Women with Animals
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The Trials Of Jenny Adkins


Jenny Adkins had always had an evil streak, she believed she could beat the system, that was until a judge sent her to Arlington, a supposed approved school. Jenny was in for a shock.


Part One

Jennifer Adkins held the knife close to her Mother’s throat just as the police burst in.

“Take her away, we don’t want to know her anymore, we’re going to Europe for six months, put her in care, I don’t care anymore,” shouted Mrs Adkins terrified of her wayward daughter.

“You will go to Arlington approved centre for an unspecified time, when experts say you are ready to be set free we will consider it, take her down.”

Those were the words of Judge Henry as Jennifer was led down the stairs to a cell.

“Breakfast, come on, up eat your breakfast and you’re on your way, and may god help you,” said the policeman who brought it.

“What can they do, fuck em, they’ll never break me,” said eighteen year old Jennifer.

The huge gates opened and closed behind them, Jennifer looked out the darkened widow of the police van.

“What is this fucking place, looks like a concentration camp,” she thought to herself.

“Take your clothes off slut,” said the man behind a counter.

“Fuck off, you take yours off ,” answered Jennifer.

The last thing Jennifer saw was the man smiling as she felt the needle go into her arm. She woke up in a sort of cell on a hard bed, the back of her neck was throbbing a little as she felt it, there was a little lump there.

She looked around the cell and realised she was naked, there was nothing in the cell, just the hard bed she lay on and nothing else.

The door opened and a man stood there, “on your feet slut, time for your induction.”

“Fuck off,” said Jennifer.

A loud scream filled the cell as Jennifer put her hand to her neck to stop the pain.

“I won’t ask you again slut,” pressing the button on his remote.

Another scream and Jennifer jumped from the bed, “you will never ever speak to a Master again unless asked to, I was going to le t you walk as it’s your first day, now you can crawl slut, get down, oh by the way, that’s the lowest setting on here,” showing her the gadget, “full is excruciating, it is used for disobedience , do you want me to demonstrate.”

“No,” shouted Jennifer.

“I didn’t tell you so I’ll let it go, when you are asked to speak to any male in this establishment you will call them Master, understood.”

“Yes Master,” she answered through gritted teeth.

“Good, now crawl in front of me slut, I can kick your arse hole if you slow down.”

She was led to a room where four men sat on chairs, each one was around forty, Jennifer was led in and told to kneel in front of them.

“You were sent here slut because your parents couldn’t control you, as you see we can, your parents have signed you over to us, from now on all your holes belong to us, every Master in here, they can treat you any way they wish, your only desire will be to please them in any way.”

Another man took up the lecture, “crawl over here slut and take my cock out, I want to see if you’re any good at cocksucking.”

Jennifer hesitated a second or two, the pain shot through her again, “when you are asked to do something slut, you do it, you don’t think about it, now get my cock out and suck it.”

Jennifer crawled over quickly and unzipped his flies, reaching in she pulled his flabby cock out and put it in her mouth. H e obviously hadn’t had a bath since the morning as Jennifer could taste and smell urine on his cock.

“This slut needs a lot of practice,” said the man.

“Well she’ll get plenty here,” laughed another as Jennifer was pushed roughly to another man and told to take his cock out.

Jennifer was passed along each man and back again until all their cocks were hard, her jaw and tongue was aching as she sucked and licked each cock.

“You’re going to make us all cum slut, spill a single drop of cum and that will be turned up full, do you understand slut.”

“Yes Master,” she answered.

“Stoke it a s you suck slut, come on, faster,” said the first man arching up ready to cum.

“Arrrrgh, remember slut, do not spill any,” as he grabbed her hair roughly pulling her face down on his cock.

Jennifer kept her lips tightly closed around the shaft, she didn’t want that thing turned up any more, she had sucked a cock before but they usually just shot cum all over her face.

The salty liquid was going down her throat, spurt after spurt was deposited in her mouth as she swallowed every drop hoping she wouldn’t be sick all over him.

She was pushed over to the next man who grabbed her hair and pulled her down to his cock, Jennifer sucked all four swallowing all their cum when she was told to suck the man who had brought her here.

He was standing so she crawled over and took his cock out to suck, it didn’t take long as he had got worked up watching her suck the others, mouthful number five went down her throat as she licked his cock clean.

“She needs a lot of practice, see she sucks cocks every hour or so,” the man was told.

“Slut, here are your orders, remember them because you won’t be told again, you will rise at six o clock and make your way to the kitchen, there you will clean and prepare breakfast for your Masters, when the Masters have eaten you and the other sluts may eat.”

Another man, “if a Master approaches you, you will drop to your knees and look at the floor, only speak when spoken to.”

Third man, “are you a virgin.”

“No Master.”

“What about your arse, have you had a cock in there.”

“No Master,” answered Jennifer.

Fourth man, “those are the rules, you will satisfy any Master who wishes you to, failure will result in very severe punishment,” and pressed a buzzer.

A girl appeared with a huge dog, Jennifer had never had much to do with dogs, this one looked enormous, the biggest dog she had ever seen.

“Now slut, when we said any male we meant any male, Brutus here is a male and therefore your Master, were he a human male you would be required to suck his cock, we make no distinctions here, a male is a male, suck his cock.”

Jennifer stared at him, surely he couldn’t mean it, suck a dog cock, this was a dream.

“Ah, I see you don’t think it’s possible, just this once I won’t punish you for disobeying an order, slut,” pointing at the girl who brought the dog in, “show her how to suck the dogs cock.”

“Yes Master,” she replied reaching under Brutus to stroke his sheath, a minute later Jennifer saw a red tip appear as the slut pulled the sheath back. Jennifer watched amazed as she got down and took the dog cock in her mouth and began to suck it.

Jennifer felt sick, she could see what she imagined to be dog cum running down her chin as she sucked.

“Stop,” said a voice, “you slut,” motioning to Jenny, “see how he spurts even when the slut isn’t sucking him, when you suck his cock we don’t want to see you spit it out, Brutus is your Master, you will do him the courtesy of swallowing his cum just like a human Master, failure to do so will result in punishment.”

Jennifer was amazed at how big the dogs cock had grown, it was bigger than any human cock she had ever seen. She watched fascinated as the slut took the cock back in her mouth and sucked deeply.

“Your turn slut, suck your Masters cock,” said a voice.

Jennifer hesitated for a second, wrong move, the pain shot through her body again as she writhed on the floor.

“You have been warned slut, any hesitation you will be punished, one more and the remote will be turned to full power, now suck your Master’s cock.”

Jennifer got under the dog, cum was spurting on her face as she opened her mouth, closing her eyes she took the spurting cock in and began to suck.

She wanted to be sick, spurts of liquid were landing on her tongue, her first instinct was to spit but remembered in time not to, she swallowed the first mouthful, to her surprise it was quite warm.

Her stomach heaved but she managed not to throw up as more and more filled her mouth, Brutus seemed to be growing with every suck and now filled her mouth completely.

“On your knees slut, put your head on the floor and stay there.” Jennifer was glad to stop, she got to her hands and knees and laid her head on the floor glad of the rest.

She jumped as something cold touched her cunt, a tongue licked her, not like any tongue that had ever licked her cunt before, this one seemed to go inside her cunt.

In spite of her predicament Jennifer was getting wet, this tongue was driving her crazy, she managed to look under her body, holy shit, the dog was licking her cunt and she was turned on.

Suddenly Jennifer felt a huge weight on her back, she had been scratched down her sides as something was trying to enter her cunt. A scram rent the air as Brutus found his mark, the huge cock rammed straight into her cunt without warning and began to fuck her like a piston engine.

Jennifer tried to move but a growl from Brutus made her stay where she was, she had never been fucked like this before, Brutus was relentless, his cock was like a steam hammer pounding her cunt, she was ashamed, the dog was making her cum, this wasn’t right, a fucking dog was making her cum.

Something else was happening now, a massive ball was being pushed into her cunt, she closed her hands into a fist and put them to her mouth, what the fucking hell was someone trying to push into her.

She felt the first spurts of dog cum land in her belly, she was trapped, the dog kept spurting, spurt after spurt, she could feel each one in her belly.

Jennifer felt disgusted, she was on her hands and knees while people watched a dog fuck her and fill her with his cum.

The men drank tea and talked among themselves as they waited for Brutus to finish fucking his slut, twenty minutes later he pulled out with a plop as dog cum ran down Jennifer’s inner thighs.

Jennifer wasn’t ready for the next order, “clean your Masters cock slut, every time a Master deems fit to fuck you, clean his cock after.”

Jennifer didn’t want another shock, closing her eyes she took the still dripping cock in her mouth and sucked it clean, how she didn’t throw up she never knew.

“Take her away and prepare her arse hole, the dogs don’t care which hole they fuck, make sure she can take a cock in her arse hole, a big one,” and Jennifer was led away to begin her new life.


Part Two

A collar was fastened around Jenny’s neck and she was led to the kitchen, a few more girls were in there who dropped to their knees as soon as Jenny and her Master walked in.

“See this slut get’s something to eat and then bring her to me, you,” pointing to a girl cowering behind another girl, “you bring he r to me, you can explain her duties while you’re here, save me doing it.”

“Yes Master,” they chorused as one waiting until he had disappeared from view before rising.

“When did you come in and what’s your name,” asked one girl.

“Yesterday I think and the names Jenny.”

One girl notice d the cum running down her inside thigh, “I see you’ve met Brutus, must have been a shock for you, it was for us, now eat something before a Master comes in, he could take you away to fuck you.”

Jenny learned that she must never ever answer back to a Master or disobey him, no matter what he asked her to do.

