Men with Animals Women with Animals

Dog Lovers


Chapter One

I found a note on the refrigerator when I got home from school. My mom was going to the mall with a friend after work and would be home around six. I could have a sandwich and some cookies, the note said, but only a few. Being a sixteen year old boy like I was didn’t mean a whole lot to my mom. She still treated me like a little kid.

My dad was at work and he didn’t get home until about six thirty. My older sister, Candice, had cheerleader practice until five and she never came home right away. She was seventeen and everyone called her Candy. I wouldn’t see her until at least six o’clock, probably seven, when we had dinner every night.

I had thee hours all to myself and I wasn’t gonna waste time making a sandwich.

“Goddess!” I whistled and she came running. My two year old yellow lab would have come sooner, but I’d been quiet and she’d probably been sleeping on my bed. It was really her bed, too, since we slept together.

She’s a beautiful dog. The most beautiful dog in the whole world, I think. Nearly full grown then, Goddess was pretty big. Not huge, but very healthy, and since I wasn’t a particularly large teenaged boy, we were a good match. I bet she weighed about seventy-five pounds maybe, and Goddess wasn’t fat. She was lean and muscular. Her short, golden fur seemed to shimmer as her muscles moved beneath it. Her eyes were large and brown mostly, with just a bit of amber around her black pupils. Goddess had intelligent, curious eyes and she wasn’t afraid to stare into mine.

A lot of dogs will look away from a person, but not my Goddess. She wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything and I liked the way she always moved with her head high, you know? She was obviously proud and had every right to be. When she came into the kitchen, she didn’t scamper like some silly pet. She sauntered in, slowly and deliberately, lifting her paws high like a pony might prance. I hadn’t taught her that. I hadn’t taught Goddess anything. That’s just the way she was.

She regarded me silently for a moment and I smiled at her. This was what I’d been waiting all day for, to come home and be with her again. After a moment, Goddess turned in a slow circle, showing herself to me and twisting her head, watching me all the while. It was an invitation, or flagging, as they say, because she knew we were alone. She was impatient too, like I was, but so much more disciplined than me. Her personality wouldn’t let her be rushed into anything and I only knew she was eager because I knew her so well.

Goddess made her circle and half of another, so that she stood there with her long tail up and only barely moving. It was her only concession to the excitement she felt at my return and I knew she couldn’t help it. I noted her narrow hips, admiring the small indentations formed by the powerful muscles in her thighs. I loved the way her back legs were straight and slightly spread, the way she seemed to stand tip-toe with her bony heels off the floor.

I moved to my knees and put my hands flat on the kitchen linoleum. I crawled to her, the way I’d done so many times before, and Goddess watched me over her shoulder. Her ears were perked and pointed, twitching with interest, and I thought I saw her tremble with anticipation as I approached. I took a deep breath and all I could smell was my Goddess. A sweet odor that was barely discernable at first, but as I got closer it became stronger. Not a pungent smell like when she went into heat, but the faint musk that was always hers. I opened my mouth and tasted her on the air, savoring my own anticipation. She didn’t move from me, but merely lifted her tail even higher.

Tilting my head to the side, I pressed my nose against the odd shaped vulva of her sex. It felt soft and warm, reminding me of a tulip bulb turned upside down. Goddess had a long wisp of blonde hair curling downward from the tip and I touched it with my tongue, trying to remain calm. My heart stammered and I shook with excitement. My cock strained for release in the confines of my pants. I kissed her pussy and dragged my tongue upward, feeling her like a tiny, velvet pillow. I found the entrance to her womb and tickled Goddess with the tip of my tongue and she rewarded me with a small push, thrusting herself against my mouth.

This was our ritual, the one Goddess had taught me. I would smell and taste her first, while I fumbled blindly to undo my belt and open my jeans. I kissed her pussy and licked it, and when I could stand it no longer, I opened my mouth and took her vulva carefully inside. Goddess liked it and she made soft sounds of pleasure while I nursed on her pussy. It seemed the most delicate thing in the world to me and I explored her familiar shape with my tongue. I bathed her sex with my warm spit, gently suckling as if I had a bit of cotton candy melting in my mouth.

Finally, I’d freed my swollen cock and I stroked it slowly, desperate for my orgasm, but not wanting to waste a drop. I swallowed my spit and used my tongue to penetrate Goddess, being ever mindful of my teeth and determined as always to give her only the pleasure that she deserved. I opened her pussy slowly with the tip and a soft growl of pleasure issued from her throat. Goddess stood her ground and moved her hips, pressing herself against my intrusion. She always enjoyed this part a lot and I felt her vagina opening, immediately offering me the full flavor of her passion.

If I told you that Goddess tasted faintly bitter, slightly oily with a pinch of salt perhaps, you might imagine that I didn’t enjoy it. But I did. For me, her lovely pussy tasted sweet and wonderful, like honey stained with urgency. She was a delightful confusion to my senses and I pushed my tongue inside her as far as I could, wriggling it against the soft walls of her vagina. I wished I had a proper tongue then, a long one with which I could fill her completely. I wanted to taste the very limits of her cunt and lick her cervix. I wanted to reach into the smoldering heart of her womb and kiss her there.

That thought was destined to make me cum if I wasn’t careful, and so after too few minutes of pleasing Goddess with my mouth, I pulled reluctantly away. It was time and we were both ready for it. I finished undressing, quickly while Goddess bent her nose to her cunt, sniffing and licking at the place my own tongue had so recently been. I tossed my clothing aside, careless of our surroundings. The kitchen was hardly the place for our lovemaking, but I didn’t care. I liked the idea, in fact, and Goddess and I had been systematically enjoying our sex in every room in the house. I would remember this afternoon every time I sat down to a meal at my mom’s table, and that bit of wanton wickedness made me smile.

I mounted Goddess quickly and she didn’t protest. She was eager and shaking, barking now with her excitement. She could smell my cock, my arousal as it dripped from the swollen head of my penis to the floor. I knelt behind her and stroked her flanks, grabbing gentle fists of her luxurious fur. My cock pointed straight out and it was so perfect for us that way. I barely had to guide myself in, taking my cock in my hand and finding her pussy with the tip easily enough. Goddess seemed too small for me at first, she always did, but we knew what we were doing. Goddess would stretch easily around me and I gasped as I felt my cock splitting her tight cunt.

I went slowly at first, more than Goddess would have liked, but only because her wonderful anatomy required it. The way her pelvic bones were formed created a narrow opening and I had to angle my cock upward slightly, pressing inward and feeling not just the hot clasping muscles of her sex, but beneath them, the rigid structure of her bones. Thrusting into Goddess recklessly, as I’d done too often in the beginning of our relationship, would hurt. Slower worked much better in this case. Once I was inside her completely, when I was sure of the path to our mutual pleasure, then I could fuck her faster and harder the way we liked it.

Goddess felt hot inside, her cunt surrounding me like a fever. I moved in and out with short strokes at first, becoming longer as our confidence grew. Her pussy seemed to ripple around me, the muscles contracting with spasms intended to draw me deeper and hold me there. Goddess was moving as well, her paws seeking purchase on the smooth floor as she tried to push back. In another room, like our bedroom where it was carpeted, I could even relax and hold myself still as Goddess would greedily fuck herself on my cock. The kitchen was different though, the linoleum frustrated her efforts, and so it was all up to me. I didn’t mind.

I held Goddess with my hands on her thighs, my fingers curling so that I could hold her legs and pull her back in time with my thrusts. I wasn’t going to last long, I rarely did at first. She felt too hot inside, too wet and tight, her pussy feeling more like a sucking mouth than anything else. I always came too quickly and that’s why I knew we’d make love a second time, and probably a third before the afternoon was finished. I’d last longer then and we’d both enjoy it even more.

“Goddess … Mmmm … My Goddess…” I breathed and whispered and moaned her name, listening to my lover growl and occasionally whine with her sweet replies. We had a language all our own.

There was little doubt that we were in love with each other, Goddess and me. We fucked not only for the pure pleasure of it, but because we needed each other in that way. I was incomplete without her and so now I began pumping into her harder, feeling my balls full of cum and growing tighter with each burning stroke. Goddess had her head down and the fur on her neck and shoulders bristled with passion. Her soft tail moved across my bare chest, back and forth so that she caressed me as I leaned into her body. We were joined completely and I felt the fire in my gut, the emotions that seemed to swell beyond anything I could hope to contain. Goddess was my first and only love and I’d never want another.

“God … Goddess! I’m uh-huh … Oh Jesus…” I had my eyes shut and my cock seemed to grow even larger than it already was. I slid in and out of her easily, feeling the juices of our fuck matting my pubic hair and running down my thighs. She always grew wet for me and I was going to flood Goddess with my sperm. I was going to shoot hard and deep into her beautiful cunt.

I arched my back, thrusting with my hips one last time as I held Goddess tightly impaled upon my cock. My balls seemed to jump into my belly and I exploded with a loud gasp to punctuate my lover’s high pitched whine. She was cumming as well, I thought, and that knowledge only served to increase my pleasure. I wanted her to cum with me.

“What the fuck?” a shrill voice suddenly turned my blood to ice. I froze with my cock still ejaculating hot semen into the dog’s pussy. “Oh my God!”

Candy stared at us for a long heartbeat and then she practically ran through the kitchen, hunched over and covering her mouth. A few seconds later, I could hear my sister throwing up in the hallway bathroom.

A confusion of doubt and fear drove me to panic, my earlier joy replaced by something else entirely. Unwanted emotions filled me and I quickly pulled my cock from Goddess, drawing a somewhat annoyed look from her. She liked it when I remained inside, until either I softened and her vagina slowly pushed me out, or I stayed hard enough to fuck her again. Goddess sat down and began to lick at her swollen and distended sex, lapping at the moisture seeping out. I only gathered my clothes and hurried upstairs, helpless in my fear and confusion. It was fight or flight time, and I was soon hiding in my bedroom.

I’d been caught. We’d been caught, Goddess and me fucking in the middle of the kitchen. My sister had come home early for some reason and there was no denying what Candy had seen. I didn’t feel shame, I can honestly say that, nor did I feel guilty about it, but the consequences terrified me. Only she knew about us, true, but it seemed like the whole world to me. My parents and friends would find out, the kids at school, and my teachers. That was the fear, the idea of being hurt because I loved my dog. Because I was in love with Goddess.

I hid under my covers, on my bed with the sheets and blanket pulled over me. I’d dressed, of course, as if covering myself up would give lie to what my sister had seen. I tried to clothe myself in normalcy. I didn’t feel abnormal, making love to Goddess, but I understood that I was very much alone in my opinions and feelings. Nobody would understand. Nobody would accept it.

“You sick freak!” My door opened, suddenly because it had no lock, and my sister stood there yelling at me. “What’s wrong with you?”

I didn’t reply and I couldn’t even see her, but Candy yanked the blanket away, uncovering me as I huddled on the mattress. I was afraid to look at her and I kept my eyes tightly shut.

“You’re disgusting! Jesus Christ!” she screamed. “You dogfucker! You’re sick!”

I felt my own anger welling up inside me by then, but it was small compared to everything else and I didn’t say anything. Candy made it plain what she thought of me and we’d never been close. She was my sister and I loved her, as I suppose she loved me, but we’d never been friends. Now she hated me and that hurt more than anything else she might have said or done.

Candy left me soon enough, stomping out of my room without bothering to close the door. That was okay. Goddess joined me a few minutes later and I made room for her next to me. I covered us up with the blanket and hugged her, feeling my eyes damp with tears. I didn’t want to cry, it didn’t seem very manly, but Goddess didn’t think badly of me for it. She licked my face, washing them away with her rough tongue, and then found my lips. I let her kiss me, opening my mouth to let her tongue find mine. I stroked her warm body and hugged her tightly.

We didn’t make out or anything, not like we often did in my bed at night. I wasn’t in the mood for that sort of thing and Goddess understood. It was enough to kiss and a great comfort to me while I waited for my parents to come home. Candy would tell them what she’d seen, I had little doubt of that, and I didn’t want to contemplate the future at all. The most obvious and frightening possibility was that my parents would take Goddess away from me.

I couldn’t bear that thought.

“David?” my mother’s voice woke me up, and I couldn’t believe I’d fallen asleep. “Hey, how do you feel?”

“Ummm…” I just looked at her, not understanding her concerned smile.

“You feel a little warm,” she decided, sitting on my bed. “Candy said you’re sick. Do you want to eat something?”

“What did she say?” I asked carefully, tightening my arms around Goddess who had her back to my chest as we lay side by side.

“Candy? She said you didn’t feel good,” Mom said. “When did this start? Have you been throwing up or anything?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I just … I don’t feel good.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll bring you a little something later, alright? Some Seven-Up maybe?”

“Alright,” I agreed, trying to understand and really believe that my sister hadn’t told on me.

“Hmmm…” Mom kissed my forehead. “Maybe I should take Goddess downstairs.”

“No!” I said quickly, and then lowered my voice. “We’re okay here.”

“I guess so,” she said, smiling. My mom would be fine with Goddess sleeping in my bed, although it had taken about a year to get her used to the idea.

She left us, closing my bedroom door just as I heard my dad’s voice asking if I was okay. Candy hadn’t told them. I had to think about that and I wished there was some way to talk to my sister and find out what she was thinking, but I couldn’t do that. The last thing I wanted to do was face her, not only because of how she’d reacted earlier, but because I might unwittingly change her mind. Candy could tell my parents anytime she felt like it and obviously my mission in life now was to make sure that she didn’t.

How to go about that though … I had no idea.

“Hey dogfucker,” Candy whispered, and I cringed.

She’d entered my room and I didn’t know the time, but it must have been pretty late. I’d had some soda and a sandwich that Mom had brought up. I’d used the bathroom and Goddess had made her way downstairs for her dinner and a little walk with my dad. We’d gone back to bed, Goddess lying between my legs with her soft neck over my crotch and her jaw resting on my tummy. That was always pretty comfortable and we’d fallen asleep.

“I know you’re awake, pervert,” she said, forcing me to open my eyes.

“What?” I asked, trying to sound unafraid without challenging her. She held the upper hand and we both knew it.

“You know what,” Candy snorted, and she didn’t sound anything like she looked.

My sister was pretty, maybe even beautiful, but being my sister, I didn’t exactly see her the way other people did. Candy was tall and blonde, and blessed with our mom’s good looks. She had a sort of wholesome, girl-next-door look, like she was always innocent. She wasn’t though. My sister had boyfriends and she partied, had fun like all the other popular kids at school. Candy hadn’t been a virgin since she turned fifteen, I knew that, and for a fleeting second I imagined I could hold that against her, perhaps strike a bargain of some sort.

