Men with Animals Women with Animals

Planet of Pleasure and Pain


NOTE: This is a novel I am writing. This is just the introduction to what will follow. It will contain graphic detail of every type of sex imaginable or unimaginable. I am only going to show it here if there is some interest. Write me some suggestions and I will attempt to work it into the story. I will try to install a new chapter once a week if there is a demand. It will all be under this entry. Thank you.


Chapter One

I woke up in a large room filled with people, animals and beings,,out of mythology, science fiction, and one’s worst nightmares. It was at second thought not a room but the game floor of a arena. The stadium was filled with beings humanoid, but not really human.

A woman, I say woman naked with luminous blue skin and with an extra pair of breasts, vampire like teeth, Vulcan like ears, and male and female sex organs. She spoke to me. ” I see that they have captured you also. They call this the sex games. My name is Yzzx, this is not my true form they have changed me for their pleasure. I have been changed many times. I was once long ago male wolf from your own planet Earth. I have been here for I think a thousand years or so. They treat us well here and we are asked to perform only when they sense our sexual desires require it. We live well in places convenient for the forms we are in at the moment. We are waited on by servants who take care of all our non sexual needs.

I am to be your guide in this place and tell you what will happen to you, you will after today never be a human again and what sex you will be will change over time. You will never die here. You will experience many types of sex. Many of which will given you unbelievable pleasure while others will give you unbearable agony. There is one thing you must face. There is no escape.

The Onzlies who rule this world are sexless beings who can now only experience sex through the sex of others. When you are in the arena for a match they enter your mind to feel all you feel during the event. You will learn to enjoy and endure it.

Let me take you to your residence and have a good rest. Tomorrow they will try you out. Enjoy this night for tomorrow you will be a new being. I like you for some reason and someday we will be asked to have sex together in what ever form they want.”

She said no more as we left the arena. It seemed a beautiful lane with beautiful tree like plants lining the center and sides. There were beautiful houses of different shapes and sizes. Some looked like places on earth and some were as alien as one could possibly image. We walked down the streets and I was amazed at the two suns shining in the lavender colored sky. With light blue and yellow clouds floating by. We came to what must be my place a beautiful Victorian house with a flowered covered front lawn.

She handed me some keys, and I saw my servants waiting in the door way. There was a Great Dane humanized standing on one side of the door. On the other side was a creature that looked like a Humboldt Squid but with six legs supporting the human sized body. The remarkable thing about it was that it had six eyes and what looked like one enormous boob in the center of it’s body and where it mouth should have been was undoubtably female sexual organs.

They did not speak but I knew they were inviting me into the house. Yzzx nodded and walked back from where we had come. The house was absolutely beautiful inside. It was furnished like something from the 19th century but was equipped with all the modern devices and some devices which I had no clue what purpose they served

The Great Dane spoke ” Hello, Roger, welcome to your new home. My name is Hans and this is O’ Hogaz. We are here to make your life as comfortable as possible. It may be sad that you may only enjoy it in your present form for a short time.

Keep those keys you were giving on you in whatever form you may become and they will bring you to this place. When you change your form the place will change to accommodate you, and we also may change to make it easier for you to live here.

Let me show you a few things you may not be familiar with. In the kitchen is a food provider. If we are not here to cook for you or you want a late night snack it produce it for you. Just concentrate on what you want and it will provide it just as you want it. It will work in any form you will become.r We will also be able to read your mind for most things you may need in whatever form you may take.

You have had a very strange day and now may be getting hungry and tired. We see in your thoughts that a big tender steak cooked medium well with sautéed mushrooms and onions, steak sauce, a baked potato with all the fixings, a cheddar cheese roll, creamed spinach, a large draft beer, and a container of iced spring water. Oh yes a big slice of apple pie al a mode.

Sit wherever you want and we will bring it to you in a few minutes. The television can pick up all earth stations just think what you want to watch and it will come on for you. The same is true for the music system. The restroom is just around the corner if you want to freshen up.

Glad to have met you, sir. Will be back with your meal in about 15 minutes.”

I was sure this was just a dream and I would wake out of it. None of this could possibly be real. I have had some real crazy dreams, but this one takes the cake. Come on. On an alien world filled with bizarre creatures whose job are to have sex to amuse some sexless beings or to serve those who amuse the masters.

I looked at the television and on the screen came a menu of programs that could be provided. There was a program for news and the date requested so as a joke I mentally requested the news for the date of January 1, 2012. It said that the re-elected president Oback something and his wife Michelle were visiting England for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth who died suddenly on December 30th. The president and his wife were black. Now I knew I was dreaming, a black president.

Well I was laughing to myself that this was very amusing dream and I now wrote of all this as an really funny. Then the food arrived. It was exactly as I wanted, but I knew it couldn’t have any taste and i would have a sharp knife with the steak and I could cut myself with no pain because it was a dream. I was sitting on the couch and O ‘Hogaz,the squid being, placed a floating tray with all the food on it in front of me and moved away.

I tasted one of the cheddar cheese rolls, and it was hot and delicious. I thought I must be just dreaming it that way. I then took the knife and tried to cut myself on the arm . My God the pain this was no dream and I was bleeding, I don’t know how, but this was not a dream and with that I passed out.

I awoke a few minutes later to find the cut on my arm was covered with a band aid and the food was still in front of me. I ate everything placed on it because I figured I would need all my strength to handle all this situation. I then took a nice shower. I put on some pajamas placed in the bathroom for me to wear, and I then went to sleep in a large comfortable bed.


Chapter Two

The next morning I was awoken by Hans after a strangely peaceful night’s sleep. I could not tell how early or late it was because on a world with 2 suns it gets bright very early. There is no big hurry but you have your first meeting with the Onzlies at noon and we thought you would want time to prepare for them.

Yzzx will be here in about an hour so that will give you time to shower and have a good breakfast. We know what you want to eat and it will be ready when you have finished your shower. Your outfit will be waiting also when you have finished your breakfast. It is an honor to wear the uniform of a Seder especially that of a newbie. It will alter its shape to whatever your new form may become.

I decided I wanted a bath not a shower. I wanted to look my best for the aliens or they might turn me into some life form whose sexual intercourse might not be too pleasant. I looked really hot if I didn’t say so myself. I really like being a man and the thought of being something else was not a real pleasant thought.

I took a fantastic bath and got dressed. I put on the Seder uniform and it was of a fabric I had never know. It made my whole body feel like it was being gently massaged with every move you made. It was every erotic and I was getting a hard on wearing it. It was one of those happy hard on you get just when you are feeling on top of the world. I had a great breakfast just what I really wanted blueberry pancakes made with huge fresh wild blueberries, fresh creamery whipped butter, hot maple syrup, sausage patties, POG (passion fruit-orange-guava juice), a large mocha with fresh whipped cream, and a pitcher of ice water.

I finished my breakfast and brushed my teeth. I sat down in a chair and watched a bit of TV. Yzzx arrived and fawned over me like a child on his way to school for the first time. She was more nervous than I was. I knew matters were really beyond my control. Here I am a lone human on a world ruled by massively advance alien beings many millions of light years from Earth.

We went outside and boarded a shuttle train that was heading toward the central games building which was a large globe floating in the sky. Yzzx said ” It is a model of this world. What makes it so remarkable is that what appears on it is real. The green are real plants, the oceans are water, ice is ice, mountains are rock. It rotates exactly in the time period of this world. On the inside you can not see the world outside, but you look out as you would from a regular building. You will meet the Onzlies in their meeting centers located in the buildings equator region.

Don’t be afraid of them they are quiet, peaceful, and curious beings. If they place you in a bad situation, the next one will be marvelous. We are necessary for their continuation as a race. To be chosen to be on this planet is really an honor. They chose on those they see or feel are unique. I know that they will treat you special on your first time. Their representatives will meet you when you enter the building. I will say goodbye and with will be back to talk with you tonight and see what path they have chosen for your first journey. Good luck, Roger.”

The shuttle stopped next to elevators which brought everyone into the sphere. Yzzx waved good bye and was on her way doing whatever her day had planned. I travelled up the elevator with a vast collection of creatures and Onzlies all of the occupants seemed to be saying hello to each other and to him. They seemed surprised when he didn’t know how to respond back to them. The elevator opened and everyone got out and proceeded to wherever they were going. Two Onzlies in uniforms were waiting for me” Good morning, Roger, please come with us. We will take you to your meeting”
They spoke to him in unison.

