Women with Animals

Danielle and Dutch


Danielle looked at herself in the mirror, wiping the spent tears off her cheeks. She reached up, feeling the red, swollen handprint across her right cheek.

Gee, thanks Bryan for the memory, she thought bitterly.

She glanced down at the German Shepard, lying at her feet. If it wasn’t for Dutch scaring her now ex-boyfriend, chasing him outside, she didn’t know what she would have done.
She affectionally bent over and scratched Dutch behind the ear and he looked up her with his big, loving eyes.

“Good boy, Dutch. You got a little pissed when he slapped Mommy, hun?”

Dutch had been with her since a puppy and was always the first one to step up and protect her. From the neighborhood dogs to the repair men or the fuzzy squirrels that ran outside, he always kept a wary eye on his mistress and would protect her in a second if required.

As soon as Bryan’s hand contacted her cheek and heard the pop, Dutch was on his feet, leaping at her ex, landing squarely against his chest and knocking him outside. Dutch jumped up and pulled back his gums in a ferocious snarl and growled, low and menacing. Bryan didn’t even bother to grab the bag of his clothes she tossed out behind him. He saw Dutch and got the hell out of there.

Dani wiped her face again and made her way over to the overstuffed bed, lying back against the headboard. Dutch jumped up, joining her and curled up next to her, resting his head on her thigh.

She slowly petted the dog, using the dog’s fur as a natural, therapeutic stress reliever. She watched him sleep and thought about how Dutch had protected her over all these years, regardless of if she actually needed it or not. If only she could find a man that would do the same. She needed the undying and unwavering love that her companion gave her on a constant basis. If only she could return his needs in the same way. Sure she fed him, took care of and spent loads of time with him. But she saw the way he looked at the female dogs walking past them, raising his nose to sniff the air.

Dani had never had Dutch fixed and he had never given her a reason too. He wasn’t aggressive (unless she needed him to) nor did he ever try to be destructive or mark his territory. Actually, from what she had seen from her friends ‘fixed’ males, Dutch stood high above them in good manners.
She did feel bad about his unsatisfied sexual needs and vowed to find a way to make Dutch happy in every way.

Her phone rang and she answered. Her friend Mandy was on the other end, asking how the Bryan breakup went. She spilled her guts and ended it with how Dutch had saved the day.

“Dumbass Bryan probably shit in his pants. He was always afraid of that dog anyway,” Mandy laughed.

“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do with out him. I love that dog so much,” Dani said, loving rubbing Dutch’s head. “I just wish I could find him a nice little bitch. I know he wants to plant his seed. I’ve seen the way he sniffs and gets excited when we pass a cute little bitch.”

“No, you don’t want him to breed another dog. He would start to divide his attention between you and trying to get back inside that doggie bitch. If you want to make him happy, trust me, you do what it takes to make him happy. You can be his bitch.”

“Hun? So what are you saying?” Dani asked, not quite sure of what Mandy was referring to.

“When I was in college, I lived in a four bedroom apartment. We had a big dog that lived with us, a Boxer I think, and every night we all would get into a big fight over who would get to satisfy Magnum,” Mandy said.

“Mandy, just what the fuck are you talking about?”

“I mean, we would either jerk him off, suck him off or let him fuck us. He was the happiest mutt around and he watched over us like a hawk. Anyone that came into the house, like a maintenance man, we would have to lock him in the bathroom or he’d rip the guy to shreds. I think Mag was so protective because he thought of us as ‘his’ bitches.”

“I think you’re insane,” Dani said, still not sure if Mandy was joking or not.

“Hey, jerk him off one night and see how he acts afterwards,” Mandy replied.

“Uh, yeah. OK. Bye crazy bitch,” Dani said, laughing as she put the phone down.

She looked over at Dutch and watched his broad chest rise and fall and his muscular legs twitch occasionally. She reached down and petted his big chest, running her hand down his side and down his leg. She gently eased his upper leg back a little and saw the furry pouch and the beginning of his black hanging balls.
She started to wonder if he would even let her touch his privates. The more she thought about it, massaging his furry bulge, seeing his veiny, thick cock poke out and the feel of his soft, furry balls in her hand…

She stopped and looked down in between her legs and saw that she had grown moist thinking about it and it was starting to soak through her thin shorts. She spread her legs slightly and shoved her fingers down in between her legs, letting them slip across her damp pussy.

Dutch’s nose twitched, smelling something. Something that made him excited and he cracked his eyes open, looking up at his human companion. She had her eyes closed, head back and her hand was shoved into her shorts. He raised his head and sniffed again. He followed his nose, leaning over her leg and sniffing between her legs.

Dani stopped and looked down, seeing Dutch sniff and eye where her fingers were shoved.

“You want to smell Mommy’s pussy?” she asked, already knowing she definitely wanted him too.

