Women with Animals



(c) 2020 by doggiequeen

When I was 20 years old, I was pretty much naive to much that went on in the world of sex. I was still a virgin, and other than my best friend Terri, had never even seen another person naked or talked in detail about sex. I had been terribly shy as far back as I could remember, and my shyness was always mistaken for “non-interest” when I would go out on dates. When I moved to just east of Atlanta, I was determined to break out of my shell at least somewhat.

Terri however was outspoken, free-spirited, and confident. From the first time I met her, she made me envious with her gift of words. She was only 16 when we met, yet it seemed her knowledge of the world (especially in sexual matters) seemed to intrigue my yearnings as she spoke of her adventures. We would stay up until late in the night, and I would listen to her stories as if I was in a trance. On occasion, we would have a stay over when she wasn’t out on a date. She would change clothes right in front of me, getting butt naked and not thinking anything about it. I remember the 1st time she stripped down to her panties in front of me, she was telling me a story about her recent date. I was staring at her breasts so intently that I didn’t hear what she was saying. When she realized what my reaction was, she couldn’t believe I was that shy. From then on, she would tease me by catching me off guard, and flashing me or mooning me. It was all in fun, but she didn’t know just how wet I would get watching her, and how I only wished I could muster up the nerve to approach her. I would usually go home and masturbate while thinking of her. She was 19 when I moved the 144 miles from our little town, and we kept in touch by calling each other at least once a week.

I had been gone for over six months, and was getting settled in pretty well. My job was going all right, and I lucked into a great house that I shared with a co-worker who was constantly on the road. She mostly wanted someone to take care of it while she was gone, and always let me know when she would be returning. Still, my quest to be outgoing was timid at best, and for the most part I read a lot and attended to my chores. Terri called me on Wednesday, which was unusual, as we normally would chat on the weekends. She asked me how I was going to celebrate my upcoming birthday that Friday. When I replied that I hadn’t really made any plans, she said she wanted to visit for the weekend if it was all right, maybe take me out for dinner. She had one problem though, she was baby sitting her aunts German Shepherd over the next two weeks, and would it be okay if she brought him. I told her I would ask the owner and let her know in the morning. When I got to work, Janet called in as usual, and said that it would be no problem. I then called Terri at work and we were all set.

I cleaned the place up extra nice for Terri’s visit, wanting to make a good impression. By the time Friday came, I was so anxious to see my long lost friend that the day seemed to drag by. Finally, 5:00 came, and I hurried home and showered to prepare for my company. Before I could get completely dressed, the doorbell rang and it was Terri, she had gotten off early to surprise me. I told her to make herself comfortable while I finished dressing, and hurriedly finished. When I returned downstairs and entered the living room, I heard a loud BARK, which startled me, and I jumped. There sat Mike beside Terri’s chair, wagging his tail and looking at me. Terri laughed, and I went over to Mike and allowed him to smell my hand before petting him. He was beautiful, mostly black with some tan, not as big as some German shepherds I had seen, but strong and full the same. He loved the attention as Terri and I both petted him, rolling over to get his tummy scratched. Well trained and behaved, Terri showed me his tricks like shake and speak and roll over. He was wonderful. After showing Terri (and Mike) the house, she suggested that we call in a pizza and stay in to catch up on old times. Besides that, she had brought some movies and some wine to celebrate my birthday, and even a present. So we called in our pizza and sat around talking and eating until around dark. We had opened the first of the wine when the pizza had arrived, and was already on the second bottle. Our conversation turned more towards sex as she told me about some of her latest sexual adventures, and I was once again happily getting wet as I listened to the details. “It’s time for presents” she remarked, and pulled a box from behind the chair. When I opened it, I blushed, as it was a lacy white nightie that you could see through with matching crotchless panties. I thanked her for the present, but she argued “Oh no, you’ve got to put it on and let me see you in it. Besides, I have another present for you”. I almost resisted, but her persistence and the wine gave me the encouragement I needed to agree. I promised to return shortly, and ran up the stairs to try it on.

It was fantastic, or else it was the wine made it appear so. I stood there in front of the mirror in amazement. My nipples are dark, and they showed through the fabric like a silhouette. Even looking at them through the mirror myself made them harden and stick out, nearly taking my breath away. The baby doll top barely covered the panties as I stood there, and between the warmth of the wine and Terri’s stories, I was so wet I had to freshen up before I could return back down stairs. I heard Terri call out “Hurry up there, or I’ll send Mike to get you!” I quickly grabbed my robe and headed back down.

