wish to answer “Mom, where is so and so?” She said that if asked on a date, she would generally confine it to dinner, and she would meet the man at the restaurant. She said she did this a couple of times a month. I laughed and said, “No wonder you were so easy, you were as horny as a toad.”

Anais giggled and blushed and said, “I don’t know why I was so horny, because I had Coco licking my pussy every day.”

Coco was Anais’ small dog, a terrier of some sort. I laughed and said, “That must have been a site to see.” I did not let on any more than that. Over the coming weeks, I asked Anais a few more questions about her Coco experiences and learned that the extent of things had been the dog licking her pussy and nothing more. I asked Anais if she was open to go farther with a dog. She grinned and said, “Sure, do you think one of your dogs will be my new boyfriend?”

“Each one of them would be elated to be your boyfriend, and I think you need to closely examine all of them, however, the one I recommend most for you is Buster. He is the most orally intense and pleasing dog I have ever encountered, and his dick, while not the longest of the four dogs is probably the thickest and widest. His knot is a big as a good size navel orange, and I believe that you and your hot pussy will be crazy about him.”

So back in early 2012 we were sitting in the den of the house having finished one intense session of lesbo love. I again raised the subject of the dogs and Buster in particular. Anais said, “Well Mommy, let’s go and examine him.” And so we did. And as I thought, Anais really took to Buster and he to her. So for the past 18-20 months, Anais has been visiting me and Buster.

Monica is Anais’ best friend. Monica is also Latina. Monica, Anais and I had played together on a couple of occasions. Some role play, and all lez sex, no dogs involved. When Ana and I would get together for her to play with Buster, she would remark about Monica. Not sexual remarks, but yet still personal remarks. As an example, Ana would say: “Monica and her husband have split up again.” “Monica is really losing some weight. She has gone from 139 to 122. She looks really good.” “Monica’s oriental BF has left. He has returned to his home country. She is looking for a new sugar daddy.” So without actually seeing Monica, I kept up with her through Anais.

In the late summer of last year (2013) Anais commented, “I want to get with Monica and I want her and me to get together with you.”

I laughed and said, “OK, maybe we can make Monica a true bitch.” Anais laughed and said, “Monica don’t know about me and Coco and she don’t know about me and Buster. But I am gonna make her a bitch. And we have to find a dog for her, cause I am not gonna share Buster’s dick with her.” I smiled and said that was OK by me.

I told Ana to talk to Monica and once she and Monica had a day in mind, let me know what day would be good for them. I also told Anais to tell Monica what we had in mind for her. Anais said, “NO! I am not going to tell her. I am going to make her take dog dick and she will like it!”

I said OK, but to be honest I had my doubts that Anais could exert sufficient force of will to make Monica perform as Ana wished her to perform. A week or so went by and Ana came over to play with me and Buster.

“Mommy, I am going to need your help in making Monica a real doggy bitch. I haven’t said anything to her yet, and she knows me. I think she will laugh and think I am making a joke. I need you to put on your stern face. Monica won’t tell you, but I know she liked it last time we was with you and you took charge.”

I told Ana to set the day and get Monica over to my house. I told her once we had Monica in the house, she was going to get doggy fucked and she was going to give one of the dogs some pussy.

“Baby, you get her here and between you and me, we will have that slut Monica begging for doggy dick.” Ana giggled and said, “Thank you Mommy. I am going to get her over there.”

Ana called me the following Monday, and said she would have Monica with her and over to the house on Thursday. Ana and Monica went to lunch before coming over to my place. Ana sent me 2 photos while they were at lunch. One photo was just the two of them.

The second photo is one in which both girls are mimicking sucking a dick by pushing their cheek out with their tongue. The text message accompanying the faux BJ picture read, “We are going to make Monica suck doggy dick. Will be there in 20 minutes.”

I had planned to pair Monica with Oscar. Buster was going to be with Ana, and I figured Rufus was too big and too rough for Monica’s first time experience. I mean after all, we want her to come back and enjoy the dogs and provide us with great shows and lots of fun!

I had not allowed Oscar any pussy since first speaking with Ana about Monica. She and I had talked of Monica’s giving up her pussy to one of the dogs some 2-3 weeks prior. I was sure Oscar’s huge plum sized balls were loaded with puppy cream. I was equally sure that before Monica left my home, she would drain his balls of every drop of cum he had in them.

It took about a half hour before the girls arrived. They went straight for my patio ice box. Each of grabbed an ice cold Tecate and a slice of lime. It was plain they had enjoyed a margarita or 2 at lunch. We sat on the glass enclosed patio which over looked the ravine and pasture in the back. Both Ana and Monica were giggling and speaking to each other in Spanish. Although I am quite fluent in the language, I find it better at times to pretend I am not. One learns more in this manner.

