Women with Animals
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Xena, the Warrior Princess


(c) by Wonder Mike

Chapter One

Zeus was becoming tired of the humans, they were not worshiping him like they did in the olden days, his half son Hercules was not helping any, Hercules was half God, but he acted mortal, the peasants should be worshipping him too, but they don’t. He would eventually recall his son.

Zeus decided to teach the mortals a lesson, He took the gift of fire from them, the peasants would bow down to the Gods now, without Hercules to guide them they would have nowhere else to turn.

He left fire under the control of Eros. Eros was mischievous but he would be a good guardian.

Zena and her side kick Gabrielle knew something was terribly wrong. the torches went out suddenly, it was not natural, they would not re-light.

Gabby knew where they could go for answers, Kawada, he knew all when it came to the Gods.

Kawada lived beyond an unfamiliar valley, the girls began the day long trek.

The Valley was guarded, Zena and Gabby were surrounded by four centaur’s, half man half beast. They told the girls it was a forbidden valley and no one was permitted through without their permission, If they wanted to go through, they had to pass the test.

Zena wasn’t interested in a test. She went on the attack. She kicked the lead centaur in the face and it didn’t budge. She was in trouble. Gabby ran for cover. Zena did a flip and kicked the lead beast again. It took a step back. The second Centaur Kicked Zena in the back of the head. Zena was out cold before she hit the ground.

The centaur’s surrounded the petite Gabrielle. She was running in circles looking for an opening to escape. One of the beast but his hooves on Zena’s head, they told Gabby if she didn’t satisfy them all, they would crush Zena. Gabby had no choice. She pulled down her top and two of the half horses began to lick at her breast, their five inch tongues covered every inch of her small perfectly round breast.

Gabby looked down and was terrified, The centaur’s cocks were beginning to unsheave, they were all at least 16 inches and as thick as her arm.

They instructed her to get on all fours, the lead beast stuck his member into her mouth. Gabby was sucking for Zena’s life, she thought if she could suck them all off, it would spare her tight pussy, it wasn’t to be though.

The second centaur mounted her from behind. It just slammed it’s cock to the hilt without mercy, Gabby screamed in pain, the force of it’s thrust forced her mouth down further on the first beast. She had 12 inches of it down her throat, she could barely breathe.

The first beast shot a load down her throat, she didn’t even have a chance to pull back. She swallowed it all. This caused the second one to thrust even harder.

The third Centaur entered her mouth as the one in her pussy shot his load. She decided to suck off the one in her mouth now, if she could get him to cum, she would only have one more to go. She grabbed his member with both hands and began to stroke. She found she liked the taste of it’s cum and she wanted it. It quickly complied and shot a load all over its her face. Only one more to go.

She would suck it off too. The last centaur told her it was castrated and could not be satisfied, she had lost.

Nobody went through the Valley without satisfying them or getting their permission.

Gabby asked if she could have permission to pass, nobody had ever done that before. The centaur’s thought it over and gave her permission to go through.

Gabrielle carried the unconscious Zena through the Valley.

Zena regained consciousness and they traveled for an hour before they ran into Kawada. He knew what had happened to fire and he would tell Zena, first he wanted payment. Zena grabbed her sword and placed it against his neck, he would not tell her anything. She agreed to his terms.

Kawada laid on his back and pulled out his 12 inch cock. Zena straddles him and placed it into her ass. That was his payment. Zena slammed down on his cock, she was trying to break it. She was slamming down as hard and fast as she could. she knew he couldn’t last long and she was right. Now it was time for his second payment. Gabby came over and deep throated his cock until he shot his load into her mouth. Zena laid on the ground and Gabby let the cum drip into her mouth.

Kawada told Zena what Zeus had done and that Eros was held up three days from here. He told her Eros was in the Valley of the giants and Eros had made some kind of pact with them. Zena and Gabby started their journey.


