Women with Animals

The Sara Chronicles


© 2023 by blacklabknot

Part One

Well, hello internet. You don’t know me, and chances are I don’t know you. I mean, hey, there’s seven billion people out there! But I feel like it’s high time I told my story. Or stories, depending on how you look at it. This is going to start out slow, I know, but if you bear with me I promise the reward is well worth your patience.

I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Sara! Nice to meet you all. In lieu of a picture, allow me paint you a picture with words. I’m 24, which in this world seems to be quite young. But believe me when I tell you, that doesn’t mean I haven’t lived, if you know what I mean. I’m actually fairly small for my family. I don’t know what happened, but somehow I got the short genes. On a good day I’m barely 5 feet tall. But along with that, I lucked out and have managed to keep my weight pretty much right around 100. So yeah, I’m small. The unfortunate side effect of that is my breasts are quite small. They barely fill an a cup bra, and I wish more than anything they were bigger. Blonde hair that I have kept short forever. I actually ended up getting a pixie cut not too long ago and I absolutely am in love with it.

My family moved around a lot when I was younger. Like, a lot. I lost count of how many different schools I went to. As a result, I ended up getting held back a grade early on. Which had its ups and downs. I’m not bitter. There’s something to be said about being the oldest girl in senior year of high school. I mean, hell, I turned 19 at the end of my junior year. First to get my license, first to “grow,” a lot of firsts in my class haha. But through all the moves, we always had pets. Usually dogs, and the last dog we had was an amazingly loyal black lab who literally followed me everywhere. He would walk with me to school, and I never figured out exactly how he knew what time it was, but he’d be waiting for me after school to walk with me home again at the end of each day. This didn’t go unnoticed by the “popular” girls, unfortunately. Or fortunately, depending on how you look at it. Midway through senior year I started hearing whispers. Then full on rumors. Someone (I eventually found out exactly who later, but that’s a different story for a later time) started a rumor that the reason Goliath was with me all the time, the reason he followed me everywhere, was because I let him fuck me.

I’d never heard of women doing that before. I didn’t even know it was possible! But after hearing it whispered behind my back day after day for months, I eventually got sick of it. If they’re going to make up lies like that, why not just try it and find out? I started exploring the web, first just reading stories, then finding pictures and videos. Holy fuck did those women look and sound like they were in heaven. Then came the fateful weekend that I was going to have the house to myself. Mom and dad were going out of town to visit some family, but I didn’t want to go. Really, who wants to be cooped up in a car for six hours one way to visit crusty old aunts?

Friday after school, Goliath met me and we walked home, as usual. But today was going to be anything but normal. We got home, and I made sure all the doors were locked. I went into my room and loaded up some of my favorite clips, just to get myself even more excited, and stripped down to just a t shirt. It wasn’t long before I found my fingers exploring myself, feeling myself growing more and more wet with each passing moment. Then the fear set in. Did I really want to do this?

Yes, yes I did.

I forced myself to stop just before I reached climax, and called Goliath into my room. I positioned myself on my bed so I could lay down, feet on the floor, and spread my legs, coaxing his face closer and closer to me until I felt his cold nose touch my lips. It sent an electric shock through my whole body. Then came his tongue. That amazing, magical tongue. Slowly at first, up and down, licking, working his way into my folds and all around. I couldn’t hold myself back any longer and came hard on that feeling. He didn’t care. He just kept going. And going.

I had to push him away. I couldn’t take it any longer, I needed something inside me. I wasn’t ready to have him yet, I didn’t think, but I did have my dildo under the bed. So I pushed his head back and started rummaging around under the bed. He had other ideas. As soon as I grabbed it, I felt weight on my back. He was heavier than I expected. And then I felt him starting to thrust. Fast, uncontrolled, almost chaotic. A few times I felt something almost sharp brush against my lips and down, missing my hole. I tried to get him off me but he wasn’t having any of it.

And then he got in. I couldn’t do anything but gasp, almost scream, as I felt him enter. Hard. I thought he was humping fast before but no, that was just his warmup. As soon as he felt my warmth and wetness he really took off. All I could do now was just hold on and wait for him to finish. It wasn’t long before I was cumming on his cock, reveling in the feeling as he thrust deeper and deeper, until I started to feel him start to cum. And then the knot began to grow. I knew it was coming, I thought I was prepared, but not for this. Pressure, all sorts of pressure grew as he did, pushing my pussy wider to accommodate his growing girth. And then, just as suddenly as he had started, he stopped moving. I could feel more pressure grow as he came in me, filling me, his cock twitching with each spurt. I came again, and thankfully had the good sense to reach back and hold him. He’d have injured me if he had pulled out right away.