Ana was telling Monica that today was going to be a great day. She said that they had no rush to be anywhere because Ana’s son was being looked after by her Mom. Monica had no children, and was divorced, so she had no immediate commitment. Ana told her in gutter Spanish, “you are going to learn some new shit today. Kat is going to make you a real bitch girl. And please don’t embarrass me by crying like a nino when these new things happen to you.”

Monica replied, “Don’t you worry about me whore. You worry about you. I can take anything Kathleen has for me. I have seen her collection of dildo’s. My pussy can handle any of them cause it is as deep as a water well.”

I looked back and forth between the two as though I could not understand a word. Ana looked at me and said, “I was telling Monica to get ready and don’t embarrass me. She said she was ready.” I nodded my head and smiled. I asked about the photos from lunch. Monica laughed and said they were teasing the waiter. I nodded and looked at Ana who winked at me.

I stood up and walked to the umbrella stand and hat rack next to patio door leading outside. I took a leather crop from the umbrella stand and small thin leather leash that hung on the hat rack. I turned and walked to Monica who was seated on the small sofa with Anais.

“Stand and strip bitch!” I said. Monica, thinking it is role play, says yes ma’am. She stands and starts to do a strip tease as though she were in a titty bar. With the crop, I wacked her good on the tight ass fit of her jeans. “OWWWW!” She screeched. Anais said to her, “I told you girl. My Mommy don’t play around.” Monica was rubbing her ass and I wacked her again. Another “OWWWW!”.

I stood before her. “Monica,” I said, “you are here for a reason. That reason is to do exactly what I tell you to do. Anais is here to make sure you fully understand. Now you have a choice. You may leave now and never return, or you may strip as I ordered you to do, stay and have the most fun you have ever had. I am counting to 5. You are either peeling those jeans off or you are walking to the door. One-Two….”

Monica had unsnapped her jeans, lowered the zipper and was pushing them down her legs. She wore a nice white thong. I walked behind her and saw 2 very red 2” by 3” rectangles on her ass cheeks. One on each cheek. Monica kicked off her jeans, was removing her red top and strapless bra. I snapped my fingers at Anais and told her to come here and get this bitch’s nipples hard.

I wacked Ana on her ass telling her, “damn bitch. You still have clothes on. What the fuck is with you two today. I think you two were drugged at that lunch place. Come on girl.”

Ana peeled her jeans and top off in seconds. She was braless and her gorgeous tits were in view. Her nipples were hardening. I swear. The girl has the best tits ever. Not too big, not saggy but soft, long prominent nipples, and the perfect size on her small frame. Monica has had an enhancement, and her tits are very nice. They are a little too firm to suit me, but nice contour and nice nipples.

I ran the crop between Monica’s thighs and lightly tapped her panty clad pussy. She had a nice camel toe. And a very plump pussy. I heard her breath catch in her throat as I tapped her pussy. “She likes that Mommy.” Anais said. I looked at Monica and said, “Is that true bitch?” Monica nodded her head. I swatted her pussy with the crop and told her, “Here you speak when you are asked a question. No nodding, grunting, or mono-syllable words. You speak and you answer properly. If you don’t you get spanked. If you don’t believe me, ask Anais?”

Anais looked at me then Monica and said, “This is true Monica. You are to answer Mommy’s questions by talking. If you don’t, you are going to have a well spanked ass and pussy.” Monica nodded her head in understanding and had a glint in her eye. I swatted her ass twice.

“Yes, Ana. I understand. I will answer properly.” Monica gasped.

“Will you do as Anais tells you to do? If you do not obey her, you will receive the crop on your ass, your inner thighs, your nipples, or your pussy. Do you understand Monica?” There was a sharp intake of breath and Monica nodded her head while saying, “I understand. I will obey Anais or I receive the crop.”

I smiled and turned to Anais saying, “Monica did well. She answered properly. Let’s start with today’s fun.”

I looked back at Monica to be sure she was not having second thoughts. She had said she would do this thus she was committed. Monica fidgeted, shifting from one foot to the other. Anais looked at me and smirked.

“Stand still, Monica.” Anais said. Monica was nervous and couldn’t. She tried but she fidgeted as though she had to pee.

“Look, if you can’t obey, come here.” I said as I sat in a chair beside the love seat.

Monica walked slowly to me. I patted my lap, smiling at Anais who smirked again. Trembling Monica lay down across my knees. Anais giggled looking down at Monica. I pushed Monica’s head down and I motioned to Ana to remove Monica’s thong. Monica shivered as if a cool breeze had wafted in across her bare ass. She moaned softly as I gently rubbed her ass.

I began to smack Monica’s ass with the crop. I started softly at first but then harder and harder until she began to gasp and wriggle on my lap. I knew Ana was behind me. Ana watched while I smacked Monica’s naked ass. Monica’s legs kicked and wiggled. She was showing her pussy to Ana.

