Women with Animals
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Pack Bound


(c) 2022 by TheTemporaryBarnacle

Dead leaves crunched underfoot, still stiffened by an early morning frost that still hadn’t thawed in the shade. Kris stopped to rub her hands, adjusting her shoulder strap as she shook off the last of the morning chill. The frost was early, but the end of the season was coming soon, and Kris still hadn’t managed to bag a deer. She picked her way through the trees, winding around the densest brush that choked the narrow trail. The spot up ahead where she was going had served her well last year, and she was hoping it would break her streak of bad luck.

Keeping her rifle steady on its strap in one hand as she walked, Kris froze. A quiet rustle from behind her caught her attention, but when she turned there was no sign of anything moving. Figuring it must have been the leaves disturbed up by her own footsteps, she gave them an experimental kick. Guess that must have been it, she surmised, though it still sent an unsettling shiver down her spine that she couldn’t quite place. Nearing the copse of birch at the top of the shallow hill, it came again, clearly sounding as footsteps behind her.

„Jesus Christ!“ Whirling around to face her stealthy pursuer, she nearly leapt from her skin. A wolf stood barely a dozen feet away and was closing the distance slowly. It fixed her with its two round eyes, its grey and brown fur blending perfectly with the late fall vegetation. Kris jumped back in shock, her feet skidding on the damp ground and filling the air with the scent of leaf rot as she tumbled backwards in a spray of litter.

The wolf was far from the largest she had ever seen, but being rather petite herself, Kris didn’t think she outweighed it by much. Less concerning than its size was how it had managed to get so close without her noticing. Shit, shit, shit! Kris kicked her feet, trying to scramble backwards in her panic and put some distance between her and the wild canine. Her rifle had slipped from her shoulder as she fell, but even if it were in her hand, she doubted she could ready it fast enough. The beast growled low, ears flattening before flicking up once more. What does it want? She knew wolves rarely attacked people unless they were starving, and this one looked perfectly healthy; its fur was thick and glossy with the beginnings of a winter coat.

„Hey!“ She shouted, trying to scare the beast into backing off. „Shoo! Get out of here!“ Her heels skidded on the wet ground as she tried to get away. The animal drew closer, and Kris’s heart skipped as her back collided with a tree trunk. The gnarled old birch tree was wider than her shoulders, and by now the wolf had left her with no room to escape. She was cornered. The wolf lunged, teeth snapping. Kris pulled her arms to her head, trying to shield her face, but that wasn’t where the beast was aiming. It dove between her legs, sinking its teeth into the tight fabric between her thighs and no further. It tugged hard, the tough material tearing as her pants were pulled down her thighs and past her knees.

Kris cried out in fear and surprise at being abruptly stripped from the waist down. Not yet comprehending what was happening, she tried to tuck her legs in, bracing for its next attack. When it came, it wasn’t the savage bite she expected, but an insistent nuzzling between her thighs. Its snout was hot and wet, coarse fur bristling against her newly bare skin. What is it doing? A tingle ran up her spine when she felt its tongue brush her skin, like a dog looking for a treat. Confusion overcame Kris’s fear, if only for a moment, and she let her knees fall away from each other. Her intention was to push the wolf away from her, but she didn’t get the chance.

„Hey, I don’t have anyth-… aaahng!“ As soon as her legs were parted, the wolf darted between them. Its rough snout pushed against Kris’s panties, and she yelped in shock at the feeling of its warm snout being thrust against her sensitive crotch. It licked, its rough tongue dragging over the fabric and making the material of underwear suddenly feel far too thin. She tried to clamp her legs shut again, but the wolf snarled as her thigh hit against its head. A snap of its gleaming teeth was a sharp reminder that this was not some curious mutt but a wild and dangerous animal, and she was very much at its mercy.

What choice do I have? With a shaky breath, Kris parted her legs for the beast. Slowly its growling quieted, and it nosed its way back between her bare thighs. She flinched as its tongue slapped against her once more, unerring at it sought out her panties. It licked over and around the cloth, thoroughly wetting it and the bare skin around. Its touch spread a warmth between her legs, the same blush creeping up to her cheeks return Kris recognized what she was feeling: what it was making her feel. Damn it, not now! She cursed herself. Its nose pressed right against her clit, the pressure enough to make her gasp even with her underwear separating them. This can’t be making me horny; I need to- Kris froze. No, no, no, that can’t be it. She hadn’t considered that might have been what it was after in the first place: that the wolf hadn’t smelled food, but a potential mate.

