Women with Animals

Horse Cum


(c) by Mike Thrasher

Vanessa was a stunning brunette of 28 with long hair (to her waist) and brilliant green eyes that flashed fire if I went beyond what she was prepared for. I always took that look like a signal to back off and build her up a little more before going ahead with whatever it was I wanted her to do. Her body can only be described as perfect. She tended to think of her shape as ‘too hippy,’ but it seemed just right to me. At five feet, one, and 105 pounds, she was certainly petite, and her 34-22-35 figure made her look like a miniature centerfold. In fact, she often got modeling proposals from local agencies and photographers and took a few jobs modeling sports clothes and swimsuits. I always got a big kick out of seeing her in an ad or catalog when I did not expect it. Her breasts were full without being too big for her small body, and her vagina was as tight as it could be and still allow entry, at least when I first met her.

Our story starts with Vanessa’s obsession with sex and animals. Ever since she had sex with her dog Red, and me, she has been obsessed with animal sex. To satisfy my little fireball, I finally managed to locate a man who ran a small farm (alone) and convince him to rent me his barnyard for some ‘research’ while he was out tending his fields. He went out to work the fields at about seven in the morning, returned to the house for lunch from noon until one (precisely), and went back to the fields until six. I took the ‘real’ Vanessa there one afternoon for a picnic, and she explored the possibilities with a ram, a goat, and a huge (in many ways) Labrador retriever. By this time, she had, had sex in every way imaginable with the animals while I taped everything for her growing collection. She told me about how different each animal is cum tasted and felt and how hard the ram felt in her ass when he pushed all the way in.

There were a few horses boarded at the farm, but all were mares or geldings, and I did not think she could do much with anything that size but masturbation. She watched them with interest, and I could tell it was running through her mind even though neither of us mentioned it.

One day, when we got to the farm, there was a new horse and a pony in two of the stalls that had previously been empty. The horse was a stallion, the pony was also a fully equipped male, and I knew from the way Vanessa looked at them that she wanted to ‘try everything.’ When John came in for lunch, he told us the stallion and pony was being let out to stud, and would only be boarding with him for a few weeks. John’s tractor had no sooner rounded the barn than Vanessa was in the stallion’s stall stroking his strong back and removing her clothes. When she was naked, she climbed upon his back and lay down to slide her breasts and pussy around his shiny hair.

Fortunately, he was very gentle (having been ridden for two years) and did not mind her being on his back, but I warned her that an animal so big could easily hurt or kill her without intending to. She promised to be more careful and went to the pony to examine his genitals. She knelt beside him and slid back the sheath of his cock. It appeared to be about an inch to an inch and a half across and seemed to have the potential for substantial extension.

Next, Vanessa returned to the stallion and checked his ‘equipment’ as well. He was securely tethered in the stall, but he danced around a bit as her hands went to work, trying to bring forth his erection. After a few minutes, she had coaxed about four or five inches of his penis out of the sheath, and it was at least two inches across. She leaned down (staying well clear of his hind legs) and took what she could into her mouth. Due to its girth, she could only manage two or three inches of the end and her mouth was stretched as wide as I had ever seen it at that. Of course, I was taping all of this, and she turned to the camera with a truly wicked smile on her face.

“I want this one,” she said.

I laughed and said she was a dreamer, but the pony was a possibility. Then I suggested she at least finish what she had started, and she immediately returned to stroking and sucking the stallion’s firm pole into her mouth.

She stopped again and said she wanted the horse to fuck her. I told her she could not get under either of these large animals safely, but I would try to come up with a scheme to make it possible and safe for another day. Satisfied with that for now, she took him back in her mouth and worked his shaft (now, at least 12 inches long) until he began to come in torrents. Her mouth was flooded at once, and she was forced to release him to come all over her face, neck, and breasts. His cum overflowed her mouth and dripped down her chin as she swallowed what she could and gasped for air. The stallion came for at least twenty seconds, and at one point, his rear legs seemed to buckle slightly, and I started to pull her clear, but he regained his footing, and she continued to bathe in the horse’s hot semen.

