Women with Animals

Discovering My Inner Beast


(c) 2008 by newdogoldtrix

I’m writing this, in hopes that when it is read it will explain what has happened to me. Because I feel, that I will not be able to.

It started several yrs. ago, I was 27 yrs. old, and had just broken up with my girlfriend of 5 yrs. We had been living together, and I thought life was great, until I came home from work, and caught her in bed with one of her co-workers. My life has been a downwards spiral ever since.

I didn’t think I had that far to go, to hit bottom, but found out there are depths to Hell I hadn’t dreamed of, in my worst nightmares.

They kicked me out of my own apartment that night. I was going to leave anyway, too many memories. I had never been one for possesions so travel was light. Just a few clothes, some camping gear, and my motorcycle. I had no money to speak of, and nowhere to go, so I decided to camp for awhile in some woods that I knew of, with a small lake nearbye. I could survive there, and still go to work, until I got myself back together.

At first my little camp was peaceful, then at night I started hearing weird noises. Highpitched wails, moans, and howls. I always felt like I wasn’t alone…

At least I was able to save up some money, then the camping part got old. Plus fall was just around the corner, and I needed to find a place that had heat! One day at the laundry mat, I saw a room-mates wanted add posted, and decided to give them a call.

It sounded like the perfect setup. No money needed for a deposit, they just needed some work done around the place in exchange for rent! I was unfamiliar with the location, but it turns out it was located near where I was camping, on the other side of the lake, and past a cemetary.

When I drove up a long driveway, I almost didn’t see the big stone house. It was almost smothered in vines, and overgrown shrubbery. Huge trees, that had dropped their leaves already, surrounded the property, looking like ghoulish arms reaching for the moon. It was very Gothic, and uninviting, and I had the same feeling I had in the woods, that I was being observed. I saw a faint light peeking out of the foliage from an almost hidden window. Then I noticed a doorway, and a figure standing in it.

I got off my bike, and walked up to the door, and introduced myself. I said, “Hi, I’m Jeff, and I had called earlier, about the roomate add.” The figure, who turned out to be a middle aged woman, said, “Yes, we’ve been expecting you, won’t you come in?”

I walked into a dimly lit entryway, everything was stone and antiques. It had a strong smell of herbs and incense. I said, “Wow, this is an interesting place you have, I never knew it was here.” She said, “Yes, it used to be the crematorium for that old cemetary. My sister and I inherited it yrs. ago. It’s been in our family for generations, and is the only structure not affected by the freeway construction nearbye. So now we have no neighbors, except those resting for eternity across that field.”

I looked behind me thru the still open door, to see the moonlit field, with some headstones barely visible on its furthest edge. She interrupted my thoughts by saying, “Forgive me for not introducing ourselves. I’m Lillian, you can call me Lilly, or Lil, and this is my sister Sabrina. She will let you call her Rina. And this is our faithful companion Kevin.”

I turned back around to see that, her sister, and a huge scruffy mutt, had appeared silently from nowhere. The sisters almost looked like twins, except one had more grey in her hair. Lilly looked like hers had once been pure black, now streaked in grey, and Rina’s had once been a beautiful cherry red, with shades of grey just framing her face. They both had nice faces, in a motherly way, pretty eyes and mouths. Their bodies seemed slightly chubby, but hard to tell under the flowing gowns each wore. They seemed busty enough, and slightly on the short side, and when they turned in unison to walk into the parlor, I detected a sexy sway of ample hips under their robes.

Thier dog, “Kevin?!?” walked obediently behind and between the two sisters, looking back at me with a beseeching look on his face. He appeared to be a husky mixed with st. bernard or something. I’m not sure of dog breeds, but he looked like a huge wild, wolf or something.

