Women with Animals
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Unexpected X-mas


(c) 2014 by Caterra

“Merry Christmas to you, too! I love you guys!” I called back as I stepped out of the Escalade. Stepped? Okay, half fell and managed to stagger to the fence to keep from falling entirely. I knew I wasn’t nearly sober enough to drive home from that party not that anyone was going to let me. Thankfully my boss and his wife were giving a few of us a ride home. That wine was just so bloody good no one wanted to stop enjoying it! David, my boss that is, jumped out long enough to make sure I could make it safely to my door and actually get the key in. He stayed just long enough to set the presents on my table and wished me good night. “Merry Chri… aww hell, I said that already. I love you guys!” I called playfully as the door managed it’s way closed behind me.

I hadn’t had this much to drink since I was in college and that wasn’t very long ago. Let’s see, I graduated about a year and a half ago and with summer school nearly a year after that. What did I learn? That student loans suck, teachers don’t know anything, and that my tolerance for alcohol has plummeted since I got out of that place! Oh well. I still think I should have brought Travis home with me but I did learn you don’t screw around where you work. I learned that the hard way. Oh, was he ever hard! Then his wife found out and my job went with their divorce. Was that really my fault? Probably but it was my first real job out of college.

It didn’t really matter what happened last year. Tonight is what mattered and I still felt giddy from the wine. Warm, happy, horny… Horny? Well, yes. It had been a long time and everyone was in such a good mood. It didn’t help that the bosses stupid little dog kept escaping into the main room and her long fur was screwing up my black skirt. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get that back out but this skirt was getting too short for me anyhow. It wasn’t until I noticed there were wet spots on it and the couch that we realized it wasn’t spilled wine but that little bitch coming into heat! Right there on my fucking legs, can you believe it? Every time I sat down she tried to sit in my lap. The only thing I can figure is she smelled Trace, my year and a half old golden retriever.

I no sooner thought of the big pile of fur before he nearly bowled me over in his typical overly enthusiastic greeting! “Heya boy! Ya miss me? Huh? Ya miss ya momma?” I cooed over him as he stood up on his hind legs trying to get a few sloppy licks on my face. So far he wasn’t quite tall enough but he would be soon. As unsteady as I was on my feet I ended up landing backwards on the couch with him playfully hopping all around, his tail wagging fit to break as he huffed and gave little playful growls amid the ear scratching. Then he seemed to get confused and started nosing my thighs! Not just nosing them, but burying his nose into my skirt!

“Oh, shit… I forgot, that’s not fair to ya is it, boy?” I asked him as he gave me an odd look before stuffing his muzzle against my leg again. Even trying to get up he was pawing at it and looking confused. Sure enough, the little pink tip was standing proud from his sheath as he kept looking at me with the strangest expression. “No Trace, I’m not your bitch. That was his stupid dog. Sorry boy. I’ll go clean it up.” I started to get up only to fall back on the couch with a bit of a dizzy wave before finally managing to stand up. Trace was following me with a really odd gate and I couldn’t help but notice he kept looking back between his legs and giving a fast lick or two before he’d gaze at me again. “No, Trace. I’m not your girl.”

The problem should be easy enough to solve by simply pulling the offending skirt and tossing it in the washer though after tonight it could stand to hit the garbage bag. Along with it went most of my clothes as I realized I really needed a shower. Too many thoughts of Travis, his long arms, his solid chest and the way he held me so tightly when we danced had totaled my panties. It took me a few hops and holding onto the door to keep from falling over as I took them off and chucked them in the washer. Trace never left my side and kept trying to follow them until I turned it on. That noise and the vacuum were about the only things that ever made that puppy nervous!

A few more whimpers and a paw at my butt were enough to convince me to at least give him a couple treats as I set the shower to heat up. With most of the lights out it wasn’t like anyone would see me so I stumbled my way into the kitchen and found the bag of snacks for him. One firm swipe and I lost the bag where he ripped it open quickly with a look that simply said ‘Mine!’ “Okay, Trace. It’s Christmas Eve, you can have that bag. Just don’t eat the plastic you silly pup.” He gave an odd ruff as if he was agreeing and proceeded to scatter bits of snacks across the tile floor as I made my way back to the shower.

