Women with Animals

The Jade Dragon


(c) 2009 by The Missing Eros

Chapter One

Her name was Elizabeth Brighton, she lived in New York City, she was 32 year’s old, tall at 5’9 inches, long legged, slim hipped and small busted, her hair was a reddish blond, shoulder length with natural curls, her eye’s were gray with flecks of green, she had what her father liked to call pianist fingers, long and tapered.

Her family considered her an old maid, she considered herself an unencumbered woman. She was a legal secretary for a large law firm, she had been a model in her teens and early twenties until the fashion world turned to girls who looked malnourished and ill rather then just slim with some sort of feminine shape.

Each morning at exactly 7:45am she left for work, at 8am she got on the subway and rode to work, arriving at exactly 8:45am, she disliked unpunctual people, she considered it a sign of rudeness, her time was just as important as theirs. She was always very careful in her attire, wearing crisp ironed blouses with a jacket and skirt, alternating with slacks. Occasionally she wore a shirtdress, her shoes were always stylish but comfortable.

Elizabeth had two ruling passions, collecting antiques and her art, she sold her art to afford her antiques, she thought it was the best of both worlds. With the money she had saved while modeling, she bought a large loft in the artsy district of town. She loved the atmosphere and the people, in the five years she had lived there, she had gotten to know most of the characters that lived in the area, though she rarely socialized she still had a ready smile and kind word for everyone.

Elizabeth was just finishing up her last report for the day, Richard Meyers one of the senior partners came out of his office pulling on his jacket, she handed him a few personal notes from callers and wished him a good evening. She liked Richard and his Wife Ruth, she had been invited to several of their dinner parties and had always enjoyed herself. Rushing a bit Elizabeth locked up the office and pulled on her jacket and gloves.

Almost tapping her fingers with impatience, which she rarely did, Elizabeth rode the subway to her stop, she usually let most of the people off first, hating to get caught in the rush, but today she was one of the first out of the doors. She rode the freight elevator to her loft, opening the gate she unlocked her door and went inside. She hung up her jacket, the gloves in the jacket pocket, her scarf wrapped around the collar.

Making sure the lacquered oriental Tang waist high cabinet was properly placed, she stood back and looked, double checking once more, she placed a rice paper mat on the top and waited, once again she found herself tapping her fingers impatiently. Hearing the buzzer, Elizabeth went to the door, checked to see who it was, then opened it. Harry and Mark from the antique shop stood with a dolly which was holding a 4′ crate. Holding the door open she ushered them in, telling them to put the crate over by the Tang cabinet.

Standing back she carefully watched them open the crate, the two of them took the statue out of the packing sawdust, they started to brush it off but she told them she would do it and quickly went and got one of her delicate brushes, she gently brushed off the statue, then asked them to place it on the cabinet.

Elizabeth stood staring at the statue, until she heard the two men putting the lid back on the crate, she turned and thanked them for their delivery and help, then she gave them their tip. Even though delivery fee’s were paid up front and already taken care of, Natalie always gave them a tip. Mark and Harry were always happy to take deliveries to the loft.

Elizabeth brushed some remaining sawdust off the statue with great care, she stood and looked making sure its placement was just right. Her hand drifted over the statue’s lines and she smiled. Startled she jumped as the phone rang, she grabbed her cordless and went up the iron circular stairs to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes.

Sophie, her best friend from modeling days and still a top notch model, chatted away as Elizabeth changed into a t-shirt and jeans. Whenever Sophie was in town she gave Elizabeth a call, then usually came over to pig out on pizza and beer and not have to worry about looks from people in restaurants. After she hung up the phone, Elizabeth washed off her makeup, pulled on a worn, torn sweat shirt and went downstairs to order the pizza and make sure she had plenty of beer on hand.

Elizabeth and Sophie were curled up on the sofa, laughing over a story Sophie had told about an Italian at the last fashion show Sophie done, it was a lingerie show for a well known company, she giggled as she told Elizabeth about the man sitting in the front row with an obvious hard on during the whole show, the girls had purposely given him hot looks at they walked down the run way, just for the fun of it. Modeling was hard, often tedious work and anytime the girls could add a laugh or giggle, they went for it.

Getting up off the couch Sophie, with an exclamation of delight, she went over to the statue, “oh Beth its gorgeous, when did you get this?” Elizabeth for some odd reason didn’t want her to touch the statue, she steered Sophie away from it, explaining that it had just arrived earlier that day. “Come see my latest creation, I think you’ll like it.” Elizabeth went over to the large folding doors that were on tracks in the floor and ceiling. Complaining the whole time Sophie helped push back one of the doors, “why don’t you get these automated, it sure would be a heck of a lot easier to open if you could just flick a switch.” Elizabeth totally agreed but that would involve having workers in to install motorized cables and what not and she didn’t want a bunch of clumsy jerks messing around in her loft.

Elizabeth’s loft was separated into sections, the front section contained the kitchen, a small guest bathroom, the living area with her TV which she rarely watched, several chairs and sofa’s and most of her antique collection. The second section was where she did her art work, there were canvases every where, off to one side was a king size mattress laying on the floor, that’s where she slept most of the time, a big bathroom was in the back where she could shower without worrying about getting paint on anything. this section was usually a chaotic mess, that’s the way Elizabeth wanted it, the rest of her life was so organized, so controlled that here she could be as messy and disordered as she wanted. The only reason she had put in the folding doors at all was so she could close them if she had family coming over or certain friends that she would rather not have see her art. The upstairs section of the loft was her bedroom, a traditional bedroom with a 19th century four poster bed, a tall boy and several chests. This pleased her Mother who had actually, with much complaining, gone up the round metal stairs once to take a look.

“Oh my gawd, Beth that’s fantastic, it gives me chills all over.” said Sophie with a leer as she looked at the canvas. Elizabeth grinned, she thought Sophie would like this one. It was a large picture, about 3 feet by 5 feet, done in charcoals and pencil. The whole drawing was one of supposition, a very voluptuous woman lay on her back, her back slightly arched, her hair spread out around her in wild disarray, wrapped around the woman’s body was a winged serpent, its mouth at her breast, the serpent coiled around the woman’s lower body, between her thighs and down one leg that lay straight, the other leg bent at the knee. The woman’s hands were around the serpents neck, the look on the woman’s face was one of sexual abandon or death. Depending on the viewers outlook, the serpent was either killing or making love to the woman, its mouth either suckling a breast, or biting her, the woman’s hands were either trying to pull the serpent away or hold it closer.

Most of what Elizabeth drew was sensual fantasy art, now and then she did a few portraits or landscapes to please her parents, but the fantasy art was where she made her money and gave her the most pleasure. Sophie took another drink of her beer and winked at Beth, “Mmmmm I wouldn’t mind having that between my legs.” Elizabeth laughed, “I sure have had fun drawing it, its not quite done yet, a few finishing touches, but I doubt I’ll have any trouble selling it.”

Both women looked at each other as the buzzer rang, “if that’s Daryl, I’ll scream, I swear he has look outs on every roof top in town.” snapped Sophie. Elizabeth went over to the door and turned on the outside camera, sure enough there stood her cousin Daryl. She left him waiting outside until they couldn’t stand hearing the buzzer anymore, he was a total pest and she knew he would stand out there ringing for hours, she had seen him do it before. Especially when Sophie was over.

With a resigned sigh, she let him in, unlocking the door and pulling it open, then she went and got herself another beer. Sophie put on her best “who the hell are you look” and went for another beer too, one could only tolerate so much of Daryl sober.

Daryl strutted into the loft, in his late twenties, tall, thin to the point of looking like a refugee, he wore skin tight leather pants, a T-shirt and a leather jacket with chains on it and biker boots. Elizabeth often wondered if he set off the metal detectors at the airport, he was pierced everywhere a person could possibly imagine and then some.

Heading straight for the beer and pizza, Daryl gave Sophie a wink “bet your glad to seem me, a babe like you needs a real man to keep her screaming.” Sophie just gave him, her “you’ve got to be kidding look,” and went back to talking with Elizabeth. Daryl spotted the new drawing and wandered over to look, he leered at Sophie “ohh baby, let me put my one eyed snake between your thighs, then you can suck out my venom.” Elizabeth glared at Daryl, “Your so disgusting, Daryl, why don’t you go find some alley to hang out in.”

With a hurt look on his face Daryl sighed, “Lizzie, you on the rag again? your always on the rag, what you need is a good stiff one on a regular basis, then maybe you wouldn’t be such a bitch all the time.” Elizabeth gritted her teeth, she didn’t mind being called Liz, or Beth, but she hated being called Lizzie and Daryl knew it.

When they were kids in school together he used to follow her around chanting “Lizzie Borden, took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.” Until the day she had punched him in the nose so hard it gushed blood, she had gotten into trouble for that, but he never did it again.

Elizabeth just pointed to the door and said “out” Daryl pouted and looked at Sophie for support, she just grinned at him. After Daryl had left, the two laughed over his remarks, it was one thing for two women chatting and making sexual references about something, and many times they didn’t even mind when a male friend joined in, but with Daryl it came out just plain disgusting and so lewd you just felt like barfing.

Elizabeth called a taxi for Sophie around 2am, she usually spent the night but had a plane to catch that afternoon. With a wave and a hug she was off. Leaving a small nightlight on Elizabeth stripped, dropping her clothes next to the mattress, pulled the blanket up and was soon sound asleep.

Groaning Elizabeth looked at the clock, it read 8am, she reached for the ringing phone swearing under her breath. After telling the salesman where he could put his home security system, she got up and fixed the coffee pot, waiting for the coffee to finish perking, she picked up the beer cans, the empty pizza box and put them in the trash, washed the glasses and plates. Smiling she stood looking at the statue and sipping her coffee.

The statue was 3 feet tall, not including the two inch base, it was a green jade dragon, its wings fully furled, its long neck arched, the head of the dragon was bent down, slightly tilted as if looking at something intensely, the arms crossed, the tail was long with the end curled around a mother of pearl quarter moon, the dragons legs slightly pulled up as if it would let go of the moon and fly off at any moment. The face of the dragon was long and strongly sculptured, it’s ears slightly pointed with small flaring tufts along the out side, the dragons eye’s were slanted and piercing. The whole dragon was raised off the base, the only thing that was attached was the quarter moon with the dragons tail around.

The moment she had seen the jade dragon in the antique shop she was fascinated by it, it was so amazingly detailed. Mrs. Macky who ran the shop knew Elizabeth well and had smiled at her “the minute I saw it, I thought of you, that’s why I put it in the back and gave you a call.” Elizabeth usually haggled over the price of things, Mrs. Macky expected it and the two would sit over a cup of tea and haggle over the price of things, but this time Elizabeth didn’t even argue the price, even though it was outrageously expensive. After 4 long months of making payments the dragon was finally hers.

Stroking her hand down the dragons back, she ran her fingertip down the center of its face, she smiled as she went off to take a shower, carrying her coffee cup with her. She had asked Mrs. Macky about the origins of the dragon but all Mrs. Macky knew was that it had come from Taipei, an elderly gentleman sold it to her and that’s all he had said.

Elizabeth spent the day putting the finishing touches on the drawing she had shown Sophie the night before. She gave a few buyers a call, poured herself a small glass of wine and was about to fix herself some dinner when the buzzer rang. Checking to see who it was, she sighed, not sure if she was in the mood for Frank or not. Frank could at best be called an off again, on again boyfriend, an investment banker in his forties, he traveled a great deal with apartments in several cities. Buzzing him in, she opened the door and went back to the kitchen. Frank came in lecturing her on leaving her door open and not being sure who was walking in, he gave her a quick kiss and frowned, then started to tell her about the dangers of drinking.

Smiling at her, Frank told her he had made reservations at their favorite restaurant, in an hour so she had better hurry and get cleaned up. Starting to feel annoyed, Elizabeth shrugged, it was someone else fixing dinner, she loved the place and he was paying, so she might as well go. She had tried paying her half the first few times they had gone out only to have Frank get offended, now she just went along and enjoyed the meal.

