Women with Animals
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Like Mother Like Daughter


(c) 2020 by AnnaTartyWife

Chapter One

I was so pleased when I got a call from Chloe, my daughter, asking if it was ok for her to spend the Easter holidays with us, as the planned Uni trip to Spain had fallen through.

I hadn’t seen her since Xmas, so I was over the moon.

She arrived a couple of days before Good Friday, we thought she’d be coming with her boyfriend, but he’d decided to visit his family as his Gran was unwell, so she was alone.

Chloe was very much like me in appearance, well when I was her age at least!

She was taller than me with really long legs and bigger tits, perhaps they were bigger by the fact she was quite skinny, and that made them look bigger.

She turned up with a bag with her books and laptop and a few clothes, “Sorry mam, I forgot to bring the other bag with clothes, I can use some of yours can’t I?” was her first question.

She’d easily fit in my clothes. “Of course love,” I said and we both laughed as I made some food for all of us.

My husband was with us being a holiday weekend, but he would travel on business early the following week for the rest of the week and beyond.

The weekend was great, we spent so much time and reminiscing that time flew.

One thing I made sure of was before she arrived was that my computer was off and the draw with my toys and the more raunchy lingerie was locked.

My husband left on Tuesday and Chloe spent most of the day in her room catching up on her work. We had lunch and tea then about six she decided to take a shower.

Not long after she went the doorbell rang. When I opened the door it was Frank, our neighbour from the flat upstairs. Shit! I’d forgot to tell him that Chloe was here.

It was normal, when my husband travelled, Frank my 70+ year old neighbour would pop round.

He was a dirty old fucker and he’d been knobbing me for at least 6 years. So he’d come round most evenings, we’d have a snog, he’d cop a feel, frequently it would end up with a wank, blow job or a fuck.

I have a few old lovers, and absolutely love being their slut, my husband knows, and frequently takes pics or vids as I perform for Frank and his old mates.

I put one finger to my lips and made a ‘ssshhh’ noise to Frank, then whispered “Chloe’s here”.

Then in a voice a little louder than normal, “Hi Frank, come in.”

Frank sat in one of the armchairs and I sat opposite him in the other and started telling him about Chloe’s surprise visit.

A few minutes later Chloe appeared, she went over to Frank, who she referred to as “uncle Frank” and gave him a peck on the cheek. The reason being that she’d known him since we’d lived there, which was years!

She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and Frank was taking it all in. He probably hadn’t seen her for a couple of years and there had been a distinct change in her appearance, which was obvious by his expression.

We had a laugh and a joke and Frank left after around a hour. Chloe commented on how nice it was for Frank to check that I was ok whilst Dad was away. I had to laugh to myself, he came round hoping to fuck the arse off me, if only she knew!

The following day I made breakfast and Chloe disappeared to her room to work. We had lunch together and then I went into town as I needed to do some shopping. When I got back there was a note from Chloe saying she’d gone to see one of her friends nearby and would be home by 7pm, there was a p.s. saying ‘I’ve borrowed some clothes.’

I made some food for dinner, then around 6ish the doorbell rang and Frank was there. I let him in and immediately gave him an open mouth kiss and stuck my tongue down his throat. He responded immediately, his hands squeezing my tits!

As we broke off he said, “Guessing she’s not here then?” Before I could answer his hand was up my skirt and he was rubbing my twat through my knickers. “No she’s not, but will be back soon,” I replied as he got my knickers to one side and shoved two fingers up my sopping wet slot.

I grabbed Frank’s cock through his trousers as he fingered me. “We can’t Frank, she’ll be back soon and it’s too risky, I’d love to feel your cock up my cunt but we can’t.”

“Ok Anna,” I understand Frank replied as he shoved a third finger as far as it would go up me and then then pulled them out.

I led him into the living room as he exaggeratedly put his fingers first under his nose and then in his mouth. “You smell and taste good!” Anna he said.

My cunt was dripping, I was desperate for a hot, dirty fuck, but there was no chance.

I went to get a couple of beers to cool things down a bit. As I brought back the beers, Frank sat In one of the armchairs And I sat in the sofa. He respected that, as if I was on the sofa next to him things would get out of control.

As we talked I could see the outline of his cock with a semi on through his trousers.

Five minutes later the door opened and Chloe walked in. Fucking hell!

She said she’d borrowed some clothes. Well, she’d found my old school tennis skirt and a pair of rope wedge heels, her arse was almost hanging out of the skirt!

“Hi mum,” she said, “Can I get a beer and join you?” Without waiting for an answer she went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of Heineken and plonked herself on the other armchair.

The way she sat with one leg under her meant that all her legs were exposed and I guessed that Frank could probably see her knickers. He’d moved his hand holding his beer over his lap, the dirty fucker had a hard on looking at my daughter!

Chloe didn’t seem to mind and was purposely engaging Frank in conversation so he’d look at her legs.

I think Frank was also feeling the pressure and soon finished his beer and said he needed to go.

I accompanied him to the door. We were well out of Chloe’s sight when I opened the door. Frank leant forward and kissed me, I responded, christ I wanted his cock up me! As I broke off the kiss I reached down and grabbed his prick, he was as hard as a rock. Looking into his eyes I mouthed silently, “tomorrow,” as I squeezed the end of his cock as hard as I could. Frank smiled and left, my cunt was on fire, jesus I needed a fuck like never before.

I went to the toilet before going back to the living room, basically to calm down!

When I went back, Chloe was on her second beer. “Nice to see old uncle Frank again,” she said. “Yes it was love, “ I replied.

Then the “grenade” was tossed into the room.

“I bet he’s having a sloppy wank now Mam! I wonder if he’s fantasizing over you, me, or both of us together! The dirty old fucker had a raging hard on, did you see it?”

“Chloe!” I exclaimed, I was shocked by her comment.

Before I could say anymore she got off the chair and came to sit beside me on the sofa.

She put her hand on my leg just above my knee and the said, “Mam, my laptop crashed this morning just as an important file was coming in, so I used your computer.”

“How Chloe?, it’s password protected?” I answered.

“Sorry Mam, but my brothers name and his date of birth is hardly a password,” she said and laughed.

My stomach was churning to say the least, as she continued.

“Mam I saw those files of pictures and videos!”

My world suddenly turned upside down. I could feel my face turning red and I was wishing that the sofa would open up and I could disappear!

