Women with Animals
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Morning Star


(c) 2012 by Coyote666

Chapter One

The rain had stopped long enough for Amy to finish preparing Dinner. She was about to take some of it inside the tent when she heard a call … “Hello in the camp .. ..May I come in ???”
From the voice … Amy knew it was a woman … so without Fear she answered “Yes .. Come in!!!”
She then heard Horses breaking through the underbrush … and within moments saw a young Indian woman riding one horse and pulling another behind… Dismounting the young lady immediately moved to the fire trying to warm Herself !!!

Bending next to Her … Amy could see she was drenched … but only said “Hello .. I’m Amy …”
The young lady did not look up at her … but said “My name is Morning Star .. ” then as she continued to rub Her hands she glanced at Amy saying .. “Most call me only Star ”
“Star … ” Amy said while taking an elbow .. “come inside the tent .. it’s warmer there !!”
Hesitating … Star looked over at the large tent .. then rose to follow Amy.

Inside the tent Star placed Her Winchester in the corner … then standing in front of Star … Amy noticed Her beautiful face … but it was wrinkled up with shivers from the cold. Immediately Amy took off Her coat and put it around Star … Then suddenly took it off and unbuttoned Star’s shirt !!!
“What ???” Star said as she jerked back …
“You have to get out of these wet clothes !!!” Amy said with authority …
Amy drew Her close as she also put the coat around Star again … but in moments Amy stepped back and took off Her shirt … then pulled Star close again .
“What is with this woman ??” Star thought … but the warmth of Amy overcame her doubts as she began to stop the shivers !!

It was only then Star realized they were really embraced … She could feel Amy’s Breasts pressing against Her own … and Her arms were wrapped around Amy holding Her !!! Each was gently rubbing the others back !!! Suddenly Amy gently pushed Her back a little … and after a moment of looking Her in the eyes … She kissed Her !!!!
Startled at first … Star started to push away … but the warmth of a kiss like that was so far in the past … she lingered and then kissed Amy back !!

Ending the kiss … Amy smiled at her … “I have never kissed a woman like that !!” Star told her .. as they continued to embrace .. “It felt strange !!!”
“I hope I didn’t embarrass you !!” Amy said as she backed away a little …
“Not really … It was just sudden !!! ” but then while trying to hold the coat to cover Herself .. continued . “actually it has been years since even a Man kissed me like that !!!”
“You’re not married ?” Amy asked
“No .. Widowed … ” Star was starting to relax in this new woman’s company .. “My Husband was killed 4 years ago in an accident … !”

Star turned quickly then as she heard the flap of the tent open … She watched as a Man bent under the flap to enter … Taking off His hat … she could see He was tall and muscular … with long Gray Hair tied back in a Pony Tail … then just as suddenly a large Sheppard Dog came through the flap …

Amy walked to the Man and while holding His arm said … “This is My Husband Lee … and pointing to the Sheppard … “and that is Homer !!” ..then .. “Lee this is Morning Star”
“Hello .. ” Star said as she tried to draw the coat tighter to cover Her breasts !!! but then as she bent over to pet Homer the coat opened and Lee was able to glimpse Her lovely Breasts !!!

“I noticed from the Horses we had company … ” Lee told Amy .. then “be comfortable .. I’ll take care of your Horses … and left through the flap …
“Homer … Stay … ” Amy call to Him …
“I … mmmm ” Star started to talk … but was suddenly chilled again ..
“Get out of those wet jeans too !!!” Amy told Her …
Star gave Her a questioning look … but Amy told Her ..”The coat is long enough .. it will cover you !!”
After Star had pulled off Her boots and jeans … she barely touched Her Bush .. “even that is soaking wet !!” she thought !!!
“Sit here … ” Amy pointed to a folding chair … “while I finish dinner … “

Seated … Star began to look around the tent … there was a small wood stove along one side .. with wood stacked in a neat order next to it … on the other side beside her … was a small table and beyond that makeshift bed with Sleeping Bags and many blankets and quilts.. Easing herself she began to pet Homer … “That’s a strange name for a Dog !!”
Amy laughed … “It is for a friend who was giving Him some Special Training before He passed away !!!”
Star caught a sly grin on Amy’s face … then said … “I have a dog too … like Homer he is a large Sheppard mix !!” then “He too has a Special Training” and grinned back at Amy !!
She started to laugh and continued … ” He is a mix of Coyote and German Shepard .. I call Him Trickster .. ” continuing she started talking about Trickster … not realizing what she was telling .. “My Uncle brought Him to me about six months after My Husband was killed .. I thought He was just for protection !!! It was My Mother who had to tell me what His Special Training was !!!”

Letting the coat hang loose as she played a little with Homer … “My Father left us when I was about ten years old . and My Grandfather brought a large Black Lab to our house. ” as she continued … Homer moved between Her legs and gave Her a sniff … but Star didn’t move Him away … ” He was with My Mother for many years … and He too had Special Training for a woman alone !!!”
“Sooo … ” Amy started … “this Special Training we refer to … is it to have Sex with Trickster ??” and as Amy saw the shock on Star’s face .. “because that is Homer’s Special Training !!!” …

Star realized what had just been a trusted statement between the two … then said . .. ” You are a very lucky woman .. to have a Man as well as an alternate Lover in your
life !!!” and then she looked up as they could hear the rain become louder …
“Yes …” Amy answered while setting the small table .. “I know I am !!!”
“Does He know ?” Star asked …
“Oh Yes … ” Amy replied .. “He likes to watch Homer as well as ” then hesitating but continuing … ” me with another woman !!
“I have never been with another woman .. ” .. Star couldn’t believe how she had suddenly become so honest and attached to this woman !!
Amy smiled at Star and began .. “Maybe later tonight … ” Just then Lee opened the flap and came in shaking the water from Himself … after taking off His Rain Slicker.

“You’re set for the night … ” He told Star … “I pulled your Deer up high in a tree … and with some extra rope set the Horses up for the night .. ”
“Thank you … I should have done that . ” she said smiling at Him while admiring His stature. “You two are very kind to let me stay here tonight !!”
Lee then sat at another chair while Amy was filling the plates …
“It’s not much . ..” Amy said as she also sat down …
Star stood up to turn Her chair and the coat became wide open … both Amy and Lee looked at Star as she stood almost Naked … with only the coat draped across Her shoulders … but said nothing as they admired Her nakedness …

Star felt the eyes … but said nothing as she sat and began to eat … but thought “somehow that really felt good !!!” and she once again brushed her hand between Her legs …
It was small talk as they ate … things about why Lee and Amy were there … cutting firewood as Lee’s job had closed … Amy had also been laid off and they were looking for a way to make some money, Star in the meantime told how her small village had been hit hard with the recession, food stamps did not cover enough and she was hunting to help feed her family.

Amy stood to collect the plates but suddenly looked up at the roof of the tent … the wind had suddenly started blowing hared… “Lee ???”
“I’ll check the tie downs … ” Lee quickly answered … and put on His slicker as he started outside …
“It will be a little crowded … ” Amy told Star as she motioned to the bed … “You can sleep against the wall and I’ll be in the middle ”
Star agreed and started walking towards the bed …
“Do you mind if I leave the lamp on low ??” Amy asked …
“Not at all … ” Star answered … and facing Amy she dropped the coat and stood completely Naked and smiling ….
Amy gasped a little at Star’s beauty … but thought …”I wonder if she will ??”
Just as Star turned and bent over to get into the bed … Lee came back into the tent.
He gazed at Star’s naked body who was now turned and showing Her firm ass and as she bent over to get in bed … Her the tight Pussy between Her legs !!!

Lee glanced at Amy … with a questioning shrug … Amy just returned the look with a wide smile !!! Then she began to undress. Star was on Her side facing the tent wall … and giggled as she thought … “Is this Modesty … or Respect ??” then she felt Amy begin to get under the covers … Star felt Amy … she was on Her side and Her hard nipples almost poked a hole in Her back … Then the bed moved more as Lee moved under the covers !! Minutes later Star felt Lee’s hand nudge between Her back and rest on Amy’s Pubic area !!! Amy moved a little … drawing up Her knees … and Star knew the position she was trying to get into … So she drew up Her knees as well !!!

Star heard Amy moan slightly as Her hand also moved over Her stomach … then the bed began to move slightly and She knew Lee was thrusting Amy … It also made Her want something for Herself … and she reached for Amy’s hand and held it to Her Breast !!! Star again heard Amy’s muffled moans of passion but then could feel Amy’s head slightly thumping against Her back as she climaxed !!! Star moved Her free hand down and raised Her leg so she could feel and begin to circle Her Clit !!! “Ohhh this feels so Gooood ” she thought as she continued to make herself Cummmm!!!

With Her own Climax she didn’t realize that Amy and Lee had stopped … but Amy felt Star’s movements … and realized what Star was doing so she began to run Her mouth over Star’s back and neck while she also gripped Star’s Breast and squeezed!!! Soon Star shuddered with her own climax and screamed … “Iiii eeee sss !!!”

Amy suddenly threw the covers back … exposing all in their nakedness .. and quickly turned Star to Her knees … “Get over here Lee !!!” she told Him !!! “She needs You !!!”
Lee moved to Star but was slightly limp after Amy … so Amy took His Cock and sucked it some while He was standing !!! Once hard again he knelt behind Star who was on Her elbows ..and thinking … “Yes !!! I need a MAN !!!”

“Aaaa gggg hhh ” Star moaned as Lee held Her Hips and pushed His Cock into Her all at once !!! “Ohhh Yesss ” she screamed as Lee began to thrust … “Fuuuucccckkkk Me”
Amy watched as Star screamed … and knew the pleasure she was having … but it also made Her even more Horny !!! She rolled off the bed to her hands and knees … “Homer UP !! ” she yelled …

Homer had been waiting by the stove … but hearing Amy’s command He jumped and quickly moved to lick Her Pussy !!!! Within moments Amy slapped Her ass and again commanded … UP !!!” she glanced at Lee Fucking Star … but then felt Homer’s Cock press between Her folds … She bit Her lip a little in anticipation … and then felt the hard Cock penetrate the folds and enter !!! “Mmmm Yesss Hoomerrr!!!” she moaned as He began to thrust harder .

Star reached underneath Herself with one hand and began to grip a breast as she felt Lee pound Her … She could feel His Balls slap Her ass and she grinned with Joy !!! Her mouth was open … but only soft moans emerged … as she had Her first of many climaxes!!!! Then she continued … “ooo hhh Fuck … Fuck …Fuuuccckkk!”

Lee was working hard and tried to speed His thrusting as He glanced at Amy … He smiled knowing both women were getting what they wanted .!!! He began to feel His groin tighten … and He also heard Amy scream a little “Ooowww ” knowing that Homer had pushed His knot into Her he knew He had a few minutes left for Star !!! He continued to thrust hard … and Star reached back and pulled against His thigh … wanting all of His shaft inside her !!! She moaned again softly with each thrust !!!

Lee began to groan as His Climax was building … then after slowing a little He grunted … “Uuuunnn ggg hhhh !” as he released His first load into Star … as she felt the warm Cum she gripped His thigh again and felt more of the Cum spray with one last thrust and groan from Lee !!! Breathing hard … Lee ran his hands over Star’s back and through her hair …
then after He gained His breath he collapsed to Her side !!!

Star moved to where she was behind Lee … she held Him and looked over him as they both watched Amy !!! Homer had turned and both were somewhat still … Amy would move a little and Homer would let more cum flow … Homer would move a little and send another Climax through Amy’s body !!! Minutes later … Amy cried softly .. “ooo www” as Homer pulled out of Her Pussy !!! Amy stayed in position … feeling the Cum running down Her thighs and then the hard licks of Homer as He cleaned … she also moaned … “uuunnnn gggg ” with each lick and another Climax !!!

Finally Amy stood … and Star’s mouth gaped at the stunning beauty of seeing Her for the first time completely Naked !!! The small lantern flickered and as it did it made the sweat on Her Breasts glisten … moving down Star saw how Her abs were firm and taught… then Her glistening Pussy … still dripping droplets of Cum !!! The muscles in Her thighs expanded with each step toward the bed !!!

“Move Mister !!! ” she grinned at Lee … “You’re in the middle !!!” and she crawled into the bed !!! With the covers up … Lee held each woman in His arms … He listened as they both began to breath slowly … The wind had died down … and the rain had again become a sprinkle … with the taps of raindrops … He glanced at Homer who was curled up and listening for any unusual sounds … So Lee closed His eyes as well and dozed off !!!

A few hours later Lee woke up with His arms in cramps!! He was still on His back with them wrapped around the women … He groaned as He began to pull each one from them and then grinned as He realized … it was Star’s hand holding His Limp Cock !!! He also realized that He had to Pee !!! It was inevitable that He woke the two women … and as He listened to the rain … He thought “Rain or not … I have to Piss !!” so he headed outside.

Coming back in He saw the two women in an embrace and kissing … He tried not to interrupt as He searched for a towel … then Amy saw Him ! “Lee .. get over here now !” she told Him and grabbed a towel from some cloths next to the bed. Lee kneeled and Amy began to dry His back … He was also facing Star … When Amy finished drying Him she threw the towel to Star who did the same to His chest while Amy held Him close to give Him warmth !!! As Star finished drying His she was at His Cock and Balls … she glanced at Lee and took His Cock and began to run Her tongue along the shaft and kiss His balls … while slightly sitting !!!

Amy realized this was Her chance for Star !! She moved to Star and spread Her legs … but then suddenly thought “Oh No … This Forrest has to be clear cut !!! ” and jumped up to retrieve the nearest thing … Lee’s Hunting knife.!!! Star saw the knife and stopped sucking on Lee … Her eyes were wide with wonder !!!
“Don’t worry … ” Amy told Her … “I’m going to take some of this Bush away … ” then laughed telling Her “just keep up the sucking … you won’t feel hardly a thing .. ”
Star wrapped Her lips again around Lee’s Cock … while thinking … “why do I suddenly trust this woman so much ??”