“One girl did, we were made to watch as she was racked with pain, she was brought round again and given another dose, that wasn’t the end of it, she was thrown into the dog pen and left there overnight, she couldn’t walk properly for a week, the dogs had fucked her all night one after another.”

“Brutus is judge Henry’s dog, he is always the first one to fuck newbies.”

Jenny looked at her, “you mean Judge Henry knows about this place,” she asked dumbfounded.

“He owns it, why do you think you were sent here, only he can release you, and he’s not going to do that, you’re too valuable.”

Jenny was going to ask how she could be valuable but a Master entered, Jenny almost forgot to kneel but a girl pulled her down.

The Master looked the sluts over, he picked a girl and crooked his finger, immediately the girl crawled over to him and knelt by his side.

H e walked away followed by the girl on all fours with the man holding her leash.

The timid girl spoke, “I have to take you to the Master now,” she said almost apologetically, “can we go, I don’t want to get in trouble.”

Jenny followed her to a room where she knocked, “come in sluts,” came a voice.

Jenny and Alisha a s she was called crawled into the room, the Master didn’t speak, he handed Alisha a butt plug and sat back down to watch.

Alisha motioned for jenny to get on all fours and proceeded to stick the butt plug into her arse hole. Jenny pulled away and immediately regretted it, a bolt of pain shot through her, she stayed still as Alisha shoved the butt plug in a s far as it would go.

“You will keep that in slut, your Master may want to fuck your arse, it’s no good if he can’t get his cock in is it, you may answer.”

“No Master,” said Jenny through gritted teeth.

“Good, now stay there both of you,” he rose and opened an adjoining door, “come on Tex, I’m sure you want a fuck, I have two sluts here all ready for you, take your pick or fuck both, there’s a good boy,” fondling his ears and patting his head.

Once again Jenny felt a cold nose sniffing her cunt, Tex moved from one to another licking and sniffing until a red tip appeared. Right away Alisha bent down and pulled his sheath back, already Tex was spurting as she opened her mouth and sucked on his cock.

Alisha was trying with her eyes to tell Jenny to join her, she had been through this before, as soon as dog cock appeared the slut had to suck on it, the Masters said it was an insult to their Master if they didn’t.

Jenny joined her under the dog, Alisha pulled away and jenny took over sucking on the ever growing dog cock. Her mouth was full of cum, she took a breath and swallowed the warm cum as Alisha took over again.

“I think you should show your Master how much you love him slut, give him a French kiss.”

“Fucking hell no, not that,” thought Jenny but was already moving towards the dogs mouth.

Tex must have done this a lot of times, jenny opened her mouth and he licked her tongue, saliva was dripping from the side of his mouth as he licked inside her mouth.

The Master was smiling, he loved watching the newbies faces the first time they had to do that, one girl had thrown up all over the floor, she never did again by the time he was finished with her.

It was all Jenny could do to stop herself being sick as the dog slobbered all over her mouth, “that’s enough, resume your position slut.”

Jenny got on all fours again as the dog sniffed some more before mounting her, the cock went straight in to her cunt as she gripped the carpet her knuckles white as the dog fucked her hard.

Right at this moment she wished she had listened to her parents, who would have thought that a week later she would be on her knees as an Alsatian dog pounded her cunt like a piston engine.

The dog stopped and dismounted, he moved over to Alisha sniffing her cunt and liking what he smelt mounted her. A small moan came form he r lips as Tex’ cock rammed into her, Alisha was only small, Jenny imagined her cunt would be fairly tight especially for a dog cock.

Jenny waited and stayed still in case the dog came back to her, she looked at Alisha and knew from her face that the huge ball that was inserted into her cunt earlier was now entering hers.

The dog, stopped fucking and Jenny knew that cum was spurting into Alisha’s belly now. If she thought she was going to get some respite she was wrong.

“Crawl over here slut and suck this cock,” said the Master as she hurried over to take his hard cock in her mouth and suck.

Alisha was in the usual position when one of her Masters were fucking her, head on the floor as his cum filled her belly, she ha d resigned herself to years of abuse by these Masters, both human and canine.

A woman entered the room, this was the first female Jenny ha d seen since she got here, “is she sucking that cock well, just say the word and I’ll beat her ass.”

“No the sluts doing fine, you can tattoo her when she’s finished sucking which won’t be long now,” he gasped as he pulled Jenny’s hair and shot his sperm right into her waiting throat.

Jenny made sure she didn’t spill any, she closed her lips tightly holding as much cum in her mouth as she could, they would probably want to see it in her mouth before she swallowed.

The man didn’t say anything, he just beckoned with his hand to open her mouth “nice mouthful,” said the female, “swallow.”

Jenny gulped the cum down, if someone ha d told her a week ago this would be happening she would have said they were quite mad.

“Back over there with the other slut,” she was ordered.

The cum shots were getting less and less in Alisha’s cunt, Tex slipped out with a plop as cum ran down her leg.

“Clean that mess up from her slut, I don’t want it on the carpet.”

‘Oh fuck no, not that’ thought jenny but already she was moving towards Alisha’s dripping cunt licking the dog cum from it.

Alisha was sucking her dog Masters cock clean as all the sluts had to after sex, Jenny felt disgusted, licking and swallowing dog cum while the two sat smiling and telling he r to enjoy it because she was going to get plenty more.

“The two were waved away and crawled out of the room, it was past six o clock.

“Dinner time, let’s go,” said Alisha as Jenny followed her, she wanted a drink to take the taste of dog sperm form her mouth.

The ‘dining room’ was a small room crammed full of ‘sluts’, Jenny noticed all of them were pretty girls, surely it’s not only pretty girls that commit crime she thought.

Diner was a basic affair, tepid soup, meat full of gristle, but at least there was plenty even if not very appetising.

“Why are the all the girls pretty,” she asked the girl next to her.

The girl looked around to make sure no Masters or Mistress’ were listening, “they’re sent to rich families to be basically slaves or sex toys just like us, we have heard some are sold to vice rings, don’t know if that’s true, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“Is it like this every day,” asked Jenny.

The other girls all looked at each other, “believe me, you’ve had it easy today.”

Jenny’s heart sank, if this was an easy day swallowing dog and human cum, sucking cocks, and having a butt plug shoved up your ass, what else could they do.

Jenny would find out very soon.


Part Three

Next morning Jenny was having a dream, she was laying in a soft bed in a plush apartment when the fire bell went off, she felt an arm being pulled, “out of bed quick,” said a voice.

Jenny looked around, girls were scrambling about heading for the doorway, she followed them into a yard where they assembled together. The first je t of cold water took her breath away, four Masters with hoses trained on them began to flow.

Five minutes later they were herded back where they brushed their teeth and tidied up and then off to the kitchen on the dot of six o clock.

Jenny and three others were told to bend over, “right over sluts,” as all three held their ankles. The master went along and pulled out the butt plugs replacing them with much bigger ones much to their discomfort.

“Do not remove them,” he said slapping each ass as he pushed them in.

Breakfasts were prepared and served to each Master and Mistress, only when each Master and Mistress were served were they allowed to eat.

Like the dinner breakfast consisted of out of date cereal, semi stale bread which had to be toasted and eggs.

After breakfast jenny and a few other newbies who had come in just before her they were singled out and led away by their leashes.

Jenny was led into a room where a ball gag was placed in her mouth, she was fastened to a chair with legs wide open. Her eyes were wide with terror, what were they going to do to her now.

A Master approached, kneeling between her legs Jenny felt the needle jab her soft skin. She couldn’t see what he was doing, the words ‘dog slut was written on the inside of her leg right beside her cunt, on the other side her number, six nine one.

“Give this a day to heal, if anyone wants to fuck her do it doggy style for today,” said the Master, he applied some salve on the tattoo, she was released and led away.

Jenny’s legs were stinging from the tattoo, she was led back to the kitchen and told to get it cleaned up and prepare for dinner.

“Do we have to do this every day, get up at some ungodly hour, work and prepare meals.”

“Believe me Jenny, you will find this preferable in time, just enjoy it for now.”

‘What else can they do to me’ thought Jenny.

A few days later jenny was called aside, she was led to a room with a proper shower along with the other newbies and some other girls.

They were told to shower and make up, each was supplied with suspender belt and stockings to put on.

Jenny enjoyed the warm water on her back and head, she didn’t have long to enjoy it as others had to shower. There was only one colour lipstick, bright red a s each girl applied it from the same stick.

Each girl was told to put their hands behind their head where they were fastened to their collars.

A room ha d been prepared with a small stage, the firs t girl was led out and paraded around like a prize animal, finally she was led into the audience where he r hands were untied and her leash given to her new temporary owner.

Jenny’s turn came, she was an exceptionally pretty girl with great tits and a body to die for.

“Another newbie folks, come on, look how pretty this one is, think of the fun you could have with her, and,” telling Jemmy to turn around so her arse faced the audience, “no cock has ever been up there, she’s an arse virgin”, laughing as he pulled the butt plug from her arse hole.

“It’s all ready for the first cock, so come on gentlemen, who’ll start at one thousand.”

The bidding started and steadily built up to six thousand, “ten thousand,” said a voice and the place went quiet.

“Ten thousand, any advance on ten thousand,” said the auctioneer knowing full well there wouldn’t be.

Jenny was handed over to her temporary owner not knowing what lay in store for her.

Later she was led to the man’s car, he opened the boot and told her to climb in, jenny was naked except for stockings and suspender as she lay on the blanket in the car.

After what seemed like hours they pulled up outside a large house, Jenny was half dragged from the car and they went inside.

“Did you get one?,” said the woman sitting on a couch.

“I got a really pretty one, never been arse fucked either, should be good,” dragging Jenny in to the room.