Coming downstairs, dressed for the evening, she saw Frank looking at the dragon, she smiled “a beautiful piece isn’t it, it arrived yesterday.” Frank frowned as he studied the statue “a little to aggressive for my taste,” he was about to say more when he spotted the drawing she had just finished. Frank tisked at her “going through some depressed dark stage? my therapist would be more then happy to work you in, Elizabeth, I know we’ve talked before about your penchant for drawing lurid pornographic material.” As they walked out the door she looked over her shoulder at the drawing, lurid pornographic material? He could be such a prude she thought.

Dinner was enjoyable, a few of her friends had stopped by the table to say hi and chat for a few minutes, the food as always was good and the atmosphere quiet and relaxing, she knew most of the waiters and chatted with them as they passed by the table. Frank as usual came up for a cup of herbal tea that she kept in the closet for him, in the last year he had become almost fanatical about health issues. Again as usual they went upstairs to her bedroom, where Frank undressed her, carefully setting aside, even folding her clothes, doing the same thing with his own, he joined her on the bed, he kissed her, fondled her breasts a few times, then putting a condom on rolled on top of her, thrust his hips a few times, kissed her again then rolled off, telling her how much he had enjoyed himself. Shortly after Frank got up, dressed, gave her another kiss and left, he never spent the whole night.

Locking the door behind Frank, Elizabeth showered, then pulling on an old pair of sweats went into the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of coffee. Telling herself she was a fool to even tolerate him and his lectures and pathetic sex, tonight had been worse then usual, she was annoyed, frustrated and knew it would take her hours before she could sleep. Putting up a new canvas, she started to work on a new picture, she turned up her stereo, her body moving to the music as she drew, going back into the kitchen for another cup of coffee, passing the jade dragon, she smiled at it “sorry if the music’s too loud, Taipei, got to work off a little of this frustration.” her hand sliding down its back. She worked most of the night, at times the music almost shaking the windows, good thing she didn’t have any close neighbors that complained, most of her neighbors were night owls and partiers and rarely paid any attention when she played her music loud. Turning off her phone, the door buzzer, the music, and all the lights except for the one night light, she dropped her clothes by the side of the bed and curled up, pulling the blankets up over her head.

Elizabeth woke up grumbling, groaning and complaining in general, she was not a morning person, even when it wasn’t morning. One day I’m going to be rich enough to work on my drawings all night and sleep all day, she told herself as she rolled off the mattress and stood up. She grinned to herself as her feet touched the floor, one of the things she had insisted on having put in was heated flooring, pipes with continuous moving hot water had been laid down on a special matting, then another layer of matting put over the pipes, then the flooring had been added, the matting provided not only insulation, but if a pipe broke, it held the water and funneled it out a special spout down into the alley beside the building.

Heading for the kitchen, she said good morning to Taipei, fixed the coffee pot and went upstairs to take a shower. She came back downstairs with a towel wrapped around her hair, old comfortable blue jeans and a sweater on. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she stood next to the jade dragon telling it all about how she absolutely hated doing laundry but it was a necessary evil if she wanted clothes to wear for the next week. Elizabeth stood nibbling on a fingertip looking Taipei over, hummmming to herself she winked at the jade dragon, “Male, definitely male.” As she drank her coffee, she gathered her laundry carrying it to the back of the loft, telling Taipei that those spiral metal stairs were a pain in the ass and as soon as she had saved up enough, baring purchasing any more antiques for awhile, she was going to have it replaced with a nice sensible staircase. Elizabeth dusted and cleaned as she waited on her laundry, turning on the stereo, she sang with the music as she ironed. Elizabeth was one of those rare people who was perfectly happy with her own company, she enjoyed being alone, she wasn’t unsociable, she just preferred to do her own thing and found that she didn’t have to explain herself to anyone if she stayed to herself.

Putting her clothes away, she went back to work on her latest drawing, she muttered under her breath about Frank’s comment, pornographic material, he wouldn’t know porno if it bite him in the balls. Then she giggled, maybe she should have a talk with his therapist about Frank’s preoccupation with worrying about such things. She looked at the dragon, “what do you think, Taipei, maybe his therapist could explain sexual dysfunction to him” giggling all the way to the kitchen, she fixed herself a salad and a glass of ice tea, then sat crossed legged on the couch and ate, a small sketch pad by her side, every once in awhile she would pick it up, quickly do an outline or a quick drawing of an idea.

Turning on the TV she had a grand time having a one sided discussion of current events with the jade dragon, after the news was over she flipped off the TV and carried her bowl and glass back to the kitchen, she washed them and put them away, as she passed by Taipei she give him a little kiss on the nose “Your such good company, Taipei, I haven’t heard you tell me what to do once.” she grinned and went to bed, she hated Monday mornings.


Chapter Two

Elizabeth woke once, in a confused half asleep half awake state, she mumbled something and went back to sleep, a deep soothing noise like a big cat purring over her slipped into her dreams, she Mmmmmmmmm’ed as the sound seemed to wash over her, it was a sound both soothing and comforting and yet very arousing, she wanted to get closer to it, snuggle up to it, melt into the purr. She shivered as the cool night air touched her sleep warmed skin, her back arched and she squirmed closer into the blanket, as she felt something sliding down her back, not cutting or painful just slightly sharp, a small sound of disappointment came from her lips as it stopped suddenly. Elizabeth rolled over, rubbing her back against the sheets, her arms stretched over her head, then bent around her pillow, she let out a small sigh then shivered again as a warm breath of air drifted over her bare breasts, her arms came down and her hands rubbed over her breasts, she moaned in her sleep feeling the warm breath of air slide over her stomach. Elizabeth woke with a start, for a moment trying to place the noise, swearing she slammed off the alarm clock, getting up she glared at the clock, stalking into the kitchen for coffee, she muttered “Mondays suck, Taipei,” pouring herself a cup of coffee she trudged half asleep up the stairs to shower and dress. She sat in front of her Queen Anne dressing table and put on her make up and did her hair, adding small earrings and a necklace to match, she picked up her shoes and went back downstairs to the kitchen. Drinking another cup of coffee and munching on a piece of toast, she glanced at her watch, made sure she had her subway tokens, putting her cup and plate in the sink, she told Taipei to be good and left for work.

It was a busy morning, lunch time came before she even realized it was that late, joining some of the other girls, they went across the street to a deli that served some of the best sandwiches in New York. Karen one of her friends from the office grinned at her “you must of had a busy night.” Elizabeth “hummed?” at her, having missed most of the conversation. You seem a little preoccupied today, someone I know? Karen asked. Laughing Elizabeth shook her head, “no, I just can’t seem to get it together today, I hate Mondays.” Karen grinned, “don’t we all, before I forget, want to double date Friday, my boyfriend has a buddy, I’ve met him and he seems pretty nice, we’re going to go to the movies then go clubbing for a while.” Elizabeth shrugged “sure why not, just give me a reminder on Thursday.” Heading back to the office, Elizabeth thought, maybe I can find a Frank replacement, someone casual, easy to get along with, who didn’t insist on talking to or seeing her every waking moment.

The rest of the day went just as quickly, Elizabeth finished up the last document and put all her papers away, she put on her jacket, slung her purse over her shoulder and headed for the subway. Stopping for groceries, she chatted with the clerk, paid, then headed home. There was a large note stuck to her door, “Elizabeth, turn on your phone. Frank” She grinned, it drove Frank nuts when she turned off her phone and buzzer, she refused to get a pager when he made that suggestion. She worked 9am to 5pm, the rest of the day was her own, if she choose to turn off her phone that was her business. Unlocking the door, she set down her keys and took the sack of groceries into the kitchen, passing Taipei she told him that the menu for the dinner was stir-fry, she set the bag on the counter, then went back to hang up her jacket, then turned the door buzzer back on. Going back to the kitchen she put her groceries away, poured herself a glass of ice tea and headed towards the stairs to change, she had no more then put a foot on the bottom stair when the door buzzer rang.

Looking to see who it was, she sighed, it was Frank, of course, she should of known he would show up, she pressed the buzzer and let him in, opening the door she stood and waited. He came in the door taking off his overcoat and gloves, frowning at her, “its very annoying to try and get a hold of you and your phone is turned off, its dangerous to do things like that, what if there was an emergency.” “If there is an emergency, my sister has a key to my loft, so does my father, it’s not like it was turned off for weeks, it was less then 24 hours, for heaven sakes, no need to get all upset about it, Frank.” she said calmly even though she felt like biting his head off.

Seeing that he was looking at her latest drawing and frowning, she went over and pulled the folding doors shut with a slam. Walking back into the kitchen, she took out a frying pan and a large spoon, then took out what she needed from the frig, making considerable banging noises. Frank frowned when he saw what she was going to fix for dinner, he reminded her that he didn’t care for stir-fry or oriental food for that matter, she reminded him that she was fixing dinner for herself, that she had not been expecting him, he opened her frig and started to rummage through it, then started taking things out and putting her veggies back. That was it! she told him to leave in no uncertain terms and not to come back, she stormed over to the door and handed him his overcoat, then stood there tapping her foot until he had his coat on and was going out the door. With a very bewildered look on his Frank asked if her day had been more stressful then usual. She snorted and told him that it had only gotten stressful after he had arrived, then shut the door in his face.

Stomping up the stairs, she changed into her jeans and T-shirt, washed her face, put her hair up in a pony tail, still stomping she went back downstairs to the kitchen, took out her veggies again and started her dinner. The whole time telling Taipei how annoyed she was, how dare that man think he could just waltz in and tell her what to do and how to do it. She was so busy ranting she wasn’t paying attention and almost burnt her dinner, carrying her plate over to the couch, she sat back put her feet up on the lacquered cloisonné coffee table and just sighed, laying her head back she closed her eyes for a minute, this was ridicules letting Frank get her so upset.

Picking at her dinner, she finally gave up, cleaned the kitchen, put the leftover in the frig for tomorrow, then carried her tea glass over to the table next to the easel, no matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t making anything work tonight, she set down her charcoals, washed her hands, then popped in an old movie, Harry Black and the Tiger, she loved Stuart Granger. Flopping down on the mattress, she lay on her stomach, her arms wrapped around her pillow, she’d watched the movies so many times, she was quoting the dialogue. Elizabeth opened her eyes and grumbled, all the lights were on, the movie was over, she had slept through most of it. Going through her nightly routine, she made sure the door was locked, turned out the lights, left the small night light on, got undressed and went to bed.

Elizabeth was having the most sensually stimulating dream she’d ever had in her whole life, she lay half on her stomach, half on her side, her right leg bent slightly up, her arms wrapped around the pillow her head was resting on, she squirmed as she felt paws on her back, they caressed her, the talons scratching slightly with a feeling almost of pleasure and pain. The muzzle of the creature pushed softly along her arm raising it higher on the pillow, she felt the warm breath on her cool skin and shivered as it wafted over her right breast, a slightly forked tongue wrapped around her nipple pulling on it, drawing its mouth closer and closer until its mouth closed over her breast, she murmured breathless sounds of pleasure in her sleep.

The creatures paws and talons slide down her back, one paw pressed gently against the small of her back as the other paw caressed and rubbed, almost like a cat padding against her bottom, then along the back of her right thigh, pushing her bent knee slightly higher, then slide up the back of her thigh again, she could feel the talons running up her thigh almost like little pinpricks. As the paw moved towards her private parts she wiggled trying to move closer, but the paw at her lower back held her firmly down against the mattress. She licked her lips, her breath coming faster in anticipation, she could feel her clit contracting then swelling waiting for his touch. In her dream the creature alternated between the serpent in the drawing and a dragon, she moaned and thought it was the dragon from another drawing and the serpent now intertwined. Curling its talons, he ran one along her moist pussy lips finding her clit he started to flick his talon over it, she moaned deeply, her hips rotated against his touch. His tail wrapped around her left leg down to her ankle pulling her legs wider, holding her snuggly.