She raised her ass up and shoved her shorts and panties down her lean legs, kicking them off. She opened her legs more, watching as Dutch got up and sniffed her again, stepping in between her legs. She watched his head drop down and felt every nerve in her body start to electrify in anticipation. She wanted to grab his head and shove his snout into her willing cunt but she respected him enough to let him do it on his on time.

Dutch came closer and closer until she could feel his hot breath on her wet lips. He flicked out his tounge and tasted her wetness and she whimpered and jerked.
He pulled back and looked at her.

“No, no, boy. It’s ok. Please lick me, I’m begging you,” she whispered and shoved her waist toward him. He resumed his lowered stance and licked her again, tasting her sweetness. The taste and smell was intoxicating to him and he dove in, smashing his muzzle and cold nose in between her legs and started to lap at her cunt with speed.

Dani whined and whimpered as Dutch pleasured her. He was shoving his tounge deep inside her tasting and licking every orifice and every cervice.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she whimpered watching her beautiful companion lovingly pleasure her. She spread her legs more, giving him better access and leaned over, looking underneath his stomach. Her pussy quivered as she saw his veiny cock sticking out of his furry pouch, red and swollen. Precum dripped from his cock as he hungrily licked his new bitch.

She let him continue and leaned over enough to reach under him and wrap her hands around his thick cock. It was burning hot and his precum dripped down her arm as she held him, admiring his tool.

“Oh my god, I’m cumming,” she groaned as the first wave washed over her. She cried out and thrust her hips into his licking tounge and he renewed his licking efforts, trying to taste her orgasm.

She panted as she came off her extasy rollercoaster and he pulled his face back, looking at her. He cocked his head and stepped forward, pulling out of her grasp. He put his front paws on either side of her flat stomach and stepped closer. It was then, she knew what her man wanted. He wanted to fuck his new bitch and establish his dominance over her.

Dani grabbed a pillow, raising her ass up and shoving in under her. Her dripping cunt was now at a better level to accept his hard cock and she pulled him closer. His dripping cock rubbed across her swollen pussy and she let out a soft whimper. She grabbed his leaking cock and aimed it at her cunt, scooting down just enough for his tip to enter.

Dutch felt the tip of his cock enter his new bitches hot cunt and he was ready, He hunched his powerful legs and thrust forward, driving his eight inches deep inside her as she screamed out in pain and pleasure.

“Shit, you’re so fucking big!” she screamed, then her eyes rolled back in her head as he began to jackhammer her pussy, slamming his swelling knot against her battered pussy. She pulled a pillow over her face, screaming as another orgasm ripped through her quivering frame. She pulled the pillow off her and gazed at his lustful eyes and panting snout. His drool dripped out as his tounge and she leaned up, tasting his tounge and licking his lips. He snapped out of his trance and licked her back, enjoying the taste of her mouth as he drove his tounge inside. They licked and lapped at each other while he never missed a beat, ramming his swollen cock inside her over and over.

“Oh fuck,” she cried out again, her voice muffled by his probing tounge, filling her mouth.. A third orgasm streaked across her nerves setting them on fire.

Dutch began to slow and she could feel hardness hitting against her swollen cunt. She looked around to see what the fuck it was and her eyes grew wide as she saw his knot. He was trying to shove a hardball sized knot in between her already pounded and sore cunt lips.

“Shit boy, I don’t know if you can do that?” she gasped and continued to feel him press his knot firmly against her. Knowing he desperately want it, she closed her eyes and was able to relax enough for him to give a final push, letting his knot slip inside, preparing his bitch for his seed. She moaned feeling his knot stretch her insides and his cock push inside her cervix.

They both panted and she pulled her legs in, wrapping them around his muscular hind legs.

“Oh baby, please give me your cum. My god I want you to pump your puppies in me, please!” she moaned, closing in on her fourth orgasm.

She let out a deep sigh as he released his hot seed, spurting inside her womb in hot waves. She could feel his warmth spreading through out her womb and she began to cry softly.

She cried not because of pain but because of happiness. Just so happy she had found a soulmate who would love her as she was and protected her until the end.

Dutch saw her tears and he bent his head and licked them off her cheeks in loving strokes, which only made her cry harder. He comforted her, licking her tears and giving a quiet, loving whine with each gentle lick.

He lay down on top of her, his knot still plugging her pussy and still dumping his hot sperm inside her. She wrapped her arms around her new lover and just held him tight against her, feeling his love throb between her legs and his warmth against her flesh.

After a while, he stirred and got up, pulling out. His sperm flooded from her stretched pussy as she lay exhausted and drained. Dutch came up beside her and lay down, his body pressed against her side making her feel warm and safe. They closed their eyes, drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, Dutch woke her up by scrambling up and jumping off the bed, running from the bedroom. She heard the doorbell and a banging on the front door.