Once in the parlor, we settled into huge antique chairs, around a glowing fireplace. The hearth was festooned with drying plants of various types hung upside down, and jars of seeds and other things everywhere in the room. It all reminded me of something, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on just what. We made small talk for a few minutes, I should say Lilly and I did. Rina never said a word. She just smiled slightly in agreement to whatever Lilly said, and stroked Kevin’s head.

Just when I was starting to feel nervous, and have second thoughts, Lilly said, “Should I show you your room?” Like it had already been decided…

We walked down a long hallway with many doors, and went into the last one on the left, which had been left opened. The room was enormous, fully furnished with burgundy velvet furniture. It had it’s own fireplace, and a kingsized four poster bed. I noticed a smaller bed in a corner with fur on an old blanket cover. She said, “I hope you don’t mind sharing with Kevin, it’s been his room since our last tennant, but if it’s a problem, we can make other accomodations.”

I said, “I’ve never had a pet dog before, I don’t know how to live with one.” She smiled, and said “Why don’t you give it a try? We don’t really consider him a pet anyway, he just kind of wandered in one day and made himself at home. Just like you Jeff.” I had nothing to say back to her, and felt awkward.

She remedied the situation, by asking if I wanted to know what I needed to do, to earn my keep. I said sure, being glad to change the subject. We walked back out to the front doorway again, and she said she would be right back. I waited alone, noticing Rina and the dog were gone now. She returned with a flashlight, and said “Follow me…” We went around the front, to the side of the house off the driveway, and she used a remote to open a huge garage door.

We went inside the cleanest garage I ever saw, with every type of tool you could imagine. I was impressed. She said, “This used to be the hearse entrance. That doorway leads to the old undertakers office, but it’s always kept locked now.”

I looked where she pointed at a large metal door. She said ” We need light maintenance around here, wood cutting, lawn mowing, and trimming bushes.” The last she said with a twinkle in her eyes. Then she got serious and said “Look, we’ve had that add up for 2 yrs. and we are getting desperate. This place isn’t for everyone, and the work isn’t that demanding. We can even pay you if you decide to stay. It’s just that it’s too much for my sister and I to handle ourselves.”

I said, ” I think I have to think it over some.” and before I could say more, she said, “We may even make it worth your while, to quit that factory job, and stay here full time, as a caretaker. Then, we may be able to attract more boarders.”

This caught me off guard, because I hadn’t even mentioned where, or what type of work I did. She then said, “Why don’t we go back in and discuss it more, over a glass of wine?” Normally, I’m not much of a wine drinker, but the sultry way she said it, took me by surprise again. I thought I’d like to hear what she has to say.

Before we went in, she asked, “Would you like to park your motorcycle in here for the night?” Without giving it much thought, I pushed it in and she closed the door with the remote control again.

We went back in by the fireplace, and she poured us both a large glass of the reddest, best tasting wine, I’ve ever drank. She sat closer to me this time, and I could smell a heady musk or perfume, emanating from her voluptuous body in wafts. Rina and the dog were absent, and I noticed Lilly’s conversation was taking on a more flirtatious tone. She was accenting her words, with light pats, and strokes from her hands for emphasis. Mostly on my arms and thighs.

Soon her words became a blur, with the thumping of my pulse ringing in my ears. I seemed to be drifting in and out of conciousness. Some of the last memories I have of that night, are her kneeling over me, actually straddling my legs in the chair, and giving me the most erotic french kisses I’ve had in yrs. Then fleeting glimpses, of her holding me up as we staggered down the hallway towards my room. It was like I was watching myself, from someplace else! Once in the room, she held me up in front of the foot of the bed. I became bold and cupped her right breast through her gown, and started kissing her again. I was surprised at how firm her large tit was, and she wasn’t even wearing a bra!

She moaned somewhat, and lustily murmured in my ear, “You have to stay with us. I just know, everything will work out perfectly. Trust me on this.” I said. “what about Rina, she hasn’t said one word so far. How do we know she will agree?”