No, that wasn’t going to work. Our parents knew Candy had sex, or at least suspected enough not to be surprised. Mom had even put her on the pill. They just didn’t know how busy Candy was in the fun department and I couldn’t prove anything anyway. Candy was bright and popular and careful to stay out of trouble, the apple of our parents’ eyes despite a parade of boyfriends. I was something else altogether.

I was shy and remote, going through high school with good grades and few friends. I liked playing soccer and I’d joined the summer youth league at thirteen, but that had been the exception. I spent a lot of time reading and I wasn’t lonely, despite my parents’ concern. I was comfortable with myself and the only thing I might have been worried about was a girlfriend, because I’d hit puberty and girls were very interesting for a time. I might have come out of my shell eventually, because I’m not ugly, I know that. I have the same good looks everyone in my family does and some kids, some girls, made it clear that they wanted to be my friend.

That possible future went by the wayside when my dad brought Goddess home. I fell in love with her immediately and Goddess took possession of me. We were inseparable and soon to become lovers. Goddess became my girlfriend and I could give you a thousand reasons why, but unless you’re like me, you wouldn’t understand any of them. And if you are like me? Then you already know what I’m talking about.

“What do you think Mom and Dad will do when they find out you fucked the dog?” Candy wondered, teasing me with a smile.

“I don’t know.” I frowned and understood we were having this conversation only because my sister was cruel.

“Put her to sleep, probably,” she said, and I stared at her. “Dad will say he’s giving her away to some nice family on a farm, but he won’t. He’ll take her to the vet and get her a shot. What do you think?”

“Shut-up.” I swallowed hard.

“Probably get you a shot, too.” Candy nodded, standing there with her arms crossed and her legs spread, staring down at me. “Some drug to make you normal.”

“What do you want?”

“Nothing.” She shrugged. “I just wanted to see the dogfucker.”

“Go away,” I said, blinking back tears. I didn’t dare let her see me cry.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Sweet dreams, pervert.”

I didn’t fall asleep right away and I didn’t have any good dreams.

Mom wouldn’t let me stay home from school. I was entirely too healthy for that, so she pushed and prodded me out the door. Candy was already gone and she hadn’t ridden the school bus in three years. One or another of her friends was always there to give her a ride, usually a guy, but her cheerleader friends, too. Dad had promised her a car for her eighteenth birthday and Candy liked to cry about having to wait that long.

I had to ride the bus and I did, sitting with one of the few kids I could call my friend. Thomas was a total geek, but pretty smart anyway. We both liked the same science fiction books and he’d started a little club at school. I went to some of the meetings and it was okay, but usually I just wanted to go home after school and see Goddess.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked me. “You look like somebody kicked your dog.”

“That’s not funny,” I said, and I meant it.

“Sorry.” Thomas frowned. “I didn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I sighed.

I would be in a bad mood all day since I hadn’t slept very well the night before. I just wanted to get to school and get it over with so I could go home. I felt very insecure leaving Goddess by herself, like something might happen to her. Maybe Candy had told our parents and they’d decided not to say anything to me at all, but just take Goddess away while I was at school. It was an insane thought, but frightening enough that I knew I’d worry about it all day long.

“Shhhh … There he is!” I heard my sister saying, and her three cheerleader friends were giggling and staring at me.

“Oh no…” I stopped halfway out the school bus door and I knew what Candy had done.

“Hurry up! Get out of the way, stupid!”

I almost fell flat on my face as some kid pushed me from behind.

“Dogfucker,” one of the girls said, and I felt the blood rushing to my face.

“That’s so gross!” another exclaimed with a happy laugh.

Other kids were looking at them, of course, hovering nearby because my sister and her friends were the most popular girls in school. Everyone wondered what the joke was and it wouldn’t be long at all before it got out. Four girls knew I had sex with Goddess and the news would spread like a wildfire, there was little doubt of that. By noon every kid in school would know, some of the teachers, too, because they were neither deaf nor stupid. A lot of people wouldn’t really believe it, but that didn’t matter in the least. It would still be funny, something outrageous and sick and irresistible that had to be shared and laughed about.

Candy had just destroyed my life and she probably didn’t even know it. I hoped not anyway. I could almost forgive her for being stupid, but not evil. That was a thought for much later though, right then I only felt very unhappy.

“Hey dogfucker.” Cal Cartwright, one of the school bullies, followed me down the hallway after my third period English class. “You wear a rubber when you fuck your girlfriend?”

I ignored him, walking quickly with my head down.

“You don’t wanna catch rabies or anything, right?” he delivered the punch line, and the group of kids walking with us laughed.

“What’s your girlfriend’s name, anyway?” another boy asked. “Lassie?”

More laughter and I was practically running.

“Don’t get too close to him,” a girl said. “You might get fleas!”

I went into my fourth period math class followed by laughter and stupid jokes. A few kids were already in the room, staring and whispering. Those who’d heard the rumor were sharing it with those who hadn’t. I could see their eyes widening with disbelief, shock, and amusement.

“No! Really?”… “Yeah, I swear! I heard it from his sister!”… “He’s a dogfucker?”

I stood there for all of ten seconds before I left, almost running into the teacher as she was coming into the classroom.

“David? Where are you going?” Ms. Sands asked, and I looked up at her and shook my head. She wasn’t our usual teacher anyway, but one of the new substitutes the school used from time to time.

I just ducked around the woman, going down the hall the way I’d come. I couldn’t stay in that school for another minute. I was miserable and tired of being laughed at, and worried about Goddess. I hated Candy. I hated everyone, all those kids. I hated the world right then and the only good I could find in it was Goddess. I needed her before I did something stupid. I hadn’t let my thoughts go so far yet, but it was there, lurking in the back of my brain like something cold and dark. If I got home and Goddess was gone…

Yeah, I already knew my life would be over.

I ran all the way home. I’d probably be in a lot of trouble, but I didn’t care. I ran two and half miles, feeling the cramp in my side and ignoring it. Pain didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except getting home. I’d be safe there, for a little while anyway. Goddess would be there and it would be okay somehow. That was as far into the future as I could look.

By the time I reached my house, I was stumbling, breathless and bathed in sweat, feeling my heart ready to burst. I groped with trembling fingers for the key in my pocket. I started calling for her, even before I had the door unlocked, shouting for Goddess and desperate to hear her welcoming barks. I flung the door wide and then relaxed, smiling and nodding and very nearly collapsing as Goddess bounded off the sofa. She’d been watching me through the window and now she pressed her head against me, turning her body and leaning against my thighs while I stroked and finally embraced her.

Goddess was safe and so was I.

My clothes were sticky with sweat and I pulled them off in my bedroom while Goddess lay on my bed watching me. We were close enough that she could reach me with her tongue, and my beautiful blonde lover did just that, tickling me as I stood there naked. She loved the way I tasted when I was hot and sweaty. Maybe it was just the salt on my skin, but I didn’t think so.

I moved even closer and her nose found my pubic hair and then her tongue found my cock and balls. I began to harden immediately and that pleased us both. The first time Goddess had sucked my cock, I’d been a little nervous, but I trusted her completely and she liked to do it. I stroked her head, playing with her left ear, and Goddess opened her mouth to let the head of my cock inside.

She didn’t actually suck me, of course. I’m not even sure if such a thing would be physically possible. Instead, she merely let me push my erection into her mouth and I felt her sharp teeth on either side, top and bottom, but I wasn’t scared. Goddess wasn’t overly large there, her jaws were long and narrow and not intended for anything but chewing really. It was a thrill, sliding my cock over her tongu, e and she took nearly all of it, only jerking her head if I went too far. Goddess was very sensitive to something touching the back of her mouth and so I had to be careful of that.

After a moment or two, when Goddess was once again used to having my cock in her mouth, it was better for us. She’d actually close her jaws around my penis, not completely or anything, but enough to make it feel awesome for me. She’d make playful noises deep in her throat, too. I could feel the roof of her mouth with its hard and closely spaced ridges rubbing along my shaft. By contrast, the underside of my cock rubbed against her tongue, moist and smooth and rough all at once. It felt like fine, wet sandpaper. She’d close her mouth slightly and snap her tongue, trying to lick my cock. I enjoyed those sensations a lot and she liked the taste of my sweat and precum as it began to flow freely from the tip.

Goddess let me play with her mouth for several minutes before she grew bored with it and I just smiled, watching as she found something better to do with her tongue.

“Hmmm … Goddess!” I laughed, almost forgetting now my earlier distress. “Lick them up, girl … God, you’re beautiful … Lick my balls, hmmm…”

She enjoyed it when I talked to her and I did so constantly. She was my best friend, my girlfriend and constant companion. I had no illusions mind you, no fanciful wish to be a dog myself, or that Goddess would be transformed somehow into a girl that I could marry. I was more than happy that I was a boy and she was a dog. It seemed perfect and the way nature had intended us to be. If there was such a thing as magic, it had already happened long before, when we’d fallen in love with each other. Goddess and I needed nothing beyond that.

“We won’t be able to stay here,” I told her, thinking aloud while her tongue washed my balls thoroughly.

My cock slid across her face and I spread my legs, giving Goddess room to reach my butt. She loved that, too, extending her tongue as far as possible, the tip curling upward so that it tickled my asshole. She found something there she liked and I giggled as I turned around, presenting Goddess with my ass. I reached back to spread my cheeks and she wagged her tail happily while she tried her very best to tongue fuck me.

“Ummm…” I sighed, bent over slightly and rocking my hips. God, that felt so good and Goddess was getting me very wet back there. I would have to make love to her soon. The constant throbbing of my cock was getting hard to ignore.

I took her on the bed and I’ll tell you the truth — It’s very difficult to make love to a dog in the missionary position, a female dog at least. Maybe it’s easier for girls with their male studs, but a bitch like Goddess really isn’t built for it. It took a long time before she’d even let me try and months of practice before I think she felt comfortable with our decidedly human arrangement. Now she was much more patient and while we didn’t do it often, that just made it more special. I loved fucking her face to face.

Goddess was on her back and I stroked her belly at first, feeling her small hard nipples beneath my hands. I always enjoyed her tits and I lowered my head so I could lick and kiss them. The ones near her chest were smaller and barely there, but as I slid my mouth further down they became thicker and longer. The nipples at the very bottom, at the softest part of her tummy, were the best, in my opinion, because they were very large compared to the others. I nursed on them happily, biting and sucking, chewing on them with my gentle teeth, and Goddess didn’t mind at all. She liked it a lot and sometimes wouldn’t let me stop. Goddess would growl and whine, wriggling on her back like a fish until I suckled her once more. Silly girl.

While I sucked her tits, I used my fingers to play with her cunt, rubbing her vulva and admiring the way it felt so soft beneath my fingers. It was plump and fatty and I penetrated her carefully with one finger. Not far at all because she was so sensitive to things like fingernails and I kept mine carefully trimmed, but more importantly, Goddess wasn’t very wet.

If we were making out and I wanted to finger her, I used some KY Jelly that I’d steal from Candy’s room. It worked really well and didn’t hurt Goddess, since it’s water based. I used it sometimes when we fucked too, but I was pretty good at getting her excited with my mouth. Trying to fuck Goddess when she was dry would have been bad, believe me. I really loved going down on her anyway though. I mean, I could do it for an hour easily, I didn’t mind. I was in love.

Eating her pussy while Goddess lay on her back was the best for me, easier than if she was standing up, and it gave me perfect access. Well, when we got into a sixty-nine with her on top, that was seriously sweet, too. On her back was really good though and I could take her into my mouth right away, every part of her sexy vulva, and suck on it. I worked my tongue against her vaginal opening while my mouth filled with spit and Goddess opened up for me nicely after just a few minutes. I played with her chest and sides, and stroked her belly while I made her feel good with my mouth. I spent at least ten minutes sucking her pussy like that and I would have spent more, much more if I wasn’t always so eager to make love to her.

I whispered soft words and kept one hand on her chest and belly while I used the other to bring my cock to her pussy. This was always special because I could look down and see her golden cunt opening for me, catching just a glimpse of the delicate interior which was brightly colored in pink and red. Her pussy seemed entirely too small for my cock, but she stretched easily and I smiled as the smooth glans of my penis was swallowed whole. The way the pale shaft of my cock disappeared inside her always turned me on. Sometimes I couldn’t believe we really doing it, even though we’d fucked a hundred times. We were mated again now and like magic, it seemed almost unbelievable. I just had to pause and smile before I began to push slowly, threading the eye of her cuntal canal.

It was a different sort of sex, something more intimate and loving than the usual doggy style we enjoyed. Fucking her missionary was serious, sorta tricky as well, and I really had to be careful. Like I’d push in a little and then pull back, just inching my way inside. It was a serious tease for me and for Goddess, too. She liked to fuck just as much as I did, although most girls probably aren’t all that horny, as a general rule. I was able to get all of my cock inside her after just a few minutes, stretching her slowly and finding the depths of her sex as hot and ready as ever. Once I was in, I didn’t really fuck her. That wouldn’t have worked in that position. I just lowered my body to cover hers, carefully taking my weight upon my elbows and knees, and we just made out like bandits!

We kissed and I rolled my hips slightly, working my cock with only the shortest possible strokes. Mostly I moved with a gentle grinding motion that felt amazing to me. Her cunt would massage my cock like a fist, I swear. Goddess held every inch of me for five minutes that way, while I licked at her tongue and teeth and coaxed my lover to kiss me back. She licked my face and into my mouth, and I sucked her tongue playfully, making a game of it as she’d pull it back with a soft growl, then offer it again a second later. I kissed her face and neck, whispered in her ears, and all the while I kept stirring my cock inside her tight, juicy pussy.

Goddess made me cum. The way her pussy tugged at my cock like a hungry mouth, the walls squeezing around me with relentless pressure, it was all too much for me and I couldn’t stand it for long. I pressed my face into her soft neck, kissing Goddess over and over, and finally gasping as my orgasm exploded inside her. She didn’t move or try to escape, that was the amazing thing, the proof that she loved and trusted me. I didn’t withdraw from her right away either, but left my cock inside, spending our time kissing and nuzzling each other gently until I grew soft and her vaginal muscles pushed me out. For some reason, Goddess always liked to lick my ears after I came.

It was exactly what we’d needed, that quietly loving fuck on my bed, and it was with some reluctance that I lifted myself away.

