Women with Animals

Clarke Family Centre


(c) 2017 by AlwaysOut4Fun

Chapter One

I sit here in my county provided housing, a dirty musty 6 x 9 cell that reeks of everything that is not pleasant. I have been here for 3 months, still in disbelief that the jury found me guilty. How could they not see the evidence? How did the Judge not see the evidence? I recall being in the courtroom and passing out as the verdict was read, GUILTY! This was duplicated at the sentencing hearing, 7 Years with a chance of parole in 4.

I was the prototypical honor roll student throughout my years in school always studying well into the night to ensure I got those A’s. I avoided the parties and those that chose a different life path, I had goals and partying and getting in trouble would greatly deter those goals. My dream was always to be a medical researcher since I watched my grandfather deteriorate from dementia. I was determined to find the solution from that point on.

I attended a very prestigious medical university on a partial scholarship and had to secure student loans for the remaining tuition. It would mean years of debt for me, but I was not going to let this stop me, I had to for my grandfather. As I did in High School, I studied hard and maintained a 3.9 GPA and avoided parties and frat houses, as this would offer no benefit for me. I graduated on the Dean’s list and was immediately flooded with very lucrative career opportunities from most of the major drug companies. I made my choice after interviewing with them all and of course, negotiating my salary and exactly what they wanted out of me. The choice I made meant moving some 400 miles across the country, but they offered the best opportunity for me to research dementia and other mental illnesses.

I rented a house some 30 miles from where I would be working, as I did not want the lure of the big city to stop my path, just like in school. It meant an hour drive to and from work, but I was ok with that. The most important part was not being distracted from what I had to do. The city I lived in was not tiny, as it had a population of around 10,000, but certainly was not big. It had one of everything, so I was all set.

I was about a year into my new career when I met the man that would become my husband, at a fundraising dinner for a local charity. He introduced himself as David and that he was in medical sales for a large distributor of medical devices. I told him that my name was Robyn and that I was a medical researcher for a drug company. We exchanged small talk throughout the night and I was impressed by his intelligence and of course, his looks. He was just a few inches taller than me and was very nicely dressed and well kept. He had somewhat of a dry sense of humor, but made up for it with intelligent conversation. We discussed both his and my work and how passionate I was to research mental illnesses and come to some resolution. We eventually exchanged numbers, as the night ended with him walking me to my car.

I was conflicted on even dating David, as this would mean altering my drive to find the research, but I did have to live a life outside of that. We talked for several weeks on the phone, before I ever agreed to go on a date. I wanted to make sure this was not some kind of game to get me in bed, been there done that. It was finally agreed upon to go out on a date, nothing high pressure just a meal and then play it by ear. We chose a nice restaurant in the city and I told him that I would prefer to meet him there, as I still hadn’t told him where I lived. He was fine with that and very understanding and told me that he would wait outside the door of the restaurant for me.

The first date could not have gone any better, he was a gentleman throughout the evening and that continued, as we took a walk in the park. This triggered several more dates over a period of a month or so, before we slept together. It seemed to go by so quickly, but after 10 months of dating, I decided to move in with him, as my lease was coming due and there was not point in denying it anymore, we were in love. We decided on a wedding date and were married, 14 months after meeting at that fundraiser. We decided to buy a house, back in the same small town I lived in, as I told him I really liked living there and felt that he would too. We were both very focused on our careers and did not need the distractions that come with big city living.

We both decided that having a family at this point would not be very wise, as we both were focusing so hard on our careers that it would not be fair to the child at this point. We decided to hold off kids for at least 5 years, so we could really take our careers where we wanted them to go. He had dreams of purchasing the distributor, and of course my dream of solving dementia. This was our plan and it made a lot of sense, but things don’t always go to plan.


Chapter Two

I mentioned, that my now husband was a medical device salesman and was very good at it, and as a result we lived a very comfortable life. He was a very hard worker and spent many days on the road and when not on the road, spent just as much time on the phone, looking for that new client. I have always admired that about him a hard workingman that kept his eye on the prize. We complimented each other so well in that regards, he supported my tireless effort to research dementia and I supported his drive to purchase the distributor.

It was one of those rare few days when David was going to be home and working on the phone. He was not scheduled to be on the road for at least 4 days and we wasted no time in making up for lost time. I took a few days off of work to take full advantage of this and we spent a good deal of time together, in and out of bed. We decided to go out for dinner and top it off at a local piano bar that we both enjoyed for our entertainment.

The atmosphere inside the bar was always spectacular, even if it was limited seating, as it should be. We were fortunate to find a table at the back end of the bar and ordered some drinks, to enjoy some great music. It was a pretty busy night for the bar so when an older couple approached us asked if they could join us, we quickly agreed. They introduced themselves as Dr. Steven and Mary Clarke. We exchanged formal introductions and easily jumped into a conversation, about medical of course. It didn’t take long for David to jump into his sales pitch, while Mary and I talked about my research. We sat there for over 2-hours and had some great conversations, but it was time for David and I to get home and cap the night. We exchanged phone numbers and made plans for dinner that Friday night with them and out the door we went.

David and I went home and could not wait to get in the bedroom and cap off a really great night, with some really great sex. That is one area where we both agree on, the wilder the better. We tend to engage on the kinkier side of things and thanks to David, it has opened me up to many exciting times. With the both of us only in our mid 20s, I knew we had a long run of amazing sex, still ahead of us. What more could a Midwestern girl ask for!

The dinner with the Clarke’s on Friday was very enjoyable. They treated us to an excellent dinner at a very popular seafood restaurant in the city, and of course excellent conversation. It was offered for David to come by Dr. Clarke’s office on Monday to discuss some business with him, as he was in the market for new equipment, for the 4 offices he owned, and 1 more than was being built. This would be a huge contract for David and result in some very handsome commissions, not to mention would easily be his largest client. He had plenty of clients, but when you sell equipment versus drugs, it’s a different battle as Doctor’s aren’t always in the market for new equipment. We finished up our dinners and we thanked them for their hospitality and agreed that we would have to do this again.

I was so proud of David and suggested that we get a room at a local hotel, to celebrate. He quickly agreed and we checked into a nice upscale hotel, downtown. We made it to our room and I told him that he should join me in the shower, which he did not argue with. We threw our clothes on the floor and ran into the bathroom and into the shower, not worrying about the water for the moment. He forced me to the wall of the shower and fucked me hard, as I love it. In the heat of passion I blurted out, let’s do it. He stopped momentarily and asked, do what, baby? I held his face and said, let’s try swinging. He smiled and asked if I was sure, for which I could only say, I don’t know, but I never will know until we do it. We kissed and he fucked me into oblivion, as he has been asking to do this for a few months. We had talked about it often, but never tried and I felt that I should do this for him, in his moment.

We discussed how we should go about this, as far as finding a willing couple. We decided to go down into the lobby bar and see if there was anyone there. There were a few couples there and after making conversation with a one of the couples, determined they would probably not go for it. We went back to the room and was prepared to just enjoy the night with ourselves, when David mentioned the website that specializes in swingers. We talked and decided to open a profile, which meant pictures had to be taken. We took both PG and X-rated pictures and after about 30-minutes, are profile was up. We are both fairly attractive, David is 6’2” and has a very nice body and I am just over 5’5” and have small C cups and a nice ass, as David constantly reminds me of. It was not more than 15-minutes later when we got a notification that a couple wanted to talk to us. We accepted their invitation and David took care of all the talking, with input from me as needed. They seemed like an interesting couple and were both attractive. They were in their early 30s and we all seemed to have some things in common. We decided after some time to invite them to the lobby bar, to talk in person and if things went well, invite them back to our room.

The four of us met in the bar and enjoyed a few drinks and some good conversations, over the next hour or so. They both were in management and seemed to lead a very nice life and had only got into swinging about 4 months ago. We asked them if they have been with many people and they said only two couples, as they were still trying to find their way. We of course told them that we have never done this before, but have talked about it often and finally got the nerve. They told us they were that way at first, as well but after the first night, their nerves relaxed a bit. We all laughed at that, but it was obvious we all were a bit nervous still. I excused myself to use the restroom and Sheila, his wife, got up to go with me.

Sheila and I used the restroom and met at the sink to wash our hands, when she said you are a very attractive young woman, as she brushed my hand with hers. I thanked her and complimented her looks and smiled at her. We washed up and headed back to the table to join our men, where David immediately asked, shall we go upstairs ladies? I looked at David then Sheila and then finally Scott, her husband, and said, I don’t see why not. We paid our tabs and on the elevator we went, where not a word was said until the door opened to our floor. We walked into the room and after 15-minutes of nerves, Scott leaned into kiss me and this started the night off. We only had a king size bed in the room, so Sheila and I spent most of the time on our backs, as the men fucked us. I remember watching David fuck Sheila and was turned on by the sight, and to be honest Scott was really good in bed. We both got all we needed and then some and after about an hour, the guys finished up with us and rolled off. The guys were on the outside of Sheila and I, leaving her and I side by side. I at one point looked over to her to find her just looking at me, I quickly smiled and started to turn my head when she started to move her head towards me. I froze just for a moment, not sure what she was doing until she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I just chose to not say or do anything. This led to her hand on my breast, as she kissed me passionately and skillfully sliding her tongue into my mouth. For the next 30-minutes, I just lie there and let her pleasure me with her fingers and tongue, as I had my first female experience. We all spent the next several hours having some amazing sex, and even though I never returned the favor to Sheila, I was definitely curious about it.

It was well into the early morning hours when we decided to call it a night. We all agreed that we should do this again and soon, so we exchanged numbers to remain in contact with each other. We hugged and kissed them, including a kiss from Sheila for me, which I returned. The next couple of hours were spent with David and I talking about the night and of course, my first bisexual experience. I told him I was not turned off, but not sure if I could ever do it. We agreed there was no need to rush it, but we were both glad to have met them and definitely wanted to meet again. I needed something special from David before we turned in, so without a word I just rolled onto my stomach, enough said.

It was 11am when the phone rang in the hotel room, letting us know that checkout was expected at this time. We had only been asleep for 3-hours or so, but got up and checked out and headed home. We spent the entire weekend just doing some work around the house and watching movies, as David needed to relax for a very big opportunity on Monday. I made sure he didn’t get too stressed about anything and we really just enjoyed each other’s company, all weekend.

I sent David off to work on Monday, with a nice blowjob for luck and told him I was proud of him. I wanted to stay home that day, but needed to go into work myself, as I had taken a few days off from the previous week. I went into work and made myself busy so the time would pass, as I really wanted to hear the news tonight. I was confident in David and knew that the Clarke’s liked us, so I had no reason to worry. The day seemed to fly by and with the exception of a few frustrating moments on my research, it was 5pm in no time. I got my things and ran to the parking garage and drove like a maniac to get home and hear the news. I ran into the house to find David sitting at the table, with a strange look on his face. I walked over and kissed and said, Well? He looked up at me with a sad look on his face and I nearly cried, before he changed his facial expression to a smile and handed me a contract. I read over it and found a figure, a very large figure of $250,000 of equipment, with Dr. Clarke’s signature. I looked at him, as a tear fell down my cheek and asked, is this for real? He smiled at me and hugged me and said, yes, baby it’s real. My mouth dropped wide open, as this would mean a $50,000 commission check for the both of us and put him on his way to ownership of the distributor outright. His plan was to save up enough cash and seek an outside investor to fund the rest, as the owners were nearing retirement and had no family members.

We decided to put the money in the bank and not take a luxurious trip, like I wanted to, but knew it wasn’t smart. This was just the beginning of his dream and that was more important, at this point. David told me everything about the meeting and how impressed Dr. Clarke was with his presentation and pricing, above all. He told me that we were officially invited over for dinner to celebrate the new business relationship on Wednesday, so of course there was not turning that down. That night was filled with some amazing sex, as it went on well into the morning.


Chapter Three

The following 2 days went by in a flash, we were still buzzing over the huge contract and what the possibilities were from the chance meeting with Dr. Clarke. He was clearly a man of great wealth and had established himself as a pillar in the community, albeit our small community. He was well respected in the community and had raised significant amounts of money for various charities, throughout his life. This could be the very connection that David would need to pursue the purchase of his distribution company. We talked in great length about what this could mean for the both of us, and what steps would need to take place to actually make an offer. The company was huge and very profitable, we estimated it would take somewhere north of 75 million dollars to even begin negotiating. The big question was, when do we approach Dr. Clarke with this offer? We needed to bide our time with this, as asking someone that you just met, would not be wise.

It was now Wednesday evening and we were on the way over to the Clarkes for dinner, as planned. We knew to expect a very lavish home, but had no idea the magnitude of what we pulled up to. The home was easily over 10,000 square feet and was 2 stories tall. It sat on what had to be over 15 acres of land, meticulously landscaped with flowers, trees and shrubs. The long circle drive led to an impressive grand front entrance with doors that had to be 9’ tall if they were a foot. I looked at David and said, Holy Shit! He smiled and said, I knew he was wealthy but, seriously?! We just shook our heads as we walked to the massive front door, to be met by the maid before we ever knocked. She offered to take our jackets for us and pointed towards the sitting room, where the Clarkes were waiting are arrival. We walked into the sitting room to a warm welcome from Mary, as she hugged the both of us. She complimented me on my choice of attire for the night, a long evening gown with one strap over my left shoulder and David in a black 3-piece suit that was expertly tailored to his physique. The Clarke’s were just as impressively dressed with Dr. Clarke in a tuxedo and Mary in a black evening gown, that showed off their massive wealth. We were asked to sit on the loveseat, directly across from the Clarkes, as the servants poured the first of several glasses of wine.

We made great conversation about David’s work and my research, which really seemed to intrigue Dr. Clarke. I told him how affected I was by watching my grandfather deteriorate right in front of me, that I knew I had to try. He commended me on my passion for the subject and even offered any insight if I needed it. I thanked him and said, I may just take you up on that, as it would be good to get a perspective from a Doctor’s point of view. He seemed to be very passionate about his profession, which I really appreciated. There are many doctors that are just there because of the pay, and forget why they went to medical school in the first place. It was a nice change of pace from what I have been exposed to, at this point of my career.

Mary asked me if I would like tour of the home, as dinner was still about an hour from being finished. I gladly accepted her offer and took her hand, as she helped me up to start our tour. She joked that the men would probably want to talk sports or something, so now was the time. The home was breathtaking at every turn we made. There were 7 bedrooms, 5.5 baths and a kitchen that would make most 5 star chefs, cry for. The design choices were more of a Mediterranean vibe and there was not a wall in the entire home that did not have an expensive piece of art on it. In the basement was a state of the art media room with a projection screen the size of my kitchen at home. There were 12 Italian leather reclining seats, complete with massager and seat warmer. The impressive estate left me speechless to the point of having to apologize for staring so long, as she patted my hand and said, it’s okay. The entire 2nd floor was wrapped in a balcony, giving full view of the lower floor and a stunning view of the very large crystal chandelier in the living room. We walked into the back yard, again meticulously landscaped, onto a large patio with a pergola hanging over the entire thing. We sat down on the furniture and she called over her prized Akita’s, they were by far the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen. They were both male dogs and clearly were well groomed and fed, as they did not appear to have an ounce of fat on them, pure muscle. She told me they show them from time to time and they have one several best of breed contests, around the country. They were so playful and very respectful, no jumping and absolutely no licking. We sat out there for a good 30-minutes, talking about their life and this amazing home, as we sipped our wine.

We returned to our men in the sitting room and they seemed to be having a conversation about sports, as predicted. We sat down and listened to them discuss the problems with our local NFL team, what else. Mary and I smiled and just giggled, listening to them carry on about a subject they were so passionate about. I have to admit for a couple in their early 50s, they were a fun couple. You could see in their eyes that they still had a zest for life and were madly in love with each other. I only hoped that David and I would be able to share that same passion, when we were in our 50s. They finally gave up the sports talk, as they noticed Mary and I being very quiet and didn’t want us to be left out. The topic changed to travel and though David and I haven’t really started that part of our life, we really enjoyed them sharing the locations they have visited, all over the world. It was very educational and it definitely led to me adding new locations to my wish list of travel. They were so descriptive about each location, that it made you feel like you were there in that instant, taking it all in with them. I so wanted them to continue on, but was politely told that dinner was ready, from the cooking staff.

The dinner was just like you would expect from a fine restaurant, a stunning rack of lamb served with steamed crisp vegetables and only the finest wines from Italy. They clearly knew how to host guests and knew what they liked and was not selfish in sharing, as this dinner had to cost them over $500 to prepare. The conversation at dinner was subtle and not to deep, just some occasional laughing. The dessert was just as delicious with home made tiramisu that was to die for. It was so good, that I had to have a 2nd serving, even though I was beyond stuffed but David helped me finish it off. The table was cleared of the dishes and it was suggested that we take a bottle of wine and head out to the patio to enjoy the night air.

