Women with Animals
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Dane Done


The sun poured through my windows as I got up to go for my morning jog. I knew it was going to be a gorgeous day and I wanted to enjoy the sweet spring air of the countryside rather than drive to the gym as I had been during the winter months. I lived so far out in the country that I would wish for spring during the winter months just to avoid the drive. This way too, I didn’t have to worry about gathering my things for work. I could shower and dress at home rather than at the gym.

After throwing on some old sweats, I grabbed my portable stereo and headed out the door. My husband hadn’t budged from his deep snoring slumber and would probably not even notice that I was gone.

I took off down our driveway and onto the country lane. But after about a quarter of a mile I turned off the road and decided to go cross country. I headed up a small hill into the woods and found the trail I knew would be there. I loved going way back into the woods. My favorite thing was to go off the trail to see what was beyond the next rise. Well, this time my wanderings had taken me to a high hill with a clearing at the top that afforded me a spectacular veiw.

I knew no one else was around for miles around and the sense of being alone prompted me to take off my clothes. The thought of being so exposed was quite erotic to me. The chill of the air was just enough that added to my arousal made my nipples stand perfectly erect. I leaned back against a tree and parted my legs.

I grew damp as I enjoyed the pleasure of my own touch. Closing my eyes I allowed myself to drift into some wild fantasy about making love out in the open, in nature, like this.

At first the sound didn’t’ bother me. Dogs barked out in the country all the time, but after a while the sound grew closer. It wasn’t just a bark. But the sound of several dogs howling and barking together. I still didn’t think much about it untill I could hear them in the woods behind me.

Dog packs were not common, but occasionally some of the farm dogs around would roam in packs. They were usually harmless only harrassing neighboring cows from time to time. The thought crossed my mind that it might be someone coming with them though so I quickly went to the edge of the hill where I had left my clothes to retrieve them. I wasn’t in too much of a hurry, because dogs usually are way ahead of their masters.

Before I reached my clothes, two of the dogs were on top of me, knocking me down. I was afraid I was goign to be mauled and was unsure if I should fight or lie still. But the nips at my bare flesh prompted me to fight.

I’m not even sure how many dogs there were, five or six maybe? They were obviously led by a large grey speckled dane. He stood directly over me and looked down at me like he knew exactly what to do. All of the dogs were very big dogs. I knew I didn’t have a chance. The was a golden retriever type that was almost as big as the dane. None of them seemed like they were angry or ready to attack. Their tails were all wagging, but the way they had knocked me down and nipped at me said otherwise.

The dane stood with his face in mine, but I began to feel noses at my crotch. I pushed at them and held my legs together tight, but they nudged and prodded. The dane put his back foot on my leg so it slid down the inside of it with his nails raking into my inner thigh. I pulled my leg back in reaction to the pain and before I realized what I had done I had four noses in my pussy.

I screamed and kicked at them, but they became more insitent. The dane had calmly stepped over me and looked as though he were waiting his turn. I quickly seized the opportunity and got up to run. I never made it off of my knees. The dane mounted me and held me with his body as he began thrusting.

His cock was trying to find its home. I squirmed and fought to get him off of me, but the tongues lapping at my pussy from behind only made things more ready for him. He was so much stronger than I ever thought a dog could be.

He held me firmly and his cock suddenly slipped into my womanhood. I screamed. I have never felt such revulsion. The dog pumped into me hard and I could feel a swell being pushed into me. I knew from seeing dogs get tied that they had a knot that would not come out easily if it made it’s way inside. I was on the tight side anyway. I clawed at the ground to pull away.
He still held me fast. I could move away some, but he came right along with me.

I reached under me to try to grab ahold and keep him out, but he only pumped into me harder and more forcefully.

I felt it slip in and sure enough it felt like it would rip me apart if it came back out. I found myself having to push back against the animal, affording him deeper entry to keep the knot from tearing my hole open. It was humiliating to have to let a dog fuck me. I thought about my husband and what he would say if he knew. Tears began to flow and the dog exploded inside of me. I could feel the cum dripping out and running down my leg.

The dog tried to pull out, but it hurt me so bad that I had to move with him to keep him inside of me. He was turned away from me with his cock buried in me. I cried and cried with the thought of someone finding out.

The other dogs lapped up the juices flowing from my cunt. The feel of all those tongues began to make me feel aroused. I was ashamed, but I was being turned on by this.

My pussy was so sore by the time the dogs cock was freed from me. All the pulling he did to try to get out had left my pussy feeling quite abused. I started to get up but the retreiver was on me before I could. The whole scene was repeated with each dog. But by the last one, I had cum several times as well.

I was about to collapse after the last one when the dane mounted a second time. I tried to crawl away, but his cock found my ass and he pounded into it hard and fast. I had never had anything in my ass before and the pain left me screaming for my life. It hurt like nothing I had ever felt before. The severe stretching burned beyond comprehension. I fought hard, but the dane held me so tight between his paws.

My thoughts turned to the knot. I frantically tried to get away from it, but the dane forced it in and once again I found myself having to let him have his way. The dane humiliated me more than the others because I had to give into him, to let him do this to me. With more cum dripping from my ass the other dogs lapped at my abused cunt and ass around the tie the dane had with me. It took at least half an hour or more before the dane came free of my ass. I had to stay there on all fours with this dog attached to me, during all that time. I hoped beyond belief that no one would come that way and see.

My husband would have awoken and gotten worried by this time. I didn’t know if he would come looking or not, but the chances of anyone coming up to that ridge was slim. I relaxed with that thought. When the dane was free, I collapsed in a heap on the dewy grass. My legs were spread wide as the dogs licked me clean. When they were done they disappeared into the woods. I lay there for a few minutes longer trying to compose myself and think of an explanation. I certainly didn’t want to tell my husband that I was raped by dogs. He’d never believe it and I was too ashamed.

I got up and slowly put on my clothes. I winced with every motion from the beating my ass took. I knew I would not be able to jog up the driveway much less the whole way home. I headed down the hill trying to think of a way to alleviate suspicions.

When I reached the trail, I saw a piece of paper laying on the trail and absent mindedly picked it up. I glanced at it and did a double take. It was a poloroid of me and the dane.

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