Terri and Mike were at the bottom of the stairs watching as I started to come down. I don’t know what came over me at that instant, but completely out of character, I dropped my robe slowly and seductively over my shoulders at first, and as I came down the stairs I let it fall on off. I walked and posed like a model as I made my descent, and when I reached the bottom step, I raised my arms and turned in a circle to show her my outfit. Terri stared into my eyes for a moment, and then slowly she put her arms around me and kissed me softly, yet sensually on the lips. “Happy Birthday” she whispered, and slowly she removed her arms, still standing inches from me. I didn’t know what to say, or do. All I knew was I wanted to feel that again, so I embraced her neck and we hugged on to each other. My body was electrified and I could feel my nipples harden as they pressed into her. My already wet pussy was now on fire, and I couldn’t help myself but to submit as she pulled at my hips and my crotch pressed against her. I heard myself moan audibly as the sensations in me stirred. Then, without warning, Mike stuck his nose between my inner thighs from behind, and his cold nose made me gasp and jump, breaking our embrace. Terri began to laugh, then I laughed, and we went into the living room with Mike following behind. I sat on the couch, and Terri asked if I was ready for a movie as she dimmed the lights. My heart was pounding hard as I tried to regain my composure from the moments that had transpired. Terri started the movie, then handed me a fresh glass of wine and excused herself stating she would return before the opening credits and advertisements were over. Mike was sitting beside me, and it gave me something to occupy my hands with by petting him. When the movie first started, I wasn’t paying very much attention. My mind was on those few precious moments I had spent in Terri’s arms as I was petting Mike. I downed the wine in just a few drinks, and when I first looked at the screen, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were two women, and one of them was rubbing the other down in oil. The one being massaged was naked, without so much as a towel, and the other was rubbing the oil onto her breasts. In no time at all, she was rubbing the oil clear down to her crotch where she slowly massaged the soft flesh.

Terri’s voice broke in, “do you like the movie?” I looked up at her, and she was standing in the doorway, wearing an outfit that matched mine exactly. I didn’t speak, and Terri walked over in front of me and stood there for a moment before leaning down and kissing my lips, softly, like before. “Should I stop?” I heard her softly question, as once again my shyness had been interpreted as non-interest.

“No!” I quickly replied though my voice cracked as I spoke. I didn’t know what she had in mind, but anything with her at that time was all right by me. I wanted it. No, I NEEDED it. She outlined my lips with her finger, and kissed me again, only deeper. Her tongue probed through my lips and she laid me back slowly on the couch. Moving from my lips to my neck, and then kissing slowly around my nipple in circles, I began to squirm with desire. She took one into her mouth and gently sucked, “Ohhhh” I moaned. I had never felt anything that good in my life. Her fingers began to roam across my stomach as she alternated between my breasts. She removed my panties and I instinctively opened my legs wide, inviting her touch. I could scarcely catch my breath, and each time they would touch my mound or my inner thighs, I would breathe even harder. Terri kissed a trail from my breasts down, and when she first ran her tongue across my clit, I shuttered and began to cum immediately. She sucked on it as I screamed with ecstasy with an orgasm like I had never imagined possible. Terri would ease up enough to allow me to recoup, then would put a finger in me and suck my clit again until she had me coming again. From her muffled cries, I could tell she was enjoying herself nearly as much as I was. But when she started panting and grunting so hard, I looked down and saw Mike. He had came up behind her, and was licking her ass and pussy from behind and she was beginning to cum, which she screamed in the air so loud I was sure the neighborhood heard. I watched Mike as he licked gleefully between her legs, but I couldn’t see very well because of my position, so I held my arms around her while she came until she collapsed.

Mike sat down, and I could see his cock protruding out from his skin. Terri finally got up and sat beside me. “Have you ever done that before” I asked, “I mean, with a dog”.

Terri looked at me and for the first time since I had known her, she blushed. “Yes” she said after a minute of hesitation. Terri drank her glass of wine in one gulp, and I tried to mimic her, although it took me a couple. “There’s more if you want to see it,” she said.

I was intrigued, horny, drunk with desire. “I want to see it all,” I said. So, at Terri’s suggestion, we gathered the last bottle of wine and headed up to the bedroom. Mike once again followed. I started to pull my nightie closed, but Terri stopped me.