I don’t know how long it took, but he eventually calmed down enough that his knot began to shrink. I could feel his cum leaking out around it, and he started to pull back harder against me. I let him go this time, and he pulled himself out with enough force that I came one more time. Between that and the feeling of his cum running down my legs, I was in literal heaven. I rolled over and looked back at him, seeing what had just been in me, and I couldn’t believe how big he was!

We did that three more times that weekend. I had never known pleasure quite like that. Let them talk at school. I knew the truth now, that a dog was far better than any man could ever be.

I wish l could say it continued with Goliath forever, but it was only a few more months before I left for college. I had a scholarship to attend the local community college in their vet tech program. In a way, college was my true awakening into this life.


Part Two

I always knew I was bi. As long as I could remember, women’s bodies excited me the same way as a guy could. But I never really got a chance to explore that side of myself until I got to college. Living in an apartment by myself, away from home, afforded me the opportunity to explore life like I never had before.

I met Jenn in chemistry lab. Kinda funny when you think about it haha. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was fully a half foot taller than I was, flowing red hair, the most perky tits I’d ever seen, and a beautiful set of legs. She liked to wear skirts a lot. Really short ones. I think she did it because she liked showing off her ass. But I digress.

We got paired up early on as partners in class. It didn’t take long before she asked me to come over to “study” after class. I gladly did, and study turned into kissing. Kissing turned into further exploration. She was my first time with another woman. I was definitely not hers! This first time quickly turned into a second, then a third, and before I knew it we had moved in together. It was honestly the best time of my life. It got to the point that we even just turned the second bedroom into an office and stayed in the same bed all the time.

Things were great for two months after I moved in. But then she started disappearing randomly during the week. She would never tell me exactly where she was going, and she always, always got straight into the shower after she came home. She was always so secretive, but I didn’t want to push the issue because, quite honestly, I was in love with her and didn’t want to ruin what we had.

So, one night after she left I decided to snoop through her computer. Bad, I know, but what else was I supposed to do?! She really didn’t give me any choice. I thought I’d find some notes about a date, or a secret guy she’d been seeing on the side. Which really would have hurt because we’d both discussed bringing a guy into the bedroom together but never had pulled the trigger on it. No, instead I found her porn collection. And what a glorious collection it was! Nice and organized, too. Mostly solo cocks, horses, dogs, some elephants even. Some really hot videos of horses and zebras mating that I couldn’t help but touch myself to. And then, way at the bottom, buried, was the video that changed our life forever. It was clearly home made. But it was clear enough I could tell who was in it.

It was Jenn. Recently, too. You could see the tattoo I had been with her last month when she got it. She was sitting on a couch. I didn’t recognize it. But she was dressed in her usual way, tight form fitting shirt, tiny skirt, and I could tell she wasn’t wearing any panties. Someone was talking off camera, a guy, but I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but it made her giggle. Then I clearly heard the off-camera voice ask “Are you sure about this?” Jenn spread her legs to show her glistening lips and nodded. Then “he” asked “Are you ready?”

Jenn responded with an emphatic and raspy “god yes, I can’t wait any longer.”

My heart sank. I thought maybe she was there to get gangbanged. She’d always told me that was a fantasy of hers. I wanted to turn it off, I didn’t want to have to have my heart break watching her. But something told me I had to keep watching. Even though I was convinced of what was coming, I just kept watching.

I’m glad I did. It wasn’t a group of guys. It was a dog. Looked to be a boxer, from his build. Jenn smiled and spread her legs further, scooting forward on the couch and coached him towards her crotch. He eagerly began lapping at her and I could see her eyes roll back in pleasure. After a little while she reached up and started playing with her breasts through her shirt. I could see her hard nipples and knew she was close to cumming. Then, suddenly, there it was, her moans of pleasure as she came on that tongue. She came to her senses shortly after and said “Now, please. I really can’t wait any longer.”

It was like the voice behind the camera changed to a different person. No longer playful, it was strict, instructional. He called the dog back and started telling Jenn exactly what to do. Step out of your skirt, get on your hands and knees. Arch your back and spread your legs slightly. You’re sure you want this?