I’d already made up my mind to leave. My secret was out and even if my parents didn’t know yet, I imagined they would hear something eventually. I couldn’t go back to school anyway. No matter what happened at home, my life was over. I didn’t need those kids, not so long as I had Goddess, but I didn’t need to be bullied and humiliated either. I was sixteen and I had a little money in a coffee can in my closet, a few hundred dollars I’d been saving for a decent telescope someday. I wasn’t sure how long it would last, but if I could find someplace cheap to stay, find a job maybe…

It sounded pretty hopeless to me, too.

I suppose my only real plan was to run away, frighten my parents enough so that I could negotiate some kind of arrangement, or something. Our family had relatives across the country; we were pretty well spread out. Someone would take me in with my parents’ blessing, I was sure, one of my aunts or uncles maybe. My grandparents weren’t so old and I got along with them really good. A new town, a new school…

I didn’t like that idea either, but what else was there? I needed a miracle and I paused for a second, listening for the phone to ring. Or the doorbell … I said a quick prayer…

Nothing. Sorry kid, we’re all out of miracles today and the fact was that I couldn’t even imagine a miracle that might cover my problem. I supposed winning the lottery would be helpful, except I’d never entered one. Maybe finding out that both of my parents totally sympathized with me because they really, really loved dogs, too … Not likely and I didn’t want to think about my parents having sex of any kind. I pushed that one aside quickly. What was left? Aliens, earthquakes, the Second Coming … Sure, it would be handy having Jesus on my side. Having something catastrophic happen just to put my love life in proper perspective? That sounded almost fair just then.

As you can tell, I was going a little crazy while I packed. I wasn’t bringing much, just a backpack with little more than a change of clothes in it. I made sure to bring food for Goddess, as much as I could carry. I grabbed a couple apples for myself. I tried to explain to her what we were doing and maybe Goddess understood, maybe not. It didn’t matter, I knew she’d stay with me through thick or thin and I only worried that I wasn’t going to be able to support her. I didn’t care about myself so much, Goddess was way more important than me, and it was almost enough to make me change my mind.

But not quite. Not if Dad might take her to the farm, you know? I honestly didn’t think he would, but I wasn’t going to risk it. My sister had scared the hell out of me with that one.

“Uh … Hi,” Ms. Sands said, standing on my front porch with her finger poised an inch from the doorbell.

“Hi.” I blinked at her because I’d only opened the door so that Goddess and I could leave.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds. I wore jeans and a t-shirt, a jacket over that, and my good hiking boots. I had my backpack over my shoulder and a leash attached to Goddess. She didn’t like wearing a collar and I felt bad about that.

Ms. Sands looked exactly as she had at school. She was young, having recently graduated from college, like twenty-two maybe? Twenty-three? I dunno. That’s why she was just a substitute anyway. Ms. Sands looked very attractive though, all the guys at school thought so. She dressed nice in a dark, conservative skirt and yellow blouse. She’d worn a blazer at school, but now she didn’t. Soft brown eyes, auburn hair, long probably, but pinned back so it was hard to tell.

“What are you doing here?” I finally asked her. “I’m not going back to school.”

I didn’t think they’d send a substitute teacher to bring me back, but it was the first thought that popped into my head. Finding her on my front porch was really weird.

“Are you going somewhere?” she countered with a question of her own, and I shrugged. “I heard some talk at school…”

“Oh.” I felt my stomach knot up painfully and I looked away, not down, just away from her steady gaze.

“This must be Goddess. Is that her name?” Ms. Sands smiled and she didn’t sound like she was making fun of me. Instead she actually knelt and held her hand out, inviting Goddess to smell and then lick her fingers. “She’s beautiful.”

“Yeah.” I frowned, wanting to be on my way more than ever. Teachers knew about us? Pretty soon it would be all over town.

“David, um, what I heard…” Ms. Sands stood back up and I knew she wanted me to look at her.

“I don’t care,” I said.

” … Um, shoot.” She laughed nervously. “I had a little speech but I forgot it.”

“A speech?” I did look at her then. She wasn’t making much sense.

“I have a dog,” Ms. Sands told me. “A black lab named Shadow. He’s a really great dog.”

“Good for you,” I said. “Look, we gotta go and…”

“I love him, David.” She swallowed hard and even turned a little red. “I mean, I love him the way you love Goddess.” Ms. Sands took a deep breath. “Whew! I never told anyone about this before … Sorry.”

She looked around and we were standing right there on the front porch in the middle of the afternoon. The sky was blue and the sun was bright, and it wasn’t the sort of time and place for sharing deep and personal secrets. Ms. Sands looked past my shoulder, probably hoping I’d invite her in so we could at least have the privacy of four walls around us.

“So you believe what they’re saying about me?” I asked, making it sound like an accusation.

“Uh, well…” She nodded slowly, “I was hoping it’s true, yeah.”

“Why?” I stared at her. “Do you know what it feels like?”

“No.” The woman shook her head and looked down. “I don’t, but I know what the fear feels like.”

“It’s worse than that,” I said softly. “I have to go.”

I started stepping onto the porch, pulling the front door shut behind me as Ms. Sands took a step back.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said truthfully. “Someplace else.”

“I’m going upstate.” She looked up again, her eyes looking into mine. “Permanently. I got offered a job, a teaching job in a small town, and I’m taking it. Do you want to come with me?”

“What?” I blinked at her, trying to understand what she was saying.

“You can come with me. It’ll be alright.”

“I don’t even know you,” I said. “You don’t know me.”

“So? We’ll find out, right?” Ms. Sands smiled. “I’ll have a job. You’ll have a place to stay while you sort things out.”

“Why?” I asked her. “Why would you do this for me?”

“I don’t know.” She laughed nervously. “Because we both love our dogs? Because, um … I grew up terrified of what’s happening to you and I want to help.”

“I don’t have much money,” I sighed. “I can’t … I mean, I don’t know if I’ll be able to pay you or…”

“It’ll be okay, David.” She held out her hand. “I’m Julie.”


Chapter Two

“Hmmmm … Shadow,” I sighed with a sleepy smile, stretching in my warm bed and spreading my legs. “I have to get up.”

He wasn’t listening, my boyfriend of three years, and I was always amazed at how a guy could wake up horny. I didn’t mind, except I really did need to get out of bed. I had to pee and take a shower and brush my teeth and…

“Shadow!” I gasped and giggled and surrendered to his long rough tongue. It was wide and flat and licking me from my asshole all the way to my waking clit. “I should have put panties on, huh?”

He didn’t answer, of course, and I was already wet. He’d been licking me for God knows how long before it finally woke me up. Long enough to get some juices flowing and now my clit was starting to thrum and he could taste me. I shivered as he started working his tongue a little deeper, wanting to find the source of that tangy flavor filling his mouth.

“Okay … Okay,” I whispered. “We gotta do it fast. No more foreplay, come here.”

I rolled over, just because it was quick and easy. I looked over one side of the bed … Nope. It was on the other side, on the floor and I grabbed the pillow Shadow had fucked me on the night before. He licked my thighs and I kicked at the ticklish sensation. I lifted my tummy and hips, and the pillow was still damp, ripe with the smell of our recent sex, too. I’d have to wash it, but not right then. I wedged it underneath my hips and shifted my body into a comfortable position.

A very comfortable position, with my head down and my breasts flattened against the mattress. My ass wiggled invitingly as I spread my legs slightly, knees down and legs straight. I was just a slut for dog cock; twenty-two years old and smart, beautiful, and fun. How many guys had tried to get me in just this position? Too many, but I’d never fucked a man in my life. They’d wined me and dined me, and promised me the moon, but I’d said goodnight every time. All Shadow had to do was give me a little lick and I’d bend over with a giggle and tingle. I wanted it as much as he did, believe me. I just didn’t want to admit it.

“Okay, come on, Shad … Fuck me nice,” I breathed. He knew what we were doing, just like he knew what ‘fuck me’ meant. “Ohhh!”

I gasped as he took me all at once, the way dogs do. He’d pushed himself up, dropping his front paws squarely on my back, and lunged into me. Sometimes he missed and that was annoying, once in awhile he’d find my asshole if I wasn’t careful, but Shadow was pretty good and I was feeling lazy. This morning he nailed me on the first try and all he had to do was start pumping all that hard dog cock inside me.

Fuck! I love that. He’s not huge, maybe seven inches long at the most, but thick? Yeah. Shadow’s cock is seriously fat, like getting fucked with a Pepsi bottle. A hot Pepsi bottle with a sharply tapered tip, designed by Mother Nature to spear into a tight cunt like mine. Dogs have the most amazing cocks and it was only slightly uncomfortable at first. Even after all our fucking, Shadow made me feel like a little girl every time.

“Ah fuck me, Shad … Mmpphhh!” I buried my face in my pillow because if I didn’t, the nice family downstairs would know exactly what was going on.

The apartment I rented was really two bedrooms and a bathroom that had been renovated to create a studio. The couple who owned it had two kids, innocent little girls in grade school, and they hadn’t been too sure about letting me keep Shadow in the first place. They liked the idea of having a teacher for a tenant though, and so we’d made a little deal. I helped the girls out with their homework once in awhile and they let me keep my dog. I was pretty sure if they knew how much we loved to fuck, Shadow and I would find ourselves looking for a new home.

That was the story of my life. Keeping the secret, the big one. The only secret that counted. I loved fucking dogs, and not only that … I loved dogs. Period. Shadow was my boyfriend, not my pet. My equal in every way that mattered and most of the time I barely noticed he wasn’t human. We talked and laughed, danced and kissed. We did everything together, and of course, we made love. Nobody could know about that, it was a serious secret and I resented it, but I couldn’t change it either.

Shadow wasn’t my first boyfriend. I mean, he wasn’t the first dog I’d loved. I’d given my virginity to a dog at fourteen and while I didn’t think of myself as a slut or anything, I had to admit I’d had a lot of canine lovers. About a dozen different dogs altogether, while I was growing up mostly, and my first couple years of college. My third year I’d gotten Shadow and pretty much remained faithful to him, with just a couple one night stands, so to speak. I was more mature now, but when I’d been younger, especially like fifteen and sixteen? God! I’d fucked every dog cock I could wrap my horny pussy around.

Okay, maybe I had been a slut back then, but thinking back on it, I always got chills. The good kind, you know?

It wasn’t just the memory of fucking so many strange dogs that excites me, but there’s a real sense of fear and relief that I hadn’t gotten caught. Sometimes I think it’s a miracle. I lived in terror of being found out and my life would have been over. My parents would have kicked me out, or taken me to a shrink probably. They wouldn’t have understood. My friends at school? The few I had wouldn’t have been my friends anymore and the rest of the school would have treated me like a leprous clown.

I remembered all the guys who’d asked me out, the high school jocks and self-proclaimed studs that all the other girls melted for, and how I’d turned them down cold. If they found out I’d drop my panties for a stray dog, but I wouldn’t give them the time of day, I’d have taken a real beating. Emotionally, I mean. I don’t think anyone would have really hurt me, but who knows? Some of those guys were serious assholes anyway and busting a boy’s ego like that…

But I hadn’t been caught, not once, and here I was at twenty-two, pressing my face into my pillow while Shadow held my hips with his paws, pulling me against his urgent thrusts. His cock was long and fat and dripping, the precum flowing like water from the tap to ease his violent penetration, and he loved to fuck me hard. God, we both loved that and it would make me late for work, I knew, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was Shad’s bitch and he wanted me.

My pussy spread wide around him, my clitoris buzzing happily while my swollen labia were pushed and pulled, turned inside out as the growing bulge of Shadow’s knot would force itself into my cunt. It wasn’t full sized yet, but would be soon enough. He whined above me, his head down and shoulders hunched, driving his cock so deep I could feel it hitting the bottom of my pussy. That felt like lightning between my thighs and I shook with my first orgasm, screaming into the pillow because I get way too loud when I cum.

He’d push that deep just to get his knot inside me and then pull back, testing our union and waiting until the ball of muscle was too swollen to come back out. Shadow did it fast too, that’s the thing. This wasn’t a slow, deliberate fuck like man might give his wife, this was like getting raped by jackhammer, except I wanted it as much as Shadow did. Rape is entirely the wrong word, but in the sense that I was vulnerable and helpless to stop him? Yeah, he raped the hell out of my pussy and I loved him for it.

“Ummm!” I groaned and clenched my jaw and held my breath. His knot was in me suddenly, stuck there I mean, and I felt a pinch of discomfort when Shadow tried to pull it back out and couldn’t. It had grown too large for the smallish mouth of my vagina. The muscles inside were stretching around it, holding him just inside my pussy. He wasn’t thrusting anymore, just growling with pleasure as he realized he’d finally locked his bitch up tight.

He started cumming then, his potent dog sperm released in a thin flood of bestial semen. It filled the depths of my womb with his cockhead nestled right up against my cervix where it was supposed to be. I could feel his cum bathing my sore and well fucked sex. It was a vague sensation, nothing specific, but a general warmth and increasing wetness to make me shiver and climax again. I was cumming for the second time and it was beautiful. I’d have little orgasms until Shadow pulled out of me, probably, a dozen small ones to drive me crazy. This was the part I loved most of all. Locked up and vulnerable, helpless while my womb soaked in dog sperm.

It was the fear that did it. Not by itself and not entirely, but the conflict made our sex better. As a teenage girl growing up in a conservative family, in a middle class neighborhood, the possibility of being caught fucking a dog terrified me. It still did, and while I had some measure of control during our intercourse, once Shadow’s knot was lodged inside my cunt there was nothing I could do but wait. The door was locked, the curtains drawn so nobody could see us, but the possibility lingered and the fear fed my excitement.

Well, if I’m to be completely honest I’d have to admit that Shadow could pull out of me if absolutely necessary. But where’s the fun in that? It would have been uncomfortable, maybe even painful, and I much preferred believing that we were bound helpless in the most compromising situation imaginable. Thankfully, I’d never been forced to concede my emotional fantasy to biological reality. I wanted to be locked up like a bitch in heat and my lover wasn’t going to complain!

Ten minutes passed before Shadow’s knot had started to shrink and it took another three or four after that before he was able to pull out of me. Like a cork coming out of a bottle, he pulled my cunt inside out and it felt almost painful a cramp as I had to stretch for it, but then he came free with a heavy wash of our fuck juices pouring out of my gaping hole. His orgasm and mine, all of his precum as well, made a real mess and the pillow beneath me was already soaked. Now my mattress had a big stain, another one to go with so many others. We fucked a lot.

“Oh God.” I just lay there, smiling and breathing hard and trying to catch my breath. Our fuck had taken all of fifteen minutes, almost twenty, actually, and I had to get ready for school. All I wanted to do was lay there.