I stopped spanking Monica and began to rub her ass. I looked at Ana and invited her to join me rubbing Monica’s red and warm ass. Ana started rubbing circles on one ass cheek and I rubbed the other. I thought that if I spoke to Ana as though Monica were not present, that would humiliate Monica even more than being spanked in front of her best friend.

“Monica is such a whore, Baby. She has a shaved pussy and allows herself to be spanked in front of you. And she was flopping her legs all around so you could surely see her pussy. I bet that bitch was wet and hot.”

Ana said, “I am sure she was. Monica is a real whore Mommy. Watch and I will prove it.” Ana smacked Monica’s ass with her palm. “Spread your legs slut whore!” With no preamble, Ana slid 2 and then 3 fingers deep into Monica’s pussy. She finger fucked Monica a few strokes withdrawing her fingers to show me how they glistened. “Look Mommy, the bitch is as wet as a river. She is so ready to be fucked. Aren’t you Monica whore? Aren’t you ready to be fucked?”

Monica answered slowly, “Ohhh yes Ana. My pussy is on fire. I really need a dick. A big long hard dick. I want to be fucked and I want to be fucked now.” Ana and I grinned at this well phrased response.

“Give Monica the leash, and let’s go with her to get her new boyfriend.” I said to Ana. Ana got the leash as I pushed/pulled Monica to her feet. I could sense her puzzlement. Ana and I said boyfriend and Monica thought this was all girl play. Ana handed Monica the leash. I nodded at Ana who said, “Mon, you follow us. You are going to meet your new boyfriend.” Monica hesitated and stumbled on her first step, but she caught herself and followed behind me with Ana behind her.

“What new boyfriend?” Monica asked as we went out the patio door. “I don’t want a boyfriend. I thought this was going to be us girls playing.” Monica sounded very nervous. Ana looked at Monica and said, “Oh, I decided that you needed a boyfriend like I have. And Mommy has some extras, so there won’t be a problem. And I know you will love this new boyfriend. He is going to love you I know that for sure.” Monica surely had a million questions, but I think the rapidity at which she was spanked, and then told she was going to meet a new boyfriend was more info than she could immediately process.

Arriving at the dog run, Ana pointed to a tall brindle Great Dane mix. “Monica, this is Oscar. He is your new boyfriend.” Monica laughed. I believe she assumed this was all part of the role play. She giggled and said, “OK Ana.” Ana took Monica by the hand and lead her inside the dog run. All 5 dogs came over to them as all wanted to have a sniff and maybe a lick or 2 of Monica’s hot wet pussy. Ana went to Oscar and clipped the leash to his collar. Handing the leash to Monica, Ana turned and left the doggy run telling Monica to follow with Oscar.

I lead the way back to the patio and inside. Ana and Monica came in and I took the leash from Monica. I placed the hand loop of the leash on the door handle. I motioned to Oscar to sit and he did. I nodded toward the chair I had sat in when I spanked Monica. Ana lead her to that chair. Ana pushed Monica in the chair. She bent and picked up Monica’s leg and draped it over an arm of the chair. She did the same to other leg. Monica was openly laughing now, although I am sure she did not know exactly why she was laughing.

“Bitch, show Oscar your pussy! Show your new boyfriend what he is getting!” Monica laughed harder. I walked to the chair and popped Monica on the pussy with the crop. “Show Oscar HIS pussy,” I said. I popped Monica again and she squealed. She spread her pussy lips and looked at Oscar. As if he had been cued, that dog looked at Monica and licked his jowl with his long wide tongue.

“Wait until he licks your pussy with that tongue!” Ana said. I said to Ana, “Baby, we don’t want Monica to feel alone. Go get Buster and bring him in. I know you want to have some fun with him and I believe that will help Monica be at ease with Oscar.” Monica looked a bit frightened now. I bent over and kissed her whispering,

“You are going to give your new boyfriend some pussy baby. You are going to love how he fucks you and Ana is going to give her boyfriend Buster some pussy.” Monica started to shake her head no, but I stopped it by kissing her again. My fingers went to her pussy and I twirled her clit. She moaned and I looked at her and said, “Let him lick your pussy and eat you. If you don’t like it, we will stop and you can go. Is that OK?”

Monica was unsure but I kept twirling her clit and finally she nodded and said, “OK. I will let him lick my pussy and eat me if Ana does the same.” I smiled and said, “Monica darling, Ana is going to give Buster some pussy. Maybe 2 or 3 pieces of pussy. She can’t get enough of his huge red dick and his bucket full loads of hot pussy cum.

Monica looked at me and asked, “Really Kat. Anais is fucking a dog.” I giggled and said, “well it is more like he is fucking her, but she backs her fine ass and pussy up on his dick as much as he rams it to her. Buster gives it to her good, and she loves it. She has been giving him pussy 2-3 times a week or more for over 18 months. Monica looked at me in disbelief.”