„Oh, no, no…“ she started, speaking out loud to the animal as if it could understand. „No you don’t, you… ahhh… mmmph! I’m not…“ Kris raised her hands to try pushing the beast away again, but hesitated. Her fingers trembled as she held them poised, but something held her back. She tried to rationalize that it was fear: after all, the wolf had menaced her the first time. A part of her though couldn’t quite believe it, or at least, that fear was the only thing forcing her to let the beast continue. Kris’s hands fell to her side with a gasp, her hips lifting just off the ground as she lurched, cheeks turning even redder at her own refusal to try to escape.

Without warning the wolf paused, making Kris’s head spin at the sudden stop. Was… was I that close already? The wolf sniffed at her for a moment, then delicately opened its mouth, hooking its stout fangs around the seam of her panties. Kris winced as it pulled hard, the straps digging sharply into her hips as the fabric stretched, ripped, and was finally torn free. Kris shuddered, with nothing left between her pussy and the open air. The wolf pawed at the scrap of cloth in its mouth for a moment before discarding it and returning to its prize.

His prize, Kris realized. For a moment, she caught a glimpse between his legs as the wolf turned back to her, and her eyes couldn’t help but follow. The wolf’s sheath was half obscured by its shaggy undercoat, and backed by a pair of tight, fur-covered balls that hung behind. Only the hint of red at its tip betrayed the cock inside beginning to swell, and Kris reddened even further at the thought of the beast trying to use it on her. For now though, it seemed content on using its tongue on the helpless hunter.

Its breath was hot and quick against the damp skin where he had licked her and her own unwanted arousal. Its pink tongue flashed out once more, and she had to fight back another yelp. With nothing between its tongue and her bare pussy, she could feel every tiny bump along its surface as he licked upwards. The cool morning air rushed back as the tongue lifted away, giving a stark contrast as it pressed against her once more. Her legs trembled. Bringing her hands to her mouth, she fought to stifle another moan, but she couldn’t make herself look away.

The wolf made a low guttural sound as it lapped at her, and it pressed in even closer as it moved more frantically. His soft fur tickled Kris’s bare thighs, and it nosed up against her clit once more before taking over with its tongue. He licked faster, his tongue gliding over her effortlessly on its slick sheen in spite of its rough surface. As the wolf sped up, the steady slap of his tongue flicking out and back in grew louder.

Stop.“ Kris whispered, hands still over her mouth. Her breath was shallow, marked with a high whine she couldn’t quite hold back. „Please… stop!“ she begged, louder this time. The wolf went on heedless of her pleas. It lapped at her pussy, drinking in the taste of her sex with ravenous abandon. Kris was mortified, not only by the situation she had somehow found herself in, but that her pleasure was steadily climbing despite her every effort to ignore how it felt.

„Ahh…“ she blurted, her hips bucking against him in ecstasy. „Stop… bef-… mmmn… gaahhh… before I… nnnng!“ Her words trailed off to a series of senseless moans. Screwing her eyes shut, she lifted her hips up to him, quivering as the orgasm wracked her body. Her hands flew to her mouth, muffling her moan of uncontrolled pleasure. Her legs kicked up for a moment before falling back down as the wolf finally pulled away.

It licked its chops calmly as Kris slumped against the tree. Taking a shuddering breath, she raised her head, eyeing the beast warily. The wolf stopped to sniff the ground around his paws, apparently uninterested. This might be my chance, she thought. Her truck wasn’t far from here; she had left it parked on the shoulder of a dusty service road half a mile from here. Not far to walk, but if it decided to chase her down, she wouldn’t make it.

Moving carefully and not taking her eyes off the animal, Kris shifted onto all fours. When it didn’t react, she took a step forward, crawling on all fours. Her gaze wavered back and forth between her fallen rifle and the trail that led back to her vehicle. Deciding on her rifle, she tried to move as quietly as possible towards it. She inched closer until it was nearly in reach of her outstretched fingertips when a furry weight collided with her back. Her elbows nearly buckled, hands planting in the loam to keep from falling.

