Women with Animals
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Double Doggy Delight


(c) 2021 by AnnaTartyWife

I recently had some fun with two lovely dogs for the first time.

The pandemic has been a real pain in the backside and has really put paid to some of my fun times with my older and younger lovers, but everything comes with a bonus. I have already told you how during this time I have become a wanton, willing, K9 slutwife.

I have been fucking our pet dog Bruno for the past year, and during the times when our son and daughter have been back at university he’s been banging me very regularly. Myself and my husband Mike have enjoyed threesomes with him on several occasions and Mike has caught me being fucked mercilessly on a couple of times by him as well. On coming in from work to find me on all fours with our pet mounted on me pounding my wet cunny.

We received a nice message from a guy who lives on the west coast of Scotland who was intrigued by my descent into allowing myself to be used by our pet.

In correspondence he admitted that his late wife had and enjoyed many a good time with their pet Alsatian. Sadly she had passed away last year, from a non-covid related illness he told me, and since then their pet dog had been very horny and it clearly missed the fairly regular sessions he would have with both the man’s wife and him as a couple.

We chatted via email for quite some time. Getting to know each other a little bit better and him exchanging a few pics with Mike and myself. On being screwed hard by Mike one night, he told me the guy had emailed him personally and asked whether he thought I would be up for some fun with his pet Alsatian Alfie.

I was being eaten out at the time by my husband and was very turned on and in my heightened sexual state I panted that I would love to be fucked by another dog and if possible take on a whole pack! I was used ferociously that night, with my hubby emptying his balls all over my tits as he told me that he was going to turn me into a real filthy dog slut. In the cold light of day I was starting to get a little bit nervous about the possibility of meeting a stranger, partially obviously because of the ongoing pandemic, but secondly because the thought of taking a strange dog was a little bit scary. It had taken me literally weeks if not months to build up the courage to go further with our dog, and took some time for Bruno to learn the art of how to enter me correctly in different positions. The guy spoke to Mike again via email saying that his dog was well trained and that he had been fucking his wife for a number of years and he was expert at entering a woman in various positions and was a long stayer, the guy adding, “He cums fucking bucket loads as well mate”. Shamefully I have to admit I was definitely turned on by the thought of potentially taking on two dogs at once, and so we arranged for a social meet first of all with the chap to see whether we would get along and whether the two dogs will get along as well.

We agreed to meet halfway between our home areas and during one of the brief episodes of being allowed to travel outside our own area we found ourselves packing Bruno into the car and heading off to meet this guy for a nice walk and talk. I was very nervous while driving there but I decided to try and dress in something a little bit sexy without being too revealing as it might look a little bit odd to any passers-by in the park area where we would be going to meet for the walk. It was a sunny day so I had opted for a very short denim skirt and crop top. As we were walking I wore trainers rather than my usual high heels.

As usual Bruno was jumping and leaping about like a mad thing and to be honest when he sees me in a short skirt now it’s all I can do from keeping the randy sod from shagging me senseless in front of anyone who is present. I have found myself having to dress very conservatively around the house when Ryan and Chloe are home or we have guests!

Anyway we arrived at the agreed destination and found the guy Greg, a man in his late sixties already out his car with his dog Alfie chasing a ball that Greg was throwing backwards and forwards for him. Bruno was on a leash as we weren’t quite sure how he would react to another dog being around as he is a bit of a boisterous character at the best of times. Greg said hello and that my pictures hadn’t done me justice, flattering me greatly as he told me I looked stunning. Mike was laughing, saying,” Her head is big enough mate, don’t give her any further ideas on how appealing she is.”

Soon the ice was broken and we were chatting away just about normal things like we had known each other for quite some time. Bruno was being very well behaved and whilst he was showing an interest in Alfie there was no barking or snarling or anything of that sort going on which we took as a very good sign. We all went for a lovely walk during which time I let Bruno off his lead when safe to do so and far enough away from anyone else. He gambled around chasing balls and together Alfie and him were getting on absolutely brilliantly with them both being lovely pet dogs. During the walk Greg asked me how I had gotten into the fun with Bruno and Mike and recounted how we had gradually coaxed Bruno into our sessions, and how he had originally just started off watching us having sex, or nosing around before eventually licking me and then of course me sucking him off to the situatuion now with me being almost daily getting “Done hard,” by our pet as Mike put it.

