Women with Animals
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Dare to get Naughty


(c) 2014 by bumbleknott

My sister had some friends over to watch a movie, my girlfriend had decided it would be a good idea to join them. Screw what I wanted (pussy) my girlfriend was more interested in that new rom-com that had just been released. The 4 girls all sat down in the living room while I just sat there in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

Becky, my twin sister, had made popcorn and was offering it to the 3 other girls. Last to receive the bowl, my girlfriend looked up from the love-seat and offered me some too. With that invitation and acceptance I joined the girls. Becky and her 2 friends sat on the couch, all cross legged and in very loose fitting clothing. Laura, my girlfriend, was wearing her favorite onesie.

Becky was a tall, very skinny brunette (almost black), was very tan and had large fake breasts (probably triple Ds) that she got for her 19th birthday. If you ask me, she didnt need the boob job, she was always a very attractive girl, that might have crossed my dreams once or twice. She was wearing these booty shorts that were made of some sort of material like sweatpants, and a loose tank top that showed quite a large amount of side boob. Being her twin brother, it made it hard to look at her in just a familial manner.

To her left on the couch was Kelli, a very petite blonde that I had fooled around with in the past a few times. It was always when one of us was dating someone so we always hesitated to do anything more than tease each other. Her hair was long and her body was small, she had a really big mouth that made my brain always wonder how those lips would look wrapped around my cock. She was wearing loose sweats and crop top tank top with a light green sports bra that matched her eyes.

At the end of the couch was Danielle, a very tall, very skinny, very sexy blonde. She was just as tall as me (6’1”) with legs a mile long, she was wearing a tight pair of booty shorts, knee high socks and a tight wife beater showing off her amazingly natural 34 DD breasts (no need for a bra on girls night I guess).

On the love seat was my girlfriend, a tall skinny blonde with pink tips and great natural curves. Her hips were wide, her waist was small and her breasts were a perky 32 C. Her purple onesie hid all her features but I knew they were there and so did my sister, which I’m pretty is part of th reason she got the boob job (she was threatened by my gf). Her teeth were so white that sometimes in the right light it hurt to look at them, beautiful blue eyes and ass that just wouldnt quit.

I, Paul, am 21 years old, am 5 minutes younger than Becky, am the youngest in the group (even younger than my gf by a couple months) and have been dating my gf for 3 years now, we have fooled around many times in all the kinky manners. We have been sexually active for quite a while but honestly who cares about that kind of detail. I was wearing sweat pants, a brotank, and athletic socks.

The movie was some boring drab that had the girls Oohhing and Aahhing at the predictable times but it even had my laughing occasionally. Like all of those movies, they end at the predictable time with no surprise twist or anything overly exciting and in a short manner. It surprised me to see that Bently (our family great Dane) had laid across the girls on the couch and was loving life fuller than any human ever has. During the movie snacks and trash had accumulated to that of a frat house, and it was clear no one wanted to clean up. Bently’s tail just wagged.

Kelli was the first to speak up and said “Let’s play a game to see who has to clean this all up.” We all agreed so she continued, “Okay, anyone here who has a cock has to clean up,” she said with a devilish smirk, staring right at me. The other girls laughed and all smiled in my direction of their approval.

Indignant and sarcastically, I flipped them all off and refused to do any cleaning on the basis that none of the mess was mine.

“If you clean it up we can any other game you want,” said Kelli looking right at me and giving me a wink. I quickly glanced at Laura and she just laughed on the inside a little, clearly not offended by the tiny blonde.

Thinking it through quickly in my head I came to the conclusion that that might not be a bad deal with all these attractive girls. I looked Kelli dead in the eye, shrugged and said “Okay, I clean then we all play truth or dare.” With little to almost no resistance from the girls, the stage was set and I quickly tore off to throw all of the trash away and put the dishes in the sink. When I returned from the kitchen for the last time the coffee table was moved to the side, the couch and love seat had moved farther apart and all 4 girls along with Bently were sitting in a circle on the floor with a spot left for me to join them next my sister and Kelli. Laura was opposite of me and Danielle had Bently almost IN her lap.

I sat next to the girls, all of them giving me welcoming smiles as I settled in. “Truth or Dare?” Said the little blonde to my right , looking right at me.

“Since its my game dont I get to speak first?” I said looking at Kelli, confidently.

“Since its your game you get to go first sweety,” said Laura, sitting cross legged, staring at me in a way that told me she was ready to jump my bones.

“Hhmph okay,” I said brushing it off, trying to play it cool, “dare me.”

“Take off your pants, and leave ‘em off,” said Kelli.

Without hesitation, I stood and removed my sweat pants leaving me in my boxers, brotank and socks. I sat back down between my sister and Kelli oblivious to the looks all 4 girls were giving me.

“Mine turn to ask… Okay Becky, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” she responded, almost staring at me.

“I dare you to go outside, stand in the middle of the street and flash all the neighbors.”

