Women with Animals
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A Lohan Family Threesome


What follows is not true, apologies to any offense caused to anyone featured or anyone reading. I do not believe that any of the participants partake of any of the activities included in this text That would be disgusting, and probably illegal. That said, I wish they would On camera For the perverts of the world to enjoy. Should anyone wish to contact me, please do so on [email protected]

The Lohan girls were close – not as close as some people would want to think, or fantasize, but still close – and here they were sitting poolside at the House of Lohan discussing major issues. Sun glistening on the rivulets of water that covered their flesh. Bikini clad, they both looked fantastic.

Lindsay was the movie star, the recording star, the tabloid star. Great looking, great body, always ready to roll. More famous for her alcohol and drug binges, bad behavior, and most recently for coming out of the closet as a full blown lesbian who was madly in love with DJ and celeb-hungry skinny dyke Samantha Ronson.

Ali was her fourteen year old sister, moving smoothly into a recording career whilst trying to avoid the pitfalls of celebrity that. Like her big sister she had a pretty face and a great little body. Her titties were coming in fine, her belly was flat no puppy fat in sight.

I just dont understand what you see in Sam. Said Ali. She was talking, of course, about Lindsays new girlfriend Sam Ronson. Ali considered Sam to be a bit of a skank and a talentless one at that, although she hasnt said as much.

Just what is your problem, sweetie? Asked Lindsey, concerned with her kid sisters doubts about her new girlfriend.

Lins I dont mind you being a lesbian I can understand you coming out of the closet and having everyone talk about this But, Sam Ronson? Shes waaaaay beneath you, sweetie. When you were doing Mean Girls, you could have picked up Rachel McAdams or Lacey Chabert, when you were doing BOBBY you could have picked up Heather Graham! Really, Lins I would have been happy for you. I might even have been willing to watch She giggled at the last comment. Lindsay was shocked, and amused.

Oh yeah? She snarled, an edge of mirth in it. You like to watch girls together? Her question was issued as a joke, but it was genuine all the same.

Ali smiled, Im not into watching girls together But Lins, Heather Graham is hot, and you of course I think youre hot So if you had sex with Heather Graham, of course Id watch.

Lindsay grinned, a wicked thought crossing her mind. Ali has a cru-ush Ali has a cru-ush You lurve Heather Graham.

Ali shook her head slow. Its not Heather I have a crush on Its you

There was a long pause. Difficult. Sisters dont often admit to having crushes on each other.

The funny thing was, Ali wasnt the only Lohan girl who had a crush on a Lohan girl She hadnt admitted it, but Lindsay had a crush on Ali as well. Could Lindsay say anything? If she did, what might happen? Where would that lead?

I find you attractive as well. She said. She didnt realize she was saying it until it was already said. The words hung there for a few seconds.

So, so what does Sam do for you? Said Ali, half changing the subject.

She makes me happy, she makes me feel safe Answered Lindsay, a dreamy look in her eyes.

No, said Ali, putting her hand of Lindsays thigh, what does she do for you? Emphasis on the word do.

Oooooohhhhh, thought Lindsay, what does she DO for me. She thought about it for a few seconds, but the feel of her sisters hand on her thigh was just too damn good to ignore. You really wanna know what she does FOR me Or what she does TO me? She asked, the question dripping with sex.

Ali shivered a little, ready to take this further but scared her big sister was only teasing. I wanna know what she does TO you To make you, you know

Cum? Lindsay finished. Oooohh, you dirty little girl! I never knew my kid sis was so curious. But she said it in a way that made Ali feel comfortable that she wasnt about to be ridiculed.

Lindsay leaned over toward Ali, moving her mouth closer to that of her sister. Well, first, Sams a great kisser She moved closer still. Shall I show you? She teased.

Mmmm-huh. Ali whispered, parting her lips and let her mouth sit a little open as her big sister got closer.

