Men with Animals

How I discovered the people in my life who are Zoophiles


(c) by Cluffy1

Chapter One – Me first

As a younger guy, I often thought about sex. This then quickly led from porn on the internet, to the girls in my life. At the time it was my black lab, Zedd. We got her from a family whose kids had allergies. With longish black fur and a face that looked like a German Shepard. She was great to play with and is a great lay to this day. But it was her first heat that I will never forget. I wasn’t able to get inside of her at that stage but it was an amazing experience. She was always wanting to be fingered, rubbed, and licked. It took a while to sort out where her bits were and how she wanted to be touched, but she made it easy for me and I remember that week every time I’m buried in her now.

The second girl was my aunty’s husky. She was a far northern breed with very long, puffy grey/black fur. She wasn’t very big. Maybe 2 feet tall at her shoulders. But was Tall enough for me. At the time, my Dad and I were redoing our bathroom and were using my grandmother’s place to shower at night. My Aunty had moved south, which meant that my grandmother now had my aunty’s husky, Sabrina. Which was good because I just played with her while I waited for my turn to shower. One night though, she was in heat and her pussy was very large. It looked great, almost like it was framed by puffy fur.

I decided to have a go with her and found a dark corner outside on the veranda. Dad just got into the bathroom and my grandma was inside cooking. So I knew I had some time to myself. I got behind her and started rubbing her pussy. Her tail lifted up. I pulled my cock out from my pants and put the head of it at her pussy.

With my head just starting to separate her vulva, I pushed. Nothing, she was too tight. I pushed harder, grabbing her hips while I kept trying. Still nothing. I leaned back and looked at the head of my cock just inside of her.

Then I saw her vaginal muscles flex and she stepped back. I sighed. That is also a feeling and experience I will never forget. Only my head went in. But in my head, in was in. The sight of my cock in her pussy made me orgasm straight away. Still no ejaculate, but damn it was good. I still wanted to fuck her though. Pushing in again, I watched as my cock got slowly swallowed by her swollen pussy. As soon as I reach my limit I pulled out again at the same slow pace. Admiring the Sheen that my cock now had. Her wet pussy lips opened wider for the head of my cock to see the light.

BAM, another orgasm hit, even harder this time. As it passed I knew I was done for now. But also knowing that this is something that I was going to do every time we are back at my grandmother’s place. I continued with her even after she passed her heat cycle. She got tighter after that, but not too tight for me to fit in.


Chapter Two – Dad and Bob

My dad had a few horses come over from the guy next door. He said that they were staying for a few weeks while their stables were being repaired. The two mares and one gelding all looked nearly identical. All short fur with long manes and tails, chestnut brown all over, and four socks on each of them. The only way to tell them apart was the slight difference in each of the white patches on their noses. Nothing special just one a bit larger than the last.

I would watch the mares for long periods of time, just watching and trying to see a flicker of that amazing vulva that I saw on the first day, as they were backed off the trailer. After a couple of days, I couldn’t help myself. By this stage, I was not happy with not being able to penetrate my black lab(she was still too small) and Sabrina had moved down with my Aunty. So I decided that tonight I would Wait until late and go out to the shed to visit them. I set my alarm and went to bed.

After the first few beats of waking up, I was pumped to get outside. Sneaking through the house I quickly got to the door and made my way out. As I walked down the veranda stairs I found the gelding just outside the shed and assumed the others must be inside. I looked around the corner to see both mares eating a flake of hay that had been put on the ground. That’s handy I thought. Thinking they had raided the hay stash. I continued walking in and was startled by the noise of something dropping to the ground. I panicked and run behind the hay bails and stayed still, keeping my head down and breathing slowly.

A light came on and lit the corner of the shed up. I could see the shadow of the two horses on the wall. Then I saw the third shadow of a person. Curious, I looked over the bails to see a man, putting a milk crate on either side of the mares rears and then placing a plank of wood on top. He stepped up and started to pat the mares on the rear before lifting one of their tails. I watched in amazement as he took out his cock and started rubbing it on her rear. I want to do that, I thought to myself as the man stopped and let out a sigh.

“Ahhhhh, Bob was right. You are tighter than you look, Snowflake.”

I realize while I’m telling this story that I should have realized it was my dad, but at that moment my mind was not in a state or at an age to come to that sort of conclusion.