“I’ve seen you fuck uncle Frank, his mate Bill and god knows how many other old men. Black men, Pakistanis, schoolboys. Guys spunking on you as you’re being fucked by others. I know Dad’s involved as I heard his voice in one and recognised his watch in some photos where someone has their fist up your cunt!”

I didn’t know what to say, what could I say? What my daughter had seen was true, I loved being a slut.

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could Chloe cut me off.

“Mam, I loved it. I’ve never been so excited in all my life and must have cum twenty times today.”

She then kissed me, not on the cheek, but a full open mouth kiss on my lips. I absentmindedly responded, almost a reflex action and her tongue was in my mouth. My mind was racing and I broke off the kiss.

“Chloe, this is wrong, we can’t do this.”

“Mam, you looked beautiful, I’ve never had a feeling like that when I watched you.Seeing you with another woman, eating each others cunts as a load of guys watched and wanked over you, I wanted to be the other woman. There’s one picture where you have a thick cock in your mouth, my dad has his fist up your cunt and another guy is spunking on your face, you can actually see it splashing on your cheek. I want that Mam, I’m your daughter and are the same as you, teach me to be a slut, let me come with you, I want to be fucked with you, please!”

Her hand had moved further up my thigh and my natural instinct kicked in and I parted my legs a little to give access as she kissed me again.

This time it was a full on French kiss from both of us, we were all over each other as her hand went inside my knickers and two fingers went up my snatch.

I love being fingered, but this was a thousand times better than anything I’d felt before, knowing it was my daughters fingers up my twat sent me over the edge and a massive orgasm ripped through me.

Chloe sensed that I was cumming and broke off the kiss. She pulled my skirt up with her other hand. “Mam, that looks incredible, my hand is covered in your juices, your cunt feels like a jar of olive oil. Can I eat it please?”

Before I could reply she was on her knees between my legs. I spread my legs wide, I pulled my knickers to one side and spread my gash.

She literally dived in, she kept eye contact as she licked me from my arsehole to my clit. Her tongue went up my hole, at times she tried to suck my insides out, it felt fantastic, even better as it was my daughter doing it.

I could feel another massive orgasm coming. “I’m cumming Chloe, don’t stop.”

By the time I uttered the word stop a mega orgasm tore through me and I screamed. My cunt went off like a fire hose, fanny batter was squirting all over my daughters face. She was still licking my cunt and kept eye contact as I squirted all over her face. That just increased the intensity, it was as if I was having a piss, cum wouldn’t stop cumming. When I finally finished she was soaked, her hair was wet through and my cum was dripping off her face.

“Mam that was awesome, I came as well when you squirted over my face, my knickers are soaked and cum’s running down my legs.”

She got up and knelt beside me on the sofa and pulled up her skirt. Her knickers were that wet they’d become transparent and her thighs were glistening.

“Get closer Chloe, let me eat you out.”

Chloe moved so the was straddling my head, her cunt was about two inches from my face. I pulled her knickers to one side, she had a well trimmed triangular bush above her clit, but her crack was bald and shining with her cum juice.

I moved forward and buried my tongue in the folds of my daughters cunt.

I loved the taste of her minge as she urged me on and started grinding her cunt over my face.

“Go on Mam, fucking eat me out, make me squirt like you did.”

The dirty talk was turning us both on and she started to cum again. Cunt juice was dribbling out of her hole like water from a tap that hasn’t been turned off correctly. She kept on grinding her snatch over my face as she came.

She got off my face and lay next to me on the sofa, we kissed and licked each others faces, what was so wrong but what felt so good.

“Mam that was fantastic, I’ve never cum like that before, never squirted before, I want more. I found your toy store draw, leaving the key in a knicker draw isn’t very original. You’ve got a massive strap on horse cock dildo, I want you to fuck me with it. Dress me up in your slut clothes. Take me to your parties, fuck me in front of those men, tell them to fuck me, watch as I have a cock in every hole, just like you. Promise me Mam?”


Chapter Two

“Dress me up in your slut clothes, take me to your parties, fuck me in front of those men, tell them to fuck me, watch as I have a cock in every hole, just like you. Promise me mom?”

“Chloe, we got carried away, I think we’ll both have regrets in the morning. I need to go to bed and get some sleep, good night.”

I couldn’t sleep, my mind was full of the events that had taken place. I was so turned on and couldn’t satiate myself.

I had a massive thick black dildo that I’d never been able to get more than half up me, no matter how much lube or oil my husband put on it. Tonight I got it all in, a foot long dildo as thick as a man’s forearm, slipped in like a knife going through butter!

I lay back with my legs spread as wide as I could and pushed the dildo in. My cunt was stretched, but it all went in, I took my hand off it and it stayed up me, God seeing a big dildo sticking out of my twat was something else. I started rubbing my clit and brought myself off pretty quickly. I left it in and came another four times before I fell asleep!

When I awoke next morning it was still up me, even more, my cunt was still wet. The urge to start again was overwhelming, but I had a full day’s work at the bank, so unfortunately I got up and had a shower!

I wore the bank uniform of dark blue skirt and jacket with a white shirt, heels were about 2 1/2 inch, black stockings, suspender belt and a black thong, the normal.

Chloe hadn’t got up yet so I was hoping to get a quick coffee and leave for work without seeing her. I was ashamed of what had happened the night before, even though the mere thought of it made me wet. I really didn’t know whether I could look her in the face again. I finished my coffee and left for work.

My day passed quickly, but when I thought about the night before my fanny itched like crazy, twice I’d been to the toilet and fingered myself off.

Getting home just after 5, I immediately got out of my bank uniform and put on a T shirt dress. First thing when getting in the kitchen was to pour a large glass of wine, I don’t normally drink, but today I needed something to calm me down. On the table was a note from Chloe saying she had gone out with friends and wouldn’t be back till around 8/9pm, so don’t make any food for her.

In one respect I was disappointed, on the other not, I wanted a fuck, my husband had been gone for three days and I was desperate for a good shagging, especially after the night before!

As if on queue, the doorbell rang, I almost leapt to the door as I knew who it would be. Frank was on the doorstep when I opened the door, he hadn’t got inside but my tongue was already down his throat. He pushed me inside and as the door closed said “Chloe’s not here then?”

Before I could answer he’d got his hand up my dress and had grabbed my minge through my knickers.

“No she fucking isn’t and my cunts on fire”. I felt Frank pull my knickers to one side and three fingers slide up my twat.