Star shifted Her ass slightly so Amy could spread Her legs wider and didn’t miss a lick on Lee’s Cock !!! Amy began by gently pulling the hair and sliding it off with the knife Most was on the Pubic area … and as the knife slid she could feel a slight tug since she wasn’t using any cream … Star felt the tug as well but was concentrating on Lee !!!

Star didn’t try to Deep Throat .. she let Her mouth slide over as much as she could and used Her free hand to move up and down the rest Of Lee’s Cock !!! In Her mouth , Star was able to twist Her tongue almost completely around the firm Head … thinking “I haven’t forgot how to do this !!” and as she did Lee began to groan … He touched Star’s hair … letting Her know … but she continued without backing off!! She was ready for His Cum … and continued !!!

By now Amy had finished clearing as much as she dared with a knife … and as she took the hair and knife and set them aside … she watched as Lee tensed and groaned while sending His Cum into Star’s mouth !!! Star swallowed and then sucked and milked Him dry …

“Good Girl !!!” Amy praised her loudly !!! as she then positioned Herself to begin to taste Star’s Pussy !!! Amy began slowly as Lee finished and moved away giving Star the ability to rest on both elbows … Amy started with slow licks to each side of Star’s Vagina. She didn’t know how Star would react … but as she heard Star moan and spread Her legs even more … Amy knew she liked to have Her Pussy licked and eaten !! That is when Amy began in earnest !!! She licked gently between Her lips and let Her tongue flip over Star’s Clit … It was an unexpected move for Star … and she let out a little gurgle with Her first Climax. Amy kissed Her lips after that but then used Her tongue to separate those lips and begin to lick inside … pushing Her tongue into Star’s Fuck Hole and twisting it! She used Her tongue to dart in and out … hearing Star begin to moan louder … She stopped for a moment and began to suck on Star’s Clit as well as circling it with Her tongue …

Lee was sitting and grinning as He watched His wife expertly bring Star to a continuous climax … It had been a thrill of His for many times past !! Lee’s attention was taken away for a moment as the Rain started harder and the wind kicked up. He reached around and put more logs in the stove, then just as He turned around Star yelled “Stop ” and tried to move away from Amy … but Amy teasingly continued for one more climax and stopped as Star screamed ” Pleasee … Stop !!!”

Amy moved up to Star and held her as She gulped for air … Star’s breathing slowed … and finally she could speak … “is it always like that with a woman ??”
“Usually …” Amy answered with a smile .. “it is with Me anyway . ” then she kissed Star.
“You must teach me !!” Star said in between gasps for air !!
Lee gave a big laugh at that statement .. “I’m sure she will find time !!”
They all laughed and the women moved to snuggle with Lee by the heat of the stove.

After about an Hour … Amy got up and put a pot of water on the stove for coffee ..then started searching for something to fix for breakfast … “Lee … ” she said … “you’re going to have to go to the truck for the cooler !!”
“That’s OK … I need to check things anyway … ” and He pulled on His boots , just His Parka and Hat then stepped outside in the Rain.

Star watched Amy as she moved around the tent … being Nude seemed so natural here … and she asked “you like being in the Nude … Don’t you ??”
Amy giggled at the question … “Yes … I do it as often as I can .. in the House .. the backyard … and especially out in the woods like this !!” Then she stopped … and asked “does that offend you ???” then “I’ll … ”
“No” Star interrupted … “it is a bit strange … but I feel I like it as well!!” and laughed at Herself. Then as She began to gently rub her hand over Her partial shaved Pussy .. she asked .. “Amy … would you finish shaving me ??”
“Of Course !!” Amy laughed .. “I know I did a really fast job … but then I was in a bit of a hurry!!”
“Yes … ” Star replied ” but then so was I !!”
“After Breakfast .. ” Amy told Her … “I don’t think you will be going anywhere soon !!” as she pointed to the roof and they listened to the Rain …

“Amy …” Star continued .. “when I’m shaved .. will mine be as beautiful as yours ??”
“I .. ” Amy was stunned by the question but continued .. “I don’t know .. Let’s let Lee decide !!”
Just then Lee came through the Flap … “Let Lee decide what ??” he asked while handing Amy some food …
The women laughed before Amy started to explain … “Star wants me to finish shaving Her Pussy … ” then looking at Lee … “Then you have to decide who has the most beautiful !!”

“Ohhh NO … ” Lee started laughing … “Ohh Hell NO !! … you’re not getting Me into that corner !!!” Still laughing … He put aside His hat and pulled off the Parka … Then sitting down to pull off His boots He continued .. “They are ALL beautiful !!!”
Still laughing as Amy poured coffee for all … Lee looked at Star .. “This Rain doesn’t look like it is going to quit ” then became serious .. “Is it necessary for you to leave ??”
Star paused a moment .. then answered .. “Not really .. My Mother is with my children .. and there have been other times I have been out hunting for a few days … “

Good … ” Amy almost yelled … “we can Eat .. then Fuck … then Sleep ” and then hitting Lee on the shoulder with Her hip … “then Fuck some more !!!”


Chapter Two

With coffee they ate some fruit, cheese and a little canned meat for breakfast. Star had turned away from the table and was giving Homer a few bites of the meat and cheese, when she stopped for a moment looking to Amy for approval … Homer took a quick lick of Her Pussy !! It startled Star and before she could say anything He licked again … Star looked at Amy with Her mouth open but could only say “aaaa hhhh !!! “. Amy grinned and told Star … “go ahead .. enjoy !!!”

Star spread Her legs and as Homer began to lick in earnest .. She pulled Him to Her … within minutes she was having climaxes .. Her head was tilted back and she was only breathing hard … saying nothing … but Her grip on Homer continued … She had to finally let Him loose as she cupped a hand over Her Pussy and regained Her breath … Amy got up and put an old blanket on the dirt floor … She just motioned to Star who got down on Her knees !!!
Amy then kneeled next to Lee … taking His Cock and just playing with it while they watched …

It didn’t take Homer but a few seconds to continue preparing Star’s Pussy !!! When He stopped … Amy slapped Star’s butt and called “Homer .. UP!!! At first Star’s arms were straight and stiff … anticipating His weight … When He mounted His weight was enough to make Her groan a little.. Homer searched and Star could feel His pre cum on Her lips and knew He was close !!! She steadied Herself again just as Homer found Her sweet spot. “Uunnn gggg hhh ” she moaned as Homer shoved His shaft into Her.

Star could only open Her mouth .. she did not moan or scream as Homer thrust, and Amy saw Her fists clenched as she trembled. Her breasts were swaying with each thrust and Amy reached under Her to grip one of them. That was when Star looked at Amy and grinned!! Star could feel the knot slapping against Her outer lips … she relaxed and lowered Herself to Her elbows. With one hard thrust Homer pushed His knot inside that sweet Hole and Star slightly moaned “Oooowww” then relaxed as shivered a little as Homer’s Cum began to spray.

Amy was watching and with a reflex action of knowing how that felt she squeezed hard on Lee’s Cock … and He yelped …”Owww “.. Amy turned and grinned .. “can I kiss the Boo Boo ?” she whispered … they laughed but continued to watch … but Lee moved Amy’s hand !!!

Star was now resting Her head on the blanket … her face was showing the joys of bliss as She and Homer were tied. Homer continued to move a little with each squirt … causing Star to moan slightly “mmmmm ” … ” yyyeesss” . Then after Homer had stopped, she looked at Amy … they both knew He was about to turn !!! The turn was almost a jerk and Star screamed a little as the knot stretched her. … but then She settled with the fullness of a full belly of Cum and Homer’s large Cock !!!

Amy knew they would be this way for a while … and She turned to Lee and began to suck on Him. He held her head as she began to glide Her mouth over it and down to where she sucked on His balls. Then gliding Her tongue to the top she took all and slid it down into Her throat. She was slow and gentle … wanting Him Hard but not wanting Him to Cum. .. so she just kept His shaft Hard !!! Lee groaned and wanted Her to finish … but she told Him .. “I want this hard for something else !!!”

That something else was about to unfold as Amy heard Star beginning to groan … it was Homer starting to pull !!! Star cried a little … “Owww ” as the knot popped out and broke the suction that held His Cum … She moaned again as she felt the Cum run out and down Her thighs … and jerked when a tongue began to lick it … She gripped the blanket as she climaxed again and again … Amy crawled there and moved Homer out of the way and began to taste the Cum for Herself !!!

Motioning Star to get on Her back … Amy knelt and began to lick Star’s Pussy in earnest…. Sucking the Cum and swallowing it …. but she looked back at Lee and said … “Put that Hardness to use !!!” Amy began to spread Star’s lips with Her tongue as Lee shoved His Cock deep into Her. She just jerked a little as she knew it was about to happen and Lee stayed still for a moment giving Amy time to take a breath and swallow again. Amy drove her tongue deep into Star and twisted it … Star was already High from Homer … and Climaxed easily . Amy slid Her hands under Star’s’ ass and lifted a little and Star helped by pushing with Her legs … giving Amy better access !!!

Lee had been still, holding Himself inside Amy … but then began to slowly thrust. He reached out and moved Amy’s hair to a side so He could also witness Star’s writhing climaxes … Amy had began to work some on Star’s Clit … flicking it at first and then pressing Her lips around it … sucking it !!! As Lee began thrusting harder … Amy did the same with Her tongue in Star’s sweet hole !!! Star felt Amy’s tongue swirling inside and screamed … “OHH Yeeeessss !” as she came again. She began to grind Her pussy into Amy’s face as She continued with her rolling Climaxes !!!

Amy had been concentrating on giving Star pleasure and almost forgot that Lee was inside Her !!! She slowed Her motions with Star as She began to feel Lee’s hard Cock thrusting … She tried to maintain some tongue motion on Star’s Pussy … but Lee had started thrusting so hard that it just pushed Her face into Star’s wet Pussy !!! Then as she began to Climax herself … she gripped Star’s buttocks as she moaned with each thrust, but the moan stopped as Her face was pushed into Star…

Lee’s concentration was broke momentarily as He heard Thunder Roll … but just as quickly He felt His groin tighten and shuddered with His own Climax !!! He poured His first load into Amy … then with a second thrust he groaned “Uggg nnn ” and stopped.
Amy felt His Cock slid out and after He moved .. she took one more lick of Star’s lips and rolled to Her side … Star relaxed Her legs and lay on Her back breathing hard but she reached for Amy’s hand and they clasped hands tightly in approval …

Lee rose to His feet … and pulled Amy to Hers … then they both helped Star to Her feet. Their legs were uneasy and Lee took them both in His arms and held them tightly .. as He also listened to the hard Rain … They stood for a minute … then the three walked slowly to the bed. After Star had crawled in first … Amy motioned for Lee to be next. While He was getting in … she kneeled to Homer. He smelled the Cum on Her face and licked it a little .. making Her laugh !! Then she rubbed His head and His tail wagged as He knew He had done a good job as well !!!

The three were completely exhausted … the women snuggled up against Lee .. who remembered this time to keep His arms from getting under them !!! As the Rain continued … Lee pulled up the covers against the chill and they all went to sleep ….

The exhausted trio slept for hours … it was the silence that woke Lee !!! He barely moved as He tried to listen !! The Rain had stopped !!! Then He moved gently as Star woke up and smiled at Him !! She raised Herself and Kissed Him … gently at first … but then their tongues intertwined in a Passionate Kiss ! They continued as she ran her hand up and down Lee’s chest … then Lee groaned .. “What ???” Star asked …
“Don’t Women ever have to Pee ???” and they laughed loud enough to wake Amy !!!
The three untangled as Lee got up to go outside … Amy laughed when Star told Her what Lee had said … the felt the urge herself … “actually .. ” she told Star .. “I have to !!”

They went outside in the opposite direction of Lee … then the three met in front of the tent. Lee looked around … it was late afternoon .. there was a Blue Sky … but saw very menacing Black clouds in the distance … We’ve probably got about an Hour before it starts again !!! Looking first … Star said .. “I’m going to check the horses” then asking Amy … “you want to come ?? “.. They went inside to put on their boots … and Lee followed !!!

All were completely Naked except for Boots as they walked to where the Horses were tied … Star moved to the one she was riding and rubbed Him … “this is Chief .. ” she said “the other one is War … short for Warrior … ” … Lee went to War and began to nuzzle and pet Him … Star noticed Amy had yet to approach !! “Have you ever been around horses ??” Star asked Her
“Some … a long time ago … ” Amy replied as she gently approached …
Star took Her hand … “Here .. ” she said pulling Amy to Chief …
Amy got closer and felt the muscles in His side … as she began to move her hand over His side … Her bare Breasts brushed against Him … she felt a tingle in Her pussy … moved back … Star knew what that tingle was and giggled … “I’m sorry Amy .. but that can make me climax too ..”
Amy blushed and then giggled Herself …
“Have you ever ridden bareback ??” asked Star …
“NO .. ” Amy said … ” I have ridden some … but never Bareback …
“Lee … Have You ???”
“A little … it’s been a long time … “

“Let’s take a short ride .. ” Star said.. then gracefully mounted …
“Amy … ” Star continued … “Let Lee help you up !!”
“I .. don’t know … ” Amy was hesitating …
“Amy … you must !!” Star told Her .. ‘You can’t believe the feeling of riding Bareback while Naked !!”
That was a direct challenge to Amy … she grinned at the thought as She turned to Lee. He helped Her mount and then jumped and swung Himself behind Her …

Star led the party out slowly … smiling at Lee … “You know what to do !!” and bit Her lip!!
Lee only grinned and nodded His understanding ….
They walked slowly … but Amy was feeling the Horse Hair rubbing Her Pussy !! and she felt the excitement of riding Naked … Lee was holding Her by the waist as they walked … then He told Her “lean forward a little … ” Amy didn’t realize why but she leaned forward and wrapped Her arms around War’s neck !!! She suddenly realized “Why” as Lee pushed His Cock in Her exposed Pussy !!!

