Women with Animals

Husband – Wife – Motherinlaw


Every year at holiday time, I receive invitations to a beasty party. About half of arrive on Friday afternoon. We get together and play a bit. All of this on Friday is unorganized and unplanned. Some people who have brought dogs do not wish their dogs to mate on the Friday. They wish to save them for the Saturday main festivity. This past year, I arrived early Friday afternoon with a playmate. (her picture attached at the end of this post). I also brought 3 of my dogs, Hector, Arthur and Rufus. Rufus is new and I was holding him back for Saturday. Hector and Arthur were available for Friday if anyone desired.

After arriving at the house party and I got the dogs in the kennel. I made sure Rufus was put ointo the portion labeled Saturday only. Upon entering the house from the back patio, I bumped into a young fellow causing him to spill his drink. I apologized and helped him clean the mess I made as well as douse the small stain on his shirt. The guy was a nice fellow, but not at all attractive. I introduced myself and commented that I did not remember him from past gatherings. He introduced himself as Bryan.

The fellow replied this type party was a first for him. He stated that he had married a girl whose Mom was into animal sex, and the mom had “gotten” the daughter into animal sex. (It was never said and I did not ask, but I think the unspoken word was that the mom coerced the daughter into the scene and ‘starred’ her in doggy shows for monetary gain.) Mother and daughter, who we shall call Gloria and Emma, were not pretty, they were not even cute. Both though were superbly built and conditioned. These women were not strangers to the gym.

Bryan looked uncomfortable. He looked really nervous and apprehensive. I offered to refresh his drink and while doing so, I made myself a small wine spritzer (I am not much of a drinker). Returning the refreshed drink to Bryan, I asked if he participated in animal sex? He replied that other than “helping” his wife and her mom, he did not. In a low voice, I asked Bryan if what his wife and mother-in-law were doing upset him or challenged him? Bryan shifted from foot to foot, and murmured, “No, not at all. In fact, it is very exciting and stimulating to me.”

I asked Bryan, how did hid wife inform him of doggy sex life? Bryan then relayed to me how he came to learn of his wife’s activities.

Bryan stated that he met Emma and her mom Gloria through his business. Bryan owns a pest control business and is partnered with another guy in a landscape and lawn service business. Emma and Gloria were clients of the pest control and lawn service businesses. The lawn service crew would work the lawn every 2 weeks, and once each month Bryan would inspect, spray and/or treat any pests that were present on flowers, shrubs, and grass as well as common ants, roaches, termites, scorpions, etc. Gloria and or Emma always settled the services bill once service was concluded.

Bryan flirted with both Gloria and Emma. Both women would respond to and reply to Bryan’s banter with bawdy phrases. Bryan said that looking back, ‘most of the comments made by Gloria and Emma, but Gloria in particular, had a dog sex reference. Once when collecting for both lawn service and pest control work, Gloria said to Bryan, “you are luckier than a dog with 2 dicks. Double collecting and I have just enough money to pay both bills.” Bryan said that although he was used to the vulgarity used by the women, he was uncomfortable from Gloria’s comment.

On occasion, when doing pest control services, Bryan would counsel the ladies about fleas and ticks. Emma said that the 2 dogs they had were not dogs that prowled the near woods. Plus Emma said that Bryan was making sure the kennel was free of fleas, so there should not be any flea issue for Rex and Ralph, the 2 Rottweiler’s the women had. Bryan did not reply, but he noticed when Emma commented, she squatted to pet one of the Rottweiler’s that seemed to be ever present at her side.

Finally after 4-5 months, Bryan asked Emma out to a club. Gloria was happy for Emma and Emma beamed when Bryan asked her for the date. Bryan said they went to the club and a couple of other clubs. Emma did not seem to know any of the people so Bryan introduced her to his friends and acquaintances. Bryan said that Emma did not drink much, and he knowing he had to drive, and knowing that local ‘leo’s’ were quick to pull over any driver leaving the clubs, regulated his personal consumption.