I got his trousers open and wrapped my hand around his cock as he fingered me. We were all over each other like a couple of 16-year olds when I squatted down and got his cock in my mouth.

“Bloody hell Anna, what’s turned you on like this?”, Frank said as I swallowed as much of his prick as possible. Looking up at him, I pulled his cock head, which was banging the back of my throat, out of my mouth and lewdly rubbed it all over my face.

“Fuck me Frank, ram your fucking cock up me and fuck my brains out.”

Frank pulled me up and we staggered into the kitchen slobbering over each other’s faces. I lay back on the kitchen table with my dress pulled right up. Frank pulled my knickers off and I spread my legs as wide as possible.

“Fuck it Frank, fuck my dirty married minge, make the fucker talk.” My cunt was creaming as he shoved his cock up me, I knew I was in heat because of the night before with Chloe, but Frank also felt bigger than normal, his prick went straight through my cervix and into my womb.

I wondered if Frank was having filthy thoughts about my daughter as he pounded me harder than normal.

Chloe’s comments from the night before filled my head, what would it be like to have her join in as I was being fucked by Frank and others? My fanny answered for me and fanny batter was gushing out all over Frank’s cock and balls.

I was so wet I could hear sloshing and squelching noises as Frank increased his pace.

“Go one Frank, ram it right up there, make it fart as I’m going to cum.”

My legs started to tremble as another orgasm hit me. Hit me, it fucking ripped through me, my cum was squirting out of my twat as Frank continued to knob me as I almost lost consciousness!

Frank was still going at me when I came to my senses and I realized he was pretty close. Pushing him back I jumped off the table and got on my knees in front of him. His cock was steaming and caked in thick white cunt cream as I got his bell end in my mouth and started sucking him off.

It wasn’t long before I felt his cockhead swell quickly followed by a spurt of hot thick spunk. Christ! He wasn’t stopping I couldn’t swallow the load quick enough, he was still spunking. I pulled his cock from my gob before I choked and another rope of jizz hit my forehead and splashed on my hair. That was the last spurt.

“Bloody hell Frank, where did that lot come from?”

Frank laughed, “well you weren’t much different, my thighs are covered in your cunt juice!”

Frank pulled me up and we kissed. As we parted I said, “I’ll get a couple of beers while we wait for round 2.” Nearly always Frank would cum twice, first was always quick, then later we’d watch a porno together and have a longer fuck.

Frank pulled up his trousers and went into the living room, I pulled my dress down but didn’t put my knickers back on, in fact I wasn’t sure where Frank had chucked them when he pulled them off. I wiped his cum off my face with a kitchen towel and got a couple of beers.

Frank was sitting on the sofa when I entered and the porno was about to start. Sitting next to Frank I handed him a beer as the film started. Fucking hell it was a mother and daughter with boyfriend type, this was too much of a coincidence, but I said nothing.

The film was hot and so was I, we were snogging and feeling each other up in no time. Frank had my skirt up above my stocking tops and was giving me a proper finger fuck as I rubbed his cock. It was only 20 odd minutes since Frank had cum, yet his knob was poker stiff already!

On the screen the daughter was having her brains fucked out whilst the mother was fingering herself silly as she watched. My twat was as sloppy as a rice pudding as Frank’s fingers sloshed around in it.

“Christ Anna, I could get my hand in, you’re that wet!”

“Do it then Frank”, I replied, “get your fist up me, shove it in as far as it’ll go.”

Franks trousers were around his ankles with my hand wrapped around his cock as I tossed him off as he rammed his hand up my snatch and I shoved my tongue down his throat.

The position we we’re in wasn’t that comfortable and Frank got off the sofa and knelt in front of me. I spread my legs as wide as possible as Frank got his fist in my hole. As I put my hand under my thighs and lifted my legs his fist slid in, up to his wrist. It sounding like a plunger in a bath as his fist went up me and I encouraged him to shove it that far in so it would come out the other end. He was wanking his prick with his other hand as we exchanged filthy talk.

“If your husband could see you now, his filthy slut of a wife begging me to shove my arm up her cunt, as a prelude to fucking the shit out of her.”

“He’ll fucking love it when I tell him”, I replied as a massive orgasm was brewing up in my womb.

Then the world stopped as the words, “what about me?” rang out.

I had my eyes half closed and Frank’s were fixed on my fanny, so neither of us had noticed Chloe!

I opened my eyes and Frank looked over his shoulder.

Chloe stood there with a tight white t shirt that revealed her midriff, no bra as her nipples were trying to poke holes in it. My tartan pleated mini skirt, the one I’d worn the first time that Frank had touched me up and a pair of my 5” black heels. Because she had long legs and was wearing those heels, the skirt was that short I could see her knickers.

Frank appeared paralyzed with his fist up my gash and I was in a slut pose with my legs spread and in the air. I tried to think of something to say, but before I could Chloe spoke again.

“I came back early, but you two were going at it like rabbits in the kitchen and didn’t see me, so I went upstairs to change into something more appropriate. Your knickers are under the kitchen table mom and you’ve also got spunk in your hair.”

She continued, “I chose this outfit because you were wearing it in one of the videos, I watched with you, uncle Frank and another old guy.” Franks face was bright red with embarrassment and shock as I told him that Chloe had found my video collection!

Although all this seemed like an eternity, it was actually only a few seconds. Chloe then came over and got on the sofa and kissed me, not a peck on the cheek, but a full open mouth. I couldn’t help myself and responded.

Chloe broke off the kiss and looking at Frank said, “do her Uncle Frank, let me watch as your fist and fuck my mom.”

Chloe sat back on the sofa and put one foot on it which made her legs open, her white panties were pulled tight over her mound, with the outline of her crack being clearly visible.

I wanted to stop, I should have stopped, but the fact that Chloe was urging us on made me hornier than ever. My cunt had never been so wet as Frank’s fist went further in. Chloe was rubbing her fanny through her knickers as she watched.

“Can you see the outline of my crack through my knickers Uncle Frank?” she asked as she pushed her knickers in.

“Not has big as my mom’s, but then I haven’t had as much prick as her yet!”

Frank’s eyes were on stalks as Chloe continued teasing. “Like mother, like daughter, Uncle Frank. Mom’s teaching me how to be a slut, think I’ve got a great teacher! Now wank your fucking cock as you get your forearm up mom’s gash, if you’re lucky, I might let you watch as I finger myself.”

Frank was pounding my hole making my cunt fart as I opened up more than I had ever done before and Frank hit base. Cum was spraying out of my cunt all over Frank in a massive shower.

