Women with Animals
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Jackie Takes a Walk (or Walkies!)


(c) 2019 by Marti

Jon was very pleased with the DVD I sent and couldn’t get enough of watching Jackie with his old dog Bruce. We spent many an hour discussing it and then one afternoon, Jon asked if I was ready for round 2? Jon said he had a friend he owed a favour and that we could kill 2 birds with one stone. He asked me if I fancied a weekend in the Quantocks?


Jackie’s story

Mart suggested we have a weekend away, and he mentioned that the couple who owned Bruce, the dog we’d looked after, had offered the opportunity of a cottage in the Quantock Hills in Somerset, not far from the coast. Mart said the walking in the area was amazing and we’d only be a stone’s throw from Taunton and Weston Super-Mare. I needed no further tempting and didn’t hesitate to jump at the chance I love Somerset and I knew we’d be close to Dunster, and its beautiful there.

We arrived Friday evening and we had a quick dinner and headed for bed, a bit of a fumble between the sheets and then sleep, we had planned a day of walking for Saturday. But just after 7am Mart’s phone rang. I was a bit annoyed, I had been hoping for a Saturday morning session, a little slower and less earnest this time. I told Mart to leave it as I knew it would be work. But Mart said he ought to answer, just in case. He leapt out of bed grabbing his phone and headed down stairs, I rolled up in the duvet, oh well I thought, a lay in will be just as nice.

I could hear Mart talking down-stairs, he rang off and came up-stairs. He had that sheepish look, and he then explained that it was work and something had gone wrong with an order and they needed it sorting out, he said he would have to drive back and sort it. He left within the hour, I was a bit miffed and a bit frustrated sexually, but he said he’d be back by lunch time and that he’d take me into Dunster for a look round when he got back. He said there was some walk leaflets on the kitchen table and that it was a lovely day and I could have a stroll while he was gone. It was a fair trade off and a walk with my own thoughts was a nice idea.

I showered, put a bit of makeup on and got dressed, jeans a sweater and then went to find the walk leaflets, I wondered just how close were we to the sea? Well the leaflets weren’t actually leaflets, rather printed copies of leaflets and all mostly of the local area and apart from 1 were pretty much un-readable! So that solved that, I took the decent map, put on my walking boots grabbed my light walking coat, though the weather was fine. I popped my phone and some water in my little rucksack and a ten pound note in the zipper and off I went. The walk was un-eventful at first and fairly easy going, mostly good paths well signed. But then after about ½ an hour, it turned off and went over a stile into some fields and headed over farmland. The signing stopped but the maps description was still good and I was able to navigate, eventually finding myself on a farm track that led up to a ram-shackled but rather quaint farm. The directions said walk through the yard and then turn down a lane after the old farm house. As I approached the house, a rather large, scruffy man appeared at the door, he had a round and whiskered face and quite a large round belly supported by short stocky legs, we was wearing wellingtons, the expensive kind. As I was about to pass him, I called out my hellos and suggested it was a lovely day; but was surprised, when he said, rather abruptly. ‘Well about time too, you’re late!’ I stopped,’ sorry?’ I said.

‘You’re late’ he said again, ‘but no matter’. ‘No’ I said.

‘I’m just out walking, I’m staying at the cottage’ and I pointed back the way I came. ‘No’, he said,’ Jon has sent you’. He looked at me, ‘see’ he said ‘you’ve got the map!’ And he snatched it from my grasp. He looked at it, ‘but!’ I said.

‘I don’t know any Jon; I think you’ve made a mistake’. ‘No, no mistake’ he said, ‘this is the map’, and he turned and walked back into the house, ‘come on! He called ‘Rosie’s got the kettle on’. And he disappeared!

‘Hey’ I yelled,’ I need that!’ Meaning the map, and foolishly I followed after him. I found him in a large farmhouse kitchen, holding the map and talking quietly to a nice looking woman. She looked like a typical farmer’s wife, about my age dark hair wearing a black cardigan over a pink summer dress. ‘Sorry’ I said.

‘but clearly there has been a mistake, can I have my map back please, I need to continue with my walk, my husband is expecting me’. The woman, Rosie, beamed, ‘yes, yes,’ she said, but before I knew it, she had me sitting at the table a cup of tea in my hands. ‘What a palaver’ she said smiling gaily. ‘Davey here, was convinced that Jon had sent you up to use’, she said. ‘Well she has got the map’, Davey said insistent, ‘so he must have!’

‘Are you sure Jon didn’t send you?’ Rosie asked, ‘no’ I said gulping a mouth full of tea. ‘I’m out walking and I need to get on my way’, I added. ‘Cold feet perhaps’ Said Rosie. Odd I thought, but’ no’ I said.

I took another big gulp of tea, the quicker I finished it, the sooner I could be on my way. Rosie turned to Davey, ‘it is odd though’ she said, she picked up the leaflet from the kitchen unit where Davey had left it. She looked at it quizzically, ‘its definitely the map!’ she said, then slid it to me across the table. I drained my cup and set it on the table. ‘Well’, I said and I reached for the leaflet, ‘I best be on my way’. But as I reached for the paper, it seemed to move. Suddenly, my walk felt un-important and the kitchen felt such a nice place to be, I went to get up but my legs felt heavy and something in my head said why walk, just stay sitting down. I looked up, Rosie, stared at me intently, but that was fine, Rosie was lovely I thought. ‘Well love’ she said smiling. ‘How you feeling?’ she asked her voice was warm and soothing. No cold feet now she said, my feet were warm as toast, so, ‘no’ I said.