“Hey not bad, they should like her,” said the woman squeezing Jenny’s tits and fondling her pussy.

“We should keep her hidden tonight, surprise him tomorrow,” said the woman.

“Couldn’t she just suck my cock and lick your pussy tonight, seeing all those naked sluts back there has made me horny.”

“You’re always horny darling, isn’t your daughter and me enough for you, okay, why not,” opening her robe and laying back on the couch.

Jenny was pushed to her knees, “lick it slut, lick it good.”

Jenny had never licked a pussy in her life, she leaned down and put her tongue out gingerly licking the pussy.

Sylvia Harrison grabbed her hair roughly, “what the fuck is the matter with you, isn’t my cunt good enough to lick, give me that remote dear, now you lick my cunt and lick it good or I’ll keep this fucking thing on for five minutes, get your tongue in there, and you can lick my arse as well you fucking slut.”

Jenny was frightened, she hadn’t realised that the remote had been brought with them. Her tongue forced it’s way into her cunt as she pinched her clit at the same time. Jenny forced her tongue so far in her nose was pressed up against her cunt as she lapped up cunt juice.

“That’s better slut,” said Sylvia lifting her legs up in the air, “now get that tongue up my arse, I’m sure my son and his friends will want to fuck it before the night’s out, you just clean it and get it wet.”

This was different, licking a pussy was one thing, licking an arse hole was another but Jenny had no choice. Her tongue licked around the sphincter and then she pushed, the hole opened and her tongue slid inside.

Sylvia must have had a lot of arse fucking, her hole was gaping, jenny’s tonge went deeper into it as Sylvia moaned loudly on the couch.

She licked her arse hole for ten minutes or so when her husband John told her the boys would soon be back and to cum soon.

Jenny’s head was pushed back down to Sylvia’s cunt and she licked again, this time she pushed two fingers in as well and soon Sylvia gushed all over her hair and in her mouth.

“Clean he r up and then suck me off, hurry, I don’t want the boys to see you tonight, it’s Robin’s birthday tomorrow, you’re his present for a week.”

Jenny sucked him off making sure she didn’t spill any cum, she realised she was hungry, should she dare ask for food, if she did would she be punished.

Kneeling before them she looked at the floor, “please Master, may your slave speak,” hoping against hope they wouldn’t use the zapper.

To her relief he a said she may, “I have had nothing to eat since this morning Master, may your slave have something to eat.”

“We must feed her John, by the time those boys have finished with her she’ll need all the strength she can get, go in the kitchen, hurry.”

Jenny was fed and taken to a room, to her surprise it was en-suite, “you may shower slut, tomorrow morning I want you to make up, shower and wear these clothes, you will be brought a good breakfast, god knows you’ll need it.”

Jenny hard the key turn in the door, she was pleased, at last she could be alone, even if only for a night. The warm water felt good as she stood in the shower, she couldn’t shake off the thought of what was going to happen tomorrow, Mistress said she would need all her strength along with Master.

The door opened at eight thirty, a maid brought in breakfast and left without saying a word locking the door behind her again.

Jenny showered again after breakfast and opened the package of clothes. It was a schoolgirl uniform, a very short skirt, a blouse too small, stockings and suspenders and high heels, no underwear at all.

Jenny made up from the stuff left, again bright red lipstick and made the bed, she sat down and waited her heart thumping.

She jumped as the door opened, she immediately fell to her knees in the submissive pose, she had already fastened her collar and leash on.

John picked up the leash, and led her down the stairs, Jenny saw a group of six men all blindfolded along with Mistress.

She fell to her knees again hands behind her back, “okay boys, blindfolds off.”

There were shouts of ‘oh yes’ to ‘look at them tits’ to ‘what an arse’ as Jenny was lifted to her feet with hands all over her body and inside her body.

She was bent over as fingers went up her arse hole along with her pussy, a cock was shoved into her mouth as John and Sylvia sat back and watched.

Sylvia and John were successful business people, they lived in an incest group of people, successful like themselves, it was all kept secret from outsiders.

One of the young men walked over to her, “thanks Mother, and you Father,” as his Mother grabbed his cock and stroked it.

“You’re welcome son, enjoy her any way you wish,” giving his cock a quick suck before he rejoined his pals.

Jenny was already being fucked, a cock was in her mouth as well, her tits were squeezed and others stood stroking their cocks waiting their turn.

One young man couldn’t wait, he went to Sylvia and held his cock out to her, smiling she reached out to stroke his cock before sucking on it.

“You really are a whore Sylvia,” laughed John as she gave him a two finger salute.

“Move over, I want to come in her mouth,” shouted the man who was fucking her as he moved quickly to fuck her mouth.

Cum filled Jenny’s mouth as he held her head tight and shot his whole load down her throat.

“Get the camera, I think it’s time Robin took her arse cherry, get the gel.”

Sylvia couldn’t speak, the young man she was sucking had just cum in her mouth, she swallowed and licked her lips, she loved young cum and she got plenty form these young men.

Jenny had come to moment she had been dreading, would this hurt, how may would fuck her up there.

“Keep your head on the floor slut and lift your arse,” she was told as the gel was applied.

A cheer went up from the others as Robin approached her from behind, Jenny felt the cock head rub against her sphincter and then enter. Her knuckles were white expecting pain, the butt plugs had done their job, there was slight pain but after all she had been through it was bearable.

“Farther, farther,” shouted his friends as more and more of his cock disappeared into her hole.

It was hurting a little more now as all his cock was inside her, she gripped the carpet as Robin began to fuck her hard, she could feel his nails dig into her arse cheeks as his cock pounded her.

“Hey Robin, don’t cum in there, I want to fuck it next, I don’t want your sloppy seconds, cum in her mouth,” laughed one of his friends.

Jenny was thinking why don’t you fuck off you bastard, she didn’t want a cock in her mouth straight from her arse hole.

That’s what she got, “open slut,” shouted Robin as he raced around to shove his cock straight into her mouth and emptied his load into it.

There was a cheer as Jenny sucked his cock clean, “my turn” said one ramming his cock up Jenny’s arse again fucking her hard.

Sylvia was playing with her pussy, this was so hot, she was sorry her daughter was missing this, she wouldn’t be able to get here until later, “allow me darling,” said her husband laying her back and fucking her.

Jenny was fucked from behind until all six had fucked her arse hole, she was hurting now, maybe she would get some respite now they had all been serviced.

She was told to clean up and come back downstairs, Jenny came down and dropped to her knees and assumed the sub position.

“What shall w e do with her, we’ve only got her for a week, at some point she must be introduced to Red and Toby.”

“Oh fuck yes, I want to see that,” clapped one of his friends.

“”Hey, I’ve got an idea, let’s take her to meet Josh,” laughed another.

“Come on, let’s do it now,” said Robin picking up Jenny’s leash and dragging her along.

Jenny didn’t know what to expect, she was led out into the large well kept gardens towards a shed.

“Hey Josh, you around,” shouted Robin.

“Yea I’m here, what do you want,” answered a surly voice.

“Look Josh, I’ve brought you a present.”

A man of around sixty came from the shed, “what is it.”

“This,” said Robin pushing Jenny forward, “I’ll bet you haven’t had a blow job in years Josh, this slut will suck you r cock and you can fuck her arse after if you want, can’t he slut.”

“Yes Master,” said jenny feeling sick looking at the gardener.

He was without the scruffiest man she had ever seen, his face was filthy, she could smell him from where she knelt, surely they wouldn’t be so cruel.

“Get his cock out slut,” said one man pushing her towards his crotch.

Jenny put her hand out and unzipped him, the smell was overpowering, she took his flabby cock out and stroked it sure she was going to throw up.

His cock got harder and then shouts of, “suck it slut, suck it.”

Jenny opened he r mouth and took it in, the smell of sweat and urine filled her nostrils as she sucked, she sucked harder hoping he would fuck her sooner, anything to get this filthy cock out of her mouth.

Josh closed his eyes, this pretty young girl was giving him a blow job, it had been years since he had one and then it was from a prostitute he had bought.

He looked down at her head bobbing in and out on his cock, his eyes wandered down to her very shapely arse, he would fuck that later, now he was going to enjoy the blowjob.

Jenny never thought she would think this, ‘please fuck my arse you dirty old man’ as she kept sucking.

At last Josh pulled out and told her to turn around, she turned her arse towards him and waited. She waited for him to put some lubrication on, no such luck, he couldn’t wait.

She winced in pain as Josh penetrated her without any and began to fuck her, the others were egging and him on and clapping as he gripped Jenny’s ass cheeks and fucked her until the sweat ran from his brow.

Jenny breathed a sigh of relief when she felt him spurt his sperm into her hole, at last this ordeal was over, not quite.

“The least you can do is clean his cock slut, after all he had the decency to fuck you in your arse hole,” laughed Robin.

Her eyes were closed tightly as Josh pushed his cum covered cock into her mouth, she could smell and taste he r ass juice as well as she sucked his cock clean, she was fighting hard to keep the contents of her stomach down.

“There now, wasn’t that fun, I think you should fuck Josh every day slut, don’t you.”

“Yes Master,” she answered.

“Now she’s got the taste for it, let her meet Toby and Red,” laughed one of the men.

Jenny was dragged along again, this time to a large building quite a bit away, they walked in and Jenny nearly fainted. In two stalls were the words ‘Red’ and on the other ‘Toby’, they were fucking horses.

They weren’t exactly horses, they were Robin’s sisters ponies, he and Sally his sister had come here many times when Sally would let Red or Toby fuck her.

Red was first, his back feet were tied together to stop him kicking, Jenny was pushed down beside him, “stroke his sheath slut.”