The four of us walked to the patio where the fire pit was already burning, creating that perfect moment we all see in the movies. David and I again sat across from the Clarkes and enjoyed our 4th glass of wine, for which I was starting to feel its effects. I wasn’t slurring my speech or anything, but I was getting that familiar tingling on the skin, letting me know that it was taking it’s toll on me. I made the decision that this would be my last glass, as I didn’t want to become that intoxicated person that fouls up the entire night. I went to finish off that glass of wine, when David bumped my arm, causing me to spill some of it on my dress. Mary quickly stood up and said, come on dear we need to get that soaking or it will be ruined. She took me by the hand and into their bedroom and handed me a shirt and some shorts to change into.

I dropped my gown to the floor, but became light headed and had to sit on the bed, as she helped me down. She giggled and said maybe you have had enough wine for the night. I nodded, as I sat there in just my bra and panties on the edge of their bed. I tried to stand up again to put the clothes on, but that was not the right idea at that time, as I got dizzy again. She walked over to me and said here I will help you. She commented that some of the wine leaked onto my bra as well and it would probably show through the white shirt she gave me. I tried to reach around and unhook my bra, but couldn’t find the coordination to pull it off, so Mary once again, offered. She unhooked my bra and instead of grabbing the outside of it to pull it off, she placed her hand just inside and pushed it off. I may have been a bit out of it, but I knew a subtle squeeze when I felt it. I didn’t have the right frame of mind at that moment to start questioning anything, so I just let it go and concentrated on getting my bearings back. After a longer than necessary pause to put my shirt on, she finally sat next to me and helped me get it on, but not before the chill in the air caused my nipples to become erect. She pulled the shirt over my head and then over my breast, but not before the back of her hand brushed across my nipples, getting them erect again. She then asked me if I could stand on my own, so she could help me with my shorts, but I couldn’t. She told me to lie on my back and lift my knees and she would put them on for me. I flopped onto my back and lifted my knees, as my eyes closed tightly to block the light. It seemed like quite a long time for her to start putting my shorts on, but she finally did and once again, I felt the back of her hand brush across my panties this time. I opened my eyes to find her just looking at me in a very awkward kind of way, so I asked her if she was ok. She snapped her eyes to mine and said, I ‘m sorry, you are just a very attractive young lady, you remind me of me when I was in my 20s. I thanked her and knew I needed to stand up, as this was very awkward for the both of us and I think she realized that.

We joined the men on the patio and I apologized for my clumsiness with the wine, but was met with glaring eyes and then I remembered, no bra. The conversation finally picked back up, relieving me of the glaring stares from Mary and Dr. Clarke. We talked for another hour or so, before we all decided that it was probably time to call it a night, as all of us had to be up early. We thanked them for a wonderful dinner and overall great night and accepted their invitation to do this again, soon. Mary told me she would have my gown cleaned and I could return in a day or two to pick it up. I told her it was not necessary, but she would not have it and insisted. I thanked her and told her I would be over Friday evening after work, if that would be ok. She nodded and said that should be fine. Dr. Clarke suggested that we should just have dinner again on that night, but David said that he was leaving town on Friday for business and wouldn’t be back until Tuesday, but I should have dinner if that was okay with them. They both said it would be no problem at all. We hugged each other and gave the customary kiss on the cheeks, and out the door we went.

I told David about what I thought was going on in the bedroom and how I felt she was trying to feel me up, but wasn’t 100% sure, as the alcohol was definitely messing with me. He told me that it was probably just a set of circumstances leading to those thoughts, because of the alcohol. I nodded and agreed and never gave it a 2nd thought. He did say that me coming back out with no bra caused quite a bit of tension there for a moment. We laughed and I said, I know, I felt the stares, as he squeezed my tit and said, for good reason. He joked that if it was true, how interesting that could become. I laughed and playfully slapped him on the shoulder and said, interesting in deed. We made it home and after a strong hour of sex, we fell asleep.


Chapter Four

I woke up at 5:30am and woke David up with a nice blowjob, as this would become our ritual, every time he would have a sales call. It was our good luck charm, if you will. David would be staying home today getting his things together for his travel this weekend and I of course, had to go into work. I showered and kissed David and out the door I went, for my hour drive into the city. The work day was long and boring and I was having trouble concentrating, so around lunch I told them I was not feeling well and needed to call it a day. I called David and told him I was on my way home and asked him if he needed anything on my way, he said not that he could think of. I made my way home and spent the rest of the day helping David get packed for his trip.

It was around 5pm when we got everything packed and ready for him to leave, at 7am tomorrow. We decided to order in some pizza, as I was too tired to cook and we really didn’t want to go out anywhere. I had already changed into some shorts with a tank top and David was just running around in shorts. We ate our pizza and decided to watch a movie together, before turning in for the night, but not before I properly sent him off on business. It was around 7pm when David’s phone rang and after he answered it, quickly put it on speaker. It was Scott & Sheila and they were asking if we wanted to meet up again. I looked at David and shook my head no, as I wanted him to myself tonight before he left. David told them that if he were not going out of town tomorrow morning, we would probably be up for it. It was then that the conversation turned, on a dime. Scott asked if I would like to join him and Sheila for dinner on Friday or Saturday night. I paused and wasn’t sure how to answer that, but David quickly spoke up and said, well we have never discussed that being a possibility, so we would need to have a conversation about it first. We thanked them for the offer and told them we would discuss it and let them know.
We talked about it for a bit, but I decided that I was not comfortable with that, at this point with them. I wanted David to be there just in case. I told David that I would call them tomorrow and let them know, as I decided I was not going in to work, after all. We went to bed and I made sure David had plenty of good luck with him tomorrow, as we had sex for a few hours.

I woke him up in the same way that morning and watched as he drove off, for 4 days. I always hated him leaving for long stretches, but knew we were both working towards the same goal. It meant many days of taking care of my needs on my own, but on some occasions that was helped by the use of Skype. I decided to do some work from home to pass the time along, before heading over to the Clarke’s for dinner. I worked on some research and took some notes to ask Dr. Clarke’s opinion about a few theories I was considering, I felt his input would be very valuable, as I am sure he has seen his fair share of dementia patients thru the years. I took some time to call Steve & Sheila and had a nice long conversation with them and broke the news that I was not comfortable enough at this point to take them up on their offer. They were very understanding and even apologized for suggesting it so early on. I told them it was no big deal and that maybe at some point we could visit that, as David and I both enjoyed them as a couple. I told them that we should be able to meet up one day next week, once David got back and rested from all the driving. I told them I would call them on Wednesday, once I had a chance to talk to David. It was pretty late in the day, so I needed to take a shower and get ready for dinner at the Clarke’s. I decided on a dress blouse and skirt, as I wasn’t expecting this to be overly formal, without David there. As I was showering, my mind took me to the other night and whether or not Mary was making a pass at me or if it was coincidental, as David suggested. I couldn’t really form clear thoughts about it one way or another, as some of the memories were fragmented from the alcohol that night. I got out of the shower, dressed and made my way to their house.

I arrived just after 6pm with Mary’s clothes in my hand, as they led me to the sitting room. They complimented me on my attire and I returned the compliment, as Mary was in a similar outfit as mine, and Dr. Clarke, in a dress shirt and dress pants. I was poured a glass of wine and jokingly said, I won’t drink too much tonight. They laughed and said, it’s fine dear. We enjoyed small talk for several minutes and I couldn’t help but notice that there was no help there tonight. It seemed odd considering they invited me over to dinner, so I just figured the meal would be prepared by their staff. I let it go and just figured it was going to be a very casual dinner. I asked Dr. Clarke if he would mind me running some of my theories by him and of course, offer any opinions. He quickly said, of course.

For the next hour or so, I talked in detail about the theories I was considering and what direction I could possibly take them. He listened very intently and on occasion, would interrupt, only to get clarity on something. I was very impressed by this, as he had over 30 years experience on me and was genuinely interested in my research, this is very rare in the medical industry trust me on that. I finished up my long talk and waited for any response at all, as I watched him put his thoughts together. He finally spoke and said, I think you may be on the right track with this, I will need to think on it some more, but I will make you this offer if you would like. He continued, I will talk to a few of my patients that I diagnosed with dementia and see if they will authorize me showing you their patient records, so you can see this side of that disease. I of course, cannot take the records out of the office, but your more than welcome to come by after I close at 5pm and spend an hour or so looking them over, anytime you would like. I was floored by this offer, as asking patients to trust someone they have never met to pour over their medical records, was not an easy task, let alone someone who was not a doctor. I quickly agreed and thanked him for his generosity in this matter, as it could definitely confirm or deny my theories.

We made our way to the dinner table, as Mary brought out the steaks and all the fixings, a very casual dinner indeed. We made more small talk over dinner, as I enjoyed each and every bite of a deliciously prepared steak. I complimented Mary on being such a great chef and she thanked me with a smile and pat on my hand. The dessert was nothing more than a bowl of ice cream and after I helped Mary clear the table, out to the patio we went. I was careful with the amount of wine I drank and decided that after my 3rd glass, I would cut it off. I was in that middle of that 3rd glass of wine, when I excused myself to use the restroom. I immediately paused as I couldn’t recall where the bathroom was, so Mary quickly got up and said, come on dear, I will show you. She led me by the hand down the long hall and placed her right hand on the small of my back, while showing me the door with her left hand. I felt her rub the small of my back and just figured she was being nice. She told me that she was going to change into something more comfortable and that I was welcome to do so, as well if I wanted to. I thanked her and into the bathroom I went.

I left the bathroom and decided to take her up on her offer, as I realized that I would be the only one dressed up, as I am sure Dr. Clarke probably got more comfortable. I walked into her bedroom to find her in only a bra and her panties, as she was looking for something comfortable to wear. I apologized and lowered my head, but she just laughed and said, it’s okay dear, I have seen you in a very similar outfit. I’m sorry you have to see a 53-year old body though. I told her she was silly and that I hoped I looked that good at 53. She smiled and thanked me for the compliment and handed me the same shirt and shorts that I wore the other night. I lowered my skirt and unbuttoned my shirt without hesitation, and noticed this caused Mary to just look me up and down. I immediately felt awkward and could not formulate a sentence to break it, so I just stood there for a second before I realized that I could put on the shorts and shirt. I started to put my shirt on but my hair got all tangled up in the shirt and I was struggling to get it free. I then felt Mary’s hands grab the bottom of the shirt and pull, as the back of her hands brushed across my breasts, again. I knew this was no coincidence this time, as she is deliberately doing that. I felt really awkward and had no idea what to do or say, if anything at all. I made the decision to not say a word, as she pulled the shirt free of my hair and let it drop to my waist. I thanked her for the help, but could see that there was a different look in her eyes now. I asked myself, if I had made a mistake by not pulling away or saying anything, but it was too late now.

We both finished dressing and joined Dr. Clarke back on the patio and to my surprise he was still dressed in his business clothes. He noticed that we had changed and said well I guess I am a bit overdressed, as we laughed. He excused himself and said he was going to change into something more comfortable and would be back in a few minutes. I immediately felt the awkwardness creep upon me, as now I had no idea what to say and I was sure Mary was thinking the same, as she just had this blank look on her face. I broke my own rule and offered her another glass of wine, which would be my 4th. This seemed to break the ice, as she said, I want to apologize to you. I just looked at her and asked, for what? She said, for what happened in the bedroom, I was out of line and I think I made you uncomfortable. I told her it to not worry about it, but was relieved to hear that from her, as I was very uncomfortable. She thanked me for understanding and without warning said, that I reminded her of herself when she was in her mid 20s and how she enjoyed that period of her life, especially the self discovery phase that she went through. I had no idea on how to respond to that, so I just said, I can see how you were beautiful at my age, because you have aged into a beautiful woman. I again told her that I only hoped I remained half as beautiful as her, when I turn 53. This caused her to smile wide and thank me for the kind words and tell me that she was sure that I was going to be beautiful for well beyond that. I was in the middle of a long sip of wine, hoping that the topic would change, but Mary had one more admission to make. She told me that the other night when she helped me change, that the wine had not actually stained my bra, she just wanted to see my breasts. I had completely forgotten about that and was a bit confused on why she would tell me that, but that confusion went away when she said, I enjoyed the view. I was at a loss here, with not knowing what to say or even do, I chose to just keep quiet and let her continue. I was hoping she was a bit tipsy and was just spouting off and that it would end, soon. It finally ended but not until she stated that David was a very lucky man. I thanked her and immediately swallowed the last of my wine, feeling completely lost for words. I was relieved to see Dr. Clarke walking towards the patio door to rejoin us.

We all talked and laughed some more and though I faked it well, my mind was still on Mary and her very forward personality. I was sure she was coming onto me but did have to consider that we both drank quite a bit and it might have been as a result of that. What if she was actually attracted to me? What would this mean for this entire arrangement? There was a lot at stake here, going through with it could be just as damaging as not going through with it. I knew I needed to talk to David and it could not wait until Tuesday, so I politely told them I needed to head home for the night, as I was getting a bit tired and wanted to talk to David before I went to bed. They understood and even offered for me to stay overnight, as I was drinking, but I assured them I was fine and would accept a cup of coffee if they wouldn’t mind. They gave me a cup to go and I hugged the both of them and with all my clothes in hand, out the door I went.


Chapter Five

I raced the 10-minutes home from the Clarke’s house and immediately got on Skype to try and catch David, before he called it a night. I told him in detail exactly what happened at the Clarke’s home, this evening. I told him I was 100% sure she was coming on to me this time and had very little doubt that it was because of alcohol. He asked me if it made me uncomfortable to be around them. I told him that I wasn’t sure at this point, because there was still a bit doubt because of the alcohol. I told him at the time it happened, I was very uncomfortable, but I really think it was because I didn’t know how to respond to the situation. I told him that I think that I needed to have a talk with her, but was nervous to approach the subject, with everything riding on how it went. He agreed that approaching it directly could cause issues, but at some point it needed to be discussed. He suggested that we go over for dinner, once he got back in town and let him observe her behavior around me, minus the wine. I agreed and told him I would set it up for Thursday. We finished our talk, which included him helping me take care of missing him, and to bed we both went.

I woke up Saturday morning, really missing David and needed to once again, take care of that desire. I took a shower afterwards and settled onto the couch with some breakfast, not planning on doing much of anything today. I just wanted to take care of some house chores and be lazy after that. I was in one of David’s t-shirts and just my panties, fulfilling my desire to be even too lazy to get dressed. I washed the dishes, vacuumed the house, dusted the furniture and finally washed some clothes. It was now 11am and I was determined to sit on my ass for the rest of the day and night. I rarely was in the mood to do much of anything without David anyway, so this plan fit me quite nicely. That all changed in an instant, with the ring of the phone and Mary’s exuberant voice asking if we could have lunch. I said yes, even though I really did not want to, but didn’t want to be rude. She asked if 1:00 pm would work and I told her it was fine and would meet her at the restaurant.

I pulled up right at 3-minutes till 1pm, to find Mary already with an outside table, on the patio. We said our pleasantries and of course hugged and I sat down across from her and ordered an iced tea. We made small talk about anything and everything under the sun, but what was on my mind. I didn’t want to approach the subject, so I was hoping she would. We both ordered salads for lunch and enjoyed them without much talking, as we both finished them off. The small talk continued after our lunch and though we didn’t talk about the topic of importance, I did enjoy the time with her. She asked if I would like to go shopping with her at the mall, as she needed to pick up some things. I told her that sounded like something I could get into, as we both laughed. I rode with her to the mall and again, not much was said in the car on the way. I wondered if she even remembered at this point and maybe it was just the alcohol.

We spent a good 2-hours at the mall and I picked up some things for both David and I, as she spent a small fortune on what appeared to be just for her. I stopped into one more store and saw a dress that I really liked and went into the dressing room to try it on, as Mary continued to search for more clothes. I was only in there for a few minutes, when the curtain was opened and in walked Mary with a shirt, as I stood there covering my bra. She apologized for just walking in on me, but she saw this shirt and thought I would like it as well. I extended my arms to take it from her and sure enough, her eyes locked onto my breasts again, and before she left asked if we could go somewhere to talk? I nodded and said I think we should. I paid for the dress and her and I headed to the car, with not a word being said. She drove to the park and we both got out and walked over to a picnic table, to have our talk.

She did not mince her words nor hesitate, as she bluntly said, I am attracted to you and I know you know that. The actions by me over the last few days were not appropriate of me, as I should have not been so direct. In my defense, I had consumed a lot of wine those nights and I’m sure that led to my boldness with you. It does not excuse it, but I hope you believe that I would never be that bold with anyone, without wine. I know you were uncomfortable and I felt terrible because of it, because I do admire both you and your husband and would never want to do anything to cause any friction. She finished talking and just looked at me, as I allowed my brain to make sense of everything she said. I finally thanked her for being so honest with me and told her that I was half out of my mind, because I wasn’t sure if it was coincidence or something more. I told her that I was uncomfortable but not because of the inappropriate actions, it was because I was not sure what to do or say. I told her that I didn’t want to say something that would cause any friction either, so I chose to freeze. I wasn’t sure if that send mixed signals or not, but it weighed on my mind that it could have. If that was the case, I apologize for that myself. She quickly interrupted and said, no honey you did nothing wrong here. I take full responsibility for this and don’t think you were sending mixed signals at all. We both sat there for several minutes, as I was lost in my own head and I think she was waiting on me to respond, with anything at all.