Lindsay couldnt hold back any longer she moved forward and put her lips to her sisters lips, locked mouths together, and slipped her tongue forward into Alis mouth. Even though she was waiting for it, Ali was shocked, she half backed away but Lindsay already had a hand behind her head and she held her close. Ali relaxed immediately and allowed her tongue to react to Lindsays. They pressed softly against each other and swished about all soft and wet.

Ali remembered her hands that one was on Lindsays thigh already and slid it up to Lindsays bikini briefs, hooking one finger inside, lightly brushing Lindsays flesh within, seeking pubic hair but finding none.

Lindsay gasped as Alis probing finger suddenly found pussy lips rather than pussy hair. She was already getting wet and digital penetration wasnt going to be any problem she just hoped that Ali would keep going that way!

Ali reached up with her other hand and grabbed the back of Lindsays head, pulling her even closer, their mouths meshing together, tongues pushing and slipping over one another, inside one mouth then the other, impossible to tell which was there. Then a gasp from Lindsay as her little sisters finger finally found its target, quickly joined by another, then pumped slowly in and out. They broke off the kiss for a second, breathing heavy and staying close, Lindsay pushing her pelvis up to welcome the invading fingers.

I didnt think Id be doing this when I woke up this morning Giggled Ali.

Say it Gasped Lindsay, Say what youre doing

I didnt think Id be finger fucking my big sister Snarled Ali, getting into the part. I didnt think Id be finger fucking my dyke loving, pussy eating, slut of a big sister!

Lindsay arched her back again, throwing back her head, reached up with her hand and popped her large round freckle covered tits out of her bikini top. Her nipples were rock hard and standing almost half an inch proud. She grabbed a tit and started massaging it, squeezing it, pinching the nipple.

You love it, dont you? Slut dyke cunt licker! Snarled Ali really getting into it. Pushing a third, then a forth finger into her sisters sloppy cunt, ramming them all in fast and furious as Lindsay squirmed underneath her. Even with Sam shed never taken a fist, but fuck she wanted to now Her beautiful little sisters fist!

Lindsay reached down and grabbed Alis wrist, kept its pumping pace nice and even, allowing the pleasure to build. Ali allowed herself to be guided, and leant forward to wrap her mouth around one of those oh so proud nipples of her sister. Her tongue flicking over the tip as she held the rest gently but firmly between her teeth.

Ooooooh, yeasssss, gasped Lindsay. Fuck me harder Fucker me harder. Bite me! She pumped Alis wrist, forcing the four fingers deeper and faster in and out of her as Ali bit down harder on her nipple, a little too hard but who the fuck is going to complain at a time like this? Lindsay arched her back again as the first waves of an orgasm started to roll up her body. Heat. Pleasure. A little pain. Perfect.

Ali could sense what was going on shed jerked herself off enough to know the signs of a Lohan orgasm. She twisted around so that she was crouching infront of her big sister, between her legs. One hand was reaching up fondling a large freckle covered tit, squeezing it hard enough to leave white finger marks and little red finger nail crescents; the other was pumping furiously in and out of Lindsays cunt. Alis face was only inches away from the four finger cunt action, suddenly, on a whim, she spat everything she could hock up onto her sisters pussy, then used the extra lubrication to twist her wrist and slowly, painfully, ease her thumb inside along with her fingers. Lindsay groaned, letting go of Alis wrist and reaching back with both hands to grab her head, then the back of the sun-lounger, then her own tits, squeezing them tight then grabbing at her erect nipples and squeezing and pulling on them as Alis whole fist passed into her cunt, lips closing around her wrist as her fist disappeared.