Jenn nods her head as an answer and the guy releases the dog. Clearly Jenn isn’t his first. He’s on her in an instant, his thrusting cock driven into her waiting pussy before she can change her mind. Thrusting deeper and deeper, harder and harder, Jenn begins to moan, then almost scream as he continues. And then, almost like a switch was turned, he stops moving. Jenn’s still moaning, and the camera zooms in on her pussy. You can see the dogs balls twitch, almost like a heartbeat, and I know exactly what she’s feeling. I start playing with myself as he fills her on the screen, as she keeps moaning, as I see him start to try to pull back, his massive knot stretching her lips as he does. Slowly he pulls out, his still swollen cock leaving her pussy gaping, the camera still focused on the cum leaking down her legs. Suddenly she rolls over onto her back, her face a mask of pleasure, and wiggles herself under the dog to take him in her mouth.

After a little while the dog walks away, he’s done with her. She gets up and you can still see her legs glistening from the cum. She looks at the camera and slyly asks if she can come back next week.

And that was the end of the video. I’m still sitting there in stunned disbelief. How in the world did I get so lucky?!


Part Three

After I shut the computer down I had nothing to do but wait. So I waited. And I planned. I worked out what I was going to ask to confront Jenn when she got home. I worked out exactly what I was going to say. It was going to be perfect.

Except as soon as I heard her key hit the lock, my mind just went blank. Nothing. No thoughts. I just stood there, arms crossed, as she opened the door and came in, wearing the exact same outfit as in the video, no less. I could swear her thighs had a slight glisten to them even, but that very well could have been my mind playing a trick on me. So I just blurted out an accusatory “Where were you?!”

“I thought you were going to bed. I didn’t want to disturb you so I just let you be. I went to the library to study some.” She says all this without making eye contact. I know she’s lying, I know where she was, really.

“Who is he? I ask, putting as much hurt into my voice as I can. I’m starting to come to my senses a bit. I don’t want a fight, I want her to come clean so we can share this together.

“He? I don’t know what you’re talking about! Why would you even think something like that?!” She tries to walk away, go towards the bathroom to shower like she always did, trying to wash away the results of her fun away from home.

“I found the video, Jenn. I know about the dog.”

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about. What dog?” I can hear the fear in her voice grow as she realizes she’s been caught.

“The dog you’ve been sneaking off to get fucked by. I know. I saw what you did. And you know what? I think it’s hot! I wish you’d have brought me with. I saw your first time. I’d have loved to have been there, Jenn. I could have helped you!”

“What do you mean… You could have helped? What?”

“Jenn, I’ve been doing exactly what you keep sneaking off for since high school. But now that I know you do it, well, I feel free.”

“Sara… What are you saying? I don’t understand?” Slowly I see the realization of what I was telling her creep across her face. “Are you telling me… You’ve done that? That you aren’t disgusted by it?”

I move closer to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning up to whisper in her ear, “Jenn,” I slowly say, “What I saw you do in that video… all of it, especially how much you enjoyed it, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” I slowly move my hand down to lift up her skirt, my fingers slowly feeling the mix of her wetness and the still present dog cum in her. “Now, let’s go get you cleaned up.” Leading her to the bedroom, I lay her down on the bed and begin licking her pussy, reveling in the taste. God, it’d been YEARS since I tasted that delicious salty, metallic combination. I reveled in the way it made her squirm, listened to her moan each time my tongue brushed against her clit, until I had to hold her stronger, feeling her legs shake beneath my arms.

Afterwards, laying in bed together she rolled over, tears in her eyes. “Sara? I have a confession. I’m afraid you won’t like it but I need to tell you. Afterwards, after the camera turned off, I gave him a blowjob. That was the deal. He set everything up for me, he helped me, and in return I had to suck him off. I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me for it. And it’s happened every time since. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”

I lean over to kiss her. “Jenn, we’ve always talked about bringing a guy into our bed to share. Why not him? I’m not mad, I promise.”

“I have another session with him in two days. Come with me!” her eyes lit up with newfound excitement.

“Jenn, I’d love to.”

The next two days pass in a blur, our excitement growing with each passing hour. The day comes and we pick out each others outfits. I choose a short skirt for Jenn, one that barely covers her ass, and a tight fitting button down shirt that her breasts beg to pop out of. She wants me to wear my old cheerleading uniform, and I gladly oblige her. We like to roleplay with it now and then, so why not now, too?

We hop in the car and arrive after only a few minutes. I had no idea this guy lived so close! We walk up to the door and Jenn knocks. I can hear a dog barking inside, followed by the click of the lock being undone. The door opens and we are greeted by an incredibly handsome man, he can’t have been more than 25 or 26, which made me tingle to think someone our age was into this same thing. Jenn is practically bouncing and bubbling as she introduces me.

“Ryan, this is my girlfriend, Sara. She’s really excited to meet you!”

I feel Ryan’s eyes walk up and down my body, see the wheels of his mind turning, different scenarios running through his head as he mentally undresses both of us. He’s seen what Jenn has, for sure. She’s told me, the last couple sessions he’s had her strip completely naked for him and the dog. But me, I’m new to him.