I ran various scenarios through my head on just how bad and good this could be for David. If I explored a sexual relationship with Mary, it could open all the doors or slam them shut if it went horribly wrong. I wished I had David with me to run this by him, but knew I couldn’t leave this talk for another date, the next response from me, would set the tone. I took a deep breath and said, I’m not sure what I think of this to be honest, but in my head I knew what I was going to do. I asked her what she was hoping for, if anything at all. She looked and said, I’m not hoping for anything to happen that you don’t want and if I can be direct with you again, I will tell you what I would like to see. I smiled and said, well at this point there is no reason to be shy. She took a breath and said, first off I know this is going to sound odd, if not creepy, but in all honesty, I would be happy if you would just let me look at your breasts from time to time and if you were comfortable with it, play with them. I would never push for anything more than that. I have a deep imbedded fetish with breasts and it was triggered when I was a young girl, as I started developing my own. This was not at all what I was expecting to hear, and if I had frozen before, I was now frozen solid. I had no idea on how to answer that and looked at her, hoping she would bail me out. To my dismay, that never happened so I came up with a quick question, you just want to look and play, right? She nodded and said I know how that must sound. I smiled and said, it doesn’t scare me or anything but I wasn’t expecting that at all. She smiled and said, I know you weren’t, but I promise you there are no hidden motives. I have a thing for breasts and I play with mine often. She continued on by saying, I know there is a 30-year age difference between us and I get that, so if that is of concern to you, I won’t hold it against you if you say no. I shook my head and said no that’s not it at all trust me. I’m not sure what it is, but I can promise you it’s not that. She asked if I was worried about David and I immediately said no that was not a concern, as David is aware of everything that has happened. I don’t think this, one way or the other to be honest would concern him. She smiled and said, I’m glad that you’re not hesitant because of my age and I do appreciate the honesty with that. She then asked, could it be that you have never experienced anything specific like this? I thought about it and said, you know what, that may be it. I think it’s just that I have never processed this type of thing and I just don’t know how to react to it. She nodded and said that truly is probably it. It’s not a request many people get in their life, so there is no way to process that. She then asked, would you like to have that information to be able to process it, now? I just gasped and asked, here? She laughed and said, not here, but I know a secluded place we could go. I looked around and then back to her and said, I guess we could, I need to know one way or another.

She smiled and quickly stood up, taking me by the hand, as we walked down the trail into the woods. We walked for several minutes before she stopped and said I think we will be fine here. I looked around and saw nothing but trees and leaves. I turned back towards her and said I think we are as well. I just looked at her and finally asked, would you like me to remove my shirt? She smiled and just shook her head at me. I took a quick peek around us, and then lifted my shirt over my head, as she just stared at my breast. I asked her if she wanted me to take my bra off and she said, not now, dear. I watched as she just stared for a few minutes and then slowly reached her hand out to cup my left breast. She just left her hand there, while she stared at my other breast before cupping it as well, then slowly started to squeeze them. I can’t lie it was pretty intense for me, as she squeezed them softly I let out a soft moan while closing my eyes. It was not until after several minutes of just squeezing them, when I felt her hand slide inside my bra and pull my one tit out. The combination of her soft hands and the wind blowing against my nipple, caused them both to get hard as rock, as another moan left my mouth. My eyes were still closed and to be honest, I was soaking wet from this attention, when I felt her reach around to my back and unclasp my bra, letting it fall off my arms and to the ground. She guided me to a tree so I could have something to keep me from falling, as I was moaning pretty regularly and so wanted to put my hands in my shorts and finish this. I raised my arms and just let her have at them both, as she rubbed my nipples in between squeezing my breasts, all the while telling me how beautiful I was. I tried to thank her but I could not complete any words at that moment, so I just bit my lip. Her touch was so sensual, unlike I have ever experienced before, even when I would play with my own tits, as I masturbated.

For what had to be 10-minutes or more of her driving me crazy, I was at the point of bursting and on more than one occasion, started to move my hands to my waistband but caught myself. I was beside myself, I was soaking wet and so needed to have an orgasm and didn’t know how to do that without making this more than it was. I continued to bite my lip, trying to fight of the urge to shove my hand in my panties and attack my clit, when she asked, would it upset you if I kissed them? I didn’t even bother to open my mouth, as I just shook my head back and forth. She wasted no time, as I felt her mouth open slightly and her tongue flick my nipple, which cause me to stand on my toes and moan loud. My breathing was very labored at this point and I was struggling to get it under control, when she suddenly opened her mouth and closed it gently around my nipple and began sucking. This was the final straw and I could not take anymore at this point. I moved my hand to my waistband and slid it inside, to my pussy that was hungry for a release. I was able to get onto my clit, but really couldn’t rub it fast enough, as the shorts were constricting my hand from moving, like it needed. I pulled my hand and out and tried to push my shorts down with the only hand that was free, as Mary had her head blocking the path for my 2nd hand, but couldn’t do it. I was about to give up in frustration, when Mary lowered her hand and grabbed the other side of my shorts and helped me pull them down, to my knees. I tried to thank her, but no words were coming out of my mouth, at this moment. I spread my legs and in my panties my hand went, finding my clit that needed my attention, right then. It did not take long for me to let out a scream, as I had a very strong orgasm, but I was not done yet.

She stopped sucking my nipples to say, thank you for sharing that with me. I smiled and said, you’re welcome and thank you for helping me with it. She nodded and took a step back and looked at me, paying attention to my hand inside my panties, as I was still rubbing. She asked if it would bother me if she watched me masturbate, while she rubbed her own pussy and I said, not at all, not even thinking about it, as I just didn’t care at that point. I spread my legs wider and began rubbing my pussy hard, as I watched her drop her shorts to her knees and then her panties, to expose her well shaven pussy to me, as she began rubbing her own clit. I was more than interested in what she was doing and hadn’t realized it, but I had stopped rubbing myself and just watched her play with her own pussy and then bury two fingers inside her. This encouraged me to join her, so I took my panties off and kicked them to the ground and buried my own fingers in my pussy, as we both were moaning pretty loud. I came pretty quickly and she was not long behind me, as we both let out a sigh and just smiled at each other. I started to bend down to get my panties and shorts, but she asked if she could just look at me naked for a few seconds. I smiled and stood back up and threw my arms over my head and opened my legs wide, giving her the full view. I watched as her head moved up then down and kept doing that for more than a few seconds, more like 5-minutes. She just kept saying how beautiful I was and how lucky David was to get to fuck me. I thanked her again and said well I think Dr. Clarke is just as lucky, from what I see. She looked down at herself and said, oh my god I am so sorry. You are standing here completely naked and I never took my shirt off. I told her it was fine, but she would have none of it and quickly took her shirt and bra off, for me to see her tits. We both just looked each other over for a few minutes and finally decided it was time to go, as it was getting to that moment of awkwardness again.

We made it back to the car and I asked, so what happens now? She smiled and said well do I need to ask if you enjoyed it. I laughed and said no I think that was made pretty obvious. She laughed and said yea I think you are right, for the both of us. She continued on by saying, I would like to be able to do this with you a few times a week if possible. If you are comfortable meeting here to do it or we can do it at either of our houses, when time permits. I told her I was fine with meeting her or our houses, because I would be telling David about today. She nodded and said, we can play it by ear from here and see how this all goes. I agreed and back to the restaurant we went to get my car. I was about to get out of her car when she thanked me again for understanding and for the amazing day in the park. I told her it was fine and that I truly enjoyed it. I got in my car and home I went, excited to talk to David and tell him everything and see his reaction, but to also talk to him about my plan, that I came up with.


Chapter Six

I made it home and waited about an hour to call David, as I was sure he was out to dinner. I took a shower and got comfortable again, in just my panties knowing that they would probably be off, as soon as I told David everything. I impatiently waited for the last 20-minutes to tick off of the clock, so I could get this excitement out of me. It turns out I didn’t need to wait that long, as he called me. I eagerly answered his video request and surprised him with my bare tits staring back at him. He asked if I had something specific in mind for the night and I said, always but first I had some news for you. I went into great detail about the day’s activity with Mary and how it all started with her being direct with me. He was very surprised by this and asked me if it was exciting for me. I smiled wide and said oh my god it was incredible. He was both happy and turned on himself, as he joined me in nakedness and made sure I knew it, as I got a good look at his very nice cock. I said but I had better news for you, if you would like to hear it. He said, of course I do. I said, I think I found away to almost guarantee you get the investment from the Clarke’s. He said I’m listening. I told him I wanted to take advantage of this with Mary, by letting her play with my tits, as often as she wanted. I would gain her trust this way and I know it would eventually lead to her wanting more and I would give in to that urge and let her have sex with me. When the time was right, we could use that to get her to talk her husband into it, if needed. He thought about it and said, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I am not comfortable with you using your body to get me the investment. I don’t want you to come to regret that and I don’t think I would ever get comfortable with that. He continued to say, I really think that we can get this investment by showing him we can be trusted and how good of an investment it could be.

This initially shocked me, but as I thought about it, he was right. I would essentially be a prostitute for her and it would bother me at some point. I apologized to him for even thinking of that and thanked him for looking out for the both of us. I let the moment carry me away and didn’t think it through in the heat of the moment. I knew he was smart enough to get this done the correct way. He told me that if I wanted to continue this with her, that he was all for it. I told him that she wanted to do this a few times a week and wanted to know if he was okay with that, and without hesitation said, it would be no problem, dear. We talked about his day for a bit and then got to the fun, as we watched each other masturbate, before calling it a night.

I did not wake up until past 9am, as I ended up restless most of the night, so I watched a movie until almost 3am. My mind was a confused mess, as I kept reliving the time with Mary and then with David that night. A part of me knew that at some point Mary would want to ask for more and I think I knew that I would let it happen, as I don’t do well with confrontation. I also was confused on why I would even consider a manipulation tactic with her, when I had all the confidence in the world in David. He was a very intelligent man and I knew he would get what he wanted, in due time working his ass off, as always. I needed something to take my mind off of everything, so I decided to go into the city for some window-shopping and lunch, and then see how I felt after that. I took a quick shower and put on some tight jeans and a sweater and off to the city I went.

I walked around the shopping district for a few hours making mental lists of all the things I wanted, at some point. I looked at jewelry, clothes and even furniture and figured I had around $15,000 of stuff I wanted. It was nice to dream, but knew that we had bigger things to accomplish first. I put my mental list away and filed it under, one day and decided that lunch was a good idea to take my mind off of it. I chose a bistro in the shopping district and enjoyed a fabulous lunch and a glass of wine to wash it all down. I paid my tab and decided that I would possibly take in a movie, if there was anything worth seeing. I made my way to the theatre and quickly discovered that there was not a damn thing worth spending $30 bucks on, by the time I had snacks and such. I decided to just go home and watch something on TV and see about doing something later, if I got to restless.

The day turned into evening much faster than I realized and before I knew it, David was calling on Skype. We spent a good amount of time talking and I apologized once more, about suggesting that I manipulate Mary. I am not that kind of person and I wanted him to know that it was a moment of passion that led me to that. He means so much too me and I don’t ever want to give him the wrong impression of me, as he truly is a great man. He assured me that it was of no concern and understood that it was a momentary lapse of reason, due to passion. I told him I went window-shopping in the city and saw a lot of nice things. He laughed and asked how much did it cost us this time? I told him I though it would be around $15,000 and he laughed loudly and said, one of these days my love, I promise to get you everything you want. I laughed along with him and said, I’m in no hurry, I know we will get there. We finished up with our usual routine of masturbating together on Skype and I told him that I needed him badly, when he got home. He smiled and said, count on it.

I decided that I should probably hit the bed, as Monday was going to be busy at work. I needed to file some status reports for my research and of course, visit Dr. Clarke’s office for my first patient review study. I was very excited to start this portion of my research, as I felt confident that it would help me straighten the curves in the road that I have struggled with during this entire process. I then realized that I would be meeting with Dr. Clarke for the first time, since Mary and I’s encounter at the park. Did she tell him? Does he know of our arrangement? If so, how would he now view me? I didn’t sweat if for too long and just figured if she told him, she told him. There was not much I could do about it anyway, so no need to stress about it. I pulled the covers over my naked body, turned off the lamp and out I went.

I got an amazing night of sleep and was up at 5:30am and managed to get on the road by 6:45, which is a good thing, as it meant I would beat most of the morning rush hour into work. This always makes me happy, as I cannot stand sitting in a car that is only moving at a snails pace. I made it into my office and immediately started my status reports, so my bosses could see that the company’s money was not being wasted. I told them about my new arrangement with a physician that was going to allow me to view patient records that have been diagnosed with dementia and see the other perspective. I knew this would make them happy and could possibly lead to a larger budget for my research. I turned in my reports just after 10am and buried myself in more research and formulated some questions for Dr. Clarke, tonight. It was around 12pm when a colleague asked if I would like to grab some lunch with her, I quickly agreed and we chose a nice deli that was just around the corner from our office.

Jill, my colleague, was a very intelligent and hard working chemist at our company. She is one of many responsible for creating the drugs that many of us rely a bit too much on, for comfort. To my knowledge she is single, as she never talks about anyone but her family in her life and wears only necklaces for jewelry. She is in her 30s for sure and has a nice body to go with it. She stands just a bit taller than I and has a great personality. We don’t spend a great deal of time talking at work, as she is located on the other side of the building from my office, but this won’t be the first time we have had lunch together. We usually have a great lunch and our talks are mainly about general topics, never anything heavy like relationships.

We both ordered and sat down in a booth, towards the front of the deli. We caught up on each other’s work and where it was headed and I told her about my exciting opportunity with Dr. Clarke. She was just as excited, as she knew this could possibly answer some questions from that point of view. It was then that out of the blue, she asked, were you at the park this weekend? I told her I was, but didn’t see her. She said, I was with my nieces’ and nephews over the weekend and we took them to the park and thought that was you. I had to cover this and quickly, she would not be fooled by just any old lie. I told her that I was meeting the wife of Dr. Clarke to confirm my interest in doing research of his patients. I said, you should have come over and said Hi. She told me that she had thought about it, but it looked like I was having a serious conversation. I thought too myself, if you only knew. I said, it was to the standpoint of just setting up our first meeting, which was tonight, but nothing that would have been disrupted from a friend saying hi. She looked towards the ceiling quickly, as she said I say that because I saw the two of you get up and walk the trail and not return for quite some time. I felt a knot in my stomach, as I was not sure how to respond to that one. She was too smart to fall for anything that didn’t seem rational. I could only come up with the following, as I said the truth of it is, she is having trouble with her marriage at this point and wanted to take a walk and talk to me about some of their problems. I waited for any kind of signal from her rather it was a look of belief or bullshit. I never saw the signal but I did not need to, she was very direct when she asked, are you interested in women? My mouth dropped open, she did not buy it one bit and to be honest, I don’t blame her. Why would a 53-year old woman confide in a 23 year old for relationship advice? I lowered my head for a moment and asked, why would you ask me that? She stared at me and said, because I also saw the both of you come out of the woods and you were a bit disheveled in your appearance. I must have turned a dozen shades of red, as I was busted and knew there was no way to lie my way out of this. She was nice enough to let me off the hook by saying it’s okay if you are I won’t judge you. I asked her if we could go somewhere and talk and that I would be honest with her, about everything. I knew I could trust her, as she is a person of strong integrity and I consider her to be a friend.

We walked across the street to a small park and sat on the swings, as I began to spill the truth, about it all. I told her that David and I experienced our first swinging attempt, just about a week ago. I told her that it turned out to be my first experience with a female, even though I did nothing to her. I then told her about my arrangement with Mary, in detail. She reacted much like I did to Mary’s request, confused and not rationalizing it at first. She asked, so all she wants to do is play with your tits? I said, yes, that’s all she wants, for now. I told her that for her it was a fetish of hers and how deeply ingrained it was within her. I also told her that I expected at some point, she would want more. She nodded and said, yea you know she will, you’re a very attractive girl, it would be hard to resist. I caught the double meaning and just looked at her and asked, are you? She gave me a cute smile and said yes I had my first experience in college and I really enjoyed it. It all made sense to me now, no rings and no talk of men. I asked her if she was a lesbian and she quickly said, no. She explained that she was definitely bi-sexual, but at this time she was not relationship oriented, as she was focused on her career. I nodded and told her that I understood that, very well. She asked me what David thought of my arrangement with Mary and I told her he was fine with it, as I suspect he wants me to discover this side of me and pursue it, because what man doesn’t, as I laughed. She laughed and said, isn’t that the truth. I saw her look down, as she put her hand on my knee and said maybe you and I can grab dinner some time. I put my hand on top of hers and said I think I would like that, as we repositioned our hands, so we could hold hands.