‘Good ‘Rosie replied.

‘Let’s get that Jacket off and put away shall we’, and she helped me remove my jacket, my arms seemed heavy and slow to respond, but it all seemed normal. She put my coat and my little rucksack on a hook behind the door ‘that’s better much more comfortable’ she said. She then turned to Davey, ‘you were right’ she said, ‘Jon must have sent her’. ‘Yes’ said Davey,’ I knew she was the one, can’t understand why she made a fuss!’

‘Right’ he said ‘everything is about ready to go, I’ll go get things started. The conversation was strange, but it all seemed perfectly logical to me, I then realised that Rosie had taken my boots off! ‘There’ she cooed, ‘nice and comfy are we?’ I felt warm and very comfortable… ‘Mmmmmmm yes’ I heard myself say. I sat and looked round the kitchen, I felt very relaxed and quite at home. Rosie busied herself, and then came and sat with me, ‘here’ she said and handed me another cup of tea, I was so pleased I had a raging thirst! It was almost cold so I gulped it down … Rosie laughed, ‘steady ‘she said, but I drained the cup. Rosie took the empty mug and set it on the table. We started to chat, and I found myself telling Rosie, my name, I told her about work and why we were in Somerset, it all seemed perfectly innocent. Then Rosie asked me if Jon, really had sent me? I thought about it, had he sent me? I tried to think, ‘which Jon?’ I asked, I didn’t know, I thought, he might have done? Perhaps he did? ‘I’m not sure’, I told Rosie, ‘maybe’ I said.

‘but I just can’t remember’. ‘That’s all right love’ she said, she put her hand firmly on my thigh and squeezed, I felt a thrill shoot through me! ‘It doesn’t matter, you’re here now’ she said cheerily and don’t you worry, we will certainly give you just what you’re after!’

‘Good’ I said.

not quite sure what it was I actually wanted? But it made me feel all warm and it felt nice being with Rosie. ‘So?’ she said, ‘do you know anyone called Bruce?’ This made my heart jump, and I realized that my pussy was hot and tingly! I could feel myself blushing. I couldn’t help it, I giggled and told Rosie that I did know a Bruce, but I whispered, ‘he wasn’t a, who he was a, what!’

‘Oh?’ Said Rosie, she lent close to me,’ tell me all about it,’

‘Bruce is a dog’ I said.

in a whisper, ‘we looked after him a few months ago’. ‘I see’, said Rosie, ‘but why the secrecy?’ And then I couldn’t help it, it welled up inside me and I just had to let it out! ‘He fucked me!’ I said.

I clasped my hands over my mouth, fuck I thought don’t say that! But it was too late, I’d said it. ‘Good heavens! ‘Exclaimed Rosie, ‘that’s so naughty’ she said, ‘I know,’ I said.

‘What was it like, did you enjoy it?’ she asked, her voice a whisper too. The urge to tell was compelling, ‘it was amazing!’ My heart was pounding ‘I never meant for it to go that far’ I said ‘but in the end I loved it’ I whispered. I couldn’t help it, my pussy was tingling with the memory, and I felt devilishly naughty that I’d told someone my secret. ‘Well that’s good’, said Rosie, she chuckled, ‘you’re secret is safe with me and let me tell you, you’ve come to the right place’. And then Davey came back in the room.

‘Oh good’ said Rosie, ‘here’s Davey, are we all set love?’ she asked him Davey nodded, ‘yep’ he said. By now I was snuggled in the chair feeling cozy, happy and serene, and my god! Very, very horny!

Rosie took my arm, I smiled at her, gosh I thought, she is so attractive, ‘up we come, my lovely’, she cooed. I tried to stand but felt a bit heady, my legs struggled to lift me, I laughed, ‘ooops’, I said as I gained my balance. Rosie held me around my waist and steadied me, I gripped her tight, it felt nice, which made me feel better, she walked me to the door, Davey had already disappeared through it, as I walked my muscles began to work better, but Rosie held me tight and guided me down a hall way and then up some stairs, ‘up we go’ she chanted as we climbed, as we did her hand dropped to my bottom and she squeezed it, ooooh, that thrill again, and it centered in my pussy! At the top of the stairs was an open space with a door at the far end, it seemed a long way away. The wide room was very bright, there were no windows, but sky lights allowed bright day light in. But it was so very hot. There were 3 large lights on stands shining into the room, illuminating a large leather footstall in the center of the room. I thought that It was a little strange, and a surprise to have this at the top of the stairs, we had bedrooms and a bathroom at home, but Rosie and Davey had a big white room!

Rosie walked me to the footstall, and then I noticed what looked like a camera on a tripod, it was like Mart’s little video camera, but bigger. But again it seemed odd to me, but I didn’t pay anymore notice to it. ‘Gosh its warm’ said Rosie, I nodded,’ yes’ I said.