Mike and Greg were getting on famously as I was pampering and fussing over both the dogs. Bruno was being his usual playful self and kept trying to shove his head up my skirt, Greg noticing and laughing saying, “Who is a clever dog then,” adding, “He clearly knows what he likes and wants eh Anna love? If I was a dog I think I’d be up that skirt in a flash as well!” he chuckled.

When Bruno was chasing a ball Alfie began showing me some interest as well, again nudging in to me and at one point shoving his snout up my skirt until his nose touched my panties. I have to admit I was getting quite wet at the thought of what was probably going to happen with these two gorgeous beasts. On seeing what was happening Greg and Mike were laughing saying it looked like I had another admirer to which I replied, “ Yes I admit he certainly does, seem a very friendly chap as well.”

Our chat had started to have some sexual overtones as Greg asked me whether I was looking forward to the possible fun we could have.

“I am, “ I admitted, saying I was getting damp already at the thought of it. He laughed saying it was a pity his wife Denise was no longer with us as she would have loved joining me saying, “It’s a pity I couldn’t just watch both dogs fuck you here and now Anna, you are so sexy and pretty.”

Mike laughed saying that may look a little bit funny to anyone who was going to be passing by even though we were in a secluded area. The walk lasted for over an hour and it was clear that the two dogs got along fine and that Greg was a nice genuine chap and not some nutter.

On chatting further with Tam he told us that he and Denise had enjoyed some swinging fun with a very good friend of his and his wife for many years. Mike asked if the other couple knew about the canine fun to which he said. “Yes mate, yes the guy Dennis does but his wife Audrey doesn’t. Dennis and myself fucked Denise many times with Alfie joining in as well.” He asked us about our sex life and Mike told him that he liked me to have regular partners and that he encouraged me to have sex with as many men and women as I wanted.

I heard the conversation on approaching them, surrounded by both dogs bouncing along. “I suppose he’s telling you how much of a slut his wife is?” I laughed. “Well he didn’t put it quite like that Anna, but he did tell me you enjoyed fun with other guys and women.” “Well I think I’m about to have another experience as well aren’t I,” I said laughing back. “I think I’m about to have my first doggy threesome.”

Greg was delighted with my response saying that he couldn’t wait for us to arrange something and that he was getting turned on already at the thought of it. I told him I was feeling the same and as we walked to our car I let him feel my bum a little bit discretely as we walked along. We said our goodbyes saying that we would be in touch arranging a playdate for Bruno with Alfie and of course myself. Greg asked Mike if he was going to be coming too, to which he said,” No mate. She will probably come along herself and I will hear all about the good fucking she takes later, or you guys can phone me whilst she’s taking a good pounding!” I could sense Tam being excited by this and on seeing his trousers it was evident he was, as he was sporting quite a hard-on. “It looks like you’re packing some meat as well,” I nodded at his tenting trousers. “Oh sorry about that darling,” he said. “Just that all this talk has got me quite turned on as you can tell.” “Don’t worry sweety,” I said laughing back. “You should see the state of my knickers, they are literally being eaten alive by my wet cunt at the moment.” I clambered into our car making sure I gave the men a good view of my legs right up to my panties so that they could see how wet I was. I had given Alfie a little pat and rub telling him,” I will see you soon darling, and the next time I see you I won’t be dressed like this.”

On the way back home I was like a bitch on heat and couldn’t help but finger fucking myself in the car. Bringing myself off to a crashing orgasm. Delighted to be telling my husband how much I was looking forward to being spit-roasted by the two dogs and acting absolutely slutty in front of the lovely old Greg.

The time dragged on until we were able to find a suitable time and date for me to travel through to our new friends. It coincided with both our kids being at home, which meant that Mike and I struggled to have any quality alone time to have some sexy fun. In hindsight this actually built up the tension nicely and I was absolutley gagging for a good fuck session by the time our playdate was arranged. Bruno was on heat as well and obviously he had not been able to empty his balls up his willing mother for some time as well. The day arrived for me to travel through and I pampered myself as usual in the morning taking a nice hot bath, shaving my pussy completely smooth and doing my hair and make-up perfectly for my old admirer and his pet. Mike had got the kids out the way taking them both out for a meal after a long hike. It was one of those times during our lockdown experience when once again things had been opened up ever so slightly, in this what feels like a hokey cokey world of ours at the minute.