Ali pumped her whole fist, punching her sisters cunt, punching inside, as Lindsay writhed and bucked her way to her first orgasm of the day Ali was still close, her face inches from the action, watching her sisters pussy stretching to accommodate that little fist of hers

Here I cum Here I cum Here I cum Gasped Lindsay, arching and twisting in supreme pleasure before exploding into a loud and joyous orgasm. Not only loud and joyous also wet

Ali caught the first squirts full in the face, her mouth wide open in a smile of unbridled joy As soon as the first girl-cum hit her face she recoiled from shock, pulling her fist free which only had the effect of second Lindsay into a second orgasmic spasm and forcing another jet of piss spraying from her cunt. The second jet also hit Ali, but by now shed gotten over the shock and she started laughing as the piss hit her face and matted her hair instinctively she dived forward, wrapping her mouth around Lindsays pussy, sucking and little at it with zero idea of what she was meant to do. The sensations were delectable, but they were never going to have the desired effect on Lindsay. But Lindsay didnt care, she was still spasming, writhing and sweating from the strength of her orgasm oh to be fisting, by a girl, and her kid sister to boot. What could be better?

So this is what you two get up to when Im out shopping?

The voice stopped them both dead. Alis mouth locked on Lindsays pussy, piss in her hair and on her face. Lindsays back arched, her hands gripping her titties, her bottom lip bitten.

They slowly broke from their positions and turned to see their mom, fame hungry Dina, standing about five yards away with shopping bags still in her hands. Theyd been so into the fisting that they hadnt even heard her Mercedes pull up on the driveway. She had a strange look on her face. Not angry. Not sad. Not disgusted. More kind of Jeolous.

Do you two do this a lot? She asked, trying to sound strict rather than curious.

No mommy, this is the first time. Lindsay gasped.

Ever. Confirmed Ali, wiping dribbles of piss from her eyes.

Dina paused, trying to think what the best thing to do was Deciding very quickly.

And how was it? Was your deviancy worth it? She asked.

The girls looked at each other. Not knowing how to answer. Then Lindsay, still shivering in the afterburn of that powerful double orgasm, spoke It was for me.

Ali smiled a little, proud of her work. Dina looked from girl to girl, daughter to daughter. Bikini babies. Cute as cute could be except for Lindsays exposed and sloppy shaven pussy, and Alis piss soaked hair and face.

Then Dina cracked a wicked smile. I would suggest punishing you But I cant think of anything to do that would hurt worse than ramming a fist up your pussy!

Ramming a fist up my ass? Joked Lindsay only half joking.

Dina gasped at the thought of it, then collected herself. No I dont think so, sweetie That would seem a little unfair After all, you already had your fist It strikes me She began to advance on her girls, putting her shopping bags down. Little Ali hasnt had any punishment yet.

Ali giggled, Well, I did get pissed on!

I know, I saw Said Dina, unbuttoning her blouse. It looked to me like you quite enjoyed it though. She removed her top revealing a good pair of tits jammed into a high price bra. The tits should be good, shed spent $10000 on them only a few months before. Come here, I think Mommie needs to spank her girls.

She removed her skirt, so that she was standing on the poolside in her high heels, stockings, suspenders, briefs and that bra. The whole set in simple white. She moved over to the side of the pool and pulled up a sun lounger, sat down. Whos first?

Ali stood up and wiped some piss limp hair from her face, licked her lips, savouring the flavour of Lindsays cunt juices. She shuffled over to Dina hands behind her back, not sure if she should be nervous or horny. She WAS horny, but she wasnt sure if she SHOULD be.

Dina patted her thighs. Come on, over my knee you naughty girl.

Ali dropped to her knees carefully and bent forward so her belly went over her moms thighs, her ass in the air. Dina reached down and pulled Alis bikini briefs down as if she was about to chastise her. Without warning she smacked Alis butt once across both cheeks. Bad girl.

Lindsay sat back, legs still apart, one hand idly resting between her legs outside her bikini briefs.

Dina reached a hand down under Alis chest and grabbed a handful of boob, started squeezing and massaging it as she swatted Alis ass again, then again, harder this time.

Youre a bad bad bad girl. She rubbed her hand around Alis ass, firm, rough, grabbing and clawing the occasional handful of ass cheek before slapping again, hard. I cant believe I raised the kind of SLUT! She smacked again, hard. I cant believe that I raised the kind of girl who would eat her own dyke sisters CUNT!, another SMACK. Do you enjoy eating that CUNT! Smack!