I was hot and thirsty again. Rosie took off her cardigan and threw it in the corner by the stairs. Then she walked over to me and started to pull up my sweater, something in the back of my mind wanted to resist, something wasn’t right, but when Rosie said gosh your sweating Jackie, I was reminded how hot I was and I simply allowed her to slip my jumper up and over my head. ‘That’s better’ Rosie muttered,’ cooler now?’ And she threw my sweater in the corner with her cardy. Next she un-buttoned my jeans, I looked at her, again i felt confused. ‘Don’t worry’ she said, ‘we are all friends here’, and she began to ease my jeans down. Then Davey stood beside me, for a fleeting moment, I felt embarrassed and went to stop Rosie, but Davey offered me a bottle of water and he didn’t seem the slightest bit concerned that I stood there in only my bra, with my jeans now down around my ankles. And the water was so enticing, I took the bottle and drank, as I did, Rosie lifted first one leg and then the other and slipped my jeans off, taking my socks with them. I was so thirsty! I drank deeply, the bottle collapsing as I gulped. ‘Steady!’ chuckled Davey, ‘save some for later’, I stood there in my black bra and half cut comfortable knickers and meekly I let him take the bottle. I was still confused, something, vague and in the back of my mind, was trying to tell me something but I still felt warm and happy and oh so sexy … It was strange, I really wanted to touch myself … And worse, I really thought that it would be, absolutely ok even with Rosie and Davey there with me!

Rosie broke my thoughts and gently led me to the large brown leather footstall, it was huge, with a thick seat and short exquisite turned legs. Rosie suggested I sit down I was now facing the door at the far end of the room, the camera to my left. The leather was warm on my bum and it yielded and felt oh so comfy. ‘Why don’t you lie back Jackie’, Rosie cooed, it was so comfortable and I was driven to comply. Oh, the leather felt wonderful on my back, so cool. I was reveling in the feeling, but was interrupted when Davey pushed my right shoulder up and deftly unclipped my bra strap, with one deft movement he grabbed the black lace between my tits and pulled the whole thing away from my body, my arms pulled up unceremoniously as the straps where whipped away, to leave my breasts bare and exposed. Unconsciously, and still in a state of confusion, I gained some control of my flailing arms and covered my breasts, but the feel of my own hands over my boobs only made me feel sexier and I could feel my nipples hardened against my palms. But covering myself, touching myself, wasn’t to last. Rosie stepped up and bending looked into my eyes… ‘Comfy?’ she said. All I could do was mumble, the words simply wouldn’t come. She took my right hand and moved it from my breast and pulled it down the side of the footstall and then I felt cord slipping round my wrist, I weakly tried to pull away and still the words wouldn’t come. Then she did the same with my left arm and through the fog of my mind I vaguely realized that I was now firmly secured to the stool! A weak wave of panic finally began to fill my mind, something wasn’t right, I looked down my body at my breasts, my hard dark nipples stood out luridly, as I looked I saw that I still had my knickers on … and for some reason, my mind rationalized that my modesty was still in-tacked and that everything was actually fine. Davey walked passed, ‘stick these on her Rosie’, he muttered, he dropped some shoes, slutty, looking heels, on my tummy, ‘the punters don’t like bare feet’, he said. Once she’d placed them on my feet, (they felt a little loose) Rosie sat on the edge of the stool pressing her ample bottom next to me, ‘you look lovely Jackie’, she said, I managed to say,’ but?’ and looked to my left and right. ‘Oh don’t worry about that’ she said and quickly slipped a blindfold over my eyes ‘Aaaah no’, I complained, but it was too late, I was in the dark! Rosie’s voice was in my ear, ‘remember Bruce’ she said in a seductive whisper, ‘think about it, remember how you felt’. I tried not too but the dark void conjured up lurid images, with nothing else to focus on, my mind raced back to that Saturday morning and the sensations that I experienced. I heard a lustful moan, as I hallucinated behind the mask, but then i realized that the sound was coming from me!

No, I’m not going to tell you the sordid details; I am ashamed of myself and what I’ve become. If you must know, let’s just say I indulged in another depraved and disgusting act. It turns out I did know what I wanted. I’m loathed to admit it, but eventually, yes, I knew what was going on, and was complicit. And yes, it’s terrible I know, but I ended up loving it, and god forbid, I fear I may need to do it again.


Mart’s story

The DVD opened, I wide bright room, there she was, I felt a sharp pang of guilt, but it was short lived, she was on her back on a low platform, it looked like an over-sized stool. She was blindfolded, but I could tell it was Jackie she was naked, except for a pair of black knickers, her tits where bare, large white orbs, resting on her chest tipped with pert brown nipples. Her arms were hanging down the side of the stool, and … And her wrists were tied to the wooden legs! Fuck oh fuck I thought she’s been tied down!

Her head laid back slightly over the edge of the platform, so she would have been looking up and slightly back if she hadn’t been blindfolded. She didn’t struggle or try to resist, she seemed calm and relaxed. A scruffy man walked in and out of shot, portly and with a very hairy head! And a woman, again plump with dark hair and a pink dress walked over to Jackie, she whispered something in Jackie’s ear, and Jackie nodded. Then the camera turned and fell on a door, the woman walked over to it and opened it. I knew what was coming, or at least I thought I did. Out of the room walked a dog! But not Bruce, this was a huge brown shaggy beast, Christ! More like a bear than a dog! He was enormous, a large broad head and a large short snout, his jowls black, his tongue dark red, he licked his mouth as he wandered in. A wide, deep barrel chest and four big strong legs! He ambled in, and then; another identical hound wandered in behind him! Oh fuck! I thought, No, No. But I was powerless, I feared the worst! But the DVD continued. The pair seemed more interested in the woman and they turned to her their short hairy tails wagging. She stroked them and tousled their big heads; then she called ‘come boys!’ And led them over to where Jackie lay, prostrate and secure. As soon as the two big hounds were aware of Jackie their behavior changed, they became more animated, more excited, one sniffed at her leg and the other sniffed at her hair, pushing his nose in around her ear and neck. The woman took the dog by her head and led him away and secured him to a ring on the wall by a leash then she returned to the second dog, which by now had its head across Jackie’s thigh and was sniffing at her belly and crotch.