His mouth left her breast and she murmured in disappointment, her dream filled with a purring chuckle as he nuzzled her neck, she responded to the purring sound with sexy little noises of her own, then with a startled jerk she felt his fangs rubbing against the sensitive skin at the back of her neck. Elizabeth pressed the crease of her bottom against his slightly barbed slick penis, moaning and panting out entreating him to fill her, she wanted to feel his hard erection deep inside her, she tried to move but his tail and paw held her tight. Elizabeth whimpered as she tried to raise her hips up trying to encourage the creature to enter her when he started to tease her wet pussy lips with his hard penis, she could feel it pressing against her, spreading her as the barbed tip slipped into her channel then pulling back out to tease her again. she cried out as he bite her neck and thrust into her at the same time, she wreathed under his thrusts as he stretched her open with each motion of his hips, ohh gawd she moaned she’d never been filled so full, she could feel the barbs of his engorged penis rubbing against the insides of her as her vaginal muscles contracted around him. His smooth warm scales undulating along her back sent shivers over her, her nails clawed the sheets, she cried out to the creature, ohhh yes, now, yes fuck me harder now, as she felt her muscles spasm around his hard penis, she could feel it throbbing deep inside her, pushing against the very top of her womb with each deep thrust. The creature suddenly let go of her neck and arched back, his long neck rigid, roaring out with its own orgasm, he kept thrusting into her, filling her to overflowing with his seed as he pulsed deep within her. Elizabeth sobbed from the intensity of her climax, never had she thought it could feel so good, he licked the tears off her cheeks with a purring questioning growl, she shut her eye’s tight and took several deep breaths, she could feel her heart thumping rapidly in her chest, she told the creature as she tried to catch her breath, that she had never experienced anything so amazingly wonderful in her whole life and it had made her cry from the very pleasure of it. she heard a deep purring then the creature licked the back of her neck as he withdrew from her, Elizabeth mewed in disappointment then her dream ended to the deep sensual purrs that seemed to soothingly vibrate through her body. To the horrid ringing of the alarm clock, Elizabeth mumbled rude things at it and got up, she could feel the ache from the erotic dream, she had, had sexy dreams before but nothing like that, she was actually sticky and sore, the scent of sex was still in the air, shaking her head with a little frown, she headed up stairs to the shower. Standing under the spray of a hot shower, Elizabeth groaned as she washed, goodness what a wild dream, she was getting excited just thinking about it, with a exclamation of disgust at herself, she hurried and got out of the shower, drying off she quickly dressed, brushing her hair she winced and frowned, then pulled her hair back away from her neck, she turned and looked in the mirror and gasped, she had what looked like bite marks on the back of her neck, not deep, almost more like bruises, shaking her head, she laughed at herself, how ridicules, bite marks indeed, she must of scratched herself during the night.

Leaving her hair down, she picked up her shoes and headed downstairs, muttering to herself, coffee, that’s what I need, my coffee. She stroked her hand down Taipei’s back told him good morning, went into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. With a loud “good grief” she looked at the clock, shoved her feet into her shoes, telling Taipei to be good, she quickly pulled on her jacket and left.

Elizabeth was very annoyed with herself, she had almost missed her ride, and now felt flustered from having to rush. Hanging up her jacket, she went to her desk put her purse away, then went into the coffee room, she poured herself a cup and sighed, it was going to be one of those days. Boy, was she right, she seemed to space everything, making mistakes she knew she shouldn’t be making, she spilled her coffee on her skirt, her stomach started growling around 10:30 reminding her she had missed breakfast. Karen kept giving Elizabeth odd looks as she dropped a stack of papers, got annoyed and slammed a drawer, lost a file and on and on. With a sigh Elizabeth slipped into the cafe booth and ordered a glass of ice tea, she sat looking at the menu, even though she knew it by heart. Karen slide in across from her ordered a soda and looked at Elizabeth, “you ok hon, your looked a little frazzled around the edges.” Elizabeth nodded, “I almost missed my ride, its just been one of those mornings, I guess.” Karen laughed, “We’re all intitled, you always have it so together, I think everyone in the office is waiting for you to come down with some weird malady or something, we don’t get to see you like this, it reaffirms our faith that your really just an ordinary mortal.” Elizabeth laughed and felt better as she and Karen chatted.

Elizabeth hemmed and hawwed for a minute, actually blushing as she started to say something when the waitress came up to take their order, after she left. Karen grinned at Elizabeth “damn Beth your actually blushing, this must be good, out with it!” Elizabeth looked down at her napkin, fiddled with fork “Karen, have you ever had a really hot dream, that left you feeling like you actually had sex, your whole body feeling the after effects of a totally amazing sexual encounter?”

Elizabeth her face flushed didn’t look up at the waitress as she put her soup and sandwich in front of her. “You betcha, I’ve woken up so wet, I thought I would have to change the sheets, who says guys are the only one’s to have wet dreams, Is that what’s bothering you? hon, don’t sweat it, it happens to all of us, even the nuns at St. Catherine’s I bet.” chuckled Karen. Elizabeth smiled at Karen with a look of relief on her face. Feeling very relieved Elizabeth finished her lunch, she laughed as Karen commented what Beth needed was a good stiff one, then reminded her about their double date on Friday night. The thought passed through Elizabeth’s mind, “boy did I already get my share of a stiff one.” She wasn’t ordinarily a blusher, she usually just said what she had to say and not worry about it, but for some reason that dream seemed so very intensely personal. There was no way she was going to go into detail with Karen about it.

By the end of the day Elizabeth had finally relaxed and was actually giggling at herself on the subway ride home. She frowned as she climbed the stairs from the subway station, it looked like it was going to either pour or snow any minute, if she didn’t hurry she was going to get soaked, which is exactly what happened. By the time she got inside her loft, she was soaked and chilled clear through. Hanging her jacket up to dry and setting her shoes on the mat by the door, she grabbed a towel out of the small bathroom, wrapped it around her wet hair and went into the kitchen for some hot tea. As she passed Taipei, telling him what a mess it was outside, she stopped and looked at the jade dragon statue, then straightened the base on the rice paper mat. She laughed, “what were you up to while I was at work, you naughty dragon.” she winked at Taipei give him a little kiss on the snout and went to get her tea. Taking her tea cup upstairs, she noticed the answering machine was blinking but decided she would listen to it after her bath, she really needed to warm up. Letting out a big sigh Elizabeth sank down into the hot water she closed her eye’s and let the heat sink into her body.

Wrapped in her bathrobe and socks Elizabeth went back downstairs, she poured herself another cup of tea and looked up at her skylights, she could see the rain pouring down, making a drumming noise on the glass. It was nights like this she wished she had a fireplace, she could curl up in front of the fire and just lay there listening to the rain. Wandering back towards the couch she saw the blinking light and pushed the messages button.

Frank called 3 times wanting to know if she had gotten over her sudden need to be assertive, he would forgive her this time because she was obviously stressed. That she really did need to see his therapist. She let out a loud “arrrrrr ggggghhhhhh” of annoyance. One message was from her mother reminding her she hadn’t called lately, the other was from her sister Amanda, warning her that their mother was going to call. She grinned at the machine then dialed her mothers number, curling up on the couch she had a nice talk with her mother, who didn’t understand why she wasn’t married with a dozen children, was she still painting those very odd pictures, Frank had called worried about her behavior of late, she just listened and let her mother chatter away, occasionally making affirmative noises.

Finally getting off the phone, Elizabeth went into the kitchen, stood at the frig door staring inside trying to decide what she wanted for dinner, she asked Taipei what he thought, grinning “your right Taipei an omelet sounds good on a rainy night, humm cheese and salsa you think? good choice.” she kept up a running conversation with the jade dragon as she fixed her omelet. Tucking her legs under her bathrobe, she enjoyed every bite of her dinner, make sure she told Taipei what a good idea he had. She washed her dinner dishes, put them away, turned off the light and was heading over to her latest drawing when the door buzzer rang. She looked at the clock and frowned, then went to see who it was. She saw Frank standing there with a big umbrella, she turned and went back to her drawing, ignoring the buzzing.


Chapter Three

Turning on the flood lights Elizabeth started to draw, she was pleased with how it was going so far. A woman, her arms high above her head shackled to a large ring, head hanging down, her hair covering her face, she wore a tunic that was high on the thigh, torn up one side. Her ankles were also shackled, legs spread wide as the chains from the shackles ran to rings set in the flooring, in the background a dragon sat watching, a look of contemplation on its face. Walking back to the kitchen, Elizabeth poured herself another cup of tea, leaning on the counter she looked at the canvas, hmmmmming to herself, she nibbled on a charcoal covered finger, she looked at it from one angle, then from another. “What do you think? Taipei, it needs something else, not sure what though,” she took another sip of her tea and walked back over to the canvas, frowning. Taking down the canvas and setting it aside where she could look at it, she put up a clean one, then started to sketch quickly a basic outline. The woman was still chained to the pillar, in the same position, but this time standing just slightly to the side was a man, dressed as a warrior, his hands were at the front of her tunic ripping it down to her waist, the swell of one breast could be seen over the mans shoulder. Setting this canvas aside, she picked up the other and put it back on the easel, adding the ripped part of the tunic to the drawing.

Elizabeth smiled, pleased, telling Taipei it just might turn into a series of drawings, with a yawn she turned off the flood lights, washed her tea cup, set it in the drain board, fixed her coffee pot for the morning and went to bed. She woke up once as a flash of lightning and the booming crack of thunder light up the room, she glanced up, then went back to sleep with the deep purring sound from the night before filling her dreams.

Drinking her coffee while putting on her shoes, Elizabeth looked at Taipei and laughed “Taipei, I had the funniest dream last night, I woke up and you were standing looking at the last two sketch’s I’ve been working on, it was the oddest thing, the lightning flashed and I could see you outlined in the light.” Putting her cup in the skin, she chuckled to herself and gave Taipei’s back a stroke, told him to be good and left for work. The week went by quickly, Elizabeth only had one problem, Frank constantly calling and leaving memo’s and showing up downstairs ringing her buzzer off the wall. She simply ignored him, after calling him and telling him they’re relationship was at an end, she would appreciate it if he would stop calling and coming over.

On Friday Karen reminded her about their double date, Elizabeth was in a good mood as she dressed for the date, it had been a long time since she had been on a double date, Karen was a fun person to be with, so Elizabeth didn’t anticipate any problems, it the guy was a total loser, she would just take a taxi home and that would be it.

His name was Mike, he had a nice sense of humor, was not bad looking, he wore his hair rather long, Elizabeth thought but he had nice smiling eye’s which to her was more important then length of hair, heck she just might enjoy getting used to it. Mike worked for a computer graphic’s company, which of course brought the evenings conversation around to computer’s. Karen grinned at Elizabeth then started to laugh, Karen told the men that if there was anyone who could break a computer just by touching it, it was Elizabeth. Karen explained the law firm had a computer repairman on retainer just to fix whatever Elizabeth broke, messed up, deleted and in general foobar’d, that it wasn’t just the office computers, but the copier’s, typewriters, the only thing she hadn’t broken yet was the coffee machine.

Carl, Karen’s boyfriend then launched the same conversation Elizabeth had heard a dozen times from him, how she could do some amazing art work on a computer, not to mention using the web to sell her art. Elizabeth nodded listening to him, she knew everything he said was very true, but she and mechanical or electronic machine’s just didn’t see eye to eye. Karen told Mike all about Elizabeth’s art and mentioned some of the pieces she had sold. Mike looked at Elizabeth with even more interest, he had seen some of her art work on book covers and in fantasy magazines. After the evening was over, Elizabeth invited Karen, Carl and Mike up to her loft for a nightcap. Elizabeth didn’t have much in the way of liqueur, so offered everyone their choice of beer, wine, coffee or tea. The three wandered around looking at her art work, Karen almost went orgasmic over the 3 latest works she had not seen yet, the woman and the serpent, and the chained woman sketches. Carl leered at Karen and offered to chain her up, they all laughed, Mike asked Elizabeth if her art was an expression of her own sexuality, she chuckled and looked at the last two sketches, then told him she didn’t think bondage was her cup of tea, but one never really knew what was going on in their subconscious, maybe it was and she just hadn’t figured it out yet.