Bryan said that along about 2 AM, he and Emma were at the far end of an almost empty dance floor and he was squeezing her ass and she was fondling his dick. Emma unzipped Bryan’s fly and maneuvered his hard dick out of its confines. Emma stroked Bryan’s dick as he used his hand to feel up her ass, tits, and pussy. Bryan said he did not expose any of Emma’s privates, but if he had, he was pretty sure she would have no objections.

Emma would bring Bryan to the brink of cumming and then she would press her thumb nail hard into his dick under the underside just below the crown of his circumference ring. Bryan said it hurt like hell, but it immediately stopped him from cumming. Anyway, after a few dances, Emma returned Bryan’s dick to his pants, Bryan settled the bill, and they left. Bryan reckoning it was time to get Emma home.

Emma and Gloria lived in a development that was outside of town. The properties were all 3-5 acre tracts with a street down the center of the properties. The properties on both sides of the street abutted a large copse of woods. In most cases, the woods were 60-150 yards from the houses. So for the most part, Gloria and Emma’s home was secluded from neighbors.

When Bryan reached Emma’s house, she invited him in saying that her mom was away for the weekend. Bryan accepted and followed Emma into the house. Bryan said that one of the dogs trotted to the door when they entered, and Emma kissed and loved on the dog. Bryan said Emma turned and said, “Mama must have taken Ralph with her. Must be some sort of show, ‘cause only sexy Rexie is home.”

Bryan then said something that raised my opinion of him. His words were, “Ms. Kat, I know I am about as pretty as a flat tire or a mud fence. But I made myself a promise; if I ever became fortunate enough to get a girl to marry me, I would accept her as she was and with her idiosyncrasies. I would break my back and my ass in order to provide for her best I could. I would be faithful and honor her no matter what. I reconciled myself to reach the following conclusion; ‘my woman could never do anything that would tip the scales so her transgression would outweigh the love I had for her’.” I doubt there are any better words than those that one partner could hear from another.

Bryan said that Emma excused herself, saying she was going to the bathroom. She left the room with Rexie following along behind her.

Bryan said Emma returned wearing a knee length housecoat. Thinking the evening was over, Bryan rose to kiss her good bye and depart. Before her could get up, Emma was on her knees between Bryan’s knees cooing, “Let’s take him out and play with him. He felt so good in the club. I am dying to see what he looks like in the light.” As she spoke, Emma unbuckled Bryan’s belt, unsnapped his jeans, lowered his zipper, and pulled his jeans and drawers to his ankles. Bryan said he was so excited his hard dick sprang forward clonking Emma in the jaw.

Emma licked up and down Bryan’s dick. She stroked it slowly as she covered it with spittle. As she licked sucked him Emma was saying, “I am so glad you asked me out Bryan. I was getting to the point, I thought I was gonna have to ask you!! I check you out every time you come over to do your work. I told Momma that if you gave me any hint at all, I was gonna suck your dick and give you the best blow job and pussy you ever had!!”

Bryan said he was astonished that Emma would say such to her Mom. He said that comment made him wonder exactly what kind of relationship Emma had with her Mom. Bryan is thinking this and Emma is sucking his dick. She is telling him between slurps how she is going to such and fuck him dry. He is going to teeter about like a 90 year old man when she gets through with his dick. Bryan said between Emma’s sucking and talking his mind was totally on her and nothing else.

A few minutes goes by and Bryan hears Emma say, “Come on sexy Rexie, eat Baby’s pussy. Come on Rex, you know you want some pussy, and Bry will really enjoy the show.” Bryan said it took him a minute or so to comprehend what Emma was saying and going to do.

Emma made Bryan scoot back on the sofa cushion. She followed so her tits and upper torso were supported by the sofa. Emma gathered her housecoat up around her waist. Her fine ass was exposed. She had Bryan’s dick in her mouth licking it like a peppermint stick and sucking it like a lollipop. Bryan would flow a bit of pre-cum and Emma would lap it up.