The girls all giggled as my skinny twin sister stood up, went to the door and proceded with the dare. Giving the entire block, including us, a good glance at her glorious fake mellons. This wasnt the first time I had seen those worlocks, but by god do I cherish every opportunity I get to see them. Sister or not, those tits were HOT! I quickly realised why they dared me to get down to just my boxers, the girls were trying to see if they could get me aroused… it was working. Seeing my twin sisters tits got my cock growing, nothing too big but definitely visible in my scantily clad state.

The game really started get fun after that, everyone saw how much fun it could be and since we all knew each other, we weren’t shy.

Becky dared Kelli to take off her shirt exposing her bright green sports bra and fit little frame. My eyes went straight for her covered tits and noticed the perfect baby toes that were her nipples standing out, showing that I was not the only one aroused.

Since it was no secret that this game was turning in a somewhat dirty direction, Kelli quickly broke the ice and told Laura to unzip her top and leave it open, showing the rest of us her amazing cleavage from her chin all the way down to her naval.

Laura took it another step, noticing how fidgety everyone was, and dared Danielle to rub her pussy through her clothing. We all watched as the tall sexy blonde closed her eyes and erotically rubbed her pubic mound for a couple of minutes before removing her hand to reveal a wet spot between her legs on her grey booty shorts.

Daniel looked at Kelli and asked “Truth or Dare?” and in true fashion Kelli responded with “Dare me bitch,” and winked her wicked smile at Danielle. The blondes stared at each other for a moment before Danielle told Kelli to take off her pants, leaving her in just her sports bra and a very tiny black and pink thong.

Kelli did not hesitate to look right at Laura and dared her to put both arms inside her onesie, while leaving the top on her shoulders to remain partly covered and told her, that Laura’s hands cannot be removed from her crotch area unless otherwise told by someone else. In my head, as Laura stared at me and smiled her sexy smile, I knew that she was playing with herself.

Laura stared so intently at me that I had no idea what was really going through her mind. her body fidgeted and wiggled as her hands remained next to her nether lips. Without blinking “I dare Becky to lay her head in your lap, Paul, until otherwise told.” My heart dropped a little as the girls giggled a little and smiled looking down at my lap. The only one not giggling was my sister, she was looking down, with a look of fear and somewhat curiosity, at my crotch where a tent was pitched that until now I was completely oblivious to. In an unconfident manner, my twin sister licked her lips slightly, hopefully to lessen the awkwardness I assumed, and slowly lowered her head onto my lap with 9 inch hard-on directly in her face. My girlfriend smiled a truely devilish smile as she watched the almost incestuous act happen in front of all these girls.

Becky’s eyes didnt move from my cock for a good while, even while she asked me if I wanted truth or dare. Not to be lame and change the game I confidently told her and everyone else, dare, afraid of what I might have to do. “You can no longer touch yourself or anyone else with your hands for the entire game,” said the skinny brunette. Not sure how that was a dare, but I minded my Ps and Qs and just went with it, the others didnt seem to have a problem as they sat there enjoying the awkward spectacle of my sisters face and mouth less than 1 inch away from my throbbing cock.

Trying to gather my thoughts and continue the theme, I looked at what my girlfriend was doing to herself, and dared Danielle to put a hand down inside Laura’s crotch and feel how wet she was. According to Danielle, Laura was “more than ready to get something long and hard in her tight twat.”

Danielle then dared Laura to move next to Bently and let him get a good long sniff of how ready Laura was for a good hard breeding. As she moved to the dog and followed through with her dare, Bently moved a little and laid on his side, showing his slowly erecting cock. Clearly the smell of horny females in the air was having its effect on him as well as me.

To change up the game, it was mine turn again and I chose truth, hoping for maybe a question that would spice things up, I wasn’t disappointed. Laura turned to me as she was feeling Bently’s hot breath on her wet mound, she said “tell us what you would do to each and every one of us if you had us alone and naked.”

My heart skipped a beat as my brain slowly processed what I would say to my girlfriend about fooling around with other women. “I would bend each and every one of you over the end of that couch and pound my long hard cock into your tight pink pussies,” I stammered.

“Even your sister!?” yelled Kelly. And the girls all laughed as both I and my sister turned slightly red.

Before I could utter a response to that inquiry, Danielle interrupts asking for me to dare her. Without missing a beat I told her to take off her shirt, exposing her large natural breasts in a very sexy brazier. Never again will I ask to do truth in a game with my sister slowly breathing on my cock.

“Deep throat a banana Kelli!,” said Danielle, continuing the game. Without missing a beat, the little blonde jumped up, went to the kitchen and came back peeling the phallic fruit. She sat down and stared directly at me as she opened her mouth and slid more and more of the fruit into her mouth and then down her throat. She had skills! I thought as I watched more and more go down then come back up. She continued this for a couple of minutes while the girls all watched her, precum started to bubble at the end of my dick making its way through the fabric of my boxers.

When she had finished the banana, Kelli looked to Becky and told her to take off her pants. Leaving her laying in my lap wearing only a tank top and a thong. As she lay her head back down, my cock twitched and slightly hit her on the forehead, none of the others noticed this, but I felt my sisters face and hot breath radiate around my engorged member.