“That better not be Bryan,” she thought as she groaned, rolling off the bed and grabbing her tossed shorts from the night before. Slipping them on, she headed downstairs.

Dutch was at the front door sniffing underneath it as she looked through the peephole.
Mandy was outside about to bang on the door again when Danielle opened it.

“Damn girl. Can’t I get some sleep around here?” Dani snapped, stepping back to let her friend in.

“It’s almost noon. You forget we were going to the movies?” she asked, frowning and watching Dani intently.

“Sorry, I forgot,” Dani replied and opened her arms for a hug. Mandy stepped closer to hug her and Dutch let out a menacing growl, stopping Mandy in her tracks.

“What the fuck? He’s never growled at me before,” she said, surprised at the dog’s reaction. She looked at the dog and his snarling lip and then back at her disheveled friend.

“Oh my god! You fucked the dog, didn’t you?” she cried out, laughing loudly.

“What? What are you talking about,” Dani replied, trying to keep her and Dutch’s secret.

“I know you did and that’s why he so protective of you now. You’re his fucking bitch. Seriously, his literal ‘fucking bitch’.”

“Whatever,” she replied.

“Are you denying it? Are you going to deny that wasn’t the best cock you’ve ever had?” Mandy asked, smiling ear to ear.

Dani looked up and met her gaze. A smile burst across her lips.

“It was mind blowing!” Dani confessed.

“I bet more than one orgasm too, hun?” Mandy asked.

“I lost count after four.”

“You fucking dog slut!” Mandy giggled. “I bet you looked hot, getting pounded by this beautiful beast. How’d you do it?”

“Damn girl, calm down and it was missionary,” she replied with a sly smile.

“Shit, if you did it like that, I bet you kissed too,” Mandy surmised.

“Yep. I am in love with my dog, what can I say.”

“See, just think, you’ve could have been doing this all along. Fuck those dumbass boys with their big egos. Dutch will never slap, scream or piss you off. He’s just here to protect and love you unconditionally,” Mandy stated. “And now, also to fuck the shit out of you every night.”

They both sat on the sofa and Dutch hopped up, pressing his body against Dani. He laid his head in her lap, keeping a wary eye on Mandy. Mandy looked over at Dutch and smiled.

“I bet you could fuck a girl silly couldn’t you. I bet you’ve got a big ol’ beautiful cock,” she said, winking at him.

“He does,” Danielle replied.

“Can I see?” Mandy blurted. Dani looked at her strangely and saw the look in her eyes as she gazed upon Dutch’s furry pouch. It was the same look she had last night, just before they fucked.

Dani hugged Dutch and whispered in his ear.

“So you want to show this bitch your cock? You want her to see what she’s missing?” Dani whispered. Dutch just cocked his head and wagged his tail.

Dani petted her companion calming him down and relaxing him. She scooted him around so that he lay in between the two girl. He let her flip him gently on his back so he displayed his black hanging balls and furry sheath. Mandy licked her lips as her eyes locked onto his breeding equipment.

Dani gently massaged his sheath, teasing his cock until it started to peek out from his furry, warm pouch. Mandy licked her lips again and leaned over. She looked up at Dani who smiled and nodded it was ok. Mandy moved closer to the tip of his cock and flicked out her tounge, tasting his slick cock and the tease of precum.

“Damn, I’ve missed that taste,” she gasped and placed her lips around his cock head while Dani continued to massage his hidden cock, letting it slide and jut out proudly into this new bitches warm mouth.

Precum dripped steadily as Mandy sucked his cock, moaning as her lips moved up and down his hard shaft. Dani reached with her free hand, down in between her legs, rubbing her clit and watching her friend suck her dog’s cock.

Her massaging hand finally teased his knot out and she gripped gently behind it, tugging softly.

“Oh baby, milk his cum, I want to taste it so bad,” Mandy groaned as she clamped her lips around his cock again waiting. Her tounge darted around his hot, veiny cock and she let out a whimper as the first shot of his hot seed spurted in her mouth. Mandy moaned and swallowed shot after shot of the watery dog cum, letting it drain down her throat and fill her belly. Mandy let her hand drift down and shoved her fingers inside her panties, shoving them inside her dripping cunt.

A few minutes later, both girls let out quiet whimpers as they came.

A few minutes after that, Dutch became restless and Dani release his cock from her grip. Mandy leaned back, wiping the last cum drips from her lips. She leaned back, pulling her wet fingers from inside her panties and sighed.

“Fuck, I’ve missed that taste. So sweet and salty,” she whispered.

“I’m really pissed at how much pleasure I’ve missed out on,” Dani reminisced.

“Yeah, but you know now,” Mandy replied, eyes closed.

They were quiet, all eyes closed, their orgasmic glow radiating through out all three of them.

“So, would you let Dutch fuck me too?” Mandy asked, breaking the silence. Dani looked over at her friends hopefully gaze.

