Women with Animals

The Sorority


Brenda had recruited another young dish as a potential member of our sorority. This twenty year old peach was named Amy. She and her mom of 42, a newly divorced woman named Elizabeth and called Beth, had moved into the smart looking Spanish style home at the right hand curve of the Monterrey drive cul-de-sac. My home’s back garden abutted the back garden of Beth and Amy’s home. I had a rear gate in my 8’ tall privacy fence. The gate had a coded entry lock which I provided the code for to my close friends and to all sorority members.

Brenda had cultivated Amy about a month back. Beth and Amy moved in next door to Brenda and Robert. Brenda had come over and clipped the walking leash to the collar around Rufus’ neck. Brenda had met Amy who was in her driveway sweeping the grass clippings. They chatted for a bit and Brenda invited Amy over to her house for a cool glass of lemonade. Easy talk, cool vodka laced lemonade, and an attractive woman in early 40’s had rendered young Amy as malleable as soft putty in Brenda’s hands.

In about an hour after meeting Amy, Brenda has shucked her of her short shorts and thong panties and was finger fucking her soaked pussy to some lovely orgasms. Brenda’s trash talk seemed to stimulate Amy all the more. After about the 3rd cumming from 3 or 4 fingers poking and stroking her pussy, Brenda mentioned the sorority. Brenda told Amy that she (Amy) was a perfect candidate for the sorority. Amy, who felt somewhat displaced as result of having to move from her lifelong home, was eager to join anything that would enable her to meet and make new friends.

Amy asked Brenda if perhaps her Mom could join. Brenda, ever cautious as I had coached her to be, said that Beth’s approval after nomination would depend on her interview and meeting with the sorority president, which was me. Amy nodded as though she completely comprehended the process. So, for a couple of times a week, Brenda had Amy over to her house slowly exposing her to more of the sorority by-laws. I, of course slipped through the back gate of my fence and ‘conveniently’ managed to be at this last session at Brenda’s to talk more about the sorority without divulging anything truly pertinent.

While at Brenda’s and talking to Amy, Brenda would casually allow her hands to wander over Amy’s body. Amy, slightly flustered at first, tried moving out of ‘arm’s length’, but Brenda explained to her that I was the one that brought Brenda out of her shell and made her comfortable to be openly caressed by a woman while in the company of other women. Smirking and laughing, I told Brenda to show me Amy’s pussy. I had to be convinced she was a good little bitch for our group. Brenda had Amy stand. Behind Amy, Brenda raised the lovely redhead’s school girl skirt. Kissing her neck and whispering to Amy, I could hear Brenda hiss, “darling hot whore, show my Mommy Kat you pretty pussy. Let her see that hot cunt baby. Show her why your sopping wet pussy should be interviewed for the sorority.”

Amy blushed but pulled the thin panel of her thong aside. He puffy pussy was pink. I could see her emerging clitoris. A small dew drop of clear pussy juice was visible as confirmation of Amy’s arousal. I looked at her and held her stare. She reddened to a greater extent. “Lose the thong pretty girl,” I said. Without hesitation, Amy pushed the thong downward to her knees. She made a slight wiggle and the slinky garment fell to her ankles. Amy daintily stepped from them and bent to pick them up. Brenda coaxed her to show the 2’ diameter wet spot

I motioned toward a straight back chair in a corner of Brenda’s breakfast room. Knowing my intentions because we had done them a few times before this, Brenda brought the chair and set it behind Amy. Brenda pulled Amy back into the chair. She held the young woman’s skirt waist high and told her to sit with her legs spread. Brenda said that I, as president, had some exploratory questions to ask. Brenda told Amy to answer completely and truthfully. Amy nervously nodded affirmatively.

I asked Amy if Brenda had fucked her with the strap-on dildo. Amy shook her head negatively. I asked Amy if she had ever masturbated with a penis shaped vibrator or dildo. She nodded yes. I gave Brenda the look, and Brenda left returning a moment later carrying her strap-on. Brenda dangled the 10” flesh colored piece of synthetic rubber in front of Amy. The sweet young slut gulped and murmured, “Wow, that’s big. Bigger than anything I have ever had.”