Shadow wasn’t helping. He brought his nose to my ass and his tongue to my pussy, lapping at our recent fuck with happy eagerness. I knew we tasted good together. I’d used my fingers to scoop our mixed cum from my sex plenty of times, sliding two or three fingers into my pussy and drawing them out wet and slippery. I’d suck them clean, savoring the distinctive taste and easily separating my own oily tang from Shadow’s bitter, gamy pluck. It was a flavor not everyone would enjoy, but I loved it and so did he.

“Car trouble, Miss Sands?” Agnes asked me, being the school secretary and a fortyish woman with purple hair. She was sweet enough and her tone more teasing than chiding.

“Sorry.” I frowned, hurrying to get my assignment sheets and schedule and various notes and papers from my little box on the wall. All the teachers had one and I’d arrived five minutes late. Classes hadn’t started yet, but teachers were expected to be in their classrooms at least ten minutes before the first bell. School policy.

“You’re filling in for Mrs. Kahler, right? Math today?” she said, not asking me anything really, and I nodded.

I was just a substitute, trying to find a permanent job and get some experience, a good reference. Being late wasn’t going to help. The government would pay my student loans off, provided I found a job in the state and didn’t take my degree somewhere else. The governor’s office was efficient, too. They’d sent me a list of school districts desperate for teachers and most of them weren’t in places where a young, single white woman would want to find herself. Inner-city high schools with gang problems, drugs and guns and all that. I wanted to help, I loved being a teacher, but I knew I’d never last in places like that. I had to be realistic about who I was, you know?

Thankfully there were a few others, schools located out in the countryside, upstate for the most part, in small towns or more often, schools that served a number of rural communities. I could deal with that, being out in the country. Shadow would love it, a lot more than being locked in some tenement building surrounded by concrete and asphalt. I’d applied to a half dozen places and as I walked towards the classroom I saw that I’d already gotten a couple replies. Two envelopes addressed to me in care of the school district and I wanted to open them immediately, but there wasn’t enough time for that.

“Good morning, Ms. Sands.”… “Hey, Miss Sands.”… “Morning, Ms. Sands.”

My little fan club was waiting for me to walk by. A group of sixteen and seventeen year old high school boys, three of them in particular, who were just bold enough to give me appreciative smiles and not-so-innocent up and down looks. When they were together, that is. Get any one of those boys by himself and he could barely look me in the eyes, but like with any herd animal, there’s safety in numbers.

“Good morning,” I replied, smiling back and trying my very best not to give the boys even the slightest encouragement. I knew they’d take some anyway, it couldn’t be helped, and they’d be thinking about my smile all day long probably.

I’d grown from a pretty girl into a beautiful woman, all modesty aside, but that was hardly my fault. I blame my parents for more than just my auburn hair, hazel eyes, and very attractive face. I’m tall, like my dad, with long legs and a narrow waist, and breasts that are neither large nor small, but firm and pert all by themselves. Smallish hips maybe, but they gave way to a round, heart-shaped ass that I was rather proud of. Too many teachers had flat asses from sitting behind their desks day after day for too many years. That wasn’t going to happen to me and I liked the exercise anyway.

Being a teacher meant I had to dress conservatively and that was fine with me. I wore a dark, knee-length skirt and a yellow blouse with just one button undone. Sorry boys, no cleavage there, but they did like to look anyway. The skirt had a matching blazer and it was comfortable enough in the mornings, but rather warm by midday. Low heels and sheer stockings, with my hair pinned up and out of the way. I wasn’t showing off. If anything, I tried to tone my appearance down. The last thing I wanted to do was encourage some teenage boy’s infatuation.

I spent my last few minutes before the bell looking over Mrs. Kahler’s notes, and math was easy anyway. All I had to do was cover the previous day’s homework, go through the text book with the class, and assign some problems due the next day. That would be a lot easier than ignoring those two envelopes I’d put in my purse. I desperately wanted a real, more permanent job.

High school is always a strange place, a community within a community, governed by social rules that are at once familiar and different from those outside it. Most adults try to forget the how cruel adolescents can be in a group, when they have too little supervision and too much pressure from their peers. Teenagers who don’t conform to what others expect can have a rough time of it. Teachers, much more than parents, don’t have the luxury of turning a blind eye, or forgetting what it was like for us. We sympathize with our kids, believe me.

I’d gotten through high school okay, despite being a rather reclusive and introspective girl. I was pretty enough to get away without having a lot of friends or joining the after school clubs, or even dating some big football player. The powers of physical beauty shouldn’t be underestimated and it had helped keep my deepest, darkest secret. If anyone had found out that I was spending my afternoons in my bedroom, having sex with not only my dog, but quite a number of the neighbors’ pets as well, I’d have died. I couldn’t even imagine what might have happened or how I’d have dealt with it. I didn’t want to.

So, I was a little surprised to discover that David was the school’s newest whipping boy, for lack of a better term. I didn’t know what he’d done, but it soon became obvious that there was a lot of talk about the sixteen year old sophomore. A lot of gasps and giggles, and I wondered what he could have done to deserve so much unwanted attention.

David was a good looking kid, the sort of boy I might have been attracted to back in high school, if I’d been a little more normal than I am. He was tall and healthy, with an average build. A cute face too; David wasn’t strikingly handsome, but very easy on the eyes and nice to look at. Speaking of eyes, his eyes were blue and he usually wore a shy smile beneath his blonde hair, unkempt like most boys his age and I liked it. I liked him, so far as I knew him, and that wasn’t very much at all, unfortunately.

I was returning from the restroom between classes when I bumped into the boy. Literally. David was in my fourth period trig class, except he seemed intent on leaving before it even started.

“David? What’s wrong?” I asked him, and he looked pale and wide-eyed, almost in a panic.

He didn’t say anything, just pushed past me, half-running down the hall. I stared after him while some of the other kids laughed and whispered. I asked one of them what was going on, a girl named Cindy Mopler, but she just shrugged. I didn’t expect to get any answers and I wasn’t gong to push it right then.

After the class ended, I went to the faculty lunch room, as it was that time of day. Most of the teachers were already there and already talking about David, as it turned out. I hadn’t been the only one to notice the teasing or the boy’s discomfort.

“Well, I can’t imagine it’s true, but…” Mrs. Neumann glanced up as I sat down, perhaps wondering if she should continue or not.

“What?” Mr. Vaughn, the gym teacher, gave me his usual hungry look and prodded the older woman for details. “What are they saying he did?”

Mrs. Neumann shrugged her bony shoulders and sighed, “It’s rather … Indelicate.” She actually smiled then.

“He didn’t get a girl in trouble, did he?” Mr. Jameson wondered.

“David?” Miss Hemshaw smiled and she was just a few years older than me. A rather portly woman with big green glasses. “I don’t believe that.”

“Oh no! He didn’t get a girl in trouble.” Mrs. Neumann shook her head and the way she said it made us all wonder if…

“He’s gay?” Mr. Vaughn suggested, looking positively offended by the idea.

“Dog fucker,” Mr. Stevens suddenly said, and he was the school’s janitor, although his official job title was maintenance supervisor. He was the only one though, so I wasn’t sure who he supervised.

“Excuse me!” Mrs. Neumann stared at him. We all did, but she looked ready to faint dead away.

“Said he fucks his dog.” The man shrugged, taking a seat and opening the brown bag he carried his lunch in.

“What?” a half-dozen teachers asked all at once, and I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding and I felt the blood rushing to my face.

“His sister caught him,” he explained, unwrapping his sandwich. “Got the whole story while I was unclogging one of the crappers.”

“Oh.” Miss Hemshaw cleared her throat, glancing at her own half-eaten lunch.

“Said he was nailing the bitch right there in the kitchen.” Mr. Steven’s chuckled. “Imagine that? Poor boy needs a girlfriend bad!”

I left then, not caring how awkward it might have seemed. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach suddenly, and perhaps some others in that room did as well, though not for the same reasons, I was sure. All of my adolescent fears had come rushing back, all of my bad dreams and the doubts that I’d had to endure in high school while I’d kept my own secret. The same secret that David had failed to keep.

I wondered if it was true and decided it must be. If what Mr. Stevens had said was accurate, and it probably was, then either David’s sister was a seriously evil bitch playing the worst prank imaginable, or David really had fucked his dog. Remembering the look on his face … That hadn’t been anger or outrage, it had been terror. The fear that a person feels when they’re caught; not unfairly accused, but caught red-handed like David must have been.

For the next half hour I sat alone in my classroom, alone with my thoughts as I tried to imagine what the boy might do. I had a sympathy for him and more than that, I felt a real empathy for what he was going through. I didn’t have a solution though. His parents would find out, that seemed plain. The whole town would know about it after a day or two. It wasn’t the usual sort of thing people gossip about over coffee, but it would be too strange not to pass along. How many people actually believed it would hardly matter. The boy was only sixteen and he must have felt like his life was over.

What could I do? I was only five years older, a sexual suspect myself, if only because I didn’t have a boyfriend. I didn’t know David or his parents and I couldn’t very well come out and say ‘I fuck my dog, too’ and give the boy some kind of public support. The world won’t end, I told myself. David and his parents would have to deal with it, the town would find something else after a week or two and life would go on. It wasn’t that big of a deal, was it?

It would be a big deal to him and that made me sad.

I opened my letters without much enthusiasm, just to try and get my mind off David for a few minutes. I’d been excited earlier, but my job problems seemed rather trivial at the moment. Besides, I opened the first envelope and found a brief form letter thanking me for my application, but they’d filled the position, blah blah blah. They’d keep my resume on file in case another opening came up. Gee, thanks a lot. I tossed it in the garbage can.

The second letter came from a place called Apple Grove and I had to read it twice before I realized they were offering me a full-time teaching position. I had to sign a contract and the pay would be the state minimum for teachers, but I’d have a real job, guaranteed for one full year and after that, for as long as I wanted it, assuming everyone concerned was still happy by then. The position was open immediately and I could start on Monday. All I had to do was call the superintendent and let her know I was coming.

That made me forget about everything else for a long five minutes. I had to take it, of course! It was exactly what I wanted, a smaller school serving several rural communities. I could rent a house with a real yard for Shadow, settle down finally and actually move into a place. I could even buy a house in a year or two maybe, if I liked it up there. I was sure I would. I started thinking about what I had to do. I needed to pack and let the school district here know I was leaving, and fill up the gas tank in my little car, and call my mom, and oh God! I was going to move!

“Guess what!” I grinned at Agnes and I don’t know when she took her lunch. The office was busy with about a dozen kids with a dozen problems, mostly forgotten lunches probably.

“Hmmm?” She glanced at me.

“I got a job!” I held up my letter and that made her smile. “Can I use the phone to call these guys?”

“Good for you,” she said, sparing me a smile before frowning at the crowd of students around her desk. “Use the other phone, the one in Principal Horner’s office.”

“Is he in?” I wondered, but she was already busy with someone else’s emergency.

The principal was not in, as it turned out, probably having lunch with his wife or something, or maybe his girlfriend, which had been the hot rumor until this morning. Gossip had it that Principal Horner had a torrid affair going with one of the waitresses out at the truck stop, but who knows? I didn’t pay much attention to that sort of thing.

While I waited for someone to answer up in Apple Grove, I noticed the principal’s computer. I mean, I’d seen it sitting there, obviously, but now it meant something, I just didn’t know what. My brain worked like that sometimes. Like I’d get puzzle pieces before I’d even know I was working on a puzzle, if that makes any kind of sense. I sat down in the principal’s chair, not really thinking about it, and gave the mouse a nudge, turning off the screen saver. A second later I was busy introducing myself to the woman on the other end of the phone, telling her how happy I would be to accept their job offer. Sure, I could be up there within a day or two, getting settled and ready to start on Monday. We talked for ten minutes probably sorting out the niceties, and all the while I played with Horner’s computer.

The answer came as a surprise, but I suddenly knew what I had to do.

“He had sex with his dog?” I heard Melody Sermons gasp. She and two other girls were whispering rather too loudly while I wrote some freshman geometry problems on the whiteboard.

“Yeah, that’s what his sister said,” Karen Riley agreed. “Guess what her name is?”

“Candy?” Melody offered, and that girl wasn’t too bright.

“The dog, bonehead!” Karen giggled and I was going to have to put a stop to this. “It’s a girl dog. Her name’s Goddess.”

“Goddess?” Tricia Hanson laughed as I turned around.

“Do you ladies have something you’d like to share with the class?” I stared at them.

“No, Ms. Sands” and “No ma’am” and “Sorry” they said, and the other twenty-five students sat up a little straighter because they’d been whispering, too.

“Good. Melody…” I held out the marker I’d been using. “Would you come up here and show us how to solve this problem, please.”

“Uh…” She wasn’t too bright at all and I instantly felt bad for picking on her like that, but I felt worse for David.

As soon as class ended, my last of the day, I quit my job, giving Principal Horner official notice. He’d returned from his lunch looking fresh from a shower and I seriously doubted he’d been playing tennis. He wasn’t unhappy with the news and I wasn’t surprising him. The school knew I’d been applying elsewhere and he wished me good luck, promising to forward my last paycheck to the Apple Grove school district.

Life had always been easy for me, relatively speaking, and that only made me all the more aware of how unlucky David’s had turned out to be. We were very much the same, it seemed to me, the only real difference being that he’d gotten caught and I hadn’t. Such a small thing too, so unimportant to anyone but David and Goddess, until others made it something else. Something bad and ugly and sick.

I hated people sometimes. Dogs are better.

“Goddess,” I said aloud, liking that name. It was probably very much how David viewed her and I wouldn’t fault the boy for that. I opened my purse, pulling out some papers and looking at the address on them.

“Uh … Hi,” I said, blinking as the front door opened. I’d just been reaching for the doorbell.

“Hi.” David answered out of habit more than anything else. He stood wide-eyed with surprise, clearly not expecting to see me on his doorstep.

He’d dressed for traveling, it looked like to me, in jeans and a t-shirt, a jacket and some new hiking boots. He had a backpack over his shoulder and a leash in his left hand. Just beside and slightly behind him was a gorgeous yellow lab, a very beautiful dog, and I could see why David loved her. She tilted her head slightly, but she remained calm and her intelligent eyes regarded me with some curiosity, I thought.

I’d had a plan, sort of, a small one in the back of my mind, but in truth I really didn’t know what I was doing. I’d tried to imagine what I might say to the boy, how I could explain that I understood and sympathized. I’d tried to prepare an explanation, practicing it in my head while I drove, but most of that was forgotten now that I was looking at him. We just stared at each other for a long ten seconds or so.