Snowflake had the middle-sized white patch and crystal was the one next to her who had the largest one. I didn’t know what to do. My dad was now fucking one of the mares and I was overwhelmed with excitement. But also lost as to what I should do. I wanted to keep watching him with Snowflake but also wanted to try myself and thought he might help me.

I decided to leave it for tonight and see if I can have a go myself tomorrow night. I spent the rest of the night watching as Snowflake got fucked by dad. She seemed to really enjoy it, taking a step back towards dad. He then stopped and went over behind crystal, lifted her tail, and started with her. I was rock hard watching this and orgasmed. He finally finished with another sigh.

“Bob has broken you in well, Crystal. But Snowflake does get wetter,” he said in a passing comment as he packed up the little bench he made and showed the two mares outside again.

“Here you go, Ice Pick. They are all yours again,” he said to the gelding pushing both of them outside.

By this time it was about 3-4 AM and dad went back to bed. I waited and then did the same. The next morning we were both up at 7 and did the normal morning routine. Bath, breakfast, etc. as I got ready for school I looked out at the horses. Curious I went out and had a closer look.

“Dad,” I called from outside.


“What is that there?” I said pointing to a dried milky/clear substance all over snowflakes rear. Not producing any cum myself, I had never seen what it looks like dried out.

“I’m not sure. I’ll take you to school and I’ll get this lot cleaned up,” he quickly replied.

I did end up having ago with snowflake and crystal, but it wasn’t until 3 days before they left that I finally got that chance. No penetration again but my tongue’s strength and endurance were getting better.


Chapter Three – Testing the waters

The three days I spent with Snowflake and Crystal really opened my eye to mares. I become mare obsessed and still am to this day. After the girls went back to Bob’s place I started to work out how I could sneak over there at night. Being our neighbor I didn’t think it would be too hard but it was at least 5 km between our house and the stables.

So after still not being able to get into my black lab and really getting into mares, I spent a few days working out how to get over there. I started riding my bike up and down the road, around the hills and gullies and all over the place really. I kept doing this for about 2 weeks. I then started going later and later. All in the plan to get to be over by the horses late enough to have some fun with the girls.

So Bob’s house wasn’t on the same property as the stables. The horses had a 50-acre lot to themselves and then bob’s house block was about 10kms away on a nice little block next to the river. After riding my bike for the 3rd week in a row down the road. I noticed that bob got there about 3 pm and left again about 4 pm and then didn’t come back for the night. Well at least didn’t come back till 7 pm. Which was the latest I’d been out there for so far.

The block was in a quiet place with only bob coming to feed the horses and dad and I coming up the driveway to our house. The only other road was a highway that ran north to south along the eastern side of the block the horses were on. Bob had planted heaps of gum trees down the highway side years ago. Now they must be 30 meters tall. He also planted little half bush, half-tall trees in between each one of the gums only a few years ago. But together they formed a very good barrier between the highway and the paddock.

On the last day of my 3rd week of riding my bike. Which happen to be the Tuesday my dad got a new job. I decided to be adventurous and go and visit the horses to see how they would react to me and maybe even get a glimpse of those amazing mare parts I’ve been thinking about since they left.

The access to the stables was off of the driveway that led to my dad’s place. Handy in the fact that no one would see me ride in and that I would see anyone who came in easy and be able to go around the back and ride down the road to getaway.

So it was time to have my first visit with the girls. I’d been here before when dad had brought me over to visit bob. He had a little bush kitchen set up to have coffee and tea and a campfire and some pots and pans to cook on. He used it as his entertaining area years back but he hasn’t used it all for a while now. Everything has dust on it except the teapot, spoons, and a few coffee mugs.

I walked in the gate and pushed my bike to the back of the stables. Just in case I needed to getaway. So as you come through the gate, There are 3 buildings. One straight ahead, as you go through the gate. Which has the highway behind it. It’s mostly shed space for hay, grooming stuff, and general tools including the mower and tractor and that sort of stuff. The building to the right is a small set of stables with a car park on the front of it and then that leaves the big set of stables that are on the left. They are the ones with the mares in them and you can tell they’ve just been painted bright white. They almost glow in the dark they are that bright.

