Women with Animals

Snow White


(c) by Michioliphant

Part One

Snow White ran through the forest running from the huntsman sent to kill her. Seeing a strange cottage she ducked through the low door, even though far from stately tall herself, looking for someplace to hide. It was a peculiar home. Instead of straight walls it was round. On the far wall was a kitchen. Going clockwise were three beds with three trunks at each foot, and three big pillows next to the beds on the floor. Then the door she came in, then four more beds, four more chests, for more pillows on the floor. In the center of the room as if on d8splay from the tiny beds stood a strange stool with a rail of padded leather up high, a rail of padded leather down low, various bars and beams, cuffs to chains and blindfolds. She thought “What a peculiar alter kneel?” But she needed to hide.

For you see her step mother, the Queen, the Evil Witch of Castle Friendship, was a jealous and spiteful creature. Granted her beauty which had snared the soul of Snow White’s father, the King, was a truly remarkable sight, much like a winter’s sky of light and moon, Snow WhIte despite her name was beauty of the spring sunshine, full sunflowers and lavender. Her wavy hair was black as the deepest mine without torches, her flesh the palest white of new fallen snow, her lavender eyes like the fresh blooms of that name and voice that of the birds in chorus singing hymns to the divine. Snow White was to come of age the next sunrise, take on her full Princess Of The Realm station of the Greatest, most Powerful and Wealthiest Kingdom in all the lands from the Great Sea to the West, to the impenetrable Mountains touching the Sky to the East, from the barren Snowlands of the North to the hot sea waters of the South.

For several years the Queen had consulted her Mirror of Magic “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful, fairest woman in all the lands?” It almost always said “You my Queen are the most

fair in all the land.” If it said otherwise she would send her huntsmen to rape and with knives bespoil the face of whoever the mirror said. This morning at the table breaking fast the Queen asked her mirror he daily comfort “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful, fairest woman in all the lands?” the mirror replied “For one more day you are my Queen, for tomorrow Snow White leaves childhood to womanhood and she shall be the fairest in all the lands for as long as she lives.” Snow White, as all the castle heard the reply and knew full well what was soon to be.

The Queen had smiled evilly to Snow White saying “Step Daughter, great beauty of thy father’s heart, in honor of upcoming celebration go to the forest and return with the mushrooms most dear to thy father, that he might enjoy the feast all the better.” The kitchen wives had dressed her the clothing of a full loved peasant girl, a blousing of sunflower yellow, a skirt of sky blue on a summer day, and wept as Snow White was taken to the Forest, bare of feet to harvest the forest mushrooms for her father, certainly never to return.

Deep in the forest the huntsman stood facing a tree to release his waters and Snow White had fled. She could hear him calling and searching following her tracks as he did the beasts he hunted, hunting her so destined to death, after he first took his reward of her first mating. Thus it was Snow White had found the odd cottage and entered to seek a hiding place.

She looked in the cupboards finding no place of refuge there. She sought to crawl under the odd beds with their tiny mattresses of down feathers and four posts topped with the carved pineapples of friendship, to obtain hiding. But she was too big even though so slight, especially her womanly breasts, and hips wide perfect for babies birthing. Tearful she pleaded aloud “Is there no place a girl child may hide?” A voice responded “I can hide you Snow White, Princess of the Realm.”

She spun circles searching for the master of the voice seeing no man nor beast. From the peculiar alter kneel the voice emerged again. Only then did she see the face carved on the upper padded beam was animated smiling with carved eyes that moved and stared at her “I can hide you Princess. For my naming is Master Bound Tight, and should a girl beast of beauty fair kneel in the manner given to me upon my padding soft, she is invisible to all eyes of evil heart, and full beauty only to my masters.” The face was so pleasant and the voice so reassuring Snow White in innocence and naivety said “Please hide me master Tight? For all say I be a girl of beauty fair. What must I do?”