“Aaa hhh ” she cried out … and Star laughed as she started the Horses into a slow Trot !!!
Lee just gripped Amy’s waist and let the Horse vibrate His Cock !!!
“Ohhh God …Leeeeeeeee !” Amy cried out … “I’m cummmmm nnn gggg” and She gripped War’s neck even more !!!
They rode only a short distance as Amy came with each step !!! Finally she cried out “Stop !!!”
The three dismounted … and Amy walked around laughing while holding Her Pussy !!!
“Star !!! ” she said … “You planned that !!!”
Smiling slyly … Star answered … “Yes …. ” then holding Amy she continued .. “You have taught me so much … I wanted to return the favor .!!”
“Wow … !!” Amy exclaimed .. “Favor ?? … I’ve Never had that kind of Climax !!!”
Until now …Lee had been silent watching the two … as well as the sky … “We better be getting back .. !” He told them …

“I … ” Star hesitated … but then … “Can I ride with Lee on the way back ??”
“Hell Yes .. !!” Amy told Her … “I can’t take another ride like that right now !!!”
Lee helped Amy mount … as Star mounted ! Lee swung Himself behind Star and they started walking … This time though … Lee gripped Star’s Breasts as they walked !!!
Amy watched as Star bend over … and Lee pushed His still hard Cock into Her !!! Star felt the Cock throb on Her G-Spot and climaxed … even before she made Chief begin to trot !!! Lee held onto her waist … feeling His Cock vibrate inside Star …
“This is Cool … ” Lee thought … “the only thing I have to do is hold on !!!”

Amy watched Star’s face as they trotted beside each other … it was slightly contorted with Her eyes closed and Her mouth open … crying out …” Ohhh Fff Kkkk ” as She bounced against the Hardness filling Her !!! At the camp … Amy dismounted and went to Lee and Star … Lee dismounted and helped Star stand as She breathed hard …

Then as Star and Amy looked at Lee then each other they realized with His Cock still hard … Lee had yet to Climax … He had been so intent on making them Cummm !!!
Both women kneeled … Amy took Lee’s Cock while Star began to suck His Balls !!!
Star even began to run Her fingers between His Balls and Asshole … massaging His Prostate !!!
Standing … Lee put a hand on each of their shoulders as He began to feel the building tension in His groin !!! His Climax erupted … His cum burst into Amy’s mouth gagging Her and she handed the stiff Cock to Star as she tried to swallow !!! Lee groaned … and Star took the second burst and was able to swallow it … but continued to suck Lee and milk Him with one Hand !!!

Standing and gaining His breath … Go inside ..” He told Amy … “I’ll take care of the Horses !!!”
Inside the tent … Star and Amy stood and held each other …they kissed and swirled Lee’s Cum around a little …. then just as Lee came through the flap .. they heard a loud Thunder Roar and then the Rain on the roof …
“Just in time … ” Lee said as He moved and held them both.


Chapter Three

After a moment of standing , Lee kissed each and then turned to put more wood in the stove. Amy and Star sat in silence for a moment and suddenly Amy began to giggle !!”What ??” Star starting to laugh …
“That Ride !!! .. It was just incredible !!!” Amy answered … Then turning to Lee “and just where the Hell did you learn to do that ?”
“Long before I met you !!” Lee answered while laughing with the rest … then “OK .. it’s yours now .. ” pointing to the stove and Iron Skillets …

Amy took some food from a box and started Dinner while Lee sat with Star … they talked while Dinner was cooking and then when it was ready … a bottle of wine was taken out and the evening was spent talking about all different subjects … suddenly Star grew quiet and seemed far away ….
“Star … ” Amy asked … “is everything OK ??”
“Just … ” Star hesitated … “a touch of sadness ..” then continued .. “I must leave in the morning .. even if it is raining !!”

“Then … ” Amy started .. “Let’s make it a Night to Remember !!!” then she continued .. “but first I have to finish shaving your Pussy !!!” then got up to get Lee’s razor and shaving cream … ”
Star looked at Lee … Her eyes were wide with wondering … ..
Lee looked at Her and shrugged while he laughed a little … then began to work some on His tools. This was something He was not able to even watch Amy as it really turned Him on as well as being afraid the razor would slip !!!

In front of Starr … Amy kneeled and asked Her to slide a little forward and spread Her legs wide … Star complied and held Her legs high and wide …
Spreading the cream over Star .. Amy told Her .. “You’re lucky … the area next to your vagina only has a little long hair … ”
“What do you mean ??” Star asked ..
“I mean that there isn’t a lot of it and it is not very long … so this area grows very slowly!!”… then … “Mine was so heavy I had to have this part removed by Laser !!”
Star laughed … but stopped as she felt the Razor on the side of Her lips …

Amy’s gentle hand continued to shave around Her Vagina … and she was soon finished there … “Now this is the part that was a Forrest !!” as she started on the Pubic mound …
“I’m going to shave it completely … ” Amy told Her … “but as it starts to grow out…you can decide if you want a Landing Strip !!”
“What do you mean .. ??” Star asked … while looking down at Herself and Amy …
Amy laughed as she looked up at Star … “This is a Strip … ” she said as she took a finger and made a line in the cream … ” or … You may want an Arrow !!” she said as she made it into an Arrow … pointing toward Star’s’ Clit ..
“Oh God !!” Star said as she laughed … but again became silent as Amy continued …

“There !!” Amy exclaimed as she finished smoothing oil over Star … “Stand Up now !!”
Star stood up and Amy stood next to Her, “Lee ??” Amy asked … “What do you think ??”
Lee stood and turned … grinning He said “Two … Both look good enough to Eat !!”
“Which o…” Star started to ask
“OH NO!” Lee laughed .. “I told you I’m not going into that corner .. ” but He did gaze at them both and did a silent comparison … Neither woman was excited now, so their lips were not swollen … There was only a fine line between their legs … Lee’s eyes began to move upward… He noticed that Star had a larger Pubic Mound … their Hips were about even but Amy had stronger thighs !! He could feel His Cock begin to harden as His eyes continued to gaze on the two beauties … Star had slightly larger Breasts but Her Nipples and Areola were smaller than Amy’s. Then he caught them smiling at Him … knowing what He was doing !!!

“Well ??!” Amy asked …
“If you two had Wings .. I would know I was in Heaven !!” Lee answered as the two went to Him and began to Hug and kiss him all over … It was Star who found His hard Cock first !!! Amy said nothing as she began to suck His balls and grip His Ass !! Amy felt His Butt grow tense … “Stop!!” she told Star … “You want His load in you !!!” as she gently pulled Star away and pointed to the bed … “Guests first !!” as the three went over .

“Amy .. ” Star said as she got on Her back … and pushed Her Butt in the air … I want to taste You while Lee is in Me !!! Amy grinned … It was what She wanted too !!

While Amy began to position Herself facing Lee … Lee was moving His Cock up and down between Star’s lips … then after a quick flip on Her Clit slid easily into Her Love Canal !!! Amy Heard Star moan softly as she lowered Herself onto Star’s face … then Lee took Amy by the face and began to Kiss Her as he slowly thrust in and out of Star … He wanted this to last for a very long time !!!

Feeling Lee as He slowly thrust … Star reached for Amy’s waist and pulled Her down where she could begin to suck on Her Clit .. Amy moaned a little with a mouthful of Lee’s tongue and closed Her eyes while He also began to gently pull Her Nipples !! Star shuddered a little as She had a Mini Climax and began to push onto Lee’s Cock !! Lee only stayed still as He continued to kiss and fondle Amy … who was now dripping some juice into Star’s mouth !!!

Amy felt Star’s grip tighten and knew she was Climaxing … and began to grind more into Her Face as she came again . … Lee was feeling His groin tighten … but not wanting to Cum yet … He suddenly thought of the Rain … “It has stopped !!” thought …but was instantly drawn back into the Sex with two women !!! That was enough time to feel His Groin relax and He began to thrust harder into Star !!! Amy felt Herself rising … She pulled Lee’s Head and kissed Him hard pushing Her tongue as far into His mouth as she could … He Climax was at the top … and she squirted a little onto Star’s face … Before Star could swallowed it … then felt Herself tighten Her muscles around Lee’s Cock … She gurgled and Climaxed !!! This was where Lee could hold Himself no longer … Star’s tight muscles gripped Him as He stopped and grunted “Uuunnnn gggg hhh “

Lee laid on His side to rest and reached for Amy …
“No .. ” she told Him .. “I want to eat that wet Pussy and get what’s left of you !!!” as She moved between Star’s legs … Lee watched Amy kneel and bend over to get at Star’s Pussy … and as She did He noticed droplets of Cum still drip from Her own Pussy!!! Suddenly He thought … and looked over His shoulder at Homer !!!

Homer was laying down … but was at attention and His tail wagging with anticipation !!!
“Homer !!” Lee whispered to Him … and He got up and came to Lee … “Now it’s our turn..” He whispered again … pointing to Amy’s wet Pussy … Homer moved silently and began to lick Amy … “Aaaaa hhh ” she cried out … “Lee … You put Him up to that !!”
Lee chuckled as He leaned back to watch !!! … as Amy resumed Her eating while being eaten !!!

After a few minutes of Licking Amy … Lee saw Homer’s Cock beginning to show about three inches !!! He thought .. “Just about now !!” as Homer backed away a little preparing to mount!!! Amy felt Homer stop licking and knew as well … just before she felt Him mount … She looked at Lee … “Fucker !!” she called out as she also stuck out Her tongue to Him !! She was grinning as Homer mounted … then she had to concentrate on His weight as She continued to taste Star’s Cum !!!

Lee watched as Homer found His mark … Plunging in the first three inches made Amy stop for a second and grip Star’s butt !! … She then continued Her efforts on the sweet Pussy at Her mouth !!! Star was riding high again … Her back was arched and she had her eyes closed as she moaned ” Yyyy eee Ssss !!” Now Homer was thrusting .. sinking Himself all the way to His knot !!! Amy tried to continue Her efforts with Star .. but was being jolted by Homer … and she moaned in between licks and having Her face pushed into Star’s Pussy !!!

Lee could hear Homer’s knot slapping at Amy’s lips … then he saw the knot disappear inside Her as she raised Her head and yelped a little “Ooo wwwwww” as She buried Her face into Star’s Pussy !!! Lee also noticed His Cock was getting Hard again as He watched … He stroked it a little thinking of making Himself Cum … but then got a better idea !!!

Star felt the bed at Her head begin to move … She opened Her eyes to see Lee’s hard Cock above Her … She smiled and only muttered ..”Yes !!” as She raised Her head to accept Lee’s Cock !!! Amy could only raise Her Head enough to see what the “Yes” was about and smiled as she continued to moan with Homer’s knot inside Her and began to feel His Cum filling Her womb while Lee Fucked Star’s mouth !!! Lee was only stroking Star slowly … while not only watching Homer … but occasionally having to stop as Star grit Her teeth wit another shuddering Climax !! He watched as Homer turned .. hitting Amy’s G-Spot hard and making Her raise Her Head and cry out “OHh Ggg ooo ddd !”

Lee knew it would be at least ten or fifteen minutes before Homer was through … So He lowered Himself on His arms to just above Star’s stomach letting Her relax and rest Her Head on the bed … but then once off Her elbows … she moved a hand to Lee’s Cock and began to slide up and down His Shaft !!! Lee still thrust slowly as He could feel Star’s teeth occasionally .. Amy finally just let Her Head rest on Star’s Pussy while she waited and climaxed for Homer to finish !!

Lee knew He couldn’t last much longer … He wanted to last until Homer pulled from Amy … but then He heard the Rain start again and He had to let it loose !!! He only had a little Cum as most was spent in Amy … but it was enough to make Star gag a little and Lee sounded His ..”Uuu ggg hhh ” as He heard Amy cry out ..”Ooowww ” and He opened His Eyes to See Homer begin to turn and clean Amy … After that they were all spent … emotionally and physically ! They laid beside each other with Lee in the middle.
Lee glanced around the tent … the light was low .. the fire was good … Homer was in His corner … and He as pulled up the covers he thought “Maybe it’s good that Star leaves tomorrow !!!” Then He took a deep sigh and went to sleep as well !!!

Lee jerked with the sound of the curtain flap !! Looking up He could see it was Homer coming in from a round outside !! That is when the stiffness hit Him .. “Aaaggg hhh ” He moaned … “Haven’t moved all night ” He thought as He began to move His arms under the covers … He smiled as once again He found it was Star who almost had a death grip on His Cock !!! When He started to move Her hand … She gripped it … and opened Her eyes to smile at Him !!! After He pressed a finger against His lips indicating for her not to say anything … she moved a little and kissed Him … then began to squeeze and slowly work His cock while grinning !!!

Lee glanced at Amy … she was on Her side facing outward …”Asleep !!” He thought as He gritted His teeth as Star continued to slowly pump Him !!! Amy lay still .. giggling to Herself … She could hear the whispers and feel the movement … Star continued to Kiss Lee as She slowly stroked Him !!! It was only a few minutes though as Lee also had to Pee … He groaned trying to be as silent as He could and came in Star’s Hand … Star started to move the covers … but suddenly Amy yelled while throwing the covers back … “Ohhh No you don’t !!!” and while laughing she took Lee ‘s Cock into Her mouth !!
Stopping for a moment … “you have some on your Hand .. I get the rest !!! ” as she milked Lee with Her mouth !!!

Star laughed as She licked the Cum from Her hand and then Kissed Lee while some was still on Her tongue !!! When Amy was sucking Lee dry …She gave a thumbs up to the both of them !!! Then when She was finished the three burst out laughing loudly as they unwound and got up off the bed !!! Amy started for the stove to start coffee … as Star wrapped Her arms around Lee and gave Him another kiss … then resting Her Head on His chest … she said .. “I’m going to miss you !!!”