Ali whimpered a little, then looked up at her mother Not sure how she should answer because she had really enjoyed eating that cunt!

Well Im waiting!

Ali nodded. Yes I loved eating my big sisters pussy. She said.

Mommy shook her head, a twisted smile crossing her mouth then suddenly smacked Alis ass three times in a row. It shone red and rosy, the skin burned. Wetness trickled down Alis inner thighs. This was fucking awesome!

Dina grabbed Alis buttcheeks and spread them wide apart, gripping hard with her long fingers, her nails digging into her teenage daughters ass flesh. She spread them as wide as she could, exposing her daughters virgin asshole. You, she said to Lindsay, Get over here.

Lindsay got to her feet and staggered over as Dina drooled a mouthful of saliva down between Alis buttcheeks and watched it roll down over her tight little asshole.

On your knees, slut, on your knees and lube that little asshole up

Lindsay dropped to her knees behind Ali and carefully began to rub her mothers spit into the crack of Alis ass, paying special attention to rubbing it against her little asshole.

No no no Dina snarled, Get your tongue in there Im sure youve licked the slut Ronsons asshole before!

Lindsay had licked Sam Ronsons asshole before she did it a lot, Ronson loved it To be honest, Lindsay wasnt so keen because Ronsons personal hygiene was, lets say, questionable. But Alis ass was clean as clean could be. This should be fun. She leaned in and planted her face between Alis 14 year old butt cheeks, pushed her lips around Alis asshole and formed a seal, then sucked a little before slowly easing her tongue forward INTO her sisters asshole.

Ali gasped. God, thats good Oh my God

Dina watched as her little girl Lindsay tongue fucked her even littler girl Ali in the ass. Lindsays head moving back and forth, hands spreading Alis ass wide, hard tongue sticking an inch inside then coming out. Alis little ass puckering up nicely, gleaming from the tongue job it was getting.

Lindsay was looking up, trying to maintain eye contact with her mom the whole time she was sucking and licking at her kid sisters asshole. Dina was looking down at her with an evil and horny glint in her eye. She let go of Alis asscheeks, letting Lindsay hold them open, and reached up to her own titties. She started massaging them through her bra, then she reached back and unlooked it, letting it fall to her lap. Her firm fake tits bounced free.

Ali was gasping and moaning for the rim job her big sister was giving her. Jeeez Lindsay knew what she was doing! She thought. All that came out loud were gasps and moans.

Dinas nipples were as hard as diamonds now, and Lindsay could see it. She was transfixed. She figured it was at least 20 years since shed sucked on them, and she wanted to try it again! She nervously reached up with one hand and grabbed one of them. Dina didnt resist, she just smiled and moaned a little. So Lindsay squeezed harder fake boobs felt good she thought she might have to discuss that with flat-chested Sam Ronson maybe with her kid sister too Ali would be sensational with fake tits Sinsational even!

Lindsay broke off from tongueing her kid sisters asshole so that she could transfer her mouth to her mommas tit. Dina gasped, Ali moaned missing that tongue bad But she didnt miss out for long as Lindsay slipped two fingers up the very wet, well lubed asshole and started finger fucking her nice and fast.

Dina was gasping at the sight, and at the feel of the mouth on her tit. Her panties were soaked She needed to be fucked. Hard. Right now. She pushed Lindsay away and stood up letting Ali fall to the pool deck, Lindsays fingers still in her asshole.

Dina stood over them. Now, my turn for some fun! She spat.

Her girls looked up at her. Ali twisting a little as Lindsay continued to finger fuck her asshole.

Dina stood over them, between them and removed her wet panties, then looked down and ordered, Start eating girls.