Chapter Seven

After a few minutes of just holding hands and swinging she asked, what are you doing tonight? I reminded her that I had my first research visit with Dr. Clarke at 5pm and would probably be done around 6 or so. She apologized for forgetting and asked, how does 8pm sound? I smiled as I realized that she was determined, just like Mary and I am discovering that something about that resonates with me. I said, should be fine, as that would give me enough time to get home and cleaned up and changed into something more dinner appropriate. She looked at me and squeezed my hand and asked, would it be easier on you if we had dinner at my place? I thought about it and said, you know it would, I would be in the city anyway and I wouldn’t have to drive the hour home and then back. I could pick up an outfit in the city to wear and shower at work, after my appointment with Dr. Clarke. She smiled and said, looking forward to it. I thought I saw her try and lean in for a kiss but maybe that was wishful thinking on my part. We walked back to work and I was eager to meet back up with her later that night, it just felt differently with her, than it did Sheila, probably because I was much closer to Jill.

I left work early so I could go shopping, before heading over to Dr. Clarke’s office. I chose a thin material black button up shirt and a black mini-skirt, to really show her I was interested, as If I needed to but it sounded good in my head. I made my way to Dr. Clarke’s office and hugged him, as I thanked him for this opportunity. We wasted no time in diving into his only patient record, to this point. He explained he was waiting on permission from another client that he felt could really give me a good perspective, as Dr. Clarke diagnosed the dementia from the beginning. I would be able to see and hear, in his words what brought him to that conclusion. I was like a kid in a candy store with these patient records and nearly forgot to ask the questions, I had prepared. He answered them all with great detail and even took the necessary time to prepare his words before answering. I could see he was taking this seriously and that meant the world to me. It seemed like only 10-minutes had gone by, but I looked at my watch to see it was 6:15 and it was time to leave. I thanked him again and was told that I was welcome anytime, so we planned this on a weekly appointment.

I went back to my office and quickly texted David and told him that I would be occupied tonight, as I gave him the wink Emoji and told him I would tell him tomorrow about it. He responded, have fun, I Love you! I replied that I loved him very much and couldn’t wait for him to come home tomorrow. I showered, did my hair and got dressed and if I must brag, I looked damn good. The skirt was damn near skin-tight and was very high on my thighs, the shirt was not as tight, but showed my cleavage very nicely. I put on my black matching 4” heels and headed to her apartment, some 15-minutes away. I was completely calm and not nervous at all, maybe the limited experience I have had to this point is starting to calm my nerves. I had no idea, but I felt really good and was really excited about tonight and I really wanted to experience being with a woman, from both sides.

I arrived at her apartment at 7:50pm and rang her doorbell. I felt butterflies for the 1st time, but they were brief and were gone by the time she opened the door. She was looking really good in her silk low cut shirt with tight blue jeans on and I wasted no time in telling her that, as my eyes widened. She extended her hand to take mine and walk me into the living room where she turned and said, Wow, you are some kind of hot right now. I started to say, thank you, but was cutoff as I felt her lips on mine, giving me a quick kiss. She said, I wanted to do that this afternoon, but was worried it may be too quick. I smiled and said, it wouldn’t have been. She told me to make myself comfortable on the couch and she would get us a glass of wine, while dinner was finishing up. I sat down and quickly realized that this skirt was just a bit too short, as my panties could be seen pretty easily. I tried pulling it down, but that did not work, so I closed my legs and hoped she wouldn’t’ think of me as a slut. She returned with our wine and joined me on the couch and we made small talk, as I would see her looking at my legs, often. It was not more than 15-minutes later that she said, dinner should be ready by now, if you like we can eat here or at the table. I thought and said, we can eat at the table, as I don’t want to risk spilling something on your couch. We made our way to the table, hand in hand and I sat at one end of the table, presuming she would sit at the other. She did and we had a delicious dinner, all prepared by her. I complimented her on just how good of a cook she was and joked that she would have to make dinner for David and I sometime. She caught the double meaning as well and said I would love too. I smiled and thought, I will make that happen, David would love her. I started to get up to help her clean the table, but was told to not worry about it and go relax on the couch and she would return with more wine.

She joined me on the couch with the bottle of wine and not just a glass full I guessed she thought I might need some loosing up. I was still subconscious about this damn skirt that was way too short and kept pulling it down. She laughed and said, don’t worry about your skirt it’s not going to stay down. I laughed and said I guess I should have tried it on first. She smiled and said, maybe or maybe not, as she let out a short laugh. I nodded my head, as I was now not worried about her thinking I was a slut and did it on purpose. We at first started just talking about anything that came to mind for a good period of time, but that was all erased when she asked, Would you mind telling me more about Mary? She explained that she had thought about it all day and didn’t understand a specific request of just playing with my tits. I told her that I didn’t understand at it first either, but I figured it was because I never have experienced something so specific, so I had no way to rationalize it. I told her that Mary had said that she developed this fetish as a young girl, as her breasts developed and was hooked ever since. She pondered her thoughts and said I guess that makes sense, as we all have little things in our personalities that trigger different feelings for us.

She asked me if I had any specific fetishes and I told her that I wasn’t 100% sure, as I was still discovering my sexuality, but I did mention that I loved masturbating for David on camera. She got pretty excited and asked, oh yea? I bet he enjoys the hell out of that. I laughed and said yes he loves it very much. She said, you might just be an exhibitionist young lady, given that you enjoy that and this weekend at the park. I never actually thought about that, but it made sense. Mary and I were in public, just not in the general view of anyone. I said, I think you may be right, I do enjoy performing for David and I really enjoyed this weekend with Mary, even though no one saw us, almost. She laughed as she caught that addition and said well I am a big voyeur and have been since I can remember. I asked her what is that like to witness, even though I had a bit of taste with it watching David fuck Sheila. As she was telling me that it was hard to explain, but she finds herself getting wet and it often leads to her playing with herself, I opened my legs partly, causing the skirt to ride up and expose my panties. I don’t think she initially caught it, as she kept on about her pleasures experienced in watching and how from time to time she would try and find people having sex or just kissing, to masturbate to. It was then that she noticed my legs opened and I watched as her eyes fixated on my panties, so I opened my legs wider for her, letting her take it all in. She licked her lips and started to ask me something, but I interrupted her and said, I would love to. I turned my body and laid flat on the couch with my head on the armrest, as I bent my knees and opened my legs as wide as I could. I pulled my skirt all the way up to my waist, letting her see my entire pussy through my panties, before I slid them off to my ankles. I let her look at my pussy for a couple of minutes, as it glistened with my moistness before starting to rub it with my finger. She stood up and removed her jeans and her own panties, as I now looked at her wet well shaved pussy and immediately sat back down on the couch, locking her eyes on what I was doing. I closed my eyes and imagined me doing this for David, so she could get the show she wanted. I was moaning hard and it was no time at all before I had my 1st orgasm, as my hips bucked up and down and I fought to keep my breath. I opened my eyes to look at her, and saw that she had a finger deep in her pussy and was going to town with it. I joined her in this and shoved a finger in my pussy calling out David’s name and this caused her to let out a deep moan and say, oh fuck yes, as she had her 1st orgasm. This continued on for a good 15-minutes before it was time to take this to the bedroom.

She helped me up and pulled me into her, as she kissed me deeply while unbuttoning my shirt and throwing it on the floor. She then unhooked my bra and did the same thing, as I returned the favor. We made our way to the bedroom where she told me to lie down and relax. I felt a bit of nervousness come in, as I knew that I would be experiencing this from both sides, for the 1st time. She joined me on the bed and just looked at me very lovingly and said, I don’t expect you to do anything if you are not comfortable, I know it’s not easy to take this first step. I let out a big sigh, as this immediately calmed me down and I reached up and kissed her and whispered, thank you. She kissed me back and told me to just relax and everything would be fine. I did just that, as she began kissing me and playing with my breasts, paying extra special attention to them. I closed my eyes and just let her do what she wanted and was enjoying the hell out of it. She was much more attentive than Sheila was, not rushing into anything. This is the kind of loving I most enjoy, the extra attention to details, just like David. With every movement of her hands, brought on even more excitement and it was not long before I was moaning and encouraging her to continue. The attention she paid to my tits was exactly like Mary, sucking my nipples and squeezing them gently and just like with Mary, I had an orgasm from that. I was in another dimension at this point, she reminded me so much of David and how he makes me feel, I knew at that moment I wanted more of this with her. She made her way down my midsection with her hands to my awaiting soaked pussy and did not disappoint there either, as she rubbed my clit and eventually began to finger me. It was shortly there after that she replaced her fingers with her tongue and ate me to 2 more orgasms, as I yelled her name out. She lifted her head and raised herself up to me, gave me a quick look and then planted her lips on mine, as I tasted my own pussy, for the first time. She broke the kiss and whispered, can I make love to you? I just nodded my head and said, please. She lifted herself off of me, attached the strap-on and for the next hour and a half, made love to me. I melted under her the entire time, as she knew just how much pressure to apply and when. She changed angles to create different sensations and easily brought me to 3 or 4 orgasms, just like David would.

She rolled off of me and we lay next to each other, just staring into each other’s eyes for several minutes. I had at least a thousand thoughts running through my head but there was one that kept coming back to me, and I decided to act on it. I looked at her for a moment and moved in and kissed her, as she opened her mouth to let my tongue in. I began kissing her very passionately, as I used my own weight to roll her onto her back. I lowered my hand and found her breast and tried to duplicate the same feeling she gave me, by rubbing slowly on her nipples and squeezing her tit gently. I was nervous beyond belief, as I wanted to show her a good time, but I just had no experience and it drove me crazy. I was hesitating on moving my hand any further and she sensed that and said, just relax and let me help you. She took my hand in hers and guided my hand to her wet pussy and started to rub it with me. I was struggling with what to do next. Do I suck her tits? Do I kiss her? I was at war with myself for no reason, as I just needed to do what felt natural and what I liked having done, but at that moment I couldn’t come up with that. She eventually let go of my hand and left me on my own, so I found her clit and began rubbing it, like I enjoy it. This seemed to work for her as well, as I hear a soft moan and her saying, oh yes. I lowered my middle finger and pushed it in her pussy, as I continued to rub her clit. This sent her into a deep moan and announcing that she was cumming. I got a boost of confidence from this and began to finger her harder, just like David does to me when I am cumming. I never got the nerve to eat her pussy, but I did taste it, as I licked my finger clean. We kissed passionately and rolled onto our backs, both breathing hard.

It was getting pretty late and I still had a good 45-minute drive home, so I mentioned that maybe I should get going. She looked at me and said, your welcome to stay the night I know you have a long drive. I said, I would love to, but I don’t have clothes for work tomorrow. She smiled and asked, or do you? I didn’t catch it at first, but then busted out laughing and said, that could be interesting. She nodded her head and asked, is that a yes, you exhibitionist? I laughed and said, absolutely, voyeur. We got up and decided to shower together which would be another 1st for me, and I did not hate it. We washed each other and of course played a bit more, well she did anyway. I mainly enjoyed the attention from her fingering me and sucking my tits some more. She commented that she could eat me up and I said, anytime you want. I then told her that I promised that I would return the favor, but I was a bit nervous tonight. She kissed me and said, no pressure. I had a great time and you were very good. I thanked her and said, Can I ask you something? She looked at me and just nodded her head. I asked her if she would consider watching Mary work my tits over, in secret? She had a devilish grin on her face and asked how would that work? I told her that I would setup for us to meet in the park again and you just show up earlier and hide in the woods. I told her where we stopped before to play and the landmark that was there. She said she would love to with one condition. I asked what would that be? She looked at me and said, I want to watch David fuck you. I smiled and said, I can do one better than that, if you want. I asked, How about you watch David fuck me and then I watch David fuck you and then he can watch me and you go at it? She kissed me and said, deal!


Chapter Eight

I left her apartment in the morning feeling really good about her. We made a quick bond last night and I wanted to see it thru, as I really liked her. I had no doubt that David would be just as impressed with her in bed and out. I made it too work and dug in to my research, in my mini skirt and black shirt, for which I got plenty of looks from other colleagues. I was fortunate that I had my own office, so when I sat down, no one could see my panties. I was lost in my work when a knock on my office door, rattled me. I got up and walked over to open it to find Jill standing there with a shit-eating grin on her face holding 2 sandwiches in her hand. I had completely lost track of time and didn’t realize it was already noon, but what a pleasant reminder. I told her to come in and made sure I locked the door behind her. I thanked her for lunch and said, we could move the chairs to the center of the room, as I’m sure she wanted a special view. We moved the chairs over and I quickly took my panties off, giving her the full view, as we sat across from each other with my legs wide open and my skirt up. She devoured her sandwich in no time, as she stared at my bald pussy the entire time. I was still eating my sandwich so I quickly slid my chair closer to her and put my legs up on her chair, letting her know that she need not wait for me. She got the gist of my actions and wasted no time in rubbing my clit, before dropping to her knees to eat my pussy, while I ate my sandwich. I had to shove the sandwich into my mouth to keep from screaming, as my orgasm came rushing over me, quickly. She got up from her knees and thanked me for a great lunch and started to walk out, but I stopped her. I turned her with confidence towards me and said it’s my turn, Jill. She just looked at me, as I unzipped her pants and pushed them down with her panties. She sat on the edge of the desk and after a quick deep breath I tasted my first pussy, as I licked her clit. She opened wide for me and I just duplicated what she had just done to me and after some time was rewarded with the quiet announcement of, I came. We put ourselves together and kissed and made a promise to do this more often.

The rest of the workday flew by and I couldn’t have been happier. It was Tuesday and David would be home in a few hours and I was going to get fucked, a lot. I raced home and made dinner, as I received a text from David telling me what time he should be home. I changed into some sexy lingerie to wait for his arrival, so he had no doubt what was on my mind. I paced the house like crazy, as I waited for him to pull up in the drive, as I had the nerve to try something given some new revelations about myself. I had nothing on but a nightie and matching panties and when I heard his car pull into the drive, I darted out of the house and jumped in his arms, kissing him deeply. I had no idea of anyone saw, but I was immediately wet from the thought of it all. He asked what has gotten into you? I laughed and said, you are tonight, but Jill did last night. He looked at me quizzically and asked, Jill? I said loud enough for anyone outside to hear, yes, Jill but right now I need you to fuck me. He carried me into the house and did not even try to make it to the bedroom, he put me on the kitchen counter and pulled my panties aside and started fucking me, hard. He was his usual talkative self and said, tell me about Jill. I tried to talk as much as I could in between breaths and managed to say, I licked my first pussy and I loved it. He realized that talking was going to be hard for me, so he changed up his questioning so all I would have to do is nod or say yes or no. He unleashed a barrage of questions. Did she eat your pussy? Did she fuck you? Did you fuck her? Are you going to see her again? That one I managed to get out, yes we both are. Do you want me to fuck her? I was beside myself, screaming as orgasms flooded my pussy, as well as David’s cock. This line of direct questioning set off a fire inside of me and opened up a new unknown for me. I was in love with this new me and I wanted more of it, exploration and discovery. He filled me with his delicious seed, as I sat on the counter and let it drain out of me, even taking my finger and tasting it. He looked at me and said, you have some talking to do. I smiled and said, yes, I do.

We sat down for dinner and I told him everything about Jill. I told him that I discovered that I was an exhibitionist with her help and that she was a voyeur, so it worked quite well. I told him that I stayed over at her place last night and how she visited me at lunch and that’s when I ate her pussy. I told him that she wants to watch you fuck me and I wanted to watch you fuck her, then her and I was going to give you a special show ourselves. I told him that she wanted to watch Mary play with my tits in the woods, on Thursday. He laughed and said I guess I can’t leave you alone now. I smiled and said you better not. I looked at him seriously and asked, why don’t you find someone on the road, as I don’t want you to suffer? He smiled and said, I enjoy hearing and watching of your escapades and then listening to them on Skype as we masturbate. I asked him if he was sure, as I really wouldn’t mind, I know I can trust you to come home to me. He assured me he was fine with it for the time being, as he was focused on work. I nodded and told him that if he ever did, I would not be mad at him, as long as you told me. He grabbed my hand and said, I would never lie to you Robyn, as I love you too much.

We talked about his trip and how he did on it. He told me that he made some nice sales, but that was not the most exciting part. My eyes widened, as I asked, oh yea? He said, I have to go to away on Friday for 5 days to Tennessee. I looked at him with a sad look and asked, Why, Tennessee? This was not a normal road trip, as we were a good 500 miles from Tennessee and I was not comfortable with him driving that long. He comforted that quickly by saying he was flying in, as he had to give a proposal for a hospital being built. My sadness went away and my mouth dropped, Hospital, I asked enthusiastically? He smiled and said, yes, baby. A brand new hospital is being built and they will need all new equipment. My mind was churning numbers back and forth, but I had no idea the magnitude of what this could mean. He looked and said, it has the potential to be a 3 million dollar sale. I nearly fainted, as this would mean up to $600,000 in commission. I said, you better not be fucking with me, David. He laughed and said, I’m not, I swear. I jumped up and into his lap and kissed him and said you’re an amazing man I love you so much. I told him we needed to celebrate this, but he quickly reminded me that it was not done yet. I frowned and said, well shit.