I smiled at Amy and softly said, “Darling hot pussy, your sweet cunt will stretch and swallow that dick and dick’s even larger. Trust me and trust our sorority to show you how your pussy is made for a lifetime of pleasure. You only have to surrender to the mind of your cunt and not the mind of your head.” Amy’s glazed look told me that while she heard what I said, her mind was still processing the length and girth of the dildo in front of her face. I could see the small hitch in Amy’s breath. This was a dead giveaway sign that she was eager, even anxious to try the strap-on dick.

“This one is nothing,” Bren said softly. “Mommy K has the black mamba. That dick will make you sing opera arias, and if she is really into you, she will snap the rattler on under the mamba. Darling Amy, believe me your pussy will love that attention.” Amy’s head swiveled back and forth between Brenda and me. I looked at Amy and whispered to her, “Are you ready for your sorority interview and possible initiation if you prove worthy?” Amy gulped and nodded her agreement.

Brenda lead Amy, both of them following me as I walked back through the gate to my home. Brenda showed Amy the lock and explained the combination code and how it changed weekly. I entered the sliding double glass door of my patio and waited until Bren and Amy caught up to me. Once inside and the sliding door closed, I led them to the stairs that went down to the basement. I flicked one of three banks of fluorescent lights.

Brenda waltzed Amy into the center of the room. The slave bench was fixed to the floor. Brenda quickly and expertly stripped Amy of her clothing. She continually whispered to Amy that all would be fine. Amy was half way into the group. Her interview and possible initiation afterward would be suck soup to her. All she had to do was relax and allow her pussy to control her thinking. Amy nodded and said that she was nervous, but she would follow my instructions.

Brenda gently forced Amy to kneel on the padded pads of the bench. She pushed Amy forward so her tummy and torso fell over yet were supported by the padded waist support. The configuration of the bench was such that Amy’s head was lower than her round tight curved ass. Her plump pussy lips were very visible between her thighs. Brenda pulled Amy’s arms out in front of her and clasped the velvet and Velcro wristlets around each wrist. Rising and nearly trotting to Amy’s rear, Brenda attached the ankle and knee restraints, and then spread the individual leg bars so that Amy’s delicacy was overtly exposed. Amy docilely allowed Brenda to manipulate her body to the conformities of the bench.

I had added one refinement to the bench. I added a massage table head hole rest that could be raised into position to the desired height. The rest was on a sturdy 1 by 10 plank that adjustable column and bent braces. With a keen eye, Bren set the face rest perfectly. She kissed Amy passionately and told her that she was leaving her with me and all would be well. Brenda advised Amy to answer completely and truthfully, and let her pussy guide the way. Amy shyly smiled and said, “I will Bren, and thank you for this opportunity.”

While Brenda secured Amy into the bench, I changed into a skimpy silk and lace black bustier. I wore a pair of calf high soft leather black boots. From inside a floor to ceiling cabinet I opened the door and removed the sorority initiation paddle. I walked to the bench and squatted down beside Amy. With one hand I slowly rubbed small circles on her ass while speaking to her. Occasionally I would trail my fingertips through Amy’s crack and slit to gauge her wetness. The bitch was flowing like a small rivulet.

“Amy pretty pussy,” I said. “That is what I shall call you to being with. That may change, but for the moment, I think Amy pretty pussy is more than an accurate description of you. Don’t you agree darling slut?”

“Yes, yes I agree.” Amy said. “For a long time, I did not think I had a pretty pussy. Mine is exactly like my Mom’s. Fat puffy labia and the inner lips protrude slightly. After being with a few girls at school and now Brenda, I believe I do have a pretty pussy.”

“Your pretty pussy is soaking wet little slut whore. I believe you are just aching to have your hot cunt fucked?”

“Ohhh, I am Ms. Kat. I so want to be fucked.” Amy responded.

“You shall call me MS. Kat during the first 2 phases of your interview and initiation. During the last and final phase which shall be your acceptance into the sorority, you shall call me Mommy Kat. Is this clear to you?” I asked.

“Yes, I understand Ms. Kat. May I ask what is my final phase and when may I be faced with that challenge.”

“Soon sweet pretty pussy girl, very soon. But first we must insure you are what I think you are. Round pegs in pound holes you know!” Any nodded slowly.

“So, has Brenda finger fucked you good, pretty pussy Amy?” I asked.