“What are you doing here?” David finally asked me, and his suspicious tone woke me up a bit. “I’m not going back to school.”

I frowned at that and the last thing I would have done was tried to talk him into going back there. It was obvious that he was going somewhere though, and I’d guessed right, knowing that I would have done the same thing. He couldn’t stay in this town and be happy regardless of how his parents took the news. They couldn’t protect him from the other kids, from the cruelty and humiliation he’d face.

“Are you going someplace?” I asked, and then decided that I needed to be the one explaining. “I, um … I heard some talk at school.”

“Oh,” he sighed, slumping like I’d just kicked him between the legs, closing his blue eyes and turning his face away.

I felt instantly bad, wishing I knew the right things to say and suddenly realized that I did. All I had to do was imagine what I’d want to hear if our positions were reversed.

“This must be Goddess. Is that her name?” I asked gently.

I slowly bent my knees and held out my hand, admiring the dog’s almost regal countenance. She stood very erect, very attentive and close by David’s side. She sensed his unhappiness as much as my own genuine concern. She gave me a sniff and then a tentative lick with her soft tongue across my fingers.

“She’s beautiful,” I told him honestly.

“Yeah,” he replied, and the look on his face told me everything. If I knew about him and his dog, the whole town probably knew.

“David, um, what I heard…” I started, turning my head slightly and trying to catch his eyes. I wanted him to see me and believe what I was going to tell him.

“I don’t care,” he said with a hard swallow.

“Um…” I tried to remember what I’d practiced in my car, but that seemed so remote now. “Shoot. I had a little speech prepared, but I forgot it.”

“A speech?” David finally looked at me again and I smiled, feeling a little silly because I knew I wasn’t making a lot of sense. None of this did.

“I have a dog too,” I said, and this was a big step for me. “A black lab named Shadow. He’s a really, really great dog.”

“Good for you.” The boy shrugged. I wasn’t sure he’d heard me and I knew I had to explain.

“I love him,” I said, struggling with nearly ten years of secrecy to get the truth out. “I mean, I love him like … uh, well … I love Shadow the way you love Goddess.”

I felt myself burning, but not with embarrassment. I was terrified by the very small possibility that I’d made a mistake. If the stories about David weren’t true, if he didn’t love Goddess the way everyone thought he did, then I’d just outted myself to someone who would seriously not like me for it. He’d imagine himself taking the blame for me, so that I could get away with doing what he was wrongly accused of and that would have to be bad.

“Uh, wow…” I breathed, trying to still my pounding heart. “I’ve never told anyone about this before … Sorry, um…”

I glanced around us nervously, realizing I’d just confessed my biggest secret in broad daylight, standing on a stranger’s front porch in the middle of a small town neighborhood. There was something wrong with that picture and I really wanted to talk about this someplace else, like inside David’s house, or in my car, or on the dark side of the moon, because it was that sort of secret.

“So you believe what they’re saying about me?” David asked, his tone suggesting that I couldn’t be on his side if I did.

“Well…” I swallowed hard and I wasn’t going to lie to him. “I’m hoping it’s true, yeah.”

That didn’t sound like what I meant. I didn’t want him to be in trouble, only that I wanted to be his friend. I wanted to let him know that a part of me, a large part of me, was excited by the possibility that David was someone I could share my passion with. I hadn’t let myself think about it too much, but I couldn’t deny it. I’d kept my feelings a secret since seventh grade, if not earlier, alone and isolated and lonely because of it. People aren’t supposed to have secrets, not like that, and sharing it with someone else seemed almost intoxicating.

I think David understood, or at least he wanted to believe me.

“Why?” he asked. “Do you know what it feels like?”

It was a real question, not rhetorical. He wanted to know if I’d been caught the way he had.

“No.” I shook my head. “But I know what the fear feels like.”

“It’s worse than that,” David said sadly, and it made my heart ache for him. “I have to go.”

“Where are you going?” I asked, stepping back as the boy was determined to leave, finally.

“I don’t know yet,” he said, pulling the door closed behind him and Goddess. “Someplace else.”

“I’m going upstate,” I said quickly, and this had been in my mind, but I hadn’t been able to decide if it was a good idea or not. “Permanently. I was offered a job, a teaching job in a little town up there, and I’m taking it. Do you want to come with me?”

“What?” David stared into my eyes and I was completely open to him. I was serious.

“Yeah, you can come with me. It’ll be alright,” I said. “You and Goddess, it’ll be fine.”

“But … I don’t even know you,” he said. “I mean, you don’t even know me.”

“So?” I actually laughed and I felt nervous and excited, and I was probably out of my mind, but I didn’t care. “We’ll find out, right? I have a job there. At least you’ll have a place to stay while you sort things out. Right?”

“Why would you do this for me?” David wondered, and I sensed he was afraid I might only be teasing him.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and looked down at Goddess. “Because we both love our dogs? Because, uh … I grew up terrified of what’s happening to you. I want to help you.”

“I don’t have much money.” He looked down unhappily. “I can’t, um … I mean, I don’t know if I can help pay for stuff, or…”

“It’ll be okay, David,” I promised, holding out my hand. “I’m Julie.”


Chapter Three

David and Goddess were waiting for me near the covered bridge, which was very real and very old. It had been turned into the centerpiece of a small park just outside of town. I thought my new friend would be more comfortable hanging out there than he’d be watching me pack my things. David needed a little time alone.

“Hey!” I smiled at the sixteen year old boy as Shadow, my boyfriend and three year old black lab, bounded eagerly past me. Dogs love parks.

“Hi, Ms. Sands … Uh, Julie.” David smiled back and I was glad. I hadn’t really been sure that he’d still be there when I returned.

Goddess, David’s yellow lab, was resting on top of a picnic table while her boyfriend sat on the bench beside her. She looked gorgeous with the bright afternoon sunlight turning her golden hair pale and the dog seemed to know it. She seemed serious as well, very confident and almost regal, I thought, but it’s hard to explain really. Shadow, by contrast, had a much more cavalier and outgoing personality. Like an overgrown puppy, he bounded through the park happily and it wasn’t long before he found Goddess.

“I think they’ll get along okay,” I said, watching Shadow lift himself upright with his front paws on the picnic table. He pressed his nose between Goddess’ rear legs, getting the scent of her and probably disappointed that she wasn’t in heat.

“What’s his name again?” David asked me.

“Shadow,” I said, standing a few feet away in a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt with some old sandals on my feet.

The shorts were very short, showing off my long legs, while the shirt was rather tight and I hadn’t bothered with a bra. It was deliberate, although I’d tried to tell myself it wasn’t, but the truth was that I wanted to see David’s reaction to me. I know I’m attractive. A lot of men like the way I look, a lot of high school boys too, and I’d never gone out of my way to encourage anyone, but I wondered what David would think. He loved his dog, just like I loved mine, and I guess this was just my way of testing that.

The boy hardly looked at me and I won’t say it bothered me, it didn’t. It was reassuring to know that he had as little interest in girls as I did in boys, strange as that sounds.

“He’s great,” David said, stroking Shadow’s back while the dog gave Goddess a tentative lick across her sex. She didn’t seem to mind.

“Watch out.” I laughed. “He’s a total attention slut, too. If you start rubbing his back like that, he won’t want you to stop.”

“Heh!” He grinned at me. “Why would I want to stop?”

“Oh God!” I sighed theatrically. “Hear that, Shad? You’re gonna be spoiled!”

Shadow had satisfied himself that Goddess wasn’t ready to mate and so for the moment the two dogs had little interest in each other. They’d get along well enough, being male and female like they were, and having David and I close by helped, of course. Goddess was getting a little jealous though, maybe, and she turned her head towards David and pushed her nose in his unkempt blonde hair. She wanted her own attention and he grinned at her.

“What? Now you want a kiss?” he asked, sounding like he was continuing an earlier argument. Or not that, but a tease between girlfriend and boyfriend.

Goddess licked the boy’s face and he glanced at me, suddenly remembering I was there. David probably wondered if he could really trust me or not. We were alone in the park, but he’d been through so much since the day before when his sister had caught him and Goddess making love … He didn’t want to be hurt any more than he already had been and I understood that completely.

“Go ahead.” I smiled at him. “Kiss your girlfriend before she makes you sleep on the couch.”

“Mmmm…” David smiled at that and Goddess rubbed her nose against his, wanting her fair share of attention.

“Shadow, come here now.” I slapped my thigh. “I want a kiss too.”

It seemed like a good idea to demonstrate my own affections, just to help David relax a little more, and Shadow pushed himself away. He was a really good boyfriend and a second later I had his paws on my shoulders, the big dog letting me rub his back with both hands while he kissed me. I was a little nervous, being outside like we were, even in a deserted and out of the way place like that park, but maybe it was better that way, too.

Besides, if anyone did happen to see us, it would just look like Shadow was licking my face. But what he was really doing was kissing me nice and deep as I let his long, wet tongue enter my mouth and we’d done this a lot. I closed my lips around it gently, tickling Shadow’s tongue with mine and immediately feeling the heat rising in my tummy. I always loved that, kissing Shadow, kissing any dog really, but especially my boyfriend, and now someone was watching us. Someone knew our secret and that was something I’d missed over the years, being able to share my feelings with another person who would understand.

Shadow kissed me for a long minute before I pushed him away with a breathless giggle. I licked my lips and saw David watching us with interest, looking at me with interest, I should say. It was a look I’d long been familiar with and I realized that the boy finally saw me as a sexual being and it had little to do with how pretty I was, but everything to do with how I interacted with Shadow. This was kind of deep for me though and I really didn’t understand what was going on between us yet, but I wasn’t frightened by any of it.

“That was awesome,” David said, smiling almost shyly, and I smiled back.

“He loves to make out,” I explained, unnecessarily. David would understand, I knew, and it was very awesome, like he said.

“So does Goddess,” he told me, finally giving in to the dog and wanting to show me that he was just as serious as me.

I watched as David extended his tongue and rather than letting Goddess kiss him deeply the way Shadow had kissed me, they were content to keep their kiss in the open between them. The boy and his dog licked each other, his nose touching hers while their tongues flicked and tickled and stroked each other. It looked sexy as hell and I’d never seen a person kissing a dog before, although I’d kissed dogs myself a million times. It’s hard to see yourself when you kiss.

My heart went a little quicker and I started getting moist, I’m not kidding. My motor was running now and my nipples grew hard and itchy. David closed his lips, trapping the tip of Goddess’ tongue and sucking it for a second until she’d draw back. They were playing a game I knew well and I drew a ragged breath as I noticed David’s hand had gone to her tummy, to her nipples, playing with them while they made out.

This was what I’d been missing, I thought. What I’d always wanted without realizing it. I needed someone who loved dogs as much as I did, someone I could share it with. I’m not sure it mattered if the other person was a boy or girl, but I’ll admit I was happy just then knowing that David was a guy. I very much wanted to see him fucking Goddess, it was a desire as strong as anything I’d ever felt in my life. But we couldn’t do it here, obviously, and we had a long drive ahead of us.

My car was small, but luckily I didn’t have a lot of stuff anyway and we made room for David’s backpack in the trunk. Barely. Most of my things were still at my parents’ house and had been for a long time. After college, I’d decided to wait until I found a permanent full-time job before getting completely settled anywhere and I guess I’d always been practical about stuff like that. So long as I had my dog I was pretty happy and I sensed David would feel very much the same. I’d asked him if there was anything he wanted from his house, since all he had was his backpack, and the boy had said no. He had Goddess and that’s all that mattered.

Now they were in the back seat, David and his girlfriend. Shadow rode up front with me, sticking his nose out the window, which was rolled three-quarters of the way up. It was a nice day and warm outside, but the wind could be a bit chilly and it made talking difficult as well. I could feel ten years of pent up conversation struggling to get out, but I wasn’t sure where to start. He seemed happy enough with his own thoughts anyway, watching the world pass slowly by.

So we rode in silence for a long while, which wasn’t so bad, I suppose. I was used to not talking intimately with other people. David probably felt the same, but still, we were together now, right? I mean, we were on our own, together, and I felt that responsibility. I decided I’d just be kind of … blunt.

“Hey, uh, David?” I caught his eyes in my rearview mirror. “Have you fucked a lot of dogs? Or just…”

“Uh…” His mouth opened and his blue eyes got bigger, which was cute, but he didn’t blush or anything. I think he just wasn’t used to hearing a teacher talk like that, the F word, I mean. I wasn’t used to being so crude either, but it was definitely blunt.

“I’ve done it with a lot of different ones,” I said, feeling my tummy tighten. It was exciting to confess, to talk sort of dirty about my big secret. “Maybe that makes me a slut, I’m not sure.”

“No, I’ve just done it with Goddess,” David said slowly.

“That’s cool.” I smiled at him and we were quiet for half a minute.

“How many, um, times or…” he asked hesitantly.

“How many different dogs?” I giggled and made a little face. “You’ll think I’m bad.”

“No, uh-uh.” He shook his head. “I’m curious.”

“I don’t know, um … A dozen different ones? Maybe?” I shrugged. “Mostly when I was in high school. Some in college, too. Where I grew up it seemed like everybody had dogs, you know? Everyone except me. I was real popular with the neighbors.”

“You were?” David smiled.

“Yeah. I mean, I’d always give the dogs baths and stuff,” I explained, giggling at the memories. “I even made money doing it sometimes, just five bucks here and there.”

“But you were really, um…” he cleared his throat, ” … fucking them?”

“After their baths? Yeah!” I grinned over my shoulder. “Every chance I got.”

“You didn’t have Shadow?”

“Shad? No, not until I was almost done with college, then I moved off campus and got him,” I said. “He was at the shelter. They were gonna, well … You know…”

“Yeah,” David sighed, and he was stroking Goddess as she half-laid on his lap. “I know what they do.”

“So I rescued him.” I smiled, pushing the bad thoughts away.

“That’s cool,” he decided, smiling back at my reflection. “But when you were my age…”

“I fucked every dog I could find!” I laughed, sticking out my tongue. “God! I was a serious little bitch, too. I’d get a dog, you know, I’d give him some food and get him into my bedroom after school. It was so much fun, but I was always terrified of getting caught.”

“Yeah, me too,” David agreed. “When Candy caught us, that was bad.”

“Your sister?” I asked, and he nodded. “That must have really sucked. What did she say?”

“She just threw-up mostly.” The boy laughed, but not happily. “Seriously, she ran for the bathroom and puked after she saw what we were doing.”

“Well,” I shrugged, “that’s her problem then.”

“Yeah.” David frowned. She’d made it his problem too and I had to remember that.