I wore a fairly short black skirt, white blouse with a couple of the top buttons undone. A black matching bra and panty set with lace see-through parts at the front of my knickers and bra. I wore no stockings or tights for travelling but had packed a little bag as I intended to ‘slut up’ fully for my two hound lovers. Bruno was bundled into the car and as usual he was very excited to be going on a journey but also by seeing me dressed in what he knew was becoming his signal for fun with me.

“Now you will just have to wait a little bit longer darling,” I said to him as he got in the back. “Mummy is going to show you a good time along with your new best friend.” On driving across to Tams my hand often slipped down inside my knickers giving my smooth, bald, wet fanny a little rub to keep myself on edge for the fucking I was about to be taken. I arrived at Gregs just after midday. I parked in his driveway to a lovely semi-detached home in a very nice estate in a small village on the West of Scotland. He was delighted to see me as soon as I got out of the car he eagerly greeted me at the front door. Alfie was soon bounding out to me and Bruno, his tail wagging excitedly. “I hope your journey was ok?” he asked me politely as I made my way to him. “It was made all the better by me having a little play with myself, “ I laughed back at him. “I’m so turned on, it’s incredible.” “And so you should be,” Greg smiled back at me.” I’m sure you’re about to receive a wonderful experience and something new.”

Once inside the door things moved very swiftly. Greg drew his living room curtains and pulled the blinds down so no one could see in his lovely bay window. At the back of his home was its patio and he also pulled the vertical blinds to cover the glass. “Just in case anyone is peeking from our neighbours behind us,” he said.

He complimented me on my outfit and once again told me that he thought I was stunning. The two dogs were busy playing with toys Greg had left out around the room for them. I thanked him again for the compliment telling him that I couldn’t wait for the fun to start. I asked him if there was somewhere I could change and he seemed surprised.

“I assumed you already had your sexy outfit on,” he laughed at me. “Why thank you very much, but I’m going to be wearing a whole lot less and a few minutes,” I chuckled. He quickly showed me to the door which led to the upstairs, his hand wandering on my bum as he did so. “Oooh, that’s nice,” I said back to him. “Go on, have yourself a good feel if you want sweetheart.” He took no telling and was soon fondling my arse through the short skirt and very quickly became brave enough to pop his hand up my skirt and feel my ass and pussy through my panties. “Oh you feel a little bit damp already,” he said to me. “I’m fucking soaking wet Greg,” I said to him.” I can’t wait to sample all this cock I’m about to enjoy.”

Before I went upstairs I told him he could have a good feel of me if he wanted and he took no further telling. His old hands were soon inside my knickers with me leant against the porch wall, my legs spread wide as his hand explored my clitty and swollen, wet and wide pussy lips. “Wow. This feels like one gorgeous wet pussy,” he said to me.

I was very turned on now as I said to him, “And that looks like a gorgeous hard fucking cock that you have in your pants sweetheart. I hope I’m going to be getting a bit of that later on as well.”

He smiled back saying, “Oh I had no idea that I will be joining in the fun as well.” I replied, “Well I hope you are and if you feel comfortable you’re more than welcome to. I’m here for your pleasure and for our two lovely pets’ pleasure today babes.”

As he fingered me we kissed for the first time. Gently at first before I told him,” if you want you can tongue my mouth hard because I love it.” Again he took no second telling and his old, expert tongue was soon in my throat as he fingered me out, me with my legs spread wide like an utter slut leaning against his banister.

“Oh boy, right, let me get upstairs and get my gear on sweetheart,” I said to him as we broke off from our snog. “Why don’t you get yourself ready down here with the boys and I’ll be down in a second.”

Once upstairs I quickly changed into the stockings and heels I had brought for the session. I had opted for a pair of seamed white nylons and a pair of black spiked, strappy high heels. I didn’t bother with the bra and panties and felt deliciously wicked walking down this old man’s flight of stairs. I had met him only four weeks earlier, and now stood in his marital bedroom and home dressed in only stockings and heels in the middle of the day.

As I walked into the living room he let out an audible gasp. “Bloody hell Anna you look incredible. I wasn’t expecting this.” I placed my hand over my body and down onto my pussy, slowly circling my clit as I said “I’m here to get a good fucking and this is what I like to wear when I am entertained.”