The woman heaved the dog off of Jackie and re positioned him in front of Jackie’s knees, she told him to sit! And he did perfectly, his tail wagging and his tongue lolling. She then lent forward grabbed Jackie’s knickers on either side and yanked them off! She pulled them down Jackie’s right leg, stretching the material to its limit and lifting Jackie’s leg she slipped the knickers over her foot and off, she let Jackie’s leg drop down and the panties sprang back caught around Jackie’s left leg at the knee, they hung there like a skimpy black rag. Now the woman called the big brown dog, ‘here boy’ she cooed, ‘what’s this then?’ She pushed Jackie’s thighs apart and slapped her seductively on her full round belly. Jackie finally gave a sharp cry of surprise. The hounds ears pricked and he sprang between Jackie’s knees, his nose searching. He found what he wanted, Jackie’s neat plump pussy, immediately he began to lick! The camera moved in close, catching his tongue on her twat, his tongue deftly parted her lips and licked inside her, grazing her clit as it did. The camera caught the sound of Jackie gasping, possibly in surprise but more likely from pleasure!

As the big dog licked Jackie, enjoying her sweet taste, the woman went and retrieved the second mastiff, and led him to the stool. The dog was keen he strained to reach her his nose twitching. The woman made him stand behind Jackie’s head, then she commanded ‘Up boy ‘and the dog jumped up landing his strong powerful forelimbs on the stool either side of Jackie, he now towered over her face, he leaned forward, stretching towards his companion, who was feverishly licking Jackie’s now dripping cunt. The camera now zeroed in on this dog’s lower area, his large heavy sheath swung just a fraction above Jackie’s blindfolded face, she seemed oblivious to his presence, she was grunting now and sighing, no doubt unable to resist the sensations that her licking K9 lover was soliciting. But already, the second dogs cock was extending from the sheath, about an inch of dark pink shaft appeared, with the strange pointed head, and it slowly grew, longer and bigger, then as the big cur lent forward trying to access J’s cunt, the tip of his growing cock touched Jackie’s face, she squealed and turned her head from side to side, and mumbled something, which the camera didn’t catch.

Now the woman leaned in to Jackie and whispered in her ear, the cameral picked up what she said. ‘How does it feel Jackie?’ She asked. Jackie was panting and moaning ‘Ugh Ugh, Ooooh Mmmmm. Oh Rosie’ she purred, (so the woman was called Rosie) ‘Its so fucking good’ Grunted Jackie, ‘Bruce licking me, licking my pussy, he makes me feel sooooo good’. ‘Good girl’, cooed Rosie,’ but its not Bruce darling’ she said,’ its another, just as good, better even’. ‘You like him, like what he’s doing, yes?’ Asked Rosie, Jackie nodded her approval ‘Mmmmmmm yes’ she sighed. ‘Oh good’, said Rosie,’ he likes you to babe, he is loving your taste he can’t get enough. God he can’t get enough’. She said ‘you are sure to cum. Do you want to cum Jackie?’

‘Ooooh yes’ replied Jackie, her voice small filled with lust. ‘I thought so’ chuckled Rosie. ‘He will make you cum’, said Rosie, ‘and I will make sure he does’ she added as she ran her hands over Jackie’s tits pressing hard on her nipples, soliciting a deep groan from Jackie, then her hand moved down her belly and then on to her hot wet, dog slobbered cunt. ‘Ooooh yes’ keened Jackie, ‘so close’ she croaked, her voice deep, husky, lust filled.

Rosie moved her hand away quickly, her tone changed. ‘But Jackie he needs to cum too, will you help him?’ she asked. ‘I, I’ Jackie mumbled, ‘I don’t know what you mean?’

‘Its ok’, Rosie whispered, soothing again,’ lean your head back darling, that’s it, a little more’, Jackie moved her head as far back as she could, as she did Rosie, squeezed and massaged the big doggy sheath hanging close to Jackie’s up-turned face. I could see the pink, cock head begin to swell, and it began to extend from the sheath, it quickly became engorged as Rosie continued her ministrations. Jackie was still panting and moaning as the dog working her pussy licked her fervently, his snout was burrowed deep between Jackie’s labia, her lips flared wide around his maw. Her mouth was open, as she panted and moaned, her tits rising and falling with each breath, her nipples hard and erect, she licked her lips luridly as she rode her pleasure. But the cock above her head had grown; it was now 7” long! Andalmost as thick as a red bull can! The pointed tip angled down and was beginning to seep precum. Now Rosie directed the tip to Jackie’s open mouth. As it touched her top lip, Jackie started, ‘oh’ she cried, startled. ‘Help him cum Jackie’, Rosie said insistently,’ he is doing it to you so well Jackie’ she added, ‘he deserves your help, use your mouth baby, do it! Do it, for me!’ As she goaded Jackie on, Rosie slowly eased the huge pink cock till it slowly entered Jackie’s open mouth. It slipped between her pouting lips, Jackie coughed and angled her head further back, but she didn’t resist, or pull away. ‘Good girl’ Rosie chimed, ‘suck him Jackie! That’s it, use your tongue yes, yes good girl Suck!’