I added, “Ana wants you to join her in this fun. And I would love for you to visit me and moreover become Oscar’s girlfriend. I am very sure Oscar will be the best lover you have ever had, PLUS, Oscar never becomes angry with you, he does not complain, he does not tell, he cannot give you diseases, he cannot make you pregnant, and he will more loyal and devoted to you than any boyfriend could ever be.”

Monica laughed and said, “You make him sound like a Saint. But in the end he is a dog and you and Ana want me to give him some pussy.” Distracted, Monica looked at the door to see Ana entering with a huge Harlequin Great Dane. Smiling, she said to Monica, “This is my darling Buster. He fucks me better than anyone could ever fuck me.”

I looked at her and answered, “YES! That is exactly what we want. We want you to be a doggy pussy girl. And, we are convinced you will love it if you try it. It isn’t like sushi. You don’t have to get a cultivated palate or an acquired taste. You already love oral sex. And you love being fucked. We are offering you the best oral lover and the best fuck ever. Simple as that.”

Monica still had some reservations. She looked up and around and finally said, “I will let Oscar eat me. But I am not making any promises beyond that. OK?”

Ana and I nodded and said, “After Oscar eats you, if you don’t want to give him some pussy, fair enough. At least you gave him a try. Why don’t you play with your pussy and give your boyfriend a show.”

Monica giggled and settled in the chair. Ana did not have Buster on a leash. The dog was so familiar with her that he obeyed her commands. She bade him to sit and he did so. Ana pulled a similar chair over immediately next to Monica. She striped and climbed into the chair, placing her legs over the arms and scooting her ass and pussy to the edge of the chair. I got a pillow for her back and one for Monica as well.

Ana called Buster, “Buster, come on boy. Come to mama. Eat mama’s pussy Buster. Cone you handsome big dick boy. You know you want some pussy. Show Monica how wonderful a pussy eater you are.”

Monica laughed. She was lazily circling her clit. I went behind her and tweaked her nipples by pinching them. I rolled her hard nipples in my fingers and would pull and pinch them.

“Y-you can watch, Oscar darling. Watch me finger fuck myself. I want you to watch me! See how hot I get Oscar.” Moncia whispered in a rasping voice. Oscar, looked up at her as she spoke his name. His huge jaw opened and he licked his long red tongue around his jowl one again. I leaned in to bit Monica’s neck and ear. I whispered to her as she ran her fingers through her wet pussy slit.

“Did you see that long red tongue, Baby? I bet Oscar can curl that tongue deeper in your pussy than any man’s dick has ever been in there. I bet Oscar can roll his tongue up and then unroll it inside your hot sweet pussy and lick your G-spot. Think of his tongue as he looks at your with those huge soft brown eyes. He is going to lick that textured tongue over your sensitive asshole, up through your pussy slit, drop it a bit into your hot pussy to get some of your cream, and then flatten it out as he drags it through your pussy lips and up and over your clit. He will swirl his tongue around your super sensitive clit making you want to explode. This dog can lick and eat pussy better than any person.”

Monica was pushing 2 fingers into her pussy. My words and her actions as she stared at Oscar, added to the glowing bed of desire eating hungrily inside her incited loins and belly.

“Com-ere Oscar baby!” she whispered. I walked around the chairs to the door and unclipped the leash from Oscar’s collar. I nodded to her and used my chin to point down at Oscar. “Come here Oscar. Come sit right here in front of me. I want you to be able to watch me and see me real good. Watch Monica make herself cum like an erupting volcano!”

Back behind both girls, I said to Monica, “No cumming until I give you permission. If you cum without my permission, I will take Oscar back to the kennel. When Ana has drained Buster of his first load of cum, I will bring Oscar in and he will fuck her. So, I am telling you now and in plenty of time, you do no cum until I give you permission to cum.”

Oscar walked up and sat maybe 2 feet in front of Monica’s spread legs. He looked at her intently and again he licked his jowl. Monica shuddered a tad. Oscar inched forward. I was positive Monica could feel his hot breath on her pussy as she stroked and finger fucked it. Monica was working 3 fingers deep into her pussy. She tried to curl her palm and finger to apply pressure to her g-spot. I reckoned at best she could scrape the front edge of that spongy soft piece of flesh.

The massive Great Dane remained fixed in front of Monica. His big strong body crowded into her space. If she had her feet on the floor and not her legs hooked over the chair arms, she could have felt Oscar’s warm body and fur against her the naked flesh of her thighs. The musk scent emanating from her pussy and body saturated Oscar’s nostrils. He waited patiently. It was like he was mentally projecting his thoughts and desires to her mind.

Monica spoke in a hushed tone, “I know Oscar. You want some pussy. And I am teasing you and teasing me. I want you to lick me boy. I want you to eat my pussy. Eat me good Oscar. Do me good. Give it too me good and MAYBE I will give you some pussy.”