Jenny was scared, she had never been near a horse in her life, although red was only small he looked massive to Jenny.

She grabbed his sheath and stroked, she jumped back in horror as a huge cock sprung out from the sheath. The others were rolling about laughing as she did a s jenny stared at the cock with light spots over it. The head was huge, she would never suck that, they wouldn’t ask her to do that surely.

“Suck it slut, get that cock in your mouth and suck,” said Robin getting close to her face.

Jenny looked at the cock, it didn’t look quite so big now, the head was like a human male but with a sort of little tube at the end.

‘I’d rather suck this than that dirty old man’ she thought as her lips closed around the horse cock. It wasn’t actually as unpleasant as she imagined, the boys cheered as she sucked all the time fondling her tits and her holes.

“Stroke his ball when you suck him, Red likes that,” said voice from the doorway.

They turned around, Robin’s sister Rosalind, ‘Rosie’ stood there with her Mother Sylvia.

“Rosie, you’re back,” shouted Robin holding his arms out to hold her. Robin kissed her, not a brotherly kiss, full blown with tongues as he pulled her dress up to cup her shapely arse cheeks.

The other friends did the same, each one fondling her body as they kissed her.

“So this is the slut Mother told me about,” bending down to where Jenny still had the horse cock in her mouth.

“Fondle his balls, no, lick them, Red likes that, go on, get back there and lick his balls while you stroke him.

Jenny put her head back farther and licked the hairy balls, Red whinnied, he obviously did like it as Toby the other horse whinnied in response.

“Aw, I think Toby’s jealous, are you jealous Toby,” she said nuzzling his head, “never mind, Mummy’s here,” she said entering the stall and stroking his sheath.

It didn’t take long for Toby to come out of his sheath, eh could smell the sex from the next stall where Jenny was still sucking.

Sylvia was twitching, the sight of her daughter and the slut with those lovely horse cocks was making her pussy wet.

Robin noticed, he smiled a knowing smile at his Mother and bent her over.

Robin lifted her dress up over her waist, taking his cock out already hard from watching slut and fondling his sister he entered her cunt.

“Oh yes son, fuck your Mummy, fuck me son, fuck me,” as Robin pounded her cunt for all he was worth.

Unfortunately watching slut all this time made him cum rather more quickly than he wanted to. He pulled out as his sperm shot all over her ass cheeks, “sorry Mum, it’s just that watching slut has made me too horny, I’m sure one of the boys will take over.”

There were no shortage of takers, in a matter of seconds another cock was embedded inside her cunt as she shouted more encouragement to fuck her harder.

Rosie was sucking Toby’s cock, she ha d done this a thousand times, the firs t time she had brought them home and saw their cocks she knew that she would have to have them.

Jenny was still sucking as well, truth was she was enjoying it now, she stroked the cock lovingly and fondled his huge balls as she did.

Sylvia was on her third cock, the boys were lining up to fuck her, her arse cheeks and back were covered in cum as each guy shot his load over her.

When each of them had fucked her Rosie stopped sucking and came out of the stall.

“I think it’s time to see if slut can take Red’s cock in her cunt, bring the table.”

Robin knew what to do, he had helped his sister fuck both ponies many times.

The table was pushed under Red and Jenny bent over it with her cunt facing Red’s cock. Sylvia and Rosie held her legs open as Robin pushed Red’s cock into the opening of her cunt.

Jenny gritted he r teeth and prepared herself for the pain she thought was coming.

Red pushed his long cock inside her but only so far, Jenny was taken by surprise, she was actually enjoying it, for the first time since being sent away she was enjoying a fuck.

Jenny moaned and the watchers assumed she was in pain, Red fucked her harder with longer strokes as Jenny felt she was going to cum, Red beat her to it, she heard a ‘whooshing’ sound and her belly filled with horse cum.

Jenny was frustrated, she had wanted to cum, maybe they would let Toby the other horse fuck her, she hoped so.

She was dragged off the table and it was placed under Toby, to her dismay it was Rosie who bent over the table a s her Mother stroked and sucked Toby’s cock.

“Ready darling,” said Sylvia, aiming Toby’s cock at her daughter’s cunt.

“I’ve been thinking about this for months, come on Toby, fuck your Mummy well,” as Toby began to move backwards and forwards.

Rosie was moaning loudly, her Mother was egging Toby on pushing his cock in and out with her hand.

Just like Red he came too quickly for Rosie as he too shot his cum into her belly.

Jenny looked down, a pool of cum was around her knees where she knelt, now cum was running down Rosie’s legs as well as she rose from the table.

“I need a shower,” said Rosie wiping her legs with a cloth someone had given her.

They headed back to the house with cum still dripping from both cunts and Rosie headed for the shower.

No suck luxury for Jenny, she was hosed down and left outside fastened to a pole. Jenny was kneeling by the pole, what else lay in store for her this coming week as she looked around. Her heart skipped a beat, she noticed a large pen over in a corner, the first thing to catch her eyes were two huge Great Danes along with an assortment of other dogs, none of them small.

Jenny guessed that before long those two Great Danes would be on her back with their cock in one of her holes along with some of the others.

Jenny was brought inside and told to make coffee for everyone, “may a s well make the slut useful while she’s here,” said Sylvia smacking Jenny’s arse hard as she sent her to the kitchen

The day passed with Jenny doing most of the housework with Robin and the rest either squeezing her tits or cupping her cunt with a couple even fucking her over the kitchen table
After dinner, which of course she cooked, she was locked back in her room and told to shower and make up.

Again Jenny enjoyed the warm water running over her abused body, she showered and put on the bright red lipstick but this time there were no clothes to put on.

She waited on her knees for further orders when the door opened, she was led naked downstairs to where a crowd of people waited.

Hands were cupping her cunt, her tits were squeezed, her arse cheeks were pinched with a couple of finger s inserted inside.

She was on her knees and cocks were being pushed in front of her face, she hadn’t a clue whose they were, she simply opened her mouth and let whatever cock was there go in.

Her hands were lifted up and placed on cocks to stroke, someone was behind her fingering her arse hole and then two fingers.

Jenny could hardly breathe, he r head was being held tight against a man’s balls as his cock was forced farther and farther into her mouth.

She was held there and then released as she gagged and tried to breathe, no sooner had the cock been taken out than another one was pushed in.

Jenny couldn’t breathe, her arse was being lifted up by many hands, fingers were pushed inside, her cunt was being ravaged by god knows what or how many as she sucked cock after cock.

Someone was fucking her now, roughly, they were fucking her like it was their last fuck. The guy fucking her mouth came all over her face some going in one of her eyes, she tried to pull a hand away from one of the cocks she was stroking but wasn’t allowed.

She had to keep her eyes closed as another cock was shoved into her mouth, the cock in her cunt pulled out, someone was trying to fuck her arse dry.

Jenny wanted to scream fuck off, bit difficult when your mouth is full of cock right down to your tonsils. The guy finally got his cock in her arse and began to fuck her, Jenny’s only hope was that he would cum inside her arse and lubricate her.

Her prayers were answered, in spite of what was going on she could feel the spurts of cum go inside her arse hole.

Shouts of ‘you fucking cunt, now I’ve got to have sloppy seconds’ as another cock was inserted into her hole.

Jenny’s face was covered in cum, she must have swallowed a pint of the stuff as cock after cock entered both holes.

“Hey, let’s give her a DP,” shouted a voice.

Someone lay down and Jenny was impaled on top of him, hands pushed her down as a cock entered her arse hole again, another cock was shove d into he r mouth as all three fucked her holes.

The fucking went on for another half an hour, a couple more DPs, more cum swallowing and then finally everyone seemed to be sated sexually.

Jenny collapsed on the floor completely out of breath and covered in cum, she was dragged to her feet and told to go to her room and shower and put on make up again.

She groaned inwardly, it would seem she hadn’t finished yet with her ordeal. Dragging herself upstairs she stood under the shower making sure the warm water trickled into her sore arse hole and cunt.

She towelled herself dry, put her make up on and lay on the bed, she didn’t know how long she had lain there, she must have dropped off, “come on slut, you’re not finished yet,” said John Harrison pulling her lead.

He led to another bedroom and opened the door, Rosie lay there with her legs wide open, “my daughter needs some attention slut, get your face into her cunt and do a good job.”

Jenny knelt in front of her, Rosie smelt nice, she put her tongue into her slit and licked up and down. She wasn’t unhappy about licking her cunt, after all that rough mouth fucking, this was a pleasant change.

John removed his robe and lay beside his daughter, he sucked on her tits occasionally kissing her neck and lips as Jenny s sucked on her clit with two finger inside her wet cunt

Rosie was cumming, jenny knew the signs, he r legs tightened around jenny’s neck and soon a gush of cum enveloped her. She swallowed what cum she could knowing that she was expected to as Rosie moaned out loud with her Daddy sucking on her tits.

“Fuck me now Daddy,” when she had stopped shuddering, Jenny’s head was placed under her cunt as John pushed his cock into his daughter’s very wet cunt.

Every so often he would pull his cock out for Jenny to suck before plunging it back in. Jenny was pulled out from under her, “lick her arse slut, get it nice and wet, I want to fuck Rosie in her arse hole.

Jenny wasted no time, her tongue was rimming around Rosie’s sphincter, she pushed her tongue in and Rosie’s arse opened up as she shoved some more in. Her nose was squashed against Rosies’s crack as her tongue went halfway inside.

“Suck this,” as he shove d his cock in her mouth, “spit on it,” Jenny spit on his cock and then Rosie’s cunt as her Daddy penetrated her hole.

Jenny spent three hours with the two of them, twice more they fucked , Jenny was required to clean both cock and cunt each time they did and then sent back to her room until morning.