“AHHH-HAA.” Beth answered. “She has.”

“And how many fingers does she make you take bitch?” I asked.

“Three for sure, and I think she had gotten four in me.”

I slid 2 fingers into Amy’s drenched and slickery quim. She gasped and made a small squeal. “You know Bren wants to fist fuck you?” I snickered to Amy.

Amy nodded her head before saying, “yeah, she told me she wanted to fist me. But Ms. Kat, I am scared. That sounds so ominous and painful.”

I deftly added a third finger to Amy’s pussy. She little bitch’s fuck hole swallowed my digit as easily as a hot knife cuts a pat of butter. “patience and a lot of lube will make Brenda’s fist or mine slide into your fuck hole as easy as my fingers do now darling Amy.” I told her. I placed the sorority paddle on the floor and began to fondle Amy’s rock hard and lengthening nipples.

When I said how easy a fist would slip into her pussy, Amy squealed again. She was ricking her hips and rolling her tummy onto my 3 fingers as they squished in and out of her wet pussy hole.

I removed my hand and fingers from her nipple and pushed the paddle under the bench and just below the face hole. The engraved side was up and facing Amy for her to read. ‘CANIS CANIDAE’. I spoke the name a loud for her. “Canis Canidae”, I said softly. “Do you know what it means?” I asked.

Amy shook her head no. I reached under her and removed the paddle. Wielding it in my hand I slowly rubbed it over Amy’s ass. “It means ‘dog family’. If you are found acceptable, you shall become a member of our dog family. Brenda tells me that once or twice you have seen her walking Rufus, my beautiful mixed mastiff and Dane. Brenda says that you and Rufus became friends quickly.”

Amy agreed that she and Rufus did befriend one another quickly. She said she giggled when he licked her face. I smiled and said, “Darling you will do more than giggle when he unfurls his long wide tongue and locks your hot slit and pussy.”

Amy flinched when I spoke of Rufus licking her pussy. As she relaxed from her flinch, I swatted her ass with the paddle, ‘SWAT’! Amy shrieked. “Yes pretty pussy girl. You are going to beg to give Rufus some of your hot pretty pussy. Dog Family. Our girls get dildo dick and doggy dick only!’ SWAT-SWAT. I placed 2 additional blows on Amy’s lovely ass. She grunted and her quavering voice asked, “Give Rufus some pussy?? You mean fuck him? You’re kidding right, Ms. Kat?” Amy asked.

I walked to the cabinet and removed a large 8 by 10 photo of Rufus’ huge erect dick. I slide the photo beneath the padded face hole. “But yes, my sweet pussy bitch.” The dogs are going to own that hot pretty pussy of yours.” As I spoke to Amy, I swatted her ass with the paddle. SWAT=SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT-SWAT.

Ten blows and the last 2 were really hard. Amy screeched and hot tears began to flow. Look at his dick Baby. That is what it looked like the moment before I let him put it in Brenda. That hot Latina slut was begging for his dick. Her husband Robert was standing over at the window watchi8ng his lovely wife giving her pussy to a dog. He was a puppy cuckold.”

Amy’s chest heaved and her breath became ragged. The lascivious nasty talk had her cunt dripping sweet pussy cream. She could not remove her eyes from the picture of Rufus’ dick. “Brenda gave the dog some pussy?” Amy asked in wonderment.

“Rufus owns Brenda’s pussy. In fact, all Robert gets is a blow job and a hand jack off from Brenda. Rufus is gonna fuck you so good, you will squeal like a school girl.” Again, as I spoke, I swatted Amy’s ass with the paddle. Not as hard as before, with the exception of the final 2 which I made sure she felt. When I finished this time, I said to her, “You are going to be the prettiest puppy pussy girl in the sorority. And you are going to recruit that fine ass Mother of yours to join.” I know the boys will want her pussy and ass!” Amy shivered as I spoke.

“My Mom would never do this,” she said. “Mom is way too uptight to do this. That was the cause of her divorce from Daddy. She wasn’t giving him any pussy, so he found pussy elsewhere.” Amy’s sobbing made it a tad difficult to understand her.