I cleaned up after dinner and joined the love of my life on the couch, but not for long, as he was not in the mood for talk or watching TV. The next 4 hours, I was fucked 4x, as he wanted to hear more of my escapades with both Mary and Jill. I tried to talk as dirty as I could while he was fucking me, wanting him to get everything he needed. My pussy was throbbing in pain from all of the ferocious pounding in was taking, so on the 4th time I rolled over, letting him have my ass. He enjoys the hell out of that and I certainly don’t hate it either, thanks to him. As we lie in bed and talked, I asked him if he wanted me to talk like that more often and share details. He kissed me and said yes I love hearing that from you. I was thrilled to hear this, as I was getting a good fucking when I did, hard and almost violent. We called it a night, as he was dead tired from driving and I was dead tired from getting the fucking of my lifetime, to this point.

I wanted to take Wednesday off and get more of David, but he had other ideas. He told me to go into work and see if Jill wanted to come over tonight and make us dinner, and stay if she wanted to. He was going to get his travel plans all squared away, so that him and I could have Thursday together. I loved this plan and could not wait to get to work and find Jill. I could not find her in the morning and we are not allowed to make personal phone calls at work, it’s a security thing. I figured I would wait until lunch and see if I could catch her in the office. I watched the clock and at 11:30 headed out of my office for the long walk around the building to Jill’s office.

As it turns out, I did not need to go that far at all, as I spotted Jill walking in my direction with a big smile on her face. We walked back to my office and I locked the door behind her. I was wearing a dress pants today and started to take them off, but she stopped me and said, if you don’t mind, just your shirt and bra. I looked at her and asked, really? She blushed and said, I have been thinking about you and Mary I want to know what that is like. I smiled and said, do what you need to do, Jill. She walked over to me and as we kissed, she unbuttoned my shirt and began rubbing my breasts through my bra. She broke the kiss and started asking questions, Is this what she does? I moaned, yes. Does she do this, as she squeezed my nipple? Oh, god yes, as I moaned again. When do you start getting wet? I leaned in and said, I’m wet now, Jill. What do you do when you get wet? I bit my lip before I said, I try to hold off but I eventually pull my pants down and start playing with my pussy, as she watches. So she likes watching you masturbate? Yes, Jill. Do you strip? I did the first time, yes. Will you always strip? I sensed something here, would you like to see me strip? She pushed her hand inside my bra and squeezed my tit and said, yes. I moaned a bit louder and just said, I will do it for you. She reached around and unhooked my bra, as I removed my shirt for her. I was struggling to keep my voice down, as she sucked my nipples and tits and occasionally biting them softly, causing me to moan even more. She asked, How wet are you right now? I was breathing hard but managed to say, I’m soaked, Jill. Would you like me to finger you? I shook my head and said, no, let me do it please, just like Mary let’s me. This triggered a moan from Jill, as I suspected she loved living out the scene, just as it happens. Is this what happened when I saw you that day? I nodded and said, yes, I put my hand inside my panties and she watched before stripping in front of me and masturbating. She took a step back as I unzipped my pants and lowered them, putting my hand in side my panties. She wasted no time in dropping her pants and panties, joining me. I took my panties off and we masturbated in front of each other, to a set of nice orgasms. We put ourselves together and kissed before I asked her, Can you come over to the house tonight for dinner? She smiled and said I said I don’t see why not. I said you are welcome to spend the night, if you want to, you know with the drive and all. This caused her to light up and she said, sounds like a plan. I told her that I would have to tell David in detail what we just did, but maybe we both could tell him. She smiled wide and said, that would be fun for sure.


Chapter Nine

We met in the parking garage at my car, but I remembered that I was not coming in tomorrow and asked her if she wouldn’t mind following me. She smiled and said, I’m not coming in tomorrow either, so if it’s fine with you, I can stay with you until you can bring me back. I smiled and said, that would be more than fine. We started on the hour drive and I told her that I had setup a meeting with Mary at the park tomorrow, and I would just arrive early so you could hide in the woods. She smiled and said, that is going to be a blast. She said she would need to go shopping at some point, as she had no relaxation clothes. I told her we could stop on the way home, as I needed to pick some things up for dinner. I called David and told him that we were having company. He asked if it was Jill and I laughed and asked, how did you know? I told him that we both had something to tell him tonight, if he was up to hearing it. He laughed again and said, always, baby. I told him we were going to stop to get her some relaxation clothes and I needed to pick up stuff for dinner. He said, that’s fine but if you want we can go out to eat or order in. I asked Jill if she would like to order in some food and she nodded and said that was fine.

We stopped at the mall and she picked up some jeans and shorts, not knowing what the weather was going to be like. I managed to find another skirt and jokingly said, I better try this one on. She laughed and said, good plan. We both snuck into the same dressing room, as she pulled my pants down for me. She dropped to her knees and pulled my panties to one side and gave me a quick lick, then stopped. I jokingly said that’s cruel. We both laughed, but knew we couldn’t waste much time, so we paid for everything and we were on our way home. I told her that she would have to tell David what she just did to me, which got another laugh and her saying, or showing. I nodded and knew there was going to be a lot of that tonight. She asked if he liked hearing those details and I lit up and said, Oh God, yes you have no idea. We arrived at my house and walked into the front door, as David came out of his office to welcome me home. I hugged him and kissed him and said, this is Jill. He extended his hand and said, it’s very nice too meet you, I have heard a lot about you. I turned my head to the side, as I chuckled at that but Jill didn’t miss a step, it’s nice too meet you as well, and likewise and if I could add, you are a lucky man. He thanked her and said, I think that is a mutual sentiment. I told David that I was going to show Jill the house and change into something more comfortable, as he figured out what to order for dinner.

I showed Jill all of the essential rooms and then finally our bedroom, where she said, he is a handsome man, if you don’t mind me saying. I looked at her and said, I don’t mind at all and thank you. I took my shirt, bra and pants off and threw on one of David’s T-shirts and watched as Jill did the same. She asked if I was putting on shorts and I asked, would it make you more comfortable if I did? She just looked at me and said I am fine. I handed her another one of David’s T-shirts and said, you can wear shorts if you like. She put on the T-shirt and out the bedroom we went to join David in the living room. He commented that we seemed very comfortable and we both shook our heads and said we are great. I asked David to slide to the middle, as I wanted us on either side of him, so there was no need to be uncomfortable at this point. David and Jill talked for a good hour about each other’s work and just in general getting to know one another. I could see it David’s eyes that he was definitely attracted to each other, as they each looked up and down at one another, several times. The talks were getting broken up, as they were not hiding the fact that they were looking forward to the activities later on that night. The doorbell rang signaling that dinner was here and when there was no movement from David, I got up and to answer it, in panties and all. The delivery driver definitely noticed and I really didn’t try to hide it, as I signed for the meal. I thanked him and turned to head into the kitchen, to find Jill and David locked in a kiss, with David’s hand under her shirt, as her legs were opened wide. I interrupted them and asked if I needed to keep this warm or not. They broke their kiss and laughed and David said, no we can wait a bit.

As Jill stood up, I hadn’t realized that her panties were down, but she pulled them up which gave me an idea. I sat the food down for a second, walked over to her and kissed her, as I put my hands under her shirt and pulled them back down. She stepped out of them and returned the favor for me, but then she grabbed my shirt and lifted it over my head, so I did the same. We started to make out but David quickly stepped in and said, as bad as I want this right now lets eat, ladies. I laughed and said, fine, dear. We sat down and ate our dinner, but Jill and I could not keep our hands to ourselves, as she would rub my pussy and I would do the same, teasing David the entire time. It was when Jill put some BBQ sauce on my tit and licked it off that David had enough of the teasing and said, fine do what you girls want to do. We stood up and Jill wasted no time in playing with my tits and sucking them, as I gave David the exact play by play of this from today in the my office. He was really turned on, as he now got to see it and hear it and I knew that Jill and I was going to get fucked hard.

David stood up and walked towards us, as we were just finishing up the scene in the office, with us fingering ourselves. He walked over to Jill and just watched her finger herself, as she stared into his eyes the entire time. I knew what he was wanting and Jill knew, as well. I watched with much excitement, as Jill dropped to her knees and pulled David’s pants down and start sucking his cock, like a pro. I was soaking fucking wet in no time, as I know what she was experiencing with that cock in her mouth. I was visioning it sliding down her throat with each thrust, as it does mine. I waited patiently, looking for the signal he was going to fill her throat up and I wanted so bad to see her reaction, as he shot a lot. I watched as he grabbed the back of her head and I knew he was close, as he likes it in deep when he shoots his load. I wished I could be on the receiving in of that, as I love sucking him dry, he tastes so damn good. It was then when he pulled her head in tight and held it there, and I knew she was drinking him down and like me, did not waste it. I got over to her and kissed her, trying to get a taste but only managed a drop or two and moaned my displeasure. We broke the kiss and she apologized and assured me it wouldn’t happen again, as the three of us walked into the bedroom.

This started a marathon of fucking, sucking and licking between all of us, over the next 6 hours or so. It of course started with Jill eating my pussy, as David started in with the questions. Does she eat your pussy good, baby? Is she fingering you? I was losing my mind at this point and I think Jill was, as well. She was licking and sucking hard and grinding her hips into the bed. He turned his attention to her with the questions. Is her pussy smooth enough for you, Jill? Does it taste good? Are you fingering her hard? Put another finger in her Jill, as many as you can fit. She loves it when you stretch that pussy out. That led to a 2nd, 3rd and finally a 4th finger being pushed in me, as she was fucking me hard with them. My eyes rolled back into my skull and I screamed, as I had a very intense orgasm. It was no my turn and after a few minutes to catch my breath, I went straight for her pussy and started eating it with a purpose. David started back up again. Does that pussy taste good? Is it as sweet tasting as yours? Is it nice and smooth, like I prefer them? Jill was losing her mind from the questions and I hoped my tongue, as I licked her clit hard and at times stuck my tongue in her pussy. I popped my head and up looked at my husband and he quickly got into position and took over for me, licking her pussy like the expert he was. She was moaning like crazy at this point and was trying to say, I am cumming but could not get it out, so David continued to assault her clit. This caused her to shake violently, as I watch a nice stream shoot out of her, coating my husbands face, which I quickly tasted. I kissed him on the lips to get some more and said, Fuck her, I want to watch you fuck her like you did me last night.

He did not let her catch her breath, as he slid up her body and rammed his thick cock into her, causing a loud scream from her. He was pounding her hard and fast, as I took over the questions. It’s a nice dick isn’t? Do you like him fucking you this hard? Do you want to fuck him again? I leaned in and kissed her and then my husband and asked, would you like to feel it in your ass? I not only got a yes, but a FUCK YES! He pulled out of her and in not time she was on her stomach, getting a good hard ass fucking while I fingered myself for her to watch. He pumped her full of his delicious cum and within a few minutes, I got myself to a nice orgasm for Jill. This was the theme for the rest of the night, if David was not fucking her or I, we were eating each other and fingering. Who ever was left out, was firing off questions to whoever was engaged.

I woke up the following morning ready to give my husband his wake up call. I woke Jill up with a kiss and asked her if she would like to help me. She looked at me confusingly at first, but when I ducked under the covers towards David, she joined me, as we both took turns sucking his cock to wake him up. I was the fortunate one to get his load, but I quickly turned to Jill and kissed her, opening my mouth to share it with her, as David watched intently. We both cleaned his cock of any residue and into the kitchen we went to make breakfast, for the three of us. She gave me a deep kiss once in the kitchen and thanked me for an amazing night. I looked at her and said you say that like it won’t happen again. She smiled and said, I was hoping it didn’t mean that, I just wasn’t sure. I took her hand and said, I hope we see a lot more of you, as I squeezed her tit. David joined us after his shower and I jokingly asked him if it was okay if Jill visited often. He smiled and said I sure hope she does, but not just when I’m here. I smiled and looked at her and said, you heard the man. I turned towards David and said, we may have to get a laptop, so you can see us when you are on the road. He nodded and said, good point. Why don’t you girls go get one today when you get done with Mary, at the park? I smiled and kissed him and said, consider it done, honey.

We finished up breakfast and Jill and I took a quick shower together, as David wanted one after we got out. I wanted him to join us, but figured that would come later, hopefully. We didn’t get to play much at all, as I wanted to make sure David had enough hot water, but we knew we would make up for it later on. We just put T-shirts on and into the living room we went, to relax before we left for the park. We started to watch some TV, but that was dreadful, so when David came into the living room, I asked if we could go shopping now, as we had 2 hours to kill before meeting Mary. He smiled and asked, Can I trust you girls, to get into some trouble? We both laughed and I asked, is that an order? He looked at me very sternly and said, yes! We stood up and took our shirts off and threw them at him and ran into the bedroom, as he chased after us. He caught up to Jill and I both, and pushed us onto the bed and said, I’m going to have to teach you a lesson later. I turned to him and asked him if he promised, as he softly swatted my ass.

He left the room and Jill and I started to get dressed to leave. I reached for my panties and she asked do you always wear panties with meeting Mary? I said that I did on our first meeting. She looked at me with this odd look and said, would you ever not wear panties? I asked, is that you asking or telling me? She asked, would it matter one way or the other? I dropped my eyes and said, I do like when people are direct with me, it’s how Mary is. She reached down and grabbed my panties and threw them on the bed, as she said, I’m telling you, then. I nodded and slid my shorts on, over my bare pussy. I picked up my bra and paused, but she said nothing so I put it on and then my shirt. I was feeling a bit odd with that exchange, as even David doesn’t always talk to me like that, unless we are just teasing, but maybe I wanted him to.

We both kissed David goodbye, with mine being the longest of course and out the door we went. We got in the car and headed to the mall and as I suspected, she was in the mood to discuss this further. She asked, when did you first realize it? I said, I think when Mary was so direct with me on what she wanted. She asked, do you like taking orders or just being directed? I said, not sure if I could be ordered in a manner like your thinking, but subtle directives just do something too me. She asked is that something that you are comfortable doing with just anyone? I said, I don’t think so I think I need to have some respect for them, initially. She nodded and said, I’m glad to hear that you respect me, as she chuckled. I laughed and said, of course I do.

I realized at that moment that her and I’s affair would forever be changed, by me willingly taking directions from her from time to time. I was excited for this but at the same time, I wanted that from David, as well. I had no idea how to tell him, other than directly, ironically. I needed to start putting together some thoughts for this discussion, with him, so it would all make sense to him. I have a tendency of sometimes speaking before thinking, at times.


Chapter Ten

We spent an hour or so shopping for clothes and the laptop and took some time to have a quick lunch in the food court before heading over to the park. I walked Jill up the trail and told her to where to hide in the woods and that I would make sure that Mary and I would stop here, to let her play. I asked Jill if there was anything she specifically wanted of me. She thought about it and said I would like to see her undress you. I nodded and told her I would try to get her to do that. I hurried back down the trail and sat on the same bench, waiting for Mary to arrive. I was not left waiting long, as I saw her get out of her car and walk my way. We hugged and exchanged pleasantries before she sat down across from me. She asked how I have been doing and I told her that all was really great. I told her that David was leaving on Friday for 5 days for a big opportunity in Tennessee, but other than that it was great! She smiled and said, I would love for you to come over Friday night for dinner. The tone of her voice shot a tingle down my spine and I just asked, what time, Mary? She smiled at me not objecting and said, let’s make it 5pm, as Dr. Clarke won’t be home until after 6. I would like to see you in that outfit you wore the 2nd night you came over. I just nodded and told her that I would be wearing it.

She smiled and said let’s take our walk. I got up and waited for her to lead the way and once we got to the trail, she took my hand and led me the rest of the way, to the same spot. I leaned up against the same tree and took a chance by just lifting my arms up over my head, hoping she would initiate the action, like Jill wanted. She looked at me confusingly, but when I closed my eyes, I felt her hands unbuttoning my shirt. I took this time to spread my legs and hope that she would also take advantage of that, as well. She wasted no time in taking my shirt off and started in on my tits, through the bra. I decided to over exaggerate my feelings by starting the moaning early, hoping it would lead to her reaching for my shorts. She did ask if I was already feeling good and I said, I’ve been thinking about this all day, Mary. She said, I’m glad you enjoy and I quickly replied, you have no idea.

This triggered something in her and she immediately unhooked my bra and dropped it to the ground, with my shirt. I hoped Jill was seeing this perfectly and was enjoying it. She started sucking on my nipples and this time I was not faking it, as I moaned loud. She continued on for several minutes and I was soaked and just knew my shorts were showing this, as I could feel the dampness of the fabric against my thigh. I wanted so bad to shove my hand in my shorts, but had to resist that temptation, for Jill. Mary stopped sucking my nipples and asked, how wet are you? I was breathing hard and said, I’m soaked, Mary. She then asked if she could unbutton my shorts for me and I just nodded, knowing this would make Jill happy. I spread my legs wider and sucked my gut in, as I felt her put one finger inside my shorts and her thumb on the button and unsnap it. I let out my stomach only long enough to get another breath and sucked it back in, hoping she would not stop. She asked do you want me to undress you? I didn’t answer her and just held my gut in, as she unzipped my shorts and began to push them down, to find my bald and soaked pussy waiting for her. She gasped for a moment and asked, if I did that for her. I partially lied when I nodded, but clearly couldn’t tell her the real reason. She commented on how beautiful my pussy was when it was wet. I thought she was going for it, but instead she took my hand and said give me a show again. She took a few steps back and watched as I began rubbing my pussy and finally fingering myself. She did not join me this time, instead she just watched me as I masturbated to a very vocal orgasm, as I wanted Jill to know I just came.

