Men with Animals

Dogs In The Fort


(c) 2011 by Igottago8

So, school was out for the summer and I had way too much time on my hands, Ike & Dillon were my stepbrothers black Labrador retrievers and they were a handful, always getting into something, but they were good dogs, playful and a lot of fun to be around. One day, I was out back after cutting the grass and I started throwing a tennis ball for them to retrieve, they chased each other as fast as they could run to get to that ball and bring it back to me all slobbery and chewed up. After awhile I threw the ball really hard back into our woods and the dogs could not find it.

Our property had about 10 acres of woods behind our house and my step brothers and I had an awesome fort that we built out of scrap lumber (oaky the construction projects around the hood helped out generously), where we would hang out, smoke pot, cigarettes, look at dirty magazines and generally just get away from the parents. So I am looking for the ball with the dogs and happen into the fort to check out any new magazines that my step brothers might have stashed, they were all at work at this point and I could jack my cock in peace, without the worry of someone coming in and interrupting me.

So I find a new magazine, light a smoke and settle on the floor with some nice new porn to contemplate. As I look at the magazine, I can hear Ike and Dillon running around the fort and starting to growl and back softly as they want to resume the ball toss game yet had still not found the ball. As I continue to look at the new porn, I decide it’s a good time to bust a nut and remove my shorts. I sit stroking my cock for several minutes when one of the dogs starts to claw the door to the fort, now I’m pissed so I get up and open the door Ike runs past me into the fort followed by Dillon and now the dogs are all over my magazines. I close the door, and turn to get the dogs out when the both sit down for a rest, I give up because my interest is more about busting a nut than deal with the dogs at this point. Ike starts to lick his balls and I was thinking, given my current activity that would be a real nice talent to have right about now.

So I fire up a joint and turn my attention back to the new magazines and slip shorts down and my start to stroke my cock, then Dillon stands up and comes my way and starts to want to lick my cock, it’s almost like he has done this before, he nuzzles his head down and starts to lick at the end of my cock, wow – what a sensation his rough tongue is on the tip of my cock. It is difficult to really look at the magazines and I am so horny feeling this hot tongue on my cock, I set the magazines aside and lay back to give Dillon a better position. Stoned at this point, I decide roll my legs up to expose my manhole and he continues to tongue my ass and cock, then Ike wants to get in the game and he gets up and starts to nuzzle in and lick my cock as well. I notice that both dogs have become semi erect with their bright red cocks starting to protrude from the black skin, I reach over and start to stroke Ike and he seems to really like this as he starts to grow instantly. I am all horned up at this point so I roll over on all fours and let Dillon really start to work on my ass, while I stroke Ike he starts to squirt thin white liquid all over the floor of the fort so I decide to lean under him to get a taste of his growing dog cock and it’s sweet and sour with a mild almost citrus taste to it and this gets me really hot, my cock is raging, I have one dog licking my ass and balls and here I am licking the other dogs balls as he begins to hump my mouth.

Now I am incredibly horny, I want to explode but this new sensation is incredible and I have the urge to explore more so I start to stroke Dillon and he begins to mount me, placing his arms and claws around me I can feel him scratching my side and his boney cock slamming my ass cheeks. At this point I have a dog cock in my face, still oozing liquid and a dog attempting to hump me. I reach around and attempt to guide Dillon into me he is squirting now too so I let him douse me good with his dog juice and finger my ass a bit to loosen things up. The dogs cocks are fully exposed now and they are skinny on the end but get fatter in the middle with a fat round end and tight ball sacks, they look good. And for a horny guy like me they were a real treat on this hot summer day. As I stroke Dillon’s cock and prepare it to fuck my tight virgin ass, I feel what seems to be a sharp bone at the end which I am worried about, although his cock is thin, I am concerned with the angle that I am in and his positioning so I roll over a wine cask barrel that we had in the fort to sit on and propped myself up on the barrel so there would be less friction based on the angle of his cock and the bone, at this point both dogs are humping me and oozing their juices all over, squirting me literally from head to toe, it was a sexy surreal scene that I will never forget, my sweat, their juices and panting WOW!