I walked through the hallways of a civilization that made humanity seem on step up from slime mold, but as far intelligently they might be I felt they saw all others as their equal. They greeted each other out of respect not ritual. He entered the elevators to the equatorial region with his companions. The open faced elevator shower ten of thousands of beings engaged in life I’m it’s highest level.

They arrived in about five minutes into a huge assembly hall. I saw all the seats filled with hundreds of Onzlies and he was the center of attention. I was escorted to a chair in the center of a large circular arena. ” Greetings, Roger, human from Planet Earth, we apologize for bringing you here against your will, but we offer you many things which will more than offset that. You will live forever and have all you desires fulfilled except that of seeing Earth again. You will be able to travel freely on this world and over a million others that are part of the Onzlian Union. You will meet beings from all over the universe and share knowledge and much more with many. You will be required to perform sexual acts in a public setting for us, but only once in a period of three months any other sex you wish to engage in will be private and for your pleasure only. We in our evolution no longer can perform sexual acts, but the need for it’s pleasure and lust is required by our species or we would in a few hundred years cease to exist.

We have the ability to alter your appearance and genetic code to become another life form capable of having sex and even at times produce offspring of that species. Your mind will always being although you will never be human again. You may be your own sex or one of the twenty or more other sexes that exist in the races we have here. You are going to undergo the change today and will be return to your place of residence to adjust to it. In a period of time you will know that the need for sex is coming and you will be brought here. When you are altered you will be fitted with a universal translated which will allow you to communicate with all intelligent species with speech and with some telepathically and empathically with some.

If you have any problems your servants will assist you, if you have any other concerns or requests there are communication devises everywhere to contact us directly. You will be required to be a sexual gamer for us for a thousand years after that you are free to do whatever you want except of course return to you planet of origin. Again welcome to Onzlia and we hope that you have a wonderful life here.”

I sat in my chair watching the Onzlies leave. I was getting ready to get up when suddenly a strange light enveloped me and I passed out.

I awoke back at my place with Yzzx,Hans and O’Hagaz who asked to be called Olga where standing next to me. My eyes were different and I knew I was larger than before my vision was stronger but there was little color. My sense of smell was much stronger and there was a smell of a horse nearby in the air. I felt as if I was on my knees and when I looked down I had hooves not hands. I was a horse and a large one at that,and my front legs were black as coal. I turned my head to see I was all the same color black. I was so excited that I urinated which came out so very different than any I had ever experienced before.

Hans spoke ” You will have to learn to control that or your house will stink of horse piss and shit. The bathroom has been adjusted so that you can make use of it for your normal bodily functions. We will have to assist you in doing certain things and help you handle your equine body. There is one thing you may not have noticed, but you are a beautiful Clydesdale mare and you will be coming into heat within a couple of weeks. You will be wanting sex more and more as the time approaches.

Both Olga and I will help relieve you if you need assistance. It is part of our service. I think Olga will be better at some of this than I am, but I am still a healthy male dog and although not built like a horse I have parts of my anatomy that might you be pleasurable to you. You will be expected to have sex in the arena when your heat reaches its maximum. I think you will have regular equine sex with a few stallions until you are impregnated. You are very lucky for you will be able to give birth and to raise your offspring. They will be horse in appearance but they will half human and half alien in their mental abilities.

I will take you to your stall where you can sleep. There is plenty of excellent food for a beautiful horse like you. I am sorry but there will be no meat products for you. I will make sure you get lots of fruit and some sweets. If you need to use the bathroom just let us know,and we will run through how it works. If there is anything you want let us know. Good night, Roger, and I hope you can get a good night’s sleep.” “Good night, Roger.” I heard Olga speak into my mind.

I was really confounded and speechless. I really did not want to hear my voice coming out of a horse. So I let them lead me into a hay covered stall. I fell slowly into a awkward sleep standing up on my four legs, and I had to have Hans show me how to urinate and defecate the intelligent and clean horse way. The cleaning of my two holes was going to become erotic as time went on. I will tell you next my wondrous adventures into mare sex life in the and how I became a mother.


Chapter Three

Now the interesting part begins I awake the next day to a bucket of oats and fresh ice cold water. They remember that I like ice water. Even being a horse I am not crazy about raw oats. Hans brings me a couple of big beautiful red apples and a few lumps of sugar. I was hungry, and soon I had eaten all the oats, apples, sugar, and drank the water like it was fine wine. Yzzx was waiting in the common room. She looked a little sad.

” I was hurt to see you as you are. You were such a hot male human I wanted to make wild love with you. While now you are a beautiful horse, I am not as sexually attracted to you being both a horse and a mare. It is just as well as I am suppose to be your teacher not your lover. Ah it might have been nice just the same.”

” Did you have a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast. I am going to tell you what is going to happen over the next few days and I am going to give your first horse bath while we talk. You are set to begin to enter a cycle where your egg will be able to be fertilized by equine sperm. You will smell about you a increasing distintive smell and a growing heat and ichy feeling from your female sexual areas. You will feel a almost uncontrollable desire for sex. It is fine to have sex just save the real need for a horse penis.

Everything in your body is going to get turned on by something. I know just the feel of this soapy sponge and soft brush will turn you on. I will do something to help you if you really need it. I hope you are not too much into the heat.”

Oh she was wrong I feeling a tinglly feeling all over me. I was involuntarily pushing my pussy toward her pleading for her to do something to it. I couldn’t ask her with speech or thought but I wanted sex any kind of sex there and this was only the beginning. I had to endure this for a couple of weeks. I thought it awful being a horny man, but there are ways to release yourself, but what can an animal with no hands do. Especially a female animal a male animal can just try to hump something, but a female has to just endure it until the right male comes along.

Yzzx who said call me Liz said be quiet ” I know what will make you happy for a while.” She reached into a box she was carrying and rubbed her arms with some kind of grease and covered her arm with it. She then brought it to my cunt an stuck one finger, than two, the three fingers and finally slid the whole of her hand into it. The grease had cooling feeling to me as her arm went deep into me. My muscles were squeezing her arm and my sexual juices were flowing around it. I felt my huge horse body shake like jelly and an uncontrollable surge sweep over my again and the again. I was having female horse orgasms. Wow I had never felt any of my male human orgasms that could compare to this.

” Thank you, Liz, so very much you should not do this if I now repulses you. You are a beautiful being and hope we can become closer than teacher and student. I know you have more knowledge of this place and are smarter than me have lived on this world over a thousand years, but I need to have someone to whom I can talk honestly. I don’t care how you may change, I will need you for what you are within more than you may be without.” I spoke trying to regain my rationality.

“You do not have to thank me. I told you I had a special feeling for you from the first time I saw you. I know a part was only physical but I know that’s only a small part of my attraction. Let us be more than friends but less than lovers if that is how it must be. Call me anytime you want and if I can be with you I will. ” she cried out as she left.

The days past and I grew use to life as a horse. I decided that sexing Liz might start a dependence on her. After I am through with the sex event I would take here somewhere and have a long talk with her.

I still did not like the food except for the apples, I did not like being unable to use my hands, I did not like sleeping at night standing up and did not like going to the bathroom. I did like the bath and brushing by Hans and Olga, I loved grazing the grass lands in back of my house, I loved the mere physical touch by anyone or anything, and I loved the power of my size on this strange world.

The lustful feeling inside my body was continuing to grow day by day. I was alone with Olga when I started pleading with her to help me somehow. I really was desperate because Olga and I got along but we were not close. She knew the state I was in when and came close to me. Her skin color changed to from bluish to a passionate purple shade. She placed her body in a horizontal position near my rump and wrapped her tentacles in tight embraces around my back sides. It was like being held by three dogs at the same time before the started humping you which is what she did in three slightly different directions and she placed her mouth over my hot and trobbing cunt and with something also inserted a long probe into my anus.

Her mouth which I thought was a female sex organ plunged an enormous prick deep into my mare hole. The other thing swelled up in my asshole flooding it with some kind of fluid. The mouth cock was trusting in and out of my cunt so much that I was getting dizzy. It would almost pull all the way out and then push in all the way to some gigantic balls. Sexual fluids whatever they might be streamed into me into my cunt and asshole. The mouth cock was getting hard bumps on its head which was irritating to my sexual organs, but they were also strangely erotic and with additional anal pleasure I began to have one orgasm after another.