“I like looking at you” she stated, and I felt warmth even though I was near naked.

I blurted out “Well, I like looking at you too ya’ know.” It didn’t come out as I would have wished, but Terri stopped and turned to me smiling.

“Then, take them off of me” she stated.

My hands weren’t as shaky as I would have figured, but inside I was quaking. I reached up and pulled the strings that held the top together, and her beautiful breasts bounced out at me. I had seen them many times before, but never this close. Their light pink circles stood before me in anticipation. She leaned a bit closer, and I took it greedily in my mouth, tasting its wonderful texture and savoring the sensation being sent to my lips and tongue. In only moments, Terri pulled loose, giggling, and headed on up the stares with me in pursuit. Terri said she needy to potty and freshen up, leaving Mike and me alone. The wine was making my head swim, I had never been this drunk before, not to mention this happy. I leaped in the bed, bouncing like a kid again, and flopped down on my back. Mike didn’t hesitate, he jumped right in bed with me, and I hugged his neck. He responded with dogie kisses on my face, which made me laugh, and I began to stroke his soft fur. He rolled over for a belly rub and I noticed that once again his cock was partially sticking out from the sheath. “Poor baby” I spoke as I rubbed his tummy, “I know you must be all horny with no release.” Gently, I slid my fingers around his sheath, and I could feel the firmness of his cock inside. My pussy tingled, as this was the first cock I had ever touched and it felt so wonderful. My other hand began to massage my wetness, and my legs spread open as if on cue. Mike nudged his nose in the direction of my pussy and began to whiff the air. My pussy went berserk with desire to feel his soft tongue, and I pulled the lips open a little and spread my legs more, actually inviting Mike to investigate closer. He rolled and got up, and lightly started lapping the air as he approached my pussy. The first initial contact made me jump from the intense sensation. He began licking rhythmically at my pussy, and I laid back with my head near the edge of the bed and raised my hips to allow him better access. In seconds I was gyrating my ass and near an intense orgasm. I didn’t even know when Terri had returned, but her lips were on mine and she cupped my breasts, and I was about to explode. She straddled my face, and I began licking as best I could at her wet opening. My moans were uncontrollable, and I gasped for air. Terri took hold of my legs and pulled them back and apart even farther. Mikes tongue went deep into my pussy, and I began to scream and shake from the orgasm that erupted deep inside. Several orgasms passed, and I was in a pleasure overload. I’m not sure when or how long this lasted, but when Terri finally let go of my legs, they felt like a wet rag when they fell.

Taking me a few minutes to recuperate, I finally turned and rolled to allow Terri room to get comfortable, and held her close as we lay there. Mike had laid down beside her as she petted him, and was once again, he was on his back getting his tummy rubbed. “Look at his cock sticking out” I said, “do you think he needs release like a human does?” Terri giggled at my comment, and replied “sure he does silly, and that’s what were gonna do for him.” At that, she sat up and began to stroke his sheath, and his cock slowly grew, exposing his dog meat more and more. My eyes widened as I saw how large it grew, and Terri let out a “mmmm” as she lowered her lips to his prick and sucked it gently inside. I was rubbing his neck and chest with one hand, and her back with the other. Leaning closer to her face to view the action better. Terri asked if I wanted to try it, and I didn’t hesitate. Though I was scared, I lowered my head and took it into my mouth, ever so gently. Warm and slick, my pussy began to twitch once again, and I felt his cock grow even larger.

Then, I felt liquid in my mouth and I raised to Terri. “He came in my mouth” I said, and she laughed at my ignorance once again.

“No, not yet” she said. “That’s pre-cum, but he is getting ready”. She was still stroking his cock gently, and he was getting restless. So she patted the bed and said “up”, which he readily got up on his feet. She leaned down and began to suck him again, and he began to hunch with rhythm. I watched as he pumped her face faster and faster, and I played with my pussy while I watched. Terri was on all fours and had her ass up in the air, so I got behind her and run my tongue along her glistening crack. Her muffled moan gave me encouragement, and I stuck two fingers in her pussy while I rubbed her clit with my thumb. She twisted and arched, and I felt her pussy muscles grab at my fingers as she built up to an orgasm.