Now I am ready, I slide on the barrel and guide Dillon’s cock into me ass, he goes nuts and it hurts really bad so I reach around and grab him at the base of his cock and control his movements, he whimpers and pants as he humps wildly at my backside. I can feel him growing inside of me then Ike mounts me in the front and continues to squirt juices all over me, I am soaked and have one dog fuck my hot ass while another is squirting his dog juice all over me. Then I fell Dillon grown even more and me ass starts to stretch right at my hole, it feels like a ball and it is slowly moving further inside of me with his every hump, then I feel it, like a plug in my ass it enters my ass and feels like it is tearing me apart, but all the pain is masked by the pleasure of having this dogs cock fill me, then Dillon stops humping his legs bouncing on the floor I feel him make one big hump and there is the rush of warm dog juice inside of me, literally I can feel it filling me belly warm juices filling me up, I lean over, take Ike cock inside of my mouth and taste his juice, my throbbing cock is aching at this point , but Dillon’s cock seems to be stuck in me so I lay there over the barrel for about 15 minutes until his cock starts to go limp and the incredible ball in my ass starts to reduce in size, finally he dismounts me and starts to lick his balls, I roll over on my back and Ike starts to lick my man pussy in earnest, licking Dillon’s dog juice from my hole I jack my cock two times and have one of the most incredible orgasms’ of my life, with Ike licking up every drop and his rough tongue and coaxing more by actually taking my cock in his mouth, okay I helped but is sent shivers down my spine.


It was early in the morning on a hot summer day in late July, my family had gone on vacation to the beach but I could not get time off from my summer job and I had to stay behind. It was the first time that I had been left home alone and it was such a great feeling to have the house to myself.

I got dressed and headed to the bus stop head to work, I could not wait for my next birthday to get my drivers license so I didn’t have to ride the damn bus anymore. The long day of work ended and I was wishing that I was with the family at the beach.

I got home, showered and put on a pair of loose shorts. I headed downstairs to the kitchen and immediately headed for the liquor cabinet, pouring myself a vodka and orange juice. I headed to my brothers room to borrow a few magazines from his porn stash and I was on a mission.

I found his porn magazine stash in an old trunk in his closet several months ago and was shocked to see all kinds of magazines, some with men fucking and sucking other men off. There were even a bunch of magazines with men dressed as women, also fucking and sucking other men and found it to all be way, way hot.

I found his porn trunk in the same spot but this time it had a lock on it. It was one of those suit case locks so I grabbed a small paper clip from his desk and started to attempt to unlock the lock. Several minute later, no luck. I was getting really hot thinking of getting into this truck so it really pissed me off to find it locked.

I sat down on the trunk thinking about what I could do to get this fucking trunk open when I looked up, and there it was, a tiny key hanging on a nail over the top of the doorframe in the closet. No way, could it be the key I thought, I stood on the trunk, reached up and grabbed the key and seconds later – viola, the trunk was open.

This time there were even more magazines and a few videotapes as well. I grabbed a few of the hottest looking magazines and two of the movies and headed to the family room to put the tape in the video player. I poured myself another vodka drink and at this point I am beginning to feel, hot, high and horny as hell. I settled in to watch the video and a few minutes was sitting on the floor stroking my cock. I poured a number of more drinks to the point that I was now well on my way to a great high. I paused the movie and ran to my room to get a rolled joint. I got the joint and stepped out on the porch to get high and to see where the “Boys” were.

I had a sexually deviant plan for tonight. A few weeks earlier I happened to have a little unexpected but totally erotic rendezvous with my stepbrothers black Labrador retrievers Ike & Dillon and tonight I thought that we might all get together and try it again. This time it would be different, this time we would have all night to play and we would not be the hot wooden fort in the woods.

Both the dogs came running, I almost sensed that they too were looking forward to playing again. Ever since the last time all they seem to want to do when I see them is to mount me and begin humping my leg.

I opened the door and said come on in boys and they both ran inside. It was rare that the dogs were in the house, they really only came in the winter when it was too cold out outside. Since I was naked and standing there with a hard on both of the dogs started trying to jump up on me to humping my leg, Dillon was behind me and began licking at my ass, while Ike was on his back paws pumping my leg.

Now I was over the top horny, the movie was showing three guys sucking each other off, and now the dogs were licking and humping me with the same lust as the men on the video. My mind was racing, I was in need of cock, and as I recalled the playtime that we had in the fort I was so ready for another play session. I walked over to the kitchen and got another drink, and then I went to the linen closet and got a big blanket to put down on the floor, the dogs were panting and following my every move. Now I am really buzzed and the thought of the dog’s cocks has my cock head swollen.