Next morning Jenny was woken at six o clock, “you have half an hour slut to shower and get to the kitchen, I want all that mess from last night tidied up before we get up, move.”

Jenny wearily got out of bed, her arse and cunt were still slightly sore from the abuse last night. She showered wishing she had clothes to put on, and headed for the kitchen.

It took two hours of hard work to clear up everything but finally it was done.

Jenny was starving but daren’t eat anything without permission, one by one the family came downstairs and ordered breakfast, Jenny cooked and served until all were fed then she was given permission to eat.

The rest of the day consisted of the family going to church being Sunday and Jenny told to vacuum and generally clean the home.

After dinner Jenny was on her knees in the lounge, she was sent from cock to cock to suck, along with Rosie and Sylvia’s pussies.

Around seven some more people arrived again fondling Jenny any way they wished, she was fucked in both holes, sucked cock until her jaws ached and swallowed cum until she felt sick.

The drink was flowing and Jenny as usual was the main attraction, Rosie and Sylvia got their share a s well but the rough stuff was solely applied to Jenny.

Things slowed down when the drink finally took it’s toll, “come on, this party is dying, we need to liven it up,” shouted Rosie well used to partying late into the night.

Jenny had other ideas, she jus t wanted to crawl to her bed and sleep.

Rosie left the room, if Jenny could have seen where she was going she would have screamed.

“Come on boys, I have a treat for you, a fresh cunt for you both to fuck, isn’t that nice,” said Rosie as she led her two huge Great Danes towards the house.


Part Four

Jenny was on her knees as usual holding her lead, “come on everybody, fucking wake up, let’s get this party going again, over here slut.”

‘I fucking knew it’ thought Jenny as she crawled over to where the two massive dogs stood passively.

“Underneath,” ordered Rosie as Jenny crawled under the dog.

“Go on then, get their cocks out and suck them.”

The dogs were standing close to each other, Jenny stroked the two simultaneously until the red tips appeared. She sucked the one in front of her as the rest gathered around her to watch.

Bruno and Hero stood still as Jenny sucked and stroked each cock, both dogs were spurting cum, Jenny’s mouth was full of cum, she knew not to spit so had to swallow or be zapped.

“Move over, suck Hero now slut,”.

Jenny slid over under Hero and took his cock in her mouth. Cum was spurting even more from him filling her mouth quickly.

Rosie watched as her brother Robin knelt between her legs licking her cunt as she held his head. Sylvia was sucking a cock as a young man licked her cunt.

Other women were either licking each other or men slicking while they sucked cocks, the whole place stank of sex.
One woman walked over to where Rosie was being licked, “Rosie, I’ve never tried a dog before, my husband wants me to try it, would you mind.”

“Be my guest, do you want to suck him as well.”

She looked at her husband who nodded, the woman who was called Sarah was already naked got under Bruno and sucked his cock, she was surprised when cum spurted into her mouth, she spat it out.

“Come on honey, if the slut can swallow dog cum so can you, don’t spit on the carpet, it’s rude.”

The woman sighed to herself and swallowed dog cum for the first time, she was surprised to find it was warm unlike human sperm.

Jenny was dragged out from underneath the dog, “on your hands and knees slut.”

As soon as she had Hero was sniffing and licking her cunt, his long tongue was driving her crazy, she needed to cum, in spite of all the fucking she received she hadn’t cum once, except for the pony she hadn’t cum close.

At last she did, Hero lapped it up as soon as it came out of her cunt giving Jenny a sense of relief.

Jenny almost fell flat on her face as the huge dog mounted her, ‘ he must weigh a ton’ thought Jenny as strong legs wrapped around her waist trapping her.

Hero’s cock was jabbing away at her cunt trying to find the opening, it didn’t take long as a loud gasp came from Jenny’s lips as he rammed his huge cock up her cunt. Her sides were being scratched as Hero tried to climb higher op on her back, she could feel his hot breath and see his tongue lolling just above her head as his piston like strokes pounded her cunt.

Sarah was preparing for her first dog fuck egged on by her husband who was sporting a hard cock.

Sarah had no idea what she was letting herself in for, Jenny ha d already found out that it wasn’t just a cock that went in, sometimes his knot went in as well stretching cunts wide open.

She was on her hands and knees as Bruno licked her arse, she shuddered as his rough tongue slid into her cunt sending her into waves of ecstasy.

Like Jenny she almost collapsed under Bruno’s weigh as he mounted her.

Bruno probed a few times until he found Sarah’s hole and not expecting it screamed when his cock went all the way in, in one stroke.

“Fucking hell, dogs have no sense of foreplay do they,” she shouted much to the amusement of the watching crowd.

Sarah had never been fucked at such speed, she had many lovers, her husband was a bit of a voyeur, nothing pleased him more to see a big cock being rammed up his wife’s cunt or arse hole, white, black, and now even a dog.

For her part Sarah enjoyed every second of it, she would never tell her husband that, she would always complain, that seemed to make George her husband feel in control, Sarah knew better.

Now she was enjoying another big cock inside her, even if it was a dog it didn’t matter, it was a cock and a damn good one.

She was cumming, Bruno was fucking her hard, her head was on the floor as Bruno kept fucking and then slowed down a little.

‘Oh don’t stop please’ thought Sarah as Bruno all but stopped. Sarah was puzzled, she knew Bruno’s cock was big, but what the hell was this trying to get into hr cunt.

Her cunt was being stretched like never before, whatever it was it was going in, Sarah’s cunt was used to being stretched, some of the big black cocks she had in her cunt.

This was even bigger, she waited until Bruno stopped pushing and then she felt it, her first shots of dog cum in her belly. Anyone else would maybe have shouted in pain, not Sarah, this was exciting and sexy and a fucking great feeling as she began to cum again along with Bruno.

Jenny too was waiting, Hero had entered her cunt with his knot and now she waited patiently for him to fill her with cum.

Someone knelt in front of Sarah, she didn’t know who it was, a cock was put in front of her as she opened her mouth to receive it.

Jenny too had a cock pushed in front of her as she too sucked on it, a succession of cocks followed as they waited for the dogs to finish each one spurting cum down both throats.

At last the dogs had finished fucking them, Jenny sucked Hero’s cock clean as she had been told to do, Bruno pulled out and Jenny was told to lick her cunt clean and then Bruno’s dripping cock as the crowd cheered.

The rest of the week was much of the same, she would be taken to Josh’s shed where she would suck his filthy cock and then clean it after he had fucked her, he was fucking her arse as well now.

Red and Toby got their share as well, she looked forward to that, she also began to look forward to Bruno and Hero, she was cumming more and more.

The last morning she was given breakfast and allowed to sit in the car as she was driven to the approved school.

The huge gates locked behind her, here she was back in this dingy hole, sleeping on a mattress in a dirty dorm with second rate food, at least she had eaten well during her slavery at the Harrison’s.

Jenny was greeted in the usual fashion, “fucking hurry up slut, we haven’t got all day,” getting a slap on her arse as she passed the Master.

There was no respite, she was taken straight to the kitchen where she was put to work cleaning and cooking, and occasionally being fucked by anyone who wanted to.

Two weeks later the auctions were being held again, girls were led their new Masters and Mistress’ to face god knows what in the next week, the school couldn’t care less, they only wanted the money.

Jenny was led out, as usual she was subjected to running commentary of how good a fuck she was and how her arse had only been fucked for a few weeks, how she could swallow a load of cum.

All the time her hands were fastened to her collar behind her head leaving her nudity for all to see and touch.

Email shots had been sent to previous customers who ha d used their services, they could bid by phone. Bidding was fierce for Jenny, with her tits and body and a beautiful face it was no wonder.

The phone bid won, Jenny was taken away and fastened to a hook on the wall like a dog. A master unfastened her as she put her arms down the blood flowed again making her wince.

She was put into the boot of the car and driven off, Jenny wondered what lay in store for her now, what else could they do really, she had swallowed dog cum, human cum. Fucked and sucked a filthy gardener, fucked and sucked a Great Dane, and two ponies, it couldn’t be any worse, could it.?


Part Five

Jenny was stiff, they had been travelling about an hour or so, she hadn’t got a clue where she was. At last the car stopped and Jenny was half ordered out and half dragged out. They were in a town or city, she tried to look for some sort of sign but was dragged inside, people were walking past looking at her, she was completely naked except for a dog collar and a leash.

They entered the building, it was a sort of club, already some people were drinking even though it was only two in the afternoon. Some other girls were serving drinks also naked, booths were doted around the side and there was a small stage in the middle of the room.

Her Master had obviously been here before, he walked straight through a crowd of men, black and white who felt Jenny’s tits and all over her body.

“Here she is Junior, very pretty, should make you a lot of money,”

“She’d fucking better,” said the huge black man sitting behind the desk.

Jenny was immediately frightened of this man, he exuded evil, he was definitely not a man to cross.

“Over here on your fucking knees bitch, let’s see how good you are at sucking cock first.”

Jenny had never been with a black man, in her circles they didn’t mix, it wasn’t racism, just different lifestyles.

Jenny crawled quickly over to him, she undid his zipper and pulled out his cock.

‘Fucking hell, it’s bigger than Red or Toby’, she thought as she stroked the huge black cock.

“Come on bitch, I paid good fucking money for you, get your mouth round that dick,” pulling Jenny’s head down roughly to his cock.

Jenny opened her mouth but struggled to get it into her mouth, Junior had no patience, pushing her head away he slapped her face hard.

“Are you going to suck my cock or fucking look at it, get it in that fucking mouth before I whup yo fucking ass slut.”

Jenny’s head was reeling, she opened her mouth as wide a s possible and managed to get his cock inside.

