Women with Animals

Dog Training Gone Wrong – Part 3


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© by Jordanyea

Sarah started another day by waking up in her kennel beside her master, Rouke. Beginning her day, she lifted her leg and began to pee. Once finished, she made sure to use her tongue to clean her leg and pussy, licking any remaining drops of pee.

Next, she crawled on all fours over to her master, who was defecating in his usual spot in the garden. Sarah knew she had to make sure her master was clean, so once again got her tongue to work, licking him clean, making sure to focus on his ass. This was a new taste to Sarah, but like everything belonging to Rouke, it tasted amazing to her. She put her tongue deep in his ass and then worked on his ever-growing cock.

It wasn’t long until she got her reward, and ropes of doggy cum were on her lips and tongue. It just felt so right, so good, and so tasty! She finished eating and joined Rouke over at the water bowl. This was her life now. She didn’t really see herself as human anymore; she was a dog like her master, and it just felt right! She hadn’t shaved her body in a few weeks and was starting to love her new doggy fur.

Lost in happy thoughts, she was interrupted by Rouke mounting her, a smile appeared on her face as she awaited her pussy to be full, but this time, Rouke found a different hole. Sarah felt her asshole being violated, and she had every bone in her body screaming, ‘No, stop.’ But her brain didn’t stop. In fact, she grabbed his cock and pushed it in further. Unimaginable pain hit Sarah.

She was full of pain, tears ran down her face, and she wanted to scream, ‘Stop,’ but all that came out of her mouth was, “Yes, master, take my holes. You own me.”

Rouke must have understood this as he fucked her harder. The pain got so bad Sarah passed out.

Sarah woke up confused, ‘Where’s my master?’ she thought as she lay on the ground with cum and blood leaking out of her asshole. She got up and licked herself clean. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and began to cry. ‘What have I done?’ Sarah thought. She scrambled to her laptop and opened the application, and ‘New training options available’ was displayed. ‘These options allow you to remove free will from your dog, making them the perfect pet that allows obeying their master.’

‘I could do this,’ Sarah thought. ‘I’d never have to think again. I’d never look in the mirror with disgust or try and stop Rouke from fucking my ass.’ Then the realization hit her: if she became this, who would get their food and pay the bills? So, just like that, she started Googling and found a site for kinky people like her. She made a post describing her situation and eventually started talking to a man named John.

John was intrigued by Sarah’s lifestyle and agreed to become Rouke’s new owner, which in turn meant owning Sarah as well. He moved into her house and asked her one final time, “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

Sarah smiled and hit Confirm.


Sarah collapsed and didn’t wake for 3 hours, but when she did. Everything that made Sarah her was gone. She opened her eyes and smiled at John. Drooling down her chin, she jumped on John and licked his face. John couldn’t believe it. It worked. He owned two dogs, one more special than any other.

Sarah crawled outside and went to the toilet, sniffing her waste after she was done cleaning her body. Rouke barked at her and mounted her just like last time in her tight ass. John watched on in disbelief. He got his dick out and went to town. Finishing on his new girl dog’s face. Sarah smiled, so happy, not really understanding what was happening just she knew she loved it.

John had plenty of ideas for Sarah, the first of which was getting her a collar and a leash. John didn’t stop there. He had connections with dodgy people, including some very dodgy doctors. This is where Sarah started to change outside of her mind.

The first step was her legs. He got a doctor to fuse her legs in the crawling position. This meant she’d never stand again, but it also made it feel more natural for her, especially when she had Rouke deep inside her cunt.

Next came her ears. These were extended and repositioned to look just like dog ears. She really was starting to look the part. However, there was one issue. She still talked. Anytime she wanted food, she spoke ‘human.’ She’d moan while being fucked. This has to change in John’s mind.

So, next came the voice box changes. Her voice chords were modified so that she could only let out a few noises, all closely resembling barks. You could see that although Sarah didn’t fully understand these changes, deep down in her consciousness, she loved them!

Sarah would spend every day caring, cleaning, and pleasuring her master Rouke, and after a while, began doing the same for John. There were very few hours in the day when her stomach, ass, or pussy wasn’t full of cum, and she loved it. John would get friends over, and Sarah would love it, jumping on each of them when they entered the door and licking their faces. Finishing with sucking their dicks and barking loudly as they fucked her tight holes.

This was her life now. She was as much a dog as any other (well, one that was on heat 24/7).

The End

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