“Since I had to take my shorts off, then you do it too Danielle!,” said Becky, slowly moving her head causing my hard cock to wiggle.

“Take your shirt off Paul,” said Danielle. I was down to my boxers and socks.

“Take off your top honey,” I said, gesturing to Laura who was having Bently breathe heavily into her crotch.

Laura exposed her breasts to everyone and we all got a great look at the pierced left nipple of the perky mammaries. Kellie got up before anyone could say anything and gave the pierced nipple a quick little suck before sitting back down.

That clearly sent a spark through Laura, because she took it to the next level. “Kelli, go finger Becky with 2 fingers until I say stop, oh and leave the underwear on.”

Kelli clamored over to the thin brunette, spread her legs and slid her index and middle finger into the slightly damp hole. As she entered, my sister cooed a little, clearly the intrusion felt good, and soon Kelli was pumping away into my sisters love hole. The amount of precum that was building on my boxers was a little bit on the ridiculous side. It wasn’t just my sister getting fingered by a past fling while she hummed on my lap, it was also seeing my girlfriend inches away from getting oral from a dog while her friend looked on licking her lips that really set me over the edge; I was fucking horny, and so were they!

As Kelli thrust away into Becky, Kelli leaned over her shoulder and told her to roll onto her stomach and continue resting her head in my lap, right next to my throbbing cock. Becky rolled over and the pumping continued, causing my sister to moan and breath heavily onto my swollen member. I was as close to getting head from my own twin sister as possible, without actually getting head.
Through the hard breaths and moans, Becky was able to tell Laura to come over next to her face and use only her teeth to remove the fabric of my boxers from around my cock, to let it out in the air.

Without hesitation, my girlfriend crawled on all fours over to me, staring at me and my sister, she had the lustful look I had loved when we get busy and this time I could tell she was ready for literally anything. Each step she took caused her pert tits to wobble and sway as they dangled from her fit white frame. Licking her lips she lowered her head down next to Becky’s and before taking the cloth into her teeth she kissed Becky, a very long lingering kiss. My twin sister moaned into my girlfriends mouth as the fingers were thrust hard and deep into her, her body started to shake rapidly and her mouth closed a little, biting my girlfriends lips. Becky was the first to get off, but definitely not the last.


My boxers were still on as my twin sister came down from the first orgasm of the night. My girlfriend was slowly fidgeting with her teeth to get my cock uncovered, through the fabric hole. After much effort and issues with my not so willing to cooperate cock, Laura was able free my meat stick. Sitting back up and sitting kind of in a dog position, Laura looked at me and says; “Take of your sisters underwear.”

MY breathing got heavy, but I dont even think my sister noticed what was said, or even noticed the fingers removed from her dripping slit. My hands moved to her sides and I grabbed hold of her waistband and began to pull before I was stopped and reminded I couldnt use my hands at all unless told otherwise. I lifted my sisters head off my lap and lay her on the floor as I move behind her and bend over at the waist and use my teeth to grab the waistband of her hot red thong. I began to pull down her long slender legs and over her tiny tight ass, slowly making progress before they finally made it over the hump of her butt and I was hit with the wave of her pussy juice smells. My cock erupted a little with precum and dribbled onto the floor.

After finally making it down and completely removing her thong with just my teeth, I sat back down and had Becky replace her head on my lap. With my mind racing I look at Kelli and tell her to take off my girlfriends onesie completely, then give her a good lick from front to back.

Laura got up on all fours and watched Kelli move behind her where she removed the leg parts of the onesie that was still being worn, then moved her face down to her muff and gave a great big lick ending right at her tight little rose bud. Laura moaned from the pleasure, kelli licked her lips.

Lifting her head, Kelli smiled looking right at Danielle who wasnt holding back at all and had her hand in her crotch rubbing away at her clit. Clearly what Danielle had seen was hot, and well my cock agreed too. “Fondle Bently’s balls,” said Kelli looking directly at Danielle.

Rising to her hands and knees, Danielle crawled over to the large dane and cupped his nuts, massaging them and stroking them, causing the canines red rocket to extend a little bit more and release some what I assume was precum. I watched this act of vulgarity and my balls began to dance themselves, oh the pleasure he must be feeling. All I get is my sister literally blowing my hard member.

Danielle had began a good rhythm of massaging Bently, and he clearly wasnt complaining. She looked up from the large dog and said “Becky, do the same to Paul, I want you to massage his nuts too.”

Becky must not have been thinking clearly from her recent orgasm but her hand moved as if she had no control over it and she too began to stroke my nuts through my boxers. It felt amazing, having my sisters hands massage me so tenderly while she blew hot air all around my private area. More precum was escaping, only now the boxers weren’t there to catch it, so part of my cock started to glisten as the pre began to drip down my long shaft.

Moans of grogginess and happiness escaped my twins mouth as she stammered across her words, “Laura, blow him while I massage his nuts.”