The wolf reared, landing heavily on Kris’s back and scrabbling with its front paws for purchase. They scratched against her jacket before sliding down to grip at her sides, steadying the beast. No, no, no! She tried to buck it off, but the wolf held on with tenacity, inching its body further up until she could feel something hot and unmistakable prod against her exposed rear. Anything but this! Pushing back on her arms, she only succeeded in making the wolf’s cock wedge itself between her ass cheeks. The wolf apparently took this as a sign of approval, as he immediately began to thrust. Missing several times, it squeezed between her legs and up past her asshole before finally finding her slit.

Kris grunted as he entered. Her pussy was well soaked and loosened from his tongue, and his cock slid in nearly to his sheath and left her stunned with the sudden pleasure. The wolf himself only savoured it for the briefest moment before pulling back to thrust again. Kris moaned again as he started to pump his hips with feral urgency.

„God… damn it…“ she gasped, letting her head hang. „Nnnng… S-slow… down!“ Her pussy was slick and hot, letting him thrust in and out as quickly as he pleased with little to stop him. Kris yelped when she felt teeth graze the back of her neck. The wolf had taken a mouthful of her ponytail, gripping it firmly in his jaws and giving a firm tug. Kris inhaled sharply, her head tilting back. The motion was far too familiar to how her ex used to tug her hair in this position, and it brought the same rush that it always had. Even juxtaposed against her feral assailant, the erotic familiarity of the gesture wasn’t lost on her. Her heart beat faster. Damn it, not another one! Ushered in by the first, another orgasm was steadily building, the driving pace of the wolf’s thrusts making it impossible to hold back.

Her breath narrowed, and she found herself pushing back against his thrusts, rocking her hips in time with him. It was only slight at first, an instinctive motion to feel his length deeper. His cock throbbed, Kris’s own pussy clenching around him with desire.

„Fuck…“ she blurted. The wolf gave another tug on her hair, tilting her chin upwards. „Ahnn…“ Screwing her eyes shut, she pushed her hips back hard against him, finally giving in. Her ass collided with the wolf’s furry hips, taking him to the base. The wolf growled, but soon calmed as he settled into her rhythm. Kris kept her eyes firmly closed in shame, but her moans flowed freely. Giving herself in to the pleasure of the beast’s wild thrusts, it rose in her chest and swelled in the pit of her stomach until it overwhelmed her. It wasn’t just a sensation, she realized with a start. As the thrusts grew deeper and slower, his cock started to grow, pressing against her pussy even tighter. Wait, what’s… going on? She tried to turn, but the grip on the back of her head was too firm.

„Mmmph, that’s tight!“ she groaned. The swelling at the base of his cock bulged, stretching her and pushing the sensation to new heights. Her last reservations crumbled, surrendering to the crest of pleasure as another orgasm finally crashed over her. Her legs seized with a whine, pushing her hips back one final time.

„Yes!“ She gasped, his hardening knot straining against her pussy. Pushing through one last time, Kris clenched around it, feeling the hard, round bulge. „Fuck… hnnnh!“ she cried, throwing her head back in orgasm. She could feel the animal’s frantic panting against the back of her ear, his hips giving one last thrust before his load was unleashed inside her. His cock throbbed, each pulse bringing a spurt of cum deep into Kris’s pussy. They came one after the other, each burst dragging out her orgasm as they filled her with a spreading warmth.

The wolf’s jaws parted, and Kris’s head slumped down, suddenly released from his hold. Arms shaking, it was all she could do to stay upright as the orgasm left her woozy. The wolf dismounted to her side, breathing hard as well. He turned, lifting one leg over her back until he faced away. She grunted as she was tugged back by her pussy, still joined by his knot lodged deep inside her. What the hell? She tried again, knot tugging in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. How long am I going to be stuck like this?

Raising his head, the wolf howled, long and loud. Kris could feel the sound resonate through the animal’s body and up into hers. I can’t believe I let him finish inside me like this! I didn’t have much choice, but still, I didn’t want him to stop! She shook her head limply, feeling another pang of shame now that it was over. Still, she couldn’t help but replay it in her mind; the feeling of his slick cock hammering into her. His knot still throbbed inside her as it stretched her pussy full, sending little aftershocks tingling down her limbs with each involuntary clench. Trying to move away, she winced as the knot tugged at her: still too swollen to release her.