Chloe had yanked her knickers off and had her legs spread. She’d pulled her fanny open and was sliding a couple of fingers in and out, displaying herself like a lewd slag to an old man, something I did regularly and never got tired of doing.

“Like what you see Uncle Frank? By the way that your knobs dribbling pre-cum I think the answer is yes!” she said and laughed.

I’d lost control by now as I watched Chloe finger herself.

“You might be a dirty little slag, but you’re still my daughter and you’ll do as I say, so get on my face so I can eat your cunt”

Chloe almost leapt on me and squatted on my face, as my tongue went up her delicious juicy hole, she started grinding herself over my face. Her cunt tasted just like the night before, sweet and musky and I stuck my tongue as far in as I could. I could tell she was cumming as she grabbed my head and yelled, as my face got coated in her cunt honey.

Frank was moaning with pleasure as he watched, one hand buried up my gash the other wrapped round his swollen cock.

Chloe looked over her shoulder, “Don’t you fucking dare cum yet, we’re nowhere near finished yet!” she yelled.

What a fucking tart I thought, she really was like me, as another load of fanny bater shot out of my cunt.

“Think you’d better suck his cock mom before he shoots his load. I want to take some close up pics with his cock in your gob.” This was my daughter telling me to suck a bloke’s cock, how could I refuse.

Frank pulled his fist from my hole and sat on the sofa.

“What a fucking gape mom” Chloe exclaimed, “you could get three cocks in that easy!”

If she only knew I thought, I’d had two cocks plus a thick dildo up it three weeks ago at a party.

Frank was sitting on the sofa with his cock sticking up like a flag pole as I leant over and licked the tip of his cock head.

“Look at me mom, as you suck his cock, I want to see the lust in your eyes and facial expression.”

I looked at Chloe as I stuck my tongue in Frank’s cum hole, Chloe was clicking away and telling me how good I looked. I started sucking on his bell and then “posed” with his bell end in mouth, with just the rim outside my lips.

“Fucking awesome mom.”, Chloe squealed. She then moved closer and looking me in the eye, licked under the ridge of Frank’s helmet. My whole body was electric, my daughter was licking a guy’s bell end whilst I was sucking it and taking fucking selfies! Frank was in heaven, his cock was harder than I’d ever known and he was calling us filthy slags, cunts, whores, everything, which just made me hornier.

I still had Frank’s bell end in my mouth when Chloe stuck her tongue in my mouth as well. I’d never French kissed another woman whilst I had a cock in my mouth, and now I was doing it with my daughter! As our tongues circled Frank’s bell end in my mouth, I could feel my cum running down my thigh, it was dribbling out of my twat.

Chloe moved back and continued taking pics. “I love it when his cock makes your cheeks bulge and pulls your mouth out of shape, so fucking dirty,” she said. “Rub it over your face mom, make snail trails over your face with his pre-cum.”

I did exactly that and pulled Frank’s prick from my mouth and rubbed it over my face as my daughter took pictures and told me what a slag I looked.

I couldn’t wait any longer, I needed Frank’s cock up me and climbed on top of him. He went straight up my hole, not even touching the sides, until his balls hit my arse. I was bouncing on his cock as he was pounding me so hard.

Chloe got on the sofa and was standing at the side of me, her legs apart as I kissed Frank, her skirt was off and all she all she had on was those 5” heels.

“Finger me,” Chloe shouted.

Frank immediately had two fingers in her sopping snatch.

“You too mom, I want you both fingering me as you fuck.”

I stuck two fingers in alongside Frank’s and we gave her a right finger bashing as she urged us to fuck the shit out of each other and other choice filth. This was my daughter who two days ago was as sweet as a new born lamb, now she was coming out with filthy antics and words that I would he been proud of. Her twat was frothing as she told us to lick her juice of each other’s fingers.

I pulled my fingers out and stuck my fingers in Frank’s mouth as he shoved his fingers in mine. Licking my daughters cunt juice off a bloke’s fingers as he sucked her juices off mine, as he was ramming his cock up me, was unreal and one of the most erotic things I’d ever done.

Chloe wasn’t finished, she must have studied my videos as though they were A levels! She moved and stood, her legs apart between me and Frank, facing me.

“Uncle Frank, pull my arse cheeks apart and stick your tongue up my arsehole.” Chloe put her hands on my head as Frank spread Chloe’s arse and stuck his tongue up her arse.

“Fucking hell mom, his tongues right up my bung hole, oh fuck I’m going to cum,” she yelped as she pulled my head forward towards her fanny as it exploded in a fountain of cum juice.

I licked it all off her fanny as her thighs trembled from the tonguing Frank was giving her arse.

“Christ mom, I didn’t realize having a tongue up your arsehole felt that good,”as she moved off the sofa, leaving Frank with his mouth open and tongue hanging out.

Frank was still pounding me, how he’d lasted this long with all that was going on was beyond me, but I wasn’t complaining, I had cum at least 6 times.

Chloe got on her knees behind me, ‘What the hell was she going to do now?’, I thought, as she shoved two fingers up my twat alongside Frank’s cock and started ramming them in and out.

Frank let out a moan, “your daughter’s a fucking awesome slag, just like you Anna”, and started bucking as he shot his load up me.

“That’s it uncle Frank, spunk up my mom as I finger her.”

Frank was shooting load after load up me, my cunt was full of his thick creamy mess. At last he softened and I rolled off him onto my back on the sofa. Chloe leant forward as if nothing had happened and licked the cunt juice and cum off his prick, she had no shame at all.

She then moved across to me and clamped her mouth over my snatch and started sucking. Fuck, she was like a vacuum cleaner as she tried to suck my insides out, but managed to get her face covered in Frank’s spunk as well as a mouthful.

“Kiss me Chloe,” I said.

She got off her knees and got beside me on the sofa, as she got close I licked her face clean. She then moved to kiss me, I opened my mouth as she opened hers and Frank’s cum dripped out into my open mouth. We then kissed tongues entwined as we swirled the spunk around in each other’s mouths. We kissed for ages like this before we both swallowed his muck. By the time we finished and broke the kiss, Frank was hard again and wanking as he watched us.

“Never in 60 plus years have I experienced anything like this. Anna you’ve been a slut for me for 6 years plus, but your daughter is awesome, she’s just like you.”

“Thanks Frank”, I replied, “if you play your cards right and get a hard on three times a night, I am sure you’ll get to fuck us both together!”