Music to my ears, finally I get some real action. Without slowing down the action at all my girlfriend crawled over to the almost incest couple and licked the tip of my dick a few times before sucking the head into her mouth. She sat there with my cock in her mouth, throbbing with each squeeze Becky provided, licking all the sides of it with her skilled tongue. Precum escaped again, this time into my girlfriends mouth, where she happily guzzled it down before bobbing her head lower and lower until half of my meat was in her mouth and touching the back of her throat. She was no slouch and knew how to deep throat me, but it was still uncomfortable for her, so for the time being she was content with bobbing on my cock while Becky massaged my balls.

Slowly removing her head from my dick for a moment of air, Laura said “Kelli, get naked,” then moved back to blowing me some more.

While undressing, Kelli was getting a more devious look in her eyes and told Danielle to not only play with Bently’s balls, but she also had to stroke his now engorging red prick.

With almost a smile, Danielle removed her hands from Bently’s balls (causing him to look up at her worried that she would stop) moved her hands towards her face where she licked both her palms and moved them to Bently’s shaft. She grabbed the member with 2 hands, Bently laid his head back down content, and slowly started to stroke the slick red member. Gradually picking up pace, she began jerking off the large dog, watching as sperm began to shoot out the pointed end. Her face said it all, Danielle moved her leg towards the cock in hopes of getting some of the warm liquid on her skin so she could play with it more. She then moved her legs behind her and laid down on her belly, puting her face right next to the squirting cock and took a couple small shots of hot dog jizz to the face, letting some of the mess drip down to her mouth where she licked it up and fell in love. Danielle moved her hands faster as she wanted more dog cum, and she was rewarded quickly with a large shot that went straight for her mouth. Swallowing it all, her legs began to quiver, I knew she was ready for more.

When she could finally regain some composure, Danielle looked up from Bently and saw everyone looking at her with lust, amazed at how naughty she had gotten. Licking her lips, but keeping a strong hold on Bently’s cock, she looked at Becky and told her to stoke Paul’s member while it slid in and out of Laura’s mouth. And with little hesitation, Becky had taken one step closer to complete taboo.

Becky’s undulating hands kept meeting Laura’s soft lips, pushing more and more pre cum into the blonde’s mouth. This continued as she comtemplated what she would have me do next. All I could do was sit there and enjoy the ride as all the girls teased me and pleasured me.

“Eat out Kelli as she stands over you,” said my sister.

Kelli walked over to me and straddled my face and the girls in my lap. She was dripping wet, she was so excited as my tongue found the sweet spot, and soon I had the petite blonde moaning and writhing on my tongue. I darted in and out of her wet honey hole with my tongue before moving and slightly nibbling on her clit; her body couldnt handle it and she had to stop me before she fell down. I looked up at her and smiled, knowing I had done a good job.

Before she moved back into place, I looked over at Danielle, watching her stroke Bently’s cock and told her to get naked, massaging her body while she did so we could all watch. And she didn’t disappoint either: releasing Bently from her clutches, Danielle slowly raised to her feet, moving her hands over her long smooth legs, resting and rubbing her mound, teasing that she would take off her panties first but then moved up further. My eyes followed her hands from bottom to top, her slender fingers moved over her soft white skin on her taught fit tummy and up to her breasts where she squeezed them ever so slightly, then harder and gave a little moan. I looked up to her face and saw the exhasperated look of pleasure on her face as she stared at me and I felt a little surge of pre cum shoot under my sisters fingers and into my girlfriends mouth.

My eyes came back down to Danielle’s hands as they moved behind her to under her bra, within an instant her breasts popped a little as the bra released them from their prison and she let the straps fall over her shoulders. Exposed to the air, and clearly excited, Danielle’s nipples stood at attention for us all (well mainly me) to see. They were better than I had ever expected, I knew they were big and perky, but they just were so right, and so full of all my hopes and dreams. Her hands moved down her body and hooked onto her panties, slowly moving them down she bends at her waist, dangling her breasts in front of me.

This was a sight to behold, as I had forgotten my duties to Kelli she had disappeared from my periferals. I suddenly felt a new sensation going on bellow my belt. Breaking my daze of looking at the tall blonde, I look down and see Kelli laying next Becky on the floor, with my right nut at her lips. And before I had to time to react, it disappeared into her mouth. My head shot back at the unexpected pleasure, right into Danielle’s waiting tits. She had moved over me and I got a mouthful of breast. I sucked hard as she stood bent over me, ass out in the air. My brain was washed with pleasure, my twin sister was jacking me off into my girlfriends mouth while her friend sucked my balls into her mouth and her other friend stood above me so I could suck on her tits, I dont think it could any better than this.

“Uhhhuhhhhhhh….” moaned Danielle as my lips and tongue whirled around her nipple. My brain came back to reality finally as my cock started pumping harder.

Uhhhh… ahhhhh… ooohhhhh…” moaned Danielle again,”Good boy…. ahhh… right … ahhh.. right there!”

I released her tit from my mouth and looked up at her face, Danielle’s head was all the way back as she bent over me, her pleasure wasnt from my sucking, it was from Bently licking her sopping wet pussy. He was standing right behind her, mouth burried deep in the tall blonde’s muff, I could see his tongue disappear inside her on every lick, and each time Danielle shuttered and swayed above me. Her legs buckled and her arms almost gave out as the large dog ate her out better than anyone ever before. Her moans got louder and her spasms got harder as she became the second one to get off in our little fuck fest.