“Now suck whore,” pulling her head right down on his cock. Jenny was gagging, the head of his cock was up against her tonsils, spit dripped from her mouth over his cock as she tried to come up for air.

“You’re gonna need some practice whore, you’re gonna suck a lot of cocks in the next few weeks, now try harder whore.”

Jenny did try hard, she didn’t want another slap, he r head was bobbing up and down trying to make him cum quickly so she could breathe again.

Her jaws were aching as she sucked, holding he r mouth so wide open hurt as she sucked harder and harder until he grabbed her ears.

“If you spill a drop cock sucker, I’ll beat yo ass until the blood flows from it, got it.”

Jenny tried to answer but cum was flowing in copious amounts into her mouth, with her mouth so wide open she was finding it difficult to swallow.

At last Junior let her head go as she swallowed what was left and came up for air.

“Open up bitch.”

Jenny opened her mouth to show him she had swallowed every drop.

He rang a bell and another huge black man came in, “fuck this whore, see if she can take your cock in that ass of hers bro,” said Junior.

She was hauled to her feet and bent over the desk, Junior threw him some gel, “better put that in her ass first, we don’t want you splitting her ass in two with that cock of yours,” he laughed.

‘Fucking hell, jus t how big is his cock’ thought Jenny, she ha d her head on the desk held there by Junior as Blue boy stuck his fingers in her arse to lubricate her.

‘Holy shit’ thought Jenny as she felt the cock go into her cunt, it must have been bigger than Juniors, her cunt felt like it was going to split in two as he pushed his cock in farther and farther.

Her knuckles were white as she clenched her fists, Junior was still holding her head and laughing, “they all struggle to take that monster of yours bro, fuck he r good, after she’s taken yours everyone else will feel small.”

Blue boy had enough of her cunt, he pulled out and pressed it up against Jenny’s sphincter, the head went inside a s jenny clenched her fists even tighter.

A scream came form he r lips as Blue boy pushed it all the way in, “shut the fuck up whore,” said Junior slapping her again, “you scream like that with a client and I’ll bust yo ass bitch.”

Jenny was sure her arse was split open, no arse hole couud take this and not split.

“That’s it Bluey, show the whore who’s boss, fuck that tight ass hole bro.”

Tears were coming from Jenny’s eyes as the big black cock continued to pound her sore arse, she sighed a sigh of relief as she felt the first spurts of cum go into her belly.

Blue boy was breathing heavily, “that sure was a tight as boss, she should make you a lot of money.”

Jenny tried to stand, her arse was aching as cum dripped from her, Junior buzzed again and a naked girl came in.

“Take this whore and tell her what to do, give her an hour to recover and then set he to work, make sure you tell her everything or you’ll get yo fucking ass flayed whore.”

“Yes Master,” said the young girl fearfully and led Jenny out of the office.

“Here, drink this,” said Elaine, the girl who led her out.

Jenny drank the water, she needed it after all that effort.

“How long have you been here then,” asked Jenny.

“Always, I’m his daughter, I can’t get away, my mother works here as well, he has two other daughter s who work here, Junior has no feelings for anyone, only money, doesn’t matter who you are.”

“Do you have to call him Master, your own Father,” said Jenny.

“Every female in here has to call him Master, do not forget, you’ll be beaten severely if you don’t.”

“Now your duties are to service any male who pays, you’ll be given a minder who will collect the money, you must do fifty tricks a day minimum, if you don’t he’ll have you whipped and then do sixty next day.”

“Who are the clients, do we have to go outside and do it,” asked Jenny.

“No, you won’t leave this club unless it’s for a private party, only then will you be allowed out.”

“One more thing, do not refuse your minder anything, you have to service him as well, is you arse sore.”.

Jenny said it was, you’ll be okay, just remember that Blue boy has the biggest cock, all the rest will be a piece of cake.”

“You’re his daughter, did he make Blue boy fuck your arse as well,” asked Jenny.

“Oh yes, it makes no difference to him, a cunt is something to make money out of,”

A black guy walked in, “come on whore, your shift starts now, has this whore told you everything, no screaming, no shouting, no refusals for anything, what the client wants the client gets, he can cum up your fucking nostril for all I care, just as long as he pays.”

Jenny was led to a booth, “this is your home for the next two weeks, you will do fifty a day minimum or else, now stand here.”

Jenny was made to stand with her legs open and hands behind her back, a man of about fifty came up and looked her over, he handed some money over and took Jenny inside.

The man told Jenny to strip him, his cock was flaccid as he ordered Jenny to her knees to suck it. After Junior and Blue boy she could hardly feel the cock in her mouth as she sucked.

As they were only allowed twenty minutes each the man soon got hard and lay on top of Jenny fucking her. After a bit he got off and told her to get on her knees, “I want to fuck you’re arse hole now.”

Jenny’s arse was still full of cum from Blue boy’s fucking, the man’s cock slid straight inside without any problem. It didn’t take him long to cum and soon cum was shooting into her arse hole a s the man groaned loudly.

He pulled out, “clean my cock whore, clean that cum off it.”

Jenny sucked his cock clean and the man left.

For the next fourteen hours Jenny fucked and sucked fifty three men of all sizes, shapes and colours, she was shattered.

She was taken to a dingy room at the back where she was given a mattress to sleep on. She wasn’t finished yet though, her minder took out his cock and motioned her to suck it, Jenny sighed, she just wanted to sleep.

She sucked his cock until it was hard, then he fucked her on the mattress in both holes before making her clean his cock as well and left her to it.

There were about ten other girls in there all sleeping, two minutes later Jenny had joined them.

She was woken up by a girl, “ come on, it’s time to eat, then you have to go on duty again, hurry up, you have to shower and eat, you only have half an hour.”

Jenny tried to get out of bed, her legs were aching, her mouth was aching she had sucked so many cocks, her cunt and arse were both aching.

“I’m fucking aching all over, do I have to do this today,” asked Jenny.

“If you want your arse whipped red raw then no you don’t, if not, yes you do, now hurry.”

Jenny was back at her booth along with her minder half an hour later.

That was the routine for the next few days, fuck all day and then sleep until the next shift.

Jenny learned there were some young wives in there, Junior had let their husbands run up a huge debt in his gambling house, his money of course so he didn’t lose anything. H e would then threaten to repossess their house by force unless his young wife paid off the debt.

There were other girls in there, again Junior had let them have drugs on credit and then called in the debt, some of the girls had been there two years working for Junior, they hadn’t got a clue how much they owed.

Four days had passed, Jenny felt her cunt and arse had been stretched beyond repair, her minder said the boss wanted to see her in his office.

‘I hope he’s not going to stick that big cock up my arse again, I’m sore enough’ thought Jenny as she was led to the office.

It was a Saturday, “finish today whore and shower, a slut will show you where, put make up on and I’ll call you later, you’ve got a private party tonight, fuck off,” he said with a wave of his hand.

Jenny luxuriated herself in the hot shower, she had only tepid ones since she got here, she made her face up with the bright red lipstick, was given something to eat and told to wait for the Master to call her.

She was led to the car and told to lay on the floor in the back, she was still naked.

Junior drove along for a while and then stopped, “come on whore, out,” dragging the lead almost making her fall over.

They walked up to a security guard who checked Jenny over and let them into the house.

A man in a white coat met them, “are you sure she’ll obey every command.”

Junior pulled Jenny forward on the lead and held her face in his huge hand squeezing and hurting her.

“You will obey every command wont you whore, or else you know what will happen, now tell the nice Master you will obey his every command,” letting go of her face.

“I’ll obey your every command Master,” said Jenny tearfully.

“If you have any trouble just press this,” said Junior pressing it.

Jenny jumped in pain, she hadn’t expected it, she hadn’t done anything wrong, Junior was laughing, “you don’t have to worry, the whore will obey you.”

Jenny stood and watched as a large amount of money was handed over, “you were never here, we never met, understand,” said the man.

“Never where, who the hell are you, I’ve never met you before,” said Junior pocketing the cash.

Jenny was led along some corridors and down into a basement, the man pressed some buttons and a hidden door opened.

She was terrified now, what the hell was this place and what did they want her for, this place was frightening.

“Here she is, the man assured me she would go along with everything no matter what.”

Three men and a woman approached her, “very nice, I’m sure they’ll like her, I certainly do,” said one man fondling Jenny’s tits.

“Okay, okay, I know you’ve all been working hard, you can have her for two hours, after that it’s back to work, okay.”

“Thanks boss,” said one leading her off to a side room.

The men stripped and the woman watched, she was about thirty, attractive with a great figure.

Jenny was on her knees as a cock was stuffed into her mouth, hands were roaming all over her, her nipples were being pulled, a finger was inserted into her are hole.

The cock was replaced by another, Jenny was glad they were a lot smaller than the club patrons, at least her arse and cunt would get time to recover.

Another cock was shoved into her mouth, out of the corner of her eye she could see the woman stripping off as well.

Jenny was on her hands and knees now being led over to the woman, “I’ve been servicing these boys for months now, my cunt needs a little TLC whore, get your tongue in there,” opening her legs and pulling Jenny into her cunt.

A cock was pushed into her cunt as the first man took advantage of Jenny, after the big cocks it was a bit pleasurable to be fucked.

The woman was moaning and stroking Jenny’s head as she sucked her clit an licked her cunt.

The man was about to fuck Jenny’s arse dry, the woman whose cunt Jenny was licking spoke, “don’t be a fucking savage Rob, lubricate her arse first will you.”

Rob looked sheepish, “sorry, I just got carried away by a fresh cunt and arse.”

Jenny took a liking to the woman, at least she wasn’t cruel, she doubled her efforts to please her, she stuck he r tongue as far as she could into her cunt pinching her clit at the same time.