Rex the dog walked behind Emma. He poked his long snout between her legs and into her ass cheeks. Bryan then hears a long slurp and loner moan. He said he though the slurp was Emma and he was the moan. He looked down and the dog was between Emma’s legs licking her ass and pussy while she was sucking his dick. Bryan watched as Emma spread her long shapely legs providing Rex the dog with even better pussy access. With eyes wide open, Bryan saw Emma bow her back in order to put her hot ass and pussy higher for the dog.

Bryan freely admitted that seeing Emma and the dog made him hotter and hornier than he had ever been. He said he had heard of and read of such encounters but believed them to be figments of someone’s erotic imagination and not actual happenings. Bryan stated that when Rex sported his huge red hard dick and climbed upon Emma’s back, he began to cum and Emma began to suck him inside out. Rex danced upon behind Emma and his dick found her pussy. In seconds the dog was jack hammer pumping her pussy.

Emma had her lips wrapped around the base of Bryan’s dick. She sucked the cum from him until he was empty. She pushed her hot pussy back on Rex’s hard thick dick and lowered her head and tits to the floor. Rex dog fucked her until his dick was buried in her. Emma squealed, moaned, groaned and kept murmuring that she hoped Bryan was as hot as she. Bryan said his dick was hard again in record time. As Emma begged Rex to fuck her harder or deeper, Bryan’s pole would twitch.

Emma looked up as Rex got his knot locked in her. She was moaning and grunting. Rex made short short but hard thrusts into Emma’s cunt. She looked at Bryan’s hard dick and whispered, “OOOOO, is that for me?” Bryan said his throat was so dry all he could do is nod his head. Emma smiled and said, “Once Rexie cums in me, he will lick me clean. Then I want you to put it in and fuck me hard. OK Babe.” Again, Bryan nodded.

Rex had his back all curled over Emma’s back. Emma announced that Rex’s dick had pricked her cervix and he was unloading his hot cum deep in her cunt. Emma screamed as Rex’s dick and cum brought her to her own hard intense orgasm. Bryan said Emma and the dog remained coupled for about 25 minutes. Rex then pulled his dick out of Emma’s pussy and just as she said, he began to lick her pussy clean. Once Rex had licked Emma’s cunt clean, Emma told Bryan to fuck her doggy just like Rex had done.

Bryan said he had no reservations at all. He wanted some pussy from Emma. He got behind her and pushed his hard dick into her pussy. Emma was grunting as he rammed her with all the force he could summon. She told Bryan that hence forth, he would fuck her first and Rex or Ralph would fuck her after he had. She would then suck his dick while the dogs fucked her. Emma said she and her Mom both fucked the dogs, but her Mom’s pussy was off limits to Bryan. Bryan said he figured Emma would keep him drained so Gloria would have to drain dog dick.

Bryan and Emma courted for another 6-8 months. During the courtship Bryan stated that he and Emma had sex in the house with Gloria present. He stated that Gloria had sex with the dogs with him present. And Emma had sex with the dogs with him present. Bryan admitted that regardless of who was fucking the dog, he was always extremely excited to watch.

I listened to all this for 25-30 minutes. Finally I looked at Bryan and said, “I must have missed something in the beginning. Your wife and mother-in-law are doing the dogs and your wife is doing you any time you want. You get very turned on and HOT watching either your wife or your mother-in-law fuck the dogs. I am at a loss as to what is your question and more so what is your complaint?”

Bryan looked at me for a long long moment and then said, “I don’t have a complaint. At least not yet. My question is, what do I do if the dogs die and my wife no longer wants dog dick? How do I get her to continue this wonderful life?”

It was my turn to look at Bryan for a long long moment. I could think of no response that would satiate his thirst for an appropriate answer. Finally I said, “beats the hell out of me Bry. I guess you will have to charm her or bribe her.”

As quick as light he said, “Yeah, that’s all I could figure too.”

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