He made his way over to me and once again planted a wet kiss on my lips, our mouths opening wide to exchange tongues as his hand slipped onto my wet cunny once again. Both dogs were quickly at me, sniffing around my legs with Alfie behind me sniffing and licking at my ass already. Bruno was clearly getting excited as well, he was trying to mount my leg as I was still deep in snog with Greg.

He smiled, “I think someone’s excited already,” breaking off from our kiss. “Oh yes he is, how are we going to work this?” I said as I made my way into the centre of the room as both dogs were clearly going after me already. I felt deliciously slutty and wicked. Mauled by man and beast, desired by the two hounds and this older man. Greg was slowly rubbing his trousers at the front, “Yes love, they both seem very excited don’t they, and no wonder!” he commented. I got onto my hands and knees and began playing with the dogs, just pushing the heads and patting them trying to make them at ease. My cunt and tits on show for this old man and our pets.

“Why don’t you get stripped as well,” I said. “ I want to see that big hard cock.” In no time at all my new old friend was stripped completely naked sporting an impressive hard-on. I was now rolling around on the floor with both dogs excitedly anticipating my first cock. One of my stockings had already been snagged a little bit by their paws, a little ladder was showing on it already. “I think your new stockings are going to get ruined,” Tam said, stroking his hard on.

I touched my wet pussy and licked the fingers clean of my juices, “I hope so. I want to be fucking used and abused. I want my stockings, cunt, tits and body to show the signs of having been fucked hard Greg.”

I was patting Alfie on his stomach as he was lying on his back as I moved my hand slowly down and ran it over his sheath for the first time. Bruno was now behind me licking at my ass as I got onto all fours. He tried to mount me straight away, but I wanted my fanny licked first, so I teased him a little bit by dropping down from the all fours position flat on the ground and rolling over. “I need my pussy licking,” I said to Greg looking at him as he was now sitting tugging on his cock watching me playing with the two pets. I made my way over to an armchair, sat down and spread my legs wide. Both my canine lovers were at me again in an instant. It was clear that Alfie was used to this, as his wet snout and tongue quickly found my sopping, shaved, smooth cunt lips and he started licking at me, Bruno was trying to get in on the act by shoving his nose alongside that of Alfie’s and he was mainly licking my inner thigh as Alfie expertly began to run his big, long rough tongue up and down my wet slit.

I was panting, “Oh Greg … Oh fucking hell that’s amazing,” I said spreading my legs really wide with both legs dangling over the arms of the chair. Greg was now getting into full gear too, “Yes, that’s it you fucking slag, spread those legs for the dogs, you dirty bitch.”

I smiled back watching him slowly working on his cock, spitting on his hand to lubricate it as he played with himself. He had a decent body, very hairy chest and balls, with a good solid six inches of meat. It was amazing how quickly he got into the rhythm of our sexy fun and began talking filth to me.

“Oh you dirty bastard, work that cock. I am a fucking filthy slut,” I smiled back at him adding, “I’m going to be taking three big cocks today.” Bruno was now grabbing one of my dangling legs and trying to hump at me as Alfie continued lapping and licking at my wet and glistening pussy lips. “His fucking tongue is amazing,” I said. “He’s an absolute expert, isn’t he?”

Greg replied whilst still wanking his cock up and down, leering at me. “Denise used to cum so hard on his tongue,” he said slowly, working his delicious hard, fat cock and smiling at the obvious pleasurable memories. “I can see why! The fucker has got me close already.”

Bruno managed to muscle in and Alfie was replaced with our dog now lapping and licking at me trying his best in his excited state. Alfie had replaced Bruno by wrapping his front legs around my welcoming left leg as he started dry humping me. “I think his cock starting to show,” Greg said. “Once out it will be hard to get it back in the sheath and get him to knot you from experience,” he smiled. “Oh I want that,” I added. “I tell you what,” I said, panting in between receiving lots of licks at my clitty and cunt from our pet dog Bruno. “ Why don’t we try and get Alfie to give me a good cocking and we can maybe put Bruno next door to calm down a little bit?”