My sexual juices were exploding from me. In the ten minutes we were joined I had seven or eight orgasms. I neighed in absolute ecstasy. I could bearly stand on my four strong horse legs. I was surprised when after the anal cock left me, the mouth cock did not come out from me. Olga looked up at me with her almost humanlike eyes, but she had left something behind in my body. I asked her what she had done.

Telepathically she said that was a mating pod. A male or female Zoncid, her species name, places it inside her or his mates sex organs to give the mate pleasure when the other is nthe around. The sex pod will grown and give sexual pleasure to your mate wherever the mate might be. Olga said Zonoids are hermaphrodites and the general pronoun for them are herm. You, Roger, have a herm mating pod which will forever be with you when you want it. It will shrink to the size of a pea until you call for it. It will not grow while you are having intercourse with someone or are masturbating.

Another week went by and even the herm pod was not enough. I wanted raw hard sex to satisfy my equine lust. I saw Hans taking a swim from my window and his human canine form drove me wild. I had had dogs up my ass but never in a female organ of mine and I have never had a human form dog. I called to him on the speaker and being so loyal he came running to me. I felt guilty, but I was so horny. He came so fast that he didn’t.dress. That was okay by me I will not have to have him waste time removing his clothes.

I said point blank” Hans, I need you sexually right now. I want that huge piece of canine prick inside this equine cunt. Give me all the humping and knotting you can. You said you could give me special pleasures. Well, Hans go for it. I am yours for as long as you can fuck me. I hope your knot will join us until you ate exhausted and the lust of my heat is driven away for awhile.

Hans said nothing but stuck his enormous tongue deep into my pussy. I moaned as he reached parts I had never felt touched before. His tongue was wet, rough, and so long and wide. I shook with an orgasm and I knew I had only just begun. He pulled up a small stool that they used for grooming me and he jumped onto my back. I could feel him wrapping his front paws around my wide horse ass and he gave my asshole a few good licks but he aimed his thick red throbbing penis thrusting it back and forth until he found my hot wet pussy.He pushed in all the way with all his strength and he was horny because his prick was swelling up fast.

I could feel him touching these parts so new to me in ways I could not imagine. I had another orgasm and another then his knot became the size of a baseball, a softball, the size of two softballs, and we were locked. He still pumped in and out so fast that the gas inside my pussy sounded like farts as it push in and then allowed gas to escape through tiny spaces between dog cock and horse pussy. He had not had sex in quite a while for my enormous horse pussy could not contain it all. He just keep coming laying on my back speaking words of lust or love in whatever was his native language. I had more and more orgasms as his sperm and swollen organ touch my pussy. I could feel my private area trying to squeeze all his sex out of him, but he wasn’t though with me quite yet. The flood continued in and out of me. It was about twenty minutes and about five more orgasms until finally his knot shrunk enough so it popped out of me. He let go of my rump and got off of the stool and laid down in the fresh hay and cleaned himself off.

I gave him a few moments and said ‘Hans, that was beautiful I wish I could be your bitch forever. I think I finally am completely satisfied. I never have been as a female before, but I now know what a great lover can do for a woman. I think I will be in peace until my appearance in the arena next week. I don’t think the biggest prick from the most beautiful stallion will ever compare with what happened tonight. I will never consider you my servant no matter what they say. You are the master and I only wish I could be a canine human like you and your lover as long as we both lived.”

“Thank you , Roger, that was even more wonderful for me than it could of been for you. It has been along time since I had good sex with a being as marvelous as you. I was in the past a mountain sheep on your planet. I was brought to this world long before the pyramids were built and I gave up the games during the time when Rome fell. I like what I do know and I have had lovers in many forms, but I really think I like this one the best. Nothing has change between us except that I will always have love to add to my devotion. I want to be just plain old Hans to you.” He smiled at me and kiss me on my long horse nose “Get some rest. Your big event is only five days away. Dinner will be at six hope you worked up an appetite. Thank you for making me happy, Roger.”


Chapter Four – My first sex game

The big day was approaching. My body screamed for the release from this strange addiction that had taken over me. I know that I was feeling it especially hard since it was female hormones colliding with a male brain. I had three beings who were willing to help me overcome the lust in this new body of mine but I refused to give into it. I spent my time reading books on a program that showed books on the television monitor. The translator instructed me on how to operate all the devises in the house without arms or hands. This has made being in this equine form much more acceptable.

It is not easy being a female horse after being a human male. I loved the power of my muscles, I loved my equine senses of sight, hearing and touch. The senses of smell was fine except when I had performed one of those bodily functions as all creatures must. My taste of everything was much stronger. I do not like the food I have to eat and even my love of fruit and sugar cubes was subsiding in pleasure. Only the taste of fresh cold water still tasted wonderful to me. I as with most animals have the mysterious sixth sense. It may just be feeling things human don’t feel as a rule. I feel most of all the wonderful freedom of spirit that a horse seems to have as part of their make up.

Well finally the day had arrived, and of course Liz was here earlier than usual continuing to educate me into the ways of this world and the “games” of which I would soon be part. In my life I have had a lot of sex with animals active and passive, but I was always a male thinking as a male. This time I was to have sex as a true female with all the pleasure and pain associated with it. I have had sex with my new part, but what was to come I was sure would be beyond anything I had ever experience. Liz knew I was scared and reassured me all the time. All those three wonderful beings Liz, Olga, and Hans made the whole matter bearable.

I had my bath, and wore the Seder the uniform of a gamer and a multicolored necklace which was a sign that I was a virgin to the games and as such I would be of special interest to the crowd. My translator devise was altered to shut out the words and thoughts of whomever my partner or partners might be and to allow the crowd to feel everything they wanted from me. I entered through the Seder gate and said good-bye to my three companions. I was escorted by two creatures for which I could give no adequate description. I saw the arena full of flowering plants and water in crystal pools and babbling streams. The crowd was more quiet than I would have expected. I noticed that there were some non-Onzlians in the crowd. I don’t now how I found them but my three companions were sitting as guests of a group of about twenty Onzlians.

They brought me a bunch of oats and some other grains to eat and plenty of water. Never had these foods tasted as good as these did nor did water taste as sweet. After I ate and drank I felt wonderful and my horniness suddenly was unbearable. They had put some drugs and an aphrodisiac into the food and drink.

There was announcement that the first game was to begin. Into the arena came four ball like creatures looking all the same to me. They rolled over to a pool of water and two entered the watered. From inside there bodies came on one a tube like appendage and on the other a feathery one. The two creatures on land grew what appeared to be three legs and a head on each of them. The larger of the two then pushed his head into the smaller of the two. They then both walked over to the two in the water. They then proceeded to stick the tube like thing into the larger land creature and the feather thing was swallowed into the mouth of smaller creature. They began thrashing about splashing in the water and making an unbearable scream in four different high pitched voices.

This went on for about ten minutes. I realized then that the larger land creature was growing smaller. The other creatures appeared to be eating it and soon it was gone. I thought that no creature died in these games. Then I saw something amazing out of the body of the smaller land creature came six or more of tiny versions of the large creature and out of it’s mouth came six or more of baby versions of other creatures. One of each kind of the creatures move together and formed a being that was a smaller version of the creature that I had thought had been eaten. The whole group wandered off the larger balls showing their offspring the correct way to move. This species had four sexes and how the mating really produced the offspring I had no clue, but it worked and I guess was harmless to all concern except for the larger one. I wonder if he was the same creature. More questions that a poor dumb human will have to ask.

There was a few minutes of some strange sounds which I think was music while the next event was to take place. There appeared two large elephant like creatures one striped like a zebra and the other spotted like a giraffe. The trunk and tails of these creatures looked similiar to the trunk of an elephant except they both had suckers on them like those of octopus’s tentacles. These creatures also had six skinny legs and things on their body he wasn’t sure what the did. One thing shocked him and that was when they came together the central region of the body opened up and let out a whale like song.

They sang at each other for about five minutes when the tail on the zebra like one seem to disappear into it’s body. The trunk of the giraffe like one change shape and grew longer and slightly thinner. It was huge over twenty or thirty feet long. The giraffe one started to wrap this thing around the body of the zebra one like a coiling snake. It wrapped around the body three times and then the giraffe one jumped onto the rear of the zebra one. It then plunged the head of the snake into the rear where the zebra ones tail had been. I was relieved to see some really good old earth like fucking. They were into it and their songs were extremely erotic sounding. If I was male I have such a boner. I was surprise that suddenly I felt a wave of ecstasy go through my body and realized that I was having an orgasm from their songs.