We got dressed and headed back down the trail, as she held my hand the entire way. I walked her to her car and we exchanged hugs and a kiss on the cheek and she said, I’ll see you tomorrow night. I smiled and said, yes you will. She was just about to close her door when she turned to me and said, you can leave your panties at home. I said, as you wish, Mary. She kissed me again and I walked to my car and got in and started it, as she pulled away. I waited for her to get out of site and ran back to the trail to find Jill waiting for me, in the same spot. I walked up to her and she just said, tell me, as she leaned me against the tree. I went into detail of everything that Mary said and did, as she unbuttoned my shirt, bra and pulled my shorts down. She began fingering me hard, as I continued to tell her everything, including being told that I was to come over to her house tomorrow night for dinner. She put a 3rd finger in me and asked what are you wearing? I told her that I was to be in my short black shirt, skirt and no panties. I managed to get a peek at her shorts and saw they were wet, so I asked her if I gave her what she wanted. She said I did, but that she wanted something from me now. I said, anything. She said, I want to see you with Mary every time you meet here, I want you to let Mary finger you when she wants and you are not to object, I want you to tell me in detail every time you meet her without me, exactly what she did too you. I nodded my head and watched, as she dropped to her knees to eat my pussy to a very strong orgasm. She stood and up, kissed me and said, let’s get going. I got dressed and took her hand, as she led me back down the trail.

We got home and spent the next few hours, getting fucked by David and each other, as Jill told David in detail, everything that happened to me. I love knowing that this really fires him up, as he fucks me like he has never before. I hated it, but it was time to take Jill back to the city, as I wanted a night alone with my husband, so I could talk to him. It took several minutes for Jill to say goodbye to David, as she sucked him dry one more time and they each expressed their desires to make this a regular thing. I kissed David bye and told him I would be back soon. The ride back to the city was very nice, as Jill spent much of the time, with her hand down my shirt playing with my tits. I dropped her off at her car and after a long kiss and each of us fingering the other, said our goodbyes. I raced back home and after just over 2 hours being away, was back in the arms of my husband, as he listened to my details of the ride up to the city with Jill. Instead of fucking me while listening, he chose to finger my pussy the entire time, while I talked. It was what he asked me that caused me to stop in my tracks and just look at him. I noticed that Jill speaks to you in a different way than even I do, is there something I’m missing, he asked. I looked at him and said, no dear but I do want to talk to you about it. He said, ok. I told him how I love when people are direct with me, it was how Mary was and now Jill, as she wondered the same thing. I looked at him and said, I would really love for you to be that way with me, but a bit firmer. He looked at me and asked, are you saying you want me to give you orders? I shook my head and said, I don’t think I can do that I just want you to ask less and take more. If there is something specific you want or even what I wear, just tell me. I can’t explain it right now, because I don’t fully understand it myself, but I get immediately wet when it happens. He promised me he would work on that for me and together we would figure it out, if that is what I wanted. I hugged him and told him how much I loved him and that I would love to explore this with him.


Chapter Eleven

As I write this story of my life and how it changed, I would be lying to say I did not put this chapter off until now. I struggled with writing this part, as this is where it all began to unravel, my life that is.

I arrived at the Clarke’s at 5pm sharp and walked in to find Mary standing in the very empty dining room, in nothing more than a robe, tied at the waist. She extended her hand for me and as I walked over to her to take her hand, she said, I trust you have done what was asked. I said, of course, Mary as I lifted my skirt to show her that I had no panties on. She nodded her and head and offered me a glass of wine, which I gladly accepted. She led me to the sofa and told me to sit, as she sat across from me in the chair. She was staring at my pussy the entire time, as the skirt refused to stay low on my thighs. It then dawned on me that Dr. Clarke would be home at some point, what then. We finished the first glass and she said, come on we only have about an hour. I stood and remained silent, as she undressed me in the dining room and told me to head down the hall towards the bedroom. I walked slowly down the hall, knowing she was following me staring at my tight little ass and wondered if she was going to take it further tonight. I stood at the foot of the bed and watched her, as she dropped her robe to show me that she was completely naked, as well. If I had doubts before, they were gone now, as I was sure she wanting to take if further, tonight. I was told to lie on the bed and put my arms out wide and spread my legs wide open.

I positioned myself and closed my eyes, as she got on the bed next to me and started to rub my breasts and play with my nipples, like always. She held off on talking until she starting to suck on my nipples and for the first time, bit them. I started to moan and that’s when the first question came, does it feel good? I moaned a soft yes and she continued with more bites to my nipples and tits, sending me in to a series of deep moans. This continued for a few more minutes and she asked are you wet? I moaned and said, yes, Mary. She smiled and said that’s good to know. I was enjoying her talking to me, but wished she would get more direct with me, like I now love. I never got that, but I did get to feel her hand on my pussy, for the 1st time, as she wiped her hand across my wet lips. I moaned my approval and hoped she would take it all the way, as I opened my legs as wide as I could get them for her. She leaned in and said, I think it’s time we discuss some new terms. I looked at her and said, no discussion needed Mary, just do what you want. She leaned up next to my ear and whispered, I’m glad you understand. I lie there for what had to be 45-minutes, as she licked my pussy, stuck fingers in me and made me finger her to an orgasm. She told me we needed to get ready before Dr. Clarke got home, she did tell me that I could sit where he could not see my pussy. I thanked her for that, as I was not sure if I wanted him to see me that way, with our research and all.

I got myself dressed and sat on the couch, as Dr. Clarke walked in and greeted me with a handshake and a quick hug. I watched, as he kissed Mary and give her a hug and off to his bedroom to put his things away. I waited for any type of instruction from Mary, but she just pointed at the sofa, so I sat on the far end. I put my legs together and though this stopped my pussy from showing, it still showed plenty of my upper thighs, but there was nothing I could do about that. I quickly realized that the layout of the furniture would not stop Dr. Clarke from not seeing that. I got nervous all of a sudden and I think Mary saw that and offered me a 2nd glass of wine, which I accepted. He returned and chose the high back chair, directly next to me on my right, giving him the perfect view of my thighs. I had to accept it for what it was, he was going to be staring at my thighs most of the night and there was nothing I could do about it.

We started some conversations and he said, I have great news for you Robyn. I looked and asked, oh yea, what would that be? He explained that he had gotten permission from the patient and that Monday evening I would be able to look over his entire medical records. I perked up at this news and said, Wow that is amazing news, thank you so much. He told me it was no problem at all and he was happy to help where he could. This allowed me to forget about him staring at my thighs and just focus on that news, as I was already anxious to look at those records. We talked a lot about what I could expect to see in them and how it would give me some very detailed looks into the illness and diagnosis from a Doctor’s point of view. I told him that I was very excited to start looking at them and felt confident it would greatly help my research. I told him that I have no idea how to thank you for this, but please let me know if there is. He just smiled and said just find the cure that would be thanks enough.

Mary announced that dinner was ready and that we should get too eating before it was cold. I started to get up, but quickly realized that this would expose me for just a few seconds. I paused in moving but was met by Dr. Clarke’s hand to help me up, for which I couldn’t refuse. I took a breath and gave him my hand, as he lifted me, and sure enough my pussy came into view with him watching it all happen. I quickly pushed my skirt down and looked up to see him mouth, it’s okay. I was not sure whether to be nervous or scared, this was someone who was taking his time to teach me and I just let him see my bald pussy, because of his wife. I sat at the table and did not say much, as I ate, scared to death that I blew this with him. I had no idea if he even knew his wife was seducing me having her way with me. I just told myself that if I had blown it, there was nothing I could do about it now, the damage would have already been done. It was about 20-minutes into dinner when my head started pounding with a headache from hell. I rubbed my temples and Dr. Clarke and Mary both asked if I was okay. I told them I just got a really bad headache and it was killing me. They said, you must have drinking your wine too fast, as Dr. Clarke got up to get me some medicine. He handed me 2 pills and said, here this is prescription strength ibuprofen it should knock it out in no time. I thanked him and drank them down with water and decided it was time to stop drinking wine. Mary said you should go lie in our bed and get out of the lights that will help you until the medicine can take over. I nodded my head and accepted her offer and she walked in the bedroom with me, and as I was lying down she said, you will be just fine dear.

I woke up to Mary running her hands through my hair, as she asked if I was doing okay? I said, I think so, just confused right now. She said, I imagine you are, you have been asleep for 3-hours now and I’m sure you don’t recall much of anything right now. She asked if my headache was gone and I said, yea I think so. I lifted my head to see if in fact it was gone and was relieved to find out it was, but I noticed that my skirt was pulled all the way up to my waist. I didn’t think much of it and just pushed it down, as Mary helped me to my feet. I asked her what time it was and she said, it was after 11pm and I nearly shit. I said, holy shit I need to get home and call David, he is going to be worried sick. She said, you’re welcome to stay here, we can put you in one of the guest rooms and you can call David from there. I thanked her but said no I better go home, as I have errands to run tomorrow. She faced me and said, I understand, but I want to see you again tomorrow evening, as Dr. Clarke has a dinner appointment and he won’t be home until late. I looked up and said, I understand, Mary. She looked into my eyes and asked, that won’t be a problem, right? I said, of course it wont be, I will be here. How would you like me dressed, Mary? She flipped my skirt up and said, I think this is a good look for you, but this time leave your bra at home as well. I nodded and said, as you say, Mary. I walked out of the bedroom to find Dr. Clarke sitting in the dining room and thanked him for a delicious dinner and the research on Monday. He asked if I was okay to drive and I said, yea I will be fine and told him I would stop and get a cup of coffee. He said, nonsense if you can wait 5-minutes we will make a fresh pot and send you home with a cup, no need to buy that junk they sell in stores. I thanked him and told him I would wait for a nice cup of coffee. I excused myself to use the bathroom and when I came out Mary said it was almost ready. She poured my cup and out the road I went, with Mary showing me to my car.


Chapter Twelve

I woke up on Saturday and called Jill, as I was not able to check in with her last night, once I was done talking to David. I crashed hard and just could not stay up. I apologized for not calling her but she understood when I told her what had happened, as far as me falling asleep and not getting home until late. She told me to turn on Skype and strip for her on camera, before going into details about the night. I did as I was told and for the next hour, told her everything that had happened, prior to me falling asleep. The rest of the time was her telling me to please myself in the way she said, as we both masturbated to an orgasm. I told her that Mary requested me again tonight and I had a feeling I would be there overnight. She said, okay check in with me tomorrow if that’s the case. I told her I would for sure and would not let that happen again. She asked me if I was going to work on Monday and I told her that I was. She said, okay. I want you to show up to work an hour early on Monday and wait for me in your office, naked and lying on your desk. I said, as you say, Jill. She said, that’s what I like to hear from you. I was feeling like a puddle of goo in her hands, as she molded me into what she wanted, and I loved every minute of it.

I got myself cleaned up and ran my errands and received a call from Mary, asking me where I was. I told her that I was at the mall picking some stuff up and was just about to grab some lunch. She said, great meet me at the food court in 30-minutes. I said, yes, Mary. She was punctual as always and even bought me lunch. She said I’m going to start buying you things. I asked her, like what? She said, clothes that I want you to wear when you come to see me. I said, if that is what you require, Mary. We spent at least 2-hours shopping, as she bought me at least 10 outfits, all revealing including a mini-skirt that was slit on the side. I thanked her and asked which outfit she wants me into tonight. She ruffled through the bags and pulled out a pair of shorts that were skintight and a halter top, as she said tonight was a casual night since Dr. Clarke would not be home until late. I asked what time she wanted me over and she said, no later than 4pm. I told her I would be there precisely at 4pm and gave her a hug, as she squeezed my tits. I headed home and took care of some chores and let David and Jill both know, that I would probably be sleeping over at Mary’s tonight. They told me to have fun and don’t forget any details, I laughed and said, I won’t.

I got cleaned up and headed over to Mary’s, making sure I arrived at 4pm, sharp. I walked in and once again, Mary met me in the dining room with extended hand, to pull me in for a hug. She let me go and said show me. I took a step back and pulled my shorts down so she could see no panties on and then my top, showing no bra. She said, make yourself comfortable and I will get us some wine. I walked over and sat on the couch and waited for her to return with the wine. She walked in and asked, is that as comfortable as you can get? I stood up and apologized and stripped and put my clothes on the floor, as she walked over and handed me a glass of wine. I was expecting her to strip as well, but it never happened. I actually didn’t mind, as I enjoyed her staring at my naked body and even opened my legs for her, without instruction. We made small talk and she told me that we had plenty of time, as Dr. Clarke would not be home until after 9pm. I smiled and said, sounds good, Mary. She smiled and said, I’m glad you see it that way. She asked me if I needed to go home at a certain time for David. I told her that I hadn’t planned on coming home tonight, that I was hers all night. She smiled wide and said, so I guess I don’t have to watch your wine intake tonight. I laughed and asked, do you want me to get drunk, Mary? She smiled and asked, I don’t know, how do you act when you are drunk? I laughed and said, I really don’t know I usually am blacked out at some point. She nodded her head and said, well we will just have to see, I guess.

For the next few hours, I must have had 5 glasses of wine and was feeling really good, all except the repeated trips to the bathroom. I was still managing to walk on my own, but that ability was leaving quickly and I think Mary planned that the entire time. She was less interested in playing with me, as she was feeding me wine, glass after glass. I lost count how many I had, but I knew I was in bad shape and that was when Mary took me into her bedroom and placed me on the bed. I could do nothing but lay there, as she bit my nipples and tits, while I giggled. She whispered to me, you are such a good girl I knew you would be perfect for this. I thanked her, not really understanding what she was saying, as she continued to have her way with me. She leaned in and kissed me and I felt something in my mouth and her saying, swallow it dear, you will need it or you are going to have a hangover in the morning. I smiled at her and swallowed it down whole. The last thing I remember was, me on my stomach and my ass cheeks pulled open.

I let out a moan, as Mary was sucking my tits and fingering me, as I woke up. I lie there and pleaded with her to not stop. She smiled and said I figured you got all you needed last night, as you fell asleep on me. I apologized for that, but really had no memory of much of anything. She said, no need to apologize you would make it up to me. I said, of course I will, Mary I promise. She smiled and said, you better mean that. I nodded and she answered my wish, by fingering me to a nice orgasm. She let me catch my breath and said, there is something I need to tell you. In case you haven’t noticed you are still in our bed and Dr. Clarke walked in on you, before realizing it. I panicked and said, oh no. Does he know? She laughed and said, he’s always known dear, I don’t keep anything from him, like you with David. I just wanted you to know that he as seen you fully naked. I didn’t know what to say or think about that, so I just said, well I hope he doesn’t think less of me. She just shook her head and said, I don’t think he does.

I looked around for my clothes and she said, in the dining room where you left them. I dropped my head and asked, can I have a shirt to wear to go get them? She held me and said, there’s nothing to hide anymore, go get them. I looked up at her, but knew she was not joking, that was her telling me to go get them, as it sounded. I walked out of the bedroom and down the hall and saw Dr. Clarke, before he saw me. I paused and thought what part of me I needed to cover the most, and went with my pussy. I placed my hand over it and tried to use my arm to cover my tits, but it was pointless. I walked in and said, Good Morning, Dr. Clarke. I am sorry for my appearance, but my clothes are in here, somewhere. He looked up and smiled and said, they are over here Robyn, as he pointed to the cushion next to him. I made my way over towards the couch and, as I reached the couch he said, there is no reason to be shy now, I have seen you in all your glory, take your hands away, Robyn. I looked him in the eyes and I knew instantly he was serious, so I dropped my hands and stood in front of him. I saw Mary walk into the dining room and say, good girl now sit down beside him, because we need to talk.

I sat down with a very worried look on my face, as there was no doubt that they were serious. Mary sat on my left side and positioned my hands to my side and spread my legs and told me, this is the accepted sitting position for you, each and every time you come over. She continued with you are to be naked every time you are in either of our presence. We both enjoy looking and touching your body and we will do so at our pleasure, she explained. I looked over to Dr. Clarke, as he was smiling and he said, I see you are confused by that statement so let me clear that up for you. The last 2 days you have been drugged and you will continue to be, as Mary and I both love having a defenseless body to explore. He grabbed my tit and said, I compliment you on a nice tight ass, in fact we both do. I felt tears form and fall down my cheek, I knew I was in trouble at this point, but had no idea what they had in mind. Mary said, there is no point in crying, as it’s not going to help you at this point. I have been planning this from the night we met in the piano bar you are the perfect subject to test this on. I pleadingly said, you don’t have to drug me to use me as your toy, just tell me and I will obey. I looked over to Mary to plead for her to back me up on this, but was met with a snarky smile. She laughed and said, We know that dear but it’s not just sex we are seeking, it’s something that you won’t understand, so the drugs are necessary and you will take them.