Lindsay and Ali changed positions, getting to their knees, one infront and one behind Dina. Lindsay leaned in, angling her head upwards so that she could start licking at her moms well trimmed bush. Ali squeezed her head in behind, reaching up to spread her moms ass wide enough that she could push her face in and start licking her moms sweaty asscrack. Dina sagged a little, her knees almost giving way, she crouched slightly and gave her girls a better angle, a wider target, to lick at and grabbed her own tits as they slurped at her pussy and ass.

As they licked and sucked, the girls blindly groped around for each others tits then started fondling and squeezing each other. Dina couldnt see any of this, her eyes were closed and her head turned up to the heavens as she prayed to the Lord to deliver her a cock, because thats all she was missing right now! A cock, a cock, my fortune for a cock! Any cock! She thought her childrens tongues working her clit and her asshole so well that she was worried she might fall on them at any second.

She opened her eyes and started looking around as her girls giggled and slurped away downstairs A cock What could she use for a cock She wanted to be fucked and she wanted to fuck those two little sluts too teach them their final lesson that mommy knows best.

There were brooms and bottles by the pool, a rake in the garden, some okay stuff, but not hot and real like a cock She reached down and grabbed Lindsay by the hair, pulled her away from her pussy. Do you have a dildo?

Lindsay shook her head. No Not here We keep ours at home.

Well, what fucking good is that to me? She spat. Then she really spat in Lindsays face, partly out of anger, and partly for fun. Oooooh, she needed a fucking cock! She looked around some more. Then it struck her The thought was sick, but she was desperate.

She reached down behind her and grabbed Ali by her hair Ali, wheres JT?

Hes in the house. She said, confused. Why do you want JT?


Lindsay broke off from her pussy licking, and Ali didnt resume her ass licking. They both looked, with Dina, at the open pool side terrace door. Waiting for JT

JT appeared at the door, looking out onto the pool. Big, strong, muscles on his muscles, with jet black hair and handsome powerful looks. The biggest Doberman on the block. Theyd named him JT after Alis fantasy figure Justin Timberlake. Truth be known, ever since theyd gotten him and called him that, everytime Lindsay read about Timberlake and Britney, or Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, and now Timberlake and Jessica Biel Lindsay had imagined those girls being fucked by THIS JT. But she had never imagined being in that position herself Until now. She hoped to God that was what Mommy had in mind. She certainly wouldnt resist if it was. God that was hot!

Dina got down on her hands and knees and started walking around the pool deck with her ass in the air, wriggling, trying to get JTs attention. Come here boy! She called. Half ordered, half friendly.

JT strutted down, not sure what the fuck was going on, but curious about her mistresses behavior. He could smell something in the air but he wasnt sure what it was whatever it was was driving him nuts though.

Lindsay, completely into the idea now eased up beside her Mom and started slapping her ass. Come on, boy. She called, encouraging him forward. He moved cautiously, edging closer and licking at Dinas wet ass. The touch of his tongue causing a shockwave of pleasure to run through Dinas body.

The sight of her dog licking her moms ass got Ali as turned on as she had ever been turned on. Why hadnt she ever thought of this before, she wondered. She crawled over and started stroking the dog with one hand and her mothers back and butt with the other. Stooping down she gasped as she saw JTs erection for the first time. Four inches of pink meat already sticking out of his sheath. He was ready to go.

Are you sure you want this mommy? She asked.

Just fucking get him into me! Dina ordered, drooling a little as she spoke.

Ali pulled JT forward and he instinctively reared up and mounted Dina. His front legs grabbing hold of her body, claws scratching her a little. He humped at the air between her thighs for a few strokes until Lindsay reached down and took a gentle hold of his cock, then guided it along Dinas slot until he jerked forward and found his target.

Oooowwwwwwwwww Gasped Dina as the dog cock stabbed into her hot cunt. He was hotter than shed expected, and bigger as well. He pushed in hard and fast, very fast. A furious series of pumping thrusts making her whole body shake especially her titties as the hung down under her. The girls couldnt resist grabbing one each and supporting them, squeezing them, as their mother got the living fuck shagged out of her by the family dog.