Their lovemaking went on for almost an hour. It would start to become quiet as the snake wrapping would change from snake body to octopus tentacle. When the suckers came out you could hear the sticking sound as it drain something out of zebra ones body. Then it would become snakelike and the sex songs and the sex would become wild beyond control. After an hour there was a sound like a dam breaking and the snake cock exploded in an enormous ejaculation so violent that it rip the snake cock to pieces. The zebra just sang a quiet sound of pleasure with gallons of the giraffe seed and pieces of it’s disintegrated cock lying all over the ground. The exhausted giraffe one dropped off the zebra one and they both move away from the stage.

The non-music music returned again. I wondered when my turn would come. The strange guards knew my thoughts and the number 5 came into my mind too strong to ignore. I had to watch 4 more of these strange sexual unions before I was the one performing. Just thinking about having sex made my cunt burn hot. I could feel the sexual juices flowing and my nose stung with the smell of my heat. I could hear the sound of horses neighing and snorting. Those were the stallions. They could also smell my heat and were being driving into frenzy by it.

I had been told since this was my first and they wanted offspring I would be mated until they know my eggs were fertilized. I wondered how many times must I be breed and to what will I be breed. Not all of the games are between the same species or even the same sex. They might have wanted to try me out on something extreme. Sex is sex to them it is all good. I had dabbled a lot in unusual mixtures of sexual encounters, but they had been sex with creatures of Earth and not some of the things I have seen on this planet. I felt relieved that I heard horses because that meant they were mostly for me.

The music stops and the next players entered the arena. They were dragons or flying dinosaurs. No they were definitely dragons for fire flamed out their nostrils and from their mouths. They were massive the size of a small jet and absolutely beautiful. One shone like sunlight striking diamonds and the other shone like rubies and emeralds. There eyes were huge and almost hypnotized you with their stare. The diamond dragon was the male there was no doubt with a ten foot hard steaming cock hanging down as he took fight with those velvety wings he flew around the arena showing everyone how majestic he was. He flew three times around and than swooped down on the other dragon. He landed on top of her and wrapped his wings tightly around her.

He bit her neck and his mighty teeth caused her to bleed, but he then let out a bit of fire on the wound sealing it up. Meanwhile his penis plunged into her and she roared because it’s size was so massive compared to her cunt. He pushed harder and harder and being rock hard and leaking pre-cum as thick and greasy as oil he made it all the way into her until you saw nothing of his maleness except 2 six foot across balls at her opening. This mating shook the whole arena. She tried to escape his embrace but his wings just tightened more around her and he pounded his prick harder and harder in and out of her. This continued for a long time until he roared the sound of triumph as smoke and his sperm flowed out from her. As soon as he was out she flew rapidly away in fear that he might try it again. I guess that might be why there are no dragons on Earth today. Sex for the female of that species was way to unpleasant an ordeal to go through.

I drank some water and it had to have some drug in it for I feel asleep, I was gently woken by the guards to find that it was my time to be the show. I was told to go through the door into the arena. I found that while I was asleep they had tied my tail so that my pussy was easily accessible for entry. I have strong equine legs but they felt like they were made of wet paper. My pussy was on fire which gave me the only strength to go forth inti the arena. I might enjoy sex but the idea of sharing it with a hundred thousand strangers was another story especially when they were not human, they could hear and feel every thing I did, and I would be having a kind of sex I had never experienced in my life.

I looked up where all the crowd should have been, but the lighting was such that you could not see them. I looked behind me to see the most beautiful pure black Arabian stallion I had ever seen. He was excited and moving toward me. His prick hung down between hIs legs over two feet in length. He was sniffing the air and jumping up and down snorting and prancing about. He started to smell my backsides and bumping his nostrils into my cunt. He was driven wild by my heat. In no more than ten seconds he had jumped upon me. I could feel is teeth hitting at my mane and his legs wrapped around me. His hard flared cockhead struck my groin painfully for about ten more seconds.

Then it reached the entrance to my pussy and it entered. Was this pain or was this pleasure? Oh, sweet lord, it was both. That horse cock drove into me with all the power of his mighty thighs. It drove farther and farther into me until his huge horse testicles pressed against my pussy’s entrance. I had over two foot of penis in me, and it felt hotter than my already hot pussy. I felt full and fulfilled. I never felt more wonderful than when he slammed his horse meat into me as deep as he could with all the strength of his mighty stallion body. I also wanted to cry when he pulled it almost out of me. I ran between the two conditions. Pleasure when he thrushes inward and pains when he pulls back. It was wild but horse sex was not long in duration.

After a little over a minute the stallion ejaculated an enormous stream of his sperm deep into me. Oh how hot was his cum. It almost burned my insides. It seemed to be a river of lava building the island of my being. It was trying to find the part of me to continue its own existence. I cried as I the spend organ having delivered the love seed softened and withdrew from my body. It was completely content for the first time since I was changed into a horse, but part of me wanted more. The black stallion nudged the side of my body with his head as if to say thanks and the pranced away with his head held high as it to say what a stud I am.

I was alone for a few moments. I know I was only imagining it, but for a moment I thought my inside were splashing with all the sperm that had been driven into me. I look at the gate and saw my next sex partner. It was a horse but not exactly a horse for it had skin that shone like polished gold and in the center of it’s head was a single horn nearly a yard long. Am I going to mate with a real live unicorn?

The unicorn began to move toward me. I saw that its horn was glowing with a pale moonlike glow. There were golden rings being emitted from it’s body centering around the horn and rising and expanding from it and moving toward me. The first ring slowly lowered itself from above and surrounded my body like a lasso. I could not move , but it was a gentle lock upon me. About seven of these rings surrounded me and I was getting images in my mind of the unicorn. They were of the life of this unicorn and the whole history of it’s race. I was so completely lost in the mental story that I did not even realized that I was about to be mounted by this beautiful beast. I saw his member which was hanging down over three feet long and was of the appearance of diamonds and rubies. He snorted a sound so beautiful that it made me cry in joy.

Then he leaped upon me and his penis went instantly into me. There was no pain what so ever, but the greatest pleasure I would ever experience. I felt not only my pleasure but I could actually also feel his. With each thrust of his mighty rod the ecstasy rose greater and greater. It was so amazing that I nearly passed out from it. Unlike the other horse this union lasted much longer and knew that his cock suddenly like a dog’s cock was locked into me. I could feel huge amounts of his cum flowing into me and I could feel the pleasure rising from his cock to him. I passed into a dream like state and felt higher than I ever had been on any drug. I had no ability to think of anything but this sex. It could have been a half an hour or half a day when his cock popped out of mine.

He nuzzled against me and then inserted his horn into my pussy. I do not know what he did with it but something besides his horn had entered me. From the moment that he did that I always was aware of him and had images of what he was doing. We I think are forever bounded together as mates. As he removed his horn he made again that wondrous sound and strolled away from me and was gone.

I stood there in the middle of the arena with thousands of beings watching me and passed into a completely pleasant sleep. I awoke to find my cunt being sniffed by a large and wet nose. I turned my head around to see a zebra’s body next to me. I have always thought zebras were sexy animals. There is something wild about that stripped rump that they have. I sometimes had dreams that I was a lion and I would attack them and bit into that wondrous ass. I really didn’t want to kill them just sink my teeth into that butt. I also love zebra’s pricks. They were always so big and so black.

Well I am going to feel the power of that ass and feel what it feels to be fucked by that beautiful huge black cock. I could see that the zebra already was fully erected just smelling the heat coming from me. I don’t think I smelled of heat as much as before since my body was quite full of horse and unicorn sperm. He didn’t seem to care a gave it a nice lick with the tongue of his. My pussy’s muscles opened and closed the opening . That drove him wild and I had a zebra on top of me in no time at all.

He wasn’t a horse that was for sure. He bit my mane tearing the hair and wrapped his front legs harshly around my middle. He pounded me with that two foot cock and pounded my back sides until it was deep inside me. He was much smaller than the black stallion that first mated with me but he seems twice as strong as he drove his sex in and out of me. When he came he gave my insides a real bathing with his sex juice. My pussy was sure sore from it much more than with the stallion. I was happy and felt privileged to have been able to have been fucked by a zebra.