“A girl like that needs a good dog fuck,” I said, mostly to myself.

We rode in silence for awhile after that, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I mostly wondered what David would do in the days and weeks ahead. He was coming with me, but he was only sixteen and a runaway now. I wasn’t sure how much trouble I’d be in legally for helping him run away. I knew that if we had sex or whatever I wouldn’t be in trouble. Sixteen was the age of consent and … Sex with David? That made me pause and I wasn’t sure if I was really thinking about that, or if I was just using it to define our standing with regards to the law. But the idea was in my head suddenly. People would assume we had sex, if anyone found out we were living together. Did I want to have sex with the boy?

Maybe. That was a weird thought just because I’d never wanted sex with any boy, but seeing him with Goddess … Yeah, I could see why she loved him. He was cute and nice. Goddess probably loved getting David’s hard cock inside her and I wondered what that would feel like. Boys weren’t shaped like dogs, I knew that. Would it feel good? I smiled to myself, maybe even giggled as all these strange thoughts came out of left field.

“You want to stretch?” I asked him, seeing a sign for a roadside rest area ahead. “Give the dogs a break?”

“Yeah, that would be good,” David said, and we were about halfway to Apple Grove, maybe a little less. It would be about a five hour drive, assuming we didn’t get lost once we left the highway.

We found the designated pet area, which looked just like the rest of the place. It was on the other side of the parking lot from the bathrooms and vending machines, and the big map that said ‘You are here!’ That was fine with us anyway; nobody else was near us and so we didn’t bother using leashes or even collars. David had taken off Goddess’ and I rarely used a collar on Shadow.

The two dogs were getting along and that was good, taking the opportunity to sniff each other as much as the trees and grass. David and I just walked around slowly, watching our two dogs and smiling at them. That was nice, seeing David smile as he followed Goddess with adoring eyes. I realized that I did the same thing, just enjoying the way Shadow capered happily on the grass. I’d never really thought about it before, but I imagine I was always smiling around Shadow.

“I was thinking you should call your parents tonight,” I said gently. “They’re going to be worried.”

“Yeah.” David took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I left them a note, anyway.”

“Well, that’s not the same thing as hearing your voice though,” I told him, but it was his decision.

“Maybe,” he said. “My mom will be worried, but my dad…”

“What? You don’t get along with him?”

“No, we’re okay,” David told me. “Just, he’s not gonna understand if he finds out about me and Goddess, you know?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I do know. My dad keeps asking me when I’m going to get a boyfriend. I can’t tell him I already have one.”

“You think he’d be mad?” he asked. “If he knew you and Shadow, um … Did it?”

“If he knew we fucked?” I asked, just to see David’s reaction and the boy smiled, looking down. “Daddy would freak out, yeah. But he doesn’t want to think about me having sex with anyone, so…”

“Yeah, I guess not,” David said with a smile. “You really never had sex with a guy?”

“Nope!” I laughed lightly. “I’m still a virgin. Sorta.”

“Me too!” He laughed with me and stole a look, but tried hard not to be obvious about it. I liked that.

“You guys do it a lot?” I wondered.

“Have sex?” David turned his head to give me a real look and I nodded. “Yeah, just about everyday. Goddess likes it a lot.”

“I bet you do too, huh?” I bumped my hip against his playfully and this was a first for me, flirting with a boy.

“Yeah.” He grinned. “It’s better than anything. How about you?”

“Every chance we get,” I said seriously. “Shadow’s just three, so all he wants to do is eat and fuck and fall asleep afterwards.”

“I know that feeling,” David said, and we walked for minute and then turned around. The place just wasn’t that big. “I never, um … How do you guys do it?”

“How?” I laughed. “Uh, I don’t know. Like anybody does. Mostly he likes it if I get on my hands and knees, you know. Doggy style?”

“Doggy style!” He stuck his tongue out with a childish giggle. He was amazingly cute with his innocence.

“But we do it other ways, too. I like it when he’s on top of me, when I can kiss him and see his eyes,” I said. “Missionary, kind of. That’s always pretty great for me, like romantic. We take our time when we do that.”

“Yeah, we do it that way too,” he said. “It’s kinda hard though because she’s really small that way, but I can kiss her then and just … See her, you know?”

“On her back?”

“Yeah, I have to go really slow when we do it that way,” David told me. “She didn’t really like it at first, but now … She’s so beautiful.”

“I know,” I said, feeling warm just from talking about sex. “I’d like to see that sometime.”

“You would?” The boy blinked at me.

“Well … yeah!” I giggled. “That would be seriously sexy. Watching you and Goddess? Definitely.”

“Okay.” He swallowed hard.

“What?” I grinned at him. “You mean, I can watch?”

“If you want to,” David said, looking away from me, but then he turned his head and gave me his bright blue eyes. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Julie. I mean, I didn’t even know there was someone like you.”

“Well, here I am!” I said, grinning at him. “Do you want to watch Shadow fuck me?”

“Yeah,” he breathed, obviously getting a little warm beneath his pink cheeks and eager smile.

We were leaning against the car by then. I had my long legs stretched out, digging the heels of my sandals into the asphalt with my ankles crossed. I knew David was looking at my thighs which were smooth and toned, and nicely tanned after the long summer. His eyes took in my flat tummy and my breasts as they were pushed outward. I had my arms straight behind me so I could lean on them. I pretended not to notice David’s interest, but it excited me and I wanted to understand why.

“I suck him too,” I said softly, tossing my head because I’d let my hair down. It wasn’t terribly long, but past my shoulders anyway, and the wind blew it like an auburn cloud around my face.

“I lick Goddess,” he answered, and I hadn’t shocked him at all.

“You have no idea how cool this is for me,” I had to say. “I’ve never talked about this stuff with anyone.”

“It feels good, doesn’t it?” David asked, and I moved closer.

“I was lonely,” I admitted, touching his arm, stroking his shoulder with my hand, “and I didn’t even know it.”

“Me too.” He swallowed hard, looking into my eyes and seeing me. Not just my body, the way other boys saw me. And I don’t mean David was seeing me as a woman who loved her dog. I’m sure that was part of it, but beyond that … I thought he was seeing the real me, like all of me. Nobody had ever looked at me that way and it meant something special.

I can’t explain it and I didn’t expect it. We just had a connection and when I looked at David I saw a boy, a young man really, who was strong and sensitive and so eager to be the good person he was growing into. I loved Shadow with a passion, but I never thought I would love a person that same way. I never thought I’d meet someone like David either, and I had a sudden hint, or premonition, or maybe just a flash of desire for something deeper than just friendship between us.

It frightened me, it really did, but even that felt good somehow. A wonderful sense of fear and excitement, and a reluctance to hope for something that I didn’t completely understand. I wanted to think about it and maybe more than that, I didn’t want to spoil it somehow.

“We should get going maybe,” I said, turning away from his steady gaze. “Shadow, come on!”

“Goddess!” David whistled, and our dogs came running.

“Hey! Stop!” I pushed Shadow away as his nose pressed into my crotch. He could smell my excitement and was trying to reach my moist pussy with his tongue.

“He looks a little excited.” The boy grinned at me. A bit of Shadow’s cock had slipped his furry sheath, the red tip exposed with just a little precum starting to dribble out.

“Yeah, he gets that way when he smells something he likes,” I said without embarrassment, at least about that. What was going on between me and David though…

“Goddess too,” he said, and I laughed as the bitch pressed her nose into his crotch. I was reasonably sure David’s cock had gotten hard in his jeans, probably dripping precum, too. Boys are like that.

“Hmmm…” I rolled my eyes. “Silly dogs.”

We put the dogs in the backseat, David asking me if he could ride in the front, and of course, I wouldn’t say no. He’d felt the connection, I could tell, and I think he wanted to sort it out just as much as I did. I bet he’d never looked at a girl before in his life, at least not with any kind of sexual desire. We were the same, him and me, and that seemed almost miraculous to me.

Unfortunately, neither of us had any experience with expressing our emotions to another person. It’s hard enough even if you’re normal, I suppose, and socially speaking, David and I were a long ways from that! We didn’t say a word for half an hour or so, David probably thinking he should make the first move because he was the man, and I figured I should say something because I was some five or six years older.

Thirty minutes north of the rest area I saw a sign for a motel. There was a truck stop, a couple fast food places, a tavern with on and off sale liquor, and a motel with air conditioning and HBO. I felt horny and somewhat frustrated by my inability to talk with David, and so without warning, I just pulled off the freeway. We needed to break the ice, I thought. We’d chipped at it a little and then we’d gotten stuck. We needed to go the rest of the way and find out just what was going on between us, because it was a little maddening. I’d never been known for my patience.

“Where are we going?” David asked.

“Get a motel room.” I glanced at him, smiling and really hoping he would be okay with that. It hadn’t even occurred to me that he might not be.

“Oh,” he said, clearing his throat. “Just, um … One?”

“It’s okay, right?” I asked him. “We can share?”

“Yeah.” He swallowed hard.

“Okay.” I nodded, thinking we were acting like a couple virgins on a first date. Which we were, in a manner of speaking.

“Do you want me to pay half, or…”

“Huh?” I laughed. “No, my dad will pay. Don’t worry about it.”

“Your dad?”

“Yeah, he gave me a credit card for stuff like this,” I explained. “Well, not exactly like this, but he’ll understand. I don’t abuse it.”

“Alright, cool,” David said. “As long as he’s not gonna get mad at you or anything.”

“My dad?” I scrunched up my nose. “As soon as I tell him I have a real job, he won’t care how much I spend, believe me.”

“I wish my dad was like that,” he sighed, and I had to sympathize. Somehow I doubted my dad would be so eager to pay my bills if he knew I was getting a motel room so David and I could fuck our dogs.

“Hang out here. I’ll get us a room,” I said … And ten minutes later… “One oh three.” I tossed the room key wrapped in the receipt on the dash. “All the way at the end.”

“Can the dogs stay in there?” David wondered.

“Oops!” I stuck out my tongue. “I kinda forgot to tell her we have pets.”

“Heh!” He grinned at me and turned around in his seat. “You guys’ll be good anyway, right?”

“They’d better be,” I agreed, knowing Shadow and Goddess would be fine, so long as we didn’t get caught sneaking them in and out.

“Just one bed,” David observed after opening the door.

“But it’s a big one.” I smiled, slipping past him as the boy stood just inside the room. “I’m going to take a shower, I think.”

“Okay, um, I’ll just get my bag and … Do you need anything?”

“Just my little blue suitcase,” I said. “And there’s food for the dogs. Shadow’s bowls are there, too. Goddess can use his water dish.”

“Kay.” David nodded and I was already in the bathroom, pulling my t-shirt over my head while I talked.

I hadn’t closed the door, but I was out of sight anyway, or so I’d thought. But as my t-shirt came off, I caught David’s reflection in the wall mirror, the angle giving the sixteen year old a good look at me as I stood there topless now. He could see my firm breasts, and my upturned nipples hardened, just like my tummy tightened at the realization that he was staring at me. I didn’t move. I stood there letting the boy look while I watched his face. After a long second or three, his eyes found mine and he turned away quickly then. I frowned as I hadn’t meant to embarrass him.

After David had gone outside to get our things, I thought about closing the bathroom door, but I didn’t. I was excited by this game, this flirting and seduction, if that’s what it was. I finally had some understanding of what my friends, the few I’d had in high school, had felt growing up and discovering boys and feelings for one in particular. I’d only loved dogs and so I hadn’t understood any of what they were talking about, but now I did. I wanted David to look at me and like me. I wanted him to want me.

My panties were wet and I smiled at myself for that. I peeled them down my legs, tossing them next to the sink so I wouldn’t forget to wash them. David. I looked at the mirror, seeing around the corner and into the motel room, but he was still outside. Goddess had gotten on the bed, sitting up with her head high, while I could just see half of Shadow’s twisted body as he cleaned himself on the floor. It gave me a sense of family, a feeling that came out of nowhere with a genuine warmth, a contentment that I could feel in my stomach. This was what I’d been missing, I thought.

The water felt nice and hot, and while the motel soap was small and cheap, it did lather up just fine. I washed my body slowly, spending far too much attention to my breasts, and after a few minutes I gave up all pretense and pressed my fingers to my pussy. I was shaking inside, moving my fingers over and through the fine thatch of curling pubic hair covering my sex and finding my clitoris. She’d grown stiff and sensitive, eagerly exposed at the top of my slit, and I gasped with pleasure when my fingertips found her.

I wanted David to come into the bathroom and join me. That was my fantasy of the moment as I worked my fingers around in a small circular motion, massaging my clit and swollen labia, the thick outer lips of my cunt. They were ripe with excitement and greasy with my juices. I pinched and pulled them, enjoying that particular sensation greatly. My left hand played over my breasts, rubbing and squeezing them, slippery with soap and feeling my nipples aroused and burning. I thumbed and pinched the left, tugging at the rubbery nub and imagining David’s mouth there.

Masturbation was hardly new for me. I enjoyed it a lot, but thinking about a boy was very different than my normal fantasies and I wanted him to hear my soft moans and weak gasps. David would come into the bathroom and see me, stare at me while I pressed a finger into my pussy, pumping my cunt slowly with my eyes closed and back arched. He’d join me, I imagined, taking off his clothes without a word, stepping inside and surprising me. I’d jerk at his touch, and then smile and look into his eyes, pulling the boy close so that the water rained over us both.

I could feel his cock against my tummy as we stood there. He was so tall, about the same height as me. His eyes were level with mine as my nipples rubbed his chest, sliding across his skin when we moved. David’s hands would find my ass, his arms encircling me and the boy’s strong fingers digging into my flesh. He pulled me tightly against him and I knew he wanted to kiss me. Our first kiss. My first ever with a man. I wanted it and I waited, closing my eyes for it and at the last moment opening them because I had to see it. I wanted to look into David’s face when his lips found mine. His tongue teased my lips and I opened like a ripe fruit, sweet and moist and eager to be eaten.

David was kissing me and I was cumming hard, fucking myself with two fingers stretching my cunt, hunched over beneath the shower and barely able to breathe, it felt so good. The moment took a long while to pass, several minutes at least, and I was breathless and giggling by myself, blinking against the water spilling over my face. I remembered the open door and looked, peering around the thin shower curtain and I couldn’t say if I wanted to find David standing there or not. Part of me did, but after my orgasm, I felt a rush of embarrassment too, and that happy confusion seemed kind of insane.