Monica leaned farther back in the chair. She was breathing heavily, no longer able to look directly at Oscar. He saw her long white legs kick in the air as she fingered herself faster and faster. Her small hand moved between her pink pussy lips to her coral toned fuck hole. Oscar intently locked his eyes on her pussy. He watched as her fingers worked in a taunting, circular motion, before plunging deeply into her core. Monica emitted tiny sighs and squeals of delight. Her ass rose and fell from the edge of the chair.

“Move that ass Baby.” I ordered her. “Show Oscar how good you fuck. Show him that you want his tongue eating your pussy. Give Oscar some encouragement. He is dying to lick you girl. He really wants to drag hot tongue through your drenched pussy slit. And you are ready for him to do so. I know you are. I can see steam rising from your pussy.”

Monica moaned loudly as I spoke to her. She looked to her left to see Ana getting up from the chair. Ana looked at Monica and nodded toward Buster.

“Buster wants his pussy. And I want his dick. Look at that red monster hanging beneath his belly. I swoon simply looking at it. I cannot describe how hard and fast he fucks. And when that dick swells and fills my pussy just before he gets the tip through my cervix and into my womb to load me with his hot cum. That prick of pain simply sends me spinning orgasmic orbit. That cumming carries on while he spurts jet and jet of hot cum deep in me. It is like Buster is telling me, “I am going to make you a MAMI! I am going to give you puppies!”

Monica squealed as Ana talked about the pain and the puppies. She looked at Oscar and said, “Ohhh lick me boy. Lick my hot pussy. Lick me Oscar. Lick my pussy Oscar. Pleeeze lick my pussy.”

Oscar leaned his huge head forward swabbing his long hot pink tongue three quarters of the length of her soaking wet pussy slit. The unexpected move took Monica partially by surprise. It abruptly stopped her frantic pussy-fingering. She stared down between her obscenely spread legs to see the powerful dog move between them. Her stare grew to astonishment as Oscar licked up through her ass crack and pussy slit about 4 times.

Each swipe of Oscar’s tongue seemed to be longer than the one before and his tongue looked to flatten out wider with each lick of her pussy. Monica pushed her self a little upright in the chair using her forearms. Oscar hadn’t frightened her. He certainly did startle her with his unexpected action. And of course, Monica was not fully aware of his lewd position between her yawning thighs. Her ass and pussy were completely open to his tongue. Monica screeched as Oscar made his longest swipe yet, from the tip of her tail bone over her asshole and through the crack of her ass, splaying her pussy slit open like a can of sardines, and licking through that furrowed honey pot over her clitoris.

Monica watched in lascivious fascination, her brown eyes wide as saucers as Oscar licked her to nirvana. The huge dog was sending heated impulses through her pussy and tummy straight to her heart. His loving brown eyes were sweeping over her exposed feminine charms with adoration. Monica had a quick thought; the gigantic dog was captivated by her and had a true hunger for her slimy, silky, pussy.

Monica gasped at the hot contact. Her throat was parch causing her to swallow with a gulping sound as the pink length of Oscar’s semi abrasive tongue began to lick wetly over her throbbing engorged clit. The dog seemed to stay at her clit no longer licking through her ass crack and slit. The sensations Oscar provided Monica were immeasurable. She felt helpless beneath him as again and again he brought her to the brink of orgasm. Somehow she managed to subdue her growing need to cum, and as though on cue, Oscar would withdraw a bit stopping his licking. Both girl and dog worked in conjunction with one another to stem Monica’s cumming. Her will and Oscar’s cessation from licking caused the Monica’s incredible feelings to down spiral retarding her orgasms.

There was no doubt that Oscar long persistent tongue was feeding the lustful yearning within Monica. She looked down again. Ana was grunting like a small piglet as Buster pounded her hot wet Latina pussy. Ana was verbally extolling Buster’s long thick dick and his prowess as a pussy fucker. Her squealing, moaning, grunting, and language added oxygen to the inferno raging in Monica’s pussy and tummy. She noticed what seemed to be a knot of flesh that was the size of an orange pressed against Ana’s fat pussy lips.

“Whhaaa…. Whhhaaa is Buster doing Ana? It looks like he has a tumor on his dick. He’s not going to shove that in you is he?”

“OHHHH GAAAWWWD, I hope he does,” squalls Anais. “It hurts like hell for a minute going in, but once in, it feels like heaven. He pushes and pulls that huge knot over my G-spot. I start cumming and I can’t stop and don’t stop for a half hour or more. One orgasm leading into and on top of another. The best orgasms of my life And all from the beautiful dick of dog. My Buster. My boyfriend. My lover.”

Monica turned away from staring at Buster and Ana. She could feel Oscar’s powerful jaws working when he opened them wider, working his tongue like a wide magic wand stretching the elasticized entry to her pussy as he burrowed it into her quaking belly. Oscar’s long tongue reached new intimate depths with every exotic lunge! Frantically, she pulled at his huge head while thrusting her dick starved loins up at him, tucking his long tongue like a thick dick farther and farther up into her screaming pussy!