Lilly replied, “She never says anything, but trust me, we are so close, we can read each other’s minds, and she is in full agreement. You’ll see.” With that, she pushed me back on the bed, and I drifted off to another place, haunted by beasts, and spirits, and witches. And I believe, that is the last night I owned my own soal.


The next morning, I awoke with a start, as if from a terrible dream. At the time I couldn’t remember anything, but what woke me, was my name being whispered directly into my brain!

I sat up, and instinctively began rubbing my wrists. They seemed sore for some reason, and suprisingly my head wasn’t. Normally, after a reaction to that wine, like last night, I would be dying with a hangover, all afternoon the next day. In fact looking out the window, it looked like it was fairly early in the morning. I also noticed a small cut on the palm of my right hand. It looked like a star in dried blood.

The next thing I noticed was, I was completely nude! My clothes were nowhere in sight. In looking around, in the darkest corner I could see Kevin staring at me while panting. He looked almost like he was silently snickering at me.

I walked over to the closest door, and found it was a bathroom. I went in to get cleaned up. I looked down at my cock, and thought, it looks like I’ve been ridden hard and put away wet! My whole crotch was covered in a dried substance, that definately smelled like sweet pussy! I remembered Lilly from the night before, but thought I was too far gone to have accomplished this. I took a quick shower, and stepped back into my bedroom.

Kevin was standing in front of a large chest of drawers. I opened the top one and there was some of my clothes neatly folded. I quickly got dressed, and as I was pulling my boots on, I looked at Kevin, and asked “What do you have to say about all this, boy?” He rushed over to me, and pressed his head against my legs and whined. It almost scared me, but I also felt some compassion for him. Then a thought seemed planted in my mind, Leave now before it’s too late.

It was so quick it surprised me, but was also gone as soon as it arrived. I thought maybe he just needs to go outside. I opened the door, and he led the way out, and paused in the hall to see if I was following. We walked down the hall, through the large parlor, and an adjoining dining room. Then, I followed him into a big brightly lit kitchen. There was the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the air, as I took in my surroundings.

One whole wall was windows, lined with colorfull flowers of many different types. Lilly, and Rina sat at a huge center island, with various tools of cooking, and pots of different sizes hung above. Lilly motioned to an empty barstool, where I sat, and asked if I prefered coffee or tea. I said black coffee was fine. Rina got up and poured me a cup from a modern coffee machine.

I took a drink and said, “You didn’t put anything in this, like that wine last night did you?” (Only half joking) Lilly laughed and said, “That wines pretty potent isn’t it? It’s an aquired taste, that takes some time to get used to. We make it ourselves.”

That was no surprise to me, but what was a surprise, was the way the two women were dressed this morning. While they were seated sipping their tea when I entered, I hadn’t noticed, but they were each wearing sheer see-thru gowns, with matching robes. Lilly’s was a light lavender, and Rina was wearing a pale peach set. When she poured my coffee, I could barely see two big rosey nipples, perfectly mounted in the centers of, two huge round white globes. They swayed tantalizingly as she approached my stool.

I was sitting next to Lilly, and had a hard time taking my eyes off her dark brown, nippled juggs, resting on the cool, stone top of the island. When I drew my gaze up to her face, her eyes met mine, with a seductive smile. She asked “Are you hungry for breakfast? We have plenty to eat. What would you like?” I said, “Well, I’ll have whatever you two ladies are having.”

They both laughed, Rina silently, and Lilly said, “Well we’re both eating nice young cock, this morning, and sunny side up balls. Are you sure that’s what you want? Or else we could serve you, pancakes with ripe peaches and cream.” I chuckled and said, “I’ll take the pancakes and peaches.” A thought came into my head, And plenty of cream. I looked at Rina, and she smiled at me with a slight nod.