As it was, I had no idea how much or little David might have seen. The shower curtain wouldn’t have disguised what I was doing at all, merely distorted the details, and I’d had my eyes closed. I didn’t know if the boy had heard me and decided to take a peek or not. God! I hoped he had, and just as fervently I hoped I’d never find out.

David sat on the bed when I came out of the bathroom, feeling a little nervous, a little shy wrapped in a towel from the top of my breasts to just below my butt. Of course, he looked at me and I was looking at him. This was the moment I’d arranged so awkwardly and like any teenage girl on her first date, I had no idea what I was supposed to say or do. It made me feel ridiculous and suddenly afraid that I’d screwed this up … whatever this was. I’d known the boy for half a day. What was I doing?

“I, uh … Guess it’s my turn, huh?” David cleared his throat and I didn’t understand what he meant at first.


“The shower.” He blushed, smiling and trying so hard not to look at me, but he didn’t have much of a choice.

Goddess slept on the bed, her chin over his thighs, and Shadow had curled up on the floor. He looked up at me and wagged his tail, wondering if we wouldn’t fool around a little, since we often did after my bath. I wouldn’t have minded it either. Physically, I was primed for a good hard fuck, but emotionally I felt like a kaleidoscope inside, my tummy turning as I tried to understand how and why I felt an attraction for David. I hadn’t expected that.

It wasn’t unwelcome, I don’t want to say that, but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing. He was only sixteen and had been through so much over the last twenty-four hours. David was fragile, I thought, vulnerable and I wanted to be his friend before I could be anything else. I wanted to protect him, and me too. Was this love? Or just some infatuation, or a juvenile sex thing? A woman my age was supposed to know what she was doing, but for all intents and purposes, I could have been the same age as David. I was sixteen again, that’s how it felt, and before I gave myself away I wanted to be sure of what I was feeling. All the warnings my mother had given me, words of wisdom that I’d never needed because I only loved dogs, came flooding back. Respect myself, she’d told me. If I did that, the boy would respect me too, but … oh God! I felt like a little girl.

“Oh.” I smiled and my face warmed noticeably. “The shower, yeah. We can eat at the diner, if you want. Afterwards, I mean.”

“Okay,” David agreed, moving slowly and getting out from under Goddess. “Hey, uh…”

“Hmmm?” I bit my bottom lip, a sure sign of my nervousness.

“I just … I really don’t know what I’m doing,” he said, softly in a hesitant voice. His blue eyes were big and full of emotion; I could see the uncertainty, the fear and hope, like looking in an emotional mirror.

“I don’t know what I’m doing either,” I admitted.

“Am I supposed to do something? Or say something?” David asked, seriously. “Because I really, um … I think you’re beautiful.”

“Do you?” I swallowed hard and the young man nodded, and then he laughed, looking away from me.

“I’m really nervous.”

“Yeah. Me too,” I said, nodding.

“Do you like me?” he wondered, closing his eyes and almost bracing himself for rejection, it seemed to me.

“Oh, David,” I sighed, unintentionally making it sound like the dumbest thing I’d ever heard a boy say. “I think I love you.”

“Uh…” He looked at me again, blinking rapidly while he sorted that out in his head.

“I mean, um…” I struggled to breathe as I realized what I’d just said. Did I mean that? “I’ve never loved anyone, so…”

“Me neither.” He combed his fingers through his hair, but he couldn’t hide his smile. It wasn’t a big one, just a flicker at the corners of his mouth and I knew he felt the same way I did. He had too because we were the same inside.

“I’m so scared of screwing it up,” I confessed. “Of saying something dumb, you know?”

“Yeah.” David nodded. “I wanted to say it before.”

“Say what?” I asked him gently. “That you’re scared?”

“Um, no.” He smiled and his cheeks were flushed. “That I think I love you, too.”

“Oh.” I felt warm all over and we had that thing going on, that electricity again. Every time our eyes met it was like a little shock went through me and there was something in the air. Anticipation, I thought, or maybe expectation? I didn’t know and it made me tingle because I wanted to find out so badly all of a sudden.

We were quiet, like we’d run out of things to say, except we hadn’t. David and I were speaking to each other, but not with words. He waited a half minute, maybe longer, and it seemed like an eternity, but then he walked towards me and I didn’t move. He stood in front of me and I swallowed hard, wishing my heart would slow down, but it didn’t.

I’d never been kissed by a boy before and when it happened, I was waiting and so completely not ready for it. David’s lips were soft and dry and touching mine. His hands went to my hips, to the damp towel I wore, and he barely held me at all. I closed my eyes and it was nothing like I’d imagined. It was everything I’d imagined. My first kiss lasted just a few seconds and I blinked rapidly as David pulled back. I’d forgotten to open my eyes and that made me frown.

“I’m sorry,” he said, and I put my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth back to mine.

He opened easily and my tongue slipped inside. It was like kissing Shadow, but very different, too. With Shadow, it was playful and loving and utterly sexual; with David it felt sensual and romantic and, yeah, loving. He sucked my tongue much as he sucked his dog’s, I was sure, but unlike Goddess, I didn’t pull away from it. I gave him all of me, wriggling my tongue against his, molding my body against the boy and savoring the feel of his hands as they became firm and strong, moving behind my back to hold me tightly.

We broke that kiss with soft gasps and deep breaths and then David kissed me the same way. His tongue filled my mouth and I sucked it greedily, swallowing our saliva and digging my fingers into his hair. One of David’s hands found my ass, tentatively at first but all I did was moan with pleasure, encouraging the boy to take me the way he wanted. My towel was slipping, the knot between my breasts loosening and the back fell away.

Our bodies held the front of the towel in place, but behind me David suddenly found my bare skin. I felt his hand sliding down my butt. One finger, his middle finger, slipped between my cheeks and I wriggled happily at the sensation. His fingertip found my asshole, which seemed totally daring and sexy, and I loved it. He kept going, too, the boy dipping his shoulder, getting lower so he could reach my sex from behind. I followed him, twisting my body and keeping our mouths together while we half-giggled, half-moaned. It was crazy and clumsy and nothing like making out with a dog.

“Mmphh…” I gasped and almost lost my balance when David’s fingers found my pussy.

Just his fingertips, stroking my fiery sex from behind, and I had my legs spread for him. I gave the boy all the access he could want and my pussy burned for his touch. My clitoris throbbed and thrummed, begging for attention and I felt so empty inside. I wanted to be filled, to be fucked and not just that, but to make love. I wanted David inside me, to feel him and know what it was like to have a man inside my body. I’d been missing this for so long and I hadn’t even known it. Not just any man, that’s not what I mean. I’d been missing David, the one person in the world I could love completely. The one man I could trust with all my secrets and share all of my desires with.

“I need you,” I breathed, staring into his eyes and then I giggled. “I’m not scared anymore. Are you?”

“No.” He took a deep breath through his nose, letting it out through his open mouth. “I feel like I’m dreaming.”

“Yeah!” I grinned. “Oh God, David. This is so…”

“Weird?” He stuck out the tip of his tongue and I shook my head.

“Perfect,” I decided. “We’re supposed to be here, right now, like this. Can you feel it?”

“I feel it,” he whispered, and I relaxed my arms because I’d been holding him tightly around the neck. His hands were on my hips, squeezing me gently, and then letting go.

The towel fell away completely then, as our bodies separated slightly, and I smiled at him. I stood completely naked and not shy at all. So many men had wanted me exactly this way, naked and yielding and hungry. None of them had been David though.

“Is Goddess going to be jealous if you fuck me?” I asked him, using the word deliberately. I did like talking that way when I was horny, even though my usual partners didn’t understand a word of it.

“I don’t know.” David smiled back at me and we both looked at the bed and Goddess was watching us. “What will Shadow say?”

“Mmmm … I don’t know!” I laughed.

It was a pretty good question though. Shadow and Goddess were getting along fine, basically because they were male and female and there was little for them to contest since we didn’t even have a home at the moment. But anyone who owns a dog knows that they can get as jealous as anyone else. Not of sex, but just the attention. They hadn’t done anything but watch us so far, but that could change quickly. The thing that’s important to remember, and so easy to forget, is that dogs are always dogs. They don’t always react to things the way a human would.

“I know I want to fuck you though,” I said softly, tugging at David’s t-shirt, lifting it up his body slowly. “I want your cock inside me.”

“God … Julie…” David breathed, raising his arms for me as I pulled the shirt over his head.

“I want you to fuck me like a dog,” I said, nodding as his head reappeared. David’s blonde hair had gotten tousled and he was a good looking young man. As if I’d never seen a boy before in my life, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“You’re so beautiful,” he told me, and as soon as his shirt was off, David brought his hands to my tits, touching them gently at first while I ran my fingers over his bare shoulders and down his arms.

“You can touch me,” I said. “Squeeze them. Play with my tits. Feel my nipples.”

“They’re hard,” he whispered, finding my swollen nipples with his thumbs. I shivered, pressing myself against his hands.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Pinch them for me. It’s okay.”

“Alright.” He smiled and we just looked at each other while David explored my body. “Does it hurt?”

“No … Do it harder,” I urged him. “Pinch them really hard.”

“Like this?” David asked, and I gasped sharply, bending my back so that my pussy found David’s crotch, the bulge in his jeans.

I leaned backwards and he didn’t let me go. He had my nipples between his thumbs and fingers, pulling my breasts into taut cones of pleasure. It felt amazing for me, exactly what I needed, and I had my hands behind David’s neck, my fingers interlaced so that a moment later I was pulling his head down.

“Suck them. Bite my nipples,” I demanded, feeling very selfish all of a sudden, but David didn’t mind. “Oh fuck! Bite my tits for me!”

His mouth found my left nipple and he began nursing hard while I cradled his head. I’d moved my legs, putting my right thigh between David’s, grinding my pussy against him as much as I could. We were going to have to sit down soon, or better yet, I wanted to lie down on the bed with him. My body felt hot and weak, my legs almost rubbery, and I wanted to be touched and kissed and licked all over.

“Oh fuck, David … Ummm…” I turned my head down, whispering in his ear while I began to nibble his earlobe. I could feel his tongue washing my fat nipple and then his teeth, hard and sharp, but so gentle. It only felt good and I’d never had my tits sucked before in my life, it was the one thing Shadow just couldn’t do for me.

David went to my other breast after half a minute, giving my right nipple the same loving treatment. I kissed and licked the boy’s ear and neck and flushed cheeks through his hair. His hands had gone to my ass, holding my body tightly and pulling me against his leg. My pussy ached with the need to be filled. I wanted a cock in me so badly just then that it was making me a little crazy. That and the way my hard little clit kept rubbing across the rough denim of David’s pants. The way his mouth worked around my tits and his hands squeezed my butt, his fingers digging into the firm cheeks of my ass … I loved all of it.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum … Don’t … Don’t stop!” I gasped, moving up and down, holding David’s mouth against my breast while he chewed my burning nipple. I shivered, barely able to stand without his help, and his leg was right there, bent at the knee, giving me something firm to ride as my cunt seemed to collapse in on itself, contracting around the emptiness. I found that frustration almost a pleasure in itself.

I whimpered, there’s no other word for it, and I had my eyes tightly shut against the explosion of raw joy between my legs. It wasn’t just there though, it was everywhere. My entire body rocked with my orgasm, a much better and different one than I’d had by myself in the shower. David made me cum. A boy was bringing me off and I felt lost in the new experience for a few seconds, for that wonderful eternity when the world is just too beautiful and all a girl can do is cry.

“Are you okay?” David asked.

“Huh?” I was in a happy fog, smiling at the boy and wondering why he would ask me that.

“You’re crying,” he whispered, and I focused on his face. “Did I hurt you?”

“God no!” I giggled. “Fuck … No … I feel good.”


“Really good.” I couldn’t stop smiling and felt almost desperately eager to make love with him. “Hey!”

“I guess he’s tired of watching.” David smiled as Shadow pressed his nose between my thighs from behind.

“Ohhmmm…” I sighed as the boy still held my ass with both hands. He pulled my butt cheeks apart, deliberately giving Shadow all the access the dog could want.

“Lick her, Shadow,” he said, and I giggled at that, watching David’s face as he looked over my shoulder.

“Oh yeah!” I wriggled as I felt Shadow’s long, rough tongue on my dripping pussy and then my tight little asshole. He could taste my juices and went to work licking me everywhere and anywhere his tongue would reach.

“Goddess licks me too,” David said, and he didn’t even blush. “It feels really good.”

“Mmmm…” I just smiled and closed my eyes, and I was seriously going to fall down in a second. My orgasm hadn’t done anything to take the edge off my desire and now Shadow’s tongue was slapping my cunt, spanking my sex with his rapid lapping. I was incredibly wet; my juices literally running down my thighs, and he loved the flavor.

“What are you doing?” David asked, and I knew he was hard, his cock probably hurting from being trapped like it was.

“I can’t stand up,” I said a little breathlessly. My lungs just didn’t want to work anymore and my heart wouldn’t slow down. “So I’m gonna suck you.”

“Oh.” His handsome face took on a curious look, but he was smiling as I slipped out of his grasp and down to my knees.

Shadow didn’t mind, he was used to having me on my hands and knees anyway. It was fine for him and I had my legs spread wide so that the dog could keep tonguing my pussy. I knew he would mount me soon and as much as I wanted to fuck David, I hadn’t been lying when I said I was a slut for dog cock. I was primed and ready for any hard prick that came along and Shadow was going to be nice for me. I’d let David fuck me afterwards and maybe that was only fair, since Shadow was my boyfriend.

“Oh! Sorry!” David laughed self-consciously as I’d opened his jeans and pulled them down, his underwear too, exposing all of him at once. His cock had jumped out like a jack-in-the-box, slapping me right on the chin.

“Heh!” I giggled and stared at his manhood, the first one I’d ever seen live and up-close. “It’s big.”

“Is it?” David asked me seriously, and I nodded. “I didn’t mean to, um, hit you with it.”

“I don’t mind.” I looked up at him and wiggled my hips because Shadow was trying to get his tongue inside my ass.

“I never did this. I mean, sometimes Goddess sucks it … Sorta, but…” David was nervous and talking too much, but I enjoyed his fluster.

“Shhh…” I stuck out my tongue. “I never did it either, remember?”

“Yeah, okay.” He nodded, lifting his feet as I pulled his jeans off completely. His socks too, since they looked kind of silly on a naked man.

“A couple virgins,” I sighed, and then giggled because it felt like Christmas. I looked over my shoulder at Shadow. “Fuck me, boy. Go ahead. That’s enough licking. Fuck me.”