The face instructed her in all the magical needs. First she must be naked as the day born, her dress stored in the box under the low kneeler. Then she must place feet on the blocks that feet go to rest upon, kneeling on the padded low beam, her legs under the carved wooden beam to keep her safe from stumbling standing too quickly. She must lay across the upper padded beam, breasts hanging free, as much as her tight youthful breasts ever might hang from chest, and grasp the hilts made for resting hands.

She took the position, slipping feet and lower leg under the restraining bar that would keep her from standing upright until she slipped them free, knelt knee to padding, feet resting comfortable on blocks for feet resting. She heard the huntsman near the door and leaned on the upper padded beam quickly pleading softly to Master Tight to hide her. With tight youthful breasts hanging free as much as they ever did so hang before, she grasp in each hand two short hilts perfectly placed and Master Tight said “Fear Not.” Instantly cuffs encircled wrists, ankles, knees and above elbows, more encircled her slim long neck to tighten without pain or wiggle room and across her thin youthful waist. A blindfold magically rose to cover and bind behind her head and as she exclaimed “What wonders!” A padded ball on straps plunged to her mouth securely gagging all speech and sound. Master tight chuckled gleeful whispering “Here comes one of evil intent. Thus bound as you are, he shall not see you, and thus safe you can remain, until my masters come and decide on the demands need of a sneak thief.”

Without sight, blindfolded as she was, she heard the huntsman enter and walk around searching the large room of short stature, bumping head to beams. He muttered “Where are you Snow? How could you hide so? Your tracks clear to here? There is no escape my staff and knife girl.” After suitable search taken three times, even tossing bedsheets and overturning tiny beds he left full fury having lost her.

Snow White waited a long time to assure he was gone, she safe, the in gagging told Master Tight she was safe “Pee eee ee” which without gag might have meant “Please free me.” Master Tight chuckled “Safe you were and safe shall remain Princess, safe until compensation is had.” Unable to move, and not uncomfortable, free of fear and running she felt safe, for she was no sneak thief and the owners of Master Bound Tight would know her as the Princess and unbind her surely. She soon slept.

She woke hearing whistling and sing far off coming dear.

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in our mine the
whole day through
To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what we really like to do
It ain’t no trick to get rich quick
If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick
In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! In a mine!
Where a million diamonds shine!
We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn till night

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up everything in sight
We dig up diamonds by the score
A thousand rubies, sometimes more
But we don’t know what we dig ’em for
We dig dig dig a-dig dig
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It’s home from work we go

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho Hiegh-Ho


Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Heigh-ho hum

The door was heard opened and then shocked men’s voices call out “Who tossed our home so sweet and clean? Who made such mess? Who sought one hiding, kneeling to Master Tight? Who of evil heart did not see beauty fair and bright? What sneak thief has been caught? What beauty fair kneels before us seeking to compensate for safety bound?”

Her blindfold was taken off and before her face stood seven dwarves each with smiling dogs on leash. The first to speak asked questions as he removed Master Bound Tight’s gag from lips “Dear me. I would know this continence seen in hall or market, glen or here, Princess Snow White how come you here?” It was a face familiar from her early childhood “Doc” sometimes called “Diamond friend”, or Magician Grand of Little Stature”. Doc once had been the greatest Magician of the Realm and had counseled her father against marriage to the queen saying her heart evil and intentions fearful. Father had sent him from Castle Friendship under the queens thrall, and she had not seen him after. He looked exactly the same, short just barely 9 hands tall, round of belly and face, spectacles, short white beard with red cheeks, and a tune to his voice.

She smiled seeing her old friend “Doc! Too long has it been Great Magician, best friend of my mother.” He stood back grinning “Indeed Princess. May I introduce my brothers?” He turned making names and introductions:
“This is Grumpy, called so because of his frowning face, dour demeanor and untrusting ways. His dog be Dour Face.”

Snow nodded head saying Good Eventide, he being indeed frowning, his great bulbous nose all quivering in distrust and unhappy. He simply harrumphed.