We all three had the same breakfast. I had been starving, so I ate silently. The two ladies did also, but I noticed that they kept exchanging glances. They must be communicating with telepathy, I thought to myself. I remembered Lilly mentioning it, in a vaugue indirect way last night. I wished I could remember more of what took place in the bedroom. Lilly told me, “Maybe we can refresh your memory today. It’s Saturday, and we have nothing better to do than get to know each other better.”

We went out on a patio, and drank another cup of coffee or tea. The weather was fairly warm that morning, with a slight breeze swirling their robes around their curvy bodies. Off the patio, was a huge garden, with beautiful flower beds, carved hedges, fountains, statues, and a big formal lilly pond.

I walked out by the pond and watched the fountain for a few minutes. My thoughts seemed to come back to me when the noise of the splashing water, seemed to cause some white, background noise. From the patio, Lilly asked, “Why don’t you come back up here and keep us company?” I answered, “I’ll be right there, I’m just checking this garden out.”

I noticed the hedges carved into various animals. One looked like a bulls head, or maybe a sheep or buffalo, I couldn’t tell. It had overgrown too much. One set was an archway, carved into a perfect arched cat, and another was a howling wolf. I asked, ” Are these the bushes you want me to clip?” Lilly replied, “Yes, some of them. Actually, Rina and I do most of the work in this garden, for relaxation. But I had some other bush in mind for your attentions.” I looked at her curiously and walked back up the steps to the patio. I asked, “Do you care to show me those bushes now? You see I’m not much of an artist, and don’t want to ruin your designs.”

They both stood up in front of me and, one by one, slowly started opening their robes. I stared transfixed. Soon, I was greeted by two plump tummys, no stretch marks, topped by two perfectly round, but oversized tits. Their nipples were of the type that form points, rather than pencil eracers, on wide puffy areolas. The cool sunny air was making them point even more. Nestled, between wide womanly hips, were two luxurious matching pelts, one coal black and one strawberry red.

Lilly said, “I don’t think you can ruin these designs. What do you think, Jeff? Should we shave them completely? Or just keep trimming the grey away. I guess it’s up to you. Do you mind getting hair in your mouth?” I replied, “They look plenty good to me the way they are. But hairless is fine too.” With that being said, Rina went inside and returned with a curved knife, and a bowl. Lilly said, “Be careful Jeff, that knife is sharper than a razor!” She then sat on top of a round stone table top and told me to sit on the bench facing her. She spread her legs and I was greeted with a smiling, silky black haired pussy mound. I stroked it lightly noticing the baby soft texture, and said, “Don’t you want to use some cream or lotion?” Lilly replied, “No, you must do it dry, so be very careful!”

I carefully tested the blade with my thumb, and cut it! “See? I told you.” was Lilly’s response. Neither offered to tend my wound. That reminded me of my palm. I looked at it, and was surprised to see it had almost healed entirely. A crude star shaped scar was pointing down towards my wrist. Before I could ask, Lilly said, “You accidentally cut yourself on the broken wine glass last night.” Funny, I didn’t remember breaking the glass, but soon focussed my attention on her pussy.

I carefully, started at the top of her bush, and lightly drew the blade down over her mound in long strokes. The silken strands fell away effortlessly. Rina stood nearby, and gathered up each clump, and placed them in the bowl. Soon I had it shaved completely, and for the finishing touches, I spread the lips with my left hand to get close to the edges. The blood from my thumb was smearing all around her mound and along her slit. She was becoming excited, as her breathing increased tempo and her pussy was swollen, and heaving in my palm. Juices were clearly flowing on the table top. I repeated the process on Rina, who seemed even more turned on from helping with Lilly. I wondered if they ever engaged in lesbian activities, and glanced up to see them french kissing, and Lilly massaging Rina’s heaving breasts. While looking up, I knicked my thumb again, and coated Rina’s bald pussy in my blood, just like Lilly’s.

This was too much for me. I had a raging hard-on, and stood up to unbuckle my jeans. Lilly watched me, and said, “Rina, serve him his peaches and cream, I’m going to have my breakfast sausage now.” I laid the knife down out of the way, and sat down infront of Rina’s wide spread thighs.