“Good idea love, “ he replied. “We can get them both at you in a wee bit but let’s get one mounted first maybe eh?” I had received a good licking already from both hounds and as I stood up my new white stockings were snagged and torn on my legs already. Greg gently eased Bruno next door and placed him in the kitchen giving him a bowl of water and telling him he was a good boy but that mummy would be back in a minute for some more fun. His little face looked sad as he shut the door behind him but I knew that he would soon be joining us once Alfie had managed to get his cock up me. Back in the room I had adjusted my laddered nylons, reclasping one to my suspender belt and had moved across to Greg and I had got down on all fours and began kissing and licking his inner thighs. With me on all fours, my legs spread wide Alfie was soon behind me once again and nudging his nose and tongue against my wet married cunt as I slowly began to suck on his owner’s cock. I licked Gregs fat cock, licking the full length to his fully exposed shiny cock head. “You have a really nice cock,” I said. “And I love tasting your precum already, I fucking love it.”

He was smiling, saying,” You are a hot little bitch aren’t you.” I looked up with his cock pouched in my mouth, his dog now licking my wide open gash out, his tongue probing my hole and lapping round my lips and smiled at him and garbled,” Yes I am, and you’re going to be fucking drained by me today.”

Alfie now had his tongue dug right up my cunt and was licking me expertly. Greg’s fat cock was pistoning into my mouth as I wanked him harder.

After a few minutes Alfie started to mount me. He firstly jumped on my back, missing my fanny hole with his jabbing cock and spunking on my arse and back. “Go on boy,” Greg said lovingly. “Get on this hot wee bitch and fuck her.”

I smiled as I reached behind. I parted my legs wider and Alfie began to find his target. “Oh yes good boy, good boy. That’s it, that’s it.” I gasped as his thrusting started to unleash his cock and his stabbing found my cunt lips then as he thrust forwards again his cock slotted home and into my willing, soaking wet cunt. “Oh fuck yes, “ I gasped wanking Greg faster. “Oh fuck yes Alfie thats it boy, fuck me!”

His owner smiled, his cock leaking heavily. “Dinnae worry lass, he will fuck you good you flithy wee slut.” he said to me as I continued wanking him. Alfie had obviously had years of experience as his front legs wrapped around my slim waist and he began fucking me hard and fast. His head lolled to the side and as I looked over my shoulder his contorted face was a picture, his tongue hanging out as he pounded me. My wet cunt received thrust after thrust. I started to climax.

“I’m fucking cumming, oh good boy, keep fucking me. Oh fuck it. Fuck me hard. Oh Jesus yes!”

Greg started spunking as I wanked him to completion as his wonderful pet pounded me doggystyle on all fours. Dressed in my ripped stocking and heels, my descent into a slut wife taking a further depraved turn. His first spurt shot up and landed on the top of my head. He quickly took over and fired rope after rope straight at me, splashing my face, hair and shoulders in his hot, sticky cum. “Fuck her boy, fuck her as I cum all over the slag.”

“Cum on me Greg love. Oh fuck yes, Alfie … Fucking hell … I’m cumming.” I started to shudder as Gregs hot spunk shot onto my face and slid down my cheeks. Alfie was now slowing down and I could feel his cock swelling, his seed being deposited deep up me as he started to knot me. I was cumming like a freight train, shaking and my cunt was flooding in my juices and also being filled deeply with doggy spunk. Old Greg kept spunking. His thick ropes landed all over me, plastering my hair and face.

“Fucking sexy slut,” he spat the words at me as I shook from the screwing. “Oh god yes!” I came violently. As soon as Greg had splashed his last cum string onto my hair he went over and let Bruno into the room and text messaged Mike as he did so. Bruno was bouncing in and as Alfie was now fully knotted Greg slid him off my back and turned him around. We were now back to back, his huge doggy cock impaled and locked in me.

“Look at your mummy,” Greg said. “Look at the fucking slut.” He was patting and rubbing Bruno. I looked up licking my lips, spunk dripping off my face and chin. Bruno started lapping at me, taking the cum as a delicious treat. Greg’s cock was now sagging and still had a drip of cum hanging from it. I stuck my tongue out, Bruno met it as he licked and devoured Gregs salty cum. In between this Greg gave me his cock to suck.

“Clean it you greedy whore,” he ordered. I sucked on it greedily. My womb filling with dog spunk, my own pet cleaning my face of this old man’s jism. Greg then showed me the message he had sent Mike: Have just spunked all over her face, my first load of the day ( I’ll cum more for her don’t worry) Alfie knotted up her now and she has just orgasmed. I’m letting your boy at her now too. She is an amazing wife mate.