Oh my god! As Rosie encouraged her, I watched as Jackie slowly closed her mouth around the, by now dripping K9 cock! Her red lips encircled the thick member and her cheeks moved as she began to suck!

Fucking hell she was doing it, without complaining or any remonstration … She was sucking on a dog’s penis! I could see as she sucked, her throat moving as she swallowed, then she moved her head back and forth a little working the dogs cock, her lips moving along the shaft! ‘Ooooh that’s it baby’ crooned Rosie, ‘suck it, ohhh sooo good, its so hot, yes that’s it suck! Yes, swallow his cum, can you taste him feel it filling your belly!’ Jackie, could only gulp and gasp snatching gulps of air, ‘Nnnnugh gug, gug’, her throat was moving frantically as she swallowed, and she fervently fucked the cock with her mouth. It was a filthy nasty scene! But Jackie seemed to be loving it, her hips started to move, she thrust her pleasure consumed cunnie against the other dogs muzzle, the dog was now licking furiously his tongue lashing and slavering over Jackie’s cunt. The dog above her head was moving his haunches back and forth, more of a shake than a thrust, his tail was stretched straight and his head hung low, his tongue touching Jackie’s belly. Then the big knot began to swell, the camera picked it up, Christ she’d never get it in her mouth! Rosie, saw it too, ‘easy’ she whispered, she placed her fist around the shaft and held the swelling from J’s mouth, she then snaked her right hand down to Jackie’s pussy and plunged two fingers down, between her labia and the dogs slavering tongue. Jackie’s reaction was explosive, her back arched and she grunted, ‘Uuuuurgh! Huuuuh!’ Rosie’s fingers began to rotate, strumming Jackie’s sensitive clit. Jackie groaned again, the noise muffled by the gargantuan cock between her lips. Her hips bucked uncontrollably, and the licking dog, perturbed, stopped his licking and backed off and sat between Jackie’s knees. Jackie was in ecstasy I was sure of that! She was still sucking hard on the cock in her mouth, and surely swallowing cupful’s of cum, but between gulps, she grunted and moaned her pleasure, as Rosie mercilessly frigged her hard clitoral nub. She was very close to cumming I could tell, and what a cum it would be! The dog above Jackie stopped moving, his knot was huge, and Rosie had trouble stopping it from forcing itself further up the shaft and slipping between J’s lips. Rosie sped up her fingers, working Jackie’s clit hard and fast and she got the reaction she wanted! Jackie with a muffled grunt, Pushed down with her feet and lifted her bum off the stool, forcing herself onto Rosie’s expert fingers! And then she stiffened, in that position, and then she came! It was amazing! Her body shook, her hips bucked uncontrollably, her tits and chest flushed bright red, fuck! Thick viscous pussy juice spat from her ragging twat! And she roared her lust, the cock no barrier for her deep throaty passion filled groan Hhhuuuuuuooooooooh! At that very moment Rosie yanked the doggy cock from between her lips, five inches of thick fat doggy cock emerged with a pop! And shot a rope of thin pale dog jizz between Jackie’s tits, and then another and another, covering her belly in a pool of k9 cum, her belly button filled with the foul cream. But his cock kept on pumping, as Jackie thrashed thru her all-consuming climax, Rosie pointed the spurting cock, drenching Jackie’s tits with the emission.

And then it was over, the big dogs cock began to shrink, though still shooting short strings of dog semen, he began to back off from Jackie, as he did he shot the last of his cum, over her face, the blind fold got spattered and his jizz drenched her hair until it was sodden.

Jackie slowly dropped her bum back down on the stool, but she still humped Rosie’s fingers which still stroked her clit, though slower now. ‘Oh fuck oh yes huh ugh, yes’ babbled Jackie … Until with a moan of tension, Jackie keened ‘enough enough! … sensitive, to sensitive’ … and Rosie pulled her fingers from J’s wet and frothing pussy. ‘Fuck! Did you get that!’ Rosie said to the man holding the camera. ‘Oh yes’ replied the man’s voice, ‘every filthy frame!’

‘God!’ Quipped Rosie,’ I don’t know where Jon found her but she’s certainly a keeper!’ The man just chuckled, ‘she’s a bloody gold-mine’, he said.

Now the camera panned down J’s body from her head to her crotch. Her chest was rising and falling, as she breathed heavily from her exertion, causing her tits to wobble seductively. Her tits were shiny and wet, covered, in a thick film of dog cum. The camera moved down, her belly was sodden her navel a deep well of thick congealing doggy jiz, the camera continued further, to Jackie’s tongue ravaged cunt. The lips open wide. Her clit clearly displayed, thick, and angry red, and we could even see her tiny piss hole. Thick slimy white mucus clung to her sex and her inner thighs where still wet with her own sticky ejaculate. The leather below her bum stained dark with moisture.

Suddenly the camera is knocked sideways, a voice, ‘steady boy’, the camera stabilizes and we see the big dog, who had been sitting patiently, had now jumped up onto the stool, his large paws resting on the wet leather between Jackie’s outstretched thighs. The camera man laughed, ‘ok lad’ he said, ‘its your turn’. He pointed the camera lens down between Jackie’s legs, there pointing luridly from the dogs sheath was another enormous cock! God, it was thicker than the one that J had just serviced with her mouth and the pointed tip was different, blunter and more … well more man shape! ‘Go on lad’, said the man,’ stick it to her!’