I softly licked all around her swollen mound, tasting my blood and her juices. I spread my toungue wide and used it to open her hole like a spoon. Rina gasped, and Lilly said, ” See, Rina, He can already lick like a canine!” I swirled around in her flowing hole, avoiding her stubby hard clit. Lilly grabbed my left hand and sucked on my thumb slightly, then I glanced over at her, and saw her squeezing out dribbles of my blood, over the bowl of their pubic curls! Then Lilly knelt down and pulled my jeans down exposing my dripping cock. She expertly licked and sucked every rock hard inch. She even managed to deep-throat my thickness, and gathered my balls in her hands and cupped them against my shaft. She managed to slide them up and down my shaft, like she was jacking me off with my own balls. Crazy! Rina had already had several small orgasms, when I slid up onto her clit. I grabbed it in my lips, and fluttered and swirled my toungue around the head, while she bucked and rocked her hips in a long, deep, gushing climax.

Lilly said, “Rina, Jeff’s almost ready. Why don’t you finish him off?” Rina slid from the table, down onto my lap on the bench. Her pussy expertly captured my cock. It was pure bliss. I stood up and lifted her with my cock back up on the table. I pumped into her soft, wet pussy, enjoying the swollen smoothness of it. She must have noticed a change in my pumping, because Rina slid out from under me, and knelt on the ground in front of my swaying cock. I was almost ready to cum, when she opened her mouth and closed it around my purple bloated cock-head. It felt awesome, and as I started cumming, she gently bit my cock-head. This opened my eyes to see her pull off my cock, which was shooting cum mixed with blood! She had it aimed into the bowl of hair, and blood from earlier. I looked into her face, and she grinned with a blood rimmed mouth sporting a pair of fangs!

I blacked out then, but not before I looked over at Lilly who had dropped to her hands and knees, and was locked butt to butt with Kevin, who had his head turned back to me, panting, like he was laughing at me again….


When I came to, it was turning dusk. A colder wind was blowing through the trees, and waving the tall dried grass around me. I sat up slowly, trying to get my bearings. The last thing I remembered was receiving some wild oral from Rina, and seeing Lil on her hands and knees, with the wolfhound’s pumping cock locked in her overflowing pussy.

Evidently I had somehow been moved to the cemetary field. I was laid spread eagle on a small hill in the middle. I could see the structure of the house on the horizon, just being lit by the rising full moon. Just as I was getting the creeps, I heard a sound in the brush behind me. I spun around to look, and noticed for the 1st time I was naked. No wonder I was feeling so cold! Then I heard another sound closer in the tall grass to my left. Soon I was hearing slight rustling all around me, like I was being surrounded. I backed up until I was against a small mausoleum of some sort. Then into the clearing stepped three wolves.

Well, I should say one of them, the biggest appeared to be Kevin. With his tounge out and panting/laughing as usual. The other 2 looked familiar, and were females.

Was I going insane? The darker one had some hoop earings peirced through her ears just like Lillian wore, and I could just catch a glimmer of a gold lockette around the neck of the other, just like Rina’s. What the hell?!?

The three cautiously approached me, making whining moaning sounds. As I shuddered in fear, the one I assume is Lil, crept up closer and licked my cock. I slowly reached my hand out to stroke her face. She licked and nibbled my hand. I carefully stroked more of her body, and her tail wagged in a friendly matter. She turned and rubbed her rump into my crotch. It felt hot and wet. I looked down and saw her vulva swollen and dripping. It was a dark reddish purple color. Without warning, she lept forward and spun around facing me with her head and shoulders lowered, and her rump in the air waving her luxurious tail like a flag. She let out a high-pitched yelp or bark, and the other 2 reacted nervously. I went to take a step forward, but in the dark, tripped on something and went down hard.