Again the paddle swished through the air to land on Amy’s fine ass. “Yes, yes you mom will give the boys some pussy. She will beg for doggy dick just as you are. You and she are both little puppy pussy whores. Little fine pussy bitches that will cum all over big red doggy dicks and swallow doggy cum!” This time I stopped at 8 swats, 4 for each ass cheek.

“Tell MS. Kat what you are bitch.” I said.
“I am a slut. I am a little lezzie whore!” Amy wailed.

Four really hard swats from the paddle cracked on the tight red flesh of Amy’s ass. “What are you?” I asked.

“A lezzie whore,” Amy cried. “A lezzie whore that is gonna make my Mom a lezzie too.” We are gonna be lezzie mommy and daughter whores.” Amy sobbed.

Another hard four swats, “And what lese little pretty pussy? What else are you and your hot panties Mommy going to be? Come on, you can say it and admit it. You haven’t moved your eyes from that picture of Rufus’s big dick. Would you like to know his dimensions?” I inverted the paddle and started to slide the long handle into Amy’s drenched pussy hole. She immediately began to fuck back on the handle. This was going to be a one sweet puppy whore.

“Come on puppy pussy girl. Tell Ms. Kat what you are!”

“I am a puppy pussy girl!” Amy screamed in her sobbing voice. “I want to give Rufus some pussy! Ohhhh that handle feels so good in my pussy. If Rufus’ dick is this good, I am gonna give him all the pussy he wants!”

I smiled and pushed all 10 inches of the paddle handle in Amy’s pussy. The hot bitch fucked that initiation paddle handle for all she was worth. I gave her 4 or 5 good hard cums, talking to her the full time about how Rufus, Artie, Zeus, Hector, and Buster were going to fuck her and her Mom until they were delirious.

The hard cums, the talk, and the rough nasty fucking of Amy’s pussy with the initiation paddle handle took its toll on the young woman. She had tensed and coiled her body as each cum racked her body and mind. After the last one and rendered her rigid as a post, and she slowly came down, I began to bathe my tied-up newbie with cool water. Amy’s ragged breath panted for water. I brought her a small glass and ordered her to sip slowly. I told her to relax. Immediately her fine body slumped onto the slave bench padded center.

I kissed Amy gently and pushed her hair from her face. I squeezed her tit softly and tweaked her rock hard nipple. Amy moaned and shuddered.

“Stay put horny puppy pussy girl. Don’t run away! Hee hee hee. Mommy Kat has a super surprise for you.”
I gave Amy another short peck on the corner of her mouth and rose. I walked away quickly, and once outside the play room, I called Brenda.

“Hey GF. You done great. I have hot pussy Amy over the slave bench right now. I am going to get Buster or Artie and breed the hot bitch. Why don’t you go get her Mom Beth, and bring that cold cunt bitch to the house under some pre-text. Beth can witness her see her sweet daughter giving that pussy away to the dogs. And soon, Cold bitch Beth will be taking doggy dick in every hole she has.”

Brenda squealed and said she would fetch Beth and bring her along in about a half hour. Kathleen said the timing should be about perfect. Beth could witness about 10” of red doggy dick with knot sink into daughter Amy’s sweet hot wet pussy.

I went to the run and hooked a leash onto Artie’s collar. In terms of dick, the mixed breeds of Rufus and Buster were the most well endowed. Artier was a full dane, and while no slouch in terms of dick, he wasn’t in the Rufus or Buster category. Artie also had the huge wet hot Dane tongue. Kathleen knew his licking would drive hot cunt Amy right up the wall.

I walked Artie back to the playroom. Amy was slumped on the bench. Her ass and pussy were in the air, only not quite high enough. Artie’s long hot doggy tongue would quickly transform the current position of Amy’s ass and pussy to the position Kat wanted to view.

As I walked Artie into the playroom, the huge Dane stopped. He raised his massive head and sniffed and snuffed at the air. His keen sense of smell quickly picked up the pheromones present in the air. His animal instinct told him there was a bitch in heat in this room. His dick lurched outward from tis covering sheath. An inch or so of red hot pointy head doggy dick slide slickly into view.

Stooping down I saw Artie’s big dick. I rubbed the dog’s ears. Quietly I murmured to the big Great Dane, “yeah big boy. That’s Mama’s baby. Push your huge puppy pecker out for hot pussy Amy to see. Show her your dick lover boy.” The sexy whispering caused the dog to push more red hot dick into view.