The woman who was called Celine laid her head back and had that wonderful feeling that a woman gets when she cums. Jenny kept licking and swallowing as much as she could as Celine squirted squirt after squirt.

There was a cock entering her arse, she was being fucked hard, Celine was telling Jenny to clean her cunt, she leant down and kissed her full on the lips pushing her tongue into Jenny’s mouth.

Jenny was surprised, pleasantly surprised, this was the first bit of love anyone had shown her since she had been sent down.

She responded by pushing her own tongue into Celine’s mouth as one man shouted not to cum in her arse as he wanted to fuck it as well.

Each man fucked her holes in turn while the woman kept Jenny’s head between her legs licking her cunt all the time, she came a couple of more times and now Jenny’s face and hair were covered in cum.

The boss man came into the room, “playtime over boys, get dressed, we’ve got work to do, show her where to shower and prepare her.”

‘Prepare for what’, thought Jenny as she was led away.

Jenny was showered and led to another room, her eyes widened when the woman reached for a gorilla costume.

“Put this on,” handing Jenny the costume.

The woman helped her to get it on, already Jenny was sweating under the costume, more from fear than heat.

Jenny’s arse felt cool, she looked behind her in the mirror, there was a hole cut out right around her arse making it bare.

The boss man entered, “everything ready, oh yes, Tudor will like this,” he said cupping Jenny’s arse cheeks.

“Bring her along, let’s introduce them.”

Jenny was led to a huge room where there were two cages, in one was what Jenny thought an ape, it was actually a chimpanzee.

“This is Tudor, we’re doing an experiment to see if chimps can actually mate with humans, there are stories, but just that, stories, you will live in that cage next to him for the next twenty four hours.”

The woman took up the order, “when he come near the cage there,” pointing to a round hole cut from the cage, “you will remove the wire that is clipped on from your side and present your arse and pussy to him.”

The boss continued, “you will stay there until he has either los t interest or fucked you, whichever, you will go to him every time and present yourself to be fucked or whatever he wants to do, understand.”

“Yes Master,” said Jenny feeling terrified.

The woman continued, “you will not be allowed out of the cage until the experiment has finished, should we need you for a further twenty four hours James here,” pointing to the boss, “will arrange it with your Master, now climb into the cage.”

Jenny’s heart was beating very fast, she had never seen a live chimpanzee, let alone one who was going to try and fuck her.

She climbed into the cage and the door clanged shut behind her, she was alone now. The chimp called Paco eyed her up from the other cage but keeping his distance.

He moved very slowly stopping halfway across to stare at the newcomer in the next cage.

“Finger your cunt, let him smell the sex,” said the woman.

Jenny pushed two fingers into her cunt and began to masturbate, after five minutes or so Paco edged closer to Jenny’s cage. Bit by bit he came, he was obviously getting excited by the smell of Jenny’s cunt.

“Okay, unclip the wire, push your arse through, let him smell your cunt,” said the woman called Elaine getting excited herself.

Paco moved right up and sniffed Jenny’s cunt, it was wet from her fingering, he sniffed and moved his head making some sort of noise and sniffed again.

He pushed his finger if that’s what they’re called slowly into Jenny’s cunt, she stiffened not knowing what was coming next. Her first instinct was to run to the other side of the cage but knew she would be punished mercilessly by Acid.

Paco had long fingers, one was being pushed into Jenny’s cunt, she could feel it go in moving about turning her on in spite of her circumstances.

He continued to finger her moving his finger round and round inside her cunt, Jenny didn’t want to be turned on, this was disgusting, but she couldn’t help it.

The finger was relentless, it had been inside her now for about two minutes, she was going to cum, she couldn’t help it.

Elaine knew she was going to cum soon, being a woman she knew the signs, her own pussy was soaking wet, right at that moment she wished she was where Jenny was with that long finger up her cunt.

Jenny exploded, it had been ages since she had cum, cum squirted over Paco’s finger and over his arm.

He pulled his finger out and licked it, he seemed to like the taste as he put his finger back into his mouth and sucked on it.

All the instincts were coming back to Paco, he had never had sex with anything, he fondled his prick knowing what he should do but not sure how.

Elaine handed Jenny some gel, “lube your arse in case he sticks his cock up there by mistake, a hole is a hole to him, he won’t care.

Jenny made sure she was well lubricated, she had no idea how big a chimpanzees dick was, it wasn’t something that came up in everyday conversation.

In Paco’s cage there was a small platform leading up to the hole where Jenny’s arse stuck through. Paco was jumping up and down, he wanted his plaything back and quick, Jenny backed up to the hole and pushed he r arse through and immediately Paco was sniffing again and fingering her.

Paco was working from instinct now, he was holding his dick as he edged up to Jennifer. After a few lunges he found a hole, Jenny’s arse hole, lucky for her chimps dicks aren’t too big.

Paco was thrusting hard holding Jenny tightly by her arse cheeks, he was humping her crudely not really knowing what to do. Jenny wondered how long a chimp lasted, he was making all sorts of sounds as he fucked her with Elaine and the Boss busy making notes.

It didn’t take long for Paco to cum, he was chattering away as he shot his cum into Jenny’s arse hole before jumping around the cage as though in celebration.

She replaced the wire blocking the hole, Jenny slipped down on the mattress that was provided for her in the corner, she wiped the cum from her arse and lay down.

Fifteen minutes later Paco was banging the wire cage, he wanted his plaything back. Jenny rose and unclipped the wire, she pushed her arse through the hole as Paco’s nose was in her cunt sniffing again.

The long finger was inserted back into her cunt moving around inside her, she liked this bit, she wondered if she dared ask for something to lean on when she was bent over, it was making her back ache.

The finger was being pushed in as far as possible, every so often he would pull out and suck it obviously enjoying the taste.

Paco had taken a liking to fucking this human, cock in hand he jabbed a few times and this time found Jenny’s wet cunt. Apart from aching a little from bending over it wasn’t unpleasant being fucked by Paco.

Unfortunately he didn’t last long, cum was going into Jenny’s cunt and then he pulled out and lay in the corner with what looked like a smile on his face.

Elaine was still watching, Jenny decided to ask her, “Mistress, may I please ask you something.”

“Yes of course,” answered Elaine.

“May I please have a chair to lean on when Paco’s playing with my cunt, it’s making my back ache.”

Elaine wasn’t interested in punishing Jenny, she wasn’t cruel, she fetched a chair and opened the cage.

“Thank you Mistress, you’re very kind.”

Again Jenny lay down, this time it was for half an hour, Paco again banged the cage, ‘fucking hell, not again’ thought Jenny as she pushed her arse through the opening.

This time Paco was licking and kissing around Jenny’s rear end, he was licking her arse her cunt, all over, he was like a man with a new gadget.

Jenny waited for the inevitable finger and she wasn’t disappointed, his finger was probing inside her cunt again, she hoped it would last longer this time as jenny leaned more comfortably over the back of the chair.

He played with her cunt for longer this time and soon she was cumming again, ‘he can’t want to fuck again’ thought Jenny after she had stopped cumming.

She was wrong, more jabs from Paco and he found her cunt again and began to fuck her. For the next fifteen hours Jenny was fucked or fingered, the fucking got less but the fingering continued seemingly incessantly, she got little sleep.

Jenny was asleep when she was woken up, “okay, your times up, you can go back to Acid now, he’s sending a different girl, we want to see how he gets on with different girls,” said Elaine.

Acid arrived with a girl, ‘oh my god, he’s brought his own daughter’ thought Jenny as she saw the girl who had told her her duties.

She was led away without a flicker from Acid, to him she was a money maker, nothing else, being his daughter had no relevance whatsoever.

Jenny’s lead was fastened back on and Acid half dragged her to his car and ordered her in.

“I’ve got to take you back whore, your times up with me,” was all he said on the drive back.

‘What next’ thought Jenny as one of the Masters took her lead and led her into the building.


Part Five

Life resumed at the approved school. Masters had their cocks sucked, the inmates had their arse and pussie’s fucked at every turn.

Judge Martha Henry was getting ready, ‘I reckon it’s time I visited my school again’ she thought.

Martha Henry was crooked, England and Europe were in financial meltdown, the state was broke. Martha ha d exploited this well, with the help of social workers, in her pay of course, any girls who came through her courts were always sent down.

Their records were erased so they no longer existed and then they belonged to Martha. The not so pretty one she would sell to rich friends as a slave to do the cooking and cleaning, and anything else they wanted.

The state couldn’t care less, as long as they didn’t have to pay, that was fine.

The medium ones were sold to brothels both here and abroad to unscrupulous pimps. The pretty ones she kept for herself, she was now an extremely wealthy woman.

The six girls who were on their knees waiting to go back were anxious to go, life in the approved school was preferable to life here with this cruel bitch.

She walked out to a extension at the back of the house, “I won’t be long darlings, I’m going to bring you some nice fresh girls for you to fuck, isn’t that nice,” stroking and fondling the six dogs.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to bring some more soon sluts,” she said to the two girls tethered to a hook in the middle of the floor, naked.

“Are you ready Ma’am, the bus is ready,” said George, her chauffeur.

“Come on sluts, let’s go,” leading all six by their leads to the waiting minibus.

George loved his job, he could take advantage of the sluts anytime he wished, he had complete control over them, a perk of the job for fucking his boss from time to time as well.

It was an uncomfortable three hour drive for the girls huddled naked in the back, truck drivers would blow their horns, in towns pedestrians would leer and bang the bus.

Back at the school everyone was on tenterhooks, none more so than the inmates, each one was hoping against hope she wouldn’t pick them, they had heard the horror stories from girls who had been there.