Chapter Two

Xena and Gabby were on their third day of the journey when they reached the bridge to the home of Eros. They started to cross the bridge when they were stopped. They were met by a giant, He must have been 10 feet tall.

“I am Eli,” “The one eyed monster.”

Gabby replied “But you have two eyes.”

Eli lifted the Kilt he was wearing and exposed his two foot long cock. Gabby understood.

Xena said “I don’t care who you are,” “We are on a mission for the Gods and you will get out of our way.”

Eli grabbed xena by the throat, she managed to flip the giant. Eli was impressed, “You must be Xena.” “You will make a great conversation piece.”

Xena pulled out her sword, it was yanked from her hand.

“Meet my big brother Jacob.”

Jacob was at least twelve feet tall. Gabby tried to run but Eli reached out and grabbed her leg. Xena turned to help her friend, and she was grabbed from behind by Jacob.

Gabby was on her back and Eli ripped off her skirt. He shoved his cock into her pussy, Gabby tried to keep her legs closed, but it was no use. Eli buried his cock into her and now it was stuck. Xena and Gabrielle both screamed “No” at the same time. Jacob had lifted his kilt and exposed his two and a half inch cock. He buried it into Xena from behind. Xena tried to pull away but he was too strong. He slammed Xena back and forth on his giant member.

Gabrielle was getting excited by watching her best friend impaled on that giant cock. Eli was being careful with Gabby, but she began to pump her legs up. That was all Eli needed, He rammed his cock all the way into her.

He then rolled her over so she could ride him. Gabby was wiggling slowly up and down until Eli grabbed her hips and rammed her as hard as he could. Gabby was a blur slamming up and down on the giant.

Jacob laid back pulling Xena on top of him. Xena tried to stand up but Jacob grabbed her by the hips and began slamming her on his cock too.

They were side by side with Gabby facing Eli, and Xena facing away from Jacob. The brothers were having a contest to see who could fuck the hardest. It had been a long time since they found a girl who could handle them, now they had found two.

The girls were on the verge of unconsciousness when the brothers came at the same time into their cunts. The giants pulled out of the girls rolled over and fell to sleep. Xena thought “That’s why I hate men.”

The girls staggered up and continued their journey. Xena was pissed. She decided to go back and teach those brothers a lesson they would never forget. She had never been raped before and she wouldn’t stand for it. Gabrielle has been having the time of her life, of course she couldn’t tell Zena that. She just reminded her of the mission. The world had lost fire and they had to get it back.

They arrived at the castle of Eros. Zena knocked on the gate and felt a tingle between her legs. She looked at Gabby and she wanted her. She turned and planted a kiss on her cheeks. She then stuck her tongue in her mouth. Gabrielle didn’t know what was going on, she had always had sexual thoughts of Zena but never acted on them, it was just weird. Xena pushed her to the ground and stuck her head under Gabby’s skirt.

She began to lick her cunt with a ferocity that Gabby had never seen. Her eyes rolled back into her head, she was cumming already. Xena spread Gabrielle’s legs as far apart as she could, then she rammed her fist into Gabby’s cunt. Her hand was moving like a piston as she was almost punching her best friends cunt.

Gabby was now screaming in ecstasy, she knew Xena was out of control. Xena added he second fist into Gabby’s pussy. She locked hands and shoved them to the wrist inside of Gabrielle.

Gabby was begging her to stop so Xena spun around and sat on Gabby’s face. She screamed “Lick me.” Gabrielle had no choice. She stuck her tongue inside of Xena and began licking for her life. Gabby could barely breathe but the harder she licked Xena would wiggle her ass and it would allow her to get a breath.

Xena pulled out her sword and stuck the end of it into Gabby’s pussy. Gabby was now wiggling her tight ass humping on the sword. she had slid backwards and was leaning against the castle gate.

Gabrielle reached down and shoved her own fist into her pussy next to the sword. Xena rammed four fingers into Gabby’s ass. Gabrielle had her ass in the air trying to force herself further down on the sword and fingers.