Mike and Carl got into a major discussion about how a computer would enhance Elizabeth’s designs, while Karen and Elizabeth went into the kitchen, of course she knew that Karen really didn’t want another beer, Karen was more a scotch and soda type, but what she really wanted to do was find out what Elizabeth thought of Mike. Grinning Karen said “Well, what do you think of him?” Elizabeth smiled and told Karen that she thought Mike was a very nice person, and she had enjoyed the double date, Karen looked very pleased with herself and whispered “be sure and give him your phone number.” Later Elizabeth thanked Mike for a nice evening, told him she would consider his suggestion of letting him teach her how to do her art on the computer, he asked for her number which she gave him with a smile. Karen and Carl were already waiting downstairs for him, and finally honked their car horn. Mike waved and left. Elizabeth washed up the few glasses, tossed the beer cans in the trash, turned off the flood lights, locked the front door and went upstairs to shower. After her shower Elizabeth came back downstairs, it was late but she wasn’t tired enough to sleep yet. Fixing herself a glass of ice tea, she went to work on the first chained canvas filling in details, adding dimension and shading, taking a drink of her tea she stood back and looked at it and Mmmmmm’d pleased with how it was turning out. Turning on the music Elizabeth swayed to the sound of the music as she drew, the more she drew the more pleased she became, this is going to be a great series she told Taipei. She worked most of the night on the two pictures, stopping to make notes about idea’s for additional drawings. Still pleased with how it was going, Elizabeth finally turned off the lights and crawled into bed, pulling up the covers over her head as the sun started to peek in the windows. She had blinds for the windows and skylights, but half the time she forgot to use them, muttering to herself she closed the blinds, then went back to bed.

An insistent buzzing woke Elizabeth up, she swore and rolled off the mattress, looking to see who it was, she groaned, it was Daryl. Grabbing her sweats she pulled them on then pressed the buzzer to let him in, unlocked the door and went to fix herself some coffee, glancing at the clock she was surprised it was already three in the afternoon. Daryl came in, gave her a half smile hello, getting a beer out of the frig, he bitched at her about the lack of decent booze in the place, frowning at him, she told him to make himself to home, not that he hadn’t already, and went upstairs to dress.

Daryl was stretched out on her mattress, waiting for her, when she got back downstairs, at least today he wasn’t wearing all his earrings, eyebrow, nose, etc rings. He was frowning into his beer, she sat down on the couch sipping her coffee, “What’s wrong? Daryl, you usually don’t go out in the light of day.” she asked. Elizabeth wasn’t surprised when Daryl launched into a tirade about his parents, his brother, how they didn’t understand him, wouldn’t even try and see his way of life, all they wanted was to see him in a three piece suit and work on wall street. Elizabeth was just about to reply, when the buzzer rang. Daryl hopped up, giving Elizabeth a grin he went and pressed the buzzer letting who ever it was in.

Daryl took the box into the kitchen grinning at her “now I’m gunna show you a decent drink.” Elizabeth frowned as Daryl took bottle after bottle out of the box. She looked at him “You planning a party? or just thirsty?” Daryl laughed “how about both.” Daryl started fixing drinks, every time Elizabeth would take a sip and make a face saying yuck, he would grab the glass toss out the contents, and fix another. The buzzer rang again and Elizabeth looked at Daryl “what did else did you order?” Daryl shrugged and they both went to look and see who was buzzing. There was a man in his late twenties standing at the downstairs entrance way, Elizabeth was about to walk away, when she saw the look on Daryl’s face, “You know him?” she asked, Daryl took a big drink of whatever it was he had at that moment and nodded, then quietly said “that’s Tom, my boyfriend.” Elizabeth just looked at Daryl and replied “do you want to invite him up?” Daryl pressed the buzzer letting Tom in, then waited for him at the door while Elizabeth went back into the kitchen and took a big swig of her own drink, then made a face at it.

She could hear Daryl and Tom whispering by the door, she chuckled, talk about shock, and sampled another drink, and quickly spit it out. Walking up to Tom, she smiled and held out her hand, introducing herself, then told him to come in and help teach Daryl how to make a decent drink. Soon the three of them were in the kitchen, trying out different concoctions. They ordered in Chinese food for dinner, Daryl insisting the only thing to drink with that was warm dark ale, which had Elizabeth laughing, when Tom insisted it had to be saki, but since they didn’t have any saki or warm dark ale, they settled for a glass of white wine. Tom loved Elizabeth’s art, they had a wonderful time looking over her pictures, Elizabeth decided she liked Tom, he was friendly, intelligent, had a warped sense of humor which tickled her. Daryl finally found a drink that Elizabeth liked, it was called a brandy sour, he fixed her a large one and showed her how to make it, Tom was drinking some weird drink called a grasshopper.

Daryl spotted the chained woman canvas and next thing Elizabeth knew they were discussing what it would be like to be chained or tied down, at the giggly stage Elizabeth and Daryl and Tom decided that Daryl needed a dog collar, with a leash, which sent Elizabeth off into hysterical hoots of laughter. Giggling she told Tom what he needed was a pecker leash for Daryl, which then got them into a laughing, giggling discussion on sex toys. Daryl was shocked that his little cousin knew about such things and said so with a smile, Tom thought that was funny considering the type of pictures that Elizabeth drew. That called for another round of drinks, by the time Tom and Daryl left, Elizabeth was down right bombed, she gave them hugs good night, locked the doors and looked at the spiral staircase, shook her head and decided she would shower downstairs, maybe that would clear her head a little, that and a pot of coffee, passing the mattress she decided to forget the shower, the coffee and just go to sleep, stripping off her sweats she plopped down on the mattress.

Elizabeth woke up, or at least she thought she woke up, she tried to move but couldn’t, her eye’s widened and she whispered “Taipei?” The jade green dragon’s head was resting on his crossed arms on the side of the bed regarding her intently. His large muzzle moved closer and nuzzled her breast, she stared at the dragon and tried to move again, then realized she couldn’t, she was in her four poster bed upstairs, her wrists tied with long silken ties around the posters, pulling on the ties Elizabeth licked her lips “let me loose, Taipei.” she whispered at the dragon.

Taipei looked at Elizabeth, his green eye’s roaming over her body, he smiled at her, this woman who talked to him and stroked his back and laughed with such a light carefree musical laughter. He ran a single talon down her side, over her hip, down her thigh to her ankle, his talon catching the silken scarf edge, he held it up for her to see. Taipei chuckled as it dawned on her that not only her wrists but her ankles were also tied, she pulled on her ankles, asking him to let her go. Shaking his head at her, he let his talon glide up the inside of her thigh, watching the muscles jump at his touch. Elizabeth pulled at her wrists and ankles, watching the dragon as he walked down to the end of the bed, she shivered knowing she was totally exposed to his view, she felt his paws slide up her legs, his thumb talons just barely scratching the soft flesh of her inner thighs. Elizabeth heard herself moan, biting her lower lip she tried to stop herself. She let out a cry as he suddenly moved, she felt the rasp of his tongue licking her, his paws cupped the cheeks of her bottom lifting her hips up, pulling her legs tighter against the silken bonds.

Taipei purred against her, taking in the musky scent of her, his tongue slipped between her wet pussy lips, he watched her straining against his tongue, as he flicked it deep inside her, her cries telling him to stop had turned to moans of pleasure. His lips rubbed against her each time his tongue slide in and out, slowly he slipped his tongue from her wet recesses, then licked at her clit, his rough tongue pushed as he licked over the little nub. Then he stopped and walked back to the side of the bed, to once again rest his head on his arms watching her.

Elizabeth didn’t care if she was moaning anymore, as she tried to push her wet swollen pussy against his mouth and tongue, she could feel her hands fisting and unfisting as her breath turned to pants, her eye’s flew open as she felt him stop licking, she watched him walk to the side of the bed. In a panting breath she gasp “Taipei?” she couldn’t seem to stop her hips from rocking. Taipei smiled, leaning forward he licked her stomach, his tongue sliding up her rib cage then between her breasts, his warm breath purred over her nipples, as he bent down to lick a nipple her back arched, he listened to the sounds she was making and smiled again, his tongue flicked over each nipple, slowly, just barely touching each nipple. With careful fangs he bite first one nipple then the other, her crying moans increased, then he stopped once again, then slide his paw over her mound not moving, just cupping her.

Elizabeth, her chest heaving with each breath, bucked up against his paw, she moaned in frustration, wiggling she begged him to please help her, to make love to her, Elizabeth moaned out “oh yes” when he moved his paw just slightly, his talon massaging her clit, she tried to press up harder against him. He brought her over and over again to the budding of her orgasm and stopped.

Taipei come up over her, looking down at her, he nipped her neck and listened to her beg for her release, he teased her with his engorged shaft, just barely entering her then stopping. Licking her lips he purred into her mouth, then when she least expected it thrust deep inside her, he pounded into her feeling his shaft pushing against the top of her womb, her body wreathed under him, he watched her head thrashing back and forth on the pillow, her scream of release echoed against the high ceilings of the loft. Elizabeth’s chest heaved as she took small shallow breaths, licking her dry lips, she stared at the dragon her body still shuddering. A purring deep masculine voice with a slight accent filled her mind “did you enjoy your bondage, such mild play, I could have made you scream not with pleasure but with pain until your pain and pleasure became confused in your mind, that is bondage, my exquisite one, to be at the mercy of another, to have your pleading ignored, to be used at the whim of another, to crawl and beg for your release or to be pleasured.” He licked her face and purred softly to her “Once you’ve recovered my succulent one, I will teach playful bondage, where no one is angered, frustrated or hurt, the two are worlds apart.” Taipei spent a long time teaching her the difference then purred over her as she slept an exhausted fulfilled sleep, his deep voice telling her sleeping mind that it had all been a dream.

Elizabeth woke up and groaned, damn Daryl and his drink concoctions she muttered, as she rolled off the mattress, she was still muttering as she fixed the coffee pot, seeing all the bottles on the counter she had to chuckle, Daryl and Tom, what a couple, then frowned wondering if that’s why Daryl had come over in the first place last night, she never did find out why he had seemed upset when he first arrived.

With coffee cup in hand she headed to the shower, passing Taipei she blushed a bright pink, “I had the strangest dream last night Taipei, you were a real dragon and ohhhhhhh the things you did to my body, I may have to learn how to purrrr.” Her back to the jade dragon statue, she climbed the stairs for a moment she thought she heard a deep male chuckle, then shook her head and took another drink of coffee. Taking a long hot shower she decided she just might live, dressed in jeans and her old sweat shirt and sneakers she went back downstairs. Setting up a new canvas, Elizabeth turned on her stereo, popped in an Abba CD, turning it up to not quite window shattering and started to work on a new sketch. Going back to the kitchen for another cup of coffee, she just barely heard the buzzer, taking a look she groaned and told Taipei, “we’re in trouble now, my parents, Amanda, and Frank are out there, if I ignore them, they will just let themselves in, well here goes.” and she pushed the buzzer to let them in.

Elizabeth watched them troop in, on purpose she took her time going over and turning down the music, then offered everyone a cup of coffee, with a “ok what’s up” smile on her face. Going over to the folding door’s Elizabeth closed them, she saw her mother frowning at her and just smiled a “is there something wrong smile.” Elizabeth was furious, she kept a smile on her face, but she was seething inside. How dare Frank go to her family saying he was worried about her physical and mental health. She explained very carefully to them that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her, that Frank was simply upset because she had broken off their relationship and due to his over blown ego, he was having problems dealing with her ending things. Of course her parents wanted to know why she had stopped seeing such a nice man like Frank, her sister Amanda hadn’t said anything yet, just listened. Elizabeth tried to say things tactfully, by just telling them that she had decided that Frank was the wrong type of person for her, their personalities clashed and let it go at that.