The dogs are going crazy, licking their cocks and balls and running in circles, trying to jump me and push me to the floor. I reached down and grabbed both of their cocks and began stroking the black hairy sheaths I feel their balls and cocks growing. I continue this for several minutes as I watch the men in the video sucking cocks.

Both of the dog’s cocks are getting hard and the swollen pick tips are turning to fat red and juicy dog cocks. Both of the dogs are big, full-grown Labs so their combined weight is difficult to control, especially when they both have the same thing in mind.

I put the other movie in the player, placing the magazines out of the way. I lay down on the floor and Ike jumps up and tries to mount me, his cock fully exposed from the dark black hairy sheath. I lean forward and get on all fours and reach over to stroke his cock, Dillon starts to try to mount me from behind and I can feel his boney cock hitting my backside.

I remembered how much the Dillon’s cock hurt the last time so I leaned down so that my ass was back on the floor. I figured if I gave it more time that perhaps their cock would swell more and the bone would be less pronounced, and since Ike did not get a chance to mount me last time, he would go first this time, I was aching for them both, and we had all night.

Ike is fully erect at this point with his fat cock beginning to squirt dog juice all over me and on the blanket. Then Dillon joins the scene and begins licking Ike’s cock, which is a really hot scene as I keep stroking both of the dog’s cocks. I rolled on my side and rubbed some of Ike’s juices on my cock and ass, Dillon went for it immediately, lapping my cock, balls and asshole like a melting Popsicle.

I look up at the movie and one of the men is licking another mans ass, and sticking his finger into his ass. My cock is aching and I can feel my cum load boiling, but the feeling of having a dog cock in my ass is just too enticing. I lean over and take Ike’s cock into my mouth, he is shooting a steady stream of thin doggy juice all over, it’s sour but the taste is not offensive so I keep sucking.

After several minutes of this, I get up and grab the ottoman and move it over to the area in front of the television. I lift the blanket and cover the ottoman. Lying back down and fending off the dogs as best as I can as they both go nuts. Both Ike and Dillon are feverishly trying to mount me, I lay over on the ottoman and Ike begins to mount me, continuing to stream a steady flow of dog juice. I reach around and hold his cock, filling my palm with the thin liquid and rubbing it on my tight asshole. I push Ike away and guide his face to my hot hole. He begins to lick, but just wants to mount me again. Given the extended time, now both of the dog’s cocks were muck larger than last time, and the girth of their cocks was about double as last time. As I stoke Ike’s cock, I do still feel a bone but it was now deeper in his engorged meat.

I reach around and firmly grab his cock stroking to milk his juices and coat my ass, I release his cock and insert a finger into my ass and move it around to loosen my tight hole. Dillon is in front trying to mount the ottoman but I am too busy trying to fend off Ike with one hand and loosen my hole with the other so Dillon is paws up on the ottoman squirting his dog juice all over my face, shoulders and back.

It’s a hot scene and my cock is aching. Finally, I reach to grab Ike’s cock it’s even fatter now, so I gently begin guiding it into my ass. I can feel the bone in the tip of his cock digging into me so I move slowly to avoid the sharp pain of his cock, With a firm grip on his cock, and my other hand hold his leg back I carefully and slowly allow more of his dog meat to enter me until finally he is all the way in, filling me to the hilt with his hot ass dog cock as I continue to hold him back.

I felt his juice begin dripping down the inside of my thigh as he continued to try to hump my backside with great force. I could feel the bone on at the tip of his cock, but his cock had swollen and grown much bigger than last time so it was not nearly as pronounced. At this point I let hem go and let him take full charge, humping me like I was his little boy bitch. Then I feel his cock start to grow even larger, I feel the base of his cock start to grow and stretch my ass hole even further. Once again it feels like it is splitting my tight asshole open, although a little uncomfortable the feeling of his hot cock digging into my ass is very hot.

At this point I fell the full girth of Ike’s knot locking us together, although it is painful it feels so good inside of me. His humping begins to slow and his panting quickens when he lets out a light whimper and begins to flood my ass with his hot cum, it feels like he is filling my belly as he continues to shoot load after load into my tight ass. This goes on for several minutes when he stops and lay there on top of me, locked together. He attempts to turn and slide off of me but his cock is stuck so his mobility is limited. Finally he does turn and somehow, he turns his body. We are locked together, ass to ass and I can feel his cock throbbing inside of me.