This seemed to surprise the three wolves, and they sprang on me in a second. They were snarling and growling amongst themselves, and I thought I was dead for sure! The one I think was Lil put her paw on my chest to hold me down, and the one I think was Rina went for my cock and balls and started licking it.

All I could do was lay motionless, and try not to spook them again. Soon both Lil and Rina were licking my cock and balls, bringing me to a raging hardon. Rina was between my widespread legs, and I could see Kevin mounting her back. Lil had now straddled my upper body, and I could feel her pussy dripping on my face and shoulders. I looked up in time to see her lower herself down to completely bury my face in her fur. Her big rubbery, swollen pussy engulfed my face, I could hardly breath! I reached my hands up to push her off, and heard a growl, and some teeth gently grab my cock shaft. That got the message across! I dutifully started to lick the thick fat lips of the pulsing vagina that surrounded my face like an oxygen mask. The hole contracted around my tounge, and she started humping my face rapidly like dogs do.

Lil slid down my body and snapped at Rina who backed off obediently. She then tried to get my cock into her tight hole. But the angle and the bluntness of my cockhead were preventing penetration. She whined in frustration, and I slid out from under her to kneel behind her rump. She looked back expectantly and wagged her tail in my face. I grabbed my cock and lined it up with her winking pussy.

I eased the head into the fat folds, then pushed the mushroom head deeper, so that the flanged edge popped into the hot hole. I slowly eased more and more into the tightest pussy my cock had ever felt. It almost seemed too tight. Growing impatient, Lil slammed her butt back and worked herself back on my worming cock until her clit was nestled in my ball sack. I could feel hot juices oozing out around my shaft, and dripping off my aching balls. I pulled out slightly, and pushed back in to feel the full effect. Soon I was pumping full speed, and my balls were smacking loudly into the bloated wet pussy held steady for me.

I reached my arms around her torso, feeling her hanging dog teats underneath.

It must be the cold air or the moonlight, but my arms seemed hairier than I remembered. I rested my body on her warm soft ff.gif back, and she soon warmed me with her heat. I was soon humping in earnest, and needed more to hold on with. I used my mouth to gently grab the soft fur around her neck. I looked at Rina and Kevin, and they were doing the same as us, watching back.

Soon I felt like I was going to cum, but it felt different than any orgasm I’ve had yet. My cock grew harder and felt even longer! It felt like it was getting fatter too! Then the base of it started to expand rapidly, until I could no longer pull out anymore. I thought her pussy had clamped down too hard cutting off the blood circulation, and maybe it had, but try as I might I couldn’t pull it out. I decided to go with these new feelings, and just let loose with the longest cum I’ve ever shot!

It seemed to go on forever, blasting with a strength I’ve never known! Also the quantity was unbelievable. I could feel the heat surround my swollen organ like a hot oily bath. I lifted my legs over her back and was kneeling side by side Lillian. Then I lifted my hind leg over her back and we stood butt to butt just like her and Kevin had stood earlier. After a few minutes it felt soft enough to pull out. I fell to my side from the effort and looked back at my cock.

What a surprise! It sprang up almost in my face, and didn’t even look like my cock anymore. It was shaped different and about twice as big. The head wasn’t as blunt , and it looked like my balls had been pulled inside out, but no, there they were at the base of my tail. TAIL!?!?! The other three started barking and I realized that this particular bark was their way of laughing. I laughed myself, and it came out as a bark. I raised my hind leg up and it was covered in a dark thick fur. Oh well as long as my leg was in the air, I may as well complete the transformation. I went to work on my cock with gusto. Licking it from it’s twitching tip to the bloated knob at the base. I cleaned it very well, and watched as it slowly slid back into my sheath.

When I was done, I looked over at the trio of wolves, to find that Lil, and Rina had changed back to very voluptuous naked women sitting crosslegged watching me lick myself. Kevin was licking himself also, and looked up to give me that devilish snicker.

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