The girls fell through the castle gate, but it didn’t stop them. They were horny and nothing would stop them until they found release.

Gabrielle exploded in an earth shattering orgasm. She then pushed Xena on her back and shoved but fist into Xena’s pussy. Xena grabbed her arms and began to shove them in and out of her cunt. She lifted her feet and started to kick up so she could force the arms further into her. In her deranged state, she still knew this was her ultimate fantasy.

She had a screaming climax and released Gabrielle’s arms. Gabby pulled out and looked around. They had made it inside the castle.

They began to search for Eros when they heard a high pitched voice. They turned and saw seven little men.

The men were each under 4 feet tall, Xena laughed when she saw them. They were standing defiantly with there hands on their hip.

“You were not invited her and you will leave.”

Gabby tried to reason with them, she explained there was evil afoot and they had to stop it.

Xena tried a different tact. She grabbed the nearest dwarf and tossed him toward the wall.

He did an amazing flip and landed on his feet. Two of the Dwarf’s grabbed Xena’s legs and pulled her to the ground. Another two grabbed her arms and pinned them. They had her spread eagle on the ground.

Gabby ran over to help, but the other three grabbed her and tossed her to the ground.

They carried Xena to a table and tied her down. They tied her spread eagle with one arm and leg each tied to a table leg, Xena was completely helpless.

The seven little guys grabbed Gabby and stripped her naked. They dropped their pants and exposed ten inch cocks. Our heroines were in trouble now.


Chapter Three

Xena was strapped to a table, the 7 little guys tied Gabby’s wrist and hung her from the ceiling. It was time for some fun.

Three of the Dwarfs started to finger Gabrielle. They each inserted to fingers into the blonde. The other four did the same to Xena.

The dwarfs on Gabby started to lick her. One on each breast, and the last one buried his tongue in her cunt.

All four of the dwarfs on Xena began to lick at her pussy. They were pushing and shoving for space. Xena let out a blood curdling scream in ecstasy.

Gabrielle’s dwarfs grabbed a staff. It was four feet long and eight inches across. A dwarf grabbed each of Gabby’s legs and spread them apart. The juices were dripping down her leg. The third dwarf positioned the pole underneath Gabby and shoved it up. He rammed a foot and a half of the pole inside of her. Gabby was trying to twist and turn, but they had a good grip on her legs and her hands were tied.

Gabby’s twisting just made the pole slide another foot inside of her. She was know completely full, and loving it.

The first dwarf on Xena shoved his arm inside of her. The second one soon added her arm into her pussy. The third Dwarf then shaved his arm into Xena ass. Xena was trembling, but she was trying to slide along the table to get the arms deeper.

The last dwarf shoved his cock into Xena’s mouth. She eagerly began to suck for all she was worth.

Xena and Gabrielle had never been so horny and they didn’t know why.

The dwarfs untied the girls and they both immediately dropped to their knees. The dwarfs pulled out their cocks and were being sucked off. Gabby shoved two cocks into her mouth and tried to deep throat them both, it was impossible though. Her third dwarf laid underneath her and began to lick her pussy.

Xena had been able to deep throat two cocks at once and she had two of them buried down her throat. She was sitting on another of the dwarfs, The last dwarf came up behind her and slammed his dick into her ass.

Gabrielle saw Xena riding the cocks and had to try that. Her third dwarf laid down and Gabby jumped on his dick. The other two grabbed her arms and slammed her up and down while they whistled a happy tune.

A dwarf pulled his cock out of Xena’s mouth and added his cock into Xena’s ass. She now had two in her ass One in her pussy and she was deep throating one.

Gabrielle would not be out done. Her second dwarf walked around her and added his cock to her pussy, she now had two in her pussy and was deep throating one. The dwarf she was sucking ran around behind Gabby and slowly slid his cock into her pussy also. He then reached down and stuck three fingers into her ass.