Dillon continued to run around, barking and growling as he waits his turn. After several minutes I feel the ball inside of me start to deflate, making it much more pleasurable. Finally I feel it loosen and Ike slides out of his little boy bitch, retreating to a corner of the blanket, laying on his side and dutifully licking his fully exposed cock and sheath.

Dillon assumes the position and I get the feeling that he knows it his turn, and he will not be denied. His cock is even larger that Ike’s and with hot dog juice oozing out of my ass it is much easier to guide his cock into my awaiting hole, I don’t feel the bone on the tip as much as I felt Ike’s perhaps because Dillon’s cock was larger both in length and in girth, and I was very well lubricated at this point.

Dillon mounted me with great authority, probably pissed that he had to await for his turn, his claws digging into my side, he wanted to really fuck me, with much greater force than Ike he began humping like he was on a mission. I was straining to guide him in slowly while holding him back so that he didn’t rip me in half with his full length and girth.

After several minutes I let up and let most of Dillon’s cock enter my hole, and quickly he begun to hump me even harder than Ike. He lowered his head and started licking my neck, probably tasting some of the dog juice that he shot all over me earlier. Dillon laid his chest against mine and developed a fast rhythm thrusting his fat cock in and out of my tight ass, very different from Ike.

Then I feel Dillon’s knot starting to swell, and oh my swell it did, it began slowly, but before I knew it his knot had grown the size of a golf ball, then it got even bigger, it felt like someone had stuck a fucking tennis ball in my ass, it hurt like hell but the pleasure of having this cock fill me to the hilt was so pleasurable that the pain was balanced with the great pleasure. Then Dillon slowed and I could feel his cock begin to twitch inside of me then a flood of hot cum, then another load, and another. I am not sure how many loads he released into my belly but it filled my gut and his knot was firmly planted sealing my tight hole so not one drop would escape.

I laid still face down on the ottoman, my cock still aching to release my own cum load, but Dillon lay on top of me with all of his weight pinning me down, I could feel his cock throbbing with every beat of his heart and he was panting and slobbering on my back. His big fucking knot and cock filling my ass felt absolutely wonderful, I wish I could reach and stroke my own cock, but I was pinned too close to the ottoman. After quite awhile Dillon’s knot started to loosen and he pulled back, letting out a loud yelp.

My ass was oozing so I rolled on my back and put my legs in the air. Ike stepped up and started licking the cum from my ass, then I grabbed his head and guided it to my cock as I stroked my cock Dillon joined the party, with both dogs fighting for position to lick my ass, balls and cock. My nuts tightened and I could feel my load coming, I grabbed Ike’s head again, opening his mouth slightly I shot a huge stream of cum right into his mouth, he must have liked it because he actually took my cock into his mouth just as my second load erupted licking my cock and taking it into his mouth, I shot most of my load right into his mouth and he seemed to be excited to get another taste of his boy bitch’s juice.

The movie long over, the three of us lay there on the blanket for a while to catch our breath. I was again in awe at how awesome it was to get fucked in the ass; the dogs seemed to really enjoy the attention getting a chance to make me their little boy bitch. I lay there in sexually bliss, who would have known that this would bring such pleasure. I thought, wow this is going to be a great weekend.


I awake the next morning to Ike’s rough tongue licking my face, Dillon licking my balls and a headache from the several vodka’s that I had the evening before. Then I realize that it’s late and I have to get to work. I quickly shower, get dressed, feed the dogs and head out the door, I jog to the top of the street and catch the city bus just in time. As I sit down my head is reeling with the pleasures that I had enjoyed the evening before. It was incredible and I was thinking a repeat performance would be appropriate tonight. I had a long weekend and was planning on making the most of it with my buddies.