“It doesn’t have to be final .. ” Amy said without turning around … “we can get together again !!!”
“Could we … Really ???” Star asked while moving to Amy …
Laughing as Star hugged Her … Amy replied … “I’m sure Lee and Homer would like it .” then backing away a little … “and I would too !!!”
Star kissed Her .. then went to sit with Lee while waiting for coffee … Amy brought the coffee pot and cups … then returned to the table. Lee was holding Star’s hand as She sat down and took Lee’s other hand …

“Unless there is a straw … ” Lee said .. “I need a hand to drink !!” They laughed again as they gripped hands … but then Lee began to drink while He listened to the two talk … “How long a ride is it for you ??” Amy asked
“About two … maybe three hours .. ” Star replied …
They continued to talk .. but Lee got up and while dressing .. “I’ll pack the Deer back on War .. ” He said …

After He left … Amy went to a bag and got a pen and paper … “Here … ” she handed them to Star … ” give me your phone number .!!” Star took them but said “we don’t have a phone .. but this is the number of someone who will give me a message … ” and handed it to Amy … “Well Here is ours !!” Amy said while writing down Hers … then they both got up and dressed in an unwanted silence …

Outside they found that Lee had not only tied the Deer to War … but had saddled Chief as well !! Star walked to Lee and after giving Him a long Kiss … she turned to Amy and Kissed her as well … In silence she mounted and Lee handed Her the Winchester …
“Good Bye … ” Star said as Lee and Amy could see tears start to form in Her eyes … then she kicked Chief … He jolted and they ran into the trees !!!

Lee and Amy walked back to the tent … Holding each other as they went … Lee told Amy ….”I hope we do see Her again !!!”
Amy smiled as She looked up into Lee’s moist eyes …. “We will !!” she told Him !!!


Chapter Four

“Damn Coyotes” .. Crystal said aloud as She levered another round into Her Winchester.
She had tried to fire before Her Horse had stopped … ” Tricksters … a good name for them!!! Just chasing the cows and causing trouble ” she thought as she turned Her Horse and said aloud .”Come On Bo Bo … Let’s go Home ” then gently kicked Him forward …

Riding out of the Oaks and streams she finally came to the open Pasture. From there it was about a half mile to the House and she nudged Bo Bo into a gallop. Pulling up at the House she saw Her Father sitting on the Porch with Megan. A large German Sheppard bounced down to also greet Her …

Megan was a Physical Therapist from town who would come to the Ranch to exercise and work with Her Father Tom after His minor stroke. They had known each other for years and were friends long before each of their Partners had died. Larry had been an Attorney died 4 years ago and Dorothy.. Crystal’s Mother had passed on 2 Years later. They had then become closer and each cherished the other’s friendship. When Tom had His stroke … Megan started therapy at the Hospital, but soon the insurance ran out and she now came to the Ranch. Her payment was a quiet friendship and … almost daily Sex after therapy, with a No Strings Attached attitude of both !!!

“Hi Megan ” Crystal called out … “Daddy how you feeling ???” she continued…
“Good ” Megan replied ….
“Much better. ” Tom called out and Crystal smiled to herself knowing what that meant !!!
At the top of the steps .. Crystal paused and leaned against the railing…
“Well ..” Tom started .. “you Girls have at it … I’m going inside for a nap !!!”
Megan smiled at Him as He got up with His walker, but was really watching Crystal’s reaction.
“He seems to be doing better .. isn’t He ??” Crystal asked
“It takes time … but Yes He is … ” Megan replied … then laughing “but then it is only His Right leg … nothing wrong with His left … and definitely nothing wrong with His Third Leg !!!”
“Megan !!!” … Crystal responded … “Ssssuuussshhhh !! He’ll hear you !!”
“I don’t care … as long as you don’t !!” Megan said … then “come .. sit down .. I want to talk to you about something !!”

Crystal sat down next to Her … wondering … “What ??” She asked.
“Well … ” Megan started slowly .. ” it’s about Bingo !!” and pointed to the Sheppard.
“What about Bingo .. ” Crystal replied…
“I think .. He’s… ” Megan hesitated again … “He’s been smelling My crotch a lot lately !!”
That made Crystal laugh loudly … “I’m Sorry !! ” she said and giggled … “Just push Him away !!” … Then she continued … “usually He doesn’t do that … ” then hesitated … “unless you were Naked ???”
“OK … I was that … ” Megan answered almost blushing .. “He’s even given me a few licks !!” then she continued .. “it was after your Dad and I finished .. well you know .. and I was going to the kitchen to get us a Beer .. ”
Smiling … Crystal asked .. “How did it feel ??”
“At first .. ” Megan started to blush again .. “I knocked Him away … but then I started bending over and letting Him lick more !!”

Sitting back and still grinning at Megan .. Crystal responded .. “He is good at that !!”
“My God !!” Megan said looking at Crystal.. “Once I came so hard my knees gave out !!”
After a moment of silence … Crystal asked .. “So what do you want to know ??”
“Well … Tom … ” she hesitated but continued … “He once made a remark that Dorothy and You had Sex with Bingo !!!”
“Yes … She did … and I still do !!” Crystal was trying to choose Her words carefully …
“OK … so since Bingo gave me that roaring Climax .. I want to know what it is like !!!”
“Meagan .. ” You …” … “you want to know what it is like to have Sex with a Dog ???”

“Yes .. ” Megan turned back to smile wistfully … “Yes I do … !!!” then continued .. “Your Dad is not always able to get it up … and that just frustrates the Hell out of me !!” then almost apologetically continued .. “I know it’s not His fault .. but it leaves me with a burning feeling that I can’t seem to do anything about !!”
Crystal giggled and said … “I know what you mean .. some of the Men I have been with do that to Me !!” then after a pause .. “Have you ever tried something with Oscar ??”
“He’s a Bassett !!” Megan almost shouted ..”He can’t even smell above My knee !!”
With that they both burst out with laughter !!!

“I think there is a way .. ” Crystal paused as she flipped open Her phone and dialed …
“Hello…” a female answered…
“Amy??? … this is Crystal !!”
“Hi Sweetie .. ” Amy replied at the voice of Her friend …
“Are you busy today ??” Crystal asked …
“No not really .. ”
“Is Lee home …” Crystal continued …
“No .. He’s out of town working .. ”
“Good …. Get your towels ready … it’s going to be fun time !!” then continued … “We’ll be there within an Hour … ” Crystal told Her ..
“We???” Amy questioned…
“You’ll see … Just be ready in an Hour !!!”

“OK .. ” Crystal turned to Megan .. “You … ”
“Wait !!!” Megan interrupted … “Amy ?? … She does this too ???” she asked with a shocked look on Her face …
“Yeah !! ..” Crystal replied .. “and some others you may know !!” then she continued .. “Megan … it’s not really that unusual !! We just keep it quiet and between us !!”
Megan sighed … but said … “OK.. what do you want me to do ???”
Grinning .. Crystal told Her .. “You get some lunch for Dad… while I put BoBo away… and leave a note that we’ve gone into town… and I’ll be home sometime tonight !!”

In a few minutes they met and Crystal continued … “Now I’ll follow you to get Oscar .. then we’ll go to Amy’s ”
“Oscar ??” again Megan questioned …
“Yeah … He’s going to learn what to do !!!” Crystal laughed while she hugged Megan !!

About an Hour later they drove up to Amy’s House … It was a pleasant House with about an acre of grass and trees… there was also a metal Barn where Lee kept His tools … At the door Amy greeted them above the three Dogs barking !!!
“Come in … while I let the dogs out back for a little romp !!” Amy told them … “Beer is in the Fridge !!!
Coming back into the Living Room .. Amy said …”Megan ?? I didn’t know… ”
“She wants to learn … ” Crystal interrupted … “and I thought we could show Her the
Life !!!”
“You’re sure about this … ” Amy asked Megan …
“I want to at least see what it’s all about !!” Megan was blushing again …
“Well … ” Amy answered … “it can be wonderful … it’s very satisfying … and it can be much more intense than anything you’ve ever encountered !!!” but then she continued … “but Oscar ???” and started to chuckle …
“OH … come on Amy … ” Crystal was laughing but continued … “have you really seen His size ??? … His Cock is bigger than Homer !!”
Looking at Megan Amy asked … “Has He ever been with a Female ??”
Megan started to chuckle as she told the story … “Once I took Him to a Breeder .. ” then laughing more … ” She sent Him Home 3 days later … He seemed to prefer the Boys to the Girls … She said He was Queer !!!” with that they all laughed and drank their Beer …

“OK Now… ” Crystal said as she stood and began to strip… “I’m ready for some licking and Fucking !!!” then once stripped … “Come on Megan … get with the Program !!!”
Megan stood … and a bit embarrassed .. She began to strip slowly … Amy and Crystal watched and were amazed at the older Woman !! Her figure had spread a little in the waist … but her muscles were still tight and Her Breasts stood out firm !!!

“WOW ..” Amy said aloud … “Your Boobs … ”
“Yeah … They should be firm !! ” Megan chuckled .. “It took Me 3 month of Sucking and Fucking the Doctor to pay for them !!!” Then Amy knelt in front of Her and Crystal knelt behind … Each started to Lick … and Megan felt Her first Climax starting !!!
“Aaaa hhhhh ” She cried as She held Amy’s Head and felt Her tongue swiping Her Clit as Crystal plunged Her tongue into Her Button of an Ass Hole ….

“We Have to get each other ready … ” Crystal said as she went to let the Dogs in … While Amy continued to relish in the taste of Megan without saying a word !!! The Dogs rushed into the room … their noses were in the air and could smell the Sex already!!!
Megan’s knees began to buckle … “Ohhhh ” she cried again just as Amy stopped !!! They all then watched as the Dogs circled … Crystal and Amy got on their knees to welcome and pet them … and Megan followed their motions …

Homer and Bingo ran around their Mistresses in circles … Oscar just bounced and Woofed !!! He could not yet understand what was going to happen … Meanwhile all the women laughed and giggled …
“Ok … ” Amy said .. “Megan you hold Oscar and watch .. ” and Crystal did the same with Bingo … “I want Oscar to see how another Dog Fucks a Woman !!” as she held Homer and began to spread Her legs on the floor….

Amy lay on Her back and raised Her Hips … she wiggled a little at Homer who caught the scent of Her wetness …. He began to lick at Her outer lips and as Amy raised Her Hips even more Homer touched Her Rosebud … “” Aaaa hhhh … ” She moaned as she rested on Her elbows … letting Homer have His way with Her Pussy !!!

Megan watched … Her mouth was open and she gasped at the sight of Amy and Homer as He sent trembling Climaxes through Amy’s body … Then She felt Crystal move closer and begin to play with Her Pussy and kiss Her tits … “Wait .. ” Megan said as she gently pushed Crystal away … “I want to see all of this !!!” Crystal complied and began to circle Her own Clit as she held Bingo tight against Her Breasts !!!

Amy was now groaning with each lick as she also bucked Herself against Homer’s grinding tongue !!!! then Homer suddenly stopped and backed away !!! Amy and Crystal knew what was next .. but Megan glanced at Crystal … “What ???” she questioned…
“Watch how Amy moves .. ” Crystal told her as Amy rolled over to her knees and elbows with Her ass to Homer’s nose … Homer began to lick again … touching Amy’s Clit first and continued all the way to her Asshole !!! … as Amy also moaned softly …
Ohhh Yeeeessss Homer …. Goooddd Boy !! ” Then as she slapped Her ass a little she called out .. “Now … Fuck Mommy !!!” and Homer mounted Her !!! as She laid Her face on the floor awaiting His Cock to find Her Honey Hole !!!

Megan quickly glanced at Crystal … but she found that Crystal had Her eyes closed as she pleasured Herself into a higher state … then she heard Amy … “Aaa ggg hhh Yes !!” looking again at Amy … she could see that Homer had penetrated Her with almost the first thrust !!! It was a deep thrust of almost six inches….. it was unusual … but she considered it may have been because of the other Dogs … She gulped for air as Homer suddenly shifted a little to get more of His growing Cock inside Her vaginal tube … “Ohhhh !!!” Amy suddenly cried loudly “Fffff uuuu kkkk mmmmm eee” …when Homer began to thrust harder !!! Homer continued thrusting and with each thrust Amy shuddered with Climax …

Crystal had silently Climaxed …. and smiled at Amy’s bliss as she reached for Megan’s hand … Megan gripped Crystal’s hand as she watched and glanced at Her also saying … “She really is !!! … She REALLY IS FUCKING WITH A DOG !!!”

“Just watch .. ” Crystal said … “it’s not nearly over yet … ” then she left for a moment to get a towel … and Megan turned Oscar where He could also watch !!! The rhythm that Homer began to increase with Amy moaning softly with each thrust … “Mmmmm ” She could feel His squirts of Pre Cum … lubricating Her as His Cock continued to grow with each thrust, and feeling another a Climax building with each one as well !!! He moved again slightly and brushed Her G Spot … sending convulsions through Her body as she cried out “Yeesssss ! Ohhh God !!!!”

Megan continued to watch while without realizing it she began to also think of Oscar’s Cock … Glancing down she could see the tip beginning to poke out !! He was getting excited too !!! … and she reached over to touch it !!! Crystal was sitting again, watching the emotions on Megan’s face! “Oh Yeah !!” she thought .. “Megan’s going to Love it !!”

Now Amy was beginning to feel Homer’s knot as it slapped against Her Pussy … She opened Her eyes and looked at Megan … but only said to Crystal “Explain !!” as Homer began to slow His thrusting …
“What … is it over ??” Megan asked …
“Far from it .. ” Crystal replied … “Look closely and you will see Homer’s knot ” then continued .. “He’s going to shove it inside and tie with Her !!!”
With that Megan saw the size of the knot and Her eyes grew wide !!! She watched as Homer shifted a little and Amy also began to push backwards at the same time !!!