I felt a tap on my thigh and turned to see Dr. Clarke with his hand out and 3 pills on his palm, raising them to my mouth. I turned my head and said, I won’t do it I will not take drugs, as this could cost me my career. Mary grabbed my arm hard and said, you will take these drugs or you will have a lot more to worry about that your career, as she handed me a photo. It was a picture of me being shown to put a file folder inside my jacket, inside of Dr. Clarke’s office. I looked at the photo very confusingly and asked, what is that? Dr. Clarke took the photo and said, looks to me like the same folders I use for patient records. It seems to suggest that you removed patient records from my office, which would be a felony for you, as you are not a physician and therefore, have no right to those files. I broke down and started balling and yelled, I never did that and you know that, I was putting my notebook in my jacket. What have I done to deserve this? Dr. Clarke laughed very sadistically and said I clearly see a file folder, not a notebook. My dear you did nothing but show up to that piano bar the very night Mary and I began searching for our test subject. I angrily asked, what exactly am I being tested for? Mary grabbed my arm again and said, you have no room to ask anything at this point. You will never know what you are being tested for and you will not ask again. You will simply do as we say, when we say or that photo will find it’s way to the authorities. I dropped my head in my hands and started balling, as Mary said, get it out of your system now and accept your reality, or go to prison.

I knew I had no choice but to go along with their diabolical plan, whatever it was. I could get charged with a very serious crime if they in fact turned that photo in, not to mention probably be sued into bankruptcy by that patient. I know the photo was altered, but there is nothing I can do to prove that and besides, I would now be under the influence of whatever drugs they were giving me, so my credibility would be destroyed. I sat back up and said, I will do what you ask. Dr. Clarke again raised his hands to put the pills in my mouth and handed me a glass of wine to wash them down. I was told to open my mouth for verification that I did swallow them. He patted me on the leg and said, good girl. Now here are you rules in addition to the rules mentioned earlier. You are not to say anything to anyone about this, including your husband. When David is out of town on business, you will spend no less than 1 night and no less than 8 hours of the following day before you will be allowed to go home. You will continue to meet Mary at the park, to avoid any suspicion from David. If you break any of these rules, I will take the photo to the District Attorney, a close friend of mine and he will file charges against you. Do you have any questions, he asked with a smirk on his face. I looked at them both and said, I understand my rules and I will obey them. Mary brushed my hair back and said I knew you were going to be a good girl when I saw you in the bar. Now come with us and let’s celebrate our new relationship. I smiled and said, yes, Mary. She placed her finger on my mouth and said, I almost forgot. You are to address me as Den Mother and Dr. Clarke as Father. I nodded and said, as you wish Den Mother.

For the next 2-hours they both had their way with me sexually, including Father sodomizing me and Mary forcing me to eat her pussy, while he was. Den Mother got in on the act by using dildos and other unidentified objects in my ass, as Father bit my nipples and tits. I hated myself for being turned on by this, but this is what I like, being ordered and told to do things, so the orgasms were going to be there. They were pleased with their test subject apparently, as they constantly praised me for being a good girl and not resisting. I thanked them and assured them I would be their good girl and continue to do as they say. Father kissed me and said I know you will.


Chapter Thirteen

I sat at home wanting to cry all night, but knew that would not fix anything. I have done nothing wrong, but he problem is I am the only one that knows that. I would never be able to prove that and I knew that. This was my reality, as Father said. I at this time had no idea on how to get myself out of this disaster, if I could at all. I spent an hour getting my mind wrapped around this, as I knew I could not show any behavior that would tip Jill or David off and get them asking questions. I will never lie to either of them and I don’t want to have to, so I need to make sure I am my usual bubbly person around them.

I called Jill and told her of my night with Mary, in detail, but obviously not the entire truth. We got on Skype and I enjoyed a good hour of her giving me specific orders, including a new one, as she told me to stick a finger in my ass, while fingering my pussy. This really got me in a better state of mind and I said, I like this side of you, Jill. She asked in a very mysterious tone, which part, me directing you or expanding our play options? I lowered my head just a bit and said, both. She said, I’m going to experiment with you and find out how far you are willing to go. I nodded and said, I would like that very much and I will do as I am told. She smiled and said, that’s my good girl. For a moment a chill shot down my spine, but I got myself composed and said, thank you, Jill. She said, I know I told you an hour early tomorrow, but I want you there 2-hours early. I simply said, as you wish.

I then talked to David for a good hour and enjoyed it very much, as he was starting to demand things of me, but in a much firmer tone than Jill. I did all that he asked and he could tell I was really turned on by the new him, as I was panting and begging for more from him. He talked me into one hell of an orgasm that left me breathless for several seconds. Once I got back under normal breathing, he asked me if that was what I had in mind? I smiled and said, Oh Fuck Yes, David, if not more. He asked me, how much more? I looked at him square in the eyes and said, I love you more than you will ever know David and I trust you with my life. I want you to do and say what you want, always. He popped his eyebrow up and said, I will work on that for you, because I know you want it. We talked for a bit longer about how his trip was going and he seemed very excited and told me that there were only 2 other sales teams there to present. He was very confident he would bring this home. I told him how proud I was of him and knew he would be able to pull it off. He laughed and reminded me that it’s not done yet, but really liked his chances. We said goodnight to each other and I went to bed, exhausted from a physically and emotionally challenging day.

I woke up at 4am to make sure I made into the office, by 6am as Julie said to be. I showered, ate a quick breakfast and hit the road, by 5am. The one obvious advantage to leaving so early, there was little to no traffic to deal with. I arrived at the office by 5:40 and straight to my office I went, as I shed my clothes at the door and cleared my desk off. I climbed on my desk and lie there naked, on my back waiting for Jill to arrive. She arrived right at 6am and walked in, shut and locked the door behind her. She looked at me lying there and said, legs open. I opened my legs as wide as I could, as she complimented me on how good I looked up there. She walked over and sat in my chair, while she ran her fingers over my entire body, sending chills racing everywhere. She began rubbing my tits and asked, what all have you been exposed to? I replied, to be honest probably not as much as I should have. She said well that is going to change over time, its time you experience all that is possible. I nodded and just said I am not in a position to refuse, take me where you need to.

During the next hour or so, she explored my body just like she owned it, including fingering my ass, for several minutes. She fucked me several times, made me eat her pussy and she bit my nipples and tits, as I had multiple orgasms. It was near the end of our time, when she ordered me to roll over to my stomach and open my legs. I did as told and felt my ass cheeks pulled apart, as I felt her tongue lick my ass sending me into immediate deep moans, that I could not stop. I have never had this done to me, ever! She licked my ass for at least 10-minutes, giving me yet another strong orgasm that caused my body to shake. She allowed me to get my composure and then joked, I take it you enjoyed that. I smiled very wide and asked, my god, where has that been all my life? She laughed and said, just takes the right person. She leaned in, kissed me and said, I’m glad you liked it, because I love it. I nodded and said, I understand, Jill.

The day at work definitely went by much easier for me, I got a great fucking and other things this morning, so my mood was never better. I was coming to grips with what my two separate lives, though with some similarities. There was David and Jill that gave me what I wanted, to be controlled but in a loving way and then the Clarke’s, who were using it to manipulate me. I knew I needed to find a way out and that would take research and well, I am pretty damn good at it. I figured if I found something on Dr. Clarke, I could turn the tables on him and Mary. It would have to be something major, as it would have to be strong enough to convince them they were on the losing end, not me. I decided to begin a exhaustive search into both, Mary and Dr. Clarke, looking for anything that may lead to something bigger, down the road. We all have skeletons, there has to be something out there.


Chapter Fourteen

It has now been just over a month since all hell broke loose for me, with the Clarkes. On one hand my relationship with David and Jill both, could not be better. David is now in full control of me and has really evolved into that role, very nicely. I have been made to perform on camera with not only Jill but other men and couples, as well. We no longer see Scott and Sheila as a couple, but one or both of them use me to David’s requests. I have hosted Scott at the house all night, as David watched on Skype and made requests of Scott to do to me. When David is home with me, he is very demanding of me and has started to get rough with me, just not too rough, as he didn’t want to pursue that. I was fine with that and never push it, as I know it’s just not who he is. He was awarded the large hospital project in Tennessee and received $575,000 in commission for his hard work. We put most of that money away, but he did take Jill and I on a week long vacation in Bora Bora, where they both controlled me together. The dream of purchasing the distributor was in motion at this point, as David was busy meeting with investors and was spending a lot of time on the road, thus the numerous visitors and Skype calls.

Jill and I’s relationship is just that, a relationship. I have deep feelings for her and she of me. Her and I’s experiences are more on the line of kink related activities and not so much of the rough aspect. She does bite my tits and nipples, which I love, but outside of an occasional spanking, it’s mostly kink. I now service her entire body, including her feet, as I have learned that this is not only a fetish for me but her, as well. I of course provide oral for her pussy and ass, on a regular basis and she never hesitates to return that pleasure. I am being asked to lick her pussy after she pees, and though I am not real crazy about it, at the moment, I do as I am told. She has demonstrated much of these things with David being present, and he as adopted some of them, but has not yet accepted them all. David and Jill also have deep feelings for each other and Jill has even accompanied David on some of his short trips, as I watched on Skype. When they are together, David is more of the aggressor and Jill takes it in stride. This part of my life could not be better, I love them both so much and I know they love me.

Then there are the Clarke’s or Den Mother and Father, as they insist. My research on them to this point has turned up nothing, not even a parking ticket. That alone is remarkable, as the city is known for issuing it’s parking tickets, in large quantities. I am clearly discouraged by this but not giving up, something has to be out there. As far as our relationship, it has not changed much from the beginning. I spend usually 2 nights with them per week, I take the drugs daily and they continue to have their way with me, but I know there is more to come, I just don’t know what. I have been summoned to Father’s office, where he would strip me and make me sit in his office, as he worked and on one occasion, ordered me to give head to one of his co-workers. I have been warned that I would be spending more time at Father’s office, while he worked and that the office door would not be locked if he were out of it. If someone was to come in and act on me being naked, I was to let him or her tell me what to do, including fucking me if they wanted. I would simply say, as you wish.

My professional life is just as good as it ever was. I no longer have access to patient records, which in hindsight, wish I never did, but I continue to research every thing I can find on dementia. I am currently working on an experimental drug that Jill has helped me develop, so that at some point we can begin testing it. It’s way too early to know if anything that could come of it, but with advice from our staff doctors and in conjunction with my research, it’s worth looking at. This did lead to my company expanding my budget by 5 million and landed me a nice $50,000 bonus, which went straight into our fund to purchase the distributor. I’m very proud to have gotten it this far, but I know there are still miles and miles of curved road, and this drug won’t be the end all answer. If it works, it will provide some answers, but I will need to research those, to continue to find a solution. I won’t give up, ever!

I was told that Father requested my attendance at his office, after I got off work and was to be there precisely at 6pm. I acknowledged Den Mother and said, I will not be late. I made it there by 10-minute till and immediately stripped and stood still while Father played with m pussy and sucked on my tits, for a few minutes. He then handed me a cup and told me to piss in it and return it to him, promptly. I walked across the hall and into the bathroom to find one of the nurse’s there. She looked at me and smiled and said, what a beautiful young lady the doctor has now. I smiled and thanked her and into the stall I went, to try and pee. I was able to force it out of me and after about 3-minutes, I returned to Father’s office and handed him the cup. He walked out of his office, leaving his door wide open as I stood at his desk, waiting for his return and my instructions. He returned with that nurse from the bathroom and told me to follow them, as they led me to an examination room and placed me in the examination chair. I sat there, legs up on the stirrups as the nurse inserted a speculum and opened my pussy wide. She placed her fingers in me, inspecting my walls, uterus and even applied pressure to my cervix, just like the annual woman checkup. She even scraped some skin off my walls and placed them in a plastic jar for testing. She turned and was whispering something to the Father, but I could not make it out. They both said they agreed and she left, only to return with a cup of pills and said here, take these. I did as I was told, not knowing what the hell I was taking, but that wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

Though my examination was done, it was not the end for me, as the nurse took some time to explore the rest of my body, as she had her hand in her panties, masturbating. This of course led to Father laying me on a table and sodomizing me again, while I was told to lick the nurse’s now soaked pussy. They had their fun with me for at least 45-minutes and I was told to get dressed and be back at the office in 2 days at 6pm.

I pondered what in the hell I was being subjected to now, all the way home. What pills did they give me? Why the piss test and examination? I knew I would never get these answers if I asked, but it still didn’t mean I could just forget about it. With so much of my life being exactly what I want, this is the only hiccup in it and it was wearing on me at this point. I just wanted some answers, why don’t they understand that I am naturally obedient, so there is no need for being so secretive.


Chapter Fifteen

I arrived back at the office, precisely at 6pm, as I was told. I of course stripped and greeted Father with a hug, as he felt me up. He told me to sit on the couch and he joined me, sitting to my right. He placed his hand on my leg and said, let me be the first to congratulate you, Robyn. I looked at him very confused and asked, for what? He put his arm around me and said you are going to be a Mommy. My eyes must have been the size of the moon and I said, that’s not possible Father, David and I use protection and you only fuck my ass. I think you have the wrong sample. He gave me a cynical smile and said, the sample is not wrong, you are pregnant, but with puppies. My mouth dropped open wide and I said, again Father, I have never had sex with a dog and it’s not possible to get pregnant from animals. I may not be a doctor but I did study medicine in school. He laughed out loud and asked, my dear girl, I am a doctor so I know you cannot get pregnant from a K9, however that is now possible with the experimental drugs you have been taking, over the last several weeks. You are proof positive and in a few weeks, I will verify that with the ultrasound that will show a litter of puppies. I jumped up and started screaming at him, you have ruined my life if this is true. My career will be over and my husband will leave me, how can you do this to someone? He stood up and told me to calm down or else, I screamed, FUCK YOU! He slapped me in the face and grabbed my hair, pulling me to the couch and forcing me to sit.

I sat there crying my eyes out as he patronized me by saying, I don’t know why you are so upset, as you are going to be the subject of countless studies, all over the world. You will be famous because of this, where is the appreciation, he asked. I looked at him and asked, are you fucking serious right now? Do you not see what this means for me? I will be terminated from my job, my husband will no doubt divorce me and everything I have worked for will be gone. He just smiled and said, you are overthinking this, look at it from a rational point of view. You will be paid enormous amounts of money for this research, so you don’t need your job. Your value to your husband is now gone, because you will never be able to produce a child for him, so he will need to replace you at some point, so I am saving you a heartbreak. I just shook my head, as I realized he was fucking insane, like for real. I wiped my eyes and said, I have never fucked a dog doctor, not ever. He laughed and again and said, come with me. He took me by the hand and led me into a room that had a projector already set up and told me to enjoy the movie.

I sat there for over an hour, watching me have sex with their prized Akita’s, at least 10x. I noticed that with the exception of a couple times, my eyes were closed meaning I was knocked out. The few times I had my eyes open, I was clearly sedated, as I was not moving one muscle. I watched in horror and anger, as the Clarke’s mocked me the entire time, as their dogs fucked me over and over. I watched as both of them, placed all types of foreign objects in my ass and pussy, while they fucked right next to me. This entire movie was made to embarrass me and humiliate me, while they got their kicks. I was beyond pissed at this point, I was raped, no question about it. I was drugged and that was undeniable by this video, as my body was lifeless and clearly was not in a conscious state. I had a long hard cry, while he laughed the entire time.

He led me by the arm back to his office and said, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to keep your mouth shut, so I will spare you that. Your diet needs to now consist of high protein and you will begin exercising on a daily basis. You will now visit my office every 2 days, whether David is in town or not and I expect you to be respectful towards your Den Mother and I, as we will still expect you to perform. You are to make after hours appointments here, every 3rd day and allow the nurse to examine you, for which you will repay her with whatever she asks of you. If you deliberately do something to cause miscarriage, we will know about it and you will be on your way to prison, with one phone call. He then asked, have I made myself clear? I just nodded and said, I understand, father.

As I drove home, I considered all my options. If I go to the police in would be very difficult to prove anything, even if I was pregnant, as it could easily be argued that I took the drugs willingly, as form of payment. This would be a valid argument, as Mary continued to buy me things, thus creating the argument. I had to think this through carefully if I stood any chance of beating the inevitable. This would mean I would have to tell both David and Jill, as the evidence would soon be very visible.

I turned around and drove to Jill’s apartment and hoped she was home. I arrived in no time and banged on her door, she answered and I immediately broke down crying. She grabbed me and held me and asked, what is wrong Robyn? For the next hour I told her everything that I had just learned, including how it started. I told her that he claims I am pregnant, with puppies now and that I cannot have a child that David and I so wanted but had put off. I told her how they drugged me and have been for some time, but I couldn’t say anything because of the blackmail with the patient folder, that was manipulated. I started to hyperventilate, as once again my reality was coming into focus, as my life was ruined. She got me breathing normal and asked, have you talked to David? I shook my head and said, he’s in Tennessee and I need to tell him in person, not over Skype. She took me by the hand and said, come on. We packed some clothes in a suitcase and she said, we are going to stop by the office and get a blood sample from you, to confirm this and then we are on a plane to Tennessee. I called David crying and told him that I really needed to talk to him and that Jill and I was on the way. He tried to get me to tell him over the phone, but I pleaded with him to understand that this was not something I could say over the phone.