The Camera moved back, Jackie’s prostrate body in full view. Rosie stepped in and quickly whipped the blind fold from her face, ‘Oh!’ Jackie exclaimed, squinting and blinking in the light! The big dog then jumped forward, thrusting his body forward forcing Jackie’s thighs wider apart, he threw his forelegs forward over her belly and thrust them under her lower back, her back arched… ‘Oooof’, gasped Jackie, the big dog, griped Jackie tight, pulling her groin into his, her legs rose from the floor, her knees wide, legs flailing in the air. The great brown dog jumped his rear legs forward, he whined and growled low. Jackie let out a gasp and sucked in a quick short breath, ‘Nuuuuuuuaaaagh’, groaned Jackie. ‘He’s in’ the man said. Jackie’s belly was drawn up hard against the big dog tummy and chest, his big strong forelegs tightened their grip, and he started to quickly thrust his haunches, causing Jackie’s tits to wobble back and forth and her flailing legs to swing up and down In perfect rhythm to her doggy lovers fucking! The camera man panned around her, I could now see J’s face, she was becoming accustomed to the lights again, and the look on her face as she gazed on the monstrous shaggy brown hound mounting her, forcefully penetrating her, was amazing, a mixture of horror and shame, yet lustful for the sensations she was feeling. He paid no mind; he just fucked her, his haunches thrusting, Jackie’s legs waving and her tits wobbling! She pulled on her tethered wrists raising her shoulders and craning her neck, as she strained to watch the animal fucking her so well. But very soon, lust took over from shame, as the big k9 cock pounded her, filling her cunt to capacity. ‘Oh Jesus’, she wailed, ‘he’s too big’ she cried, ‘Oh God Oh God’. Her head collapsed back down, she was panting her face flushed, her breast rocking, her nipples jutting up hard and erect. ‘Oooooh Jesus’ she cried again, and grunted ‘Huh Huh Huh’ in time to her doggy lovers humping. The strain on her legs must have been excruciating, and she tried to set them back onto the floor, but his great bulky hind quarters wouldn’t allow it, so she tried to pull her knees forward, to ease the strain, but those huge forelegs gripping her so tight about her waist stopped that, so her legs were left swinging in mid-air as he fucked her faster and faster – ‘Oooooooogh’ moaned Jackie, I could see tears in her eyes, but her face was also flushed with pleasure … her legs waved, those slutty shoes bouncing back and forth, her knickers flapping, caught as they were on her ankle, it looked so vulgar, yet so fucking sexy! Then with a moan of frustration Jackie swung both her straining legs about the back of her canine lover and caught them ankle to ankle and supported them on his back; and with that she succumbed to her own lust and passion and gave her all to her doggy fucker. ‘Oh god so big’ she mumbled between cries of lust, ‘oh fuck me fuck me’ she howled, and he obliged. The camera man changed his angle and showed his cock jammed deep between her stretched and swollen pussy lips, juice and semen dribbled from her stretched opening, the cock was massive now but she was accommodating him, how? I just didn’t know, but however she had, it was giving her immense pleasure. Then, the camera showed the bulbous knot begin to swell and move up the shaft, it moved quickly and with a cry of anguish from Jackie it slowly, began to force itself inside her already straining cunt. Jackie pulled on her bonds, heaving her chest up as much as they would allow, she squeezed her thighs tight around her doggy lover’s torso, crushing his and her belly’s tighter together,’ Oooouuuuwww, FUCK MEEEEE!’ She cried ‘Hah Huh Ha Hug Nuuuuuugh, Oooooooh!’ Her eyes screwed tight shut, she blew her cheeks out her lips pursed, ‘Ooooooh’ she moaned, and then his knot was in! She collapsed, back again, ‘fuck, oh god oh god’ she moaned, ‘Sooo full, to big, to tight’, she whispered between gasps of anguish. But her ravishing continued, now with his swollen meat, deeply embedded in Jackie’s totally filled fanny, the dog moved just as fast, but with shorter strokes … And soon Jackie’s moans of discomfort changed … Before I knew it, she was puffing and panting and humping her hips to meet his thrusts and then, with a yes, yes, yes! … she came. Her climax hit her hard, it grew so quick, her body flushed and she cried out in a high pitched whine … Ooooooooooooh Yessssssss! Her body shook uncontrollably and gouts of juice and dog jizz spat out and ran down her plump arse cheeks and gushed down onto the stool and floor below. ‘Oh Oh Oh’ she chanted, and wriggled her arse and hips, willing the cock stretching her inner cunt wall to induce continued waves of pleasure. And then the big brown dog stopped fucking her, he just stood there motionless, his big red tongue hanging from the corner of his mouth. But we all knew he was cumming. Cumming inside her, his cum filling her, filling her belly filling her womb, copious dog sperm, hot and potent was flooding her deep inside. Jackie lay back, bathing in her ecstasy, breathing hard and fast, ‘Oooooooh’ she mewed, ‘fill me up, Oh god I’m gonna burst!’

