Women with Animals

Goth Birthday Present


(c) 2007 by pcgs9112000

Our babysitter, Tanya, is an 18 year old brunette. She is about 5’6”, 100 pounds soaking wet. A cute little thing to say the least. She has been watching our daughter for the last year and we consider her a part of the family. This past Saturday was her 19th birthday and we found out that her deadbeat boyfriend was not going to take her out or do anything for her because he wanted to go to bike week with his friends. His loss. My wife and I decided to throw her a party and told her she could have any kind of party she wanted to have and use our place.

She readily agreed and her and my wife came up with this Goth theme party. We did the house up very dark, with black lights and cobwebs, etc. I even brought in some of the dungeon furniture that I have made over the years. A cross, couple of kneelers and a stockade.

About 8pm the guests started to arrive. We did this small but still ended up with about 15 people there. Most were her friends with a few of ours thrown in (ones who knew her or used her to watch their kids as well). Over the next several hours it was a fun little party. Everyone was drinking and getting quite intoxicated. Tanya and her friend Melissa were beyond drunk by the middle of the party. Each trying to out-drink the other. Good thing neither of them was driving anywhere as I took their keys and locked them in my safe.

About 2am most of the guests started heading home. The more serious drunk ones had asked if they could stay the night. The remaining people were I, my wife, Tanya, Melissa, our friend Olga and two of my friends Brad and Tom. Brad and Tom weren’t really drunk but just didn’t want to go home, especially since Tom has the hots for Tanya in a major way.

We all sat around the living room area, still drinking, talking about almost anything we could, when it turned to a sex conversation. The girls were all talking about blow job techniques and how “guys” had to be steered when it came to going down on them. Don’t know if it was the conversation (or the fact that I turned up the heat) but it was getting hotter in the house and the girls were unconsciously shedding clothing. It started with my wife, who was soon down to a tank top and her gym shorts. Olga borrowed a duplicate outfit from my wife and was soon joining us in the living room area. Tanya and Melissa were getting drunker and drunker to the point where I told them no more drinks.

When my wife and Olga returned to the room, Tanya was sitting on the couch next to Melissa. Brad was sitting next to Tanya and Tom was on the floor by Melissa’s feet. Olga came in and sat down on the rocker and my wife sat on my lap. The girls continued their conversation about oral sex. I wasn’t listening to the whole conversation but the next thing I know; my wife is getting onto the floor and unzipping my shorts. She takes my flaccid cock out and starts to suck on it which immediately makes it as hard as a rock. I hear Tanya say oh my god in the background and both she and Melissa intently watch my wife give me a blowjob.

She continues this for several minutes and the guests are all enjoying the show. Tanya, completely in another world, doesn’t even realize that brad has his hand up her skirt and is playing with her pussy thru her panties. I could see the white of her thong from where I sat. Next Olga came over and taking turns with my wife she helped in giving me one of the best dual blow jobs I have had. By this time, Brad is fingering Tanya and she is grinding her hips against his hand. Tom had moved over to Melissa and was rubbing her legs. she had her head back against the sofa in a drunken state of mind and Tom was able to slide his hands right up her thighs under her skirt and slid her panties off of her.

Melissa is a 20 year old red head. She is not tiny but not large. About average build. She has a nice round butt and nice round breasts. Tom had his hands up her blouse and was trying to figure out how to unsnap her bra. Frustrated, he simply lifted it above her breasts, freeing them of their constraints. As Olga took her turn giving me a blowjob, my wife looked over and saw Brad trying to get Tanya’s panties off. She got up and went over to the sofa and slapped brad’s hands telling him no. As she helped Tanya to her feet she looked at brad and told him Tanya was our babysitter and not his.

She moved Tanya to the center of the room and started to kiss her neck. Tanya was drunk but able to stand up and she wobbled as my wife moved her hands all over her young body. I watched as she removed Tonya’s blouse and then her bra. Next she unzipped her mini skirt and slid it down her legs. As she knelt in front of her she grabbed Tanya’s panties with both hands and slowly lowered them to the floor and helped her step out of them. My wife then started to kiss the insides of her legs and worked her way up to that young pussy. She had a little tuft of hair just at the top and my wife ran her tongue thru it as she went for her hidden clit. I heard her mumble how wet she was and knew my wife was even wetter by this time.

I looked over at Tom who had now moved Melissa to the edge of the sofa and was licking her exposed pussy and sucking on her lips. Melissa had her hands on the back of his head pulling him into her. Brad in the meantime had moved back onto the sofa sulking from my wife telling him he couldn’t have Tanya. My wife then stood up and started to undress completely. She rubbed all over Tanya and moved her back towards where I was sitting on the chair. Olga stood up and moved over to where tom was and started to suck on his cock that he had taken out and was stroking.

As my wife moved Tanya back towards me I was able to admire her nice round firm ass. I spread my legs as my wife guided her right between them. She stood there between my legs as my wife kissed and sucked on her nipples. I reached out and gently started to massage her ass cheeks. They were so smooth, young and ripe. As I moved my hands down the outside of her legs and back up the inside of her thighs, she spread her legs slightly giving me access to what I discovered was a very wet pussy. I slid my hand up between her legs and let the edge of it slide between her lips getting it wet with her juices. She let out a slight moan.