„God, I don’t know sex has… ever felt that good.“ She muttered, still conflicted about her submission to the beast that was still buried in her cunt. The sound of something rusting tore her from her reflection, her head snapping up. Kris froze. „Uh… friend of yours?“ Emerging from the brush ahead of her was another wolf, much larger than the first. Its eyes were locked on her, making her shrink back with a shudder, bumping back against her knotted mate. The wolf circled the pair of them slowly, and Kris soon noticed it wasn’t alone. Two more followed, and while the larger wolf kept its distance from her, the two newcomers approached with caution, nuzzling at her shoulders and face. One turned, licking at her bare ass near where the first wolf was knotted.

„Ah! Hey!“ she yelped. The wolf flinched back at her shout, moving away. „That’s right, I’m a little busy as you can see.“ The knot was beginning to shrink and soften, but its hold on her was still firm. She watched the other wolf circle her once more. „One is more than enough for me, thanks. No matter how good it felt.“ She added, muttering the last part to herself. When the wolf crossed her line of sight again, it pressed its nose to hers, licking her cheek. Kris pulled a face, turning away. As she did, the wolf jumped up, front paws landing squarely on her back. Breath leaving her lungs in a rush, her head was forced down until she was face to face with the newcomer’s bulging cock.

„Oh, nuh-uh.“ She groaned. „I’m n-“ She shut her mouth again as it jabbed towards her lips, dangerously close. That’s too far! The other smaller wolf was still sniffing around her rear, but all she could see was this one’s furry underside and the cock poised before her. From the odd pointed tip to where it emerged from its furry sheath was a thick red shaft, slick and smooth between the bulging veins that crossed it. She kept her lips firmly pursed, but that didn’t seem to deter him. The wolf thrust forward, sliding his cock over her cheek and leaving behind a faint trail of precum. Kris pulled away as best she could, but between the knot in her pussy and this wolf’s grip on her back, she couldn’t go far. A bead of precum swelled at the tip, and another thrust smeared it over her lips. She kept her mouth closed, but she could feel the stickiness of it on her lips, filling her nostrils with its musky scent. Meanwhile, the other newcomer behind her seemed to be getting impatient. It nuzzled at her rear, licking frantically around the edges of her stretched pussy and between her ass cheeks.

“Hey!” she shouted back at it. “One at a ti-… Unnff!” The wolf hopped up, mounting her at an angle with its packmate still inside her. He scrambled for a moment before finding purchase, claws digging into her hunting jacket. His cock lodged in the cleft of her ass, and for a panicked breath, Kris thought he was going to try entering her there. Then, she felt the knot inside her shift, sliding back a fraction of an inch. Her pussy tightened as the knot pulled against her, then came free with a pop. She gasped, pussy suddenly clenching on empty air as a trickle of semen followed.

“Ahhh… mmmph!” As soon as her mouth opened, the wolf at her front thrust again, catching her by surprise and pushing the tip of his cock between Kris’s lips. Her tongue pressed along the bottom, mothered in the salt and feral musky taste of the shaft. Her cry of surprise was muffled by the sudden intrusion, eyes going wide. She lifted one hand to try pushing it away, but it thrust harder despite her efforts, sliding deeper into her mouth. At the same time, his partner thrust at her from behind, soon finding her recently-vacated and still gaping cunt.

The first wolf’s load had scarcely had time to drip from her clit before she was stuffed with wolf cock once more, this time from both ends. Kris moaned around the cock in her mouth as the new wolf thrust deeper into her pussy. He immediately began to pump with furious speed; Kris’s pussy was already more than ready for him. The one in her mouth sunk deeper, and she welcomed it, loosening her mouth as she melted into the waves of pleasure pouring into her.

Her shame at the assault had evaporated, and she gave herself in fully to the two beasts. There was nothing for her in denying her feelings any longer. She wrapped her lips around the cock, sucking hard. Her face sank into the soft underfur of the wolf fucking her mouth, tickling her nose as her lips reached his sheath. As the tip slid down into her throat, tears welled in the corner of her eyes, but she carried on: determined even as she gagged on it. He pulled back, and she tried again, this time managing to keep her throat relaxed and open.

Both of the wolves were speeding up now, and Kris’s muffled, sputtering moans increased along with them. Soon, they were thrusting too fast for her to do anything but hold herself up against them. She stopped trying to suck on the cock in her mouth, letting it slide freely into her throat. The wolf behind her shifted forward, cock reaching all the way to the base and his hips slapping loudly against her ass. Her muted cry of pleasure invited the other wolf to do the same, his knot pushing past her lips as it started to fill. They’re both going to knot me at once, she realized. This time, the thought filled her with elation rather than fear.