“This is Happy. Our fattest brother, he called Happy for mirth is his way, and makes all happy, if not by other means as a baker. His dog called Mirth.

Snow did as before to the short, very fat dwarf who grinned wide behind short beard saying “Ni.. nice to meet you Princess White. How wonderful and pretty you are so under the hold of Master Tight.” Followed by giggling more like a happy girl than fat short man.

“This be our brother dear, most called Bashful, but often ‘Fierceness’ too for his silent bravery. This his dog be called No Mercy.”

She in greeting words saw a less fat dwarf than all but one, who blushed bright red and nodded saying “Awe Shucks Pretty Princess, Greeting yes.”

“This dear brother is Dribble, for dribble wet is his constancy and nature. A great nose for moisture he has and can smell from great drippy nose secrets of mine ore and pleasures deep. His beast’s named Wetness.

To the Princess he was a funny creature. His great beard so long Even braided in many tight braids to drag on the ground still. His eyes leaked tears of mirth, his noise dripped drips of clarity, his mouth drooled much into his beard and below him on the floor dripped milky drops from behind beard so thick she knew not from whence.

“This is our eldest brother, older than I. Sleepy or Long Time, slow of speech where once was not. His dog friend called Time Again, for he takes his time and time again.”

Snow saw a once fat dwarf, now loose of skin if still less so fat than before. His beard was as white as Snow Whites flesh and his eyes covered deep by lash and lid. He nodded slowly and spoke the same “Greetings… Princess… Snow…Fair art thou… more naked thus.” She blushed lightly

“And this be our youngest brother, Dopey. He does not speak, and never has. No magician of any kind, he is still Brother if feeble of mind if not of vigor. His dog be called Stupid for he does all of dog need most peculiar. And of course I be Doc your old friend, servant and friend in all things of your mother, and my dog Wisdom Not Want.”

Dopey was hairless from the top of his head to the tip of his ties, sift looking but a miner was probably strong as an ox, his nose was the smallest of all, his eyes huge and bright with a smile as wide as the realm.

Snow greeted each again “It is my great pleasure Dwarves of my fathers mines to meet you, Doc and Wisdom Not Want, Grumpy and Dour Face, Happy and Mirth, Bashful and Mercy, Dribble and Wetness, Sleepy and Time Again, Dopey and Stupid. Could someone release me from Master Tight?”

All the Dwarves scowled, frowned or seemed Embarrassed except Dopey who stood grinning shaking his head. Doc cleared his face clearly embarrassed “While I might remove blindfold to discuss the matters, Master Bound Tight needs his magical payments.” Snow White thought that only fair for hiding her. “I am well known in the castle, that my friends so dear be maids of kitchen and hearth. I take joy in cleaning and changing linens, in what others call wash drudgery I call pleasant times enjoying singing while wringing filth from sheet and all. I am fair of cookery and would happily exchange distaff chore of this cottage so sweet and dear in exchange for refuge. But know I am hunted by the Queen and her huntsman for being fair on the eye.”

Doc sighed “If the payment was mine I would my Princess, and after Master Tights payment our humble cottage is yours to hide from the Queen until safety can be yours. But the Master Tight was enchanted by your mother, and none can alter his demands since her passing. So payment must be made.” Snow White understood Well the laws of enchantment, and truthfully felt honored that she might do so for a creation of her mother’s, saying “Debt is owed and debt there be. So what is demanded of me? For I have no gold to put to palm until I return in safety to the castle.”

Grumpy scoffed sourly “Gold? Gold and diamonds has no use to an enchanted Tightness. You are there until it is fed what it consumes silly….” he muttered after. Snow Was surprised “By what payment then can the debt be paid. The dwarves stood silent, looking at feet, or ceiling, whistling as if hard of hearing, Dopey grinning wider still, Doc coughing lightly, grumpy scowling deeper to say “Best payment your unaccustomed too.” Master Bound Tight spoke up “By fuckery of course.”