I was curious as to what was in the little stables because I heard some rustling of hay but I was too keen to see crystal and snowflake. I walk up to the front of the bright white stables and do a kissing noise. The rustling of hay stops in all of the stables. The three horses that visited my dad’s place popped their heads out of the windows in each of their stables and looked at me.

Two of them put their heads back down and continued eating but the one closest to me kept looking at me. I walked to the window and put my hand out. I looked at the white patch of it head and noticed it definitely wasn’t the smallest patch which means it had to be one of the mares. Then the horses next door looked up again and I compared the marks and worked out it was crystal with her big white patch and snowflake was next to her.

As crystal sniffed my hand and let it touch her nose I looked over to snowflake and just had a look over her As I patted crystal. I ran my hand down her neck and rubbed it and then down her back. I rubbed at the base of her tail. It’s as far as I could reach through the window and the way she was facing. I tried to get a look at that amazing pussy but I couldn’t without going into her stable. I didn’t want to do that on the first visit. This was just a test visit to see how they would react I reminded myself and kept patting her.

I moved on to Snowflake. Same thing. Put my hand out for her and once she’s sniffed it and let it touch her nose I then started patting her neck, then to her back, and slowly make my way to the base of her tail. I was in the same position. With both horses having their body’s along the window. As soon as I got to their tails I couldn’t see past the end of the window to see anything more. I was a bit frustrated but reminded myself again that it’s just a test visit and I kept patting.

I went back and forth from crystal to snowflake and back. Give the gelding a bit of a pat as well just so he didn’t feel left out. After 3 times back and forth I thought it was time to leave. So I headed back to where I put my bike. I caught a glimpse of a tail swishing as I walked back from the little set of stables and decided to see what was in there. I looked into the window and I saw another horse. This one was little though. A miniature. I made the kissing noise and it looked at me and came to the window. As it turned it had a little foal with it. This was exciting in two ways. One it had to be a mini mare and the little foal was so cute that I couldn’t wait to pat it.

As she got to the window I put my hand out once again. Let her sniff it and touch her nose. She was facing me through the window so I had no chance of reaching any further back than her neck but she seemed to enjoy the neck rub. Her little foal, which must only be a few days old. Was trying to get milk from her while I was rubbing her neck. The foal turned to face its butt towards me, rammed its head into the mare’s udder, and started drinking. As soon as it started sucking, its tail started swishing side to side.

I couldn’t help myself and had to look and I got a look at this little foal’s vagina. I got a hard-on straight away. It was like a little Oreo that I wanted to stick my tongue in. I kept looking at The little foals vagina as I rubbed the mare’s neck. Both the mother and foal were light brown but not quite pally colored with black manes and tails. After seeing the little foal’s vagina I had to see the mares.

I kept patting her a bit longer and then moved to one side of the window to get her body to go along the window. After a few attempts and her moving bit by bit, I was able to get her back to run along the window and I patted her neck and then down her back and down to her tail. Because of her size, I could actually run my hand down the length of her tail. I did this. Slowly to make sure she was ok with it. I go about halfway down and leaned over the window frame and moved her tail to the side. OMG, it was like a bigger version of her foals. I guessed it was still a bit puffy from birthing the foal but it was still amazing.

I was so close to that little mare’s vagina that I had to see if I could touch it. My hand that was holding her tail to the side was close already so I simply let go of the tail and put my hand on her butt cheek and slide my hand under her tail. As I touched the side of her valva her tail started to raise up and I could see it again. Excited I put my fingers on either side of her little slit and pulled it open. Her tail raised a bit higher and I looked in amazement as the cherry red inside of her vag shined through.

I continued and placed a finger at her slit and started to push in. Knuckle by knuckle my hand slipped into her amazing mare vagina. This got me over-excited. I stopped and went to the side of the stable where another window was and climbed it. The mare met me at the other window and I kneeled down In front of her and her foal and patted them both as they sniffed me up and down.

I slowly got up and started patting the mare again working my way down to her rear. I got to her tail again and she seemed happy with what I was doing so I put my hand under her tail again and got my finger where it was before to see her reaction. She raised her tail again and put her head up from the hay she started eating. I moved my finger around and then further in. Her tail went up again. So with that, I thought this was the time I could get my first time with a mare.