Danielle crashed to the ground, her body still shaking from the intense beastial orgasm. I took a deep breath as the space around me was suddenly vacated and nothing but hot wet musty air filled my lungs.

It smelled amazing.

My gaze faded slowly from the writhing female when my body convulsed from the shock of my other nut slipping into Kelli’s hot wet mouth. More precum escaped my hard member into my girlfriends mouth. She let the pre slid from her mouth and down my member til it slid to my sisters hand where she used it as extra lube making her hands move even faster as she pumped my cock into Laura’s mouth.

I gasped for air as my body lay on the verge of an intense orgasm myself, but I held it back not knowing if I would be able to get it back up again had I gotten off. I really wanted this to last as long as possible and I had an inkling that so did the girls. I guess a little spurt had escaped my cock, or maybe just a larger amount of pre cum came out because my girlfriend let a large amount slide down to my sisters hand, so much that it covered my sisters hand.

Laura looked at Becky, with my cock in her mouth she rolled her eyes in the back of her head. Savoring the flavor of my jizz before releasing it to the open air, my cock immediately felt the cold of the humid air.

“Your turn,” said Laura to my sister.

The first look Becky had was almost of disgust but one also of lust. Her eyes looked up at me and she saw a face of pure bliss as I was getting serviced by the 3 amazingly gorgeous women, just because one was my sister clearly had no effect on me, she was able to make the naughty decision.

My nuts throbbed in Kelli’s mouth as Laura grabbed the base of my shaft and aimed the point to Becky’s lips. My sisters head slowly lowered to my cock head as she lifted her eyes and stared into mine. She lowered her head some more, lips wrapping around my sensitive head. Her tongue whipped back and forth across the top of my head as more and more shaft penetrated her mouth. Soon she was half way down my cock, lubricating the entire phallus with her thin aggressive tongue. She started to move back up, still her eyes were locked to mine. My cock slowly reappeared from her mouth as she took a deep breath and smiled, still looking at me.

This was it, there was no way I was going to be able to hold back now. My sister was blowing me, her perfectly white teeth glistened as they moved closer to my cock as she was ready to bob my nob yet again. My girlfriend’s hands slowly jerked me towards her mouth, trying to pump my hot cum into her. Kelli massaged my nuts more and more, egging the white sticky fluid to come racing out of me. It was then that I knew what they wanted, they wanted me to cum and they didnt care how they got me to do it. Well in reality I wanted to cum too, but not just yet, I wanted to hold on.

Laura grabbed my cock harder and squeezed it, trying to force the cum out. I felt Kelli suck both balls into her mouth and then flicked them with her tongue. Her massaging mouth really did a number on me as I felt them begin to throb. It was my sister that was going to set me over the edge. Her eyes were locked to mine and she was slowly going back down on my head. I felt the tip slide past her lips and over her tongue. She pushed down further, sliding past my ridge and moving it to the back of her throat. Her tongue moved around my cock as if it were a wave, she kept pushing deeper than before. 5 inches of meat went into her mouth, slowly, and she wasnt stopping. More and more went down. My girlfriends hands had to slow their pumps as my sister face got closer to the base. Soon my cock was almost completely in her mouth, my sister was trying to deepthroat me. I felt the back of her throat on my head slowly slide on my head before she stopped and bottomed out, so to speak.

She held her head there, trying to force more of me down, but she just couldnt go any deeper until Laura put her hand on the back of her head and forced the rest of my 9 inch cock down her throat. My sister gagged around my member but quickly became accustomed to the intrusion. She bobbed up and down a few times, now used to taking my entire member. My orgasm was imminent, my balls were throbbing in Kelli’s mouth, my dick was pulsating in my Laura’s hand, and the thought of my sister swallowing my loud just about sent me over the edge…

“WOOF!” went Bently, scaring all three girls off my cock and startling me away from my impending splooge.

“WOOF WOOF,” continued the dog as we looked over at him in startled confusion.

It took me a second to realize what I was seeing. Danielle was bent over the edge of the couch, butt naked, her face resting on a pillow and looking back towards Bently who was dancing as if he was about ready to go for a walk. He couldnt contain his excitement. He wiggled back and forth barking as if to illustrate his exuberance.

“Come on boy,” said the tall naked blonde as she patted her butt. “Come on.”

She patted her butt a few more times before Bently understood what she wanted. In my lustful daze, I couldnt understand what was happening until it finally came to fruition.

“Get some girl!” said Kelli before reaching out a hand for my throbbing balls again. Her hand found its mark and she grabbed hold slightly to continue the massage she had started earlier.

It was with the sudden intrusion to my lust filled world with her hand that I had realized everyone was completely naked. Breasts were everywhere. Resting on my leg, seperated by my shin were Kelli’s tits, her head turned to the side watching Danielle beg to be mounted by Bently. My girlfriend sat to my side, her pert boobs moving up and down as she panted from the hot bliss we were encountering, still stroking my cock. My sister rested on her elbows on my thigh, her breasts raising up and down she breathed in the scent of my sloppy cock. her nipples rubbed against the carpet, she was looking to her side at Danielle and Bently as well, clearly getting wet; it was in the air, I could tell all four girls were ready to take the next step.