All seven of the dwarfs were ready to cum. They had the girls lay side by side, then they all turned their backs. They had a large jar and they one by one shot their load into the jar until it was almost full. They poured it into Xena’s mouth. She then stood up and spit it into Gabby’s mouth, they then kissed smearing it all over their faces.

Gabby and Xena were still horny, they still didn’t know why, they looked to the dwarfs for more but they ran for it. They knew what the girls needed, They started to whistle a different tune.

Xena was the first to hear the roar, she had never heard anything like it before and didn’t know what to expect. She was ready for anything.

Gabrielle on the other hand was completely out of it, she needed to be fucked hard now. She had forgotten why they were there, Xena, remembered though, she reminded her friend that Zeus had taken fire from the mortals and they were here to get it back. Gabby didn’t care.

The thing that let out the roar appeared, it was a huge dragon. It had to be at least twenty feet tall. Xena drew her sword, the dragon just blew on her. The force of his breath knocked xena across the room. The beast was on her in a flash. She dropped her sword and the dragon squeezed her ribs.

Gabby ran to help her friend, the dragon grabbed her too. It squeezed both of the girls until they passed out.

The girls awoke alone in a locked room. They each were topless but they still had their skirts on. They had no idea how long they had been out but they were rested and they were as horny as ever. Gabrielle started to fondle Xena’s breast, Xena weakly pushed her away, she wanted her friend but now was not the time. She resisted for about a minute, then she pushed Gabby down on her back and stuck her tongue into her pussy. She then slid around and sat on Gabby’s face.

They had about 5 minutes of pleasure when the dragon entered the room.

“I see that you two are well rested, that is good for what I have planned for you delectable morsels.


Chapter Four

The Dragon was the guardian of the castle of Eros, he enjoyed his work very much, Gabrielle and Xena were the first two visitors that had made it past the dwarfs. He was very impressed.

Gabby was dripping wet, and she didn’t think anything about it, she wanted Xena between her legs and had already forgotten about the dragon.

Xena remembered what happened the last time she charged the dragon, so she charged again. The dragon reached down with one hand and grabbed her around the waist. He ripped off her skirt with the other hand. Xena was flailing about completely naked,

The dragon looked at his prisoner and his cock began to grow. And grow and grow, it had to be three feet long and as thick as Xena’s leg. Her eyes grew and then glazed over.

The dragon held Xena over her head and then slammed her all the way down on his member, this had killed every human female he had done this to.

Xena was impaled on his huge cock, she had taken most of it until it just wouldn’t go any further. The dragon gave another shove, but it was as far as she would go. He pulled her back, all the way off, then he slammed her down on it again.

Xena let out a war cry, she was spread wide open. The dragon was now slamming xena up and down on his giant cock.

Gabby watched in amazement, she was on her back with her legs up in the air. She had jammed four fingers into her hot box and was working them as hard and fast as she could.

Xena passed out and the dragon was still slamming her up and down on his cock. He cried out “Is there nobody who can handle my cock?”

Gabby was ready to try, this was her chance to become more than a side kick, she would be the hero.

She exclaimed “I can handle it.”

The dragon let go of Xena, and she slowly slid down his cock. Gabrielle ran over to catch her limp friend.

Xena landed with a thud, and they both collapsed in a heap. The dragon scooped her up, and held her over his head.

Gabby waited for the fucking to began but the dragon just held her and looked at her. He thought there was no way this petite girl could handle him.

Gabby begged “Please give it to me.”

The dragon then slammed her down on his cock. She made it a couple of inches from the base. The dragon pulled her back to the tip of his cock and then he slammed her down again. This time there was success, she made it all the way down.

The dragon held her there to enjoy the first time sensation. He then pulled her back and began slamming her up and down.

Gabrielle was almost a blur being slammed up and down on the monster cock. She was having the time of her life. An orgasm on every stroke.