She was perfect as well. Even as a mare she was just the right height for me. I got my rock-hard cock out. The head was soaked with Precum and I put the head of my dick on her amazing pussy as I stepped behind her. She raised her tail again but this time seemed to spread her legs. I looked down at my dick sitting on top of this most perfect of vaginas and couldn’t wait to feel it swallow me.

I felt a tingle run down my spine and I felt my toes curl but in a good way. Then I watched as a stream of cum came shooting out of my cock. Straight onto the little ass and lower back of This little mare. God, it was something I’d never felt before. And the look of my cum all over the back end of the little mare made me want more.

I hadn’t moved much since I came. So my dick was just sitting on the lips of her vagina. I grabbed the end of it and moved the head of my dick a little up and down till the lips made the head disappeared.

My dick felt amazing. I could feel the heat from her pussy and it was so wet. I was so wrapped up in all of these new feelings and sensations. I looked down again to watch my dick disappear completely as the little mare moved back. Gone, my dick was as deep as it would go in one push back. I pulled it back out to see my cock now had a thin yellow slimy film on it all the way up to the base of my dick.

a little note. I now know my dick struggled to fit in my lab because of the size of my dick. My dick was 3/4the size of the ruler I used for school and was my pinky finger wide( 9” long/2” wide) I should have known my dick was too big for my lab. back then but I figured a dick is a dick. It must fit and it did fit in my lab eventually.

I pushed back into her. My dick disappearing again. In and out. In and out. I continue. Each time pushing in a bit harder than the last. I jammed it in as hard as I could. The little mare leaned back into me and we met in the middle with a slapping noise as my hips slammed her ass cheeks.

Slap, slap, slap, slap. As the little mare and I kept pushing into each other. Until I couldn’t hold myself back. I pushed hard into her as I felt another load of cum squirt from my dick. My legs shaking and almost feeling like I was getting lightheaded. I leaned back and watched as I pulled my dick from her. Her pussy lips opened a little more as the crown of my dick head came out through her perfect pussy lips.

As my dick fell out. I dribble of cum followed it and fell to the ground. The little mare kept her tail up and took a step back. Looking and realizing what had just happened and how I knew that I’d just found my addiction.

I sat on the ground and leaned up against the wall and just looked at her pussy and butt with white cum all over it and now coming out of her as well. After turning around. The little mare put her nose to my chest. I started patting her and thanked her. Her foal came up to me as well. So after petting the pair of them for a fair while I realized that I’d better get back before dad thinks I’m lost or hurt from my bike ride. I thanked the little mare again, Got on my bike, and went home.

After that afternoon/ night. I started visiting the little mare a fair bit. To the point that on school holidays I was there most nights. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time on my bike and got a lot fitter. Think the Xmas break in 2007( live in Australia. So that’s our summer holiday period) was definitely when I turned from boy to young man. Between the fitness gains and visiting that little mare. Life was becoming perfect.


Chapter Four – Well Trained

It had been about a month since I first started visiting the mares at bob’s stables. I visited that little mare as much as I could. When bob had to go away for a week. I got the job of feeding them while he was gone. So every day for a week, the little mare And I would have sex throughout the day. As many times as my dick could handle. I’m sure that little mares pussy was almost overflowing with cum. A few times during the week I would ride down that road to the little mare, to find that my cum was still dribbling out of her. Which only made me want to give her more. I remember starting to try and beat the previous day’s record and to this day I still remember 14 was the highest number I got with her.

That poor mare must have been sick of me. But every time I showed up, she would meet me at the window, sniff my hand and then pull her head away for me to pat her.

We got into a routine and by Tuesday. the day that bob was due back. she would meet me at the window. I’d pat her and she would then turn to her food bucket and her tail would rise ever so slightly. Honestly, I was living in a dream. This Would definitely count in my top 5 periods in my life.

So it was Tuesday and bob was due back. Dad had gone to work and by this stage, I had gotten my license and was told to pick up bob from the airport. I was happy with this because turns out I liked driving to town. Mainly because there were a few mares and minis on the drive into town. My version of a scenic route.

I went to the little mare 4 times that morning. Figured I’d better get all I can get while bob is away. That said though I tried again a few times with the bigger mares, crystal, and snowflake. But again I just couldn’t get past oral. I started using crystal and snowflake as a pastime in between cumming in the little mare most times. The little filly was never far away from her mum either so it was exciting to be inside the little mare while looking over at the filly. I did get curious but at that stage, I was all about being with that little mare.