Suddenly, she got up and said she wanted me to help her get Mike to fuck her. Poor Mike was humping the air, his cock appeared bigger than ever. Terri turned around to face her rear in his direction, and Mike climbed up on her back. “Ouch, his claws” Terri exclaimed pushing him off. I grabbed the blanket and covered her back and head, and Mike remounted her. He was poking in the right direction, but wasn’t making contact with her pussy. So I gently guided his shaft into her wet gaping hole, and he plunged it deep inside of her and began to pump enthusiastically. Terri screamed out, and I asked if she was okay. Her reply consisted of “yes YES YES!!!” as Mike pumped his huge cock into her mercilessly. I was rubbing my clit, and was ready to cum also from all the action before me. Terri screamed out from under the blanket “I’m cuuummmmiiinngggg, and Mike never let up. Then she screamed again, “heeeee’s cummmmmiinngg. I began to cum, and it was difficult to contain my attention. Digging in as deep as he could, Mike pumped Terri’s pussy and finally slowed down and stopped.

Mike had turned away from Terri, yet his cock was still inside of her. They were locked in butt to butt, and it took a while before his hard on subsided enough to be released. Afterwards, we laid and held each other in bliss. I had never been so warm, and though I was sore, my pussy itched with desire. We talked for a while, and Terri told me all about two earlier encounters with Mike, and how he had never fuck her until now, and how wonderful it was. She said her aunt had offered to give Mike to her, because it was so inconvenient with her travels, and how she wished she could have him. But due to her housing, it was impossible. Then she asked me, “would you like to have him”? I wasn’t sure if I could, I would have to ask the owner of the house to see if it would be alright. But I knew I wanted him. I wanted him to fuck me as he did Terri, and though she told me that “that” would take some getting used to, my pussy’s twitch told me I had to give it a try. We fell off to sleep in the wee morning hours, and I awoke snuggled up to Terri. I could feel her nipple in the palm of my hand, and though it was so tempting to caress, I didn’t want to awaken her. I got up and Mike tagged along with me as I showered and dressed. He was so well behaved, and I cooked extra for him, and took Terri her breakfast in bed. The phone rang, and it was Janet, the owner of the house, calling to get the usual info (what mail had came etc..). Terri was holding a small piece of bacon up, and asked Mike if he wanted it. Mike let out a perky “arf” to say yes, bringing Janet’s attention to his presence. “Oh yeah, how’s the houseguests enjoying their stay”? She quizzed. I told her we were having a nice time, and that I really enjoyed the companionship. Then she said something that blew me away, “You know Lisa, you ought to consider getting yourself a good dog. One that would be a protector as well as a companion.” I could barely contain my reaction, without even having to ask, it was offered to me. I petted his shiny coat as I finished my phone conversation, and Terri assured me that there would be no problem if I kept Mike from this point on out. However, she also warned that I would have to offer her visitation rights, which I most eagerly agreed to. Plus, we still had until tomorrow before Terri would have to leave.

Terri, Mike, and I spent the majority of the day at the park. We seemed to be closer than ever before, and Terri even said I was coming out of my shell pretty good. She started asking me about anything I had ever done, which only consisted of light masturbation and a few book readings, (at least until last night). She told me I needed to do more if I really expected to be able to take Mike as I had stated. I didn’t know exactly what she had meant, but she said she would show me. My new “outward personality” came to a screeching halt as I waited with Mike in the car while Terri visited the local adult novelty store. When she came back to the car with a bag, she said she had purchased some stuff that would assist me in my venture. I asked what all she had purchased, but she said I would have to wait and see. We stopped for some more wine, and were home before dark. Terri said that since she had to leave the next day she wanted to have a good night with Mike and I before she left. I was anxious and horny all day long anyway, so anything she wanted was terrific by me. We lit some candles and watched the movie we had missed the night before. The first two bottles of wine went quickly, and a warm glow came over my body. The movie was mostly about two women, but one of them was dyke, and she would play the role of a man. Terri confided, stating the reason she had brought it was to see my reaction, and that she often fantasized about playing that part. After that movie, and a refill on the wine, another movie was started, and this one had two more women, one of which was a mistress, and she commanded her partner, punishing her if she didn’t do it right. Though it was scary, I got so horny watching the film that I found breathing normal quite difficult. As we watched, she began to lightly rub my breast, making my nipples even harder, and she asked me if I would consider helping her fulfil her fantasies.