A pool of liquid had gathered below the stool and it simply grew and grew, the leather was stained black and Jackie’s arse was running with escaping dog cum, but still the bloated dog cock continued to spew its cream deep into Jackie’s cunt. Rosie, now came back into view, and while the big dog remained locked by his swollen knot in Jackie’s now fat and swollen pussy, she made sure the dog stayed where he was … But as she held him, she slipped her fingers deftly down between Jackie’s stretched pussy lips and the dogs cock and she slowly and with difficulty managed to move her fingers inside Jackie. Jackie started,’ Oh!’ She sighed, ‘Oh Oh’ … She lifted her head a little and looked down her body, ‘Rosie no’ … she pleaded … Rosie, just shhhh’d her and carried on, it didn’t take long before Jackie was moaning quietly to herself and becoming a little breathless again, her hips began to quiver, Rosies’s fingers moving expertly in the narrow gap containing Jackie’s sensitive clit. As Rosie, coaxed Jackie back into a state of arousal, she began to gently nudge the big dog’s shoulder, to encourage him to move off of Jackie. He resisted at first but then in a burst of energy he stepped back, Jackie’s legs collapsed from round his back and he freed his forelimbs from under her waist lifting her briefly then letting her flop back down with a grunt, and then he hauled himself off her body and with a surprised yelp from Jackie he threw his leg over her thighs and turned himself round stepping onto the floor, facing away from Jackie. As he moved, Rosie, without freeing her fingers from Jackie’s clit, deftly used her free hand to grab his big heavy paw, and lifted it over her thighs, preventing any scratches. Now Jackie lay there, her belly, mons and Rosie’s hand obscured by a thick brown dog tail. Now he tried to pull his still swollen cock from his bitch, but he was still secure by his swollen knot, but as he pulled, he solicited a surprising moan from Jackie, That bulbous swelling was obviously having some seductive effect on her cunny, maybe her g-spot. And as he pulled and tugged, her moans of pleasure increased and coupled with Rosie’s massaging of her clit, Jackie was soon panting and moaning and lifting herself, calling to the dog and to Rosie, to keep doing it to her, ‘oooh sooo good’ she moaned and then within seconds she was coming, shaking her arse and grinding herself luridly on Rosie’s finger’s, and then with a plop and a splash the big doggy cock broke free!

The big dog wandered off, and Jackie lay panting, she must have been exhausted! But there would be no respite for Jackie. Rosie, stood up, crudely sucked her fingers, and moved out of camera shot. The camera backed away and then shuddered and lost focus, but then quickly returned, it sat motionless facing Jackie, panning down her ravaged dog spunk covered body. The man must have put the camera on its stand because his back appeared in the shot, (never his face) and he moved to Jackie’s legs, which lay straight and outstretched. He closed her legs, and I assumed that the show was ended and he would get her up off the stool, but no, that was not to be. Rosie returned with the previous dog; who appeared to have recovered. His tail was wagging quickly and he immediately began to sniff at the pool of mess below Jackie’s bum. The man now closed Jackie’s legs tightly together and holding her by the ankles, in one swift motion raised them straight up into the air! He held them there, her slutty shoes pointing to the ceiling, Jackie’ pussy could be seen a dark slit, between plump swollen lips, crushed between her curvaceous thighs, but lower her delicate puckered anus could be seen dusky and secret. But what was so horny, was that her whole genital area, arse, cunt and thighs were wet and sticky with her and her doggy lover’s emissions. As soon as Jackie was in this position the dog began to sniff her, then he licked the slit, his tongue lapped from her tight secretive bum hole up the compacted slit and up her tightly joined thighs, then back to the slit, he licked the sticky slime with gusto. ‘Good lad’ said the man, ‘go on boy’ goaded Rosie, Beneath him, his cock appeared again, his arousal had begun, the cock grew quickly, and then the big hound reared up and grasped Jackie around her thighs. The man released his hold on her and the dog forced Jackie’s legs down, her thighs pressed hard into her tummy and her knees almost to her breasts. Jackie had been in a bit of a stupor, and hardly stirred while her legs had been luridly manipulated, she had groaned a little when the dog lapped her exposed twat, but now, her eyes opened and she gasped with shock and surprise, the air knocked out of her chest as the huge dog forced her legs down over her body. Her legs were bent at the knees, her knickers had now fallen from her ankle and the slutty heels were either side of the stocky dogs shoulders. The brown dog’s forepaws gripped his bitch tight, locked around her thighs her legs secured firmly together. The camera angle changed, the man was now filming again, and catching every detail. As he zoomed in on her exposed arse and cunt, the dogs penis now tantalizingly close it grew to its full extent. But then I had a shocking realization. Fuck I though her pussy was exposed, forced back to enable assured penetration, but, and I panicked, so was her tight and unviolated bum! And alarmingly as the camera showed this was indeed perfectly aligned to receive the now huge and engorged doggy cock! ‘Oh god, please’ Jackie wailed, ‘no more please’, she whimpered, ‘I can’t I can’t please’ … But it was clear there was no turning back now.