The now-familiar stretching of the burgeoning knot in her pussy pulled her closer and closer to orgasm, and she pushed her hips back harder, looking for that final push. She knew what was coming, and perhaps the anticipation of receiving two canine loads at once held her back until that moment. Her mouth stained to take the full knot inside, lips parting around the base. A thin line of drool spilled over, sticky with the precum mixed in, and Kris closed her eyes in anticipation. A thick vein pulsed against her tongue where it was firmly pressed beneath, until the whole cock began to pulse.

Kris’s eyes popped open as she felt the first burst of cum splash against the back of her throat. She tried to swallow around the throbbing bulge in her mouth, but the tip of his cock was so deep that it mostly just trickled down her throat. That suited her just fine. She could see the wolf’s balls twitch as they emptied her, and she clenched around him as she came. That seemed to push the other wolf over the edge, as no sooner had her orgasm begun to peak when she felt him pump inside her. His cum filled her pussy, mingling with the load already inside.

Kris’s eyelids flickered as waves of shameless pleasure crashed over her. She swayed as the wolves dismounted one by one, the last drops of cum still pumping into her. Her jaw ached, but after such intense pleasure, the feeling filled her with a sense of deep satisfaction. Her limbs quivered, barely able to hold her own weight without the support of the wolves propping her up from either end. Sure enough, as the knot in her mouth loosened enough to fit her jaw back around it, she slumped to the ground, the cock leaving a trail of spent semen up her tongue as the wolf pulled away. A low growl sounded behind her, and the cock in her pussy abruptly pulled free, sending a flood of cum spilling from her pussy. It dripped down in thick globs. Kris let herself fall with a groan, rolling herself onto her back with her legs splayed out to the sides.

„Oh…“ she breathed. „Your turn, huh?“ The largest wolf stood over her, lips peeled back in a snarl. Kris felt a pang of fear trepidation, but the huge beast soon quieted, licking its chops as it nuzzled at her shoulder. It wasn’t just the wolf’s teeth that intimidated her, though; her eyes were transfixed on the other end of his anatomy. Even being larger overall didn’t account for how much larger this beast’s cock was. It hung beneath him: red, swollen, and nearly two inches longer than the others and far thicker. A fringe of coarse fur lined his sheath, and his balls hung heavy in behind it, full and virile.

The other wolves gathered around as alpha licked at Kris’s neck, getting into position. Pulling her knees up, she lifted her legs tentatively. Jesus… the size of that thing! She wanted him alright; that much she could never deny, but whether she could take him all was another question. It was a question soon answered though, as the wolf wasted no time in claiming his prize. His cock slid over her pussy on the first thrust, parting her lips and grinding against her. She could feel his heartbeat pound as it pressed to her, twitching. Pulling back, he thrust again, and the tip found her aching cunt.

Kris lurched as his cock began to push inside. He thrust downwards slowly, as if savouring the way she molded around him. Only the copious lubrication and stretching from the rest of his pack allowed the alpha to enter with ease, but even then the fit was wonderfully tight. Kris arched her back, her face frozen in a look of disbelief. Even with her thorough warm-up, his shaft was pressed firmly against the walls of her pussy. Gasping as it receded, she dug her fingers into the damp leaves beneath her in anticipation of the next thrust.

„Ngahh… holy…annhh… fuck…“ she gasped. Even this slow, regular pumping left her dizzy, and she relished the thought of how it might feel once the beast was thrusting at his peak. Kris imagined taking him even deeper, yearning to have him fill her to the base. Another orgasm was beginning to build, but she didn’t think it would be the last of them just yet. As the beast’s thrusts began to gradually increase in pace, it moved one paw to Kris’s chest, holding her in place.

„God, yes… haahhh…“ Her breath came in ragged gasps, nearly panting like a dog herself in her unrestrained ecstasy. As the pace continued to build, the wolf’s hips moved in short, rapid thrusts that favored speed over depth. Each one was matched by a strangled moan from Kris until she was flushed and breathless. She could feel the heat of the wolf’s body, matched by the feeling of warmth growing in her own chest. The pace was blinding, but Kris could feel her climax dangling just out of reach. She needed to feel all of him, to take his cock to the base and let the alpha fill her slender body utterly.