“I would do anything for you” I replied, and she told me if anything went too far, to simply say the word “breeze”, and she would stop. Then, she instructed me to go take a quick shower and put on the outfit she had purchased for me, and to meet her in the bedroom. I didn’t question anything she said, I kissed her quickly on the lips and went to execute her desires. When I entered the bedroom, Terri was standing by the bed and she was naked except for a strap on dildo. It looked real, from what I had seen in books, and she was stroking it in one hand, while petting Mike with the other.

“Your pussy will have to get used to this” she stated, holding it towards me, “before you can expect to handle Mike”.

I had dreamed of being fucked someday, and it looked like this was going to be the day. Terri laid me down and started kissing me, first on the lips, and then to my breasts. My body reacted with a will of its own, and I wiggled in desire as she kissed me further and lightly licked on my wet pussy lips. She then crawled on top of me and put the dildo to my face, “Try sucking on this” she said, and pushed it gently between my parted lips. I took what I could, and though it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t warm like Mikes had been the night before. Shortly, Terri stood back up and pulled me to where my ass was at the edge of the mattress. She put the rubber cock to my pussy, and pushed the head inside. Partly with pain, and partly with pleasure, I moaned as I felt it enter. Terri pulled it out and added some lubricant, telling me that it would help. When she stuck it in my pussy this time, she plunged much deeper than before. I clutched the mattress with my fingers to alleviate the pain, and I gasped at the feeling. Terri rubbed my chest and stomach, and was whispering something I couldn’t even hear, but it was soothing. She pulled out and began a rhythmic pumping action of about half its length.

As the pain subsided, my breathing became erratic, and now I wanted more. “Please, fuck me Terri” I pleaded, and she drove it in even more. I could feel my muscles contracting, and my pussy was so full, yet it wanted more. “FUCK ME” I began to yell, and Terri pushed all of it deep into my pussy as I exploded in an orgasm. Reaching down, I pulled her hips towards me, and she pumped our groins together as I came. Terri kissed me deep and hard as her rhythm slowed, and my body would spasm with joy while I was coming down from my sexual high. Terri pulled out slowly, and even that was a mix of pain and pleasure, but I felt wonderful. We drank our wine, and Terri stated that she had almost came while fucking me with the strap on, but also was mighty horny since she hadn’t gotten off yet. I took the hint and spent the next 30 minutes licking and kissing her entire body. I actually started teasing her by licking circles around her clit without quite touching it. She grabbed my head and pressed it into her, and I sucked greedily as she started to cum. That was so much enjoyment for me, that I had a small orgasm just getting her off. Then Mike started whimpering, I suppose he was feeling left out. I snapped my fingers from between my legs, and he came up behind me and instantly started licking my ass and pussy. Cumming was no problem, and Terri and I both were cumming and moaning, until my legs grew weak and I had to stop. Terri jumped up and grabbed the dildo, strapping it back on. She patted the bed for Mike to get in front of me, and with a wink, she told me she wanted to be sure I would be able to take care of his needs when she left. With him on his back, she showed me how she got him hard, and we started taking turns sucking his cock. When it was fully hard, she told me to continue until I had sucked him dry. Terri then came around me from behind, and slowly entered the dildo into my pussy while I sucked on Mikes’ member. He was starting to thrust pretty good, but I managed to keep stroking and sucking, even though my breathing was difficult. Terri was fucking me deeper and deeper, and I couldn’t last much longer before I would explode. She then started to moan, and said she was going to cum also. Mike began cumming, and I didn’t know realize there would be so much. I nearly gagged as the hot liquid pumped into my mouth and down my throat. Then, Terri did something that instantly put me over the edge. She rammed her thumb up my ass, and thrust the cock deep inside. I let out a throated groan, a sound I didn’t know I could make, and my body tensed and shook with an almost violent spasm of ecstasy. Terri grabbed my hips with an intensity that later left a bruise, as she ground the base of the dildo into her pussy to satisfy her urgent need. We collapsed on the bed and didn’t move for a while, and I can barely remember drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Terri decided she’d better make an early trip to be safe due to bad weather being predicted. But before she left, she promised to return in the very near future, she said she wanted to see for herself how well Mike and I was getting along. We watched her turn out of the driveway, and Mike turned to me and licked my hand. “Yep, I think we will be quite alright Mike”, I said.

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