When he was finally done, she released her grasp on his receding member and walked out to lie in the warm sun, still drenched in his seed. I followed her with the camera and recorded as her hands roamed through the sperm covering her lovely body. I thought about how tiny her body looked beside this massive beast and was convinced she would never be able to handle an organ that size in her tight vagina.


Two days later, we returned to the farm at about eight in the morning, after John had gone out to the fields. I rigged a strong sling under the pony that would support his weight and found a long crate that was just the right height for Vanessa to lie beneath the pony on several blankets we had brought. With her ‘bed’ prepared, Vanessa began preparing the pony with her (by now) expert hands and mouth. When she felt he was ready, she crawled under him and positioned herself on the crate. His cock was resting on her belly as she stroked it and slid further up the crate to position the tip between her soaked lips. She seemed in a rush to get the pony inside her, and I had to caution her to slow down and take her time. I told her not to take any more than she was sure she could handle, as I didn’t want to have to rush her to an emergency room and explain what had happened.

That thought seemed to sober her up a bit, and she slowed down. She slipped the pony’s cock up and down the gap in her lips a few times and positioned it for entrance. She held it there for a few seconds and then started working her way a little at a time toward the bottom of the crate. There was a little resistance before the head entered her about an inch, and I could tell by the tightness of her facial muscles that she was already stretching as far as she ever had.

The pony started getting restless, wanting to thrust into Vanessa, and I stroked his back and flanks to calm him down. She had worked two or three inches in, and her face had relaxed a little as her muscles learned to accommodate this huge intrusion. She continued to stroke the shaft as she moved down to take a little more, and, suddenly, the pony pushed forward another two inches in a single thrust.
Vanessa groaned loudly, and I was concerned that she had been hurt, but it was soon apparent that the groan was of pleasure at being so filled, and she started rocking her hips to lessen the depth of the pony’s thrusts while allowing his penetration to deepen only slightly each time.

Gradually, she worked most of the animal’s length into her depths and let him start fucking her at his own pace. She said he was really hitting bottom and stayed far enough up the crate so that the sling prevented him from going any deeper. She was moaning and calling out from the fullness of her vagina when the pony suddenly let go. With her pussy completely full of pony cock, there was no place for his cum to go but out, and it squeezed between his penis and the walls of her vagina and started pouring forth onto the blanket under her. Vanessa started coming, and the lower part of her body thrashed beneath the pounding of her four-legged lover. With her hands, she scooped up some of the semen gushing from her body and covered her face with it, getting as much as she could into her mouth.

Finally, I backed the pony up a little and helped her crawl out from under him. She lay on the straw of the stable and breathed deeply as I watched the lips of her vagina slowly close to cover the gaping cavern soaked in sperm. When she had recovered, I took her into the house to shower and dress.

Riding back from the farm, she said she had never felt so full in her life, but she still wanted to try the stallion. I reminded her of the difficulty of working with such a large and spirited animal and told her I really did not like the idea. That night, we made love on her large bed, and I was surprised to find that her vagina had returned almost too its original tightness. My entry was a little easier than usual, but the friction was still much tighter than any other woman I had ever fucked. She said that I still felt the same and that she still preferred my cock to any animal but that the feeling of being filled (almost as she was going to split up the middle) was completely different.

She insisted that we try the same sling and crate arrangement with the horse, and I made her promise that she would stop if she experienced any real pain. She assured me she would know if it was not going to work and reminded me that even a horse cock is smaller than a baby is.


A few days later, we were back at the farm just as John was finishing his lunch and preparing to go back out to do some plowing. He asked how our research was going, and Vanessa told him we were learning new things almost every trip, giving me a small smile as she said it.

As John mounted his tractor, he turned and said, “Better watch out around that pony. He has been acting kind of frisky for the last couple of days. I think they’re getting him out to stud none too early.”