Chloe got up off the sofa and said she’d be back in a minute. Frank and I didn’t say anything when she went, I think we just lay back with smiles on our faces, thinking about the fantastic session we’d just had. A couple of minutes later we heard the click, click of Chloe’s heels as she returned.

OMG, Chloe walked in, she’d been in my toy draw and came back wearing a 14” strap-on horse cock dildo. She had her hand wrapped round it and was lewdly wanking it as she walked up to me.

“I am going to fuck you mom, so get this thing lubed up with your slime, then I want you to put it on and fuck me stupid.”

As she dropped to her knees in front of me, I just spread my legs and she slammed the fucking horse cock up me. My cunt was reacting and squelching as my daughter fucked me, my legs were going into spasms I was coming that much.

“Get my phone Frank and get all this on film” Chloe ordered, Frank did as he was told.

As Chloe pulled out, the dildo was creamy white with my slime. Chloe took it off and gave it to me, she then got on the sofa with her arse in the air and her cheeks pulled wide.

“Fuck me mom, shove that in as far as it’ll go, open me up so I’ll be ok with two cocks up me in the future, get it all on film Uncle Frank, even when I squeal and my eyes water.”

I rubbed the thick mushroom end up and down her slit, opening her up a little more each time. When she was really wet and her juice was coating the end, I shoved about 3 inches in. She groaned, not from the length, but from the girth, her fanny was stretched wide. I pushed and another 3 inches went in, I then started to fuck her with slow short strokes. “More mom, shove more in, ram it up me” she wailed.

Another 3 inches went in, her cunt was stretched around the dildo like a horse’s collar. “Fuck me mom, I can take more,” she cried.

I started fucking her hard and more went in before I felt it bottom out. Cum was spraying out of her twat as I pounded her hard. Frank was as stiff as a poker again and got in front of Chloe. His bell end was an inch from her face.

“Fuck my face and cum all over it”, she said as she engulfed Frank’s cock in her mouth. Frank went to town on her and was pounding her, his balls slapping against her chin, he must have been down her throat.

I rammed hard and something snapped and another couple of inches went up her. She yelled and pushed Frank’s cock out of her mouth.

“Yeah mom, you’re in my fucking womb”, she screamed as another jet of cum sprayed out of her twat.

Frank then yelled, “she’s got her finger up my arsehole”, and then his cock exploded all over her face!

I carried on fucking her till Frank finished and then pulled out. Chloe turned to me, her face covered in thick, white spunk and said, “love you mom.”

We started to kiss, as we did Frank got up and said he had to go but thanked us for a night he’d never forget.

As we cuddled together she asked me if she did alright and could she come to a party with me. I couldn’t say no and told her I’d been asked to serve drinks for a group of businessmen on Saturday night. I told her I usually went with a girlfriend, but she could come if she wanted. It was a masked evening, so we’d all be wearing Venetian Carnival masks, I also told her that in addition to serving drinks, we’d be asked to perform sex acts on each other, have objects shoved in our holes and would have multiple fucks.

“Sounds fantastic mom, I can’t wait” she said.

I then decided to reveal my deepest secret to her. I told her that she hadn’t seen every film of me and there was one more, this one is so disgusting I hope you don’t hate me if I show it to you.

“Mom, everything I’ve seen and we’ve done I’ve loved. I have never felt so close to anyone or excited in my life, show it please.”

I walked over to the desk near the tv and took out a flash drive and put it in the tv. I forwarded it a bit, so it was about 15 minutes in. I was on my hands and knees on the floor, dressed in a pair of white stockings and heels, looking directly at the camera. Then a large pink dog cock appeared, looking at the camera I got my hand around it and started wanking it.

Chloe’s mouth was wide open and her eyes on stalks as I got it’s cock in my mouth. As I sucked it, he started cumming and dog spunk was dribbling out the corner of my mouth and down my nose.

“Fuckin’ hell, mom”, Chloe shouted as she rubbed her cunt, “it’s a fucking dog!”

As I pulled it’s dong out of my mouth, it’s spunk was flying in all directions, it was hitting my face, neck, going in my hair, over my head and landing on my back, everywhere.

Chloe had her legs splayed and in the air, her first was going in and out of her gash in a blur.

“Yes, yes, yes, you’re a fucking dog slut.”

The film then jumped and I was on the sofa with my legs spread, the dog’s cock was just in my crack and then went all the way in and it started fucking me.

“Love it mom, that’s our dog, will you help me fuck him, please? I don’t know what to do, but I want that fucking dong up my pussy and arse!”


Chapter Three

Watching Chloe fingering herself off as she watched me fuck the dog was a pleasant turn on. She’d joined in with me and Frank, though he hadn’t fucked her and that had persuaded me to reveal my biggest secret.

Although I was sitting on the sofa, she appeared to be in a trance. Her legs were spread wide as her hand went in and out of her gash in a blur. She was moaning and talking, it was difficult to know if it was to me or herself.

“Fuck it, I’m loving this you lucky slut. You’re fucking a dog mam, there’s nine inches of dog cock up you! This is the most disgusting thing ever, it’s awesome and my cunt is on fire,” she cried.

At that moment, the dog turned around it had me knotted.

“It looks like you’ve got a football up you mam, you’re stretched wide open.”

At that moment a poker stiff steaming cock appeared in front of my face in the film. The foreskin was well back and a red bellend was in view.

As I wrapped my hand around it, it exploded everywhere. Long ropes of spunk hit my face and neck. It was in my hair, eyes, a big strand was dangling from my ear and at least three ropes went in my open mouth.

As Chloe saw this, she let out a guttural shout and squirted. Cunt juice shot out of her twat in a massive arc, it must have gone at least six feet!

I didn’t say anything, but the guy plastering me with his muck who couldn’t be recognised in the film was her dad! Watching my daughter cum off as her dad spunked on my face sent me over the edge, and an orgasm tore through me, my cunt was frothing!

The film continued. I was lying in the same position, the dog still knotted up me, my fanny was stretched wide and the dogs purple knot was clear to see as it filled me full of spunk. My mouth was open with my tongue lolling out as I was being fucked stupid, spunk was dripping off my face and onto my tits.

When it was satiated and slipped out of my gash with a plop sound, followed by a stream of dog cum, Chloe let out a yelp.

“Fucking hell Mam, you’re full, I wish I’d been there to catch it as it gushed out of your fanny.”