She was fighting to stay conscious. This was her big chance to become a hero. The dragon was fucking her harder and harder until he laid on his back.

Gabby straddle him on her toes, her feet could barely reach the ground. It wouldn’t matter. The dragon lifted her up and slammed her all the way down on his cock.

Gabrielle pulled her knees up and let the dragon ram her up and down. She was determined to outlast him.

The dragon fuck her senseless like that for 20 minutes then he shot a giant load into her cunt. The force of his cum shot Gabby two feet into the air. She was completely satisfied.

The dragon collapsed, exhausted, Gabby couldn’t close her legs but she managed to revive Xena.

Xena picked up her friend and carried her into the basement. They had to find a hiding place. They were in no shape to face anybody, they were both barely conscious and exhausted.

They found a small closet in the basement and laid down to rest. They both fell asleep for 12 hours.

When they awoke, they were refreshed and horny again, Gabby pulled on Xena’s skirt, she wanted her Xena remembered the mission.

They snuck back into the castle, there was nobody there. They went on a room by room search and found nobody.

Xena heard a sound behind them, they were being followed, She turned and saw him, standing proud with a cocky grin. It had to be Eros.

Eros looked and laughed at the two intruders. Xena drew her sword and charged. Eros just laughed and held up his hand. Xena stopped in her tracks. Gabby grabbed Xena’s sword, Eros spoke.

“If you battle me and win, You will never find fire,” “If you battle me and lose, fire will be mine for all eternity.”

“I have a sporting idea.”
“The two of you together have managed to defeat my minions I want to see how you do on your own.”

“One of you will run the gauntlet alone.”

Xena stood up she was ready, Gabrielle had other ideas, this was her chance to be the hero, besides Xena could not stand up to them before.

The dwarfs were ready to go first, they took a step forward and Xena rushed to meet them, she would behead them all with one stroke. She grabbed her sword and then darkness.

Gabrielle would not let Xena steal her thunder again, besides she was horny The seven little guys made their move, Gabby grabbed the first one and kissed him on the lips, The rest grabbed her from behind and pulled her backwards.

They spread her legs a far apart as they would go and two of them buried their tongues inside of her pussy, Gabby was loving it. Two of the Dwarfs began to suck on her pert tits. Gabrielle could feel an orgasm coming already, this was not good. She reached over and began to suck on two of the ten inch cocks. She went from one to the other.

One of the dwarfs buried his cock into her pussy, it felt nice. He then rolled her onto her hands and knees and took her from behind. he pounded her pussy then another one took his place.

This one laid on his back, Gabby sat on his cock bent over and they locked lips as she rode him.

Being bent over like that gave another dwarf perfect access to her ass, he mounted her and slammed his cock into it.

Two of the dwarfs slammed their cocks into her mouth and she tried to deep throat them. She was having her first orgasm.

This wouldn’t to. She knew she had much more to do.

She finally managed to swallow both of the cocks. They shot their loads deep down her throat. Two more took their places.

The two dwarfs that were fucking her shot their loads inside of her. she hoped she didn’t get pregnant, she remembered what a disaster that was last time it happened.

She slid over and plopped her cunt down on another dwarf, Eros wasn’t happy that two of his men were down so fast. He shouted out directions.

Another dwarf added his cock into her pussy, she was being stretched good now. She had to fight off the orgasm.

She managed to suck off the two in front of her. She then began to bounce as hard as she could on the two cocks in her pussy.

The last dwarf slid his cock into her mouth, she was easily able to deep throat him. She gave him the hardest sucking he had ever had and he quickly shot his load down her throat. Two left.

The two in her pussy started to pump furiously, they would give her the fucking of a lifetime. They knew it was not their job to finish her, they were just the warm up.

They pulled out of her pussy and both shoved their cocks into her mouth, she managed to suck them both off, the shot their loads all over her face. She had finished them.