After a long day at work I walked to the liquor store and bought some more vodka, I wanted to be primed for my party with Ike & Dillon. I jumped on the bus and am home in about a half hour, where two eager dogs are waiting for their newest obsession – me! I have to say, that perhaps the obsession was on my part. I had never really had any gay sex before and I was starting to think about the context of sucking a dog’s cock, but it was just too thrilling. Every time I had an encounter with Ike & Dillon I got a deep feeling of lust and kink, it felt dirty and somehow it felt natural at the same time. I can’t really explain it; there was a sense of guilt and a sense of real satisfaction at the same time.
So I get settled in, poured a drink and started to devise a plan. There were lots of groceries to eat and I was hungry, but the sooner I was naked with Ike & Dillon the better. Both of them were somewhat frantic, they paced and circled me like a couple of dogs running up against a bitch in heat – that would be me.

Both of the boys were trying to hump me every time I stopped moving, and as the minutes passed, I was growing ever more horny. I checked in with the family at the beach house and everyone was having a great time. I knew since they were several hours away that it was safe to play again. And play again I intended to do. I went outside and fired up a joint to try to relax and finish off my buzz, Ike & Dillon both went out to pee and soon were right back to see what was next in store for our little group orgy.

I fed the dogs and quickly cooked up a burger and ate dinner. By this point I had enjoyed a few drinks and a joint and I was feeling warm all over. It was time to figure out a plan to play again. This time no magazines or movies were needed, I had a couple of partners to play with as Ike and Dillon were up to the task. Some I pour another drink and get set up with the same blankets that we had out last night, a bit stained tonight, but it would all come out in the wash – right?

I started out by getting naked to a couple of wonton pups, now feverishly circling in anticipation. I lay down on my back and Ike & Dillon both pounced on me, I line them up on either side of me and begin stroking their sheaths. Rubbing their balls. It seems Ike has a bit bigger ball sack and his girth seems to be a bit larger than Dillon’s cock despite the fact that they are both the same size and weight. As I stroke their cocks they both become fully erect and so comes the sprinklers. The boys are spewing all over my body; their juices covering my body are excitingly erotic.

As I lay there stroking their cocks, I remembered a scene form the movie the previous night where the guy had a ring around the base of his cock, so I popped up and ran to my step brother’s still open porn chest, and grabbed the same thing, (I later learned that it is a cock ring), and it fit fine around the base of my fully erect cock. I also grabbed the movie just for good measure. Ike & Dillon were going nuts, following me like a couple of kids in the candy store.

We headed back to the family room and I lay down, with the boys straddling either side of me. Now my cock is standing straight up and both Ike & Dillon are going to town on me. I love this, it feels so good, I slide a big throw pillow under my ass so that I can get my ass in the air and Dillon takes the lead on cleaning up my tight hole. I reached around and spread my hole open and he continues to lick it clean, meanwhile Ike continues to lick the head of my cock like he has a purpose, and I have no issue with that.

By now both of the dogs are more solidly erect than I have seen them, they have a bigger girth and seemingly more length. As Dillon continues to lick my ass and balls, I coax Ike over and wrap my lips around his shaft, his juices taste like citrus and copper, kind of like when you put a penny in your mouth. But that is my memory and it is as clear today as it was that night. Once again, my cock is aching, and the feeling of having a dog cock in my ass is just too enticing. The ottoman is still in place, but this pillow set up is just fine for now. I just chill out and let the pup’s take me all in, licking me over and over again as I take turns sucking off my boys.

I begin to stroke my cock and they both hone in on my actions, feverishly licking the tip of my rod, until I explode sending spurts of cum into the air and all over my chest, which they seem to almost fight over, grunting and growling to get a taste. I was almost pissed that I came so fast, but knew that I had more to go, so I was okay with that – it was to be a long night. And there were two eager pups ready to mount me at any minute. Once again, both the dogs were vying for position with my ass in the air, but I was not ready to be taken. As before, both of the dogs were feverishly trying to mount me, I laid on the floor, ass on the pillow and legs up on the ottoman while they continued to orally assault my cock, ass and balls – wow was that incredible!

Both Ike and Dillon stopped to take a few minutes to lick their own cocks, cleaning up their own cocks and balls. I was drenched in their pre-cum and loved how dirty and kinky I was feeling. Here are these two incredible dogs, loving, seemingly almost worshiping my cock and ass – this was awesome. So we had this little break, I got up and poured another drink and went outside for a smoke, both pup’s took a sprint out to the yard as well and did their business, promptly showing back up on the porch excited to get started for round two of our Saturday night.