Snow White was shocked. As a girl running with maids and castle brood she had seen much Fuckery. As a girl she had lain with plenty of the barn boys and hands in romance blossomed, all the better to be skilled when a Princess enticing a nobleman to marriage with mouth or entrance both. In shock see slowly nodded “With which?” Master Bound Tight chortled “As your mother demanded in my creation, dwarf and dog and man and donkey and any who might see her perform held tight as you are, her great pleasure to be strumpet.”

Snow White watched as all the dwarves removed clothing, hard labored bodies strong and hard if round on round, except Dopy who was skinny and wires with callous on callous. She was amazed as well for each of their cocks was as short as they were to a grown man but wide and hard as any beam of the ceilings, frighteningly wide and round, except Dopy who was thicker than all and longer than the other combined to near drag in the dirt floor. Dribbles was leaking a near steady dribbling stream of milky white thickness from his cock, the previous drips seen now as from that. The dogs all pranced on feet excited with bright red cock tips showing bright in the window lights.

Master Tight raised gag to her mouth when she said “But all? I…” and she could speak no more. Doc got behind her out of sight and licked her until in her pleasure she was moist as a girl used to boys, not men, in fearful trepidation staring at prancing, yelping, talking dogs might be. He stopped and declared her the best taste of any nectar plunged in one thrust balls deep, expanding young Snow beyond dreamt capacity, finding even one so wide, could with great pains enter where she couldn’t believe such girth could be. She screamed loud in her gag.

Soon she was moaning in agony and bliss combined, then soon after solely in bliss. Pain forgotten, eyes closed or aflutter to see dogs who eagerly awaited their turn. She ruminated on her predicament. She knew as all in the kingdom did, that to enjoy the pleasures of her mother’s womb entrance, thighs that seldom closed, all one must do is show her what with. For her mother was Queen of Sluts for a reason. Just as the current Queen was Queen of Darkness for a reason. Snow White had enjoyed the manhood of a few dozen boys, maybe three dozen maids tongue and lips, but never more than one, or at least several hours between. She held onto the hilts and leaned into the padding and rode her bouncing and the magnificent girth within her, all the while wondering what next.

She understood plain the enchanted creature she knelt upon swords “As your mother demanded in my creation, dwarf and dog and man and donkey and any who might see her perform, held tight as you are, her great pleasure to be strumpet.” So the dwarves meant to bring her to pleasure was shocking but understandable. But the dogs? Too? Did mother truly enchant this device for her pleasure bound tight with “dwarf and dog and man and donkey and any who might see her?” Other than Man or woman Snow White had no inclination her mother enjoyed such. But thinking on all was most difficult as other parts of her body called out loudly to be paid attention too.

The Huntsman was rewarded for loosing Snow White in the forest by the Queen pulling out his beating heart and biting it in her rage. She threw his heart on his corpse calling out “Maids. Clean up in aisle one.” She went to her mirror “Mirror Mirror on the wall where is Snow White hiding and what may she need?” The mirror clouded as if entering a smoke the mirror saying “Snow White is found in the cottage of the brother dwarves famed for their debauchery.” The mirror cleared to the scene inside the cottage distorted as if a reflection on a kettle bright. The hated dwarf Doc was pulling free from Snow White’s womb sheath, she restrained in a breeding bench, her mouth gaged as the dwarf’s dog mounted her, scraping her sides with dew claws grabbing hips, and entering her as she wailed in surprise. The evil Queen chuckled “As debauchery and Fuckery is your refuge so shall your remaining days proceed.”

She quickly made a powder of magic and blew it into the mirror saying “Dwarf and Dog and Beast of Field seek this child for seed to breed. Her restraints she call her soul both day and night, her need and desire unquenchably bright. Let her wither neglecting all but this need and die restrained on her mother’s device.” She saw her magic as a cloud be breathed by her step child and waved her hand cackling gleeful the image gone. But so did the dwarf Doc see Snow White inhale the magical cloud. He knew the curse on sight and could not remove it, but simply change its ending saying “By dwarf delights I see this curse and call on magic to relieve the worst. Let ‘Wither Neglecting all but this need’ be ‘Grow in Beauteous Strength in all breeding need’. Let ‘Die Restrained’ be “Grow more fair in beauty and wisdom in.” He smirked seeing the change heeded. Thus the curse in full was altered.