I was exhausted from all this activity and I was brought more food and drink. One of the strange guards offered me some apples and sugar cubes. I did not care if these stuff was drugged or not, I needed the nourishment and energy they supplied. I had an hour break as some others performed. I think some kind of winged creatures. No matter how interesting it might of been I didn’t watch. I just took a much needed rest.

The hour passed much too fast and I was pointed to the arena again. What surprised awaited me next? It certainly didn’t take long and it certainly was a surprise. Coming toward me was the whitest horse I had ever seen, but wasn’t exactly a horse for on each side of his body were huge feathery wings. Wasn’t there a creature in Greek mythology called pegasus that was a horse with wings. It isn’t mythology any more. The creature moved toward me the only part of him that wasn’t white were his eyes which were very lightly pink. This Pegasus was an albino with a very long and thick white cock that was hanging down to the ground. He didn’t seem to be very aggressive even though he was obviously very horny. I moved toward him rubbing my heard into his wings. This relaxed him and he bumped his head first on top of my head and my mane. He moved his head backward over my head, until he pushed his nose into my pussy. He snorted and made the sounds of a horse feeling the fire of lust in him.

He jumped on my body and his wings which had seemed strong and rigid wrapped around like the were elastic like rubber. Yet I knew that no matter how I tried there would be no way to release them from me. I was aware that his gigantic organ was jerking back and forth near my cunt. He took only a few off center jabs and it pushed its way deep into me.

I hadn’t noticed that a mirror had been place somehow near the horse and me and I could see myself enveloped by this mighty steed. I strangely could not feel his gigantic cock inside me. I could feel the fullness but neither any pleasure or pain. I looked at the mirror again and could only see myself looking as if I was carrying a heavy invisible load on my back. Pegasus was invisible. He was still inside me, but he had become invisible. I looked against the mirror and he was there again but was the same color as myself.

Then it happened I suddenly felt the complete pleasure of that huge cock in me, but I could feel it growing in like it was a baby growing rapidly in a womb. I felt pleasant feelings flowing through out my body. I looked at the mirror and our two bodies had merge into a single organism with two heads and a single body. I could feel his essence becoming me along with massive eruption of sperm. I also felt I was becoming him. I started having terrible pain in my shoulders and weird feelings in my genitals. He pulled out of me and I looked into the mirror. I was paler in color and I had the start of wings growing out of my body. I also had a penis hanging below my legs and yet I knew I was still female. He had given me wings, a penis and I am sure offspring. He strolled away and his wings fell to the ground turning to dust and his semi erect penis fell off and also fell to the ground and became a powder.

I stood there with wings growing out from me and a large white cock hanging from my female body. It was becoming fully erect from the heat from my pussy. It swung backwards and somehow was so elastic that it entered into me. My goodness I finally have fucked myself. I could feel the sperm rising in me and my female organs were going wild with that pushing in and out if it. Suddenly the pleasure exploded as a ejaculating and I had a gigantic orgasm my female region. It was too much for my senses to take and my huge body fell to the ground.

I came to and found that my wings were gone as was my male organ . I was not in my room at the arena but I was being brushed and petted by a centaur half man and half horse. To my surprised he spoke in regular speech ” How are you doing? They are certainly putting through the ringer for a beginner. My name is Mustang but you can call me Musty I was a horse in my past life wild and running free in the southwest area of North America. I have been here for almost four hundred years. This the closest that I have been to being a horse. I am here to mate with you. Lucky for you I will be your last today. I can see you are tired and really don’t need much more sex today. I will try to be gentle yet sexy.”

I respond by saying ” My name is Roger and I am glad to meet you. I am a new arrival here. I was a male gay human from the northeastern part of the same continent. I am very tired, but I still want to have sex. Especially with a hot creature like you.”

That made Musty relax and horny at the same time. Unlike my version of centaurs this kind had two pricks one on the human half and one on the horse side. Both were equine in nature and in Musty’s state ungodly huge. Musty jumped onto my rear and pushed his human side penis into my pussy. It was a horse dick but he fucked my like a human would. Horses fuck by instinct they really are doing it by a method thousands or millions of years old. It is tried and true, but not very creative. Human sex is a basic form of sex, but we have minds which like to be creative. The horses on this world have become intelligent or were intelligent beings in another forms but they really haven’t develop the idea of creative sex. They are using techniques from other species or variations on their own styles. Their sex is still marvelous and I really don’t have any complaints, but a horse will mostly have sex in the same way every time. I have found that with dogs you can teach another creature to be creative and do it such that it is very pleasurable to them and yourself. It does however takes patience and time. Most people just accept animal sex as is.

Musty must have had a great teacher because the way he performed sex was creative. He humped me like a dog and then dropped off of me and fisted my pussy for a while then he lubed it with a good lick with his human-equine tongue. He then jump on you with his horse half and plow you into next week with that three feet of cock. This he would do very nicely pushing it in all the way to his huge horse nuts and then take it out completely until you were begging him to ram it into again which he did when he wanted. He would rub the top of your body with his other cock while sitting on you riding still holding you with his legs around your middle. He would speak sweet and dirty in human tongue and in horse tongue. Tired as I was I had still had four wild orgasms with him. My pussy was very juicy when he; first came in me with his front penis and it was overflowing when I got his rear ejaculation. We made love for a hour or more. I really hope that I can mate with him again in whatever form we might be.

I rested as the last of the contests went on. Most of these were interspecies or contests between same sex or sexes that using don’t mate together. I only half watched these as I was worn out so I won’t describe them in detail.

I was taken into a lab where a doctor gave me a shoot to take away pain and they opened me up and remove the fertilized eggs inside me. Horses don’t have many eggs to fertilize at one time but I had ten which they removed so they could speed up the birth time from months to days.

I also found that I would have my offspring with me until they reach adulthood. I would be allowed to alter my form so that I had usable hands and that I would nurse them for the first three months. I have regular horse mammary glans but because I will have ten hungry little horses I will have them more in the shape of a bitch or a sow than a mare.

I also found out that my children will not have to perform in the games. They will be sent to one of thousands of worlds that have been set aside as nature preserves. They will be virtually immortal and the world will be ideal for them. They will not be allowed to have offspring on that world. If they want offspring they can relocate to worlds where there will be predators of various kinds. This may seem cruel but uncontrolled reproduction on a predator free world would be much crueler.

Well I had a small meal and rested for about an hour. An alien looking doctor came into the room with a tray with ten small dishes. ” Here are your ten children. There are two for each of those you mated with in the games and of the two one is male and one is female. Enjoy two weeks of peace for at the end of that time your will become the caretaker as their mother until they reach maturity in about four years.

The doctor asked where I wanted my arms and breasts placed on my body and how they would work. I requested four arms about eight feet long two in the front of my body and two in the rear portions. I also requested ten human like breasts to be placed on my undersides. They placed me on a table and gave me some gas and when I awoke I had the boobs and was a four armed horse. I saw Liz, Olga, and Hans entering my room. I hugged each of them with my new arms. The doctor signed the release forms and I left with the three of them to go back to my home to rest for my upcoming motherhood.


Chapter Five – Alien animal sexual three

This is a short tale about a love affair that developed between three beings that have been a major part of my life. It involves Hans, my servant, and Musty, a fellow contestant in the sex games of which I am apart, and myself of course. It happened three weeks after the first time I was in the games. If you haven’t read that part of my story let me give you a brief summary of what has happened so far

I was a happy zoo-gay man living a contented life with my dog when I was abducted by aliens to a planet millions of light years from Earth. I was placed there to be a participant in games for these aliens. These are sex games which are sexual acts perform for the aliens who no longer able to have real sex. We are altered to be whatever creature or sex they want us to be. We live for the some of the time very peaceful lives in beautiful residences and have servants who take care of all our needs. Hans was one of my servants. I was changed from my handsome human maleness to a beautiful in heat female horse.

I had sex with Hans a dog man to relieve me of the equine horniness after which I really fell in love with him. I went to my first games and had sex with five horse or horse-like beings, a black stallion, a unicorn ,a zebra, a winged horse and a centaur. The centaur was named Musty and I fell in love with him also. The result of these game matings is that I became a mother with ten offspring. They were speed grown in a laboratory and were given two weeks later to me to raise until they reached horse adulthood which takes between three and four years. I was altered to have four human like arms beside my four horse legs and ten Dolly Parton like breasts hanging on my underside. Now I think we are pretty much up to date.