I braced myself with my palms on the carpet and my arms straight beneath me. Shadow knew what I was saying and he was ready for it. He pushed himself up easily, wrapping his strong forelimbs around my waist and I could feel his claws scratching me. I kept them pretty short and I’d have to trim them again soon, but I wasn’t thinking about that just then. I was much too busy trying to help that big dog cock find my eager cunt. He stabbed hard against me three or four times, missing almost painfully as a dog’s penis is extremely rigid, then his sharply tapered cockhead found my hole and I had the air kicked out of me with a whoosh.

“Jesus, that’s cool,” David breathed, watching as Shadow dropped his bony chin onto my shoulder, hunching his back and digging his rear paws into the carpet for leverage.

“Uh uhhh uhhhmmm … Fuck!” I groaned loudly, finding myself helpless beneath the animal’s assault. “Sha-adow! Je-sus!”

He must have been seriously worked up, or maybe my boyfriend just wanted to assert himself in front of David. Whatever was going through Shadow’s dog brain, he was fucking the shit out of me! His cock split my pussy easily and that felt really good, but every other stroke found the bottom of my sex, my cervix probably, and it was like getting hit with a cattle prod. Shadow was driving me across the floor, literally as I crawled awkwardly beneath his weight, not to get away, but just to relieve some of that pressure. He was fucking me too hard and too deep.

“Shoot, are you okay?” David didn’t know what was going on. He was smiling, probably thinking this was pretty normal, and stepping back to stay out of the way as I moved around in search of some relief.

“He’s just … Um! Fuck … In a mood,” I said, gasping the words out. “Oh God! Shad!”

“Maybe you should stop,” he said. “Or something.”

“Heh!” I looked up at him and laughed weakly. There would be no stopping now. Shadow was fucking his bitch and like any female dog, once I’d let him inside me, there was no going back. A lot of times he would mount me, fuck for a few seconds, and then get off, repeating that until he was comfortable and willing to finish. Other times though, Shadow would get something in his head and I’ll admit that I did like it when he played the alpha male to my submissive bitch. I just wished he would have warned me.

It wasn’t a bad fuck though, not at all, just a little rougher than what I was used to and not at all what I’d been expecting. I’d been fucked like this before though, many times, and I knew it would feel good soon enough. As soon as Shadow locked me up, all the discomfort would melt away and I’d cum then. That’s what I was waiting for and already Shadow’s knot was growing larger, slowing the dog’s thrusts down as he had to force it into my cunt and then yank it back out. That felt really good too, and a little uncomfortable maybe, but I loved it.

After fucking me for just three minutes or so, the knot was firmly lodged just inside my pussy, about the size of a tennis ball maybe. It wasn’t terribly huge and if I really needed to pull it out. I could, although that wouldn’t feel very good at all. It was just the perfect size to lock all those juices inside me, to make me feel comfortably stuffed with my pussy wrapped around it. The rest of my cunt was impaled on dog cock, all the way up to my cervix where the tip of Shadow’s penis was nudged hard up against me. He was cumming, too. Oh God! I could feel his cock loosing dog sperm in a steady flood to fill me up. He always came quickly after locking me up, like a switch had been thrown, and Shadow would cum a lot before he was finished. He had a great pair of balls, except he didn’t like it when I played with them. I liked to kiss and lick them while he slept.

Shadow’s orgasm made me cum finally. I had my elbows on the floor, my head down and my eyes closed, forgetting about everything else but my dog and his beautiful cock. His sperm was inside me, looking for my eggs and trying to give me puppies. That always got me off. Not the idea of having puppies, but just the idea of making love to Shadow like that. Of being receptive to his cum and letting him fill me. I liked being filled with his orgasm and I was having those sweet little cums that I loved, riding them like waves, up and down.

“Good girl … Beautiful girl…”

I became dimly aware of David whispering and I opened my eyes to see him fucking Goddess. The blowjob I’d wanted to give the boy had gotten sort of lost beneath Shadow’s eagerness to fuck me. I felt kinda bad about that, but not too much. David and I could do it later, I knew. We could do it anytime we wanted, and as often as we wanted. I watched as the young man held his beautiful dog by the hips and fucked her slowly; working his cock in and out, and it looked so nice, so wonderfully different than how a dog would fuck her. David was gentle and loving, stroking Goddess’ back and neck, leaning over to kiss her golden fur. I thought it was just about the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, a boy fucking his dog.

It made me cum again, just watching them and Shadow had already turned around, standing on the floor now with his hinged cock still inside me. It would take awhile before the knot shrank enough to let us comfortably loose and that was fine with me. I had my fingers on my clit, rubbing myself and enjoying the way the knot seemed to make my pussy all fat and puffed out around it.

David caught me looking at him and he smiled, moving a little faster then, and I was surprised to see Goddess fucking him back. She whined softly, but only with happiness. David wasn’t hurting the dog, obviously, and she pushed herself against him. I’d never seen anything like it, but then again I’d never seen a man fucking a dog before either. I thought it was incredibly sexy and proof that dogs enjoyed sex every bit as much as people did. She wasn’t grinding her cunt around that cock out of instinct alone, Goddess liked it and I wondered if she was ever confused that David couldn’t lock her up the way a real dog would have.

“Oh, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned and he’d been speaking to his girlfriend all during their sex. “Goddess … Fuck, I love you … Ah!”

I rubbed my clit frantically, wanting to cum the same time he did. David had been fucking her hard at the end, really driving his cock into the dog like she was a real girl, and now he arched his back, holding her tightly with fistfuls of fur. His cock was buried to the hilt in her hot sex and that had to feel good for the boy. I could see it on his face, the rapture of spilling his seed into the bitch he loved. I might have felt a small pang of jealousy, but it was really envy I was feeling. I couldn’t be jealous of Goddess because I had Shadow, but I did want to know what it would be like to feel David’s cock deep inside me, to see that same look on his face and know it belonged to me.

That seemed like it would be really cool.

“Come here,” I said. “Let me clean it off.”

“You want to suck it?” David smiled, red faced and catching his breath, and I nodded as he withdrew his semi-hard penis from the dog’s cum-filled vagina.

“Yeah, I want to taste her on your cock,” I said, and the boy lost no time. He didn’t even get off his knees.

“Oh Christ, Julie!” He laughed. “This is crazy.”

“Mmmphh…” I made happy sounds as I opened my mouth and took David’s wet cock between my lips.

I’d never tasted anything like it. The flavor of human sperm mixed with the fuck juices from Goddess’ pussy. I had no idea how to tell them apart, or even if I could. I was innocent of such things, like a little girl, but the taste was wonderful. They were rich and salty, almost bitter, but not in a bad way. I was able to get most of David’s cock in my mouth, since he wasn’t completely hard anymore and truthfully, he wasn’t nearly as large as Shadow.

It was a nice cock though, soft, but firm with a smooth round head that felt rather funny after spending almost ten years sucking dog cock. Boys were a lot different. David was circumcised too and I sorta wished he wasn’t. I always liked playing with Shadow’s sheath, licking around and inside it when he was soft, coaxing his cock to come out and play. I liked the pissy flavor and the musky odor that dogs have. David had nothing like that, his cock was all right there all the time.

“That feels good,” he told me. His hands were in my hair which was still loose and still damp from my shower, although that seemed like ages ago to me.

“Ummph hmmph!” I agreed, washing his cock all over with my tongue, hollowing my cheeks as I sucked and swallowed my fuck flavored saliva.

David soon rewarded my efforts with another erection, his cock stiffening after just a minute or two of sucking on it. He was recovering fast as I began sliding my tightly stretched lips up and down the shaft for him. He’d told me that Goddess sucked him sometimes, but not like this, I was sure. I loved sucking cock, or dog cock anyway, and I’d been doing it a long time. David was reaping the benefits now as I didn’t let him come close to leaving my mouth. I breathed easily through my nose, sucking and swallowing quickly as the boy leaked precum to mix with my spit.

“Just fuck my mouth,” I said, pulling away long enough for that and a quick lick of my lips. “Do it like a dog, okay?”

“Uh, okay.” He grinned at me, probably having no idea what I meant.

Sometimes I liked to sit up a little, usually against the side of my bed with some pillows behind me, and Shadow would get his front paws up on the mattress. He’d straddle me with his back legs and his cock would be right there, right at my open mouth. All I had to do was close my lips around him and he’d fuck my mouth like it was a cunt. I loved that, even though it could be a little uncomfortable if I didn’t hold him. Shadow would fuck his cock right into my throat if I let him, and sometimes it happened, but if he caught my throat when it was closed … Ouch! Like getting jabbed in the back of the mouth with a sharp stick, so I’d grab the base of Shadow’s cock, the knot was really handy for that, and make sure he only fucked me with about half of his dick.

It was a lot easier with David. He held my head in his hands, tentatively at first, but then his grip became firm when he realized exactly what I wanted. He pushed with his hips, shoving his cock into my mouth and then pulling back, over and over, slowly and gently, and then harder and faster. He pulled my mouth down the shaft finally, jamming his cockhead against the entrance to my throat, and I was able to open for him. It isn’t hard once you learn how to do it, and just like that I suddenly had my nose pressed flat against his stomach.

“Oh fuck!” He gasped and he held me there for a few seconds, his balls against my chin, his cock inside my throat as I worked those soft muscles around him. I was trying to swallow him down and when I did it for Shadow he liked to bark; David just moaned.

This was what I wanted to show him; maybe out of pride? I don’t know. Maybe I was just a little jealous of the pleasure David took from fucking Goddess, but I knew she couldn’t do this. She couldn’t deep throat a cock like I could and we were sharing something brand new and exciting for both of us. We did it a lot too; for three or four minutes probably. David fucked my throat and I actually started getting a little sore. I was getting sloppy too, because the thing about being mouth fucked is all the spit and precum just spills down my chin. Dogs have a lot of precum, David’s cock seemed almost dry by comparison, but I was still getting very wet down my chin and neck, all the way down to my tits.

Somewhere in the middle of sucking off David, Shadow was finally able to pull out of me. It felt like the dog was trying to turn my pussy inside out, but then the knot seemed to pop out of me like a cork. A heavy tide of our mixed up cum drained out of me as if I was pissing myself. We made a serious stain on the carpet and the smell of our fuck was pungent, a tangy musk that was suddenly that much stronger.

I rubbed my pussy with three fingers, getting them inside me easily. It felt good, massaging my tired sex while David continued to push and pull his cock between my lips. A moment later my fingers were replaced by a long rough tongue and I thought it was Shadow, but it wasn’t. David was all smiles, telling me it was Goddess licking my pussy clean while Shadow was busy washing himself in the corner.

“I think she likes you,” he breathed, getting closer to cumming, and I was willing to agree with him. Goddess sure seemed to love licking my cunt!

David lasted longer than I might have expected, since he’d cum once already inside Goddess, but it was still over relatively quickly. I think I only sucked him off for five or six minutes before he warned me that he was going to cum. He’d stopped moving then, in case I wanted him to pull out, I guess, but I didn’t. I wanted to taste his orgasm all by itself. I kept sucking him, the head mostly, and used my hand to jerk him off. It didn’t take much and my mouth was soon filled with a small explosion of hot semen that I swallowed greedily.

It was different than a dog’s, David’s semen being a little thicker, saltier too maybe, and less bitter. There was also a lot less of it, or so it seemed to me. I enjoyed the way it spurted out of him though; dogs tend to just spray their load, but David’s orgasm was pulsing and his whole cock would jerk inside my mouth. I could feel him under my fingers while I held him, throbbing as his muscles spasmed. It was all fun for me and exciting, and I chided myself for having ignored boys for so many years. But not too much.

Later that night we were in bed, all of us, and it was warm and comfortable and very cozy, I thought. David and I were in the middle, with Shadow beside me and Goddess on the other side of David. We still hadn’t made love, but now we were finally going to. It was funny and we were giggling and smiling at each other in the dark, not wanting to wake up our canine lovers.

I lay on my back and David on his right side facing me. Our legs were scissored, over and under and between each other, giving his hard cock access to my horny pussy. I held it in my hand, rubbing the smooth head up and down the furrow of my sex. That felt good all by itself and David didn’t seem to mind. He liked to play with my hair in the dark, touching my face with his fingertips, and I felt very much complete just then.

“I’m a little nervous,” I whispered.

“Why?” he asked, and I shrugged. “I really do love you, Julie.”

“I know.” I shifted my butt a little and then grinned as his cockhead suddenly slipped between my labia. “Oh! There … I love you too!”

David kissed me on the cheek, pressing his cock inside as I turned my mouth to find his. I liked the feeling of his cock entering me, it felt nice and comfortable and nothing like a dog’s penis. I took him easily and imagined him comparing the differences between me and Goddess. It was only natural and the best part wasn’t what we were feeling physically, but the emotions behind it. I was going to get off on being with David, on making love with him, and whatever stimulation my body felt was just icing on the cake. We were doing this because we wanted to be joined completely.

“I’m never going home,” he sighed, working himself in and out of me while I lifted my hips and pulled at the boy with my legs and hands.

“I know,” I said, agreeing softly.

“Even if it’s okay, I mean.” David kissed me again. “I don’t want to leave you.”

“Don’t leave me,” I said into his mouth, shivering with my first little cum.

“I’ll call my parents tomorrow,” he decided after a moment’s thought and a deep breath. “I’ll tell them I’m okay, but…”

“Yeah. I know,” I panted, rocking myself against him, feeling his cock stirring up the juices inside me.

” … I can’t ever go back,” David repeated, and we just looked at each other, moving our bodies and making love for a nice long while.

“I’m going to cum pretty soon, Julie.” He licked his lips. “Are you, I mean … Can I? Inside you?”

“Yeah.” I bit my bottom lip. “Inside me. I want to feel it.”

“But what if…”

“It’ll be a miracle.” I giggled. “God’s plan, okay? Let Him decide what happens.”

“Are you sure?” He started moving faster and any second he was going to lose it. My former student, now my lover, held me tightly, pulling me onto his cock, and I was so ready for it. I’d waited my whole life for this.

“You’ll have to marry me if I get pregnant,” I teased him breathlessly.

“Oh, Jesus … I’ll marry you,” he replied seriously, and I blinked at him.

“I’ll marry you, too,” I said, wondering where this had come from, and most especially why it made me feel so good inside to share it.

“You will?” David grinned and then gasped loudly.

His cock pushed one last time towards my womb, as deep as the young man could get it, and I covered his open mouth with mine as we climaxed together. I could feel him filling me with his semen and I’d already made up my mind to keep him there as long as possible. I wanted to fall asleep with David’s cock inside me, wrapped safely in his arms and sharing dreams of a pleasant and unexpected future.

The End

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