“You gonna have to ask the man of the house,” she replied, looking down at Dutch. “You want to fuck this new bitch or are you just a one bitch dog?”
He looked at Dani, still on his back. His tail started thumping rhythmically.

“I guess that’s a yes?” Dani asked.
Dutch rolled over and stood up, tail wagging and turned to face Mandy who started smiling. He licked her across the cheek with his warm, wet tounge.

“Oh Dutch, thank you so much. I promise you won’t be sorry. I’m gonna make a fine bitch for you,” she said happily. “And I love it in my ass too,” she said, grinning.

“OK, everybody upstairs,” Dani said and they followed her single file up the stairs and into the bedroom. The girls pulled off their clothes as they climbed.

Dutch was the first to hop on the bed, circling and wagging his tail like he knew he was about to fuck again. Considering all of the erotic smells he had sniffed, he figured he was about to be in heaven.

Mandy jumped on the bed and immediately dropped to her hands and knees. She wiggled her ass toward Dutch and he gave a quick sniff and knew she was ready. He mounted her, wrapping his paws around her thin waist and thrusting franticly, trying to plant his cock deep in a hole. She let her head sink to the bed as the dog thrust behind her.

“Here boy, let me help,” Dani whispered and took his thrusting, hot cock in her gently grip. “Pussy or ass?” she asked Mandy.


Dani helped Dutch find her tight, puckered asshole and aimed his dripping cock. He thrust franticly and with Dani’s help found his hole and shoved his thick, long eight inches deep inside her pooper.

“OH FUCK!” Mandy screamed but stayed in position. “Fuck me Dutch! Fuck me in the ass! Oh yeah, fuck me harder boy, harder!”

Dani sat next to them, watching his veiny cock slide in and out of her friends clenched asshole. She was dripping wet, watching the two fuck and couldn’t wait for her turn. She leaned over and began to lick and kiss Dutch and he reciprocated by shoving his thick, long tounge into her open mouth. His hot breath blew in her mouth and across her lips as he panted and continued to taste her mouth.

“Oh fuck, he’s about to knot me. Harder boy, harder. Stretch my ass! Fuck me like a slutty bitch!” she cried out.

Dani pulled back and let him concentrate on plugging this bitches asshole when she saw his white, bulbous knot smash against her clenched hole, pushing harder until her asshole finally stretched out enough for it to slip in. Her asshole quickly closed in around it, holding him tight.

Both girls thought they head Dutch groan deeply as he halted his thrusts and stayed motionless, panting and drooling on Mandy’s bare back.

Dani watched Dutch’s clenched dark asshole start to pulse and flex, the movement continuing down to the base of his knot, barely visible wedged inside Mandy’s ass.

“Here comes the love,” Dani said excitedly and Mandy whined as his cock began to spit his sperm, trying to impregnant her anal canal.

“Oh. My. God,” Mandy moaned, feeling his hot sperm flood her intestines.

She yelped when Dutch hiked his leg, sliding it over her round ass and now they stood, locked and ass to ass. A fresh wave of hot sperm exploded from his throbbing cock, dumping deep inside her ass. He quietly panted, not flinching, just letting his future puppies spurt into this bitches ass.

Dani stepped onto the bed and squatted in front of Dutch. He eagerly lapped at her wet cunt, tasting her sweetness and making her groan. His long, wet tounge probed inside her, flicking her clit as he lapped greedily.

“Oh my sweet boy, I’m cumming again,” she cried out and her legs buckled, dropping her down to the bed. The orgasm rocketed over her as her lover followed her pussy down and dropped his head, continuing to taste her sex.
She grabbed his head, holding his muzzle steady as he whipped her up into a shattering climax and then eased her down with the same loving licks.

Dani fell back on the bed, panting

“I never want to leave this bedroom,” she moaned and she heard Mandy grunt in agreement.

Twenty minute later, Dutch pulled his plug from Mandy’s ass and his spent puppy batter dripped down her legs in rivers. She pushed her knees back and fell face first on the bed.

“All this puppy cum is gonna make a mess out of my bed,” Dani said sadly.

“Get some pee sheets. That way you can fuck, rip the wet sheet off, wipe it down, then slap some new sheets on top and you’re ready to go again.”

The bedroom grew quiet except for Dutch’s wet licking as he cleaned his cock, curled next to the bed.

“Hey Mandy.”


“So, you want to move in here and share the rent and maybe something else?” Dani asked, watching Mandy’s reaction.

Mandy’s eyes snapped open and her face lit up.

“Really?” Mandy asked.

“Yeah, why not. I think Dutch is going to turn out to be a fuck machine and I don’t think I can handle him by myself,” she said, winking.

The two girls embraced and hugged. Dutch looked up from his crotch and cocked his head, wondering what was going on.

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