We assured him we would be careful and waved as he drove off.

It took a little time to rig the sling under the stallion, and I added a couple of ropes leading back to large posts behind the horse so his forward movement would be strictly limited. When everything was ready (I double-checked everything), she lay down on the blankets with her face alongside the stallion’s cock and stroked and licked him to full erection as I ran the video camera. She smiled at the camera and kept saying how nice the horse’s cock felt and tasted and how badly she wanted him to fuck her. She was putting on a real show for this tape and wanted to be the ultimate slut. She took more of the horse in her small mouth than I would have thought possible (at least four or five inches) and talked about how she would love to have him come in her mouth if she did not have other plans.

By the time Vanessa turned around and put the huge head against the swollen lips of her pussy, the horse was at least sixteen inches long and two and a half inches around. I put down the camera and applied an entire tube of K-Y jelly to the organ and the waiting vagina it would try to invade. Vanessa had the tip inside her almost immediately and pumped the shaft with her hands to ease a little of the massive member between her already stretched lips. There was an intense look of concentration on her face, and I knew she had made up her mind she was going to make this work, somehow.

The horse was dancing around in agitation and obviously wanted to get on with this business, so I petted and soothed him as best I could, and she slowly worked a little more into her tiny body. By this time, the lower portion of Vanessa’s belly was already beginning to bulge out slightly from the mass of firm flesh within, and I could see her progress directly as the bulge moved ever so slowly up her stomach. She took about twelve inches before she groaned out that he had hit bottom and was pressed firmly against her cervix.

I could clearly see the entire length outlined on her belly as she released her grip and let the horse set his own pace. I could not believe what I was seeing. This beautiful, petite brunette was being fucked completely by a full-grown stallion and loving every inch of it. Her head thrashed from side to side as he repeatedly flicked his hips and strained against the ropes of the sling, wanting to release his seed deep into this strange mare.

When the horse started to come, the pressure was too much for her delicate insides, and she quickly moved up on her bed to relieve the pressure. She moved farther than she intended, and when the stallion drew back to thrust, the horse’s cock sprang free of her vaginal grip and began spewing semen the length of her body. She was soon covered from her crotch to the hair at the front of her head, and she opened her mouth wide to catch what she could as her hands went to her pussy to complete her own monumental orgasm.

“I’ve heard about it, but I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes!”

The voice came from behind me, and I spun around to see John standing about ten feet away. I remembered hearing the tractor motor shut off some distance away about ten minutes earlier, but hadn’t given it any thought at the time as I was totally wrapped up in watching and taping Vanessa’s tryst with the horse. John didn’t seem angry, just stunned, and it was clear he had seen the deep fucking Vanessa had been getting as well as the very wet climax. I pulled her out from under the horse and lay her, panting, on the straw. Then, I took John’s arm and led him outside the barn. I apologized for our behavior, explained (truthfully) that the lady was a well-respected teacher, and could not stand the scandal if this were to get out. I asked him what it would take him to forget what he had just witnessed.

He smiled and said, “Look, I don’t even know your girlfriend’s name, and she seems so nice I wouldn’t want to see her get hurt. I don’t suppose there’s any damage to the horse, and I don’t really want anything from you, folks.” He thought for a moment then said, “I wouldn’t mind seeing her get it on with the animals from time to time, and if she’s interested, I would be more than happy to give her a little human loving.”

We visit John once or twice a month, now and he has willingly joined or little ‘party of perverts,’ as he calls it. Vanessa has developed a strong desire for bondage, discipline, and mild S/M, and she has never refused anything John or I have suggested as a new adventure into the limits of her sexuality (if, in fact, she has any limits). John turned out to be a great guy, and Vanessa loves to have him fuck her ass while I fill her pussy or she sucks me off. Our video collection has grown substantially and is stored in a safe place. Vanessa jokingly suggested that I post a couple of stills of her with the horse on a computer bulletin board (her face not showing, of course). I wonder if she really meant it. We will have to wait and see…

The End.

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