Snow White luxuriated in the dog Wisdom Not Want’s breeding. His hot, red member grew and grew until she squealed with his bulbous knot plunging in and out of her youthful charms. He was longer than Doc or any other cock hitherto in her. He was less given to her care, his fur on her back warm and soft, his drool dribbling in her hair delightful. When bulb grew past passage through the ring of her opening he buried it deep, seating and growing greater yet to breed this bitch. She never felt so completely full and it made her crest past all other pleasures. Her nipples so tight they hurt, responded to the thrumming of her womb sending waves of hunger and need throughout her body. Her toes curled, her eyes squoze tight, her ass puckering and winking delightfully, every muscle pulsed in time to his sprayed seeding. His pointed cock was pressed hard on her inner entrance and she could feel every seed burst to enter her, searching out, seeking a puppy to seed grow. She howled long in pleasures undreamt and slumped unaware of more for several minutes.

She was bred by each dwarf and dog. She enjoyed it all, indeed she begged while gaged for more. She was sore and happy. After Doc and Wisdom Not Want, came Grumpy and Dour Face, who both made her toes curl. Grumpy actually smiled at her. Then Happy, Bashful, Dribble, Sleepy and Dopey. In between each Mirth, Mercy, Wetness, Time again and Stupid. Dribble left her wetter than any dog, and Dopey suckled her breasts after Happy waiting his turn. He couldn’t put his full length in her sadly and Stupid couldn’t find her wombs entrance and so slid into her bung. Still she yearned for the ending exhausted.

As soon as Stupid pulled free, a bell rang out in the cottage and Master Tight released her. All the dwarves helped her free from the bindings and restraints and lay her on a Dopey’s small bed, her legs splayed wide over the sides, sweaty and smiling. “Thank you sweet dwarves. In truth that was far more than I ever imagined a girl could endure. But a promise and debt I shall never neglect. Tomorrow I shall be as maid in this house if you will let me.” And so it was Snow White, Princess of the realm became Maid in the house of the dwarves hiding from the Evil Queen. She lay in bed as she was placed and saw not a drip or drop of all full Fuckery remained on Master Bound Tight by his enchantment, who had devoured his payment for hiding her.

The house sang songs and ate dinner and she wondered at these brothers who just seeded her, short and nearly all hard in fat, with marvelously wide manhoods dangling free between legs. After dinner she felt a desire, unknown to her her natural desire increased by a curse, to take each of her new dwarves friends in her mouth suckling more seed to fulfill an aching need. Then all slept as dogs took turns lapping her gaping lips between spread snow white thighs helping her dreams of debauchery found.


Part Two

In the morning she woke to the dwarfs whistling off to the mine. She rose and made tea then looked about. The cottage was as clean as men achieve, so pretty filthy. So she chose not to bath and went to maiden chores. Soon she had guests. Chipmunks and squirrels, birds and deer, swans and ducks, all came to listen to her sing as she worked, then started helping. Together the linens were stripped, the dishes washed, the counters cleaned and floor swept. She had to laugh watching squirrels sweep dust with their tales. She with her friends went to the river and washed all the sheets and hung them to dry. Then all returned to polish and dust all the furniture.

Buckets were found with mops, her forest friends helped carry buckets from the well and stream, then together walls were scoured and floor scrubbed and water pushed out the door. By the end she was as dirty as the cottage had begun. Filthy. She went to the stream and soaped and scrubbed watched by the banks and branches as she sang with the birds, bathing. Chipmunks clapped, and deer stared, birds twittered and frogs percussed. Squirrels hung from branches and scrubbed her hair. Turtles scrubbed her flesh another clipped her toes with its sharp beaked mouth. Cleaned as never so clean before, she left the stream.