She sighed, Frank just wasn’t going to let it go, he was going to push her until she lost her cool, she just knew it. She gritted her teeth as her mother said “Frank tells us you’ve been drawing some rather outlandish, depressed pictures, that concerns us dear, if you need help I’m sure your sister would be happy to make some arrangements.” Elizabeth smiled again, this time not so pleasantly, “I’ve always drawn outlandish pictures in your view, they are only depressing to Frank because Frank is a depressing person, you’re more then welcome to see what he is talking about, but as usual I’m sure you will be shocked.” She went and jerked open the folding doors and stood with her arms crossed under her breasts, watching them as they went to look at her sketches. Before Frank could get near them, she politely asked him to leave, explaining to him that he had caused enough problems, and once again to never call her or come over again. Frank gave her parents a “what did I tell you” look, then left in a huff.

Her father who kept playboys hidden out in the garden shed just hmmm’d and gave her a wink when her mother wasn’t looking, her mother did a lot of gasping and oh my’ing, telling Elizabeth she really needed to find a better hobby. Amanda gave Elizabeth a curious look but only smiled and told their parents that all it looked like was Elizabeth doing what hundreds of other people did, drawing sexually suggestive art work that probably sold very well, that it was in no way porn, or remotely near it, and it certainly was not depressing. This relieved their mother who was once again smiling, her daughter Amanda the clinical psychologist had given her blessing and all was right with the world again.


Chapter Four

Elizabeth stood for a long time just looking at the door after her parents and sister had left, she was really upset, they wanted her to be Mrs. Suzie homemaker, with drooling kids all over her, they already had one daughter who was the epitome of the professional woman, so they expected Elizabeth to fill the second position and provide them with grandchildren. she had decided years ago that she was just not the motherly type, she didn’t like kids, she thought them annoying, obnoxious, and as a rule stayed away from them.

Pulling on her boots, she put on her jacket and gloves, then told Taipei that she was going for a long walk, ran her finger down his snout and left, she needed to work off her anger and upset and she had always found walking did the job. She certainly couldn’t draw when she was in this mood, it always came out badly and had to be redone. Taipei waited and waited, he paced, he sat and waited longer, sitting on the scaffolding against one wall he watched out the windows, still she didn’t return, day turned to night and night to day, still she didn’t come home. He watched the sun set and the moon rise in the sky, remembering another time another place, he had belonged to an elderly couple in the Canton province, he had been with them many years, he brought them prosperity, they brought him peace and tranquility. One day they had left to visit their son, they never returned, their family came and packed their belongings, Taipei found himself packed away for many years, it was a time of deep despair, mind numbing loneliness, he was trapped, he could not become the true dragon that he was as long as he was confined within something, it had been the curse of the old emperor for loving one of his concubines.

He listened to the door buzzer, several people came and went, some he recognized some he didn’t, the phone rang, people left messages on her machine, still she didn’t return. On the third day, just before sundown, he heard the key in the door and felt a relief so great it almost brought him to his knee’s, his exquisite one had returned. It wasn’t Elizabeth, it was the sister Amanda, he watched her go upstairs, then come back down a small bag in her hand, she headed for the door then turned, she had a look of annoyance on her face. She walked over to him “Beth told me to be sure and tell the jade dragon, that there had been a slight accident and that she will be home tomorrow or the next day and that your supposed to be good.” Amanda turned and went out the door, saying Beth really needed a pet, perhaps a nice bird or cat.

It was Daryl and Tom that brought Elizabeth home, they helped her sit down on the couch, then went and fixed her a cup of coffee, Daryl fussing all around her. Tom brought her a cup of coffee, a pitcher of water and a glass, he opened the bag and took out the medicine the doctors had sent home with her. They all jumped as the door buzzer went off, Tom went to see who it was, he turned and motioned Daryl, Daryl took one look at who it was, and buzzed Sophie in.

“What the hell is going on? I’ve been calling for days, where’s Elizabeth?” snapped Sophie as she walked in the door, Daryl grabbed her arm before she could go charging into the main room. In a quiet voice he told her about what happened, that Elizabeth had gone for a walk and someone had hit her with his or her car and just drove off, that they had just brought her home from the hospital. Giving her a stupid look, Daryl said “umm I’m glad your here, she should be in bed in her nightie, and I wasn’t gunna help with that, Amanda won’t be here until later and she can’t stay long.” Swearing under her breath, Sophie went in to see Elizabeth, she went and sat down next to Elizabeth, got her take her pain meds, told Daryl to go upstairs and get her a nice warm nightie and some socks, frowning she shook her head, there was no way Elizabeth was going to make it up the stairs to bed, and that mattress on the floor was to low, it just wouldn’t cut it. She gave Elizabeth a kiss on the cheek “let me make a few phone calls, sweetie, then we’ll get you all settled.” Elizabeth just wanted to lay down and be left alone, she hurt so bad, just getting home had seemed like such an effort. She knew she had been lucky, she could of been hurt a lot worse. She had lots of cuts and bruises, a broken left wrist, several broken ribs, a bruise that ran from above her left knee to her hip, the impact had thrown her against the windshield of the car then she rolled off hitting her head on something causing a concussion, she had been unconscious for over 24 hours they told her. She leaned her head back on the couch and closed her eye’s, she could feel the tears behind her eyelids burning her already swollen eye’s.

Sophie got off the phone with a satisfied nod, took the nightie and socks from Daryl, told the two guys to go take a quick turn around the block, then helped Elizabeth stand up, Sophie undressed her as carefully as possible, frowning when she saw the bruises on her leg and hip, then pulled the nightie over her head. “Hon, you need to go to the little girls room? before you settle in.” Elizabeth nodded, trying not to let the tears fall, she hated feeling so helpless, so dependent on others.

Sophie had just gotten Elizabeth settled back on the couch when the door buzzer rang, she let Daryl and Tom back in and right behind them, the two men delivering a new mattress, box springs and bed frame, Sophie told them to put the bed where the old mattress was, they hauled the old mattress away when they left.

Taipei could only sit in frustration, he could feel the pain radiating off her body, he could sense the emotional pain and wanted to wrap her in his wings and send the pain away but there was nothing he could do while there were other people around her. His fury knew no bounds that someone had hurt his exquisite one, they would certainly pay dearly. Sophie looked through the kitchen, Daryl and Tom got told to take a walk to the grocery store after being given a list. Daryl winked at her “I love it when your assertive” Sophie chuckled “and I love it when your a good boy and do as your told.” Looking at Elizabeth, Sophie started to swear under her breath, Beth had fallen asleep, she hated to wake her up to get her in bed, but she couldn’t leave her on the couch like that, it would only make her stiffer and hurt more. Sophie was suddenly lifted aside, she wanted to scream but not a sound came out of her mouth, the creature put a finger over his lips and made a “shhhhh” noise at her, she watched it lean down and gently pick up Beth, he looked at Sophie then at the bed, she heard a voice “put coverings on the bed, she cant rest on it bare as it is, you must be quick before the other’s return.” Shaking her head as if coming out of a trance, Sophie quickly got sheets and blankets and made up the bed, she kept looking over her shoulder, the creature had Beth cradled in his arms, making soft crooning purring noises to her.

Taipei had only debated for a second before showing himself to the woman Sophie, his exquisite one had to be put to bed, her pains eased. He carefully laid her on the bed, his large paws as gentle as a mother with a newborn, he softly nuzzled her neck, purring to her as he eased her pain. She opened her eye’s and smiled at him, touching his cheek with her fingertips “Taipei” then she was sleeping a soothing dreamless sleep. Taipei pulled the covers up over Elizabeth, turning he looked at Sophie. Sophie looked at the dragon with her most winning smile and waved her fingers at him, as she backed up. Taipei grinned at Sophie “My exquisite one will now rest, her pain gone for the time being.” Sophie heard the door buzzer, looked at Taipei then at the door, when she looked back he was gone.

Sophie let Amanda in. Sophie didn’t like Amanda, she found her to be humorless, rigid, married to her profession. Sophie knew that Amanda loved her sister and tried very hard to understand her and get along with her, but she had a hard time occasionally with Beth’s after work carefree lifestyle. Lets see thought Sophie, if I tell Amanda that a very large green dragon just put her sister to bed and that it appeared the two were well acquainted, will she think I’m high on drugs or will she call and have me put in the funny farm, nahhhhh I’m not going to say a word, I know I didn’t imagine the whole thing but there is always that off chance it was a momentary hallucination. Amanda looked Elizabeth over, checked the medication the doctors had sent home with her, Sophie and she chatted quietly for a short time, as she sat drinking a glass of water, Amanda asked Sophie, “did Beth mention Frank at all? at the hospital she was insistent that it was Frank who tried to run her over, which is highly unlikely but the two had a slight argument and she may have just gotten Frank confused in her mind with the person in the car.” Sophie responded that Elizabeth had come home and gone straight to bed, that it wouldn’t surprise her at all if it had been Frank, that as far as she was concerned he was a certifiable nut case and had been telling Beth to dump him for months. Of course this had Amanda frowning and the two got into a lengthy discussion about why Sophie would say that about Frank, ever obliging Sophie filled Amanda in on a few of Frank’s odd habits, including the things Beth had told her about Frank’s sexual activities or lack of. Sophie told Amanda that she would be staying with Beth for a least a week, there was no way Beth should be alone right now, giving the jade dragon statue a look.

Daryl and Tom finally returned hauling two huge bag of groceries, as they put things away, Daryl explained to Sophie that she had not specified what type of soup, the clerk where Elizabeth always shops told them that she usually bought tomato soup but if she was feeling under the weather there was nothing better for a person then chicken noodle soup, so they got some of both, and a few other things that weren’t on the list, since they needed to eat also while they were talking care of Elizabeth. Sophie informed Daryl she did not cook, that’s why god had invented delivery service and take out. Amanda left saying she would be checking back on Elizabeth from time to time, if they needed anything just call. While Daryl, Tom and Sophie got into a rather heated debate about who was going to take care of Elizabeth and when. It was finally decided by Sophie that the two could fill in when she needed to go out or needed to just catch some extra sleep. While Tom and Daryl fixed dinner, Sophie sat watching them and checking on Beth from time to time. Daryl and Tom finally left, saying they would be back tomorrow.

Sophie went upstairs, washed up, put one of Elizabeth’s nightgowns on, then with a pillow and blanket went back downstairs. Turning the most of the lights off, leaving just a few on so she could check on Elizabeth, Sophie fixed herself a bed on the sofa, rummaged around until she found a decent book to read, keeping an ear open incase Elizabeth needed her, she sat down to read. Sophie woke up hearing her name being called, she looked towards the bed to see it empty, with a exclamation she jumped up then stopped, The dragon was holding Beth in his arms, he was standing in front of the bathroom door, Sophie rushed over as the dragon set Beth on her feet, his paws steadying her. When they came out, he once again picked her up and carried her to the bed and carefully tucked her in. Sophie came back with Beth’s medication and stopped as the dragon shook his head at her, “I will ease her pains and sooth her into sleep, there is no need for those, use them only if she needs them, when other’s are here, sleep now, I will call for you if she needs your assistance.” Sophie watched the dragon curl his body around Elizabeth like a protective cocoon.

Elizabeth lay against Taipei, just listening to him breathing, she felt the tears slipping down her cheeks, things had been going so well, with her job, her art, now this. She knew it had been Frank, she had seen his face when she had been thrown against the windshield, she’d never forget the look of insane glee on his face, he had wanted to hurt her, kill her, she saw it on his face. No one had believed her, the car had been stolen, no one had gotten a good look at the driver, the doorman at Franks apartment had not seen Frank leave the building after he had come in.

Taipei purred and nuzzled her gently, licking the tears off her cheeks, as he soothed her, he cradled her against him, crooning softly. “little one, happiness is like a sunbeam, which the least shadow intercepts, while adversity is often as the rains of spring, you will grow from this, you have the spirit and the will.” he purred into her ear, “now sleep and heal, The Jade Dragon Commands it.” He smiled as he heard her watery chuckle, then finally he heard her even sleeping breath. He looked over at the woman Sophie several times, she slept well, a good woman, he thought. Things that may appear shallow to the eye often have rivers that run deep.