Artie pranced on his fore paws. There was a bitch in here that was in heat. A bitch to be bred. A pussy to be fucked. As his super keen sense of smell honed in on the source of the aroma, he started to stride toward Amy over the bench. I had to exert some strength to stop Artie from plunging head long into the pussy.

Waiting for a moment to allow Artie to regain his patience, I stepped toward Amy. Artie still had taken all the slack from the leash. I walked him in front of Amy, with a couple inches of his dick as prominent as the tits on a Playboy Bunny. I took the booties from my pocket. Artie sensed what they were and instinctively knew his dick would be buried in a hot wet pussy. I walked Artie in front of the bench for Amy to see her new lover.

As if on cue, Artie sat on his haunches in front of Amy. A few more inches of dick emerged from his sheath. Amy’s eyes opened and she looked fondly into Artie’s eyes. I lightly ran my fingertips along her drenched slick pussy slit. I pulled, twisted, and pinched her clit making Amy squeal. I looked at her and she at mne. I motioned my head toward Artie and his dick. Amy’s eyes followed mine.

The hot cunt whore moaned and gasped as she looked full on at Artie’s red dick. I grinned salaciously and said, “oh, he hasn’t begun to show his dick to you baby. He is teasing you. He is going to eat, lick, slurp, and tongue fuck your cunt for you. His tongue loves pussy. And he is going to do you so good, you will happily open your gob to suck his hard dick even harder.

Amy shuddered again, and a low painful moan escaped from her lips. “Ohhh Mommy K, I can’t suck his dick. Not yet. Please don’t make me do that. I will do anything else.”

I whispered to Amy, “Little scalding hot pussy girl, I am not going to make you suck his dick. You will beg me to suck his dick. You will feel obligated to suck his long thick red dick. When he spews and spurts some hot pre-cum you will ache to suck his dick. Make you suck it darling? I won’t make you do a thing. You will do them on your own.

Amy shook her head furiously. I chuckled and said, “wait and see baby. His tongue will convince you to be nice to him.”

I lead Artie back around to Amy’s elevated ass and pussy. His keen scent instantly caught her musky aroma. He whined softly, and as he did his whining caused Amy to squeal. I held Artie’s leash tightly, so his hit hot breath was all the attention Amy’s hot pussy was getting. The sweet puppy pussy whore panted like a winded sprinter. Finally she muttered, “Ohhh please Mommy Kat. Please let him lick me out. Please let Arthur lick my hot pussy.”

Artie strained at the leash as he heard and recognized his name being called. I allowed him to get a tad closer. His could snake out his long tongue and the tip of it would drag quickly and sloppily through Amy’s hot pussy slit. Little hot pussy Amy would strain and rock her ass and cunt in attempts to have Artie lick her pussy over a longer span and to a deeper spread of her cunt lips.

Amy’s facial muscles tightened in anticipation of the dog’s huge tongue. I spread Amy’s pussy with my fingers. I cooed to the huge Great Dane. “Get the pussy Artie. Come on big fellow. Lick hot slut Amy’s sweet pussy. She wants you to lick her hot cunt Artie. Lick it for her. She will be your whore if you do! I promise.”

“Lick Me Artie!” Amy pleaded. “Come on and lick me! Ohhh, you damned stubborn dog. Pleeeze lick my pussy!”

The horribly obscene request was exactly what I had waited to hear. The words had no sooner tumbled from Amy’s hot quavering lips, when I released her grip on the giant Dane’s leash. I staggered back a step as Artie stepped forward. His huge head leaned in and his long hot pink tongue shot forth like that of frog’s when it was catching flies.

I watched in awe as the Great Dane walked in between Amy’s spread legs. Artie snuffed at Amy’s hairless pussy. I smiled in quiet mirth as Amy brayed at Artie pleading with him to eat her and lick her pussy. Artie paused and pranced on his forepaws. I managed to pull him back a bit and I held his leash firmly. He could breathe hot puppy breath on Amy’s pussy, but nothing else would touch it. I smiled and taunted Amy, “You better promise him some pussy, girl. He knows the word and he definitely wants some pussy from you.”