It wasn’t until the realization that each of the girls was ready to be taken hit me that I could comprehend what Danielle was trying to accomplish.

“WOOF!,” proclaimed the anxious dog. His tail wagged and his feet couldnt contain his excitement. He jumped up on top of Danielle’s back with his hind legs, humping the air madly, trying to hit home.

My jaw must have been on the floor watching this spectacle. I managed to look away for an instant and saw the other three girls gleaming with excitement, in hopes of the two mating.

Bently’s thrusts kept missing their mark, covering Danielle’s long slender legs in clear dog sperm. Her breathing was frantic, his was fast paced and extreme with excitement. He thrust again and again trying hit his mark, “Good boy Bently, good boy” said Danielle. I coudnt tell who covered her legs more with their slippery clear cum, Bently or Danielle.

“Uh!” escaped Danielle’s mouth as Bently found his mark for an instant, penetrating her shallowly, then pulling out again. His brain processed it a little too slowly and started humping madly thinking he was still inside the tall skinny blonde. His large hard dog cock poked her leg a few times and even knocked at her back door once or twice too, before he slowed his pace and realized he had missed his mark. Danielle was panting in excitement, her canine friend was more than ready to take her around the world, and this made her wetter than ever.

Bently jumped off of Danielle’s back and immediately started to lick her sweet spot, sending chills over her body and the other girls as well. He licked for a few minutes, giving the other girls time to resume their horse play before he was ready to mount his willing bitch again.

My cock was getting slobbered on by all 3 girls this time, my nuts were in Kelli’s hands but my cock was in Kelli, Becky and Laura’s mouths. They were all taking turns sucking my head into their mouths, while the other two licked the sides of my member. Kelli’s hands rubbed me perfectly and soon I was back on the path to cumming into one of these girls mouths when we heard a loud “Yelp!”

Bently was at it again on top of Danielle’s back, humping away, trying to hit his mark. He kept missing, Danielle tried reaching back to find his member and guide him in, but he was just too large of an animal to make that work easily from her position. Every once in a while he would hit his mark, get so excited, and then fall out due to his excitement.

Danielle panted in sexual pleasure and frustration. She raised up onto her hands and looked back, aggravated. Boom. The new position did the trick, Bently found the sweet spot and pushed his entire member into the leggy blonde’s waiting pussy. HIs fully erect, 12 inch member forced its way into her, pushing all the air out of her lungs and almost the eyes out of her head. She couldnt make a noise as the air struggled to re-enter her body, while the 125 pound dane fucked her silly. His thrusts pushed him deeper inside her than anything ever before, his balls slapped on the outside of her pussy lips giving her more pleasure.

The best part of all, the other girls were so entwined with my cock that they had no idea that Bently was fucking their friend stupid right behind them. It wasnt until Danielle was able to utter a moan of pure sexual pleasure that the girls released my cock from their hungry mouths and witnessed what I was watching all along.

Danielle was getting pummelled with 12 inches of long, thick, and hard dog cock. His nuts swayed back and forth, following his hips. Danielle’s mouth gaped as she gasped for air with each thrust, her eyes slowly lost focus and moved to the back of her head. Her large breasts jiggled all over, slapping each other and her body during the raging fuck of her life. Her moans turned more and more pleasurable, starting over each time a thrusted hip hit her behind. She stayed on her hands, using the couch to take most of the thrusting power, allowing her to enjoy the fuck even more.

My sister continued to jerk me off while Kelli played with my balls. It was my girlfriend that had stopped playing with me first. Her hand had moved from my cock to her pussy where she started rubbing fiercly. Her breathing turned to moans as she watched the large dog fuck the living hell out of our friend. Pussy in one hand and tit in the other, my girlfriend brought herself to near orgasm before stopping, standing up and walking over to the bestial lovers. She lay herself down on her back, spreading her legs in front of Danielle’s gaping, moaning mouth. It took the ravaged girl too long to realize what was in front of her before Laura grabbed her head and shoved Danielle’s mouth into her waiting twat. Danielle’s moans were muffled by Laura’s muff, but were replaced by Laura’s own squeals from the erotic carpet munching. Danielle realized what was going on and obliged quickly, eating out my girlfriend while taking my dog deep in her sopping wet pussy.

Soon her moans turned louder and louder as the pleasured noise turned to an almost scream when Danielle moved her mouth away from my girlfriends hole. My sister lifted her head from my cock to see (along with me) Bently’s knot was trying to force its way into the pleasure stricken girl. Kelli had moved down to Becky’s wet pussy and was eating her out while she blew me, but when the knot finally had forced its way into the tall blonde, everything else had stopped. The screams of pleasure had turned to gutteral moans of pure bliss as Bently unloaded into Danielle’s sopping hole. We all could see his member throb inside of her, she was filled to the brim with cock and now she was being overflowed with dog sperm.