Sophie woke up, looking around confused for a moment, then felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up at the dragon, she looked over at Elizabeth, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed. “The little one requires your assistance and a hot bath, this will be good for her, I will take her upstairs to her bathing room, when you need me, I will return her to her bed.” He then picked Elizabeth up gently in his arms and flew up over the railing into the bed room area he heard her gasp and smiled. Sophie sat there with her mouth hanging open, then hurried up the stairs, telling certain dragons that coffee was a morning requirement.

Sophie got Elizabeth into the tub, told her she would be back shortly with a cup of coffee, getting a smile of appreciation from Elizabeth. Sophie edged past the dragon who was sitting just outside the door, his paw stopped her from closing the door, he smiled and shook his head, he hated continually changing size but if she needed him while Sophie was downstairs it was no problem. Sophie carried up two mugs of hot black coffee, set one in easy reach for Elizabeth, shut the door in the dragons face, to a loud hissssing, then sat down on the edge of the tub with a your going to tell me everything look.

Elizabeth leaned her head back and sipped her coffee grinning at Sophie, “I thought he was just a wild erotic dream until last night, oh gawd Sophie he can make me scream with pleasure with just a look, I’ve never actually felt lust for someone like this before, it makes me squirm just thinking about the things he does to my body. Funny thing is, I’ve never been afraid of him, its like I was just waiting for him to come into my life.” Sophie winked “do tell.” Taipei heard the womanly giggles coming from on the other side of the door and chuckled, that sound only came when females discussed males. Elizabeth was exhausted but felt much better, after the long hot bath and the chat with Sophie. She really didn’t want anything to eat but Sophie was insisting, so she drank some soup and ate a piece of toast, saying that was all she could manage. Taipei tucked her back into bed, then once again curled around her, his head resting next to hers. Sophie smiled as she watched the two sleeping, this could prove very interesting she thought. Daryl came over late in the afternoon, saying Tom would be along shortly, Sophie left to go back to her place, she needed to pick up a few things, thank heavens she was on a break and didn’t have any shoots or shows to do for the next few weeks. When she got back everyone was frowning, Elizabeth was obviously upset. Sophie put her hands on her hips and looked at Daryl asking him what had happened, with a sigh he told her that Elizabeth’s parents had stopped by to see how she was doing, Frank had been with them. Elizabeth had insisted that Frank get out, saying she would get a restraining order out against him, Frank had given her parents a melodramatic sigh and explained to them that Elizabeth was obviously distraught from her injuries.

While Elizabeth was explain to her father that she was not distraught or delusional, her mother was fussing at Daryl about how concerned and upset his parents were about his choice of lifestyles, that he was breaking their hearts. Elizabeth loosing her temper had started to get up, planning on throwing Frank out. Tom had grabbed Frank by the arm telling him he had to leave, Frank started lecturing Tom on not touching people he didn’t know. Daryl with a perplexed look on his face then told Sophie, “it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, I started to point Frank towards the door, saying he was getting Beth all upset and he had to leave, half way towards the door, Frank must of stumbled or something, Soph, next thing I knew Frank was falling, he went crashing onto the floor, then when he got up, he must of lost his balance again because he fell forward and slammed into the door.” Sophie grinned at that, as she listened to Daryl telling her Frank had picked himself up again yelling that Daryl had knocked him down, Elizabeth’s father told Frank, Daryl hadn’t been anywhere near him and he must of slipped on a slick spot on the floor. They had left with Frank telling Beth’s parents that he knew when he had been pushed and he planned on taking action against Daryl.

Elizabeth visibly upset was on the phone to her boss, Richard, asking him to draw up restraining orders against Frank, she not only included herself, but Daryl, Tom, and Sophie, she didn’t want Frank to be able to hurt any of them which she knew he was capable of. She also asked Richard to see what he could find out about Frank, she understood patient, doctor privacy, but knew that Richard employed several private detectives that seemed to be able to find out anything about anyone. Richard told her to just take care of herself and get better, he would take of Frank and the restraining order. It was a very quiet group that ate dinner that night, Elizabeth, her head pounding, finally gave in and took the meds Daryl had been trying to force feed her for the last half hour. Elizabeth tried to get Daryl and Tom to stay there for the night, afraid something would happen to them on their way home, assuring her that they would be extra careful and not to worry they headed home. Carefully laying back down she closed her eye’s with a sigh, a soothing voice slipped into her worried thoughts, “I will see them safely to their home, rest now, no more battles for you tonight, my protective one.”

Almost a week had gone by with no incidents, Her boss Richard and his wife Ruth had delivered a copy of the restraining order in person, bringing a lovely house plant as a get well gift. They stayed for dinner, Tom cooked a wonderful shrimp scampi with all the fixings, Ruth watched over Tom’s shoulder like a typical Italian mother, fussing about basil and garlic, Elizabeth had been sure they’d eaten most of dinner before it got to the table with all their samplings but was amazed at the amount put on the table, they had cooked enough for an army. Which is what she might of had trooping through, just before dinner started Karen, Carl and Mike stopped in to see how Elizabeth was doing and of course stayed for dinner.

The wine flowed freely as dinner was demolished with gusto, everyone telling Tom he should have a cookery of his own. Elizabeth noticed how often Mike looked at Sophie and chuckled, she leaned over and whispered to him that Sophie was giving him just as many looks as he was giving her and chuckled to herself as a light pink flushed his cheeks. Several times Elizabeth passed by Taipei and ran her fingers down his back as she watched the others chatting and laughing. Tired she curled up on the couch, listening to the at times outlandish conversation going on around her, it felt good to be up and doing again but perhaps she had over done the day, she ached all over and her ribs and wrist throbbed.

A quiet gruff voice spoke to Sophie, “My little One is tired and in discomfort.” Sophie nodded to herself and thought “Yes, Mother” getting up from the table. She almost broke out laughing when she heard “Had I been your Mother your appearance would be quite different today, and your bottom spanked many times.” Sophie gave Elizabeth her medication, fixed her a hot cup of tea and whispered she would shoo everyone out soon. Elizabeth shook her head “you don’t need to do that, they are all having fun chatting, Daryl and Tom are enjoying being accepted by the others, let them be, I’m fine.” Elizabeth fell asleep listening to Tom and Ruth swapping recipe’s on the way to the kitchen.

Elizabeth snuggled up against the warm body curled around her, she could feel his chest moving against her back with each breath, she wiggled her bottom closer, her back slowly rubbing against his chest, her breath coming a little faster. She felt him softly nuzzling her neck, a soft purr sounding in her ear as his paw slide up to cup her breast. Elizabeth pushed her bottom back more insistently, god how she wanted him, touching her, filling her, pounding into her until she screamed with release.

Taipei licked her neck and smiled to himself, he’d been waiting, when one is badly hurt, or comes close to death they need to reaffirm that the spark of life is still there, to revel in the very fact of being alive. Carefully his tail wrapped around her calf pulling her leg over his thigh then let loose to slowly slide up the inside of her thigh to in between her legs, as he gently nibbled on her shoulder his tail slide back and forth between her thighs. She rocked against his tail moaning, feeling her juices making his tail slick. Her neck tilted as he bite her shoulder, her breath coming faster, she put her hand over his paw as it kneaded her breast helping him, when his mouth started to suckle her nipple her hand slide to the back of his head pressing him closer, urging him to suck harder with little breathless panting words.

Taipei flared the tip of his tail as it slipped between her very wet swollen lips, he rubbed back and forth then slowly eased his tail into her waiting love channel, he groaned as he felt her vaginal muscles squeeze around his tail, he pushed and pulled against the resistance, as his fangs brushed over her hard nipple. Elizabeth slide her leg off of Taipei’s capturing his tail between her thighs she tightened her thighs and rocked against his tail, she wanted more and more, crying out her need to him. Carefully rolling her onto her back, he slipped between her thighs, she bit at him as he pulled his tail from inside her, moaning at him no, no, not yet. He thrust his throbbing penis deep into her with one hard thrust, holding himself over her so the only parts touching were their groins, his chest scales barely brushing over her hard nipples and his mouth kissing hers, his tongue thrusting in and out of her mouth matching the motions of his hips. Feeling her womb starting to spasm around his hard shaft her kissed her deeply, taking her cries of release into his mouth, his own groans adding to hers as his own orgasm sent wave after wave of pulsing throbbing through his shaft. He held himself still for a long time as her breathing slowed and her shuddering stopped, then he slowly eased out of her, to her moan of disappointment.

Curling around Elizabeth once again, giving her gentle nuzzles and purrs, he glanced over towards the couch, he had forgotten Sophie was there sleeping, he chuckled seeing the pillow crunched tightly over her head. It suddenly dawning on Elizabeth that Sophie had probably heard their love making turned scarlet, she tucked her hot face against Taipei’s chest, she couldn’t believe she had done something like that with Sophie in the room. Taipei looked down at Elizabeth and licked her lips “did you want to ask her to join us?” with a shocked look she shook her head. He smiled, pleased, he really was a very possessive dragon and the idea of sharing his exquisite one, even with another woman was not a pleasing thought. “Then we should at least allow her relief from the sexual discomfort she is feeling right now, perhaps filling her dreams with thoughts of other things then what she just heard and witnessed.” Elizabeth gave him a questioning look, chuckling Taipei told her “her dreams are now filled with an erotic adventure that will give her release and beg for more.” Elizabeth grinned then started giggling as she kissed his chest and smiled as he purred down at her.


Chapter Five

Sophie was laying in the grass beside a pond, her hand caressed her naked breast as the finger of her other hand slide in and out of her wet aching pussy, she wreathed on the grass panting, arching her back as she tried to find release. A shadow fell over her and she looked up at the man standing watching her, she looked seductively up at him, she raised her hips, her hands stoking herself, she spread her pussy lips and purred at the man offering herself to him. The man stripped of his clothes, his hard erection thrusting out from his body, she moaned as she watched the man rubbing his hard cock, she licked her lips as she saw the drops of precum on the head of his cock, getting to her knee’s she beckoned the man forward. The man walked slowly towards her, then grabbing her hair, he thrust his hard cock between her lips, Sophie moaned with pleasure as she sucked on his erection, her tongue dipping in and out of the hole at the head of his shaft, her tongue swirling around the ridge just under the head of his cock, she heard him groan and smiled.

The man threw Sophie on her back coming down on top of her, he thrust into her, pounding into her eager pussy, her nails raked up his back as her legs squeezed around his waist, her back arching pushing the man’s cock deeper. Turning her head Sophie panting, saw a centaur mounting a unicorn, she could see the shaft of the centaur moving in and out of the unicorn’s wet, dripping hole, the unicorns horn was in the shape of a penis, with swirls from top to bottom. Watching the two added to her excitement and she screamed with her release, drawing the attention of the Centaur and the unicorn. Sophie found herself on her hands and knee’s the Centaur behind her, her body shivering with sexual excitement as the Centaur mounted her, he thrust into her, his hard shaft the size of a stallion, she moaned. The unicorn rubbed the tip of its horn against her lips, her tongue started to at first lick the horn, then taking it deep into her mouth she suckled fast and hard, she saw the man behind the unicorn pounding into its hole with his hard penis, Sophie shuddered as she felt herself coming. In the blink of an eye the man was laying under her licking her pussy as she sucked on the Centaurs huge cock, barely able to get her mouth around it, she licked and sucked as much as she could into her mouth, her hips rocking back and forth against the unicorns horn. She could feel her juices dripping off the unicorns horn down over her clit into the mans mouth. Sophie screamed as orgasm after orgasm swept over her.