Monica heard the pained whimper the big animal made. Although she was overwhelmed by the sensations of his raging tongue-tip probing and then trying to worm its way into the little clam-like mouth of her cervix, Oscar’s pained whine tugged at her heart strings. Ooohhh … she was going to cum! The huge dog had again driven her to the edge of the highest orgasmic cliff of her life. And she was about to take the plunge all because Oscar had is long wide wet hot tongue shoved right into her clasping pussy stabbing like a hot flame at her sensitive G-spot and her swollen clitoris.

I watched Monica carefully. I again sensed she was about to cum. From behind her, I pinched her nipples hard and slapped her pussy while Oscar tongued fucked her. In her ear I hissed harshly, “Don’t you dare cum you hot pussy whore. You are going to cum on his dick or you will not Cum at all. Are you ready to give Oscar the pussy he has earned? Are you ready to be his girlfriend and his pussy girl? Talk to me bitch!”

Monica wailed like a schoolgirl. She thrashed her head. She wriggled her hips and ass. I could envision the conflicts and debates on going in her mind. One hand, laden with lust and having no care but huge blissful orgasms, was saying, “take the dick and cum like a banshee!” The other hand was saying, “But it is a dog, and doggy dick! It is wrong. And there are witnesses. I can’t do it.”

I had to nudge Monica over the chasm she was straddling. She had to be on one side or the other. Selfishly, I wanted her on the doggy dick side. I had an idea of how to swing the vote to doggy dick.

Knowing Monica’s urge to cum has subsided a bit, I walked to the playroom and returned with 2 objects. I placed one on the bar counter top behind Monica. I kept the other in hand and knelt beside Ana. Ana was on her elbows and knees. She had her head on the floor on a thrown pillow. Her upper chest and tits were mashed into the floor.

Because Ana and I have a 4 year history, I know what she likes and what sends her top spinning more than anything. She has super sensitive, long thick, beautiful nipples. She loves having them sucked, especially when she is ready to cum. That will make her as nasty as anyone. I would suck her nipples having her sit astride me as she rode the black mamba dildo. Ana isn’t a squirter, but her pussy cream flows when she cums and it flows plentiful. I hoped my planned actions and her usual reactions would be the ticket to send Monica spinning to doggy dick.

Kneeling beside Ana, I kissed her on the neck and licked her ear. Buster had his big front paws wrapped around her tiny waist. He clutched her as possessively as a mother would clutch her infant.

“Is Buster fucking you good my Love?” I asked her. “Unnnhhh-Hunnnhh”, she muttered. I wanted to swat her ass, but Buster covered it, and he might snap at me if I smacked Ana. “Is he giving you that big fat dick, deep in your hot pussy baby?” I whispered. “OHHH fuck yeah. He is pounding my pussy better than ever Mommy.”

I clinked a pair of bell shaped glass devices together. They made the most delicate and lovely chime sound. Ana turned her head to look at me. I smiled and said to her, “do you want to cum like the pretty dog dick whore you are? Look what I brought. I will attach them to your nipples and set the pump suction to your personal setting. Just think Baby, Buster loading his big dick into your pussy and getting ready to shoot spurt after spurt of his super hot cum deep in your womb. His cum will fill your sweet pussy. His hard thick dick will glide over your G-spot applying the perfect amount of pressure as he pushes and pulls. His trunk will mash your clit against your pubic bone as he poer fucks you and cums in you. And I will have the suction cups on your nipples milking your tits like your pussy milks Buster’s dick!” Anais screamed in agreement. “Put them on me Now, Mommy! I want to cum all over Buster’s dick!”

I helped Ana raise up a bit. I licked the perimeter of the glass suction cups. I started the pump and set if for minimum vacuum. I worked and fit the cups over each of her nipples making sure that as much flesh as possible was being pulled into the cup. Ana’s nipples distended rapidly. Normally a bit over an inch in length, they grew to an estimated inch and three-eights. Ana moaned and groaned as the cups and pump sucked her nipples in unison with Buster’s short powerful dog cumming strokes.

In a few minutes, less than 2 I think, Ana was squealing and screaming at cumming and cumming all over Buster’s dick. I looked into the narrow gap between them as saw copious amounts of white fluid leaking from Ana’s pussy and down her thighs. I caught a nice stream with my finger and began to slowly rub her clit. Ana screamed and screamed about cumming more intensely and harder than she had ever cum in her life. All of this pushed Monica to hoarsely say, “I want his dick. I want Oscar to fuck me. I want to cum like Ana. I want to squirt on his dick.”