Martha did her inspections, one place she didn’t inspect was the girls quarters, she didn’t really care, the less money spent on them the more for her.

Then it was time, Jenny lined up with the rest, all trembling with fear in case they were picked. Martha walked along the line first feeling tits to see how firm they were, she would have them bend over and stick a dildo up their arse hole just to make sure.

The first girl was picked, then another, then Jenny, her heart sank as five more were picked.

“See these sluts are ready when I leave,” she ordered, “I’ll bring them back when I’m ready.”

The drive back was the same, catcalls, truck drivers blowing their horns until they reached the mansion Martha Henry called home. George the driver was told to show them their quarters, a basement with mattresses and a pile of blankets in the corner.

Martha Henry came down the stairs, immediately the girls dropped to their knees with heads down.

“Right sluts, you’re under my control for two weeks now, I love to punish, it makes me happy to whip a bare arse until it bleeds, just give me one small chance and I will take it, you will call me Mistress at all times, you will not speak unless spoken to, understand.”

“Yes Mistress,” came the reply.

“Good, make sure you do, George, over to you.”

“Okay sluts, listen, there’s a shower in that corner, there’s a kitchen in the other, you will be required to make your own meals at meal time, unless told otherwise, you will call me and any of Mistress’ friends Mistress or Master.”

“Yes Master.”

“Now, I have to pick two of you for a very special mission, Mistress will want to see who I’ve picked first, you and you,” he said pointing to Jenny and another girl.

“I’ve picked these two Ma’am, do they meet with your approval.”

Martha rose and looked at Jenny and her companion, “they’re fine, let’s go.”

They followed Martha and George outside towards an extension built onto the house. Inside, Jenny and her companion recoiled in shock. On the middle of the floor was a girl tethered with a huge St Bernard on her back fucking her, she was dishevelled with scratches down her side, her hair was hanging down badly in need of washing.

Martha waited until the St Bernard ha d filled the girl with his cum before entering the cage and released the girl. She crawled out quickly glad her ordeal was over.

Jenny and the girl who was called Celine were led into the cage and tethered to the pole on a chain about twelve feet long. She sprayed their cunts with an aerosol, “just in case they don’t want to fuck you, this will make them,” said Martha

“You are now my dogs bitches, if you look up there you will see cameras, refuse any of my dogs and it will give me a chance to redden your arses, got that, now on your knees, let’s see you suck some cocks, they’re out already.

The spray was certainly working, several of the dogs were already showing large red cocks, both leaned under the two nearest dogs and sucked on their cocks, cold noses were sniffing around their cunts and then tongues were lapping eagerly.

Martha was watching intently, “that’s it my pets, fresh cunt for you,” she was saying as George put his hand up her dress. George was cupping her cunt as she watched, she so wanted to try this herself but didn’t have the nerve, young George would have to do for now as he bent he r over and shoved his cock in her cunt.

Jenny’s mouth was full of cum, should she take a chance and spit it out, she thought better of it and swallowed.

Her young companion who had only just been sent two weeks ago did, she spat the cum out hoping no one would see her, Martha did and made a mental note. The new girl was slim with small tits, she grimaced as more cum went into her mouth, the dogs were horny as hell thanks to whatever spray was sprayed on Jenny and Donna’s cunts.

Jenny winced as a huge mastiff mounted her scratching her sides as he did, she braced herself against his weight and waited for his cock to penetrate her cunt all the way. A few lunges and he was in, fucking her madly with his huge paws and legs wrapped around her waist Jenny laid her head down in resignation.

Donna, her companion in hell was being mounted as well, she had only ever fucked one dog, the one belonging to a master back at the school, this one was a great Dane, she almost fell over as he lunged at her tight cunt a few times before entering her.

She wanted to scream, this was by far the biggest cock she had ever taken, her father had fucked her when he was drunk, but his cock was small in comparison to this. The great Dane was like a stream hammer pounding her cunt, every thrust of his cock moved her forward a bit such was his force.

If Donna ha d known what was to come after she would have screamed, her small cunt was being stretched to capacity, she had no idea what was trying to enter her hole, she did know it felt like a football being shoved in.

He r first instinct was to move away, a growl from the huge Dane changed her mind as finally the football was inside her. Just like the other dog she had fucked spurts of cum were shooting into her belly, sweat was running down her face as she waited to be freed from her dog Master.

Jenny’s cunt had got used to taking everything in there in the past few months, her mastiff was already inside her cunt with his knot filling her belly with cum, another dog was licking her face, he moved away and another tried to hump her face.

Jenny guessed that these two dogs were the leaders, the mastiff being number one and the Dane second, that’s why they ha d first fuck of the new meat, she also knew that as soon a s these two were finished there would be a succession of dogs fucking her and Donna, then it would start all over again.

She lifted her head slightly as the dog tried to fuck her face, she had her back to Martha so didn’t know if she was watching, she opened her mouth and sucked the dog cock as he fucked her mouth.

His paws were on her back scratching her as he humped her face, cum was spurting down her throat, then she nearly gagged, a huge jet of cum shot from the dog straight into her mouth, she couldn’t swallow all of that, it ran down her chin onto the floor, a gooey mess.

Luckily for her at that moment Martha was in her own throes of cumming, both she and George were cumming as he slammed his cock hard into her fifty year old pussy.

Her mastiff was still cumming inside her, she glanced at her companion Donna who had tears and sweat running down her face, Jenny couldn’t feel sorry for her, she was in the same position, Martha had said they were to spend forty eight hours in here being fucked continually by a pack of dogs.

The spurts were getting less and less, she felt him struggle a little until she heard the familiar sound of the ‘plop’ as his cock and knot slipped from her cunt. Immediately tongues were licking the cum from her cunt, there was a growl from a dog and then another dog mounted her probing for her cunt hole.

Jenny had no idea which dog was fucking her, she couldn’t see anyway as another dog was licking her face as her dog found the hole he was looking for, it was Jenny’s arse hole, it was immaterial to the dog, a hole was a hole and he was fucking it hard.

Donna sighed with relief as her dog slipped out of her cunt, like Jenny tongues were now licking her cunt clean. She jumped slightly as another weight landed on her back with a cock jabbing at her holes. This one found her cunt, she winced as his cock went straight in , this spray was doing its job, every dog in there had either a red tip showing or a full hard cock.

Martha as usual was shouting instructions to the dogs to fuck the sluts harder, she entered the cage and led a dog with a hard cock over to Donna, “suck my pets cock slut, that’s what you’re here for, that’s all you’re good for, now open your mouth and suck him.”

Donna daren’t disobey, her mouth opened as Martha guided the spurting cock inside, “and don’t spit his cum out, if he’s good enough to let you suck his cock, the least a slut can do is swallow it.”

She swallowed the warm liquid trying not to throw up, this was gross, she wasn’t sure if she could take this for forty eight hours.

“Oh by the way slut, I saw you spit out cum, for that you can stay here another twenty four hours, I’ll punish you properly when I let you out, if I let you out, my pets like your tight cunt,” she laughed.

Donna’s heart sank, another twenty four hours locked in here, ‘I’ll go fucking mad’ she thought as she swallowed another mouthful of dog cum.

Jenny’s dog had been fucking her arse hole for a while, he was trying hard to get his knot in but not succeeding, he r arse was still too tight. He settled for cumming in her sending spurt after spurt up her arse hole and finally slipped out.

Again the tongues were licking, she braced herself for another dog to mount her as she sucked the dog cock in front of her. This one wasn’t so heavy, he scratched her sides being smaller as he struggled to reach her cunt and had to be helped by Martha, who lifted him up to help him with his cock.

Jenny could feel his back legs on hers as he fucked her, his legs were working in time with his fucking, Martha was holding him urging him on to fuck the slut.

Martha waited until every dog had fucked the two sluts, “I hope you can eat quickly, if you don’t the dogs will, you’ll be fed with the dogs in a bowl, don’t worry, it won’t be dog food, have fun sluts.”

The two girls saw what she meant, dogs were eating out of each other’s bowls except the pack leader, he was left alone. Donna and Jenny stood up trying to eat their food of potatoes and meat.

The great Dane jumped up and knocked Donna’s bowl from her hand spilling it over the floor, in a couple of seconds it was gone.

“Let’s turn our backs, you can share mine,” said Jenny feeling sorry for Donna right at this moment. They managed to eat the dinner without further intervention from the dogs.

As soon as the dogs had finished eating noses were shoved into their cunts and tongues were licking, “on your knees, she’ll be watching,” whispered Jenny as both girls dropped on hands and knees so the dogs could mount them again.

Neither Jenny or Donna got much sleep in the next forty eight hours, Jenny was released and another girl chained up in the middle. Donna was in tears, she had another twenty four hours, her cunt and arse were hurting from so many cocks, she badly wanted to shower and clean her teeth to get the taste of dog cum from her mouth.

Jenny was led away, she was allowed a hot shower and twelve hours uninterrupted rest before she was woken up and told to shower again. She looked at her cunt in the mirror, it was still swollen and bright red from all the fucking, she let the warm water run over it enjoying the sensation.

Martha came in to the bathroom, “you have twenty minutes to make up and report to me slut, I’ve got a party tonight, you and the other sluts are the prizes for the raffle, whoever wins you can do whatever he wishes with you, one word of complaint and you will wish you had never been born slut, understand.”

“Yes Mistress,” said Jenny looking at the floor with her hands behind her back on her knees.

Jenny made herself up in the mirror, the usual bright red lipstick and other stuff. Martha came back and fastened the led to Jenny’s collar, she was put into a room with the other five girls and the door locked.

What was next for poor Jenny and the other girls, one thing for sure, it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

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