She lay on a small hill watching the sheets fluttering and sang with her wild friends, when suddenly a chipmunk started lapping her labia as another started using paws to rub her extended clitorus. Gasping as desire exploded like fireworks she arched and fell back “Oh Chippity do Da dee”. The chipmunks ran off chittering in delight when the swan flew between her legs and entered her quivering sheath mid-landing. Amazed, astonished, delighted that the tales of Lydia were possible she grasped the bird pulling him deeper who spread wings surrounding her and thrust honking loudly.

The Swan flew off. She lay panting, confused and aroused, knees wide, her secret petals flowered in the sunshine, her nipples like hard wood nails off her breasts wondering “What the fuck?” A stately deer stepped forward his great antlers wide covered in strands of Ivy and mistletoe from a web of such recently stepped through. He nudged her knee wide and licked up her thighs to the flowered secret petals of her wombs gasping maw and said in a deep stately voice “The forest sings for Snow White ‘Dwarf and Dog and Beast of Field seek this child for seed to breed. Her restraints she call her soul both day and night, her need and desire unquenchably bright.’” Hearing the curse she was compelled to call out “Master Bound Tight, Master Bound Tight Thine have need.” The enchanted apparatus came bounding through the grass to settle before her. She was compelled by the curse to once again be bound tight, blindfolded but without gag that she might bellow her joy and needs to the forest.

The great stag mounted her as she screamed in delight so loud she wondered and feared the queen might hear her. As the stag plowed his seed chipmunks hung swinging from her nipples and suckling in turns her button of joy, ripples of flesh thrust from buttocks to hair increasing their sway. As she moaned and groaned screamed and screeched critters of the forest and fields came to her call. Each took turns to help in her cursed need. Stags and donkeys, steer and swans, hunting hounds fled their masters and secretly plowed her to return back as if lost, birds watched and sang or nested in her hair. Rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels and raccoons took their turns, quail too but the dogs and stags her greatest delights. Although sucking a raccoon’s cock with a swan in her bum was secretly especially delightful.

The dwarves came whistling home before dusk in wonder to behold. The linens dried and fresh swaying in the breeze fluttered, as Snow Whites labia did sway as the linens on the line from a long day of fuckery. Yet still insatiable she begged the dwarves to help her as they had last night. They happily agreed and paid her pleasures with dwarf cock and dog cock.

Doc watched Snow White still fresh as a maiden from a bath after obvious great quantities of Fuckery, and wondered about the curse. Dopey was in her bum, Stupid in her quim standing tail to tail. Dribble in her mouth was letting her throat drink her fill and her spasms milk his shaft. Doc looked to a pail cleaned after mopping, full of bright clear stream water and stared hard “Mirrors are found in ways secreted. I call on the queen’s mirror to use this water to view speak. Mirror mirror full wisdom bright, speak with me before it’s night.”

The bucket glowed deep in the water then the magic rose to the surface. The mirror’s face clear like light. “Master Doc. Too long has it been. Tell me some wisdom you hold within?” Doc chortled and stroked his whiskers “Mirror old friend I trust you not, the queens bound your service too long and tight. But between old friends we can discuss, tell me sir this curse’s clinch.”

The mirror smirked “You’ve altered it profoundly nice, where withering was sought you’ve increased delights, as White grows ever more debauched, fucked by creatures insatiably lost, her beauty increases to anger the Queen, soon her beauty so great she won’t be seen. The eyes will behold and thinking go soft, she mounted and bred wherever she walks. Armies were follow and fight for the chance to fuck her, and fuck her, and fuck her much more perchance. Every dog will demand to use of a hole there will be no waiting going to and fro. She to fuck horses and donkeys as taken A to B then every cock nearby shall sieve her dreams.”