Amy’s mind reeled and she tried to stay focused and think straight. She was emotionally dying to feel the huge dog’s tongue spread her sodden pussy lips and lick her cunt. These hot erotic thoughts went from her brain to her cunt and back to her brain. Artie’s sniffed once and snuffed twice. His long tongue shot forth and upon contact with Amy’s hot cunt the big dog flattened his tongue and cut a hot wet swath down the soaking wet furrow of her plump pussy. The hot cunt whore squealed again and her body trembled.

“Eat me Artie. Lick Amy’s pretty pussy, big boy. If you lick me Artie, I will give you some pussy. You wanna fuck Amy lover boy? Huh? You wanna fuck me and make me your bitch. OHH I wanna be a bitch for you or Buster or Rufus. I can be- NO, I am gonna be the best bitch ever for you Artie if you only lick and eat my pussy!! Pleeeze lick me. I need it soooo bad.”

“Yeah bitch,” I hissed at Amy. “Promise my boy that pussy. He is gonna big dick you hard and deep. That is gonna be his pussy. You just wait and see. That is gonna be doggy pussy.”

Amy squealed and shuddered.

But before she could summon the breath to say something, her facial muscles tightened. I had relaxed my grip on Artie’s leash. He stepped forward and his long hot wide tongue cut a swath through Amy’s pussy lips from just below her clit through and over her asshole. Amy screamed. Unperturbed, Artie slobbered another long lick. This time he dragged his tongue over Amy’s clit and to her asshole. As Artie’s tongue spread Amy’s cunt lips, he would curl it such that it dipped into her pussy. My massive Dane was draining Amy’s pussy of juices like a vacuum truck would drain a sewer.

Artie stepped back momentarily. He woofed.
“Here Artie!” Amy pleaded, “Lick me! Ohhh, you damned dog, come here and eat my box!”

The obscene request resonated through the room. I watched the Dane obediently move back in toward Amy’s hot cunt. I watched in fascination as the Amy’s head rolled back and forth on the bench. Her face was contorted with the faraway stare of erotic obsession. As Artie sniffed and licked her spread pussy, her thighs trembled and she moaned.

“Yes … yes, Artie! Lick my hot pussy. Oh you marvelous dog! Ohhhh …! I am gonna fuck you soooo good Artie.”

Artie’s huge snout was buried in Amy’s ass. His long pink tongue was sopping her cunt cream like a country boy uses biscuits to sop gravy. Artie licked and licked. His long tongue darted out and obscenely licked along Amy’s her inner leg. He teased her smooth creamy skin arousing her to an unreal reverie of passion.

The massive Great Dane ran his hot wet tongue over the gentle swell of Amy’s buttocks. It was as if the dog was taunting her. It was if the brute animal had been trained in the arts of love by by Don Juan himself.

“Ohhhh fuuuck. Ohhh shit!” Amy groaned uncontrollably. “Higher, Artie, higher! Sink your hot tongue right in my twat!”

I watched in transfixed as Artie claimed another sweet piece of pussy. My mind momentarily wandered as I recalled the dogs that had fucked girls senseless: Skeeter, Scruffy, Buster, Hector, Artie, Rufus, Zeus, and Sandy. I thought of the girls the dogs had done: Nicole, Brenda, Susanne, Norma Jean, Natalie, Rosita, Hope, and many others. Quickly, I fantasized at how Amy’s mom, Beth would soon be giving another of the boys some pussy.

I could see the erect tip of Amy’s clitoris glistening with juice. Then Artie lifted his head a bit, and his tongue flicked forward to flutter lightly over the trembling bud. Amy’s body jerked spasmodically at the sensational shocks of pleasure that pierced through her flesh. She automatically began to roll her hips back and forth in an obscene rhythm to match Artie’s tonguing of her pussy.

Her jaw muscles clenched with effort trying to suppress the agonizing delicious mewls of passion that rumbled from her throat. No doubt the hot cunt whore was embarrassing herself and was trying to prevent my knowing her inner most thoughts.

“A dog is licking me to the hardest most intense orgasms of my life. And I am cumming like a street whore in front of Kathleen.”

But Amy craved the dog’s tongue. She begged for it in no uncertain terms. And worst of all, she begged a dog to do her in front of another woman.

“Ohhhh yes! Artie! Lick it! Lick it! Lick Amy’s pussy! Lick my cunt. Ohhhh, you are a lovely lover!”