“You two look cold,” he says, noticing that both of us had nipples hard enough to cut glass. “Come in, let’s get settled in.”

We follow him in. The house is warm, warmer than I would have expected. But I was glad for that, given we would probably be losing our clothes shortly. Ryan leads us into the living room and I see the couch. That magical, dangerous couch that I had watched Jenn get her first taste of true pleasure on. Jenn sits down, and pats the cushion next to her, beckoning me to join her. I obey, my excitement growing, barely able to contain myself at the possibilities to come. Ryan sits down in a chair across from us, and I can see he’s enjoying the sight of two women on his couch. His dog dutifully sits next to him, not moving, but clearly as excited as I am to be there.

“So, Sara, Jenn tells me you found out what we’ve been doing, and you want in. Is that true?”

I smile and nod, and as much as I want to say it out loud, all I can manage to do is whisper a quiet, almost submissive, “yes.”

“Well, then, who’s going first?”

Neither of us answers. We just look at each other. I can tell Jenn wants to see me do it, and I want to show her just how hot it looks seeing the one you love getting used by an animal, so, to answer, I scoot forwards and spread my legs, beckoning the boxer to come taste me.

Ryan wastes no time in releasing him, giving him the command of “Lick.” In a flash, he’s at me, burying his nose in my crotch. God how I missed the feeling of that powerful tongue, feeling it explore me, growing wetter with each and every lash of it across my lips. I start to squirm, the pleasure almost becoming too much. I gasp with each lick, struggling to keep my breath, looking longingly at Jenn, seeing the sheer joy in her eyes to be watching this. I cum on that tongue, a long slow moan escaping my lips.

“Jenn,” I gasp, “do you want to see him fuck me? Please, say yes. I need this.” I don’t wait for her answer as I push the dog back and get into position. I get my knees on the ground and lean forwards, resting my upper body on the seat of the couch. I hike up my skirt, revealing my waiting pussy to the dog, inviting him to lick me more. He happily continues until I hear Ryan firmly say “Mount!”

It all happened so fast. I had forgotten what it felt like to have that beautifully shaped cock forced into me. I gasped and rocked my hips back, begging him to thrust deeper. Deeper and faster he went, until I could feel him all the way inside me, his knot starting to swell, until he was firmly inside me. His thrusting continued for a brief moment before he stopped and I felt him start to twitch, each twitch of that magical cock pushing me closer and closer to the edge, feeling him fill me with his cum, it’s heat radiating through me until I was cumming on him. God, Jesus, how I missed this feeling! I manage to look over at Jenn and see her playing with herself, working three fingers in and out of her pussy, all the while staring at me under the boxer. I smile and allow myself to just enjoy the feeling.

I feel him start to pull away and tell Jenn to come close. I want to give her a treat. I have her lay down under me. She instantly realizes what’s going to happen and moves quickly, getting into position just in time for him to pull out of me, his cum running out of me and onto her face, into her waiting mouth. I lean back and press myself onto her, giving her access to all of me, letting her taste me and him mixed together.

“Holy. Fuck.” I hear Ryan say. “The only way that would be hotter is if one of you had your lips wrapped around Tyson’s cock here.”

Taking the hint, I get off Jenn and lay down under Tyson, arching my back to bring my mouth up to his still twitching cock. Taking him in my mouth, I taste him for the first time. God, I know I keep saying this, but I missed this so much! And it isn’t long before Jenn finds her way to my lips again, her mouth covering my pussy, her tongue flicking across my clit repeatedly, as I pull more and more of Tyson into my mouth, feeling short quick spurts of his cum go down my throat.

Soon enough, sooner than I want, Tyson pulls back from me. He’s spent and wants to rest. I guess I can’t blame him, but did it have to end so soon? I stand up, and help Jenn get up as well, kissing her deeply.

“Holy shit, Sara. That’s way hotter than what I did.” Jenn says. She looks longingly at Ryan. “I suppose we owe you your payment yet, don’t we?”
“Not this time, Jenn. But, I have a proposition. I know a couple, about our age, who have a farm not too far out of town. I have a proposition for you. You and Sara meet me there on Saturday morning. I’ll clear it with them, but I know they’ll be more than happy to have you two out there for the weekend. Don’t worry, they have plenty of space, but I don’t think you’ll be in the bedrooms much, not after you see what they’re up to out there.”

We both know what the other is thinking. How could it be possibly better than this?

“Text me the address,” Jenn says, kissing me again. “We will be there.”

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