David picked us up at the airport and while Jill drove, I cried in David’s arms and kept apologizing, even though he had no idea why. We got to the hotel where he was staying and I told him, everything. He was filled with rage and kept saying, they are dead, if I have to go to prison for the rest of my life, I will kill them. I begged him to calm down and that it was my fault for not telling the both of you from the beginning, but I was scared of the photo. They both quickly corrected me and said, this is not your fault you were drugged and could not make clear decisions, there is no way a court would find you guilty of anything because of that. We all calmed down and started to find a way out of this. It was decided that I would need to have blood work done to start to identify the drugs I was being given, which Jill could do with discretion. She was a chemist by trade, but she has RN training and knows how to draw blood and perform blood tests. She would have to risk her career by doing these tests after hours at work, and covering up the paper trail, but she never hesitated. After a lot of consideration it was determined that I would need to continue on with the Clarke’s, as any change in attitude by me, could warn them of something going on behind the scenes. Jill assured me that once she identified any drugs in my system, that if they were detrimental to my health, she could provide the alternative drug to neutralize it. I know I needed to get my hands on that video, but they were not going to give it to me and I couldn’t just take it, as it would be inadmissible in court. We all figured the video would just not be possible, so we shouldn’t focus on that and instead focus on the drugs. I told them that I now was taking them voluntarily so that could be problematic for me. She thought about and said, continue doing that because if there are drugs that are in your system that would not be identified as human use, you not being a doctor would not know the difference and he clearly would. She told me to try and find identifying marks on any drugs, just in case nothing came back on the blood work and she would try to find their chemical makeup and determine their intended use. If they were something specific to animals, this would be problematic for Dr. Clarke. It all sounded good, but it was not going to be easy, I needed to use my smarts and try and get something more concrete, if I was going to have any chance of winning this. We figured I had 3-4 weeks before I started showing and the questions started.


Chapter Sixteen

We decided that I should be eager to spend as much time with them, to try and find a weakness to exploit. If I didn’t spend the night, Jill would be at the office waiting to take my blood and if I did, she would take my blood at her apartment. She would keep all my records in her apartment and advise me of anything I needed to get, to help identify any drugs that did not come through on the blood work. This was our plan for now, as time went along, it would be altered to that moments need. I was very fortunate to have very intelligent people that had medical experience, to know what to look for and the resources to explore them. David was concentrating on talking to attorney’s to get their input on any legal angles that needed to be addressed, but doing so in a discrete way, never talking to local attorneys. My job seemed the simplest on paper, but disgusted me, as I had to appease them, always.

I made my visits to the doctor’s office for my routine checkups, as I was told. The nurse gave me my exams and of course allowed her to have her way with me, as she now was giving me orders. When she was done having her way, she always handed me these 2 orange pills that were embossed with the letter R. I told Jill this and she was busy trying to identify them in my blood work and other avenues. She was having trouble and I took a chance by only swallowing one of them, trapping the other under my tongue and hoped I had time to recover it without it dissolving. It took a few tries, but I managed to pull it off and deliver it to Jill for chemical analysis.

The nights and days I would spend with them, were more humiliating each and every time. I would from time to time, be told to allow the dogs to fuck me, without sedatives, while they watched and mocked me. I would be forced to perform sexual acts on their staff or either one of them, while they were being served dinner or lunch. They filmed every humiliating thing they would do and I so wished I could get my hands on them, but knew it would be useless. I did notice that he kept these videos on the same laptop in his office and made sure to tell Jill to keep that in my file, as we could get a warrant and find them the legal way. When they would sedate me, the acts became more aggressive in nature, I was being bit by the both of them, foreign objects in my ass and pussy, and of course fucking the dogs for hours.

Jill was photographing my entire body to show scratches, bite marks and even taking skin samples from my ass and pussy, to identify all those foreign objects being used. It was crushing me as a person, to have to live through this. My personality was a shell of what it once was and it was having an effect on the very people I loved. They both tried to assure me that they were not going to let them get away with this and they would fight with me until the end, but I wondered if they had a breaking point. The one thing that kept me somewhat sane was both David and Jill taking me to that place in a loving way, as they continued to demand more control over me, for which I was thankful. I told them both that I needed them to not refrain from that, as I needed to know that there was a side coming from love, and not manipulation.

It has now been 2-weeks and my belly was becoming noticeable and I tried to hide this with loose fitting clothes. It worked for the time being, but it was only a matter of time. I was getting more depressed, as the days wore on with the Clarke’s. I tried hard to fight it off and think of the big picture, but I was struggling hard with it. I looked to both David and Jill for help, by pushing me even further, but there was only so far I could go. The Clarke’s were doing more and more humiliating things with me, each and every time and making me watch the video, over and over. I was drinking a lot of alcohol and not just when I was with them, at home as well.

It was Friday evening and I had orders to spend the night with the Clarke’s, so I arrived and immediately stripped and was handed pills. I looked at them and knew they were sedatives and that I would be knocked out within 30-minutes, I snapped. I threw them on the floor and yelled, if you want to continue to humiliate me on video, be a fucking man and do it without the drugs. Both Dr. Clarke and Mary slapped me in the face repeatedly, threw me on the floor and began hitting me with a belt on the legs. I was screaming in agony and was trying to crawl away, as he kept hitting me with the belt. Dr. Clarke grabbed me by the hair to pick me up and I just swung as hard as I could. I collapsed onto the floor in agony and heard Mary scream, oh my god you killed him. I turned to look and saw Dr. Clarke in a pool of blood laying on my stomach and a marble statue by my right hand. I pushed him off of me and saw that I was covered in blood. I struggled to stand at first, but managed to get up and walked to the front door, as Mary yelled your done, you are going to prison for murder, you bitch!
I got in my car and tried to stay composed enough to drive, but was struggling with consciousness because of the pain and the overall shock of everything. I called Jill and told her I needed her and that I was in a lot of pain, as they beat me. I tried to tell her where I was and she finally said, baby girl call the police they can find you quicker than I can. I told her that I couldn’t do that, as I think I killed Dr. Clarke. The phone went silent and finally she asked, you did what!? I was mumbling at this time, as I was going in and out of consciousness and knew I had suffered a brain injury from all the hits to the head. I kept telling her what I was seeing around me and after about 20-minutes she found me, parked on the side of the road, nearly unconscious. She tried to help me out of the car to take me to the hospital but I couldn’t’ help and she was not strong enough to lift me, so she called an ambulance and then David to tell him that I was seriously injured. He told her that he was on the first plane out and to give me anything I needed. Jill told him that there was more to the story, as she told him that I might have killed Dr. Clarke.

I was rushed to the hospital and was sent straight to Intensive Care for multiple tests on my head. It was later determined that I had a severe concussion and significant damage to my left eye, as my retina was almost fully detached. They gave me some sedatives to put me to sleep, as Jill sat right there with me, waiting on David to arrive. I woke up that following morning and saw Jill and David sitting by my side, as I asked them where I was. David laid his head on my chest and started crying and just kept saying I am sorry, I was not here for you. I was so confused that I just stared at the ceiling, until Jill said, honey the Clarkes beat you last night. You called me to come find you and I had to call an ambulance to get you to the hospital. I felt tears flow, as the memories were slowly coming back to me and I asked did I kill him? Both Jill and David said, we don’t know to be honest. I asked, they beat me so if I did its self-defense, right? They didn’t answer that but did say, we need to call the police dear, they can’t come looking for you. I started to cry but knew they were right it would look much better if I reached out. I nodded and said, let’s do it. They called for the nurse and told her that we needed a detective here, to talk about last night. She asked if everything was ok, and we all nodded and just asked her to call the police for us.

For over an hour, I told the detective all I could remember about the events of last night. From time to time he would ask the doctors and nurses questions and then back to me for more questions. When he was done interviewing he said, I’m glad you called us, as we were actively investigating this and would have come for you. I will tell you this he did not pass away from this, though he is in critical condition but expected to make it. I felt a sense of relief from that, but still worried, as it could go either way. I ended up being hospitalized for just over a week, as I had to have eye surgery to repair my torn retina and of course to be monitored.

I was now comfortably at home and never heard anything else from the police, up until now. I was home from the hospital for a total of 3 days, when there was a knock on the door. Jill, who has been staying by my side along with David, answered the door to see the detective from the hospital, holing up a piece of paper. He announced that he had a warrant for my arrest, assault and battery with a deadly weapon. David, very irate at this point, started screaming at the top of his lungs, are you fucking kidding me? They nearly beat her to death you saw it pointing to the detective. It took 3 officers to contain David and warn him that he would be arrested if he did not calm down. I was in tears meanwhile, as they placed the cuffs on me, escorted me out the door and into the police car. I was booked and shown a cell, as my arraignment would not be until the following morning. I called David crying my eyes out and was calmed by him saying, we are already working on it, baby. I have an attorney coming in from Tennessee to co-counsel with someone from our state. We will beat this bullshit. Jill is compiling all of the information she collected on you and we are going to press charges of rape on both the Clarke’s.

My arraignment was 9am sharp and as I was led into the courtroom in cuffs, I saw both David and Jill waiting for me. I looked at them both, as tears flowed down my cheek and mouthed, I love you both. I was arraigned and ordered held on $250,000 bail, which caused an instant reaction from the attorney, as he argued that it was excessive for what is a clear case of self-defense. The judge not wanting to hear it said, save it for court counselor. He slammed his notebook on the table and was given a firm warning from the judge, to control himself. David immediately made arrangements for the bail and in no more than an hour, I was released. I broke down as I saw David waiting for me in the jail and just thanked him for being there for me. He said, baby I am here for you, always. I needed so much from them both at this moment, but it was time to get busy. My court date was only 2 short weeks away and there was much to get done.


Chapter Seventeen

My attorneys were nothing short of amazing. They worked tirelessly putting together evidence, arguing successfully to obtain Dr. Clarke’s laptop as a key piece of evidence to my defense, the videos. They lined up the best of expert witness’, doctors, chemists and drug manufacturing experts to testify. They were spared no expense, as David gave up everything to make sure I got the best defense possible. There was no way I was not getting out of this, especially with the videos. Jill was going to be called on to testify on my behalf as an expert witness to the drugs I was being fed, by manipulation only. This would ultimately cost her job, when it comes out that she used company resources to do so, but she didn’t care.

It was the morning of Day 1 of the trial and I was in a great mood, partially because David and Jill took really good care of me last night, several times. The opening statements brought back ugly memories for me, as I listened to both sides detailing what would be presented during the trial, all of them. My attorney pointed out that we would prove she was given illegal drugs from a middle eastern country, whose sole purpose was to enable me to get pregnant by a dog, which was successful as she is sitting right there, pregnant with 6 puppies. I saw the jury gasp and even cover their mouths, as if they were going to hurl.

The trial was a total of 4 days, as one by one my case was clearly made. The videos being shown, while the doctors clearly said, that I was under sedation. They pointed out no movement of my body, as the dogs were on me. They testified that this would be impossible if I was not under sedation, as these dogs were almost 140# and I weighed 135#, there would of have been noticeable strain on my body and face to hold their weight up. The drug experts and chemists both testifying that there were illegal drugs in my system, that upon further research showed similar chemicals found in medicines meant for animals, never humans. They were shown countless pictures that Jill had taken of me being bit and scratched, as I was sedated and unaware of my surroundings. They were shown the videos showing both the Clarke’s using foreign objects on me, as I lay on the bed motionless, again clear signs of unconsciousness, and by definition it is rape. The finale were the medical records of the night in question, showing a detached retina and severe brain trauma from repeated blows to the head and face, by both Mary and Dr. Clarke. This validated my self-defense claim, without question.

The entire trial Dr. Clarke who is now confined to a wheel chair, with inoperable brain damage, was sitting there with a smug ass look on his face, while Mary played the concerned wife.

The jury deliberated for 7-hours and we were just about to be told that the verdict would be read in the morning, but were summoned into the courtroom, just before 4pm. I was standing with my attorneys, as the judge asked the jury if they were able to reach a verdict. The foreman said they were, and handed that verdict to the bailiff to deliver to the judge. I stood there motionless, as both David and Jill put their hand on my shoulder, as the judge read the verdict. On count 1, attempted manslaughter, you are found not guilty. On count 2, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, you are found Guilty as charged.

I don’t know what happened after that, as I passed out and needed medical attention. I was later told that my attorney was found in contempt of court, as he called the judge incompetent and that this was not over, he was launching a formal investigation into the jury and the judge. My attorney was jailed for 24-hours and fined $3,000 dollars, had to go before the board review and subsequently put on administrative probation for 2-years.

I sit here 3-months into my sentence writing this story of how it started and how I got here. I will now tell you how it all ended.

As I said, my attorneys were nothing short of amazing. They appealed the decision all the way to the state supreme court, only to be refused to hear my case. They launched formal investigations for every juror and the judge. The entire process took 14-months in all, but I was finally awarded a trial based on evidence of collusion by the Clarkes, as they paid off the jurors and the judge.

The new trial went, as the first one should have, not guilty on all charges due to my self-defense rights and months of illegal drugging to manipulate my decision-making abilities. I was free from prison, but not emotionally, as I would forever have to deal with this. The entire time David and Jill were by my side, talking every day updating me as it went along. This cost Jill, myself, and David our jobs and depleted our savings for my defense. Jill even used her savings for my defense to make sure I got the best possible attention from the attorneys. When it was all said and done, we spent close to $800,000 in legal fees.

My attorneys immediately filed wrongful imprisonment, wrongful conviction and civil suits against the Clarkes, their estate and the judge. The state immediately settled with no trial for 2.5 million dollars for both charges, as they knew it would cost them considerably more if it went to a jury. We had to settle, as we were out of money at this point and at risk of losing our home and everything else. As expected though, the Clarkes fought hard in court, as they should have, as we were asking for $30 million in damages, the total worth of their estate after a detailed forensic audit of their holdings.

The trial lasted only 3 Days and the jury was out for only 4 hours, as the judge read, guilty on all charges. The Clarkes of course appealed, but lost every one of them and was ordered to pay $15 million in cash and surrender their holdings to me, for the final balance of $14.5 million dollars. This included their home, his doctor’s offices and a few other small business interests he had.

The civil suit towards the judge was just as quick and was found guilty of collusion and accepting of a bribe. He was of course, disbarred ordered to serve 16-months in prison and pay $500,000 in punitive damages.

I have to admit, it was a real pleasure watching the Clarke’s being moved out of their house, with only sentimental items and their clothes. The rest of the home and the contents belonged to me. I did make eye contact with Mary and just smiled at her, as they were left to live with their kids, with a fraction of their cash. The judge allowed them $500,000 in cash to live on.

David, Jill and I have moved into the house permanently, as we have become a family. I am still married to David and will always be, but Jill knows we love her just as much. She is very valuable to the both of us and I will never forget what she did for me. I am where I wanted to be, but with love. David and Jill both, now direct every aspect of my life, and I love it. David has gotten much firmer with me and Jill, has opened my eyes to many kinks, which I love many of them. I spend equal time with them both to make sure I give them what they need on an individual basis. They both see each other without me, as Jill has agreed to birth our children that David and I always wanted, but I no longer can. We recently learned that Jill was pregnant with a girl, and we could not be happier.

What never came out in court but did come out of the investigation was that I was not the only victim of the Clarkes. It turns out there were 4 other girls, he pulled this on and when they became defiant towards him, he kicked them out to the street with nothing. David suggested we reach out to them and offer them permanent assistance, and Jill and I could not agree faster. They are now living with us inside the Clarke Family Centre, as I named it that, just in case there were any others out there and to always make sure Mary knew that I destroyed her life, like she did with mine. There are 22 dogs on the property, 5 of mine, as I lost one during birth and the rest belong to the girls, as they never left their children, nor would I. They are set for life and will never need for anything, we saw to that.

The three of us have taken a few extensive vacations and David finally told me to purchase my shopping list, that I have stored in my head all this time. I chose a different path though and chose to purchase items for Jill and David, as I owed them more than I could ever repay. I bought David the Ferrari he always wanted, and told Jill to get whatever she wanted I didn’t care. She chose clothes, big shocker. I did by myself the wedding ring I had always wanted and David even proposed to me to place it on my finger.

Jill is in full charge of the doctor offices, as she is meticulous with records and knows her way around the medicine. David has purchased the distributor for $40 million in cash, all from investors for which he had to give up 35% of the company to get. He now manages a team of two-dozen salesmen and now doesn’t spend near as much time away from me, which I love. That leaves just little old me. I am whatever David or Jill need of me at the time. I don’t refuse, am not asked and I don’t ever want to be. They own me free and clear and I am happy to be at their service. I don’t walk around naked, with the other girls in the home, but I am naked in our suite upstairs. The girls in the home are not asked to do much at all, as we have a full staff on board to take care of cleaning and cooking. The girls are allowed their freedom of course, and do not serve us in anyway. I will say this though there is one girl that keeps trying to get close to me, so we will have to see what happens.

The End

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