Suddenly … Amy raised Her head and cried out loudly “Uuuu ggg hhhh !!” as the knot disappeared inside Her … Then as she tightened Her pussy around the small shaft on the other side of the knot she also reached back and pulled Homer to Her face … She could feel His hot breath and as He panted she kissed Him saying ..”Good Boyyyy !!!” then she lowered Her head as she felt the warm Cum begin to flow inside Her !!! While quietly moaning … “mmmmmm sssoooo gggoooood !!!”

Crystal took Megan’s hand and squeezed it saying … “He’s pouring His Cum into Her now … that is what the knot is for … so none leaks out !!!”
“You mean He’s ejaculating inside Her ???”
“Exactly !!!” Crystal answered … “It really feels so good … and there is a lot of it !!” then she turned to Megan and again began to kiss Her ass well grip Megan’s hard nipples … “It will be a while before He is able to pull out … ” Megan shuddered with a small climax … and reached over to feel Crystal … Her nipples were hard as well and then Her hand descended down Her stomach to Crystal’s wet Pussy …

Even though she was now involved with Crystal … Megan continued to glance at Amy. She was holding Homer on top of Her as His Cum poured … moaning softly to Him … “mmmmm such a Good Boyyyyyyyyy” Then Crystal moved to Amy and placed the towel underneath Her Pussy where she was tied with Homer … Then back beside Megan and Oscar … Crystal took Oscar’s Cock and began to massage it more out of His sheath!!
Megan watched intently as Crystal then flicked Her tongue gently along the tip !!

“You even suck a Dog ??” Megan asked …
“Sure … You suck a Man’s Cock before He Fucks you .. Don’t You ???”
“Well .. Yes .. ” Megan started … but was interrupted !!!
“Ohh Watch this !!!” Crystal exclaimed … as she pointed toward Amy ..
Megan could see Amy gripping Her Fists and heard a Gurgling sound …
“Aaaa rrr gggghhhhh !!” She cried as Homer pulled His knot from Her … it was then she realized why Crystal had put the towel down ….. The Cum poured form Amy’s Pussy and onto the towel then slowed but still dripped down Her thigh !!! Amy remained in Her position with Her ass in the air … then Megan saw Homer turn and began to lick the Cum from Her thigh as well as lick Her pussy … lapping up most of the Cum….. while Amy groaned … and pushed Her pussy into Homers tongue … When Homer finished and began to clean Himself… Amy collapsed on the floor … a wide grin on Her face !!!

Amy moved to be seated next to Crystal and Megan … then asked .. “Well… what do you think !!???”
“Amazing … but … His Cock… it was larger than anything I’ve had … and His Knott ??? …How did it feel … didn’t it Hurt ???”
“You learn to relax … ” Amy started…
“It can be painful at first .. but then you feel it hit your G-Spot and you forget about the Pain .. ” Crystal told Her trying to calm Her fears …
“G-Spot ???”… Megan asked .. “I’ve heard of it but … ”
“Ohh … It is There !!” Amy said … “It’s just that most Men can’t find it with their Cock”
Then Megan continued … “You were Doggy Style … but with Oscar ???”
“There are other ways … “Crystal told Her. .
Just then someone knocked on the door …
“Who??” Amy asked aloud as she rose and went to the door.. Standing behind the door Naked ..She opened it gradually … then she shrieked ..”Star !!!”

Amy quickly opened the door and pulled Star inside … then said apologizing” Oh My God !! … I forgot !!!”
“I can come back … ” Star began … and realized that She was looking at three naked Women and three Dogs …
“Ohh … Hell NO … NO NO NO!” Amy said as she pulled Star farther into the room. “We
are just getting started … ” then she turned … “This is Star everyone …” then to Crystal … “She is the person I told you about that Lee and I met in the Mountains!!” Then she introduced Star … “this is Crystal .. and Her Dog Bingo … This is Megan and Her Dog … Oscar …” we were just trying to teach Megan about our Life !!!”

Star looked around the room at the Women and their Dogs … “A Bassett ??” and She started to chuckle ..
“Wait a minute ..!!” Megan started to protest…
“Look at the size of His Cock !!!” Amy told Star … who then gazed at Oscar ..
“My God !!!” Star exclaimed .. “I never thought about … ”
Suddenly they all started Laughing …
“He’s a Virgin .. ” Amy exclaimed ..
“and So is Megan … ” Crystal finished … “at least for a Dog !!!” as she hugged Megan.
Amy approached Star and Kissed Her as well as starting to unbutton Her shirt …

“Wait .. ” Star said as she pushed Amy away … “I have to get Trickster.. He’s in the Truck…”
“You brought Trickster ???” Amy exclaimed … “Good … another Cock !!!”
Star left and soon returned with Trickster on a leash … “I didn’t know how He would react with the other dogs … ” She said as the entered the room… the room was a little tense at first … but then after a few investigations.. Trickster fell into a relaxed mood … and Star took off His leash ……….

Amy couldn’t help Herself !!! … She moved to Star and began to kiss Her again whispering .. “I’ve missed you so much !!!” as She also began to unbutton Star’s Blouse.
Star responded while continuing to Kiss Amy and unbuckle Her jeans … “I’ve missed you too !!!”… then “Six Weeks !!! I could not stay away any longer !!!”

“Alright you two !!! … ” Crystal said as she brought everyone another Beer … “We’re here to teach Megan … and it’s My turn !!!”
With that statement .. Amy and Star sat next to Megan …
“I want Her to see another way … ” Crystal said as she sat on the sofa … “this position may work better for Megan and Oscar !!!” She then called to Bingo while she slapped Her Pussy ….

Bingo jumped … and was between Crystal’s legs before She had a chance to spread the wide … “Aaa ggghhhh ” she cried with the first lick … then as She held Her knees and spread Herself wide … Then moaning … “Oooo hhhh Yessssss” as She felt the tongue licking from Her Asshole to Clit … “Ggggdddd” she screamed as the first Climax suddenly came to Her … “Moooo rrrr eeee .. Lick Meee !!!!” she moaned again as she shifted Her Ass to accommodate Bingo’s tongue … Then Bingo stopped … as He backed away … Amy explained to Megan … “It’s time … He wants to Mount Her !!!”

Megan watched intently as She also held Oscar where He could see … then with out realizing … Her Hand moved down to Oscar’s Shaft and She began to stroke His Cock!!!
Crystal was moving a little … shifting Herself … as Bingo raised Himself onto the Couch to begin probing !!! Megan was also probing Oscar ..but didn’t realize what she was doing . But Amy smiled as She watched and said… “That’s it … stroke Him a little !!!”
… then Star chimed in … as She moved closer to Megan and whispered as She took Her hand and helped Her move it …. “Here just a gentle touch … ” Star told Her … then as Oscar stayed still … “tell Him … talk to Him … Praise Him!!!”

Bingo thrust a little … and Crystal felt His Pre-Cum on Her thighs … she moved a little and as Bingo thrust again He found Her Sweet Spot .!!! When He pushed a little more … Megan gripped Oscar !!! Thinking how it would feel if it was Oscar pushing His Cock into Her Vagina … she watched as Bingo thrust and Crystal yelled “Ohhh Yess Fuck Mmeeee!”… as Crystal welcomed Bingo … Amy watched Megan who was now stroking Elmer !!! Star nudged Amy … “Look !!!” she said as they both began to watch the enthusiasm that was overcoming Megan !!!

Star and Amy knew well what was happening … almost bored they turned to each other and began to kiss and feel each other’s Bodies that they had neglected for so long !!!
“Mmmmm Yesssssssss….” Star moaned as Amy reached for and found a wet mound of flesh !!! She leaned back and let Amy’s tongue find Her Navel … then Her Pubic Mound … while she also watched Crystal taking Bingo deeper and harder !!! With Amy’s tongue working … Star moaned .. .”ohhhh Amy !!!” but then She pushed her away saying .. “We must not neglect your guest !!!”

By now Bingo was thrusting faster and harder … His Cock had swollen considerable and Crystal was crying “Oh God … Yessss Fuuck Meee !” Megan watched as Bingo’s Cock grew with almost each thrust !!! She held Oscar … and was now stroking His cock !!! Amy and Star witnessed the event and smiled … knowing that not only was Crystal getting Fucked hard … but that Megan’s enthusiasm was growing !!!

“OH … Ohhh Fuckkkk” Crystal screamed as Bingo thrust faster … “Fuck …
Fuck … Fuck … ” Crystal continued as she tried to match Bingo’s thrusting with Her hips pressing against His knot!!! “Fuckkkkk Me Bingo !!!” She cried again as she could feel His knot slapping Her Pussy !!! Crystal moved Her legs and gripped Bingo behind His Butt … and began to match His thrusting with Her legs !!! Megan stopped what she was doing with Oscar … and Her mouth opened as She watched Crystal pull Homer and His knot inside !!! as Crystal screamed softly … “Ohhh Yyeeessss ! Fuck Me !!!”

Star and Amy were not only watching the Joy Crystal was having … but the intent emotions that were swarming over Megan!! They reached out to Her … saying “Easy … She is alright … just watch !!!”
“She’s taking all of His Cock !!!” Megan said while glancing at them … then back to Crystal. “That knot … it is inside Her ???” still wondering if what she witnessed was actually happening !!
“Yes … ” Amy said softly … “it is part of the process … and the Love !!”
“I’m still not sure … ” Megan started … “if I can do this !!!”
“It will become a natural thing … ” Star said to reassure Her … ” You can’t help but feel the Love of an animal who loves you !!!”

“Ohhhh God … He feels So Good … ” Crystal moaned as Homer began to pour His Cum into Her womb …. “aaa hhh “” she cried again as he caused Her to Climax to an even Higher state … She closed Her eyes and shook Her head … Her Body was being ravaged with a rolling Climax !!! Megan could see that She was now almost unconscious with Climaxes … but then she saw something new !!!

Megan glanced at Amy and Star …”What’s He doing ???”
“He’s turning … ” Amy said …
“It’s the normal thing for a Dog … ” Star reassured Her… “it’s His way of resting while His Cum continues to flow !!!”
Megan’s eyes almost popped as she witnessed … the Dog was now standing … His Cock was still between His legs but the knot was still lodged inside Crystal !!! She could even see the bulge of the knot pressing against the inside of Her Pussy !!!… but they were now Ass to Ass !!!

“I Love to see this part … ” Star said … “it’s Sooo Erotic !!”
Megan looked at Star and Amy and replied … “and Sooo Tabooo!”
“Yes … ” Amy chimed in … ” but God it feels so Damn Good !!!”
They continued to sit and watch Crystal … watching intently as She would shudder and Climax almost constantly … while only moaning softly … oblivious of anyone watching!!
Then as She felt Bingo about to pull … Crystal gripped He fingers into the sofa!!! She knew that Her Pussy was about to be stretched to the limits … “Uuunnnn ” … She moaned … “Aaaa …. mmmmm ” again she cried softly as Bingo pulled !!! Crystal raised Her Ass a little … then all heard the POP … as Bingo pulled out the last of His knot and His Cock began to slid out … followed by a stream of Cummm!!!

“OH Shit !!!” Amy cried as She jumped up … “I forgot the towel !!!” and ran to get one and place it to catch the stream of Bingo’s Cum as it flowed form Crystal … “Damn … I hope I got most of it … I don’t want to have to clean the Carpet !!”… with that all laughed and even Crystal giggled !!! Crystal had Her hands and arms above Her head … gripping the back of the sofa as she felt Bingo begin to clean Her dripping Pussy !!! “Aaaa mmmm … OH God Yes !!!” She screamed as another rolling Climax gripped Her Body !!! Soon though Bingo turned and began to clean Himself !!!

After a moment … Crystal sat up … with one hand she wiped Her Pussy … then after tasting it she looked at Megan … “You want some ??” she asked …
Megan hesitated … but then she heard …
“Oh… Hell Yes !!” Amy yelled … and not only dove for Crystal’s wet fingers but shoved Her mouth into Her dripping Pussy !!! She lapped up the remaining Cum and then sat back with a smile on Her face !!!

“OK … ” Crystal said to Megan .. “It’s your turn !!!”
“I … I’m not sure !!!”Megan started .. “Oscar … His legs are so short !!!”
“We can fix that !!!” Star said as she got up … “I think with these pillows … ”
“Yeah .. ” Amy continued … ” Start on your back … sitting on the cushions ..”
“Cool …” Crystal said “that will raise Your Ass … and you can lean back !!!”
“Well … if you think … ” Megan was still hesitant …
“Get your Ass up Here !!” Crystal commanded .. while pointing to the cushions and pillows …

Megan crawled to them and sat … leaning back she realized she was about six inches off the floor !! “OK … this might work !!” she told the others …
Star moved over to Oscar and hugged Him … then she moved Him between Megan’s spread legs …
“You’re wet … “Crystal said … “brush your fingers over your Pussy and let Oscar taste them !!”
Slowly Megan did just that … and held them out for Oscar to smell !! He sniffed a little… then suddenly He bounced and Woofed loudly !!!
“Oh Yeah … He’s ready !!!” Amy said … “Now let’s break some Cherry !!” then everyone laughed as Star moved Oscar closer to Megan’s Pussy !!! It was easy for Star to hold Him in the right place as Megan slightly spread Her legs .. wondering what this would feel like !!! Oscar sniffed a little and licked Megan’s fingers after watching her wet them again. Suddenly He realized where that wonderful juice was coming from !!! His nose went straight for Her Pussy … then he began to lick …

Megan jerked a little with the first swipe of His tongue … “definitely harder than a Human ” she thought as she watch Oscar … after a few more licks she began to close Her eyes and moan …. “ooohhhh Myyyyy” as Oscar continued intently driving His tongue inside He Homey Hole !!! This made Megan drift even higher and she unconsciously started to buck and push Her Pussy into Oscar… She gripped Her Nipples but She could make only heavy breathing sounds …

Amy, Star, and Crystal held hands and watched and knew Megan was about to convulse with Climax … as they each had done thier first time !!! Then Megan let out a loud scream …. “Aaaa ggg hhhh !!!” … She pulled Her legs together and rolled asaw on Her side !!! Oscar jumped back … and Star took Him !!! Megan was lying on Her side breathing Hard and gripping Her Pussy between Her clenched legs … finally she started to speak. “Ohh My God … ” she was having a hard time breathing and Amy moved to hold Her head … “Easy …. ” Amy told Her … “Take a deep breath …”

Star and Crystal were trying to calm Oscar … and tell Him He had nothing wrong … while Amy brought Megan back to normal…. Then when Megan was finally able to sit up … She called to Oscar … who again moved between Her legs to Her waiting face… as she coooded sweet words of praise she also kissed Him … saying “Oscar … you can have that for Breakfast any Morning !!!”