I could see the Artie working faster. His tongue lashed out snake-like and disappeared into the puffy folds of Amy’s pussy lips.

“More, Artie! MORE! Lick Amy’s pussy faster!” I heard young Amy pant and plead. “Yes, yes, like that … oohhhhh …!”

“Ahhhhh!” Amy sighed deliriously. I could see Artie’s Great Dane’s tongue working eagerly in slobbering pleasure at the wide-splayed tightness of the Amy’s tight pussy. I watched the contortions of Amy’s face as her body shook from being wracked by mini cum after mini cum.

Suddenly, Amy jerked. She bowed her back and lowered her head even more. She strained against the bench support. She lifted her fine tight ass and fat pump pussy higher in the air. The complete surface of her tender pussy was open to the eager dog. Artie flicked his tongue into the puckered rosette of Amy’s asshole. Amy emitted a long low moan. It bubbled from Amy’s lips.

“Oohhhh, don’t stop. Please don’t ever stop.” Amy whimpered, shaking and twerking writhing her buttocks furiously against the hot licking tongue spearing mercilessly between the open cheeks of her upraised ass.

“Damn you, Artie! You’re driving me wild! You are making me cum and cum and cum!”

I … I’m cumming, you fuckin’ monster dog! I … I’m cumming and I am going to pee!” A long clear stream of fluid spewed from Amy’s pussy. It squirted into Artie’s nose. The Dane shook his monstrous head. His flapping tongue whipped across Amy’s clit as Artie shook his head. The young woman half-screamed, finally crooning off into a weird little wail as she choked and spluttered, arching her ass and hips up off the bench
in a frenzied response!

I fetched the damp cloth again. I swabbed Amy’s head, face, neck, and breasts with cool water. Her racing heart and panting breath slowly slowed as I kept up my ministrations. She gulped and swallowed. I lifted the glass of cool water holding it before Amy’s eyes. She nodded in assent. I held the glass as she sipped from it.

“Don’t come down too far,” I whispered. Artie wants to fuck. Artie is ready to fuck. I can see his dick swelling. He is dying for your pussy honey. You gonna give him some pussy baby? He really wants to fuck. And Baby, he is gonna fuck you!”

Amy nodded her head. “I wanna give Artie some pussy. I want his big dick buried deep in my red hot soaking wet fuck hole.”

“Brace yourself!” I whispered. “Artie’s going to fuck you!” Amy felt the dog’s furry forelegs slide over her hips. The hot moist point of the dog’s swelling dick struck her between cunt and asshole and slid up to wedge itself in the tight wrinkles of her asshole. She raised her ass abruptly, and Artie’s dick slid downward as the animal hunched forward. The tip slithered into the sloppy petals of her hairless cunt.

Artie walked forward and back, prancing, his dick stabbing at the hot wet flesh between Amy’s upper thighs. Then the big doggy dick found Amy’s sopping wet hole and slithered inside.

Artie hunched his powerful hips again. Amy felt his big dick snake into her cunt. As it fucked into her, she gasped at the fullness she felt. She had imagined some sort of slim, rather short prick, but the Great Dane’s dick was humongus. Artie was feeding dick into Amy’s cunt better than any big man had ever done.

“OHHH fuck. That is a big, no a huge dick. I don’t know if I can take it.” Amy squealed.

I swatted her ass as hard as I could. “Ohh, you are going to take it bitch. You are going to take all of it. My boy wants to fuck. And he likes to fuck hard and deep. Your sweet hot pussy is going stretch for his big red dick.”

Now the dog began fucking her in earnest. His hindquarters tensed and humped into her with hard thrusts, driving his prick through her slick sheath rapidly. Amy was growing hotter by the moment, feeling the delicious fullness, the heat of the meat, and the teasing tickle of his furry foreskin as it rammed against her cunt lips.

Above her, Amy could hear the dog panting loudly, with occasional whining overtones. His saliva drooled from the corner of his mouth and dripped from his tongue. Amy rocked to and from on the padded bench and moaned steadily as Artie fucked her with his short powerful jabs that seemed to stir her every passion. I grinned and hissed at Amy, ‘I can see that red doggy dick pumping your hot cunt bitch. Your pink pussy is swallowing that big red dick!”