The big dog tried to maneuver himself into position, he began to whine in frustration and to skip and jump his rear legs in an attempt to penetrate. The camera showed his swollen cock, jutting and thrusting into Jackie’s bum cheek and around her cunny, but he was still wide of the mark, but as he made one big jump the point of his cock jabbed at Jackie’s tight brown bum-hole! Jackie reacted in a panic, ‘Oh no!’ she exclaimed, ‘No No, Rosie no no, not there! not there!’ The dog sensing his goal was near humped his haunches. ‘Rosie!’ Wailed Jackie… ‘No No, I can’t’ she squealed, ‘he’ll damage me! No, no not there, not there!’ She cried in alarm. Then in desperation, ‘I’ll tell!’ she cried urgently. ‘Stop him’, she cried ‘or I’ll tell!’ Rosie, immediately grabbed the doggy cock, and the hound whimpered and tried to get free but Rosie had him tight. ‘What’, Rosie said staring sternly at Jackie, ‘What do you mean?’ Jackie sobbed, ‘if you let him do that, I’ll tell’. Rosie looked at her, ‘oh? After what you’ve been up to, are you really going to tell anyone what been going on? Anyway, who will you tell?’ She asked. ‘I don’t know’, sobbed Jackie, ‘Mart, the authorities, I don’t know but I’ll tell’… ‘Ok’ said Rosie, ‘so if we don’t let him do that; then this stay’s our secret, yes?’ Jackie sighed, ‘yes, she said meekly, ‘do you mean that?’ asked Rosie, ‘yes’ said Jackie ‘I mean it, I promise’. ‘Rosieee!’ Barked the man, Rosie turned to him ‘Ssh’, she hissed. ‘Ok then Jackie, that’s a deal’ … And Rosie carefully guided the dogs throbbing cock to the narrow slit of Jackie’s waiting pussy. The dog rammed his torso forward. ‘Naaaaaauuuuugh’, Jackie grunted, and then’ Haaaaaaaa! Oooooooh’ she keened,’ he’s in me’, she called,’ he’s in my pussy’, there was a sense of relief in her voice, and with a vigor and gusto only a K9 can muster the second big dog that she ‘d experienced that day, fucked her. Her legs held close together making her cunt tighter forcing the cock within her to press on places she could hardly understand. Within seconds of the big dog entering her, Jackie was once again engulfed in lustful passion. ‘Oooh ah, Oooooh ah’, she moaned throatily, with each frantic thrust of her lover,’ Oh god, yes’ she cried, ‘Oh god I love it, ooooh I love it’ she cried … Her lips forming a perfect O as she crooned her passion, she licked her lips, bit her lip, closed her eyes and gave in totally to the fucking she was receiving and soon she was close to cumming again. The knot was filmed creeping up the great pink shaft, but the tightness caused by Jackie’s tightly closed thighs prevented it from penetrating, but her K9 master didn’t seem to care, he just came all the same and as he did Jackie exploded with her orgasm, crying, her eyes closed in shear ecstasy … shaking and moaning, bucking her arse and wriggling her stuffed pussy hard against the impaled cock. Then Rosie, pulled the cock from Jackie’s dripping cunny and allowed the still spurting dog cock to spew its seed right onto Jackie’s unprotected bum hole, Jackie squealed, but not in fear but in lust! Rosie pressed the tip hard into Jackie’s tight sphincter, and as she reveled in her climax, the huge doggy cock shot a jet of scalding hot dog spunk deep into Jackie’s anus! ‘Ooooooh!’ shrieked, Jackie, shuddering violently, but her climax continued, indeed it seemed to be enhanced by the obscene act! Then Rosie released the K9 cock and it quickly found its intended mark again, the knot has begun to shrink and it penetrated her easily and continued to eject it still copious load into her already dripping cunt. Finally the dog felt the final throws of his orgasm wane and pulled himself off of Jackie, and jumped away, his cock still dripping cum, he walked off sated. Jackie collapsed completely spent, her legs tumbled to the floor, her cunt oozed filthy cum, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply,’ fuck!’ She sighed. The camera panned up her body, wet with sweat and dog cum, her eyes were closed as she lay there, her chest rising and falling. Rosie’s voice, ‘how was that Jackie?’ she asked, ‘was it as good as you hoped?’ Jackie turned to the camera, exhaustion in her barely open eyes, but she smiled, ‘Mmmmmm, so good’, she whispered ‘better than I ever imagined’.

And that was just about it, there were some film of Jackie, in what looked like a large kitchen, she smiled at the camera, her hair disheveled and she looked a little worse for wear, but she was dressed again and in control of her faculties. She was answering question. No, she said, no one made me come here. Then, yes, of my own free will, she blushed and looked down, yes I did enjoy it and maybe I might, another time. Then the film ended.

I got home just before 3pm, Jackie was asleep on the sofa, her walking boots kicked off in the kitchen, her bag and coat on the table. I snuck in, and gently woke her, apologizing for the time. At this time I had no idea if the scheme had worked. She was very groggy, and said it was ok. She said she had been for a walk, but that it had been further than she thought and she’d been rained on and she’d got back wet and exhausted. I asked if she enjoyed it though. And she hesitated and then said, that it was alright, but uneventful. I went in the kitchen to put the kettle on, and called back asking where the leaflet was as we could maybe do it another time, but she quickly rejected the idea, no she said, once is enough…

On Tuesday I got the call from Jon and the DVD arrived today, I am dumbfounded, she knew what was happening and she even made a deal with those people … and 2 dogs, fuck! What had I gotten her into, but I knew it’s was too late to turn back now.



I’ve watched the DVD a few times and wanked furiously each time, I never get tired of it, but about three weeks after the weekend break, Jackie asked me about the cottage we stayed in, when I asked her why she said a friend at work was interested in staying in Somerset, so I gave her the name of the cottage. She spent quite a lot of time, looking on line, I had my suspicions and so I checked the history. Sure enough she had found the cottage, but had been looking at local farms within a 5 mile radius and had pin-pointed one, and I knew why. It was another two weeks before she informed me that she was planning a shopping trip to Cribs Causeway in Bristol with a couple of friends that coming weekend, it would mean an early start Saturday morning and back late the same evening and did I mind? Of course not I said.

but, somehow I just knew, it wasn’t shopping on her mind.

The End

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