That made the room fill with laughter !!! then Megan asked ..”you think He wants to continue ??” …Crystal had been stroking His Cock … answered … “Hell Yes … do You??”
“If that was only half of it … ” Megan said “then I want it all !!” and she held Oscar’s head as Crystal and Star lifted and moved Him forward. When His Cock was positioned His Head was in Megan’s face … because His body was so long .. he was also stepping on Her Breasts !! His instincts took over and He began to thrust … but got nowhere.. He tried to Back away but Megan held Him and talked to him … “It’s OK…” she said “We’re both new at this … ” then looking at Crystal … “we just need a little help !!!”

Crystal smiled as She wrapped Her hand around Oscar’s Cock … “I’ll guide Him .” Oscar was so low .. Crystal had to lay Her face on the floor … but she could see the tip of His Cock and Megan’s Pussy…. “Star … push Him forward a little .. ” as she did the tip of His Cock brushed open Megan’s lips a little … that is when Oscar knew He had the Perfect Spot and gave a lunge forward !!! “Ooo hhhh ” Megan cried “nothing gentle about this!!”
Then Oscar began to thrust harder and as he did Megan suddenly held Him tight moaning “Ooo hhh Yes … ” then as She buried Her face into His fur .. “Fuck Me !!! … Oh Fuck Me…” She could feel His Cock begin to grow .. Looking up at Amy she tried to speak … “He’s get …. ugg … ing … uggh … Big… Ohhh.. ger… Ahhhh “

Amy gripped Her hand … telling Her … “relax if you can … you should begin to feel His knot in a moment !!!” Megan could feel His Pre Cum as it lubricated Her … letting His large Cock slide easily … then she felt a large pressure on the outside of Her Vagina .. again she glanced at Amy … Her eyes were wide with wonder …
“That’s it .. !!” Amy told Her and held Her hand tighter .. “He’s going to push !!!”
“Owwww … “Megan screamed as the Large Knot spread her …. then “Ohhh Yes Fuckk!” as the pain turned to pleasure by rubbing Her G-Spot for the first time …and she shuddered with a hard Climax !!!

“Mmmmm ooooohhhh ” She moaned as Oscar began to pour His Cum … “Good Boyyy ” she whispered in His ear …. as He continued pumping Her tube full …. and then He stopped thrusting while He also began to pant and breath heavily feeling His load being released for the first time !!! He shifted his feet and started to turn … pulling His knot against Megan’s Pussy and she screamed …
“Hold Him … ” Amy shouted to everyone … “His legs won’t let Him turn … He’ll hurt them both !!!” So Crystal and Star held His butt in place while Megan relaxed again in Bliss … All watched and grinned as Megan petted Oscar … talking to Him … “Good Boy … ” and “did you like that ???” … then .. “I did … “

Then Star saw a few drops begin to leak … “Towel ??” she said to Amy …
“Over there !!” and pointed to the stack … then looking at Megan .. “He’s going to pull !!”
“Will it …” but before she could finish … Oscar hit Her G-Spot again and she cried out
“aaaa hhhh gggg ” as she also thrashed Her head and Climaxed !!!
“POP” was heard by all … and Megan also felt the warm Cum pour form Her Pussy .. it was forceful enough to also spray Her thighs !!! She moaned in pleasure at the release of what had filled Her Vagina to capacity !!! It had dripped enough to cover Her Ass Button before Oscar turned to lick some !!! He didn’t stay long and moved to clean Himself … but Star began the task !!!
“Ohhh No you don’t ” .. cried Crystal … “I want some too ” and Star laughed as she moved a little for them both to have their fill !!! It drew Megan into another wild Climax as She felt the two tongues licking all around and even into He Cum filled Fuck Hole !!!
Amy giggled at them … as She went to get them all another Beer !!!

Megan sat up as Amy handed Her a Beer … then asked … “Well … How was your first time ??” as She handed a Beer to Crystal and Star …
“Rough … but there will definitely be Seconds !!!” … then “Really … I can’t believe I did that !!”
Crystal clicked Her Beer against Megan’s .. “Welcome to the Club !!” and then they all cheered !!!


Chapter Five

“Well … ” Megan said after She finished Her Beer … “I have to head Home …
“I should be getting back to Dad.. ” Crystal said .. “Sorry to leave so suddenly ”
There was small talk … and many laughs as the two women dressed … then they all Hugged and kissed each other before leaving …

Amy closed the door behind them and locked it !! Then she turned to Star … grinning slyly as she walked to Star with open arms .. she said “We really haven’t had time to greet each other properly !!!!” by then Star was in Her arms and they kissed passionately !! When Star pushed Her gently away She told Amy … “I’ve missed you so much !!”
Without another word they began to let their hand and mouths roam over the other .. occasionally breaking to get a breath of air !!!

Star was on Her knees first !!! She began to taste the remaining Cum from Amy’s lips and then spread them with Her tongue tasting even more !!! Amy moaned softly as She held Star’s head … but was soon quivering with rolling Climaxes … “Ohhh Mmmyyyy ” she cried out suddenly as Her knees buckled !!! On the floor .. Star moved over Her and continued … but Amy was now in position to give Star pleasure as well !!! Watching all this passion from a distance were Bingo and Trickster !!! They knew what was to later happen and waited patiently to be called !!!

Soon the moans of pleasure and the with smell of Cum filling the air… the dogs no longer could restrain themselves !!! Trickster began to push at Star’s Butt while Homer licked Amy’s face !! Star had to finally roll over … she laughed as she took Trickster and Kissed His face !!! Then as they both sat up… Amy did the same with Homer … but then asked Star … “Can …I have Trickster first ??”
“Sure .. ” Star replied as She pushed Trickster more toward Amy … but suddenly she heard a low growl !!!
“Trickster !!” she scolded Him … “Be a Good Boy !!” then with Amy’s soothing words and kisses He began to respond to Her. Homer on the other hand remembered Star well and was playing with Her !!!

Amy rubbed Her wet Pussy and held it to Trickster’s nose … after He licked it He moved to between Her legs and Amy held them open for Him as she leaned back resting on Her arms !!! Homer didn’t have to be swayed .. He knew where Star’s smell was at and moved there quickly !! The women leaned back and relished the tongues as they spread their Vagina lips and licked them completely … while moaning softly almost in a Chorus of Joyful Climax !!! Trickster was the most anxious and stopped first !! Then it was Homer … Amy looked at Star and asked ..” Face to Face ??”

Without a reply .. Star moved to her knees facing Amy … then each Dog continued to lick their respective Pussy !!! Star leaned a little forward to kiss Amy … and as She did she felt Homer begin to mount !! Amy received the kiss … and just as Her tongue touched Star’s she jumped a little at the sudden weight of Trickster on Her back !!!
“Uh ooo ” she thought … “He is a lot heavier than Homer !!” then as He began to spray Pre Cum on Her thighs .. she thought …”Is He that much bigger ???” Her answer came quickly and was a surprise as Trickster Slammed into Her Fuck Hole with the next hard thrust !!! “God … He is Big!!!” she screamed aloud !!!

Star opened Her eyes and grinned at Amy . “Yes … He is !!” knowing what she meant !! but then she closed Her own eyes as Homer began to thrust !!! She Climaxed as Homer thrust and as He continued … she closed Her eyes … Lowered Her face to the Floor and moaned with each thrust … ” oooooooo yyyyysssssss !”

Amy felt Trickster’s Cock begin to grow and clenched Her fist … but then She heard the lock on the Door !!! She was barely able to look up and watch as the door opened !!
“Leeee?” she managed to ask …
Lee stood and began to chuckle as He closed the door … “I wondered whose Truck was out front ” He said as He moved to Amy …
Amy tried to speak between thrusts .. ” Lee … ummm … I…uuuggghhh ”
“Don’t worry … I’ll go get a Shower !!” and laughed as he started to undress !!!

Amy glanced at Star … She was so High in the Clouds of Ecstasy that She had not noticed!!! Her face was on the floor and Her Mouth was open as She gasped for air !!! Then Amy felt an thud on Her Pussy !!! “Oooo hhhhhhhh ” she moaned … anticipating Trickster’s very large knot !!! She clenched Her fists and pushed back against Him !!!
“Oooo wwww” she cried out then yelling … “it’s bigger than Lee’s Fist !!!”

Star had already accepted Homer’s knot when she heard Amy … “Yes … it is !!” she managed to say … then she relaxed as she felt the warm Cum of Homer pour into Her Vaginal Tube !!! Soon though she began to shudder with Climax as Homer pushed against Her G-Spot !!! and moaned … “Yessss … Homer Cummmm !!!!” She managed to open Her eyes to see Amy … face against the floor and mouth open as Trickster began to slow His thrusting!! She moved forward an inch or two and tied to kiss Amy!!! When Trickster began to flow with His Cummm … Amy opened Her eyes and accepted Star’s tongue!!! Between gasps for air as they continued to Climax … they also rolled their tongues together !!!

Amy stopped kissing Star as She felt the tug on Her Honey Hole … she groaned at the knot stretching Her … “Owww …ggg hhhh !!!” as Trickster continued to pull His large knot !!! … Uuuuggg hhh !!!” Amy cried again as She dug Her fingers into the carpet !!! Trickster wasn’t turning !!! He was drained a started pulling out !!!

Even above Her Cry … Star could hear the POP !!! … as the vacuum released !!! She watched Amy’s face … and how She started to relax as the Cum began to flow out of Her … but then she felt the tug of Homer’s knot !!! With the movement of His legs … She knew Homer was turning … and she began to grit Her teeth as He rubbed Her sensitive G-Spot !!! “Oooo Yeessss !!” she cried at the touch … then relaxed and moaned as Homer stood still and continued to pulse His Cum into Her tube !!!

Amy’s stretched Pussy found some relief as Trickster began to lick the Cum from Her thighs and Pussy …. She shuddered as the tongue lapped at the Cum still flowing !! .. Then She raised Herself to see Star … still tied with Homer !!! When Trickster stopped she collapsed on the floor still feeling the Cumm drip between Her legs … but then she sat up to watch Star and Homer who were still tied !!!

She watched Star’s hands as the clenched … Her face was contorted with a grin then grimace as She continued to Climax!

“Ooo hhhhh ” Star moaned … as She began to feel Homer shrink and pull … Glancing at Amy she tied to say … “He’s … ggggoonnngggnnn to pull!!” Now sitting … Amy brushed Star’s hair and ran Her hand over Her shoulder … knowing the feeling of Homer’s pull !!
“I know !!” Amy replied as She looked past Star’s asshole to Her bulging Pussy !!!
“Relax … let Him pull !!!” Amy spoke to Her … “Enjoy !!!” Amy continued to watch as Homer pulled again and the knot popped out !!! Before Homer could turn… Amy quickly put Her hand to catch some of the Cummm !!! She licked Her hand and then presented it to Star … who sucked Amy’s fingers and tongued the rest from Her hand !!! Then Homer began to clean He thigh and Pussy sending Her high with more climaxes !!

Amy waited for Homer to finish … Star then rolled onto Her back … Amy grinned as She moved between Star’s spread legs and began to lick and enjoy the leftovers !!! Star felt Her tongue and before she climaxed again … she nudged Amy saying “I want yours !!” so Amy moved to be above Star into a 69 position to enjoy each other!!! Amy concentrated on Star’s luscious Pussy … stopping only long enough to come up for air or have a Climax Herself as Star did the same to Her !!! Then one time She raised Her head a little more and saw two feet in front of Her !!!!… Stopping She looked up at Lee and smiled as He stroked Himself !!! Amy stopped and walked to Him smiling … as she kissed Him she also stroked His hard Cock then said .. “You must not neglect our guest !”

Lee stood over Star for a moment … She smiled looking up at Him … Her legs were spread wide as well as Her arms as She welcomed Him to come to Her !!! He kneeled over Her first whispering in Her ear … “I’ve missed you !!” then as He slid His Cock into Her wet Pussy … she gasped as She said … “Ohh Leee … I’ve been needing this !!!”
“Slow … please … ” Star continued … “Loving Strokes … “

Lee stopped … then after a moment He slowly withdrew His Cock … then just as slowly pushed back inside Her !!! He did this for about three times … then with a faster three or four … then stopped holding His Cock inside Her as she regained Her breath !!! Amy returned from the kitchen with a Beer and kneeled between the two Dogs to watch !!
“Hhmmm ..” She thought .. “I’ve never seen Him from this angle before .. ” it was of His back … and she was watching the muscles in His Back and Hips tighten as He slowly thrust … then relax as He with drew !!! She could only see Star’s feet and legs move … sometimes to grip around Lee … then other times spread wide apart !!!

Watching .. Amy grinned as Star tensed Her legs and Her toes curled !! ” Wow .. Another Climax” She thought … and She unconsciously began to slowly circle Her Clit with one Hand !! Then being next to Trickster .. who was also sitting and watching … she moved the other Hand to the tip of His Cock that was partly extended … “I wonder… ” She thought as She moved down underneath Him … “If He would let me taste Him ???” He moved a little as Amy’s tongue touched the tip of His Cock .. but then laid down on His side giving consent to Her mouth !!! Her lips were gently as She enclosed His Cock .. teasing more and more out of His sheath !!! “Oh Yeah … He likes this !!!” she thought as she continued !!! Amy continued … then with most of His Cock extruded form His sheath He raised His Hind legs and rolled over on His back !!!