By this time I’d also got my hand up my hole and was cumming like no tomorrow.

I was having a mutual fisting session with my daughter as we watched me being fucked by a dog and we were like two bitches on heat. I was dying to fuck her again!

“Give me a minute,” I said and dashed upstairs to my toy draw. I’d got a 2ft long, double ended, red dildo that my mate Tracey had left after a party a few months back.

When I returned Chloe’s eyes opened really wide as she saw the dildo. “Put the film on again Mam, I want to watch it as we fuck!”

I walked to the TV and put the film to replay and then joined Chloe on the sofa. We positioned ourselves facing each other, legs spread that wide that we had one each over the back of the sofa, our twats dripping with anticipation.

As I rubbed one end of the dildo up and down my crack, Chloe did the same. The smell of cunt was overpowering and the noise I was making from the TV as the dog fucked me was an intoxicating mix.

“Mam, I’m so turned on, you could shove the full length up me.”

“No chance,” I replied, “I want more than half!”

At that we both got the rubber cock heads in our twats and moved towards each other. Watching the dildo slide with ease up Chloe’s hole was delicious as we moved together. As we got close I lifted my leg and we scissored, we were fully stuffed as our clits rubbed together with cunt juice from both of us providing the lube.

I grabbed Chloe by the hair and pulled her towards me, we had a foot of thick rubber dildo in each others holes as we ground together and french kissed.

I was humping her as much as possible as we both tried to get more in. Chloe’s twat had sprayed cum twice and I was on the verge of another fanny explosion. I was so turned on, my twat was like a pot of melted butter and my nipples were like fucking wine corks!

“My world has turned upside down, three days ago I was a normal student thinking about student things, now I can only think of sex, dirty filthy sex,” Chloe said as my fanny gushed all over her.

“Now I’m fucking my mom as we watch her fucking a dog and I’m loving it,” she continued.

She was pulling my nipples to get me close to her as another orgasm hit me. Having sex with my daughter was taking me to knew heights!

“Let’s get on all fours on the floor Mom and fuck like a couple of dogs.”

As she said that Chloe moved back and slid off the dildo, her open fanny looked delicious!

She got on the floor and assumed the position with her legs spread and arse in the air. I roughly shoved one end of the dildo into her dripping twat and then assumed the same position facing way from her. I reached down and got the other end of the dildo in my hole and pushed back. Chloe was doing the same and our arses were banging together like a couple of dogs on heat as we watched the film.

Chloe let out a scream and her cum sprayed all over my arse.

“Bloody hell Mom, I can’t help myself, seeing that guy spunk off over your face as the dog fucks you is awesome. Can we do this at the party? I want all those old men to watch as we fuck. I want to see them wanking their stiff cocks over us. Let them spunk on us as we fuck and suck ‘em off as well. I Am cumming again at the thought!” she cried.

I came at the same time, Chloe’s fantasy was right up my street and I couldn’t wait.

We carried on fucking till the end of the film, how many times we’d both cum I don’t know, but I was soaked in her cum.

When the film finished we almost collapsed in a heap exhausted, it had been quite a night, first with Frank and then each other!

We kissed and cuddled a bit and then went to bed, Chloe asked if she could sleep with me, but I told her no, we both needed a good nights sleep. I knew if she slept with me we wouldn’t get any rest!

Next morning I was up early and dressed as I’d a meeting with a bank client at their offices, so no bank uniform. White blouse, grey skirt just above the knee, black stockings and heels white bra and thong. Nothing wrong with that, but much better than the bank uniform.

I was just making coffee when the phone rang, the meeting had been cancelled, so I was free till eleven, yipeee!

It was nice not to be in a rush any longer and gave me time to reflect on the night before. What a night! My fanny was itching just at the thought of what had taken place. I got a coffee and some toast and sat down at the kitchen table.

A few minutes later Bruno trotted into the kitchen and went straight to his water bowl, god knows where he’d been. After he finished lapping the water, he looked up and saw me, he sniffed and padded over to me. I patted his head as he put his head in my lap.

Something caught his attention, as suddenly he was forcing his head up my skirt and licking the insides of my legs. My legs were under the table, so it was really difficult to get a hold of him and pull him off, so I pushed the chair back away from the table.


Pushing the chair back gave Bruno easy access and he got his head further up my skirt. His rough tongue licking my legs sent shivers through me and without realising it I’d opened my legs a little.

Bruno’s tongue was now licking my thighs above my stocking tops, I could feel my fanny getting wetter by the second and just gave in.

I yanked my skirt right up and spread my legs, Bruno had my knickers up my twat as he tried to lick my insides out. Being licked out by a dog is a fantastic feeling and I pulled my thong to one side so he could get further in.

I got my legs as wide as possible “That’s it boy, lick mommy’s cunt Bruno, make her cum,” I heard myself saying as I came for the first time.

“You filthy slut, you could have waited for me!” I heard as Chloe came in the kitchen.

I was too busy spraying fanny batter to take any notice.

When my orgasm stopped and I opened my eyes, Chloe was sitting on the edge of the table fingering herself with her skirt pulled up around her waste.

“You promised Mom!” she said.

Bruno’s tongue was right up my hole and felt wonderful! I could barely talk but managed to tell Chloe to get the jar of peanut butter from the fridge.

“Peanut butter,” she exclaimed as her fingers made sloshing sounds in her snatch.

“Yes get the peanut butter, get on the sofa and smear it all over your fanny. Bruno loves it and it’s the only way to get him out of my hole!”

Chloe got off the table and got the peanut butter from the fridge and went into the living room.

Reluctantly I pulled Bruno off me and led him into the living room.

Chloe was on the sofa with her legs spread wide, stuffing peanut butter up her fanny and arsehole. The filthy slag was taking no chances! Bruno got a whiff of the peanut butter and bounded over to her shoving his nose in her hole.

As Bruno’s tongue went further in, Chloe was moaning and lifting her legs, giving him better access.

“Bloody hell Mom, I didn’t know it was going to be this good, he’s licking my insides out and I can’t stop cumming.I’m fucking loving it!”

Watching Bruno licking my daughters twat was a mega turn on and I had my skirt up and my fingers in my soaking minge as I watched.

I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity by any means and got on my knees beside Bruno. Bruno’s cock was already poking out of his sheaf, as I wrapped my hand around it, the full fat eight inches slipped out. I started wanking his cock as I watched his tongue swirl around my daughters gash. Chloe’s fanny was dripping, cunt juice was running over her arse as Bruno licked her out. When his tongue went up her arsehole she went wild, she was squealing like a pig and shouting obscenities as her fanny sprayed cum like a hose out of control.