Today my children will arrive and the fathers are all there to see them of course being typical males they don’t offer to help me, except for Musty who promised to spend as much time as he could to help raise all of them. So I have now 10 children to raise and 2 beautiful beings to assist me. I also had a blue vampire like woman I call Liz and a squid like hermaphrodite person I call Olga which are in the story but play minor roles in this particular tale.

I went into the nursery to see my offspring and instantly was the very proud mother with all of them. Hans and Musty were talking of fixing a room for Musty to stay. Hans was happy to have someone to help. Ten young children would be hard to raise, but these were not just horses but horse with human intelligence and some with powers that come from their particular equine ancestry. This tale isn’t about them either. So lets get down to the good stuff.

I am now a still beautiful mare with extra features and a gay male zoo mind and I have two sexy creatures living with me and having no jealousy about each other role in my life. My problem is that I am not in the body I really wanted to be in to truly appreciate their sexual potential. Enter the wonderful aliens that rule this world. They are allowing me to have administered into my food a very powerful aphrodisiac.

Getting a little more interesting. I had been taken it for about three days and it was beginning to have an affect on this sexless body. Musty being an partial horse smelled my increasing level of horniness as did Hans’ Great Dane half. I was in my room a hay covered bedroom when my scent must have reached both of them. They arrived with a funny look in their eyes and although entirely clothed their lust was very obviously showing in all of their crotch regions. Hans and Musty looked at each other and laughed.

I laughed at them and said ” Hey, there is plenty of me to share if you want to. I really would love making love to both of you. I have lots of fun places for you plant that love juice of yours. I got lots of arms to hold you and more breasts than either of you could possibly handle.

I did not need to twist their arms at all. I had two handsome and well hung males working out which part of me they wanted to fuck. Hans decided to offer Musty the first choice and him being a gentleman gave the choice back to Hans. They would never choose on their own so I did.

I told Musty since you have two pricks to start out on my two back holes for awhile. As all real centaurs Musty was blessed with two horse-like pricks, one on the human front and on the horse backsides. This makes a centaur a wild sexual partner not just that they have two huge cocks, but what magical things they can do with them.

Musty was just beginning to try them out on me when Hans moved to my front end. There was his extremely muscular naked half man and half dog body in front of me with the most beautiful and largest dog penis I had ever seen. It was over a foot and a half long and had a diameter of three inches in the narrowest areas. The knot was over four inches in diameter and growing. I took all of his cock into my large horse mouth and it still was able to reach my throat. Once completely with my mouth his knot swelled easily to twice the size of a softball which became locked inside my mouth.

Musty had arranged his magnificent body in a way that his human-horse prick somehow was situated at the entrance to my anus and his horse-horse prick was pressing against my pussy. In one quick and thunderous push he entered both simultaneously, and the filling of my back holes with so much penis gave my the greatest orgasm I had ever had in my life so far. My equine ass was not use to something as large as the over two feet of his front cock. I would have screamed in pain if I was human, but the addition of his rear cock opening up my female area changed that thought to a silent moan of pleasure. Musty with his arms rubbed my body and his human lips nibbled also at my unusually sensuous mare’s body. I still could not figure out how he had positioned his centaur’s body to do what it was doing and couldn’t see with Hans body covering my head. I have had wild sex before but Musty’s cocks were pounding my holes in and out with such power that my mighty rear legs were barely able to remain standing . I couldn’t decide which of my back holes was enjoying him more. My pussy and ass muscles were both squeezing and releasing their invaders. I was now being lubricated with the pre-cum from both.

Meanwhile in the oral front I am fortunate that I had my beautiful long horse nose to breath through because my mouth was made useless as a breathing instrument by his cock and knot, and it was already being fertilized by pints of his seed. It was the sweetest tasting cum I had ever tasted. I liked dog cum even with it’s sharp metallic taste. Hans’ cum tasted like honey wine. I really was becoming intoxicated from it and with the amount that was flooding into him I was truly sex drunk.

Our three way or four way if you count Musty’s two cocks when on for hours. Hans and Musty were pros at sex having had sex experiences for hundreds of years in and away from the games. My pussy was having orgasm after orgasm. The regions that gave me pleasure as a gay man were enjoying those feelings to the maximum possible and more. The translator devise that we all had installed in our bodies was allowing the thoughts and emotions of each of us to be shared. I could feel Hans and Musty as they reached their climaxes, and were ejaculating three loads into my sex holes. They also both were feeling the orgasms that their fucks were giving me.

I felt their cocks spewing forth their cum and I could feel them inside my body in my pussy, my ass and in my mouth. I was having such infinite pleasure that I passed into a dream like state. We were generating such amazing love vibes that the whole planet was aware of it. Our love making was so powerful that the alien rulers sang a thank you to us for it when we finally were through.

This was the beginning of our three way love affair. We had numerous sexual adventures over the next few years, but this was my only time with both of them together. I know that Hans and Musty had numerous sexual encounters with each other and I was witness to a few of them. Being a mother on this world was not dull. Nor were Hans and Musty the only ones I was intimate with during this time.


Chapter Six – The Years of Motherhood

It was not easy being a mother to ten children at one time especially some with special talents and equipment. The young horses and zebras offered no problems equipment wise but they seemed to have more human baby brains and had a tendency to go for fullest of my breasts. The Pegasus babies with their wings made it difficult for others to nurse. The centaur babies with the human hands used them to milk my breasts like a cow’s utter. The hardest ones for me were the unicorns who always poked my underbelly with their spear sharp horns. I was thankful when I only had a couple of my children at one time, and Hans, Musty, and Olga did help a lot with bottle feeding them.

I loved going for strolls with them in the park that was behind my house. I was proud of all of them, I walked head held high with pride as my ten little ones marched behind me. They were typical youngsters curious and trying to be independent. Of course the males were worse than the females. Their human brains always made watching them more of a pleasure and annoyance.

I was very contented being a mother, but I was still have the brain and sexual lust of a twenty one year old gay male human. I had frequent sexual activity with a half human/half Great Dane being named Hans and a centaur named Musty. They were unfortunately taking a brief vacation on a paradise world of the Onzlian Empire which they deserved with all the help they have given my over the last six months.

My children are growing up and not quite so dependent on me. I still had help Olga was here all the time and having several tentacle arms to do numerous tasks and watch the babies. I also had Liz mostly during the evening hours ( I still laugh that I use these Earth terms which really don’t make sense here). Evening happens in reality for about two hours when both of the planets suns set. When Liz came over it was still bright and sunny(s). I was anyway feeling the male human lust rising in my female horse body. I did have 4 arms that had been added to me by the aliens, but the masturbation while giving wonderful and numerous orgasms and satisfying the straight female part of me did nothing to help the gay male part.

I was still in need of a nice penis or something very similar to that in an area besides my pussy. Already I could feel the herm implant placed in my ass by Olga stirring wanted to expand to satisfy my desires, but the empathic translators that everyone on this planet wears to be able to communicate with each other had brought both Olga and Liz to my private quarters. They were here to help me with my dilemma.

They having arrived almost at the same time and looked at each other deciding how they were going to solve this problem. They were communicating somehow and Olga came over to me and placed her single breast-like organ completely over my asshole and into my ass went some very warm tentacles which like magnets attracted the herm object and it swelled up completely filling my anal passages and leaking a thick liquid into me. It rammed deep into me and then pulled out going into Olga’s breast a bit and then repeating the process. It seem to grab my bowels and sent waves of pleasure through them to all parts of my body. The feeling was like having ten ejaculations and ten female orgasms all at one time and not stopping.

I couldn’t barely hold onto reality when something entered my gasping mouth. Liz had pushed her snake like tongue into my mouth and shot it full with some kind of spray which increased my arousal almost infinitely. I was helpless completely enslaved to the sexually devises these creatures were using. Then Liz remove her tongue from my mouth but then drove her vampire fangs deep into my neck. I could feel my blood being drawn into her.

I fainted from the lack of blood when suddenly it went into reverse and all my blood and then all of Liz’s blood flowed into me . I had so much blood in my body that it was leaking out my sweat glands. I then noticed that Liz was gone, but I could hear her in my mind and I could feel her all over my body. She was completely inside me. She was flowing through my veins, she was mating with every cell in my body. I had all her memories and her thoughts and she had mine. She could feel the sex I was having with Olga and suddenly I began feeling all that Olga was feeling and I knew Olga was feeling what Liz was feeling.