She stood proudly and faced Eros, he just laughed and called next. It was Eli And Jacob.


Chapter Five

Gabrielle was tired, the giant twins Eli and Jacob were ready to go. Their 15 inch cocks were fully erect.

Gabby bent over and Jacob entered her from behind. Eli stuck his cock in her mouth. Gabby began sucking it for all she was worth, she knew the only way she could win was to suck them both off before they completely wore her out.

Xena regained consciousness she jumped up are tried to go help her friend but she was restrained by the dragon. He was waiting his turn at Gabby, he didn’t think he would get one.

Jacob fell back and had Gabby ride him, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up and down. Eli stood up and stuck his cock in her mouth again.

He laid her on her back and then slid his cock into her pussy along side of Jacob. Gabby would not be able to handle much of this, she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Hera was watching this. She did no approve of Zeus interfering in the lives of mortals but she couldn’t do anything about it. She knew Gabby would lose the battle, and fire would be lost to the humans forever.

Hera began searching the land for a warrior who could help xena and Gabby, She searched the world but Hercules had gone back to Olympus and there was no one else who could help. She began to search through time. Somewhere there had to be warriors who could battle the demons.

She found evil through out time, until she got to the year 2001, it was a time when all demons and forces of evil had been defeated.

Evil was banished by three girls with supernatural powers. Hera recognized all the powers, one was a powerful witch, who must have been good, the others had the timeless power, but there was only supposed to be one.

Jacob was pushing up on Gabrielle as Eli was pushing down, Gabby was slipping in and out of consciousness under the force of the pounding, it was only shear will and determination that kept her going.

Jacob finally pulled out of her pussy and slid his huge cock into her ass. It was no relief for Gabby.

Xena began to struggle anew. The seven little guys walked over to her and began to finger her pussy. They each stuck one inside of her while the dragon was holding her, she soon forgot about her friend.

Hera summoned her three warriors from the future. She explained to them what was happening, one of them, the witch could sense something was wrong, or missing, but she could not put her finger on it.

The brothers pulled out of Gabby after 30 minutes. She could not stand. She dropped to her knees and Eli and Jacob both shoved their cocks into her mouth.

With her last bit of strength, Gabrielle began to suck off the twin giants. It didn’t take them long to both shot their loads all over the face of the pretty blonde.

Gabrielle collapsed in a sticky mess. She was struggling to get back to her knees. The dragon handed Xena to the dwarfs and approached Gabrielle.

The dwarfs spread Xena out in a crucifix and then took turns slamming their cocks into her pussy, Xena had forgotten all about the missing fire and her friends, all she cared about was getting pleasured. She saw the skeletons of the other females that had made it to the castle, but that didn’t matter to her either.

The Dragon picked up Gabby over his head, then he slammed her down on his three foot long cock. She completely took it all on the first strike, but gabby had no idea, she was already defeated. The dragon didn’t care. He just kept slamming Gabby up and down on his monster cock. That was his job, and he was good at it. Gabby passed out.

Hera transported the three warriors into the castle they landed right at the feet of the dragon. They had seen many weird things during their battles, but this was something different, Two 12 feet tall twins, a twenty foot dragon and seven little guys. They all had erections, and even the dwarves erections were bigger than any the three had ever seen. Hera didn’t prepare them for this.

The Dragon dropped Gabrielle and looked at the three, one blonde, one brunette and one red head, they were all pretty and it was a nice variety, just the way he like it.

The blonde leapt to the attack, she was getting horny but she remembered the mission. The Dragon caught her in mid leap. The brunette started the attack but she was grabbed from behind by Eli and Jacob. The redhead just stood there. She was shaking and scared. She would be the first Eros thought. He didn’t know who they were or how they got there but he was happy, it must have been another present from Zeus for the great job he was doing. He was now officially his favorite. Not Hercules or Aries. He would enjoy the new girls himself.


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