I got under Bruno and started sucking on his cock, I had a good four inches in my mouth when the first blast of spunk it my throat, once he starts cumming he doesn’t stop. I swallowed the first two loads then I started to gag and cough. I pulled his cock from my mouth and a load hit me on the face. He still had his tongue up Chloe’s arse, she was bucking up and down from the multiple orgasms that she was having.

As I looked at Chloe with dog spunk on my face she said “You filthy cunt, sucking off our dog, let me have some!”

I stood up and pulled Bruno off of Chloe and onto the sofa. I held Bruno and positioned him over Chloe’s face with one hand wrapped around his balls. Chloe got a hold off his cock and started wanking him off as she opened her mouth. I pushed Bruno a bit closer and and Chloe got his dong in her mouth. She started sucking it as if she hadn’t eaten for a year, she even deep throated it.

I hadn’t noticed Chloe’s phone on the sofa, but she picked it up and started taking selfies of herself with her gob full of dog cock.

Bruno’s cum was dribbling out of the corner of her mouth but she continued sucking it until her eyes bulged and dog spunk came down her nose. The dirty slag pulled it’s cock out of her mouth and wanked it in front of her face as it shot spunk over her. She had dog cum all over her face and hair as I pulled Bruno off the sofa and got him between her legs. Chloe had her legs wide as Bruno was trying to get his dong in her, “Come on get that fucking knob up me,” she yelped.

I lined his cock up with her dripping hole and it slid right in. Bruno was pounding the shit out of her and I let go.

Chloe yelled when he started to knot her, he was on top of her and they were fucking tonguing each other!

I got behind Bruno on my knees, her cunt was stretched wide and dog spunk was dripping out as his purple knot was in her. I got between both their legs and started licking his knot and her clit, I got my tongue inside her crack and dog spunk with her cum was dribbling in my mouth.

I was so turned on, my fanny was on fire!

I got up and climbed on the sofa, Chloe was shouting how much she was loving it inbetween exchanging tongues with Bruno.

I stood spread legged in front of Chloe’s face and pulled my twat wide open. “Come on you dirty little fucker, lick my dirty married twat till I cream on your face,” I ordered. Chloe’s tongue went right up my hole as I ground my gash over her face. Bruno joined in and got his tongue up me as well.

“Welcome to dog slut world Chloe, how do you like being fucked by a dog as you lick your Mom’s cunt?”

“Love it Mom, never been fucked like this before, feels like I’ve got a football up my cunt! I’ve only been fucked by my ex boyfriend, that all, now I’m being fucked senseless by a dog. Will we do this at the party Mom, fuck dogs in front of an audience of old men? I can’t wait, I want to be fucked that much that I’ll be incontinent in both holes for a week, that’s if I can walk straight!”

Hearing her talk like this made me cum and I sprayed fanny batter all over her face, mixing it with the dog spunk from earlier.

Bruno had now been knobbing her for the last twenty minutes at least and there was a pool of cum on the floor.

“It’s shrinking Mom, his prick is softening” Chloe shrieked!

I knew what was going to happen and jumped off the sofa and got between her legs again and grabbed Bruno’s knob. As I eased his cock out of her slot I got close and soon as it came out, clamped my mouth over her hole. Dog cum poured out of her and I got a right mouthful.

With my mouth full I got back on the sofa, Chloe opened her mouth as I got close. I opened my mouth and dog spunk poured into her open mouth. We kissed and swirled the dogs muck in each others mouths with our tongues, it was on our faces, everywhere, we licked it all off each other.

Mom and daughter were both now slags for dog cock and loved it.

As we kissed each other we discussed having 3 or 4 dogs together, Chloe wanted to be spit roasted by a couple. I wanted to be dp’d by a them, we both wanted to be fucked up the arse by loads of blokes as we both had our cunts full of dog cock.


Chapter Four

My God, my daughter had gone from an innocent to a raging slag, who had now fucked a dog and wanted more, all within 3 days of being here.

I’d been enjoying myself so much that I’d forgotten the time, I saw Chloe’s watch and it was 10.30 am!

I jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up, luckily I had no mess on my clothes, so it was just a case of washing cum off my face and putting some makeup on.

Chloe was drinking coffee when I went back to the kitchen, she hadn’t bothered to clean herself and had dried cum on her face.

I resisted and didn’t kiss her goodbye, I just said that I’d see her later and left.

Work was busy and unfortunately the meeting that had been cancelled in the morning got re- arranged for the end of the day so I’d be late home.

Earlier I’d received a text from Frank asking if it was alright if he popped round with Bill later that night. I agreed of course, but was so busy I subsequently forgot all about it.

It was just after 7pm when I got home, as I walked in I could hear noise from the living room and guessed that Chloe was watching a porno.

I walked to the living room but stopped dead in my tracks when I reached the door.

Chloe was on the sofa wearing a pair of red stocking and a garter belt- both mine and a pair of white high heels.

She had her legs spread wide and high in the air with a beer bottle stuffed up her cunt.

Bill was kneeling in front of her totally naked, wanking his stiff prick with one hand and shoving two fingers up her arsehole with the other.

Frank was also naked and standing on the sofa as Chloe sucked his cock and took selfies of herself as she did it!

I heard Frank say, “she’s as filthy as her mother”, before Bill could say anything, Chloe pulled Frank’s cock from her mouth and said “Like mother like daughter, and she’s a fucking good teacher!” and then wrapped her lips around it again.

Bloody hell, I could feel my fanny getting wet as I watched, they hadn’t seen me, so I moved back a little out of sight.

I took off my blouse, skirt and knickers, so was just in my black hold up stockings and heels as I walked into the living room.

“You could have waited!” I said as I walked in and knelt beside Bill.

I reached out and grabbed his cock that was slimy with pre-cum and put my hand on his as he wanked.

We kissed open mouthed, tongues exploring each others mouths as I grabbed his other hand and pulled his fingers out of Chloe’s arse.

Bill put his fingers in my mouth and we both licked Chloe’s arse juice off as we kissed.

I broke off the kiss and bent forward and started licking and kissing the end of Bill’s cock.

“For fucks sake Mam, let him fuck my arsehole” Chloe shouted.

I stopped sucking Bill’s cock and pointed it at Chloe’s arse as Bill moved into position.