So it had just about come time for me to go a get bob. The drive into town was about 20-25 minutes so I got ready and started the drive. As I said before. The driveway to my dad’s place ran along the back of bob’s stables. as I drove past I couldn’t help myself. I stopped at the gate and had to go in for one more.

I walked Over to the little mares window and we started as we normally did. She met me at the window, I patted her on the neck and back. then she turned, put her head in her feed bucket, and like every other time, her tail lifted. Only a little bit. Maybe 1-2 inches but it was enough for me to get excited and hard.

I started by licking her. Up and down, side to side, and then putting the tip of my tongue in her pussy lips and going up and down again. I’d do this till she held her tail to the side. Quite often I would taste and/or see my cum dripping out of her from the last session. Then I would get up and pull my pants down. My dick would spring to attention as the top part of my pants let my dick fly up. Then grab my dick and rub it up and down her. Using the old cum as lube.

Pretty much every time on the 3rd or 4th run up and down her pussy lips, they would open up and the head of my dick would go in. With that. I’d let go of my dick and with her tail in one hand, I’d put my hands on either side of her butt and slowly push in. Every time it was like the first time. Overcome with feelings and sensations. My hips would hit her butt, I’d reposition myself and then start fucking her.

Watching my dick each time come out to the head and then back in. my dick getting wetter and wetter with each thrust into her amazing vag. Her little pussy lips would almost cling to my dick as I pulled it out. But then, somehow, magically, open up and let my dick slide in with ease as I pushed back into her.

I got faster and faster. Looking down, I could see the stains on the little mares’ back legs from all of our previous times together. I grabbed the little mare’s butt tight and started pushing into her hard. So hard that her butt cheeks wobbled as our bodies slapped together. With each clap. I stopped and slowly pulled my dick out. Watching as her gorgeous, and now soaking wet pussy lips would move up and down over the veins of my dick. As the head of my dick comes to the surface. Her lips would open wide. I’d then ram it back in hard with a slap to watch her butt cheeks wobble.

Over and over again. Repeating this action. The little mares rear legs started to lower and her tail is now straight up in the air and hanging over my shoulder. She lets go a fart and a squirt comes out from around my dick and shoots out behind us. I couldn’t hold back any more….


I yelled. Jamming my dick in her as far as it would go. Feeling each shot of cum shoot hard out of my dick into the little mare.

Pulse, after pulse, after pulse of cum shot out of my dick. The little mares vag squeezing down on my dick making my dick head flare inside her with every clampdown she did. I was in heaven and didn’t want to leave. But I had to. I pulled out and went to the little mares head and pat her and kissed her on the nose. Her little filly came over and I did the same to her. I then made my way back to the car and headed into town.

As I was driving I got a few whiffs of cum and horse. As I pulled up at the passenger pick-up, I opened the grove box, pulled out some deodorant, and filled the car with it. “Well. Better than nothing,” I said to myself as I put the can back. Bob walked out of the airport doors, looked side to side, noticed my car, waved, and started walking over.

He walked fast for an older guy. He was maybe 60-70 at this stage and was always dressed in a button-down Long sleeve shirt, jeans, belt, and boots. The only thing that Would change is the pattern of the shirt and if it was black or brown boots that day. He put his bag in the back of the car and jumped in with me.

“Hey, young fella, how are you today?” he asked as he was putting his seat belt on.

“Good, Bob. How about you? How was the flight?”

“Yeah, good. Nothing interesting happened so guess that’s a good thing on a plane I guess.”

“This is very true,” I said as I put my belt on and started the car. “You need to stop anywhere in town before we go home?”

“Yeah-Nah. I’ve got everything I need young fella. We can go straight home,” Bob said.

We pulled out of the park and started making our way back home. We chatted about The usual things. Weather, the traffic, his flight, and what he did while he was gone. He went to a friend of his to see about a new horse. His friend trained it and said that he went down there to check it out.

“Oh, that’s cool. What did he train it to do” I asked

“It’s a stallion trained to do shows,” he said

“You want to do horse shows?”