Bruno was back at my face and licking up the remnants of the sticky spunk. Once finished he bounced around me excitedly. Greg and I kissed passionately as he told me how much he wanted to see me spitroasted by the two dogs and how hard he was going to get again very soon. Alfie was pulling away slightly his big, blue knot beginning to loosen from my well fucked pussy. “Let me ease him out for you Anna,” he said tenderly. With this he began to massage my hard clitty, as he also eased the knot out slowly from me. His fingers on my aching clit had me boiling again, along with the sensation of the huge knot slipping from my fuck tube. I moaned in pure delight.

“You are a hot slut,” Tam laughed. “Oh fuck, careful, I said as the huge bulbous knot slipped out with a plop. I could feel spunk pissing out of my cunt. Within seconds both Alfie and Bruno were licking at me together. My cunt pissed dog batter as they lapped at it leaking from me. Greg moved in front and offered me his cock to lick and suck. “Start getting this fucker hard again love,” he demanded.

With the two dogs eating me I sucked on him and felt the stirrings of his cock again. Alfie moved away and I saw the huge, swollen cock length swinging between his legs. “Oh fuck yes! Oh good boy, I want that,” I smiled looking at his massive doggy dong.

Bruno was now starting to try to mount me. Greg helped him into position and with my legs wide again, my heels splayed on my slutty legs he started to thrust at my very red and open pussy. “He will slip in there easily,” Greg said proudly. Alfie was now lying down and so I wriggled over to start tasting his cock for the first time

“Let me at that stunning cock, “ I wantonly said as I took it in my hands. He was a big boy. His cock length is at least eight inches, really thick and he was still spurting his thin seed. As Bruno found my splayed cunt from behind, Greg helping my pet wrap his front paws around me, I started licking Alfies cock as he was still spunking, his thin seed splattering my face. “Oh yes fuck me boy,” I urged as Bruno started his fast pounding. On all fours, my stockings laddered and rolled down my legs, unclasped from the suspender belt. My heels clinging onto my feet. My pet fucking me hard and fast, Greg standing watching, sporting a huge cock again, and me licking his pet dogs cock length.

I was in canine slut heaven.

“Go on you dirty wee tart, enjoy it,” he teased. “Enjoy the two dog cocks for the first time.” “It won’t be the fucking last,” I said in reply as I started sucking on Alfies huge dong. His seed coating my throat as I sucked and tried my best to swallow his whole length.

Bruno stopped pounding away and he too was now knotting my fanny. “Fill mommy up, good boy. Give me your puppies,” I said then resumed sucking and savouring Alfies massive cock. We stayed like this for a good ten minutes. Bruno tied with me, Alfies huge cock being devoured by myself. Eventually Bruno slipped out of my now well fucked and well seeed married cunthole. His spunk dripped out onto the food and all down my legs. As he moved to my front he too lay down by Alfie as I alternated in sucking both dogs one at a time, sucking one whilst letting the other cum all over my hand. Greg moved behind me.

“Fuck it,” I said looking back at him, still on all fours. “Fuck my bred cunt. Go on, the dogs have opend me up and filled me with their fucking cum. Now fuck it and cum in me too.”

He slid in easily. My fanny was red raw and gaped. His cock slipped in me, slipping in alongside the dog jizz easily. He grabbed my waist and fucked me harder and harder. I bucked back as he was obviously wanting it hard, rough and fast. “You fucking little slut,” he again said to me “ I’m going to have so much fun with you wee tart.” I let him fuck the hell out of me in this position until he said he was cumming, As he started to cum he pulled out shooting hs muck all over may arse and back. It was a fantastic session I was well fucked, worn out. My nylons ruined, covered and dripping in cum. Greg and I snogged and talked, me still largely naked and used, him enjoying the power. The two dogs lying resting after their exertions and fun.

As I showered and tidied myself up Mike received further texts from Greg letting him know what had happened.

On getting home Mike asked me how it had gone and if I had enjoyed it. I simply replied, “Absolutely awesome love, and remember the guy Dennis that Greg mentioned? … well guess who is joining us next time. Four cocks for me, I can’t wait.”

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