Oooooh yeaaaaaahhh, yes, yes, yes Gasped Dina as the dog hammered away and suddenly forced his big cock-knot into her. An intense orgasm exploded through her body as her pussy was over-extended by the girth of the knot if it hadnt been for her girls supporting her from beneath, by her tits, she would have collapsed from the pleasure. Then dog jism squirted into her cunt she could feel it, all hot and wet splashing around inside her. As suddenly as hed started, JT stopped and just stood there, powerful muscles twitching over Dina as her two famous daughters watched.

After a few precious seconds, JT pulled away from Dina, his cock knot pulling free of her cunt and his juices pouring out down her thighs as she collapsed on the decking, gasping for breath. Ali fell ontop of her mother and shared a long, loving kiss with her, fondling her tits as she kisses. Lindsay leaned in on her hands and knees as well, joining the kiss, making it a tongue triangle. The hands of her little sister and her mother groping at her small tits and between her legs at her wet pussy.

The little threesome didnt last long before they were disturbed in the best possible way JT, without an invite, mounted Lindsay and this time didnt need any help to find his target. His cock, hard again, slipping into her over-sized, well fisted box, and his front legs gripping her tight.

Dina immediately positioned Ali under her sister, getting her to wriggle into a missionary position so that their tits were touching Lindsays big ones hanging down against Alis little ones. This position allowed the girls to continue kisses, and allowed Dina to get a great view on her beautiful kids as the dog fucked the shit out of her oldest.

Two mouths locked together, hard tongues swapping spit back and forth. Moans and giggles spilling out as the dog jiggled them with his furious and fevered fucking.

Dina with one hand holding the dog by his collar, making sure he stayed in place and on course, her other hand between her daughters bodies, squeezing titties, rubbing bellies.

Lindsay couldnt believe how good this felt. Her sister was so hot, and a real good kisser, and the dog was fucking her better than any guy had – or any girl with a strap-on for that matter. She could feel another orgasm coming on but honestly couldnt tell if it was from the dogs cock in her cunt, or from the sheer joy of laying ontop of her nuded up little sister as their slut mother fondled their titties. Whatever it was, it was awesome. Then JT came again his cock spasming as he shot another load of dog spunk into Lindsays cunt. Thats when she knew for sure that it was the dog that was doing it for her She came. She came fucking hard. Growling rather than screaming her orgasms arrival. OOOoooAAAAAhhHHHHHHHHHHrrrRRRRRRR!!! Her face looked a picture of pain and exhaustion. Absolute pleasure.

She collapsed onto her sister, laying flat on her. Im done Im done I cant do any more She gasped, looking like a beached fish A very pretty red headed beached fish, with big tits.

Dina grabbed her by that red hair and pulled her head up. All done? How about a kiss for mommie? She leaned in and gave Lindsay a kiss so passionate, hard and tongue filled that it made the beastial act that had gone before seem like a PG scene.

Now, she turned toward Ali Your turn!

Ali was up on the sun lounger, her ass perched on the edge, legs spread, as Dina and Lindsay helped position the Doberman infront of her. They had tried for ten minutes to get JT to mount Ali this way, so he could fuck her missionary style, but he wasnt up for it, so now Dina had another plan. They backed him up to Ali and swung his big fat meat back between his legs so that it was sticking out at the back Then they eased that meat into Alis pussy and used it on her like a dildo. Ali, young and sweet as she was before this afternoon had begun, had never even used a vibrator so the dogs cock was more than she could imagine. Hot, wet, hard but soft, it slid in and out of her, up and down her cunt-shaft, nicer than anything she had ever dreamed of. Fuck Justin Timberlake, dog was the only cock she thought shed ever need from now on until the day she died. This was the bomb!

Dina was holding JTs cock, pumping it faster and faster into her little girls cunt. Lindsay was alternating between kissing her sister and her mother, going back and forward with long tongue-filled kisses, taking saliva from one Lohan to the other.