With the bathroom being the only light left on, and the brightest ones at that, I could actually see little pink spots on my thighs. “Rash?” I asked myself only to realize that’s where Trace had been nudging me so much. It wasn’t a rash, it was bits of that girl dogs period where they soaked through. “So much for that skirt. Hopefully it doesn’t ruin what else is in there.” Just as I was about to step in the shower I remembered I had my earrings in and these didn’t need to get wet. The first came off easily enough but the second slipped, bounced off the counter and right into the tub! “SHIT!” I said scrambling to turn the water off and hope it didn’t make it under the little plunger by the drain. This was a real diamond!

I tossed a washrag over the drain and was proud of myself for thinking that quickly after the wine. It might catch the earring and prevent disaster! I flopped another towel over the edge of the cool tub, flopped on my knees and bent across to see if I could see it in the drain. That’s when I felt the cold pressure on the back of my leg! “Trace?” I asked as he gave me an odd look and his nose met my thigh and pressed against it a few times before giving it a lick. “Down boy.” I said jokingly as I leaned back over the tub. Once more his nose hit the inside of my thigh for all the smell was coming from the front where the bitch was on my lap. “No!” I said firmly and got a whimper as he backed off a few spots. I had to get this stupid earring out. It had at least 2 inches of water left in here to drain and with the wine my eyes weren’t focusing all that well.

I felt one long lurid lick right up the inside of my thighs and all but jumped out of my skin! It ran right up my thigh and right across my mons as he whimpered behind me! “No boy! Bad dog! BAD!” I said trying to swat him away. From where I was looking under my arm I couldn’t help but notice he had the pink tip poking just out of the sheath. “So I’m not the only one who’s frustrated? Sorry boy. I can’t help you.” I reached back and fluffed his head a moment while the water drained. “We both need someone to play with, huh?” I asked as he tried to lick me on the face. “Yuck. Doggy breath!” I laughed as he got pushed back just a bit. Time to find that stupid earring.

“Would you quit licking my leg?” I asked him as if he would understand me. “Great… Don’t give me that pitiful look. Not tonight.” I sighed as I leaned back over and felt a little chill as the bottoms of my ample breasts lay against the inside of the tub. “God knows we both need to get laid…”

I would later wonder if my saying that was like a trigger of some sort? The moment I did I felt two fast laps with his tongue before one paw made a noise on the side of the tub and another was scratching at my back! “What the hell?” I asked trying to sit up too fast! With the rush of blood and wine to the head I nearly fell face first in dizziness! An odd warm poke hit the inside of my thigh! Another hot poke as I tried to press against the tub to sit back up only to have his chest land over me. “What are you doing?” I tried to ask as I felt a third poke slip down my perineum and glance across my slit! “You can’t! Trace! Get off! Get offfff!” I tried to cry and that’s exactly what he had in mind to do!

Two more pokes of his sharp pink prick and it found where I had been so excited for the last few hours! A short dab in and it slipped free as I writhed underneath him. I was already wet and with the tall side of the tub and my short legs I was stuck with my ass invitingly up in the air! I tried to turn over and his paw raked me across the side as he scrabbled for more traction! This couldn’t be happening! This just couldn’t! Just as both hands managed to find some purchase on the bottom of the tub to push myself he found me once more and in trying to sit up I must have lined up perfectly for him! A sharp hot poke, a bit more pressure, then his front paws gripped tight about my breasts and he thrust himself all the way in! “Oh my God!” I screamed as if anyone might hear me and almost terrified they would! “Trace! Get off, boy! Get off me!” Twisting didn’t help as his small pink cock started to swell rapidly within me! His tail was tickling the back of my legs as he started humping me, slowly at first until he was sure it was in solid then he started rutting me like hell as it swelled well past any of my ex-lovers!

My dog, my faithful friendly year and a half old Golden Retriever that wouldn’t hurt a fly was raping me in my own bathroom! I felt a wave of nausea at the idea and my head almost hit the bottom of the tub as I tried vainly to move from under him but it was too late! I was his bitch and he wasn’t about to stop! What’s more, now that he had his back legs tightly against my own I felt another surge of swelling, only this one was different! It was like something just inside me swelling like a ball and I had no idea what was happening, only that I was terrified he was going to rip me in half!