My wife guided here back some more and the back of her knees hit the chair I was sitting in making them bend. With a hand on each of her hips I gently steered her down towards my waiting erection. My wife reached between her legs and took my cock by the shaft and held it as Tanya’s young pussy moved closer and closer to its head. She hesitated when she felt the mushroom cap touch her most sensitive part but she was so wet that it slid right between her lips. I pulled down on her hips and as she slid down engulfing my cock head Tanya let out a most audible moan. Her young and very wet and tight pussy slid down onto my shaft. Once it was completely inside her I moved her up and down by her hips. She was soon bouncing up and down on my lap and as I pumped into our young babysitter my wife was sucking on my balls and licking her clit at the same time.

I looked over to see that brad had given in and was now fucking Olga from behind as she continued to suck on tom’s cock and he in turn continued to lick and suck on Melissa’s red pussy. Soon Tanya was screaming out with and orgasm and leaned back against me grinding her pussy into my lap as I shot my load deep inside her. She giggled with a little girl laugh as my wife pulled her up off me and led her over to one of the kneelers. She helped her onto it and then strapped her legs and arms to it so that she was in the doggy position with spread legs and unable to move. My wife then got Brad just as he was about to let loose into Olga and told him to save it for Tanya. Not wanting to miss his chance her moved over to where Tanya was and quickly slid into her from behind. With as wet as she was and my load still seeping out of her it was no problem for him to enter her. He was so excited though that he didn’t last long and was soon pumping his seed into her leaving her on the edge of another orgasm.

As he fell back and plopped outside of her Tanya let out a sad moan and begged to cum telling my wife to please make her cum. My wife, with that most evil laugh, went to the pool deck and opened the door letting max in. Our black lab went right to work and darted immediately to Tanya and started licking out the juices she had and the two loads of spent human cum. All action on the couch stopped as the stunned spectators watched our dog perform oral sex on their friend. My wife kneeled down next to Tanya, facing her, and asked her how bad she wanted to be fucked. Tanya told her yes and then said please not max and then told everyone how good it felt what he was doing.

Max looked up and saw his mate on her knees and took this as a mating signal. He left Tanya and ran over behind my wife and jumped onto her back and started to hump at her. His cock soon entered her but before he could finish my wife would sit down making him slide out. This gave everyone, including Tanya, a chance to see his large dog cock. My wife leaned close to Tanya and told her she was going to mate with max and give him puppies. Tanya half moaned and half cried as she said this. I actually think she thought she might get pregnant if we turned max loose on her. It was actually explained to her the next morning that she indeed would not get pregnant.

I called max back over to Tanya and he renewed his attack on her pussy. I patted the top of her ass and he jumped onto her back wrapping his legs around her waist. I had to give him a little boost by the backside in order for him to get to her but he soon found his target and sunk into. The guys all stared as Tanya screamed out as max sunk his swollen dog cock into her wet tunnel. He was soon pumping madly into her. My wife watched his knot to make sure he did not tie with her as we thought this might be too much for her to handle in one day. She turned her tears of doubt into tears and moans of pleasure as max squirted his doggy cum into her and she herself reached an orgasm that left her body ravished and shaking.

When max was done with her my wife led him over to Melissa and let him start to lick her pussy. Having to recuperate we knew he would not be able to mate again until much later but Melissa did not know that and begged us to not let him mount her. After about 10 minutes of dog licking, we put max back outside and my wife told Melissa to get on her hands and knees. Tanya in the meantime I had untied and she was now in a semi coma state lying on the floor, mixed cum leaking from her abused hole. Melissa got onto the floor and laid her chest on the couch. My wife slapped her ass twice, once on each cheek, and Melissa jumped a little. She then gently massaged where she had slapped her making her moan softly.

Tom moved up behind Melissa and slowly slid his hard cock into her pussy. He kept a nice slow pace and was successful in making both himself and her cum. Just before he shot his load he pulled out and let it shoot all over her ass. My wife and Olga started to rub it all over her cheeks. On the floor, brad was just moving between Tanya’s legs. I could have sworn she was unconscious but as he picked up her legs and spread them apart, she moaned softly and started to rub her clit with her hand. Brad leaned forward and slid easily into her sloppy pussy.

Tom got off the floor and Olga started to go down on Melissa, enjoying the redhead and her young lithe body. My wife took tom by the hand and led him over to the couch. She had him lie down on it and she quickly climbed up onto his hardening rod. As my wife rode tom for all she was worth I went over to where Melissa and Olga were. Olga lay down on the floor, Melissa’s face buried between her legs. Using the lubrication from tom’s sperm, I greased the head of my cock and slid it into her tight ass. It took several minutes to get it in as I inched slowly forward.

Watching the scene around us was like being in another world. About 15 minutes later we were all relaxing around naked on the floor and sofas. My wife let max in and put on a show for us as she let him mount and tie with her. Melissa and Tanya asked about the knot and agreed part of them wanted to try it. We told them both we could save it for another day.

The next morning Tanya was a bit embarrassed and upset about what had happened. Mostly because she was afraid her boyfriend would find out. We were afraid we might lose her as a sitter but she did come over last night and let us know she had a lot of fun and some things she would like to try again. My wife promised to show her the ropes and learn how to have as much fun as she does.

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