With a last burst of strength, she lifted her legs, throwing them up and over the wolf’s back. Hooking her ankles together, she pulled: at once lifting her hips off the ground and drawing the wolf down to meet her. His cock sunk in fully, her lips closing around the bulge in where his knot was just beginning to form. Lights erupted behind her eyes, her orgasm surging through every part of her body. The alpha didn’t seem ready to stop there, however. Her pleasure had scarcely begun to peak when the wolf pulled its hips back once more.

Pressed tight against her, it began to thrust again, this time as deeply as possible. Slow at first, he quickly built speed, nearly as fast as his earlier frantic pumping had been. Kris’s mouth fell open, but only a strangled whimper escaped. Each thrust brought the alpha tip to hilt, balls slapping against her raised ass for a moment before pulling away. Above her, the wolf panted in effort, his jaws slightly agape and pink tongue flashing back and forth across his teeth. He dipped his head, and Kris lifted her own to meet him. Reaching up, her hands brushed the coarse fur of the beast’s head, guiding him to her mouth. His tongue flicked across her lips and she opened them wider, welcoming him inside until she felt the warmth of his tongue on hers.

Even over the ferocious pounding, Kris could feel his knot continuing to swell. It forced him to slow, each thrust demanding a tighter squeeze to fit back inside. Just when it seemed too large to possibly fit, she tugged her legs with all her might. Her lips strained around it, the aching of being stretched to her limit so vastly overwhelmed by her pleasure that it only served to enhance it further. Tight enough to rob her of breath, she was forced to pull away from the messy kiss. Her body tensed, a final, climactic orgasm gripping her body like a vise. The wolf let out a narrow whine, hips still bucking even as Kris was locked in place around his cock. Feeling the first shot of the alpha’s cum inside her, she clenched her hands harder, pulling herself up to sink her face into the soft fur of the alpha’s throat.

Kris held there, unable to anything but feel the thrumming of the climax: their ragged breathing, the throb of his cock inside her matched by her own hammering heartbeat, and the steady pulse of the alpha’s cum as it flowed into the deepest parts of her pussy. She could feel the pressure of the knot inside her, pushing outwards until her flat stomach bulged around it. For a moment, all her senses seemed to focus. The scent of the alpha’s fur and sweat filled her nostrils, tickling at her face still pressed to his muscular neck. Then, the tension released.

She fell back against the ground, head thudding in the soft loam. Her limbs unclenched, splaying out to the sides as she released her mate. Her own heartbeat drowned out any other sounds with its pounding, too drained to even shudder in ecstasy as her orgasm faded. The wolf panted above her, unsteady on his feet. The last pumps of cum were still spilling inside her as he stooped, licking at her chin. Staring upwards, Kris could hardly bring herself to think, let alone to react. Her lips moved, but she was too breathless to form the words. She wasn’t even sure what she might have been trying to say.

The alpha settled slowly, laying half atop her with his hips still bound to hers. Crossing his front paws, he licked at them slowly, and Kris turned to the side to watch. How long the two of them laid there, she couldn’t have guessed. Every so often, his cock gave another twitch, adding another pump of cum to the dozens already filling her. She could feel it, warm and thick as it pooled against his knot with nowhere to go. She closed her eyes, humming a sigh of wordless exhaustion and satisfaction.

Kris didn’t realize she had slipped into a daze until she was abruptly shaken from it. The alpha wolf stirred, beginning to stand. Her pussy clenched around the last of his fading knot, as if it didn’t want him to leave even as it pulled inexorably outwards. Kris offered a groan as it finally came free along with a flood of pent-up cum inside her. She had nearly forgotten the sensation of being empty.

Still too exhausted to do more than lift her head, she watched as the beast stood. Giving Kris a final lick on the cheek, it circled the stunned hunter only once before turning back towards the trees. With a flick of his tail, the rest of the pack began to follow him, filing back into the brush just as silently as they had come. Kris watched them leave mutely, feeling her heartbeat gradually slow as the cum continued to seep from her pussy, spilling onto the damp ground between her legs. Groaning, she tried to push herself up, but couldn’t keep her legs beneath her. Giving up, she slumped back to the ground, staring up at the empty sky. In the distance, a chorus of howls slowly rose in the cool air, sounding out in triumph.

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