This was the first mention of Monica being a squirter. In our play sessions prior to today, she had not squirted, and neither she nor Ana had ever mentioned Monica squirting. I turned to her and asked softly, “Are you a hot pussy squirter darling? Can you make your sweet pussy squirt?” Monica was so lust laden all she could do was nod her head. I decided that since the hot bitch could squirt, I would give her a pass on answering. Ana chimed in, “Mommy, she does squirt. Not often and not always, but that bitch squirts.”

Monica was rocking her hips and rolling her ass as Oscar licked her hot wet pussy better than any oral expert had ever eaten her. A momentary fleeting thought flashed through Monica’s mind, good fuck or not, big dick or not; there was no way she was going to make this the one and only oral session she ever had with Oscar. “OHHHH NOOOO!! She thought. “This boy can lick my pussy any place and any time he wishes. And when he looks at me with those soft brown eyes while licking his jowls, I will drop my panties for him in a second.”

“Oooh, he is really turning on now, aren’t you Oscar?” I whispered to Monica. “You are in for a great fuck darling. His long red dick is hanging from his belly. He is aching to put it in your hot pussy. Come on down on the mat babe. Come down here and get that fine ass in the air. Let me see you put your sweet pussy up high for Oscar. High in the air to catch is dick. Come on pretty Monica. Come give Oscar that pussy. You know you want to give him some. Come on baby. Let Oscar have some pussy.”

Each word was like a dagger to Monica’s pussy. I moved her legs up off the chair arms. I helped her to slide out of the chair and onto the mat on the floor. I rolled her so she was on her hands and knees. Without any suggestion from me, Monica lowered her head and tits to the mat. She automatically assumed a subordinate position. Oscar backed away from her when she moved off the chair. Now that she had presented her ass and pussy to him, he moved back in to claim his prize, his woman, his pussy.

I watched with glazed eyes as Oscar pranced and danced a bit. Monica was encouraging him as I figured she might if I could get her hot enough.

“Oooh, Oscar, you naughty doggy!” Monica gasped with a little laugh. “I can feel your hot breath on my pussy! You’re really making me feel horny! Hurry, Oscar! Shove your fat dog dick in my pussy and fuck me good. Fuck me like Buster fucks Ana!”

I checked Oscar quickly. He had his booties on, his tongue was hanging, and his dick was as hard as a bar of steel. He was ready for that pussy and that pussy was ready for some doggy dick. Oscar sprang up and hooked his paws around Monica’s waist. I reached in and got his dick in my hand and guided it to her pussy. Once Oscar felt that smooth warn wet inside of Monica’s pussy, his powerful hips hunched forward. About 7 inches of dog dick drove into Monica’s soaking wet fuck hole.

“Yeeooowwww! Yesssss! Monica screeched feeling Oscar’s dick push her cunt insides open. “Ohhh, it hurts a bit. But it hurts good. I love it!”

Oscar yipped and backed his dick out of Monica’s pussy a few inches only to shove it back in deeper this time.

“OHHHH Oscar darling. That is it. Do me boy. Do your Monica. Yeah! It doesn’t hurt!.Fuck meeeee!” Monica urged in a shrill and almost trembling voice. I could tell that Oscar’s dick was opening her and reaching places in her pussy that had never been reached before today.

Again, Oscar backed a bit. His puppy pre-cum, pussy juice coated dick gleamed in the sunlight. He slammed his big dick back into Monica. This time, he thrust it so deeply within her that the bloated tip of his dick must have back wall of her starving pussy.

“Ohhhhh God, that’s it! That’s fantastic! Keep fucking me just like that, Oscar! Haaard!” Monica screeched, as more and more puppy cum and pussy-juice poured out of her pussy. With just a few strokes, Oscar and his doggy dick were fucking Monica deeper than she had ever been fucked. As I watched, I immediately thought, ‘if this bitch does squirt’, she is going to squirt all over his dick.”

Oscar whimpered and slowed just a moment or two. He licked Monica’s back and neck. She wailed as if he had emotions. Then Oscar began to fuck her in earnest. He fucked her hard, fast and deep. Each lunge drove Monica forward. She had to rock her hips and ass back on his dick as he withdrew a fraction. I am certain Monica’ pussy muscles were squeezing Oscar’s thick dog dick. Her cunt was reluctant to let it slide out of her.

Oscar’s prick rushed in and out of Monica’ pussy, filling her with more thrilling pleasure. Some deep animalistic rhythm filled Monica’s loins as she kept time and pace with the huge dog. She groaned with the sheer delight as the long red doggy dick continued to fuck her.

“Monica, Oscar has a lot of cum for you. Take it all. Take his dick deep in your pussy. Let him fill your belly. Be his fucking whore!” I hissed in her ear.

“Ohhh, he is fucking me really good, Mommy! You were right. He is just the perfect dick for me. Monica squeaked. “Keep it up, Oscar! Keep fucking me until I cum!” As tho9ugh it suddenly struck her, Monica asked, “Mommy!! May I cum now? I won’t be able to hold it. Please tell me I can cum!” Monica voice and expression told me that like Anais, she loved the feel of hard, slick doggy dick spearing in and out of her fuck-hole.