The three of us were one and I was feeling the sexual pleasure that Olga was having and all Liz was having. I realized that Liz has true sex when she bites the neck of another. We remained in this union for hours maybe days I just didn’t know how long nor did I care. My lust was flowing away into the bodies of Liz and Olga, and when it was gone I passed into a state in which I was not myself but two alien creatures and when I awoke I was alone.

I was sexually very contended but I was worried that Liz and Olga were alright. I went outside and was very much relieved that they were playing and taking care of the kids. I felt really bad that I was so in need of sexual release that I had completely forgotten my children. They were intelligent and were becoming more self sufficient, and this place was the safest place in the universe to raise children. There were beings watching to make all on this world were secure. There was no sexual deviance because there was someone or something to help you and not to judge you.

Still I feel bad that I forgot all about my beautiful babies until I went outside and saw them. They saw me and I was quickly surrounded by ten tiny bungles of energy and two very tired looking alien creatures. “Thank you for helping me in all the ways you do. I love you both and I know though I never say it I could not live without you around. Now you both go and get some rest and let this rotten mother start putting these little dears to bed.” I spoke to them as I led my babies to the nursery.


Part Seven – The Loss and The Gain

The time passed and my babies became young adults. They each had become individuals with unique personalities and abilities. I know I should not have but I loved each one deeply. There was Indigo and Black Light the children from the black stallion each had his strength and his beauty. Indigo, the male, was going to be an amazing stallion in a couple of years, and Black Light, the female, was a dazzler and would capture the hearts of all around her.

There was Bolt and Nugget the children of the unicorn each with his pride and joviality. Bolt, the male, was extremely intelligent and could speak in English to me and Nugget the female love gardening and landscaping and with the help of Hans and Olga had transformed the yard around the house from just real pretty to horticultural masterpiece.

Zippy and Candy were the zebra’s offspring. Zippy, the male was as wild as wild could be and behaved himself only around me and if his brothers and sisters ganged up on him, and Candy, the female was a gentle as a lamb and wanted nothing but to be a mother or teacher and have lots of children around.

Then there were my winged children, Cloud and Feather, who remind me of their father. Cloud, the male was the most beautiful of my children although his wings and mental are not the greatest, but he is also the friendliest of his children especially toward males. I am pretty sure he is gay which is fine with me (like mother like son). Feather, the female is not really beautiful, friendly or smart, but she is my favorite. She is someone you just love to be near and to hug every time you see her.

Last but not least are Duke and Dolly my centaur children. Duke is the comedian he will make anyone feel good, he has a serious side when it is necessary, but so far in his life he hasn’t had to be that very often. Dolly got her name because she may be a centaur but her breasts are very human. She makes Dolly Parton look like a man. Whenever she goes out in public she is always mentally and sometimes physically mauled by males, females, and by genders unknown.

Well, those are my children whom I will soon probably never see again. They are grown up and that means that they will soon be settling on worlds far from Onzlia. I want to leave this world and go live with them and see how their lives turn out, but that is not how it happens here. I should be happy that they will be free and not forced to be elegant porn for some super intelligent perverted aliens.

In a month there will be a huge party for them, I will see their fathers in whatever new form the aliens may have changed them. There will be some of their friends of many unusual races whom my children will also have to say good-bye. We had about three hundred beings coming and because of the shapes and needs of some of the guests there had to be special equipment, supplies, and food. I wish that I could have my children all to myself these last few days but that would just make it harder when we had to say good-bye.

If you ever wanted to see chaos in action you just had to see us trying to arrange this party. There were so many details besides the complexity of just arranging a party for a great range of ages which in itself was ages from 2 years to 5000 years. Try to arrange a party where there were predatory creatures and their prey, water loving ones and those to whom water was a poison, creatures that need the light to survive and those who die instantly if exposed to light. This went on and on.

Well, finally the day was approaching and my house looked more like a zoo or aquarium than a house with more wires and pipes than should ever be in one place. My children were assembled in our family room for our final meal together alone. My eyes were filled with tears as we stood around the large central table with the plates of grains and large tubs of water. There were tears in the eyes of all of my children even the strong and fierce looking stallions.

Hans and Olga were trying to play the part of mere servants but Han’s eyes were watering and Olga had changed from herm usual pinkish red to a sickish looking green. Indigo had been chosen to be the spokesperson for the family.” Mother, this is a tragic day in all of our lives. Your love for us seems infinite.

We became your children in very unusual ways and sudden motherhood to the ten of us was certainly not something you could ever have imagined. We, your children, love you with all our hearts. We will live our lives having been shown by you what love is. You had 10 unique children any one of us would have been an enormous challenge for a very good mother, but you were struggling with how to be a horse yourself found the way to show us very different equine types how to be what we are and to love others whether similar to us or not.”

“The Onzlies saw how devoted a mother you were and still are. They are going to allow you to be given a rare gift from us. They have a way that you will remain a part of our lives and even in our children and onward to all our generations. We all went through a special procedure to give us this ability.

They have placed in our bodily fluids a type of transmitter that will provide instantaneous mental transmission between the person or persons into which these fluids have been placed. We are already connected with each other so we know they work. Now we want to have you join our group.

The way we will placed them in your body is unusual but it is the way they said would be the most efficient. Each one of your children must place some of their saliva into your vagina. I know this may seem perverse even by this planet’s standards, but it is the least perverse of some of the alternatives and still will accomplish the objective. Our altered saliva contains genetic based nano machines which will connect with the communication regions of your brain and allow you to see, hear, smell, touch and taste with one who has had them implanted into their body. You will able to talk and be talked to with using these microscopic talking machines. I wanted to tell you what we are going to do and get your permission before we attempt this with you. Are you willing to undergo this proceedure?”

I nodded my head I would be willing to march into hell for my children and if I can remain in contact with them even millions of light apart nothing would prevent me doing this except something harmful happening to one of them. With that Indigo said “Then let us begin.”

He came up to my backside and pushed his head toward my pussy and began licking and lapping at it with his wet long horse tongue. I forgot who was doing this to me and was becoming sexual aroused. He pushed his saliva soaked tongue deep into me and a violent orgasm brought me back to reality. My son was having oral sex with me and I was receiving sex gratification from it. I then went through with this with my five daughters and my four remaining sons. After a hour it was over and I was exhausted from the numerous orgasms they had given me I rested for about half an hour and was awaken from it by voices in my head.

“We are sorry for having to do that to you to keep you in our lives. If you hear us, please nod your head each time you hear an individual says their name and says ‘Mom I love you.”I gave ten nods as I heard my children speak into my head. We finished our meal and tried out the connection in various ways we cried and laughed as we got ready for party.

The party was quite an event. There was looks of games and (music and dancing)* though what the guests thought was music and dancing was quite different. I found myself dancing to what I thought was a song only to find it was an alien band tuning their instruments. I also thought a very strange creature was dancing but was instead in the process of laying some of her eggs. There was lots of food and refreshments. Everyone was talking with each other and all were having a good time.

It was nice to meet my children’s friends most of them were in the educational courses being taught and seldom did they come to my home to visit. They all had close friends, but Bolt had a friend who was almost a lover though how they could be lovers was a mystery. Bolt’s friend whose name was Grotomil looked and was a giant amoeba with some of its cilia being hands and fingers. She moved like jelly and like Olga showed emotions by changing her colors. She talked and talked quite well by vibrating her jelly near her mouth. She showed affection by enveloping the body of the creature that she was dealing.

I was horrified at first when she surrounded me with herself trying to say that she was honored to meet Bolt’s mother. I was also freaked out when she completely engulfed Bolt to dance with him. The party went on for over ten hours and finally most had left or getting ready to leave. The ones who remained were my children’s best friends. They entered private rooms with my offspring and they were going to be joined to them so they could remain friends even when they were far away from each other. Their joining would only be a verbal connection unlike the complete union I have with them.

Bolt and Grotomil decided that what they were to do was nothing that should be hidden away in a dark room. If the rulers of this world thought sex was a public event the showing of love between two creatures should be performed in public to show the magnificence of it. Grotomil moved toward Bolt and in a shade of hot lava red oozed her form slowly over Bolt’s entire unicorn body except his horn. Bolt’s eyes rolled back into his head, and I saw my son’s penis hanging down fully erected and slowly entering a dark pocket in the protoplasm that was Grotomil.