I screamed! I know I screamed as the pressure built and then seemed to become this steady throbbing heat within me! It felt like a baseball had been shoved an inch or two inside me then rapidly inflated with some really hot fluid! The more it expanded, the more his entire dick grew and with that ball there it was practically jamming itself against my cervix! This wasn’t fun, this wasn’t pleasure, this was terrifying rape!!!

All that pressure, all that length shoving farther than I had ever known, the extra girth as it slid back and forth so much faster than any mere man as Trace rutted me! He was humping so hard that this big dangling balls were tapping along my mons every few of his longer strokes and with it came them whimpers and whines. Soft at first, then growing! Trace was getting close! It wasn’t going to take him long at all being just a young dog and his first release! My body, already slickened from the night, was starting to respond against the heavy warmth within me, the way his long slick cock had no sheath to dull the friction. With a man it felt like half of each stroke was covered by his foreskin where with Trace all of that foreskin was his sheath and it was a solid slippery mass of heat that was moving within me now! “Oh my God…” I whispered as I felt my toes tingling and my legs trembling… only now it wasn’t from fear! “Oh Trace!” I whispered once more as I felt his paws dig tighter against my chest! This couldn’t be happening! My dog was raping me and getting me excited! This could not be happening!

A few more whimpers before his rutting started to falter and I knew he was right on the edge! His legs were almost coming off the floor as he bucked as hard as he could into me only to hold himself to me as tightly as he could! A solid throb, a heavy pulse and then I felt him start to cum! Oh cum he did! Squirt after hot slippery squirt as his swollen cock twitched and throbbed with each surge of steaming hot seed! That ball held it all in as he pulled tighter still to make sure his bitch got it all as deep as he could! I felt so ashamed that I was trying to reach past the tub to start rubbing my own clit as I was so close to orgasm myself! I just couldn’t reach it with him clamped onto me like this and it was driving me mad!

Another squirt, a longer slower one with a heavy throb as he was panting over my shoulder. An occasional lick at the back of my neck as another ripple coursed up through my sex to join the mess of liquid heat that had little room left to move. I knew as excited as I was that my own cervix was twitching and suckling and drawing as much of his forbidden semen in as it possibly could. Instead of being disgusted I longed to feel it, for never had I had so much pumped into me for so long. Never so much heat, so much pressure, as if it were a plunger trying to drive it in…

Finally, as my legs were trembling so hard that I couldn’t take much more, he started to climb off, only that large ball was still buried in my sex! Now it started to hurt a bit more! The tugging, the twisting, the pulling as he got himself turned around in the defensive posture that nature instilled. Not that anyone was going to break in the door to help at this point. I lived in an area with three acre lots and there is no way anyone would have heard me scream! More throbs, smaller and smaller. Trace wanted to lay down but with me half-hung over the side of the tub it wasn’t possible. He tugged again as he tried the knot only to have me nearly yelp as it stretched me. I started to wonder if this is what it felt like to have a child?

Finally, after who knows how long, that luridly teasing knot started to relax and with it a few more long surges as the remaining semen had no were else to go but into my womb. A few moments later he tested it again and with a bit of extra tenderness it let go with a solid *pop* and what followed was a torrent of dog cum down the inside of my thighs! Not even a couple seconds passed before he whipped around to start cleaning my thighs of his mess before settling down in a corner to clean himself. “At least you were a gentleman about it…” I whispered to myself in a daze as I stay there on my hands and knees. Any energy I had left after that party was drained and I felt tired as never before. And sore…

Where I should be disgusted I started to feel amused. Then aroused? I had been so close myself, too close… If only my hand had been able to get past that tub to reach underneath me. If only I had a towel or something to keep his claws from racking my aching breast! If only… ‘If what? If I were to do it again?’ I thought to myself. Would I actually consciously plan to have sex with my dog? The same dog who was my constant companion even after the guy who gave him to me was long gone? Maybe… just maybe I would. If only to know what it might feel like to have my own body climax around his… right?

When I finally had enough energy to sit up I caught the glint. My earring had landed beside the tub, not in it… “Well, Merry Christmas to both of us, eh Trace?” I whispered quietly as I turned the shower back on… I wanted to at least be nice and fresh for my new studly lover…

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