“Oooo hhhh ” Amy thought .. “I can’t let this go to waste !!!” and she rose to Her knees above Him !!! Holding His Cock with one hand to guide it … She lowered herself … “Oh Yesss ” she moaned aloud as Her pussy finally was filled and she began to Hump Him !!!

Lee could feel Star grip Her muscles and hold Him as He withdrew .. then just relax when He pushed slowly back inside !! Each movement would create a slight moan and another gasp as Star climaxed !!! Then He began to increase the speed of His movements … faster and faster … causing Star to groan … “Unn gggggg hhh ” with each thrust and a slight scream … “Yessss .” as She had another but more intense Climax !!! Lee began to feel groin His tighten … He stopped for a moment letting it ease … but started thrusting again faster than before !! Star opened Her to see His face grimacing … “Let it Cumm ” she told Him !!! He jerked and groaned as His flow began … then as He opened His eyes to look as Star … He stopped completely groaning loudly “Unnnnn Gggg hhh ” as His second burst poured !!! He relaxed on His elbows but felt Star gripping His Cock and draining the rest !!! Then He moved to Star and raised Her … they sat in each others arms and relaxed as they watched Amy !!!

Amy was thrusting hard on top of Trickster … His Cock had grown and His knot she was trying to get it inside Her … but it was now too big !!! She reached under Her and took the small part of His Cock behind the knot and had to hold it … then she began to feel His Cummm … it poured into Her vaginal tube !!! “Aaaa hhhh Yesssss ” she cried out as the warm liquid spread inside Her … but without the knot … there was nothing to hold the Cum inside !!! When she could feel it begin to leak … she tried to grip His Cock with Her muscles … but it wasn’t enough !!! Amy looked at Star … Help Me !! ” she cried …

Star knew what was wrong and she left Lee to get a towel !!! Holding it against Amy’s Pussy Star started to laugh as Amy rolled off … leaking the Cummm . “aaarrrggghhh ” Amy cried out holding the towel between Her legs … “Now I know I’ll have to shampoo the Carpet !!!” Star got up.. continuing to laugh … as She got another towel and wipe the Cum off Trickster … Lee began to laugh at them as He went to get all of them a Beer …
Then relaxing at the Kitchen table .. they started to talk about what had taken place since they last saw each other … They continued to laugh and talk through Dinner and into the night .. Finally they retired with Lee once again in the middle !! He felt Star slip down a little and move to Her side with one log over His .. then Amy did the same !! They clasped Hands on Lee’s chest .. and drifted off into a deep slumber and dreams !!!

The Morning Sun peeked through the curtains and caused Lee to stir … He grinned as He realized it was Star who gripped His limp Cock !!! “Uuu ggg hhh ” he groaned as He started to move .. “I haven’t moved all night !!” he thought as he also felt Star grip His Cock !!! He could see the grin on Her face … and quietly said “NO …. Coffee first !!!”
Then ..”Amy !!” He said softly as He nudged Her … ” Coffee … Breakfast !!!”
“Ummmm ” Amy stirred … “Yeah … OK… ” as she rolled out of bed …
Her eyes were still full of Sleepy Winkers as she rubbed them!! Then She remembered the night before !!! She looked at Lee and Star … then said “OK you two have to get up as well …. No Fucking when I’m working !!!”

In the kitchen they all laughed and recounted the night before !! then Star began … ” I’m also here to see if I can buy some cattle for My Village !!”
“Really !!” Amy replied … “Crystal !!” … she continued .. “she might be willing to sell you some !!”
“Really …???” Star asked … ” who I met yesterday ???”
“The same … ” Amy replied … ” She has a small Ranch outside of town .!!!”
“Some of the Men … they gave me Money … ” Star started … “we need meat for the village !!”
“I’m sure Crystal will help … ” Amy told Her …then “Lee …will you come ??”
“No… I have work to do … you two go ahead ” besides I know what will happen besides buying some Beef !!!”
“Chicken !!!” … Amy told Him.


Chapter Six

Amy made a phone call to Crystal … after a few words of greeting .. she made arrangements for Star to buy two head of cattle … after hanging up she said “Crystal told me that Megan wouldn’t be there today and started laughing !!”
“Why ?” Lee asked wondering if something was wrong ..
“She just said she would tell us when we got there !!” then ..”it can’t be something bad because she was laughing !!”

“Amy … ” Star whispered as they were doing a few dishes …
“Yes …??” Amy stopped to look at Star … “What is it??”
“I … ” Star said quietly as she lowered Her head almost blushing .. “I… I want to be with Lee again before I leave !!”
Amy giggled … then replied … “well I’m sure He will be agreeable !!” then turning to kiss Her .. Amy said .. “but only if I can have Trickster again !!”
“Really “… Star said … “He is the only Man I can have … the others in the village !!…”
“Hush .. ” Amy told Her ..” I know what you mean …and Yes … It is something we share”
Then as Lee came out of the Bath … Amy told Him .. “Don’t get dressed yet !!! … ” then she grinned while pointing to Star … “You have work to do here !!”
“What … ???” Lee asked as Star moved to Him and led Him to the Bedroom !!! He grinned back at Amy … who shook Her head in approval !!

They closed the door … and Amy looked at Trickster .. “OK Big Guy !!” she said as she walked to Him …..

When Star lay on the bed … Lee again gazed at Her dark skin beauty … and then moved next to Her … They began to mesh their lips and let each other feel the other … the passion of their lips and tongues melted together as Lee’s Cock grew Hard !!! Lee moved down slowly … to Her Breasts where He kissed and sucked Her nipples … then He moved down more to Her Pubic mound as Star moaned softly … while waiting for His touch on Her Pussy !!!
She spread Her legs wide .. giving Him access as He moved between them !!! His tongue continued to lick just as He continued to kiss Her sweet spots … and she moaned softly !!! “Oh … Yes … ” she thought as she held His Head and pulled it into Her wetness!!! She began to moan louder … as Lee continued to give Her pleasure and make Her Climax !!! Lee moved again and took His now hard Cock and brushed it between Star’s lips … She again moaned softly with anticipation !!! “Fuck Me … ” She told Him softly …

Before He inserted Himself … He leaned over and kissed Star again … then with one hand he flicked His Cock against Star’s Clit before He pushed it in a few inches !!! Star gripped the sheets and moaned softly again expecting His full Cock … but Lee withdrew and brushed His Cock against Her Clit again … as if teasing Her !!! “Mmmmm” Star moaned … “Fuck Me Now !!” Lee smiled at the pleasure Star had on Her face.. and pushed His Cock farther into Her Fuck tube !!! He knew He was already making Her climax by the contorted expressions of Her face !!! Then He thrust deep inside Her making Her tense and shudder !!! Star gripped Him with Her legs as He began to thrust faster !!!

Amy meanwhile was laying next to Trickster … she had a little of His shaft in Her hands and could feel His spray on Her face !! He looked at Her … knowing what She was about to do as Her lips enclosed the small tip … and raised His leg for Her to have more access to His Cock !!! Amy slid Her mouth down over His limp shaft as she also gently pulled back His sheath !!! She then began to finger Herself as well !!! … First one … then two fingers into Her screaming Pussy !!! Even as She continued to Suck Trickster … she withdrew Her fingers and rubbed them between Her Pussy lips .. getting Herself even more wet !!

She stopped sucking Him for a moment and held Her fingers to Trickster’s nose … after a slight whiff He licked them !!! He jumped up quickly.. searching for the source of that lovely taste !! Amy laughed as she lay back on Her elbows with Her legs spread … “I thought you would like that !!” she said aloud !!! First His nose … then His tongue found the source of the Honey drips of Amy’s Pussy and He began to lap it up enthusiastically!

Amy moaned at the swift tongue … but she relished the pleasure !! She raised Her hips … letting Trickster taste Her Rose Bud !!! … and jerked with pleasure as He did !!! Trickster continued as Amy raised Her head and moaned louder … while she also bucked Her Pussy into Him matching each lick of His tongue !!!
“Arrr ggg hhhh !!!” she cried as a wave of sudden Climax swept over Her Body!!! It jerked Her and she felt one elbow collapse !!! When she lay back … she took one hand and furiously rubbed Her Clit … bringing Her even Higher into an ecstasy few can imagine !!!

She returned to the present as she felt the tongue stop !!! When she looked into Trickster’s eyes … She could see a glow of Lust!!! Silently … she moved to Her knees and elbows to accept His Lust and match it with Her own !!! She felt His spray of Pre-Cum against Her thighs … then moved a little to feel His Cock penetrate Her lips and into Her in a single thrust …”OH Glory !!!” she shouted as His Cock penetrated her completely !!!
His weight pushed Her onto Her outstretched Hands and Face as she felt the Cock withdraw and thrust again!!! “Ff ff u kkkk” she cried … “OH Yes … Trickster !!!” then with Her face on the floor she cried … “Uuuu ggg hhh ” with each of His powerful thrust!!!… Her mouth was open … she tried to cry out but couldn’t … as He pounded Her Pussy !!! The High Climax she was having took Her breath !!! but she managed to grin as the pleasure of His Cock grew !!!

“My God … ” she thought .. “He is Big !!” thinking of the mass of Cock inside Her … “Not long … ” she thought … “but … it’s stretching My Vagina wider !!” … and Trickster continued !!! The Pre-Cum lubricated Her enough that there was no pain .. but only pleasure as His Cock filled every fraction of an inch !!! Then Amy raised Her head … “His Knot !!!” she thought as she felt it outside Her Pussy lips … “it’s even bigger !!!”
“Mmmm ” she moaned again as the knot pushed against Her … “Relax !!” she told Herself !!! “Urrr ggghhh ” she cried out as she felt Trickster finally push it inside … then “aaaa mmmm ” as it rubbed Her G-Spot for another Climax !!!

Trickster shifted a little and Amy began to feel His Cum … it sprayed … then spurted … then flowed with a steady stream !!! … Amy felt the warmth … as His Cum flowed the warmth spread through Her Body and she began to relax !!! Amy thought “ooommmm The feeling of His Cum !!! It warms My whole Body !!!” as Trickster also relaxed and lay His face next to Hers !!! “MMmmmm … Good Boy !!” she told Him as She held His face next to Hers … but she also braced herself as she knew it was time for Him to turn !!!

Star moaned constantly with each thrust and Climax !!! Lee gripped Her waist and raised Her a little for better penetration !!! It didn’t last long as He felt His groin tighten!! Star opened Her eyes to see Lee’s face contort as His Climax happened !! He came at first in shivers … then a final burst of Cum !!!… as He groaned !!! Star gripped His Cock and squeezed it …. She wanted every drop !!! Lee finally collapsed next to Her and took Her in His arms as they each began to breathe normally. Then reluctantly .. they separated and walked to the Living Room where they found Amy still tied with Trickster !!!

They snuggled together on the couch to watch the final moments of Amy tied Butt to Butt with Trickster!!! It began to get Lee aroused again !!! … and Star’s Hand around His Cock also helped !!! They continued to watch the mating on the floor … and when Trickster pulled out of Amy … Star moved Her Hand and lowered Herself to suck Lee’s Cock while Trickster cleaned Amy !!! Watching Amy … and with Star’s mouth working His Cock was more than Lee could hold … He suddenly came in Star’s mouth !!! She gagged a little at first … but then tightened her lips and swallowed !!! She sucked more and swallowed that as well… when She was finished she kissed Lee then relaxed again as they looked again at Amy … She had collapse on the floor !!!

Lee then moved to Amy and helped Her to Her feet … then hugged and kissed Her!!
“Now !!” He said .. “I have work to do … you two go meet with Crystal !!” and He returned to the Bedroom to dress !!! Amy looked at Star and began to laugh … “Will that take care of you for a while ??” she asked …
“I think so . ” Star replied as She hugged Amy then “Thank You for sharing your Man !!”
They held each other as they also went to the Bedroom to dress……..

Crystal heard the sound of the trucks in the driveway … She walked out to the porch to greet Amy and Star !!! Amy got out and Homer followed … as she walked to greet Crystal . Star left Trickster in Her truck … just in case … but Crystal said after their greeting .. “Let Him out to run with the others !!!” … then she started to laugh as she continued .. “I have got to tell you about Megan !!”
“What happened ??”Amy asked …
Crystal calmed down enough to start … “She called me this morning and said she couldn’t come … and that I would have to take care of Dad !!”
“Is She OK??” Amy asked …
“Wait .. ” Crystal had to stop laughing again … “I wanted to know the same thing !! and she said ..I think I may have gone overboard !!” then Crystal continued … “I had to pry it out of Her what she meant … then she confessed !!!

“Alright now .. Confess to what ??” Amy asked
“She told me that she thought of Oscar all the way home … and by the time she got there she was so horny she stripped and Fucked Him right away !!”
“Well” .. Star said … “I’m glad she liked it !!”
“That’s not all ” Crystal continued trying not to laugh … ” She Fucked Him after Dinner … then before she went to sleep … and then again at 3AM when He woke Her up !!” that brought laughter from all …
“That’s not all !!” Crystal continued … “after Breakfast they did it again !! … That is when She called me … She said she was so sore that she could barely walk !!!”

After they had stopped laughing … Crystal invited them inside with Her Father.. she also noticed Trickster still in the truck!!
“Star .. ” Crystal asked .. “Trickster won’t run away will He ??”
“No .. ” Star said .. “I just wasn’t sure about Him and the other dogs .. ”
“Let Him out to play ..” Crystal told Her .. “He was with them yesterday !!”