Doc thought hard and took fallen mistletoe to the bucket “Water wheel sieve can be turned off, and thus it be this lust must be. Let Snow White Choose four hours a day, to feed the curse with debauchery depraved; then maiden again she might think herself be, for her enemy the queen must be deceived. Let Evil see as evil desires, self deception the Art of the hour. Frustrations may be for none can alter fate, but give Snow White slim chances to thwart the hate. Let her naive faith be forever more, such sweetness and charm, her soul un-deformed.”

The mirrors face arose again “Really? Ok. Fine. But work on the prose man.” He shrugged “I’m a magician not a poet.” The mirror sunk away its voice as soft as the wind “No shit. At least I’m good enough to work with crap.” Doc snorted insulted but let it go taking his turn with Wisdom in Snow White. By eventide even Master Bound Tight was fulfilled, releasing her.


Part Three

The Evil Queen was busy all day making servants miserable threatening them with flaming oil, taking unwilling maidens of the castle to her bed chambers for the glee of hearing screens from her lash and punishing them for weeping while she was having fun. Exhausted she kicked out all and got ready for her sleep when she stood before her magic mirror. She preened reciting her command “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, whose the fairest One of all?”

The mirror came to life, it’s ghostly countenance to see “Lips red as Rose, Hair black as Ebony, Skin White as Snow. Over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh walls, in the cottage of the Seven Dwarves, dwells Snow White The Fairest one of all, made fairer still under Queens curse, as she blossoms fairer with every rut of beastly use.”

The queen boiled, she writhed and wailed, her screeching heard in every mouse hole in the deepest dungeon. She took claw to chairs and tapestry making a fearful mess. “What? How? How? She should be withering and spent as we…. That fucking Doc. I’ll boil his dogs, I’ll turn his limbs to the jewels he pries free, I’ll.. I’ll… I eat his liver with fava beans and onions, Amarone wine and… and… I’ll eat his brains taking his power. I’ll shit on his bones! I’ll… fucking gods of demon lore can nothing go right?” She whirled and whirled and disappeared in a swirl of smoke to appear as a peasant woman fair and plump, motherly full.

After dinner Snow suckled the Dwarves’ dogs as they danced in wonder and giggles, laughter and dribbles around her, singing dwarven songs of debauchery. She fingered her button of swirling fun, legs spread wide while Dopey, using a flash light to peer within her, drooling spittle sighed confused. There was a knock on the door. Dopey answered seeing a human peasant walking away a bottle on the threshold, a note too. He brought it in smiling handing it to his brother’s. Dribbles said “It reads for you Snow White.” She opened the note to read aloud as Happy uncorked the bottle.

Dearest of Dears, my Joy Snow White-
Husband and Me heard your sounds joyful deeds,
So bring just for you
A drink to quench thirsty needs.
A Friend.

Doc saw Happy uncork the bottle and it’s magical plum of poison plain. He reached for whatever and hand, taking Dopey by the collar and tossed him shattering bottle, yelling “Trick of the Queen.” Snow White sighed and went back to the dogs “From these I’ll quench my thirst.”

The queen back in her glorious Evil shape stopped at Rivers edge “Mirror Mirror on The Wall attend me here. Display for me all completed by Bottle Dear.” The cottage room was displayed bright in candle light. She watched all go wrong. So furious she squealed misery, then squatted and peed steaming green bile in the river, killing every fish and wild creature unfortunate to drink in the next hour.

Snow White saw the sun rise on her back, thighs wide as dwarf and dog took turns all night, happy and singing songs the twittering birds sang to the light. The dwarves dragged tired buttocks off to work, sore of peckers smiling bright. Snow napped as birds lapped, and turtles took turns, odd inseminates deep. She roused enough to smile as rodents of every form attempted the same only thereafter to wake startled with full pleasure as the great stag, antlers low in the cottage, door broken asunder, did plow her folds complete saying “Long have I traveled to find White as Snow and find better than foretold.”