The entire mass of her suddenly glowed bright yellow and became opaque. Bolt’s large equine body was no longer visible in the shadowing lights behind Grotomil’s body and Bolt’s beautiful unicorn horn was no longer visible outside the amoeba’s body. The protoplasm darkened and became transparent. I cried out and my new ability to know my children’s thoughts stopped as he completely vanished into her. As I saw pieces of Bolt’s anatomy drifted about in the thick jelly. There were streaks of red I knew were my son’s blood looking like red rivers in a living landscape. I could even see his smashed head with his eyeballs floating like circular islands in the amoeba’s fluids.

I was about to attack this creature who had apparently just killed and might be consuming my son as food when the amoeba became illuminated in bright blue and then became jet black. I started to rush to the amoeba to try to kill it with my bare hands if necessary when I was held back by Hans and Olga.

After about ten minutes there appeared a large pimple or lump on the side of the amoeba. From the center of the lump appeared first the unicorn’s horn then his head. In about five minutes all my son emerged from the amoeba’s body. Someday I will ask Bolt what happened with his sex with Grotomil, but for now I didn’t want to know. All I cared about was that my son was alright.

My children finished saying good-bye to all their friends and all the guests slowly left. The family group assembled in the family room which was the only one that had been off-limits during the party. This gave the fifteen of us a place to gather together and say their goodbyes. I knew I would be connected with them mentally but physically I would be here and they would be so very far away, something like 50,000 light-years away from me. I hugged and kissed them all my proud stallions and my lovely mares over and over again. I was proud of them all, but it seemed so unfair that they could not somehow stay here and live normal horse lives in some remote area of this world.

It was close to midnight and the Onzlian guards had arrived to escort them to gate that would take my children away and soon I would end my days as a mare it would mean re-entry into the games and a whole new life. I cried as they wandered down the street to the transport center. They looked back at me with those big sad horse eyes and the wild glance as the fear of the unknown of what their lives who be like on the new world. Their forms faded away and I sat together with Hans and Musty, and Liz and Olga looking at each other but not saying a word. We then silently went our separately ways to cry, to sleep and to sadly wake up to a whole new day.


Chapter Eight – The New Beginning

The next week was the most terrible of my life on this planet so far. I was lonely for my children. Sure I was connected mentally with them all, but that is not the same as being able to touch them with your hands, to hear their laughter and voices with your ears, to see them playing and just being young with your eyes and to enjoy them with all your senses. As horny a person as I am during this time I had no desire for sex nor did my companions. The two suns shone brightly on my house, but it felt damp, dark and cloudy.

Everything changed when the Onzlians sent word for me to show up at the game headquarters for me to be prepare for my next games. I knew that it was time to put the loss of my children aside and prepare for the next adventure. I wondered what I would become this time. I only prayed I would be mammalian and male though with the variety of beings here probably it would not be.

I entered the room where I had entered before and heard them discussing my fate with each other. One of them spoke “Roger, we regret that we have taken away your children, but they will be happy, free and independent creatures where they have gone which they never could have been here. You still have an amazing journey to travel. You had an incredible adventure being female and a mother of five different types of equine creatures. Where your journey takes you now only the game programmer knows.

Follow the priests and in a few hours you will no longer be a mare. I, myself, have no clue into what you will be changed. I only know that you will be fantastic at it. Let the priests begin to create your life’s new path.

I went with them and as before I lost consciousness and when I came around I was feeling very strange and I look into a mirror and found that I was now an indigo colored male wolf. Well I kind of like this. I love wolves and now I am a big male one. I am not sure how to be one but if I can learn how to be a mother horse it should not be too difficult to be a wolf. One of the priests came into the room and said this.

“You will still live in your house and when there you will have a pair of added on arms with human like hands attached. However for one month out of every four you will be a regular wolf spending that time with a pack of wolves in the southern part of the planet. You will be in this pack a Beta male subservient to the Alpha males. When you are in the games you can be either and you will be having in the games sex with both sexes and will be a top or bottom as a male. you will also by fathering some puppies, but unlike those offspring you had as a mare you will never raise them or in most situations ever even see them.

You also will not only mate with dogs but various life forms in your lupine form. You will go now to the area called the Golden Plains and spend one a month amongst one of the packs of wolves that live there. You will learn the way of the wolf, how to hunt, how to kill, the way of wolf society and culture, you will learn wolf sexuality. You will learn all this to survive in the pack.”

I was then escorted to the transporter room and I entered the machine and was instantaneous moved to the Golden Plains. I left the machine and there was this golden grassland with patches of forest scattered around and surrounded by hills and snow covered mountains. I saw off to one side in the distance a pack of wolves about twenty in number who were stacking both a herd of deer and a herd of buffalos. The wind was blowing in the direction from me toward them and they became aware of my presence.

A single wolf left the pack and started coming toward me. I knew at once that he had to be the pack leader because he was magnificent in appearance. He was about a foot taller than the rest with a bright snowy white and gray colored fur with eyes that one could see even from 500 feet away. They seemed to change from sky-blue to lavender in color. They hypnotized you instantly and drew you into them.

Suddenly they were looking at me from only a foot or so away. I heard him giving me a menacing growl. I instinctively lowered my head in submission and he began to sniff me and I felt him breathing his hot breath at my anus and genitals. I looked behind at him to see his large red penis hanging beneath his legs. Somehow I knew that he was going to butt fuck me to make me his bitch and to allow me entrance into the pack. I noticed that the whole pack had moved closer to us. The other males were excited and some of them showed signs of arousal.

The alpha male who I called Primo was now licking my asshole with that long, hot, wet and rough tongue. I also knew that even without seeing his penis it was a full erection. He leaped onto my back humping me wildly and being the leader had no problems finding his entrance into me. I felt the head of his cock ram its way into me as his front legs wrapped around me and his paws dug deep into me. His teeth bit into my neck and any resistance to him would mean a bite into my jugular vein and death. His cock was huge, and as I had never had anything as yet inside my wolf anus which hurt like nothing I had ever felt.

As he continued I suddenly was feeling great pleasure and by the time his knot locked us together I was lost in lust. I noticed a younger male had positioned his head under me and was licking and sucking on my penis. Another male I will call Deuce was on top of my head pushing his cock into my gasping mouth.

He was the second in command and he was someone who was going to give me problems as time went on. I allowed him to bury his bone into my mouth and I began to taste his metallic sperm flowing into me.

I was more concerned at this time at the other end. Primo was fucking with such strength as fits the leader that he was. I was locked with him and his knot swelled so large that my virgin ass seemed to want to explode. I was being filled with what seemed like quarts of his sperm. Unlike most canine males who stopped humping and just allow the cumming to continue without motion Primo was still holding on to me and thrusting into me like he had at the beginning. I know what it was to have a real stud male make love to you. I was so content with his sex that I almost didn’t realize that I was coming into the mouth of the younger male and that my mouth was full of Deuce’s prick and sperm.

Primo continued on for about half an hour until his load had been completely emptied into my bowels and his beautiful cock popped out of my asshole. He was a real winner who cleaned my cum soaked backsides before he cleaned his own privates. Deuce finished his load and left immediately to clean his cock away from me. I think he was aware that his position as number two might be threatened. I had little time to worry about it as now the remaining six adult males each took turns in relation to their position fucking me. I enjoy getting fucked but after the second wild fuck my ass was bleeding and raw from the pounding by large pricks entering a small almost virginal butthole. I however had no choice because failure to submit would have meant my death.

I am gay and I love anal sex, but to be a bitch for eight male wolves is not something I would be looking forward to. I will have to move myself up in the packs hierarchy. I would not mind being Primo’s male bitch, but I just don’t like Deuce and I had to get rid of him. Some the ones under Deuce seemed like good animals and I wouldn’t mind a good fuck from them and I don’t know if I really want to be a stud wolf. One day in the pack and I am in a power struggle.

I was too tired to sleep so when we got to the sleeping grounds I was asleep very fast. I awoke to find two of the males sleeping next to me. One I called Black because his fur is very dark compared to the other wolves and Long Tail who seems to have been endowed with a very long thick tail. These two decided that they wanted to be close to the new one. They would become my best friends in the pack and I like our private sexual parties. They were the ones who taught me the secrets of wolf life and protected me from those in the pack who might wish me harm. I will tell later the story of my first month as a member of the pack and my adventures as a wolf.

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