As I contemplated the next step in our journey, I was thinking about the somewhat sharp pain that I was having as the boys entered my tight ass the last few times, so I ran to grab two condoms from my stash and a couple of cotton balls from my bathroom. I positioned a cotton ball at the head of each condom and laid down in my bitch position as Ike and Dillon circled in a renewed feverish pant for more boy-bitch sex.

I grabbed Dillon’s sheath and stroked a few times to get him hard again. I was surprised to see that he re-gained a fully erect cock in just a few strokes. Ike was basically the same case, a few strokes and he was back to full tilt, very nice to know that with just a few strokes, my boys are right back to fuck me position. Both of the pup’s had nice big cocks Dillon was about 6 inches long but Ike was about 1/12 to 2 inches longer and had a good ½ inch in better girth, I would guess about 2 inches,

So, I decide that I will get a better position tonight. I grabbed the other 2 pillows and placed them under the blanket, raising my ass by about 18 inches, perfect level to lay on my back and get the full brunt of these eager cocks.

And I was right! On my back, I would get a better opportunity to guide Ike’s cocks into my tight hole. I slipped the condom onto Ike’s cock with the cotton ball on the tip, and slid the rest over his throbbing cock. My ass was so wet with their cum and saliva that I was ready to go as soon as I had him ready. He mounted me immediately and I guided his cock to hit the mark the first time.

With this position, I have to say that I got the full effect of getting fucked by this eager dog. He was grunting, growling and panting in my face, licking me in the face and chest while he dug deeper into his boy-bitch. This was, nothing less than a surreal experience, this animal was humping me like he was on a mission, and with the condom and tip covered he was hitting my insides in all of the right spots and sending an electric shock through my body.

I was so into Ike fucking me that I did not realize that his knot was in my ass and growing, although I could feel it, it was now growing to a point far greater than before. Before I knew it, it felt like it was tearing my ass apart. I could feel my ass stretching beyond its comfort point, and then suddenly there was almost some sort of seal that happened. I had thought that I had tied before, but now I knew that I was tied, and I was bummed because I had put a condom on Ike’s cock so I would not feel him fill me up. This was the least of my problems, his knot was totally n me and he was humping me with all his fury, then he hit his point and I could feel his balls pump and his load coursing through his cock, wow – wow is all I could think.

This was awesome. Dillon was all over me, trying to get his turn at bat but I was stuck to his brother and stuck I was. Ike turned and put his left paw over my leg to try to turn around completely, but that was not going to happen. The ottoman and pillow set up was locking him on, so he just piled down on my chest with heavy breath and lay there as his knot slowing deflated. It seemed like 20 minutes or so before I could feel the seal break and Ike could even consider pulling his block out of my worn ass.

Dillon was up next and he knew it. It was getting late at this point and I had to be at work very early the next day, but I was still rock hard and not about to have this session end. This time I relented on my condom idea and invited Dillon’s cock to take me once again bareback – but in the same position as I had enjoyed Ike. He mounted me and slid right in, still spewing. I noticed that Ike was off to one side simply licking his cock with what seemed to be a smile on his face. As Dillon mounted me, he was far more aggressive than before, in fact he growled and even barked several times like he was pissed that he was second this time around. As we were getting positioned, I slowed his thrusts down a bit to get a better position and his bone was hitting me wrong, at one point he jolted towards me like he was taking over his little bitch-boy, this was way hot on many levels, but a bit scary at the same time as his cock was deeply impaled in me and he was thrusting me and forcing me to stay put.

Ike was back up and he had positioned his cock right next to me, almost saying hey, play with me or suck my cock will ya? My cock was ready and I was getting a nice hard fuck from Dillon, holding his knot to make sure we did not get tied as before – I reached over and stroked Ike a few times and Dillon barked and almost bit my arm. He wanted my full attention and he was demanding that he get it! As before this position gave me a whole different perspective, his face and body was on top of me and he was licking my chest and nipples, while I held him back just enough to keep him from getting tied to me, I just could not bear that again tonight.

By this point I had dog juices dripping down the inside of my thigh and forming a pool on the blanket below I was covered with dog juice and it was really erotic, kinky and dirty, my balls swelled and somehow I think Dillon sensed where I was because at that point he exploded and without even touching my cock I exploded at the same time. WOW! Dillon back out of me and retreated to lick his cock clean, the both Ike and Dillon closed in on me to clean up the cum from my belly and chest.

I put the boys outside and went to bed, more to follow…

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