Sophie lay on the couch, her eye’s tightly shut, her nails digging into the fabric, oh my gawd what a dream, she thought, trying to get back to sleep and recapture the dream where it had ended. Swearing to herself, Sophie couldn’t go back to sleep, she quietly went upstairs to shower, seeing the two still sleeping, she hurried into the shower, thank gawd for shower massage she muttered under her breath. She had just gotten out of the shower, when she heard the buzzer, running down the stairs she let Mike in before the buzzing woke Elizabeth, Taipei had vanished the moment the buzzer had sounded. Mike blinked to see a wet towel wrapped Sophie beaming at him as he walked in the door, she grabbed his hand dragging him up the stairs saying something about a drain being clogged, Taipei chuckled, Elizabeth giggled. Elizabeth got up, pulling on her nightie and bathrobe, she went into the kitchen to make coffee, her hand stroking Taipei as she walked by. Giggling she whispered to him “that must of been one heck of a dream.” He laughed “indeed it was.”

Elizabeth snickered into her coffee as Sophie and Mike came down the stairs quite some time later. Mike had a dazed “did what I think happened, just happen?” look on his face, Sophie had a thoroughly satisfied look on her face. Sophie winked at Elizabeth and poured two cups of coffee, handing one to Mike, Elizabeth got out a couple frying pans, which had Sophie frowning, wanting to know what she was doing, when asked did she want to fix breakfast, Sophie glared at Elizabeth. Mike laughed and sent the two ladies into the other room and started to fix breakfast.

Elizabeth slipped on her shoes, she leaned against the counter for a moment, then stood up. It had been almost a month since her accident and she was going back to work this morning, everyone had fussed at her that she should take more time off, but she didn’t want to, she had to get back to her routine, back to her life. The first week she had agreed to work only half days, but it was a start. She kissed Taipei’s snout and told him to be good, picking up her purse she stared at the door, silly to be afraid to go out she told herself. Taking a deep breath she left for the subway and work.

Her third day back at work, Richard called her into his office, shutting the door he introduced her to a man simply named Jackson, he was the sort of man you passed a thousand times everyday and never noticed. She shook Jackson’s hand and sat down in the chair Richard indicated, with a puzzled look on her face she waited. Jackson opened a folder laying on his knee’s and started to read the contents to her. Elizabeth was speechless, the report Jackson had read was on Frank, he had been questioned on 5 murders of women he had known briefly, or had dated, each time there was no evidence to charge him with any of the crimes. Frank had been admitted repeatedly to various mental institutions over the years by his family for violent and deviant behavior. Jackson closed the folder and looked at Elizabeth, “If I were you miss, I would be real careful, this guy is dangerous as you’ve already found out, next time you might not be so lucky, don’t go anywhere alone, anything suspicious call the cops, better to get them a little annoyed at being bothered then be dead. Mr. Meyer’s here has hired me to keep an eye on you, so don’t get spooked if you see me following you, or sitting outside your place. I’m also going to be contacting the friends of yours you included on the restraining order, so I’d be grateful for some phone numbers and address’s.” Elizabeth asked Jackson to also go and talk with her family, explaining that Frank was often at her parents home and it worried her, saying he would get right on it, Jackson shook hands with Richard, then left. Elizabeth jumped at every sound for weeks, even though Jackson had called her at work and told her that Frank seemed to have disappeared. Things were finally getting back to normal or as normal as possible around her place, her injuries had finally healed, the bruises were gone and she was starting to draw again. Sophie was in Milan at a show, Daryl, Tom and Mike had decided Elizabeth’s kitchen was the place to hang out and were over almost every evening fixing up some new dish or other. Her nights were filled with Taipei, she would lay against his chest as they talked of her art, her antiques, what she had done during the day, like an old married couple. Some nights were filled with making love, others they were content just to curl up with a soft touch and gentle purr. Elizabeth was pleased with her latest sketch, she had, had it in mind for a long time and had been just about to start working on it when she was hurt, now she could finally get back to it. Dressed in her old jeans and sweat shirt, she turned on the stereo, put up the canvas and got to work. In the sketch the woman was sitting on a hard rock floor, nude, her knee’s were drawn up, her arms wrapped around her legs, she had her head up, a look of defiance on her face. On the rock floor around her body was a scaled tail, an arm and paw were to the side just above her head, her long hair cascading through the paws talons. On the woman’s wrists and ankles were shackles with a chain trailing off to the side of the drawing from one ankle.

Taipei watched Elizabeth as she drew, the sway of her body to the music, the tilt of her head as she assessed her work, he chuckled to himself as she muttered when something wasn’t quite right. “Do you see the woman defiant in the face of captivity?” Elizabeth hearing Taipei’s question looked at the drawing, then shaking her head, she grinned at him “I see her as being terrified of the unknown, but showing only defiance to mask her fear, she is captive to the unknown.” Elizabeth loved it when they got into these type of discussions, he always countered her illogical American way of thinking with old Chinese parables and sayings. “Fear is her captor, the unknown her savior, but will she escape one, for the other? he quietly asked.

Elizabeth went over and softly caressed Taipei’s muzzle, “if the unknown wants her too, then she will hear it calling, beckoning, whooing her away from the fear, giving her something that fear never could.” What would the unknown have to offer in the way of whooing? he asked as he gently nuzzled her neck. Elizabeth looked around her loft, at her drawings, at Taipei, “Perhaps a chance for something she’s never had before, love, acceptance, the chance to grow and be more then she already is” she replied, her hand stroking down his neck. As Taipei folded her into his wings he smiled “If the unknown holds these things, she must be strong enough to reach for them, the unknown can not put them into her hands, only offer them.”

Her friends and family watched as Elizabeth walked into the art gallery, this was her big chance, her art on display for all the world to see. It had taken over six month’s to work out all the details, to finish all the sketches and paintings she wanted included. When the offer had first been made, she had hesitated, worrying about if her art was good enough, would people scorn it, laugh at it. Taipei had smiled at her “grasp the unknown, reach for it with both hands, my pet, here is your chance to walk past the fear into the future.”

Elizabeth floated through the night as she chatted with people, discussed her art with critics. Hearing whisper going through the crowd she turned, Sophie and her escort Mike had just arrived, Sophie was at her most elegant gracious best as she moved through the crowd. Sophie grinned at Elizabeth, then gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek “they love yea hon, I always knew your art would knock their socks off, I’m so happy for you.” Mike smiled and gave her a hug, then the two seemed to be engulfed by the chattering people milling around.

They all sat in the restaurant, toasting Elizabeth’s success, the show had ended several hour’s earlier, it was a merry group at the table, chuckling over shocked looks, critics hmmmmming over this or that drawing. Tonight had been a special invitation only gala, tomorrow the gallery would once again be open to the public, there wasn’t any doubt in the groups mind that Elizabeth’s paintings would sell and sell well, quite a few of her sketches already had sold signs on them. One special group of sketches had been marked not for sale, those would always be Elizabeth’s, they could make copies and reprints all they wanted but the originals she had no intentions of selling.

The jubilant trio, giggling and laughing unlocked Elizabeth’s door, she couldn’t wait to tell Taipei all about the evening, Daryl and Tom having finally met Taipei, only a few weeks before, planned on telling the dragon about the show from a different view point, which had them all giggling more. The three stood inside the front door staring, the whole loft had been trashed, canvas’s slashed, paint everywhere, all her furniture broken. Elizabeth started to rush forward, Daryl grabbed her arm, making her stay put, as he called the police.

With a dazed look on her face, Elizabeth answered all the questions the police asked, she watched them dust for finger prints, she heard them on the roof checking around the broken skylight, where the person had gotten in from. An axe and large butcher knife had been found, the police took those for evidence, after they were done, an officer suggested to Daryl that Elizabeth stay with family or a friend until the person who had done this was caught. Jackson who had gotten a call from Tom, was standing to one side talking quietly to one of the officers, filling him in on the problem Elizabeth had been having with Frank.

After Jackson and the police had left, Daryl went to Elizabeth, she was crawling through the broken furniture, the slashed clothes and paintings, he sat on the floor and held her as she cried, hugging her tight. “He’s gone, I can’t find him, Frank did something to him, I can’t find him.” she screamed at Frank, sobs racking her body. They tried to get her to go home with them but she refused, adamant that Taipei would return any moment, Tom shook his head at Daryl, no use making things worse by forcing her to leave. Over the next few days, police came and went, her insurance agent came and filled out papers, groaning to himself, this was going to be one hell of a large claim, just the antiques alone had taken up a whole page, not to mention trying to put a price on the art work destroyed.

They all watched with concern as Elizabeth went out daily scouring the antique shops, flea markets, second hand stores, pawn shops, handing out sketches of the jade dragon, she offered an outrageously huge reward for its return, no questions asked. A month later Frank was arrested, his finger prints had been found all over Elizabeth’s loft, including the axe and butcher knife. She had gone to the jail, begging Frank to tell her what he had done with the jade dragon statue, he had only grinned at her, refusing to even talk to her. Elizabeth slowly put her loft back together, she had special shatter proof glass put in the skylight windows, a security system was installed. She refused to even try and replace the antiques, instead she and Sophie had gone to a wonderful old store and bit by bit filled the loft with lovely old English style furniture. The only exception Elizabeth made was an antique pedestal stand that she placed where Taipei’s cabinet had been, she always kept a rice paper mat on its top.

It gave her no satisfaction when Frank was declared incompetent to stand trial and put away in an institution for the criminally insane. He still refused to speak with her each time she went to see him, only grinned at her. For almost a year Elizabeth visited Frank every other week begging with him, pleading with him to tell her what he had done with her jade dragon, she never got an answer.


Chapter Six

Sophie stood next to Elizabeth “are you sure this is what you want to do? Beth” she asked a touch of sadness in her voice. Elizabeth looked around the loft, it was now empty except for a pedestal table with a rice mat sitting on top. Blinking back tears, she nodded “its time to move on, Sophie, the new place has a wonderful studio, its perfect for painting, I know I can be happy there.”

As she walked out of the door for the last time she smiled “grasp the unknown, my pet, it’s there for the taking.” That’s what Taipei would have told her with his deep purring voice. In the seven years since she had lost Taipei, Elizabeth had continued her search for the jade dragon, people had started calling her the dragon lady, in the antique stores and all the other places she haunted seeking her statue. Elizabeth had seen many changes, Sophie had married Mike and settled down to domestic bliss, Daryl and Tom had opened their own restaurant, that immediately became the most popular place in town to eat. Her sister Amanda had moved to sunny California and had a thriving practice. Her parents as always remained the same, just older.

Elizabeth had quit her job, living off her savings the first year, when her career as an artist had finally taken off, she had become well established in the art world and her paintings and sketches brought in more then enough for her to live comfortably. Over the years she went out less and less, only attending gallery showings, family functions, with the one exception, at least 2 nights a week she ate with Daryl and Tom at their restaurant. She was godmother to Sophie’s little girl Lizbet, who was five, little Lizzie as Daryl called her, loved to come and help her Aunt Beth draw, the two had spent many afternoon’s laughing and giggling through tea parties and sleep overs. Sophie was expecting her second child in about three months, the social butterfly had turned into a wonderful wife and mother, Sophie often laughed and would say “call me Domestic Goddess if you please.”

Elizabeth drove through the gates of her new home. An old rambling country house on 10 acres of land, with a old stone wall surrounded the property, there was a small lake and huge old tree’s everywhere you looked. Originally the house had 7 bedrooms, Elizabeth had walls torn down and a large sunny studio with lots of windows put in, she had only kept 3 bedrooms one for herself and two for company. In the living room there was a large fireplace and one in the master bedroom almost as big. She laughingly figured she could put a whole tree in the livingroom fireplace. The old Kitchen had sent Tom into spasms and she had happily let him refurbish and design a new one. It had taken almost eight months of work but the house was finally ready. Unlocking the front door Elizabeth looked up, over the carved arch of the door was a plaque which read “Taipei House.”