“Yes new puppy pussy girl. You may cum when you are ready and you may cum as much as you want too or have too. Be Oscar’s girlfriend baby. Be his pussy. You want to be his pussy girl. I know you do. Just as Ana wants to be Buster’s pussy girl.”

Monica’s ass and hips instinctively began to thrust her back to impale her pussy on the full length of Oscar’s dick.

“God, this is sooo good! Much better than I’d ever dreamed!” Monica gasped, lifting her fine ass up higher to give the horny Great Dane even more access to her tight, wet pussy.

Oscar panted harshly and whimpered loudly as he fucked Monica. Bestial sounds form the 2 dogs and the 2 girls filled my enclosed patio room. I should have had the voice tape recorder going. If possible, each sound of grunt, groan, squeal, and screech made by one girl fueled the other to higher heights. One’s fire and lust was stoking the fire and lust of the other.

Oscar’s huge grapefruit sized knot was ramming Monica’s soaked pussy lips. She coulod feel the huge invader poised at her fuck hole entry. Oscar fucked her harder. He was determined to knot his bitch. He was instinctively keen to seal his dick in her hot cunt and fill her womb with his super hot pussy cum. With every inward power thrust Oscar’s pin prick hair sheath scraped deliciously against Monica’ bursting clit.

“Yesss!” she cried, shuddering with delight. “Ohhh, God, it feels great! Keep fucking me like that, Oscar! Make me come! Gimme your cum!”

Oscar whined softly. He made 2, no 3 very hard thrusts. His knot forced Monica’s fat pussy lips to part. Another power hunch, and another again, and Monica screamed as Oscar’s massive knot wnet past her pussy muscles. Monica’s cunt was in auto pilot and it locked onto the slim shaft of Oscar’s dick behind his knot. Oscar, the clutch of the pussy around his dick sending him the information that his dick was locked in, began to make short hard lunges into Monica’s pussy.

He began to fuck her harder and deeper. Each time, the pointy head of his dick struck the opening to her cervix she would squeal. I can imagine the intense sensations building in Monica’s tummy. I was convinced this bitch was going to cum hard and squirt her pussy cream every where. And she was going to cum soon. Her muscles started to tense and her toes were beginning to curl.

“Fuck Oscar. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUUUUU-CCCCCCKKKK MEEEEEEE!” she chanted.

Her eyes became unfocused, unseeing. Her mouth gaped open. Her tongue was hanging out to match Oscar’s. A red flush covered her body from head to toe.

“Ahhhhh, damn. This dog can fuck. He can fuck me anytime he wants, He fucks soooo good!” she sighed, thrusting her ass back toward the rutting animal as he continued to fuck her hard and fast.

I reached under her and pinched her aching nipples. I asked her if sometime she wanted to try the suction cups on her nipples like Ana enjoyed. Monica could only murmur her agreement. Oscar began to pound his dick harder and harder inside Monica’ clenching pussy. I told Monica to get ready. A huge hot blast of liquid was going to splash against her pussy walls.

“Oh!” Monica suddenly gasped, as if taken by surprise. I feel it. His cum is soooo fucking hot.” I’m cuming! Yessss, I’m cuuummmmmiiinnnggg!”

Monica’s pussy released and squirt came spewing out of her soaking Oscar’s dick and sheath. The most thrilling orgasm of Monica’s life coursed through her. Monica’s orgasms came rapid fire. One not ending and another starting. All were great, but none had the intensity of the first one when she felt Oscar’s hot puppy cream wash her womb. That this wonderful cumming had been the result of a dog dick and dog fucking her added a special thrill to the deep pleasure and satisfaction Monica felt.

She continued to feel Oscar’s hot cum shooting into her climaxing pussy.

“Yesss! Gimme all your cum, Oscar! Fill my little pussy with your hot puppy seed.” Monica yelled hysterically, writhing beneath the dog’s pounding prick.

“Oh, God, Oscar, I’m coming hard again. Keep shooting your puppy cream into me, Oscar! Shoot it all into my pussy. I am going to milk your dick until there isn’t one drop of puppy cum left in it!”

Oscar’s hot puppy cum combined with Monica’s sweet girl pussy squirt gushed from Monica’s over filled pussy. The viscous liquid dripped lewdly down her thighs.

Oscar slowed, but his dick was still spurting. I could see the contractions in his tummy. I told Monica to relax as Oscar would be ties to her for another 25-30 minutes as his dick spurted puppy cum into her. “Ohhh Mommy, he can saty in my pussy like this forever!” She said. “You and Ana were soooo very right. Oscar is the best fuck I have ever had. He is my boyfriend and this is his pussy!” she exclaimed.

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