Danielle’s blonde head was thrown backwards as she felt jet after jet of hot dog jizz batter her womb, sending the women over the edge for her second orgasm. Her moans became muffled again as she lowered her head to eat out my girlfriend some more. Sperm poured into her by the droves and the huge knot kept every ounce inside of her. The sight of this was too much for my girlfriend as she too began to cum into the mouth of the blonde. Her body contorted and writhed under Danielle’s mouth, covering her face in slick white cum. Danielle nibbled on Laura’s clit, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her entire body. CUm was continuously pumped into Danielle, her body was shaking with pussy in her mouth.

Becky turned to Kelli, whose mouth had returned to her wet hole and whispered to her, “Your turn.”

Looking up without removing her mouth, Kelli stared into Becky’s and shook her head, humming quietly before releasing the brunette’s box from her teeth. “Not until you fuck Paul, then you can eat me out.”

What did I just hear!? My brain was still groggy from the stimulation, but I was pretty sure Kelli wanted me to fuck my sister. I didnt have much time before it began to happen. Becky stood up in front of me, her bare ass was directly in my face, her long slender legs soaked on the inside, screamed for my touch. She lowered herself down in front of me, straddling my legs with hers; the lower she squat, the more her curves were revealed. Her slender legs bent more, leading to her wide hips, the perfect shape of her taught ass drove me wild, her thin waist only accented everything else as they approached my rigid, slippery cock. Her thin, skinny back widened as my eyes approached her shoulders, revealing the outside curves of her big fake tits before disappearing to her armpits and skinny arms. Her brunette hair was slightly messy from all the foreplay before, but now every part of her body had one mission: to fuck her brother’s big hard cock.

With the moaning in the background slowly fading away, I was suddenly faced with my sisters hot ass about to engulf my hard-on. Her hands grabbed my cock and aimed it home. I couldnt recognize anything that was happening other than Becky’s soft hands on my prick as she guided it into her waiting hole, and before I knew it, the soft wet pocket had taken me almost hole before I bottomed out inside her. My prick hit her deep and hard as she got used to the size of my member inside her. Her head slowly rolled back, her dark hair was in my face, her eyes rolled back farther, and soon she was covering my cock with her juices.

My girlfriend looked up from her mouth play from the bestial lover, to see my cock slowly appearing and disappearing into my sister, she bit her lower lip and watched as my sisters pace picked up and soon she was riding me hard, right in front of her friends. The incestuous act soon became nothing but lust as she bounced up and down on me, trying to force more in but to no avail. Her moans could be heard around the world, I thought. It took almost no time before the novelty of what we were doing faded away for Kelli, and she got bored. She crawled down below us and attached her lips to my balls and teased me a little while Becky rode hard. She only did this for a couple minutes when she then went to Becky’s clit and sucked on it hard, giving my sister the most intense orgasm of her life.

Becky’s cum drenched my cock, balls, and even my ass as she came all over me and Kelli’s mouth. Her moans of pleasure got the attention of both Laura and Danielle, who both looked over at us and quivered at the taboo scene.

I’m not sure which was worse, the tall skinny blonde fucking a large dane, or the skinny fake boobed brunette fucking her brother, but both were within 2 meters of each other and the party was only just beginning.


“Ahh!!” screamed my sister, my cock twitched inside her creaming pussy.

“Ahhh… ahhhhh… ahhhh…. more….. uhhh…. more!” screamed Danielle, being filled with dog sperm.

Laura and Kelli were the only ones not getting any now, but that didnt last long as I knew the kinky nubile little blonde Kelli had some ace up her sleeve. And I was not about to be disappointed with the lack of show. My sister kept bouncing up and down my hard throbbing cock, trying to get to her second orgasm from just my member alone. Kelli had removed her mouth from Becky’s clit, allowing me to have my fun. I put my hands on my sides,and pushed down onto the floor, thrusting my hips up and fucking Becky harder yet. She let out a little yelp as my cock head knocked at the entrance to her womb, and soon I was pummeling her pussy faster than anything she had experienced so far. Her big tits bounced all over her body, her slender stomach showed the hints of my cock ravaging her, her legs buckled underneath her slender frame and soon she was completely in my control.

I fucked the living hell out of her, my prick made long deep strokes into her waiting hole, quickly retracting and then repeating all over again. The same could not be said for Danielle who was still tied to Bently, though I dont think she minded. I looked at her, bent over the couch, dog on her back, cock burried inside her deep; I couldnt describe the emotion on her face. Something like bliss, with a little bit of relief and extasy mixed in. Her breathing was hard and a yet soft; but it was something I really didnt care about since I had my hot twin sister riding me like a horse. My hips bucked underneath her faster and faster when soon she began to cum again, making my cock drip and slip into her tight hole even easier.

I looked around while I pummeled my sister, Laura and Kelli were no where to be found when suddenly I heard loud moans coming from my girlfriend behind me on the couch. I turned my head around as much as I could without screwing up my screwing (lol) and found Laura on her knees and elbows, looking back at Kelli as she shoved my mom’s rolling pin inside her back door.