Elizabeth stood at one of the windows in her studio watching Lizzie and her little brother Brett playing in the back yard. It was hard to believe how quickly time had gone by, Lizzie was now ten and her brother five, Elizabeth took pride in adding to their wild hellion ways as their father Mike put it. She knew she should be out helping with the picnic, but she just wanted to put some finishing touches to the sketch she had been working on. Chuckling to herself, as she washed the charcoal off her hands, Elizabeth knew she was considered eccentric by the locals, that odd woman artist who rarely left her property, even ordering in her groceries and winter supplies.

Perhaps she had become a little reclusive, she had reached out and grasped the unknown just as Taipei had encouraged her to do, but when it was all said and done, she was happy in her own world of sketches and remembered dreams of a jade dragon. If anything her art had become more popular as time went on, now she could draw if she wanted to or take a break without feeling pressured to make sure her name and art stayed in the public eye.

Hearing the phone ringing Elizabeth looked at the number, it wasn’t a number she was familiar with and walked past, letting the answering machine pick it up. It was the mention of Frank’s name that stopped her dead in her tracks and grabbing for the phone. Lizzie stood next to her Uncle Daryl watching him put a hamburger on a bun for her, he handed her a paper plate and told her to be careful not to drop it, she nodded but didn’t leave, he smiled down at her asking if she wanted a hot dog also, she shook her head, still not leaving, Daryl tweaked her little nose and grinned asking Lizzie what he had forgotten, she giggled and said nuffin, but why was Auntie Beth sitting on the floor crying in the phone? Daryl found Elizabeth frantically flipping through her phonebook, the tears drying on her cheeks. “What’s going on Beth? Lizzie said you were crying on the phone.” Elizabeth looked up, her finger on a page, “Taipei is buried in Frank’s mother’s backyard somewhere, the nurse that called me from the mental hospital said there is no address listed for the mother only a phone number.” Elizabeth was already on the phone talking to Jackson, he put her on hold while he went through his old files looking for an address on Frank’s Mother. Elizabeth stood tapping her nails on the kitchen counter, hurry Jackson, hurry she kept saying to the phone. Daryl put a strong drink in her hand, “take a drink Beth, you can’t hurry the man by swearing at the phone.” Elizabeth took a long drink and started to cough, glaring at Daryl, who grinned at her “got your attention away from the phone for a minute didn’t it.” Daryl went back outside when he heard Brett yelling “food on fire.”

Elizabeth hung up the phone, leaning against the counter for a minute, her legs were shaking almost as badly as her hands. Walking into her studio she looked at the large drawing hanging on the wall, it was as if Taipei had stepped back into the canvas, he looked down at Elizabeth, she could almost hear him purring to her. She didn’t dare get her hopes up, to many times there had been calls about a jade dragon statue, usually from people trying to get the reward. Even though this was different, she had to stay calm and wait for Jackson to call back.

Explaining to everyone about the phone call from a nurse who remembered Elizabeth’s visits to Frank and her always asking him what he had done with the Jade Dragon statue. Frank had over the last few years gotten much worse, and been babbling about hiding the statue where Elizabeth would never find it, in his Mothers backyard. “Jackson said he would have to go and request a search warrant just in case Frank’s mother refused to allow them on her property, it might take a few days and to be patient, she had waited this long a few more days would just have to be tolerated.” she told them. Elizabeth lay curled up on her couch, watching the flames from the large log in the fireplace crackling and spitting out sparks, it really wasn’t cold out, just pouring sheets of rain, the thunder and lightning shaking the room now and then, she found the fire comforting. It had been three days since she got the call about Taipei, tomorrow weather permitting she would meet Jackson at Frank’s Mother’s house and either find Taipei or know her search would continue.

The two hour drive into the city was the longest drive Elizabeth had ever taken in her life, it seemed to take forever. Elizabeth had woken up off and on all night, finally giving up she had gotten up around five am, fixed coffee, paced, tried to work on a sketch, went for a long walk around the lake, drank some more coffee, unable to wait any longer, Elizabeth pulled on her jacket and left for the city. She was to meet Jackson at a small cafe at 11 am, she arrived almost an hour early, ordering breakfast she forced herself to eat, she carefully put her coffee cup down as she watched Jackson walk in the door.

The elderly woman that answered the door, looked at the police officer, Jackson and Elizabeth, then read the search warrant. She told them that Frank had been at her house for several days during the date’s mentioned but she hadn’t seen him bury anything or hide anything in the backyard. The woman fussed so much at the idea of them digging up her backyard, Elizabeth finally told the woman she would pay to have everything returned to the way it was. Elizabeth almost had heart failure when she saw them trying to get a backhoe into the backyard. Jackson grabbed her and took her aside as she started to scream at the workers, they were looking for a very rare antique statue, not Blackbeard’s treasure chest.

Elizabeth stood in the woman’s kitchen sipping a cup of hot cocoa, watching the men out the window, she felt defeated, they had been digging all day long, it would be dark in another hour and it had started to drizzle. She had been talking of ordinary mundane things with Frank’s mother, she wanted to hate the woman but couldn’t bring herself too. The woman looked so tired and worn out by life, it sounded as though she had few happy memories in her life. Trying to be pleasant Elizabeth was talking about the recent barbecue she had for friends and family. The woman with a far away look on her face, commented “that’s what my boy Frankie was doing building me that barbecue out there in the yard, when the police came to take him away, he had just finished and seemed real pleased with himself about it.” Jackson stood in the rain watching Elizabeth running across the backyard, tripping and falling over the piles of muddy dirt and grass, he couldn’t make out what she was yelling at him, he looked to see what she was pointing at, then started running to the old brick bbq. “He had just finished building the bbq, when he was arrested” Elizabeth yelled at Jackson as she ran. They both stood staring at the red bricks, Jackson grabbed a shovel and swung it at the bbq, sending a few chips of brick flying, One of the workmen seeing what they were trying to do, got a sledge hammer and started to demolish the bbq.

Jackson carefully lifted out the jade dragon statue, he heard the man with the sledge hammer breath out “oh man that’s one gorgeous piece of jade, it must be worth a fortune, no wonder the lady wanted it back.” The other men who had been standing watching, all seemed to be in awe of the jade statue and nodded in agreement. Elizabeth knelt in the mud and rain, her arms wrapped around Taipei, her tears mixing with the rain pouring down her face. She sobbed “I never gave up looking for you, I knew I would find you one day no matter how long it took, Taipei.” The deep purring voice she had waited so long to hear again filled her heart “I have waited long for you, my beloved, once again the storm of adversity has been granted a sunbeam.” Jackson helped her put Taipei in the car, wrapping him in some moving blankets one of the men had given them. Her laughter almost out of control Elizabeth had hugged all the men, she kept thanking them for helping her, they all just grinned saying they had just been doing their job. Jackson gave Elizabeth a hug before he got in his car, “its been a long haul, Beth, glad it turned out right for you.” She stood in the rain watching him drive away, seeing the frightened anxious look on the old woman’s face, Elizabeth told her “you couldn’t have known the statue was there, no one is going to blame you, it’s going to be all right now.” then she hugged the Mother of the man who had taken Taipei from her, but in her own way had returned him.

Sophie opened the door to a soaking wet, shivering Elizabeth, “Can I get a change of clothes from the local domestic goddess?” grinned Elizabeth as she stood inside the door dripping all over Sophie’s entry way rug. Sophie hurried Elizabeth into the bathroom, telling her to strip off her wet clothes, handing her a large bathrobe. She took a quick hot shower, then wrapped in the bathrobe went into the bedroom, pulling on the sweats that Sophie had set out on the bed, Sophie came bustling in fussing about colds and chills and certain people who didn’t know when to come out of the rain. Quietly Elizabeth said “Taipei is out in the car waiting to say hello.” With an “oh my god, you found him!” Sophie went flying out of the room.

Sophie carefully pulled back the corner of the moving blanket, she grinned down at the jade dragon, “Your a muddy mess Taipei, about time you got back to where you belong, we’ve missed you.” Taipei laughed “thank you, goddess of wedded motherly bliss, so too have I missed you, I look forward to seeing your offspring, I understand they are to be subverted at every opportunity.” Sophie laughed telling Taipei she had to get back inside, but she would be seeing him again soon.

Mike insisted on following Elizabeth home to help her carry Taipei into the house, She wanted to refuse but seeing the look on Mike’s face, she gave in graciously. She couldn’t seem to get home fast enough, she drove carefully with the rain still coming down, but thankfully not as hard as it had earlier. Elizabeth talked and talked, telling Taipei about so many of the things that had happened over the years he had been gone, she knew she was chattering but couldn’t seem to stop herself, every once in awhile she would feel her throat tighten with unshed tears. So many years lost to a pathetic mad man’s vengeance.

At last Elizabeth pulled through the gates of home, she parked right in front of the door, Mike smiled at the eager look on her face as she unlocked her door. He opened her car door and took Taipei out and in the front door. Setting Taipei down he suggested that Elizabeth fix a pot of coffee, asking her where she wanted the statue put. Elizabeth knew Mike must be tired and had a long drive back, so told him to put Taipei under the sketch of the statue on the far wall in her studio then went to make coffee.

Carrying two cups of coffee into the studio, Elizabeth stopped and smiled, there sat Taipei on the antique pedestal table, rice mat and all, Mike grinned “Sophie figured you might want this some day.” Mike commented at how good the statue looked sitting there, just like he belonged, then remembering Sophie’s whispered “don’t stay long, let her enjoy having Taipei back, before we all go trooping over to see him again.”

Taking a thermos of coffee with him, Mike was just about out the door when he remembered his ball cap, he started to walk into the studio and decided he didnt need his ball cap all that much. At least not enough to disturb Beth who was in the arms of the jade dragon.


Chapter Seven

Elizabeth couldn’t stop touching Taipei as the tears streamed down her cheeks, she kissed him over and over again, murmuring his name repeatedly, She’d waited so long for this moment, at times it seemed an eternity, now it didn’t matter, all that mattered was he was here, his arms wrapped around her, his lips on hers, her name purring into her mouth from his lips. He licked the tears from her cheeks, nuzzling her with deep rumbling purrs of pleasure to have his exquisite one once again in his arms, pressed against his body.

She felt her clothes dropping to the floor as his talons impatiently slashed them off her body, then she was laying on her back crying out his name as he came over her, thrusting his hard pulsing shaft deep inside her wet eager channel, they made love wildly, ravenously, her hips thrusting up against him as he drove into her over and over again, an erotic mixture of love and lust, their very essence joining together as one. She screamed out his name at the same moment he roared out his pleasure the two in the throes of their climax.

Wrapping her in his wings, Taipei rolled onto his back, cradling her on his chest “Your floors are cold, my pet.” Elizabeth started to giggle, “So they are, we will have to rectify that,” then kissed him deeply, her nails raking over his chest “there is a fireplace in the living room and a fur rug on the floor, that sounds tempting at the moment.” she purred against his lips. It was dawn before the two slept, Elizabeth curled warm and protected in Taipei’s arms once again.

Elizabeth snuggled up against Taipei watching him sleep, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder she whispered “I love you, jade dragon.” Taipei’s heart and soul leapt at the words so softly uttered, he was now free, free to return her love, free of the curse cast on him so many centuries ago, the old emperor had been so sure no mortal woman could love a dragon, when he cursed LangTsu the mighty imperial dragon for consorting with one of his concubines, the curse damned the dragon to never to be released from his captivity as long as he was held within an enclosure, but more, his magic diminished, never to be free to love or be released from the jade statue until a mortal woman loved him. His laughter echoing down through the centuries was now silent, LangTsu had been triumphant thanks to a woman who let herself touch the unknown and love it. Taipei purred deeply and smiled down at the woman curled in his arms “As I love you, my eternity, you have set me free and captured my heart and soul, a bondage of love.”

Jade silently walked into her great-great aunts studio, she was Sophie’s youngest grand daughter. Elizabeth had left her the house and all its contents, the home that Elizabeth had purchased over 60 years ago. Smiling Jade turned on the stereo, put up a canvas, the image of unicorns and fairies in her mind, she winked at the jade dragon statue on the antique pedestal table, a jade woman cradled in his arms for all eternity.

The End

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