Tom was sitting on the couch as they walked in … Star quickly noticed the walker and put Her hand on His shoulder … “no need for that !!” she said
Crystal smiled at Her thoughtful way … then introduced them …after a few minutes she said ” you two talk price while I get the two head of cattle … ” then Amy and Crystal left while Star sat next to Tom on the couch …

They talked about how Star’s village was almost desperate … then the conversation became one of family … and finally to an amount for the cattle. Once agreed upon they continued talking about family and missing their loved ones .. but Star began to notice Tom shifting and a bulge appearing!!! She let Her hand move to His thigh and then between His legs … finally as she gripped the bulge she asked … “Mr. McCrae … ”
“No .. He interrupted … “Tom…please ..”
“Tom ..” Star began again … “you have been most generous … ” then with a gentle squeeze … ” could I take of this for you ???”

Tom looked at Her … His mouth couldn’t move … but His eyes said everything …”would you???” they asked …. His answer came within seconds as He felt the relief of His confined Cock as It sprung loose !!! Star took it in Her hand and gently stroked it as Her lips bobbed a little over the Head …. Then She let more and more of the hard shaft into Her mouth as she sucked on it with Her lips … Tom felt Her lips and the suction with each withdrawal… Closing His eyes and letting His head rest on the back of the couch he could feel the tension building … Then before the heightened feeling produced results … Star stopped and rose to Her feet .!!!
“Whaa ?” Tom asked

“We both need this … ” … Star replied as she began to unzip Her jeans!!! Within seconds she was kneeled on the couch above Tom !!! She didn’t say anything as she took His Cock and positioned it at the lips of Her Pussy !! Then as She lowered Herself and let Her vagina suck up the shaft … they both moaned softly … “aaaaa hhhh ” She stopped at the bottom of the shaft and looked at Tom … “Yes Tom … We both need this !!!” Then She began to slowly thrust up and down … each savoring in their own way the beautiful feeling !!

Amy had helped Crystal with the first cow … it only involved a walk of about 50 yards to where they grazed and with a rope around it … they pulled it back where they loaded it into Star’s trailer !!! “Enough for now .. ” Crystal said as they headed to the cool shade of Her small Barn. “Let’s sit !! ” as they reached a Bale of Hay on the floor !! After a few minutes … Crystal stood and said … ” OK… Let’s get the other one … “

Star had climaxed twice .. and stopped for a moment … resting a hand on Tom’s shoulder she leaned over and kissed Him … then she ripped the snaps of Her shirt and tossed it aside !!! “Are you ready for more ??” she asked as she began raising Herself to continue !!! Tom took one of Her breasts and nibbled at the nipple as Star slowly moved .. then He gripped Her ass cheek … “Damn ,, ” He thought .. ” She is firm!!!” and He continued to hold Her as she pumped His shaft!!! He watched Star’s movements … “Her tits are so firm … they’re hardly moving .” He thought as he held Her waist and helped with Her thrusting … With Tom holding Her waist .. Star let Her hands fall and leaned back … this time as she thrust the angle of Tom’s Cock was rubbing Her G-Spot !! “Aaa rrr ggg!!! ”
she suddenly cried again with that Climax .. then once again with a hard thrust ..”Unnn!”
She stopped and looked at Tom … “Can’t you Cum ??”

“I’ve been having too much pleasure … ” He said … “watching you!!!”
She kissed Him again saying … “Cum with Me this time !!!” and once again Tom held Her as She began to thrust !!! Star watched His face … this time intent on giving Him a Climax … She held His Cock as tight as She could while She worked Her Pussy up and down !!! His face began to show signs of a rising Climax … and He moved His hands to grasp Her Cheeks … Star smiled as She knew this was His time to Climax !!! Star continued and as Tom began to moan … She took His head and held it to Her breasts… but did not stop !!!

“Unnnn ggggg!!!” Tom moaned … and as Star felt the warmth of His Cum … She too cried out to Him … “Yeesss Tom … Yessss” and she shuddered once more !!! She stopped as they both recovered their breath … and then let Him slide out as She once again sat on the couch … but She then took His Cock and sucked the last drops while She gently squeezed His Balls !!! After that She held it while pushing it back in His jeans and zipped the fly … She kissed Him again before She got up to dress …. then smiled back at Him as She closed the door !!!

With the second cow in the trailer … Amy and Crystal again walked to the shade of the Barn and sat on the Hay Bale again … This time the Dogs all came with them and lay in the shade …
“I wonder what’s keeping Star … ” Amy asked …
“It’s Dad .. ” Crystal answered .. “He doesn’t get too many people to talk with now .. ” and laughed as she continued .. “He’s probably bending Her ear about something !!”
Little did they realize just how well this …”Conversation “… was going !!! That thought went away as Homer came to Amy! She noticed the pink tip of His Cock extended a little … Then she glanced at the others. All were showing a little…

“Look at them !!” Amy said as she pointed to their Cocks… “They’re all showing !!”
“Horny fellows … ” Crystal laughed as Trickster moved between Her legs and nudged Her crotch !!.. then she asked Amy … “you think there is time ???”
Laughing as She stood … “We will make time !!!” turning to face the Bale … she dropped Her jeans!!! She waited for Crystal to do the same as she giggled .. then they got on their knees with their arms resting on the Bale facing each other !!!

“Would Star mind … aaaaggggghhh … ” Crystal jumped at the cold nose on Her Pussy .. but continued .. “if I took Trickster ??”
“Mmmmm ” Amy said after Homer’s first lick … “It’s a little .. aaa … late to ask !!” and she lowered Her head as a climax swept over Her from Homer’s tongue !!!
Trickster licked Her slowly at first … His tongue started at Her Button … then He worked down to Her vagina lips … Crystal raised Her Ass a little and the next pass He found Her Clit … “Ooohhh … God !!” she cried out feeling Her first Climax !!! With a little squirt of juice … Trickster began to lick faster and harder … that was when He spread Her lips and pushed His tongue into Her Honey Hole … making Crystal cry again ….”OH Yes!!”

Amy smiled at Crystal’s reaction .. and reached for Her hand as Homer continued giving Her the pleasure of His tongue !!! Soon though He stopped and as Amy knew His routine well …. she braced Herself and slapped Her ass while saying .. “Up Homer !!”
Crystal was still feeling Trickster’s tongue penetrate Her Hole but she managed to glance at Amy and Homer as He mounted !! She then realized that Trickster had stopped and she looked behind at Him. He did not need a command to mount … He just did it !!

Unnnn gggg” Crystal heard Amy cry softly … and knew Homer had found His mark !!! Then she felt the weight of Trickster pushing Her into the Bale … She felt His Pre Cum spray Her thigh and ass … “He’s heavy .. ” she thought … then as she started to think …
“I wonder if He’s Biggggg….. AaaaaHHH” She cried as the answer was now filling Her !!
“Aaaammmmm yyyyy !” she yelled and gripped Her hand !!!
Amy raised Her head and smiled at Crystal … “Yes … He is … Big” She managed to say in between Homer’s thrusts !!! Then She continued to enjoy the feel of Homer’s Cock !!!
Crystal lowered Her head on Her hands … she could only groan with each thrust … Crystal dug Her fingers into the Hay and accepted Trickster’s thrusting Cock !!!

Amy was smiling and Her eyes were closed … but then she felt Homer’s knot slipping just at Her entrance !! She pushed against it as Homer pushed harder … on the third time Amy felt it slip inside and she quietly moaned … “Oh Yes … Homer … ” …
Crystal heard Amy and realized Trickster would be doing the same soon !! Feeling the larger knot … she gripped the hay again as well as bit Her lip … and pushed !!!
“Owwwww” she cried at first but His knot also hit Her G-Spot and she continued to cry out with the pleasure of a hard Climax !!! The warm Cum began to flow … and as it made her climax again she thought .. “there’s so much !!! … it feels as if He is filling my stomach !!! ” as Her Climax became longer with each pulse !!! Then it was enough to make Her black out !!!

When Homer had finished filling Amy with His Cum .. she felt the hesitation just before His turning !!!” Just as He started … Amy glanced at Crystal and realized she was passed out … The corners of Her mouth began to form a smile … but stopped as Homer jerked Her with His turn … “Oh God … Homer sometimes you can be so clumsy !!” but then she relaxed again as the pulsating knot inside Her continued to flow with Cum !!!

It was then that Star came into the Barn !!! Amy saw Her and only smiled !!!
“Oh .. You couldn’t wait for me !!” Star joked … then she looked at Bingo!!!
“Poor Baby !!” she said as she began to take off Her jeans .. “Why should you be left out of all the fun !!!” She stood in front of Him with Her jeans off and tied Her shirt above Her waist .. Then she wiped Her still wet Pussy and held Her hand out to Him !!

Amy watched as Bingo jumped at Her hand and then to where the nectar came from !!!
Star stood as Bingo began to lick Her Cum filled Pussy and gripped His head pulling in into it !!! Amy barely managed to see this as She once again climaxed with Homer’s movements !!! She did turn Her head to see that Crystal was breathing easily in Her unconscious state !!! Then from the corner of Her eye .. She noticed Star collapsing on Her back !!! The pulling at Her Hole brought Her back to feeling Homer’s knot !!! She knew He was pulling out and could only grit Her teeth and wait !!

“Oowwww” Amy moaned .. as Homer pulled out!! “You would have thought ” Amy thought to herself .. “that after all this time I’d be used to that pull !!” then She felt the Cum flow .. out of Her pussy and down Her thighs !!! “Ooo hhh ” she thought again “that is sooooo nice !!!” Before Homer turned … she quickly glanced first at Crystal.. who was now starting to move again … then at Star!!! She was still on Her back…but beneath Bingo!!!.. Pushing Her hips high and against His Cock as He bucked it into Her !!!

Homer made quick work of cleaning Amy!! Then when He left She sat up on the Hay Bale !! It pricked Her ass a little as she sat down … but then she looked at Crystal ..
“He’s still inside me !!” she exclaimed …
“Yes … ” Amy said as she brushed Crystal’s face .. “You passed out !!” then asked “How do you feel ??”
“Stuffed !!” Crystal answered and as She reached for Trickster she continued … “Good Boyyyy ” and she shuddered again as Trickster began to pull!! She again dug Her fingers into the Hay as she could feel Her Pussy being stretched !!! “Mmmmm … Owww !!!” she cried as they both heard the POP and the release of the vacuum !!
The Cum flowed from Her … splashing Her thighs and onto the ground !!! Trickster turned and cleaned most of It … then walked away !!

Amy was quickly on Her knees behind Crystal … “This is the part I Love !!” she exclaimed … but before she took Her first taste .. she glanced at Star .. and for a few seconds watched as Star bucked Herself against Bingo’s Cock!!! Amy first ran Her tongue upward from Crystal’s Clit all the way to Her Asshole !! Then she began to almost slurp the remaining Cum as Crystal moaned softly and pushed against Amy’s tongue !!

“Aaaa hhh ! They heard Star cry out … and realized that Bingo had seated His knot !! Amy stopped and again sat on the Hay Bale as Crystal stayed on Her knees and looked over Amy to watch Star !!! Homer shifted and Star cried out as she started to relax Her hips … but Homer was so high that it made His knot pull and stretch Her Fuck Hole !!
She glanced at Amy … and managed to say… “Help me .. “

Amy and Crystal both moved to Her one on each side. On their knees and with their hands they gripped under Her butt and managed to hold Her high enough not to hurt !!
Star was having spasms and continued to move her hips against the knot as it rubbed Her G-Spot !!! Crystal gently took one hand and brushed Star’s face trying to tell Her to relax!!! .. Then she realized Bingo couldn’t turn as He normally did … Star’s legs were in His way !! She returned the one hand to Star’s butt and with the other gently rubbed Bingo and cooed softly … “Goood Boooyyyy ! Stay !!!” Amy glanced at Star’s Pussy and saw the knot beginning to come out … “He is going to pull now !!” she seemed to be talking to anyone who was listening !!

“Owww … mmmm” Star cried as the knot popped out and the Cum spilled down past Her asshole to the ground … but then she relaxed with a soft moan ”’ ohhh sssooo goood ”
Amy grinned at Crystal as they then let Star’s ass into a puddle of Cum !!! Bingo turned and managed to get a few licks before Crystal and Amy pushed Him away !! Then both of them dove into Star’s Cum filled Pussy !! With two tongues lapping at Her … it drove Star into a fierce Climax … and she continued to buck her hips and moan !!!

“Stop !!!” Star finally managed to yell. When the two raised themselves … Star gripped Her Pussy and began to laugh !!! Then she asked … “Don’t you two ever get enough ???”
as She sat up still laughing !!! Then she looked down … “Uggghhh !” she yelled as she realized she was sitting in a puddle of Cum and Dirt !!! Crystal laughed at the mess as they all started getting on their feet … Star’s ass and thighs were covered with Mud and Cum !!!

“This way !!” Crystal pointed to a faucet and hose .. ” it’s only cold water but I’ll wash you off!!”
“iii eeee “Star screamed as the cold water hit Her ass … then she turned and took the hose from Crystal … She washed Her thighs and even put the hose inside Her Vagina washing it clean as well !! Finished .. She kinked the hose to stop the water … then with a sly grin she turned it onto Amy and Crystal !!! Crystal mad a dash for the faucet and turned it off … but not before she and Amy were soaked …
“I don’t have any towels … ” Crystal said .. “but we can dry in the Sun ..” as she started outside !!! They each then picked up their jeans and walked to the trucks ….

The Sun and a breeze quickly dried them … The laughter suddenly became silence … Star began to slip on Her jeans saying .. “I must be getting Home .. ” Amy and Crystal were now in their jeans … and they walked to Star !! “It will be dark before I get Home .. ” She started … but was stopped as Crystal and Amy both gave Her a tight hug and Kiss !!
“We know … ” Amy told Her ..
“Please come back again ..!!” Crystal said with a final hug as Star got in the cab of her
Truck !!! The engine roared … but before Star could leave .. Amy grabbed Her through the window and gave Her a final kiss .. She pulled away … and saw a sparkle of tear in Star’s eyes …
“Come back soon … ” Amy said as Star slammed the truck in gear ..
“I will … ” Star replied as she wiped the tears away… ” Soon !!!”

Crystal went to Amy and they held each other as they whimpered a few tears also … while they watched the truck disappear.

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