“No, I don’t think so. But Icepick is not doing his job with Snowflake and Crystal. So this one will be bred with those two and Icepick can go into early retirement.”

“Oh ok, so why did you want it to be trained,” I asked a bit confused.

“Oh, that wasn’t intentional. Just makes it easier to handle him in my opinion. This stallion was just the one that Steve prepared for me. He hasn’t done incredibly well at shows, so got him cheap,” Bob said

“Who’s Steve?”

“Oh that’s my friend’s name who I went to visit,” Bob said

“Ahh, I see. So when is the new stallion showing up?”

“I have to go and get him in 2 weeks’ time. Your dad and I were going to go down but you can come to if you want,” Bob muttered as we continued to make our way through town.

“Yea that would be great. I’ll ask dad”

“Ok good. We’re going to take the miniature and her foal down with us anyway. So if you come with us. we can just put the other 3 horses out into the big paddock for a bit” he said with a bit of excitement

“Yea that would be great, be a nice drive as well. Why are you taking the mini and foal?” I questioned

“He’s going to show me some stuff with the mini and how to use her. I bought the mini off of Steve as well. they’re both trained by him”

bob continued “I think Steve said that her filly is old enough to start the initial training as well. So not sure if we will leave her there with him to finish training her or not. But will see what he says.”

“Oh wow, that’s good. So they will all be trained to do shows?”

“That’s the plan. Oh well, just the mini, her foal, and the new bloke,” Bob said as he smiled and pointed out an old car driving past.

“So you want to breed Crystal and Snowflake with the new guy?” I asked

“Yea, that’s the plan,” Bob exclaims as he turns to look out the window of the car at a pair of ponies on the side of the road.

“They’re cute, eh?” I said noticing that he was looking at them.

“Yea, They are. Palomino’s just look great,” he said.

We made it to the stables. Bob got out and went over to Crystal, Snowflake, and Icepick. He said hello to them and started patting each. I found it a bit funny when I saw Crystal’s tail start to raise a bit as Bob was patting her. I remembered how dad said that Crystal so got wet and that he said about Bob breaking her in well. I didn’t realize what that meant at the time but figured it had to do with him having sex with her.

After patting the three big horses he went over to the little mare and her foal. She met him at the window.

“Hello, Sophie. Did you miss me?” He said to the little mare as he patted her back. “Looks like you’ve had plenty of attention by the looks of this,” Bob said pointing to her butt.

“What’s that?” I said trying not to let on it was me.

“Her fur on her back legs is very crusty,” as he ran his hand over her butt.

“Was this you or your dad?” Bob said as he moved her tail to look at her vag. “Look, there’s still cum coming out of her!” he said with surprise.

I didn’t know what to say…

“Come on now. Your dad told me about you. He saw you, with your head under Crystal’s tail one night,” he said with a grin

“I don’t know what to say. I didn’t know dad knew or you,” I said to him.

“Yea. I know about you and your dad. That’s one of the reasons I asked you to feed them. Your dad knew about the mini and wanted to see if you would go there with her and I think you definitely did,” he said as he laughed.

“Oh wow. I didn’t know. I saw dad one night in the shed with Crystal and Snowflake and wanted to try it,” I said while looking at the ground.

“All good, young fella. But a tip for the future. If a little mares’ rear legs are covered in crusty and matted fur. That’s a dead giveaway,” Bob replied laughing

“How do you know it wasn’t dad?” I questioned

“No, well, your dad is a lot bigger than me. He found Sophie very tight. He enjoyed it if I went first to loosen her up, I guess you’d say. But otherwise, he would just go to Crystal or Snowflake,” he explained.

“Oh wow, she’s the perfect size, I think,” I exclaimed with a big smile on my face.

Bob smiled. He lifted Sophie’s tail and looked at her cum covered vag. “So far so good, young lad. Think you’re going to enjoy it around here. I know your dad did when he first started here.”

To Be Continued…


Webmasters Note: One of the common issues with amateur erotica writers is often they run out of steam, and they don’t complete their stories. This is due to writing in ‘seat-of-your-pants’ style. As the sexual arousal from writing the story wears off, so does their interest in completing it. We can’t do anything about this, sorry, as authors offer their content for free we take what we’re given. Other erotica writers are welcome to take up this series where the author has stopped.

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