“Ahh… not so … ahhh… hard…. ahh!” moaned Laura.

Kelli pushed the marble rolling pin deep into my girlfriends tight ass with her left hand while her right hand played with her own clit. She stood behind Laura, fucking her ass with the large rolling pin, looking a like a mad woman. Each time she pushed the pin into Laura, Kelli’s tits bounced and shook, showing the effort she was using to fuck my girlfriend raw. The look on Kelli’s face almost showed aggression, that must have come from me dating Laura and not her, considering our past. But still the poleasure was there, the 2 foot rolling pin was being gobbled up by my skinny girlfriends tight little ass, slowly more and more was disappearing inside of her. Her moans grew more pleasured as the fucking continued.

I watched this with amazement. My girlfriend had never let me fuck her in the ass before and yet here she was taking a rock solid rolling pin 13 inches deep. Kelli continued to play with her own clit before finally removing her hand from the pin and telling Laura to sit on it. Approving in the lustful manner that all of us were in, Laura got up off the couch, rolling pin sticking out of her ass, squated over the cushions and began to sit down hard on the solid phallus. Her tits wavered on her chest as she slowly let more and more of the pin inside her back door. Meanwhile Kelli stood up on the couch and straddled Laura’s face, shoving her twat into her face. Without hesitation my girlfriend ate Kelli to a quick and pleasureful orgasm that shook the entire couch.

My sister bounded up and down me, still feeling her cum escape and coat my cock. She grabbed my hands off the ground and pulled them to her tits; i squeezed them for the very first time and boy were they amazing. Though fake, they were still soft and enjoyable, whoever had done her boob job really knew what they were doing. Becky turned her head around and looked at me threw the corner of her eyes, her head slightly tilted back, and whispered “Cum inside me brother.”

My cock throbbed harder than anytime before that very moment. Becky’s breasts bounced a little as she grinded on my cock, trying milk my hot jizz from me. In a daze, I looked around me and saw my girlfriend taking a rolling pin in her tight ass while she ate out my former “fuck” buddy. Danielle was slumped over the couch, being filled with dog jizz, her tits lifted and lowered on the couch as her deep breaths finally caught up to her. My sister leaned back, puting her head on my shoulders right next to my face and whispered again, “cum baby brother, cum inside your twin sister.”

Those words sent me over the edge. Boom! Burst after burst of pleasure escaped my young hard cock, my jizz shot threw my shaft into my sisters waiting pussy. The first jet sprang from me and hit the inside of her walls. Becky moaned as she felt the hot spurt blast inside of her, followed by even more cum. For not cumming for so long, my jizz probably double the normal amount for me. Her body rocked on me more as I held her tits tight in my hands, pushing her down harder onto my cock, trying to enter her womb. Explosion after explosion of jizz burst inside her as I pulled down harder and harder when suddenly my entire prick entered her. My head had entered her womb and was unloading large amounts of incestuous sperm inside her. She released a gutteral moan as my cock throbbed inside her deeper than ever before. My cum coated her insides, and soon her orgasm took over, increasing the amount I was enter her womb. My balls slapped against her pussy a few times, coming away wetter than ever before. Our cum together had coated the family carpet beneath us.

Danielle looked over at us and saw my cum dripping around my cock from inside my sisters pussy and caused her to have yet another intense orgasm. Danielle’s moans scared Bently into jumping off of her and slipping free from her loosened twat with a loup plop noise, followed by torrents of cum hitting the floor. His knot had receded enough to allow such a motion, but still showing the true size of his member.

Kelli looked back and saw the cum gush from Danielle’s abused twat, then saw Bently’s large cock and came as she saw the apple sized knott behind the 14 inches of spurting dog meat. She came all over Laura’s face, having it drip down onto her chin then onto her tits. This girl was a squirter and she soon was drenching my girlfriend with her cum.

The taste and the thought of everything finally hit Laura too, as she soon was cumming. Her body squirmed as it took more and more of the rolling pin up her loosening ass. The pin was almost completely gone inside the blonde as she felt it push against her insides and thought it had to be in her stomache. Her cum gushed out of her too, slightly squirting and dripping down onto the pin, allowing for more of it to go inside her. Soon she had the entire pin inside her and the thought of the 2 foot marble cilindar inside her made her finish with the most intense orgasm yet.

The living room stank of sex and must as the 6 beings lay down and catch their breath. Cum dripped from both Becky’s and Danielle’s abused holes. Laura laid next Kelli on the couch, rolling pin still deep inside her but slowly coming out. Her arms and legs were wrapped around Kelli, massaging her body slowly and lovingly, her face was at one of Kelli’s tits and was slowly suckeling. Becky laid back on me, still straddling my cock. It was soft now and resting in the position it had fallen out of her pussy. Her pussy continuously dripped the combination of my cum and hers. Our arms relaxed to our sides as we savored the pleasure. The only one of us doing anything rigorous was Bently, he was sitting there cleaning his still engorged dick of Danielle’s sticky cum. The tall blonde lay slumped over the couch arm, never wanting to move again…

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