Watching Bill’s bellend slide into my daughters arse was a right turn on and I could feel cunt juice running down my thighs.

Bill stopped just with his cock head inside her, I took the opportunity and grabbed his prick and pulled it out of her arse. I licked the bell end and shaft so it was glistening with my slobber.

“Go on Bill, ram it in up to your balls.”

Bill’s cock slid up my daughters arse like a hot knife going through butter, as he started fucking her we could all hear the steady slap of his balls against her arse cheeks.

Chloe was sucking on Franks cock as if it was the last cock on earth, but I wasn’t going to be a fucking gooseberry!

“Get your arse in her face Frank, let her tongue your arse as I suck your prick,” I ordered.

Frank immediately got in front of her, his cock was dripping with her spit and sticking out like a flag pole.

Chloe got her hands on Franks arse cheeks and spread them wide.

“Fucking hell, she’s got her tongue right up my arsehole,” Frank shouted as I swallowed his cock that far that his balls hit my chin.

I was standing but straddling Chloe so my cunt was wide open in front of Bill as he rammed Chloe’s arse, I pulled Frank’s cock from my mouth.

“Come on Bill, give my snatch a good fingering as I suck Frank’s prick.”

Bill wasted no time, my twat was that wet he had four fingers up me in no time, it was making sloshing and slurping sounds as he got his fist in and gave me a right good fist bashing.

“I think we’ve died Frank and gone to heaven,” I heard Bill say.

“Dead right,” Frank replied, “the dirty daughter has at least her tongue two inches up my arsehole!”

The feeling of sucking a blokes poker stiff prick as my daughter tongue fucked his arse was taking me over the top and my cunt erupted with a spray of fanny batter all over Bill.

Just then Bruno trotted into the room and I took the opportunity.

Pulling Frank’s prick from my gob I shouted, “Fuck her, fuck her till she can’t walk, fill her up with both your cocks up her cunt, get her addicted and fuck her silly” as I got off the sofa.

Bill pulled out of her arse which had a fucking massive gape as Frank sat on the sofa with his prick sticking up in the air.

Chloe put her hands behind her knees and pulled her legs almost behind her head, as she did the beer bottle shot out of her gash like an Exocet missile!

The dirty wee slag had obviously watched all my videos as that was one of my party tricks when I was waitressing!

Chloe got up and sat on Franks prick facing away from him, Bill got in front and slid his prick in alongside Franks.

“Jesus Mam, I’ve got 2 grandads cocks up my cunt and it feels great!”

“Glad you like it” I replied, “as you’re going to have a lot more in the future.”

I sat with my legs apart in a chair watching and called Bruno. Bruno knew what was on the menu and was licking my fanny in seconds. I thought Frank was going to have a heart attack, his eyes nearly popped out of his head as he watched.

“Well Frank you’ve always wanted this” I said as Bruno’s tongue went right up my twat.

My legs were trembling as I came again, Bruno can lick me out like no one else!

I pulled Bruno off me and got his front legs on the chair and got under him.

As I got his dong out I started wanking him, he was growing by the second.

Looking across at Frank and Bill who were fucking the shit out of my daughter, I asked if they wanted me to suck the dog’s prick.

They didn’t need to answer, the looks on their faces told me.

I got Bruno’s cock in my mouth, it was hot and slimy but it tasted delicious, as I sucked he started cumming. As usual there was that much that I couldn’t swallow it all, as I pulled his prick from my gob, dog spunk splashed all over my face.

I heard Chloe shout “Oh yes you dirty married slag, fuck the dog!”

I got back on the chair and spread my legs, Bruno was used to fucking me by now and climbed on top of me, after two attempts he was up me.

He was fucking me like a train and I was grunting like a pig with pleasure, I love dog fucking!

I knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d knot and try and breed me and I was right. I felt his knot start to swell, yes I was having a football inflated in my cunt, the sensation was terrific.

When he was fully in he did the trick of swivelling round so he was facing away from me. He would now spunk up me for at least 20 minutes!

Bill and Frank continued to pound Chloe as all three had their eyes fixed on me!

The way they were going at it it couldn’t be ling before they started spunking I thought.

As I guessed, Bill started groaning that he was going to cum.

“Not up me Bill, spunk on my Mam’s face “ Chloe shouted in between the grunts and filthy language she was using as they knobbed her.

Bill pulled out and came over to me, my face already was covered in dog spunk and Bill shot about three ropes of thick, hot, creamy goo on my face.

“Look at the dirty married cunt, fucking a dog with spunk all over her face, fucking gorgeous mam,” Chloe shouted.

I just laid there, I think my eyes must have been rolling around my head as continuous orgasms ripped through me. I didn’t give a fuck what they thought or called me, I was in slag heaven.

Frank was still fucking Chloe who was screaming how much she was loving old mens cocks.

“Shoot your load Frank, fill my young cunt full of spunk and then you can watch as my Mam licks it out!”

Frank hearing my daughter talk like this couldn’t last and started emptying his balls up Chloe’s tight, teen hole.

As soon as Frank finished Chloe hopped off his cock like a spring chicken, you wouldn’t have thought she’d had two cocks up her minge for the past 25 minutes!

She straddled my face as I opened my mouth and Frank’s spunk poured out.

I swallowed just about all of it when I felt Bruno’s dong start to shrink.

“It’s shrinking Chloe, he’s about to slip out” I shouted.

Chloe got off me and knelt between my legs as Bruno’s cock slipped out with a plop. She had her hand under my gash as Bruno’s muck poured out, without even blinking she put a handful of dog spunk into her mouth.

Cum was still dripping out of my gash as she shoved her hand in and scooped out another big load, this she gave to me and I liked it up off the palm of her hand.

Frank and Bill were both watching, eyes on stalks and cocks which had cum only five minutes before were well on the way to getting hard again.

Chloe then shocked us all, she got on the chair with her legs astride me, bending her knees slightly she reached down and pulled her snatch open.

I suddenly realised what she was going to do as the first stream of piss hit me on the face.

My filthy slut of a daughter was pissing on my face, automatically I opened my mouth and drank her golden shower.

I could see that Frank and Bill now had raging hard ons as they watched this.

When Chloe finished she dropped down beside me and we kissed deeply using ut cum slimy tongues.

We broke the kiss and looked at Frank and Bill, Chloe said fuck us, we both spread our legs as they fucked us both for the next half hour! Finishing off up our arses as we were fucked side by side on the floor.

The End

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