“Yeah, yeah it is. That dick feels so good in my pussy Mommy. Artie is gonna get a lot of pussy from me, cause I want a lot of his dick.” “Fuck it, Artie. Fuck my pussy. Fuck me like a doggie!” she whimpered. Her ass was wiggling as she sought an orgasmic cumming release to her powerful tensions. They were building up in her so swiftly that she was about to go crazy with the potency of the thrilling sensations.

“Oh, give me… some more spurts… of that hot puppy cum!” The dog moved his meat in her sloppy snatch at his own pace, and Amy was almost sobbing when he shot a second load. It hit the end of her cunt like hot lead, and she wailed as the sensation started her on another orgasmic trip.

The rigid dog-prick continued its tight stroking as her pussy walls convulsed around it. Amy’s torso was supported by the padded bench. Her tits, and face were pressed to the floor. Her arms, wrists, and hands were stretched out in front of her. Her lithe body jerked as Artie fucked her hard and deep, her cumming adding to the jerking of her ass and torso.

Artie’s panting and whining were very pronounced now. His slobbering drooled onto Amy’s back as he fucked desperately to fill his bitch with his sperm.

“Oh, that doggy dick is red hot,” Amy whimpered. “It’s scorching my cunt!” Artie growled as if on cue as though he was stating, “Bitch, I told you I had a hot dick!” He rammed his hips and haunches hard, sealing his massive knot in Amy’s tight wet pussy as he pumped, spewed, and shot the last spurts of his cum. Globs of puppy cream shot into Amy’s cunt with more potency than before. Amy cried out as she came again, and her body writhed as if she were a puppet.

Artie whined pitifully as Amy’s pussy locked around his knot. Her vaginal muscle contractions squeezed his dick and knot, milking the hot puppy cum from his balls. Artie’s doggy dick knot slowly started diminishing in size, but it was still too swollen to pull free from Amy’s cunt which itself was swollen with engorged blood.

Long minutes passed until dog and young woman separated. Artie’s long thick dick pulled from Amy’s hot cunt with a loud PLOP. When Artie’s huge doggy dick knot came out of her cunt, it sucked with it a vast excess of fluids, Amy’s pussy juices as well as his puppy cum. The mixture trickled down Amy’s thighs.

Amy watched through half closed eyes as Artie came and sat in front of her. He licked his long red dick. Amy gulped and in a quavering voice asked, “OMG, did he have that huge dick in me?” I laughed and said, “Your hot pussy took every millimeter of his dick. And Bitch, your cunt could have taken even more dick.”

Artie’s unsheathed puppy dick meat was a bright, fiery red. Amy thought it must certainly be inflamed. But after a while, Artie got up and sniffed the air, then he whined and wagged his tail as he moved back to lick and nuzzle her swollen spread pussy.

He slithered his tongue into Amy’s cunt, lapping loudly at the juices gathered there, probing her hole with the tip of his tongue. Amy felt tingling electric thrills spreading out through her belly and cunt.

“Ooh-h-h! Nice doggie!” she moaned. “Lick Amy’s soupy cunt all you want!” Amy’s head turned as she heard the ‘clack’ of heels on the floor. Low heels, knee length skirt, and a pair of shapely legs appeared into view. Amy knew those shoes. She gulped and began to turn as red as the stripes on a barber shop pole. The foot began a tapping on the floor.

“Uhhh, hi Mom.” Amy mouthed. “What are you doing here?”

Beth looked with disdain at her slut daughter. She was disgusted at the scene she had just witnessed. Disgusted yet highly aroused, due to the raw animal passion and the red hot action that had occurred between Amy and the dog.

“I knew you were exactly like your Father.” Beth said in contempt. He always wanted to fuck, and you always want to be fucked. You are the picture of a whoring slut. And fucking a dog. My God Amy, have you NO shame?” Amy moaned and her blush deepened.

I stepped forward and spoke to Beth, “Now Mommy, don’t be too hard on her. After all, you are going to give the brother of the dog that just fucked your daughter to heaven, some of your hot sweet pussy.”

Beth’s jaw dropped. Her mouth and tongue began working but no words came forth.

I stepped closed and tweaked Beth’s firm hard nipple. She moaned and I knew half the battle was over and we had won.

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