Leaking seeds of every beast she got up and danced as the Stag left to dust and mop and launder linens of her small home so dear. She lay near noon in the sun reflecting all light not spoil her visage so white. She greeted dogs and bear and raccoon’s delight, happily in quivering flesh thrown so high, she screamed so loud the castle heard understanding the sound for the tempts to delights.

The line was long when an old hag wandered by selling apples pristine to the eye. She squealed seeing the hag with thoughts of pie to thank her lovers both Dwarf and Dog, Master Tight too. The hag exclaimed she was the fairest creature of her eye and gave her a bushel of apples for pie. Then turned taking the most beautiful biting apple from her folds “Because your pretty, a gift just for your lips alone, deary.” Delighted Snow White took the Apple, took a bite a fell to the ground as if dead.

The hag was swirled in dust and smoke to emerge as the Evil Queen screaming as loud as her lungs could howl “I Win!”

That’s how the dwarves found Snow White. Laying on the grass near the door, a line of Swans plowing her folds attempting to rouse the not dead Snow back to life. They grieved, they wept, their dogs howled despondent, the forest joined in a great commotion of misery and loss. The dwarves laid her on bed in the cottage finding though appearing dead, she breathed ever so softly, cursed. They built a crystal coffin to watch her sleep, and with docs magic made her not waste but await for the best of touches, true loves kiss, from a prince worthy of so delicate, so naive and so sweet a creature of debauchery ever could be under heaven’s canopy.

The evil queen was chased from the castle by every villager and the kings men with pitchfork and sword, torches and oil. Only to fly away as a great lizard of wings screeching in flames burning the castle to the ground.

Princess and kings from all around came and kissed her lips, all to no response. Farmers brought huge boars named Charming and Prince who bred her and kissed her lips of red rose to no response. Donkeys and dogs, rodents and swans, turtles and cattle all were brought to no response. Years passed, her in her crystal coffin or held tight by Bound Tight for every creature of forest and desert, of swamp and river from crocodiles to elephants to camels and snow white bears from the far north attempted to breed her and wake her from the curse. More years passed and still the dwarves kept grief’s vigil for the pretty princess they found they loved so dear to waken.

A thousand years and day later the great stag of the forest with Antlers festooned with moss and Ivy, mistletoe and starlight came. All creatures bowed low for the Stag, so godlike, commanded such glory. The forest creatures sang songs for all to hear and understand to “Prince Charming of the Woods”. The dwarves put her to her enchanted bench where she lay unbound. The stag kissed her rose lips taking the sliver of apple therefrom. He saw her strawberry bright nipples explode large, in lust denied; he watched her lips from untold rutting now long, stretched near her knees flower as the pink rose and mounted Snow White breaking the curse, true loves kiss deep in her sheath of pink and snow.

“And there, children, she can be found to this day, stabled outside a fallen cottage of crumbled dust, now 9 thousand years plus. Mounted daily by every creature of the earth, grown ever time more beautiful more maiden bright, naive of evil and scorn, her great lover The Stage Prince Charming standing in love’s guard and adoration, every dogs delights, every camels kisses and elephants long trunks buried deep to discover true love in the hearts of beast. Every Lydia’l Swan bringing joy and every chipmunk playing swing from strawberry nipples.“

“Is there a moral? Of course child. Never listen to evil, never envy, never suckle greed’s tit, especially for pretty flesh. Otherwise you’ll loose all like the queen, but instead do as Snow. Ignore shame and despair, ignore all but Sweetness, Naivety and Debauchery. Take every cock of every kind every time of every offer and live long and happy.“

“Now git. I’ve got me some moonshine to deliver; over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh walls, to the stables of the Seven Dwarves.” Henry the oldest harrumphed “What a crock of…” his father stood tall his antlers high “Watch that mouth Dog boy, now git, take your brother chipmunk boy and sister pig girl with you.” They barked chattered and grunted away. From the corner his wife said “Hey Stag, how about a goat girl before you leave?” His sparkling eyes said all as he milked her long udders so exactly like her kind, murmuring “Thank god for your mother Snow White.”


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