Without warning Dina pulled the dogs meat from Alis pussy and paused. Do you want it back in? She asked.

Ali nodded, Yeah, put it back in, I want it inside of me again

Dina drooled another load of saliva down the crack of Alis pussy, so that it rolled down and through to the crack of her ass Then she rubbed JTs animal cock down the length of Alis pussy, picking up as much spit as it could, then beyond her pussy to her asshole Relax sweetie She said to Ali. Ali, not knowing what to expect, just enjoyed the experience then suddenly she felt her asshole being invaded again. This time not just a couple of fingers this time is was 6 inches of hot pink dog cock, easing slowly and all the way into her.

Looking down at the dogs cock as it slid into Alis asshole Dina had another wicked idea. Lindsay, youre not finished yet Bring that tongue of yours here And lick this!

Lindsay looked at where she was pointing JTs asshole. She wasnt sure.

Youre the rimming expert in the family Get your tongue in there why should he miss out on your talent? She spat.

Lindsay took a deep breath, then did as Mommy said She leaned in, her cheek right over Alis gaping pussy, poked her tongue out and started to lick at the outside of JTs brown asshole. The dog liked it, the feel of a gentle tongue against his asshole an entirely new experience but what wasnt today?!!

Lindsays tongue probed deeper, easing inside the dogs asshole, swishing around, coming out, the tip running around the creases and folds of his ass. At least its cleaner than Sams, she thought. She had a hand between her legs working her pussy, another on her left tit, massaging gently, her tongue was all for JT and she was working him so well that he was feeling that more than the tight young slut wrapped around his cock.

Dina kept jerking his cock into Alis asshole, and Ali kept shaking and shivering from the pleasurable sensations.

As Lindsay pushed more of her tongue inside JTs asshole he finally lost control and blew his largest load yet right into Alis tight little asshole. The sensation of his orgasm so enough to finish Ali off, but more than that it was enough to finish him off completely, he pulled away hard, and ran to the other side of the pool to lick himself clean.

Ali stayed in position on the edge of the sun lounger, her whole body shaking, her legs still in the air.

Lindsay and Dina simply stared at her, watching her recover Watching as the first drips of dog jism started to seep from her puckered little asshole. Lindsay and Dina both wanted it bad Lindsay jumped in, but Dina pushed her away, Bad girl Mommy goes first! She leaned in and started to lick the dog spunk up as it leaked out, then she formed a seal around Alis asshole with her lips and started to suck all the dog spunk out There was a lot of it, but Dina got every fucking drop. Her mouth full almost to overflowing, a little spilling between her smiling lips, Dina finally came up for air

She motioned to Lindsay to come closer, then took her by the chin and the hair and angled her head upwards. Lindsay let her mouth open wide as her mommy tenderly moved in for a kiss then dribbled an entire mouthful of dog cum into her daughters mouth Lindsay instinctively swallowed the first half, before Dina wagged a finger infront of her and she got the message. Then Dina spilled the second half into Lindsays mouth and she didnt swallow.

Lindsay, her mouth half full of dog-cum and mothers spit, climbed onto the sun lounger, her face above Alis face. She pursed her lips and allowed the remaining dog spunk to dribble down into Alis gasping mouth. Ali gathered it all and once it was all hers looked to her mother for approval.
Dina nodded, smiling, Its all yours honey, you do what you want

She expected Ali to swallow the load, but she didnt expect what happened Ali spat the whole load of dog-spunk, mothers spit, Lindsays spit, and her own spit, right onto Dinas face and for just a second she looked angry Then she cracked a giggle, and she and Lindsay moved in to lick the dripping mixture from their Moms face.

As her face and then tits, were being licked clean, Dina smiled and thought about the depravity.


This text may be re-printed and distributed freely, please leave my email address on the text as I enjoy feedback from readers. Contact me at: [email protected]

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